. .... 14 SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1918. a, PORTLAND. OREGON". T" M Pe Observed in mil ligkius unday THE OREGON; DAILY: JOURNAL Mother's 2ay and Secular Circles m ons SUNDAY fS TO BE OBSERVED BY ALL AS MOTHERS' DAY Day Is One of Few on Which : Churches of Every Denomina tion Are United. FLOWER SHOULD BE WORN White Flower Indicates "First Sweetheart" Departed, Red e FJower Still Living. M ERICA will pause Sunday to "pay tribute to Mother. Recent custom has made the second Sun day In May "Mether's Day" and the announcements that have ben made would Indicate that the day will be observed by more churches this year.than ever before. It la one of the few day that appears on the calendar ot churches of every denomination, and a' day that Is observed also by many do not go to church. ' This day was orletnated by Miss Anna Jsrvls of Philadelphia in May. 1907. Upon the second Sunday in May she Irrvited a friend to her home to hold a quiet-memorial service In honor of her mother. The reverance of this young woman was so well received that churches seised on the plan and now it la: a widely recognized day. one that is growing In popularity every year. At first the day was only observed by those whose mothers were dead, but as the years passed ' the plan was broad ened to Include all mothers, i Congress Recognises Day In 1914 congress recognized the day and President Wilson issued a procla mation In which he asked the nation to , observe the day. Announcement has '. reached Portland from the front that the men will be permitted to write let ters home tomorrow, and that all mall bearing the words. "Mother's Letter will . be given the right of way over other soldiers' mall. The censors have n greed to work overtime In an effort to . please the mothers of America, and very effort will be made, to get the let ters te this country as quickly as pos Ible. 'In memory or honor of your mother you should wear" a flower tomorrow. - Wear a white flower If she has passed Away and a red flower If "your first . sweetheart" Is still living. In many churches flowers will be given to all .. who attend the services. I ' Invitations have been sent out to mothers throughout the cltv to make very effort to attend church tomorrow morning, and owners of automobiles liave promised to take elderly or feeble women to church, still other churches have promised their mothers a scenic auto, ride In the afternoon. Special SInsle Planned Dr. -William A. Waldo has announced '"a tender and Important message to mothers" In his Sunday morning service. The Temple quartet will sing, "Mother's rrayer" ana "Ten Mother 11 Be There, The ushers will pay special attention to having parents and their families seated together. The day will be appropriately observed at the Sunnyslde Congregational church throughout Sunday's services. Choice H selections In, keeping with the spirit of ' tne aay win De rendered by the chorus W choir. The patriotic element will not - be lost sight of and at the evening serv ice a film will be shown "of what our mothers' boys are doing over there In the cause of righteousness and liberty.' . Dr. H In son will speak on "Your Mother," Sunday evening. He has writ . ten a special poem . for the day, which will appear in the bulletin. Sunday morning Dr. A. L. Hutchison will emphasize the significance of Mother's Day" at the Piedmont Pres byterlan church. In the evening he will give the first or a short series of Bible studies on "The Second Coming of Christ" Tribute to Be Paid Rev. Warren Morse at the Atkinson l Memorial Congregational church says that he "hopes to help pay a little tribute or affect! jn for himself, and other men, for what Is due for the unselfish, unfail ing and often unrecognized services of loving, faithful mothers." The -music will be old ' fashioned tunes. Friends in the congregation with autos have agreed to take older people to and from the. services. The same theme will be considered in the evening from a differ ent angle with a series of lantern slides on "The Women of the Bible." Rev. Alexander Beers of the First Free Methodist church has planned special services in commemoration of "Mother's Day." Appropriate music has been ar ranged for. Special services will be held In Miz- pah Presbyterian church. "Father's Day" will be observed at the 11 o'clock service. Mrs. Graham will sing, "I Am Far From My Home," and the choir will sing. "Like as a Father Pitieth His Children." A talk will be made to the boys and girls on, "Job and His Chil dren." Flowers