&asuha to atundoaj UJHN IS LIFE THE , G RE Are 51 H' TO filOS IT OR, KINNV SMP PHONW THa 2NK- , . vttn half a ooice tDHO (UrtH HOMS AVNDE CHORDS , CJANER'S IIUISTRVTIEO ... TUB SON f 4 AtitMER TO-w eon ti. TRIP BlTt ILUOSrATu3 ft AOTHOQ. BILL SHOUP RUINS ALL PLANS OF VANCOUVER WITH A 5 TO 0 VICTORY AMERICAN f Fisher's Men Take Advantage of Mistakes of Opponents and Play ; t Beautiful Ball; Buckaroos Get Away in Lead in First Inning; Dick Cox Breaks Bone in Finger and Is in Hospital. , ! ; . i I By R. A. Cronin i BILL SHOUP again busted up the nice plans of the Vancouver dambuilders yesterday with a 5 to 0 victory that evened up Justj when things were going nicely in the ninth a foul tip from ;Bcmis'!bat lighted on Dick Cox' little finger, broke the bone and i sent it sticking through the flesh. , I ! The peppery catcher, was hurried to the hospital, where the injured member was dressed. It is the second casualty on the I Portland club this season, the left wrist of Infielder Haney having been broken by a pitched ball in a practice game by Chief Jacob's of the Vancouver Soldiers. The absen.ee of Haney has been sorely 1 felt and the enforced idleness of Cox will double Manager Fisher's 'troubles. - . . Bom. Fisher' men played a beau ' tlful Earn of baseball, took advan- . faro nf ihn mlntaVxa nf the enemv and clouted In a few runs when the. oppoftronity came up. I Not the least factor In the run- driving was BUI Shoup himself. His single In the sixth sent two clatter , in if across the obloiii. $ Beaver Get Away In Lead The Buckaroos got away In the ' lead when Smith singled In the first t Itinlnw v. n.-r,A 1 1 n nn Irish,!'. amrl- flee, took third on Sullivan's out and I tallied on Lee's sacrifice fly to Bemls. Two more were made In the fifth. With one dowii. Shoup beat out a J hit to King by some sprinting. ' Smith fanned and then Lefty Slat i tery walked FUher. Sullivan sln ; . itled against the right field fence, i scoring Shoup and putting Fisher ; on third. Sullivan started a steal. ' Boelaie made a short throw to King, f and when - the ball went over his head, , Fisher Bcored. Lee filed to Wolfeir for the last out. Baft All Fall In Sixth One was gone in the sixth when Kibble got away with a walk. Rit ' ter tapped a single to left; and Cox was hit by a pitched ball, filling up the-bags. The Infield was drawn in and Shoup tapped the ball just over J short. Kibble and Hitter scored, but ;j Teterson overran second, ' Bemls was In on the ball In a hurry and had Peterson trapped, f finally running the Buck down and' f touching htm out after bluffing to ' throw on either side of him. Sial ic . . 1 dn.Uk ah arA tKnt '. retired the six men in the next two f Innings in order. . J The crowd picked up a good deal, t but, owing. to the threatening weath ! er. it was far from being a good J' Sunday crowd. . The game with Aberdeen this afternoon will start at 4 o'clock and the same time will prevail ?all week, except Sunday j when itr will go back to 2:30 or 3 s o'clock. Manager Fisher signed up George ! Pembroke last night to take the ' place of Catcher Dick Cox. Pem- broke was among the players who were at the training camp of the ; Buckaroos this spring in Pendleton. The score: . VANCOUVER ', KB. R. H Baseball Dope PAOIFIO COAST INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won. Lett. Pet. SmOI 4 1 .SOO Taooma . 4 Z .7 Portiantf .... 3 3 300 VsnoouTW 8 3 0O Spokane .............. a 4 J33 Aberdeen 1 4 Jtoo PACIFIO COAST LEAOUE Salt Lake . .... ...I 13 .HI Wtrnoo iCV. . 13 13 343 L Anele .... 17 17 .BOO 8acrmnta 13 13 .484 Oakland 13 IS .471 8a i FraiKitce 14 13 .424 NATIONAL LEAGUE New York 14 1 .833 C.ilcago 11 3 .788 Philadelphia 8 7 .333 Pittsburg 7 7 .uOO Cincinnati 3 10 .444 Brooklyn S 10 333 6k Louis . . . 11 .13 Boston 3 1t 300 AMERICAN LEAGUE Boston 13 8 ,7tt Cleveland 8 8 .800 Chicago 8 6 .800 New York 3 3 .300 St. Louis 8 3 .428 Washington 8 8 .400 Detroit i 4 8 .400 Philadelphia B. 8 .387 KID KRITES, NewbergV spldier-boxer, who is ap pearing in boxing con test in the Olympia club of Manila, where he is stationed with the 27th infantry. He has lost but one bout, Marty Costello ' knocking him out. