THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, .PORTLAND, TUESDAY, APRIL' 30, 1918. 15 V . TOUBO LADIES WANTED. PERMANENT POSITIONS. WO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. PEB WEEK PAID BEOCfNERS. RAPID INCREASE IN WAGES. MEALS OS PBEMISES ir DESIRED. CALL AT 'TELEPHONE COMPACT. BOOM 601 SIXTH FLOOR. ' PARK AND OAK STB. AlPMAI. WOLFE A CO. reouire the rvice of three women who understand sewing for tnelr drapery work room. Must be. able to fur the best o( reference. Apply uprin tsndent office, seventh floor, Wednesday morn fa between and 10 a. m. lALESWOMEN for lace and trimming. Miut be etperienced. Aliply superintendent- office, to 10 a, m. Olds. Wormian A King. I. OMEN wanted to tnui potatoes at The Dalles, Or. ; 8-hour hift. Place open 3 "p. m. to 11 p. rn. and 1 1 p. id. to 7 a. m. shift. Wage .In par hour. Work will be continuum. Apply 00 Journal bldg., or write The Dalles King Product Co.. The Dalle. Or. WOMAN for family cook; fine position, good nome: wage 4a ir month, tall at rem (enre, 645 Knott at.. In Irvingtnn. Or, if more nnvenient, Mr, Bowman at the Brnwns- Hle Woolen Mill More, 3d and Morrison sts. wanted, experienced feeder and folder to work in flat work depart in en t : steady work bet wage. Apply in persftn. Crystal I.un- rf Co. WANTED, young lady who 1 quick and willing to lean; good ponition, rapid advancement In salary; mnat be over 18 years old. Apply f'ryatal I,anndry !o HTrTA tor factory" work. Portland Paper Pack ga Co.. E. 25th and Holladay ave. Last 700. HELP WASTED MALE A5I) FEMALE 28 T5o MEN and women to learn the barber trade. shortage all orer the country; big wages. Ton can earn your way through the school. Broadway 1731. Moler Barber college, 234 Burnslde rt tRKiON Barber College will teach you the bar ber trade in 8 weeks ;-tools free; srholsrshlp diplomas given; paid while learning; positions guaranteed; tuition reduced. 283 Madison. ORIGINAL Mohler Barber school teaches men and women the barber trade free, pay while learning. 284 Couch at. WATVT F. D A (5 F. T S $50 WEEK easily made by ambitious, rleancut salesmen. Bonus to cover exiwnse of travel. $28 I .urn. Ex. bldg.. 2nd and Stark. SITUATIONS MALE A-l TRt'OIC "drirer; can repa ir on car. Call Main 7063. 1'Ai.NTf NU and decorating, good work, at a reasonable price. Tabor 43H7. A"! CA RPENTEIt 'buUds-and repairs clienjT" by onntract. Woodlawn IL'M CItADCATE in pharmacy wanla position as as ststant pharmacist. Call Main 7670. !JLLAT,0!,fK-r,,"KMA,'K . NI'K" refined girl wants general office work; has knowledge of bookkeeping, stenography and shorthand. Phone East 6638. DRESSMAKING 40 FANCY dresaraak ing, street dresses and suits to order at reasonable prices. Work guar anteed by Ideal tailorist. Phone Main 7322. 242 ft lb st. .PROFESSIONAL dressmaking, at amateur prices; makeover and designing. Main 2870. XURSES WANTlUi, a nurse for institutional work. 746, Journal. 60 FURNISHED ROOMS TWO nicely furnished front rooms, select neigh borhood; hot or cold water; phone; excel lent car service; reasonable. 253 Lnion ave. N. Fait 81 OA FOR REST t'osy rooms, running water, $6 tier qui 195 21st St.. bet. Washington Sc Taylor. Star. 28 16. t'NpElt NEW M ANA GEM EN Princess hotel. E. 3d and Burnaide, ENT 60o dav np $2 '"krjP. East 171. A NICE large front room nicely furnisherf, T olock from Hawtliorne car. 254 E. 16th, rir. Madison. Phone East 234. FI RNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY $15 MONTH, fumiohed room, private family. 729 E. Aukcny, near 22d L East 2004. NEWLY furnished room, with batiT! in private family, suitable for two gentlemen. Fine lo ratinn; breakfast if desired. Reasonable. llhO Milwaukie st. and Ramona are. NICK light furnifhed room, suitable for stu dent, $H per month. 683 Hawthorne ave., eorner 19th. East 707 8. A LARGE, cheerful, furnljihof room, all mid ern rnnvenlences. Phone Ea.-t 324. 574 E. Couch t. Fl'RN I8HICD room, walking distance. C.15 E. Ash St. $7 PER MONTII. lurnislud tronl room Otis Division. Elegant room and location. Marshall 8188. FURNISHED rooms, walking distance. 54 N. 16th st. Bdwy. 2224. " Il.tB WEEK, small front room, good brd rinse in. 434 Taylor. WELL furnUhed rooms, modern conveniences, 838 12th at. iica clean furnished rooms. 474 Yamhill st, cor. 14 th. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 THE Martha Washington. 880 10th. for busi neas girls and students. Marshall 1261. THE HAZEL A real 'home" hotel atrea aonable rates. Home cooking. 885 3d at. HOUSE KEEPING ROOMS S FURNISHED A N D If NFURNI ISHE D MODERN 2 room h. k. suite, everything fur nished, rates reasonable, 413 Vi Washington at 11th Fl'RN 1811 ED or unfurnished: also sleeping rooms; light, clean, pleasant, walking dis tance. 671 GHsan st. 15. THREE furnished II. KT" rooms in cot tage, separate entrance, near shipyards. 610 First, at. FOR KENT 2 It. K. roms"T"rieaTT no chil dren. 601 Fifth at. MODERN, nicely furnished 1 room apt., with kitchenette, walking distance. East 2079. NTcK clean 11. K. and sleeping rooms. 29l"H haat Morrison at. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 7$ FL'RMbHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY THREE unfurnished rooms for H. K.,"riewTy papered and tinted. "at 307 Wheeler st. near naieey. i-nnne r 0.1.1. Vt.'KNtisHED H. K. rooms. Reasonable. Clay, bet 14th and 16th. 10T ONE furnished H. K, room. $7 monthi- Take Williams ave. car. 288 E. 1st. N. F TWO housekeeping rooms for one or two ladies: gaa. light and phone. 500 S E. 22d at, FURNISHED H. "K. rooms. MahBrT. " FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED li DC rooms over the storeroom Front and Ar thur. Will repair to please. Cheap rent. In quire room 8. 267 Oak st. MODERN unfurnished 7 room house; rent $27i with garage. $80 885 San Rafael near Union ave. 850 Union ave. N. 6 ROOM house, 2. loTsTlinenrrrderT Lenta dist. 8815 E 84th. $10 per month. M. Palmer. Wdln 3373. , tWO houses, barn, etc., henhouse . and fruit.- herriea. 0th and Gibbs. Marshall 4497. 8 ROfiM house. 832T7th, with bathTtas. M"a!n 8285. Owner. 446 Clay st. SIX I room Rouse for rent. 420 Benton near nroaoway onus, rnone Last 6743 NICELY furnished 5 room hoiLse with piano 427 6th st. Key at 425 6th st. FURNISHED HOUSES 88 ARTISTIC Laurelhurst bungalow, 7 rooms, gar age, near para; line inrnisnmgs, J300 in ad- vanca-for 0 months or $550 for 1 year, Main iizv, 1 ere noons. MODERN6ToouTu" rnished house, close in good location; rent $30. Adulu. 684 E Taylor t. iRVINx3f(5N. 7 room furnisheit home, garage 886 El 19th N. East 6102. APARTMENTS 43 FURKISHEP AND UNFURNISHED TffE ORMONDE 4 room, front. 650 Flaii- ders. Nob Hill Bdwy 3873 NEW: YORK apta., 4414 Belmont and 7th. APARTMENTS 43 FTTRNTSHED AKI UlfFCRNISHEl . King Albert Apts. New 200 room boose. 5 and S room aoart- mtt, furnished or unfurnished; elevator and hardwood floors. 885 11th at. HISIOP HAUL. E. 6th and Hawthorne. Mod , -e . ern 1. 3 and a room ants S12.50 no: warking distance, Can East 882. ROSE FRIEND. B'WAT It JEFFERSON ST. Modern 4 and B room nnfurniahed apts. can r.ow be secured. Marshall 1410. 2 ROOM apartment. $22 80. including lights. BELKNAP APARTMENTS. 187 17th. near Yamhill. - THE8tTNIEUJ-204 Porter at., shipyards; light, outside 2 room ant-, completely fur nished; reasonable. Phone Main 7882. LlGHT modern outside furnished 2 room apt. walk in distance. The AJco, East Couch and Union are. OHOVER Furnished Apt. $12 up; 5 min vtea' want Col. and N. W. shipyards; etery modern convenience. 