will be given to all in attendance at the 8 o'clock service when 'Mother's Day" will be celebrated.. The program is: "Greetings to Parents," by Egbert Thompson; "Greetings to Chil dren," by Mrs. Evelyn Smith ; "The Lit tle Flag in the Window," by Mrs. Fall; sermon by the pastor, and the following songs: "Keep the Home Fires Burn ing," "Tell Mother I'll Be- There," "Home Sweet Home" and a "Cradle Song." Juniors Will Sing A service In honor of mothers will, be held at Highland Congregational Church Sunday night. There will be appropriate music Including singing by the junior vested choir. A reading suitable for the day will be given. Edwin Rawden, su perintendent of the Anti-Saloon league, will speak In the morning. "Parents' Day" will be observed at both morning and evening services In the Forbes Presbyterian church. "Mother's Day" will be observed with appropriate services at the Montavllla Christian church Sunday morning. The evening service will deal with the gospel of the Good Samaritan. The Arleta Baptist church has been decorated and special seats have been set aside for mothers. Special . music will be rendered, young women will act as ushers, flowers will be given to every mother present and automobiles will bring the aged and others who could not get to church, to the church. Rev. J. R. Landsborough at Vernon Presbyterian church will talk on the privileges and duties of motherhood and endeavor to make his audience feel their duty toward their mothers, not only on 'Mother's Day," but on all other days. An illustrated lecture with pictures' from the front will be given in the evening. Sacred Concert Feature Rev. C. H. Johnston promises "to re member the occasion in his discourse and prayer." In the evening there will be a sacred concert. v A great day Is anticipated at the Swe dish Methodist church where a "Mother's Day" program will be rendered at 10:30 o'clock. Rev. Griffis, pastor of First Christian church, has charge of the war emer gency drive and will speak Sunday morning on worthy womanhood, refer ring directly to mothers. At the East Side Christian church, Rev. R. H. Sawyer will give a sermon on a mother's vision. Sunday will be "Parents' Day" at the Mt. Tabor Presbyterian church. The sentimental appeal of 'Mother's Day" will not be lessened in the new, term "Parents' Day," but the pastor hopes to Increase the practical value by including the fathers. Decoration of the church will be in red. Christian Chnreh Program , At the Rodney avenue Christian church some special features of the 11 o'clock service will be: Voluntary "Berceuse" from Joplln, by Miss Gladys Welch ; 'My Mother's Prayers Have Followed Me" and "My Mother," by the choir, and a solo by Harry Larsen, "Redemption." At 8 o'clock there will be a song service. Mrs. C. H. Dougherty will sing. This sermon will be Illustrated by stereopti con views from the masters. The church has been tinted and decorated for the occasion. Mother's day will be appropriately ob served Sunday at the Grace Baptist church in Montavllla. Parents' day will be observed at the Hope Presbyterian church Sunday. In the .morning the pastor will speak to mothers and in the evening to fathers. Mothers attending the morning service will be presented with a white carna tion. Cars will be sent for the elderly and feeble. Kenllworth Presbyterian church - will observe Parents' day Sunday with a special address to mothers In the morn ing and to fathers in the evening. In iHethodist Headers to Eake $art in Jiig jiteeting t.tt at h at n iin n n k ; ' : patriotic fathering Called at Auditorium on Sunday MmmmmmmmmBSsaamnBBsaL y w . 11 1 1 mimimtm rv): f "-'TV Lt's.i A k 1 y;Cvr rk -' "y V i : v ; . y-. it; 111 i i ' '' . :' V J ' n Q KNIGHTS TEMPLAR TO ATTEND THE SERVICES AT THE WHITE TEMPLE Oregon Commandery Will March in a Body to Church on Sunday Evening. Lett to right Bishop MaUhew' Simpson Hughes who will make ' main address; Or. W. W. Youngsoo, regi mental commander; Dr. Joshua Stansfirld, lieutenant commander, division one. RELIGIOUS WORKER FROM CAMP LEWIS TO SPEAK SUNDAY Rev. John H. Gardner Jr., For merly of Detroit, to Preach, at Westminster. Rev. John H. Gardner Jr., religious work director In Hut No. 6 at Camp Lewis, will occupy the pulpit at West minster church. East Seventeenth north and Schuyler streets, both morning and evening. Mr. Gardner was associated with Dr. Pence in The Fort Street Presbyterian church in Detroit and was recently ordained by the Detroit pres bytery. His examination was pro nounced the most brilliant in the