THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY, MAY S, " 1918.; 17 BARLEY SALES ARE IMPOSSIBLE IN NORTHWEST; AT THIS TIME ,e. EGG MARKET IS ON A NOMINAL BASIS: NO OUTSIDE CALL Other Markeli Are Seemlnoly Filled for the Moment F. O. B. Bids Are ' Bring Reduced . Accumulations ' Shown Along Street. , Very .Sick ton eantlnues to be shown In the tool ate trmAm wttii w liberal reeelots. During til last 24 hour there wis practically no outside , demand for supplies nl neary eecumuiaiiou v.r shown alone the wholesale wsy. . Unt th f buyers still have their k nravinu bids of 85 He ft down to effect. Wit mutt of them will be out tomorrow. On fhe .,.1H m.rWt. at thla time hid WOtllrt vot be above 84 W 84 c. In fact thl to all that to- beln offered by those who did not Place I. o. b. bid earlier In the week. Meter! farmer . bidden for exg at the hlguer price havecn , eelled tlielr bid and are teutpurarily out l the market. V '.. It aiuears that the "nln" of egga lntp stor- ate house generally along the coast has been , M-anewtiat grester then the espeelty of tae trade to take rare of offering. ints in luen muwa cause a weaker tone with a consequent lowering of values. Until storage operator reWt the market price will continue on a nomaiai pho. CABBAGK MARKET AOAIX LOWER Further weakness in the aWkith ha tawed atill . another dron in the price of cabbage here, with ' beat I. ix Anzele Quoted on the street at ft . 3C a iMuiiid, and fancy Kacrauieijto at 8e poumr. , 3 7 It EH It WALMOS .PRICK S HIGH I'rlre of fresh. Columbia river salmon waa firm at tMe for ferny Chinook in the wholesale iraaa. The mn is orovina below expectations, and lower rtver cannery secured practically all -the Willamette catch. - VfcAI,. MARKET SUUHTLY EASIER While prices kbow little change, the market for country killed cslre 1 ilightly Weaker along the Mreet, with the total mn since Monday unusually liberal, - Hogs are holding unchanged. APARAa S MOVEMENT BETTER Movement of local asparsgua to somewhat bet tar. with a shading of value along the street. Bent long green la felling around 81.10if 1.25 pet dnaen bunrheii, although some are Mill hold' tng a high a SI 40. Apple1 Market Still - vv J mm . i . ' ee-e very Strong Mere; ft! -v 1 II uountry is uieanea Jttle Stock Available and Higher Prices Are Being Gener- V ally Asked. " HOG MARKET LOIR AT NORTH PORTLAND; POOR CATTLE BUMPED mon Stuff-Swine Values Off 10 to 15e With Packers Holding Theftr Full Requirements. , PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RDM Very good demand continue in the appl I Loss of 50c Shown In Price Of Com- trsde here at tbia time notwithstanding the gen- eta! tactic of wholeaalera to discourage a lea in order to foree create business in berries. Only email cattering lots are shown at OoUtttrv Doints. aceordiha- to John Sheridan of ihe Sheridan-Beckley company, local Jobbers. ana lor these aull limner prices are being asked oy now ere. ror Winesan Takiina la asklne a further rise. Sale of this variety along the street are around j ior extra fancy atock in ordinary I TV.ursday euea yrmi. u Di8ii iH3.S8 w being asked tot Wednesday ..... Winn i iuh nnuiui vwui. i Tuesday Practically no shiuments are beine mule to I r , the east, at (hi time, due both to the lateness I Saturday of tbe season as well as the fact that carload vk aeo " lota are practically tm possible to obtain even at I Year ago.. uu leaning snipping points. 1 Two years ago.. v T k T ,7l rBiNimj, Z I 1 Three years ago. www ucm ut Lite ureniuienL. ira buu ui - f KH Hog. Cattle, Calves. Sheew. 0 334 24 1170 , 5S2 588 11 8a 34 BSO 4 8 8l 22S 5 67 224S 930 42 40 . S4T ! 144 2 . . , ' f0 80S 2JS 364 23 1 15 , R23 19 5 250 321 112 8 41 159 ... 1 2 Weather Affects Price of Cereals In Chicago Trade By Joaeati F. Prluhard Weakness developed in the swine trade again during the day at North .PPortland; and quota tion showed a. farther loss of 10 to 15c. with the extreme top at 817.50. Overnight there was a rather fair ran of swine in the yards, and as killers have their im mediate requirements already on hand, they are not inclined to hold np values. General hog market range: Prime mixed Medium mixed t .$17.4f 17.60 17 1-1 et 17.3.1 vmvaira, mar O. I. n. b,iboui corn ana I KAMffli nri heavy .......... ln.iowio.aa oat were higher for tha day, the former showing pi-, 14.50 3 15.58 telns of 1 , e for June and 1 9 1 e for July, I Qood cattla Scarce hrflr.rmJd e. .v0 n sstz - I mill. M (t f 1 IinfTKB in I Ik.L lim BIV uunuu.i Chicago. Mar 8. (V. P.) Continued clear I r... t.t .t.r mnA tiMfers. mot weather with Improved crop conditions, and iackaaAUtt haa developed considerable weaknese and covering b7 ahoru kTpt riitai evel oi betterl rtoTnJ?.Lrtind uoUUoM ,or w Good to choice steers ...... Tisdlna was llaht May com niiened unchanged at 81.27 H and continued at that price. July corn was off He on opening at l.47. later advancing lc. stay oats was unchanged at the opening, ( I c, nut subsequently moved up Vi c. oats ojened late at 13 e, down He. later n.-ine 1 He. July oats opened uncuauged at OUe, suD.eineniiy reaching He. Provisions generally advanced. Potato, Market Is Improved With Risei In Quotation Here .. f fwawaaaawaaswswawwa . . ' Trade Is Quoting as High as $1.25 Cental for Selected Stock in Small Way. BARLEY DEMAND IS SALES BE Potato market is showing; a somewhat better tone locally with recent advances of 10a to 25 per cental in the selling price. Bales of ordinary stock are generally shown hsv wholesaler around Vl ft? l.i o per cental, but tot selected stock as high aa 81.25 to quoted. " uryera continue to take tha bulk of The pres ent movement from country points and purchases are around 70$75cAer cental. General pur chases of table stock for outside shipment are shown at 75c per cental with a sprinkling of trade as high as 85c per cental at country points lor something of selected Quality. There la apparently an improved consumptive demand generally throughout the country for old potatoes, but prices are low everywhere, is stock from California and Texas has been--quoted