? THE OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL, PO RTLAND, SATURDAY. IvtAY 4." 1918. 11 florists Japan florist - 1S 4tb it,. Mar YsmbM. Bd- i ding and ptnanttl plants. Special Ml garsnlum. heliotrope, callla, lo belia, aster, pansy, peony, msrigold. ate. Japonlca and trait plant at a bargain. ' Your choice of ouuida frown erg-tabl plant, any kind. 2 do, for 85c MARTIN FORRES CO., Florists, 354 Wtik. , Mala 268. A-1269. Flowaar tor all ooce W artistl-aTly imnixL CLARK BROS., Florists. 287 Mtrrise- street Mala or A-l 805. - Fin Dowers and flora 4a airtw. No branch torea. PEOPLES If ORAL SHOP, 345 Aider, drign r. end decorations. Prion Marshall 6922. I.UBUNER. Portland Hotel. C8 Morrison. rr ,t MAX M. SMITH, Florist, 141 H Oth at. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors 4 EaUMiahed HIT. , Third and Salmon (treat. Mala 607. A-1611. i ay amhiuii. t J. P. FINLEY & SON Pro-r-lve Fnocral Directors. PRIVATE DRIVE Woman Attendant!. Montzoinerv at ITlfth- Xatn t. A-l 809. WILSON & ROSS Saet 64- Lady Aasktani. C-8166 Multnomah at B. Seventh at. Dunning k McEntee rrery detail. Broadway and Pin Ma. PboB roadway 480. A-4558. Lady assistant F, S, Dunning, Inc. Tbe Golden Rule Undertakera. 414 B. Alder ML Phone Eaat 62. B-6228 A, D, Kenworthy Co. Tabor 6267. 66(72 92d at.. Lenta Tibor 6.9ft. - 66th t. and Fosr road. Ariel, l-ast 7 81. I L DOLI Mrs. Lereh H-18M. LLllbn A.(.t.nt tfpdertskers E. 1 1 th and Hawthorne BlLLKK TRACKI. Independent Funeral in- reeiora. rrices aa low an l.'o, 4U. (no. Washington at Ella. Main 2691. A-7R83. A. R. Zeller Co. 6S2 William are. Eait 1088. C-1088. Wilson &. Wilson 1167 Kerby st. Wdla. 4 940: C-I165. 1 Wllltame are. Woodlawn 2!ift n.ii Hamilton 178 E. GUsan at. fry neral serHrae. Tabor 4818 lraa-ra X Qnnnl Belmont , at 85th Tahor ISfta. bllAMBEHS-KENWfRTHT CO.. 1111 K-rhr t Woodlawn 880. 0-1188 nttnr Undrrtakina Co. Main 41ft2. pvvp A-2821 Tomer 8d and rise MOM'MENTS BLAESING GRAKllTE g PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 204-206 4th at., opposite eity halL Main 8504 Philip Mew Bonn for memorials. rnT a ennxn it following article Wave been found on cars of the Portland Railway, Light Power Co.: May 8. 11)1 8 purses. 1 ear ring. ' 1 knife. 2 pins, 1 bnnrh keys. 1 key. 1 pkg. necatires, J pr. gloves, 1 tassel 1 rap. 1 pr rubbers, I 1 can paint. 1 book. 12 umbrellas. 5 plus.. 1 i basket and contents. 1 shovel. Owners may obtain property at 1st and Alder I at. station, i IXJST Itdys blork leather purne with initials of owner In sold: liberal reward. Return to Star theatre between 2 and 6, or phone East 2120. WILL the man who took the black beaded hand bag from Mount Srntt car Monday afternoon please return ame Alder 8treet waiting room. 'LOST Sunday, at green check coat, lawn 1007. Multnomah field boy's Finder please csll Wdod- EOS'T -Oentiemsn's diamond ring ington st.. bet. 13th and 20th. 8049. Reward. oi Wash Call Tabor YAN and white hutitlng di license No. 210; answers to name of ':Don.-' Call Main 1880. Eng. Co. 22, Portland lire Iept. EosiT Eastman kodak at Maillson bridge rest rfom. Phone M arshsll 5 l 0 7. Reward. FOUND Engllh bulldog. Call Main 792 FOUND Bicycle. Call East 2247. HK1.F WANTED MALE 1 IS THERE A 1HT-CLAHS BUtSHELMAN L PORTLAND who would appreciate a good ! vtermancnt job at better than union wages? j If so sa Mr. Fabry at Fahey-Krockmans, Up- i stairs ( 'hit lies Shop, at once. RaleicU Bldg, 6th , a ad Washington, at. ' . "SbTlCE ' ' The Hemphill Trade Hebools are starting a special night clans Monday eve.. Mtt 6, In I vulcanizing and reairing. 707 Hawthorne ave. ' at 20th St. Phone East 8068. I WANTED Experienced man on farm (19 ' ' mils from Portland) with knowledge of . stock; good, wages and good house with run- i ning water. Call room 428 Chamber of Com meroe bhlg. TWO men 25 to 33. to travel and" collect for large esstern corixjration: steadv norition with i good opportunities for right man; mut be able to furnish -small personal bond.. CrII II to 12, Carlton hotel, and ink for Mr. I,lrmnra 1 WANTED ' at once.' sTli7acksraTththit can do ' general blacksmlthing and horeahoeina: would prefer a man that is exempt from draft and that haa knowledge of automobiles. DX-972, Journal. . i WORK DON'T 1VM HELP " WIN THE WAR, He West Linn paper mill ad oa this page. It will pay you to ntr their employ. WANTED Men to qualify for trainmen. Apt ply rna 31CI Elect rio building; .open all day sod all night, including Sundays. P. R.. L. WANTEl Cylinder and Platen feeder, capable of putting on some jobs; steady position;. nreferred. J-624 'journal vTiTEHOtJerE truckers: Meadv noaition. in- sid work, Saturday afternoons off, $8.25 sr, .ssppiy iu r. narvey, Ataranail-Wau ! Co.. 14th and Kearney, WENTWORTH A IKUIN desires services of a few first claas blacksmiths, painters, lathe men and blacksmith helpers. Main 2892. 200 2d at., corner Taylor. WORK DON'T BUM HELP WIN THE WAR. See Weat Linn paper mill ad oa this page. It will pay yon to cuter their employ. , MAN tor ltaht work arid chores on il.irv N.n objections to elderly man if capable. Call or write. 801 Main st. Vsncouver. Wash. v.vi -.. v - ; lOtsii man to learn auto repairing. Sleep at garsga nights. References. 1258 Bel- tnont st. Wanted Y rt, I i. M.aa. . .. lu.n V. . . 1 lections and office work. Ariiir. r l Box No. 624, stating age. RRAWb;.7 wanted, opportupR, to learn good trad. Modern Printing A Publishing Co., 864 Broadway. Phone Bdwy. 249 tin vt'l-ii! a...i ... ; rn i WANTED Severs! young men for shipping dept. Apply Tru Blu Biscuit Co.. E. 6th and Davis. WANTED Men shnva th. Hn ... ... over the top" with our nursery atock. Cash weekly. Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or NVANTEDTlead edgerman lor double edgeri $8.60 8 hr..; trimmerman. $0. 8 hr; mill in ciiyi T-685. Journal. STRONG capable man for janitor wort Annlv ftr 9i80 a. m. at Hoover's bakery. 597 E. inc. .si. aN-TO into. VVlNf EDBoy 1 4 to 16 yar old who can milk coupl of cows; good hom and som py. Hply c.r Log La Barr. EsUcada. Or. BOY wanted to deliver, after school hour, at oaruner vigar io Madison, up-; staira. s-i. rXf ' . , i . . i LEARN slilp drafting, easy, sure, spare time hom study. For interview, address Incoiwh Pta. C, Portland. WAN "TED A first-class shoe repair man, steady work, good wage to reliable man. Bradley Supply Co.. Klamath Falls. Or. WAN f Els Several first class machinists, small shop, good wages. Cutler Mfg. Co., 851 E, 10th' at - AITTfl nint.ea -. n I -1 p.nl 11..;-.. r 9th and Couch. ,JU- i. i;.s..,: , . ., . rr- ATM.HoLtAr Dd u oy. Rainier Ho- TSs vVr-iJlo' ir. r r-r 7 V ANTED J portera to work at night. Royal .m BOA.'l?oui. 1! wanled one; ateady work. 889 s Stark St. WANTED Roofers, kalsominer hangers. 9 o'clock. 608 Tnurn. KM, ' . irilXHl hlocksmlth inl4 mA. Culvert A Flum Co., Kenton station. WANTED Young man to work In creamery. ,vi wii7,...fv Dctmonr sr. tt .v4 ...1 . a-J made' Cohsmbia 127 1 nii K.ii - wrjajL-flTT ? " WAN J ED W riuaer sua a. American Laundry, sW Jssa. ai v i'i ' .. i MAN for inside work. Call at Willamette DairT - 48S fjnioa avo. N. -.'