THE. OREQOM DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1918. ' 17 SEASON FOR BUTTER STORAGE TO START EARLY THIS SEASON POTATO MARKET IS AGAIN IN THE DUMP, iimtii rninr in I r NOMINAL . a ... . Even the Dryer Feel Thy. Have Been Paying Too Much and Re dure Their Bids lo 50c Cental at Wants Growers Mow l!p SdppUes. Millstuff Demands Far ! in Excess of Millers! Offerings Grinders Unable to Take Care Order Here Vhi!e California ! Befls Supplies. : ot KOBTHWEST OBAIX ReCElPtS ToUt rnsrVet is down la the d-dmp again. W tha tntMn M 1tn unltnornan and (lar-kamaa counties ere plowing up their last yvsr' crop ami ara leaving them to rot In tb llelda t ause of adverse condition. Tha In te a t-r-ettiertdoa one tad Ts da sot nly to tha aitrema low price and tha almost general lark of demand, but to tha fart that I arm labor ia In many Instances impossible to -antra rjrrpl at wages that ara fat beyond tha ability of producers to pa. Even the drying plants, which were the Uat resort of the producer of potatoes thia season, lata decided lhat they hv been paying too mnrh fr supplies ld. generally speaking, they hare reduced their bide to 60c per hundred pounds, delivery at tha plants. Hundreds of rsrlosds could ba purchased at extremely low prices, but there la no market. Tha entire season has been without tha slightest sign of speculative activity among the rtealera, although many growers hare speculated With their crops in the hope of securing much mora money than th -market afforded. rtrAwberrt prices are totxt,h Arrivals of strawberries from I-o Angeles have not held up in quality, and this has forced a very wide spread in prices, riorin stook U In .small supply, with sales of "Oregon plums" at $3.50 par crate. ' HUTCH CABBAGE IS IX BEMASD Owing to tha fact that tha IO Angeite cab bage thia seatnrt has not been tip to thai norma I quality, tha call for Flat Iutch from Bain Fran risco has been aoraewbet better around Ho a pound. i XT.Yt POTATOKS STILL ARRIVING Quit fair shipments of new potatoes from Cen tral vliforni are arriving in rather good eondi are quoting at 0 10c a pound. Tha sale is not tion. The latest arrival are in large lugs, and heavy. I.ETTLXE MAKES QUARTER JUMP Jump of 25e a crate was mads in the price of head lettuce during the day alohg tha street, with sales of be-.t stork at S3. The advance here is in line with tha latest rise at primary California points. - lUIL'RARB MARKET IS LOWERED With supplies of rhubarb offerings from local points, as well as from California and Walla Walla, tha went of the trade ara mora than taken-ears of. 8s lei are made from to 7c a pound, according to quality. Wheat. Barley. Fir. Oats. Hay. a 9 .8688 , .4879 .. 44 a .4763 .8604 a i BUTTER STORAGE TO x START SOON; SOUTH IS WELL UNDER WAY Season Is Much Earlier Than Nor mal and Stock : Goes Into Ice Houses at Higher Price Than Ever Before Report of Egrj Storage. Portland, Than. Year no...... Season to date Year ago. . . :. . T scorns. Wed . . Year ago. . .. . Season to date Year ago. . Seattle. Wed. . iear ago. i.. . . 9 Haaaon to date.. 4558 Year ago. , , ... .4800 807 1497 1281 3537 be and in California. In the south tha storage ! Kansas City, steady . The contlatied heavy 'demand for mltletuffi i l season has been under way for several weeks, and B u 14 a In 14 16 877 1013 1895 2202 207 1296 2141 2326 1 978 lftA-2 Ala 1RH4 t Storage season for butter will soon open in tba i 2 i 23) Pacific Northwest, and slightly lower prices than j Portland, strong 4 . . at present in effect are expected by some -interest, tunicas, Bo up 81 8 1538 1034 2995 i The season is much earlier than normal, both Oman a, steady f. S. ALLEN GETS $15.25 FOR STEERS AT NORTH PORTLAND Record Prices Smashed and Remade to Fit Excellent Quality Steers From Forest Grove All Lines Are Showing Strength Here. r HOW HOOS RULED BRIEF NOTES, OF PROPUCE TRADE Chlrkm market is shout steady. Cheese runtinues qniet at the reduced price. Apple movement still liberal at firmer prices hare. Anparsgas market Is dragging at badly mixed VkltlrK, tanned milk market again weaker. Vf FATHER NOTICE FOR SHIPPERS Weather burean advisee: . Frotect shipments during tha next 88 hours against the fullowing minimum temperatures: tioing north,, 44 de grees; northeast over p.. P. S. R. R . 80 de grees; east to Baker, 82 degrees, and south to AShlartd, 80 degreaa. Minimum temperature at l'ortlsnd tomorrow about 4 degrees. JOBBINO PRICES IX PORTLAND These ara tba prices retailers pay wholesalers, except aa otherwise noted: Dairy Prod u eta BnTTBTt-r-Selkne pne-er UreenMry prints, in paraffins wrappers, extras, 42a; .prime firsts, 40c; firsts, 88 He cubes la less; cartons la ad ditional ; dairy. 42 H lb. ; buying price, cubes, SlfjvSTHe. ' bLTTERFAT Portland deUvery basis. No. 1 sour cream. 41c. IHfcESK Helling price: Tillamook fresh Ora- on fancy full cream triplets, 25H9 26c lb.; Young America. 26 fi s tic. Prices to iobberat Tillamook triplets, 28 Vic; Young America, 24 Vic I. e. ft, - Coos and uurry. t'nee to Jobbers, t. o b. Myrtl Point: Triplet. 23 Vac; Young America, 24 4; brick, 85cs Llmburger, 85c; brick WwUa, 40c lb. KOQS Selling price! Case , count. 84 A 854 per doxen. Buying price, 83 $ 88 He.' Belling price: anaieo, ooc; seieeiea, in canons, goo. L.IVM rub li'J It 1 Nominal. Hens. 27w2Rc lb; broilers, 83-&87c; old rooster, 18c; stag. 200 pet-lb.; turkeys. 28 (Si 80c; dressed lancy 87c, No. 2 80c; squabs, $3 dux.; geese, Lte. 2ua)S3ot ducks. 85ci pigenrs, 81.60 do. Fresh Vegetables and fruits FRESH FHim a- Oranges, 66.toee6.T5 bog; bananas, 6 Ve (v 7a lb.; iumoua, 8(S.24w7.26 be; California grapefruit, 43.60(0 4.00; Florida, 8tt.60isf6.T5. APfUH JeUow Kewtown. extra fancy, 188s. 2.10; Tallow Newtown, extra fancy, 160s, 83.00; Yellow Newtown, extra fancy, 1ft 8 a. 81B0; YeUow Newtown, fancy, . 163s, 81.80; lted Cheeks, extra fancy, 3 to tier. 82.60; Red Cheeks, extra fancy. 4 tier, 82,86 J Bed-Cheek, extra fancy, 4V-ur, 200; lied CiinUu. extra fancy, 186s. 88.15. DUItl FUUlTti: Dates Dromedarr 1.V2K. Fards, 82.60 crate. Haisina -Thrte-erown lowg Muscat eL 104 lb. In 60-lb. boxes, i'igs ttt.oO box tor 70 a-ea. pacxagea. ONIONS bailuia pnee to retailer: Oregon No. 1. 31.26; No. 3. 76c 81.00; aarload price of aseoeiatton. 