THE : OREGON SUNDAY ;: JOURNAL. ' PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING MAY 19. 1918. 23 HELP WATTIED MALB Pacific Employment Company j lArgost m th Coast . WANTED TODAY i FILE 'DRIVER MEN, 86.20 I hoon TALLYMEN, .........3110.00 IXKMiEKH ........... .14.00 . V SHLvGLE PACKER . ...... 14e PLANERMEN ...15 and $5.60 . BOOM MEN ........... 4.40 ASST. MILLWRIGHT ...34.60 TRIMMERMEN $5.60 1 TEAMHTKRHs? board and $79 UMDIt ENGINEER ..86.60 ; CLIMBER ........ ; .$90 FAM.ERS ,. .,$6.60 and $5.20 : man wire, cooks $i&o.oo i POT WASHERS, board aad $70 LABORERS. BHTPTARDS. 11.60, 8 tin. PARE ADVANCED TO BEND. In Central Ontan.KlinM $S, mm bsrxil lam bar on mi and booker for tit Voiding tig, government PA BE ADVANCED TO BRIGHTON-BY-THE- lEA. A bis snrnee mill sawing oa government order, flu acoomiBotUUoiu aad a food place to spend the nmnt, right at the beach. FARE ADVANCED TO WE8TTMBER. a bia ill K-siTguSzrLr nlll. tissue. Inmost handlers and pOtm $4 HUNDREDS OF MISCELLANEOUS JOBS X NUMEROUS TO MENTION MERE. BEE US . TODAT. PACIFIC EMPTTMENT CO. J 233-283 Burnsld at. OPEN SUNDATS ..h.t setter . . $4.40 8 hour 2 carriage riders $4.00 8 hoara 3 planar eeden $4. 00 to 4.25 8 hour Car load, in and out of town. . 4.00 8 houra 2 rough carpenter, city o oouis . Carpenter, out of city - 6.20 8 houre Machinist, aut 5.00 8 boora Dishwashers, Aatorta 18.00 week Yardman, restaurant. Astoria 20.00 weak different river boat and drwrteaa '. . . .$00 month, board Latsoeer. any from $$ 75 to $5.00 8 hour 8 flnnki., log camp ooara 2 buS cook, lot camp 60.00 board Camp fori man, highway 1 60.00 month Wa dvBc fare to camp and mdla oat of town. Hondrada ot logger and milkmen wanted. NO FEB charged for BttD or yard laborers. Wage from $2. SO tip. We are open Bandar. BtTTTH at WESTUQM 27 S. 2d at. ' ENERGETIC, clean-rut young aaleraiaa for etty work.e One of Portlaad'a beat known and hvrg- at eonoerna, , PmlUon offers splendid chance for aaTancament to ine ngui man. vroan ooraeaer i a lire wire without previoue selling azperlenca. but miut be willing to work hard and anxioni to learn. Moderate salary to start. Mora aa faat ,. aa yoa are worth It. If yon are looking to the future, rather titan the Immediate preeent ana think yoa are mads of tha right staff to nil tnu lob. write, airing see. experience or any), rer aranoea and your phone number. E-744, Journal. U. S GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT SER VICE. 247 DAVIS STREET. Common laborers urgently needed In shh yards. Good wegea. Immediate employment. bood oppomuutle for proaaouoeV SALESMEN Old established Cleveland manu . . lecturer will place two live, aggressiva repre sentatives in Oresoa territory b June 15 to tfell res test specialty of the day; Used by mer- v u m .1 1 . u.i, , iiiiiii in mill. imm wwj, 850 to 8200: unusual opportunity for ad vancement; permanent confection: state experi ence. Address Sales Manager, Box 177, Sta- tion c. cieveianq. ytuo. DONT LET YOUR WAGES BB ATTACHED. Taka all tha time you want to pay "beck bills." We atop the pressure of creditors; aire you a chance to clear yourself and live without wurry. Keep your present job; srold sttacn iuenta. Satisfy your creditors, all on tha money you are earning. Our plan and service ere tree. ', We don't iosn money or ask you for oca cant. , 11 you neea nelp address f. o. box iwz. $175 fa.H UuNXh tn year around, the aver age earning last year of a number of oar , salesmen over 46 years, Thia year will be tha biggest ret. No experience necessary; week ly easb advance i outfit fnrnaibed. Big assort' ment guaranteed trees, shrubbery and vines. You aaa do what other inexperienced men have done. Washington Miner r Co.. Toppenish, waaa. - WANTED A man and wife to take chart-of a farm of SO acres on share. Two miles east' of Greahem; 12 acres in crops: 8 freab Jersey cows, bona and (arm implements; barn and unfurnished house. . Other improvements lncraumg Dam. not ana cota wster. A per , msnent home ' and a anap for the right party. neierencea requireo. o-bi, journal. acw 4W0 urCN EVsHI OAT While oper ation roll aoa can find a lot at IS as- a hours or better st free employment office. West Linn across Dridg from Oregon City. Strike is still on .but over $00 on payroll. Take raU- road far receipt for ticket. Will refund up an $2 afur work weak. tVme now WANTED GORDON PRESSMAN : EXPEUi- ENCED MAN ON HIGH (iKADK REUISTEk WORK; UOOO POSITION AND PAY TO THE lllOHT MAN. GIVE KEFERKNCB AND mair. r-xi-KKIKKCK. TfMiETIfER WITH BVAUha K.XFKCTEO. 11005. JOURNAL. GRADING on logging railroad to contract hv atetions. Will contract with small gangs of wmi tui cacn taae an intereat In contract and be their own boanet. ; Can furnish board and 1 00 11. apply sin cumbermens bklg., from 1 to 4 o'clock Sunday. F. H. Uelcher. va-teij Keeponsible middle sged man for .night ahift In garage, to do v. sailing snd gen ersl repairing. Should have some experience. laving apartments in building. Call at E. 24th "ousosy. aian in attendance, including gyuiniais. SALESMAN WANTED Excellent line aigna and novelties: traveline umbm uItiiimH- i.w j aval commlMlnna; exchniTe territory; gire aaa. height, weight, road experience and three lata buainem ralerencee. Btaavora-CroweU Co., Ithaca, s. .SALESMAN Capable specialty man for Oregon - staple line, on new and axiwntimi.l t.-m. - ... eancy now; attractive commuaion contract: $35 weeary lor expense. stiles . Hlxler Co.. 227 tiarHn bldg., Cleveland. Ohio. SUCCESSFUL aleamsa at once for general trade in Oregon : new. uneouaied marrhamii- V". avreaum oommmaion contract, S3 i?r. ,.3n. V W1Ui. 181-20 antinentai owg.. cieveiano. onio. vfA.TiE.i. , nineae or Japanese man lor cook w-'" "" V? to oeaca ior anmmer; rTT" .7. "V.T V.""."1? "ST ply. Phone Bdwy. 881 T or callat apl S. Wiekerabam apU.. 18th and Flanders. MEN Age IT ta 4 5 : experience unnecessary uaTau, uaue secret umunugu, report ; sal- arles. expanses. A merman Foreign Detectire Agency. 6-UO. rit. Coui. rrrrrr: rrrr r haauivuoi, iruceri , sieaoy poaitaon, in- id. work luinr,!.. e ax a day. Apply to Marshall-Wslls Co., 14th and Kearney. WANTED young man or young woman to help care tor school rooms outside of study hours, tn sxchsnge for buainem college course. Phone Bdwy. 18'Jl. or write Y-740. Journal. WANTED Young man 18 to 20 years to as- sit in shipping room. Some billing. Ex perience not necessary. Apply Geo. P. Ida A ta, an nae st. MAN to tax charge ol billing dept. wholesale . grocery- State all particular fully. G-798. Joumsl. WANTED Tinting and house shingled. Have " typewriter and cash. Call, see owner, at WANTED To hire suto truck and driver, haul V mmkA M.1 mI.w nnl Steady work. Y- TSV, Journal. . .-aif . a...ja 1 i. i . . ' vxi-ALt,iiLb.s wntuer, fast, neat operator on iteei; nest wage, mono st. 7720 for appointment. WANTED Japanea boy for second cook and pantryman; steaoy JOO. I9 per month. Ad- tfrea Hswkins' . rraunrant. Walla. WUa. Wash. WANTED Elderly man to chore en fannl mono wuia. s.ii, cel. it and 12 a. today. SHOE cotter wanted. Steady work aiul mnA wagaa guaranteed ta xoerienoed men aierman-Degen Shoe Co., Seattle. Waah. WANTiTpSalaman and collector for city work"; . - . : wuji boou. vsu ju si TTir uuce. u rouna printer aad 1,aw.gTQ7v1rr,h.PoS;. Vi' , . with good wsgee. Wire the Observer. Dalles, Or! .. - FIRST CLASS bUcktmith wanted, good pay, , aaawajr war. lit t SOCOUTer STe. : rnow rforows oa . lOCNO man abl to driv suto to halo In nsed ' department; light work, good pay. North- w Tiwa aimo va.h prewTiy n COUCh at. r-. PUBLIC EM"PLOYM"ENt bTbEAUT .1 247 Davie eteeet. - ' Wanted, 20 coppertmithe. 