at declining -prices, although values for such of ferings are still so far beyond a general eon. sumptive basis that little effect ia shown on. the market for old growth. HIDING AND CANNOT FORCED BLIND MOTHER SAVES F I HER SICK BOY : BURNING : RESIDENCE RM Fiitdrice : Timber : Industry President Wilson Asks for One Mil Hon j Men ' and , Women . Who Win Add One More Fifty Dollar Bond to Their Purchases of the 'Third Liberty Loan. Issue. Will You tola Tnla -MlUlon" Cluh? : v; Milling Interests Unwilling to Take Hold of. Supplies at! Any Price Situation Is Queer Considering the Recent Shortage. Schuylerman Since Arrival in Lebanon. NOKTJIWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS cars Wheat Barley.Flour. Chicago range by United Press;.' Bt'TTER MARKET HAS FIRM TONE Market for butter continue to indicate a firm tone here, with no change in price. Output of local' creameries i slowly increkning, and the ar rivals of country store or dairy stuff are greater. BRIeV-NOTES OF PROOCCE TRADE f'resm of tartar up ftc a pound again. Home chewing tobacco again higher. a Strawberries about steady for good stuff; Junk U Cheap. . r Chicken trade is firm', at full former price. Cheese market Quiet, but offerings of best not heavy. WEATHER NOTICE FOR SHIPPERS Weather bureau advices: Protect shipments during the next 34 hours Ihe following minimum temperatures: Going north, 50 de grees; eat to Raker, 42 degree, snd south to trees; eastf to Bakej, 4 2 degree, and soauth to Ashland, 40 degree. Minimum temperature at Portland tomorrow about 60 degrees. v CORN Open. - High. Low. Close. May. 8 1.27 8 12T 8 1.27 8 1.27 June. 1.454 1.48 1.45i 1.48 July. 1.47! 149 X 1.48 hi 1.49 OATS Way. .77 4 . .79 .7 .78 H June, .73 -"4 .75 .73 H .75 H July, .! ..70 .6814 .611 PORK May 48 87 .'uly. 43.60 46.00 45.60 46.00 LARD May, 25.00 85.87, 25.00 S5.87 July, 25.55 , 25.70 25.35 25.70 RIBS May, 22.87 23.17 22.97 28.17 July, 23.50 23.92 23.45 23.9a .814.00 15. 00 . 13.00814.00 . 10.75W11.75 . 10.00 11.O0 18.00 614.00 7.75&11.75 6.00 W 8.00 4.00 6.00 . 6.501150 6.00 C 8.00 8.75018.25 70.00 90.00 Medium to good steers Fair to medium steers Common to fair steers. I Choice cows and heifers June I.. . v.-;,. Fair to medium cows and heifer. Canners Bulla Kair to mediam Calves Stocker and feeder steers . . , . . . ' Sheep Come Direct Reveral loads of sheen came forward to the yards from California points over night, but they were direct shipments, to packers and therefore did not enter the market. The few sheep that came forward sold at firm prices. Ceneral tkeep and lainb range: Spring lamb .....8 20.00 western vearllnaa 18.28015.50 Valley yearlings 15.25 915.60 Wsther Ewes , . 12.000 Friday Llvetteek Shipper Hogs Severe Commission Co.. Red Bluff. CaL, 1 load; Lebanon Market, Lebanon. 1 load. Cattle Frank I Smith, rjcappoose, l load; J. E. Proffitt, Dayton, 1 toad; Hout eV 8 nod crass. Crabtree. 1 load; E. K. Spencer. Mlnida, PACIFIC COAST HAvK STiTT.MV.1fT Mont. 1 load. tjheep v. M. Burrows, vriuows, tai., toaoa 13.00$ 18.60 11 J. 00 JOBBINO PRICES IN PORTLAND These are tha TirtcM retailer pay wholesalers, XCept at otbtrwise- noted: Oalry Products B1TTTER Selling price: Creamery prints in paraffins wrapper. extras, - 44c; prime firsts, o2c; firsts, 41Vc; cubes, le less; cartons, le additional; dairy, 82Vo- lb.; - buying price, oube. 8Rar89o..i. . .i,, BUTTEUFAT Portland AeUverj basis. No. 1 ' sour cream, 48e. CHEKSE Selllna price: Tmamonk fresh Ore gon fancy full cream triplets, 85H&ade lb.; Tnuiu America. 2(1 A (3 27 V.6. Pricea to ioMien: Tillamook triplets, Vjc: Young America. 24 14 o f o. b. Coos aud l urry. 1'rtce to Jobber, f. o. b. Myrtle Point: Triplets, 23c; Young America, 3J4c; brick, 35c; iuiburger. Sac; brick Bwisa, o3 Ih. r K(;(JS Hetllng price: 'a count. 3Cc per! dosen. Buying price, 34 35c. Selling price, fculected. rsnlied. 87c; selected, in cartons, 38c. ' LIVE POULTRY Ncmln.l. Hens. 29c Ib.T broilers, 45o; old roosters, 1820e; sues, 20e rer lb.; turkeys, 28(80c; dressed fsacy 8Tc, No. 2 30q; squabs, 88 do.; geese, live, 2025o; ducks. 30(3' 36o; pigeuna, 81.50 doaen. Fresh Vaaetables and Fruits FRESH Flit ITS praoges. (4 50 7.00 per boa; bananas. To 7 He lb.; lemons. 5.JB(s 7.00 per box; Cstilorma grapefruit. 83.50; Florid. 89.23 m 0 60. , APPLES: Yellow Newtown estra fancy, 188a 82.10, lfuii 82 00. 1 (13 81U: fancy, 103s 11.80. Rd Cheeks extra fsnA. 8 Vs -tier 68.60. 4-ller 82.23. 4 H -tier 82 00, 13Ss 62.18 DHIKI) FRCItS: Iates Kromedary. 85 25; Fards. 82,50 crate, Itanlns Three-crown loose llBMcatel. 10c lb. in Oo lb. boxes. Fig. 83.60 box for 10 4 os packacaa. ONION 8 Helling -I'rice to retailer: Oregon Ko. 1. 81.25; Mo. 2, 75c 31.00; carload price of aMocution, 81.00 f . o. b. Garlic, 7o lb. Onion sets. 12d lb. New crop Texas Bermuda, 82.00 orate, . POTATOKS Selling price: Table stock; Burbanks, ll.UVffl.V9. Buying price: U. S. No. X. 75(86o cental, country points. Sweet po tatoes. 0(410c lb. New potatoes, U&lOc lb. VEGETABLES Turnips, fl.25 sack; carrots, . 81:15 1.25 sack: beets. I2.25w2.liu sack: parsnipa. 81.50 sack; cabbage? 3 i (g 8 4 e lb.: green onions, J9e dosen candies; peppers, 80 to . 330 lb.; head letMco. 83.003.25 crate; celery Oo 19 81.00 dozen; artichokes, 50Oo doxen; cucumber, hothouse, 81. 6002.30 dosen; toma toes, Alexicsn. 83.00 at S. 33 lug; egg plant. 2Sc : lb. t asparagus, 31. 1:0 ( 1.25 dosen bunchee; rbubaro, 8 la 5o lb.; eaulu lower, local, i z:it 160; sprouts, 12 He lb.: green peas, 8 He per lb. i horseradish, 12 He lb.; Spinach. 6H 6c la. ' Meat, Fish and Frovlilon COUNTUY MEATS Selling price: Country ' killed best hogs. 24e; ordinary, 28a per lb.; '" heat veal, 1919H; ordinary veal, 1 6(9 lttc; rough heavy,' I2H WI80; goats. 10 12c lb.; lamb. 172oci mutton, lift) 16c beef, 10 g 16c lb. BMOKEO MEATS Ham. 2788e; break . fast beeon. 3349o; picnics. 24c; cottage rolL ' 80c; short clears. 80&33e; Oregon exporta, smoked. 83c iu. PACKEUS' MEATS Fancy steer beef, 23c; fancy cow beef, 84c; fresh spring lamb, 40c; best yearlliigs, 29c; hogs, 20c lb. .LAR Standard. 28 He lb.; lard compound. 