8100 f. o. b. usruc, To lb. Onion seta. Ike lb. New crop Texas Baratsda, 82.00 crate. POTATOKS SelUng price: Table stuck. Bur banks, 15cttl.0u. Buying price: U. 1. So. 1, 70a cents. L country poiiits. weet potatoes, 04 V lue id. pew pouioes, vtgiiue to. VkAiKTABLtS Turnips, fl.25 sack; carrots 81.15 1. 25 sack: beets, 63.25 gg. 50 aars' , parsnip. 31-60 sack; cabbage, 3V4Ho lb. ( green onions, 26c doacn bunches; pepuers, 80 A 35a lb.; head lettuce, 63.00 rrste; celery, ay ii.wv eioaeni siwuoiia, aa ey wue aosen; -encumbers, boUiunee, 61.60 11.60- aosen ; tome toes, Mexican 68.00 0 3.25 lug; eggplant. 26 lb.; asparagus, ojac 10.; rnuoarb, eaulif lower. looaX 81.25: anroutk. green pooa, 10i.e lb. horse radiah. rsyiaaan. o ay 00 in. Meat. Fish and rVetlalnn' COL'NTBY A1SATS belling price 1 Country killed beat hog. 23 Vici ordinary. 22 He lb.; best veal. lbrflSVse; ordinary Teal. 16 16e; rough heavy, 12H013c; goata, 1012e lb.; lamb, 1720o; rnuttun. ljtiayl&c; beet. SMOKED HEATS Hams. 2T(4S3e: hr.k. fast bkcan, 83 48c; picnics, 24o; cottage roll. 8oe; abort clean, 80(g) 83c; Oregon 1. porta, staioaed, 8 So tb. PACKUS U1CATB Fsney steer beef, like! fancy cow beef, 22e; fresh spring laaab, 4 Oei best yarUug. 20c; bog', 26 fb. . LAftl- - taUndard. 28 He lb.; lafd compound. OYHTEB8 OlVmpU. k.; 84.50; canned camera do can. ga.ow uox. csds; eaatem. maL solid pack. 88.50. -R3U tlhU Pressed flounder. ; Chi nook, 20i22u; pereh, 70 8c; soles, 7e; salmon trcut. 16c;- halibut. 16 Vk tav20e: black cod. lis: bernnc, .60: smelt, be; clams, hard shell. 4o lb.. 63.T6 bx; erabs. 31.T8-eta.60 pe do.; v-asayis fi.v box; inas, it ' asettearlsa RUCiR Cube.. 8W.60 V ; powdered, 18.87 H ; frwlt or berry, 67.67 rt t U yellow. 67.B7 V granulated, 87.87 V; beet. 87.77 H; extra C 1.0, n 1 v, 1 it , HONEY New. 86.00 Mee. K1CH about the only feature of note in the cereal trade at thia time. Millers report that the home call ia far beyond their ability to supply and prices are holding unr hanged Ckllfomii is begging for supplies, but ft ti useless for them to try to buy here, as" millers say they ntantt take rare of the horsfe retire ments .first, under the rulings of the food ad ministration, if fof no iher reason. Joseph . W, Gsrrong, chairman of the milling division of tie food administration, kdvises: "Following ia an extract from a booklet Issued by the treasury department regarding the 8 per cent war tax. which up to the present time, has beer) Collected by the railroad com panles on food administration flour shipments for-export. You will of course notice ffom this Te-rlsed ruling, thtt thia 8 per tent Ux It no longer collectable: on export shipments made on food administration contract if properly billed 'for export. Article 31. Charges on Property shipped for Export, ami Actually -Exported. Exempt From Tax Amounts paid for th transportation of property in the courne of exportation to foreign porta ot places Are held to be exempt from the tax imposed ' under section 600 of the act. Property may; be deemed to be in the course of exportation when it wove under ny of the fol lowing eondlthmx: (a) I'nder a through export bill of lading; ib) Under a domestic bill of lading or -receipt on which, at point of origin, "For export' is marked or -the foreign Consignee and destina tion are specified; (c) Under a thrnugn bill of lading or through s live stock contract to a place in lanr(.'n. -Iir.l--. (d) 1 ride a domestic bill of lading of re ceipt marked, at point of origin, "For export", wherein the food administration grain eoi-nro ra tion, director, of brerseas tra importation. Britixh admiralty, or any export representative ot the United States or of a foreign government, ap- L roved by the commissioner of Internal revenue, named as Consignee ; Provided that, in either ca (it) of (b), the property o cotudghed be delivered to 4 yes eel clearing to a foreign port or place, and a ship's receipt is taken therefor, or in can (c), the property; so consigned be delivered at a place in Canada or Mexico, or in case (d) the property so consigned be delivered to such con signee, S . If. when nroperty is delivered to a carrier for trahspirtatioh. it clearly appears thit sneh goods are in the course of exportation aa provided in clause (a), (b). c) or (d). no tax shall be collected on the amount of any other-wise tax able charges prepaid upon such property; but. ui.iess suco property is delivered in surti manner is specif lea in the toroTiao to tueh clauses, the total transportation charges rm auch property. irora we pottit or origin to destination. Are sub ject to the tax. and such tax must be collected at And when the transportation charges thereon are collected, if the transportation charges be Dined collect, or, upon delivery of the consign ment, if tha tranaoortation charaes. or aav of loem. be prepaid. (Bee article 1.0.) FLOUK Helling price: Patent. 10 00: bar ley flour, 818.00 & 18.60; Willamette Taller. 80.60; local straight. 89.60: bakers locaL 69.80 10.00; Montana spring Wheat, patent, lu.ou is iu.bu; wnoie wneat,; granam, 89.40; rye Hour. 613.60; .oat flour. 813.00 613.25 bbL HAT Buying price, new crop: Willamette timothy fancy, 386.00 ton; Eastern Oregon Washington. fancy timothy. 836.00; alfalfa. 824.00; valley retch, ( It cheat. 125.00; ciover, ton; grain, xzo.ou 9 20.00. GRAIN SACKS Nominal. No. 1 CalentU, 24 H 25c In car lots: leas amounts hurher. 4 MUXeTtTra " .Bran. 830.00 SO.SOj snorts, i8-f.vv9.'.bi)r miadlloii, 839.00 9 839.60 ton.. - ROLLED OATS Per bbl., 812.50 18.00. KOI.I.ED BARlJET-'-Per ton. 3T7 9 78. CORN Whol, gtS: Ctskmi. 179 ton. Merchant Exchange April bids: OATS Thut-r Wed. Tues. Mon, Sat. Fri. 1818 1817 ' -1818 r..rt : 6C50 5200 6750 6650 6600 6550 6500 Thirty day delivery was quoted: Eastern oats and corn in bulk : OATS White No. 8 . . , i , White 88 clipped No. s . . . : Clipped . . i CORN No. 3 yellow ........, No. 3 mixes Yellow . . i Mixed ... 1 Hale Capped Bale, 10 Otons, at 663.00. Tha first sale on the exchence for seTeral months was ahown during tha day when lOO ton clipped oat went at 8U3.00. considerable stock has already gone into the ice houses. Local output is Increasing slowly, and there ia tefy littl surplus as yet, ind prices gf fairly ateady. Egg trade is generally steady around former prices, although some interests ara asking a frac tional advance in price. Tb monthly report of the bureau of market, department of agriculture, shews storage: holding ol raaeggs on April 15, 191.8. a follows: The 478 storages that reported showed total stocks of 1,474.575 cases of eggs. Tha 483 atoragea that reported for April 15 of this year and last abowed present holdings "of 1,412,628 canes, a compared with 764,059 cases last year, an increase of 647,869 cases, or M.7 per cent, The 418 storage that, reported for both April 1 and April 15. 