THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. APRIL 28, 1918. 25 E hfip yr a wtk i vu walk TOCKO LADIES WANTED. PERMANENT POSITIONS. X EXPERIENCE REQUIRED. .! FEB WEEK PAID BEGINNERS. BAP1D INCREASE IN WAGES. MEALS ON PREMISES IT DESIRED. CALL AT TELEPHONE COMPANY, ROOM 601 SIXTH FLOOR. PABS AND OAK STB. WOMA! WANTED. PERMANENT POSITION; NO EXPE1UENCH NECESSARY; GOOD WAOKH TO START WITH ANI GOOD CHANCE ktlll ADVANCEMENT. APPLY IM PERSON. CRYSTAL LAUNDRY CO. YOUNG LADT Would you like a good horn wiill you look for a position? You can make yourself at bom with us. Your part U to help tak car of little boy and girl and make yourself generally useful about tha bouaa evening. Wanted mora aa companion lor wife and children than for work, We do not etiiect to mak a prisoner of you; you may liara vsnlngs off and entertain company In any part of house. You mint be food natural. ( 41 either at 1932 K. Halmon it. or at 404 Panama bid. Ask for Kelly. TOUNO LADIES WANTED, PERMA NENT POSITION, GOOD I'AT, STEADY WORK. APPLY IN PER SON. COR, EAST 2 1ST AND SAN DY BLVD. WANTED A bonk keeper. Short hours. Ask for -Air Beeslcy. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 527 Washington st. A N EAT young lady, wllh the best of refer ence as lo character and with smn ex. perirnca ss s rook snd waitress, to work for me in retaurnt. A good place to work and good wages. For further informstion r.sll or writ tli Silrer t: rill Restaurant, Silver ton. Or. EXPERIENCED saleswomen for waLt dept. Apply superintendent's office, 0 to 10 a. m. Old. Wortman A King SALESWOMEN for lares snd trimmings Must b eiperlenccd. Apply sufrint.endent s office, R to 1) a. m. -Old. Wortman A King. WOMEN for booker. Apply at csrsg. 2d and Jefferson sts. Meier &. 1 rank o. WOMAN cook for iiiiaH tsmily at beach. B-233.1 HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE S WANTED- Middle-aged man and wife to tare fur men iTlly paralyzed and 4 acres under cultivation. Apply in person to W. V. Herahey. eecond house on right at Durham station, Oregon Electric. R. V. D. No. 1, Box 13 1, Sherwood, Oregon. 100 MEN and women to learn the barber trade, shortage all over tli country; big wages. Ton can earn your way through the school. Brosdwsy 1731. Moler Barber college, 234 llnrnsld St. WANTED Men and women to work In vege able drying plant in the country. Good ramping grounds and tents with floors free For particulars sridress K. Clemens Hurst Co, In il'iiiideii-e. Or. MAN anil wlfTto live' in fann house. Garden mnt ami Iniil furnl'hed. io very little work fur rent. Plenty work Tli neighborhood. Only HI miles out O. II. Rlppey, 612 McKay bldg. OliK'.ON Burber College will teach yon the bar ber trmle in 8 week: tools free: scholarship diplomas given: paid while lesrning; positions gnsrsntccfl ; tuition reduced. 233 Madison. Olll,IN.AI. Mnlilrr Barber school teaches men snd women tlie barber trade free, pay while l'-nmmg 234 Conch st. - ---' -- ,-.- s WAST F, D A ( i K N" T S 6 FURN ITURE OF 'A BEAUTIFUL HOME. We bare Just secured this snd among many other fine gol are: One Mahogany Library Table, rout aiL'fi. for $50: 1 Mahogany Davenport, rost $100. for $.V; 1 Mahogany Cheval Mirror, l (et high. $50; 1 Mahogany Jacobean Buffet, cost $100, for $00;. also many pieces of Mahogany Furniture, such as Rockers, Chairs, Dressers. Chiffoniers, at about Is the price of new. Terms. No interest Gevurtz Furniture Company 185 to 191 1st st. near Yamhill Public Market AGENTS Men or women. A real honest-to goodness, sells itself line; over 250 light weight popular priced necessities. W psy 10O per cent commission. $6 a day can be maile at tlifl start; no capital; no experience required; enormous demand: sells fast; big repeaters; valuable territory open: all or apare time; elegant agents' outfit furnished free. Writ today; postal will do. E. M. Feltman, Hslrsmanager, 1016 American lllilg., Cincin nati, Ohio. - $flo " WEEKLY and automobile" furniVhed men everywhere placing samplea wonderful new automobile fuel product with car owners. 8c worth equals gallon of gasoline. Outfit fur nished free. L. Railway, 622 Sta. F., Louis ville, Ky. WONDERFUL CHANCE Your own Shirta and Furnishings at wholesale discount; also fine big business and salary as our agent Every man buys. Goodell A Co., 817 Duratex Bldg.. New York. LARGE MANUFACTURER wants representa tives to sell shirts, nnderwear, hosiery dresses, waists, skirts, direct to homes. Writ for free samplea. Madison Mills, 603 Broadway, New York City. $50 WEEK, easily made by ambitious, cleancut salesmen. Bonus to cover expense of travel. R23 Lum. Ex. bldg., 2nd and Stark. SITtTATIOyS MALE GOOD aQ around man wants place on farm, ex pert with horses, no objection to two or three cows to milk: must have furnished house. Phone Eat 5026. Flat No. 551, Commercial court. VANTED. to let contract fur grading mile or more of logging railroad in whole or section; tnols and first class board furnished if wanted. H. E. Noble, Iumbermens bldg. 10 YEARS' experience in general mdse., hardware, etc. Have a proposition to make tn a responsible firm that deaires my services. ieo. Blatchford. Molalla. Or. W ATCHMAN Will look after property of large concerns. no boiler tiring, at good wage. w. if. nuns, boo .:ieveianu ave. W A NT ED Position in grocery store for a laraa sited 13-year-old honest, clean boy; board with employer preferred. Kroadwav 1665. LANDSCAPE gsrdener, general lawn and asr- den work; man for all kinds of odd jobs by nour or piece, t;. i;. arisnu. Main 701. WANT yard man and inside mill men. at $3.75 and $4, 8 hours. 932 Chamber of Com merce. CAIiA'EN'TEr. Leaky roofs patched or re- htngleo:. Marshall 107Z. 6H1NGLERS When you want shingling don rail woodlawn ozon. HIGH school boy experienced ih nrihtina. after school and Saturdays. 212 H Fourth. PAINTING and decorating, good work, at" reasonable price. Tabor 4367. ELDERLY man to do light work tor room. Doarei. 2S Main sr. MARRIED man want light work of any kind. Answer tor appointment, B-65B. Journal. GRADUATE in pharmacy wants position aa aa- sistar.t pharmacist. Call Main 7679. SITUATION S FEMALE WANTED Position by lady a private aeera- - tary; can undertake responsibility; sten ographer, bookkeeping, French and Spanish and ordinary Dunnes routine. J&-TZI, Journal. WANTED, amall apt, or rooming house by responsioie party. tail Monday. . East BS4U. Apt. ID. iuiiu iaay wouia sue to seep nouse and care for aome real na person; can give reference good waive requirea. a-i3D. Journal. WANTED Position In office by a young ladv 17 years old; good reference. Broadway aeoo. WANTED By . young with considerabli - mercantile experience, position where there la chance lor advancement. IBo2, Journal. A FIRST CLASS cook wants position in camp experienced, reference. F-748, Journal. A YOUNG lady desire work as typist or copy- in( m wnira. -wva, eouraai. LAUNDRY work . by the hour, . by colored woman. vvoogiawn s I ov, STiEbLEAGED lady would like position oi trust; can maxe gooa. labor 3410. MTPATIOX8 FEMALE 4 OFFICE girl with experience wishes position ; beat references. Tabor 4785. WANTED a nurse for institutional work. "C? 746, Journal. 7SUR8ES C6 PBOFESSIONAL dressmaking, at amateur prices; makeover and designing. Main 2879. FURTf TSHETl ROOMS UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Princes bote!. E. 3d and Buraside. 60a day op. $2 week up. East 171. SAN MARCO HOTEL, MODERN ROOMS, BATHS. PHONES. 12 AND CP: TRAN SIENT, 50c UP. 423 V WASHINGTON. $18 TWO well 'furnished rooms: gas; bath; good neighborhood; adult. 134 E. 33d. Tabor 702. ' ; TWO rooms and a large pantry with running water; children allowed. 