87.20 day. ' EXPERIENCED aaleamea for, bora dothlna: . I . erencea required. . Apply aoperinteadent'i of- - uoa. V to Iv a. Bk, uiaa. wortmaai ex kongv HELP W1KTKD-MA1B South South rOB BIO HILL Jt'ST 8TASTESQ 1UIX HANDS ... CUTOFF, HEX DOGGERS TRIMMERS . HELPERS DECK MEN, ETa ' L75 K If Ton m brak w will advance your fea and tar. Ship Tonight Columbia Employment Co,, 21 N. 2D ST.. PORTLAND. OB. YOUNG man, abotrt 1 9 year, assistant soda fountain dispenser; apencgen packer for tTiTV'Z JntSt i Apply Of- Co. OPENING for aetiv party with ante 1b real state office, p. o. Box 809. HELP fVAKTED MISC. 48 WANTED YOUNG WOMEN i With Typing and Telepnon Experience' preferred. Between 18 and 80 year of ace, For , . Of flea Positions WITS . ADVANCEMENT. Excellent opportaaity to Mara Telegraphy. Apply to " CHIEF OPERATOR. WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH COMPANY, . 6th Floor. Worcester Bldg.. Third and Oak Sts. HAWTHORNE ALTO SCHOOL 442 HAWTHORNE AVENCB EVERYTHING MECHANICAL AND ELEO- TBICAL. U N i . IMITKD ; - PRACTICAL REPAIR EAPKHIEHCK. NUMBER lot NO WOMEN AND MEN wanted ta prepare lor telegraph aernca to beu fill tracaneie caused by tha drafting of msa for war. For particular! call or write Telegraph Depert- Btent. Koon 118. Banway JExcnange baUdina. THE ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL 880 Waaco at., aonaar Unioet are. Call, write or chose Beat 7445 about free I tnai ofTe. fj ana nignt MISS DECKEHh BUSINklSM OOLLEfJB CiTil aerrlce. dictapbooe operatlna. ahorthaad. typewriting, bookkeeping, miaaeofraphing. Eng. pan xpviuog Aiuay mag-, aa ana MorriMa. LEARN Uloatratiag and Cartooning and bow to market aame eat. Drofitable. altera time noma atnay. , r or toternew writ ineorscb, Sta. C, Portland. WANTED Men and women under 65 and boys 10. or orer to work aa laborers and haloera in stores oi a. r, k. k. Co.. at auierant sbopa steady work. Store Keeper. fclEKN SEWING SCHOOL Bleeks syaUa of taaiea tailoring ana aressmaaing taognt: pat tern cue to meuora. rnone Jbaat a. ti-HUl laa irana are., pear neimont. nTKAWHEHKY pickers and packers wanted. Large patch, ckwa to town. Good wages. Fine camp facilities. Address Fred ,8. Baker, White Salmon, Wash. ba.ti.NaLhr-WACa.KU, biggest bmmeei eoUeae be eaoae beat: enroll any time: free cataloeue PIANO practice 1 hour a day, $2 month. "605 Columbia cidg. ; HELP WANTED MALE FEMALE LD BEKUY P1CKEB3 WANTED Family groups ars wanted for the straw berry picking which begins sbout 25tb st Hood River snd vicinity. Work wul last from 3 to 6 weeks. Yon can have a splendid outing and raaks money besides. Wage are higher and sccommodations better than hurt year. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT, BUREAU. 247 Davia at. CARPENTEHS tie my educational wooden sbiD btuep rinta 00 sale at the Gill Book Store. 3d and Aider. A set of these. 18x42 each. with long list of ship term, for $2. L. C, Gregg. 8t Chsrles hotel, Sunday. luu MEN aad women to learn tha barbsr trade, shortage all over tha country: big wages. Yoa can earn your way throuzh the acbooL Broadwax 1731 Moier Barber cnllece. 284 Burnaid St. . x COMPETENT woman wanted for eookrruc and general housework on Eastern Oregon wheat farm: wages 840 per month. Atmlv Sundav afternoon to Geo. B. Woodward, room 709. Con gress Hotel. TWO pairs of marea, harness and wagons. Am replacing them with truck, most sell. Fuel ysrd, 7 2d and Sandy road, J. H. Barbbury, Tabor 7823. FRENCH conversation taught quickly; lessona in English branches: topics of tba day and- gen eral information; telephone mornings. Mins Fer ns, Kaat 8884. WANTED A middle aged man and wife to care for a man partly paralysed and 4 acres of lsnd under cultivation. Good borne for right party, eg-js SOUi at. S E. Phone Tabor 8847. MEN. WOMEN, warn barber trade free: wage wnue learning; position guaraateea. -forego: Barber College. 283 Madison. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE- Tescuea men and women the barber trad free, psy while learning. 2 8C Conch. B'wsy2482 HELP WANTED FEMALE WIDEAWAKE woman to take charge of oar local trade; S3 to 84 a day. stead r: bo ex- perlence required; pay starts at once. Write today. American Products Co.. 1076 8d St.. Cincinnati, unto. THREE bright, capable woman to travel: 225 to 830 par week: weekly advance for travel ing expenses. Coodrlcn Drug Co., Dept. 700, Omaha, reb. A REAL lady, preferably mature age, can secure pleasant home, without charge, by rendering tome light amu'tanee ia small family where tnere a a motneriess scnooiooy. v.ea Journal. WANTED To engage girla or women to hull strawberries during , season, beginning about June 1. Gray, McLean St Percy, 4 th and Glisan. ! EXPERIENCED cashiers, best of references, re- . quired. Apply superintendent s office. 9 to 10 n Oida. Wortman at King MIDDLE-AGED woman wanted for housework, family of 5: pay good wage: no washing. 4715 oath sr. B. s. GIRLS for factory work. Portland Paper Package Co., E. 25th and Holladay. East 800. GIRLS wanted, steady employment at good waxes. Apoly Troy Lalndry Co E. 10th and nna. UII.Tir:filPn 1.WM.1 be expert. Good saUry to competent nei Write tiring reference, etc. B-981. Journal. I WANTED In pmate family, good plain cook tbo second maid. Good wages paid. Call Hnnday after II 'clock. 198 King st. """"T " gloc'- WANTED -Girl to assist with light h ouse- work. No washing, no ironing. Girl's wash ing goea out. Can be school girl. Mam 7037 a j j -r . ' I GIRLS wnted, steady work, good pay. I 5rP I Sandy Bead. i a. "' "' ' . COMPTOMETER operator; must be first class "ut Prieotos. reference and phone number. G-797, Journal. GIRL with experience for clerical work, whole- ssle house; caust a aulck with fururea. 984. Journal. GIRL to assist ra general housework; no wash ing; good wages. East 0041. 521 E. 18tb Tt. N . WIDOWER with two children, on farm, wishes elderly woman lor housekeeper. Good bom. I HX-695. Journal. 1 WANTED Experienced marker and sorters, abo I mnrenfieaa Narianal Laundrr. V. Bth 4 Clay sta. I 1-. vtpti -j,-. Old People home. I WOMAStfot fact ory work. Apply F reels nd Furn. Co., 970 Macadam at WANTED Girl for wrapping soap. Apply Locket-King Cat Soap Co., 048 Hood st .OPERATORS on shirts aad overalls, also bright errand girl. Ml, uooa factory. ZS3 Couch at. WANTED, waitress. fea 1 chambermaid. , Hear Western hotel. az unat sr. WANTED Elderly lady or young girl to with light hoosework. Phone Tabor- 7897. WANTED Middle aged woman for family of 3; gooa noun, xsoor goto. . TOUNG-lady to work in Jewelry . atora. ' In- quire 831 Morrtiwn St. ( EXPERIENCED second girl in desirable hoi r moae Main 71 so. ..1-I,I.II t-V-f-t-l 1 I I. - . .... I nox. 3d ana Biam. WnmM. Ch-. Coop.yi at Son, Royal bldg. 'U.L . "' . ' ".' 1 1 . . 1 "1 WANTfcl cxpeneneea gin ta work in gro cery and delicatessen. 