THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. APRIL 28. 1918. 20 81 ISO IlOW. UO MONTH Small hmuM. 12xl42 lot (almoat M acre) wittier cultivation, 24 (rait tree, Inu of logan- ' berries, blackberries, currant, eta., (round - alone worth $1000; tu sell whole thine o . i ; $50 BOWN IA MONTH S It. houae. 40x100 corner lot. gaa, elec Ught, 6 carfare, good school. Pric $450. , $100 IK)VVX. $10 MONTH 4 room plastered Ikmuw. lot 0x206. fr food achool. So carfare. A anap for $1050. $100 nOWX. $10 MONTH 4 nn. double constructed ltouse. plattered nd good bathroom, hit 152x.6. 6c carfare, beautiful view; $1230. " . . $150 DOWN, MONTHLY PAYMENTS 4 m. hmiae completely furnished. 60x100 lot. tret pared, lull price $14-0. $200 DOWN. $10 MONTHLY 4 m. houae with belli, lot "OxlOO. 3 blka. f rv.n Kern Park station. $1330. $S00 DOWN. BAI.ANCK MONTHLY 4 na. bungalow, bath, fireplace, near eaM at. and I nkm a. Price $l00. sko, t. moorc co.. lIungtox rldg. Houses for Sale $3400 T room houae. kit 50x112 feet, fin bearing fruit tree", row Mi'lendui kratton ii East 26th. near Clinton C T rtn-. $?0 7 room tuie. lot 50x112 feet, fine laen ami rose, bearing fruit tree, 2 bloc ki from 1-atireihur. park, near Hiark street 11100 cash, bal ance long time $20t 7 r.m house, lot 50100. close to Invi-ion mriiir, a map. Ternn if desired. $1000 4 mom house, $0x100 lot. fine hear ing fruit tree, roeeo. large base ment, Woodlawn district 3 blocks i from fire station Mauy more from $500 and up. JoHDAN. 801 2 Lumbermen bldg AL.VMF.HA OLM STEAD PARK Ultra Modern Bungalow Foreclosure Bargain Without doubt one of tile awellet and moat modem of the fine bungalow in Port land, kitratcd on iaciou ground. (romer !lh all improrementa paid fori In one of Port land's moat etchuire restricted residential dis trict. Till l of the true bungalow lyir Kith large living room, muaic room, dining room . two bedroom nd sleeping (Kirch on the fir; floor and two iare bed chambers on second floor. You could not wish for a finer horn and. of course, when you e the place. Ill enrlrontnent. the eiiaciou grounds, the tree, I lowers, vitruDoery ana an win appeal 10 you. The property is being aold at a figur way tinder it real worth. It ia absolutely free from all debt. Perfect title guaranteed. Terms. Garsge. Phone for sppniiitnient NOW. A. O. TEKPE CO, 204 Stark it., near Third. Main So 10. NEAR ST. JOHNS CARLINE AM) DENVER AVE. $2700 I Really worth $.1."00. A wonderfully well built home of 7 room. Hsd to bs fore closed and now the present ouner are willinc to sell for less than they hsve in the prop erty. There ia now no mortgsge or incum- . brsnees of sny kind. ery eay payments. Will thia he vnur home? Buy thi bargain now. A. (I. TKEPE CO., 204 Stark at. near 3d. Main 310. 1 ROOM modern. 100x100 lot. ga. bath. lights snd water; oiue fruit, improved street, Milwaukie, Or. Close in, good term. 5 room bungalow on Ft 2flth at.. nea S. P. shops, street imoTov't : cash and terms. GEO. MORSE. 81." Chamber of Commerce. 2750 MODERN 5 room Imjigalow, eleftric light, ga. Bull Run water, ', acre, all kind of small fruit, nice young fni't tree, garden sll in, chicken house, hog hon-e. cement ualk. i blocks to electric utrtion. 5c fare. $1150 cash. Thi i a dandy snd a msp. Fanner ft Fisher, 408 Stock Exchange bldg. ill?0 fiOWN. $23 monthly, 5 room modem bungalow, E. 7th, near Alberta:- laundry . tray, furnace; X27O0. AI"o 0 room modern furnlhed house, "2 E. Burndde, $2000. Owner, Marshall 4 .ViO. IlOt'SF. in Sunnydcle" district, 8 rooms. Bleep ing iHirch, ga. electricity, fireplace, furnace, garage, on corner lo. 3 block Belmont or Hawthorne car. $4750; $20110 cash, balance easy teitn. Phone Main 374 5. FOR S AL EIn "t heTie rt of 'the-1 1 a 7t horne district. 0 rmim ancl hath, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, built-in convenience, cement basement; need cash, phone Tabor 4232 Sun day between 8 and 12 a. m. I WANT to sell my fine home, close in, good' district, 0 large light room, den and pantry, garage, 2 fine large chctry treen; my price, $5300; worth $0500; terms; take hond.i. 120 E. 28th t. East 5II02. Main 3787. HAWTHORNE district; owner tnust sell all modem 6 -room house, full lot; a snap. Call and see for yourself Sunday forenoon, 401 E. 7th. ; $2850 rash. ROSE CITY "pARKFinemodern 5 room bungalow. Hardwood floors, fireplace: house in pins oi' condition. (jinn in: i.. o.iu Owner. i2B6 hriLDI NO. lot fodTt 00. corner Jth antl Franklin t.. Vancouver Inquire of I.. Knpp, 001 W. 7th ft , Vancouver, or Joe Gente mann, 230 H Yamhill t.', P-irtland. Or HAWTHORN E DISTRICT Dandy 5 room mod" em bungalow. Hardwood floor, fnrnace, fire place. $2750. Easy term. F. Vanduyn, 615 Cham, of Com. Main 1055. FOR SALE on easy term or for rent, nice 6 room house, ham. ou;bu?ldings. Lot 100x100. 310 E. 03d and Haley st. No agent. Owner. 24 K. 8 2d pL $ 1 tillO - 4 " It. II P NG A LO W F00 4 rm. modern. 50x100 cor lot. 2 block so. of -franklin high: attractive terms. See rrtny L. McGuire. Ahm-toii bldg. BlA, room and bath. ga. electric light, on hard surface street. Peninsular district, near vhipyard. for about 5 aire ncur city. U-053, Journal. MM bungalow, almost new, "location 6115 47th M. S. E. Woodcock car. 62nd ave. Walk eat to 47th vt. Price $1100, reasonable term. Main 1!83. 608 Chamber of f'Vnmerce. For sale Mr ruintv in 7 room house. Rilr 100 lot: improvement all In i..l r.i f, near Jefferon high school, for $IH0 cash or Hill trade for clear acreage Woodlawn 6379 nil r kTT.TT-..r , i.- o - v; r.n.M. ""in1',,"'': "'"tain ave.. very reasonable. Mut sell at once. Owner Ceo. Merten. 624 E. 13th N ' $2760 ROSE CITY bungalow and garage, in Bandy blvd. Term; take bonds. Johnson iKKlson Co.. 1134 N. W. Bank Bldg. $"2500 Modern 6 room bungalow; "bedroom. cement basement; good yard; fine location. Woodlawn 3220. 6 ROOMS, modern. Ito-e City Park. $2500: T50 mongace; sell, trade for eouinned tarm: aume. M 747. Journal CI.OME-IN re-tdence. hi'e $"5000 ti trade ior aunurujn Home. Will assume Will assume K-7"" Jnurnai. . --; li KlHi.M hoti in tim imtrt, v asii. Kent for $40 month. Will sell cheap Part cah ' v I ii. , ... . 'I r oil oi rMiiner. rnone l anor o(4 . ,....,. . 4-llOOM house on Amount st, near fhipbuild- ing piano with 2 lot, easy term. Crockett &. Htarker. .JMVt ah.bldg. MODERN ui-to -da! : 5 room." bmTgalow. io7 f u1 7?in"i .'V''1 f"rni,"r'- -"00. terms. tan at .IM I- 7.d st N, MonUvilla car. $4.i0 Roe City 2 (.hack. 50x100 lot (plowed). Tabor 2026. MCEI.T furnished 6 room house lorwiMi huh, jiiu ireee. nam, iUOo. FOR MALE A room houser lot" 1 OOx 1 05. fruit tree. 1834 Druid t. trJL in rTl.-.Wn i . " !'; fu,,,.".,5es!ot;.rnm ' IT!: ' . """''6r'"' ''" HIS E. Grant, Foil SALE 5 r.mra home. Alberta di-trtct, 1 pipes imm canine riionn Wdln. 4432 SMALL home, easy payment. U. C. Walter 684 3 Foster road. Tabor 3397. FOR SALE LOTS m FINEST 1 OOx 100 comer in Roue City Park' nn top of th hill on The Alameda, east and south front. Elegant residence or apartment it. Your first and last chance for quick buy Call Tabor loso. FOR SALE, lot 66x35 corner. -l oe in ; your wn term; make offer, or would trade for piano, horse, furniture or what have y0uf H- oi, mirna u . i.v rr-r. : t-. . : tIMS OuiHluig lots near Franklin high school $23 down, and $10 month. 6 int. Carl yon beat Itf Owner gone away; wants to ell. jsnor (nun, -f- s .lOUU Clow In. West Side, fractional lot. 40x75 waising oniance. irrm. uwner 201 Piatt bldg., 1 arx and Washington Rt, liUNtfALOVV SITE West Side, woktng distance; monthly pay. went. Owner, 201 Piatt bldg. TWO beautiful lou overlooking river small Pbon payment down balance monthly. Marshall 4696. COTS -On Burr st., St., Julius, near Will ette bird. - and shipyards: easy term. See owner. 1643 Wanhburn rt. FOR SALE 2 fine lota. .50x1. ".0 each: nice ' 4 room house 3 blocks eaat of playgrounds. lien's. 9413 51st ave. S. K. $1700. 