181 Grorer at. THE JEPVEUT New 2 room furnished apts; close in, corner of Russell and Krtr, te tttn MuMMiippt and Williams are., $12. JULIANA APARTMENTS, 45 Trinity Place. 8 room famished light, airy apartment; no children. Marshall 888. TTTREK roomx, also 4 rooms with bleeping porc-h. tastefully furnished. Hardwood floors. Portnomah, 200 R. 13th. FOB, RE .NT FLATS SoT K1IN 5 ro-m lower comer flat. 520 Kterett ft. IS Inquire MODERN rooms, phone, beat and water. Tabor 2515. HTORF.H AND OFFICER 11 FOR RENT Store and garage, corner Ban croft and 4'orbett St.; has been occupied as a grocery store for the last 20 years; only recently Tarated; rent $30 per month. Otto A Harkson Realty Co.. 413 Chamber of Commerce WANTED Optician or Dr. to share reception room and of fire: best location in city. $22.50 month. Phone Main 5466, Res.. Wdln. 2923. FOR RENT sMISCELLAXEOUS 81 PASTURAGE for stock. Address I.u Jones, P. O. Box 8R3. Vancouver. Wash. VTAXTED-TO RENT FIVE or six room house. Alberta district. Sell wood 1237. t 7 TlR ! room house, near carline. 30 tenants. Call Wondlawn 2675 FOR SALE HOUSES 61 SCNNYBIDE SACRIFICE Modern i room house, cost $2100 to build several years ago. 50x100 lot with all atreet imp. in and paid. This lot is worth $1600, lo cated nrar Laurelhurst Park, 1 block to car. Price $2650. Vj cash. RALPH ACKLET LAND CO, 2 1 0 Rothchild Bldg. A-ROOM COTTAtJE, $1200: $200 CASH, Good ft-room cotuge. bath, etc.; paved streeta. all paid, on Mallory ave., near Mason. close in and good location, between Union and Williams are. cariine; price $1200; $200 cash and $10 per month. (JRISSI & DOWNEY, 316 Board of Trade. Main 7452. WEST SIDE A OENCINE BARGAIN 2-flat building, basement and attic, 6 rooms and hath on each floor; lower flat occupied by owner; can give ianmediate possession; up lier flat rented at $20. Price reduced to $4 250 for quick sale. GODDARD 4 WIEDRICK, 243 Stark. 8KLLWOOD CAR, CLOSE IN Neat, liclit. cheerful 6 room house; rooms ail on one floor. Full lot. Room for garden and chickens, good neighborhood. located close in. One block to Sellwood car. $2750; termi. Discount for A. K li ILL. 419 Henry Bdg. 7 ROOM 'modern, 100x100 lot, gaa, bath, lighta and water; some fruit, improved atreet. MUwaukle, Or. Close in. good terms. 6 room bungalow on East 26th st., neas S P shops, street improved; cash and terms. GEO. MORSE. 315 Chamber of Commerce. " WEST S1UK COTTAGE $000, $100 CASH Good 4 room cottage, bath, elect, hzhts. lot 43x152. on Bancroft are.; price $900; $100 cash, baL 6 "e : a big snap. GRI-SKI A DOWNEY, am Board of Trade Mam 74 52. MODERN 6-room bungalow, near Piedmont, larne lot. near car and park, built-in con venience?; price $2250; $100 cash, balance like rent. Johnson-Dodson Co., 634 N. W. Bank bldg. . vmu vu.ant move in tomorrow. 4 rooms with bath; paved Mreet paid for; lot 25x100; r.ear 30th and Division: $100 cash, balance $10 per month; price $1000. 002 Stock Ex clfknge bldg. "$200 CASH, $27 MONTH $ 6-room modern house, fireplace i60 furnace, kitchen bufict. Dutch kitchen, linoleum and bath; finished floors; bonds. Owner, f.:vt N. vV lot 50x100; take Bank bldg. " HOT-KEH- ' -lioV T(i $1200 CASH Hard surface street. Balance S20 month and interest; includes furniture ot one nau Good ! fn.rn one houe meets payments. investment. Phone owner. Columbia 273. Vfoo" TmTwv bTngalow. pen. district 4 room modern buntalow. in I niver?ity l'ark. 2 blocks to boulevard, convenient to shipyards and St Johns. Price only $1500: a cerner. FRANK L. MoGI IRE, Abington bldg. NEW """modern 0-room bungalow, Hawthorne dist , oak floors, fireplace, buffet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, large attic, full basement, very convenient. $2650; terms. Johnson-Dodson Co.. ti.'H N. W. Bank bldg FOUR houses. 800 E. Irving, house and full lot. $2000: 100x105, Bl.t and Hawthorne, good houe. $3250; house and lot. Alberta district. $2250; 100x100. fair house. Ints district, HlKoiiL easy terms. iwner. Main 652. $r-0O - ATTRACTIVE Bi'NCAMHV 52200 ." It , mod bungalow. 37th 8ve . 5 blocks south of Frunklin high school: $300 will handle. Auto at your service. FRANK !.. MeGl ir.i:. Abington bldg; $TfTo" CASIU $25 MONTH $1700 7-room hou-e. lot 100x100. fruit, berries, fine garden soil. St. Johns car. near Columbia park. It's certainly a bnrgain. Johnson-Dodson Co.. 634 N. W. Bank bldg. $ 1 7 2 5 - ALBE U T A -- $ 1 7 2 5 5 room house; gas, electricity, bath, fruit and berries; $200 down, balance $15 per month. Woodlawn J704. 8-TtOOMS", cement basixnent, Elee., gas, garage. Alberta district, east front, nice lot; $300 cash. $15 month; price $2000. Woodlawn 2583 evenings. j N v ICS ' r I G A T E this, "Waverleigh, Richmond, 7 room bungalow. 612 E. 36th. cor. Kelly, a bargain if taken at once. Metcalf, 817 Cham, of Com. Marshall 2432 ROSE CITY modern home at 604 K. 38th N. Hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, full cement basement, 7 rooms, sleeping porch. $4 00 down. Sacrifice. Main 7120. forenoons. $ 1 7 50----MODKRN BUNGALOW $1750 Attrartive buiiKalow. on corner lot. East more land district, near Reed college. Easy terms. FRANK L. MrGUlRE. Abington bldg. $10.000 SIX room house, one block from 23d anil Washington; will take one third of value in cash or bungalow in good residence district. Main 6865. FOR SALE easy terms - 6 r'Hm house, fruits; 4 5x200; Mt. Scott car. Owner, phone Talior 726. 5-ROOM. well built, 097 Patton are.. 60x100 lot .solemlid view. 8 blocks from cariine: ,$150, terms. Must sell quick. C-902. Journal. NICE modern 5 room house with garage. Rose City Park. $1000; H cajh; terms. T-650. Journal. COZY 4 rixim nnHlern house, full lot, near car, E. 7 2d st.., $15. Terms. Metcalf. 617 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 2432. $8000 6-KOOM bungalow in Richmond district, owner will sell for $2500. $850 will handle. Phone Tabor 705 1. IRVINOTON" bargain; well built 2 story house! fruit trees, (lowers; $3150; terms. 3 SO East 27th. near Broadway. FOR SALE $850. three room cottage, $10 per month Call morning only. 3730 64th st So. E., Mt Scott car. 6-ROOM cottage, fruit.- flower, paved street. all clear. t-lUU; 83O0. balance to suit Woodlawn 4032. FOR SALE cheap. 5 room modem bungahv Cash or monthly payment. 735 E. 14th st. Phone Sellwood 1149. MODERN (5 room house, 2 biocka from car line, $2000; $100 down and $20 per mo. 617 Cham, of Com., Marshall 2432. CONVENIENT 8 carlines, 6-room house on one floor, 10 bear ing fruit trees. $25O0. Woodlawn 4310. 6-ROOM cuttage lor sale in East St. Johns, rea sonable terms. See Mrs. Posteilo, 1330 Powers. FOR SALE 8 room bouse; hard finished: near ly modern; $2400; term. 94 79th at Call between 2 and 5 p. m. $2500 -Modern 6 room bungalow; 3 bedrooms,' cement basement; good yard; fine location. W oodlawn 8220. . H ROOM house iTs Vancouver, Wash. Rent for $40 month. Will sell cheap. Part cash, bal. time. Full of roomers. Phone Tabor 5624. FOR SALE 2 houses and lota cheap; 8 blocks '"sin new medical college. Marquam hilL Call A-8628. Hi NGALoW for automobile, modern and cori xement; balance $15 per month. Interest Z 501, Journal. FOR SALE 2 houe: a fine piece of property cheap. Inquire 343 San Rafael t. N ICELY furnished 6 room housa. 100x130 , .1 ... . - SI ,1AA, . fniit, nut tree. Wdln. 2005. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 room bungalow, includ ing furniture, $2500. . 