THE OREGON- SUNDAY JOURNAL PORT LAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 12. 1918. 20 1 I 666 -4 room: ,60x100 lot: near Kenton car. Imai 860 -4-room ' bungalow; Tramont; ,40x109 lot; ! on, (10 month and tot. 900 5 room bungalow, partially finished in mod trl: - your" owe work can Mtt a $2500 bom of thia; 50x100 liit with abundane of fruit and other ImprntfMnti; ,av4 street nod side walk; in deairebl location thx aid of 4 th stre t, near Hawthorn .ear; ' $$00 down. bL Ilka rent. 1300 6 room beautiful Mt Tabor horn, on r watrly slojsi overlooking principal por- m tion of city: 75x100. Krnlt and other vein. Plumbing alone won Id eort near I BOO. You'd pay $1800 tor T thfc if yott sew it and did not know our price, , ' , 1000 A room bungalow and good Vied In. Terwilllger boulevard, near Hamilton are. Thi to an elegant bom it. f- with - amith view; 40x100; lot of ' fruit; $200 down and term. ' il$00 &-ruom bungalow, 4620 E. 8iW! at . : T ' E. Half blork aouth Laurelwood Ma i ' ; tion. Termv ! : T4. W. COOK. 602 Stock Exchange BM , ROSE CITT PARK HOME I ' WITH garage T room, ree. hall and den. with hardwood floors down. Han all that go with a thorough y modern home. Improvement all in. "'' located. Price 8nO lor qUH-it :' wiU handle. Deal with owner. 641 L. 45th N. HUNNYKIDE HAWTHORNE Re what $3000 will buy on vefy earijr ' term: 6 room bungalow with hardwood floor In vry room, fireplace, furnace, bookcases, w,.ntin wrliln link Initch kitchen, full attic; VtR HALE HOUSES rail street Improremente in and. paid; $350 cash j . ' will handle; no mortgage to assume: exceptional ear service. Why buy a nouae less rouuern. "We hate the bargaine." A. O. Teepe Co.. 24 Htark it., near 3d.- Main 35 16. ' ' MK. HOMEBUYER : ' We hare housee from $1300 tip and win be ; Clad to how you a few. Then we can tell , exactly what kind of a home you are looking for. If we bare no inch hous now lie ted, as soon ' aa w hare, can let you know. That way you get ' ' fimt chance at the bargain. Down payments M low aa $100. 4 automohllea at yotlr aerrice. J. A. W 1CKAIAN CO 114 Blark at Main 583. ""HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE ! ,$1000 5-room cottage. 60x100 lot. '., $1800 Broom bungalow. BOxlOO lot $2500 H-room houw. 40x100 lot ,$8000 6 room bungalow. 50x100 lot ' : $2000 10 acre. 10 mile eant of city. Many Other I'rorwrtie at Bagain. W1LLUM U. BECK. 21 SFaillng bldr ", MODERN, 5 ROOMS HAWTHORNE : 12400 $300 .down. $20 iter month. Rent . r" . buy in the city. Ha concrete hae U ment, giod heating yiitem. built-in t.' conrenienre; lea than a block from r .' Hawthorne are. See thla at once, for it will ell quick. ' " P- EEEMSTER, 809 Abington Bldg. J CLOSE IN B"ATUiAfN-$2Sn0 ' ' Including lmproTement. A beautiful bunga : 'low of B roomi, fininliei in old irory, fireplace, ; i beautiful buffet, bookcase, Imtcb kitchen, with " 'eanopy orer range. You would exjiect to pay $3500 or more. Located on 22d sta Price ' $28BO. A. O. TEEPE CO., 264 8tark t, near ' 'd. Main $516. $-'7 SO Modern S room bungalow, eleetrie ' r " light, gaa. Bull Hun water. acre, all '! kinds of email fruit, nice young fruit tree. ; garden in; chicken houne, hog house, cement - walk, 6 blocks from station. 5 cent fare. $11 B0 aah, balance to uit A real snap and every thing real to lire. Farmer & FUhr,408 Stock Kxehanga. ROSE CITT PARK V, r"URN18HEl BUNGALOW 12650 Owner ha iermnently mored from Portland i . and la guffering big loss to sell his property - at one, liae furnace - and builtin feature; large room; no assessment to assume. lerm. A. O. Teepe Co., 264 Stark at. near 3d. Main 8516; ONE OF LAt'RELHrnST'S FINEST ' RfNGALOWH A real, distinctive horn of character and class, colonial style. If you are looking for something high class, something above the ordinary, see this. Our auto at your service. A ;. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark at . near 3d. Main a .110, CHOICE IRRIGATED WHEAT AND AI.FAl FA LAND. 73 acres under W. L. I. Co. ' Sana Is. 40 ACRES IN WHEAT: all the crop oes with the land. Owner enJlsted, can not -' ' harvest eroo. Will accept CLEAR Portland ; 'preferably residence for half; $2000 crop in ; slant, N-763, Journal. Don't look any farther " Eetern owner her, must sell this week 4P.I444. B room bungalow. 27 full bearing '.trees. $8000 only. 6 tt interest. No mortgage ' to assume. I , J. A. WICKMAN CO., ; i ; fry .rV t. Main 583. ,; .iluu.M.. C'4 7 5 0 rooms within 200 L, feet of Hawthorne; full 50x100 lot, all street Improvement ikl. You, who have looked I around, have you found anything like that' i Bungalow lens deirable have sold for $3500. I A. G, TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark at, near 3d. I Main 8 ,M n. BI'NGALOW BARGAIN 8 rooms, with hardwood floors, fireplace, full , cement basement, street paved and paid for. Lo : rated in highly restricted residential district. Ixt ' Kvl00. Yours for $2750. and you will ad : 1 mlt it's a bargain. A. G TEEPE CO.. 264 ! Stark jit, near 3d. Main 3516. ! J FIVE room modern bungalow, 1 block to car; i lot BOxlOO: beautiful lawn and shade trees; sidewalks in and paid for: completely furnished: $1600, $500 cash, balance per cent See I Brasnre, with Ralph Ackley Land Co., 210 Roth- I child bldg. Main 7141. I HAWTHORNE BINGALOW " f- 5 rooms, atrictly modem except het. Garage. ' ' Beautiful Iwime. This will go nn. $2950 and : bonded lraproement. Only $350 caah, balance ' monthly. ' . J. A. WICKMAN CO., ' ' 11 4 Stark at. near 6th. Main 583 WilOwant a $flO00hlTue7with full "lot.-on 14th street, close to Hawthorne ave.. for ' $4000? This lioue is modern al the location - L no better in the city of Portland: $1500 will , ,- ; handle this place. This is a sacrifice. M. J. " ,vione y. ) i o ABingmn Diog. ; , IHYIMiTDM lltlMK " ;' Targe modern 7 room house on corner, in , one of baft Irvlngtnn districts; complete in , every way. Price $H500." Eay torms. r, LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. : 913 Chamber of Comniercq. ' At.BERTA-12tb st.. right near Alberta, wonderful bargain; k roomi. with hardwood floor, fire- place, built-in buffet, furnace, etc. You'll find nothing a good In this atdendid district at that . Tirloa. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stsrk st, near ' 8d. Main 8516. ' " $675 20 MINUTE WALK $675 :- t mom shsck. 60x1 no lot: iear, apple, plum and cherry trees, s garden already in: a really wonderful view; 360 I'atton rd. head 7th st. FRANK L. McOt IRE, ABINGTON BLDG. O.VlY$2200 BOSK; CITY PARK DISTRICT Don't delay seeing this if you want it. Modern 6 room house, just like new. A 1 furnace, beau tiful fireplace, nice fixtures, builtin. large living, full basement, gas. electricity. 2 blocks f carline. Term. Tabor 6559. I, $2K00 $2011 rash. term. 6 room, furnace, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, finished floors, Unoleum. kitchen, bath, full plumbing. BOxlOO hw. Bargain. Owner. .634 Northwest evn Bank bldg. $200 liOWN PRlCE$T600 5 room cottage, on M V carline; modern (lumbing, electrici and gas. E. 7 Mil at. near lumside. I FRANK K McGllRE. ABINGTON BLIXj. ' MUST aril my modern 5 room bungalow. Every convenience. A fine home. H g snap. All , clear. Must be een to be appreciated. Almost I new. 107 K. 56th st. N.. 1 block south from I Montavilla ear. Tabor 8408. I ISOO-BUYS 4 room house snd fine large lot i nice lot of small fruit and shade trees. $150 ; caah, balance $15 tier month. M E. LEE. r 895 Corbett bldg. , your last "chance '. i to buy this 8 room modern home, full cement basement, fireplace. $2250, $1.00 down. $20 month. Hurry. J. A. WICKMAN CO., 314 Stark st Main 683. TlVE room bungalow, beam ceiling. Dutch kitchen, street paved and paid, modern and ,- ' very attractive. lMt SO by 1 00. Hawthorne. ' $8000. Term. Farmer A Fisher, 408 Stock I Exchange bldg. -r ' ' $1000 $160 cash, balance $15 per month buys t t room bungalow with fireplace and large view sax, west aiue. . M E. LEE. t .. 50". Jorbett bldg. $650 ALAMEDA BUNGAUIW " $3050 Rlly a wonderful atrictly modern bungalow; -I .' every convenience; some terms; very attractive I ':'.: ..value. ' FRANK U.M'ftUlRB. ABINGTON JU-Dl. -r 4 ROOM house, 2 fine hit. 100xl00?Tirkinds ' - fruit and berries, 3 block to car; $2200. easy term. He Braaur. -with Ralph Ackley Land Co.. 210 Rothchild bldg. LIKE KENT i I can sell yon a modern bungalow cheap and W term like rent R. F. F:EMSTER. 