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Crites of Newberg,Or. Detroit 3, Chicago 2 Detroit. May 6. (I. N. S.) Detroit won the game and the series from the White Sox, to 2, by a rally in the eighth inning. Danforth held the Tigers to six scattered singles and held them well in hand until the eighth. In that frame Hellman put the win ning run over with a timely hit with three men on bases and none Sut. The score: R. H. E. Detroit . , 3 6 2 Chicago 2 9 3 Batteries Dauss, Jones and Yell"!. Spencer; Danforth. and Schalk. St. Louis 3, Cleveland 0 St. Louis, May 6. (I. N. S.) St. Louis won the 'game yesterday when Sothoron blanked the Cleveland Indians, 3 to 0. Coveleskle was nicked for 10 hits in seven Innings, but kept them well scat tered, i The score : R. H. E. Cleveland 0 6 3 St. Louis 3 10 2 Batteries Coveleskie. Enzmann and O'Neill ; Sothoron and Nunamaker. BEES LAND SERIES BY ONE TALLY Tigers Lose Tied Score in Ninth Inning but Hold Second Place in the League Standing. Ned Egan Commits Suicide With Pistol t Wolfrr, ef . . l Hamilton, 3b 5 h.mU. If . . j'Htewert, - Brown. 2b . atnkke, lb , King, m I IioeUle, o -; HUtterjr, p . Vattcrton, e 0 0 tl 0 0 0 0 0 U 0 PO. A. 0 3 0 0 3 1 4 0 1 0 Total 83 6 24 12 I PORTLAND AH. It. H. . Smith, If .... I rtaher. lb . . ' BulliTen, cf . . .m, H y Via. e ...... I Kibble, 2b- 8b Kitter. t I Peterson, 8b-0 I Hhoup. P . . . '( Arkenburi, 2 b t Totals . 1 TsneouTsr Hits . . ' Portland . Hits 4 3 4 8 4 a o 29 1 1 0 (I 0 1 1 t) 1 u 2 U 0 o 1 0 3 0; PO. 3 8 5 2 2 3 ( 1 1 A. 0 1 0 II 1 3 6 I 3 0 Chicago. May 6. (U. P.) Ned Egan famous as a minor baseball league manager, committed suicide by shoot ing himself in a hotel here today. Egan was to have been manager of the Mil waukee Association club this year, but 111 health prevented. A note indicated his illness inspired the suicide. Egan, who had been at a Milwaukee sanitarium since February, when his spine was injured in a skating' rink ac cident, secured, an over-Sunday leave from the institution. Purchasing a re volver in Milwaukee, he came to Chi cago and registered at the Grand Pa cific hotel. His bed had not been used. Egan began as an infielder in 1897 with an eastern semi-pro team and se cured his first experience as a manager in the New York State league. After becoming manager of the Waterloo, Central league club in .1906, he won four pennants a"nd eight seconds there. Salt Lake City, May 6. (I. N. S.) The Bees took the series, four games to two, when they beat Vernon yester day, 3 to 2. It was an uphill fight all the way for McCredie's crew, but they won out In the ninth inning, breaking a tie score and putting over the needed run on One hit, after two were down. The Bees went far out In front by the victory, but the Tigers remain in second place by reason of the even split of the Angels' -Oaks' double header. Both Quinn for Vernon and McCabe for Salt Lake lasted the entire- route and pitched good ball, the winners get ting only six hits off Quinn while Mc Cabe was being trounced for seven hits by the Vernonites. The twlrleni were wild, however, McCabe handing out four passes to Vernon batsmen, while Quinn dealt out three. The score : . R. H. E. Vernon 1 2 7 1 Salt Lake 3 6 3 Batteries Quinn and Devormer ; Mc Cabe and Konnick. r. - "A J C - i J I 0 I r 1 1 v ' 1 i S.-P. WINS WAY INTO THE LEAD Defeat of Northwest Steel Com pany Changes Complexion of Baseball Ratfe. Jaiumbla-WlllamcUo Shipbuilders' Bassb. Wen Lost P 1. Smith-Porter 4 0 1.0C trCo-mlck 4 1 .i undstion .a 1 .71 Jomfoot '. a a .er tandlfer-Olarkion 2 8 .4C upple e Ballln 1 a ".a: enlnsulsi 1 a .at o.thwest Steel 0 B .00 Stung Once, Scot Golfer Decides to Ask for the Score At Handy holed eat oa tke lint frees kls f lie ad from orer tke bor der asked "A ad how maay (trek.es did jm take!" "Klaht," replied tke Scot. "Ah." said 'the F.Bgllshmaa. MI took serea. so that's my hole." The Scot said nothlag. bat whee oa tke aext greea the EegllshsBaa repeated ghls eerstloa aad made la qolry as to the aamher ef strokes takea by his oaponeat, the - latter eodded his' head aad. with aa ex vrettloa of laflaite wisdom oa kls gently marmaredt "Xay, aay, my maaalei this time ft my tarra