937 Pittock block. 61 $840 2 room houaeTTino lot, 100 feet from . Mississippi oar. . 81600 A room house on Albina are., be tween Jefferson and Thompson schools, hard- surfaced at., paid; $400 cash, balance 6; no mortgage. $1680 Small house, good barn, ground 00x i.X . r snwrnaie ave. ; terms cu, 2?.r'th.,lnfludiaf interaat. 88600 Modern 7 room house, douhle-ccn- fine condition o'e. imrrrai. James D, Ogden 107 Sharer et . Voodlairn 202. 6 . RO0Mboue, 4 lota "In" f ruit7nar carlir.e on improved street; no incumbrances to as- sume. $1450; $200 cash. $20 month. 7 room house, batb, electric light, 1.4s. t2 fiooih 5 rixw modern house, cood bascm nt. l ir.-e atti ; lix-ied. near cariine. $1800; 50 r-h. Neil Smith, 6514 Foeter road. Tabor 1031 TAMHII.L COCNTY FARM, 24 ACRES 19 acres in cultivation, half in crop, balance fir timber and pasture: best of soil, good fences; . 1 acre family orchard, fair 6 room nouse, barn and outbuildinir;. stinna- water Pited to house. shaHe ir,M imnnii hufMinvf In. . eluding work horse, wagon and harness, buggr, mower, narrow, nlow. cultivator, cow. lienor feed in barn. This place is located 4 miles ot town, on good road, and is a bargain at only , $2450 if sold in the next 10 days. Other good ,' buys. Write for price list. j W. E KIDDER, CARLTON, OR. $3200 Modern 6-room bungalow, cor. E. 38th and , Stevens. lot 50x65. fine earage. Improve- j ment paid. $3250 fl-room modern bungalow in Holhidav Park addition, lot 60x120. Improvements paid. J. L. KARNOPP, Ry. Ex. bldg. Main 675 Apples, Pears, Plums, Peaches, Also many other varietiea of tree fruit and berries, sanitary barn, concrete poultry house. an acre of ground fenced, fine yard. A prime ' double-comtructed 8 room modern home, on 70th! at- for $4250: terms. I Hmifk 1 1 H 1 flth ) UUOIN, I IV I VIII Oil j FOR A ALE- 7 oohon r,TrrT".7vir,r"fire-" ! place, gaa. crTandeliers. laundry, auto room. . .... . . I ml,. . , l ,Anm . barn, chicken park. 4 lota, fruit trees, berries. I shrubbery, flowers, garden, price $3000 (three thousand) : $200 or $300 down, balance month ly with interest, or will sell 100 feet front by 120 deep with house for $-J00 (twenty-six hundred dollars) , $200 or $3o0 down, balance monthly. 6210 58th ave. 8. E. Tabor 7307. Would take small, cheap house as first payment. $600 $100f cash, bslance $15 per month, includ ing interest, 2 rooms with disappearing bed in living room, large closet, 3 i blocks from Rose City Park car. See Mr. Jenks at 68th and Sandy blvd. 5 ROOM bungalow, $200 cash, full cement ' basement, laundry trays and wood lift ; big ! airy rooms: built in conveniences, near 52d st.. ' Diocas oi car. l-rice .-, .oo uowii, . . . .. n balance like rent. Call today if you want tins nome. Iiaipn Ackley i.ami uo., -iu notncium bldg. ST. JOHNS .CAR NEAR PEN. SHIPBUILDING PLANT Immediate ijsseMon. $100 down, balance easy, will buy 1 500 Macmm st. ; 5 room and modern batii room. Cement walks and grading paid. GODDARD A WIEDRICK, 243 Surk CASH FOR BUNGALOW We have a client with $1500 cash to pay down on the best modern 5 or 6 room buiiGaiow on the market for $2500 to $3500. Phone and we will call. Main 7141. RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO.. 210 Rothchild Bldg. UP AGAINST IT $888 $38 cash. $12' month; 4 larse rooms, lot 60x100; chicken run; 10 boarmg fruit trees; cement walk; no 'sessment: no mort gage; 2 blocks to Tabor car. Immediate pos session. 7.-002. Journal. FOR SALE By owner, easy terms: Modern bunealow, N. Mt. Tabor: 6 rooms, base ment, dining room and parlor carpeted, lino leum in kitchen and bath room, practically new, block from car line. Price $19o0. 1722 E. Flanders M V car. CALL W. llTlierdman for Irviugtun properties. East 23. I lfl I - FOR SALE LOTS FOB" SALE HOUSES on Improved street, near cariine. $1050: $100 i,. -n ( Tv,i- i. . J k... Pcd ot at once. .no reasouaDle trade or otter ing trapuested stock. $7 per JOO: 1500 day cash. $20 month. , -0 ' Fin. ind anrlni water hard mr- U "rf,"ri- Stock and fixtures will invoice old chicks tor May iV. $15 per 100. F. 11. W-5 ST?kn,0,Jr' b,lh- " "d tlKUiC Uht- ' PrtS. $7500 W? have Ttota ot ' for more than price ked feUbli.Aed for 20 Hobmjon.J arlton. JJJ: 2 rm? hnn!Tna lta" wv !,!. i .4 R Places to seU. Easy terms. 1 J- P"ce $330t.; $1000 cash. KuK .SAl.K u u fl .2i eacn vl9 rocitn bouse, 2 lots. Bear rirUrkl, 1480, , vvw vnw ur t vn rr i H. M ilf, nitrhf $250 cal. l o,2KmP CO ' ' RITTER, LOWK A Ct., i r-HJh!-!l- a room modern houswi500: 203 rah. : ... - . Trade FOR SALE, lot 55x55 corner, close in; your I l-i ,rt- brlctt garage. Piedmont, priced own terms: make otfer, or would trade for ' right; take high class residence lot part pay piano, horses, furniture or what have you? 11- ! ment. 512 Royal bldg. ' 8. Journal. TWO beautiful lots overlooking river, nuall payment down, balance monthly. Phone Marshall 4 505. It BLOCK in Wood-lock, lots ot inr.t. berries. I etc. Price $2750. $500 cash, l-ihtnce fJQ oer month. M. I".. I.ce. fll5 Corln-lt hnitilint i -. i.... TT-TTi:, ,.7(-r..;.i iTTti g"r. I x .. . ' i'o in, . ui'iwi ,,i uii Laie, $000, part cash. Call Sellwood 2230. TIMBER notice ot raie 111 joeriimeni ilinoer. " Timber. ' V.i. I. o....n ,h.t B.o,.. .1.. 'Y'"" j , , ., ' . .'".""' conditions and limitations ol the Act of June 9. 1010 (30 skat.. 2181. and the instructions of the Secretary of the Interior of September1, m,t'' bearing age: handy to Portland. Ta 15. 1917. the limber on the following lands i bor ,4-G or -601, Journal. will be sold May 28'. 1918. at Id o'clock a. m. at public auction at the United States land ot- lice at Portland, Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less man me appraisea vaiua as snown by this notice, sale to be subject the ap- proval of the Secretary of the Intenor. T lie uurchase price, with an additional sum of one- fiftb of one per cent thereol. oetng commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sain. money to be returned it sale is not approved. otherwise patent will issue for the timber, which must be removed witnin ten years. Bids will be received from citizens of the United Slates. associations of such citizen; and conioraiioiis organized under the laws of the United State or any .state, territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being included ir. any offer of a larger unit T. 4 N.. R. 2 W.. Sec. 33; SWK. 8WH, red fir 040 M. ; NEi, SWfc. red fir 660 M.; 8E4, NW't, red fir 440 M.r NE ',i , NWfc, yellow fir 285 M., dead fir 23 M. ; SW',i. KWH, yellow fir 855 M.; NWi4 SVV, yellow fir 1050 M.. piling 25 M. ; NE4, SEU, yellow fir 295 M., dead fir 95 M., cedar 10 M.; SWii, SE "4 ted fir 120 M; yellow fir 205 M. ; pding 60 M. ; SWU, SE I red lir 110 M. ; yellow tir 00 Al.. piling 210 SE U , yellow fir 235 51., dead fir 00 M., piling 10 M ; cone of which is to be sold at less than $1.00 per M. T. 4 S.. R. 2 E., Sec. 11: NE'.. NW14. red fir 685 M., cedar 90 M., white fir 20 M.; NW'H, NW"A, red fir 995 M. ; SWVi. NWU. red fir 1045 M., SE Vi . NWVi. red fir 865 M. ; NE Vi , NE Vs . red tir 640 M. ; NWVi. NE Vi . red fir 320 M. cedar 80 M. ; nune of which is to be sold for less than $1.50 per M. CLAY TALLMAN. Commissioner General 1-and Office. .Xulitt. uf bAi.b, OF iiUjt,u.Mk.VT TIMBER Notice- Is hereby given that to (he conditions and limitations of the Act of June 9. 