882 3d at. - - MAIDS wanted; apply Ash at. entraneO? MultacA man hotel. A GIRL ta aaaut with hou&ework; no cooAing, ao washing. Apply 099. Marshall st. . WANTED Waitreaa., Royal bakery, 844 Mor- 1 EXPERIENCED pressec. waxes 818 a weak. Laurelhurst Cleanera, 1280 BalmemV WANTED Diaha-aahci. .288 Front . HELP WAKTED FEMALE TELEPHONE OPERATORS Oar rapidly growteg fcoslnes. affords aa anasual ooportaaity at this timer for young - women who deal re" ta take op telephone work. Wo do wot require preeteoa experleaoa, bat will ioatraet Cm and pay yoa from tha begianrns, aay Toting women ta Portland are bow engaged- ta thia tartereetiac work. Tbay find it Pleasant aad pro liable. Salaries are good aad adTaaeaaaeat rapid. Wa suggest that yoa come and talk the aaat ter over wkh Mia Tboaaas at tha emplorment office between 8 :$0 a. aa. and 8:80 p. aa. CALL AT TELEPHONE COMPANY, SIXTH FLOOR BOOM 001. PA&K AND OAK STREETS GIRLS, between 18 and 18 years, aa in spectors sad wrappers. Cirs betweea 18 and 20 aa arDreaticea in aareral departmeata. Excellent, opportunity for promotion. rixpenenced aalesworaeB for iewelry depart- ment. Apply between 8 and 11 a. nt. enTjevintend. ant's office, basement balcony. Meier A Frank Co. WANTED Sewing machine operator for waist factunnc. Ball Manufacturing Co.. 4 th and cooca sts. . WANTED Competent girl for general hnne- work, 8 adult: wages 840: no washing. Tele phone Sellwood 541, before 1 p. m. or after p. m. A WAR JOB FOR YOU I CiTil service aeeda thousand, men woman; fine salaries paid, ea eationa. promotion; no "poll" Deeded; free in formation, money back guarantee and special offer to citizen orer 18. Aak for book OM and nams position wanted. Waahington Ciril Demeo fscnooj. zso Marden bldg.. Washing' ton. D. C WOMEN Obtain oar wonderful germ destroy ing breathing deriee without sending one penny. Don't breathe germ-laden dust while houaec lean ing, motoring, etc Make money advertising our denes among friends; aa can Tasting : no money necessary. Write postal today. O-Zel-O Co., 518 Oaelo bldg.. Fort Wayne. Ind. OLD HATS made new. Beblocking 60c. trim ming op, bamstitehlng 10a per yd. Button, making. First clam work guaranteed. Wa give H. & li. green trading stamps. Mack's Millinery. 842 Union are. N.. - near BamaU. East 2381. WANTED Neat appearing young lady to work ia candy - store, afternoon aad night shift. Sogers Candy Store, cor. Broadway and Yamhill. GIRLS FOB BINDEBY WORK Those hating prettous experience Co., 81 Park at. preferred. Bushong A WASTED- AOEHT8 AGENTS to travel by automobile ta introduce our 250 fast selling popular priced viousehold necessities ; the greatest line on earth ; make $ 1 0 a day; complete outfit and automobile furniahed free to workers. Write today for exclusive ter ritory. E. M. Feltm&n, Sales Manager, 1024 American bldg.. Cincinnati, Ohio. SELL greatest cutlery bargain ever offered for $l.Bo: valuable premium to every customer. We make all deliveries to your customers, send ing you big commission check every Saturday. Get busy now ana make big profits ; no money required. Cascade Merchandise corpor ation, 860 L. C. Smith building. Seattle. Waah. MAKE $50 to $200 weekly in small, perma nent business: msn or woman start anywhere: materials cost 78 cents; retails for 845; big de mand; needed in every home, hotel and res taurant: particulars free. Craycroft, Fresno. Cel. AMERICA AND THB GREAT WAR Greatest seller in years: every American wants It: lav ishly illustrated; low price. Wa will pay you 8225 to distribute -it. Sampla . tree, interna tional Press, Philadelphia. RNAP OF THE SEASON Live stents wanted everywhere; big money for yoa. unnmKed field particular free. Johnstone-Boon Supply. Deat. ,tA0S No. Ave.. 22. Los Aagelea, Oatk AGENTS Quick. Swell selleT; 24 He" profit each 25e sale; no license required. We de liver and collect. Write today. B. Seawagaa. 2819 W. Pico. Loa Angela, Cel. SITUATIONS MALE ENEBGETIC boy, 17, wsnts work which af fords opportunity for advancement. 8 078, Journal. I WANT to do plowing snd discing in the valley with a tractor. 03 1 aw Everett, aaa 6703, after 6 p. m. FuREMANSHIP on ranch or farm; experi enced, expert irrigator, beat success nsndllng men. H. C, Oregon tty. tr. lien. oel. PAINTING, tinting, paperhanging by experienced workman. Estimates larniauea. AUisnau 16. Evening Main 687. MAN with Ford car. employed evenings, .wants few Tmurs delivery or similar work aauy. A-781. Journal. VANT Eli Contract on cement or wood work. Call 780 Oregon at., corner 24th. ROOF work, reshingling, patching aad paint ing. Beacham. Phone Marshall 70tJ. LET m plow your gardens. Alberta district. Wood lawn 2162. 788 Alberta. A-l CARPENTER, build snd repairs cheap by contract. Call Wdln. 120. WANTED Position by an up-to-date butter- maker in city. 533 Marlon ave.. Sellwood. HOUSE and garden work. Broadway 2894. SITUATIONS FEMALE WOMAN want work by day. Reliable reference. Woodlawn 4075. WANTED Position by young widow; reference required. L-853, Journal. WORK on farm by middle-aged woman; cooking. housework, etc A.-T4S, Journal. CAPABLE woman would like cleaning few hour daily. Y-771. Journal. 1'AY work by .colored laundress. Wdln. 476o! PRACTICAL nurse. Call Eaat 632. KTTBSEH 6$ GRADUATE nurse is prepared to take aa in valid lady or gentleman, with mean, at her private residence. Tabor 299. NURSE, quiet home, unfortunates, confirmed InTsllds. Kef erencea. C realism, or. K. Box 111. PRACTICAL nurse with some hospital training for general duty. Position permanent in city, Ia reply give reference. F-770. Journal. PRACTICAL nurse 'wants day nursing; go horn nights Tabor 3410. TRAINEJy undergraduate nurse want position a nun companion to tn valid, xtdwy. 2832 FURNISHED ROOMS BUTTE HOTEL. N. 6th and Davia sta. modern home for mechanic and baainesa men. Renovated. Kedecorated. Hot. cold water throughout. Soma private baths. Day or week, reasonable. MILTON hotel, 226 tt Msdison t, nice light; airy rooms, newly tinted, steam heat, not and cold running water in all room; rate by week or montn: transient trad solicited. SAN MARCO HOTEL. MODERN BOOMS, BATHS, PHONES: $2 AND UP: TRAM SDXNT. 50c UP. 422 tt WASHINGTON. RYAN Hotel Annex. 269 tt 6th. new brick; hot ana com water every room; steam beat; opp. my nail, wsm K37.Y ONE and 2 room suits, modern, do in. 1 bit. from Broadway. 293 tt Weidler. Phone East 8380. NEW FRONT BOOMS, $2.60 lunusaed. ail ConvenJ orrison bldg. 291 tt East M UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Princess hotel. E. 3d and Bumaule. 60a Say on. s wee au. bast 111. LARGE, desirable modern rooms, 327 6th t- PUBLISHED BOOMS PRIVATE FAMILY NICELY furnished room for gentleman, ate 7$ heat and bath, with private family. Harrison between loth and 11th. Marshall 5645, A NICE, clean furniahed room, close to Founda tion shipyard, baths. eL light, rent reasonable. T7tt-wuon at., pear aaq. FURN IS1IED rooms fa tin location, very aohable. 709 Flanders at. LARGE room in modern 481 West Park. MarahaU 4410. PRETTY whit enameled room in Boa City -rara noma. lanor ill. FOR BENT, furniahed room, near Boas "cTt carline; gentlemen preferred. Tabor 2662 LARGE, bright, front, corner room ; walking distance. 474 E, Oak at. comer Bth. fTU.VSIIED housekiViliif and sleeping room at 202 tt Jefferson Sd Front sta. LABCE front room.- close in. west side. , 84 tt 16th. cor. Coach. THREE pleasant well furniahed room for adults. -, Duaver st, t,nioa nva. car. 8ll?Illre)Biiferiritt. 12 K. 24th at. ELEGANT mom aad kjvaliua. . MacshaU 618X FUBTTISHEB BOOHS PRIVATE FAMILY CHOICE of 4 rooca. furaiahed or not, sin or aorta of 2 or 2. PTieata family of 2. Modern arjparteoanoea. 810 Market. 28. . . . .- . . . ...... P1.KAS1NT large furnished room, modem coa Tenjeaeea. B28 KeTby, soatbeaat aoraet Bna- aeO. Pbone East 7810. LARGE, aoeaforubly famiehed room. 1 or 2 geaUemea. All eocmniencea. Ma other roomer. 088 4E. Waahington at. East $050. P1JABANT room for young woman emptoS days. Phone, bath, electricity. 10 minutes' walk downtown. Mar. 4777. 