to ask first," GIANTS TO GET PLENTY OF OPPOSITION WHEN THEY START OUT WEST Cubs and Reds Expected to Furnish Real 'Opposition to Run aways Cleveland With Crippled Team Has Been Showing Great Strength in American League Pennant Race. By Jack Veiock -rf'HE Grant Smith-Porter team Jumped 1 into first place in the Columbia-Willamette Shipbuilding Baseball league Sunday by defeating the Northwest Steel team, while the Foundation club went down to a 6 to 5 defeat in a 12 inning battle at St. Helens. The Corn- j foot tossers won from the crippled Sup ple & Ballln team and "Buck" Keith's Peninsula aggregation lost a well played contest to the Standlfer-Clark- son team. Fans SeeDoublf header Vancouver, "Wash., May 6. Fifteen hundred fans witnessed the double header of the Columbia-Willamette league here Sunday. In the first game, a seven Inning affair, the Corafoot team won a 10 to 3 victory over the Supple & 'Ballln team, and the Stan-dlfer-Clarkson defeated the Peninsular team, 8 to 0. The "Penlnsufc team, under the man agership of Buck Keith, showed up, in great style, the playing of Goldman, its second baseman, being a feature. Goldman robbed Peterson of two hits by making sensational one-handed catches. In the first game. Cornfoot scored three runs in the first inning. Tech, the first man up. hitting the ball over the right field fence Cornfoot added two runs in the third and four in the fourth. The tenth run was made in the sixth inivlng. Pitcher Laird of the Supple & Ballln team knocked a home run over the left field fence in the third inning. CORNFOOT. A.B. R. H. T.O. 3 NEW YORK, May 6. (I. N. S.)-Looking ahead to their first western invasion, which opens Friday in Pittsburg, the vjiams can, sec mucn stronger opposition tnan tney nave met up with so far this season. The Chicago Cubs, holders of second place today, arc living up to predictions made for them in advance of the season. Thev are doing better than was expected, for without" the services of Grovrr a - Tntpmitir flontpcit Alexander they continue to win, and now have a winning streak au.wva.vWj j lot nine straight garrves, which ti Journal Team Wins Intercity Journal 801st Bqua .. Mtccabbea . . . Western O'p'as ft. W. Stool . . . Maroons Kir Patricks 0 Hibernian 0 II Leaeu lAyoci Lest Vct. 1 O 1.000 1 O 1.0OO 1 o i.eeo 1 e i.oo 0 1 ,000 0 1 ' .000 .ooo .000 J ter. If S 0 0 0 0 Csrrol. m 2 2 0 a 2 Knlpple. 8b ...4 2 2 2 1 Rrrery, rf 3 1 1 0 0 Rsrr.c 4 8 1 16 llnM, lb s o 8 4 o Horkinn. 2b ft 1 2 2 1 McKrnny. cf a 0 A O 0 Cnltin. p ft 0 1 0 2 Uincton 2 0 0 A O Nacel, rf 2 0 0 0 0 ToUls 37 11 10 57 11 5 8 27 14 1 0 0000000 0 0 100 0 0102 2 6 1 0002200 R 2 0 2 0 2 2 0 0 8 tftruek out By Shoup. 2; Slsttery. 2. Raws 1 oa balln Off Shoup, 1 ; Slsttrry. 2. Sacrifice hits Kt'hr, l.rr. Stolen bans SulliTan. Hit j by pitclwd ball Peterson. Wild pitch Slat- : tsry. Hun renponaibla foi Slattery. Time of b sune 1:30. I'mpire Bedford. Earl Caddock on Job for Zbyszko Grapple Chicago. May, 6 (U. P.) Earl Cad dock, sergeant the national army, but commander-in-chief of all heavy weight wrestlers, arrived today for his match here Wednesday with Wladek Zybzsko. Hints .have come from Camp Dodge, Iowa, that Caddock will have few other opportunities for defending his crown In this country. Solons and Seals Break Even San Francisco, May 6. (I. N. S,) The league champions, now occupying the cellar position in the percentage column, were able to break even with Sacramento in the - couble header, winning the morning game, 5 to 2. but lbsing the afternoon contest, 4 to 9. Leake, for the Solons, in the pre luncheon game, allowed the Seals three hits in the second, on which the lowly champions scored as many runs, which, it developed, were all that were, re quired to win the game. In the post-meridian session the Seals far, outhlt the Senators, but on the bags they were as slow as the pro verbial ice wagon. They garnered three hits in the second Inning but failed to score. In the seventh two safe bingles wene for naught. Altogether they found O'Doul for 14 safeties, but they could not get around the bases fast enough to come within hailing distance of their oppo nents, who literally made every hit count, the final tally reading nine .runs, nine hits, for the Senators. Morning game: " R. H. E. Sacramento 2 6 3 San Francisco 5 , 7 3 Batteries Brenton, Leake and East erly; Sea ton and McKee. Afternoon game: R. H. E. Sacramento 9 9 0 San Francisco 4 14 1 Batteries West and Easterly ; O'Doul and Brooks. . ABERDEEN CLUB HERE TOR SEEIES WITH BUCKAROOS Player. Moore, 2h Moore, cf Coleman, 3b French, us Kennedy, lb . . . Htchner. rf . Sutherland, p . . . Beebe. If v. UcBride, c . . . . . 