-.. WANTED Ablebedied mala help at Aiaerican Co Co, 14U and Front iUw. HELF WASTED MALE men wanted for sawmills. jkx factories, logging operations klamath county. oregon 8 HOUR DAT. HIGHEST WAGES. BEST SCHOOLS. COOL DRY CLIMATE. CITY O 6000 PEOPLE. - There la r. bit diversity or labor, aa then ar 14 awtnills.-iiv boa factori, 14 logging oper ations using both stasia, donkeys and bona oMlBf. Thro lath milk Boy and women eaa find work la tha box factories. CMB now. MnXSTvb WOOD in oper- 1 i JUKI. UM ARRIVAL SEE KLAMATH I TJM SKHMEN'8 LOGGERS' ASSOCIATION, MAIN STREET. KLAMATH FALLS. OR. 1200 MEN EMPLOYED. ' ' BOYS WANTED with bicycles; must be over 1 6 yrs. Clean work; good advancement; ex cellent pay. See Mr, Bailey, 76 3rd St. YOUR K. It. FAKE PAID Up to 82. Preaent mill cashier ticket agent'a receipt after working one week at West Linn paper milla. htrtke waa . declared ofer nix months ' afo. Come and see for yourself that we are snaking and abippins full product. Can use you and your chum, but no women. This adrertiaement with you insures ork. Free employment office, acroas brides from Oregon City. Don't miss a day; work and help win the war. WANTED BY PACIFIC MtON WORKS East 20th and Clackamas sts. One foundry helper. One yardman helping xsupola tender. Two helpers for structural, abop. . One black anith helper. Two. mulders. One assistant chipper. -One foundry apprentice. MAN anted for finishing room in furniture fac tory. Buys wanted to learn woodworking trade; also chair set-up man. 8 hours, good pay. Valentine Mfg. Co. 600 E. Lincoln. DELIVERY BOY3 superintendent's office, 8 Apply to 10 . O Ids, Wortman & King. EXPERIENCED dispenser for aoda fountain. Apply 9 to 10 a. m... superintendent's of fice. Olds, Wortman & King. WANTED, talexnwn and collector tor city work Must bi able to furnish bondjfio rig neces sary. " Csll A. M . 402 Waliington st. HELP WASTKD- M1SCL. 49 SALESMEN Extra skillful specialty salesmen to Dlace agencies for high grade talking roa- I chine lines, subject to return if not sold. Men ot thU k'Dd mk , oou to mn,'y- paying own expenses. Commission paid weekly by wire or mail. Several states vacant. Talking Machine Corporation. F-62. Journal. HAWTHOKNE A(TO SCHOOL 462 HAWTHORNE AVENUE pi.,n vr liim, i Mvi'UiMi'41. ivn ut.mr. rnicir. t:N. 1M1TED: PRACTICAL REPAIR vv uvHIRNCE. ., , . rnf-un titu i? v a v t 1-v.- .. . j to prepare for telegraph service to help fiU vacancies csuaeu bj iua ur ihii ui men inr war. For particulars call or write" Telegraph Depart- ment. Room 218. Railway Exchange building. THE ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL 880 Wasco st., corner Union sts. ! Call, write or phone Kat 7445 about free ' trial offer. Day and night classes. MISS DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Civil service, dictaphone operating, shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping, mimeographing. Eng 1 lish irpelling Ali-ky bldg.. 3d and Morrison. BEHNKF,-WALKER, biggest business college be cause he't; enroll any time: free catalogue. HELP WANTED FEMALE YOUNG LADIES WANTED. PERMANENT POSITIONS. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. $9 PER WEEK PAID BEGINNERS. RAPID INCREASE IN WAGES. MEALS ON PREMISES IF DESIRED. CALL AT TELEPHONE COMPANY, ROOM 601 SIXTH FLOOR, PARK AND OAK STS. WANTED -Wcanen to tske the pantry course to be given at the Girls' Polytechnic school. Class iust becun and enrollment rhould be m,de " once- Positions at good wages will oe open a soon as nv iiiree nccv , rwtnw finished. Fee $1 for entire course. Apply to Miss Arnold, principal. 14th and Morrison sts. Portland Caterers' association. WANTED A competent girl with good rcf- ' erences. Must understand cooking, some housework, rio laundry, small - family, excellent wages. Telephone Marshall 2474 before 1 p. m or ? Journal. i , WANTED Middle-aged lady with husband or dauahter to ao to small boarding . house in ............ kn.h.nil .n uH'ii r vnrV ni i ! .1 rl . - lady must cook for 7 or 8 people; wages $40. Woodlawn 890. , MIDDI.EAGED woman with not over one child to do penerul hnimewnrk in pountrv. Waffes 1 $8 per week and board. Good home. Easy work ux-rsxs. Journal. WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing; good wages. 295 M. 11th st. N., corner Clackamas. Take Irvington or Broadway car. WANTED Able bodied women and girls over 18 years old, at American Can Co., 14th and Front sts WANTED Married couple for apartment house. , Man can be employed elsewhere; free -apt. reasonable wages. F-689, Journal. SEW LNU machine operators on tents, flirts,. I hats, overalls, aprons, etc.: also inexperienced women ana gins to urease, -oo ournsme si. " WANTED Comiwtent girl; cooking, general housework : good wages ; no laundry. Phone Main 1478, B-8326, or call 1115 Spalding bldg. WANTED A girl to assist with general house- I work, no washing, good home; good wages. ' lth B"t 6041. ; i WANTED Woman or girl for first class pant 1 finisher; good pay and eteady work. 507 i Merchants Trust bldg. 6th and Wash- sts. 1. - r. r-, , r- WANTED At once, girl for light housework. ' experience nor. necessary, oia.1 od ave. S. E. OlllL for general housework, family of two; j good wage. 819 Overton st. 1 PANTS FINISHER ' CHAS. COOPEY A SON. ROYAL BLDG. SOLDIER'S wife must find hum for infant ' once. Pay. F-609. Journal. WANTED Idv waitresses. Butt Restaurant, t -j4B Mnrnside. HCAMBER'MAID. $1 60 day. 230 H Bumside. : ! HELP W ANTED MALE AND ' FEMALE ft FINE bom for middle aged couple to take car oi man pariiaiiy paralyzed ana 4 acres under cultivation; pleasant locality; 80 minutes ride from Portland. Write or answer in person. W. T. Hershey, Durham station Oregon Electric R. F. D. No. 1, Box 154, Sherwood, Or. 100 MEN and women to learn the barber trade, shortage all over the country; big wages Ton csa earn your way through the school Broadway 1731 Moler Barber college. 234 Bnvnsielr r MEN. WOMEN , learn barber trade free; wage ' while learning; position guaranteed. Oregon . Barber Collegr. 233 Madison. r WANTED Experienced jewelry salesman or wo- 1 man, steady work, good wages; references re- 1 quired. r-SDT, Journal. PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Teach . men and women tbe barber trade trr. pay while learning. 234 'Couch. B way 24 82 M rUATION S MALE ! WHAT liav youf Young man wa nta position as watchman. Can take care of noolrooao. Wss disabled V. . 8. navy engineers; 4 years' active service. F-693. Journal. (MARRIED man. experienced farmer, want job ! on raDch wber htnfc mm be furaubed tor I family. W. C. Walker, powers. Or. PAINTING, tinting, paier hanging by expe rievtrad workman. . Estimates furnished. Itef rrrnre. Phone Marshall 16. Evenings Main 687. A-l CARPENTER Guilds and repair cheap by contract. WoodlawS 126. . If you arc out of every employer in ,. 'jlTPATIONB FEMALE 4 EXPERIENCED woman will cater or 'serve at . luncheons, dinner., . i-xrties, weddings, bsn aueta and receptions; charge reasonable. Pnona East 8384. - T DKES8MAKI.NO 4 DRESSMAKING and costume, experienced, by the day. . J-622. Journal.' FURNISHED ROOMS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Prince hotel, E. 3d and Burnaide. 50s day op. 62 week-up. Eaat 171. LARGE single housekeeping room, 68 per month ; also a sleeping room, $0 per month, 821 latitat. 