his tory of that body. At both the morning and evening service, Mr. Gardner will preach on the religion of the soldier; the perplexing problem which results from camp life ; the material and spiritual luxuries which the great crisis eliminates; the readjustment or customs and ideas ; the testing of a man's judgment and the necessity for a firm grasp upon simple standards of values. The morning sub ject will be "An Old Metric System in Moaern use." The eveninsr sublect Natural Aristocracy in Evervdav Terms." Reading Contest Started The young people of the Kenllworth Presbyterian church have started a missionary reading contest. The so ciety is divided into two divisions and each is trying to see how many books it can read by the end of June. The losers in the contest will treat the winners. the evening Mrs. Jones will sing, "The Sweetest Song of All," and the women's quartet will render, "Mother's Lullaby.1 The endeavorers will furnish white car nations for the mothers at the morning service. 1 1 ED1CATED to the thought that death and its attending rites may be shorn of their most horrible passages, there is In Portland an institution, where in the' splendor of flowers and shrubs the more reverent, more comforting process df Cremation is offered as a substitute for what is most dretded by all who think the grave. Its location, its surroundings, its every beauty and comforting charm, all designed but for one thing, to make death easier for those who remain and greater reverence for those gone beyond. The Portland Crematorium .Sellwoed Car te Visitors Fourteenth end Bybee 9 to 5 Uniform S. sS. Lesson "Jesns Faces the Crom." Usrk 10 82-S2. Golden text: "Ha humbled Hinuelf. becom ing obedient eren onto death, ;es. the death of the cross," Phil. 2, 8, Young People's Topic Baptist TTnloa: "Denominational Fellowship," John 1: 1-7. Christian KndeaTor: "Christian Endeavor Fel lowship," 1 John 1: 1-7. Junior' C. E. : "For the Sake of Others. Rom. 15: 1-A (temperance meeting) . Epworth League r Er worth Leacue annivcraarr meeting. Special meetings. Revivaf Campaign Conducted in Lents Evangelist Reid of Belfast, Ireland, and the noted singer, J. W. Troy, of Chicago, are conducting an evangelistic campaign with the churches in Lents. From the first night the meetings have grown in volume, chairs having been brought in from a itetghboring church In order to seat the audience. Theso men recently conducted campaigns in Nfwberg, Bellingham and Falrvlew. The meetings will continue until May 26. Patriotic Rally Is To Be Held Tonight Tonight there will be a patriotic rally at 8 o'clock at the Norwegian .Danish M. E. church, Vancouver avenue and Skidmore streets. A returned physician from the battlefields of France will ad dress the congregation. A service flag will be dedicated. At 4 p. m. Sunday the Norwegian Danish congregations will participate in the big Methodist union service at The Auditorium. Services at St., Davids Next Sunday is - known in the Chris tian year as Expectation Sunday. The rector of St. Davids, Rev. Thomas Jenkins, will preach in the morning on the subject "How Shall Man Use the Power God Gives Him?" The choir will sing Woodward's "Te Deums." and Lift Up Your Heads." by Hopkins. JAMES PALMER TELLS OF WORK OF OREGON SOLDIERS IN FRANCE Y. M. C. A. Secretary Addresses Midweek Meeting at First Congregational. as an offertorv anthem. At rtlcVir th .-w. will nraK An Tn-n n 0 MgT . . .. VI . ,, . . T11 Kxpectandy." The night choir has been 'nCTCT fV ' . "Vt. James Palmer. T. M. C. A. secretary, who has been with the Oregon boys In France, addressed the Thursday night midweek meeting at the First Congrega tional church, giving a very Interesting and instructive talk. He told of the wonderful spirit of loyalty, devotion and reaF sacrifice shown by the boys and of their buoyant, optimistic outlook upon their mission to Europe. He said. "Ger many needs a good, sound spanking and some day she will thank us for what we have done for her." This is the attitude of the boys "over there" and it should be the attitude of every true 'American. Dr. Hugh Pedley also made a short talk ' which was characteristic of his enthusiastic earnestness. The communion service of last Sun day was largely attended and nine new members were received, sir by letter an three on confession of faith. Dr. Pedley will give a special series of sermons during the four Sunday eve nings of the remainder of his stay in Portland. His subjects are as follows: 12. "The Challenge of the Sunday night Oregon commandery No. 