3 3 3 4 3 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 H. 1 1 1 0 0 0 O 1 11 0 O 1 6" 3 0 2 4 0 1 0 10 . 1 0 1 0. 0 1 0 3 Two base hits Williams, Jones. Home runs Teck, Kennedy. Stolen bases Moore 2. Ken nedy 2, Teck 2. Coleman. French. Fltchner 2. Heebe. Williams. Sacrifice hits Coleman. Fitchner. Struck out by Scott 1. Laird 4. Sutherland . Bases on balls off Scott 2, Laird Rlak rata ii- tr,v a cov-on r,ma uriui Sutherland 1. Double ' plays Moore to ... .. . . , , " , Itrencn to Kennedy with the Buckaroos, is keeping the wires hot in an effort to bolster up his team. The Kittens were able to take but one game out of the five played last week at Seattle. Egan is in need of a couple of ex perienced pitchers and is expecting the club here this week. The cats are also on the hunt' for a shortstop to plug up the gap In the infield. 1 Aberdeen 7, Seattle 0 ; Seattle, May 6. The Aberdeen i Black Cats turned and clawed yester- day. Four straight defeats were ;. more than those lumbering felines could stomach, and with Pat Kaatley pitching brilliant ball they admin la , tered a 7 to 0 defeat to the Giants, The Cats made nine hits and not one ! of them was wasted. Lebourveau was the .only Seattle player who could hit Eastley at all. The score: ABERDEEN ' AB. It. H Golf Play Is Postponed The two-ball foursome golf tourney scheduled to have been played on the Portland. Golf elub links Sunday was postponed on account of the bad weather. Omar Khayjan Debuts Today Baltimore. Md., May 6. (I. N. S.) Omar Khayyam. Wilfred Vlau's cham pion 3-year-bld of 1917, will make his debut at Plmllco today, starting In the sixth race, a handica'p at one mile. game was not so one sided as the score The game was a pitching duel between would Indicate. For four Innings, the "Lefty" James and Dick Mitchell. t M r tAama nlevaH hrilllnn Kail h. I rrrw t i M i 1 Jimmy Shlnn. veteran outfielder, to Join I,"" ITr"" . Z' 7"V ' V . . . . ' , m l"T .... . ' .... i. r. ' first runs of the contest coming In the first Innlnr and another In the second. fourth inning after two men were out. I Foundation came back with enough Maxmeyer lost control In the fifth and I runs to tie the score in their half of two srrnrs filnvpH lu n mnr rtim to 1 ih. .v. I -A c u.l.n. , K . A - , , , m , . . I . . - - - - " lug uiuu, ui uu jicicua twit ura , v John McGraw.-manager of the New KsoMikmi nr.. Afw that th stmdifer k. - - . .k.i. k.i V 1. l Ml et I l - r I "J fiT-. " 7 ' fV''"r; had easy sailing. Th, locals counted again In the fifth ?Jlh L" a"d tJtt Coleman pitched great ball for the and Foundation scored twice In the dviiio lilt. is vu is issi in ouvi v w iuv Liiai T j will put the .Grays Harbor crew In the ,,-,-. . PEXIXSrLA AB i ttofirt, as, i Heater, lb. ... . ' Ftan. Sb ' Kinkle. ef. i rartwrib, b. . Pine. If. Atuchul. rf. . , . ' Roland. O. , . . . : lastley, p. . ... - Total 1 .I'... ! Smate, If. , . . . . ; lard, Sb. . . . . ; Marphy. Sb. . . , J t'arman. lb. . . IbourTeau., cf. Itowney, rf. ... j afar, as. . . . . ; Kichta, e. . . . . . Leroy. p. .... . 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 1 0 0 o o 2 I 0 3 1 0 0 o 2 1 0 PO. 8 1 A. 0 1 3 0 0 0 O 1 i .84 7 BEATTI.E AB. It. 0 37 4 .4 . 4 . 4 . -4 . 4 . 8 .' 8 .82 0 0 o o o o o 0 0 PO. 1 1 o X o 10 o 1 4 10 0 E. 0 1 0 o o 0 ' 0 0 0 6 27 13 v Total . . , t Aberdeen 0 0 3 0 2 0 Q 0 27 , Hits 0 0 4 0 3 0 0 0 39 Seattle ... .0 U 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ' Hit i 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 8 ', ' Left on bases Aberdeen 4, Seattle 6. Stolen baaea Bocart 2. Egan. Altsehul. Double plays ; . KolanaV to Egan, Ean to Heater. Mora to Carman. Earned run Aberdeen 8. Struck i out By Iroy 7, by Kaatley 8. Bases on balls : (if r Leroy 1 , oil Kastley 1. Umjnre C'olfate. him. Beck relieved him and finished in good shape. '"Lefty" McMoran was effective for the Tigers. First Baseman Hoffman of the Timers was kicked in the head in a J 1.