2 UOOH apt., newly furnished;- suitable for 3 people. 460 Main st. TWO lorely . front rooms, downtown, reason, able, bath, free phone.- 403 Stark near 10th. FtTRNISHED rooms for rent, 535 Vi Union are. FL'ttXlSHED ROOMS PKIVATE FAMILY 70 818 MONTH, furnished room, private family. 729 E. Ankeny. near 22d st East 2004. VERY pleasant rooms, magnificent riew. hi keeping pririlegea; adults only: prefer brut. una women. Mrs. uoDson. Main ooiU. LARGE, nicely furnished front room, handy to Sunnyside can, $12 per month. Phone Tabor 1028. or call 1149 E. Belmont near 89th. FOR RENT Two front sleeping rooms, all conveniences; easy walking distance. 202 14th near Jefferson. Main 3160 aftef. 8. NICE hires furnEhed roomi in private family 875 K. Yamhill, one block from Sunnyside car. LAK1E front room, electric light, phone and bath, I block from car. SUB Handera. F L'H NISIIE Droom , all" motern, at"852 Ever ett st. , $ 1 2 month ele;ant 6J88. room and location. MarsbaU ROOMS Alf D BOARD li THE Martha Washington. 380 10th. for bus- . : - i a . i . , I .OK, sen Bins tna uqciiij. jamraiKii xw. THE HAZEL A. real "home" hotel at rea sonable rates. Home cooking. 385 8d St. KOOMH AND BOARD FRIVATE FAMILY 7S LARGE room on first floor, also one on second, use of .parlor and piano; large, cool porch, 3 meals a day, reasonable rate. M '-ellent car service. 305 Cherry st. East 5105. ('TIIERLY care given one or two little girls, age between 1 and 6, at my home, Tli L. Han dera st Phone B-1201. LARGE comfortable 5 room with breakfast Jn private family, walking; distance. Main 9485. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 FURS ISH Ell AND UNFURNISHED MODERN 2 room h. k. suite, everything fur nished, rates reasonable. 413Vi Washington at 11th. CLEAN furnished housekeeping apuartments cheap and very elose in, us b.nott st rnone Eiut 8372. KOCMS, furnished and unfurnished, also sleep- lng rooms; $3 a month and up. 11U h r. 8d st. THREE nice front housekeeping rooms, kitchen. parlor and bedroom. Broadway 3068. Ua ft N. 13th at. $15 3 FURNISHED housekeeping close in, near shipyards. 610 1st st. rooms. FURNISHED housekeeping rooim and sleeping rooms. 202 H Jefferson and Front. MODERN, nicely furnished 1 room apt., with kitchenette, walking distance. East 2079. NICE clean II. K. and -sleeping rooms. East Morrison st. 291 THREE housekeeping rooms. Woodlawn 2452. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 78 FIK.MSHKH AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY TWO good housekeeping apt, everything in cluded but cooking gas, $15 per mo. 1163 Belmont. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, nice. 213 West -Park. ' clean. NICE clean 2 room suites, electric light, gas, water in kitchen. 507 Mississippi ave. TWO furnished housekeeping distance. 508 Jefferson. rooms; walking FURNISHED H. K. rooms bet. 14th and 16th. 507 Clay st $12 3 furnkhed H. K. rooms, walking distance. East 1826. ground floor, FOR KENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED IS 6-ROOM house in Irvington, hardwood floors up and down stairs, with garage, price $40. Phone Eact 2010 Sunday. W. R, Hoover. ONE acre. 5 "roonis (not modern) , $9. Lents. Tabor 8135. , 5 ROOMS and bath, lot 77x110. 805 East 36th st. Marshall 2549. FOR RENT 8 rooms, modern, Fox furnace, $32 month. .Large garden. Tabor 86'.'1. 332 17T1I st, 5 room house, with bath and ess. Main 6255. Owner, 446 Clay t. FURNISHED or unfurnished house close to Lents. Mar. 2050. ; NEW 7 room bungalow, hardwood floors. $28. 3."th and Clinton st. FOR-RENT 5 room cottage, close in. adults. East 830. 6 ROOM house on 9th N.. near depot and 3 earlines. Woodlawn 1098. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE sa VERY" good place to buy your household fur niture. 165 1st. Marshall 6321. FURNISHED HOUSES . - AT Milwaukie. 7 room modem house, with base- ment nearly all furnished, including piano, acre lana, jueniy iruit ana sarueu, uiunui. Call or phone Cl M or 65 W. ffra. M. A. Johnson. WIDOW lady desires to rent to man and wife (middleage) modern home, lots of garden space. Call East 1791 for particulars. IN TER URBAN HOilES room furnLshed house. 2 acres, 20 miles out on 0- K. ; near river and car. W. Brown, Wilsonviile, APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED King Albert Apts. New 00 room house, 2 and 3 room apart ment, furnished or unfurnished; elevator and hardwood floors. 883 11th st HISLOP HALL, E. 6th and nawtborne. Mod- no 1, 2 and 3 room apt.; Biking distance. Call East 882. $12.50 up; 5 ROOMS Bath furnished, newly painted and papered, corner, clean and light. $22 per mouth. .Sell wood 128. MAGNOLIA APTS., East 3d and Belmont, modern 1 and 2 room apts.. 81.50 per week up. Sleeping rooms. East 212. TO sublet for summer months. G room corner apt furnished. Broadway 3611. or call at Wickersham Apt., 18th and Flanders- FURNISHKD 2 and 3-room aoartments $20 and up; walking distance, BELKNAP APART MENTS, 187 17th st near Yamhill. THE STANFIELD 204 Porter st.. shipyards; - light outside 2 room ants., completely fur nished; reasonable. Phone Main 73S2. BANNER APT., 489 Clay, near 14th.. modern 2-rocm furnished, basement apartment, $12. 9 ROOMS nicelv furnished modern. $15 month. 616 Pettygrove st Phone Broadway 5056. 2 ROOM furnished apt, with bath. Harrison Court, 6th and Harrison sts. THE ORMONDE 4 room, front 656 Flan ders. Nob Hill Bdwy. 3873. NEW YORK apts., 441 H Belmont and 7th. FOR RENT FLATS 13 FOR RENT Small building containing 2 stores and 2 flats above, N. 17th near shipyards. Bdwy. 1141. . UNFURNISHED 5 room flat, 371 Pacilic st and Union ave. Phone East 1963. $17.50 West aide 6-room flat. 32 19tb, cor. Washington. Key at 593 Washington. FURNISHED FLATS $23 4 rooms, piano, Eyt 2736. light and water. Phone $14 Furnished 2 room flat, sleeping porch. 28 Clinton. Phone East - 3077. $T6- 5 room furnished flat, walking distance. east side. Phone E&tt 6686. FOR RENT Furnished lower flat. 115 Gibb. HOTELS M HOTEL CLARKS Any one knowing the wiiuieabout-i of J. A. Keller call at 104 16th st N. for reward. Mrs. J. Keller. STORES AND OFFICES 11 OFFICES - Choice rooms for rent '..-' Raleigh bJdg.. ' Beat location ilf tlih city. " " G. U. DAM1IEIER, r 248 SUrk at. - . Phona Maia 255S. Want work, a. "Situation Wanted" ad in or near Portland. Bring your ad STORES A17TJ OFFICES 11 STORE with fizturea and showcases complete for confectionery or bakery, for rent. ouo Washington at. Call E. 8504. FOR RET MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE or rent. 200 acre rtock and prune -ranch ; 60 acres Ainder cultivation, zv acres prunes beginning to bear. Will sell stock, im plements and lau crop; lease lor s years ei azou per year. can pay tor pan oi rem in wore. Main 6R06 or write W. H. Kruger. Alrlie. Or. WASTED TO RElfT . FURNISHED house for summer montni; no crildren; west side preferred ; must Da rea sonable : best of care. N-808, Journal. HOUSE 6 to 10 rooms, modern, for year, walk- ing distance, T-660, Journal. WANTED to rent, furnished cottage or tent house on Oswego lake. Call 'laoor mil. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 6 ROOM house. 