1910 (S9 But.. -IB), and the instructions of the Secretary ' the interior of nepi.euio. r 15, 1917, the timber cn the following land wiU be told May 16. IMS. at 10 o'cloca a. m. at public auction at the Unite. State land of fice at Portland, Oregon, to the Xzhest bidder at sot less than th appraised value as shewn by this notice, sale to be subject to 1,1 approval of the Secretary of the Interior. .The purchase price, with an additional sum one fif;h of one per cent thereol, being commissions showed, must be deposited at time of tale, money to be returned it sal is not approved, otherwise patent will issue tor the timber which uinat t removea wixxun iu rears, oias wui be re ceived from citiaen of the United States, as sociations of such citizen and corporation or ganized under the taw of the United States of any tte, territory or district thereof cuiy. Upon application 01 a qualified purcuaar, the timber on -any egai subdivision will ie offered separately beior being included lu uuy o.'ler at a larger unit. T. 9 S-, R. 2 Ss, See. '85: NIC W Ku yellow fir 260 M.. r-J fir 60 M. ; NVVVk Nfil" Jeilow fir 600 M., red fir 800 M . hemlock 10 I.; SWVk NE. jeilow fir 7t0 M.. red tir 860 M. ; SE V NE Vk , yeUow fir 350 M.. ted flr 4C0 M.; NE Vs NWVi. yellow nr 750 M red tir 250 M.. hemlock 10 M.; HE Vi NWVi" yellow fir 100 M.. red fir 1200 U.; HKhk W Vi, yeUow fir 200 M., red fir, 800 IL SE Vi SW Vi. yellow fir, 350 M.. red fir 860 M : KE Vi SEVi. yellow fir 450 il.. red fir 6tu M. ; NWVi SEVi. yellow fir 500 M.. reU tir 600 M. ; SW Vi SEVi. yellow fir &o M Ted fir 1800 M.: SEVi 8EVi. red fir 1550 M one of the tir to be old at less than $l.;5 per M., and none of th hemlock to be told ai lea tun oust per aa. CLAY TALLMAN. Commissioner. General Ijsnd liffic A 20.000 equipped sawmill and timber ready for operation. Houck, 110 10th St, ACREAGE 57 1 1-3 ACRES, Courtney, Oregon City lin Use your rent and make summer home. $1250 Tke Liberty bonds. Stratton, 217 A b ingt on CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN ranche near Portland: S. 3. 10 acre tract. $65 to $0o per acre. McFarland. 608 Yeon bldg , Portland. FOR SALE One acre. U plowed, 3bTock mum 01 rtu aiiey '.Ta on ts net ley are. Call week days. Taboy 2$52. 140 ACRES, 50 cultivated. $3180 per acre. Hugh Magee, Scott Mills, Or. v. ACREAGE -" AT ! - TOUR CHANCE IS IN CANADA Rich lands and bnainasa rainort unities after von ind. t pendenee: Farm lands, (11 to $30 acre: irri- I gated lands, 835 to S50; 20 rears to pay; $2000 loan fa improvements, or ready made farms- I .nan f hnatnrk tiiM snnu under so cents an ui- ru taiM an lmrnmnils. nee. aonal property, or livestock; good markets, ehurchea. schools, roads, telepbonea; excellent -t. w . . i a i.i bfaleta. Allan Cameron. Ueneral Superintend ent Land Branch, Canadian Paclfio By., 112 fth are.. Calgary, Alberta. ACKKAtJE For sale H acre tract. S room and 4 rrxini hntiw. all in frntt anil hrhM I n j,jW Iiricm o (2250. Terms. Alto 10 acres near Portland, well improved; sacrifice at price $3500; terms. 10 acres close in. with 8 10 ACRES, all clear, no buildings, tor sale or North uto- c,u mt 0J8 Grmni "rth- ' $2500. 20 ACRES. New York stats, excellent proirty. Swank, 517 Henry bldg. ' , FOR SALE FARMS 17 iU AtRts of Idaho wheat laud. J00 acrea cul- i tivated. buildines. horses and machinery: Photo at office; $6500; terms. I s vt acre, ail cuiuvaiea ana in crop, gooa i buildings, close to school, church and store, no ry':Jk; a-" soil;, terms. ... 1 1 "'f 5 blKi "f . station. Washington : county. 14 acrea cultivated, small house, barn., we" P.'1 .f0, ' 2K0O. terms. ! , .uun in ouiuierce. ! CANADIAN FARM LANDS Cheap land, re- . markably eaay terms. 1 jindseekers excursion Prty leave Portland for Calgary. Alberta. Sat-i urday. May 4, reduced rates. For further par- ' ticulars aee Canadian Pacific Railway lo., 208 ; iianway r.xcnange Plug.. i: 1 nornton. aia-i trict representative. an it i-' muciiv Located ill famous Tualatin valley, only 17 ' miles center of city; rocked road all way. Crops j ana some equipment; only 4i3U. An ex- """""""i "nV 4T0 Wen h i. ' TTALATIN valley laud. 73 acrea. Ijind that will grow anything. 15 acres in cultivation. 2 biocka of Electric car line. 12 milea from Portland. Will sell all or any part. Phone eve- ningH. Main 881, room 205. : 80 ACRES, partly improved, diversified Oregon . farm; good roail and market; price $2260; genuine bargain; $750 cash, balance. to stilt pur- i chafer. 51 2 Royal bldg. ALBERTA WHEAT FARMS " . Wheat, oats, lax andbarley. the best there i f Urn, I lanrtA I jlt Utrnar A Ihart. : - - . . EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 84 $7000 7-room modern, E, thorn. 81st near Haw- $6000 6 rooms, semi-modern, 4 lots, plenty fruit. Ellis ave., mte. 2000. $2500 tl-room house, corner lot, E. 52(1. $3000 6-ron. lOOxlOO corner, Forest Grove, mte. $850. $3600 lots, E. 73d, clear. ' Will exchange all or part for farm, acreage. income Portland or good coast town, clear for clear, or will assume. EPTON A M CLELLAN. i 512 Chamber of Commerce. n room, west siae nome. urge, grounds, elegant Tlew. $ 1 . .000. onsider f' l'roj.erty to 2-d, remainder long limp tl c ' i miim 4 riwim nniisp nnr mr ------ :r: lnAT. 1 1 out rfeiiersuo oiK'i m.11001. rice fjw. Small farm or acreage considered to $2500. balance long time. 7c'c. L. K. Moore, 317 i Board of Trade. NOTICE. If your property, either city, farm or acre age, has merit and is for exchange or sale, call or write full particulars; no inflated values con sidered; have first class list to select from. George P. Henry. 329 Henry bldg. Refer ences. Portland Realty Board. FOR EXCHANGE 040 acres at Eddy v Ule. Lin coln county. Or., but over 4 00 acres open land. win exchange tor city property or acre- Sere This u fme ,tock ranch' 1r!ce 30 p" land. Will exchange for city property or acre NEW YORK LAND CO , 881 E. Morrison. EXCHA..GE for smaller farm in valley 320 a. in E. Oregon; small house and barn, 160 a. fenced, 80 a. cultivation, all tillable, good soil, good water, no alkali F. T. Daniel. 231 6 2d st. N. City. 400 ACRE diversified Oregon farm, buildings, stock, equipment, personal property valued $35,000 included. Price $75,000. Exchange for income city property equal value. S-BGl. Journal. 1(LAC,UE?: P"ce $500, clear, .1 mile from Toledo. Or.; trade for house equity or good lot; prefer Alberta dist. Cobb, 409 Swelland bldg. MODHU.N 7 room house, party turiushed, 50x GOOD income property, 3 houses and 2 extra lots; will trade for good farm. $10,000 or I $18,000 Thos. W. Currie. 620 Henry bldg. j Main 64 4 0. SPOKANE home. 8 rooms, modern, full base ment and furnace, near N. C. hizh school trade or 0 room strictly ' modern" Portland last 371(1. 120 E. 27th N. - - - - .... home. E I Ail ,'iuxioo in ueiieaictine lleigtits. clear. 1 klru.1 U.llu-iwl o. l,l. f,. l.Ka. W.Mn harness, hnucv. Owner 720 Tacoma' aie.. citv' ,V,i ' i, , . ...U" . M "1 fi(i. .i .k.ih. .;u . ' -."' w--s, : roadster. Call Broadway 1660. , , .vn.r-rfeL"; -i-i. V A 1 K 011 Ef HANGL 10 acres English wal- 'BUNGALOW for automobile modern and con - j vetuent. Balance $15 per month. Interest 5 rr . .1 17. Journal ' 5 Chalmers, electric lighted good tires j ,! , SVTfvrt or,i,.r. Exchange for clear 1 real estate, i'ostoffiee box 20ti4. citv. 25 ACRE improved Oregon tarm. worth $4LTo, unineumhered : exehance for Portland egusl value. 