265 14th at. FURNISHED oataida rooca in modera aparV aent. prtaata family, walking distance. Broadway 4748. sue TWO furniahed leaping modern home priri leges, saitable for gentiemen. llama are. East 5184. 288 Wil- A LAKGE. cheerful furniahed room and smaller room, all modern coaTenleacea. ast S24, 574 E. Coach ert. GOOD farnishedttle room cheap. 1 N. 18th. BOOMS AKD BOABD " li TUB Manila Washiaatoa, 880 10th. for bues- girla and atndenta. itaranau BOOM with or without board. 88.80 per w at 828 E. Morrison. Phooa East 2522. TkiE HAZEL A real ."homo hotel st aonante rataa. stoma cooaiaa. aa st. THE MANITOU 241 l$th Pleasant. Both doable and tingle rooms with good board. BOOMS AND BOABD FRIVATB FAMILY 71 PLEASANT room, suitable for 2 men. with board: home eeokina: walking distaaoe. aear shipyard; reasons bb. 681 Williams a ret Wood- lawn $888. NEATLY furniahed front room, three If de- aired ; also single room with good board. 804 Columbia, cor. loth. Mala 2804. BOOM and board in priTateHfamlly, on Lore Joy st- fhone stanhau aao. BEST care little boy scnool age or under. "ISt 1562. CHILDREN to board in private boms, pnoaa raat a NICELY furniahed room, home cooking, home comforts, aai Montgomery. HOUSE KEEFLNG BOOMS I FTJB'18HE1 AND VNFCRMSHED TEN rooms. firniahe houwjkeeplug tuitaa. apartments, good building. Whole thing for 885 4er month. Am out of town resident and hare not time to look after same- 585 k W'il- nam are. Wdtn. 9703. LARGE, clean. 2 rooms, furniahed for H. K J net tha thing for 2 or 3 clean bstehelors also single H. K. rooms: walking dutaaoe sad reasonable rates. Del Monte, 167 JBtout, 1 block of 2 Ota and Washington sta. 1 $8.50 WEEK, completely furnished bousekeept log suites, absolutely dean, every eonvenienoe. hot water all boon, desirable people only; save earrare. 1 Be csdulec, aa near Jetfersoa. FINE FOB BACHECOKS. $2.00 Brick, modera. fully eouipped for housekeep ing, free lights, bath, phone, ate. 281 H East Morrison St., "The Mason." 3 FURN. houMkeeping rooms with gas and water, saitable for 2 bachelors. $12 per month. 421 H E. Pins at., comer 4th. Call Sunday forenoon. TWO well furnished hooaekeeping rooms, very reasonable; doaa in. half block Mississippi car. 08 Knott tt. Plione East 8572. TWO front rooms, furnished for housekeeping. good brick bnildlna. for 812 tier month. Phone Wdln. 8705. at 606 H Williams sve. MODEKN 2 room a. a. suite, eterything fur nished, rates reasonable. 1SM Washing toa 11th. LARGE houaekeeping room with kitchenette. 63.75 a week. 628UE. Morrison at. Phone East 2322. ROOMS, first floor, furniahed. all coaTen. ence. 047 Weidler. evenings. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 530 Couth sc. 1 block from 16th and Washington. 82 np. SINGLE furniahed rooms. $1 per week. 342 Front, near Market TWO connecting housekeeping rooms. Range, running water, clean and attractive. 291 11th. NEWLY furniahed apartments reasonable. 272 Montgomery, comer of 4 th. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS 7$ PUBLISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY BEAUTIFUL newly furnished large front room lor H. K.. free shone, lights, heat, water. nice home for nice people, reasonable- 194 Lownsdal St., or 13th, cor. Tsvlor. WILL rent two larg rooms, my kitchen and dining room to desirable woman wishing to give table board. Tel. Main 786. THREE clean front rooms, furniahed. for rent. reasonable. Some housekeeping. 291 tt Hswthorne ave. TWO furnished H. K. rooms. modera con venience. 812 per mo. 6U0 E. 13th. Phon Kenwood 1800. $11 Extra larg well famished "If! K. room, 1st floor. Smaller H. K. or alecping room. n. 375 lttn. TWO furniahed houaekeeping rooma. E. Waah- lngton t $8. Phono Tabor 386 or Tabor 885 after 5 p. m. TWO .aroall housekeeping rooms. Adults only. 3 IO C. 7th, near Clay. FURNISHED IL K. rooms, walking distance. 105 E. 11th rt. near city library. ONE furnished front room with telephone and bain. 23 r ant, near Hawthorne. 4 NICELY furnished housekeeping room. 163 Monroe st, Phon Woodlawn 622. HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent. 151 I7th st FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED It METER A FRANK-) RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. BTH ILUUB Here yoa have choice of tha combined Bat af all desirable vacant bouses, apartment and flat la tha city, with definite, reliable Informa tion pertaining to each. Records ar kept up to date, new listings being added each day. Thar t absolutely so ohltgsnna or chart for this service. It ia mainteuutd solely a aa accom mods. tion to th public (newcomers in Portland win find this bnreaa of great help in setting properly located quickly. Powers Rental Bureau A deoartment ooeretina for tha eonvwlTna f ear patron sad fxianda. A eerrto absolutely anuiovt cnargw to yoo. vrur ivu&n or Boot bongaiow snd apartments it moot eotuplete. iuuob roit avsavics Powers Turniture Co. Third sad YaaahiU Street WHEN you get tired having your rent raised and being compelled to move, look us up. We have tjonses and lots w can sell yoo for 825 down, 810 monthly. Fred W. Germaa Co.. IXi tThamber of Commerce. A HOUSE to rent t 83 month is hard to find get a little country -ranch of your own. close In, 4 block to car, at 83 per month; almost nothing down. 30 minutes oat; prlc $300. Owner. 218 AHsky bldg. FOR RENT S. Mt Tabor atora room aad living rooms, $14 per month. Near 61st and Division sts. Owner, 612 W. 18th st Vancouver. Wash. . WILL rent my house, modera, 7 large room, completely furnished. Baby Grand piano. manogany rnraitar. etc.- rnon Bciiwooa 2001, or Woodstock car, 4233 48th ave. S. E. FOB - RENT Good house; can be awl two apartments, one nicely furnished : trees, ber riea, gardea spot 1146 Hawthorn ave. Car ta 38th st Can between 1 and 7. FIVE room cottage, electricity, gas, attic and basement 818.60, including wster. 512 R Burnside. vet. 10th and '11th. Walking dLt FOR BENT 5 room modern house, nice gar- deo. at 1859 Campbell rt $20 month. Keys at 422 Henry bldg. MODERN 7 room house, corner Albina ate. and Monroe st 1 block from Misaiaaippt ava. ear. A. J. (an, ar Mortnwv. MODERN 8 room bangalow. Alberta district! 622.60. inr lading water: gang if oaaired. Woodlawn 4762 8 BOOM boose. 889 Front t. bet. Harrison ana Montgomery, nancy 40 autpyard. Call s rront t THREE room cottar. 88. 750 tt Keliy Bear Porter. Can 316 lloarda4 Trade. Mai 1194. west sioe. ? HOUSE FOR BENT. $16 Garden in; Trent or. t statins, two lota. BRUCE GODDARP.-602 COUCH BLTafl. $13 & ROOMS, gas, bath and dectrio lighta. aralking distance. East 2243. 24 E. 72dL. cor. E. Burnatda. 8 72i. room modera house. Eaat 2871. 88 4 ROOMS and bath; walking dsManoe. 085 Montgomery, woodmwn 120. t ROOM modem house. 284 Hamilton ave' Boutn a-oruasva. i uqm sjoramom aaa. ONE acr. 8 room. 4o fare. LeoXs, $8. Ta bor 8135. $27.60 West side 6 room house. 391. Wash-' ingtan t - 6CC pleasant room at. Kara Park. $7 month. Tabor 4090. Pr &CC room bouse. Garden, fruit" $20. Furniture for sale. 893 E. 28Ur. - . $8 7 ROOM bungalow, 6ttc tare each w.y. Sellwood 618 Sunday; Monday, Marshall T21. MODERN 6 room house. Marshall 69T6. FOR RENT- room vuaa. Boil wood 2881. - FOR, HF.?TT--I!OTJSZS U 4 L'NFUBNISHED FOB BENT Furnished 4 room bangalow. lot of fruit, good gardea. chickea boose, etc. at Courtney Station. Oregoa City ear. Tabor OttA. $12.60. BOOM modera house, walking dia- anea to arte western gHee. oil uar- rkaoa near 16th st. MOUSES FOB BEST FUMNITCBK FOR SALE tt $200-Furartur of 6 room modern hoaae. two j - - - . . . . . . . . lawn, gardem, extra fort ta- apods; bona reat reasonable. 