-J I cuii imuii wiiil narunaii iirai. tiiu ivi i . . T om.n to retire from the game. Curley Coen. ra r Tacoma semi-pro shortstop, played his first game with the Indians : and knocked in both of Spokane's tallies with a three base hit in the fourth. The score : Oaks and Angels Split Up , Los Angeles, May 6. (I. N. S.) The Oaks and Angels split in yesterday's doubleheader, each team winning shutout victory, Los Angeles" taking the morning affair at Vernon, 7 to 0 and the Oaks grabbing the afternoon honors, 1 to 0. The series went to the Angels, five games to two. The game- at Washington park was a contest of skill; between ' PrOugh " and Fittery. Neither pitcher allowed any liberties, leach allowing but fve hits, out. uie lone error oi me game coniriD uted to Fittery's defeat. The scores : ' ' ' Morning game R. H. E Oakland 0 S Los Angeles 7 13 Batteries Martin and Murray ; Cran- dalL and Lapan. ': Afternoon game R. H. E, Oakland 1 6 Los Angeles 0 S Batteries Prough and Mitze ; Fit Hollocher, 2b. Itowney, 8b. Hartman, cf. Marshall, c . Neighbors, rf. (oen, as. Walters, lb. Shoots, If. . . Hroten, p. . . Beck, p. Total . . . Cable. 2b. . . Wright. 3b. . Hpeas. If. ... Ihimels, cf. , McNulty, e. . iwubert, ss. , Wihmn. rf. ., Hoffman, lb. Leake, lb. . McMoran. p. SPOKANE AB. R. 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 O 0 0 .80 2 TACOMA AB. 11. Time 1 .45. 1 . Tacoma 7, Spokane 2 ; 5 Tacoma. Wash. May . Wild pitch ' lng by Broten and glaring - Infield er t rors gara the Tigers a 7-1 victory over , Spokane ' and also the series by a four to two margin. Broten walked i eight men and hit two In six Innings ; on thi mound,- and . although he was stlnolr Ub bits, hia wUdnesa lost for 3 4 ..... 4 .... 3 .... 8 .... 3 .... 3 .... 1 .... 1 .... 8 2? 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 H. PO. A. E. 0 2 2 2 0 13 1 2 0 0 0 1 B 11 2 0 0 0 1 ,2 4 0 O il 0 0 1,1 O 0 0 1 8 0 0 1 OHO ? 24 18 4 H. PO. A. E. 0 3 4 0 0 12 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 5.2 0 1 . 2 4. 0 0 38 0 1 7 1 0 o e o o fy o a o 8 27 1 f 0 Eete Buzukos Puts Two Huskies on Ear Pete - Buaukos, Greek welterweight champion, beat two heavy men y ester day in a private match for a Bide bet at the Rose City club. He threw a big Greek named George Galan is in straight falls, the first In IS minutes and the second in two. Not content with that Pete tossed Hans Christenson in straight falls, the first in 41. minutes and the second in four minutes. Eddie O'Connell refereed. ' .0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 7 Totals . . Spokane . , tacoma 2 01 0 2 Ji 0 0 n.T,iH SeJgrtbors. Speas, Daniels, Double rMcMoran "tT ijSubert to Hoft m.n. aicnoran to uaubert to Leake. Left on i. 'm - Four hiU, 7 nffBeek Vn . ts.i ons hit, 0 runs Sie.- r " - ""'ne Struck out By Me, McMoraS a" J'. 3" . " ui-f! MCMoran 2, oft Broten ntt nk t ri,j lirhT Broten. Tun 1:85. L'mpiro-- oh n McGraw Promises to Help Dick Egan Get Some Players. Dick Egan. manager of the Aberdeen Totals William, If Abbott. 3b . . Jones. 2b . . . 1 Reau. cf . Johnson, e . , Zweifel. lb . . Ballln. as . . . Brown, rf . . Scott, p-rf . Laird, p . . . . Kramer, lb . ..26 10 0 : SUPPLE k BALLIN. 3 3 2 3 3 1 3 O 1 0 0 0 0 0 0' 0 0 1 0 1 O 1 o 0 o 1 o 0 1 o 1 1 1 6 I o 1 0 2 Total. 23 Score by innings Cornfoot Supple tt Ballin A. 6 6 1 4 0 0 o o 13 0 3 O 0 3 0 o 0 o 0 8. The Journal baseball team won the opening game of the Intercity Baseball league Sunday, by defeating the North west Steel company team by the score of 11 to 0. The score : JOITBNAL AB. It. E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 in their opening drive. That the Cuba will furnish strong opposition for the Glanta is as sured, and. the Cincinnati Reda, with Fred Toney returned, are more dangerous now than they were when the season opened. Toney won his first game of the season Sunday against Pittsburg. The Pirates, with several