4 lots in fruit, near carline, on improved street: no incumbrances to as sume, 81450; $200 cash. $20 month. 7 room house, bath, electrie light, 2 lot, on improved street, near carline, 61960; $100 cash, $20 month. . 5 room bouse, bath, gas and electric Hint, 2 lots. $1200. Terms. 2 room house, 2 lots, near Fir land, $450; $250 cash. 5 room modern house, $1500; $203 nth, $2rt month. 5 rortu modern bouse, good basement, Hrre atti; flooied. near carline. $1800; 8500 rash. Neil Smith, 6514 Foster road. Tabor 1931. See What Williams Has! 5 -room house, bath and toilet, gas, electrie lights, lot 10Ux137: price 3160O; terms. $300 cash, balance $20 per month, including interest. 7 -room modern hou-se, 6 rooms furnished; price $2000; terms $250 cash, balance $23 per month, lnclunms interest. WILLIAMS REALTY CO.. Grays Crowsing. Tabor 4994. 3 ROOM HOUSE, large lot; plowed up; $875; monthly installments $10; on N. W. corner 96th st. and 45th are., Lents. Also 4 room house, large lot, 8022. 41st are. between 80th and 81st sts.; $950. WATT. 633 Chamber of Commerce. Main 2051. or Marshall 4 569. Abo modern 6 room house; furnished. 72 E. Bumside st; $2000. EAST IRVING TON. $2200 Modern neat bungalow. 5 rooms fireplace, cement basement, built-ins, best plumb ing, none better in city considering locality, etc Paving, sewer, etc paid; teams easy; 5 block car. G. C. GOLDENBERG. ABINGTOV BLDG. "35 Years in Portland." Main 4803, BUYERS see this, possession immediately; 6 rooms and bath: all on 1 floor; cas, full base ment; wash trays; woodlift large lot, some fruit: sidewalks and streets paid, near carbarns, school and stores. Bargain, $2250. $65V cash, bal ance term-; act quick. A. W. TIN DALE, 840 E. Ankeny. YOUR CHANCE FOR A HOME. Modern 5 room house, practically new; cost $3600, lot 60x100; lawn, roses, fruit trees, paved street, garage room, full cement basement; S320O, terms. No agent No trade. Phone Tabor 774 9. TWO good buy In Vancouver, Wash.. 1 6 room bungalow, plastt-red. on Markla are., bet. 15th and 16tb sts.. $1200 on time. 6 room bungalow and 2 lots on carline street improved, cement sidewalks, 1409 West 33d at. $2200. time. See owner on premises. FOR 8AI.E 1 ?4 acres, berries, fruit 7-room : splendid house. 3 porches, fireplace, built-in conveniences, running water, city conveniences, 80 minutes from Portland on Ore. City car must sell. Phone 18 R.. Kornbrodt, Oak Grove, or. FOR SALE Will sacrifice on account of owner leaving thecity, 8-rooxa house and large lot in Lower Albina near shipyard and R. R. shops; small payment down and easy terms will handle it; deal with owner. E-001 Journal. 4-ROOM plastered cottage, gas, water, 3 blocks from car. full lot on hill above Reed collene (600, easy terms; sold 4 years ago for $1100 Also well built 2-room cottage, full lot, large chicken house; $300, terms. Call Beard, Sell wood 1776. LARGE 2 room bouse, large clothes closet, bath room, woodwork in ivory, gas, lights, base ment and woodshed, improvement paid, lot 60 by loo, rteautitul lawn, roses, good nemhbor hood, garden planted, $900, $800 cash. Rose Ulty car. ti4 Ttfth st. 3 blocks south. 7 ROOM 2 story house in Alberta district: full cement basement. New barn, 20x30, lot lOOx tuu; a real Bargain at $300. Some cash, bal ance per menu, interest o per cent In quire 83 .V 3d st FOUR houses. 866 E. Irrina. house and frill let $2000; 100x105. 51st and Hawthorn, good nouse, aou; nouse and lot. Alberta district. $2250; 100x100, fair house, Lents district, $1500; easy terms. Owner, Main 662. MODERN bungalow, "half acre; fruit, berries: 30 minute ride on car from 2d and Alder, 10 minute walk from car; terms or will trade Would consider Missouri ,or Arkansas property Route 2. Box 332. Milwaukie. Or. MODERN 8-room house, full cement basement. large lot, street improvements paid, fruit trees, berries and shrubbery; priced low for immediate sale. 406 Ivy st. 1 block from Union ave.; good terms. Owner at houe FOR SALE -5 room house, modern ,,n rt Tabor ; STOod basement t i ru . 1980 E. Stark St.. Portland. Or T.Kn- qoa ""yyM . bungalow, trees and berries. lOOx too lot. $1300: also 6-room hi.no.lo- and berries, 100x100 lot, $1800. Call Tabor " siargain; casii. M. Olson. f 32500 Large modern house, double construc- I fc.wu, cunicr; quarxer enicsen coou. fruit trees: on , . iOHJU S5th ave. S. E. i 6-XOOM cottage, lot 40xlfT Kur,., . - garden in. lawn, flowers- rHc. tmtn -c.w.I 3538. Mt Scott car. Anabel ota., 6219 39th ave. S. E. A r nnn r. r : f.,rnUh, -ISfi mod"n .,bunalw completely furnished with new fiirnitnr . , .... blocks from carline, $2200: on rood term. Phone Tabor 8673. OWNER will ell' modern 6 room house with sleeping porch, close in. good neighborhood a real home; terms. HVill take good lot oj ot or smaller house rait payment. East 1315. $2500 TAKES 5 room house en Mason between Williams and Union ave. House in good con dition; e"ttJet i paved and paid; $300 cash. HAWTHORNE dUtriit bungalow, 6 rooms with large attic, finished up to date in every re spect, on nice lot overlooking city. Price $2850 For appointment call Tabor 8743. DANDY PLACE " ' For garden and chickens, 4 room house half acre; gas and water. In city limits: term. Phone Tabor 8378. 4 ROOM house, hedge, garden, cash or terms Make offer. Want to lease small or improved farm. Owner. 5509 87th st S. E. llnP"vd FOR SALE 5 room cottage parts modern; fruit and Woodlawn 2926. nice place; 3 flowers. Phone $1000 2 story 6 room house. 1304 E 13th north; bath, closets; terms; day, call East 6177; evening calls East 1868 9 ROOM house, modern, paved street half block to carline; snap at $1000. S4 Uma tilla ave. Phone Sellwood 08. .-.uu. i.uuiow, modern price: sleeping porch. 573 E. 18th st N Irv ington. ' FOR SALE 5-room modern bungalow, large attic, all double constructed; price $500- some terms. 1065 E. 25th st. N. Owner. FOR 8ALE cheap. 5 room modern bungalow Cash or monthly payments 733 E. 14th t Phone Sellwood 1149. EAST ST. JOHNS 5-room cottage, $16O0; 8200 ; cash, balance easy terms. Mrs. Costeilo. 1330 Powers. A BARGAIN 8 room houslrvt60xi66" near shipyards, on carline. 864 Corbett tt 8. ear. r run trees, garueii. A SNAP, 8 roomed house, lot SOxlOO tT"nfi" east front, nice location, 1 block from car Room 204 Geriinger bldg., or Mar. 548. FOR" SALE Montaville" district". 8' room" house" 94 79th st.. 1 block off carline. Call be tween 2 and 5 p. m or at 2050 Hoi la day ave. $750 4 room cottage, half finished: SOxToo" corner OOth st and 73d ave. S. E. ; terms.' Phone Sellwood 1965. 6 ROOM house, near Franklin high school lot 50x100; only $1000. Room 208 Washinc ton bldg. WOODLAWN Modern bungalow, price $1950; on two earlines, block to school, fine location.' East 8015. IRVINGTON clasrical colonial biingalow cost $6500. Price $5200. Owner. East 8018. MORTGAGE $600; my equity. $300;- 5 room shack and 4 lots. Call Tabor 6507. FOR 8ALK 5 room house. 411 Sacramento st, oy owner, urcaiam, is. FOR 8ALE 5-room house and kit 49x100Tb Savier at; $2500 cash. Broadway 1983. CAU, W. H. HardmaB for Irvingtoa propartlia. East 7S- . , a Job? The Journal will put you in touch with practically to The Journal Business Office today.; FOR RALE HOUSES 1 850 DOWN. 810 MONTH 3- rtn.. 40x100 lot, 6-cent carfare. 