1026 Height ave., near Alberta at. 4 famished, garden and wood. 1 btk. W 8. aar. 4019 44th it ft. f. Phone B-2238. 11 BOOM hoaae tot rant, faraitar for sale; all rtousekeernng rooms; walking drat. 161 17th. PUBLISHED HOUSES 86 IBVINGTON Will real or lease myT f amis lied noma: piano, open fir, hardwood noon, near both earliaea, at 433 E. lath st. .N.. for 846 per mostn. East. 0188 ar Mar shall 1881. WIDOW lady, alone, would like to rent part of her modern home, with kitchen, to man and wife; some gardea Call at 1V Liberty st., Woodlewn. ELEGANTLY furnished 7 room home in Irving ton. Breakfast room, sleeping and targe porch with flower boxes. Garage. Every coat- veaaence. Reference required. East 3991 COMPLETELY furnished 7-8 room house with 2 Rent $06. Main 1257.. 235 North 2 1st t- FOR BENT Modern furnished cottage at Sea id. Or., for May. Juno and Jnly or any por tion of that period. Eaat 6161. Tabor 4378. FLRNISHED room for working men, $2 per $r week, 241 tt. comer rnioa ave. and Mam. $15.00 8 ROOM hoaae. walking diLance children. Wdln. 1480. UP-TO-DATE famished bungalow, Richmond car. 500 K. B2d (C South. 6-ROOM modem furniahed noose with bo mB children; rent 820. Tabor 4334 CHICKERING piano, reasonable; in family with no small children. Bnrqsrk. Z-- oca at. b e. FOB BENT Partially furahed modem room cottage. 2 Iota. 637 Rboa at. FOUR or 6 room famished bouse for euramer, June l; adulte. References. Woodhv 2883 5 ROOM cottage, furnUhed. 1'0. East 5779 APARTMENTS 48 PUBLISHED AND UNPUBLISHED Lucretia Court sV. between Wsshrngtoa aad lie- act street. Most beautifaily located high dam apartmentai 2, 8. 4. 6 room. All modern cea- Texueace. first clam service. Price reasoaabl. Iteferenee required. Manager. MarahaU 1818 KING ALBERT APTS. New 200 room house. 2 sad 8 keeping apartment, furnished or unfurnished elevator and hardwood floor. 385 11th it. 10 ROOMS furnished, housekeeping suites. 5 apartment, good building, whole thing $36 per month. Am out of town resident and haTe no time ta look after am 593 tt Williams are. Woodlawn 3707. PARTY leering city deairea to (ablet 6 room furniahed apt.- for summer. Phone Bdwy. 3611 or call at Wickeraham apt.. 18th and Flanders. THE JEFFERY New 2 room apartment. Cor ner Roaaell and Krby. between alia, and Williama sv. UISLOP BALL. E. 6ta and Hawthorne" Mod- era 1, 3 and 3 room apt,; 313.00 op; walking distance. Call East $82. LAI'RELHUUST apU.. furniahed and unlur with garage. E. S&Ch niahed, 3 room apt.. and Belmont Fl'RMSHED 8 room apartment, etery room light, all ronTeniencea. walking distance. Broadway 4976. NEATLY furnished room and kitchenette, heat. light, water. On or 2 adults. 815 month. Phone, 448 Clay near 12th. THE .STAN FIELD, 204 Porter st Shipyards, modem 2-room apt, completely tarnished. reasonable. Phone Mma 7893. "V WF.DDERBURN Apt 14 Grand are. N.. corner E. Burnside. 2 and 3 room apt. Phone Eat 8656. FOR SALE 3 apartment flat with gang oa assy terms. Inquire st 404 Morris st. East 525. MAGNOLIA APTS.. East 3d and Belmont. modera 1 and 2 room apt.. 81.80 per west up. Bleeping rooms. Eaat z IX. PENINSULA apt., 1136 tt Albina at.; 3. 4 rooms, 816 op. con- crete building: 2 FOR RENT 2 rdom strictly modern apartment. brick building. Kent $23. 333 Chapman st MODERN APT. to rent in Glen Apt Phone 6100. NEW YORK Apis.. 441 tt B-droont sad - 7th. POR RENT FLATS 13 E. 15TH AND BELMONT 8 room flat with sleeping porcb. flreDlao and good furnace: including gamge, $$0. E. 86th and Hawthorn 8 room apartment; very convenient; 815. Call Eaat 84 21 or SCANDINAYIANaMERICAN REALTY CO.. 212 Lumbermen bldg. ROOM lower flat, unlurniahed. or will fur niah to suit tenant; rsry central, west aide. 446 Taylor t 4-ROOM lower flat, strictly clean and modem; adults. Call East 1908. 6 ROOM modern flat. gas. heat sleeping porch! wa K. aetfi st. corner wsahington. FIVE room flat 371 tt l'acifio st Phone East 6447. FURNISHED FLATS 69 FOR RENT 8- furnished rooms, light houae- keenina. cbeaD: adults onla. .6TB E. Stat st Brooklyn pgr. UPPER, clean, neatly furnished 4 room "7CTT and bath, modem: rent reasonable. 800 tt E 0th st N. FURNISHED fist. 3 or 4 rooms, bath, lights gaa, water ana neat: no chiMrea. 438 E. 6th st, 8. Take RM or WS ear. HOTELS 84 ROOMS $2.50 per week op; transient 60c, 75c. 1; rooms by aay. week -or month. 299 tt Union ve., cor. Clay. FOR SALE, trad or rent by owner; established bearn hotel. 7.-4 39. journal. STORES AND OFFICES 11 STORE, 24x100. ia brick building. 5th ct. near Burnside. with balcony, basement and sidewalk els Tatar. Apply 386 Flanders, 8 to o p . m. GROUND floor desk room for epocllsty man. Pittock block, at 384 Stark st REAL ESTATE office lor rent furniture for sale: A-l location: reasonable. B-9S4, Jooruat "WANTED TO RENT T WANTED to rent 4 or 6 room furnished house, hoovekeeping room or lower flat Waverleigh district Sell. 2604. 3 ROOM fornshed apartment oa west sd. Ad- dress, T-770. Journal. WANT to rent a 6 or 6 room modem bungal low with a garden spot. J-691, Journal. TWO acre do in: no building. Main 4547. SUMMER RESORTS ($ 8-K0OM furnished bungalow, fireplace la large living room, phonograph and record, cen trally located. Addres Mrs, W. L. Moraan. Gearhart. Or. , MODERN 7 room hoot for rent t Seaside. Completely furnished. Ocean view. Wood-lawn-2834. FUBNISHED cabin in mountain oa trout stream, easy tnasporteudo. J-698, Journal, or A-5287. BEACH PROPERTY 48 FOR SALE By owner, attractiv 7 room cot tag at Sea View. Fca east oa boulevard. Lot 60x100. Pric 8I20O. terms. Tabor 8273. FOR SALE. BUSINESS PROPERTY 66 FOR 8 ALE Good store bulging, dwy rented. with aaodera 8 room flat above. Excellent location, an earus. Oooa invectmant T CU Tbor 1758. FOR SALE 100x100, corner 2d and Everett ta. By owner, sv-1 3U, journal. POR SALE HOUSES 61 $10O DOWN 82123. rust reduced for ouirk sate n $2600. One sold for $3000; 6 room, fir, pine. fuU cement basement: 60x100 loC Sans day. call Mr. Rock. Tabor 8129. J. A Wick- maa Co.. 814 Blart ot Slam 888. HAWTHORNE AVE.. 44TH ST. 7 ronra. bath, full eamaat bmnt: 88x104 Int. Ail imprevemeaTs paid: 82623: raqalrea 8800 caab. JJ. A. Wiekmaa Co.. 314 Stark St Mam 683. FUBNISHED ROSE CITY PARK" .S-room concret Mock house. DOxl 00 lot. Modem: $8500; $1000 rash. I. A. Wiekmaa Co.. 814 Stark St Main 588. Sanday call Stowail. Taoor aaai. " B U N G ALO W-S N E. 60TH ST.. XCAS Hawthorne. 6 rssnvna, gtricUy aaodera. Ha agent. Tbor 7247. WANTED Small modern bouses on easy pay ment. List with I. C Mitcheltree. $517 Foster road, at Arc her reaco, 81800. 4 BOOMS, bath, attic, full paved street, close In. 8042. term. Phon East MT. TABOR snap. 6 room eottega, electricity and ga. near park aad ear.. 81700. 8500 dciwn. Tabor 1811. SEVEN room hooie. 2 lota. 6180O. lo 6 room cottage. 1 lot 31230. 3230 Tshne 2R10 rrwmer. FINE 6 room bnngaio1 to tha bawt Part of briiagtoa, by . awnex. 6Z6 E. 19 th JL 1 FOR SALE HOUSES An yeas wttb limited eanita lacArasr far a comfortable horn ahotvld be seel to aalect (ram this Uet. 81850 ft-room modern barnsmlow. wttb fall lot, graded street, cement walk, eimeat baae ment; . $280 cash, 816 par month aad mtauoat, oa Alberta earliaa. '- . $1900 6-room mcdera baagalow. wh fun lot. oe savant walks, improved otrart: 82SO caaa. 815 per month aad interest: a Alberta car une. $2200 4-m modera awneaiow. with .full lot, all isnptweemenis in; $260 to $304 aasb. 1 per month aad Interest; ee Hawtsoraa eat. 61960 aV-room saodera enttaaa. Mock from William st.. swar Raaaeil set 8258 to 330O caab, 816 per moalh aad lntares. 