263 5th rt. NICE, clean roomi. Some It. K. 220 h Grand are., cor. of Salmon FrRIflSHEH ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY FOR, RENT Furnished in prirate family, one large alcove room, with dressing room, fire place, suitable for 2 bachelors; also one small room suitable for student. 774 Everett St. Phone Marshall 2415. fw O or It furnished rooms for gentleman or couple without children, in widow's home; housekeeping privilege. 896 Flanders st. Main 4188. tlB MONTH, furnished room, private family. 7 Z v ii. Ankeny, near ZZa st. fcast ;um. ENTIRE lower floor. 4 rooms, completely fur nished, for housekeeping, for June, July and Aug. Near South Portland shipyards. Adults only. Marshall 3256. NICE large front room nicely furnished, one block from Hawthorne car. 254 IS. 16th. cor. Madison. East 234. COMFORTABLE rooms in pleasant location, aU modern conveniences, easy walking distance. 262 14th st. Main 316C, after 5 only. NtCELY furnished" room for rent, in private home, also breakfast if desired; gents only need apply. Phone SeUwood 3393. NICK light furnirlied room, suitable for stu dent. (8 per month. 6S8 Hawthorne are.. corner 19 th. East 7978. ONE! tingle room with prirate bath, suitable for one or two people; splendid location. Broad way 2555. LARGE, comfortable front room with break vatit. in private family. Walking distance. Main 0485. A LARGE, cheerful, furnialied room, all mod ern conveniences. Phone East 324. 074 E. Couch st. $16 MONTH Large room, heat, electricity, running watfr. 434 Yamhill, cor 12th. 6TOTLKSS room for rent, wilh young couple. Stesm heat. Bdwy. 8012. WILL RENT room in private family to respec table gentleman. 720 East Main st. LARGE front room. privilegs of private home; also ball room. 6i7 Marshall St. Main 2125. FuIlNTsTiED room, walking distance. 695 K. Ash st. 2 ROOMS, fur. or unfurnished, with garage. 1178 Maryland are. St. Jolmn car. LIGHT, airy xleeping room. 494 Yamhill st. Suitable for man. 2 PLEASANT sleeping rooms. Near car. 427 Blackstone ttt. Phone Broadway 3779. $7 PER MONTH, furnished front room. IMvimon. i 908 FURNISHED room, with use of kitchen, tor a young lsd or couple. East 7460. ELEGANT furnished rooms and location. Mar Khsll 5188. ELEGANT 51 88. room and location. Marshall Nice clean furnished rooms, cor. 14 th. 474 Yamhill st. ROOM ror rent. I today) 455 18th. ROOMS AND BOARD 15 THE Martha Washington, 880 10th. for busi ness girls and students. Marshalll 25L THE HAZEL -A real "home" hotel at rea sonable rates. Home cooking. 385 3d st. ROOMS AXI BOARD FRIVATE FAMILY 78 BOARD and room. $25, or light housekeeping for 2 business girls in charming, woodsy cot tage, modern, 20 min. from center, 5c carfare. Phone B-3031. WIDOW'S home, clean, attractive rooms, 2 or 3 employed ladies, gentlemen or students, walking distance, reasonable. Marshall 4766. VT) ULD-7ike a gentleman roomer with break fat and dinner. Phone East 2844. PLEASANT, well furnished room, gentlemen, board optional. 664 Hoyt Bdwy. 1986. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 FURMSHED AND UNFURNISHED DESIRABLE, largo, bright, sunny. 2 room comfortable, fnrnished 1L K. apt, for de iruble couple, $17; also neat furnished house- seeping suite, tot x or worsing girts; reason able; walking distance. Delmote, 167 Stout, .1 block south of 20th and Washington. SINGLE and housekeeping room. $1.50 up. !30tt ljirraDtie at., a blocks from Bteel bridge. Under new management Phone East 015. $3.60 WEEK up, completely furnished house keeping suites, absolutely clean, every con venience; hot water, all hours; desirable peo ple only; save carfare. The Cadillac, 3d near efferson. NICE HOME FOR NICE PEOPLE Lovely one and two room, fully equipped housekeeping rooms. $2.60 and $3 a week. 47 13th st. LARGE front suite, running water, free bath. phone, lights, etc. Nicely furnished. Rea sonable. 1.94 Iownsdale. corner of Taylor. $11 THREE unfurnished "rooms, lower floor; good neighborhood; adults; 134 E. 83d. Tshor 702. FURNISHED or unfurnished; also sleeping rooms: light, clean, pleasant, walking dis- ance. oil (ilisan st. THREE ROOM furnished apt. private bath. walking distance. Berkley Apts., 39 Trinity place. Marshall 1950. ROOMS, furnished and unfurnished; also sleep- ing rooms; $3 a month and up. 110 N. 3d st ONE large II. K. room, bath, light, telephone. gas, $12.50 per mo. Main 3979. 472 Sal mon. 421 EAST Morrison, cor. 6th. nicely furnished H. K. and sleeping rooms, single and 1 and 2 room suites. MODERN, nicely furnished 1 room apt, kitchenette, walking distance. East 2079 with NICE clean H. K. andsleeping rooms. 291 r;ast aiornson si. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, furnished or unfur nished, near St Johns carline. Wdln, 4944. 8 LIVING rooms and atore, rent $S per month. Inquire 1150 Vernon. FURNISHED housekeeping room. Call after Monday 650 Couch st $2 up. $15 3 furnished housexaeping rooms, separ ate entrance, near shipyards. 610 1st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 78 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED FRIVATE FAMILY 3 ROOM upper flat, clean and comfortable; on paved street and carline; tree phone and water, $12.50 per month; also 2 room lower flat ; well furnished and ' clean : same location. For Information phone Woodlawn 630 Sunday until noon, or any time during the week. DANDY, clean single furnished H. K. rooms. for clean bachelor. 38 per month. Delmote. 167 Stout. 1 block south of 20th and Wash. CLOSE to shipyards, walking distance to city. newly furnished housekeeping rooms at 388 3d ft - LARGE living room and kitchen, bath, pantry and storeroom, partly furnished. Gaa and electricity. 1142 Francis ave. NICE, clean, well furnished housekeeping rooms. Also basement 447 Main. Phone Main 1334. THREE unfurnished rooms for H. K . newly papered and tinted, at 307 Wheeler st near lialsey. fhone 13. TWO nicely furnished II. K. rooms, modern home, good view; walking distance. Lso of piano. Phone Eat 2593. TWO large modern housekeeping rooms, 429 Main. FOR" RENT1 2 furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Phone -East 1804. FURNISHED II . K. rooms. Reasonable. Clay, bet. 14th and lth. , FOR RENT 2 H. K. rooms with sleeping porcn, uo rs. istn St. Bdwy. SOBS. ONE furnished H. K. room. $7 month. Tak Williams ave. car, 288 E. 1st N. LARGE furnished room in private family, be- tween 2 carline. Wdln. 8231. TWO housekeeping rooms for one or two ladies; gas, ugn ana pnone. quo s xs. gaa t TWO furnished housekeeping rooms! 164 N, 18th. Bdwy. 1818. - FURNISHEI IL K. rooms. Marsh. 6896. FOR RENT HOUSES IS US FURBISHED 7-ROOM bungalow. E.35th. Phone Oak Grove I-M. - 6 ROOM bungalow, furnace. $25. 863 E. Franklin. W-W car. 6 ROOM cottage, newly decorated; open Sun- aay. 8MB hi. Ankeny at SIX room house. $20. 630 5Ui st West side. 9. 8 ROOM house, 1330 Glenn ave. IS METER A ' VRAWJCS RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU, STH FLOOR Hera you bare choice of tha combined Bat of ail desirable vacant bouses, apartments and flats in the city, with definite, reliable informa tion pertaining to each. Records are kept up to date, new listings being added each day. There is absolutely no obUgatloB or chare far this seme. It is maintained solely as aa accommodation to the public. Newcomers in Portland will find this bureau of great help 1 getting properly located Quickly. Powers Rental Bureau A department operating for tha convent f our patrons and friends. A eel vice absolutely without charge to you. Our listings of houses, bungalows and apartments la most complete. YOURS FOR SERVICE Powers Furniture Co. Third and Yamhill tracts H ACRE. 2 room house. $3.00. acre, 4 room house, f 6.00. acre. 6 room house, $7.00. U acre, chicken house. $2 00. Several others. H mile to cars, be tween 92d snd 85th st., 43d ave. KERN'S FORBES.V 153 Grand Ave. IN Rose City Park, modern 6 room bungalow with au bniltin conveniences, urepiace. run basement with furnace, stationary tubs, etc Nice garage. 