8450. 3100 DOWN. 310 MONTH 4- rm.. plastered! lam attic. 40x100 lot. 6- eant carfare, near good school. 81050. 3100 DOWN. 810 MONTH 4-rm.. nlaatered bonaa. acre. -cent car fare; bouse worth prioa asked ; 31050. 3200 DOWN. 31 5 AlONTH 7-rm. house. 1 block from Alberta ear. near Union are.; full prioa 61350. $200 DOWN. $15 MONTH 4-rm. modern buniralow. near 8. P. car bops. 31400; a snap. 8300. $15 MONTH 4-rm. modern, with bath, lot 80x100. lots of fruit trees, berries, etc.; 3 blocks from 6-cent carfare; price 31350. W accept Liberty Bonds. T. MOORE CO.. Abington bldg. GEO. ROSE CITY PARK ' 512 E. 49th st Only half block north of R. C. car. beautiful homes and choice neighborhood; plenty of places to buy in Portland but not such locations as this 0 room house with bath, furnace, etc. This is a Bargain, only 8200O. Act quickly. no mortgage, to assume. Beautiful full sot with roses, fruit and trees. No agents. Owner. 512 E. -49th st. N. Have bought larger home and must selL FOR SALE LOTS 16 LARGE lot, Glenn are., south of Hawthorne. $900; 8250 casb. balance easy terms. Own er. East 3330. "' lOOxlOO, on Burr st ; clioice corner near Wil lamette blvd. : improvements iwid : cheap for cas hor terms. Owner. 1643 Washburn st ACREAGE 67 FOR SALE 190 acres all fenced. 80 acres of fin wheat: house and big barn, good well of water: 7 miles from The Dalles. IS miles from K. It station ; good soil. UI take 8300O and $3000 unincumbered Portland prop erty. Prica 832 per acre; good terms will be given. U. P. Potts. Pboue Tabor 300. 1980 East Stark at, Portland, Or. FOR SALE 80 acres, 35 under cultivation, all in crop, house, big barn and water, all fenced, good team horses and new wagon. 4 cows, all farm machinery, for which I will tak good automobile as part pay; pries $4000; give possession at once. O. P. Putts, 1980 E. Star st Phone Tabor 300. 10 ACRES, ail clear, no ouiidings, lor sale or trad tor auto. Call al 928 Grand ave. North. CHICKEN. 1KL IT. GARDEN ranches near Portland; 3. 5. 10 acre tracts. $65 to $2O0 r acre. McFarland. 603 Yeon bldg., Portland. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 76 SUBURBAN ACREAGE 10 acres. 3 room house, nice barn, chicken house, other buildings, young orciiard, o acres in cultivation, fine place (or chickens; aome crop m. Make offer. Inquire Natural Born Grinder. 108 ',4 5th st. SUBURBAN HOMES 7 FINE suburban .homes, all kinds of small farms and acreage for sale, close to Port land and paved roads. Krider at Elkington, G res ham. Or. FOR SALE FARMS 17 Make an Offer For 325 acre stock ranch. Linn Co. Sal or trade. Phone Tabor 1641. 4038 74th (t S E. 24 0 ACRE stock ranch, with 20 cattlo and 100 goats. Price $6000. Address owner. J. W. Davenport, Salado, Or. ALBEBTA WHEAT FARMS Wheat, oats, flax and barley, tbe beat there is. Write Claude Cole. Warner. Alberta. FOR RENT FARMS It FOR RENT First chvs dairy and general farm. 160 acres. 18 miles from Portland about 13 from Vancouver, Wash. All good pasture, level; barn will hold 100 tons of loose hay. fair house; can put in crop: about 50 acres of the best ash and alder land. Ren $450; can giv immediate possession. Will keep 20 to 35 cows. JX-825. Journal. ABOUT 100 acres beaver uaro, 110 upland, ou Oregon Electric, Livesley station; good houses, barns, sprinss, also mineial spring in bonsr. Charles Schmid. 205 Ivy st. Portland, Or. Will sell half of three quarters or aw- ' TIMBER 88 NOTICE of Sale of Government Timber. Notice is hereby given that suoject to tbe conditions and limitation of the Act of June 9. 1916 (39 But, 218), and the instructions of the Secretary of tbe interior of September 15 1917, th timber on the following lauds will be sold May 28. 1918. at 10 o'clock a. m. at publio auction at the United States land of fice at Portland, Oregon, to th highest bidder at not less than the, appraised value as sho.ni by this notice, sal to b subject to tbe ap proval of the Secretary of tbe Interior.' The mirrhase rjnee. with an additional sum of one- fifth of one per cent thereof being commissions allowed, must be deposited at tim of sale, money to be returned if sal la not approved, othexuris patent will issu for th timber, which must be removed within ten years. Bids will be received from citizen of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations organized under the laws of the United State or any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a quaUiiea purchaser, th timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately betor being included ic any offer of a larger unit T. 4 N., It 2 W.. bee. ; 8V V4 . SW. red nr osv as.; isc. W"4. red tir 560 M.: SE. NWVa. red fir 440 Ja.r NE54. NWW. yellow fir 285 M . dead fir 26 M.; Ws, NWfc, yellow fir 855 AL; NWfc SWV4. yellow fir 1050 M.. piling 25 M.; NE"4. SE'A. yellow fir 295 M., dead fir 93 M.. -ri.r 10 M. : NVVI4, SEW. red fir 120 M - I yellow fir 295 M.; piling 6o M.; 8WW, SEW. i red fir 115 at-; yauow ur on a., piling zio M.. I SE k . SEW. yeUow fir 235 M.. dead fir 60 i . . . ; . t . .kui. t- . . , . 'i .h.n tl.oO Tier M. T. 4 Rub lei il. MRU NWW. red fi BmS. U a,. 1 0 M.. wb't- Mr m ; HH V, NW W. VedTr NWVi. red fir - 865 M , NEW, rJ fir 640 M. : NWW. NE!, red fir 320 M. cedar 80 M. : none of winch ia to be sold for less than $1.6d per M. CLAY TALLMAN. Commissioner General Land Office. Mll.Cl. V BALE OF wUtklLNMUl't TIMBER Notice 1 hereby given that sublet to th conditions and limitations of th Act of Jan 9, 1916 (89 But. 218), and the Instructions of tbe 8ecetary i li lnuriur of .-.pn.aiu.-r 15, 1917, th timber on th (oil owing Unds will be sold May 15. 1MB. at 10 o'rloca s. ta. st public auct'on at lb Unites? State land of fice al Portland. Oregon, to the highest idd-,r st act teas than the appraised vaiu a shewa by this notice, sal to b subiect to i.m approval of th becrctaiy of tb Interior. In p.rciist price, wiui an additional um at ona-Uftn of on per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposued at time ot sale, money to b returned if aai la not appruvsJ, otherwise Stent wiil issue lor the removed within 10 yea iiuivur wtiica ilst yean. Bids wdl t re- celved from citizens of tbe United Mater, a - sociations of such citizen and coipor ;u ions or- gansxed unuer mt taws oi iu vmira diaiea or any tt. territory or uistrart th-;rif tuiy. Upon application oi a quautieu pure -r, uia timber uu any egal subdivision wiU u offered separately belcr bei-a u.iuai m uuf ir ot a larger unit. T. 9 S.. R- 2 t. See. $5; NCW NEW, yellow fir 250 M- f 4 tig 60 M. ; NWW NEW yellow tir 600 AL. r-si fir DM M, beaaloek 10 M. ; bWh NEW, ) allow tir 700 M red ir S60 AL; bKH NEW. yeUow tir 86u M., ted fir 4.-.0 M. ; NEW NWW. yellow tir 7Jy il red tir 250 M, hemlock 10 M.; SEW NVVs. yeUow fir 100 AL. red itr 1200 AL; NEW 6V W. ytilow tir 200 AL. red fir. 800 M; SEW bWW. yellow fir, 850 M., red lir bio if ; NEW SEW. yeiiuw ur 460 M., rs nr ooo ., . . . a L. ,1- . -' at.: .s sv is o. w i1""" www i.. rj rir boo M . SWW SEW. yellow fir ut U.. ted tir lbOO M.: SEW bEW. red fir 15.0 M, - aone of the tir to be sold at lew tuau al 5 per. M., ana sans oi ui swrmioca w a, le it-su sue per AL CLAY TALLMAN. Coramaastover. tieaeral Lead lifts. F.XCH-sVNGK RE A I. KHTATK tt Make an Offer FOR 325 sere stock ranch. Linn Co. Sale or trade. Phone Tabor 1641. 