1918, showed tn increase of 1.008,484 cases, or 321.5 per cent, while tn 350 storages reporting their holding for both April 1 ru) April 15 last yeaf Showed an lncreaa of 528,410 coses, or 809 3 per cent. The monthly report of the bureau of market, department ot agriculture Shows storage holdings of fish on April 15. 1818 as follows: The 188 storages that reported showed total stocks of 86.310,971 pounds of frorert fish, euted herring knd ihild cured salmon. The 163 atoragea .818.00 . it.o . 17.18 . 17.88 . 17.80 VEAL MARKET COMES BACK- WITH GREATER DEMAND ON STREET Supplies Are Les and There Is a Small Increase In CallProduct Is Far Cheapest ot Meat Lines and Trade Should Be Heavier. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUS Hog. Cattle. CalTes. Sheep. Thursday ...... Wednesday .... Tuesday Monday , St turd ly Friday W eek ago Year ago Two yean ago . . Three years ago. Four years ago. 460 461 378 985 180 437 802 782 270 378 838 99 175 l6o 414 256 84 45 43 109 1 T 14 1 2 88 1 60t 82 294 a isoo 18 f55 660 SSH Hats off to F. S. Allen of Fores Grove, lie showed the local livestock market some really (cod cattle And Incidentally, ae a reward, broke to splinter all previous high-priced records of the local market. While he only offered three Steers, the sal of these at 16 Vie a pound was so much higher than even the previous sensa tional records that the trade was bewildered. The entmals were really baby beef, although slightly too heavy to be considered in that class, and were therefore classed aa yearling by the trade. They averaged 1172 pounds. The record stock was fed on okts and were conxidered the finest that has entered the local market. , One cow that weixhed 910 Do-ands was also sold by Mr. A Urn at 12c a pound because of extreme quality. These transactions indicate the great strength of the cattle trade generally here. Overnight showed present holding, of 27.89S.180 pounds. T'T -7i ekTt'eVt.. " -Pared il-2A-833 P?nd ? Gcodntoetolc.e"!V...81.0014.00 an increase 01 o.i 1 0.01 ponnas. or o.a per 4 Medium to good steers. 11.79 13.75 ;T i . , tK,r"K,.'or Common to medinm steer..,.. 10.26011.15 March 15 and ApriKIS, 1918. abowed an lb- Choice cow and heifers 11.25 a 12.2.1 crease ot 488,65 pounds, or 1.4 per cent, while Common to good cowa and heifers 7.25(910.75 the 162 storages reporting their holding fot botb ! Cannera , 4.25 6.25 Marcn 13 ana April 15 last year showed a da- xtnila 6.268 10.75 crease of 1,319,307 pounds, , or 7.3 per cent. I Calve 8.75 0 IS 85 Diocaer ana reeaer steer. iu.uvwau.vv 6wlna Trade Still Firm Firm tona continue in the swine trade at North Portland with tops still quoted np to-818. which Is the high record for all leading Ameri ccn livestock centers for the da. Receipts overnight wer small while demand was ken. General hog market range Prime mixed Medium mixed Rough And heavy ...... . Pig No Mutton la ahown It was another day without a single head of tliat reported for April 15 .of thia year and last All Grains Look . Well on the Pacific Slope, Is Report Weither bureau reports: Idaho Seeding nets and wheat ia in full SWlna , in tli lar (itatrita An incmuit crreagj of wheat is being seeded. First sown 1 l v"" uirouao wa norm roruana tggplant. 26 b. 19 7eTb., 10 lb. idisb, 12 Vie 60&A 6100 8050 6250 6400 6400 6450 6400 Benton County Is Increasing Area Of All Foodstuff s ..317.80018.00 . . 17.65 01.7.85 1 m m aw -xa, -a a a a 3w.Vl W A VJ.O . 15.60 016-.5 is upirto a good stand and look welL Arizona In the southwest portion barley Is in execuent condition. Allans cutting contlnnss. I 'tall Til pnnl w(he w . . t a nr, H 1 m fn. stnoline winter irraina Hnrine h,i t a n rvm I DPTWg lamb are up and in good condition. I w?terB yearling eHers. Trend of the trade remain Terr firm at full price. a oenerai (been and lamb range: . .aoioo . .. 15.28 15 60 RYAN DIRECTOR OF AIRGRAFT DIVISION "Copper King" Accepts Job of Developing Aircraft Whole Section Reorganized i Finance : Timber: Industry United States Navy Will L'sa Car Manufactured From Douglas Fir; Cot erpment Inspectors Find Fir Superior 10 Other Woods for THia Pur pose; Piano Makers Hit by War. ; ; Nevada (irsin and alfalfa eeedin are nexriv I vli')' yearlings 15.23 015.60 completed. Esrly sown wheat is looking goJW I W ethers 13.00018.50 ind some wheat and alfalfa are being ungated, awe 1 2.00 w 12.60 W aslimgton I jwk of rain in the eastern ouorn saeep, s f, ig sc dciow q-aotauona. counties retarded the growth of all crops and Thursday Livestock 8hlpper tho germination of late sown Sprint wheat Mixed stuff Walter Given, Estacada, 1 road Winter and early tpwn spring wheat have a good cattle and hogs; W. A. Ayres, Lawson. 1 load stand, but are making slow growth on account cattle and hogs; Yen Yetuen, 1 load caivea and of the cold night and insufficient moisture, ho-es: Nebercsl Heat comrmnT. Albany. 1 load Oat sowing ia still under way cattle and hogs; A. S. McFee. Castle Rock, 1 California Beveral daxs of desiccating north I A r.tti -.i.M .nH hw. winds were unfavorable for ail crop and more I United States bureau of market reports ltre- rsin is needed, especially in the southern counties. Barley, wheat and oata made rapid growth. Hsrvcstiht tb first erop of alfalfa is general and the yield is good. AMERICAN LIVESTOCK: PRICES Chiang Hot 817.80 CfcicafA. Aoril 25. (L N. 8.1 ttotr Re- Oreann ceipts, xtt.uuu; steaay to oo mgner. nixea ana stock loaded, April 24, in carloads (double dtcks counted as two cars) : Cattle and Mixed Calves. Hogs, Sheep. Stock. Total. Totals 3003 1843 457 419 6790 One Week ago. 2933 2048 605 421 6076 Four weeks ago 2187 2112 729 392 6669 Stat oruitna of livestock loaded Aoril 24 : For Portland j Veal -market ha come back. It t showing its usual erratic trend and it is impoeaibi t tell a ccuple of hours In advance what toe price will lie. Sale of beet country killed calves were made the wholesale way during the last 24 hoars at' 1818Hc a pound generally, although a small -volume of trade waa again reported at 1 ac for outside shipment. The city ttade in general pQld r-ot pay abovtf IB Ht Liahtar arrivals formed an cause lot the come back of veal prices, but the demand Sp ree rs to be Somewhat stimulated because real ts today by far the cheapest meat product on the marker in tact it la to mucn coeaper inan either oork. nation or beef that the trad won ders why there I no greater can ior atappjua than t present. . clog Are moving weu aronna s via a piraira for too stuff, and occasional small" salea are made aa High aa 24e. The nig Duicnere reins Lagging Tone for Stocks at. Opening; Liberty in Demand CLOSING TRADE DULL New Vet. Atsrll 88. (I.