1. Knights Templar, will attend the White Temple in a body, and likewise Masons of other branches of the frater nity. They will go in uniform, accom panied- by a band. The church has ascertained that a number of the sol diers at Vancouver are Masons, and the Oregon commandery has sent invitations to these men to participate in the parade and in the service. The Knights Tem plar will meet at their hall at :J0 and go In a body to the church at 7 :45, with Captain William Davis as marshal. The service will be conducted by Com mander H. T? Hutchinson, Prelate F. A. Vanktrk and Sir William A. Waldo. The Temple quartet will render special music and the American flag in the Masonic form will be presented. Eev. Levi Johnson Will Fill Pulpit The First Presbyterian church will have services of exceptional Interest Sunday morning and evening. The pas tor is on a trip east in the interests of home missions and to attend the meet ing of the League to Secure Peace by War in Philadelphia. At 10:10 Sunday morning Rev. Levi Johnson will preach. Mr. Johnson is superintendent of the Men's Resort at Fourth and Bumsid streets and is an expert In regard to all problems connected with labor. A description will be given of the effect of prohibition on labor and the war conditions in the shipyards and other industries. At 7:30 In the evening there will be the first of a series of histor ical addresses given during the three Bishop S. P. Spreng Sits at Conference The Oregon conference of the Evan gelical association conevened In annual session in Mllkaukie May 9. Bishop S. P. Spreng. D. D- of Chicago. 111., pre sided, rapidly dispatching the business of the conference. His address had the ring of true Christian character and I patriotism. He said.' in part, that the ministers of the gospel hold the highest ' office of the people. When a minister asked President Jackson for a govern- , mental position, the president replied. I "You already have the highest office J within the gift of men. I have nothing better to. offer you." Ministers are rare- ' ly conscious of their great responsible i ity. Every ounce of strength and ener- ' gy. the highest efficiency of body, mlnd.j . and spiritual achievement are needed SERVICE FLAGS WILL FLY for successful ministry. The conference was organised by ap- ! pointing Rev. II. K. Uell. secretary- i Rev. H. Schuknecht. presiding elder of ' the conference, delivered his annual ad-dt-ess in which he reported the financial condition very much improved as well as fthe work of the other departments. i The conference was divided Into two 1 districts with Rev. F. B. Culver of Bel- ' lingham. Wash., presiding elder for the ' Puget Sound district, and Rev. L. C. i Schuster of Albany, presiding elder 'for' the Oregon district. Both men have been successful pastors and . will make efficient officials for their fields of labor. METHODISTS WILL HOLD PATRIOTIC RALLY ON SUNDAY Bishop Hughes Is Coming From Pittsburg Just to Attend the Big Meetiog in Auditorium. Funds Will Be Raised for War Work of Methodist Churches? Various Speakers to Be Heard. a1 St. Marks to Hold Its Annual Meeting The annual meeting of the members of i St. Marks Kplscopal church was held I Monday evening. The meeting was 1 largely attended, the rector, llev. John II II. Klmpnon. presiding. The treasurer's report and the reports I or tne various organisations and so cieties of the church were red and approved. The following laymen were elected members of the vestry for the ensuing year: Roger W. Hastings. William 1. Campbell. Herbert J. Campbell. William J. Henderson. Robert W. Blackwood. James D. Claghorn. Captain William B. Buffum. R. V. Amdt and W. T. Slater. At the close of the annual meeting, the newly elected vestry met and organ ized for the year. Roger W. Hastings LL Portland Methodism Is tuned for the great patriotic meeting In The Auditorium Sunday after noon at 4 o'clock. Bishop Mat thew Simpson Hughes has tele- revpectlve ' rraphed the Portland clergy from Pitts burg that he la crossing the continent Juxt to attend this meeting. He will deliver the main address. Dr. W. W. Toungson is regimental commander and the two lieutenants are Dr. Joshua Stansfleld and Dr. T. W. Lane, James A. Bam ford Is in chargs of the musJo and Jasper Dean McFsl will hare charge of the choirs. Mrs. Gladys Mor- o.. . .v.. t-w- i2 a ni ! W'as appointed senior warden by the IT' " 1 7' j,, ' rector. Kev. John O. Hatton strengthened by the promotion of some from the junior choir. The junior choir will sing as usual at 9 :30 