512 Royal hide, PORTLAND or suburban property tor Lstaeada or vicinity. Sellwood ' 2001 . TWELVE cultivated acres near Orenco. Snap for rash or house equity. Mar. 5945. WANTED RE AL ESTATE 81 SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED Must be N. E. and priced right. We have numerous buyers waiting. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Cham. WILL pay all cash for 5 room bungalow; must be bargain, not over 3 blocks from Hawtiurne eve. Tabor 224 5. W ANT E I To buy house and lot! must be bargain; from owner. Call at 217 Russell st. FOR RESULTS list your property withthe Real Estate Exchange. 201 3d at., Portland. ROOMING HOUSES 88 EAST SIDE APTS. 24 art'., central east side location; brick building: modern in every respect; low rent Will fell outright or will trade this Tn on a larger place and pay tin to $5000 rash. Price $4 20(1; $3200 will handle this. H. M Niles. RITTER. LOWE & CO. 203-5 7 Board of Trade NOB HILL DISTRICT Furnished new within last month. All light housekeeping roonv; a first class money maker Price $2500; $800 cash, balance $30 month II M. Niles, RITTER. IXIWE A CO , 203-5-7 Board of Trade. 10 ROOMS in White Temple district, furnished; big income; BARGAIN. MAIN 4R64. nicely FOB RENT Alhina shipbuilding dUtrict. cor ner; 14 unfurnished rooms. Great demand Eaat 5222. WANTE1V Rooming house, iTi to 20 rooms ; can pay mostly cash. Tahor 5206. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 88 BEST BUY IN PORTLAND Second oldest restaurant firm, in the city. Have made enough money in this place that they can afford to retire. Iiocated in heart of business district. $5000 gross buuness with $800 net; good lease with rent of' $200 per month. You will be surprised if you look at this. Price $4000 - H. M. Niles, RITTER. IXiWE & CO . 203-5-7 Board of Trade. Some Gilt-Edged Trades Houses and lota; beach Iota, acreage close to Portland; clear of incumbrance, to trade for automobile, grocery or business of any kind. L. A. HALL. 512 Panama bldg. BEST furnished and equipped Columbia high way mountain resort, steam heat, private baths, beautiful grounds, real opportunity for right party; $1000 required. 5 1 2 Royal bdg. LADY or gentleman with $500 or $600 as partner to start good paying business. J 660, Journal. DON'T WORRY I can sell or trade anything anywhere. Lay man. 1 4 " si Broailway. DELICATESSEN and restaurant doing fine busi-nes-. cheap rent, nice place; will sell cheap. See Garland. 18S 3d. CLEANING and presaing; shop, a good buslnes in dressmaking and todonng work; will teach the business if party wishes. G-478,: JonrnaL CLEANING and pressing shop for sale best money maker in city. 282 3d t $175" RESTAURA N Y. V ititerett; will acil all. Main 4190, Swank. FOR SALE Cigar and root beer stand doing good busineses. Call 201 4 th st. FOR SALE, confectionery store, on account of sickness. 114 Wash. St, Vancouver. Wash. ti MINERAL SPRINGS WKIJLr KNOWN HEALTH BESORT This place as in first ekua afiapc. good hotel. large two story bath house with steam, too. and shower baths. Is located in the niost Dicturetaue lart of the state with an oppor- tunity for develonment almost beyond concep- lion, sjur pnee la tar oelow me actual xatue and would consider a trade for farm or stock r.wvU vi. um. i. ,. i- . xmncii. newson lor aeiiing is mas owner is ioo $i0'T H M. Kile.; RITTER. LOWE A CO . 203-5-7 Board of Trade. MCST SACRIFICE ;r(x;ery sfniE Beet kxation on aide; cloe in brick building; rent $75. This place has to be dw- Machine Shop and Foundry ' . r . . , J Circumstances lorce me to cnange my plana nd mxM sacrifice complete equipment at oner. Big industrial future with unlimited poaglhili- tie; might consider aeiiing an interest. For aDDointment phone E. 408. a.i tmiKii uirmlll i,r.,iiii,,n wmi w uoa ....; 4 k.- ,.r tracts included. '$1750 cash required. Real ,,,. r, f ll.iv.1 hhlo Mnrmnn nd Broadway 1 - .. . , MONEY TO LOAN Br- A 1. ESTATE 27 OCR Installment l4an u the best and surest m.thod of uavina a loan. $32.26 per mpnth lor 30 months or 821.24 for 60 months, or $15.17 for muntlu. pays $1000 loan and Interest. Other amounts in proportion. We loan on improved city property. Or for building purpose. No commisaiun cliarged. EQUITABLE SAV1NOS it LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. I MONEY io loan on improved property in most "r own in Washington. Oregon and Idaho kb m ia iksift hack mnmlilv like rent- It- E. :badwick. 822-23 N. W. Bank bldg. $250. $350. $400. $500, $660, $750. $1000 and larger amounts at current rates. Quick action. Fred W. Ocrman Co.. 7 32 Cham. Com. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property, money advanced as work progresses. W. ;. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. MONEY"toloan the amount you want rates rigM. Geo. H. Thomas. 267 Oak at.. Room 2. Alnsworth bldg. i j . . .. a,.,,,. .Ill . r. , in 1 1 1 II M in M III IJ tl II I . Ill M J J u .JUUM j on city property. A. H. BELL. 201 Gerlmger bldg. CITY AND FARM LOANS I Any amount; current rates. R. F. BRYAN, 500 Cham, of Com, bldg. ' MORTGAGE loans. 6 and 7 9. Louis Salomon : A Co.. 408 Belling bldg. ! CASH tor mortgages, loan, contracts. F. H. Lewis, room 4, Lewis bldg. Main 688. 1 $100 to $1600. consider lots. E. II. Dowhnc. 617 Chamber ot Comerce. Marshall 2432. ' i HAVE $1000 to $40,000 to loan on farm or city property. P. O. Box 873. MONET TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES 87 blary LOANS Chattel WE LOAN MONEY -,.. . . ,.i.rit .vi ' - ...... v. their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly j confidential. jiuiuiiAiiK . 1 1 i.-s . ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture, .pianos, etc.. without removal. ' CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED. 317 Failing bldg. iir si las - ; ' '0lJ Need Money bee Us SALARIES CHATTELS I .o arts made to persons on salary or fixed in come, on household furniture, pianos, diamonds and other personal property, leeal rates. Busi ness confidential; private offices. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY. Licensed. 806-307 Dekum bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. j Established by Portland business men to protect borrower. I rs nvrno ni'iniiv m. qt t iu? ot i LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEw'eLRY. PLANOs! , HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. IS WAGON'S for sale cheap; 20 wacona all in firt ) class condition, suitable for almost anything; ' will take one tenth of actual value: no further ' use for them; all hand made. Call 263 Rus sell at. I HAVE horse with rtlltivator and harrow which we do not use all the time, for hire: t all Mr. Baike, Ednard company s war garden. Main 1 027. ! U0.'l'-n 0?"- 8""n'' ,e"mf wtrK!,t t -'400:, """ . ' "" Jake Richmond car to 21st. 2 blocks S. and 1 H. j to i "06 Woodward ave I Cuo1' rnch a"d I'srness. mar- and geld- in" venalnrttr ".1.111 His Sl!tfl Tib. l, ' sro" rar to UUI ' 'nauire at Wcstover gro- cry iitore. TEAM. 2400 lb.. with harness. $115. 270 Grant st. - The City Dairy Barn, South Port land car. ' block west. Jhnne Marshall 4055. ! FOR SALE Team blacks, gelding and mare. ; harness and wagon, at ranch, 2 miles south i j Sycramore Stationon Foster road. J-W. Lewis. ; i FOR SALE Studebaker rubber tired trap' ! buggv, with single harnes; 1 dehvery wagon. , $7. 125 E. 40th. 1350 LB. horse, sell or trade for fresh or dry cow. 751 East Ash. j a CHEAP team for Mle. 227 H Madion7 Mr! Higgins. HORSE and wagon. $1 23 day: 2 horses and wagon. $2.50. 