-N. 8.) Tidln In tha nwt markai durlna final liaallnwi. was ex tremely dull today. Steel common sold around 84 Vs, anal price changes with other standard la ss. wer negligible. Sales, 87800 sharesj bonds, 64.108.000. New Tnrk. Aoril . fl. W. 8.) the atock market lagged at the opening today, with many issue not traded in for some time. Price changes were extremely narrow. After the first 6 u iter of An bout. A number of apecialtiee be came - activ and ktrotig. Distillers' Securitie mo-ring- up over 1 -point to 51 , and Owlf State steel showed A gain of 2H at 111,. Interna tional Paper rose 1 point to 4LH. . Inspiration was H higher At 52 Tb stxfid ard iasnes were neglected. Steel common sold tt -point lower t 93 And then rallied ta 94 4 . and American Can, which opened H point lower at 43 hi. moved up in fe minute t 44. Marine prefernd yielded to 87 H. end Anaconda, alter selling down H tb 88 H. regained it loss. Liberty 8 Hs were in demand at $99.02. while tha 4s sold at 96.74. Announcement waa made from the rostrum of the stock exchange today that Harold 8. Fraftk enheimer, a member since 1911. and F. L. Selisberg. who joined tb exchange ia 1897, had been suspended for one year. - The, charge against tha two member wsx Orn- ouct aetruneutax to in oess interest oi w u ehknge. Price motement wer Irregular til through th forenoon, with many specialties showing activity and strength. The leading iasuea were generally fractionally lower. Ihstillsrs' Seen ri tie moved up 2 points to 52 H . and at advances ot around 1 point wete made by American Can, Ohio Citie to 94 U, and reacted again to 94. Reading Gas, inspiration Copper and Amerscaji Cotton OiL Steel common declined to 93 i, then mored up reacted point to 81. American Telephone was exceptionally Weak, dropping 1 4 point t 98H. Th atock market waa quiet in th afternoon with the tone irregular. Distillers Securities wa in sdpply and fell to 49 S. Steel oomrjaoa maintained a ateady tone, selling around 94 Ran a a of New York xrice furnished Olan beck U Cooks Co., 216.217 Board of Trad Ol-soa Addretied Credit 31i Conra4 P. Olxon addressed the) Portland AssocI atlon oi Crsdit Men in the Blue room of tha Multnomah hotel at nown Wednes- j dar on "Promissory Notes and Bills ot :xcnant;e. This was the sefentn iec tufs of a course) beinf put on by tha .ujlt irk.i . W 1.-... i u . . . . ... . a T SJT a, a v iireii. .tm . i n ,c,iu:9 . , , lUrnation of HardafHn inm f5" L "ElZtL'' membership on tha alfcrart boafd waa tha nraslnt attendance. dsflnitely establiahed thia afternoon. It) QorsramcBt Flads "ew rs for Will il&-eiy LMS acvr y l.'y'vl. I iu,i., A t t(t auuiuvi uao lima wvrcu Appointment of John D. Ryan as dl-1 discovered for Douglas fir. th prtnet rector general of the board supersedes P forest product of Westdm Oregon Coffin's t-hirmanhln and he will steD ! and Washington. The United States out of the organisation entirely 1 steamboat Inspection service at Wash rtr...i4 rrit kt w a I tietton, D- C, is preparing to rnaka ,,Biiiiiewu, n a. . . . - John t. Ryan 'Wednesday was named director of aircraft production for the army. He has accepted. Ryan Is known as the "copper king' labors te tests of Douglas fir with a view to Us extensive use for the man ufacture of oars for naval, emergency fleet and marine use. This only goes r st1,. 7,7 . il 4.wat.n f 40 lroy" on mr lumbermen de llTnA? . J h!r. w nrtie ! Clare, that Douglas fir is -America's .Tm , I... H,PK u u"f distinction con- The announcement gave nls home as . . , N-w Tnric snri Mneisns. . 'erred upon It sone years ago by a re- ... . , , . . t. port froM tne United states forest serv' "uL:: t: " " -.' Tha possibility of Dougiss fr oars IT.. J .iT. " ZJ " 4 V.'ws csiiad to the attention of the gov limited henceforth to the administrative ?""L! U!i f U J? 3? ? I?!?. bnildin btrtCKIfl (OS TotaU,Pf.rtl nd. One week ago. FtuT weeka a bo For SestUe So. Dakota . . Waahingtoa . totals, 8eatUe. . No.- 1 . . 8. , 2. , 1 . . . . 1.... I:::: ... 18.... tit, a 11.... ..1030 ..I860 .. 920 ..1050 . .1210 .. 910 . .1080 ...880 ..1020 beat cows. 89(4 Winter I 10.75: common to good cows, 67.5008.50; ouus, Baiv; caives, Kheep-None. vviiBiuB, aym vuuuy aieflb iy.uir tay that the grain acreage ot Benton county for thia spring is 50 per cent greater than last year, and that if the weather condition continue fa Vorable there will be a world of crops and fruit. Ther will be over T000 more acre in erorw this year than last, and 3200 less acreage of hay, according to the reports received from 91 per cent of the producing farms of the county.- Then report hvar been Secured fdr th government from nUesttoneers, and Benton county Has tha banner record lor tha state, the average beine but 66 per cent. These reports show the following I mon to medium,- 38011; per cent crop increases over last year: Wlntei wueat, ii j per cent; spring -atieat, 42 per cent; oats, 12 per cent; barley. 124 per eeht; rye, 169 per cent; torn fof- alios, 84 pet eest; corn fet grain, 26 per cent; beans, 18 per cent Vetch shots an increase of 9 per cent, while clorer hay shows a considerable decrease, and there wUl be A small export of hay from the county. There ia a Urge ific-teas in eoru gereage. tn livestock, beef ia decreased by 15 per oent. but hogs and abeep show a big increase. These figure indicate that Benton connty fsliy realise th wr demands, and that tha farmers are doing their level best to meet them. There will bv a large increase in th wheat crop. The, farmer are planning te raise their Wn feed t-3 a great ettent thia year, and Will cut down the bky acreage to do so. Many silos will be filled with ourn this summer. Ltitchers, 816.65 17.45; good heavy, 816.76 t 31T.20: rough heavy. gift. 75 B 16.25: lihts. ,816.95 (Sf 17.90; pigs. 31800 17.23 Lulk. J1S SSftt 17.40. Cattle Receipts, 14.000: steady to 15e lower. Beeves, 810 20919.35; cows and heifeRC (8.85 013.85; Mockers knd feeders. 