800 Abington Bldg. $1760 2 BLOCKS ROSE CITY CARLINlI" Nice, new, modern 4 room bungalow. Ka j tTm. ' Tabor 6559. . . TWO guod bouses, with a fnlk lot, cloe in to th center of th city, on th West Side; only $4600. M. J. Cloheasy. 416 Abington bldg. THREE houses, with a corner lot, on 6th at, 10 blocks from Morrison: only 86000. M. J, : jf loheasy. 4 16 Abington bldg. - OLTous and good lot s t7 ,V4 ET I ria st; fm location with hard surf seed street; only $20O0. Fred B. William. 92 H 1st st ; . TOR SALE My horn, 1148 Hawthorn are. . and S8th st I can a property between 1 and 6 . ,r. sftee ffuixr;. . - ' 41 Splendid Selection of Com fortable -Homes on Easy ? Payments 'l-room modern bou, with large piece of ground, fruit a plendid home; would consider exchange for small bungalow with 4 or 6 room, lot 60x100. not to exceed ona block from- car: will g!r aomeone a good bargain. $2800 ft room modern bungalow with fire place, aome built-in conveniences, building prac tically new, large attic-. everything in good con dition. . w $2200 6 room bungalow with fall basement, lot 60x100. pared street, aewer connections. $17004 room modern bungalow, with dis appearing bedstead, lot 120x100, fruit; good buy. . ... $1850 5 room bungalow4 with full lot, is Alberta district $1000 S room bungalow with full lot, aam district. $1850 5 room cottage., V block from Wil liam are., near Russell at. $1400 6 room bungalow on Mount Scott car. $1000 ( room houta with small barn, large lot; tame locality. - . Otto & Harkson Realty Co, 413 Chamber of Commerce bldg. ' 100 DOWN' $10 MONTH 4 room j plastered house, nicely tinted, large smc, lot $oo. $100 DOWN. $15 MONTH 4 room j plastered house, gas, electric lights, basement, chicken house, etc! lot 50x100; Hi block south of Rose City Park car; $850. $150 DOWN, $15 MONTH 4 room plastered houee, bath and toilet, fine lot 50x100 near Woodstock school; $975. $150 DOWN, $10 MONTH 4 room plastered house, bath, toilet, etc. beautiful lot 40x100. U cent carfare, near Lents school; $1100. $300 DOWN. $15 MONTH 4 room plastered house, bath, toilet, etc., beautiful lot 80x100; lota of fruit trees, only 2 H blocks from Kern Park; 6 cent carfare; $1350. $150 DOWN. $13 MONTH 4 room plastered house, bath, toilet, Dutch kitchen; Montana aie.'nr. Portland bird; $1800. We accept Liberty bonds., GEO T. MORE CO., ABINGTON BLDG. Buy a Home First $2600 Warerly diatrict. 100 ft ground with 24 bearing fruit trees, berries and gar des; close in on 26th street; on 1 car; line, 2 blks. to another; 6-room house. See it. $2000 Eas't 59th and Glisan. 6-room modern house, 50xl00-ft lot Must bare all cash. A SNAP. $1500 Alberta district, 6-room house, base ment, bath, toilet, hot and cold water, light, etc.; 50x100 lot; $400 cash, balance to suit Many others. See our lit W, W, Jordan 301-2 Lumbermen's Bldg.. 5th and Stark. Broadway 2346. $750 SMALL house, lot 45x100. some plumb ing, sewer in and paid; terms $50 down. $10 per month; 5 interest $1500 5 room bouse in Missouri ave. ; con crete basement, paved streets, cement sidewalks, fair plumbing, near railroad shops and ship yards ; easy terms ; 6 ; no mortgage. $1475 4 room bungalow, lot 45x100: base ment, bath, toilet sink and electric lights; 3 blocks from Mississippi car; terms $200 cash. osiance j:u per month, 6 interest; no mort gage. $1850 2 lota and large building in Lombard at. ; good opportunity to remodel building for flat; sidewalk and paving included. James D, Ogden 107 Shaver st Woodlawn 202. HAWTHORNE $2750. BARGAIN OARAGE. Just think of it! 5 room bungalow with hard wood floors, fireplace. builMn bookcases with leaded glass doori, swell buffet, built-in china closets, ifutch kitchen with every conceivable built-in 1 convenience, such as ironing .board, cooling rjloset, canopy over kitchen range, etc. ; cement basement with wafl trays; splendid fur nace: garage; located block from car; can be handled on terms. Why pay $3500 or more for a home Seas complete! Mind you, all this for $2750. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark st Near 3d. Phone Main 3516. Notice to the Public I have taken charge, of the real estate de partment of the office of J. Bruce Goddard. at 502 Couch bldg., and will be glad to meet my friends and others wanting to buy or sell city and suburban real estate of any kind. On the job all the time. B. F. Beamer. .Main 4557. $4000 Hawthorne Home for $2700 Corner lot with improved street, all paid, house alone could not be built for less than $3000. Trouble forces- sale. Your opportunity. BRUCE GODDARD, 502 COUCH BI.DG. UP-TO-DATE WELL BUILT HOUSE Six rooms, built-in conveniences, hardwood floor downstairs, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, good garage, nice lawn, shrubbery, snd in best of condition in every respect K. J. 1'. district Price 33500, terms. E. A. LINDGREN, Savon Lsnd Co., N. W. Bank Bldg. $200 CASH and $25 ier month buys a mod. ern 5 room home, two lot, fruit, earden. etc. The house is completely furnished. Located ,.. f , u ..... . i ; i See Mr. Graham THE BHONG COMPANY 267 Oak Street . $200 DOWN PRICE $2200 Alberta district, 5 -room modern bungalow, very attractive; No. 997 E. 21st st N. Near Going ft. See this today. FRANK M GUIRE. Abington Bldg. THESE are some bargains: 7 roam modern house, all finished, close in. price $2800 easy term. 6 mom modern house in Over look, price $2875; ,$250- cash, balance easy term. o room nouse on E. Helmont. close in $1500; easy terms. See Arnold. 620 Hen ry bldg. MOD. BUNGALOW. ALBERTA DIST., $2250 Easy term, lovely home, garage. This place ought to sell lor $3000, furniture included. Positive snap. BRUCE GODDARD. 602 COUCH BLDG. WE HAVE THE BUYERS. We want to sell your property. Have any number of buyers lor modem bungalows np to I3UOU and $4000, many nave all caan. w nat nave you to sell? A. G. Teepe Co., 264 Stark st near 3d. Call Main 3510. 8 Room New House, $1250 Terms. 66x145 ft. lot Firland station Tlnnc alone cost $1500. Here's your chance to get snap. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG. $1900 Modern 5-room bungalow, near Al berta car: beautiful home; term i. $2450 Modern 5-room bungalow, close to Hawthorne, avenue; liaved street in cluded ; terms. - DUBOIS, 723 Chamber Commerce Main 1434 $ 1 7 50 W A LKING DWTANCE $ 17 50 No. 64 E. 9th t between Stark and Oak: 6 mora cottage. 30xlOO lot pall liens paid. This proierfy is closer to 3d and Mnrritn than 23d and Washington would be; $1750 is total price. rilA.Nft. Li. MOt.UKt,, ABINGTON BLDG. $50 CASH and $15 per. month- buys a small house and lot on Alberta street A real bar gain. Price $500. . See Mr. Graham THE BRONG COMPANY 267 V4 Oak Street SIX room modern house, 60x100 lot, on E. Ankerty. Hose in. completely furnished. Worth $5000. If sold Monday or Tuesday, nrice $3500. Sunday, Tabor 8591; Monday. Main 2941. . LAUREI.HURST Price reduced from $5500 -to $4 500; 6 rooms, practically new. every conceivable convenience; garage; all street im provement in and paid: term. A. G. Teepe vo., ;i omra y. near go,. Alain 331Q ST. JOHNS CAR, $270O Some bargain; 7 room, exceptionally well built ; no assess ment to assume: you would eineet tn ! $3500; eaay term. A. O. TEEPE CO., 264 star sr. near sa. Main 33 1H.. LAUREL! IUR8T $295flL Modern 5 room buiuralow. .faardwoml beautiful bu'fet. fireplace, etc, t all street im provement In and paid. Se this sure. A G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st. near 8d. Main 3516 1 H i. en reesonanie, i room good house. 