546 Front. Majn 2208. FOR SALE Team of young 12f)0-Ib. mares. Phone E. 181. CAMPING outfit, wagon 12x14 tent. Phone C- team. .'74. harness and 1700-lb. work hory: have no mate; $150 for quirk sale. 263 Russell st. FOR SALE. 14110-lh. (arm horse. $60: one standard bred driver. 102S E. Alder t DEAD hores and animals hauled away free. Call ii- ii o o ti . 1 a ii 1 LHMii .11 ir. J I ' 1 1 i. I 111 uriiuroiift v i. LIVESTOCK AUCTION SALE 1 High grade HoLstein dairy stock. Grand Oak farm, 1 '4 miles south of Woodland, ash.. Thursday. May 2, 1918. 10:30 a. m. Entire . herd as follows: 13 Holstein cows. 4 Jersey ; cows, all excellent milkers, a lot fresh; 10 1 and up Holstein beifers, from 16 to 28 months! old. some heavy springers. u calves, 1 2-nore cultivator. 2 l-hore cultivators. Autos will meet all trains. Tuberculin tested, and eerti- ficate goes with each cow; loaded on boat free. Harris 4 Hornby. " 8 w ,uc' tioneer. Vancouver. Wash. . 8 FRESH cows, some choice Jersey family cows, $60. S.roe 6 and 6 gallon dairy cow, Will sell or trade for beef cows. 1160 Ma- cadam St.. South Portland car end of line. 3 blocks south to Richardson ave. 1 block east in pasture .-t,.... .. . 1 f. j . , ., FINE 6 year old Jersey Durham cow. fresh 2 wee' 6483. weeks, rive 5 aallons rich milk. Call East 11 - - my. Cornell road and Skyline bird. ' Marshall aio.' ' "' ; & ,w iictii tow., ,ci-j-iiurniKj o'j tt 1 j , 14 SO Macadam St. Fulton car to Idaho tt., 1 block eat. WANTEIV Fresh cow. Guernsey or ll- Lvin preferred. State price end age. J Kei.y, J.orina, xr. TWO-A No. 1 fresh cows, aril or trade for beef cattle. 105 Failing st. Take Mi-i. car FOR SALE One fresh Toggenburg miirh goat. 1 with kid. 321 E. loth. Phone East 159 FRESH milk goats with kids. U. S. Stables, Front and Madison 5 FRESH cows, horse, wagon and customers, for sale cheap. 123 E. 12th N. FRESH dairy and family cows, term right parties. 751- East Ash FRESH Jer-y cow, ud to picket rop- K. 8th ft. PASTURE for a cow. Phono b'.r 1019 CREAM separator for sale. 26H F. 9th. POULTRY, PIOEQ5S, PET STOCK 17 VMHTE Leghorn baby cnicas, trom beavy laying (Hoganvzedl rtock. Marco delivery. $11 per 100. April. $lu. We r&srantee safe arrival The Pioneer Hatchery. Petalama. CaUf. WE buy and sell all kind of poultry, pigeons. -rabbit, puppies, pig and pet Mock. Th Cash Produce Co..' 153 Front (t 201 Mor rison. - CHICKS. White Leghorn; free range, trap nest ed foundation stock. Master Incubator Co. 415 Jeasnp st. Portland. r Woodlawn 4344 LAYING White Inborn puli and young hens $1 25 each. East 106. 87 Oregon Ft. THOROUGHBRED Buttercup ejus for $1.30 a setting. Phone Bdwy. 339. sale. Business opportunities BLACK MINORCA eggs. $1 per setting of 13. 4 202 76tb st. S E. No Sunday sale. 8. C. R. I. R. eggs for. setting, $1 per 15 setting hen. Wdln. 685. POULTRY., PIGEONS. PET STOCK 17 500 BABY CHICKS READY Buff I .eg horns. Brown Leghorns. White Leg horn. Barred Rocks. .K. Reds, setting eggs; atao $1.60 for IS Indian Runner duck eggs and Maeovia chicks 18 to 20 eta. More hi 8 weeks. Order now. J. A. Hamar. 120 C 20th t N. Rose City car. n if ij.YiTi i"7T7TrTt)rK -)-; Rhode ""r.Jit0 "L 0,iiLD ifcS0 uffi . "na Ked. Barred Rock. White uegnorna. , , . . -, '. " ,T. j-,, new 4 room &Jta W: " " " ' . blatVfcK Cmpine lay Itfce lguoma; eggs J.ftO per 1 0. Mrs. tin re Bard.tley. Colombia blv and Delaware ave.. Portland. rr. Woodlawn SIS AIJIO BABT CHICKS WHITE I-eihorn setting eggs, heavy winter lay IXKJS. BIRDS. PETS. ETC. 48 rTMiNKtr - rsmi - stock are -and buy go out to 141 Wood me a good New Zealand doe with vounc and rai-e my own meat. They say they beat chickens. He has Flemish, too. FOR 8 A I E lisd.-er dues or Dmachshunde, pedigreed and registered; price rraaonable, P. J. llesehr, 1114 Western are.. Seattle, Wash. Vol NO male canary bird for sale; alao one maicu pair. iirs. a Smith. 204 Jefferson st FOR SALE-- 5 pedigreed Llewellyn ettcr pups. 6 week ohl; males $15, females $5. Phone Tahnr 6041. PEHKMiEED Airedale pupa from registered toes tu Last IHivi. Foil SALE -ljrge cages, good singers; a few funales for mating. Call A-5452. WANTKlJ-Senir-e or regixtrred male-Airedale. Phone t Oodlswn Mini after 6 p. m. Al TOMOKII l'K(- Kii( 4 We HAVE yome nice huvs in nearlv new cars All of them overhauled and ready to run. 1017 BrUm, ju-t new ,Vn 1!18 Willys Knight, cord tires lL'.MI s, ,7 'HtU(i,',bak,.r Jo". 7-iasa. 93 lr cut new woo n-4 Hud-oil, small 7 pass.. 5 cord tires. . N50 ' 54 Hudson. 7-pasa . new cord tires "OO Model Ml. oerland. 00 tier cent new. . . . 550 ModepSH, Oierland, repainted, overhauled 40o Ruick louring, ju-t overhauled H0 IHlrt Overland, iljr new HOO Chalmers So. Bosch magneto 175 Auburn, 5 -paw., new tires. BoMrh magneto 250 Many others to select from. Olx-n Sunuays and evenings. Conley's Used Car Center Bii: brick huiMiiig, side entrance. 8. W. cor. 15 and Washington SLs. Phone Broadway 2656. FORD. DODGE 1016 Dodge roadster AND OTHERS ' $ 7i 05O 32 5 111 1(1 Dodge deliver)' 1014 Ford, first class 101H Ford, extras 1013 Hudson, E. L. A S 1016 Franklin, first cUas 1917 Mitchell light six 1 HI 1 Ruick. firs. class 1017 Studebaker six One new one Urn Ford chaasi. . . 1018 Wiuton six; brand new; 117 Studebaker roadster 1916 Cadillac eight AND MANY OTHERS :i65 400 1100 1200 250 825 5( big discount 7 50 1650 COVEY MOTOR CAR Co. 2 1st. at Washington. MAIN 6244. FORD FORD FORD 5 passenger. Looks like new; demountable rims; perry lock. natural wood wheels, chains, extra tube, speedometer, instrument board, etc. Would cost new over $000. $485.00 CASH OR TERMS SEE MR. Hll.DEBRANDT. 34 4 Itumside. Broadway 80 USED ( 'A RS EASY TERMS 1013 Studehaker, electric equipment . . . .$400 I halmers 3d, excellent tires, fine condi tion 400 10 14 Haines 4. five pass . 0 dandy tires. 400 1 halmers, 3d. 5 good tires, air starter... 350 Mitchell deliverv. khs! tires 223 Chalmers, model 1 H, powerful and sjieed . 4 30 Many later models at right prices. Open Monday and Friday evenings. ; WESTERN MOTOR CAR SALES CO. Bniadway at Bumside. GARAGES alOURES. CHICKEN HOUSES. The portable kind Save you anoney. See sam ple at 544 Hood st Main 11(17. Millmade Construction Co. NEW TIRES What brand of new fires do you preftrr We have them, all make, and sizes. Also we make the fa mous O-V-O Iouble Tread (sewed) tires and do all manner of tire re- I pairing. Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. 333-335 Burn- , side near w roan way. 1 THAYER. SHAVER-GULLY MACHINE COMPANY ' I Ton, $370 t ! I - ion. fill I BUILDERS nr EYKRREADY TRfrCK ATTACHMENTS Mfg. in Portland. Phone East 7437. .uariW I ! 103 E. Water st. AUTO WRECKERS xx-e wreck most all makes of car and sell the go(K, lttnx fr lesa fhan half price. We have all kjm of uwj Exiles for sale. Highest price paid or jj car PACIFIC JUNK CO. 22S Front St MAIN 47C8 1 . . . . f fi Tf V' a fr?" i i-,. h- i''. "s. T m-4 ) J Mfg. A Re,irs. 3000 guaranteed springs in I stock; prices reduced. 34 N. 15th .t. IjT..,,,,;, " " hcsniur. " wheel. ..i-.- ''fc' i,""; M of olfrV .vT.l ,V ' . i "rf ' , k" ,' ".".."f. "T.11 t,,'r'r f"-1 P" th" Y 'c'. J","1 " " " Co- '"ay , "JH'L."?"'"- " j B-NAPPx law iteo .-six, unven 7000 mile,; i with aercire In sets and exra lire, at a bar Kl i rs 11. a-passeiiKer 1 Jli in Iirst class shape ! ...,or ,,r ' m" fT trad. x 1 tm xve. e n.-r 1 o .-it Vsillnauvs ave. East 3576. j Cf" r'f 1t!,Ti,"'1,ilin paita lor all raaae of cars. Oregon Auto Ex 1 change. 