88.30 W 12. 20: calves, 35.00 e 18.60. Sheep Keceipts. 14,000; weak to 10c lower. I On week sen N stive and western, $13.15 17.40; lambs, I Four weeks ago io.-;o IS1 iii. i d. omana ho si 7.1 s Omaha. Neb.. .Anril L'5. (I. N. 8.) Hnas 10.40 17.15: mufd. 316.60 ( 16.76 : cood choice. 316.00 r 16. h5: Tough. 81 8.40 16.55 lights. 316.70 17, 15; bulk, 316.60 16.80; nia. 8I2.0OGH 15.00. Cattle Keceipts, 6200; steady. Beeves, Si 2.00 9 17.05 ; cows and belters, 7DU ( eaao.wva b cLyvcx a auu ic-cu-cid, ftTiWV 9f aaw.WV calves. 39.00 C9 13.00 She-jp. Keceipts, auoo; steady. . wethera. 314.5017.00: tearluiKS. 815. 25 17.00 lambs. 619.5021.50; ewes, 818.75 16.73 Kansas City Hogs 817.8S Kansas City. April 23.- (L N. 8.1 Cattle ReceiDta. 4000: steadv to unevenly lower. Steers. Silt IT: cows and heifer. 47 ft I) (A 14.60: .stockers and feeders, 37.50 4 12.75; clves. S8.0OM1-J.6O. Hon Iteceiuts. 6000 1 steady with vestef- diy's average. Ton. 817.85: bulk. 1 17.10 (4 617.80: liesviej. SI 7.00 fe 17.20 1 mediums. S17.15e 17.33; UgllU. S17. 10 17.35 i. u.mi. firtnit 1...... T K, (20.00 e 21.25:' ewes'. 313.00 18.76; wrthers, glb.oU (a-1 y.oo. Dsnvar Moat aiT.SO Denver. AdHI 25. CC. P. i Cattle tla- ceipta 2000, stpady. Steers 30.50 16.35 ; cows ad belters. ST.OO is 12 7 B ; stockers and reed era. IB (IUS14.00: rmives. Ill) 00 14 SO Hogs Receipts 2100; steady, 5c higher. Top (17.80; bulk, 317.00 17.25. Sheep Keceipts 8000. lower. Lamb (20.00 (4 J 1.00; ewes, 310.00 ; 16.30. Seattle Mega Steady Seattle, April 25. (L.N. 8.) Hog-s Re ceipt 211, steady. Cattle Receii.ts 2. rteadv. Beet steer. Sift ( 13.50; medium to choice, (12(12.60; eom- 30 24 24 4 1 14 14 24 26 6 SI Wsdmsday Afternoon Sales COWS Price. I No. Ate. IBS. Price. (10.26 1 650 ( 8.78 10.50 1 980 10.50 6.80 1 670 8 00 10.00 1 950 8.60 9.80 1 900 11.00 11.00 1 890 11.00 12.00 1 610 9.50 11.00 .1 1010 10.00 8.00 3 790 9.00 11.00 2 890 6 75 7 50 1 600 6.00 8.75 710 CALVES Hi tn.oo i ItORR 890 (16.90 I 1 ISO (17.50 178 17.75 T..... 190 JT.JJO 120 ItJ.UV Z 420 212 17.73 1 170 823 16.80 188 817 17.90 J Thur-sSay Morning (alee -STEEKS 16.7 17.00 17.80 DAIRY PRODUCE OJT THE COAST i San Feanelse Market San t ranrieroy April 88, (W, p.4 Butter .fcglP J-'-Jtras. 42c; extra firsts, 40 He; first extra Pullet. 40c; extra first pullet. Cheese California flat fi-ney, gtc. 5 Los Angeles Market Angeles. April -25, (I. N. 8.) Butter . ....... vc.uirif extras, c- lgs Extras. 40c; ease edunt. 00c. ( ; . - edunt. 88c; pullets, Japan style. No. 1. iU.. urieaaa neaa, oysei oiue roee, sc. New SALt Coarsa ball ground 100a. ilksn ten; 60. (17.26; table dairy, bo. lUO.OO; lOOa (I960; bale, (2.70; tancy ubie and i - dairy. (26.26; Ittaip rock. 320.00 tott. BkiANS California, salea by Jobbers: Small white, 13 Ho; large white, pink, 9io; Lima, )6He; bayou. 10c; red. 1 lo. Oregon beans, baying pnoa: White .SB actus aleeawd. 8 9c band picked. S Vk ) 1 Oc CANNED M1I,A CrnaUtin, (3.40: Brdea. 85.30; Aster, 0.00; tagie. S9.00; Libby. (6 25; Tfeloban, 85 0 . " iXJHTLii itoastad. 16 M 8 (Sa la sacks or - reruaaa, rioDA, CRArK-ERS Bulk, lse Th. r v t- ra avTseyavw Mr 10,1 lmonds, 19 Hi 20e; filberts, 22 He In tack lou: peanut, lS419e Ib.j -aoaeana, 17e lb, r Mope, Wool and Mldoe HOPS Nominal, 1917 crop. 16018a lb. H1LE8 Salted. 23 lb, and up. 12c; salted Sulla, eu ins. ana up. itc; sailed and green kip, 16 to 23 lbs., 12c; salted and green calf up to 18 lbs., Jlo; green hides, a 4 ids. and up. Sc; green Mags, 80 lbs. and up. He; dry flint, 23c; dry flint caH up. te lbs., 2Sc: dry salt, 2 Or; 6ry horaa bides, each, 8 1.25 ( 1,60; eaUest hots bide, each,' 8 8.00 4.00; horsehair. UiL ' . 26c; horsehair, mane, 16c; dry King oot pelts. 40o; dry abort wo pelt. 23y80e sell4 aa4 .. greaa pelts (April tokeotf). (3.00 4.00 each; mrj aaevre wwiwr, wvn, ,a--aue; - eainrj abeep shearlings, each, 25s)60c; dry goats, long half, X6c; dry gust shearling, each. 16t80o- i Eastern fah Ciraln ruit . f.u , . - No. 2 mixed, (1.70; So. 3 mixed. 81 .70 iNo" t No. 3 yellow. 31.70WIT2- wiii.v, rta e ai c: .No, 3 white K7U iSa.. standarrl Tv2,aaii. nue 8,s88c; MlnneAtil--Ma oafi closed 3ie. iHilutb July flax closed (4.04 'i. .niracfy 4 (. h. . . .... 81.62 ebi.ssT ii r.t'i-"" nuuing. dry short hair scat, each, 50o a (1.00. nuuir au prices nominal. OK lota TALLOW-- o. 1. 14es Ke, 3. 124: arhaao. CBITTOl OR CA8CAJLA URt W price for ear Iota, 8 He 4 lk alOllAUt 1B17, 40 B0 lb. I Rope, Faint, Oil BOPB SisaJ, dark. 24c; white. 33 He IK. rtandard Manila, 82c, UK; LINSEKD OU Haw, bbls., 1.6f gU.- kettle boiled, ftbk. . 31-; raw. eases, (1.777 twaTed! c. VTt tai.; h-U of 25gls. Um. COAL. OIL Water white, ut dram of ina bbla.. le sal.: cases. 20c AaL . ciASOUNB -r Iron bbli, 2lej ease Sla engine disSUUte. iron bbls.. 12c; case. 22e . wihtb Usju--To1 let, as abTTaea Ih.. l3PltXabig, Si eaAet, tlti 18 ease lots, lc less. - WUUti iahj Besio -ode. (3.(1. PACIFIC COAST BASK STATaVJIEt So. Ave. lbs. Price. I Jlo. Ave. lbs. Price. 3 1178 (16.26 f COWS 1.... 9l0 (12.00 1 1 840 (10 60 1.... 980 10.00 I 1 680 7.00 BULLS 1 1030 8.60 I 1 710 8.60 CALVES 1 16 (12.00 I 1 HO 8.00 4 100 (12.00 I HC-US 1 230 (17.90 I 1 190 (17 90 1 52' i6.80 I 5..... 184 1 7. NO 3 373 16.90 I So 184 17.90 1 470 16 00 I ltt 108 18 25 8,.., 160 17.60 I 5.,... 196 17.90 4..., 185 16.50 15..... 76 16.0V 16 189 17.90 ' . HKIFEB3 1.... 930 ill. 60 I 1 610 (11.60 -4.... 430 6.00 I Clesrin Monday Tuesday . Wednesday Thursday Clearings Balances Clearings Balances Tear Age. I.23I.0&0.1K 1.283,924.01 1.283,924.01 Clearings Bslshcea Clearing CI rs rings Portland Bank Thia week. ter 46. . e.soo.vva.uo g s . vB.erjs,oos.4 J s . 3.416,880.26 3 6,763.514.48 2,567.534.04 Seattle Bank ( 4,720.210.00 V . . .. . . 1,494,935.00 Taebma Bank I 1.496.320.00 . 203.807.00 Spokane Bank ( l.Of 1.564.00 ............... - 429.139.00 Sen Franclsce Bank ........ .... . .315.455.4 11.00 Let Angels tank ( 4,233,175.00 POTATOES ALJjALOSB THE COAST .Ban Francisco. April 25. (I. P.l Onion. -Per cental, brown or yellow, 75r(e1. i-otaioes rer cental. Delta, 61.15 1.60; repacked Orea-on Bar-banks. St utlAI xn- v... da, (1.50. - Lo Angeles Market Los Angelest April 25.