't84e. OYSTKRS Olympia. gaL. 34.60; canned castera 8e can, 68.40 doa. cans; eastern, gal., solid pack, 33.50. FUEtjlt FISH Dressed flounders. 6c; - Chl . nook. .20 a) 22c; perch, 7(8c; sold. 7c; salmon trout, loc: halibut. 18H 20c; black cod, lie: kerring, 6ei smelt, 8e; clams, hard shell, 4e lb.. 52.75 box; crabs, 81.76 0 8.60 per doa. Columbia smelt, 81.00 box: shad, 14o. N rocerlee SUGAR Cube. 88.60 H powdered. 38.87 H; iruii or oerry, n , iu yeuow, fi.iiH: (ranulated, 37.87 H; beet, 37.77 H i extra O, a m; goioeu u, . 1111N K-V Ni aa n MICB ; Japan style. No. 1. 314e;Nw Orleans bead, 9 He; blue rose, 9c SALTi Coarse half ground 100 818.60 ton, 60a 617.26; table dairy 60 820.00; 100 818 50, bale 32.70; fancy table and dairy, 62U.25; lump rock. 820.00 ton. BEAMS: California, (salea by jobbers) Small white. 180914c; Urge; whits, 13c; pink. 8c: .. Lima. 15He; bayou. 10c: red. 11c Oregon . beans (buying price) 4 White machine cleaned. teeyvc; nana ptoses, invtia. CANNED MILK Carnation. 88.40: Borden 88.80; Aster, 66.80; Eagle. 88.00; Ubby, ae.zo; xeiooao. case. - COFFEK Boasted, 15 H ft 3 60 in. sacks or , BUDA CRACKERS Bulk. 18a lb. " NUTS Budded walnuts. 25H26o per lb.; Clearings: Monday . . , Tuesday . . . Vednday ., 1 liur.iluy . . Friday Clearings Balances . , Clearings . Balances , , Clearings Clearing. Clearings . Balance . Portland Banks This week 4.394.294.12 2.944.035 53 8,151.816.50 3,443,2011.55 2,823.534.41 Spokane Banks 8 1.567.000.00 604.549.00 Seattlt Bahk direct to packers. Tear aeo I aea siuii ueaiy cros.. neiwr victi, a ska mi An load cattle, bogs and sheep; iee nuier. Aicsny, 2,744 7)n.67 I 1 loaa cattle, calves, nogs ana sneep; ummeimiD 0,180,928.52 1 iros- lamnill. ioaa came, . caiTes, uiifi sou li.022.13ii 48 tneep: Mayberr gt btewart, canoy; 1 loaa cattle, 9,091, 173. 16 calves and hogs; Frank Wann, Mount Angel, 3 loads cattle, hog and sheep; a. M. Bowman, Echo. 2 loads cattle and boss. t'nited' States bureau of markets reports live stock loaded May '2, in carloads, double decks 8an 902.237.00 Francisco Bank . . 117.242.227 Los Anaeles Bank s,.-.... .34.803,052 Tacoma Banks 6608.20S 97,512 .8 4, 4 12,. 14 8.00 I counted as ivo cars: SAIRT PRODUCE ON THE COAST Cattle and Mixed Calves. Hogs. Sheep. Stock. Tot. Totals 2208 1765 667 281 5014 One week ago. ...2307 L543 865 262 5064 Four weeks ago.. 1944 2064 622'' 273 6028 Ktate origins -of livestock loaded May 2: For Portland- Idaho .,,.., 8 ... ... ... Montana . ri i . . 3 ... ...... Oregon 3 2 1 4 Heavy Tone for Stocks Follows a Good Early Trade SHIPPINO SHAKES A FEATURE New York, May S. (I. M. 8.) Tha (hipping (hare were the feature of tha final trading In tha stock market today, Marina preferred moving up 2 point to 67 and resnUnf to 87 at the ctcsa, while All. Gulf and Wast India sold up to 107 V,. Trading In tha steel Industrial was quiet. Steel common aleelng at 87 H and Bethlehem Steel B at 79. Colorado Fuel closed at 43 and Distiller' held firm around 61 Vt . New Tork. May 3. (t N. S.) Although there was a show of strength at the opening of the stock market today.' with the majority of tot-ues making fractional gains, the tone quickly changed, and before the end of the first 15 minute the list waa well below the ckming level 01 yesterday. This was attributed to profit' taking salea en a large scale and to an indis position on the part of buyer to follow up the Upward movement. Steel common, after opening "4 higher at 98 H. yielded to 97S and the other steel indus trials, with the exception of Colorado Fuel, moved in tha same way. Colorado Fuel was in good demand, advancing 1 H to 42. Republic Iron & Bteel made a gain of H to 84 H. from which it dropped to 88 . ' Tha copper stock were irregular, American Smelting selling off 1 point to 774, while Anaconda, after opening "4 higher at 65. dropped to 65 H. Studrbakrr yielded 14 to 5 H and Oeneral Motors dropped 2 points to 115. Liberty 4a sold at 06 42, while .the 3Hs were traded in at 99. After the recession following the opening the market became steadier, but there was no im provement in prices except a few specialties. American Ice became active and strong, moving up 1 point to 27 H . while Colorado Fuel con tinued in good demand, selling up to 434. a gain of nearly 2 points. Lackawanna Steel waa also active and strong, advancing 14 to 83 H . Tha railroad issues reflected profit-taking. Canadian Pacific dropping 1 H to 139 H, while Heading leu to SO w, and ew Haven to 29. Steel common. After sellinji down to S7 4h. rallied to 97, but the other steel industrials were traded in at slieht recessions. 8tudebaker, alter dropping, to 36 H. rallied to 36 H. After a show of strength the stock market be came heavy in the late afternoon, with .Steel common, after another rally to 98 H . yielding to 97 '4 . Atanne preferred waa strong for a tune. marking a gain of 3 points to 87 Si . and then re acting to 86. Atlantic, Gulf &. West Indies advanced 1M points to 107.. Reading re flected accumulation, ranging from 80 '4 to 80 . Liberty 4s sold down to 96.20 and the SHs yielded to 98.88. Range of New Tork prices furnished by Over- beck & Cooke Co.. 216-2L7 Board of Trade building: 6pen High Oats. Hay. Portland. Friday. - .... 1 IS 2 17 Year ago ..... 62 1 J . . . . s (Season to date 3693 382 1078 1418 2811 Year ago 5083 220 1318 2171 2878 Tscoraa. Thursday, 32 ... .... 1' 18 Year ago 13 7 Reason to date 5076 88 .... Year ago 671S 128 .... Seattle. Thursday. Year ago , 8... 6 2 Season to date ' Year ago 4672 809 1587 1295 86?1 Merchants Exchange Msy bida; OATS (FEED) Friday Thurs. Wed. Tuea. Men. Sat. 1918. 1817. 1918. Cauda Makes MaalUoaa Accordlnc J to an official atatement, up tv about j month asTo orders bad! bean placard ia n , r a r' r II n Kansas mrouia uio irnyeruu Series of Calamities Follows Dr. j board tor munitions vaiuad at iuoo,- 000,000 and tha sum of im.000,000 had already been expanded In rest pact ot these) orders. Over 63,060,000 snails. 