11R ALE One lot 60x122. at Maplewoo.1 -n Ore, Electric : nice view. $200. In ' ; e .1. Wendland, Maplewood. Or. A VERY choice lot In Alameda Park: must be old In th next three week: $700; all city lien paid. Bellwood 2023. Main 6456. FOR SALE Block 85. Portsmouth Add. Tel phona V. U. Gibson, Columbia 804. TwO'loU for sale, in Capitol "Hill. 5c car fare. $00. part cash. Call Sellwood 2289. TOH SALE HOUSES it I ATTRACTIVE corner lot. 50x150. at Seaside, j fr. Phone Main 4220. ! ACREAOF, ml CHEAP ACREAGE 5 acres, 2.'0, $10 down, $5 per month buys arret of land between Portland and Centralis, on tn m"" "ne railroad. 114 miles from a town of 800 population, sawmills and shingle mill, acme partly cleared and some all cleared, running stream, name bottom and some bench; can give yon any kind of a piece you want. . BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 318 Railway Exchange bldg. O.N THE Columbia Hii:hwr. close in. ovcriook- ing the Columbia river; scenery unurpased: 40 acres of first claw landj house, barn and 'fruit of different varieties, among which is an orchard of English walnut in full bearing. This pUce u gojng to ,ol(, for considerably less ,. it, .i worth. and at a price 60 per cent leu than the adjoining land can be bought for. The owner ia moving out of the state and i determined to sell, and thst right away. 11. J. Clohcy. 415 Abington bldg. r BARGAINS IN HOUSES ANl ACREAGE. $1000 2 Vi acre, outride city limit, near 78th St., close to car; una 11 payment down; good term. $3ooo Highly" improTcd 7 acre?, at statifcn, on red carline; tl room house with fireplace; dandy chicken house, 200 bearing fruit trees; crop all in. For sale or exchange for home in city. 815 Couch bldg. Open Sunday 12-3. Main 4013. PRICE $4250. WORTH $6500 U 4 acre at Canby. sacrificed; to save frrerloeure ; mat sell. All under cult., deep rtrh black noil. 6 room pla--tercd bungalow and ther building'. Family orchard, 2 acre straw Nrries, should produce $500 thi year. $2000 or more ca-h. Tbia i the finest little piece of arreagi in the eor.ntry. Call owner, Barr. Mam 11 SO 222 Chamber ot Com. bltlg. BRYANT ACRES. AT OSWEOO I.AKE. $200 for an acre tract; lies letet. open sec- ond growth, close to station. 6 ACRES. ONLY $1000. ' Only 9 miles from courthouse; good. If Tel ' land, fine lor chicken-", berrie. garden; rery I ea termi. See owner. 50t Concord bldg. I 1 HA'KES PATtTLY IMPROVED $1 1 66 1 8 acrea seeded to cloter and oats, balance logged off; good soil, plenty spring water; lair 4 room hou-e and barn'; handy to 1. O. and station; good locality. Price til 00. terms. LI EDKEMAXN COMPANY, i it 13 Chamber of Commerce. 2.3 ACRES. 1 mile iroin city limit, 10c car fare, all in cultivation, some fruit, on good road, advantage of the country and convenience of the city. Modern 5 room bungalow, cement basement, electricity, gas and phone. Close to w hool ond chnrch. This fine horse for $27o0. Term on pert. Neal Brown. 207 l'anama bids. .un tvv mvru n irm 4S minutes from Port Ian J, on Oregon Electric; all in cultiva tion; fruit trees; fenced and cross fenced vnttt ti foot chicken wire. Ijind cost $2000, 'build ings $3000. Price $2o00. Easy terms. Z-4 4. Journal. Along Pacific Highway Between Portland and Tigard, 1 mile to car. sfioo S.10 ci.-h. balance ." per month. 017 Chain, of Commerce. Mar-hall 2432. Foil SALE or trade.-15 acres in Yamhill Co.. partly cleared; good soil; new 4 room hou-e. good water; will take car as part payment. Ad dress 4010 C3d st. S. E.. Laurelwood Sta.. Mt. Scott. 40 A "RES on Grays river tor $400. Opposite Astoria. Good agricultural land. Enough timber to more than pay for it. with a ready market Good road and neighbors. W. H. Bur ley. 68, Irving tt. Mar. 2tMi3. 0 'i ACHES, half mile from city limit on Bae Line Road. All in cultivation and berne. lurj" barn, soring tnitable for irrigation. Bull P.i i water $4 500, terms. C-903. Jonrnal. I t" ACRES, .on Ofarkanias river; fine location; part cultivuted : good house, autn roan, tniit. trout fishing, $1500. Owner, 468 Hall tt Phone Mar hull 3 10:i. SACRIFICED Modern. 7 rooms. fireplace. furnsce. '2 sere, block Hawthorne car. Now S37.-0. Terms. Owner. 209 Mohawk bldg., Marshall 12T,. FOR SALE BY OWNER " All or part ot choice 10-acre tract, elec tricity, gaa, autu road; city delivery. 120 Graham ve. Woodlawn 4107. ABARGAINFor Balc. l acre, 4 room houe. fruit, berries, etc. Close to car, on paved road. Price $1700 cash. C. Arnold. 620 Hen ry bldg. 10 ACRES. 0 room house, barn, pump house. air tank, feed mill; 7 acre in wheat, 2 in clover; crops Included. 417 Abington bldg. Main 5088. 10 ACHES, all clear, no trade for auto. Col North. building, for sale or at 928 Grand ave. 1 1-3 ACRES. Courtney, Oregon City line. Use vonr rent and make summer home. $1250. Take Liberty bonds. Stratton. 217 Abington. 1 ACRE at bargain, running stream all year; ()c fare: 550 feet to station. D. E. Carlock. Main HH82. 7 A, 4 IN cultivation. 3 acres first growth fir: will sell on easy terms or will tase rortianu property. Main 088; 97 0 forbett st. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN ranches near Portland: 3. 5. 10 acre tract. $85 ta $200 per acre. McFarland. 003 Yeon bldg. .Port land. FOR SALE Oiu T cre. all plowed. 3 blocks south of Powell Valley road on Buckley ave. ( 'all week days. Tabor 2352. FcR SALE 10 acres in Virginia Place. Easy terms. Phone from 6 tu 8 p. m. Tabor S390. BIG acre. 3c fare, water, lights, $4 83. 209 Mohawk bldg. shade. 140 ACRES, 30 cultivated. $31.80 per acre. Hugh Magee, Scott Mill. Or. IMPROVED 40 "acre";. Base Line road. A bar gain. Zimmerman & Co., 311 Board of Trade. . $2300, '0 ACRES. New York state, excellent j ,,roT)erty. Swank. 617 Henry bldg. HIinLKBAS ACREAGE 76 JUST ONE OPPORTUNITY 5 acre on the monthly payment- plan. Only $500 cash, balance monthly at 7 per cent. All in high ntate of cultivation. Good building, or chard, 1 ',4 acre loganberries, good water, hard surface road. 3 mile new shipyard. Vancouver. 10 acre, all extra fine level soil, good mad. iut outside of Vancouver, 1 'i mile to new I shipyard. $2 500. Term. $300 ca-h. balance I monthly at 6 !er cent. Williams Loan & Invest- ' ment Co.. 422 Chamber of Commerce, or 112 w. Hth st.. Vancouver. Wa-h. 1 FOR SALE My Improved 5 acre place near Portland, all in high state of cultivation. buildings, orchard, lots of small f raits. Horse, cow, poultry, tools and crop, 15 acre adjoining rented goe with it. 6 acres in cultivation. If you have $2000 cash we can do business; bel ' ance long lime. li. 11. Bassindale, Hillsdale, Or., Route GARDEN HOME, on Or. Elec. 15 min. from i Portland: 2' a., fenced and tiled. $1050. your own term: 2 a. $1600; 5 a., 'i cult.. 7 I I r' bungalow, barn. 3 cow, 20O0-lb. team, wa- s0"' ,na 'arm implements, all tor tiiu. some i terms. cee j. a. today or next i nursaay , at Garden Home, and deal with owner. i FOR SALE 1 acre of first class soil, in young bearing orchard, and good 6 room house. 3 I m lloui llliri.i.ic Ullllfct:, lira l .1MIUIII road, for less than cost of house. Moderate payment down, balance $25 per month. For .particular pbone Vancouver 850-R, or write ' 1105 West 18th St. GARDEN HOME ORCHARD ACRES Acre and half acre, close to station on t i. w : . i , j 1 Oregon Electric. No high covt of living here. i The only way to beat the rent game. See me today ml make your own term. Only 15 min ' ute o't; 7c fare. Phone McCormic, Main 9318. HCBKR STATION A particularly choice acre, finely cultivated. r,n br lmt in fr,u main: 7 from fchool and depot: ham and fine well on place. C- 898, Journal. 3 ACRES. 