THE OREGON . DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY, MAY, 18, 1918. or FLYERS CLING TO PLANE 80 HOURS E BEFOR RESCUED Escape of Ensign E. A. 0. S. N., R.F., and Stone, Ensign Moore, R. N.. S., Is Narrow. MEN -WERE ON CONVOY DUTY More Than Three Days Were Spent at Sea by Pair Without Food or Drink. Washington. Mar 1 (I- X. S.) After having clung to the ndr side of a seaplane pontoon for 80 hour's, with out food or drink, Ensign E. A. Stone, U. S. N, IX F, of Norfolk. Va., Is alive in ' London, after having spent five weeks In a hospital, "the navy department an nounced today StoneWas on a scouting trip with Ensign Eric Moore of the royal naval air service when their plane collapsed and fell Into the English chan nel. The two men clung to the pon-, , toon for more than three ays before ' they were finally rescued by the crew of an English trawler. Stone and Moore left their station In a British seaplane to go on convoy pa , trol duty. When two hours out they saw " what they thought was a periscope, and leaving the convoyed ship, started in pursuit and lost their course. The en jrlne of the plane "dropped dead," and they were forced to land on the surface of a rough sea. . Threw Clock at Pigeon - "Wa had no kite or radio aerial to call for assistance," said Stone, describing his experience, "so we released our two carrier pigeons, carrying a message tell ing of our plight The first pigeon flew . straight oft and reached home, but the .other lit on our machine and would not budge until Moore threw our navigation clock at him, which probably upset him I so that he failed us. ' "Heavy seas smashed our tail planes which kept settling. 1 saw that they were pulling the machine down by the . rear and turning her over, we tore the tall fabrics to lessen the impact of the waves. It was not any ue to stop. Finally, we capsized, climbing up the nose and 'over"the top' to the under side of the pontoons. "Our emergency rations had been in the observer's seat at the back but we had been knrt so busy trying to repair' 1 the motor and save ourselves from turn ing over that we did not remember this . until too late. r'oor Daj Wlthost Food "When I crawled aft for food Moor saw that I was only helping the machine to capsize. He yelled to me to come back and I did Just in . time to save myself from beings carried down wlh the tall and drowned. Krom now on, for nearly four days, until picked up by the trawler, we were continually soaked and lashed by seas, and with nothing to eat or drink. We had nothing to cling to, and so to keep from being washed overboard, we got upon the same pontoon ana hugged our arms about one another's bodies for the whole time. We suffered from thirst. . We turned on our stomachs and lapped up the moisture from rain, xbut the paint came off with salt and nauseated us. . , "Our limbs grew numb. From time to time the wreckage from torpedoed shis would pass. Once two full biscuit tins cam close enough to swim for, but by then, in our weakened state, we knew that we would drown if we tried to get them. We did haul in a third tin, but it as filled with tobacco. Maay Hopes Are Bashed "Kvery day we saw convoys in the .distance and waved our handkerchiefs, We had no signal lights to use at night. Our watches stopped and we ' lost all track of time. Once we spied a mast head light and shouted. The ship headed tjlralght for us until within 100 yards, but suddenly put out hec lights and turned away. "On Monday afternoon A seaplane ap peared. It seemed impossible that she ' couldn't sight us. But she passed above us and flew two miles beyond and came , back on her course. "Our spirits fell. We had been afraid of two things being picked up and In terned, or being captured by an enemy submarine. Now we even hoped that anything would get us to end it all. Trawler Saved Weakened Pair "We sighted a trawler about 6 o'clock Tuesday evening. We waved at her for half an hour. We were too weak to stand up and slgrtal. The trawler final ly threw life preservers at the end of a yn-. I yelled that we were too weak. She finally lowered a boat and lifted us aboard. Then we collapsed." Moore lost six toes from gangrene. Stone's feet turned black, but decay did not seC in. Every machine from the sea plane base had searched, continuously for the missing aviators after the pigeon had homed. All patrols and de stroyers In the area joined In the search but without avail and the two men had been given up for lost. 2209 Planes Made By Ourtiss in Year Buffalo, K. T.rMay 18. U.-P.) Dur ing the first year Of the war up to April 1, the Curtlss airplane and motors cor poration manufactured and delivered 2209 airplanes, according to the report of the company made public today. ; One thousand three hundred and seventy-six were the, so-called preliminary, training type and 339 were advanced training machines, such as are- being used in the airplane post service. , ,. ;, . Moose Secretary Arrested San Francisco, May 18. (U. P.) Charged with embezzling 84100 from the Loyal Order of Moose, Louis A. Eaton, secretary of the organization, was under arrest here today. Get the Most Out of Your WantAd Money Money spent for want ads is like any other money it should pay a profit. The Journal takes your "Want" ad into more than 65,000 homes each 'day-i-in the evening when people have time to read. Journal want ads give you the most for your money most irl circulation and the most in results. Phone A-6051 or Main 7173 JOURNAL" WANT ADS GET THE .BEST RESULTS FTJWERAL DIRECTOR Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors - EstabHebad 18". Third sad Belaaoe erraata Mate 507. A-1911. Lady A toft, 1111 Kerb at. Woodlswn 1104. C-1119 MOHUMEHTR sbCaEsing GRANITE! j IT 267-3RD. ST. AT MADISON Portland MaKBUi ttOKiu. J-at- ta ttr halL Mats 9894. Pauls Km Hon for memorials. " BUSINESS CABDS EMBLEM Jewelry a spectltv: buttons, pins. charm. Jaeger BroC. 131-189 4tb at. Vita! Satisfies JttaMges.Bfrtts Deaths. ' MARRIAGE LICENSES Arthur Kude. legal. 1281. Amherst st. city Lillian Peterson. .esaL ; ran him Or. John L. Broaden, le 1. Hillxboro. Or- Latin. caver, legal. 408 Piatt building, city. Leo H. Kaptur, .legal, 6. Eaat I'reecott atreet, city; Eva D. Whit, legal. 39 Morris atreet. city. John VV. E. Rawiinaon, 81, IS 60 Sandy boulevard. city;. Hazel G. Humbejstone, 28, 1500 Bandy boulevard, city. tort iwd vaxnrD ti THE following articlea have been found oa can of the Portland Railway. J-Jgnt rower v. . Maw IT 1U1R 2 nr. slaves. 1 knife. 1 tooth brush. 6 ska- 1 hand aril). 2 suitcaae. 1 hand bag. 1 lunch box. 1 pan. 1 coat, x auio craux. 1 robber. 1 book.. 2 5 umbrellas. Ownera may obtain property at lit and Aider at. station. LOST White bulldog. 