40,000.000 brass cartridges of SVb'Vonds each and 68.000,000 copper bands bava been machined In Canada.' Th. aura ot Lebanon. May 3. Th farmhouse of , S10.00O.0O0 has beenfjpent In airplanes Dr. G. B. Schuylerman. three mi lea east j and airdromes auid the number of alr of here, waa destroyed by fire Saturday, i planes produced haa risen to 300 a The fire caught from sparks ig-nittna; 'month. tns mo, on ine. roox pMfia Pewer Llfbt Csmpaay SrAuylerrnan trted to exUngulah ".the. nfort o .in transacted by fire gained such headway that be, !the Pacific Power & Light fcorepeny for ecarceiy able to save anything. Mr. month of March. lM,ue4 today, ahowa Schuylerman. who la blind, rescued the ' a Mt incrB. of 6 r ciit over the 6-year-old boy. HI with tnnammatory i tame month of last year. Operating rheumatism, I expenses show an Increase of S3 per Trior waw nn'insnrsnca on tha croo- cent over March. 1S1T. Comparative re- 814 lSil ry d the loss of books, medical sup- j Prt for the month of March : i nlu anl Aihse wsliiKI wraVa hsavv. . . .. 1918 1917. . . nrm a in tin a iitiii a Dr. Schuylerman waa a practicing rw- , T4 e.a o!2 physician before coming to Linn county Nt .... j b.44 i.o4 OM uA va had rilffir-ultw BaL ... 19.656 20,820 Inereasa 16.7 87 14.10T 2",0 664 in meeting paymenta on a costly bit of nfe M.VtT Vt1? v w. ho. r.t - tti, ! ending March 31: many discouraging calamities. Laat.'nroa . .81.707,981 summer, while trying to kill a squirrel. Opera, .. 804.608 he accidentally shot out one of his wife's 522512 rm.. , , ji. rjai. ... aau.sua eyes. I no atnimisi mil siiiu a , wuia and Mrs. Schuylerman was on the op posite side from ber husband, looking for It, when he fired. The farnlry Is preparing to return to their former home In the East. San Francisco Market San Francisco, May 3.; tU. P.) Butter bXtras, 4 1C KggExtra. 0c: extra first. 89a,: first. 88 He; extra pullets firsts, 38c; extrapulleU, 37 c. ., .; Cheose Clllfornia flat, fancy, 21c. Oregon Cheese In South . San Francisco. May 3. (I. Ji. 8.) Oregon cheese Young America, 22 He; triplets. 21c . Los Angeles Market Lo Angeles, Msy 3. (L X. S.) Butter Cslifornia creamery, extras, 89c. Eggs Extras, Sac; case count. 33 He: pul lets. 34c per doxen. Totals Portland One week ago. . . . Four weeks ao. . . For Seattle Washington Totals Seattle. One- week ago. . . . Four weeks ago. . 14 .8 1 1 1 24 Thursday Afternoon Sale BTEERS 10 21 12 14 2 9 60 POTATOES ALL ALONG THE COAST an Franolsea Market Ssn Francisco,- May 3. ( U. P.) Onions, per cental Hrown or yellow, 75 85c. , Potatoes Unchanged. Los Angele Market I.os Angeles. May 8. ft. N. 8.) Potato Northern Burbanks. 8180&1.85; local. 31.40 (a 1.50; Idaho i(us.-etts, $2.00; new, 6 He; I tweets, s.'.L'O Jug. Money and Exchange New York. May 3. (I. N. 8.) Call money I on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange today ruled at 4 per cent; high, 4 per cent; low. o jier crnu . Time money wis quiet. Ttstes were An rl. A r- ,m1. An .4- 6 per cent: 4 -months, 6 per cent; 5 months, i per cent: 6 months. 6 mr cent. Tbe market for prime mercantile paper was uuii. vau money in tonaon touay was 2 per cent. r Sterling F.xchanze was stesdv with v,ci;n..a in bankers' bills at 84.75 7-16 for demand. 84.78 ior ou aay oius ana 4.7l lor 90 day bills. ouTcr aiw sora, uu-,4 0; London, 49 d. Chicago Dairy Produce Chicago. May 3. (I. N. s.l Rntt tj wipts 7394 tubs. Creamery extras. 43c: extra firsts. 4142c; firsts, 38H41Hc; pscking stock. 38 & SUc. . , Legs Kecertrt 22.037 ease. Current 31(32txe; ordinary firsts, 31H82c; firsu. 3233Sc; extra, 353oc. a. Ave. lbs. Price. I .No, Ave.' lbs. Trice. 2 630 8 8.76 I BULLS 1....1850 $ 9.75 1 1110 8 8.00 CALVES 1 170 $11.00 I COWS 2 840 3 7.00 1 970 810.00 1 940 9.25 1 690 6.73 2 875 7.00 2 . 700 8.00 6.... 624 6.00 15 820 7.60 1....1030 12.00 1 930 10.00 1.,.. 880 10.00 1 820 10.00 1.,.. 930 9.00 1 850 11.00 2.... 620 10.00 1 720 8.50 1 560 5.00 HEIFERS 1.,.. 520 3 8.50 I 1..... 600 8 8.00 b 435 6.50 ( . HOGS 7 146 31T.0O I 1 120 816.00 2 185 17.65 4 160 17.60 22 107 17.25 I 2 190 17.69 2:... 155 17.40 Friday Morning Salaa 1 680 11.00 I No. New Perkins ;Hotel Fifth and Washlagtoa Sts v "Close to Wholesale and la Center of . , Retail District. Ratea JJd per Day Up. ' Special Low Rate to . Permanent Quests PALACE HOTEL Clean, quiet, modem, homelike and sle-amtoww. Free bus front all sopoto. Ratea 7Sa ta 83.00 see say. 4 Washington 84. Faratara- aatd assrenanta- waaonusrsaca. -Xr 16. 40. STEERS COWS Ave. lbs. Price. 1 No. ...1010 $ 6.00 I 10 . . . 755 11.00 I 1 . . . 750 8.73 I 11 HEIFERS ... 660 310.00 HOGS . . . 170 317.25 1.... . . . 140 16.00 ( . . . 179 17.45 1 12.. . . . .. 193 17.25 J i 62.60 63.00 82.00 88.00 60.00 82.00 66.00 Eastern oats. and com in bulk: Oats No. 3 white. 357.25; Ne. 88 Clipped white. 357.60. ' Corn No. 8 yellow.. $63.00; No. $ mixed, $63.00. There to absolutely no demand for barley la the local market at this time, and efforts of producers to sell supplies have tailed. In fact it does aot seem to be so much the question ot price in the trade at this time aa of demand. All of the bit users of barley assert that trie have ample supplies for all requirements ana are therefore not a bit interested, even though ef forts are beine made to sell at reduced value. This would indicate a lowering of prices Tot barley flour, but practically all the supplies now held by muling interests are high-priced. 1 he weakness In the bar lev trade ia really tbe sur prise of the season-; for It was only a very short time ago that millers claimed their inability to secure sufficient stock at any price. Whether this change in conditions is due to any lack of 1 . 1 II 1 . . . 1 uriu.uu ior u.i 1V7 iwuf i di mauv, i ... . , . . Oata market continues on a nominal basis, in I e- "ui'" - I fact this same tone is shown all through the I at the. farm during the summer months, coarse grain list. I 15 bovs belonerlnff to each arroup. Mr. FLOUR Selling price: Patent, 810.00: bar- I , v. .1 . ,1,. snu lucjr sre uisiruuicu uunu -.iioii: two weeka stay at the farm In their responsibility In industrial, religious and social life. Gag isir 8l.4aa.2ns 770,844 TtS.SSO 318.748 at Coke tnrveae 211.778 88.764 Wft.eia ,142.063 Compaay Big Drother Camp Will Open T ha nnn 1 sk V 4 af?hpfttr A- TVOfa of the "Big Brother farm near here. j wno nas oeen leacning sciioo i si oui- t ton for the past few months, ha an nounced that the farm will soon be in readiness to receive the first group ot boys who will arrive here about tha first of July. Port land Report of the Portland Gaa V Coke company for the month of March. 