8 He FAR! 6 room mixlern bungalow; garage, bam. chick en house; fruit, berries, pure running water: best car service; terms. R. F. Fecm-ter, 209 Ab tnuton bldg. SUBURBAN HOMES 79 VIEW nOME SITE ONLY $400 On 9o commutation fare, close to station: fine new of Mt. Hood, overlookine nice hnriv nf water; swimming, boating, fishing, dogwood and ceuar grove. Liglits. phone, water. Can you beat it T tasy term. Call at 600 Concord bldg 2d and Stark. AT BARSTOW. on the Oregon Electric, 6 Vic commutation fare. 11-3 acres, house 22x32 I fln bam and chicken house. Some fruit. This I is a snap at $1900. $250 cash, bal. to suit I 1 1-6 acres and box house 16x4 0. a dandy j Y.u1 w',Dur own terra. See these U- , day. 1hone McCormic. Main 9318. I FOR SALE At Garden Home. 6 room cottage, aood well fr..i t uS:, J,rce,17l.,?: !frm- Inquire Main " "i ot, num. , Amitr. tr AT OAK GROVE, a beautifuHrface-wlthT" acre of land: all kinds of fe,,u i n m, . " - ...... win. i 1 1 1 , V 1 X. The price on this place is so low that I will not mention it. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington bide. i?.. SAI-K B'"tfful suburban homeT'Tia'ne. -Hl'V.'wf. ofti?n0".n1- .Fr lmmMt results will take $2000 less than actual ralue No tivn- ii-i. i-oiio, Journal. SUBURBAN home and small "farms for sale at m?:Th?- . Improve- liresh.n, II, tte' Elkington. BEAUTIFUL 4 nMini, . . B i, . - . . . L ... .mo acre, ai ouueia, ongr ellu; ;terma. 329 Henr bldg. ON Oregon City line, near Milwaukie, Evergreen . Ut.. 6 He fare 30 mi. ride. Fot partiTu trs. pAina owner. Oak nm. u.u" T - FOR SALE LOTS 71 5 ACRE home on S. P. red car electric line, be tween Aloha and Tobias; house quite Dew, with 6 rooms, tktb and euo porch tint floor. 21 bedrooms, sewing room and- attic second floor; electricity and gaa; tiring room has fireplace and SUBURBAN HOMES library, built-in bookcases; big chicken and pigeon (acres rich bottom land nearly cleared, part or houses and yards, barn, water syrtera with gaso- j which is onion land, rest now in aeeded pasture; line engine; berries and young orchard, balance (j room home, plastered; new barn, 3 horses. 7 " of tend under plow; adjoining is 9 acre free pasture; price $6500; term to suit. Ladd Estate Co., Concord bldg. 20 ACRES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE hour ride on Oregon City ear. 10c com mutation; gas, electricity, telephone; good auto road and rirer; 000 full bearing fruit trees pears, apples, prune, and plums acres pas ture rents for $100; houses for 600 chickens: bam for 8 head stock; incubator, cultivator and tools; complete furniture of room house in cluding linen, silrer, Victrola, etc. All for $800, and $20 per month rent. Tel. Oak Ormre 124-W. ONE acre, all in garden: fine land; on the car line, with a nice four room bungalow; close in to the center of the city. This place is be ing offered on account of the owner's illness at a great bargain. All of the conreaiences, such a electric lights, running water, gas; near the school right on the place. Any person wishing a home on the car line with lot of land, chicken hone. etc., this wtfl suit them on eight. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington bldg GARDEN HOME ACRE HOMES Acre jmd good 4 no. shack houte, close to station, $1230 on easy term. Strictly modem 7 rm. house with S acres, only $2700; $800 cash. bal. to suit. Ijirge modern 6 rm. house with acre, only 43500; worth $4 000. Very easy term. See these today. Phone McCormic, Main 0318. ACRE at Oak GroTe with fair 5 room house, $1500; rent terms. Marshall 4847. FOR RENT FARMS 14 143 ACRES in the Willamette ralley, lo a. good black soil, all cult., gooil r. house, larce barn, granary, machine shed, and out- bldgs., 1 Vi mi. to R. R. ta., close to good town. Good stock and machinery. Price in cluding l-t year's rent. $1500. Ralph Acley Ind Co.. 210 Roihcl.ild bldg 5-30 FOR RENT 2 acres, 7 room house, water in house, small orchard, good garden, chicken house, in a town of about f00, 4 blocks from R. R. depot, good automobile roada. 3 stores, etc. Frank Miller! Aurora. Or., or 1008 E. 21t st. N.. Portlsnd. Or. FOR RENT For half cash and half work: Pasture for two cows, stable, chicken houe. good well on' porch, water in pasture, plenty wood Write or call 1098 E. 21st at. N.. Portland. FOR RENT or sale in whole or part, summer resort farm house hotel and 100 acre grav ing farm, in Tillamook county: farm mills bl for sheep or gots. Owner, room 18. 105H 4th. LOTS or Vi to 10 acre, good for gardening: rent cheap. Apply Sunday, corner 80th and Base Line road. ML Tabor (M-T 88th) car to end. four blocks north, one east. 26ACRES. cropland stock and lease, for sale. close in: good proposition. J. Haas, 309 Chamber of Commerce. 8 ACRES of good rich land with small house and good barn, close in. Call after 2 p. m . Wood-tock car to 34th t., walk 4 block south. FOR RENT 40 acre dairy tarm that will take good care of 8 to 10 cows. J. X., Box 1. Oneida. Wash. 10 ACRES for rent, t-am and equipment for sale. Route g Box 302. Woodlawn 4020. FARMS WANTED REJiT OR BUY 89 WANTED. 2 FARMS About CO to 80 acre each, mostly in cul tivation and not too tar apart or one farm up to 1C0 acre that will divide well. Must be on good road and fir.-t class land. Clients will pay cah and want possession. D. Mc Chesney. 332 Chamber of Commerce bldg WANT to buy 20 to 30 acre, improved. Place not over 4 0 mile Portland, on good road. Give full detail and directions. R-60H, Journal. EXPERIENCED farmer and dairy man want to rent a furnished dairy on share. Z 452. Jonrnal. WANTED To lease one acre or more witn , house and out-houses, 8 miles of Portland. V-723, Journal. HOMESTEADS 47 -MAPS OF THE STATE OF OREGON Showing the entire Oregon and California land grant. 300,000 acres in Jackson and Jo sephine counties classified a agricultural and grazing land will be opened to homestead fil ing on and after April 29. Map $1 postpaid. ROWLAND MAP CO . 411 Henry bldg. TIMBER claim, government land open for fil ing (not O. A C. land), no residence re quired. Good timber. Cruise guaranteed over 3.000.000 feet. Details, coats, etc., address E 722, Journal. TIMHr.R t9 55.350,000 ft. of fir timber to- be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, on Sat urday, May 11, 1918, at 10 a. m. Township 2 N R. 4. W., Sec 1. 517 acres; Sec. 2, 160 acres, Sec. 1 1 80 acre. Sec. 12 270 acre. Sec. 13 SO acres; township 2 N., R. 3 W., Sec. 7 320 acres. Sec. 18 250 acres; all in Washington county, Oregon ; also the following timber, only. About 4 year to remove same: Township 2 N., R. 4 W. Sec. 11 160 acres; Sec. 12 80 acres. Timber is 4 of mile from S. P. It. R. Write to J. T. Wilson, Auctioneer, for detailed cruise report mawe by Wm. St. Thomas, cruiser, who will show the timber to any one interested. Term of sale, ca-h. Deposit 20 pet. at time of sale. 15 days allowed for the examination of abstract and completion of pur chase. J. T. Wilson. Auctioneer. Sale to start at 10 a. m. sharp on Saturday. May 11, 1918, at aale rooms, 169-171 2d at., near Morrison St., Portland, Or. FOR SALE, 20,000 capacity sawmill, com plete, including blacksmith tools and cook house, fully equipped and donkey engine, full set logging tool. Have just cut last of my timber and will sell entire outfit for $3000 cash. Phone Forest Grove, Patton Valley No. 4, or XX-724, Journal. A 20,000 equipped sawmill and timber ready for operation. Houck, 110 10th St, SMALL logging, milling or cordwood proposi tion near Holbrook. Also shipyard site. See Parker, 422 Washington at. FOR HALE FARMS 17 40 ACRES. 30 acres under cultivation, located 5 mile from Vancouver, on good auto road, close to Fchool, store and streetcar line, com fortable house, 2 bam, granary, chicken houses, other necessary outbuilding. 1000 prune trees in full bearing, with fine crop in pros pect. Price $5250. Ea'y term. THOMPSON & SWAN. 6th and Main sta., Vancouver, Wash. 17 ACRES, WASHINGTON COUNT l. Near Forest Grove; a fine, sightly home place, convenient to school and college; all in cultivation, except small grove: family fruit and berries; near neighbor: good 6 room house and bam; $3800. D. XTcChesney. 