1 black ear. corkscrew tail; anawera to the name of Teddie. Phone Oregon City 627M. or Woodlawn 167. Re ward. HELP WAHTET TV.M AI.E 'TELEPHONE OPERATORS Oar rapidly growing Imilnaea afford an unusual opportunity at thla tin Jor young women wha desire to take up telephone work. - We do sot require preTkraa experience, bat will tnetroet yea and pay. pea from tba beginning Many yonng women is Portland are now engaged in this interesting work. They find it (feasant and profit la.' Sariea are good and advancement rapid. We suggest that you com end talk the put ter ott with 11m TboBaa at tba employment offioa betwatm 8:30 a. a. and :S0 p. m.. A': ' :--r CAIX AT TELEPHONE COMTANT. SIXTH iXOOR KOOM 601. . PABK AUli OAK STREETS . ' BOOMS AXJ BOARD PRIVATE PAJf ILT 71 ClItLDBEN to board in prteato Eaet 244. Phone - HOrSFKEPHO BOOMS t FUBS ISHED ATtD ISHET) 13. &0 WEEK, oonTpletely faonbbed inc auitea. abeotatel denav every ennvwnienen. hot water all honr. dnirable people only; anTal carfare. The CamHac. 3d near Jeffereon. 3 . FL'kx. homekeeping rooeae witn ga and water, ni ruble for 2 bacheUr. 312 per nontb. 421 E. Pin U come Sin. Cell Sunday forenoon. TWO front room. fnrnihed for hejekeeTing, aood brick baudinc for BIS wtr Phono Wdln. 8706. at 895 H WflHaawi in. UolKUN 3t moo k. - k. euit. tefrthing fmr- BkUMd. rate reasonable. 413 Waakanctaa at llto. NEWLY fnroitW aimrtmenta reaeonabiel 272 MOTTtgTTW?Ty, COTTWT frf 4 th. nicely furntahed ti REWARD for return of amall black hat trimmed with wait wings, uei near m u- liama are. Woodlawn 1751. LOST On 3d St., May IS. black leather puree containing about 360. key, picture, work ing girl. Liberal reward. Call Main 1627. LIPMAS. WOLFE A CO. requin the aervioe of a woman to net a aanctaat to tba cook to their restaurant. H net bn through cook and able to furnuTh'the beat of reference. Per manent position h offered to tn one who can qualify. Apply sapcrintendent'g office, aetenth floor, Thortuay morning between 9 and 10 a. m. MODERN, nicely furnUied 1 team apt., with kitchenette, walk sag autanee. lLast xsit. H0USEKEF.PI50 BOOMS 7S FCB51SHED AND UFCRSISHED PRIVATE FAMILY WIDOW UJr. alone, would like to rent part of her modern home, with use of kitchen, to man and wife: lnta of garden apace. Call at 610 Liberty tr Woodlawn. LOST- trfct. 30ft. -Lady's diamond, ring ia besineaa dis Wed. afternoon. Reward. Woodlawn Wedding Announcements W. O. 8mHh gt Co.. 811 Morgan tmOdlng. LiUKfSM BL ITS for rent, all lorinc Co.. SOw Stark at uti Unique Tat- LOST Airedale dog. license No. 2602. An swers to name of Pete. Reward. 1289 E. 6th N. Wdln. 3562. LOST Willamette Iron A Steel Works blank pay check No. 1187 with a bunch of keys; no value only to owner. Phone Eaat 6282. BIRTHW EGBKKG-To Sir! aria Mrs. Otto Egberg, 1136 E. 18th, May 13. a son. 8AKEMAL To Mr. and Mr. W. M. Saromal. 4916 rJfith, May 13. a daughter. MONTGOMERY To Mr. and Mrs. William C. Montgomery,' 179 M Oreen avenue, May 5, a dauithtrr. BIKINtiEK To Mr. and Mrs. William P. Binnier. 393 X. 21st. Mav 11. a dmnehtr. CLARKE To Mr. and Mr. George H. Clarke. 645 Harold avenue. Mav 12. a daruzhter. FRENCH To Dr. and Mrs. A IberUefc French. 135!) The Alameda. Mav 15. a danrhrr. HERZBKKt; To Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hersberg, vv rionaa, aiay iz, a aaugnter. DEVENY To Mr. and Mri. William H. De- veny, ou nan, 3iay ia. a daughter. RICE To Mr. and Mr. Orville Edward Rice. 1566 K. Uusn. Mav 12. a son MALLORY To Mr. and Mrs. William Francis Majlory. 21t and Irving, May 1. a daughter. LOST May 1, gold pin. rose buda and leaves. Tel. Woodlawn 553ft. Reward. LOST Lady's purse on YamhilL Please re turn to Journal. LOST A white fox fur at the I. W. C A. Liberal reward. Tabor 431. LOST A watch fob with initials Finder return to 92 C. A. 8.." 1st at and receive reward. FOUND A fancy punse on Canyon road; owner can nave by paying tor add. can zio n. itn. LORT Parwy brooch on neck chain; 85 reward if returned to office Carlton hotel. U. B. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYMENT VICE. 247 DAVIS STREET. Common laborers urgently needed in ship yards. Uood wages. .Immediate employment. lod opportunities tor promotion. DEATHS AI FUNERALS 7i SULLIVAN In lliu city. May 1 8, Josephine Hullivan. aged 68 years, sister of Mm. T. T Johnson. Miss Ellen Hullivan. aunt of MLs Jes sie jonnson snyi ira r. Powers, all of this city. The funeral services will be held Monday, May 26. at 2:30 p. ra. at the residence establish ment of J. P. Kinley A Son, Montgomery at 5th. menus invitea. interment at Hirer view cemetery. WEAVER The funeral services of the late Har riet P. Weaver will be held Monday, May 20, at 10 a. m. at the residence establishment ot J. P. Mnley & Son, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Services at the Portland Crema torium private. FEW JOBS OPEN EVERT DAT While oper ating full you can find n lob at 83.86. 8 hours or better at free employment office. West Linn, serosa bridge from Oregon -City. Strike i still on but over BOO on payroll. Take rail road fare receipt for ticket. WtH refund up tn 32 after work week. Coma now. ni.rraiu.i- At I0 Fifty-seventh avenue aoutneast. uay 18. galina llepperly, aged 74 years. Funeral notice later. Remains are at the undertaking parlors of A. D. Kenworthy & to.. Jjlnety-seconu street, in Lenta. WORTMAN In th'ieityrMay-l 57Act Wort man. age 21 years, late of 1016 Maryland avenue. Remains at the residential funeral nome ot Wilson Koss, Seventh and Multnomah. funeral notice later. .MBBilJl Kegtha Nusbaum. 678. Gerard, may i !.s years, puimemary oeuenrk. Jt.rKrotS Alexander Mitchell Jeffress. Good amaritan Hospital. May 14, 62 years,, in- CYBAC8ANY 'Irene J. CyBacsany, 553 Ijike MASON Grace Mason. 303 Hawthorn ave. May 14, 8 yeais, organic disease of heart. HESSE Harold W. Hesse. 10043 47th are. May 14, 16 years, pulmonary tuberculosis. SlliAAKAK B. Fern Bchaarar, St. Vincenta nospuai, aiay 14, 11 yeara, septic meningitis. FLOKISTf "Where to Get It" KEMMERER and ROCK SPRINGS COAL THB CLEANEST AND BEAT Bl'RNINO nuu. ruics ksasonablk. CKVSTAL ICE & STORAGE East 344 B-1244. DRY BLOCK WOOD, IS t load, at yard, foot of Flanders at. Broadway 3373. JAPAN FLORIST. F. TX Nishio. i 193 4th St., near Yamhill. W. Side. All kinds of BEDDING and VEGE TABLE plants, hanging baskets and Jaitanese tub. aarde ulanra. eta. npe-isi wiie price, extra bargains. n MAK'i'IN or k'ORBEM CO. Main 209. A-1269. rtoii- eTH-tH-nIly arranged. Fluruta. WuH rioaMar for ail CLAltK bHOS., Flun u. 287 Mcmion etrwet. Main or A-1805. Fine flowers and floral A pirpn o oranrn vrores. IT. URAL SHOP. 243 Alder, desigu sua peroration. I'none Marxhall 6922. l.DBLINER. Portland Hotel. 