120 Ix-ua-dale sU, at 15th and Wash- , itinion. im'ii xr.uway uiib. BKi hioCK sed Cars IS COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. 21m nd V siniigioii ta Mln 6244. Fords Enameled $15,00 870 E. Morrison t MlKi sen nil xo onLe oiooaara iaxyton tutir n.g car; A l condition, at bargain. t67 K Oak rt. AUTOMOBILE g&rate. 54x100. tnd bile" n.ert Wa-liingten and Iownxlale tU. Store 60i Wasinneton t. Yst 5504 DUBHUILLE TOP CO., TT)s fl'H-and Oak Broedwsy 1C04 oil 1II.IMM.S cie:ner. 19m mole: -i,"-te.c liKt. iinil .tartar X4IK1 1 tutm.l .,t 1 . j kery. E. 11th and Flanders j t$;?rtinTs?'7" FOR SALE Fcrd icuiin car HaD A Ca'siday. U; First. sud rutiatwut. FOR SALt -191 Ford d-!lvery. J32f Ta bor 14SL-. SAFE place for 1 or 2 aulas d iw .itoa, $3 each. B-3031. rtT4MOIEL Forvi delivery "car ihape, $350. 600 Eat Davis. Io A-l 1 TON Franklin truck, by; called away; eneap. l-wne jiam ii3. 1-TON Ford truca. ei;.res body, good con dition, cheap. iu:t) r- 30th t. FOR SALE Coie 40. 7 pa -is. car. Phone Ea.,t 190H. GO D 5 passenger "Studebaker $400. TJST. Journal. MUSTselI my Buick bua "cheap for-cav-hT" Last 46G0. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 4 CSED ACTOMOB1LES TERMS UIVEN 1917 Overland. 5 paisecerr, 4 cyHnder. .. I860 t modern 8Tr. upright. I1- t $425 m at . , . ,. . .,.nM-15-- rj. $2Si eah: a $M Bwatty 1617 Mitchell. 6 paaaenser. 8 cylinder. . $1050 orcao. 820. and $1$.1 asrgaav. $$ rah PIim. - .a- . . i - - . 1918 Mitchell. 6 passenger. 8 cylinder. 1918 Jeffry. 5 passenger. 0 cylinder. . 1 9 1 $ Cole, 7 paseenger, 8 rylbader . . . . It 15 Mitchell, 8 passenger. 4 cylinder. .$850 .$880 .$600; 1913 Chalmers. 5 penger. 4 cylinder. . $350 1?13 Michigan. 5 pa.ssenger. 4 cylinder .. $280 j I . 1912 Mitchell. 5 passenger. 6 cylinder $228 1 i 1917 Mitchell. 7 passenger. 6 cylinder. . $1250 I 1918 Overland. 7 passenger. 8 cylinder. . $880 j ( 1016 Butck. 5 passenger, 6 cylinder . . . $950 j : $123 i 1011 Mitchell. 5 passenger, 6 cylinder ... - , oiuiifMKVT, i viaapciicr, v rjliwirr . 0 a 1918 Dodg. $ passenger. 4 cylinder .... 8790 Several other to select from Liberal Terms Given USED CAR DEPT. MITCHELL. LEWIS A STAVER CO.. E-st Morriaon at First St. East 7272 B-1218 USED FtRPS A COMPLETE LIST 1917 Furd, tourins.witli extras. 1017 Ford, tounng ; like new 1017 Ford, toiirux. A I condition. 111 17 Ford, toiinng. with extras. 11117 Ford, road-ter: like new 1817 Ford, road-ter; with extras. 1!17 Ford, roadster; witli extra.. 1010 Ford, tniiring; A 1 condition. 1010 Ford, touring; with eitrss 1016 Ford, touring; with rxirav 1916 Ford, roadster; with extras. 1916 Ford, delivery; with extras. 1917 Ford, bug; A-l condition 1916 Ford, bug. $200 worth of extras. 1015 Ford, bug; with extras. And several other to choose from. PALACE GARAGE CO. Authorized Ford Iiealers. Twelfth and Stark st. Broadway 1572 Open Sunday A 2 I 1 2. 1016 FORD, fine shape. 1917 Ford, A-l condition. Model 75 Overland, dandy car. Model 83 Overland, perfect condition, i THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 527 WASHINGTON ST. Where Washington and Burnside meet. Automobile in Good Condition Party leaving town will sell cheap. Call he- tvreen 0 and 1 or 6 and 0 p. 3100. Marshall AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 SPOT CASH Paid for late model touring car and roadster. Mut be 111 good condition. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 52 1 Washington u Broadway 6468. I WILL PAY OU SPOT CASH FOR YOUR FORD. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE. East 37 70. ' E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. WE WILL PAY YOU SPOT CASH FOR YOUR FORD. 1 PALACE GARAGE, 12TH AND STARK STS. BltOADWAY 1572. A 2442. WANT Ford; mnst be rheap. Call between 5 30 and 6 30 evening. Phone Woodlawn 3430. 30 Morris t. SPOT CASH FOR YOUR FORD EARL E. RANSOM. 200 UNION AVE. N. CORN ER HOI.LADAY. PHONE EAST 304. AUBURN 2 cylinder with delivery body, for motorcycle with bide car or for old Ford car. J 668, Journal. CHOICE residence lot 111 St. Johns. Will trad for late model autouiotiiie; no era.. Main 7515 after 6 30 p. m. irU-0."sjf. Journal. WANTED Light 5 pa - ear in exchange for light tix rails!, r. Perfect shape. O 954. Journal RUNGAI.OW for automobile, in si. rn and run velllenl : ba.ati'-e XI, P r month I uteri I 5 'r . 4 4S. Journal 1'U'TTY In 5 ff.on llawth.-rne hunealow to trade for 1 1 hatniers or Bun k Six i r similar car. lahor .ul. . $75o LI.L M- ure.r first mortgage for lijlit late model automohile. L sj.i. Journal. HIGHEST price, paid for automobiles; eondi-, tion nn object. 121 N. 3d St. Bdwy. C'.-n. ALIO- Iftr Hlltf AUTOS FOR HIKE WITHOUT DRIVERS Brand new cars. Reasonable rates. Fearing & Robnett. City Garane. h't 10th, Between Stark and iak. Bn-dway H40. Al 'I'OS with. ml drivers for hire. Couchuian A Sullivan. lOth-Yamhill. Mar 2S2. A-1234, MOTOItCYCLKS.,mCVC!,ES ii 1014 HARLEY single o n'wd tirs; pr.-s- tohte. tandem: just ben overhauled; $60. terms is desired; rail Sellwood 2605. 4227 52d ave S E. WANTED r or rasu. isie uirxiri nariev .. ,. i . , i: i av:,l viil-oil motorerle, wilLi Call East 537U. C 15f4 motorcycle, with of without side ear. B1CVLKS MHIORCYCLKS Irce ntn-)r. of new ami used rnarhinre. DAYTON CYCLE Co . f.H nth ,t. FIRST class. 2d liand birle for sale cheap TaN.r 1777 TWIN m'itnyle for lie, $23 Tabor 8727. 14112 K. Oak M TWIN inotoTrvrle in g-v1 running onler: new i tires; bsrzain a.i.i Tsimr 5206 eveuinrs $30 RII-KS a motorcycle Trom ' 3 7 Frahkhn . W.KKl..tock e.r , LA INCHES AND HO ATS HOI SE beat for mi!, nnsdern. 4 rooms and hath. $75-1 cash t, ,rnjl,. Appy caret. krr Oregon cht eluh FOB SALE A to w b.t. "4 lone. 4 ft. h in. wide; ready for engine; or will eichmj for Ford. '.I"'t 5sth ave. phone r.lx.r 4:01. yt i It SALE - Fatei s.wer rane on Wiilam- ette. B 93 "i. Journal. PIANOS. ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS i..ns. enire rcucl e.luraiion. nter-rainmnt ar.-f 'i fivnertv SeT,B Co. Ill 4lh. KENSINtiTON Upright piano in 1 7- g'tod ndl- tion; will sell at a r-i hsrcain price and alo rr1dr term. 140 6t!i st CtU T. PECK, p:ai.) tuner, graduate New England Cotwerxatory of Music. Boston. , ilnw Toning 8. Ju" K''74. I fR SALE or trade 2 tui.d.hns, twTTguitars. ' 1 single buggy. 1 .n.sle s o u. Tabor ,.ft.)s 10OO PHONtKiRAPH RECORDH AND tiT SIC ROLIJi WANTED MAIN 4 4 93, TA- BOR 479H. RICHMOND Upt. pia:io, mail. cas. very fine ton. $195 cash or ternu. 149 6tb st. Tel. Main al trade for good old i:i.o. Har.U S. Gilb-rr 3. 4 Yamhill t RENT a piatMi; ui j-t ;. i.iihle terms in Port land: no s;nare or U.uiaj boxes. Harold S. Gilbert, 8"4 Yamhill t. jTTl'ASH buys o'utf ll',!il,r liiiierrxa-hl piano t'lluirrww at Serunij Is'orage Co., 109 str Vol 1: piano taken in lud payiiie(,t for a fine new talking machine. Hcbaan Piano Co., Ill Fminh tr PHONOGRAPH, iv-irdn. t-xughl. aoid and 7- . .,.. 1 Halt A- Cai.lav I'.'S lit at M rnou WAN TED A piano from private party, cheap fi t ah "bast QUI 4 t 1 Ash V"s"l 1"' jrvtii J lnU'i, Ike buy and sell i-ai- in',v, SWrtefv St.'ee C..( loo 4h. W ILL relit my new $300 piano, $4 per month. Plum between 6 and Is p. m Main 3125. COLUMBIA Grafonola. 1st t mxil, practi cally new. with records. Sell. 33 WANTED llano, private paty Mir-hall 6244 WAN T ED Piano for cah. Main 8586. ' I .1 n l 11 1 i I, .1 1 s "if . . o e-j .p. ri J f f 9 :(. DAILY bu7 a7.. i.i.i.., i.i ;i ,. Ipii 1 l i'of. M l;x Aul tJi to etw $2H1.25; 40e dally buy M.,0 pl.jer pino .rais1-, tV.:TuUJJ 11 Viivr tain lilgb less 2ii. $487. 