332 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Main 7102. $20 DOWN. $10 MONTH. buy 40 acre of logged-off land, located between Portland and Centralis, 1 -s miles from main line of three railroad.; fine for dairy or chicken ranch. Plenty of outrange: price $30 an acre. BELL REAL ESTATE CO., 318 Railway Exchange bldg. FOR SALE 23 acre ot A-l soil at Sherwood, Or., about 3 acres beaverdam seeded to onions, family orchard, land in 'high state of cultivation except 1 Vi acre not cleared. Half mile from state highway. 7 room house and all necessary outbuildings. Inquire at 3630 64 th st. S. E. 480 ACRES. 300 in wheat; will insure crop for Siu.uou. jaii acre tributary to ditch that flows through place; buildings; 7 miles to R. R. Auto road. hO.000 acre outrange offered at bargain. $2000 cash handles it. Zimmerman & Co., 311 Board of Trade. 41 H ACRE hia lily improved farm. 15 mi. from Portland, 1 mi. from electric car. 7 cows, 2 horses, chickens, pigs, machinery and tools. Auto road. Price $0000. One half cash, balance 6 9- Herman Feper, 520 Union ave. N. East 4285. 320 ACHES, good improvements, 100 acres in cultivation, balance pasture. 3 head of cattle. part registered : 6 horses, good equipment. Everything included at 335 it acre. Want valley farm or acreage. Main 1063. 509 Chamber' of Commerce. Foit SALE CHEAP lfio-acre wheat farm, all tillable but 10 acres, in Eastern Wash ington, tenced, small bouse, 65 acres in fall wheat; price $1200. For information writ box 712, Kelso, Wash. FARM bargain. 64 acres, 6 miles from Van couver. Wash. 84 acre clear, large barn, small house. Land fenced, good soil. On R. F. D. and telephone line. Price $83 per acre. N. W. Merrifield. 810 Washington st., Vanconver; Wn. I HAVE some nurhiy improved Willamette val ley ranches for sale and exchange. Also some good ranches in Idaho. California and Wash ington for aale. J. B. Holbrook, 214-215 Pan ama ' bldg. 240 ACRES 7 miles from . good town, 80 acres irrigated, 80 alfalfa, all good- land, building, fine dairy proposition. $5000. $1000 cash, bal. long time, 0f. Zimmerman & Co.. 311 Board of Trade. TUALATIN valley land. 73 acres. Land that will grow anything. 1 S acrea in cultivation. 2 blocks of Electric car line. 12 miles from Portland. Will sell all or any part. Phone eve nings. Main 881, room 206. . 8irACRES. partly improved, diversified Oregon farm; good road and market; price $2230; genuine bargain; $750 cash, balance to suit pur chaser. 512 Royal bklg. BY OWNER 8 small tracts of fine land. Very close In. Will sell at sacrifice. No agents. Q-637. Journal. ALBERTA-WHEAT FARMS' ' Wheat, oats, rax . and barley, tha best ther la. Writ Claude Cole. Warner. Alberta. 20 ACRES of fine land, large body of first -roirth fir. 10 miles to Portland. Tab. 1620. 17 60 ACRES. ALL, COMPLETE. BETWEEN 1HIRTLAND ASl SALEM. , On highway soon to be pared; land lie well to farm and is rich, free soil; pretty stream anrl arnve nn nly - R ...rM in eiilti&tmn lit FOB SALE FARMS cows, heifer, 8 sows, (arrow soon ; 0 heary shoats, iand in this tract; ignaU house. 1 smau ana boar, 100 chickens. 2 wagons, harness, bugcy, lrge new nicely painted barn, some implements 2 plows, 2 harrows, gas engine, mower, rake. nd furniture, about 3 tons hay; all fenced and other implements; 100 bushel each "wheat and cro fenced, mostly with woven wire; best wa oats; all for $230. 1. McChesney. 33a ter and all-year running creek. Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 7102. , E. A. LIN DO RES. JU.I..X 41 A IN. I. M, (Alia JBOM kilt. SlABl 1 7 acres, between 30-3 j acres under culti- wagon, new implements, etc. ; cream check $100 per month. Only 5 miles from Oregon City. $0000, best of terms. Well worth looting into. E. A. LINDGREN. Saron Land Co.. 83.1 N. W. Bank bklg. CLARKE COUNTY. WASH .r.sreircwth. trlngndeekf 4 ration, l a acres siasnea. naiance pasture ana thickle fcettit ,,,;, close to school and n j i I i -j timber. 1200. cord, county and two run- nndlCOOd 7 rOOm I nmg creess tnrougn lanu; new o room uouse. OOI(,K . . . th.r 9etmM out- " ' , almost new. 42x4j barfn. 2 old houses used v,.i.i; . ,, T " ... .... s 1 1 . . , . . I J -iL., ! for pin and chickens. young Jersey cow. IICW Udlll dllU UllltJI ings: besring fruit trees end strawberries, oats. ' ctJ Hnit of Portland. , All in a high atate wheat and garden growins; aU well fenced; f ruluratioii. Good 7 room house, barn out- orer 400 chickens and SO rabbiU; incubator, building, lot fruit and berries. Personal. ery horer. tools, furniture, wood and everything goes. J,'" leBm-. J cuw?- wagon, hack buggy. chicn- Price $000, some terms. Good R. R. trans- binder and, all farm implements; price $6000, portation to Portland and Seattle market; , r cash. good roads; achool and churches, at Vancouver, j M 1 l(Trr0 KOQ Hv l-fl Wash. Take the Ridgcf.eld auto stage ria ndlglUVe ntjdliy UUi, Sara and get off at Sagar's, R. 2, Box 37-A; joo North 6th at Broadway 4 381. 2 roundtrips a day. WILL Ss.CRTFK'" A FARM ALMOST WITHIN CITY .LIMITS 147 ,c ,arm M cultir,Uon. H mile to 7j acre farm in Happy Valley, within 10 ,,,1 town anj gehool. 20 miles from Port mile circle center of Portland. 25 acres in cul- Unj nig faTnl house. 0 room, full cement tuation. o acrea good onion land. room ba.-ement. barns, stable, etc. Running water, house, large barn. 2 acres bearing orchard of Extra fine n nd daj f,rnu liaised and different kinds of fruit all fenced with hog M 800 , f rom tni tace , one year. Ught woven wire, land slopes enough for good 0th(.r inter)f:,L, neciute making quick .ale. drainage, dark loam soil, on auto road, closa o incumbrance. Price $23,000. Ca-h $5000, If you want a farm you cannot afford to let in Kiiwi aim ruure. . i iij iusii inu iiiji m i. I this chance go by. Price $9200. Terms. E. A. LINDGKEN, Savon Land Co., 935 N. W. Bank bdg. RANCH. STOCKED COMPLETE 480 acres, 10 miles from Lyle. Wash.. 5 ; miles Warwick. 5 room house, frame barn 40x ; 00. new granary, chicken houe and other out- ' building, all in good repair. 60 acres in wheat and oat. 35 acre summer fallow, (SO acres more sod to be broken, 80 acre fine bottom land, all fenced. 60 acre hog tight. 17 head of cattle. 2 horses, chicken, hogs and macTiin- : ery. Price $25 per acre, 'i cash, balance own j time at reasonable rate. Address owner, I. E. Foss, Lyle. Wash. ' 135 ACRE EQUIPPED FARM. All complete, with a good income from the start; 12 cows, 4 head young stock, heavy tea m, farm machinery; all crops in and looking fine; large barn, old 5 room house, good family or chard: near school; good neighbors; macadam roads; fine stream on place; $11,000; terms $5000 cash, balance 6 per cent. It will pay you to investigate this. D. McChesney, 332 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 7102. 167 ACRES near Astoria. $4300. 30 A. in cult.. 50 A. slashed, some 20 years ago; 4 acres of orchard, poor buildings, three miles from railroad, 12 miles from Astoria. 3 milch cow. 1 heifer. 2 yearling heifers. 1 bull, a horse, 1 young sow. wagon, plow, etc.; unlimited ntltrane. hi im th hiirffMt Him in th ' coast country. Photos at office of Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. STOCK. AND DAIRY RANCH $20 PER ACRE 160 acres, lies fine, all seeded to grass ex- cept 5 acre: 10 acrea in cultivation, large house and bam. nice bearing orchard and running creek. About D M miles from Deer Island station, on auto road. Adjoining un- improved land held at $40 per acre. Ternia. Savon LandEci: Jssw Bank bldg. I " j 20 Cre d?iry ranch, part im- tv urainm . uoou aou; ft .... i. ..,.., n'nii, ijiv urn , UIU O rUOUl IIOUSC, piped with water; good barn and outbuildings; 10 cows, team of horses. 8 Digs, chickens: farm i machinery, separator and dairy supplies; home oreliard. abundance of flowers. $3800. $"800 cash, balance terms. II. A. Sylvester. Rainier, Or. FARM STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 50 acres, all in cultivation, new bam. fair old good fences, good road; 1 mile to town on electric R. It.; only 30 miles from Portland: place, including stock and machinery, $9500; terms. NEILAN & PARKHILL. 