-(L N. 8 ) Pot-tdes-Northern Burbanks, 31.800 1.5; Ore gon Early Hoee (2.25; locals, tl.29(m 1.25: Idaho Kus-'ets. 1 S3 Mi l (1(1 h.u t, ,... sweets, (1.60 lug, ' ' Monry And Kirhang-e Sew Vbrk. April 28.-it. ? si CaB rrony on the flrtof of. the Sew Tbr Slock Kx chartge today ruled at 3 H per cent: high, 4 per cent ; lo. 3 per cent. Time money Was quiet. Ratf were 6 per trent The market for prime mercantile paper was Oull. Call money in London today Waa 2 It per cent. -Sterling e rhaftf w ateady with business in bankers' mils at (4.T5 T-16 for demand r- (4.T for 60-day bills And (4.T1 for 90-day hUb, "w-y 8Uver New York. 94 c; j.cadon, 4 H 1 Weir Tork 8gr and Coffee ' New terk. Ap-Hl 25. V. p. Co'fe : .pot No. 7 Rio, 8 tie: No. 4 Saatco, 11c. 8ugr Centrifugal. (0.005. LIBERTY BOND SALES Easier Undertone In Oats Trading By Joseph W. Prttchard Chiraco. Aoril 25. it. N. H.I IWi 1I i activity as welt as strength, showing gains ol '4 te tor trie day, whue corn was unchanged work of the signal corps. Avlatloa Seetloa Reorgaalied Tha change in personnel of men re sponsible for the production of aircraft Is coupled with a reorganization of the aviation section of the signal corps. A new division of this section, to be known aa tha division of military aero rautics, IS created and will be under the direction of Brigadier General Wil liam Lk Kenly. It will be responsible for the training of aviators and will di rect the air forces. The official statement naming Mr. Ityan.' as Issued by the wsr department, reads : "John D. Ryan has accepted the di rectorship of aircraft -production for the army. "A re-organization of the aviation section of the signal corps has also been effected, of which the principal elements re as follows : General Squler,' chief Of the signal corps, win oevote nis attention to tne administration of signals. A division of military aeronautics Is created under the direction of Brigadier General William L. Kenly. The aircraft board, created by act of congress, re mains an advisory body, as it has been in the past with Mr. Ryan as it chairman. "This arrangement is with the entire concurrences of Howard Coffin, who lemaina a memwr vi ins situwrj -commission of the council of nstional de fense and will render assistance and counsel to the aircraft board and Mf. Ryan. Tha division of military aeronautics will have control of the training of aviators and the military use of air craft. The etact division of function In the matter of designing and engineering will be worked out as experience deter mines between the division of military aeronautics and the division of production. Ee.uipfnat la Old Hasds -TBe announcement Involves no change Of personnel tn the present equipment division of the signal corps, of which W. C. Potter is chief, and which will con tinue under his direction." Tha selection of Mr. Ryan for tha Alaska Gold Alii ChMmeft, e. J 23 H Amr Beet bogar. , .i 73 4 Am, can. c 1 43 H Am. Car F.. c. . . .1 18 H Am. Cotton Oil, c. . I 37 A m. Linseed. ' c ...1 33 Am. Locomotive, t . Am. Smeller, c . . 1 76 T Am. TeL fc Tel. . . llOO Ara. Woolen, c . . 62 Abscond M. Co. .. 63 H Atchison, c. ..... . 83 ) Iiald. Locomotive, c SO Bait. Ohio, e. . . 61 H Bethlehem Steel. B. 79 Brook, itapid Tr. . 40 H Butt A Superior.. 20 CaL Petroleum, e. . 16 Canadian Pacilic . . 138 Central Leather, c.l 63 H Chesapeake ex Onto. Chicago Jt w.. c Chi. M. ex St. P. . 38 H Chino Coppet . ,,. 42 H Cola F. sk I., c. . . 40 H Ccn. ties 1 83 4 Corn Products, c. . I 66 H Crucible Steel. C..-.I 64 H D. at K. U.. e Distillers . . . Erie, c General Klectrie- ..1142 General Motors. . . .11.18U (Joodrich Kubber.. 44 Ot Nor. Ore Lands. 29 4 GU .lor. pld. I 89 ttreene-Cad Hide ex Leather, c.l Ice Securities 23 H Illinois Central . Industrial Alcabol . . (1 25 H Inspiration ...-.. lnt Mer. Marine. K. C. Southern, e Opettj Hlh I lxw I 1H 60 H Keftnecott Cotper. lArkawanna Steel ' 61 H 23H 32 80 73 44 H 78H 88 H S3 Vs 77 H 100 (2 68 ! 83 80 61H 79H 40H 20 18H 13 V 06 H 89 42H 40H IU 63 62 H ii'i' " HtH 44 29 89 25 H 125 52 23 S I3H 82 80 76 H 37 98 45 S 20 t 19H 28 H 83 H 44 H 46 94 45 H 20 H 19H 28 H 88 unchanged te - W 20c to H fs) He higher. Provision were lower. Chicago. .April 25 (I. N. 8.) Th Aaf market was -rather qniet today, knd displayed Somewhat ea-rier. uudertene. t Commission house took th aeliing aide .on small bulge which fol lowed the opening, and a sharp break followed. On the decline there wa soma euying of hly st 84c Trad in corn ts litht. ind tH s shade lower. Provision were slightly lower. Rang of Chicago prices furnished bf United Pros. COK.1 Open. High .127 '4 127 s May . . . July '. . . Mag i . . June . . . July May . . . July May . . , July .... May July .. . OATS - M i 84 S 80 H 80 H PORk. 47S5 4t4T ;4700 4710 I.AKD 24S2 (49.3 2477 2530 RIBS 2286 2288 2433 2(42 t9. ClcAe, 127 127 H 149 H 1&0H 83 ' 83 00', 80 73 74V 4720 4T23 4693 4695 2477 270 2515 2517 228T S478 2327 2330 Iliiah Valley LouU- A .N'Sih. Mex. Motors, c. Mexican Pet. . . Miami Copper . Midval Steel . Mieaouri Pacific Nevada Consolidated New Haven . . . N. Y. Air Brake N. Y. Central . N. Y.. O. 4 W. N. A V.. c. . . . Northern Pacific ltcific MU . . Ptnn. Railway . Peoples tias . . . Pittsburg Coal, Pressed Steel Car. c Ray Cons. Copper. Ry. Steel Springs . Reading, r Rep. I. at , e. . . Rock tMahd ! Sears. Hoelmrk A Co! Shattnck 1 16 Hi 1i Studebakef. r.-. ...134 1 SS H Southern Pacirtr... SZ l S2 Sovthern By.. e... 20 HI 20 H BWift IBS H IBS H Tenn. Copper 1 IfHI 1H Teta Oil "To h rer, Produrts l-nioo Pacific, e... 1. S. Rubber, e. . . V. 8. Steel, e Utah Copper Virginia Chemical, c. Wabash , W. V. teleartPh. . W estinghon Klec.l 40 H Wilys-Orerland ... I 1 7 Vi Wool worth i II 5 49 14i 115 H 44 29H 88 H 26 H 123H 61 S 23 H 15H 32 80 Liberty bonds sold hi New torki hi - Friday 88.8 Sarurday tntimu a Monday ........... 9896 Tueaday .,...,,.00 Wednesday ........ 89.04 Tburauay 99.10 1H 4 . 96.48 96.68 86.64 66.70 86.70 86.64 2d 4t 6 64 ea.ts 86T6 64.74 96.70 -86.70 Xe Tork Metal Market Nw Tort. April 25 (I. N. S ) l-a Quiet. Spot. (7.1.0 7.25; April, (7.009 7.00 H. Spelter Quiet. 8rt, 84 offered; June of fered. (6.80; July offered (6.83. St. Laui Metal -Market Rt. Iutt. April 83. 