2 lots. Nice garden plowed and partly planted. To rent to responsible party, $25 per mo. Phone Tabor 6190. FORTiENT OR SALE Up-to-date 5 room bun galow (lot and honse for cost of house!. Double constructed, builtin conveniences, furnace fixtures, shades. U?e of 2 Iota for garden. 37 E 86th st. Can be seen all day tomorrow; a. m. next week. East 2395. WHEN, tou net tired havim: your rent raisw and being compelled to move, look us up. We have houses and lots we can sell you for $25 down, $10 monthly. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chsmber of Commerce. FOR RENT House, 16 rooms, arranged for 4 separate apartments, suitable for furnished housekeeping rooms, all conveniences, close In. See Robert S. Coe Jr.. 384 ft Hawthorne are. East 4726. FOR RENT 4 room house, 2 lots, fruit. No. 20 K. 87th it. $6 per mo. Credit for re pairs allowed on rent. Tabor 1513 or see Mr. Hart at house. ARTISTIC iAurelhuntt bungalow. 7 rooms, gar age, near park: fine furnishings, $300 in ad vance for 6 months or $550 for 1 year. Main 7129, forenoons. FOR RENT House, modern, except basement, 6 rooUM, small; ess range, elec. lights, 2 blocks from car ami Franklin high school, $15. 2930 62d st. 8. K. SE V EN room house, close in, west side, in need of some repair. Will rent on easy terms, tak ing rent in repair work. Main 1963. 509 Cham ber of Commerce. RENT store, fixtures. 8 living rooms, $15. Sell $350 stock for $20. Lady make living ex penses; save husband's salary. Phone Main 41ft0. 515 Henry bldg. . 7 ROOM modern house, with sleeping porch; 1134 E. 16th st- N. Call bet. a. m. and 3 p. m. Sunday. Rent $25. Take Alberta car. 9--ROOM HOUSE. EAST 12TH Walking distance; basqmunt, garden, $30. Key at 490 E. Burnside. or Main 8580. BIX rooms over the storeroom Front and Ar thur. Will repair to please. Cheap rent. In quire room 2, 267 Oak tt- $15 6 room hoiwe. gas, electricity. 2 lots, fruit trees. 1374 E. Glisan, 49th. M. V. car. Ta bor 1470. 6 ROOM house. 2 lots, fine for garden. Lenta dist 6315 E. 84th. $10 per month. M. Palmer. Wdln. 3373. FOR RENT 9 room house on west side, close in; rooms all frechly tinted: $35. 813 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. 8-ROOM modern. Fox furnace, ground 60x140. Tabor 8621. TWO houes, barn, etc., henhouse and fruit, berries. 9th and Gibbs. Marshall 4497. ONE acre. 5 rooms (not modern), Lents, $10. Tabor 8135. 4 ROOM house, electric lights, acre fruit, 80 minutes, $6 month. B 934, Journal. CLEAN 6 room house. Montavilla, 2016 E. Glisan. SeUwood 1351. MODERN 0 rooms, partly furnkhed, reason able terms. Broadway 1358. $15, UP-TO-DATE modern 7 room house, 801 H 1st st Room 14 end 15. 6 ROOM house, 832 17th, with bath, gas. Main 6255. Owner. 446 Clay st FOR RENT Modern 7 room iouse. 284 Hamilton, South Portland. Columbia 265. ONE THIRD acre. 4 room cottage, electric lights. Bull Run water. Call Main 9530. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR MALE 89 FURNITURE of 6 room house for le, house for rent. Call after 9. Sunday. Mar. 473. FURNISHED HOUSES 86 FURNISHED house for rent. Rose City Park. n04 E. 4 6th N.. 1 14 block from car line. Call Sunday morning. No children. Phone Tabor 4109. $25 Clean, completely furnished 5 room bungalow, nice lawn and garden spsce. 'Will lease to resnonsible psrties. 4525 70th, Mt Scott csrline. Main 44 93, Tabor 6798. RENT for anmmer to responsible family, mod ern 9 room furnished country home, acreage, near river and O. E. station, $20. W. T. Brown, Wilsonville, Or. MODERN 6-room furnished home for rent; gar age, sleeping porch; walking distance from city; between Mt 'labor ana Jri&wuiorae car lines. Thcne East 8881. TyTR it fNT Furnished 4 room house, mod era conveniences. Price $20. Call 1093 E. 11th st N. 1'OR RENT, furnished. 8 room modern home, 4 bedrooms. close in; walking distance Broadway bridge: $40. Woodlawn 4032, SIT fine rooms, furnished or unfurnished, bath all conveniences; nice yard. 481 Chapman st., Portland Heights. 4 ROOM furnished house, bath, gas, garden. fruitt near station; 5c. fare; Ores. JMectnc 14. Fhone Marsnaii lrw. . MODERN 6 room furnished house, close in rood vicinity; rent $30. Adults. ta . Taylor st. 4-ROOM furnished house; no children ; owner living in front part of building. 117S Glad stone ave. SeUwood 2418. NEW elegantly furnished Rose City bungalow to rent for summer. I'hone Tabor FOR RENT Furnished house at 927 E. Hoyt Call Monday aiternoon. FIVE room furnished house for rent 455 13th, APARTMENTS 48 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED SOME REAL BARGAINS.' V ;,..! furnished 1 and 2 room housekeeping apartment", $2.50 to $8 per week; free baths. phone, lights, neat, water, eic. in iqiu tu TO PEOPLE looking tor 2 and 8 room furnished apts. Beautiful location and view. Hot water, electricity and telephone, furnished, near shipyards. Walking dist $12.50 and up. Fhone Mam o-o. . - TO SUBLET My 2 room furnished apartment in Wellesley Court for about 6 months. Call E-5564 Sunday or between 5 and S week days. HISLOP HALL, E. 6th and Hawthorne. Mod ern 1. i ana 3 room apts.; up; walking distance. Call East 882. ROSE-FRIEND. B'WAY A JEFFERSON ST. Modern 4 and 5 room unturmsnea apts. can now be secured. Marshall 1410. 2 ROOM apartment. $22.50, Including lights. BELKNAP APAK'liit. To. 18 1 nut, near Yamhill. - 6 ROOMS, bath, furnished, newly painted and papered: corner; clean, light ; V-l per mouth. SeUwood 128. FURNISHED housekeeping apts, $10 to $15 monthly; electric lights, steam heat, gas; out side rooms. Phone East 8225. LIGHT modern outside furnished 2 room apts.; walking distance. The AJco, .ast Couch and Union ave. GROVER Fnrnished Apt $12 up; 6 min utes' walk CoL and N. W. shipyards; every modern convenience. 181 Grover st. WEi L furnished, 2 room apartments,- close in, verr reasonable, alississipol ave. 98 Knott st. Phone East 8872. BANNER APARTMENTS. 489 Clay at Modern 2 -room furnished. $13 up. Marshall 2074 FURNISHED apt. 3 rooms, 2 dressing rooms. private bath. 023 I- 10lh St. StU. Campbell. : JULIANA APARTMENTS. 43 Trinity Place. 8 room furnished light, airy apartment; no children. Marshall . THREE rooms, also 4 rooms with Bleeping porch, tasteinuy lurnishea. xtarawood floors. Portnomah. 20O E. 13th. APTS. at The Kerrigan. 816 to $80. Clean, modern. W aiilng distance. 62 E. 6th st N. East 11 CO. THE ORMONDE 1 room, front 656 Flan- ders. Jiob Hill. Bdwy. 3878. 2 ROOM apartment, $22.50. including lights, rteianap Apartments. is xito near xambiit. STRICTLY modern 3 or 4 room apartment Splendid location, west ride. Broadway 2555. NEW YORK. ayta.. 441 Belmont and 7th. TOR RKNT-HOrE8 CK FURNISHED APARTMEXTS S FURNISHED AND UJFrRXIHET Lucretia Court Lneiatla at., between Washina-ton and Ever ett atreota. Uost bautifully located high claa apartraenta. 2. S, 4. 6 rooms. AU modem eox- down. venieocea. tint class service, rrices reasonable. Reference raquirvd. Manager. Marshall 1811. King Albert Apts. Nrw 200 room honaa. S and 8 room apart ment, furnished or unfurnished; levator and hardwood floors. S85 11th St. FOR RENT FLATS IS FOR RENT GToom upper flat, some furni ture for sale: itove beat; walking distance. 666 Hoyt at Broadway B289. 6 ROOM lower unfurnished flat. 8 E. 12 th be tween Ankeny and xHimsidc. S25. East 4073 mornings. $20.60 4-room modern lower flat, gaa range, hot water beater, linoleum. 249 E. 2d. cor. Multnomah. A LIGHT, modern, 6 room lower flat. Inquire at 310 Union arc. N.. or call East 3CBS. MODERN 5 room lower corner flat. Inuuira 629 Everett st FlTR?iISHET FLATS 4 ROOM lower flat, furnished. 