left hand pitchers in good form, may also prove a knotty problem for the Mc Graw men to solve, and on top of everything else is the disadvantage of traveling and the breaks against the road club. In the American league the Red Sox have slowed up their pace a trifle ; Cleveland has been winning with dogged persistence and the White Sox are slow, yet surely, re verting Into their true form. The Yankees are settling down to some real baseball, and may sur prise western rivals who visit the Polo grounds In the drive, which opens here Friday with the Tigers on the ofenslve. ics the record made by the Giants NORTHWEST AB. 4 Rimel!, 2b . . Kirk. 3d . . . Ilyman. cf 4 Thompson, as 4 Owens, rf 4 Holweger. e 3 Littler, lb 3 Haifler, If 3 Brill.p 3 Lerch 1 O O O O 0 1 THE "official list of entries for the Grand Circuit light hamejs meeting Total 30 0 3 27 8 Jcurni i o o o - o o a to be held at the Belmont Driving park. Hits 3001 1 1 1 3 A io Narbtrth. Pa., during the meek of Au Northwest oooooooo 0 0 gust 12, have been announced by Sec Hits ooioiioo 0 a retary Al Saunders. A total of ICO srMMAKT nominations, for the nine stake events Fir baje on balls t olrlns l. Bnll . Left hlL9 been received. In addition to an even on bae Journal 6. Northwest 3. Two bate rA .. ... . , ... . . hita Hurst. Hopkina and Hymen. StnH-k out 60 ,n tn l1?1"'?"8 ? the cl"$ Coliina 16. Brill 18. Hit by pitcher Brisseu matron stake, which has been awarded and Owens by Collins. Time of game 1 hr. to the Philadelphia meeting thi year. 6 mis. xhe program for the 191 meeting Is The result of the other game follow : larger and contains a higher clasi of Maccabees 5. Klrkpatricka 4. 10 Inninga entries than last year s meeting, which 6lst Aviation squadron 7. Maroons . " Proved successful, but furnished 13 Inninga Western Cooperage company ""J "ur?r vl 'lmr"r. Jr hi I a. mm i t a Chleaao 3, St Loals 0 Chicago. May . (I. "X. R) Jim Vaughn was at his best, holding Kt. Louis to three scattered hits and never being In danger of having a score made against him. Yesterday's victory makes nine straight for the Cubs, tie ing the consecutive run of wine . made earlier in the season by the Giants. The score: R. H. E. Chicago 3 7 1 St. Louis 0 3 t Batteries Vaughn and K 11 lifer; Meadows. May and Snyder. DiviJe Double Header Cincinnati. May . L N. 8.) Pitts burg and Cincinnati divided a double header yesterday afternoon, the Reds taking the first. 3 to 1. while the Pi rates annexed the second. 4 to 3. , The scores : R. H. E. Pittsburg 1 T 0 Cincinnati 3 10 S Batteries Jacobs. Sanders and Arch er: Toney and Wlngo. Second game: R. H. E. Pittsburg 4 7 0 Cincinnati 3 11 S Batteries Harmon, Steele and Black well ; Schneider and Wtngo. 7. Hibernians 6. Hennlnc 8. Base on ball Off Anderson 2 off Hennlnc 3. Two base hit Blanrhard. Home rnn Henning. Double plays Anderson to Or Telle to William: Blanchard. unaask Htt by Ditched ball llenninc 3. Schick 1 Innings oitcned By A rxleraon a. by Schick 8. by I tn T.iKerf v hnnili has lirivn 21 ntrie nenmng v. lime i :ou. i mpire . ampion. I Thm Kiaherb atake for l.tssMld trot The trotting division of the matron stake for foals of 1315 contains 41 nominations paid up! while nine have been named In the pacing division of the same event. Of the other events, the Liberty stake, for 2 -year -old t rot t era In which the money-winners will be paid Jones, Beebe Scott. Tim St. Helms Beats Foundation St. Helens, May 6. Before one of Hit by pitched balls the largest crowds that ever witnessed 1.. 1 . 16 CmpireKankuT" b m ln 8t" Hn- th McCr' . t , i mick impounding company dereatea . Moxey Loses His Control tne Foundation team Sunday by the The Standlfer - Clarkson - Peninsula score of S to 5 in a 12 inninr contest. tera eligible to the 2 :17 class, and the Bullshead Basaar stake for 2 :1C trotter. each have 2( entries. running. Krldie Hill, former local snort writer is handling the business affairs of the ??;5f new aggregation. CHICAGO. May . (U. P.) Eddie McGoorty was to leave for Camp Grant today with a Chicago draft con tlngent. Registered at San Francisco. McGoorty was examined at Oshkosh, Wia. and called from Chicago. Camp athletic officers say he will have chance to continue his boxing. Newland High Man In Gun Club Shoot Goldman. 