828 Momson. MAX M. HMITH. norm. 141 6th FUNERAL DIRECTORS HELP WASTED HALS SEBr AN ELDERLY lady W assist in geosral work in Hotel in exchange for husband a ana own board and room. Ko objections to foreigner. iu 62 1 saner, t WORKING man (American) wishes woman be tween 28 and 40 for lignt nouoexeeping. in S roam apt. Wagea reasonable, very light work. Giva full particulars. F-753. J3roaL EFFICIENT girl for general housework, and soma care of baby; also good cook. Refer ences. Wdln. 3137. A .GIRL or elderly woman who would appre- clate good home and remuneration for a lew hours services each day. Call Broadway 1089. MLiLTKiKAPH 1 lelecmc) operator. Must be expert. Uood salary to competent person. Write giving references, etc. B-931. Journal. GIRL wanted to assist with housework ing: excellent East 2272. wages; - good Boa. no cook Phone GIRLS FOR BINDERY WORK Those having previous experience preferred. Bnsbong 4c Co.. 91 Park at. U1RLS lor jactory -work. Portland Paper Package Co.. E. 25th and HoUaday. East 7890. 3 SUITES. 3 rooms each, first and aecond floors. Lights, water, wain. 99BS. rt'RXLSHED IL K rooms, walking . distance, 105 K. 11th at. near city library. CLEAN well furnished room,- walking distance. 325 12th. 11 J TOK SALE HOrSES 81 IRVINGTON PAkK ' BLNGALOW-wMoAem 7 tooaaa and il.ifiiar aweeh, ts 8ill flre ptaoe; white nisd Dwkrh Utehsw and afl buitt-ta maeenarvtm ; by owfjef. . fnr nniied 83309. I10OO esish, taalaaew aaosithly: 8 bloeks anst ag Alberta ewr; 1 Moets-w Kiantf achooL This bungalow a new and tn font cats ahan. Ad.irv-w 1189 Gkti ara. X. Woodlawn 4198. It f TOR WALE HOCSE 81 ROOM eottee; aemWanodern. iawloding naa range: 80x100-ft. lot. east front, on hard- surf are street, 3 bkx-ks to enrtine: nice neign- kornood : tines gardew. already ptanteo. Tula a snap at 8739. Easy teres. Almost new 4 roots modem namgaJew wr.n large attic. Cwment basement ; firry rare and buUt-lns; East Morrison sc. MU Tabor ear. Only 82 ISO. Eay terma. New. modern 8 room bnngalow, an bnttt-ia Dvenisnoss: full cwment basement : Eaat Mor rison sC 1 block to Mt. Tabor ear; reatnetavl distriet. Would cent 83o09 to build. Sncrific. 82350. Eaay tarsus. Fin 8 room nsorlern boss ia Westmoreland ; mnst be seen to be appreciated: almost new. Will make n special prioa for cash or may tnxle for improved aeraene. AlBVost new modem 6 room lit m with aleeptng Sorch. firepUos. hardwood floura, white enamel Interior; built-in convenience and rab- mt kitchen, full cement basement and fur nace; close in on east akW; comer lot; fine Waj be row cost, only SI3UU. Easy 82301 106x109. fin garden and shrubbery. 1 Mocks to ML Tabor car; good modern 8 room Jun- OO. catow. 1500 cash, baiane easw trims. SCAA'DLNAVIAN-AMEHICAN RUALTT Suita 213 lAmbermens btdg. FOR SALE Lot 29 and 90. Mark 4. mouth TUm ritawdad. Ujsii and trait 8360 cash. Writ JOHN R CLARK. TIT N B St. AWrHeew. Wash FOR "ALE Lot . block 71. Ireincton -rk. 1 40O. Phon owner. Tsboe Dton. ecntngs or Heads ym. ACBEA43K 2 ACRES, all in rulUvatieek. near hard stirrer mad; cost room mmeralow, fwwpeaoe; mm- in buffet, whits eabinet kitchen: ausn. rhicken ase. bam; tmna. wr will excfiaatjn rr as- sirable property m rrty. Owner. Tabor W HT P IT HUNT? Teei ran awy aa acre for 929. ! 878 caeh. 18 ner month. 29 nasMf ride from the ahiomrds on A. P. Kwrtrt. t at Jean, arte Mnek ffvwn statkML A for Ttenaeet. RAXBgRBY bos asrile impeeved. isnTI hoc . spleiMt-d.loratinn. near town m nmiincing dis- tnrt; sell or nrUat. TT-74. Jowvnai. -hu stem rnrrr nikbU rs Portland: 8. 8. 19 aevw tvwera. 889 92 MeFariand. Mt Treat bhm. KI7RFKRAV ACREAfi TTXBKB M tnrwr. psiinn. aria Umm: wtfl bws mes af rckA rrme. H. J. HaasM. msarnl Hin milium. Portland; Caaaa) rWrek.r. BOM ESTRADA MAP ewtirw O. 4 ('. grant. IT and H9 acre cmima with mtar. abowt eauam nm f,mw Hags. O. C grant. Come mn afewert cmima nanr IwrUana) tn ban naa ts firms. 8per)sJ petnlma to ahii'waThees. Open Seawme 1 to 4. iniltmrm. 431 Ckamba f Owiim. f I EXrSATOt-RF.AL E STATU FOR AALK mt srhaaw by mm, a fin Wuy ' vnnck. 2 H nrree tn fasa wsltew .1m s i bftla of Cnarnd. 38 mUm from Portland. 4 i rem tt su. 1 smile to amall town. 89 h cnltivaiion. fair VwDdiaa-a. aeTrmrd. - nsa wwu wasar, naxn lisvd sratd. Wul take pasen catsw tn town er ad tana setter. ;te full parucnlara ana) prww r. O. nx 1. Am Way. f t wa ke fimt Willamette Valley Farm 49 ncree awMmtsd. good neama. 149 rmc nest are whs mnnawg aUwam; wul trad tor i-on lang property. W. 11. RUBS. 119 If W. Bank Mda-. Partiand. Or. 10 A CREST cultivated and planted. arcberd. am barn. 3 room paaateiwei other amiuliHn rrmrk tkreuh wince, t Pwrd anto. 1917. Worth 88509 Make offer, 1 1 wrwi. 20a 4 Btn at. xarnrai p "i TaCBES. 8 rem bourn. a0 kKwis swtw-.Wi.sAv e fare. 30 m lustra from 34 and Aider. 3 writes nearer than Lena Junction. Wtrbitn sts tion 01 nlsrw. lnauire at whrts bows left FOR RE ?TT HOUSES UNFURNISHED FOR BENT 5-room modern house. Blow gar den, at 1835 Campbell at., zv monu; aeys at 422 Henry bklg. t MODERN 5 room bungalow. Alberta district. 822.30, including water; garage if desired. Woodlawn 4762. ' 8 ROOM house. 389 Front ., bet Harrison and Montgomery, bandy to ahipyards. Call 85 Front rt. . 88 4 ROOMS and hath; walking disUnea. 589 Montgomery. Woodlawn 129. 7 ROOM modern bouse. 284 Hamilton are.. South Portland. Phone Columbia 263. 5NE acre. .5 rooms, 6c fare. Lents. 88. Ta bor 8185. . . MODERN 5 room house. KOR RENT" Marshall 69T6. room hmm. Srllwood 2987. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE St COMPTOMETER operator; must be first class; atate age. experience, reference and phone number, ti-797. Journal. OUtL with experience for clerical work, whole sale house; gnutt be quick with figures. Y 984, Journal. GIRL to assist in general housework ; no wash ing; good wages. East 6041. 521 K. 18th at N. WANTED Woman to do housework. No chil dren, no washing. Call Bdwy. 2631 or 122 16th st. WIDOWER with two children, on farm, wiahea elderly woman tor housekeeper. Oood home. HX-693. Journal. WANTED At once, au experienced egg and general produce man. Permanent position and good salary to the right party. Man with experience in packing bouaee preferred. THE SAVINAK CO.. INC.. 100 Front st. Marshall 6S7. A-2852. L VVANTEL WANTED Man and wife with soma help to superintend and run one ot the beat up-to- date dairy and general farms in Oregon. Will take some ca&b to buy present superintendent a interest. 