: s THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24, 1918. 15 FOR BKKT norm unfurnished IS Powers Rental Bureau A diinrtsnasat easeretlB for the towver.iw f oar ptknt sod frleade. A Mifci absolutely MhMl soars t rasa. Osrr Bailors of 4 iili so soertments mmt ncsBPfefs TOURS FOB SERVICE , Powers Furniture Co. Third sad lessbiU IUmU PTJT a to hnoae on the 8 tots, anion the IT (nil bearing fruit traee. Hal ground sloping; iu and Boll Bun water, on gravel vnsd, S blocks (rata 6e earlin. Fine view of Air; Eet Moreisad and Km4 college. A nat t 1250, May terms; Bo trade. P. B. Van Nice, 404 Concord bide Marshall 6454. FOR SALE HOUSES J FOR RENT room house o weat side, eloee- 1n; rooms all freshly tinted; 135. 918 Cham ber ol oenroerc Mai 6967. I ROOM" eotlaga 756Th andhurmsn sU. Broadway 6448. I ROOM modern. Tog furnace, ground 60x140. Tahor '-l. 4 ' ROOM houee. east approach Broadway bridge. 616 Owner, Main 6916. SSvlTN room bungalow, nak floors, sleeping porch. $2. 611 K. 46th t. wO hooeie, barn, HOT, henhouse and fruit, berries. 9th and Oibbs. Manliall 44BT. EtTRNlMHED HOUSES 6 420 Fin-nUned 4 room, bath, pantry, first floor; large porch, S lot", adults only. 1144 Iron st., Richmond rsr. Tabor I73H. ft ff'EiT? furnishej mndorn house. wTth piano, $40 per month Prefer sdults. Zimmerman A Co , II 1 1 Board of Trade. - JfOliF.RN furtiiilied 6 room bnue, close in, good neighborhood, ft 84 E Taylor. i 14, 8 RTrOM furnCTTed eottags. close in, 49 E. Tlh. bet. Oak and Pine. APARTMENTS 41 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED King Albert Apts, New 200 room house. 2 and 8 room apart Btent, furnished or unfurnished ; elevator and hardwood floors. 8R5 11th st. T H E J U HA X A A P A RTM ENTST 45 TRINITY PLACE. II room fiirni-hed, light, airy apartments; no children. Marshall 03. TITh JEFFREY"; 'New 2 roomTiimibl apt.. close In, cnr. of Russell and Ksrby between Mississippi snd William stc. 812. i ROOMS, sleenlng porch, also 8 rooms, nicely furnished, hardwood floors. Port do man, 200 E. 18th. a ra-rSatfr 6 a mWS epvssv . tnTtri. f ;v SmaB hous. 124x142 lot almost act) s ander etjlrirs uoa ; frmH trees; 4a carfare. Pnce $6tM. ,440 DOWN, ft MONTH. 8 rat. house. 40x100 comer lofi Is, eiee. Light. 6 carfare; full price. 1450. 1100 DOWN. 110 MONTH. 4 room plastered house, 00x290 lot; good school; Be risro. Price 81060. tlftO DOWN. 810 MONTH. 4 Tin. plastered house, 1 526 lot; 8c, ear far; beautiful flew. Price 11250. sita DOWN. 4 m. haufi. eomnUttlv faimtahed'. ROs t SO ; M. Overlook dist. Full price, iadaaiiig street . FOR HAI,E-rAMl 11 paeemeeM. 81460. MM ClNC0iN CO. gHEEP ASD GOAT RANCH 1 block from Alberta car. corner lot: bath 5 .. . L0ieL, 5M sh: S-b-owr 80 kK'U; 5 laaoatfe) . , horses, i cattle, doa. ehiekens farming im- SAME OLD STORY! BLACK MINORCA 8 If jrosj want reel aim Mth laying strain chick or eggs at ft, sons we prices, call SeUwood 1870. ; RHODE ISLAND BEDS U yeej want real Us ing strain, with color and style te spare, chirks r egg t reaaoBabW prieta, call SeUwood 1410. O. W. Parks, 5619 Forty-sixth avenue, S. savs; Reds to last until June 1." Why experiment use the time-tested medium JOURNAL POULTRY COLUMNS Enough results on Black Minorcas and R. I. PABKROSE ACRES CAB WATER ELECTRICITY GOOD SCHOOL t BO j in cultivation, 200 seres open pasture, "unllm- i Ite EXCHANGE BEAL ESTATE ti ; You Will Buy ited outrange, 18 acre, sown to oats for hay. 2 acre ia wheat, 1 acre bearing orchard, 1 good i new 8 room bouse, 2 barns, 1 new; other out- ' buildings, t enee ery good, mostly wire, une ' of the best wells In the county. 3 creeks and All cleared, on Bandy bird., pared street and numerous springs ea piece. 1,000.000 to 2.000,. cement sidewalks; eery good trims, J. L. Hart- 000 feet good second growth fir. anile te men (company. - o. 7 Chamber of Commeros vauey ana enpon roe w mure es oi to bWg . 4th and Stark ats.. MsJa 208, A-2080. ' dyrille which k es U. 4V K. R. R. 1 miles I to school. Telephone . ia house. This is one of KreryUihig goes st 840 per acre cash or will take a mortgage back on place for part at 8 per cent. For further Information write Charles (Groreland, Psrk) Eagleson. Woodburn. Box 8. Oregon. This attractive 8 room1 bungalow with larg BEST BUY WE HAVE IN A WHEAT FARM ttle, hardwood floor, fiTeplace, cement base- I 1280 crea in Lincoln Co., Washington; merit; all modern built-in effects, pseed streets, i aeery foot In cultivation and almost level; 060 Take Hawthorn ear to 64 th and Lincoln st , 1 acre in growing wheat aewa on eummertaUow, block south. 