1918, compared with the same month last year shows a net gala of 27 per cent. Operating expenses show an increase of 21 per cent. Comparative report for March : ', Bel. Arrival in France Reported Lebanon. May 3. Harry J. Lutx. of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Luts of son this local straight. 89.60; bakers local. 39.80910.0O; Montana (Drirur wheat, patent. 810.60 10.80: whole wheat. $9.60; graham. $9.40; rye flour. 318.80: oat flour. 818.00 e 18.25 per barrel. HAT Buying pnee. new crop: Willamette timothy faacy. 826.00 per ton; Eastern Oregon- Washington fancy timothy, 3B0.OO; alfalfa, 824.00; valley vetch. ( I: cheat. 325.O0 clover. $23.00 ton: grain. 825.00 26.00. UBALN SACKS Nominal. No. 1 Calcutta. 'M!"'" W leas amounts, autner. I ,, ... x. sw t i, Mii-LTiirrn nran. sao.ootc ao.evi aborts. 1 - """v", $32.00 S 32.50: middlings, 839.00 0 39.50 ton. I high school teacher of Sodaville. two 5. rrtr . ,.fTTr,, 91?Jz-m ' Lebanon soldiers, have Just announced ;vwk?.i" .ilT1 " their arrival In France. aa v-aaa siwsg wiy va-a eaosa a e Ir91 avaaa I Tie Shipments Begin Lebanon, May 3. Bllyeu A Wallace, who"recently put In a sawmill on the J. A. Smith place east of town, are now operating in good shape and are ship ping two carloads of railroad ties per week, 1818 1917 129.187 8 104. AT 70.026 68.178 69.111 46.703 29.618 19.082 Comparative report for months ending March 31 : 1918 1917 Gross . .$1,439,412 $1,269,381 Oper. .. 792.128 Net ... 646.8M BaL . . . 804.991 Canada Builds Increase 24.262 11.833 12.400 . 10.734 the 12 665.051 604.581 278.576 Shlpa DESCRIPTION Low . Alaska Gald I 1 Allis-Chalrnersi. e. . . I 29 Am. neet rtngar 73 Am. Can. e I 44 Am. car Fdy., e... 77 Am. Cotton Oil. e. .1 Am. Linseed, e....j 83 Am. Loco., c. . , . . . I 644 Am. Smelter, o I 78 Am. Sugar, e. . . . . . Am. Tel. & Tel. Am. Woolen, c. . . . Anaconda Mining Co. t Atchison, o. Baldwin Loco., c... Haiti. & Ohio, c. . . Bethlehem Steel B. . Brooklyn R. Transit Butte Sc. Superior. . Calif, Petroleum, e. Can. Pactfie Central Leather, c Che. & Ohio O. & Gt, W., e..l C, M. k St, P.... Chi. & N. W.. c . . China Copiwr Colo. F. A I., c. Consolidated Gas. . . Corn Products, c . . Crucible steel, c ?! 44 78 38 ' 64 H 78 10.Hil03U 96 06 82 65 80' 51 ,1 7?vi 'ii" 140 66 56 90 42 41 89 52 65 "80 51 79 40 17 140 66 56 91 42 .43 oil 39) 39 a. 65 1 II 43 77 Bid T" 1 )enver A. It. G.. e. I I I 50) 51 I 50 Dutill'jrs Onersl Electric. .. 1 42 1143 Avc.lbs. Price. . . 697 $ 7.00 ..1220 11.76 . . 680 6.33 160 $17.25 184 17.25 AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES Liverpool Cottoa Weak Liverpool. May 3. (L tt. SI. Snni ..h.. im uuieu rirca weaa. sales, 3UUU bales. American middling fair. 22.61 a nrA mM- oiing. -t.iije; miuanng, S1.40c: low middline. o.(c;. gooa orainary. 19.88c: ordinarv. in "jr.. - - -- i New Tork Metal Market New York.. May 8. (I. N. H. tj.H rtif Spot. 77c; . May. 36.70 8.90. spelter' Uuiet.. Soot and Mav. 8 RSiS-ft 7K. Saa Francisco Grata Exports San Francisco. May 3. Einnrts dnrlna April: Flour to foreign porta 15,aa3a-bbla.: to Hawaiian Islands. 4,073 bbla.; barW to Ha waiian Islands, 18,420 centals. almonds. 19 20c: filberts, 22 c la sack ku; peanuu. iaigiua id.; pecans, 17q Ih. Hops. Mfoal and Hldea HOPS Nominal, 1917 crop. 15 18c lb HIDES Salted, 25 lbs. and up. 12c: salted bulls. 60 lbs. and up. 10a: Salted and . kip. 16 to 25 lbs.. 12c; salted and green call up 10 as ids., n, iiws luues. ioa. and up, wc; a" ia. v . uu up. oc; ary tunt. 26c: drr flint calf UP to 7 lbs.. 28c: drv UiT 20c; dry horse hides, each $1.25wl.60; salted horse hides, eaca. $3.00 W 4.00; honwhair. taiL JOU, uunwMi, umuv, ,1k, ui J long wool peitS. 40c; dry short wool pelts. 2530c; salted and mn uelta lAuril takeoff 1 . 83.0Oiisann . ory Nwey .itoiiihk. wsb. ,ne auc ; salted sheep shearlings, each, 26 60c; dry (oats, long obit, .inuiuiv, nco, aaoaue: Qry saors sue www, vvcayea.vv. WOOL--AU prices nominal. CHITT1M OB CASCAkUk BARK T. price for car lots, 6 He a TALLOW No. 1. Me; No. 2. 12c; grease. 10c lb. MOHAIR 1917. 400 SOe Ih. Ropes, Paints, Oils T ROPE Sisal, dark. 2ac; white, i23o Ih.i standard Manila, 32a. l LINSEED OIL- Raw. bbla.. $1.67 gal- kettle boiled, bbla.. 31.69; raw cases. 31.77; boiled! tases. 61.79 gal.; lot of 250 gala. lea. COAL OIL Water white, in drums , fcbto.i lOe gsU; case. 20c aL . . OASOL1NE Iron bbls, 2ie;. eases tin engine distillate, itoa bbls., 12o; cases,. 22c WU1XM LEAD Ton lots. 12a JxT; 6tt rp-, 12 c- ' - i TUBPENTlNE-r-Tanks. 63c; cases, 75c; 10 ease lota, le less. - ;k; .. 1 .W1R AOUs Basic prlc. $5.$5. : Chicago Hogs $17.60 Chlcaco. May 3. (L N. S.I Hoc Re ceipts, .6,000; strong. MixeoFand butchers. 316.750 17.00) good neavy, 310.90917.85; rough heavy, S15.9018.25; light, 816.95 17.60; pigs. $13.25 g 17.40; bulk-l7.10 $17.50. Cattle Receipts. 6000; staXdy. Beeves, $10.0017.4O; ccwa and heifers, $6.75 $14.00: stockers and feeders. $8.2012 50; calves. 88.00 1 14.00.- Sheep Receipts, 6000; strong. Native and western, 612.75 $ 16.70; ' lambs, $15,60 0 $20.90. Omaha Hess $1 7.0S Omaha, May 3. (I. N. S.) Hogs Re ceipts.' 9800; 10c higher. Top. 317.05; range. 