1 block to car; good residence district; close in on east aide. SeUwood 128. 5 ROOM comfortably furnished flat. 426 Vi N. 24th, west side. Rent $20. Inquire 795 Vaughn. Mar. 3870. FURNISHED flats, lawn 2480. f35H Williams are. Wood- FOR RENT Furnished lower floor of house at 115 Oibba St. NICELY furnished flat. 1043 Gantenbein. cor ner Alberta. Williams and St. Johna car. THREE loom furnished flat, sleeping porch; cis. on. e2i js. li tn st. STORES AST) OFFICES 11 CONCORD blag., baa outside rooms priced from $10 to $30. In good condition and good serv ice. Ladd Estate Co., room 401, corner 2d and oiars sxs. WANTED, man to share well furnished office Call after 4:30 410 Lumber Et. bldg. HOTELS (4 PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 514 Swetland Bldg. HOTEL FOR LEASE Shipyard dintrict. $150 per month. This contains the entire building, part of which can be sublease!; 50 rooms, large dining room place actually clears $15 day; 2000 men work less than H block from this hotel: no furni tare to buy. If you want this, you'will have to hurry. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 514 Swetland Building. Phone today for appointment. East 2374 or East 1094. HOTEL MEN ATTENTION ! Nice 25 room hotel in nice country town 30 miles from Portland: only hotel in town, do ing good business, furnished complete through out; grounds 150x120. On account of sick nes. murt be sold; $5000 takes it This is sure a real bargain. J. R. Wolff, 618 Cham ber of Commerce bldg. Phone today for appointment. East 2374 or East 1994. TACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 514 Swetland Building. APARTMENT HOUSE Located centrally, good neighborhood, clean, neat, high class place; clearing $60 per month; lust the place for a single lady. See Walters. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 514 Swetland Building, rhone today for appointment East 2874 or East 1994. 9 ROOM modern, clearing $$0 ier mo. $700, terms. 1-syman, 145 Broadway. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS 83 PASTURAGE for stock. Address Lu Jones. 1". i). ox so a. Vancouver, wash. WANTED TO RENT WANTED At once, by business man, small unfurnished flat or apt., or 4 or 5 room house. Two in family. Call Sunday from 9 to 1 or Monday, Tabor 74 84. WANTED At once, by young married couple, no children, small flat or unfurnished house. Must have by May 2. Call Tabor 7484; Sunday 8 to l, week days from a to 6 p. m. WANTED Small furnished or partly furnished house, suburb not objectionable; must be near car. Call Apt 61, Main 110. WANTED By respectable young man, room, basement or shack to fix up for light house keeping; must be cheap. W-424, Journal. BY ONE or two men. 2 room oottaaei nrefer some ground for garden; accessible to ship yards ivortneest rortiana. Journal. WANTED 6 room furnished house. modern. Phone East 1465. WANTED 6 of 7 room house, with garage. L-828, Journal. WANTED Modern bungalow' by responsible coupie. wm lease. Tabor 1885. BEACH PROPERTY 48 BEACH Property 4 acres, fronts bay. al ready to plant, furnished 2 room house. hm chicken house, 1 mile from Newport Owner. 271 Market st $100 DOWN. $50 A SEASON buys good 4 rm. house, including furniture. ideal location; price $450: Long Beach, Wash. FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. FOR RENT Thoroughly modern roomy Sea side bungalow. Choice location. I'hone East 6867. Monday. FOR SALE HOUSES 1 TO BUY YOUR HOME WEST SIDE. CLAY ST. AT 18TH 5 rm. modern cottage, no liens to assume. Price $1900, terms; walking distance. Frank l- McGuire, Abington bldg. CAN4TSELL YOUR IIOUSK Unprecedented calls for Portland homes; sell ing some every week; list with us for immediate results. Hargrove Realty Co., 122 North 6th st Broadway 4381. $323 4 RM. HOUSE $325 4 rm. house, bath. aink. city water, brick chimney. No. 6702 E. 86th at, 2 blocks N. of Mt Scott- car. Frank L. McGuire. Ablngton bldg. MODERN bungalow of 5 rooms; all built in conveniences; $2500. including street Im provements; Cleveland are., near Going. Owner. East2188. A DANDY 7 room modern Laurelhurst house. only $5500. One 3 room house. $1600; 3 5 room bungalows; one 7 rooms. $2200; terms. 417 Abington bldg. Main 6988. S ROOM modern cottage, $1600; close in, near carline; in complete repair; some bearing trees, easy terms. Main 9313, Charles S. Wheeler Co.. 517 Chamber of Commerce. $10,000 SIX room house, one block from 23d and Washington; will take one-third of value in cash or bungalow in good residence district Main 6863. HAVE a few exceptionally good buys in com fortable homes; easy terms. C. W. BAURINGER, 248 Stark st Main 2558. 6 ROOMS, bath, toilet lavatory, electricity, gas rented: wurth $2000: incumhrancA $1200: $200 for my eauitv: coins inr. mmt mi. Aiam oA-iv. --v- i .1 . journal. 11 ...!.. ",o i r - i r i IF IT IS a bargain you are looking for. heree it is, right on the Mt Scott car hue. at 86th at S. E. ; a atrip of land, 26x210, and a 2 room house on it; all fenced in. Call 6008 86th st. $100 DOWN $20 MONTHLY. $1300. furnished 4 room bungalow: bath. 4UI129. j. a. vYicamau to., on stark at Main C83. $1676 $100 DOWN $1575. 4 room cottage, bath. 50x100: 6 fuil bear ing trees; all improvements paid; no mortgage. j. A. wiexman to., ai stark st. Ham 683 FOR SALE Large, modem house, near Twohy Bros., 4 blocks to good car service. Phone D-1481. $800 COZY" 8 room house, fine corner ioT 2 blocks K. C. carline; easy terms: also R. C lot, $350. Tabor 6559. i $2250 8 rooms, bath, 1 bedroom downstairs; terms o suit J. A. Wickman Co., 814 Stark it. Main oB. 5 ROOM cottage, Sunnyside; price $1275: wired gas, plumbing. Phone -Tabor 886 or Tabor 385 after 6 p. m. ST. JOHNS Good locatiou$ 850, $100 down, $12.60 monthly. Why pay rent? Tabor 6559. FOR SALE 6 room house, fruits; 43x200 easy terms: Mt Scott car. Owner, phone Tabor 726. T, 6-ROOM, well built, 697 Patton ave., 50x100 lot. splendid view, S blocks nrotn carline; $1250. terms. Mast sell quick. C-902, Journal. I want to sell my 6 room house and will sacri fice it if taken at once. See it today at 804 E. Broadway, or call E. 6033. ' BARGAIN $2200: Rom City Park district Fine modern 6 room house. Tabor 6559. IRVINGTON bargain; well built 2 story houae, fruit trees, flowers; $3150; terms. 880 East 27th, near Broadway. FOR SALE $850, three room cottage, $1U per month. Call mornings only. 3730 64th rt So. E-t Mt Scott car. , $1630 $30 DOWN $1650. 6 room modern bungalow. J. A. Wickman Co.. 814 Stark st. Main 683. $1700 6-room Snnnyside bouse; terms. 1031 E. Salmon st Owner, Tabor 8586. FOR HOUSES see tu; aft sixes and prices; terms. LAYMAN, 145 H Broadway. FOR BALK S room house. 60x100. corner lot, in 'SeUwood; 81000, terms. Tabor 8787. CALL W. H, Herdmaa for Irviiigloa' properties. East 278. irSEfi VlLCi 1 HOUSES AT BIGHT VI LUES (Hargrove Realty Co.) S-room honse. Kenton car. modern and In enleadid condition, corner lot; price $2350, $500 4-room bungalow. Petton eve., near St, John ear,- corner kit, 60x100; price $1250. $250 down. Small house, four lota. Woodstock cart price $600. aU cash. 7-room boose on Morris. 1 black (ran Union. lot 40x120. improvements in and paid; price .ivv, ssua aown; exceptional value. 6-room buna-slow and tha furniture: lot SB bv 10jT coxy, modem home; price $2000. 6-room bnnealnw. 8 hedrnnnuL fall eement FOR SALE HOUSES cash. basement; price $2000, $500 down. Two eottaaas. both tarnished n Sfnrris Mississippi, rented for $2760; price $2400; make offer; good investment. , Hargrove Realty Co.. 122 N. 6th art. Broadway 48A. earn $1600 3 ROOM house, furnished complete: near Union and Alberta; $500 cash, $20 per montli. $1350 S room honse. good furniture, garase. chicken house, fruit trees and garden; 100s 1UU lot; Peninsular district; $400 cash, terms. $650 4 room house, barn, chicken house. garden, fruit and berries; lot 40x125; Wood stock; $200 cash. These are all real bargains. SIS Coucll Bldg. Open Sunday. 