a. m. Dr. Hutchison a. Hope Hall Rev. A. L. Hutchison, pastor of Pied mont Presbyterian cnurch, will speak at Hope hall Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock on the "Millenium." The mis sion is at 266 Alder street. First Friends Church Rev. Homer L. Cox will preach the sixth sermon in the . series on gospel fundamentals at the First Friends church Sunday night. Between Britain and America" ; May 26. "Soldiers and Their Songs" (the month ly song service will be given at this time under the leadership of L. E. Becker, organist and choir director) ; June 2, "Carry On." a farewell message. Dr. Pedley talks from long experience with the vital issues of higher living and thinking. Pennsylvania Leads in Classes The state of Pennsylvania leads the union In the number of organised Bible classes, , according to Sunday school re ports. There are 11.926 organised classes in the state. Ohio stands sec ond with 6701 classes. with "Historical Aspects of Pan-Germanism." The subject for Sunday evening will be "The Berlin-Bagdad Railway." The address will be given by James F. Kw lng. who Is director of education and superintendent of the Sunday school. $2000 Given to . Church War Fund In the war emergency drive among the Christian chujxhes of Multnomah and Clackamas counties there wss re ceived Thursday a gift of 12000. Those contributing to this drive have the Drtvilea-e of designating the Institutions to receive the gifts and the offering made yesterday was appointed by the donor to go to the Disciples Home for Old People at Walla Walla. Two $500 pledges have been received in the drive and others of like slxe are in sight. Each of the cooperating churches is planning to make a special appeal next Sunday and the leaders of the cam paign feel very hopeful of reaching the goal of 16000 for the two counuea. Salvation Army Service Special services will be held on Sun day at Salvation Army corps No. 1. 243 Ash street. At 11 a. m. there will be a holiness meeting. At 3 :16 p. m. the subject will be "Mother," when spe cial readings and songs will he given At S p. m. Staff Captain W. Thomson, who has lately come to this city, will lead the service. All are cordially in vlted. Service flags from all the churches 111 be hung from the gallery rails. I Subscriptions will be taken for the work Inf Ik. V.tUn.l War rVtutuMl nt ftia church. Every Methodist Is expected to donate one day's salary out of the year to this cause. The National War Coun cil is assisting the government In Its work and works In co-operation with the T. M. C. A. and other relief organisa tions : It alms to give '1150.000 fer the support of war sens pastors; t SO. 000 for the work of the Women's Home Mis sionsry society: $1,600 for the support of every Methodist chaplain and to build -orphanages In the war stricken coun tries. Every church In Oregon Is ex pected to tske pert in this great pro gram. The program announced for Sunday afternoon Is : Twenty (striate organ reHtal . 1 4S Oearn rarttal .. . . .Wdr Moms Pansa a nit r-i i ...i mil "OrNrard OirkMiaa SW Junior aM sssn i ssn. wss elected treasurer. William P. Campbell clerk and Robert W. Blackwood junior warden. Roger W. Hastings. William J. Henderson and Robert W. Blackwood iifvm ucissnicB in me aiocesan i atian" convention, while James D. Claghorn. i "Asaenca" llwtr ssd adi a Captain William B. Buffum rul v n F-rarer Ir M. P. Worm. eVpenaw of ertJea. Hutchinson were selected as alternates. I Lom'tm,M "d - I Pnllaoelrnia, n "iMn. Lev. Im" Choir and ssxHaasae "The National War CosmicO" Ir. VTU- Haaa Walter, Toanawn. dartrsrt oaportateodoat Soma "Tha Lotdt. Lni Trail Mas OsMW Peters Foer saJnato srswtias frees Jaaaea V tthseoaass, governor 4 Oregon. "BeaMStii the Cross" Harriet tUeara and J eater Cases Poor as urate greeting J Wallsee MrCaaaaat, taatir of the sstprease eotu-l of Oreeoa. Holo -The Toamg VtarrWr". . Albert a. Brown DIRECTORY OF CHURCH SERVICES IN PORTLAND Prophesies Will Be Sunday Topic "Jesus' Prophecy of the Destruction of Katseiism In This Generation" will be the subject of the address to be given by L. Klaer Dickson, well known evangelist and lecturer. Sunday night In the Central Seventh Par Adventiat church, corner Eleventh and Kt Everett streets. The lecture will begin aft o'clock. Fvangellst Dickson Is a deep student of the prophecies of the BiDie arrd has delivered msny lectures on these up-to-tho-mlnute subjects. The large audience which beard his lecture of last Sunday night on "German Kul tur" is evidence of the live Interest which Portland