11. Ji. S.) Led Ltrwer. .5T H eeller-. Spelter Weak, (6.55. i Chlrsge Dairy Prodsts Chickgo, April SS. (L S. S) Butter ftacerpt 6488 tub. Creamery extra, 42es firsw 88 4 Oct packing stocky 88 1 39c fegge ReceipU 18,908 casea Crtr)t t ceipU. 81te82e; rdinaryirst, 32 83c; firsts 83 9 84c; extra, 36c , 44 H 46 .1 69 I 59 Vi 24 H 24 H 80HI i W 0H 80 ? I8HI 18 82 20 H 188 H I I M 1145 I 84 119 87 H 94 I 79 46 143 84 14 HO 58 H 94 H 79 47 40H 17Vi 113 68 37H 64 (H 49 14H 141 11414 -a 29H 8814 41 H lit 23 93 H 12(H 61H r 38 78 H 58 11 2( 9(H 2JH 44 20 1 26H 123 8H 103 83 30 44 43 53 38 24 ...i 5.1 92 45 20 10H 28H 83 H 44 H 46 68 H 24 Building company, which previously had been In correspondence with the West Coast Lumbermen's association on this subject shd had made up number of flf oars which prove 1 16 ba highly satisfactory. Piaao Sfaasfaetarers Hit by W Because the government needs all the spruce for airplanes, tha piano minu facturers of the country are having a hard time in getting sounding boards for their instruments. Spruce is the best wood the piano manufacturers can get for thia purpose and they have used It In Immense quantities for many years, But sounding boards and airplane beams call for the same quality of stock clear, . straight grained, tough flbered and free from bierntsbaa. In their .desire to assist, the government In its airplane construction, tha piano manufacturers have agreed to curtail their output by SO PT cent during the . period ot the war. They east get alongT . with the spruce stock now en hand, for a while longer, they estimate. M4an- ' while they will try to find some sutetl- tute for spruce. Several of tha big , : , spruce producing mills In tha Gfays Harbor district of Washington and along the Columbia river In, Oregon that - . . always have made A specialty of put bo stock now are giving their attention exclusively to airplane material. . CettUta t Per Ceal lrflgatUa Boads The Lumbermen Trust company offefi I11.00O of Cowllta. Wash., Irrigation dis trict bonds, 64 to 44 per oent on Oall- T able dates and 7 per cent thereafter. These bonds are exempt from Income tax. . Slam Tax ea Votes Berneied Banks and trust companies of the Twelfth federal reserve district ara ltt receipt of the following letter from James K. Lynch, governor at tha dis trict: "You ara advised that section 301 of the Wsr Finance Corporation act, approved April 4. 1(11, removed atamj tax on certain promissory notes decured by obligations of the United Stetes gov ernment issued after April 14, 111?, The text of aaW section Is as follows i "That ' no stamp tax snail be required of lm poeed upon a promissory note secured .' ; by the pledge of bonds or" obligations of the United States, Issued after April Z4. 1917. or secured by the Pledgd Of . promissory note which Itself Is Secured by the pledge of such bonds or Obllgi tlons: Provided, that In either C164 tha par value of such bonds Or ObllgattOAi shall equal the amount Of such note.' " U. S. SOLDIERS IN FRANCE HONORED Entire Personnel of Expedition ary Force, Entitled to Wear -Service Chevrons. By Bert Ford With the American Army In Franca, Anril 14. (I. N. .) (4 p. m. Joy waa Spread through the entire Ameri can expeditionary force today by the official announcement that- SH or fleers and enlisted men In France, re gardless of whether they sre engaged in combat or doing non-co-noaiani work, are entitled to the gold chevron of six months' overseas service A majority slready were sporting the gold V-shaped stripes on their sleeves under the original plan of Issue, whereby only men at the front receive the Insignia. The American LAKE ERIE SHOP H FIRE IS CHECKED Mystery Surrounds Conflagration Believed to Have Caused Loss of $800,000. boys not at the front felt this to be P..fyrFfr11 , of th.lf. tha they had ben asiignad In France away from tha Lima. Ohio. April 24. -(I. M. 8.) Firemen succeeded early this morning In placing the Lake Erie ahoB flra under control after fighting it slnca ll o'clock last -night Five units Of tha big shops are In ruins, with aa sti mated loss ot from 1(00,000 to 1104,000. The roundhouse and store rooms wr4 saved and by the hardest fighting tha solar refinery, largest gasoline pro ducer in the United States, and th Lima Locomotive works were saved. The fact that three separata and ttla tlnct fires broke out In the shops, be fore the main blase started makes 4t appear ao be the work of an. Incendiary, and Will Pontius of Cicero. Ind., la under arrest and held for investigation. Several firemen were ovarooma and AO 6 BUIII -V ff soimiB-.vii. gmaypviii-,- I J lltV ZIS-CIIC VI B aiisisjiv uii aMis v ss. a a v saa i A A , . a . a - ..n.ii front, were stationed at French Of "R'arlon Commlah. Lake Krla emnlova. IflUUUVIIUil xr. . , . v . wi , , V , ...I . . time. But the name ot Mr. Kyan nad i D1,LI" ' l" " " rl " r. I lu" "l nayni uauij injurea not previously been connected with the work Instead of fighting. I the rayrult of an acetylene tank explod- place. H6 waa born in Michigan, 64 The decision waa reached following I ing near where he waa fighting tha years ago, and besides being; president I negotiations witn officials or tne war I flame. of the Anaconda Copper Mining com-1 department at Washington and is ex- pany Is W director In a number or the 1 tremely popular. . I Hritish RenuUe Raid muia iwnwim iiiouvuuuu, in i i nuno t nu iibtc scrvcu icaa inan ...... i.ii evrt T "ki- as New Tork city. His record as a maitl.i! months are lo be awarded a biu I 1 a sJ-ciii-r'.-cT -- c(paa-vyj a-wa . V6 cnevron. i Beuchy last night was repulsed. Field It is also announced that men in Marshal ttalg reported today. "Hostile me tana corps wm wear a special i artillery was active last night in tha colls r insignia, a miniature tank I Featubert and Robecq sectors.. mounted over two salamanders, lfeada toward center and with a halt wreath beneath. of force and aa in executive of rare discernment entered largely Into his se lection by President Wilson for tne new post. jT Byarl Geaerally Aereptabie His appointment, coming on top of the naming of Charles M. Schwab as a director of the shipping program, was held to indicate that President Wilson has determined to call to Washl only men of proven executive ablll Is also believed Mr. Ryan is acceptable to several organlxatlona prominent in j recent criticism levelled at the conduct of the nation's aircraft production pro gram. No statement had been made of the membership of the re-organised aircraft board. Up to the present time the board has consisted of Mr. Coffin, as chairman IF itTT. ; Two Army Deserters Given Long Terms Private Gay E. Ficher ef LosUatvl Orn to Serve U Tears at AleatraJ I t'risos. Camn Tnl, W.iti Anril T. it VI and H. B. Thayer and Richard F. Howe S.)