12-8. Main 4613 2 FINE CORNER: SOUTH OF HAWTHORNE CAR 6 room house. 3 blocks from alt Scott car. $2800. Easy payments. 5 room bnngalow, 2 blocks from ML Scott car. $2700. $500 cash. 5 room house 2 blocks from car; on Caruth ers. $1750. $300 cash. 6 room house on 58th St., near M. T. car. $2500. $500 cash. 5 room new house on Boston ave., near Lom bard, $3000. GEO. E. ENGLEHART. 624 Henry bldg. Main 7266 BUNGALOW BARGAINS MODERN 5 room bungalow. East 85th and Knot, paved afreet included. $2100. $450 down. MODERN 6 room bungalow close Haw thorne ave., paved street included. $2450, $400 down. ROSE CITY Park, best part: modern 5 room bungalow, pared street included. $2900, $500 down. IRVINGTON. Elegant 5 large room bunga low, hard surface atreet included. $3650, $1000. DUBOIS. 723 Chamber Commerce. Main 1434 GOOD HuME BUYS Like rent aftiT firvt payment. $1500 House 5 rooms, corner lot. 1 block from W. W. car. $100 cash. 4214 40th ava. $1200 6 room house, some fruit, good for chickens. Between W. W. ami Mt. Scott cars. $150 cash. 5112 49th L $2000 e. en tou home. Newly painted, neat and located neer Kenton car. $300 cash. GEO. E.. ENGLEHART. 624 Henry bldg Main 7266 ST, JOHNS 6-room house on Burrage st ; fruit trees price $2000; easy terms. 6-room house, semi-modern: price $2000: lo- cated on Boston st. ; 2 blocks to car. 4-room semi-modern, all furnished; price $1!I00. $300 down. REAL EBTATK EXCHANGE. 201 THIRD RT. NEAR Rrooklyn school, 7 R.. 50x100, nearly modern, fruit, berries, st. paved. $1700. with no assessments. Terms given. 5 It. modern bungalow, full basement, fire place, buffet, etc. Fruit, berries. On 4 5th ave. Snap at $2000. Improvements paid. 5 room modem, furnished, close in, on 9th st. ,S. Price $2500. including furntture. su paved and paid for. 408 Hwetland Bldg. 6 ROOMS. Mount Tabor 7 rooms, Ijmrelhurst . . 7 rooms, Irvington 7 rooms. Walnut Park . . . 8 rooms, nicely furnished 5 rooms, R. C. Park .... . . $5000 , . . $5800 , . . $0.'i00 . . . X.1O00 . . .$6000 . . . $3500 Oswego Lake . .$3500 Many small homes. See us before buying your nome. merman Ac Co.. all Board of Trade. $6500 BARGAIN Three modern bungalows on 50x100. near Mt Tabor car. in Sunnyside district Excep tionally fine for homes or an investment $500 CASH 4 room bungalow near tit. Johns car and University Park, yiSOO. See J. M. Edwards. GEO. E. ENGLEHART. 624 Henry bldg. Main 7266. Groveland Park Hawthorne car to 64th and Lincoln str-ets. one block south, 14 70 East Sherman street. 5 room bungalow, hardwood floor, buffet fire place, cement basement, laundry trays; on paved street; a very nice location (now vacant). Will give you good terms. Main 6882. Main 5456 FOR HALE Bungalow. 5 large rooms and den. quite new. Furnace, fireplace and all con veniences. Faces east. 1 block from car, on Milwaukie ave.. in Westmoreland, a restricted iUtrict. Plenty room for garage. Price $3400. easy terms. Worth (1000 more than the rrice asaed. In fine condition. Painted last fall. P. B. Van Nice, 404 Con?-ord bldg. Mar. 64 54. 7 ROOMS $1600 EASY TERMS. W. 8. car line, 25 min. out, 100 ft from car; concreaa basement. size; plastered, good plumbing, gaa and electricity; sewer and side walk in and paid. This ia really a bargain. Se Mr. Stringes, 805 Northwestern Ilk. bldg. Main 5446. A Snap If Taken at Once $200 will put you in possession of a modern 7 room house, balance like rent; partly fur nished; fruit trees, shade trees arid roses. E. 72d and Everett sta. Price $2300. Tabor 6703. $3000 A REAL RUNOALOW $3000 HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Do yon want a real bungalow? Here it Is. 5 R. strictly modern, ideal location. A 1 con dition, east of Ladd add. Auto at your service. Se Frank L. McOnlre, Abington Bldg. TO BUY YOUR HOME SACRIFICE SALE. Eastern owner instructs us to sell 48x444 feet with 6 room bungalow, 27 full bearing trees, mostly cherries, 4 blocks to car, on E. 60th st: $500 down. $23 monthly, including' interest at 6 per cent; no mortgage to assume. J. A. Wickman. 814 Stark t. Main 383. $1200 DAMAGED BY FIIBE $1250 Here ia a good 8 rm. house on K. 15th st. walking distance, that has been damaged by fire. All the plumbing la in. 50x100 lot; no liens; great buy. Act quickly. Frank u. SfeUuire. Abington bldg. FXJH SALE BY OWNER Good 7 room house on corner lot. 75x125 ft. across from school building and near 2 car lines; barn and frnit trees. Price $2750. Terms. Call at 35 E. 78th. cor. Pine. Tabor 2937. $1873 5 n. BUNGALOW TERMS 5 rooms on 75x100 lot adi. Eastmoreland. Reed college dist, photo at office. We have several others on terms. See Frank L. McGuire, Abington bldg., TO BUY YOUR HOME ROSE CITY PARK. 6 room modem bungalow, fireplace, buffet. hardwood floors: Dutch kitchen, full basement. wash trays; garage; improvements all in and paid. J. A. Wickman to., 314 Btark st. Main 583. 2 HOUSES $900 TO $1200 CASH Hard surface street Balance $20 month and interest; Includes furniture of one Wat Rent from one house meets payments. Good investment Phone owner, Columbia 273. FORCED SALE $1800 Owner, being bsdly in need of money, offers for sale his 8 room house and 2 lota, only 2. blocks from car; good location; house in good condition; 8350 cash. balance terms, azo l.trmoer exenange. 3100 DOWN. BUNGALOW. PENN. DIST. 4 rm. modern bungalow in University Pk., convenient to shipyarda and St Johna. Price only $1300. Frank L. McGuire, Abington bldg. $2150 -5 ROOM modern bungalow ; choice location; atreet paved and paid, lot 50x109 a beauty, and after you have seen all other bar gains, see this, and you will buy. Terms given. Farmer A Fisher. 408 Stock Exchange bldg. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN. Close In. Wrt Side, 8 room house, walking distance; 60x75 comer; urana new; gu, elec tricity, furnace: ; terms. wwuer zui Piatt bldg. Washington and Park streets. 84TT1 AND HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW 82660 6-room modern, full basement, furnace, paved street lot 60x100. all lor $o&o, ooo cash balance monthly like rent Marshall 4079 Akerson. 614 Stock Exchange bldg. 33250 20 MINUTE WALK $3250 6 rm. modern house, Holladay add., oa Hal aty at. near Kast BIB : term. He FRANK 1 JlflillKE, ADingtOB bldg. TO BUY Y'OUR HOME GREAT OPPORTUNITY". To own a piece of inside property. Only $1750 buy 80x100. liens all Paid, with 8 room cot tare. No. 64 E. 9th, bet. Btark and Oak eta. FRANK IV MeGLIKri, Abington bldg. IRYEVGTON See 686 East 21t St. North to day: 7 rooms, st nelly modera. The orlc am asking i considered a bargain by real ex- tate men. Owner. ALAMEDA bungalow of, 7 rooms, sleeping porch: an built in conveniences, fireplace, hardwood 'floors; furnace; $4700. East 2118 terms. Owner. $1726 ALBERTA -$1725 8 room houae; gas, electricity, bath, fruit and berries; 8200 down, beta nee 819 per mouth. Woodlawn 170. . . ... t! FOB SALE HOUSES MT. C0TT DISTRICT $50 AND $100 DOWN . , I ; j t eaao a-room. new IT nelntea. o I in ave.. 8100 caaK - , $700 3 room. 70x100. 45th av.. $30 cash. , $800 a-room. Plastered. Kara Park. $100 1 cash. $97S-4-room. ceiled, neat. 42d ava.. $50 j i uou -room, moo.. Boar aTanauin 91 oh casnv $1100 6-room, swell borne. 88th are.. $500 sh. $1350 5 -room. B7th ave.. and 57th gt. ,n XI on ra,h . .. . - - - - i $1300 ( room. 4tth ar.. garage. $150 ih. $1600 5 -room, partly furnished. $300 cash. $1675 4-room. very neat 60th arc. $179 cash. . 31750 5-rooxn. 100x120. 