4038 74th St. 8. E. CLEAR lots, on Oswego st. St Johns; 1 block to car. inside loop: improvements an paid; trade for good used car or cheap for cash or terms. Owner, 1648 Washburn t. fj Oil H'UUsI Vnrtri IWknla avs-ant-a 1. r4 for "orison or California. J, Usu, lledfieid.' So. Dak. 40 ACRES'20" mile east of Portland, on hitfT-w.'-y : exchange equity . for 4 or 6 acres near Portland or a ocrry store." Ca". Tabor 8516. CRANBERRY bog partly unproved, small house. . splendid kxatiou, . near town in producing district; sell or exdiange. K-791, Journal. PORTLAND - home tr suburban . ranch for Grasham property. J-900, Journal. - 1 WE know how to aril honsa. If war, rain U ' sold, w eaa aU. Numwroo clients bow wait- ng ror Dome to 93300. J-J-. GULDEN BERG, ABINGTON BLDO. 85 Yean in Portland.' Mai 480S. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED Mast be N. E. and priead right. W bar aumerou buyers waiting. Fred w. Garmaa Co.. 783 Cham, of Cham. FOR RESULTS list your property with tha Baal s-srat e-xenanga. 2I 3d at.. Port la ski. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IS s. o. s. s. a s. Well established suburban aroeerv doinar a ripping good business: owner must set outside on account of hearth and misst let loos at one. T hi -is a good location and th basin is ncr: all that t needed is th ginger to make R go; atock will- run around 81600; will invoice. Answer P. D. Q. as this must go. C-91S. Journal. FOR SALE One half interest in well established wood working plant. 83000 to $5000 needed; good reasons for selling: best of bank refers nc given and required. F-69L, Journal, or Owner, Box 103 Albany, Or. BIG SNAP On account of sickness will aaerific my 50- room hotel with big dining roc i doing tin business, in a good location, good lea, cheap rent; make me an offer; by owner: bo agents wanted. Y-762. or prion East 2414. FOR SALE grocery and meat market; old - laoiisveo. ror many years, neat locality ia ciiy. ThU i no junk if you ar looking for this kind of business and have tha money. Let me know. J-8S4. Journal. 1 t ' -a ONE half Interest in coal mine. 60 miles from Portland, 800 acres. Also 09 year ktase oa branch railroad running to river. Hon tbaa 1000 feet tunneling. Will aell cheap, want to re tire. X 944. Joninal. HAVE exr ptiuual contract for new and and gravel truck $30 tier day. Must have truck on job May 15. If you can f inane pure has of truck the job is yours, C-912. JournaL HAVE just srcuied patent on new devic for Uunclung lifeboats, must nav help to linanc. Will sell interest; come and examine it Z-602, Journal. in St. Johns, for prouert tut Southern cat- foruia or on Oregon coast: also houaa and 2 I lots, 001 So. Jersey st. St John. chips- . ., r. ,.-. e : . . . SHIPiAKD Rtr. nocompetitioa; good trade; E. Waehington st - v , w - - - GROCERY store in thickly scaled district of St. Johns, will tnvolc about 81200. 02 E. Polk st. DON'T WORRY 1 can sell or trade anything anywbara. Lay man. 145 Broadway. FOR SALE CHEAP Cleaning, pressing and re pair shop, doing good business; well located. well equiiped. P-801, Journal. FOR SALE Confectionery and lunch, doing nice business; open day and night. Phon Sellwuod 2023. GOOD paying business, suitable for 2 people; reasonable. Vs rite J-823, Journal. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 6S WANTED Good location for light repair abop "or would go in partner wttb good man; I have Plenty tools. A-1 OS , journal. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE SJ OUR installment plan is th boat and surest method of paying a loan. 382.26 per month for 86 month or 821.24 for 60 months, or 815.17 for 96 months, pays $1000 losa and interest Other amounts In proportion. W loan on Improved city properly. Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark t. Portland. Or. MONEY to loan on improved property ia moat vary town in Washington. Oregon and Idaho; sam 1 paid backmonthly lik rant. K. E. Chadwick. 822-28 N. W. Bank bldg. $230, $350. $400. $500. $050. 5750. $1000 and larger amounts at current rates. Quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Chant. Com. BUILDING loans- on city or suouroan property, j money advanced as work programs. W. 3. Reck, alb and 216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. . MONEY to loan the amount yoa want rata right Geo. IL Thomas. 267 Oak at. Room 2, Ann-worth bldg. j MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 to $5000 on city property. j A. IL BELL, 201 Gerllnger bldg. ( CITY AND FARM LOANS Any amount; current rata. R. F. BRYAN. 609 Cham, of Coos, bldg. MOH Ki AGE loans. 6 and 1ft. Louis Salomon A Co.. 4Q8 Selling bldg. CASH tor mortgagee, loans, contracts. T. H. Lewis, room 4, Lewis bldg. Main 688. $luo to $1500. consider lota. 617 Chamber of Comerce. E. IL Dowling, Marshals 2432. I HAVE $1000 to $40.000 to loan on farm or city property. P. O. Box 878. MONEY TO lOA CHATTELS, SALARIES 47! Salary LOANS Chatt! WE LOAN MONEY . On abort aotica-Ao flaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi monthly or monthly payments. Each tranaaction strictly NO MORTGAGE NO .rNDORSER ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY, L.L.K1TZ. W abn ioaa on b oust bo Id furnitur. pianos, ,tc. without removsL CALL AND LNVESTIGATB. fr.T-Mva nvornrvT COMPANY. LICENSED. IT S-.illr,- K-4. If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Loan mad to parsons on salary or fixed in come, on household furniture, pieno.. diamond and other personal property, legal rata. Bust- nes confidential; private offices. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. 1 . .jy"1 ... $06-307 Dekum bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portland business men to protect I borrower. C. MYERS HERMAN. Mgr.. 894 STARK ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. HORSES, VEHICLES. ETC. 18 FOR SALE BY OWNER 1 tram, your choice of 3 horses; 1 gelding, 5 years, 2 mares. 6 and 8 years, all about 1350 lbs. Also light ruDOtr tire Dnggy ana narness; good as new and I lumoer wagon, ar. wreen- burg atatlon. Oregon t-lectric or era owner at 410 E. Burnsule. or call 11 East 2419. bet wrrk days. T. Del-sno. W AGONS for sale cheap; 20 wagons all in first class condition, suitable for almost anything ; j will take one tenth ot actual vaile; no further 1 u-e for them; ail hand mad. Call 263 Bus- i ! - sell st !lHREE fin delivery or frm horses, weight j about 1200 each. A ho wagons and harness at I oargain. we are iniaiiinB imo ueiiverj. uiiiiu Union Tea Co.. 448 Washington st. BAY Jnare. sound, good worker. 9 years. 1150. $79. Harness, wsgon. plow, barrow. $33. Call after 4:30 p. ra., 733 lnsley ave., Sellwood car. PAIR good ranch mare. ,7 and 8 years old, souna ana true woraers, weiant .oun to 2400. $125 if sold this week. 263 Russell St. SIX year saddle pony and saddle for sale or trad for $50 bicycle. Clifton Marks, Aurora. Or. TEAM 240 01b., sound, eight and three year old. double or single. Inquire Kerb' stor. Gladstone. Or. A CHEAP team for sal. 227 H Madison. Mr. llicgins. liOKBE and wagon. $1.23' day; 2 horse sod wsgon. $2.30. 