5 lot" S3 1-axiuo eacn, truit trees, only block in ot josbs car. sown .Ionian st. University aim i. iu. m -Aioen ttarala, 801 Ainnesna are. WALKING DISTANCE TO-SHIP- YARDS" 1180U. on very easy term: 5 rimm A-l condition; large lot on Stanton, corner IKlf lllWltK U FRANK L. McGuire. ABINGTON BLDG 8 ROOM, very modern. Piedmont home: larire inmwn, uuij fv per montn. tlos Gar field ave. FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. ROSE CITY PARK. $32505 rooms an age, 60x100 lot; hardwood jioon. fireplace.r imuitT, eic. At xeepe vo. otark et near aa lnone aiain sola. 8 ROOM house. No. 5719 Foster road hot.M 57th and 58th at; price $1800. $500 wiU handle; newly tinted, etc, : - FRANK , L. McGUIRE;: ABIHGTON BLDG. COZY 5 room bungalow, heart of Sunnyside. ideal .. h-tn-. . J 1 1 1 K Y-toVIL - . . FOB BAtE-HOgSE SAVE MONEY FOR MORE WAR SAVINGS STAMPS! The money "you can save by a regular reading of Journal Want Ads to buy several War Savings 'Stamps. Start this profitable practice today. FOR. SALE H0C8ES CI $3150 Six room modern bungalow in Rosa City park; furnace, fireplace and hardwood floor. $2800 Eire room modern bungalow In the Alberta district. $2750 Six room modern bungalow in Rose City park. These properties can be bought on easy terms. THE BHONG CO.. . , 287 Oak street Main 1748. Eeeninga East 8042. FOR SALE 100x100. Good building, near aliipysrds. Call Columbia 868. FOB SALE LOiTS 16 FOR SALE, large lot en 45tb st near Rich mond school and Frankltn high; hard sur face street; $500 or $250 cash; balance on easy terms. By owner. Call 865 E. Lincoln at. FOR SALE A nice corner lot 50x100. in Terrace Park,, facing Base Line road, S blocks from Montarilla, business district Write to J. Bcrtrnan. lit. 2. Box 84 . Va nconTer, Wash. CLEAR lot. 50x100. 2 room shack, iurmaliee water, gas, fruit trees, berries, rose bushes, 10x12 new tent and frame. Anabel station. Call Mar. 461. FOR SALE In Eugene. 1 lot 65x115: City Outlook addition; $260. Mrs. A. H. Phelps. 4003 63d t. S. E.. city. LOT 50x120. Errol Height. 1 block from car line, for sale or trade for auto. Manhattan hotel, room 81 2. .Portland. Or.. J. Pori. 100x100 in Woodstock with a fine Tiew and shade tree, can now be had for half its ralrfe. E-730, Journal. , TWO 60x100 Willamette Heights lota, fine view; at a sacrifice. 408 Stock Exchange bldg. 2 LOTS. 50x100 each; 1 block .from Woodlawn car line; 7000 square feet lumber; $S00. A. S. Thompson, R. No. A. box 235, city. LOT 80x100 ft. cbeapeat lot on St. Johns carline. $185. Box 324. Camas. Wash. SACRIFICE $600 equity, two lot in LenU for $200 cash; small balance. N-770. Journal. FOR SALE Two lots, close to ear line: small "house on one; must be sold. Sellwood Ho. PARTLY built house and Jot for $275. agents. 031 E. Flanders. No FOR SALE, by owner, fine Irriugton lot; bar gain. Call Woodlawn 4419. LOT Alameda Park, city liens paid: $700; 3 blocks to car. Sellwood 2823. Main 5456. ST. JOHNS 100x100. only $550; $150 cash, balance terms. C-910, Journal. ACREAGE 67 Beautiful Suburban Acres Powell valley and Buckley ave. Water piped to each acre. Electric light. Streets graded. Close to carlines. $650 on easy terms. Worth double price asked. GODDARD AND ASSOCIATES, 602 Couch bldg. 25 MINUTES OCT Come out to Metzger today, 1 acre, H in cultivation, H lovely fire grove; comfortable house, chicken house; all for $900, term: 1 acre at station, running stream, all year bar gain: take O. E. Ry.. 1:15. 2:20. 4:47. 5:16 I will meet you. Main 6882. Week days. Main 5456. COLUMBIA HIGHWAY BUILDING SITES Thompson Villa acre tracts, on highway and Sandy river, between Troutdale and Automobile club, from '$100 t $600 per acre, on easy terms, uiiiit open on tract on isunuay. GRUSSI & DOWNEY. 316 Board of Trade Budg. Main 7452. 40 ACRES OF GOOD AGRICULTURAL LAND NEAR OYSTERVILLE, EASY REACHED TO NEWPORT AND W ALPORT. SIT1MER RE SORT. IDEAL PLACE TO LIVE. BEAUTI FUL CLIMATE. PRICE ONLY $500. W. H. BURLEY, 68i IRVING 8T. MARSHALL 2963. $3300 TRACT FOR $1S50 5 acres near Orenco, 12 miles from Portland. 600 pear trees, 200 choice rose bushes, very ex pensive and rustic log bungalow with place; $500 cash, balance to suit. r red v. t.erman Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. $3500 TRACT COM $1550 5 acres near Orenco, 12 miles from Portland. 600 pear trees, 200 choice rose bushes, very expensive and rustic log bungalow wit'i place. $500 cash. bal. to suit Fred W. Ger man Co., 732 Cham, o' Com. $250 PER ACRE TRACT Close to Oswego and Portland, all cultivated. some improvements: take $1500 in trade. $1500 cash and balance 5 to 1 0 years .at 6 3 ; com pare with athe price of other land. George E. Kngelhart. 624 Henry bide. Mam 7L'00. 62 ACRES. Washington county; nothing finer in location or soil : adjoins R. R. : rock road ; milk route: about one hour from Portland; at just H appraised value for immediate cash sale; might take some trade. Marsnaii ttin. COURTNEY, Oregon City line, acre home site, cleared. $750; gas and elec. Oregon Investment A Mortgage Co.. 170 3d st Mar shall 205. SUBURBAN ACRE 3 room plastered bungalow: fine view; boat ing and fishing: water and light: Price $750, terms. Call at 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. ACREAGE Convenient to Oregon City ear. S300 to $400 per acre. Phone Oak Grove 31-M. 4 ACRES of best soil, all in cultivation, will sell at a sacrifice price. By Owner, 420 Mor rison. SACRESose to car, on E. 50th st, Roe City Park district $3000, easy terms. 404 Panama bldg. See Kelly., S ACRES 1 mile east of Milwaukie on Lake road ; choice soil, price right Journal. ' Owner. W-435, GARDEN tracts, west side, city water and gas; price $850; $10 cash; balance $10 per month. M. K. Lee, OUO uoroett Dinar. FOR SALE One acre, all plowed. 3 blocks south of Powell V alley roaa on xtucsiey in. Call week days. Tabor 2352. 40 ACRES. 6 miles out on Oregon Electric: all adjoining property platted in lots and sold. Address owner. M-760. Journal. WEST-side-acreage : wafer and gas near car; cheap, your own terms. Dubois. 723 Cham ber of Comerce, Main 1434 CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN ranches near Portland: 8. 5. 10 acre trscta. $65 to $200 per sere. McFsrland. 608 Yeon bldg.. Portland. 10 ACRES, all clear, no building, for sale or trade for auto uau at s urana are, ji. 8VBCKBAM ACREAGE 76 BEST BUY in Garden Home. 5 acres. H in cultivation; large new bungalow, nam, cnicaen house, etc.: doaen fruit trees and nemes; minutes waTk to o. it. station; aoo; Vi cash. You better loox tnia up. ai neiier, owner. 1 ACRE right at st. 20 minutes' ride. 11c fare. 20 trains per day. rnoed at only nan tor immediate sale. $200. k75 down, balance $a per month. 408 Stock Exchange bldg. ONE-THIRD acre on Oregon Electric: 0 cent fare, all fenced ana in mm. room nouse. electricity, gas. Call Woodlawn 3H06. SUBURBAN nOMES 79 2 NICE places containing 1 H and 1 V acres of land close to the car line at Oak Grove: the houses are modern and .up to date. Either of these placed you can buy for a lea price than von can reproduce the houses alone for. Call and inquire about these places. M. J. Clohessy 415 Abington bldg. VHOwanta 1 acre of land with a cute little bungalow, right on me car line ai itisiey atstinn? This place has chicken nouse, fruit and the soil Is very rich. Th bungalow is new and modern. $2800. with terms, takes the place. M. J. Cloheasy. 415. Abington bldg. SUBURRAN HALF ACRE, HOUSE. SNAP I UISK TO two u.r:s aioou Hiehly-v improved with fruit, etc A real Kasv terms. GODDARD AND ASSOCIATES. 502 COUCH 2 ACRES on paved road, nice 6-room house. hot and cold water and bath: over $300 of fruit a year; barn, garage, chicken parks; close to new elevator site snd shipyard in nortn st John. Term. A-no. journal. OSWEGO LAKE HOMESITE ONLY $400 Close to station, good view of Lake and Mount Hood, over 25.0Q0 square feet; water, lights: only $10 per month. 500 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark: ON CANYON ROAD. 25 ae- miles west of courthouse, partly improved, with building; now leased; running water; $10,000, terms. May accept $5000 city home in part. 202 Stock Ex. Bldg. 170 3d street BEAUTIFUL country home, terrible low price this week; new building, paved road. 40 minute from down town; 3 block to car; run ning stream, fine spring, nice shade; 6 acres or ra"Te. Owner. 218 Alisky bldg. " 8 Vi ACRES, SmprovedThish and sightly; 4 room house, 4 chicken houses, barn, well, 90 fruit trees, 1 acre in strawberries; price reasonable. R. Mielk. 92d at. 1 mile south Lenu. It 8, box 276. s OSWEGO LAKE BUNGALOW-"! ONLY $1265 . 4 room bouse and acre, sleeping porch, water, lights, 9 cent far. Just th pUc for th kid cV.. C.' 8t r-rr"'A b'd-.. 