82404) 5 -room BMxiera bwagatow, with larg attic, basement, splendid fireplace, soaaa built-in coaveniesvoea. Uutrb kitchen, timmt waika, graded street: aa Montavilla car Una; 8308 caab. 318 per moat aad Interest. OTTO & HARKSON REALTY COMPANY. 416 Chamber of Commerce' Mag. MODERN FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW Hawthorne District. Furnace and fireplace., hardwood floors, full cement basement, laaadry trays ia baas meat, new linoleum In kitchen sod bathroom, gaa in base ment and kitchen: full sited attic, floored; ecveens throughout; exterior painted last fall; interior waababia-fast- wall paurt; assessments paia; lnsnraeew naid: half taxea naid. balance due to fall; kocatua eoavenienl to ward and bih acbeol, treat can aad Storea. Price. 63400. not lews than $300 down. For sal by owner. 41 t, 6 lit SC. near lUwthorna. PnoB Tabor 1007. COMPLETELY FURNISHED FOUR ROOM BUNGALOW Lot 60x1 1 2. good fruit tree, abundance of nee krubas aad berriea, Prlc 61400; 8300 cash, balance easy. WATCH OUB ADS. WB GET RESULTS. C A Wsrriner. nrrrKR. lowe a CO.. 203-6-7 Board ef Trade. IBVLVOTON PABK BUNGALOW Modern t room aad deeping porch, lot 60x100: fire place; white em me led Dutch kitchen and all built-la convenience; by owner. $3000, fur awhed $3300. 81000 cash, balance monthly: 2 blocks eaat of Alberta ear; 1 block to Kennedy schooL This bangalow is new and la first claaa shape. Address 1180 Gleaa ave, N. Phooa Woodlawn 4393. PENINSULA U16TRICT 8 room and bath, 1 block from ear and hard adrfaca; corner lot. Pne 81800; $300 rash, balance easy. WATCH OUB ADS. ' WR GET RESULTS. C. A. Warriner. BITTEB. LOWE A CO.. 203-0-7 Board of Trade. 6 rooma. Hawthorn district Price $2000 $200 cash, $20 per month and Ularrest Call Sell. 4 76 CLOSE TO SHIPYARDS 8 room hoaae. kt 67x100, few feet from hard surface. Clear of all incumbrances. Pric 32000; easy temna. WATCH OCR ADS. WE GET RESULTS C. A. Warriner, BITTER. LOWE A CO., 203-6-7 Board of Trad. ACT QUICKLY! 8100 down. $18 and interest per month. 8 room modem boose on Oregon Electric. 23 minute out: ground 110x160 ft: prlc only 81600. C. D. -Stringer. 806 Northwestern Bank bldg. Main 6446, ON WOOlsSTOCK CARLTnTE 6 room modem bangalow, garden apace. Price II BOO $S0O cash, balance easy. WATCH OUB ADS. WE GET RESULTS. C. A Warriner. RITTER. l.OWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade LOOK FOR GOOD BUY When setoctjng your home. 100x100, 6 rooms, garagw. pared street, best location. Owner. 1290 E. Star st Phone D-13S8. BEST BUY IN PORTLAND. Most be sold to settle estate: block oa corner. 5 -room house ana a tor bldg. property is worth 32 Sou: must hare Call at 293 Stark at SUNNYSIDE $800 will handle splendid buy of a 6-room boas that eaa be bought for $1630; payment of $13 per month, including interest J. Bobbin. 301 Railway Exchange baig. 3240O 3-KOOM modern hoaae. lot 60x100 ft. 4 fruit tree, cement sidewalk, street graded, all paid for; will tak 6 passenger machine ta good order a first paymeat. balance to (Ul't 1 soor 9303, 86300 NOR HILL HOME FOR 84 300. 6 room and sleeping porch, furnace sod fire place; lot 8 T tt 1 1 OO : 692 Irving st r street work ell mid for: 91300 cash, balance 6 per cent: place shown by appointment Fred W. Germaa Co.. 733 Chamber of Commerce. $10.000"HOCSE FOR $7000 FOR SALE BY -OWNER Willamette Height. 380 Rugby et, corner Franklin. Modern, fin view, all hardwood floor. Ition Main 4672. IF you want a hams in irvington, see ma I hare several attract! T houses st (pedal price and on ay terms. J. Bobbins. 801 Railway F.tehang bldg. ATT RACTIV E Ros City hoos. bnllt year ago; Urge living snd dining room, den. 8 bed room, furnace, fireplace Price. $415. term. 301 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 7931. MolERN 4 room cottage et Stewarts bUImo. Mt Scott car line, for sale reeaonaoa. or wiii tak good Ford car. with terms oa balance. Call at 583 Marlon ava., Sellwood. Til REE piece of inside, eltsv to Momoo street on in wast sine, wun income, i ons half their true vara today. M. J. CLOHESSI. 41 J Anrnrsa. BARGAIN Wsrerly addition. 6-ronm modem bangalow, kit aoxruo; street itumnnarau pKl tor. WIFTlwani STe.. , MODERN 8-room d deepin porch. In splen did condition; garage t tn st oacmic for $8000. D-974, JonmaL FOR South Portland property, to buy. aall or exebango, see jona o inter, saw vwrn w. Commeroa. 4ROOM cottage and fin lot, 60x100. 4 block from car. at very low pric. $8 50 caab. In CTltre 1911 E. Irving rt M. V. ear. 4-ROOM hoaae. pantry and bath: lot 4 St 100; an block car; $160 cash. $20 monthly, no Interest. Inqoir 1911 K. Irviogst M. V. car. F5r SALE room cottage. 11th and Al- perta, or win amome 00 w tn another dntrlct. J "S3. Joarnai. MODERN 6-room bungsiow. also I room cottage. gsa. water, nortneaw. rsaamsois, sees w 1828 Csanphell - sniPBUTTJJERS 2 house, good location, cheep; good Tsnsea for sailing : easy terms. Phone owner. E. 7Q7. UAVEmany house In Month Portland. Bear hip ranis, at very reeeooaoiw prKwa, Joha Singer. 420 Chamber of comieree. nnTiu hnnaalow. hardwood floor, sleeping porch. 2 brocks school and car. 816 Eaat 13th st. North Irvington. 754 DAVIS ST.. old house with 60x100 lot. excellent socatvoa; nam sunae aareet. oaiy tSOOO. Main 125. Il6sfi CiTt PABW DISTRICT ONLY J2200 Strictly mouara a room noum; terms, tan Tsbor 6559. $2000 Modem bungalow 6 rooms, street all paid for: (mall cash a paved payment WoodUwn 822. 4" ROOM house for sal. $900; lot 100x108. Vruit trass, berriea. chicken house. Terms to suit buyer. Call Tsbor 6616. FOB HALE 8 rooi bouae; hard fi niahed; ly modem; 82400; term. 94 79th at Call between 2 and ap t , $650 2tt 2 room boo) BfVtS ROSE ChY CAR $50 dowa: $1$ nth. fen- eroding Vr. terse t- Cell Tahrt 6339. HOl'SES. aeiaas ad buai s pioperty to ex Phon owner. E, chang tor farm or atock. 7976. THAT beautiful home place at cornet Vswa ver aad Alberta at. Look it an. 244 Al awrta at SNAP Good 6" room boose, elcsae WootCawa datviet. 6160O. Term. to ear. L-894. JoumaL FURNISHED buagasew; alanost new. a,l uod furniture, cleaa sa a pta. Prlc $2300; rea- ewwable term Tabor 962. DIRECT DEALING "makes quicker eslso. better puya. easier ewspa, onciw, m stone, 401 Stock ExcK bide, POR SALE Uoose and 3 lot; beeri-a. fruit and garden, cow and chackeaa; term; hjp- yard dutnet rnon vreooawn illT ACRE seas, college town; fruit, gardea, chicken parks, old building; might trad part Own er, F-7B7, Journal. 83000 6 ROOM modem boo, comer, paved st. aU paid, aaa block cor. 14 aire 1164 Hawthorua ava. FOB. AALE Five room and attic, earn bWl from ear. 81700. $604) first rmymeat. Pnoaa Tabor 69PO. 2 LOTS, small house. 00 comer lot, 1 block from carline. re aims pi, rjeii. a a. $5,100 MODERX honaa for asks bv wnec Tor 8 a 000: a real Bartua. i a. J llOOu' aoder cast fag Itewthorn ve, home. 100 feet raonr goee gratis. Owner. Main 633 ctioltTiTT Mo in heart f Lrviagt East 4849 BARCIIN8- Foreclosor and" Call op 184 7. MODERN 6-room bungalow, Mellwoaa 8088. I SY a good partly aaodera 7 -room Iu POB SALE HOUSES I 28 W. Holmaa C 81 GhUKSt A DOWNEY 8 SNAP LIST 8 800 4 room cottage, bath, eiecUie; lot 43x laz; ea Same rott ve.. west Sao. 810 cash. bad. an Mat $1800 8 room eottase. bath, electric: fim lot 60x100. on ktortbsrtrk near Peatnenia Park; 6300 waaa, balaaea 0 par cent. 81580 kica 3 raoaa bang law, fia. lot; E. 13th and Bomaiwm aee.; $30 easa. $16004 room bangalow. on Cosxacil Crest; $304) aasb, aaL6 per eaaO. $1650 Mew ft rum cwttagw. beta, eWtrta, on Miaameta . aear Amswarth; $300 cash. - $16 per tenth, 8 per eeat. $1700 Coed 8 rosea eottaaw. bath, eenwat base ment, Miaaesote ava . near cVkid- 'aaore. $204) esah, $16 moath, par coat. $1 700 Nice room earuaga, loll tat, paved street; fruit: Nearaaka .. west sida. tltOO 4 rem aettag. fine lot; trotl; E. Mala ear S7th; easy twrma $20004 roues, fuse awagalosf, E. 26th, near GWd.tnne; wiU sell fomatlted a nnfnr- aiaked; ea term. - 12184) 8 room bans, lot 89x160. ea den at. 6X Jonas. 