4vho has been drafted. See Thomp son ft Swan.' Vancouver, Wash., or Mr. Dryer, 51 Iewis bldg.. Portland. GRADING on locuing railroad to contract by station. Will contract with small gangs of men who will each take an interest in contract and he their own bosKes. Can furnish board god tools. Apply 316 Lumbermen bids., from 1 to 4 o'clock Sunday. F. S. Belcher. WANTED Responsible middle aged man for nlgnt snut in garage to do washing and gen eral repairing. Should hare some experience. Living apartments in building. Call at E. 24th and Holladay. Msa in attendance, including Sunday. WAREHOUSE truckers; steady position'. ST side work, Saturday afternoon off. 83.23 a day. Apply to Marshal-Wella Co.. 14th and Kearney. " WANTED Experienced markers and sorters, alio apprentices. National Laundry. E. 8th and Clay eta. 3O0 Furniture of 5 room modern, bouse, t dozen chickens; fine chicken Jiouse. two lota, lawn, garden, extra lot ia apuds: house rent reasonable. 1025 Height ave.. near Alberta st. 11' ROOM hows for rent, furniture for seW; BEAUTIFUL HOME . LARGE ATTRACTIVE GROUNDS CHOICEST LOCATION IN CITY AT GREAT SACRIFICE Out of town owner orders this place sold vw ntrdlma of the lam to km. Thai as on of the rlayvwt locations m the city, and situated ewjong taaf finest Mount Tabor homes; fuse view of etry. The ground are equal to 'about three fine lots, improved with choice fruit and surubbevw: 9 room modern noose, in good condition. Tba improvement alouo are worth more than w ean sail the astir property lor. Price 6630w. Act qwick tnw, won t but kmg. H11U1 Utn Aim WE GET KESLL.T5 BITTER, tJOWE A CO.. 208-9-7 Board of Trad. ef station, tana or reruasw. 819 a atb. suburban nojirs T9 avtn 111 r inii 'il. snil lisnssl den Home, with bmntifnl acre rwA carfare. Addram GUman. bog 43. GsxaV Ho Or st isr- 7e Home. WE" hava eevwral r hairs rabwrhan ale at very attrartiv pnren M. 809 McKay bldg fee FOR RALE AU lake road, rnrnwr erre. 8 water. F-75. Journal. t BEArTlFCL VieW Trtfl an or trad mmr man an CarVrtt Ter mc. 13 nun. O. K.. ftc fare, or 29 aamertaw w aUvinwe car. modem vsmlei boawtvfnny finished. 4 rooms, tare attic: wrtre 689w9: . will arrrpt bait trade. Kalanm 819 mewth and swvwst. Marsha" 4939. C-979. JonrnaL MLN5EAP0U8 PiSPO RTfjt N D Up to 67S.OW4. cisw tn. well kooatsd lanime I pmprrtam in Jainnmpoiis. Want asaprwvwd Pwrv- - C, O. JOHNSON. Bdwy. 1J. nvtdar and evemnew Ea 8421. A 8XAP18 arrws on tiny harbor. Uasv;, mU or Undo for Iwrtland Kewsartr: awed 8 '. MUWIlW. ft nrswa rsmred. 1 tri is. Imiim . Paniinaiia alaia 1 11. ar Taker 6918. 839 Tarter at. i a. nsa f m Mnn nrimm.n is I ' ecnara; rtefienre for city srsswti: asm M ' arrws in tight of 1-orUand; nnimpraved; to ex- . v. 1 wem, n c waarw . SliEKP ranch. 4w areas. Mr 1 11 II plara; ms- try naMwnre: ruHImm property. r wkat aavw i af t.rva full sVtajla first svUer. I win an swer R 1. P)ot , Brownsrtlle. Or ' FLOklllA and Eanma rrVrtyaad fiae UaarE for Portland or Vancouver isimiti Ltll 1 FOR HALF FA 17 100 DOWN. 818 MONTH as p lasts rid bowse, ras. electric Bcrrta. it. rkwbM - ... . int aomlOO: ll blocka south Rom City Park car; 8950. 180 DOWN, 818 MONTH , room pktstared bona, bath and toOrt, fin lot, 69x100. near Woodstock school; 89.9. 160 DOWN. 810 MONTH " Worn pmstared noose, bath, toilet, etc.; bwutiful lot. ost carts rs. nssr Lenu school. 81100. - v (809 DOWN. 816 MONTH 4V room naulafwit km. hsth. toilet, etc: baauttful Jot, 80x100. lota of fruit tress, onbj v all housekeeping Ur 8nkae.. 161 17th. walking distance. FURNISHED HOUSES FURNISHED 5-toom house, modern. 661 E. 5tth st. N. w king FURNISHED rooms for worl week. 241 H. corner Union men. 11- ier e. and Mam. 15 00 3 ROOM houae. walking. disUnee, a. rhildrerl. Wdln. 1430. APARTMENTS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED WANTED Cook's helper. East 888. WOMAN for factory work. Old Peoples home. Furn. Co.. 970 Macadam at. Apply Fraeland Elderly lady or young girl to assist with light housework. Phone Tabor 7397. YOUNG lady to work in jewelry store. In quire 831 Morrisonst. EXPERIENCED presser, wage 915 a week. lAurelunrst Cleaners. I2tu Belmont. WANTED An all round automobile mechanic. one used to all kinds of cars; a good place to work and good wagea to tba right man. BX-049. Journal. GIRL to assist with housework and help car for 3 children.' Phone '.Main 2571. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE BERRY PICKERS WANTED It Vsmil ernuna are wanted for the straw berry picking which begirm-abont 25th at Hood River and vicinity, nort will asst trom a to o weeks. You can have a splendid outing and make money besides. Wages are higher and accommodations better than last year. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 247 Davis st. KING ALBERT APTS. blocks 51380. fron Kern Park; -eat carfare; 6WNER will m-C" f pf, LfliYJ IjT BJfl rEO- T. MOORE CO.. Abingtoa Bld- f 1T50 4 ROOMS ON HALF AGUE IN PARKRQSE. lust outside city laih (low taxes) ; garden, fruit tree and lota of bcTTtas. aacriUy location, ground mil rlearad and (inert awl: terms 6500 down, balance monthly. J. U MA CO.. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg . bWg.. 4th and Start ets. Vain 208. A-2039. New 200 room houe. 2 and 3 room bouae keepinf apartment, furnished or uiUurnished ; elevstor and hardwood floors. 35 11th St. H13LOP BALK E. 4tk and Hawtliorna. Mod- errj 1. 2 and 8 room ant.; 612.80 np; walking distance. Call East 882. THE STANFTEIJi. C04 Porter st. Shipyards. modern. 2-room apta. completely furuttbed. reasonable. Phone Main 7302. . WEDDERBURN Apt-. 14 Grand ave. K-, roroer E. Burnside. 2 and 3 room apta. Phone T. . SAUK. MAGNOLIA APTS.. East 3d and Belmont. modem 1 and 2 room apts.. 81.60 par week no. Sleeping' rooms. East 212. PftRTNOMAH 9 and 4 room nished. 200 E. IStiK Blccly fur- UP-TO-DATE furnished bungalow. Richmond ear. 500 E. 32d St. Booth. WANTED 3 young men to learn asbestos manufacturing ; opportunity for advancement. Gillen-Chambera Co.. Front And Davis eta.. Portland, Or. WANTED Men to Qualify for trainmen. Ap ply room 310 Electric building; open all day and all night, including 8undays. P. R. L. & P. company. 10O MEN and women to learn the barber trade. aborts e all over tba country; big wagea. You can earn gour way through the school. Broadway 1731. Holer Barber college, 234 Burnsid ft. MEN. WOMEN. learsT barber trade fr while learning; position guaranteed. Barber College, 233 Madison. Oregon PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Teaches men and women the barber trade free, pay whil learning, 234 Couch. B'way 2482 PENINSULA apt. crete building: 1185 S Arbina ave.; con 3. 4 room. 815 up. NEW YORK Apt.. 44 1H Belment and 7th. -823 DOWN 315 MONT f SAMPLES OF FARM PROPERTY FOR BY THMPK)N RW AN. Bth and Vn t.. Vam'wiv.v. Wasft. lA-ACME PKt-NK ORCHARD SMoatrd miles from Iwterwtsls brwtge. overlooking Corumbm river, large pm aner, barn. 7 room house, city water. Fine crap oa this nlsrw this mmmr If vwn era loofcing for road investasrat both aa bom and aperwiaiion do not fad to e thai properrv. Prioa 6I809. nartir ranch 181 arrea. about 75 under plow, about 23 kw mors that ran ns viloweei. Balance tn ex Calient pasture, watered by stream, family orrhard in full snnat. 