people have In knowing more of the prophecies which mlarht cast any light on the events of the pres ent day. The public In general are In vited to attend. Seats are free. 11. L. Morton, tenor, will sing. Service Flag Will Be Unfurled Sunday t-'onr sstnnt greeting fr srayor of Portland. R citation "The SereW Pies" . "Keep toe Hosae tree earning ' Cseit and aallesxs Addreas RUto Matt ft. Hash "Bur Spangled Beaner" Harriet Lunch and aodnase rBdietion- University Dean to Address Open Forum Professor D. Walter Morton, dean of the school of comma re. University of Oregon, will speak on "Education In the Reconstruction Period" at the Church of Our Father open forum, which meets at S p. m. Sunday f entrance on Broadway, between Yamhill and Taylor streets). In the morning at 11, Rev. W. U. Eliot Jr. will speak on Tortltode Under Heavy and Continuous Anxiety. asttrt yw White Termlt 12th and 'tjW eta. Her. 'WilHreu A. WaMo. 11. "My Mother"; 7:45, "The Ascension of Jesua." Ea-t Side E. 20th and A&kene Re. W. B. Hinson. 11. "Haa God Failed?"; 7:45. "Tour Mother." Third Knntt and VancooTer are Ree. Welby Bearer.. 11. "A Mother's Place." 7:45. "The Appreciation of J man." Arleta Rrr. w. Garnet Handler. 11 "Moth- era and What They Hare Done." 8, "Is the Black Sheep Reallr Black T" Grace MontaTilla Kev. H T. Cash.- 11. Um i I hoice of Despised Ttunga. 8. Super natural Religion or None." Swedish 1Mb and Hoyt 1X1:10. 7: JO. Highland E. 6th and Alberta Bar. Charles f. Meier. 11, 7:48. CaWary E. flth and ' Grant Rev. J. E. Thomas. 11, "Mother and Ber Child." 8. "A Beautiful Woman." esutefas St. Peters Lasts Kev." P. Bentaea. a. 10:SO. 7:SO. Pro-Cathedra 1 Btn and Davis Rev. K. T. O-Hara. . 7 :15. :80. :45. 11. 7:4S. St. Lawrence Ba and Bnsisian Bay. J. C. Hushes, s, s:so, iu:o, ?:ss. St. PatncKs iw asa Barter Bee. K. p. Murphy. 8. 10:30. 7:30. St. Francis E. lltn and Oak Rev. J. K Black. . 8. t. 10:80. 7:30.. Immaculate Heart of Mary William are. and Stanton nee. w. a. iaiy. , s. s. 11. 7:80. Holy Boaary K. so ana iscr.asss Bar. K 8 Olson. . 7. 8. . 11. 7:30. Bt. Rosa K. sod ana ismstta Ber. J. O Farrell. s. l:su. . St. Andrew K. , 8th and Alberts Rare. X Klernaa. s. iv:sv, i:oo. The Madeleine E. 24tb ssd Sisklena 1 Geone F. Tnoinoson. 7:SO. Sll. Ascension K. XaxnbiU and K. 70tb rraacrfe. ear Fathers. 8. 10:80, 7:80. Blessed Sacrament Maryland see. and Rlasv m Ree. W. W. Black: 8. 1040. T4. Holr Cross i 774 Bowdcdn TUr. a irnet B. Ju:ou. I :o. Bt- unatros izzo 43d sc. a K. Jsaait Fathers. 8:80. 8. 10:30. 4. St. Stephens 4 2d and E. Taylor Ree. Ta- ren A. v situ -a. o:av. iv:su. t:bs. Holy Itetisemer Port land bird, and Taneoseat are. Rev. F. U. Miller. . 8, 10:80. 7 40. St Phillip Neri (Paulist Fathers) R. 18tb ana Hicsory star. vr. 4. vartwricnt. 7 :S0. o. 10:80. . - St. Clements 8. SmiJJ) sea. and Newton Hemte ethers. rj. B. lo:so. 7-.BO. Saered Heart-C 11th sod Center Rev. O. RonL 8. 10:80. 740. 8U Asatha E. 18th and MUlee Ree.s J. Ctmminskr. 8. 10:3V. 7:80. St. 8Unblaas (Polish) MaryUsd sea. ssd ramus iter. s. aiaunsw. o, i:jg, 7:0. St Joseph (Germsa) 15th sad Couch Ree. B Dorree. B. l:sw, im St. Michael (Italian) 4th sad Mill Ree. M. Raleatra. 8. 10:80. 7:30. Bt. Clares Capital Uill rraoaiscan fmthenk St. Chsriea 83d , and Alberta Re. J., p utuis. a. iv.ov. AU bainu K. 8th and Gllsaa Bee. Fa that wuiiem crows. . s. iu.no. Christian First Park and Colombia Ree. Harold TT Oriffia. 11. "Worthy Womanhood." 7:45. Henry Till and the Rise of the EiriscoDal Church." East Side E. ISth and Taylor Ree. R. H. Sawyer. 11. "A Mother a Vhaon." 7:80. "First Thlnss." MonUeiHa E. 76th and Hort Ree. J. W. Jenkins. 11, exercises for M ethers' Day. 7:30. The Gospel to the Samaritans." Kodney Aeenne Rodney and Knott Ree. J. Ghormley. 11. "Onr Mothers." 8. "Home and Heaeen." and sons aerrice. ooaiswn e. ith and Liberty Bee. Joseph D. Boyd. 11. ' Christian Snlansa T-eeson snhject: "Adam and Fallen Man." Fi rat 19th and Eeerett. 11. 8. Second B. flth and Holladay. . 11. 8. Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11. 8. Fourth Vaneoneer are. and Emeion. 11. 8. Fifth 62d at. and 4 2d are. 8. E. 11. Sixth Maaonio Temula. W. Park asd Yamhill 11. S. St. Johns Holbrook block. It, Cenpraflstiensl First Park and Madison. Tr. Hnch Pedley. 10:30. "Woman's Influence: The Eril Side and the Good." 7:45. "The Can to America From the Trenches." Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and Everett Ree. Warren Morse. 11. "A Man's Appreciation of His Mother." 7:80, Illustrated lecture , os -Mother of the Bible." Sunnyxide E. . 