219 Lumbermen s Bldg.. 5th and Stark. stocked and equipped, IS in crop; price lor all $3500. (1700 cash, balance on time. Neal Ptown, 207 Panama bldg. FARM FOR SALE OWNER. About 28 acres, 18 cleared; all seeded to wheat, vetch, rye, clover and timothy; good 6 room house, barn and outbuildings; family or chard, spring, with ninning water in house; 5 mile from Linnton; rural route and telephones. $6000; terms. Address C. Wood. Linnton, Or., R. 2. Box 29. 50 ACRE YAMHILL COUNTY FARM $3000 25 acre under cultivation, 13 acres slashed, 10 acre in fine oak timber, 5 room house, good bam, chicken house, hog house, spring by house, another by .bam ; 7 miles from two good towns, on main county road. Term. E. A. LINDGREN, Savon Land Co.. 933 N. W. Bank bldg. GOING WHEAT 1 ARM 1 160 acres, 11 mile from Lyle, Wash., fair! house, fine big barn. 4 horse. 3 head of cat- , tle, 85 acrea in winter wheat, good for 30 1 60 ACHK.M. .HO mile, from Ionian, "t i nouses, t.. Portland from rail and river transportation. 20 acres "roperty; will exchange for 2 small farm or 1 cultivated, 15 timber, balance open pasture, run- itTL one:,7.i ho"e mor"J!Tg. 'Vo.u o'0'' water, spring and well, all good soil. 10 783 r write 087 E. 10th st. N. ncies rough, balance lies fine, fair building, well EXCHANGE for smaller farm in vallev 320 ousneis, in acre. summer iaiiow, an tenced 32 ACRES, 2 miles trom business center of best town in Willamette valley: 80 rodi frontage on Pacific highway, good soil, lie fine. 18 acres cultivated, bal. easy clearing, running water, good well, 5 room plastered cottage, 2 bams, chicken house and runs. $4000. A rtal snap. Neal Browp, 207 l'anama bldg. CANADIAN FARM IANDS -"Cheap laiuL ti markably easy terms. Itndseekers excursion party leaves Portland for Calgary, Alberta, Sat urday, May 4, reduced rates. For further par ticulars see Canadian Pacific Railway Co.. 208 Railway Exchange bldg., L. P. Thornton, dis trict representative. 44 ACRES. 12 acres fall wheat, 10 acres 90- day wheat, 5 acres oat and vetch, 10 acres commercial orchard. 6 acres pasture, on fine road; including team, cows, hog, litter of pigs, wagon, binder, mower and all email tool. Price $7000. Will take a home in city and some cash: balance time. 4 08 Swetland bldg. i 40 ACRES, $1500 In Clarke county, Washington. 12 acre in cultivation around the stumps, family orchard a years ola, f room House, large bam. root house, chicken house; $500 cash, $200 yearly. 1'lenty of work in vicinity. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. j WHEAT RANCH 1320 acre. 12 mile from Lyle. Wash.. ! miles Warwick. Fair building,, all fenced, 300 acre winter wheat, good for 30 bushels. 300 acre summer tallow, 1-3 of crop goes with place. Price $25 per acre. V cash, balance 10 year at 7 per cent. Address JX 659. Journal. FOR SALE or trade. 55 a. 15 in cultivation, team of horses. 2 cows. 2 heifers: house. nearly new bam, orchard, berries, spring and creek: on eood road. '' mite from !.... l , ... I in good repair. Price 55 per acre, half cash;!38.0 ACRES. Polk Co. line dairy farm with balance own time at reasonable rate. Address. ,,LA7 ba,rn'- B,,-. T1 hmMln5' "?" H-ti7 Journal ' 3000 cah. some trade. Some bargain. Zim- .7.'..., Trr- : 1 . merman & Co . 311 Board of Trade. H mile from electric line. lrice $4200; in- GOOD o room bungalow; price 2500: Irv eumbrance $1000. Want house to 220o ! ington district. Will take automobile or balance cash. A-754, Journal. IN BEAUTIFUL CHELATCIIIE PRAIRIE 40 acre. 20 acre in cultivation, new S room! house. large barn, small orchard. 2 creeks. 1H miles from 2 creameries. This valley is in tha most prolific part of Clarke county. Price $3950, $130O down, balance 5 years Fred W tier- nkn Co.. 732 Chamber of Comeree. " 40 Acres $1050 27 eniles from Portland, small houe and barn. 8 acres in cultivation, 7 acres slashed, balance timber and pa.-ture. $350 cash, bal ance to suit. 411 Henry bldg. YAMHILL county. 11 .acres of ine land in Carlton ; 3 room house, bam. 3 cows, 2 heifera. chickens, 36 fruit trees, berries. 3 acrea in oats, 3 in clover, 4 blocks of public chooL Price $3500. Underwood Kietch, Carlton. Or. 10 ACRE ranch. $1650. All leVel. A-l soiL About 6 A. in crop, bal. pasture. 4 R. house, bam. chicken house and park. On good road. I .ess than 1 mile from town and K. H. sta. Near Vancouver. A decided bargain. J. R, Wolff. 618 C of C. bldg. $2500 Buy a cheap ranch and raise goats, more money, less work. 160 a. hill land. good buildings, water and climate, soma atock, H mile to R. R. station. E. S. Ulrey. Lin coln Co. , Or. i CHEAP, $750 40 acre good land 33 mile from Portland, 4 acres cleared, rest small stump ; good water; mile from station, 2 miles west of ciaaton ; no debts; taxes paid. Owner. 609 Overton at.. Portland. Or. STOCK RANCH Located in tha heart of the best game country in America: situated in Douglas county. 33 miles east of Riddle. Prica $4500. Inquire of A. J. Winters. 65-67 6th at. Portland. Or. 4000.000 FEET of fir timber for sale, 22 miles from fort la na. near it. k. a good nlace for a tie mill. Also 130 acre dairy farm. 50 acres cultivated, well watered. Good build ings. J. E. LaCroy, Kstacada. Or R. 3. FOR SALE 240 acre stock ranch. In Malheur i 40 ACRES logged off land near Scappoose. un county, with plenty of outside range, on pri- incumbered, for houaa equity. Full particu vata water tight For terms address Henry , lgr first letter. E-721. Journal. McDougall. Westfail. ur, 10O ACRES. CowliU county.' Wash., buildings. aome cleared, $6 an acre; owner going to war; sacrifice quick sal invited. J. Haas, 309 t "Laaiber ot Commerce. . - -. FOR SALE Neat 5 acres, improved, equipped. Icsnae w car line ana scnoou win for cash. Owner. A. Tanakey. Hillsboro. Or.. close to ear line and school, win aaenf ice i Ront 2. Box 2. . FOR SALE FAim ALMOST UNBELIEVABLE - BUT TRUE . That thia 160 acre farm can be bought for 80OO on very good term, only 1 miles from Vancouver, Wash., 1H mile . ro" railroad Matinn mnA .rr eioaa to good SChOOCl Bice neighbor, on county road, 00 acres under cuiltiration, 8 acres in cloeer, balance timber and pasture, about 125 acre choice bottom oaron 1 a na I o. . V o I. . ru . iv.. IIQ ACRES Sll Undrr ,ttta ated 3 mil fr r,. nllt(a town rake, harrow. ' iilowi- disc drill gasoline en- I J"gr,nder. ensilage cutter and other Place all under crop which U in-- ! rery low price of $11,500. $0000 Cine and feed small tool. eluded in the cash, balance can taud 3 to 5 years. THOMPSON & SWAN, fth and Main it.. Vanconeer. w ?J-!S. JO ACRES. MILES OUT k. .no. . . . . . ,., n,.:.L . . ff.,rnt it C. W. BAKKINtiEK 1 24 8 Stark st. Phone Main :558. ! REAL STOCK RANCHES 2017 acres, 75.-, tillable, tine soil. SU miles j river front, fine grass and iieavine. 10 miles to It. It , good roads. $8 per acre. Good terms. 12,000 acres, 6 miles to U. It., fine roads, plenty of water for irrigation, several thousand acres agricultural land; grows everything to per f action. 30 miles fencing, building. $10 Ier acre. 10 cash, balance long time at 6. Zimmerman &. Co., 311 Board of Trade. 56 ACRES FOR $3800 $1200 will handle this property, balance easy ' term. It ts prubably the best buy around Port- land. 20 miles, out; 56 acre. 27 acres cleared, J facing good country road: some timber, running water, a spienaui laying tract ; goou sou. o room house, barn, outbuildings, bearing orchard. Price $3800, $1200 cash, balance easy. 6 per ceuL HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 North 6th st. Broadway 4 381. 570 ACRES of Idaho wheat land. 300 acres cul tivated, buihling. horse and machinery; photo at office; $0500; terms. 8 '4 acres, all cultivated and in croo. sood buildings, close to school, church and store, no rock, good soil; term, 71 acre. 5 block of station, Washington county. 