2d and Btark. 7 GARDEN HOME Only IS minutes on Oregon Electric; 7e commutation fare; gas, electricity. water, phones. 7 rra. modern home, fine acre. . .$2700 5 rm. modern bungalow, fine acre. 3000 4 rra. shack house. Improved acre. 1250 Fine ctfltirated acres $800 to 1600 SeTeral acres, email houses, cheap. You can handle any of above bargains on easy terms. Come out or phone me today. Just what you want at the prica you want to pay. McCormic. Main 8818. MORE than 4 acres of land with aU kinds of fruit, house, barn and large chicken house and runs. This is a fine suburban home and is located close to the station at Tigard. There is. a small creek running through the place, fine water, and on the boulerarS. a pared road all the way from the business center of this city to the place. Who wants this place for $80(i : With only a small cash payment down will give you aU the time you want to pay for it M. J. Clohessy. 415 Abington bldg. 6-ACRE home on S. P. red car electric line. . between Aloha and Tobias; house .quite new, with S rooms, bath and sun porch first floor, two bedrooms, sewing room and attic second floor; electricity and gas; living room ha fire place and library built-in bookcases; big chicken and pigeon houses and yards, barn, water sys tem with gasoline engine; berries and young orchard, balance of "land under plow; adjoining is 5 acres free pasture; price $6500; terms to suit. Laa testate to , concord bldg. FOR SALE Up-to-date suburban hom over 1 acre ground, a bargain at $6600; will take coast property as part pay. 0-649. Journal. FOR SALE By owner, modern 7 -room house. 1 block from car, at Oak Grove. Easy term. N-730, Journal. FOR KALE FARMS 17 31 ACRES, all tillable. 21 acre in cultivation; 10 acres in paature, very easily cleared, neb loam soil, fenced and cross fenced; good well at house: 700 prune trees, 400 cherry trees. 65 apples. 40 bartlett pears, all kinds of small fruit, all in full bearing; 6 room house with basement, good barn. 2 H ton prune drier, to gether with 2 horse, 2 cows, calf, 2 buggies. hack, 2 sets harness. 4 plows, spring tooth har row, mower, disc, harrow, cultivator, 40 aacka spuds; school on corner of place, 1 miles from Columbia river town, 14 miles from Van couver. Crops on place . will more than half pay the pne asked of $5750, (3250 cash, bal ance $5. THOMPSON st SWAN 5th and Main 8ta. Vancouver. Waah. IN PARADISE PART OF OREGON 463 acres, 8 H miles from Koseburg on graveled auto road; tbout 270 acres under culti vation; good 7 room house, brick foundation; large barn and other outbuildings;, family or chard; a good sized all year runnirur creek ; land slope enough to give perfect drainage; unculti vated land lias only small oak trees, easy to clear, and is good pasture in its present state. Similar land there held from $75 to $100 per acre, our price only $50 acre. Worth your while to look into this. E. A. LINDGREN, Savon Land Co., 935 N.-W. Bank bldg. 42 ACRES, all but 3 acres tillable. 16 acres seeded to meadow, wood for family use. 30 acres high state of cultivation, balance good pasture, fenced and cross fenced, spring stream through place and 2 good wells at house and barn : family orchard in full bearing, berries of 1 all kinda; good 4 room house, good dairy barn. all necessary outbuildings, including o cows, 2 heifers, registered Jersey bull, mower, rake, separator, plow, harrow, disc, hay tedder, drill, wagon, manure spreader; some feed and crops are now all planted; 5H miles from. La Center, all rural advantages, thickly settled locality. Price $3750. Half caah, balance easy tenne. THOMPSON A SWAN 5th and Main St a. Vancouver. Wash. MONEY MAKING FARM FROM START 77 acres. 80-35 acres under cultivation. 15 acres, slashed, balance pasture and timber abont 1200 cords; county road and running creek through land; new 6 room house, almost new barn, 2 old houses used for pigs and chickens; 9 young Jersey cows all milking, cream check $100 per month, team of horses, spring wagon, separator, variety of almost new implement : 4 Vfc miles trsn Oregon City. Price only $9000, best of terms. E." A. LINDGREN. Savon Land Co.. N-W. Bank bldg. . STOCK RANCH , 825 acres hill land. 6 miles east of Browns ville. Linn Co., Or.; fenced and cross fenced, living water in every field; trout stream and springs, some fields bog tight; 60 acres culti vated, open pasture, abundance of grass, shade, water, fruit, county road, telephone and timber. G room house, barn 50x60; price $6500: $3250 cash, balance eaay. 4038 74th at S. E . Port land. Tabor 1641. FARM for sale, consisting of 15 acres, with 4 room house, barn, chicken house and 60 chickens, cow; hay crop planted; in good condi tion, with lots of fruit, peaches, pears, apples and berries of different kinds; on a railroad with genfeial store, graded high school, church and depot. H. E. Fyson. Dorena. Or. Will sell cheap if sold soon. 40 .ACHES 10 acres in cultivation. SO acres of good plow land when cleared; several hundred cords of wood on place; well 'watered, 5 mile from Oregon City: $3250. part cash, balance on time. DILLMAN A HOWLAND, 8th and Main at. Oregon City, Or. NEAR Vancouver shipyards, 10 acre farm, crop all in, good soil, fine water, all kinds of fruit, good pasture; 7-roorn shingled cottage, barn and chicken runs. Going est reason for selling. Will take some mortgage; no trade. Phone Marshall ?933. V-717. Journal. CANADIAN farm lands; cheap land, remarkably easy terms: landseekers excursion )rty leaves Portland for Calgary, Altrrta. Saturday, May 18; reduced rates; for further particulars see Canadian 1'acific Railway Co.. 208 Railway Exchange bldg., L. P. Thornton, distract repre sentative. FOR SALF. 80 acres, irrigated, Vi mile from Terrebonne, Or.: 45 acres alfalfa. 6 acres pasture. 6 acrea timothy, 2 acres orchard and berries, balance wheat; good buildings; best 80 acres in Deschutes valley. Owner W. T. Nelson. lerreoonne. Or. .'HOICE dairy ranch. 20 to 38 acres; barn, house, orchard: two fine running aprina-s: five mi lea from city ball on Slavin road. Will sell for value of acreage. ' Address M-759. Journal. NEED MONEY $1500 Fine little home, tract 10 acres lo cated on Molalla rtTer. 1 Vi miles from Canby; iinest. land In Oregon. M. S. COBB, 409 gwetland bldg. 60 ACRE bargain, 20 miles out, near HiUsboro: line sou: acres in crooa: sood 7 room house; large new barn ; on main road, R. F. D. and milk routes; well and spring. Will make low price. I'hone owner. Bast 4193. WHITE or call on owner if interested in buying a level stock farm of 820 acre. 4 Vi mile of Portland: extra good terms given; will sell stock separate, or rent separate. Route 6, box 47, Vancouver. Wash. ABOUT 100 acres -bearer dam. 110 upland, on Oregon Electric. Livealey atation; good home. barns, springs, also mineral spring in . nous. Charles Schmid. 29S Ivy st. Portland. Or. Will tell half of three quarters or ass. PRETTIEST 7 acres, near Portland and a sta tion; large house, barn fruit tree. trout stream : lighta and phone available; $1000 down. rest easy payments. Owner, Woodlawn 8886 or UoT K. 17 th st. North. REAL Oregon farm, over 400 acrea; abund ance modern buildings: implements, machin ery, horses, other personal property ; I priced half actual value; T7.oOV caan required. H-70O Journal. 240 ACRES. 59 free irrigation. 60 wiieat. 28 prunes, crop, stock and machinery; $75 per acre. $8000 handle. Some trade. Zimmer man A Co.. 811 Hoard of Trade. FOR SALE Chicken ranch with 5-room house, good barn; some furniture, steel rang; fruit trees, fence and chicken house. Phone East 212. FEVEST 100-acre farm. Estacada,- 86 ae. clear. modern bides., best soil, all in crop. $17,600 Terms. Oregon Investment A Mortgage Co.'. 170 3d at. , $1250 for 160 acr ranch near Molalla. ! acres in cultivation: house, barn and orchard good stock or dairy ranch! this k half ha vara. J. It. Wolff. 18 Chamber ot ommerce. 100 ACRES, mostly open pasture, easy cleared for plow; snr bargain: 4 miler from boat landing and railroad; $16.60 an acre, on rock road, fin soil. Haaa. $09 Chamber ot com. 40 ACRES of fine land near Molalla. about 25 acre in cultivation and crop, all tilsabl; $50 per acr take it, 1-8 of crop with piac. J. R. Wolff. 