5o. It savings bank fir the , . Tntlr trvwl furniture, rtoves. carp. I PIAXOS, ORGANS AND UCSICAL ' INSTRUMENTS - 4 '!, . ' mmtl !rWla Bsano or 845 cash; a tS Cmhtrt. 8i rash; 4M KimbaaL asvwa Xttk homv v f ... 1 1? A - i ii . j H"ve jp.. 4ttt l , Mhiivv)li swat; .verm l mmn . " Phonngrapha end records bmignt, aw Id . eidasngrd and resited. Expert repair. trag 14H 3d twwr AMew. swjetalra. ) -Wanted from privala pattj; will pay , Eat 514. casu TYPEWRITER ft Nl-.V. KKM1.;T S. rmtal ptan. rent appbea to parctiase. Visible nntdela. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO., " nroaoway. nirsnstyas:!. ' tii ARAN i KfcO tactory Rebuilt Typewriters. "All Makes." anld oa monthly payments. Send fnr price last. The Wbetraale 1 ypewitar tytv. ;t"sil l-vt.. 821 U ashlar nn tr t. AlJ. MAKES t y iw rH m rv-n ted and tepaireU. Type Co.. tA 6tb Main ssss, 1 HKBLH.T 1 mt writers, aiippliea, Cwruata UttaS r.. v. i-eaae t o, 110 th. HOUSEHOLD BOOOS FOR SALE $ Special Values L Dressers. $4.0O; iron beds. $1 45; apring. 7 $2 85; nist trasses. $2 23; hall rack, large raffs , r..r. $7 75; alightly damaged new library table. $7.90; large new eras rua, $6 00; round aak . ; d-n table. $11 90; ki'rhen treasure. $2 00; re- ,. Mngerator. $4.90; steel cow-lie. $4 90; pad. 1 $2: center tables. 73e; gaa rangea. $7.80; high oven re rang. $14.60 steel rangee, (1180; I cook $0.46; kitchen garbage homer. $14; j 'inok- g cart. $5 50; ilxu ace cream table and i rhair. Vienna chairs, china cabinets, sideboard, v . dmenport. kitchen utensil, in fart, everything to furtiisk a home at very small oat ood marked in plain figure with big yeUosr" oard;' tleudid values. 20 MADISON ST. Notice, Country Dealers ln hoti-l and roonilnc limiM ownflt V Jing imt of biuuirxM. MuuK Mil Ho, CArpt1 id furniturt mt immm than camt. iGrand Rapids Furniture Co, ' j 4 8 6 (UtA N D AVE. EAST 41 ; FOR SALE --Furniture ot 7 rooms, right dowa I town, suitable for dressmaker, milliner. 11 iro!uu isi , or eny Finau dusiwh, rmnii 1 rented to iy rent. Phone Marshall 6288. FOR SA l.E M 1SCEI.LANEOUS 1 Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired.. Walker Electric Work, 418 Hum axis at corner lOlli. Broadwajr Vt A f.674. ALL machines old for leaaj rr, agnl r employed ; machine renteil. repaired. A 8628. Mala 9431. Sewing Machine Emporium. 190 3d t.. near Tylor. 'i EN droptirad aewiug mackilne with attachmenta; all are in very SI 0.00 gojd condition. Sewing machine rente ne Ea..t 2359 or B-8J at $ H. Rt-n. 152 Grand ave. near B-tronnC MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.' typewriter. and ' Honsehold Goods ' are separata clain rations. All dvertisementa of th good ara published vinder their re.pective claaslticatioaa. l.tniK iiir.w itvr.ix iJRRtoSIOllAtHIN1 USED DHOPHEAU bai.U I Guaranteed. We rent and repair. I 172 Thltd st. Main 1846. A II8. ; AT'TtM5Blf.F.srM0T0RCY'0:8. LAlTNCHEj I or boata are carte ctassiflcationa. A large ! lisfing can be found under turn different 1 claseiiicaticns. ; Rr;??!?. ! Re.. V din. i U. U aVhroader, 448F1andara. I a .iuii VWiTUlty Ibalia Portland. Of. I New and second hand n1ae An inwst FOR 8ALE7tean thresher. Falrbank-Moi 3 H. P. gas engine, mounlea on "i almost new. used two season. Alfred Richard. , M"nra, m.,ii. ; .. (HIGHEST cash price paid for all kinds furnl- 1 tore Tel A 1 2O0. Mam oadi. '. niture Co.. .'U9 2I1 2d al. LADIES desiring crochet work or having eom for sale. Send 10c for "Book of Design and details. Int. Trading CjisheMevJDjMt WAKgardeueTl "plowed" and partly planted to potatoes for rale cheap; also mantle brick and rafter ends. Phone Hell. 24 73. ElNff LA RTe' POTATOES $1 " 1 Seed potato.. 76c. HAllT.ELL FUBNITIUIS Co, 341 1st et. MAIISI1A1.L isia. 500 ENVELOPES or 800 bond letterhead. $J DOO Iviiid billheads or statement. $1 78. Smith Printing Co. -J04 Jtsrk t. ; m Ml ST be sold at torn-, best offer take fir.t class eating and seed potatoes. Also small prtatoe. Make offer U 64 9 E Ankeny. i pOTATflES Choice and seed ittor 'or sal at bar rain. 965 L. Morrison t. Phone Tbor 2 1 . 1 l.V USED computing xiK il kind. i-o cheap cutters, coffee mills and saeat slier, very cheap. Call at 34 Hiarfc at SlA"NTS" 2 i Jeweled , fl karat, solid gold Elgin watch, worth $125. for sale, or trade log diamond. C h09. Qoiirnal. I.oVELY one piece dress, novelty silk aiwl geor gette er-ie; bu-t 3H; bargilv Ea-t 553' 1 tTVT-V Mtewarl . used short time, $25; r,a-i aiMv. alao ;.sl heating stove. l-isn. journal, tot "tii (itWPLETE BATH KhiM Ol lFl. Northwct 11i .. 1M7 Front . . THAI TION w,"iJl fw for le chep Term. Call 640 H lnwaukie t. ' J Itilck IS LAND oin K1.. May 4. J(fr-eamp 2.-V re-etvalion. CallBdwy. 2663. t piTl't "haLE "---Fas' man folding camera, postcard $ iw; in exeellent roixlilioii 96si lriviaion. TTiR KaLTK or Rent Child' wlioel cbmJrJ 1124 I lawson t., SI. John. - ATT MALLEABLE Merl rang. rugs, jelly gl!. truit Jr.. tc. laimr "- FOR HI-NT Singer sewing machine. 11$ Grand v. prwi) r.i saxn. TiACri'S cleaners eold. rialred. rented. dianged. h..n-ht Betitley Co.. Main W52, SHIP cir"tr' tioiU for hale. 774 lork at all eveniiigs , . iTsrjiJl.KUli.t tailor made suits. 9T5o up, Taylor lb Tailor 2K9 Vk ; WILL sell my $10O Imntley vacuum cleaner. in A t condition, lor a 737 Jmirital . iti x cinuiii. . " - . , I . : . r . : : : PLUMBIN'; Supplies, wholesale prices SUrk- 212 3d st. Main 797. WiMili miw for sale. Sellwood 345. JAM. EH VACT'UM SWEEPERS. Main w5h2 FURMTFRE tVANTEU 14 Want Household Furniture WILL PAY CASH I'h'ii.e Man $332 Pflll ESt 636 usd''urnMure, n, .rnthing in hm,h..ld gooda. Ilia owl prwe ad lor Urvev W X- , Ar.xr votir Id ftim'tnv for new. Pifp X-H 3fTii ItOll S" 1 J (o, u , :.,, rinaw. tc We call so 90 Grand avvnis. hnn Eaat 7744. furniture, carpet. promptly. rt -p-freTa'it rats on Iiouw-hold gnoda ehhejad '" -., tn S-mth Manning Warhm Jk Trar. ,,,', 9th and lloyt. Broadway 70. A-179. 4NTV"D Second bnd turnltnr. range and stove, etc WE PA 1 THE BEST PRICES. MORGAN FURNITURE 300 East Mi-rrt"n Phone Eat 5231. ' . f . -ri ttl ' ' "T r" NEliD OIHl l.ailU liir.i.iu.w. ( 't , ship out ol town vx in y sswve waw aw . hi. Main T7a. MOST 'sli sswl fiw furnuor ami mosioal i- airximrnu. Hall .aaMy. i. ami. auus , 7098. ; , FURNISHING apart men ta. Nd ms. drssr, range, beds. etc. Main 4f93. Tabor 17ia. FURNITf RE i r.i need answer tah. Kat 5114 ruwm. No dealer MULTNOMAH Furniture Hu-ptal pays highest ,.rire fi n-d fuTTirtiir -J7 xxan as n SWAP OH7M5 ' W ILL trade faiuriure. slot and musical tnvtru ment nr ry cash for what have yott t Hall 1av. 12 Ftrat. Mta 7098 GtMiD lulrsti gaa rare ftir aele or tr-l for jtixk! vt-. Tabor 1110. WOMAN will rxcliange work for 4 minute cyl inder plHinograi h arxl rcvr'l' WoraH'n 47T7. ' WILL trd A3U0 Kramer piano lut aaotorcycie. Phone Eat46f a i WANTED1 MISCELLABEOCS -h WE ARE buyers of firm elaaa cord wood ; quota cash price F. O B Portland. W 11 ha ma ara, i Fuel Co.. 577 Williams ave. i DAAiOw nug earnnca. .' ".48 caafa. Marsnaii - WANTED Rifle, sho'guna, eamera Hochfirld. 85 3d at. I'koV) Main 8681 FILL value-paad f..r 2d nand goods and Sink, any qaiitiijr Phone Main 74. 201 let st. WAA'TkD Second" hand tools, bicycle, eict Bittnun Hardware I'lS Front Mala $411. PA 1 S lug lie. I prices tor second hand ciotiuiig, t,K)lx, etc 273 Front Mala 4802 BICYCLE wanted Ma.n 4493 Tabor 47 K tC'OBtliiacd itm I'vllvwlaif iAgaJ. ,