7 roam bowse, dairy. all airssisrv owtbuiklings. dairy bam 4s70. new silo; 1 mils from good Coanvabea river town railvoad. boat trsnrportsrVon. 2 cows, all rwval advantages. 16 milm from Vancawver To gether with 23 cows, three 9 year-old beifera. four 2 nsr-oiiis. 1 bnlL 8 head horses. T 8 doaen rbirkena. 2 arm harass.. 3 wagon. 2 nlowa. 1 kiims. 3 rmltrvmiara. almost new arstor nasm. nk all l.nsssarv milk Cans. and cooler, amall tool. Pram 629.040. Half rash. This ia one nf tba vary bast dairies ea the Columbia river DIVERSIFIED FARM 1 lO acre. 90 acres under cultivation, art uated 8 milee trom riser and railroad town, in tbirhtr aettleA InralrtT. closs to srhool and eliurrh. good 9 ronm boos, atone dairy, bam 66tKH w.ia ailo and all other iverwaaary out bsubiiiies. I'.rwfwl Drouert consists of thrw hones, 10 cows. 2 wagon, bark, binder, mower. ' rake, harrows, plows, disc, drill, gasottwe en gine and feed rood, assnlaaw cutter and ctbet small tools Paten all under crop, whsrb Is in- , ciuaed in the very low pries of 8U.5O0. 39000 cash, balance can stand 8 to 8 yvnra. I 42 ACRES. 82 acres la cultivation, beleac ia pasture: rich loam otl: spring tiwam tbsougb paire. family orchant. all ktwla of bemes and I small fruit. 4 room bouse, bam 2049 wqutpprd with hay fork: all necessary ontbnUd tv.r together with 3 rows, 2 heifers, registered wail, mower, rake, manors nrader, plow, bar tow and dnr. ha tedder and drill, wegno and barnrea. separator, feed cotter: 4 mile from srliool. 3 W miles from R It stsUon. town : in thkkly aettled rommunKy; all rural advantages and ideal country noma. Prioa 83150. half cash, balance terms. IS arms, all tillable, wood for family use: fine loam soil; 7 acres in ruluration; all fenced Hawtborwe Www for fa ebandiso. 914 Journal bMg EVILITT 9 aschangw new brwk km and J bo ass low. Bsrhssnsil .I... i tov, isnnnim, lor rsmr name; wtQ mU. Tabor 4la. " WANTED Tn airtaw city peoyrvy lor 30 - vo i nuiuon n. ot timber. H-393. Jaw ras L. ONE acre ia Bewsoui lor Fard. 40n3 CutumT bia 340 rVANTKI HFAL ESTATE 91 fHACXS AND AMALL UUMEd WANTaU Must be R. K, and priced right. W bar wwmerowi enyar waitmg. irraa W. la. 1SZ t'haas. ef kK RLSTLTS list poor propens wtib tbeTaaT Estate Esehanew. 201 3d at.. Part land. res . steam heat; 44 tXsrvea; awod r. kvw rent. Irmn Imaa. Hows la BOOKING HOUSES U MODERN fnmala quit; 83000 cash. Fred 8. W ltllaeaa. 93 let. ' 0 ROOMS, part U. II... doing a (im businsw.: with rsaaonabis rmL rrvs s Liiaa 4 Fred S. W tussma. 92 Pst st. Parkrose acre. Jut outside city limits. Best of soil, sidewalks, water, gas and etertrLcity. Build a small house. Price 81200. rHraictit contract, no aaortaragc. J. L. HABTMAN tXIMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg, 4th and BUrk sis. Main 2Q. A-2U50. GARDEN HOME bungalow. wortlw93oOO: prira only 82SOO; es-y terma. PrartieaUy new 7 room bungalow and fine cuitivatad acre, nice slirubbery. bmrina fruit: only 13 minutes on Orearm Electric. To Commutation fare: best car I and cross fenced: watered by spring, family or-c-rvire. Gas. water, phones. See this quirk. , cliard of apples and watnuta, and other fruits; It won't last. Phone appointment. McCornuc, j 4 room house, raid bam, wood shed, cellar, to Uaiu 9318. I grther with team, harnem ahd wagon: fine Jrr- 10 ROOM how, only tloO. right down iowZ risi o vi iiiisass. its let at. Ml ELY (arutaUrd 9 pense and awn. Main 4708 rsn suit rant aa NICELY half furnkthed 9 room; ran ansae rent; ! Call Main 9709. : 9 UKINF.SS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALst Uardnare store, beat arranged I stock la Orsvan. Clmniat and boat tkavrn i atapU Una mi bardwara. Loeatma rsr--1. ' scKirsss taat attsm lor farUssr rrn LI. 970. J no rami. "-rsn. 2800 lb.. MIH ta s-trry psrtW'' all mram. t2: toss, awidinga. I 2400 lbs., swood. tree auywbars. 8125: 1 1 koo. i Jb. kU around gelding. 3 5. RameU St. Trans- ' fer. 349 Rwai 1 11 sC I ONE of tk best sam-p4 amall Uusalriss "to ' 32ww per week. b a toat wiU pay pan to tovaaticaU. kLX.. bargain 787. J iXIR saia: Beautiful borne in Irvington. I aey cow : all (arm tmparsnenta. crupa and bouse- 9 furniture saanf'g rooms and bold furniture; 3 mtlse from K- K. atattoo: in bath. 2 toilets. All built-to cahinwta; besm ceil ing in living and dining room: fireplace, gar age, fruit trees; lot 80x100 feet. AU am'mts paid, buy from owner and sere b92 Tillamook. FOfc RENT FLATS K.ROOV nnoer flat for rent, gas and electric. attic and basement. East 4339. 91500 5 tinea, S acre. Lenta. 91250 5 rooms. Hawthorne dietrtrt. 82600 5 rooms, modern; n bargain. 17000 8 rooms. 6ixit(J. on Taylor '-. m , wrt aide, between 1 Bib and 17th; a snap. at reasonable rales. M. Billing. 609 Mc Kay bldg. 4-ROOM lower flat, strictly clean and modern: adults. Call East 1908. . 5K(XM "modern flat, gas. heat, sleeping porch. D5 E. 34th st-. corner . Wsjhington. 88 SITUATIONS MALE PRINTER WANTED AU round printer for country shop. One acquainted with No. 6 Mergenthaler. State wages expected. Enter- prise. Print ville. Or. WANTED Voung man or young woman to help care for school rooms outside of study hours, in- exchange for business college course. Phone Bdwy. lo21. or write T-740. Journal. J. P. FINLEY & SON Progressive Funeral Directors. PRIVATE DRIVE Women Attendants. Munteomers at Fith Main 9. A-1849. WILSON & ROSS East 64. Lady Assists ni. Multnomah at 8. Seventh st. C-3163 Dunning & McEntee- tinaertaaers Uadais to every detail Broadway and Pln eta. Phone proaowar ago, a-woob. Lady assistant. F. S. Dunning, Inc. Tba Golden Rule Undertaken. 414 R Alder at. Phone East 5-J. B-B23S MAN to take charge of billing dept. wholesale grocery. State all particulars fully, t G-798, Journal. PAINTING, tinting, paperhanging by experi enced workman; estimates furnished. Evening Main 687. Marshsll 16. n7 FURNISHED FtATf 120 3 rooms, newly reuovsted. modern, clean, completely furnished. 670 Mill. Marsh. 381. ' light h win CPVT k fwrnUhed room. keeping! cheap: adulta only. 679 E. 21st St.. Brooklyn car. HOTELS 84 I WANT to do plowing and discing in the valley with a tractor. 831 E. Everett. East 8703. after 6 p. m. ROOMS 32.50 per week up: transient 50e. 75c. 81; roonu by dsy. week or month. 293 H Union ave., cor. Clay. ' , ROOF ing. work, reshingling. Bearham. patching Phone Mai and paint- rstiall 706. STORES AND OFFICES 11 HOUSE and garden work. Broadway 2894. WANTED To hire auto truck and driver, haul - wood and coal, city only. Steady work. Y- 739. Journal. PUBLC stenographic work done reasonable at home. Sell. 111Z. OXY-ACETYLENE welder, fast, neat operator on steel; best wages. Phone East 7726 for appointment. WANTED Jaiianese boy for aecond cook and pantryman; steady job. 375 per month. Ad dress Hawkins' restaurant. Walla, Walla, Wash. MILTON hotel. 