618 Chamber of Commerce. ! ilJtKHTA WHEAT FARMS Wheat, oats, flax and- barley, th bast tbr In, Writ Claud Col. Warner. ARJerta. VERT fine improved1 farm, near Portland; well atnrksd. rnr sale at anmcuvv pnn. as. a-. Tlardwick. 605 Corbett bldg. 160 ACRES Cowl its county; 6 cultivated; cheap: buildings ; on Gobi creek; $6 aa acr. Main r.OOS 881 ACHES Crop, machinery, atock; per acre: terms. Gravity watar: Pacific high way. H. 2. bo 185. Albany. Or. HAVel valley f-:m 20 to 1000 acres; soma eery highly fawprwred and at price that art) right. Seal B w, 1 rwaw. bMc. SUBURB AX HOMES 17 Some High Class Farms 02 acres, close to Hillaboro. on good road, mail and milk route; aU good soil, some beaver dam. 65 cultivated and in crop, fair buildings, plenty of fruit good well and running water. A first class dairy ranch, stocked and equipped. Can make satisfactory price and term. 68 acre. S miles from Forest Grove, half mile to red carline. close to school, in splendid farming district; place all cultivated. 10 acres young bearing orchard, place all in crop, fair buildings, beat of soil, beautiful aightly home place, the price is right 60 acre. 2i mile from Portland, rail and river transportation, dark shot soil, nearly level. 20 acres cultivated and in crop, 15 in timber, balance pasture: running water, well and spring: verr good buildings; can tell at a very low price with crop, stoca and implement. Well improved. IS acre home, 25 miles from Portland, on red carline; good' building i. spring and well; fine orchard; stock and implements with this place and the price is right 1 guarantee every one of these places a real bargain, and I have many more. For prices and detailed description call or write. NEAL BROWN, 207 Panama bldr A GENUINE BARGAIN CLARKE COUNTY, WASH. 8 acres, improved; good soil ; no rock or gravel; good well and fore pump, spring and creek ; 4 room bungalow, 8 chicken houses and other buildings; rabbit houses and hutches: bearing fruit trees, strawberries, oats, wheat and good garden; 2000 feet of good wire fencing, all in good shape; over 400 White Leghorn chick en. 50 rabbit, incubators, hovers, tools, furni ture; plenty of wood; land mostly all cleared; part level, balance slopes toward creek ; good It. R. to Seattle and Portland market: good roads, school and churches; take the Hidgefield auto stsge at Vancouver, or Hidgefield via Sara, and get off at Sagara, R. 2, Box 37-A. or come to Knapp's atation on the train; a good home for an old couple. Price for everything. $900; si cue terms. $4750 15 acres, all improved, chicken house. Fine soil, 1 House, barn and mile from Port- land. $1250 2 acres on Oregon Electric line; 4 room house with gaa. $1000 6 acres brush land 10 miles from court house. Fine soil and good road. A bargain. A. W. LAMBERT A SON 404 East Alder St.. cor Grsnd Ave. Portland. Oregon A MONEY making dairy and clover farm, 176 acres, 80 acres in crop which is all black land, balance pasture and timber; good mad tn place, 3 miles to town, 1 mil to grade and high schools: fin house snd dairy barn, mn nine water, water pined to house and barn: 15 cows. 5 horses, some young stock. 150 chickens, all farming tools, all for $100 per acre; would take $8000 in trade, balance long time at 6 . J. P. Allison. Amity. Or.. R. F. 1. 2. 00 ACRES ALL COMPLETE BETWEEN PORTLAND AND SALEM On highway soon to be paved; land i gently , rolling, fine rich soil with creek at back of I larm; crops ail in ana loosing well: n room house, new bam, family fruit. 3 horses. 7 cows, 9 f .1 . 1 . I. . . , . L. . ens: full line machinery. 200 bu diets grain; gaa engine, IV, miles from town, $0250. D. Mc- Chesney. 33 J Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 7102. 1560 ACRES in one of the best wheat belts of Eastern Oregon: 1200 acres in crop: owner gets H snd ' crop delivered; 15O0 acres under plow; on mail road; fine water. fair buildings: about 7 miles to warehouse, 3 miles tn poatoffice; all lays fine, north elope: price $46 ier acre; take aome cash, some ciear property, balance easy terms or crop payment By owner, IL J. Seeck, 505 E. Weidler st. Portland. Or. FOR SALE 216 a. farm 6 mile from Corral" l".1. R-,tt,on. d!- "" hool and store; 130 a. cultivation, balance place open ana umoer, pasture; aoout o acre iir timner; good 7 room liou-e. ham. new M'n, granary, small cottage and other outbuildings, water piped to house and barn, fine stream running through place; here s your chance to buy a well located farm at the right price. Write for lull information. Box 86, Corvallis, Or. 320 ACRES GRAIN OR STOCK RANCH 2 smalk houses, barn. 2 wells'.' 2 spring. 271 acres ready to plow, 80 acres now in cultiva- tion, all fenced and in well settled community WiU consider small farm or good Portland prop- erty in trade. Price $15 per acre. E. A. LINDGREN Savon Land Co.. 935 N. W. Bank Bldg. TUALATIN BOTTOM FARM 105 acres. 4H miles from Sherwood. 63 acres cultivated, some beavenltcn. old tioun-. barn and orchard, good fences; the land will produce large crops; near auto truck line to Portland; $s)500; can furnish straight loan of $5000. GEO. E. ENGLEHART. Main 7266. , 624 Henry Bldg 135 ACRE EQUIPPED FARM All complete with good income from start. Heavy team. 12 cows. 4 heifers, farm ma chinery, crops are fine, old 5 room house, good large barn, first-class neighborhood, convenient to school: macadam roads, beautiful stream and fine fishing adjoining farm, $11,000. V. Mc-! ineaney, aJJ Chamber of Commerce bldg Main 7102. 167 ACRES near Astoria. $4800. 30 A. in cult. 60 A. slashed, aome 20 Tears aao: 4 acres of orchard, roc buildings, three miles from railroad. 12 miles from Astoria. 3 milch cows, 1 beifer. 2 yearling heifers. 1 bull. horse, 1 young sow. wsgon. plow, etc. ; unlimited outrange. This is the biggest snsp in th coast country. Photos at offlc of Fred W, German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. $5O00 WORTH MORE 50 acrea. all in cultivation and fenced: good house, barn, well, 1 mile from good town in Willamette valley. 37 miles from Portland: rented; 1-3 of crop goes to purchaser; terms. E. A. LINDGREN Savon I -and Co.. 935 N. W. Bank Bldg. close to Town 28 acres' edge of town, on electric line: thickly settled, prosperous neighborhood: ell in culti vation except small iMuture with spring and few trees; fsmily fruit, 6 room house, water piped; barn. $4200. D. McChesney. 332 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Main 7102. 44 ACRES. 12 acres fall wheat. 10 acre 90- day wheat, 5 acres oats snd vetch. 10 seres commercial orchard, 6 acres pasture, on fin road: including team, cows, hogs, litter of pig. wagons, binder, mower snd stl small tool. Price 87000. Will take a home in city and some cash; balance time. 40H Swetland bldg. 40 ACRES. $1500 In Clarke county. Waahinaton. 12 acres in cultivation around the stumps, family orchard o years old. 5 room house, larg barn, root bouse, chicken bouse; $500 cash. $200 yearly. flenty of work in vicinity. trad W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. IN BEALTUTL CHELATCHIK PRAIRIE 40 acre. 20 acre in cultivation, new 5 room house, large barn, small orchard, 2 creeks, 1 H mile from 2 crearaeriea. This valley i in th most prolific part of Clarke county. Price $3950. lauu down, balance u year. tna v. tier- man Co.. 782 Chamber of Comerce. 110 ACRES. 40 in crop. 80 tillable. 5 r. hnuae. good orchard, well, running wster;tlil farm is near Clackamas river, 1 mile to carline. con venient td Portland. S miles to Gladstone. $60 per acre, easy term: Una) sold cheap to close Frev Claris T ' trevtag, Gladstone. Or. 116 ACRES, 60 seeded to crop. 40 more easy to clear; land fenced snd cross fenced, run ning water In all fields, water piped to 7 room plastered house, bsrn, splendidly productive deep red shot son. on good road. 4 Va miles Oregon City: only $100 per acre; on easy terms. Oscar rreytag. Uladatone. Or. Phone 26v J. FOB HALE FARMS 20 ACRES Fine soil. V, under plow, good ! AIX PAID. 60x100 lot, paved; clos In, New house, well, orchard, etc; splendid poultry. J berg, in exchange for Ford touring or truck. small diversified farm: god roads, school, mar- ket. etc: real bargain; pric $2000; V4 cash. F-768. Journal. FOR BEST--FAHMS 14 C RAN BERRY bog partly improved. small insist, epsnraw Kicaupn, near car, in pro- ducing district Journal. 