2b 4 Maison, as ....... . 8 Kiepl. 3b 4 Bloch. lb 8 Nelson, If 3 Murphy, e 4 Powers., rf . .' 3 Msxmeyer, p 2 Scnultx,- l Totals IT T VanlanJ hlrk man In Cim. 11. M-. nan i"B " I . . . , day's practice shoot on the Everding Jonnvm'lb Park traps of the Portiana uun ciud, GaiTity, ss nmn Rhine- 48 out of 50 tarsreta Four I 1 owe. cf -i . , i a ne r. A .A-M.A4.a i uuhcx, ri tiy njveraing, snooting ior ine iirst time i h. o.lmws, 3b in many .weeks, being one or me snoot- i Haaier. c era to shatter this number of blue rocks. I Coleman, p Gladys Reld and Mra E. E. Young also broke 90 per cent- of their . targets. A. J. Gerrard of the New York Ath letic club was a visitor at the traps.- Totals .30 FEH . 8 . 4 . 4 . 4 . 5 . 3 . 4 . 4 . 4 .38 K. H. PO. A. 0 10 0 0 0 8 2 O O 1 2 0 0 11 0 0 8 1 0 0 10 0 0 8 1 0 0 10 0 113 0 0 0 0 0 2 24 10 CLARKSON 0 0 10 2 2 '10 0 0 2 1 2 ,1 1 0 1 II 1 . 1 O 8 1 2 3 4 2 U 1 6 2 0 118 8 10 27 10 E. 1 0 o sixth tying the count again. From the sixth until the last half of trie twelfth neither team scored. The winning run , Denver, Colo.. May 6 was scorea oy Aiensor. The score: FOfXDATION 0 AB R. H. 1 Und. If 8 0 O 0 Sigsby. 2 4 1 1 1 Groce, m 6 1 2 O Edwards, lb 8 0 0 0 Robinson, r 8 0 1 0 Watts, a 8 0 0 Gleaaon. e 4 1 0 8 Ingle. 8 8 1 0 James, p 8 1 1 0 i O Totals 41 8 8 " M COBJSICK AB. R. H. I TO 0 Merwor, s McPike. c . . Ixxier. 1 Feuerborn, 3 Rjmning. 1 . Reid. m Stevens, 2 . McDonald, r The scores: . A. L. Zachrisson IS 11 B. L. Deaton 7 4 Mrs. E. K. Toons 18 IS H. T. HUl 13 11 Ii. -J. Mallon 7 -J A. J. Gerrard ........ 12 13 E. E. Young ......... 14 13 U L. Mulit -. . 10 . 8 II. R. Eterdinc , . . . ..'13. '13 O. l. Thornton........ .18 15 H. B. Newland IB 14 Gladys Reid .'. 14 13 R. E. MarteU 18 12 E; ii. Chandler! .. .1 . . 11 14 20 ToUl 19 16 17 13 IB 17 17 14 19 Batted for Bloch in ninth. m-uif irj innaia; ' I ui,.k.i Peninsula ."00000000 0 0 I v SUndlfer-Clarason ..00022180 8 SUMMARY. Two-baae hita Ostenaon 2. Hanser. Dooles 41 I Stolen bases Lntee. Sacrifice hita Ciarrit. ZT I riases on ' balJa of Maxmeyer 4, Coleman 4 48 IStrnck out by Maxmeyer 4. Coleman 8. Hit by 9T I pltcnetl bau PeteraoBU Wild pitch Max I merer. Time 1 LmDlre Jacaaon. 42 .1 m- . . . 44 1 vnins rourin siraigni us me e 8 e 8 6 4 4 8 6 PO. 1 4 2 8 1 18 1 2 34 PO. 8 T 14 O 8 2 2 8 0 A. 0 1 0 0 I 3 2 1 1 A. 8 1 0 0 0 0 1 o 8 E. 0 0 0 : 0 I 0 I 1 ! 2 I 0 (I. .V. S.) Johnny Tillman. Minneapolis welter weight, started training In Denver to day for his 20 round bout with Kid Ted Lewis before the. Lakeside A. C. May 17. The fight Is for the welterweight championship of the. world. Georga Engle Is training Tillman. 1 Dunn's Bird Wins rfaee In the first race of the Oregon Rac ing Pigeon club Sunday from Centratla. Wash., Jimmy Dunns bird covered the distance of (8 miles ' at a rate of 110 yards per minute. iC. K. Hen shaw, second, rate 1169: K. Blshoff. third, rate 1128: C. Togensen. fourth, rate 1104: E. Klnderman. fifth, rate 1P87 : A. Jorg. sixth, rate lotl. and H. Williams, seventh, rate f0 yards. . LUNCH 332 Waahinjrton St Ossealte Wasklsgtoa treat Ea traaee ef the Imperial Betel The most talked -of and beet tbought-ef eating place ln Port land. Taere Ii a Beaeoa Have Just opened an annex at 124 Broadway. In the basement, doubling our capacity. There Is a Reason MCBIC TO 3 It TO 11 A mt dim W a' seas Use ?Jf Vest sssaag a csasl wf naaAaf Totals , Foundation McCormick 48 IS 88 12 3 00800200000 0 8 21 101000000 1 6 SUMMARY Run Sunby, Groce. Gleann. Ingle. Jamea. Menaor 3. McPike, Ixjcker. Feuerborn. Stnsck out By James 11. by Mitchell 4. Bam on balls Off James 1, off MitcheH 4. Two-bea hit Groce. Three base hit' Iy-ker. Men- 10 18 SeattleJMan Makes High Score at Traps Iron Workers Win Game j The Williamette Iron .