68th t. $160 ton. - . .... i vww w-kwu. ana i , m snap. cash. l000 8 -room, ROxlOO, mod.. $800 euh. . K i JJ 4Ho3 4""a- ' v ... IlVdl r.n 8. U 1 II L U aV'la? . abb O. C. GOLDENBKRO. A U IN G TON BU "BS Years in Portland." Mam EASY $1800 TERMS 1 H blocks south of Franklin high school. S r. downstairs, room for 3 more upstairs, and 100X 100 lot House only 4 year old. All taxes an' imr,v.Mmn.. ... 1.1 TM. 4. U 1 ( 1 1 1 ttti spot cash, but I must raise some money so you must see me quick. Sunday, pi. una Tabor 4816. ; Monday, ilain 9404. 404 Panama bldg. 8 Kelly. FOR fJALE 5 room, fuil basement, electric ligbta, gaa. bath, toilet, lot 69x100 corner, ' terms. obth t 44th ave. 5 room, vary neat bnngalow, full basement, i electric lights, gas, modern plumbing. 40th I at. 54th at. Term. iwia luiijriu DunniDw, fiemr tiui tnu Clinton, fireplace, kitchen finished in whit enamel, pavea street; terma. 3 room modern bnngalow on Madison near Glen ave. Ihia ia a beautiful home. Street hardaurfaced. All iinprovementa paid. flip 214 Hnry Bid. YAMHILL COUNTY FARM. 2 ACRE.H 19 acres in cultivation, half in crop, balance fir timber and pastille: beet of soil, good fences; 1 acre family orchard, fair 6 noin house, barn and outbuildings, spring wstcr i pied to house, shade tree around buildings, in- I eluding work bona, wgon and harne, buggy, ' mower, narrow, plow, cultivator, cow, iieiier, feed in hlrn Tbu 7uc. , W.VI a T'mi II r Si . L S rff, ?, Ivm'O ?f ! mVi i vl,l L J I ,Xt 10 Wh buys. nte for price list W. E KIDDER. CARLTON. OR ISU.IUIIM I'HOtMI 7 room modern bungalow. No. "i24 E. 20th , st N.. for 4."i00; all clva of debt. Tli Is ft' a oargain. 6 room modern home. 661 E. Irving t : all clear: for $4 500. ." room modem cottage. 263I1 E. 48:h St., just south of Diviiion. for $2000: all clear but' $ir0 for hardsurfare street. H. K. COVER. 64 Union ave. near Osk st. I 5 ROOM HOUSE SNAP Close to fndtutrisl center on cast side. Good lot for garden. Price $1500. Small cash ps- ment ami Da is nee like rent rfUt Jet Prt- n aVr, '"k ' lU?T, ?JT ,tSiH' : T " M'nc IJ per month. This i a bargain. XK1UX A PARKHILL, 210 Lumliermena bldg., 5th and Hurk su. HOI SI'S FOR SALE $1400 5 room bouse. $1750 5 room house, with gsrag. $ 1 500 6 room house. $180O 6 room house. $2000 tl room house. $2300 7 room house. Call at 5018 "2d st. Mt Scott car. Kirland Station. 4 Room House $1800 C1ts in, liptr carline. food neighborhood, in ri h i t Hplendid repair, eay t'-'irn., immediate tos7iion. . .... Charles L, Wheeler Co, 517 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $1850 Up BUNGALOW BARGAINS I have 0 modern bungalow, and cottages locsted different pert of city. $1850 to $2760; $150 to 8300 oash will. handle. Come quickly. They're going like "hot cakes " A. K. HILL. 419 HENRY BLDG. 8ELLWOOD CAR WESTMORELAND $3150 Tou who are looking for a real ftne. mod ern bnngalow by all mean se this. Finished in white enamel. Iet us show yon. Why not live in this beautiful restricted district ear Reed College. A. TEEi'E CO.. 2G4 Stark t. near 3d. Main 3316. KASTR.,nR HOME lot 72x146. corner, fin garden 7 rooms, 1: this la anil: thia ia an exceptionally e-ood bnv. E. 55th near Ankeny. X I1UB C - ! Ull. r A u.mi. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Bord of Trade. DANDY NEW HOME 6 rooms and bath. Very complete. E. 23d st Walking distance. Hardwood floors, fur- . flrepUce. laundry, cement bament. hard Walking dUtance. Hardwood floors, fur- nsce surfaced street paid. Price $3300 complete, fart cash will do. I.athrop. 516 Abington bldg. NOB HILL $4200 6 room house with furnace, fireplace, lot 7 4 xLOO. Street work all paid for. Price $4200. $1200 cash, balance 2 years, 6 i . This property is conservatively worth $550o. Fred W. Oerman Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. $800 P.ARCAIN $800 4 room nlasvered house, basement lot 4 Ox 120; big chicken house, alley, easy terma. near Arleta achooL Akerson, 514 Stock Ex change bldg. Marshall 4079. NEW BUNGALOW $900 And Three Large Lota. All (o for $900.' on easy payments: located on good road, close tn Portland and electric sta tion. Call at 500 Concord bldg. NEW strictly modern bungalow, price $3000. terma; on East zotn at half block from Alberta car. 6085 Main. 426 Lumber Ex- clana-ebldg. . vi.r.i.- d x; a k..u J 1. TTT" ner. doe In; terma Will tak good lot or small house part payment Inquire on prm- ises. 651 E. Ankeny st. MODERN 7-room house, well located in Vsn- couver. The price I right, good terms. Sea R. J. Davis. 214 U. & bank bldg., Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE at a great sacrifice. 6 room modem house, almost, new. corner lot 1 block of car. line. $2200, terms if desired, discount for cash. Y-753, Journal. SACRIFICE Good 4 rm. house, H acre fruit. garden. $1630, $150 rash. bsl. lee than rent Hawthorne ear. 3733 8. E. 79th st Investigate. aROOM HOUSE at Lents, lot 66x143. plowed us: 867 5. monthly installments. Watt. 633 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 2031 or Marshall 4569. MODERN 6-room house well located in Port land. Can sell at a bargain: good terms. See R. J. Darts. 214 U. 8. bank bldg.. Van couver, Wash. OWNER'S nice 7 room home with garage, 60x 100. corner, close in. $3000. (100U ea.h Phone Wdln. 661H. ROOM bungalow on E -Grant at. modern, in' good condition. 82630 no agents. Tabor 6441. BOOM bouse, lot 6Oxl00; price 8860 quire 4t 810 E. 14th at N. Phone Wood- urn BOOM house. Urge lot fruit trees, near store. school and car. 31200; $200. baUnce on easy terms. Call 86514 Salmon. OWNER must sell 6 room bungalow, 8 acre ' good aoii. all improved. If interested in this , iUl-pll-T-12,n : BLILD1NG composed of aix 6-room flat. Close. in. 86OOO cash, balance on terms at 6V.!trms. J-665, Journal. Marshall 4037. ; - ,1., ... " .i s ' $250 CASH, balance your own terma: 5 room cottage, on South ave 1 i, blocks from car; no agents. Wdodlawn 6530. - . .j , V, atBb, aj room house, in city, near car; Iota of fruit, berries, etc Johnson Dodson ',,. , '- ' 2 BIG lots; lot of Iruit; 6 room modem home, handy to Vancouver shipyards. 215 Abtng - ton Djug. CONVENIENT 6 carline. 6-room houae on one floor. 10 bear Ing fruit trees. 8250O. Woodiawn 4810. A BARGAIN. $2200 home for $1500. $500 down, th rost tike rent. Don't mis thia, tt; worth your time. Call Tabor 6093. HOUSE and lot. $300; terms; or rent $40 a year. 1 block from ear, G. W. Harris, Oak pro; t-KOOM cottage lor sale in Eaat bt Johns, res- terms. 8 c Mrs. PusUUo. 1330 Powers. FOR SALE 8 room houae; hard finished; near ly modern; $2400; terms. V4 ttfth at Call between 2 and 6 p. m. ' FOR SALE Modern 6 room bungalow, sleeping porch. S7S E. 13b N., Irvington. fOR BALE By owner, a t room bungalow ire from aU incumbrance. - Tabor 66(5. FOR SALE HOUSES 81 f SPLENDID SELECTION OF COMFORTABLE HOMES ON EAST PAYMENTS $2500 6 room modern bungalow wtta some built in convenience, buildi: uraiiy new. larxe aiur. cvcryuiins romuuon. $2200 . room i bungalow with full basement. " lot dvxiuu. pared street, aewer connec- ttona. : .... I $1700 room modern bungalow with &mi- I paring bedsteads, lot 120x100. frufi, j . . i uuiVuw wnu iuu u m- . owrci. j $1900 5 room bungalow with full lot, earn district. - room cottage. oioci from wu- ii. n. - i, .. ii liaras ave.. neaa Ruast st. ," room nungaiow on att ocott ear. i$10004 room hou with amall barn, large lot. same locality. OTTO A HAKKSON REALTY CO., 418 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 6-ROOM modern houae, lot 60x100. corner. $1700. This ia an x:ra good bargain. twin cvtue, um vi. iiivv, tiivv cash. 5 room bungalow, improved at, en ear line, Weftt ,w 12000 term.. Vz!