8ell or exchange. N-748. I FOR RENT or sal in whole or pert summer resort larm hous note! and IOO acre g ras ing farm, in Tillamook county; farm suitable for sheep or goats. Owner, room 18. HISS 4th. FREE rent 10 acre, partly cleared; best soil, hous. - barn. L. A. HALTj. 612 PANAMA BLDG. LAND for rent in Portia ad anbarbs. nijubl - for corn, bean, potatoes, truck: email tracts. Apply Sunday, cor. 9th and E. Stark. 1 WILL rent my 16 acre ranch to r4onsibl party. A-778. Journal. FOR BENT 8 5 acres, near Uresham; cheap. Phon Tabor 2146J GOOD faraa and orchard for rent Tabor 918C FARM WASTED R E X T OR BPY 38 FABM"oVNERS For satisfactory reaulu Urt your farm with us. Send full deecriptioo, lowest pric and beat E. A. UXDGRENY. Savon Land Co.. N-W. Bank blda. WANTED to rent 1 acre or more with orchard and hn ii. wot mot than V aaitea frosa cowrt bayaa. asavt of Milwauki wref erred; giv fail ha fosmetioei in first hrtor. ' tf-784. Joo-naJ. - will enable you HOMESTEADH 47 MAP entire O. A C grant $1. Good home stead claims now onen: ralmonlahiwanta. $20 and 640 acre claima with water; about 480 claims with plow lands O. A C grant Com see me about claima near Portland to be open to filing. Special privilege to shipworkera. Open Monday 1 to 4. Anderson. 431 Cham ber of Commerce. HOM K.STEAD relinquishment foe sals or trad; good on. 1116 Jefferson st. Salem. Or. TINBK5 TIMBER. MILL. LOGGING EQUIPMENT Big tract, complete logging equipment, mill: now operating. One of mo-t accessible tracts in Northwest and very attractive proposition. $400,000; might consider part trad. LUEDDKMANN COMPANY. 918 Chamber of Commerce. SMALL logging, milling or cordwood proposi tion near Holbrook. Aha shipyard site. Bee Parker. 422 Va Washington at WILL let you nay as you log 5 or 6 million feet prim yellow fir 1 hour out liouck. 110 10th st A 20 M. FCLLY equipped sawmill with timber. Start sawing tomorrow. Houck. 110 10th t. A GOOD yellow pin timber claim for aala in Crook county. 11 690. Journal. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE f.4 104 ACRES to exchange fur city property. 63 in cultivation. Feuced and crowfrnced woven wire. Modern 7 room house, hot and cold water: good outbuildings: on county road. Price $16,000. Exchange for farm, modern 7 room house, clone to Piedmont barn. Wants farm, even exchange. 314 Lumber Exchange bldg. Phone Main 3908. 145 ACRE dairy farm in Willamette valley; 4 hones, 2H dairy cows. 4 Guernys. 3 calves. w iiiKinu, ui iiumuie, iouu ai- i ley loam soil, farm bouse. barn and; other building. Place is all In crop now The owner will take house and lot and aome money lor fir-.t pamrnt RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO. 2 10 Rothchild bldg. FOR EXCHANGE 160 acres. 40 acrea in orop all farm machinery, horses, wagons, ha roes, eowa. chicken i. nice family orchard, good 7 room houe. barn and granary; small creek runs through place; everything goes at $65 per aer: 8 miles iroui Oregon City; will tak residenc in city as psrt paxaeat. Trks I a real snap. Now if you want a good farm call and se the New York Land Co.. 381 K. Morrison. "ir.Ai lAitll ' 1240 acres. 11 0O in cultivation. 600 in r tivran svw n 1 1 . .w-. l a . . machinery go wiUi pUce. Price $35 per acre j ". .Lues iiki an necessary ior everyunng: can give possession at once. Will take some trade. I.IEDDEMANN COMPANY. H3 Chamber of Commerce. 140 ACRES, stock ranch.-!!: mites from raiH road, heart of Uie free range in (lurk mouuisins, Araan-av I wo-room shack, good four pen log barn: twenty acre cleared and icncea. tvsnt tmall three or tonr mora hnau clear, or good equity in larger place Owner' L-840. Journal. TH t tit- a - i -, . i)zS L?CJ"- '.T to K " at Iarkdal. V noon " : 'ork Hood ver through place; bridge l ciesrea: next to fine orchard some river bottom ami timhor- '. trade for furniture, bedding, stoves, etc. Owners oniy. i.-n.-, journal. 160 ACRE ranch, near La Grande. No mort gage. 2 and equipment. Running water. Will trade for good stock of groceries Som'. "er. J. v. Byrd. Call Wdln. 2396 before 9 a. m. READ if you hav a real bone of 6 room, well located. I have a Uivl I . ..k t . house, large barn. 3 a. orchard. 3 cows. 1 'horse and crop: $3ioo. I mi. to atatson and high- ay. Main 9179. 240 ACRES, seven mile. trum su-jd town. 1 acres irrigated. HO 30 alfalfa, all a-nnd land building, fine dairy proposition; $50i0. $luoo cash. bal. long time. 0 per cent Zimmerman A Co.. 311 Board of Trade. LOVELY 3 ACRES. HOUSE. ETC TRADE WANT ltlRTLAND HOME $20OO Beautiful place. Cloe to Grants Pass. . GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG. ' CRANBERRY W, partly improved, email nouse, apienam loration. near car. in pro- ducmg diainct Sell or exchange. N-74 8. Journal: i Wll.l. exchange u room bouse, oak floor flrw- j place, buffet, garage, fruit, heme, in' Haw- ' Uiorne dl lnct. will take a small house a. I Prt payment; would assume O 56. Journal. ; LOOK! VANCOUVER. WASH i 8 lots, about 100 feet from car hue. north : of barracks; will exchange for other nronerts See owner. 601 Gerhnger bldg. H 2335 FREE snd clesr 160 a. on Washougal river. unlimited outrange, good auto road to Port land, unimproved: price $3000; take Portland all or ;art. 0 050, Journal. S6 V, ACRES. 70 improved, near Oregon City. Accept some exchange. 20 acres, all im proved, near Vancouver, s mile to R. R . store, school Will take some trade. Wnlf.tein. 114 1st GOOD ti room modern, and one lot 65x110. Oregon City, to sell or trade for stock or rent larm. Address IL G. trccman 1 H'2 Taylor street. Oregon City. Bring in Your Trades Houe. farm, hotels, store, acreage etc BRUCE GODDARD, 502 COUCH BI.IKJ. FOR SALE or trade. 12 acres with buildings; creek, 3 acrea beaverdam; 'i mile from Or rhardi. Wash., for a smaller place or a tious in Porthnd. S. Kultin. Orchards. Wssh. 20 ACHE improved diversified-Oregon fsrmT worth $4250: unincumbered: exchange for Portland residence, equal value. 512 Royal! bldg. 0 ACRES. 7 room modern house, at TUard near nation. $6000, for good suburban mod ern home with 2 lota or more, 202 Gerlin gei bldg. WILL exchange 5 room new double constructed I ARLINGTON II EIGHT -modern hous. garage, fruit and berries: Iota I aurfaoe and all imp 10(1x100. for 6 or 7 room house. 8 Owner. iswjs r.. o'sin st. 3. ft. tj. car. 20 ACRES in Southern Michigan, pric $1000. to trade for small house in Vancouver or Portland. No commission. 2108 Columbia at., Vancouver, Wajh. , FINE, modern home, corner, shade tree, close in. asm price 7!Hlt. Will tak clear land, acres or cash to $30OO. balance time. Owner. 267 Halfra Place. Tabor 6029. CLEAR 41) acrea. rich soil, near Grants Pasa: bungalow, large bam. some fruit, grain and pasture land: trade for residence. Owner, Wm. Jeffer. Murphy. Or. i WILL take Portland property in exchange for ,40 acre best Hood River orchard : good build ing, team and all toola included for $10,000; es timated crop 5000 boxes applee. F-760. Journal. TO EXCHANGE -5 room bungalow; Lent, car line; want larger heme up to $3500, Journal. K-739. FOR SALE OR TRADE equity In 6 room hous in Woodlawn: fine lot. ardn nan. nru. fruit tree. Want 6 room hons U'nndla.. list i7T-v.r7T;.u i . . -1 ; .'. at 793,Whinanor SurJT: i Park vu.L excliange business lot in good Eastern I ' w'',"'"n u"y or pt.00 j .Main 1538. 825 Lumber K. TO exchange for unimproved land or ator ranch, honse and tots In Portland. Value 3I0.O00. K 740. Journal. $75i) Egl'ITT in 173x230 lot at Bell view station for good auto or what hav Phone D-1091. yonf I 1 " ' rawiom. iwyion. ot FREE AND CLEAR houses, near Hawthorn I - exchange for equipped faraa. Will as- sume your mortgag. C-919. Journal. FREE and ciear titled citv or eountrv nro- j erty to exchange for gnnd automobile or ! ottier proprnf. uais, Journal. $2H.,0 equity tn farm to trad for bom hr Owner, t . T. Shelley. 831 Halsey st Phone fUst 436 15 ACRES bearing orchard to exchange lor city property. O. I- Webb. 414 E. Stark st 320 ACRES. Alberts, unimproved; trad for property her. Kelly. 