& Steel com pany baseball team defeated the Port land Rubber company players Sunday by the score of 10 to 1. Jack SoIyan, pitching for thw steel company, showed up in great style. The winners would like to arrange, games with local teams. For dates communicate with E. Fromme, care Willamette Iron & Steel company. is ail-American champion. Bike Rider nurt in Spill ' Newark, N J., May 6. (L N. S.) Frank Kramer, veteran cyclist, la con fined to his home here today as the re sult cf Injuries received at the Velo drome Sunday When he figured in a spill. Kramer's shoulder was severely injured and lie received many bruises. San Jose, Cal May 8. Desk in Reed of Sea ttla, . serving with the colors at Camp Fremont, won the -100 bird shoot with 97 breaks in the "Old Timers' " I Sheets. 2b . shoot here Sunday, thereby beating the j Moffett. 8b i., .. e.K i dLi lUrstad. cf Newton, e G rare lie, a .-ti,? a mr. i i tsge. TT gaiiiiier ucis CABunncu i wiiiuma. lb Chicago Mav S. ft. XT ' S fell! Kil. I Anderson, p lifer, erstwhile kaltery mate of G rover rXZcIr-. hia war todav to Paw Paw. Mich., to I unui1 far examination hefnr a .Hrnft I lotaia .. board. I , . , rt ... . I sor, reneroorn. none run jirmcr. i r.aaie i ates Viranx tsmun-r-orter team pi,, Mensor to Locker. SacrtfVce hit Line, so i v via us ivuiiu dli saiKiit. Kan if- ui ma i ncniff ouHvn vumm r ruriirwn. xai vw 48 I season Sunday, defeating the North- I pitched ball Reid. Time of game 3 h. , ... j j - " 8 I "Z-Vl "r J . IVsnn-r fleeted Starter wei sieei comuanv Diavers out mm - - ti . hits, while the St. Johns dI avers I New York, May 6. L N. 8.) Will grabbed nine off the deliveries of An- lam Wellman. promoter of the Hark derson and Schlcki I ness cup race at Sheepshead Bay on The Northwast Rti niavera ihnwMi J Memorial flay, toosy announcea mar. up In better form than they have Inl" J. Wagner has been selected as inT eame tnis season. Nordstrom. ..-,.... Yates and Blanchard each made two 01 classics in wniry hits, ill f The score : XORWESCO AB. H. H. 0 ... .4 3 ,....4 2 1 .....1 1 27 1 O O O .1 o 1 o -e e o o ?, 1 0 A o o 0 o 0 e PO. 1 0 2 o 8 2 1 1 0 o 2 o Government experimenters ln Argen- T.. I Una have had much success in making 5 I paper pulp from the wood of several va o I rletleo of native pine tree 4. o ' ! BASEBALL BECHEATIOX PARK GRANT SMITH-PORTER i t . j 1,. .. 1 w 3 n.iuuer ia in viaaa ailu will not I TateA. 2b 4 .A claim exemption. Hopes are held that i Blanchard, lb ,....8 l Bairay so ... . . . . .4 Hargtasea. ef .-... 2 Hottn. If j a Lower Columbia Ball Results jNordatrom, if 4 eneax e ...s 24 10 he w;ill not be called immediately. Astoria, Or., May 8. The resulta ofuean. p". uio opening gauiiea in uis nowir v;o-i liimbia. River leaerue wtra as fnllnwa I Total Rogers (, Spruce" division L - McEachern 2. Co. M. 14th inf. L o o 1 1 1 1 11 A 8 0 A 1 8 4 A A 0 1 2 ..,..S3 27 112 Norwesco .......... 0 0 0 0 A 1 O A A 1 uisu BBiu-rnur ..a a v v x s g i .......... .... ...... ... of u w . n w ., JOaT. i-erense,0. W USOn BWp Co. 4. I . Struck out By Schick 8. ky Anderao. 4. h. I Corner Yasgss aad Tweaty-fesrth Bts. I ABERDEEN PORTLAND MAY V7. V 1A. 11, 1. Game Begin Weekday at 4 T. X. Malays, 9 T. M. Reserved Box Seats for Sale at Edwards' Cigar Stand, 8th and Wash. Ladies J1 Dally Except Satarda 1 A A A A A A 0 1 When He Gets that Pouch of Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug You Sent Him A man's first rapulse u to share a good tiling. Real Grav-ely Plug has been spread all orer Amer ica simply br the GraTely user offering a small chew to his friend. Tobacco like that is worth sending. It means something when it gets there. Give sae maa a chew of Real Craver Pkif.aAd hm will tell ym thmt't tke kiad to semd. Semd tho best I Oiistary pbmg is false aceooniy. It costs leas per wook to cWsr Real Cravelr bacaoso a ssaall jcbaw oi it lasts a lone wkilo. . ' I II yaej ssBolio m pioa, slico CrmTofy vita year knifo aiI mdd m Cttlo; to yor aaoking tobacco. It will give flavor improve your ssaoka. ' ShO TICI nUDO Cf TEE 0. S. SEtTXCZ A TWXM 9t GaAVELY Dealers all aresnsd aVoro carry it in 10c poochAa. A 3c ' stamp will pert it into bis bands im any Trainiaa; Camp or Ssa. port ef tbo U. S. A. "ovar tbera" a 3c stamp will take it to kiss. Yosar dealer will sappiy OBralopo aad giro yo official Cur c tie as bow to address it. P. B. GRAVELY TOBACCO CO DtavHIc, Va. - ; Tk Patent Fowch kp it Frsh mnj CUm and CoaJ -it U nrt JUat Grmly vitXomt this Prvtiction Sat ''.'" EotabllsKott 131 1 5.