8 2d and Taylor Ree. J. J. Btauh. 11, "The Soul of the Home Mother." 7:45. "The Glory of the Eternal Home Christ." Hia-hland E. 8th and Present! Ree. Edward Constant. 11. preachine by Edwin Rawden. su perintendent of Oregon Anti-Saloon Learoe. 8, "Mother s Picture. I.aurelhnnt 4 5th are. end 85th at. Mrs. J. J. Handxaker. 11.5. Waeerlr HeichU E. 83d ssd Woodward Ree. A. C. Moses. -11. "Fathers sad Mothers." 8. "Our Two-fold Ufa." unieeraitT Park Rev. C. H. Johnston. II. 7:80. sacred concert. Coffee.. 11. 7:80. First E. th and Mill Ree. Alexander Been. 11. "A Christian Mother Her In fluence in Home and Church"; 8. Hands First E. 85th and Main Ree. Homer U Cox. II, "The Pre-eminence of Christ"; 7:45. sixth sermon on "Gospel Fundamentals." ' Rl Trrnttj ., Ulli end Irerett Ree A. A. Meet- rison. 11. "God ss an AUy." 8. aerrice of sons and community sine. Pro-Uathedral of Bt. Btepben the Martyr 18th and Clsy Rt Ree. W. T. Sumner, bishop. verr uae. K. M. Meuoiustae. flits. unaais: 7:48 a. m., 11. 7:40 p. as.; eburea school. 8:48 a sa.; week days: Wednesday 7:80 a. m., jm- say 8:80 a. sv: Holr day. 7:SO - St. Daeirts . E. 12th ana Belmont Iter. Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:30, 0:80, lL 7:80, "The Power of God In the Hands ot Man.", Bt Marks 2 1st and Marshal) Kev. J. E. H. Simpson, rector. - Bar. J. a. Battos. date rector. 11. 745. - St. Andrews Beret ord L, . Psitaistsith Archdeacon Chambers ra efaanra. s, 7 :30 p. sa. Grace Mesnorial Weedier and M. 17th N. Rrr. Oswald W. Taylor. 8, 11. " Good -Shepherd Vancouver and Graham Im. John Llawson. 11. 7 40, St. Michaels and All SaiwU - - E. 4 3d and Broadway Bar. T..F. Bowan. Mtl s, 10. 11 and 6. Church ef Onr Savior 0th svs, aa4 41st mt a K Arghrlsecon Chambers la aha ree. 11. - Bishop Monte , Memorial Good Saasarltas Vwnitsl Ree. rraderia K. Howard. 7. 7:48 St Paula Weodmere Rev. Oswaid W. Tay- AU Saints 28th ssd Saviaf Ree. rraderia K. Howard 11. - . - - . m St. Johns Corner TC. 18th and Harney. SeO woed A re li dee con Chamhera . as Usrsav 11. 740,..- - . ' t St, Matthew Corbett sad Bancroft. Bar. TV. A. M. Breck. vtoas, 11 " eanawneaS asaaataaieat . First Ensltsh K. Sta and Market Rev. B- D, UomacbBch. 11. 7:su. -' Central K. 6ts tjl aTaadarsJUv. W. II nonrrecatton Beth Israel 12th and Mais Rabbi Jonah B. Wise- Sabbath services Friday at 8 p. m Saturday 10 40 a. m. Sunday. 10. is Portland academy bids.. 18th and Moat omery. Rellsloua echonL Bible clsasis at Central library, second and fourth Wednesdays. Coasrecatlon Aba vis Sholom Park and Ulay ata. Rabbi R. Abrahamaos. Lsnharsn St. James. Enelish West Park and Jeffer son Rev. William Kvan xtnnsnam. ii, . Our Saviors 1 10th and tirant Rev. M. A. Chriatensen. 11. special missionary aerrice by Rev. A.' E. Gundersoo on "The Course of Christ in Sunday." St, Paul's E. 12th and Clinton Rev. A. Krawe. 10:30. 7 40. Trinity Williams and Graham Rev. G. A. Reinbach. 10:15. 7 40. Central Vancouver ave. and Farso St. Rev. C. C. Rarick. 11, 7:80. Centenary E. 0th and Pine Rev. T. W. Lane. 11. preachine. by Dr. Ralph E. Dif- fendorfer; 8. . . CUntoa Kelly Rev. K. B Ixx-Shart. 11. speakins by pastor. L. I). Mshene. William R. Hawkaley and C. E. Carnoa at cuivetnns of service flaev Fsrst 12tb and Taylor Rev. Joshua stans- field. 10:80. 7 40. First Norwerian Danish 18th and Hoyt Rer. Elias GJerdina. 8. "Ministry ot Motherhood." Vancouver Ave. Korwecian Danish ok id mora and Vancouver Rev. Eliaa Gierdinc. 11, "Mother The Holiest Thins Alive." Lincoln Rev. E. B. Lock hart. 7:30. t'niversHy Park Rev. 1. T. Abbett. 11.8. Wilbur Multnomah hotel Rev. W. T. Kerr, 10 40. St. Johns Leavttt and Syracuse Rev. J. H. Irvine. 11. 7:45. District superintendent. Rev. William Wallace Tounsson. D. D. 091 E. 82d at, N. Tabor 2700. , ' ' M, g. Bwtitll ' First Union are, and Multnomah at. Rev. James T. French. 11. 7:45. First 12th and Alder ata, Rev. John H. Boyd. 10:80, preactrins by Rev. Levi John son os "The Mas in Overalla": 7:80. bistattral address by Jamea F. Ewhis ea "Berlin-Bagdad Railway." . Central East 11th and Pine sta. 11. 740. Weotnumter E. 17th and Schuyler ata. Dr. Edward Pence. 1040. "An Old Metric System in Modern Use": 7:48. "Natnral Aris tocracy in Everyday Terms. Rav. J. H. Gard ner Jr. will apeak. Calvary 11th and Clay Rev. R. W. Roser. 104O. "The Interdenominational Crom"; 7:45, patriotic musical recital by P. Waldo Davie em trinisytonad cosdea chimes. ' Fourth First and Gibbs sta, Rev. H, G. Ha neon. '1040. 