1 it RK A, 1 T (IK Mivl IIM 7A f A fa . I choice, $16.6516.75; rough, $16.55 16.63 ; light, . it.oJ-s; ouix.; pigs. $12.00 015.00. Cattle Receipts, 2800: 10c higher. Beeves, $12.50017.40; cows and heifers, $7,300 $13.50; stockerk and feeders, $9.500 18.25; calves, $8.00018.00. Sheep Receipts, 2500; 10018a higher. Wethers," $14 60 17.00; yearlings. $16,600 $18.00; lambs, $18.500 20.25; awes. $18.60 0 $16.35. Seattle Hog Suady Seattle. May 8. (L N. 8.) Hots Receipts 90, market steady. Cattle Receipts hone. Sheep Receipts none. Kansas City Hogs 817.3S Kansas City, Mo.. May 3. L N. S.) Cat tle Receipts, 1500; steady. Steer. $12,00 0 17.60: cows snd heifers. $8.00014.60; stock ers and feeders. $8.00 0 17.00; calve. $8.00 012.76. y . Hogs :Receipts, 6000; steady to 8e higher. Bulk. $17.35; heavy. $17.00 0 17.25 , mixed. $17.2O017.35;T lights. $17.10017.85. Sheep Receipts, 3000. all direct to killer. Denver Haas S17.30 Denver. May 8. (U. P.) Cattle Receipts, ooo; steady, aieers, sio.oo0io.S3; eowa and heifers, $9.00 012.95; stockers and feeders. $8.50 013.00; calves, $12.00 014.75. Hogs Receipts, 800: steady. Top. $17.30; BUUC, 91I.VVI& 11.19... Sheep Receipts, 8800: strong. Lamb. eiv.-oiS'.u.uu; ewes, aia.UU0 1B.VO. . Ueneral Motors. Goodrich Rubber . G. N. Ore Lend. . G. Northirn. pfd. G reene Can Hide ec Leather, a. Ice Becuritte. .., IUL Central Indus. Alcohol Inspiration Int. Mer. Marine. K. C. Southern. C. Kennecott Copper . Lackawanna Steel. Lehigh. Walley. . . . Louis. &. Nashville Maxwell Motors, c. Mexican Petroleum Miami Copper.... Midvale Steel. . . . M.. K. & T.. 5. . . Missouri t'acific. . . National Lead . . . Nevada Consolidated New Haven N. Y. Air Brake. N. Y. Central.... N. Y.. O. W.. N. As W., c Northern Pacific. Pacific Mail...... Pa. Railway Peoples Gas...... Pittsburg Coal. e. . I'r. Bv?ei car, e . . . Bay Cons. Copper. . by. Steel Springs. . Reading, c. ...... Repub. I. aV S.. c. . Keck Island Sean, R. as Co... Shattuck btudebakcr. c- . . . . So. Pacific So. Ry . c. Swift Tenn. Copper Texas Oil ....... T obacco Products. . U. P.. c U. S. Rubber, a. . . V. . 8teei, e. . . . . Utah Copper , . . . . Vs. Chemical, a... Wabash Wabash. A Wabash. B W U. Tel Weatinghouse Elee. wuiys Overland . . Woolworth . 116 1116 80 89 43 53 23 32 82 94 27 46 .f. . . 21 80 127 7o 19 30 89 48 27 53 24 32 M 83 94 21 46 21 80 127 79 19 28 72 43 77 86 32 64 78 104 96 . 62 64 82 79 51 79 40 18 16 189 63 56 .6 89 90 42 43 89 38 65 B 51 142 1142 115 32 64 77 105 96 52 64 79 51 78 40 16 189 66 ,66 90 42 41 89 1 38 64 Old Crop Cotton Has Heavy Tone New York, May 3. (I. N. S I Cotton had an irregular openmg today. July waa under heavy pressure at the start and sold 4 7 points below last night's close, but new crops were not so weak, October being 15 points lower. The reason - for relative new crop cteadinesa waa tbe cool- weather in central and eaotern portion of the belt. By the end of the first 20 minute prices were steady with old crops 35 points lower and new crops 15 to 17- Voints off. The weskness increased aa tha declines un covered stop loss orders, and soon after 8 o'clock July contracts were selling at 24.05. or 100 points below Thursday's close. The close - was steady at a net loss of S3 to 105 points. Open. High. Low. January 2436 2470 2387 February , . . . .... .... March .2445 Map. .,,- . . . ra- . 2630 July 2560 AUgUst September October 2465 December 2470 Increase 169.831 127.477 42.358 $3,41$ According to the monthly commercial letter of the Canadian Bank of Commerce the min ister of marine and fisheries has an nounced that Canada will undertake the building of steel Bteamahips as a permanent policy. ' At the present time there are 14 shipyards in operation and as berths In these become vacant they will be utilized to the full In building steamships for the govern ment. Four steel vessels are ' now under - constnactuow two . at Montreal. one at Vancouver and another at Col llngwood. la addition to a considerable number of . wooden ehtpa. : The Im perial munitions A board haa ' placed Ofdera for 43 steel ships with a aggre-' gate tonnage, of ; 11,500 toha. . and 46 wooden vessels with an aggregate ton nage ot 120.400 tons. - The total value of these vvAtusels Is $4.600.OO. The gov ernment evidently Intends to utilise all the available atel shipbuilding capao ity as soon aa tha "present orders' for the imperial munAions board are com-. plated. The chief difficulty experi enced at present is in obtaining platea, and to overcome this arrangement have been made with one ot tha lartef steel corhpanleM for the . erection Of a rolling-mill. This mill will coat S, 000,000 and Is to have a capacity, ot . 100,000 tons annually It "will be ever a year before tt can be - completed, and In the meantime platea will be obtained from the United Biatea on tha same terms as those on which they , are supplied to the government of that country. . failed State Natraaal Bask Otter Prlaea rnpila In the Portland achoola are offered $150 In prises by the United . States National bank for letters on Thrift." For contest purposes pupils are classed in three dl via tone. A) claas embraces those in high school: (B) includes seventh and eighth grade pupils ; CO comprises fifth and . sixth grade pupils. Prises of $20, $16 and $1 will be awarded for the three, beat letters In each class and a Special prize ' of $25 for the best letter of alL- The subject is to be considered broadly, em- : bracing the saving of money and its expenditure, the ue of lime, preserva tion of health, care ot personal appear ance. maintenance ot the home and Ra environments, time spent tn reading and education and other fields tn whkh tha principles of thrift may be applied, v New Bakk for St. Here as The bear First National batik In St. Helena wilt have as officers and directors ' offi cers and directors or the First National banks at Soappooae and Linntan, ft was announced today. The organisers of the new St. Helens bank, which will open within 30 daya. are O. O. Wilson, who la president of the 'First National bank- at Linn ton and Bcap pooae; S. M. Mann. J. S. Mann and D. Drowley of LtnntOn; and W. B, Wll lard of St, Helena , New County Judge Issues Stop Order SUIT IS RES RAN FILED TO THE CITY GRAN TS PASS SCHOO L CELEBRATION OF MAY 2455 2620 2677 2500 480 2415 2545 2485 2415 2400 New York spot market. 2686, 90 down. Close. 2363 2882 2877 2688 2492 2462 2443 2423 2403 USING WATER SUPPLY DAY MEMORABLE ONE Owner of Dam on Yamhill River Campus of High School Seem Would Shut Off McMinn- ville's Water Source. , McMlnnvllle, Or., May I. D. P. Trul- 1 inger . of Tamhlll, through his attor- Forelga Bead Market (Furnished by OverbeckVeY Cooke Co , Hoard of Trade Bldg.l Bid. A. F. 5s, October, 1920 90 U. K. 5s. September. 