360v esah. $2808 8 roeaa modern bwncaiess, oak floor, fireplace, etc; Milwaukee are. Beat Uoa gato: 830O caab. $2500 Coed ft room eottagw. 100x100; fine earner; rroit, smraen: Marymnd Bear Kil- lmgwwortb: 8400 rash, baL per cent. $3400 Fin 6 room bungalow. Rasa City. K 4 tta eer Psndy; easy term. GRCS-S! A DOWNEY. 116 BenH e Trade. Main T4 32 S ROOM .eottaae; en I-modem, tncrading gas ran re ; SOxloO ft. lot. eaat front, oa hard surface street. 1 blocks to carline; nice neigh borhood: fine gardea. already pleated. Tha aa a snap at 6759. Easy term. Almost bow -4 room Bandera bungalow wlta large attic, cement heasment; fireplace aad r-uili-tna: Eaat Morrison sc. ML Tabor car. Only $2160. Eaay terms. hew. modern ft room tmnaalew. an bairt-m eoBveaieacea; foil Cement baaesnent: Eaat Mer- naon sc. 1 bmek to Mt. Tabor car: rwatraeted district. Would cost $3000 ta beuld, sVscratwe. $2250. Easy terms. line 8 room modem noma ta W'eetmorslaad ; must be see to be appreciated; dmost new. trill mat ' stwrml price for cash or may trade for improved acreage. - Almost new modem 8 room hoaae with aleepmg peron, fireplace, bard wo ad flsmta. whit enaaiea interior : buxli-ia eoeieetneaoae aad cab inet kltejiea. rail aemeat bmeaient. and fur nace; doa ia oa east aide : corner lot; fuse view. May below cue, only 83600. Easy term, 82500-- 1 OOx 1 00. fin garden aad shrubbery. 2 block to ML Tabor car; good modern 6 room bun galow. 83ut eaan. balaaea easy terms. bCAN DIN AVIAN -AMERICAN REALTY CO.. Bult 212 Iimbermena bldg. BEAUTIFUL HOME LARGE ATTRACTIVE GROUNDS CHOICEST LOCATION Ef CITY AT GREAT SACRIFICE Out of town owner order thk place sold re- gerdles of tha lees to him. Tha a 00 of tba clioeeat location m tl city, aad 1 lusted among th fineat Mount Tabor bomae; fin vara of dty. The grounds ar equal to about three fists kola. Improved with 1 ho are fruit aad shrabbery; 9 room modem house, in goad etsndrUaa. Tba improTfisni. aJoo r worta Baur lima w eaa sell the entire property tor. Pric $600. Act quick this won t Mat mag. WATCH Ot'M AI WB GET RESULTS, LOWE A C9 , 90S ft-7 Board of Trade. $2500 HOME; LIKE RENT 93 E. 68th st N 1 tt block from carline. to restricted district, ft room bungalow, large lirtng room, beam celling, lireplaea. cabinet kitelten. full cement basement furnace, waah trays, deaa ana cmrenient Laet 28 71 3200 cashTmaXam e EASY 8 room semi-modera enttage, aeveral fin fnrtt tree snd bernes, 2 blocXs from car. E. 76lh at N. Pric $I60 WATCH OUB AIXs. WE GET RESULTS C A Warriner, RITTER. LOWE A CO. 203 8-7 B-sard of Trad :mWi BiiYEE L5STEH I M runm. KstH aaJ ,,:, 1 1 TUitl (ISA $15 per month. 5 rooms, bath and toilet $1230 Small rasai payment, easy teema. Call Mar I Baa WOODSTOCK BUNGALOW 5 room, modem. 100 feet from ear, li walking distance to 8. P. caraiuspa price $220O 1 3' "i rasa, b anc easy WATCH OUB ADS, WE GET RESULTS. V A Waumti. RITTER, LOWE A CO., 2U3-5-7 Board of Trad FOB ftAlJi ' Butifl bosae tn IrTiagtoa. T mom and bsth. 2 toilet a AU baill-m eabiaeta; beam aeu- ings in living and diaing room; fireplace, ear ate, fruit Ireea; lot 6vxl0w leet Ail am ml pa hi. bay from owaer snd st tJ TillamoA. $13ut $ room, tt act. Lenta. HZiO 6 rouvas. llawiborn dxatrtrt 6o0 6 reman, modem: a bargain. $Tuo 8 rooma. ftOtiusi on Tayh west asde. between 16ta and 17tb: a a 1'let.ty of money to loan on city real estate at reasuoabk. rates, M. BilUag. 609 Mo Ksj bldg. HOUSE AND FURNITURE 4 room hoos. plastered, electric lights and bath. 2 lota, oa good street. Prirn 3170O. Terms 1 1 0't caab, naianm $0 per month, in cluding interest, William Really Co.. Oroya Cruseing. Tshor 4934. ClAtE IN. LA 8 1 SIDE 8 room, aertu modern: hard sur laced street Pnc $2800. E 17th and stark. WATCH OUB ADM. WK CLT RESULT A " A Wsrriner. BITTKR. lifiWK A Ct) . 2Q3-3-7 B.ord of Trade $ 6rijO WN 8676 3 room hussar, comer 43th ava. and 96th St., Lenta. 8930 4 room cot tax. 80x100. 1022 41st are. near 90th st. WATT. 618 tore Mai 2031. or MarahaU 4846. i.-lf Kit P LahY f I nil I 81400 to $1800 boy aay on of 8 hard snrfared street, near carline. hands to sjupyard. Them ar mortgage fiaei Knaim. W do not wt preaperty. lost Interest DOVE A GARDNER. 410 Bosro ef Trade UA WTHO RN E ar. dsstrict, by o bungalow, eatirdy aaodem. furnace, rissil.'i . bookcasot, bullet hardwood floors, Dotdt ea s red kitchen, wood lift, large attic: praea $3100; $600 to $990 cash, be. ore eaey terms. 8u9 E. 4 id st pbone Tabor 8498, DANDY buy la li titer ee. n Uva cstrner nf 3th et. 6-room booa. modem to everv re spect, street Improvement all ta and paid. Be this for a anap at 31150: good term. Phon during day. Mala 7931. evening. Tabor 6319. One $1050; Another $675 On easy terras. Nice little home. J est fixeo up. rtese to I'naen a B. F. KELLY, 733 Cb, C bldg. $2f 50 TERMd $2730 Ideal bangalow. artistic. modem. Atberta. tributary to St John raruM. G. C C.oLDENBERti, AbiatTtoa bldg. -33 Tears In Pprtkspsf Msio 4 863. MODERN 4 room boose, linag room, dming room, kitchen, S bedrosan and bath opatair. large attic, full bassrmant. faraace. paved street ta and psd lor. ooiy 33300, anrlodiag lane t Bjfe. j narraaaenio u. $200 ABU 6 room modera bsmgalow, bardw-snd flnrara. bailt-ia bookraa. onUag desk, buffet, Dwtrb kitebea. 4 Work from Misa. or WUliam am or K. S, car $20O0. Oesrr, C-2M03. 6-ROOM modem btxngsiow with daiping pnroh fine cberriso. frost and berries: ea K, 44lb et between Saaayslde and H art born ear tin A bargain at 620OO; term, p D-1110. WlLKTNa danaae. 6 -room keen fwfrssKsci, nd gang for 8 nvaablae, en lot 30 1 1 X ft. wttb beariag tree, at $ Tillimint. Boar Umoa av.; 84 604); half cash gad baktneo teraaa. East 2136. $230o 6 ROOM Wsasw. Isoers. bu-lt-m .bo fret modem. Keaios rsriiae. Minneaof. 1 1 rep sea, bard wood Bd Daicb kacbeo ; Part cash. lft$ 11 low EASY 7 LRU 8 New 4 room madrm cottage, nuke and baasv ment. etty water, gaa. gwod torn, charkro yard. 4 7th tta nd 92d t S. E. Etsl 2871. INVESTIGATB tha bargain. 413 fc, $4tA st Kelly; 7 foams Bnnaosvw; total prm terns. Mete If. 617 ttlaaikir of Cna Pivan MarsOaS 2432. 83160. 8kUMJM luk -. . a L . a Hamikton . Sowtb Portland, aassw. Aanabel mtkm Mom Seoet Itno Ail modem, by owner. CeA 166. HAWTHORN E DUT kTci fssal with bungalow ; las pre 824M; easy tswm Tenor 2874. 82060 Fin thoroughly aaodera gaVrw. 1 bbsra from car on E. 67lh nti a boy. Uaxt. 910 Cb. at Com. Tel. MarataaU 155, MAKE a Uex ea 12$ It. ao Moe at, wttb 4 lara bo 944. JonmaL wortA -823.4)00. t 8170O SNAP; EASY TEkBT 24 E. 72d at 6 rosea mira r. fell avwnesy lot I I tbas wp. Kmst 371. bHACK lug aswe. $13. 8 iitshl for bachelor be mil. - hsstd act maail tamUy. Ta- roft saLe T modVra boasai.ew. Lsk dJsrtrict, FOR SALE HOUSES laualzo t Kaat Caxatkors st FOR SALE HOUJtFS BOSal CITY PARK 82TB8. 6 reams kwaateaia. f, A firt psaee. finished attia. Easy terms. I - . tasey ft rwem noma, nrvpaaoa, rat cw. naveti street ail, naid. $3760 Strartly modera S Twee asternal. aornwr. with fin garagw, $30 caaa wtil nandie. 