14 acre cultivated, small house, bam, well and creek, good roads: H2HOO. term OKU. MOHSE, 315 Clamber of Commerce GRAIN GROWER'S SNAP 4 30 acre in wheat -fine stand. Good building, plenty of water Located in center of Sherman Co.'s famous wheat belt, right at town. Complete farming equipment. This proposition should pay 300 PER CENT profit on the investment in the next 5 months. Circumstance comiiel owner to sell at once. $2500 cash will handle. P. E. Alvord Co., 218 .Board of Trade. TZIgHV:M ' i", j y uiue easi oi iiinsooro. nn Oregon Electric. 11 in cultivation, 7 room new nouse. gooa well. Dam and small outbuildings mtJV llUall UUiUllllUIHBn, 'If III I t?drffi;aVT-xj balance slash in pas On K. t . 1. , mill crop; good soil, good terms. THE BADLEY INVESTMENT COMPANY, ".-.- .-sortnwestern Bank Bldg. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE t4 FOR SALE OR TRADE On account of death of owner will sacrifice 40 acres at Hood River, 25 acres in orchard, 10 acres hay; crop estimate this year 4000 boxes; building, tool '. and team. Take Portland residence part pay ment. Phone Tabor 325. (WANTED To exchange' equity in 1 or 2 for farm; both good in E. Oregon; small houae and barn. 160 a. fenced. 80 a. cultivation, all tillable, good soil, good water, no alkali. F. T. Daniel, 231 32d t. N . . City. 400 ACRE diversified Oregon farm', building, stock, equipment, personal property valued $3. ..000 included. Price $75,000. Exchange for income city property equal value Journal. S 661, NEAR Portland, 90 acre. 80 choice bearing i fruit, nut; 26 acres loganberries; good in come, no incumbrance. Exchange for Portland property, wneat or stock farm. Will assume. Zimmerman & Co.. 311 Board of Trade. 160 ACRES, buildings and fencing, fine liv ing water, 40 acres cultivated, 100 acres ia tillable ; no incumbrance. Exchange for Port land. Might consider good lota. Prica S3000. 408 Stock Exchange bldg. 1G0 ACRES 145 in cultivation. 75 in crop; building, crop, stock and machinery. $3765. Will make good terms; accept semi-trade. Zim- merman & Co.. 311 Board of Trade. FOR SALE or trade. $1200 equity in 7 acre commercial apples and pear : 7-year-old tree, now bearing; also $500 lot in Ia Grande, Or. Will sacrifice. V-721. Journal TWO 4 room apartment and neat 4 R. cot tage, on 50x100: $4 800 value; rented for $30 month. Trade my equity in this income for lot or small house. 408 Swetland bldg. MODERN 7 room house, party furnished. 60x 123 lot, brick garage, Piedmont, priced right; take high class residence lot part pay ment. 512 Royal bldg. FOlt SALE or trade of eaual value. 40 acres. ' 35 miles N. W. from Portland. Small new , house, 15 acres slashed, burned and fenced; 3 acres cleared. Inquire or write 1932 E. Clay. Improved Farm for Trade Will accept anything I can use in exchange WEST. 502 COUCH BLDG. I ' FOR TRADE Lincoln Co.. Or., first mortgage on bottom land, 150 acres: $3600; trade tor tu or no acres Dottom in Douglas or t-oos county. Or. Address H. C. Starr, Rose Lodge. HOUSE and full lot, 36th. near Knott t. $2500. Will take piano or automobile, some cash, balance mortgage. Newly painted. Ready to move into. Phone today, Wdln. 1473. GOOD income prutierty, 3 houses and 2 extra lots: will trade for good farm. $16,000 or U nun 'I' t iv , ; , .!',i, ii i .i Muin i40 ' --.. r- sitika.s K Home. rooms, modern, tun base ment and furnace, near N. C. high school: trade 5 or 6 room strictly modern Portland home " East 3710. 120 E. 27th N. I piano first payment. ! day Main 1434. Tabor 268 Sunday. Mon- X1S0O WORTH of clear Portland lot to trade for good Used auto same value. 408 Stock Exchange bldg . . " , . . . , -, ; ,. , . ; r LOT 50il00 in Benedictine Heights, clear. 1 ' block Sellwood car, trade for horse, wagon. name,,, oilggy. wwner, ivi lacoma ave.. ruj. ! 6-ROOM house and lot! clear, to trade for larger houae in City t lew addition to Sell wood. Phone Sellwood 1879. WANTED House and lot or track for fine im proved 30 acres, Marion Co.. all stocked and equipped. 932 Chamber of Commerce. ILL-exchange 6 room house with garage and fruit for a smaller one up to $2500. 1367 E. Lincoln st. OCEAN PARK cottage. $500 clear, for lot or player piano: clear Medford, Ashland for Portland income. Owner, Tabor 7024. SPOKANE house. 6 room, clear; also im proved 6 acres, beautiful view, Willamette valley; either for I'ortland 1102 Spalding bdg. WELL secured $2000 (7) first mortgage to to exchange for mall house" will consider Mt. Scott district. Layman. 145 hk Broadway. $6000 EAST id- business corner, stores and flats above. Want west aide residence. In quire 840 E. Ankeny st. FOR TRADE -50x100 ft. lot. clear of in Phooe Tabor cumbrancea, for light auto. 5909 Sunday or evenings. TO EXCHANGE lot on west side, tin view, automobile taken a part payment, term for balance. G-74 7. Jonrnal. , AN ACRE of ground convenient to car, to trade for a late model Ford or other light machine. Phone Oak Grove. 3I-M. , TO TRADE 320 acre homestead relinquish- ; ment near Bend for automobile. E. Wenger. . -pp. 25 ACRE improved diversified Oregon farm, worth $4250. unincumbered ; exchange for Portland residence equal vaine. 512 Royal bldg. i c. win im. nro,rf fr -.1. , i owner. K-7 01, Jonrnal. - FOR SALE or trade. 2 bouse and lots in Tha Dalle. Add. A. HevsW. Uvjfnr. W1AT have you. trade, for lot, Berkeley ad- t I TWELVE cultivated acrea near Orenco. Sn OrUOTS,- 29IUVI laoor W7S0 for cash or house equity. Mar.. 6943. EXCHAKOE REAL ESTATE tl PACIFIC AGENCY, INC., 514 Swetland Building. 25-acre ranch, 10 minutes from Siefert Station, on Esta cada line, located on high way. 19 acres in cultivation and in crop, balance slashed, .1 I J II r ' OUtb dgS., all nCCCSSa farm ' i , . c jmr. pmanic rAUC 9 hpif- , II I IklV V" ak Ne VWfW , ers, 50 chickens, good team;nii of mules and other things too numerous to mention. This 'place is in good shape, ready to make you a living; price $5000. Will consider clear Portland residence property. F' J r x' ine dairy tarm, consisting ' ' ot IbO acres, located in Clarke County, Wash., on highway; 60 acres in cultiva tion, balance to pasture. This place has all natural sur roundings of a first-class dairy ranch that one could want, The place is well watered and has good 7 room house, barns and outbuild ings, is all stocked and equipped with a fine dairy herd, hogs and chickens and necessary farm implements; price $16,000. Wants small farm in Willamette Valley or will sell on reasonable terms. Nice 40-acre farm, just out of Portland, on United Rail road; 16 acres in cultivation, ture; good 5 room house, barn and outbuildings, nice little orchard, 17 head of cat tle, 3 horses, pigs, chickens and necessary farm imple ments; price $7500, Will ex change for clear Portland property. 70-acre farm, 50 in cul tivation, good red shot soil, land rich and very nice, on good highway, just out of Sa lem; good 7 room house, out buildings, barn, good or chard; place is leased, but can get possession any time; all stocked, equipped and in crop; price $7000. Will ex change for stock of merchan dise or clear Portland prop erty, $50 month income prop erty, consisting of 1 1 room house and 4 lots and good barn, located just on edge of business dist., of La Grande, Or. This property has always been a money-making propo sition for anyone who has owned it, It is in good repair and in fine shape, well rented to good, reliable tenant. The more you know about this property the better you will like it, Price $8000. Will ex change for Portland income property -or a Valley ranch, stocked and equipped. 40 acres, Gresham district, rich soil, no waste land, 15 miles from Portland, on Mt. Hood Railway and auto road, I , ,ii SCliUOl and rUral rOUte, tniCK - ... , , .... iy settled, nice nouses, wm sell for 1-3 less than it cost I a a me. I want you to see tnis I then make me an offer. Deal wfth owner, Mr, Warnock. ' n r Several small farms to trade for houses, also city property for farms, Some fine stock ranches for sale and exchange for city income , I , , t proierxy. u wiiwwsi i oo. property. I can match you.'ciscANiN andeirid,.. .rood ' I ( J..M.n.h,in .Ml InilArin. wAk will . U Mr. Warnock, Phone today for appoint ment. East 2374 or E. 1994. PACIFIC AGENCY, - 514 Swetland Bldg. EXCHAKOE REAL ESTATE tl EXCHANGE 10 acres. one mil north of Newtrara. ! 