7 40. . Hope Rev. F. E, Dorria, 11, ' sermon te met hers; 8, eermou to tstawrs. MC Tabor E. 85th and Belmont Rev. Ward McHenry. 11. ."Parent a Day; 8, -Mothers of Men. Ftedrnont Cleveland and Jsrrett ata, Rev. A, L. Hutchison. 11. "The Eaaphasiaad Bie- nifieasee of 'ai other's Day in the Licht ml the Great World Conflict": 8. "Second Cominc ot Christ," piimc study talk. - Ross City Park E. 45th ssd Haseock Dr, Robert H. Milliaajt. J 1.7 40. Mixpalf Rev. R. W. Farajshar. 11, "The Pity of the Father"; 8, "Mother hood sod War, Vernon 10th and Wytant Rev. t. R. I .ends be roach. II. "Mother": 8. eteveoptieoei lecture on "Cathedra is of Northern France." Forbes Graham and Gantenbein Rev. Wil liam McLeod. 11, 7 40. parenU' day will ba observed. Kenllworth E. 34th asd Gladstone Rev. Paul E. Ratsch. 11, parents' day service; 8, What la the Matter with Father t" Severn Dws ASvenUste Mota Bacular services mt ifcla ainiiaslasflis are held on Saturday. Central E. 11th sad Everett U i. paator. I1:1B. Tabernacle West Side, K. sf P. ball, lit sad Alder. 11. T:4S. Moats villa E. SOth ssd K. Eraiatl IKIas 8. F. Beatty. 11. Lents 84th at. and 58th ava. EMac IX i- Chitwood. 1L. St. Johns Central sea. and Chariest os Elder A. R. Folhcnbers. 11. Mt Tabor E. flvth asd Belasont Eider W. T Hilaert 11. Albina flkidmore and Mallory Rev. A. A. Meyer. A. C. acnwaitaer, local elder. 11:15. Scandinavian OfOea haiU Mssuestovs mmt Shaver. 1L. . SaJvatlexi Army Corps No. 1 24 3 Ash it Adjutant Frank Genes. 11. 8:15. S. Corna No. 4 issit 1st sf. a sal an m. a. Lorensen. II. 8:1S. BwedJaS Corps saw A service flag with nine stars will be dedicated at the Clinton Kellr ' church Sunday morning. Attorney L . D. M shone. Rev. E. B. Lockhart. Will iam It. lUwksley and C. E Carlton MOTMtRa' DAT will be the) snesksrs TTia urvloii VI . . 0URDAV will be unfurled and hung In the church. The names of the boys are : James Carlton. Fred Carlton, William Newton. Kent FYeemsn. Ray Donahay. Harley Kelsey, Mr. Alllnghsm snd Mr. rhelps. Organ Recital at Calvary At CaJrary Presbyterian church Pro- reseor v. wsldo oavts win give a re-1 dtal on his triple-toned chlmss Sunday i night. Patriotic and sscred numbers ' will be rendered. I I SuN tne New Church Society 831 Jefferson Rev. WUIiam R. Keeee. 11. "The Savior's Teaching on Marriase and Divorce." Una arms Church of Our Father Broadway and Yam hill Rev. W. G. Klnot Jr. 11. " Fort It woe Coder Anxiety : 8. open forum by Professor D. Walter Morton os " Education la the Recos- strnctioa Parted." WtaoarisssaMi Chrbtiaa and Mswiosary AHiance E. 8th and Clay r-Rev. Joha K. Fee 11. 7:4 5. Pentecostal Assembly Mssstosi Drat and Washinstoai Rev. W. C Trotter. 11, 8. 7 40. Church of ChrsM (CampbelUtea) 84th sa, snd 54th ava. S. E. KUet J. T. Love. 11. 7 40. First M. E. Church TWELFTH A5D TATLO STB." BET. JOSHUA STANSFIELD, D. D. Easter f40 a, 81. "The Authority of Christ Hoar Ye Him" 11:18 t. St.. SUNDAY SCHOOL 4 e'etssft p. s. Great Union Methodist Rally for War Work at the CiTY AUDITORIUM . ADOR888 BT BISHOP ATTHgW B. NWBHfS . Siaariae by all the Metfcodiet Chnreh Chasm is the city, aaaascd. lead by the (Teat pipe ersna PATRrOTlO aa4 RCLIOIOWS BATrlKRirfa t First Presbyterian Church 12th sad Alder St. 10:80 . 88. REV. LEVI JOHNSON "THE MAT I OVERALLS" 7:8e p. m. JAMr F. KWINO "THE RP.RLI.f. BAGDAD HAILWAY" (First of a series mt ad dn m deehas with Hav torical Aspects of Iaav-MerasaaJsm) r Orsan Recital by Edsar E. Cewrsea Tenor Sosa by Warveai A. Ervrla Reception for Soi suera after sensus. u A s ' a - -'" ' DR. GHORMLEY Saw Say Tis 11 a. OUR SIOTMtRS si p. at. Hoeig and haavisi Ithrstratsel srM aursssauss Vlaass Christian Church ROOSJgr AVE. AT KttOTT Sea yew Seartna sa. nanslarS Maataefwl aWaaona ass "Tne Mtetavy sf the Jww ajne H hi festleT"T . WILBUR METHODIST EPISCOPsL CHURCH BCCCEBSOKS to Old Taylor St Church 15 Assembly Room Multnomah Hotel rsv. w. r. gear. Id Tine Seivho) B a artsy 18tfM ftrrssos: TV M H Msrvhs "WvitT A VlSloai OP 4VOO BtgANY TO A TOUS4 a in a eRisia.- Msswt far SeaaS OSBSraev. A trained attesafaa aria ears far aanaO ahUdrea while saothera are as atlan tsars easem gVIRTSOOT WILOOetg. I ' n-mWMB-WSTATaTJR t ' 1 1 'r ii, 1 1 i - ETEKTBODT OrOHT TO GO TO CHCKCH MOTHERS' DAY x. A welcome awaits you at the First ConotTegratibnal Church Pars ssd If sdlaea StreeU MET. HCGH PEDLEY, J. Aetlag rssUr Hit A. X. "Woman's Influence; the Evil Side and the Good" Jt p. jr. The "Challenge of the Trenches" ' : Tbe first ef a scTiem of four patriotic; sermons - DONT MISS ANY OK THKM SUKDAT SCHOOLs 900X C. E. SOCIETTES, lit! 1 i