80 ft room btatsmr, ckra n ear. Yld m an af the beat bargama In Itea Ctr. w. ia.suvi.1, ftift ctasmbar oi Main Ull. J73 CASH, balaaea 810 nwwtlk, 4 room bwstae. xwii sot, MeVka to trade. aanastanr oi frost, oak-ken bene. ear. $1906. Math take piaan pan 6100 cash. SIS mecrth. ade, stop yard dsstrict. eortarg lot 13x160; arree paveq, muman uta reaa. Kentew for 1 : wnaid bring $13. Tha Kauad good and Xf good aa It aoatvls. r A)krworth. 612 McKay Bldg. ' SOME DANDY BUYS Eanrram at, $fTOO bnngakrw. Jsowlaaa are. .....$110 4 Inta, lit Scott 11M timnd are. .....!!: E lid a 6 room. S3d ava. S. K. ....8201 Oamt term on all of the above pitamity . az l l nntK l it HAi.K $1400 Good 6 roum kosaaa. 1 bumk U.T. garage, (um frail, grapes, bwrrttn, lawn fk 8I6OO 6 room hoaae. 1 block r. dl Imxttovement in and Setraascaft $2200 lam ln nod 7. 8 rwom hones, trait Mwn. Klosrwrr, Mt Tahot car. a. P. Uabam. lv McKay bldg. 14 and Stark. ROOMS. 64 fc. 81t... $2000, $180 down t - ton imim 7 roams.Ta0 rerott tanms. 629 Webster st. . . .1150. $344 Ow-ssa 021 Sumner M....ti0. $iatown 291 E. 4 24 st $110. $200nww-a 977 K. 64th ex tiiaa. 114 sVawn The are all sued ansa and Teanr lawmilii a I nrvtted. . t rjtEDW. GERMAN CO.. T82 Cham, nf Com, TWil HlNt.AlXlaV BAkGAiNS "" One 7 room, bardwood floors, full rirwnmee. bssiil-te reri bumi bard surfaced street. $2O0. $300 cash, $28 pel Osml-B rooma. modern. 12400. IXftO z per aantitn. B F FFJCMslTKR. 8 AbcnrScm bMa 1 -ST. BEAl'TTFl'L hotn. rhoaenst local tun im city. gposa. strict ty modem and nractsrall aew. Fireplaca. white enmald Doteh kitchen and aU bnirt-ra aenvetuenee ; Kardwwnd Door, tarn etieta. beem ceiUnaa ta Briag aad dintag max. If yoo want a bargain, a this, and boy front Pnoe 34XOO. fttreet lammtmsate ta nd paid Cell Wdln. 41. ' East side bur 6 mom cottage, good barn, lot 80x148. nana. frart tree, clear of all taesxmbnaoaa. Prase $2us9: $206 cash, natenr easy. WATCH OUBAlfi. WE OUT RESULTS. r a. vTarrtnT. BrTTTR. LOWE Xrt . . i 203 8-7 fsosrd of Trade ' FOK SAl X BY OUN C fa, Nam 6 room snd 6 room nesam. near 8 lines. Lees of shrubbery, roars, fruit tree ant bemea, chicken hou. etc.. etreet pared and . paid. Vtooid cvosider trading ona or both am 7 or 9 rnnm boos la Piedmont ar free, sook. 1113 Marhlgsn ts Pbon Vt '., 6I4. 4 koon bTKgaLoW. kllU T Liviaa roeaa. diauna rooca. 3 t uliaiisa bail netwerna til roe, larg stllc, good V ems at oa GUsnai Bear 86b at Hard earfaee. nttat an earn no. 8160 enah. bakuesa ta na. Owner. OeetWo. 281 Chamber of Comma rc. kirn 6443. Can eTweilngs. Tsbcsr 1337. $ 1 3 35: " $iiu: Nsce little 4 roam boose, faaart and balk, fra neighberhoad. near school $300 aVesso. TU rest, hke reat If yoo want a nan lifts ham, wwtl worth th aaoney. 1 bear frtaa carhae, dont faU to aeo Uus. Pbsva Wdia, 614 or call 778 Union tl N. 4-ROOM BUNGALOW i30 ' IJeing rwoan, dming room, bsdroiao, ktlrbsst. Wthrooea and small basement; boagahrw praa tsraDy new. kvetad on 69ib avax. end ef VoaS. stock car: $260 raeh. bdaaea t salt. Pen 1 corn on. 1 ai nsmber af t 6446, ar venfags Tabor 1697. llAWTHOkNE HINCALOW $ili0 T 100 ft off ef areaae on paved attest ; free- fall r-eai mailt e.msnt floor: pma ksa org over $8VO. Terms. Iron down. I.t mvonthly. Fred W. Oarusa Cat. T32 ClsmPse fctl8E CITY PARK. ROSE tixT PArUaL. I bar a larg hat af aaodera ki mil to Rasa City Park on assy terms Let me anow yon. Auto at your as mm. p Vaadayn. 618 Ckism ber Com me it. Ms la 1933 a Rr. 1. ITT PABK. BOSH fTTT PABK. UoLttK AND ACRE a ONLY 6800 ? Mostly ta traluvsUoo; water, right mm frait; 8 room house, rlcsse to electric sta tie, ooiy SO mtnatea oak Easy terms. Call at 69w Conenrd birlg. . OWN tit tearlag " erty. moat et 4 room mX m , bongnivar. Hwth..m district, 1 block from carllsm. Pric 620O0, Includhnl barV surfaee street aad sU tmrrovements. 6lotw eavah. balaocw teraaa. Apply 916 h, 14th st !. Weedlasm 094. ITms 1 acr of Mod ia St'JeJ.aa, a if ha ealtlratto. wttii 2 $ mean hransst. both rraTed. that I offer tor $2290: nasnaablg pas ment dunn, balaneo to sua tmrchaswr. Tleay re near shipyard and North school. Inaau 717 N. Staitb ave. t oL 844 lo aerawta. , ARi;AIS8 On 8 room hoaae, $4000. as. ssec sos; Tm teausi 111 uy, a ram garage, 14830; on 6 roan. I&kooi rm. $00, garage; on corner. 8 Bv9. garaga. Ail dose m Ijinsrtoaa, $2500 R08E CITY PARS rer ou ay smew-, good 4 meet tiess manl. funmco. etc.; tn ot Boa City park, t biuck fn E. 49tk N part 813 SHACK IN ftLNNVMHE $80. ' $36 down. 813 moniaji boy nWo ran- eWk.'bwmpod snmde, oirsd fog l:gbta. 1254 B Morrmen t Fred Vf. Oeraaaa ca.. TI3 CLaaa- br of rsnmrs-e. POUR oum bungalow on iftii st. smrth oi Alberta Corner lot. II 76 street taapeovo manta. Price S1300, oa very east I rm Jokra Icrsroann. 609 Oevlinger bldg. Sonday, Wod sswe Mill . , BV OWNER 6 room bnnaie, sen' a3 frail trees, cbaico lucaUon. If yoo want nam eo thai and get prwo. 4 'lea to gram mar and high Kaoola. Allan add , 122$ k vsurt see. baLL T rsma no rorepts'SB bail, aso-i-rra bsbm, 436 ftd st. off CoUene; wsiatn oamaorn irem caaaer Of etty; alee neat yaraa. apply at one adorom, 1 to 4 p. In pnone lido 2934. FUK MALE lttOilOv. 4 IslU dlstrVt Good lot a li an loo. 686 B Irvine 6 emsoumo liuw, easy pays win oa ft BtMiM FUkNUHLD CXlTTAvsK, l!!li ' 4916 634 st, ft. K, on Mt Scott ear, sr rash. Msam to suit Call fast key at 4022 E, 63d et. STTiWEB Bongakrw: trrwctiv. ft svn! Fsrtjysysnra, fruit 82106. 8-fl 834 1 1 lost y 4 to enrtlne. Anansd station, plenty of fruit no piece. Ten art 414 CbamSer of Comma Xsro yoen n4 m to ml Tsy- V1IIX aoropt cash, LibertFTanas or i.s bil for esraity to my 6 rues pnniaa4 Hesgkta smagalew. Addrese ewner. Apt U, kv) Belssro norm. 8ttie, WaA 6K7rnsmodsw-a home. E TsmhiB. near ieuL 620OO. 6 room awtteao. E 6th at Yaaa. bill, only 81750; en, toyvnent 3169: terwaa. Psvano Tbor 338. tssw 8 Co. 10w fWim-w.t ' LOOK ohat $40w will boy. Rigist an tL MX nentt carusa, at 8tb at A etrao 34tl aad a 2 loom Boas on It aVOOa 6Mi st A 6UhR afiera attrncu, praciiraiy m 6 R- bongaiow, bWheesL 7 MS pleasant and dmirabs ossod 3210. at a bargoia. ft4 ON 8I N.NY MT 7AR'R. 6 l.OiM MoLLai sOTTA;E. I8T KEAR BEI-M-mr. Al U TVPPOTr.Mr.OT8 IN AKD PAID. 8 low J, CAIJ. TAWOK 3Q76. a m , b runma. mnruy snouwrn, all garage Most ta 6660J). CJ 1931 Haa- rssek et . BLY from th aa. 6 nam. mdra, tr aoe. paved Steswt, near J efts can serh. Bar gain. $2344) Tevwa. Tatvw 0417. rocir a Ustsra Wsse la. Isgnta. laimi't and otickea 1289 K Mwvwm i BOtTlsTssaM. Urge lot, froit Wrrwo, et . SIf bvara I from W. S. 836 tt tta! $46.rve EASY ILkklo. modrnTT to 8t Jobs, 306 R. 34th. a-ROlM eottaao. 246 Bssnd-ta. near froit, fVowors; paved at ; $2100; $34) nova, baMaco toensa. Wdln. 4022. FOB KALE 8 ma 11 I roar has. nsmisssZa Cardsnas, let 14t66. alec-rw Lslbu aad goa $730. Teewva pbone rU 77 I BOOU modern ivoocaWw. 28t4 4; fail moat, adaentnsT Ovesloe BotM - ana ir mst oy 1 11". T loom. 6 rouea 8 mi ii. 5 rsnssa. roem lima in 31809. SOg mean boos. 8d ta. Ownec UAWTHOBNE 6Z7ava team 6 tsKsswmsier bnalna fin eoadrtVsn. pe4 auont,. poaA ea eiran. etowata. Tbor 641. sf VviUTSirE hoaae far seie, 16 saiewtea' sea I ' to pssvteffsea. Boat fog $ a maatAv 339 Grant at rOb'AaLX li wsOl two "ear Ur Us, sasmakv, by ownar. Be Igiata. Call Waia. 8916. pASTliTr-TbarrTV-w- aTriW till: no ssrau. 981 K. ria et f7B"ATa toaea Iteaae. Aiaart. aVtrirt, 1 fttueb freo ear. -nw wain, mi. TWO msU ham by oaog. Tseaasv Ss-T 2473. 368 tgukan ana. . By