646 Kront Main 2208. FOR SALE Team of young 1200-lb. mare. Phor.e E. 181. lSuo-lb. horse. 2 -seated hack good aa new; cheap forca.b2tr.de for chicken. 142 JSlatJM. tAiiri."si outiii. waaon, tesas. -arBoa ana 12x14 tent. Prion C-2274. . 1700-lb. work horse; have bo mate; $160 for quick sale. 263 Russell t , FOR SALE 1400-lb. farm horse. 860; stsndard bred drtver. 1028 E. Alder st -.-... I . . 1 V-,I.A m VjrA U DOIaTM alaaaA amu IXXaVBl-as IMURJ BWatJ 1 T9Wm KmU WoodUwa 20. Portland Rendering CoT LIYE8TOCK ! COWS just fresh. Sellwood ear to Bjbee. 4 blocks rt t PAisTURE"-for stock, ejoae'in, running water. 318 Attxsy osag IXlR SALE Chewo , 6 fresh cows. horse. tol. Blvd. and Union ave. NO. 1-ssilk wagon for sale or trade lot - and pay deference, 226 Halter. sC MU-K goals, fresh and coming fresh, for aai at U. S. aublaa. ocmcx 1st uti MrAfam eta, WA7fTETJ-.REAT, ESTATE LITE STOCK t FOB SALE 7 Vwaa wtU bi lamlss. arsd , rood roung family orrws, 1 L. mUm aositbwsjst ! ot uvweajo, vw. r. t. imorr. l rOR SALE, yoang cow, (lvioc 6 gailoaa a day. I Phone Tsbor 6624. I " fOrLTRT. FIOEQTS.IFET STOCK 7 DOGS. BIRDS. FETrv, tTf, 46 1 FOR THE prettiest canaries and Boost beauli- ful singers. Pnoo t roadway 2063. HIGH CLASH Irish water spaniel pup foe sal. Box 61. Multnomah. Oa PEDIGREED Airdala pups (or registered atock. Phoe East 404. AUTOMOBILFS ACCESSORIES f USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN 1917 Mitchell. T pa.. cyl.. i wheals, cord tiros only........ wtr ,...$1160 1917 MitcbeJL 6 pass-. 6 cyl 116 Mitchell. 6 pas., B cyl 1915 Stndebakar. 8 pass..' 4 cyl.... .... 1080 .... S80 650 Several old cars mak good bug, prices $100 up I TBED CAR DEPARTMENT MITCHE' U LEWIS at STATER, East First at Morrison Sts. East 7272. B-1216. GARAGES siorsES. CHICKEN HOUSES. The p o r t a b I kind Sav yoa axumey. Se saaa- psk at 644 Hood at Maia 1167. Millmade Construction Co. NEW TIRES What brand of sew tire do yon prefer? W hav them, all males and alae. Also w mak th fa mous O-V-O Doubl Tread (ewd) tires and do all manner of tir re pairing. Ovwgon Vnlcaaialng Co 838-886 Bora- nesr uroaaway. AUTO WRECKERS I VT a wreck aoost au ma or ears ana sen the I, fof than half prioa. W har all kirus. At nsNi nonjaa lor aai. xxiansox nness n. wi fur old cars. PACIFIC JUNK CO.. 218 Front St MAIN 4768 " THAYER. 8HA V ER-GIU.f MACHINK COMPANY 1 Ton. $370 la Ton. $420 2 Ton. $470 Capacity BUILDERS OP EVER READY TRUCK ATTACHMENTS Mfg. in Portland, Pnon East 7437. 193 E. Water at LAMER' Mfg. A Repairs, SOOO rna rant sod springs la stock; price reduead. $4 N. 16th at. 8AX0N . lata 1916 model. A 1 condition. eneebanirally perfect, looks and runs rlk nw. Prefer cash, but will consider time on, I good security. Tabor 1343. 114 E. 70th st t gouta. CASH paid for old ears; condition bo object; parts for au mags ox can. Oregon Auto xx- chang. 129 Lownsdal at, at 16lh aad Wash- ington. l'bon Broadway 2666. BIG STOCK Used Cars PRICES RIGHT COVET MOTOR CAR CO.. 3 1st and Washington ata. Main 6244. IF YOU want a good light 6 passenger car, se this model 2 5 Htudeoaaer, equipped witli dis tillate burner. Onslow, old Wlutoa bldg.. 23d and W ashing ton. MOTORS, gran, bearings, wheels, axles; w itrsik all make of car and sell their rood pari at half pne. David Hode Cx. Broadway and rianaer t. nroaoway is. DUBRUILLE top oa. 9th and Oak. Broadway 1664 CADILLAC. $300; Reo. $850; Regal. $200. These machine are excellent bargain, at 1258 Belmont St. Ask for Mr. Kimmer. V,1D TlS'si-T A nlnmnMU C T , TtT khfin " - ' 64x100; also basement. ixwnsaaic. oetween Alder and wasningion. r.. ooos. 7 r- i i A r- roras Lnameiea 5io,uu 370 E. Morrison st. STUDEBAKEU d!lvefy. 1916 .mel. electric ligbU and aiarxer, sou. cmiea outes Ba kery. E. 11th and Flanders. FOR SALE 1915 HupmobUe. 19.000 milei. Good condition: ao trade. Tel. C-1642. B-944. Journal. FOR -SALE 1 ton slightly used Ford truck. good coudition; new ur. $600. Woodlawn 1600. .FOR SALE SUsdebakor. 8260. 696 liawthorn I ave. FOR SALE Ford touring car and runabomt. Hall A Casstday. 126 First. FOR SALE Small powerful machine: aoal 1 IOT , FOR HAUC 1914 Studebak.r. good runnlna I condition. 937 E. Hoyt. B-2216. ! BCICK bug. good condition, good tiros. ebeanT 4ia6. ' euan- 1 TON Ford track. .A' good I . . , - - - - - . . i FOR SALE Col 40. 7 -pas, car. Phoae jrT "V- . , 1915 DOIx;E. first cias condition, $I7s. Ca3 ' Main 2317. ' W'AN'lEls Dodg. Cvrolt or MaxwtU top. MSI Dn- OU RENT Nw garage. Apply 496 kill ' near 14th. Main 1643 1 ci.AKSY iiaht 6 ni,l.i.r k. cr- . .7h-.. 1 AUTOMOBILES WANTED , SPOT CASH I Paid for Tata model touring cars and roedatsra, ; Host be In good condition. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 627 Washington st Bmadwav 6464 i WANT late modal carO.i exchane (clear lor clear) for 160 acres of good land, well lo cated, appraised valo $960. Will take. 1917 or later model Ford if equipped with eWtria tarter and lights. Car must be ia perfect coa- dnion. FX 6'jO. Journal. 1 WILL PAY YOU HPOT CASH FOR YOUR FORD. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE. 1 East 8770. E. 1 3th and llawtborne ava. WE WILL PAY YOU SPOT CAH FOR YOUR FORD. c.AM.AiK. 12TH AND STARK STB , nunanWAT 1571 A-2442. Z . " bPOT CASH FOH YOUR FORD EARL F RANSOM L 209 UNION AYE.'!. CORNER HOLLADAY. P1IOXE EAST 804. WANTED Five passenger lat model Met car. Must be real bargain. No dealers. T. 701. Journal. - uivT " i in i?-,,a win".... -Tni l'jt " - - " .,.. mi" f u iniw a Menominee H-toa truck. New solid tires and in good condition. Wdln. 1710. $125"TO $223 for good ehaaai or light ear to make bug; must be la good snap. Tabor 686. MACHINE wanted: hav clear lot to apply a part payment Bdwy. 1716.' , HIGHEST prices paid tor autoawbUesi eondi- tion no ooiecr. hi n. ao Powy. 2629. auton t-ort hire AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRTVERS Brand aw ears. Reasonabla rates. Fearing A Robaatt Crty Garsg. 66 10th.. p tween sttark and 0k. Broadw 640 . AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS F6R HJRE." COUCHMAN AND SULLIVAN. HARSH. 262 10TH A T AMHILL-Ia.1 288 MOTORCTCLES. BICYCLES t I sis...c o siwiukvicU-i latfsrr atnrk of new . mii DAYfON CTCLE fit.. 68 6th t InUaSJ tbre. speed, dream Undem. speeoometer, l-rv-To ngbt; $183 Call ! tim after 4. 629 E. 18th st. aooth. any , TWIN motorcycl. fioT runnin order: Urea, big snap, $63. Tsbor 6206. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 64 I iTDDrt .tke.J - - 4 rtA 1 "V a aswjaai a ssWWI. IUI41 aTlW , A JJ WHU1 855: gill net, new, 800 ft 684 Lm-uilsC Sellwood 2 1 BO. Si i POWER canoe and outfit at half prica. 821. Journal. rlANOS. OKI1A N S AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS $( . 896 CASH buys 5330 tme.1 f,.rier apnght v pssno. ps-curity oioraa are Co. 109 4tb st WANTED Plans,, peltate party Marshall 6246 S FIDDLES. $20, $33. 360. Tabor 9124. A PIANO player for tele. Tbor 4068. MUSIC toUa lor aala aheap. .Mais. 4641. POULTRY and pwt stock ada. appaa' tUy I i3 Sif ' ZJlTZL" it andar a avedaJbeadio wa PWi IS. This ??r eMh.- !5 wtU be a rasrular feature J tke SaTarday JaaraeJ J '"f !wrd ! ! daring the seaaoa. It wfU aataia tka bast ?oPf?Tf 5. -r'ff "V,X J ' -V a-Henngs- of tba bt prtyhspeem. 