226 H Madison St.. Pica light, airy rooms, newly tinted, steam heat, hot and cold running water in all rooms; rata by week or month; transient trade solicited. WANTED Salesman and collector for city work; must be able to furnish bond. Call A. M., 402 Washington st. . SAN MARCO HOTEL. MODERN HtKjMS. BATHS. PHONES: A.u ir; iiu.i- SIENT, 60c UP. 422 W ASHINGTON. EXPERIENCED machine presser. Apply at one. U. S. laundry Co., dry cleaning department, ISO Grand ave. A. D, Kenworthy Co. Tabor 5267. 6802 92d st.. Lent. Tabor 5895. 66th ft and Foster road. Arleta. avasi a. B-1888. . Undertaker. LtKCH Mrs. ltrea Asaiatant. E. Iltvt end Ha wr borne MILLER & TRACEY. Inaependent Funeral Di rectors. Prices as .low as 320. 340, 380. Washington stElla. Main 2691. A-78S5. A. R. Zel!erCd, HAMILTON iJmf 692 Williams sva East 1088. C-108S E. Gusan at! service. Tabor 4813 WANTED At once, all round printer and linotyper, country man preferred, steady job. with good wages. Wire the Obmiver, Dallas. Or. FIRST CLASS blacksmith wanted, good pay! steady work. Apply 711 Vancouver, are. Phone Woodlawn 118 89. YOUNG MAN to attend office evenings; room rent and some cash. Tab. 1258. YOUNG man tor bus boy. Call between 9 and 10 a. m.. University club, 8th and Jefferson. WANTED A stableman. Front St. Call J. Cohen. 546 Breeze & Snook tseimout . at 8atn B-254tt. Tabor lift Skewes Undertaking uo. A-2821 Comer Main tloj. 3d and I'lav Wilson & Wilson wdioto":1 116T kverny sC C1153 9L T BTHNKS. new realOencs estsbtianment. . 991 WiUlaraa are. Woodlawn 220. C-1943. WANTED Milker and all around dairy the city : good wagea. Wdln. 3137. WANTED Men to work on river boats, 360 and up. Apply Washington dock. BOY to deliver Main 243. groceries on wheel. Phone CAKUIKU wanted for downtown paper route. Record-Abstract. o 1st st. MAN -to plaster 3 rooms Sunday to trade for Kteam batns. Moortieia tlstrw. Mam f. BLACKSMITH wanted. Telephone Main 1346, PHONE Your "Want Ads" to THE JOURNAL RATES ' V "cnts Pr WOpd per insertion. Tnre consecutive insertions tor the prtee of two. Beven consecutive Insertions for the price of five. Minimum charge IS cents. For contract- rates and other In formation phone for a solicitor to call. HELP WANTED MISC. 49 HAWTHORNE At TO SCHOOL 482 HAWTHORNE AVENUE EVERYTHING MECHANICAL AND KLKO- TB1CAL, UNLIMITED; FBACTICAls REPAIR K.VPKKIENCJs. UMBER YOUNG WOMEN AND MEN wanted to prepare foe telegraph asrvic to hem fiUJ vacancies causea oy in ursrung ot men for war. ror . particuiaia cau or write Telegrapb Depart- mem. itwn a i g. wanway Kxcoange buuaing. "SPECIAL orFEB." 19 days only tuition' fee half prion, ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL, . -Union ave. and Wasco st. SITTJATIO'NH FEMALE FURyiSHED BOOMS RYAN Hotel Annex. 200 V 5th. new bnca; hot and cold water every room; sieam ueai; opp. city hall Main 9375. r UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Princess hotel. E. 3d and Bumaida. BOo day up. week tin tall 1 1 1. . GROI'ND floor desk room for specilaty man. Pittock block, at Biaru w- WAITED TO KF.XT 3 OR 4 -room furnished house within 15 or 20 min. car service from Supple & Bailin. G. W. Billings. Perkins boteL S BOOM fumshed apartment, on west sde. lAd- dreaa, T-770. Journal. 1, : . TVVO acre close in: no huildinga. Main 4547, HOUSE AND FURNITURE 4 room house, plastered, electric Hghta and bath, 2 lota, on good atreet. Prira 11700. Term 31O0 cash, balance 920 per mouth, in eroding interest. Wil llama Beauty Co.. Grays Crossing. Tabor 4134. 860 DOWN 3675 3 -room house, corner 45th v and 98th n.. Lenta. 9050 (-room cottage. 90x100. 8022 41st ave. near 80th st. WATT. 833 :. OF C. Main 2031. or Marshall 4589. HAWTHORNE DiSTRlCl Modern 7 room 1 V story buncalow. L. D. 1 1 bedroom and den 1st floor, 2 bedrooms and 8. P. 2d floor. 1 block car. 30x100 lot, east front. 33500. 81000 rash. C. M. Den. 1100 N. W Bank bldg. Main 037. thickly settled and proeperoue community. Price. I3850. rash. 31200, bsasooa terms. THOMPSON A 8WAN. Stb awaXIain t- Vneaaivwc. Wsah. ""GOOD FARM BARGAIN 4(fe acre of asnd. 23 a eve under cwflva tion and in crop, car building close to plasw. school, churrh and store biut 3 blocka from place, fine rued. team, harness, wagon, beggy. mower, dnr. plows, narrow and nnmer as other touts, cream eparator, 4 rows, about 100 chicken-. Price 8i000. Terma 13309 cash, bal ance long time. W ILLIAMS REALTY CO . 1 .ray Crrswing. Tabor 4934. BY OWNER. 184 acres, fin land. 2 te nsilea north Moaaaoutb. arret land and in fine culti vation, practically all tn fall grain, bale do in spring grain, lata new bam. fine embnildings. good 8-routn annsv on west aid highway; one of finest farm in Pork county: thie farm kt all ready for a good fanner to make mm money;, will sell at a snap price. Write Churl O'Brien. Bouts 1, Independence. Or., better sttl. call at farm. Take electric tram (red can) gA off at N e-ralt h station. Phone me. M . -hT- c4r and ensfactioncry. oM estab latbed. nanr n Is rw ecbssrl. doing a rood bust- , nasa; owner sick, leaving far CnRfornia; wfS aeO wHb property, reaeouable. Ta woe 73 83. A GOOD ovnortunlty for a ltv saas- -...T rsanirad SI u no - ' I rpv rsi ws. -we DON-t WORaT" -480. Journal. I ean n or trad anything aaywheew. fsy. as a. 143 Broadway. 816O0 BUYS a profitable" v ara; isras urn part od twsw will tab tn r abowt !5 in HAWTHORNE ave. district, by owner. 5 room bungalow, entirely armdern. furnace, fireplaca. bookcases, buffet, bardwood floors. Dutch en ameled kitchen. wood lift. large attic; price 83100; 85O0 to 3HOO cash, balance easy terma, 309 E. 4 2d at- Phon Tabor 8409. RESORTS 88 8-ROOM fumhed bungalow, fireplace In large living room, t rally located. Gearhart. Or. uhonocranh and records, cen- Addresa Mrs. W. L. Morgan, FOR WALK.' BUSINESS PROPERTY 94 . 8200 DOWN, SUNNY8IDE 5 room modern cottage, furnace, large baas tent. nice yard, fruit treea, close to school. 1990. . a W accept Liberty Bonds GEO. T. MOORE CO.. Abiugtnn Bldg DANDY buy in Hawthorne, ou the comer o? 89th St., 0-room bouse, modern in event vw- snect. street improvement U in and paid. Boa tuts tor a snap at ssjou; gAod terms. Phone during day. Main 7931. evenings, Tabor 5319. FOR SALE 100x100, corner Sd and Everett sts. By owner. K.-73Q, journals. FOR SALE-HOUSES FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY 79 PLEASANT large furnished room, modern con veniences. 020 Keroy, soumean corner mis sel!. Phone East 7818. 