728 Co. Osa. bldg. MT. TABOR acre to exchange for small and kt Owner, B-960, Journal LOT in Westmoreland for aato or acreage. Peek. $15 CUy. Marshall 4124. 10 ACRES, adjoining town. Eastern Wash., for auto, lot or furniture. D-969. Journal. WILL exchange my 20 acres at Hood River, for modern bualow. D-970. Journal 180 A.. Willamette valley, for apartment a rooming bins. L-841, Journal. 2 LOTS to exchanxe for email acreage. N. B. Golden. R. 1. Sherwood. Or. FoH SAl or trade. 2 tuna and lot la Th I tall . Add A Heist. Imfnr. 2 LOTS in norene . Or.. Chicago Ad. What hav yonf Wolfstein. 114 1st t UiT to trass for anus. What hav yowl 2947 K. Salmon. Phon Tats 43. 37 H ACREA. Hood River land, aacAang for Portland m nd w Jaawneu Ir-M2, J araal. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE St EXCHANGES 8.50O $20 acre dairy farm. TtHamaok C . 2 seta bauldlntn. aosua Mark and eqirpBtt. psraty clrd for dairy, eloa to a he factory, flaw etwrks and apriasra. fin fiahtea and hunting. Take modara bosxa an I'artaand or auaua good valley town to $$SOO. Lowg ttsa oa balano. Farsa as ciear and waat ciear boos. t S.QO0 80 acta, near Toledo. Lincoln Co . Oregon. Uoad building. 17 arm cultivated. 10 aaor alaalted. Art wU. fruit, berries, garden, ale creek, aosn Umber and plenty of outasd rantf Tea liuua to vara. $39.300 1120 acr wheat ranch. S W. Kahlotua. Wash. 1AOO acre culti vated. 60O tat wheat. SOO susnmwr fallow. Clear of incoabraDcaw Mouse trad, balance cm aaraeau 800 !-os 4 and 6. Mayfair addition, on Yale at. Just north of West an. fr and elaar. Trad for aato or auto truck. A. J. PRESTON. 422 Henry bidg . Portland. Or. 93 ACHES. 20 acre in cultivation, balane timber, all good land. Can ell timber to ' mill for $2500 Building old. Price $5000. I WiU tak $$tO0 In Portland property. 184 ACRES I 70 acres in cultivation and crop. S row. S yawning belter, team. 2 plow 47 2 wagona, bustl er, mower, rake, 6 room house, large barn, pring and well Will trade for good Portland property. Owner in draft and must lea farm. DAIRY a 80 ACRES 40 acre in cultivation. 7 room plastered bouse, larg barn. )-toa silo, 80 cows. bull, team, good machinery. S miles from Oregon City, on good rswd. Place has Income of $5oOO per year. Will tak part Portland prop arty, pact rash. DIM-MAN A ROWLAND. 8th and Main st Oregon City. Or. s'-ACRE home n S. P. red car electric line ! between Aloha and Tobias: houa quite ' new. with 6 room, bath and un porch first seTond VSor Tily" gsa?".. has fireplac. .ndl,brar, butlf- bookcases, but young orchard: balance of land under plow; ad- . Joining is 6 acre of free pasture. Price aosuu. t.n.. t I-AA K...t. Concord bid. Ladd Estate Co.. Concord bldg. tTiD oTTT Irv , I . w . f ..... . ;n "llk OA1.S VU l I" ....... - . county. 185 acrea. fine butklinga. fenced th woven wire; good water, wind mill, all in , with crop. Pric $30,000 Will take 1 or 2 good . modern house in Laurelhurst or Rose City' Para up to azu.uuu as pan paymeni. osisoce , lone time. He tan wallers. I acnic Agency. ! Inc.. 514 "wetland bldg FULLY EQUIPPED STOt K RANCH . 400 acres. 10 mile from Koseburg. 00 in cult. bal. pasture. 40 seres grain Hpnng ' piped to bldgs. family orchard. 20 cattle. 50 goats, hogs and chickens. Team, waaon. bar- nea and farming tout. Price ll' Half rn rortlarxl re., bai. term. t LLt, i 222 C. of C. BEAUTIFUL bungalow, near Bearertnn: all built-in convenience. 8 year old: modi rn in ! every reapect; city water, bath, gas, cement i basement, wash trars, 2 acres. 4 cleared. ' aome garden in. balance plowed ready for plant ing; fruit tree, berries, lawn. chM-jen House. lor citv urooert 772. JoSrnaL 1 35 minutes. Mtrd r-lectrsr. A iXjK. 8,AiLV. ,rmd'v6i loU , lth cherry or- chard in Killingworth Ad , will sell 1 or mora and trad for a Ford, o.erlook. rorner lluoa and Caplul. 3 loU in Swinion. lOU feet, north of boulevard, will sell either or all and take a '17 or 'Is Ford in trade; easy teitn: anil gu t a bargain; I hav left th city. Owner. F. Kosrhnitzky. Tscolt, ta-ru FOR 8ALE or rirliaiige. 240 acre (arm. 10 i miles east Roseburg. 170 tn cr if. 2 et n( j buildings; would take trade to $10,000. bal ance 18 years' time. Want suburban lands. This is .ii elegant piacv. jnc-e i ri . w ... imiu ui- I vide Ch valuation. Address C. M Crittenden. i Hubbard. Or. MOT1CK.. I If your property, enter crty. farm I c" ment and Is for exchange or sale, call or writ full particulars; no inflated vara eon akdered; has first class list to select front George - P. Henry. 329 Henry bldg. Kmtu mo. Portland Realty Board. 4 ACRES. IH mile south of Aloah. 12 miles . from Portland. 2 cre tn clover, email -house, worth $500. fair barn, chicken and bog house, good well and about 2000 ft lumber fr 5 car U , . ' oR SALE or ex Pne 81300. Mort. $4 on. Will trad equity 969. Journal. change, meat market in town of SOOO. not far from Portland, with sale of $80 to $1110 per day. Also modern 7 room nous; large lot. Wtll excUng togctner or separately for income property or acreage, Pnce $5000. $25 I .umber Ex TEN acre, full bearing young or.-hard apri cota) $2500. Unincumbered, lias had the vry best of care. Will exchange for equity in Portland home Main 9313. CHARI.E8 L. WHEELER CO. $17 Cliamber nf Commerce blda FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 15 acres commencing bearing orchard, well , I located, low pric. easy tenn. Will conuder i city property, pert or full payment, purchaser I can have cash inrnm from car of adjoining i orchard. D. I- MeLeod. 204 Porter T j VI lit R t V nr .irhTnp. n,,r ami aTVm a I 1 railroad. 3 mile Rneeburg. A gret oppor- tunitr Will aubdivlde and take city bout In $40t0. balance good terms. This is s choice farm C M CRITTENDEN. Hubbard. Or HAVE you acreage improved or unimproved you will trad for one half blork at New berg with all kind of fruit: room house, bath, etc; worth $3(100 Send full and legal d,r acription. THOS. F FAIRBANKS. Bnd Or WE hav several splendid farm for sale or ex change, located in any atate you like. Now is th tim to turn your city projierly. See or write Walters. Pacific gency. Inc., 514 Swet- land bldg FOR SALE or trade for a 2 ton auto tnxk. 40 acre of best black bottom ground. 14 cleared Formerly raised maple, ash end aMrr Oive pnce and condition of tnn-k in ftrt letter ;. A Kriger. latyton. Or R F 1' ' WANTED A good residence iu I'orllaml Price about $3500; hav a property in Moodhura. Oregon, to put in aa irt payment Hi or writ Walters, J'aciftc Agency. Inr , 611 Kwet land bldg A w . 1 , .-in mi'mw . " I mi . i. " ' " . ' n.. sntifin- ii.nn .i. h.. i r, tin month. Trade my equity in this income for -1 lota or email house 40 Swetland hide YOU want 40 acrea improved: nice buildino. living wtr, fruit, 43 mm drive; aed road. I want a 6 room bungalow up to $300. Hesrrib fully first letter. W-402. Jirnsl. Ciwiir view li. hard to and paid Coat I 32200. Trade for equity in bora.- and assume Cleveland. Main 1189. 222- C. of c. bldg 10 ACRES lOOO cord of' wud on it. to trad for good bunaalnw; land is 1 0 mil from rnnuira on noq roaa. A-ll, journal. i . tf A XT Fit Hi: tl UTtTC tl HAVE BUYERS FOR IIOMKH FROM $2500 UP TO $6OO0, SOME WITH ALL CASH WE ARE SELLING THE HOI'S KK. 1K YOUR PROPEKTT HAS MERIT. WK KNOW HOW TO TURN THE TRICK. MAIN 403. G. C. Goldenberg ABINGTON BLDG "35 Tear in Portland." HOUSEM WANTED We have made hrle selling our apeeiaHv for years: have more buyers than boose Want I bonaakisr. cottage snd vioose from $ 50 to I.M1UU, any goon location. i.ei won w- r uJU- CRfRSI A I "OWN ET. $16 Board of Trade Bldg ' i 11 1 V r tw.Mn foe "S mth Portland proirtv. aouth i I of st If yo-r pne ta rwh. vou w, - ! get a quics or si. nn Singer. 4 2 Chamher of t oromere. t AN SEIX AT ON E If priced right, buroialows ami -mall I"""; any good district B. F. Kelly. 