6 V . acrea in bearing prunes, one acre in f cherries, one acre in apples and pears, all kinds of berries, all fenced, good well. 4 room hoiy.e. barn and other out buildings. Want home in Portland. 1 60 acres. 1 H miles from GeMon. mile to sawmill. 5.O00.0OH frt of good saw tim ber, 35 acrea in cultivation, 18 acrea in good pasture, good house, barn, all necessary outbuildings- all necessary farm implements, all household goods go wirn this place. Went 20 to 40 acres all ill cnHiration eaat of Portland not oxer 20 miles. 14 Henry Bldg. 2011 ACRES. 25 MILKS FROM PORTt.ANI I This place I located 1 H miles from the I Salem rice trie car, in the Willsmette ralley; ha !, ncciric car, in me uismeite rauey; na $od a-ej. ..lie, loem oil .11 t.ll.ble no rock or S.1- ., 0 rnlU,a,"11- 05 " . lmbrJ- "l U""..Cr C " , " I about 6000 cori. Ha running stream. cloe t high school, church and 'tore. In a very thick ( ould hare electricity in j rnce only $80 l-rr acre. W ill trade for good income propertv. RALPH ACKI.EY LAND CO. 210 I!otbrh!d Bldg 5 ACHES at Hillsboro. 5 room nuidrrn bun galow, fruit, berries, bsrn. chicken houses., garage, to trade for good hout-e in city. 10 acres at Rainier. 7 acre cleared and aeeded; hor-es, cow, chickens, hog, sll tools and farm implement: incubator, cream sep arator, etc. Will trs'1." for bouss and lot. C. Arnold. 620 Henry bldg. HOTEL BARGAIN Only hotel in town 3 Hory building 36 sleeping room: all completely furnished. Doe a grues basilic of $1500 er month and show a handsome profit after paying In . Ai-o .and for ,.uien. etc v. Will exchange for tock of merrhan handsome profit after paying lured help to alue SPOOO nge for toe of merrhaudi. 1 . L Alvord 'o. 218 Board of Trade NOTICE If yonr property, either city, farm or acre age, ha merit and la for exchange or sale, call or writ full particular; Do inflated value con sidered ; have first class list to select from. George P. Henry. 829 Henry bldg. Refer ence. Portland Realty Board. $2.000 1st mtge. public utility bonds, inter- i e-t paid for 5 years; security bai-k of bond ! ea-sily investigated: earning ample for all pur- poses; trade for farm lands or I'ortland prip erty; mast be clear. Call 424 N. W. Bank bldg. 240 ACRES. 59 tree irrigation. CO wheat. 2H prune, crop, stock and machinery $75 jier acre. $3000 handle. Some trade. Zimmerman & Co . 311 Board of Trade. WANTFI REAL ESTATE 81 WHO want $1500 in cah and 15 acre, of land in the garden spot of the Willam-tte valley, right at Tualatin, for a 5 room houe. modem, in S. Portland, at any place north of Hamilton ave? M. J. Clohessy. 413 Abing ton bldg. FRANK I- MoGUIRE Co. is selling the houeT Three auto to show property. They photo graph and advertise yonr property, nave client waiting. Ileal with old established firm. Pbon description. Mm 1061. FRANK I McGUIRE. A RING TON BLDG WANTE1. To buy modern a room cottage or b ingalow in Hunnyside or Hawthorne dis trict as far as 52d st. t-"- '-twest irtee. ear term and location. .-o agents need reply. T 697. Journal. SUBURBAN acreage. improved, house and building, near station and school, on good road. I have modem hungalow and garage on lved etreet for exchange to value of $3500. -444, Journal. ATTRACTIVE 5 room modem bungalow, all on one floor, for 230o. Cash $300. $50 per month. Main 9313. CHARLES U WHEELER OO., 517 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED To buy good 7 room house in Sunnyside or Hawthorne ave . with garaue or room for esrsire Must he htrviin l'Mn , ... v I -jQ0 down antl bis monthlv tiavment Ail. drevi S-660. Journal. WANT 'HEAP sntTRBATNnFltlTpTUTTES Alo small house and bungalows. Have cli ent waiting for bargains. R F FEEMSTER. 209 Abington hldg IS your home in Rose City Park for sale? We have several bona fide buver. I.ct us sell yours. Phone description. Main 106H F I IAN K I.. M iV IRE .A B I N G TO N B 1. 1 K ; SHACKS AND SMALL HOMEHV ANTED ' Must be N. E. and priced right. W liav numerous buyers waiting. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Cham. HAVE buyer forSouth Portland "property" sou;h of Madison st ; if your price is right, you will get a quick deal. John Singer, 4 17 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE a ready buyer for 5 room modern "bun galow up to $4000 ; will pay half cash. John Singer. 417 Chamber of Commerce. 5 Oil 0 rm. house. I'ledmont prefeTr!.-for cash and Sunnyskle clear lot. U 057. Jour nal. LATE model Overland roadster and cash for 3 or 4 room -house. Must be bargain. W-420, Journal. WANTED A relinquishment in Oregon"-"with farming possibilities. State particulars. V 726. Journal. WISH to buy a modem house. east aide, close 'n; must be a bargain. Y-752. Journal. WANTED To "buy a lot in Irvington. well lo cated, priced right. H 682. Journal. WANT -5 room bungalow; pay halF cash ; $2000 to $2500. G 744. Journal. FOR RESULTS list your projierty with the Real Etat Eichnge. 201 3d !.. PortUnd. ROOMING linis;; 1 6 ROOM rooming house, brick building in heart of city; rent $30: income $14 Price if sold at once. $050; term 10 room, all one floor ; one room pays the rent. Thi is the rleanust i.L, in the city; kcated where room are always rented- Price $K50. terms 14 room rooming hou-e, all on one floor, clean as a pin: rent only $20 Price" $623 PETERS, 15 V 5th t Buyers Take Notice Do you want a square deal? Io- yeu want -an TL-T IS" ZT, ,r-e a place? . .7 . . ' ' 11 so. see j . mil , V.V.UIIAKI. at 602 Couch bldg. Automobile at your service. 35 Rooms, Brick, $1500 Clean, always full of good paying roomers and h jusekeeptn ; rent $60; will clear you $200 per month. J. BRUCE OODPARP. 502 COUCH BLDG. I Have the Best Bargains- In rooming and apartment house in the city. All sixes, price, locations. Term to suit. L. A. HALL. 612 Panama hldg 19 Rooms $750 Snap Modem, well furnished, lovely location this place I worth donbl price aked. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BUI 1 1 Rooms $350 On one floor. This i good. Other would ask double this price. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG SALE or trade, 12 room apartment house.) hogany fixtuies. complete candy kitchen, dro rent $25 per mo., income $75 mo.; pisni machine, slab, kettle, furnace, etc. Hell all of included; good home witn an income. 8 6."7, 1 part, trade for auto. Interest calls as sooth. Journal. '136H High. Salem. Or. 9 Rooms $225 West Side Fair furniture; rent $20; real bargain. J . B R U ( ' E O ( DI ) A It K6 02 COUCH Bl.lx;. tO ROOMS in Whito Temple di-trict. nicely furnished; big income; BARGAIN. MAIN 4X64 WANTED Furniture for 20 to 50 bedroom . Al-o 20 dining tables. 8. chair, etc. C. E. Osborn. Bauman hotel. 412 N. 19th tt. 14 ROOMS, hou-ekeeptng. new furniture, all full, walking distance to ahipyanls; $60l nan-lie. inquire o-su- on n. f44 HOjMh"ot;i. furniture and long lease: good i money all the time. Owrx r t alck and must hve cash. $3000. Main 125 Bt'KIXKHK OPFOKTUXITIES It FOR SALE One 40-room hotel, fumlld. and land, on paved street: good location. I Owner. No agents. Apply to Bog 436, Seaside. ttriTJXzrfc'2Si; Have a good growing cash trade. Call room 403 Ikrkum bldg. ! WILL sell my millinery store. 402 Morrison ; 'Tui0,. 5 stock and fixtures. Phone Bdwy. 1785. LADY ot gentleman " wi"th $"S5f) or Iflfyo- partner to start good paring busineaa. J- C!. Journal. DON'T WORRI I can sell or trad anything anywhere. Lay man. 1 45 H Broadayv . FOR 8ALfc Grocery store, excellent 'luntiorT good place ior man ana wue. wvaid sell the busitHM if party wiahes. ;-47$. Journal. FINE etblishee aneat market fot lent, 'ine - location. M45 W illiams ave. FOR SALE Grocery store and lunch roosa. rnone Sell .rood S190. FOR SALE or Trade-Grocery and confec tionery. goL- Owner, X-7 27. Journal. GROCERY s 'ddicateasen. Re owner, pbon , 1204. - FOR SALE, eon feet i ooe ry store, oa count of jrknese. 