191. . . . 99 V. K. 5s. November. 1919... 96 II. K. SHS, February, 1919... 98 U. K. 6s. November. 1921... 92 A. F. Sec. 5s. August, 1919 "5 Rep. France 5, 1931 130 I'aris 6s. October. 1921 84 Marseilles 6s, November. 1919.. 88 Russia Extn 6Hs. 1921 33 Russian InU. 6 Ha. 1926 85 Dora. 6. August. 1917 96 Dom. 5s, April. 1921 94 Dora. 5s. April. 1931 00 Dom. 5s. April. 1926 92 Argentine 6s, May. 1920 95 China as, 1919 ST Dom. Can. 5s, 1937 89 French 6Hs, 1919 05 216 217 Ask. 90 99 97 99 94 96 140 85 89 88 90 96 92 94 97 91 06 County Coart of Klamath Coaaty De clares Contract With 3. M. Dosgaa Compaay Ia at Ead. Klamath Falls, May J. County Judge Robert H. Bunnell, elected tn the re call election two weeka ago, and Cora ev.lafelnnar Fturr1t "OT. Short, acttnar for the county court, late Thursday passed J E- v. Littieneia ot jporuana, xuea wun a- resolution, duly entered in court the circuit court of Yamhill county on records, declaring at an ena tne con- Wednesday application for a tempo V"1 .twe? !Ah n.?..Jh! rarr restraining order preventing the J. OT. uougan rompsny ior touduuuiuii e .w e tt.-Wana mW LI1B UU UUIIUIIiat lit" Dl ws-a,a amsaaai aa a of Event Filled With Patri otic Fervor. Grants Pass, May $. May day was celebrated here thla : afternoon by . the neya,. Winter. Reames Maguire and I publle schools of the city. Th4 ' exer- cises were held on the campus of th high school and were attended" by a large crowd. Preceding the exerclsea the high school orchestra played several selections and LIBERTY BOND SALES j Liberty onds old in New Tork 8 lit 4 2d 4 naturaay . 96.78 Monday ...... .-. . . 99.04 . 96.70 86.76 Tuesday .......... 99.08 ' 96.6S 80 Wednesday. ,.. 02 96.62 88.60 Thursday ......... 99.00 96.66 96.66 Friday ........... 98.88 96.80 96,28 30 44 '62 no 25 65 80 84 19 142 '37" " 82 21 140 17 148 54 119 67 98 81 45 7 '22 4i 17 80 88 48 26 62 23 '32" 81 94, 27 46 '20 29 126 70 19 80 44 "53 69 25 65 80 85 19 142 37 82 21 140 17 146 65k 119 57 98 61 46 7 23, ii 17 116 143 30 88 43 13 27 94 124 52 24 15 32 82 68 112 25 94 27 40 4 20 68 19 29 125 69 18 103 B4 80 43 44 52 69 24 55 80 84 18 142 16K 33 i 36 82 82 I'M 21 140 140 1 T H flT 30 H 43 62 69 24 55 80 83 19 141 146 54 119 56 97 81 45 7 40 16 145 54 119 66 87 80 46 T 40 21 US 40 17 114 Ex-div. 1 per cent, Ex-div. 1 per cent, t Ex. dir., 1 per cent. 8aa Francisco Grain Market San Francisco. May 3. ttT. P.) Cash grain: Barley Per rental, feed. 63-50 0 8.65. Oats Per cental, red feed. $3.80 08.40. Leper Dies; Money Left to Win War Salinas, Cal.. May 3. (U. P.) When J. Y. Garcia, leper, died in solitary con finement here. he. left everything he had $140.95 to the United States gov ernment, "in order that President Wil son, with power larger and greater than mine, might succeed In bringing ever lasting peace." A copy of the will was forwarded to President Wilson Thursday, after cltl zens of Salinas had heaped Oarcla's grave with flowers and planted an American flag over it- Three Roads Have Freight Oar Surplus - Salem, Or., May 3. For the first time in yeara the three principal railroads in Oregon have a surplus of freight cars on hand at the same time. According to reports made to the public service commission, the Southern Pacific haa a surplus , of 188 cars, the Oregon-Wash ington Railroad A Navigation company has a. surplus of 2428 cars, and the Spo kane, Portland Seattle railway a sur plus of 2S cars, Peace Will Settle ' "V Balkan Boundaries rectlng the sheriff to remove the fore man and concrete workera from the premises. Tha foreman in charge of the work, immediately after receiving orders from the court, consulted with the local attorney for the Dougan com pany, who is reported to have advised that the contract was legal and valid and it was not necessary to quit work unless they saw fit to do so. Work continued until quitting time as usual. Charier Uiimnhrsv shn ia nut of town. U betng communicated with by his office for Instructions' In the matter of removing the workmen. Locked Out Keymen Are 'Marking Time' Seattle. May $. (U. P.) Two hun dred union teiegraphers. locked out by the Postal and Western Union com panies, marked time today while their vice president, Charles F. Rice, aped to- tliat the court permanently enjoin, the city from such use. Plaintiff alleges that he haa owned New -York Bead Market (Furnished by Overbeck sV Cook Co., 216-217 Board 01 xraoe puuuing. 1 Atchison gen. 4s ............. 81 Bait. V Ohio gold 4s.. Beth. Steel raf. 5s. .4, Cent, Pacific first 4a a"i a M- a"a .m. A - V. J9 ejg aag. ffwgv ssj. e St. Paul gen. 4s ........... Chicago N. W. gen. 4s:....... L. A N. uni. 4s New York By, 6s Nor. Pac P. L. 4a . . . Reading gen. 4s . . . , I nlon Pacific first 4 V. S. Steel 6s Union Pacific first ref. 5a. Southern Pacific eonv 6s , Southern Pacific con. 4s . Penrta. eonv. 4 ....... Penna. first 4 H . . . . . Che, at Ohio cone. 5s .-. : , 6 89 78 92 80 79 85 18 81 " 82 87 7. 78 81 77 96 89 79 Ask. 81 77 0 81 . 98 82 SB 87 19 83 88 London. May 3. (L K. S.) Exchange Telegraph dispatches, from Amsterdam quote the semi-official - German new paper Cologne Gazette as saying that peace ' pact with Roumania will be i sighed at once and that tt will settle the Bulgarian and Turkish frontiers. Recently It was reported' that .Bui garla would cede some of tha territory taken from Turkev. in the first Bai kan war if Turkey would recogn'ze Bui garta - a claims in iAioruaja. , . aiao furnished the music -for several of the dances and drills. Tha av.nrf drill waa performed hv tha vr,iia r and operated a dam across the North I the Fourth Ward and Central schools' Yamhill for over 60 yeara to furnish rPMmary grades. Tha Riverside school power for a mill and power plant, and aave a patrlotio minuet. A war gar- that he Is entitled to the full flow ot den drill was a feature put on by tha the water of the river in tta hatural Eaat achooL. The flag drill by