72$ Ch. of torn. Mg. risen Main SHACKS AND HM ALL HOMES WAITED Must b N. K. and priced right W hav numerona nrer waHtaa. Fred W. Gerasaa Co.. 732 Cham, of Cbaav WE WANT TO BEIX TOCR HOUSE I W hav th buyer watting IX ywir I .l.l .f. w,th wsd awake hwatlera. -- -- -.... ,. bldg. I WANT t bwy from owner, modern buna-stow. la Um St V.ra Ar UavtWlM. CW WlSk vary larg caah p irtrt. Giv addreea and phone tmmbT H H7. is rail WASTEI room bungaWiw Must be a bargain. IIOO clos to ear down. 4'-894. Journal i RTaflMS. both and toiWt: not over $ I SO0 $20 ch. $18 pv month and inter. Call Sellwood' 476. ' . WANT 4 or 6 room, fairly -oderw, kw-s. u,.r Ml laaliiill carun. ior an caan, irom ona. r only. Phon Woodlawn 4 HAVE many buyer. on with aU hTTo modern amratalow. trt to l"iw. FRANK L. M GI IRE. AMnarton bllg CAN adl your bou if priced right, at 11 demand le r he per homia. A 7 Is worth. 613 McKay bldg.. Main 6229. S OR 6 ROOM hou. Iurlhur.t or 8nuy aid ptefenwd. tit full an'orm tiow tn f irt kerter. E-7$8. JeumaL 1 WANT to buy frosa wner. bungalow: nay $2tra caan, Mtaac montniy. r-itt, jour nal WANT th bast bungalow $204 cash will buy. K-T25. JmimaL WILL, pay rih foe gsod iuvy in city pe s rt y. C-916. J iml. WILL nay h for sss-taw sf any kind, aai wker. D-97T. JawrwL WHAT kssd of a haaai nuly hav yost got tkwt vow wfll awll 15-7 $7. Jowrnai. ii ., WATET-KAI, ESTATE ILL. pay cmafe fur rL. A ai Washington. B-81. JawrnaL '.w-I? hat y-v pen, ,nlWi gVt Kaebwu. 1 tVsnlassft. ROOMIXG BOUSES At Here's Some Real Bargains vwnsne. We.4 Bid: clear. $;$. 13 room. A rood m. $iio ", Whit Tenrpt Owtrart. ft. in. 20 rooaaa; clear $100 aaoaith. $1250 22 rooms, atrartly aanrirrn. $1260. . 2 ttaonas. hsMSsekawptng. $70. 4 ttwaa. on Waahlaa-ton eirvwt. SI 5. OO. U elrarin: $$04 par nvmth abo eawnaea. Others ay sis roe want I u tuaranlae yes ' eowar drat Can qaarkly and comfortably shew you sKnot in my aaunavnfcik. J BRUCE GODPABD. 5o2 tXH'dl BLDG. 10 RiMIU Lnrt! rlna tn on W-t Ktd Tj-ather g bolstered furniture. Rent n Everything dean aa was. i;nnd garden la Nearly all runaa rented. I Tic $750 cash. H. hi. Nile. BITTER. MrWK. A CO . 203 6-7 Board c4 Trad Bldg. 14 H. K. Rooms S575- On block from Lad I school, rent $2$; good furniture; all full, good Income Owner going east Term.. If oi waht thla anan, hurry. U A II ALU 512 Panama bldg FOR HALJC Rooming boiM. e4ent furniture walking distance; all full, owner in hntul Price reasonable. Must aeU. terms. M 1J$. Journal. 19 ROOM 19 In heart of city, rlow to irk and arhnol; slwars full. Pric $850. terms Peters. 1$ N. 5th st 20 Roomsr$650,"Terms ,;7r'. money maker, genuine bargain. J.1(KUCK GOIIARI. $02 COUCH RLIxi. Tie tt t,, cccZ "TL- ,' ' - 7! " etiun. good furnl- f ..LI V T 7, . stomal 1f living city. Marshall 4ftft9 KOll'. 2 block, from P0 : renOaTT; ,,.. . , . . . --J i"e uauy; lor at.43. term, ,.rlI!" J a ,:th J 26 KiMjiis. prirk bldg. Washington .1.; rent . i.ll10 184; psupl on waiting law. ira-ema. half cash. Petera, IS V 6rh st a i,...a ... . : .. corner: slwars fnlL rViea a son terv 1 5 N. 6th at llFTniV'riDTrBa-; r , .- -t "AJJV!, TT;2 . to' tooantng house, oldest -tablbhed M " ' AR1-AN D. 1M 3d t M' KI.T furmd.ed V rtmmv rau nsaa rent ea i arm more. Main 70B. M RO03IS. well fumlahed.' wiU atrnfir to ". i an nroariway 2929. 16 ROtlM.I. rooming hous. will sell cheap er trade for St Johns property. East 44 6. BrsixEss oppoRTryiTi fs t rtanllshwd hiMin. n - . i . , . . -iminrTis vat- 'ey town. 1J.1 mites from Portland: grow hnsl- : ne per month $7000 tn t aooo. Pric $l$.$00 EASTVHV nntv-nv Near nppner. located on Orrn trail and railroad: good fanning and atnckraistng dMrk-t : e-aMi.,ed four years; $1000 buwneaa per aaaarth. Will sell at invnir AT TOUR OWN PRICE Hotel and reauarant tn good lie town, near (Tiehalia. Wash., population I5O0; only rafe in town. If yon will accent a gift look at this place. Value about $1$0 IN GOOD TOWN NEAR PORT I JIN I) Confectionery, well eatabltslied bun nana, li.iisg room m connection: low rent, bic bt.inaa: ame rific account of owner leaving th city. Pric $3000: reasonable term BAKERY Located In town of 1 600 population (n Seartb em Washington. 70 mile from Portland; brsrk building: rent $20. This plae k fully outpn4 nd good paying buaiMoa. Stork gov at invokaa. Pric $500. POOL AND f TrwrECTION KR T Good Weil Side location, grand btaslnesa, rent $50; four pool table, cigar snd randy case, etc. This place mut b sold. Owner going to Alaska, Pric $700; $400, eh. con" ri -tion nrTiruiT ivl. mtlar Tn Kn.ira HtrfrM u a. ti.. i ork of light grorenes. 3 living nriai in con- nertion: buMnes good- Think quKk! Pne laio rash SWELL PLACE Confectionery. rkM In on Washington street; rent $60: bune good: beat of furnishings and equipment. Will rorsud'r a rkiettre, or prto $Aon Term reambl. HEI.ICATKHKEN ANt COtKKTIOXrRT In good town, close tn Portland; arrows stMnsa $110O per month: clearing abowt szau; $35. Owner to fight for Uncle Haas. II. M Mies. HITTER. MlWF. A CO . 203 3-7 Board of Trade Bldg. I Want to Buy Store ! Have ca.h and clear rl eate to give for Want grocery or rnnfertaonerr. Will be st 6n$ t Couch bldg. until I get what I want Ask foe I worvK 2 Good Restaurants, Snaps One for $4&; cost $l0O to e-iuijv line for .'MI .uarant-s-d business BKI i t; GODDARD. 602 COUCH BI.DG. A SNAP" gr.nno will purchase a fin tsnitsss at per ms nerrt mil iary post of $000; doing big -Will br atnrt investigattoa Particular, AX -769. Journal FOR SALE Hardware atoe. beat arrange! stork in Oregon ("leanest and bast raosan staple line of hsrdwsre. lrtms nnaarswsawC Addres Oils offic ior furtbar Infortaatanas. I X- 97i. Journal MCKLT-Sm tailed. I.ign ekaaa prUitlng plant lor sale or trade for .anall amste Or will tak raiwhle. rreomm'oded irtnr who can asak gTvl. addra l Coanmerrsal at.. 8 lens. Or lll.HV m a good rash bsaaine t-K m to sell; will take any 1 aarkne osa avsaahl srffer; 1 srdndMl kx-atlon. living rrtn llelmonl. NW. cor. K. $9th si. . . 1 IIANDV man wrtb $500 awl willing to leara. rsn buy In good snto garaasv wuh relaaksw nrriianir Pay gwd wage besauVs profita. Call n.m 4$ I "turn bldg W E want a first eaaa party to tak oswr a on half or all of sn aa-ency rsrntnatlnn that I now In operation, Se Mr Haaw. Unlialaal Trr Filler Co. E. 7th sdHawtoirn FtjRSALE" "OaV tOmon laotrl. '"fsuwaahaal, and land, on pave ars; gua loeatsen. (rwnar. No agents, aiftiy to nos WS. Or I f CLE Alt $o weekly asafl 5r bauinewi: ana or annua start anrwtierv: irUrwir Ira. Write today Kd llsn.. a0J K Main aC. Storaton. al PRINTIM; plant at a bargain. platen prsai. culler, oier I'm Dew and up to date font of tpr etc. t.,i Inratton; $450; will gi terms V 76. Jvirnal FUR SALE tini'rt tl. he job of- ffce nd small nraien in ruy. In vortical; reasonable for quirk sale Heat of r-smsu for riling. C-htfS. J.rnal. FtiRCED to rlL "g -J 1 6 roai"' hotel, dosng good busineoa I'rire $i:uo WiO tak otn trade. W 8' rand. ullleow C . 206 S Morrison at sj4.1T dnnfc. randy, are n good trad. aet i asi iMSdentuI loeatioti rktsu T. t IM. I nxTure frn account of bealth will sx-nrir-. f. I A to Jrawrnal. III'. II Cltan grocery .tor fur ai. lantr about $3000. Hplendid enatlaw : uhh irta foe rk-tsc r. . R 79. J mi ma I 1 tiiinn wit a". h.tL. iVaA ; r : tlvation. building. IO ftOO.OOO fee mtni i timber and sawmill A snap. M U. Verwrd ,-fcmh,r of c.aerrw . . , -. , s 111 Inter e Ti J a ' f eaU' gsasaVagff :o acre alfalfa ranrh, well impvoeed ansl Vensrd. V'.'K Chass- abttiMianrw of water. H bee of Cosnsarrr. AFETEHIA AT UMlPYAklM Doing good b'ine. Wm trad for let .- ... . " ramsonaoa. TSOOT k - jowmai. FOR SAI V. Tarn greets Koums and sag rfer - . corner 79th t and 4th - a. K. For par ; ticulrs inqnire $24 E. 40th at ' At TO garace on nsat travel! street. Ca et r . war th e-Jly A bargain at $7$. taB 1 f. . , ! K! . . j A GROCERY Mr in thickly aesvled dt. IkC ! ong aza a Vy. Will tavoar st 1 1 ! ''fl , rytr . .. . H" sALF Inch moxler or etw-kev. 12 nr ! 20 h engiiv. 86 iorh band saw, j " " rton. L-M7. J-naaL . . t. rv raaoiiioa w a. P donky gin. 9x19 Wash., lot of na- ging. K. J. Martin, a nr . La C it . Waasv. 5o! t worh " 1 em sn a trad aaunauav ahs La- a a. 148 H Be os y. VlT"iATjieVTTfW "aa lotai aakaa abowt I40OO a Beak tiroe y. it jiaknrg. Or. GlUM'Ekf aasl -. LavoUs ilMT. Pyua( ennt laaiun. paying $3t as saowtk an elndML Bo . Haibeook. Ov. Pa MaUa 124, HOME bakery; gror r. hxnch; rwlk V . tion. a II prv. fa r Call EaM III. ItiK SAli attar Wt A Csasi Cl iMaaro 849 3d et. SVrrtf-.vTlJl routo !- . J. tVyto: 441 E- aotn a. foe sale v rent; gwasf swan j. ti gam, in a id. or. .