114 Weak, St. Vancouver. Wash. Brsi? orroRTTrrrrrgg tt Liberty Bonds accepted asms as eaak Removal Notice A. J. DeForest I bar moved to U-tl7 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG. But my business is still th asms BUSINESS CHANCES Hotels. Rooming and Apt. Houses EXCLUSIVELY And I am better equipped than ever to giro you service. If you wub to sell, list your place with me. I can help you. My continu ous advertising for the past 10 rears la ruf- - ficient recominemlation of being successful. U I Toil m-itth 1 1 tin. I .n - TIME AND MONEY My long experience ami personal knowledge of the average going business enables sne t locate jou right. . TRY ME REMEMBER THE XKV ADDRESS 913-917 Chamber of Commerce bldg. MINERAL SPRINGS WELL KNOWN HEALTH BESOBT Thi place is in firT clasa shape, good hotel, large two story bath hotme. with steam tub and shower baths. I located In the moat pictur esque part of the state with an opportunity for development almost beyond conception. Our pnee u far below the actual value and woard consider a trade for farm or tock ranch. Rea son for aelliug i that owner t too old to con duct th busineaa properly Price. $30,000. RITTFR. UWE A CO. 2Q3 3 7 Board of Trade Business Partner wanted: reliable man to put cash in ranch with " an experienced farmer and stockman; 32t. acres uinir, irrigation, all linUa hut in er.. h room houses. 2 bam. 2 cow barn abetter for siots. rro-e lenceti, acre in aitalta; ma chinery and uaeuit necessary to run ranch. I will put up half rah of $l5.OO0. the purchase price. I unt to stock wlih beef rattle 1 ya Journal. DAIRY 1.1 NCI! I Ming $120O hii-ine fir month: rent $4,1; good lease. In fine locution. Would consider trade for auto. ITice iSOO. half cash. GOING "OVER THERE'' A neat, classy restaurant located in heart of h-.isine district E-tabli-hcd for rear. Good teady business. Owner going to fight the linn Here i a chance ti prulit by the other fel low lou. Price tlHOil BITTER. LOWE A CO.. 203 5 7 Board of VARIETY STORE STOCK AND FIXTURES STOKE RUNNING L.K-ate.1 In live bn-inrsa town in Eastern Oregon. 110 competition : complete Inventory and further informs-ion can be had from THE ADJUMTMKNT BUREAU, of the Portland Association of Credit Men. 0 44- l'ittok block. MUST SACRIFICE GROCERY HTOUE Bt location, on east aide; chase in. brick building; rem (75. This place ha to be ds IHrd of at once. No reasonable trade or offer will be refused. Stock and future, will intoice for more than price asked. Estab lished 20 years. Price C33O0. tlOOO cash. HITTER. MOVE A Co. 203 37 Hoard of Trad. Pi MIL hall. 7 tables, oda fountain cigars, tobacco, camjy, etc. complete stock and lix tnres; the very best money making place im the city; lease runs for 5 year, cheagi rent, strictly a first class place. Price $4OO0 and will invoice the etock. r comiiel me to sell; now clearing $100 per month. 408 Swet land bldg WANTED NEW IDEAS j vention wanted by manu'arturer and prtaew offered .for iuvenlioo; send sketch '.or tree opinion of patentability ; our four book and list of patent buyer. nt fre VICTOR J EVANS II CO . 614 Ninth. Wadiington. D C. Store Owners Take Notice I hare two client that have aome ca-h and clear real evtate to give for grocery or confec tionery. rtJtUCE GODDARD. 502 Couch bid a. FOR KALE or trade, o mining cum , "120 acres. Fit ua led 10 miles ra.t 01 Coipr P. t. . "al., completely equipped a follows: 2 mfle flume. 600 ft. 16 In. pue, 1 Giant. 3 build ing, garden ot. blacamltb o.itftt. complete, sawmill, plenty water Will tell at a bargain. Address owner. P o box 10!. Jacksonville, Or. OBLIGED TO .SACRlFrCE ALI ABLE DOWN TOWN CiHOElt IN CENTER OF P.I SIN ESS DISTRICT. TH IS PROPERTY 18 81 ITABLE FOR BANKS. M TORES, HOTEL OR GARAGE. VALI LD AT a 1 25 OOO. vli... TAKE axo.OOO u II HI IU.EY, 8 IR- VING ST. MARSHALL 263 WE HAVE for sale one of the beat flour mill proposition in the Northwest; fin market tor all produ'-ta. large grounds, new machinery and buildings; light r-mt for IKiwer. Thia a fine going plant that will pay you to investigate. K. F. Bryan. 504 Chamber of Commerce. WISHING to join the cervices of 'Uncle Sam." will sell old established grocery at a dis count, and ill gne lma tune on nart for I q"'ck aale. or might consider trade tor ranch. I u n" "dead horse.' but a paying l.usl- I" and'' can he handled by man and wlfa. i journal AUTO GARAGE Sell supplies, gasoline, do rrairing and fall of steady storage. Net profit 2.'0 month now and can tie incrd Good lease, low rent and ricellrnt location. Call room 403 Ik-kum bldg. FOR MALKor Trade Tneiibltah"-flarriieaa and Shoe Rejaair busineaa, Mhertdan. Mont.; Stock and machinery $."5. Hell for $400. Altitude ton high for present owner. I sea) re to I - ""tern Or.,u , Whin..on. Writ. Henry MIHom, shnmn. Mont. I , - . . . ' , ' 1 , ririn iiurrrj nari uu niiarn 1 or eaie; plindid bustnesa corner. etblihed trade; Mock about $1000, will dirconnt ; rent for build ing with c- merit baement. 4 bring rooms, garage $J5. Might oonidr soma trad. Call Tabor 1235 A MO NET MAKER ' A nice confectionery, ire cream, cigar, tobacco, all fixture and furniture; fttnre. 2 living mom. in bck of store. $13 per month rent. A nap price $50(1. Wee Crockett aV Starker, room 203 Washington bldg. PETTeTi InV ESTIGATi: fill's- Fnueual op-' portunity for amtmiou man to buy a well established adtortjobde and repair buaineat with complete machine shop in a progressiva com munity and make good Address YX-747, Jour nal. FOR HALE, cigars, fruits, confectionery store. room for 2 pool table or living tn rear; :otvf huatne location, near shtparls; doing good; cost $N7o. vill sell at cut price a I wish te vgo east. ( ash price only. No. 3(17 1st ltv. ' SODA Fountain, candy. R- cream Mora, rTjW.V splendid timnrr proportion. I ."i.OOO.OOd feet tie an -I piling Can get iO.OOO.OOO more. 6 miles from. ( K. Want partaer wrth Ml. O00 or $15,000. No agenu. N 712. Jour nal A I GOING Mvwmil prupoaiOnn, cutting west ern goe. 1'i.OOO rapacity, timber con tract included. $1750 cash required. Real otrportunity. 512 Royal bklg. Morrison aod Broadway . ON -count of leaving cTTy must sell asy es . elusive hair dressing parlors. Beat tradw ia the city: doing over $200 a month. Term rash. Main 3271, from 1 to 6 p. a., or ( . 410. Journal. RESTATJfiANT $450. TYRMS Busy vest side location. Cost $l$0O ta . K,nlp Cheap rent. Big buslrvsel HJt.'crK 'ilIARI. 302 Coach bid. GRX.'ERYbTOHK "" Dandy legation, clean aa a pin; rant' $14 arith tlnee bring moms. If sold Monday, $283 for all. Peter. 13 N. 5tb C I WANT a sale-nian on commission who will sell orw-lialf Interest rn well establUhed fcwi m; good 'iportamty tor right man. J. W. " Clsney, 338 .. Mnmson st., Portland. 'WUOl AND COAL Established btiamesa, plenty wood and profits very good; revraire small investment, fully aa- rnreo. I loom avs istin Pkig FOR SALE Confectionery in live town Beer Portland, ui vote about $00; reasonable term. Hootua for houaekeeptng. WX-427, Jonrnal. rcT-EAU $50 weekly M small &c buaineaa; nan or woman Mart anywwere; particular free. Write today. Ed HaaJey. W03 E. Main 'at, Stockton. cl. - j W'ANrTEDAai indnatriuus anaa to harp ' greenhouse. Experienoe not necessary, if willing to learn. Good pay and bnttae tat live ; ia; $350 required. Cti rowrj 40$ Dekam btdg. FOR HALE, cheaa, carpenter ahop. Wvrn mower vrrnder and motor; a splendid cbaru-s for a hueticr; lota of lawn snewer to grind ; no esppoattion. Phone evening. Wdla. 4132. BEST furniahed and equip owl Cohinbia hlgl way mountain rreoct,. steam heat, private' bat lav, beaatifnl ouada, real opportunity fag right party; $1000 required. iia Roral bdg. MAWMILL for aale. fir4 cava eondiUoa. 40 H7 r. donkey engine, 9x10 Wash., Iota of ria-' gins. K. J. Martin, owner. La Center, WaaA.