81 w . i - ,a . s 1 FOR SALE room cottage, utn ana Al berta or will assume on a room oungaiow istnrt. J-oao. journal. I'OR RENT Sleeping rooms in quiet neighbor hood, breakfast it aesirea. X oioca irom naw- thorne ear. Tabor 7580. MODERN 6 -room bungalow, also 8 room cottage. can. water, noruieast, reasunaoie. isii ot 35 Caanjibell St. A LARGE, cheerful iurni&bed room and smaller room, all modem conveniences. aav, 574 E. Couch St. ' : Shipbuilders 2 liooi-eV good loration, cheap: good reason for selling: ejy lerma. NICELY furnished room for gentleman, steam beat and bath, with private family, llamson between 10th and 11th. Marshall 9845. PLEASANT, large furnished room, modem con veniences. 520 Kerby, aoutnea-g corner avm- sell. Phone East 7318. mil KENT 2 furnished rooms with bath. Private family, near streetcar. P-902. Jour nal, i FRONT sleeping room, lower floor, walking dis tance. 412 10W FURNISHED rooms in fin locatio-. very ret sonable. TOO nan-era st. LARGE room tn n modem borne, 431 W Park. Marshall 4410. PRETTY white enameled room ia Rose City Park home. Tabor ills. furnished room, near Rose FOR INTT carline ; . gantlemen preferred. Tabor Hit7 682 LARGE, bright trout, comer room; walking distance. 474 E. Oak st. corner Otn. THE ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL . 880 Wasco at., corner Union avn. Call, write or phone East '7449 about frag trial offer.- Day and night classes. MISS DECEEK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Civil service, dictaphone operating, shorthand, 'typewriting, bookkeeping, mimeographing, Eng sb upelling. Alidry bldg., 3d and Morrison. LEARN illustrating and cartooning and how to market same easy, profitable, spar time borne study. For interview write Incorsch, Sta. C, Portland. , WANTED Men and women under 55 and boys 1 6. or over to work -as laborers and helpers tat store of S. P. R. R. Co.. at different ahops, steady work. . Store Keeper. BiH.i-WAi--ER.. biggest bosmeea colleas a. caws bast: enroll ry time: free catalog. HELP WANTED FEM ALB EXPERIENCED eham berniaio. Inox. 8d and Maaa. 288 -Front at. Apply . Hota WANTED Dihwaher. GOOD wiman foe housework. Tabor 11 8oT FCRNSHED housekeeping and sleeping room at 302 Jefferson and Front sts. TWO suites, throe room. heat, ail modern; wa- ter furnished. Wdln. 8883. ELEGANT rooms aad location. Marshall 5188. ROOMS AD BOARD 19 Uki Manna Washington. 980 lOtb, for oe runs gtrls and stndenta. Marshall 1381. T THE HAZEL A real -homo' sonable rates. Ham cooking. hotel at rsa- 386 3d t- THE MANITOU. 281 13th Pleasant. Both double and stngle room with good board. 11 - BOOMS AND BOARD FRITATE FAMILY ROOM and board near shipyard, good car servT rcfei 303 Cherry at. ice and . best East 315. NEATLY furnished front room. - three if de- tired; also single room with good board. 194 Columbia, cor., iota. - Mam BU4 ROOM and board to private family, oa Lovejoy at. Phone Mar nail ma, BEST car little boy acaoot ag or under. East kXll'R room cutta. near Union ave.. in Woodlawn. Lot 100x100. Lota of fruit and berries. This is a snap if sold at once. Price 1 700. Term. NEW YORK LAND CO.. 81 K Morrison. another dEtrirt. MODERN 4 room bouse, living room, dinina room, kHeheu. 1 bedrooxna and bath unvtairs. targe attic, full basement, furnace, paved streets in ana pam tor. only 33300, including furni ture. 820 Sacramento st. Phone owner, E. 7078. 3200 CASH 8 room modem bungalow, hardwood floors built-in bookrase, writing desk, buffet. Duteh trhen. 4 blocks from Miaa. or Williams svs or R. 8. rsr. 82000. Owner.. C-S803. nruixf rmimlow. hardwood floors, sleeping norch. 2 blocks school and car. 375 Eaat 3th st.. North Irvington viti TiAVIS ST.. old house with 50x100 lot. ex reliant location; naru sunace nrwei. omy 82000. Main 125. HOSR CITY PARE DISTRICT ONLY 32200 Strictly modem st joom nouse terms.-, uui Tabor SS S2000 Modem bungalow 3 rooms, on paved street, all paid tor; small ca payment. Woodlawn 8220. pikim house for sale. 9900: lot 100x108. ) it trees, berries, chicken bouse. Terma to suit buyer. Call Tabor 8818. FOR BALI! 5-room bungalow, modem. 2 bloeks from Sellwood car. Rhone. 783 E. 14th st.. rriu AAl.K a room nou.-w; nam iini nearly modem: 82400; terma 94 79U at. Call between 2. and B p. m. ,850 2H BI.OCK3 ROSE CITY CAR 2 room house; 950 down: 81 S month, in- .Mini tntereit. CaJl Tabor 3. HOUSES, acreage and buineeas property to ex- change tor una 01 no-. z uonw owner. A. 7076. THAT beautiful home place at corner Vaneou- ver ana Aioerw s. wn u up. Al berta , cvip iood 8 room house. Woodlawn district. 91600. T Journal. FURNISHED bungalow; almost new to ear. --688, furniture; clean aa a pln. sonable term. Tabor 883 all eooJ Pnee 32500; ; DIRECT DEALING main quicker salsa, better bay, easier swaps. OREJo no commia- atona. 401 Stock r-xen. ouig. ACRE -ust. colleas town; fruit, garden., chicken parka, old buildings; aught trade part. Own er. F-737. Journal. 8 10OO under -cost for Hawthorn ave. borne, 100 feet square goes cratw. Owner. Main 52 CHOICE I room -out hi heart' of Irringtoa. East 4389 ' BARGAINS Foreclosure and mortgag bom Call up East 1847. MODERN 5-room bungalow, cheap, taro . owner. SaUwood 108,f - 30 ACRl-S 23 in wheat, oeta. putatoea and com a-ond timber, near lwmiil. 4 room bfwi barn. Price 13300; 3100O caab. Dal. terma. 20 ACRES 5 acres in wheat and other croca, balance un cleared. 5-room house, barn 24x32. Price 51300; I'M) ra-h. bsX term. I I I.I.MAN m HOWLAND. 8th and Main at-., Oregon City. Or. 13V ACRES I-imbrrt cherry orfliard. a year old; good hours, bam and farm tools; 10 stands bees; all first rhua condition: V mile .to station, in Marion county; aell cheap. Owner. C. W. Mead. 832 E. Madion st . Portland. Or. Ught car. Inquire 201 3d at iVe,llrr, Mle. (160. wwrtST 9300. Inquire white hows lft ef Wichita tation. C.rwsbam or K-taoada lme. d wrrl,iKl ; CTvotc iwsworiscw neumg 930 a w. notwani, rr s ss inTa ml. 9EED potatoes fumJed; mars at dlggiu t-a. Swa.8J7Uenry blag. korae. buggy and karnaaalK jfo quirk aula; 1 mwie cheap. FM181. BLACKSMITH shop fr r" nit 7TTi; shop tn tw A Brown. Tseorl, Wash. beet and tba ar ABOUT 100 acrea beater asm. 110 upland. Oregon Electric. Livealey saon; good bama. wraiti. also mu rial tn CbarWa bchmid. 25 Ivy at . porus-d. Or. Wal ell hail ot three quarter or a. lOR BALE 20 acres near Portland. Im proved. 34000; will tske good 7 -passenger car tor all or part of any 92000 equity. V- 730. Journal. , 87 acre ranch, 8 acre rieared. C ronls wood. 1H mils to iUUiki, 18 mUea Porv land: price 97500. Will tske Liberty bond- Owner. 1293 Hood st. Portland WASHINGTON wheat land. 310 and acre: 2 goul ?Kt ?0?l EEAL ESTATE 17 Ol H Installment plan ia the method of paying a loan. 912.24 per UKMith for 34 mo 821 24 for 40 mmths e (.t9Jl9J7 for 99 nis. pa-i 11040 loan and fjtber smnnata la proprrtion. We laan on improved city pruperty. far buUding purpose. Nn eswirslsaioo rharped. EQLTTABI.E SAVINGS A LOAN AfSOClATlON . sss oura t . roranq, or. 3230. 