106 4TH 8T. AT WA8H1NOTON ST. riJLXOS, OBOAS ATTTJ XTJtlCAX IS STRUMK T 4 BECCRITY STUKauk .x r.LOKIXil OCT. , iiuv nonier 4k HobJer. apricbt. aaaa....s I Leland aprighc. nearly w. aah....ll4S : 5.2? KisBbaJL larg wfricht. for emah.. . .. 8149 JIB 1811 aBWWfsssl mKam.,) aaah 1716 8560 11 asodel. finest atyla. csmo. ?? ItlS aaodaL player puss. at.. ...6316 0 Phonographs and record, bought. snM axchanged and rented. Expert r-pau lag. 142 H 2d. near Aidwr. upstair. " CEO. T. PECK, piano taner. radaat New - England Conservatory of Masse, im Mara. Tuning 66. Tabor 8574. 10OO PHONOGRAPH RECORDS AND MT HIU ROLLS nAATEU ALALN 4496. IA. IBOR nwa. MLVi 1216 talking machinal and rd to trad for good old piano. 184 Yamhill st Harold A. GUtwn. $12 CASH. $6 monthly, buys J75. new. 1616 modal, improved uprtgni piano lor 6251.26. I at Schwaa piano Co.. Ill 4th at KENT a piano; most naaonabl terms la Port land; no aquarw or thump box. M.-ntii T. Cflbert. 3H4 Tarohtll st 67a CAbH buy $SOU HohWr A Hobia ir Bpricht piano tomorrow at Secant? 6 to rag Cos, 106 4th trrM. HRiHEST prior paid for awl piano, phoao- grapoa ami sBiasrrmi iwusnnu; s-iaao a rn as nd store, 254 Market, opposite Aaditorrnm. P1IONO;RAPH3. rVn nrda. b lght, sold aad ' changed. Hall A Oa-tdy.-12 let st M. 7098. WANTED A piano from prtvsl isartj. tk.ij lor earn, a i mil. FlANO VVanted from pritato party; will py ea.ru rset com. IWIIX, rant my new $300 piano. $4 r xaooth. . Pnon betwrrn 0 and 8 p. m. Mala 6126. CASH pasd lur Jour oid piano. M buy and aslT for cash only, ttee rrly Htrvr aa v, 109 4th. WANTED Piano for caOi. Mala 6o6. . TYPEWRITER ft NEW KEMlNG'lo.N. miial plan, rent applMS to purchase. Vtvibl model. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. a ftmadwav. Broadway 43t. Gi AMANTLKI) lactory Hrbailt 'lyvwr "All Make." sold on monthly ra v leata. for pne list The Wboloaal lypewTttor Oa Ttt.i 1 i-nr aril v,(litiirtiw utrt-mL. ALL MAKES typewriter-, rented aad sirwdl Oregon Typ Co.. 94 A 6th. Mia 8666. Kr.RCIl.T typewriters, suupiie, Cvroosv ona, K. W. Pear Co.. 110 eta. HOUSEHOLD tlOOD FOR WALK 66 Notice, Country Dealers Also hotel sad rooming houaa e Tiers W ar . going out of baslneoa. Must sell atoea. oarpota and furniture at less than cost. Grand Rapids Furniture Co,". 64-86 GRAND AVE EAST 894, GOING EA8T Furniture for -ale; inlaid Uao ' lesam. Universal wood and onal rang, library tabl. Perfection aoal oil beattar. child a awd. iring and mattress, 1 rockr, Coranrbsa frafo ' noU for 823 with 29 records. 947 Corbstt at. Marshall 1872. ONE range with cod heater, dresser, break fast table. 2 kitchen chairs. leaving, will sell cheap. If taken immediately. Tabor 704 1, or Tabor 1727. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS IS I trimmed : latest dea'ns; factory Fltorir K. Giasaa. bet. 75Ui aad 76th. Tabor 608. ALL machines o4d for Was; B agents ar employed ; vnacnbua rented, repaired. A-3626. Mats 94 81. Sewing Machtne EaiporlBB. 190 3d St.. near Taylor. fls 4 f ff TEN Oropliead sawing hlaa O I UiUU with attach menU; ell ar la vsrrs; gojd condition oewing marnnsw wm ner month. Phon 1-ast 2359 or B-II0T. E. R. Btrrvi. 182 Grand ave.; near Belmont i - . . . a. . m tiectric Motors Bcmght, sold, rented aad iap1rwa. Walker Eloctrtr Works. 418 Bora aid, eormr 10th. Broadway 6676. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.1' "typawriUr' and "Unoacbold Good" ar orparato else 1ft- ratio as. All advrrtlaeBMOt of tnan gooos sr . -,... . . , ,u,, --I.. , l lu"" , .u k V " KU llVrtt. iv - rf i.Otn lSa,D DHOPaial -.ri.s po wByt . f:n.-.-iirrd W rent and rmatr. - I m Third st Msin 1843. A-181S. I ATTRnfOBlCfesT OTOBCYCEES. LaCn'ChU or boat ar sei-srsi rias-uiicauacss. m asrso listing can b lound ussier tboaa Uffaraat cls-aifiestii'na. - . Brood 3r ""SfflLS U. U aVhrowder. 44arktad, PortlaswL Ur. -An araoemt. Re. A 2 New and see ond hand All l FOR SALE Bn tbrab-r. raroanka-Mor-o 8 H. P. gas engine, mounted oa 1 a-It tissec. almost new. ajd two sramns, Alfred Richard.'' Beeverton, Or.. B. 4. FOR SALE Improved 6-bcl Cascade range, good as new, complete with 2 Irogth pip and colls. J. F. Hun. 980 E. Salmon at Tabor mm oris Tennaa and Port Orford asdat. aulas Brio. 2533. . HIGHEbT rah prtea paid for al kinds turns-. tur. TaL A-1209. Mala S31. Oki Fur nltore Co.. 209-211 2d . LADIES dsn r.g croclwt work or baviag mjsm . for sate. Send lOO for "Book of Dratgn ' I and detalK. Int Trading ('rochet Co., Is. Sd L FINE LARgF. POTATOES 81 Seed potato. 76e. HARTZELL FURNITURE c 341 1st at. MAK8HALL 2673. 600 ENVELOPES or 600 bonsl tetter-.. -: 500 bond billheads or states Smith Prlnriag Co . '-04 Stark st ata, $1 76. I bLlGilTLY Lb ED aunwatlng sral-w. all aiadsi I also cheap catUr. coffee mtlte aad mmmt I sHr-r, vary aheap. Call at 884 attarfe at t-tvf. - ... l-i .-r-rr- $3; 411 gaL. I 17 ta. -dltlos. ISB Srlaim. 'st l'ua a East 7669 I S J 1 ! COMPUTING eh cutter; ct f-e aaiU, oil tank and arv.ral other arUcles . very low . prices. Can at 168 lat t GOOD hotel rang fur lugging canTp or caaspara, : CaU at 103 1st aC CABBAGE plants, 6c dsrn. 6 d. n 25. tl s-UK-swno. a 7BU1 st, near A.n. TWO 60-gaL coukiog Unas, padiies aad aor ear. 205 JfiernL $56. COMPLETE BAtll liOOM OUTFIT. Wortbwost Pipe Co.. Is7 Front at. . ROCK ISLAND open bat. May . log camp loxl tatlon.- CaU Bdwy. 2556, 1H-TON goose, neck funT'ni wsgoa lor aass cheap. Room 206 Was' ngtoB bldg. iliK RENT tUrner a, . s4 TO Grand are, paeoe h -t 4ltv. . . . . VACUUM cteanar icT. repaired,' rented, is cbsngrd. a-mgbt P nttey Co., Mala 6882. C.N CALLED for UiiT- ioa.i suits, kt.itt oa. Taylor tb Tailor. :sH Bnrnsda. WILL sell my $10 Imntlry vacsinm eteaoer. In A-l condition, for $46. A-787, JoamaL ' 1 PLUM B1NG Sui-ub- -. whotewl pnesa. iara- PLUMBING BuiiplT--. whoteaala prw-ea. I liarai Co.. 212 - Main 797. t . , , i , , . I GREEN bunching .nions. ia terg- or small lota, VHil K. 19th r- 'ltw Sell. 273. ' , I LADY 8 black .-A taffeta cost, size 44; rse-? ' i eonebi. Phot-- - aaaa. I FOR SAL enttemaa'a dre-a suit 289 E. n.i rr . m t m a V Slat st nr.r Hawthorne. Tabor 4068, i STENT. 12x14 with 11. I after 4 o. m. Phone Eaat 2819. I JaU.ER Vai'UUM SWEEPERS. Slain b5sj' FCBN1TURR WANTED T4 "Want .Household Furniture wtll pay Cash. Phone Main 8332. i li n CO C li'SHt pnee paid Iwr all taSl DOO Brd furniture. towa. rue anything m nonscnoM gooas. . v ex., rlw ge yovtr v4d fum'tur for new. Pifer-Hamilton "'.T: Highast fsrires paid for osed faraitara. aarpeta. tovaa. range, etc we eau y-vwnpety. WANTED Sesjood band fumUor, raag and atovea. etc WE PAY THE BEST PRICE. MttBOAN FUKKITUKB CO.. SOS East M'imson. Phots East -8288. 4(jL wish to oa ilV tala bigb- . I Gaf hDw- I a ,-. .1 m mm .U I ll la 1 price fof y"' faT""'r' toT-' TT I KLED cond hand lurnitur. earpau. t- w shrp out ol town. win pay asure bub ror- ltd Arabr Mala 4773 . CUT tre-Jht .ale. "v-riol -aooda ibtpped Eaat and South. Manning Warehwuse A Trans fer Co . 9tb snd Hoyt. Broadway T0. A-l 7l. ViiiST cm s paid lor furniture aad moairsl ta riiia:a Hall A Caauday. 136 FUC Maia 7096. -r-rr HE highest rash prV-e paid for Mound hand fwrnitnre. Phone Marshall 6321. MULTNOMAH ku nltur HonpiUi pay hiahert pries for awed f urastara. 4U 7 W ash, U'B 4664.