- V"', - v I .o?Ar? bungalow. Bleeping porch. $2-00, jeaau. I 6 room modern bungalow, paved at. 1 blk. car. good district, fine view. $3000. Terms, i Big walue. It M. GATEWOOD A CO.. 163 H 4th st - KMYAILIA ffillTffliST ?SxlAO K mnm hniM ft Klnrka fesflB ear i j jai lt . prfc,, $1400; $100 ceah. $15 p,, month, fail owner. Bellwood 476. HOME BARGAINS ir.i.n. a ii..... - n ri MUUV1H W-kWU. .Ml.l II. 1 A - I . I IIIUli 1 grape, berries and Lowers. 1 bik. M. T. car. $1400 lOOxlOO. 84th . and Hawthorn, fin fruit, ! m i . ; In Falrview eood house areat btr- ! houae. greet bar iz lot ouiiou eactt. i 7-room hou4j and 6-room (n)nii B. P. OSBrRS. 10 McK. bid-. 1 sw- 1 IAMJK AT THIS 4 room cottage, been built only a couple of years, completely furniahed. lot 60x112. fruit tree anl bernea. Irge chicken bouse. I'm- ent tenants vacau th 1st Now at the time to grab it Pnce $1400: easy farms. C. A. Warriner. RITTER. IXiWE A CO.. 203-S-7 Board of Trade. - IO AVOID BV FUUECl.8l.'ta; Extra well built 5 room bouse, cone ret foundation, furnace, good store room down stairs, built-in oak buftet. on Front street, this side of Harrison. Owner refused $7000 for tliis property. Will take $2500. This property is assessed st $2U0O. Figure it out for your self. Fred W. German Co., 733 Chamber of 4'ommerce. , Kl nvisilKii iioi'ki- vin tiinn fi rooms. I 1 1 li tniljit. rMiuint hiMm,nL lsren ! attic. canetj. linoleum, curtains, heating stove. " It. and bed rooms furnUied ready for family to step In. Garden '" coming up, m 63d st 4 block, from Mt hcott car. $30o ,ah. balance to .u,u ..! ,;, ,., . ., he Gordon, 782 Chamber of Commerce. Msin 6445. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 Booms $32.0 Bungalow of f rooms; every modern con venience; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, attic, cement front imrrh, garage, right near iSandy boulevard; terms. A. G. TKEPE CO.. 264 ataik at., near 3d Main 3516. EASY PAYMENTS NICE 5 ROOM HOME With full basement and pantry. Plumbing first class. Plastered and newly papered Kitchen iiuinhed in white. Corner lot Mt paved in front. All imiirovemrnU paid. In besuliful L bmond dmtri. t Price $24i0. Ma, blringe "- Noril.we.tern Bank bl lg. Main 6446. PENINSULA IiTstH RICT $300 cash, balance easy: 5 room enttas- snd bath, one block of hard aurface and car . line; no city hens. Patton are. near Lombard. ; Price $ 1 800. f. A. Warriner. I RITTER. IWi: A CO., ' -03-.V7 Board of Trad. ! I'KMXSl'IA DISTRICT BUNGALOW ; ft rooms and bath, on block from car and j hard surface. Price $2000. $300 cash; bal- sn- easy. , . A. Warriner, I RITTER. IIWK A CO.. I i:o3-.'. 7 Board of Trade. riKn room partly finished cottage amr, iww sot. ionua s ara. i;j2Ti0 7 room lions. '. acre. Brentwoon, fruit tree, chicken house and yard, fireplace. i:s lights, full plumbing. I'hone Sunday, Bell- 1 wood 1965. i f, .it u l I L" Iiw i,n,r easv terma: Modern hnnnAlwW. N. Mt latxir: o rooms. u- mem. dming room and parlor carpeted, lino- leum in kitchen and bath room, practscally new. block from car line. Price $1950. 1722 E. Flanders. M- car. , FOR HALE room house, large clothe rlneet and bath, woodwork in ivory, gas. lights, base mnt and woodshed; improvementa paid ; beau- 1 tiful lawn and roses; garden planted; splendid neighborhood. $0O, 33(10 rash. R. ' car ( to 77th St. 8 blocks south, house No. 694. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $IiUO too It off of svenoe on paved trt: fire place full basement, cement noors; piao ne cost over $30OO. Terms. $200 down. $25 1L1. r. I l' Crnun f'u. 7S'J Chamber t of commerce. : .-.. i . $200 CASH, $27 MON1M -! I ." .... . . " - - - - , hnffet. Lmteh' kitchen, linoleum in kitchen and bath; finished floor.; lot ooxiou; tea bonds. Owner. 634. N. W. Bank bhlg. I UAWTHOP.NE and Sunnyside. I-rg 1 of I modern bungalow from $2300 to $4000. easy terms. I-et me show you. easy terms i me snow, "- service. K. anduyn. 615 Chamber of U- Msin 1933. "650-CASH. $20 MONTH $2230 fl I room bouse on the 1 eninsuia iru im- berries. ror. flowers, etc., bjcken park: lot 100x100. Johnson Dodson Co.. 634 6 room house on tlie I'enlnsuU, fruit tree.. N W. Bank Bids. ROSE CITY PARK Take a look at 645 f0lh ., s. r,win huneaiow. (2500. Paved utreet U paid Hooj-e lou-e vacant, open lor in-nr- 'tra r anduyn. 615 Cham, of Com Main li)53. $300 CASH. $30 MONTH $8150 West side bungalow, fireplace, buffet, oak floors, white and old ivory enameled, hard rat fac street, new and thoroughly modern. John eon Dodson Co., .634 N. W. Bank Bldg. EIGI1T TENTHS ACRE MAPLEWOOD (650. 8100 cash, $10 monthly bay this splendid piece of land with two room Boos 16x20. 6e fsre, 20 mlnot ride, Fred W. Gevmsn Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. s 'li AMI HAWTHORNE BARGAIN I 6 room modern, hardwood fhioes, fireptace. furnare. ved street, only $2750 end I40 ! Winded : easy terms. Akeraon. 514 Stock ! Exch. Bldg.. Marshall 4079. FOR SALE 90 acre .iocs farm. SO acres improved. $160O SO acre Dot Tom. l.ooa KniMmm U mile school. 20 rods county road. 2 creeks. $1000 cash. Addresa H. C. Starr. Rose Iodge. Or Shack in sunnyside $85o. $50 down. $15 muntnj buys three room shack, burlaped inside, wired for ligbta. 1254 E. Morrison st. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Cham ber of Commerce. ROSE CITY modern bom at 604 su S8U N Hardwood floors. turnace. fireplace, fall cement basement, 7 rooms, sleeping porch. 8400 down. Sacrifice. Msin 7120. forenoona. DO YOU want thia: 6-room modern bungalow, barn, chicken houae, yard, large lot $0xl0O, on th carline; worth $2600. If sold at once. $1600. Tabor 8029. l'OOR man far m. Lincoln Co.. Or. 89 acre on county mad. join V-hool. Price $300 cash. Patented land Some Imp. Good bldg. Ad dree 11 C. Starr. Rose Ixxlg. Or. SIX room modern limit. 1 acre in eultive- . ( M,tknilii;n,i L. t. nf f ni it g?S.AA V'a terms. ' By owner. 278 E. lst at N. Mocta- tji rar T-761. Journal. vrvpn si. desirable modern cottaae for eal. In- I liw mice, easy terma. R. L. Glisaa. 613 ! oui.. i.i I f - 1 T- n J 1 T ' t" 1... n . ww.n. rmr l,n,,.lr. Cash or monthly payments. 785 E. 14th I .. i-L.n. tuilworal 1149. 1 f 1 ri u A fV I . v ii.ii.r at a hftrm. A house, close in, on good carline; cash or terms. K-954, Journal. FOB SALE by owner at a bargain, nice '8 room bungalow in University park: cash or modern. Owner. 866 East Taylor, Call mornings or evenings. East 674 4. t-t-. . . . , 1 , - kill by owner. 5-room buiigaiow. owe block from car: furnUhed. $2500. aafartdsbed '. (20OO. 7108 63d ave. S. E. 1 MODERN 6 room houae. 2 block (ma ear 1 i,n. $2000; $100 down and $20 per mo. iaiT Chask. of Om.. M. 2432. iTTB IPTrVR 4 mom bouae. Dtntn. dothea i rlieeta. chicken run. tot 4 Ox i 00, ail clear. i $.o0 cash. Cwner. 5913 86th t, S. g. j DANDY 3 ROoMjttAC K $550 1 See R. F. Peemster for tills bargain. Easy 1 terms. 209 Abington bklg. , iTTh' ERTolTifb house in the center of i the city, on 6tb at. for lee prios than the ' lot hi worth. M. J. Clohcwry. 418 Abingtoa bldg. ! A LARGE lot with 2 good bor oa Sherman I at. lor Sea price than the lot alone Is worth. M. J. Cloheesy. 416 Abington bklg. s-o 1 sj n .1 aiMi e.a munui ior i room oosiae. 50x100 lot $2000. Why pay rent 516 Chamber of Ommerce. FOR S. Portland property, to bqy, sail or change, sea John Singer. 417 Chamber ef Commerce. BV fW N ER -A niee 4 room houae an lot 60a - 108. I'hone East 838. Can week cjys only. FOR SALE HOUSES 81 : Al DCDTA Dl IkirJA i nuo V fireplace, aa . . . . . , W m 1 f iivw Tiwra wonvy pwng., ivm. as fir. ' f - lltjiA . a in . , - i " , 1 toon 6-room mod.. Killin worth. 1 Bla eann - aoi.oLa.s - , rwi. ' i ... .; I""-' lljJ.jT L ' i riieaT mi :;1?Z? !ra 4U.,!LT-ttn?:bV?