the pu , channel, and that during the months P'la of the junior high school made a of June to October, Inclusive, the sup- hit, and military drills by the boys And ply of water Is wo scanty that use of ftirla of the senior high achool aroused , the water from Haakena creek, a trlb- a note ot tenthusiasm and patriotism. utary 01 me orui amnni, win pre-1 auinsi jeannette Cramer led the pupils vent the operation of his mill until I of all the schools In a bis eatiathani another head of water is obtained I drill and there waa a beautiful Maypole through the fall ralna. thus rendering dance by pupil of tha Riverside, Junior " his mill valueless. Plaintiff la to ap- I high. Eaat school and aenlor hts-h aohi , 1 , .. . ... -- - - - pear before the court May 4. Dies in Aero Service McMlnnvllle, Or May 3. Sergeant Ralph M. Mabee, from this ' county. died in a hospital at Hempstead. J. Y., April 30. He was a member of Itrn Kniisilron N'a. 2KS. anllat lna . In Denver December 1$. i17. He leaves Joined In alnaing "America." a wife and two small children. Death resulted from scarlet fever, followed In unison, whtctv-was a striking affair. Alt ot the drills showed careful prepara tion ana training and were executed with precision, , . . At the close ot the performance all of the echool children gave tha salute to tha flag and . repeated -tha oath f allegiance, and the entire audience was a member of the Odd Fellows. Tha body will arrive In charge of a gov ernment escort about Sunday, May f. ard Washington. D. C, to present the by pneumonia, Hla age was 85. He workers'. cause to the war labor board. Telegraphers, wearing red, white and blue ribbons, and maintaining the stand that they are ready to work at any time and are opposed to a .strike, have decid ed to devote their time pending adjust ment of their trouble to selling Liberty bonds and War Savings Stamps.. Telegraph company officials, on the other hand, are preparing to continue their fight against union telegraphers. Two floors in the Butler hotel have been rented to house imported workers. A passageway to the Western Union head quarters has been arranged through the Railway Exchange building. Brazilian Consuls For American Posts Rio de Janeiro. May 3. (U. P.) Ap pointment of Brazilian consuls an nounced today Included: Francisco Garcia Pare Ira Leao, to New Orleans ; . Ferrelra Cunha, to San Francisco, and Pedro Nuneaa to Chi cago (vice consul). 'A decree has been issued reorganiz ing tha consular service to facilitate International commerce, especially be tween the Americas, i . 6500 Qermans Live Now in Great Britain London, May t. (L N. S. W. Joyn son Hicks. M. P., at a meeting of the Empire union, aald there are 8500 Huns at liberty tn Great Britain who are en gaged In commercial pursuits. Ha de clared they should belnterned now and depot ted later. Critlsol tfhrlstorrersoa Is Dead , Long Beach. Cal.. Mav 1 it tc mi Oriadol Chrlstofferson, the aviator, died here Thursday as the result of In juries received .when An airplane fell with him la the ocean April 1$.- Law rence Rel ' a - passenger In tha - ma. Sirs. Sarah Smith!-. Dead McMlnnvllle. Or., MajUaT-r-Wra. Sarah I chine with Chrtrtofferaon. waa killed al- Christoffer'. ni Drives Car While Drunk; Fined $250 so 92 79 96 80 Ifew York Sagar aad Coffee New Tork. May 8. Coffee: . Spot No. Sio, 8c: No. 4 Santos, lie, . . - ' - Sugar Ca&txJugal, $6,006. .. -.- - - For driving an automobile while drunk Thursday night, , Leigh Hedger waa fined 2SQ and sentenced to 15 days in jail by Judge Rossman thla morning. Uedger is a dental atudent, Denton Smith died In this .city May 1 at the age of nearly 80 years.. She was the widow of the late Alfred Smith, the mother of W. B. and Mary Smith of -this city. She was a native of New York and a pioneer of this country from Illinola. Two of . bar grandsons are in the army service. White Salmon Fruit Grower Passes Away White Salmon. Wash.. May J. Tha funeral of F. S. Peck waa held here at tha Odd Fallows' cemetery Tueadar. Rev. A. Jackson of the Methodist church officiating. Mr. Peck was born tn Madison. Ohio, In lt4L He came went Id 1100 and had resided In tha White Salmon valley since that time. He la survived by hla widow. two aons ana one daughter. Mr. Peck, in hla youth, waa a sailor on the ureal lakes, later engaging in the lumbering business in Wisconsin. Later he followed bis son to the Pa cific Northwest and had been entered in the fruit raising business since that time. Hla death occurred April 2$. Underwood Has Fire White Salmon. May . The reeidene of O. A. CSoper at Underwood waa to tally destroyed by f Ira Monday. ' Tha home of Mr. Cooper wag one of ' the beat residences In the Underwood , dis trict. . ; . ,i v; r Paving Crew Aids Red Cross , Newberg. May I. The men at the Kuber camp, who are laying tha pave ment ior we iSewberg-Poruand higb- moat Instantly In the fall. son was Zl years eld. MORRIS BROTHERS locorporavted e$taeushed 25 Y$ar r aoi ttrtwtf Ixehiflt BnHflaf fofUAad, Orttoo a Th Premier Municipal 'r; Bond Houam ot Oregon .'' . -' Municipal Bonds Yielding From 5 to 6.85 Teiapeeas) Main HO1 texts. Beads, Cettes. tiraia. Sta ieaif avd f Trade AtaUsUaa. Examiner 'Accused of Sedition Juneau. May X (L N. 8.) Chareed witVi aaHltlnn Pie JTAaarkK VJtrVA.M . medical examlnerf or the Rd s-a f 1 O ' I I rirdu SAt an tertlnment given r ; A rrp f WJ, Sj Ytt(TpXtt . Arwar ji emuja, aiiairy ur. M.mik.iiiwva OS I W v fafvvuw w w w a w $j ftaA . naMa-A a..atl av vtxa-aa' a.SI I thorghbrerea doateZ' f7lLwd j DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES next seaaion. Tbia is the first sedition chaxge brought in Alaaka. . . Swiss Sy Is Shot . Paris. May 3 L N. 8- Tha Swiss sr-y Nivergeld was shot by a firing squad Thursday morning. -. by a hen and 'chickens. - the chickens teing hatched from eggs donated by Mr. Jones at a former social. With the proceeds from tha sale of plea added. $75 waa raised, due largely to the gener-1 eeity of the paring crew. TO ALL EXCHANGES fas bars Calaago Board ad Tra-iea aaweeedaate a logas s) Bryaaa Caieaga Xew I era