8330. (4UO. 4t. &!. siooA ; nd kinrer amounta at current rate. Outrfe i action. Fred W. Oei si"J'i-u P- - on dty or n Co.. 732 Cham. U , I noney advanoed aa work t rosTss. ss. W iii 1 213 and 219 Faihnc hkts. Main 840T . TO Loan for owner. 2ooo at m per iwil a I r.M Mm BM, no nonus; no sgents . C M for 1 tn 8 Mum: P 09. Journal To ..000. SEVEN" bldg. gage; sewer interest. refand old naoriZ Ward. 47 Spa-lxug 1XR SALE 7 room bungalow, lot 100x100. All kinds of fruit and berries. This ia a bar gain at 82000. Easy terma. You will like It if you see rt- NEW YORK LAND CO . 901 F.. Morrison. 5-ROOM modern bungalow with sleeping porch: fine cherries, fruit a nor berriee: on E. 44 th at between Sunnyside and Hawthorne carline ; done to school. A bargain at 92000; terma. Phone owner, D-1 1 1 9. WALKING distance, 8-rootn house furnished. and garage for 2 machine, nn lot 50x125. with bearing trees, at 890 Tillamook, near Union ave.; 34 500; half cash and balance terms. Eaet 2134. 82300 9 ROOM house, fireplace, bardwood floors, duu v-in duh. sua &eaicn ancnen; modern. Kenton carlUMW Part cask. .1308 Minnesota quarter or easy term- no uv-nmbrsnce: part trad Owner. A. J. Klhrr. Gresham. Or lio.NEY to koan m amount U ii.O U i.0.0 oa city proterty. A. H BELU 241 tlttlna-e bMg. 83O0 TO 19000 to loan, city or farT gags-; no eommmwa P. Q. bog 973. MORTGAGE loans awl mc.rtacaa ed tracts bnngtit. Pn4 H. WulksH. lis 1 . MOtlTGAtiE lusru, 9 and 1 ALBERTA WHEAT FARMS Wheat, oats, flag and barley, the heat tber fat Write Clande Coie. Werner. Albertn. 8S1 ACRES Crop, machinery, stork; 8luv per acre; terma. Gravity water: PaafM biga- way. K. 3. bw 133. Albany. Or. BEAUTIFUL 800 arre farm cm Seuvise for aale chwp.501 Mrksy I.I.U TIM ttr r. ga 1175 8 room cottage, bath, pantry, 2 blorka car. Woodlawa; -Kjrlgsg 8730 3 years unity 1428; 9190 cash, be lane ta suit. Broad way luoa- .; FOB SALE Bungalow and 2 lota, close tn aebooi. gooa isuio, v 1 wnay morning or ana 488 Use a ave. .. near IM aad Tnompaow. LNVESTIOATE that bargain. 412 E. 38th at. kveny; T room oungaiow; total price 3180, terma. Metealf, 917 Chamber ef Com- Phona starsnaa za. NOTICE ol al of Ooveraaaent Tunbef Notice la bereby given that sw-ieet to the eondrtvona and OmHation ef the Act ef Jaae 9. 1914 tat-. )). me msvraciion of Us Bstmary of tba Interior ef Septeeaber 19, 181T. n vunner ew use louownng iano wl be old May 2 a. 1918. at 19 oaaaca a. av at pobUe auction at tba United Stales land of- fw at reiuts- wewnw. i s iiibiisbs nwiraev at not leas than the a pp fa lead van aa abew a by tba notice, aaw to aw miajeev. in tan ap proval of the Secretary of lbs lateriotv Tb n-ee-as price, with aa additional sua of mmm- fifth of on per eeat tbereol. being ronnlnlim allowad. must be deposited at Uae af earn, money to be returned U aula ia not approved, -t-srsras -steal will lasos Is the taaber. wbteb Burnt be in Kiveq witnia ma ma s wul received irom cn-e aa toe . anea atatsa. 8 ROOM house. TOth and Ainswortb are. 1 rra bottle. Hamilton ave.. South Povnd. 5 room bungalow. Annabel staUou. Mount Scott line. AH modern, by owner. CoL 35 FOR SALE By owner. room bungaftiw; K. kstb and Kelly St.: a nice home, nasownble term te right party. Will take Ford for part payment. Call 1132 E. Kelly - "HAWTH0BNE DISTRICT TV 1 with owner and save asoney. 9 bungs low: improveas ts all tn and paid for, 326QO; -y tenne. Tabor 2374. $2050 Fin thoroughly aeodern 5-room bi calow, 1 block from ear oa . BTth aC ; a boy. Hart. 910 Ch. ef Cam. Tel. Marshall 188S. 9 ; MAKE an offer en 125 ft., on Mcratci ery au. with 4 lam huuaa. worta O- r44.Joa- - . EillPWORKERS. attention. Modem a room bat. Fnoa aad tsrma right. Marshall .48-. LoaSTi C-adsI WE Loan voxrr On abort notice to salaried car wneklag me en ' their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or -KMtthly paymenta. Each traaaac-oa strietiy confklentieL NO MORI GAGE NO INDOE8EE A BwOLL'TEI.Y KO KEURITT. We l-o loan on hoMehl fwrnitju-. ' etc.. without reaaowaL " . . . " t AU. AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DIUCOFNT COMPANY, LKENSED. 917 raiting bidg. raaniasd uaoer the bet ei the Catted 4ata at aay stats, territory ar thsrswf eaiy. L DBB aWiaM - ' . 1 1 I tbWbef oa ant lea-i aub-iv-wn WiU be effeved iauli beor Peine Braded la aay offer ,4a larger aatt. T. 4 8, K. W . a. 33; . KVift. red fir 449 M.; NE Ik. W. red fU 940 bLs SE14. KW , rod fir 440 hL, Ml 5V SS yellow fir 299 M.; fiOm M-i IW. . UH Im rie 113 hLi yellow fir 80 bL. ta-ng lie M. mu acts. vw fix 288 ML. dead fur ad M piling 19 M-i aoaw of wbieA 1 te be goid at iMt n 81.00 per U. T. 4 R. S E, Bee. lis NE . NW .- red fig 488 M eadat u ML. wtirta fir 30 M.1 XWk, KW. red far 983 M.i W V h'Wta. red fir 1948 M mJi, NW,. 8e4 r 998 VL; EH. KkV. twi fir 949 M.f Wlk. XKSi. red fir 329 hL. a, .-w. yeu 111 mam . oene III Z . wtiru .Vs. sallow fir kit M Vil li, yallow fir 1990 M-. pUmg 29 M. ; Mk, , wallow itr sea -. aaaa nr ., ts U Nflk. tE-. ted fir ISO kTi c bO bL: none ef which M te be sokf foe iem than 91.94 per a (.LAX rai l maw CosnratsaioosT General nd Otnce. THREE n-u-i traru ml . piling tie and aa timbtr near Nati and Elmira. aa S. P. By. Sell trmber alone or bu-l awla-ea. li. Cwx. Mnknotnah. Or. RMATL logging, mull ag or covdweod ptopoei. . Uoa near Holhrook. Also ahipysrd gtte. Bmw . al ., a ,ian, w JW ww 11 ail . 4Qa aelling bldg A ( IH1I for a-urtaagws, IewH. room 4, 100 TO lt 00 417 Chamber of C I-wim A iamon bans, contract-. F, U bldg. Ust a 484. E. II. LowWe. Mar ill 2432. MONEY TO LOA! CHATTKia. SALARIES 41. f You Need Money See Us 8SA -A E EES 4'1 1 A TT ETA Ixmna made to pcrsena on aalary or fixed tat. 'nm. ea beaach-ld fun-tare. uasm. Aniia aad other personal property, legal fata. Bam. eonno-rttHj; private o Tires. PORTLAND UjaK COMPANY. 304 307 Dekurn bldg. POR'i LAND REMEDIAL LOAN A HAN. EaUbhah-d by Portland bat nee atea te prstnst C. MYERS HERMAN, Mgr. 394 STA IE IT. L0AN9 ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY, PlANOd. HOUSEHOLD ft BMTIRE. LOA3TS WASTED ' 19 LOAN yoar nsooey. 10 peg cent hater ea improved port land mt 9100 729 Cass Bklg. twal estat. Wa UP. Ce-ar-M-rtaai Ca(J nOBSFS, TKHICtESt.ETC 19 ITlfEAD of tnarss. wkUngTlOOO U laOwTha, price lit to !. all kinds ef bam, wagana. bwggy. 183 Bamell at. NICE fst 9 30-lb. horss. bamam and buggy 949 for e-irk ml. Phone East 181. DEAD HOR8-A taAn: easa pnid foe dead awwa. Pbeww ealsv paid Mllwaukie 44-i. HOkAE and wagoa, 31.23 dar; 2 koost and wagon. 33.9 s9 Fr-irt. Main 2208. . ' ' REST Barn aad , 431 Jetuiae-. East 298 iCwsUsssA leUowlai i'acs)