-"r.,f.T: ,v"- "'v-f. pv Tb-S -room mod . Upland cbW. 8380 215 16 Ablngton bldg.. 106H 8d at. "85 Year In Portland." Main 4801. LOT 50x190, 5 ruom bouse, poultry boose and runs, both tree and berry Iruita. good fur nitnr Including piano. AU goee for $12&0. Terms. A good. 7 room 2 story modera heat, full 1 basement, built-in features, south of Penlnwilir 'it school. $32oO. ij A neat 4 room cottage, large tract of , . tround. some fruit $10tMi. Fsy term. l ou ''t buUfuI 8 room modern bom on highly Improved acre, all fenced, peer- tl n( frnit and berries, sanitary barn and poul--, t trJ uo1mt a , '. .-jsn- i.r - yi 1 U"T A , P 1 4 X , A. USED FURNITURE FROM BIO DALLAS RO.1 TEI- We till hste left a few fin 2 -in. Pot Continuous Iron Beds, regular $15, for $10 each. Mteel Springs. m as Dew, (! ' each. Hi Ik Floats Mattreases. In esrellent, Iiret -9 grade floral ticks, at $15. New they won id cost-.. t'ifi: also many used bed, aimncs and mal tresses at prices ao low they wOl stonish ytm. Gevurtz Furniture Company t sen n iti ni .. - , sr.M. - WW . . I . 1 -1. . K IT . I fc" . lW . hill Public Market. ti ! i?.0"? - h"u- W 80x100. m 7ttO 4 rtn hmiesa A 1 ea a 1J-'0 rmv and sleei ing porch. Mt. Scott r l0 rh- month. 1 t,850B rm ilaa!m HawtWa district. it $ - 10O S bunlow. sleeping porch, garage, V tiaawi 1. w .. blka. to car. I2IOO . rm K..n.,.i..'- .1. :H . nrsr Hawthorne ear. " Ternia to nil car at your service. it TtlPI'F.Y A ATlJsWOKTII.s 612 M-Kay bklg. if n 4 Bargain. 6 room-. E. 4 1th t nrk-e l?00ftr term-. $200 r.h, $11 per m uith. Call owis- v er, K.-i;wo. 4 7H. ON HAWTHORNE AVE Very rh In. In jf fact the beauty spot uf tle avenue between 20th and 21st sta A fine house containing V rooms, modern and In flrt ctaM cm - ditlon .with lot ftoill . I will sell tlwe P'ac ..r lm than the honse alone can be' ' replaced. h.-ar in mind tha. this Is the greeted ' hare... on ll.wth.,n.r .c .ml is w.l.leg . di.taiH-e t the lm,im- crutrt. M. J. Ctobessy.;. ."'5 AMngt.m bldg. -f : , . ... rrr-. . . : i . Hill NAI.E- 7 root luti-e. l-stli. toilet, Itre- piece, gas. rliai.rtrliers. Uui.dij. auto room, barn, rtnrktn erk. 4 lots. Irult trees, berrtes. -J thrahtiery, flowers, gardni. price $3IM0 three $ ; :imi or $SUO dou. balance month-,' . ly with luifiri. or will rvll lo. lect frwnt by 12o oWp with house for IJHOti (twenty-six hundrel dollar. I, f.'oo or $3oo down, balakre monthly. 8210 58!h ave. H. E. Tabor 7807. f? Would take mall. clicap liuu as first payment, j FOR NA. E by owner, ex tra g-md biinslow. 4 large rooms, bathruom. IsUe stiio linlhh-d. f : full sized basemvnt, cem.-nt floor. Iaandry. trsys. fruit cupb.rd, wood lift, dvulde walls e oak floors, combination future, window siia.irs. .t duappearii.g b.-.J, bufirt. buuacases. window st , lutch kitctirti, water ctr, aireel luiproveMenia H 1-atd; price $00. t.t olf Alberta car at k-t . . lfttii t.. gu I blk north tu U2 Kumuer. , Terms. $8u d.,wn. -jim Woodiawn ll. Two Good Buys --si 4 room piasters! luinae. I hitch kitrhen; w .. ter snd gs; price $730. trims. $23 dowsr a ad. s; $ 1 0 per mont h. 4 house, bit, 73i!Q0; price '$700. Irrms. $io caAh and $16 rr month, iurhtd- 4 ing uieret William Really Co, I. rajs Cluas lug I'Imiiic Tsbor 4 934 . ALAMEDA PARK H Uuobw t.lUUHl I-ot lOOiloo. I hi lu foreclosure, tin plac is bclnj irffrrad wav l,al,iw All urnaern riinirnwnm. Thre fireiaoa. ldoej kjcattou. surrounded br fin home. A. G. TELP1. t o . i'4 Htara st.. mar 8d.- Main 85 16. WEST SIDE COTTAGE C LO S ll IN 't Short walk to shipyards; 6 room; close t., school: twu blocks to car. Can eaallf be av- ..a--" i lauiiu ss. Frfc-e 8JJ00; easy e j terma f. A. Warriner. RITTEK. liOWK A CO., , A JOS 5 7 Board of Tfart.. ' ' HAWTHORNE bunaalo" l twit Mt Tebur " , park, reservoirs and near FrantHn Inch chonl; hard surface street lt 50x114. Hosa)- 32i4h, stncliy modern, garage, ete. For boas-'? nesa reasons am anxtuiu for another sacatsoss ' and will aejl leas tlian $IU0O under actual 4 -eost Inflection and further particulars, see owner. 4 19 K BOth t. fcrilUKt-LJlMKL,l,WUfll CAB j $2700 i AnletMliff S. mnm titinvalAal wilh kaMlaiMj ! floor, fireplace, rmiltm buffet, fall basement. ' Int 4 7 1 1111 - trata hant mr.f.i i 1 . . . . ,.,,, k.., .ul. ..... t A. ii. TEfcPE CO.. 264 Btark st., ar. 3d.- Main 3316. FoRMAl.K SOUTH ptiRTLAM) PT.ACE Ijtlti.E 10 HIKiU Hot BE . 4- Walking distance 8 shipyard.. 8 mill, large parking plant Make fine boarding house, over- i ; ,,, Willamette. Owner will sell VbaJp;- 1 rev lerrn.. mi v nne or aiamey niceaser. I IlltlO Kelly St. A 1062 , , tV OWNER 5 room modern houae. A t ea S j aiHon. 4 jm, ML Hcott awiTtet t blne. 0 f j ar lai ptantwl ptnaioea. Early gard-a tip. Plenty .pec for Ister garden. $187$, , (475 down, balance $13 er ana.. inehHliag 1 " int. Also would cell caeao to mrrhearr mi caau sv young cntcaena, i raeoiia. anep.t Y 744. Journal MT. f ABO"fTfOMEORAT!r 7 room house, thoroughly modera. bard weed -1 floor down ilurs, bailt-ia pantry and dming.f rrm, sleeping porch, furnace: grouads Ivwt 118; splendid variety fruit ; berries nd flower. Muat be area to be appreciated. Owner, Tabor , 40. .' 2 1 5 O 3 ROJM bunaslow, living room, dinisur. r. ruom with fireplace. 2 good siaed bedroom , with bath between, fall cement basement fuil siaed lot. right on paved etrret and carline, ' located on E. Gllaen. near 8tb at. Terms . $100 cah. belane to suit See owner, L J.' 1 Gordon 7(2 "tiamber of iVimmeree. St. Johns and Woodlawn Several nice bomea with large Iota, (750 By, . on easy terma; but few such places left; bet-,' tei buy bow. , . B. F. KELLY. 723 Cliatn. Cora Wdg. ' NEAT EAST SIDE tXiTTAOB 6 room, bath, good basement, fruit trees. flower and berry boaliee: two blocks from cat and school. Price $loo. easy terma, .. .... C. A. Warriner. . RITTER. IWK A CO.. - 208-S 7 Board ol Trade. j ST. JOHNS CAR $2650 Splendid 5 room modern bancalow In per . feet eondltion : rust e thia and yoa will want to own It; large attic; full lot: garage. A. -G. TEEPE CO., 264 SUrk st near L Maia 3316. $800 QUARTER ACRE Comfortable 8 room box boas, beat of soil , and running water across place basidm city water; 12 or 15 well cared for bearing frnit traes; $100 cash, $18 month, 6 pet cent. Tabor 2V34. FOR MALE 6 room bangaiow, furnished "or .. onfanushed. 2 lota, fnxit and flowers: seed for garage, oa corner. 1 block from catliae, 8230O; pert cash, balance oa term, er leas for all eaan. All to aood eoodiUon. Faoaa Wdln. 660. ! win ait r f i.... .u. a .4 a 3 I atvllw anritfR hnnaalosva in Itoaa "W V Park- park In tear. Bargain, 8 room bangaiow, 3325A. 6 room, almost itew bungalow. $4066; (eras to suit 881 East Morrison. Phone Eaet 13 IT. : MT. TABOR 6-roum modara bunaaiow, hard- 1 wood flours, buffet, boo case, lmteh k Itches, j fireplace, furnace, fine view, owe ar mors lota. 6-room modern, S lot, bearing fruit bar gain. Son terms on both place. Owner, labor 84 17 4. FUH HALE Two short blocks (rum St Johna carline, modern 4-roura bangaiow. bnilt-sa convenience. 60x100 corner kit. atreet tm nrovemsata rjaid- Will accent 1917 or 1918 slightly used Ford oa part payment; asast la gowd condition! call at 1208 Wilbur at. NEW modera 8 room bongalvwT lUwthorae I dist.. oak floors, fireplace, buffet, hoc So. a.. Dutch kitchen, large ettie, fall basement, eery, coarenient. $2630; term. Johnson Dodsoa . Co.. 634 I. W. Bank BWg. - 6I8OO. $1000 cash, besanee to suit 8 - - - - llillelfifi la II IM1 ti nsww. mtjsr8 as, $vwi$vv 1 v " w treee; aU kinds o( berries, garden all f. 8 blocks from carline. No agents, 249 E. 67lh St. aear Main. Mt Taboc ear to eod. " MODERN Irviagtca hosn for sale or trad for a cheaper houae and mors ground. Pbods Eaet 2844. - ROSE CITY PARK Diatrfct 4 reom asodermi houae with leepin( anarch and a trie, fornaea, Vo gents. Tabor 2709. FOR sal, cash; a bargain; 6 room bungalow,'. 1633 Willow st., 1'orUsad, Oragoa. A. V. EPw. EnterprW. Oregms. : UOSK CITT PA KC, 6 reom bangaiow. inelud- lac furniture, $2500. 637 Pittock block. I '1 ' V