-Charged with deserting from tha aa elvlllan members, with Oenerai .,t.i M . .a x?Uvf- S2!i?1 EjJL' !!.lL!n.d. Colo"el with uttering seditious remarks. PrtvaU - m""T . ' . .r. - Stanley Adams, Company F. Three Hun- army, ana Aomin-! xyior. -o-.pxain , dred Sixty-third Infantry, waa sentenced arW..n."L -Lleut,?nn,t Commander A. K. Wednesday to life imprisonment in MO I it""""m "-"J. Vol la lalarot hv .tirt martial Mia hnml was iii Kent, Wash. Adams was found wilt bO dropped from the board, and It guilty of deserting November 19 and so 80 18 " 16 83 2 20 H 138 V, 17 144 63 118 67 H 98 79U. 46 " 80 17 115 80 ll 79 2 Hew Yerk Itosd aiarket Bid. Arrbtsmi rjenl. is Bal. a Ohio liold 4s fteth. Ptee! Bef. 6s Cent !iflc 1st C. B. U. fc-L 4s. ; Kt. Pawl Uent. 4 I hW-ago K. ,W. Oent. 4a . . I.. oV f. tni 4 . . New fork By. 5a.. , Jtorthrm Pac P. L. 4s....t,., Beading iel. 4s. . t'nioti Pfce. 1st 4a. V. 8. Steel Bs. VnUm Pac. 1st Bef. hs...... rteatherB Pac Conv. 6s ..... . Boatnerri Pac Cotir.' 4 Pen, Coav. 84 H ....... Penna. 1"., 4 Ha fhre. V -iWiro 1'cmv. 6. .... . Uregeft Shwrt Lin 4....... 80 80 1H 142 14 84 82 20 138 18 143 53 119 67 94 7H 93 46 1TH 114 Ak. l 1 K....1V.1 V. . r1, T-v 1 W a It lARIIIUIV LI14B.V vWI tSI 12 14 J8-e-u nJIU -MUni tka.. -a I". -TTK ris vtswaATa Tha wAweaak . gomery will be assigned to other work. ( J n Seattle: nwriy a month afTr . " his disappearance. The second time he Submarines Get 2 is? ,rturcd ln BUIn- W5U,h-Janu w . 1 1 tt -I Private Ouy' E. Fisher. Cpmpany A. 1 T.fL 1 1 rT VfiHRfilR Three Hundred Forty-seventh machine xuLVAAtVAJ. f uuuuAro ba.ttalion. was given a t.Vyear sen- 1 1 j terrce on a charge of desertion and ut- Ixmdon. April 25. (I. N". 8.) One steamer of over 1(00 tons and one small sailing vessel were sunk by submarines during the week ending Wednesday the weekly Italian statement of announced today according to change Telegraph dispatch. terlng Seditious remarks. He will Serve I his sentence at Alcatraa, Cat. Fihara home Is in Loetine, Or. anx!l Hungarian Workers Insist on Reforms 9 8 91 ?. 8! 88 84 18 19 80 81 81 6H 86 8S 9t m i 96 11 H 86 8tH 88 at 70 79 81 84 MORRIS BROTHERS ' Iiicorporatrri CiUbiUksd is Yean 201 Illlwty tzchtn(4 ButhHOf PofUaad.Qrscow Th Prmir Municipal Bond Hout oi Oregon Municipal Btndt Yielding From 6 to 6.85 Te-U-pisoa Mala U09 Cotton Trade Verv , , , at tr ' Amsterdam. Atril 23. (U. F.) A AATlVtft ill NPTX7 Y (V IT I hundred thousand workers in Budapest nUliD iAA A'CVy WI 1 conducted a three-hour strike yester- day as a demonstration for suffrage re- New Tork. April 25. (t. N. 8.) Th eottoa ' forms, according to a dispatch from market bad a very active And Irregular opening, that city today. The strike was con with price 10 to 65 points net lower. May lead- ducted calmly. ur"v7'T7,rr L . ,rJ' Q,JJ"r! Similar demonstrstlons . occurred In of Jnly .rTh. 1st m-ths. Tor" rinj ; VAriOUS lndUStHsl centers, shorts, which fact Impaired steadiness to tfaea I vx-slUcn, in contrat to th Me? weakness. A A. 1 IT! 1 ft A 20 point rally o revrrtng eeVStrred arter 1 AHtnrirl iftlffiS iJVfir 2 O rlork that etvotjntrred hear aSlllne from ' -"O IVll ICO X UAW0 V V ii th south and an which twice reaoted. Th market closed weak, 100 ts 180 r-Mnt net I lower. I Month Jarmary Marcti May ....... July tirtoher . . . lceiabef . Open. 2610 27-i 27 IS 2643 2623 Iftgh. 2610 S78fi 2746 2630 2636 Iw. 2513 566 260O 2335 1533 fine- t 2513 Hind ' 5800 Garbage Incinerator Liverpool t'ottoa Weak tjverp-l. April ti. 11. Jt. a )j.-apft( Ion waa saiet tsday. Price weak. Bales 4000 bates. 8a Fraaelaeo firaia Market Rn Fraociaco. April 53. (L k. 8.) Cask BVrfe-r fa eenUl, feed. ISBtAt 40. Oat Per cental, red feed, 44.28 4) 8.40. Forelga koad Market ' Bid. A. f. 4. Oct, 1620 90 V ft. 6s. eepL. 1919 99 V. K. 4 Ha, .tov.. 1918. 96 tT. K. 6 Hi. Feb.. 1916 9 V. K. 8H. New.. 1981.. 98 A. r. Bee. 6s. A,, 1814 95 H Me, fraur 4a, l8s. 126 Pari 6. Oct.. 1921,. 84 Msrseilles 6s, Nov., 1918 87 ita-sei Kxin. ana, inzi...... Radian lnt L 5H, 1926 tx-m. 5s, An.) 1919 IMIM. 6s, AIM-, Iflgt., 6. Apr., 1931 tins. s,wApr.. 1924 May. 1920 Ulna 6. 1919 Unas. Can. 6s. 1 987 ...... . , trench . 1919 .......... Astoria. April S5. The manieipallty Of Astoria has taken over thw gsrbar-e con- 26O0 tract from the defunct Incinerator com. pany and will collect the garbage tem , l porarily. The city plana to erect its ; own incinerator and . run ll 95 94 n 95 87 89 96 Ask. 90 : 97 99 55 136 fc 69 89 96 -98 96 2 64 92 91 94 garbage system. municipal KealUe Barley Market KHI. AAril t6 IL W. ft 1 Sl.,t.a ka 2 feed, 16-1.00; 40, rxwind barley. 464.08. Beceipt Wheat, 48 ears; barley, X esc. Thrtfe Pagrhts Annouhcfd Astoria April CS. -Holiday declared lor April JS. Lfitverty Loan day. Ureal military pageants are to be stsged at Fort Stevens Friday, Fort Columbia Saturday, and Fort Canby Monday, Man Dlf in hot Plant Fire Chelsea, Mass.. April 2. -1. N. B.) Ah unidentified mAn was burned to death tn a general alarm fire which broke out in theboa plant of the Par sons Manufacturing company today and threatened to spread to Oreen's Ship yards adjoining: ' , Great quantities of lumber made flra fighting av difficult task, tt- waa believed the load would reach 1150,000. , FACTS NO. 2SS LIFTING AN EMBARGO So that only articles pee- . assary to saentlal conduct of war will reach destination, tha Government has piaeed ah embargo on everything , axeept these esrssntlala. Tha motor track la tha one means for relieving the stringency of the existing situation, and this would be essliy secom--pliahed If roads and hlgh . ways war-4 paved with BITULITHIC WASRKBf 0TE COSC PA3TT Jesraal BU Portias a, Ora ( tsscks, Beads. Cettea, Orata, Baa 414-4M ar ef Trade BraUiaa . Ovcrbeck&CookeCo. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Bsaiaera Cbieage Beard ef trad cerresfroadsats at Legka B Bryajr Caleage, Bew Texk.