1470 E. Sbermsn St., 88250; I looking fine, balance of 820 acres new being terms. V. E. CA BLOCK, Main 6458, Tabor I aummerfallow. Improved with fair house, bara 8044. 1 snd outbuildings; good well of water, windmill. aupply tank, cement trough, etc. ; rented to good UnlV SiloOU I tenant, on third crop goa to the purchaser; viiij v i v adjoiniag land selling at not less tlisn 860 per 8 ROOMED MODERN CLOSE IN I acre. We can seU this for s short time at M0. Pries reduced for immediate sale. Neat, cheer- 1 If the crop ask SO bushels per sen which ful, modern cottage or bungalow. Full lot Jar- i jt should the third crop will bring st the set den and chicken nsce. Good neighborhood, price near.t 828,900. Think this buy over. Iocated close in snd close to SeUwood car. This ew yrk Land Co., 881 E. Morrison aC siu oi wesimoreiana. nouse now vacant, so j phone East Ball Oon t delay. It won t last long. Terms to suit. A. K. HILL. 419 H-nry Bldg. BXrT APTH --Newly furnished, modern. 83 B0 per week snd up. N. E. cor. 2d and Yam hill. S ROOM furnlehed spartmsnt; privste bath and phone: steam heat, rent 822.60. Adults. 1 North 22d. S'EAT 2 room furnished aiwrtment. steam liest; hot and cold water, vary reasonable. 245 N. 17th st. Hdwy. 2B42. hi ANMELf) APTS.. 204 Porter St., shipyard; -2 room apt., completely furnished, reesonabl. Phone Main 7302 HCSLOP HALL. E. 6th snd'Hswthorne. Mod ern 1. 2 snd 8 room apt".; 812.50 up; walking distance all Kent StW TOnk'spU.. 44r"BeTmont and7Tli. FUR'S INK ED FLATS 50 COM FORTA BLT " f umlnlied 4 room fUt. 70H4 Vaughn St., ror. 24th. Key st 795 Vaughn. HOTELS 84 Mil. TON hotel. 228 Madison St.. nics. light. airy rooms, steaso heat, hot and cold run ring water In sll room, rates br week or month. Transient Jrsds solicited. TO AVOIL V FOKKOLUHCRE Extra well built 6 room house, concrete foundation, furnace, good store room down stairs, built-in oak buffet, en Front street, this side of Harrison. Owner refused 87000 for this property. Will take 82600. This property is aae eased at 82000. Figure It oat for your self. Fred W. German Co.. 182 Chamber of Commerce. ' 120 ACRES WATERFRONT Close to Portland, river and R. R. transporta tion. Cut up in 2, 6 snd 10 acr tract. Too can buy 5 acre for 810 dowa aad 62 ontb; 10 acrea. 820 dowa a 1 810 per month. . Fine place to rata ducks, gees sad chicken. there ia large pond ia rear; sis good place to raise willow for market; some all cleared and aom partly cleared, from 876 to 8125 per acre. BELL REAL ESTATE CO., 818 Railway Exchange BUg Good Farm Buy 71 acrea. 86 acres under cultivation, team. hsmeaa and wagan, 8 cows, sjl farm machinery. FOR SALE Bungalow, 6 large rooms and , den, quit new. Furnace, fireplace snd all i conveniences. Fsce esst. 1 block from car, on Milwaukie are. In Westmoreland, a restricted j: . . i i - . i n t r. uwnci. rsemj room lor garage. nice rovvv, . . - , . . . easy terms. W'orth 81000 more than the pric 6,room h.- J "Vi-Tv on asked. In fine condlUon. Painted last fall. nl"g "'Vnn k.L I - P. B Van Nice. 404 Concord bldg. Mar. 6454. I f.T rn IrtUnd tZO CASH 814 MONTH. i " " WILLIAMS REALTY CO.. 81600 Cosy 3 room house, nice fireplace tn Grays Crossing. Phone Tsbor 4884. Ii.iil, room I'UW.H aiicnrn, lante ciutiiea rmsn, . j , , .a,.,. T nic elect Hr futures, blinds and window drapea, ' 107 ACHES near sAstons. 840. 80 A. in . ... ... a .i . i. : cult.. 60 A. slashed, some 20 years ago: 4 little family; W Uke Liberty bonds. Johnson-: acres of orchard, rfpr WHrsti, three mUes IwUnr, t. 884 N. W. Bank bldg. rom railroad. 12 mile from Astoria 8 triUcb y.-y a v.v.,1 rA. i r . , . . cowi. 1 heifer, 2 yearling heifers, 1 bull, i 8276 0 MODER N 5 room bungalow, electric h x JOUle MW wara. plow, ate; unlimited PLACES TO TRADE FOR A HOCSE AND LOT IN PORTLAND OR TO SELL FOR LITTI-. MONET , DOWN 49 a. near Bsttls Oroaad, Wash.; 14 a. good river bottom soil, cultivated, balance paoture: lie level; orchard. 8 room house, barn, 40x60 ft., wagon shed snd chicken hem. Pise ii sU fenced. Price 82600. 806 down, or will trade for a house snd lot in Port land or Bend. Or. 148-8 82 s. in Tamhill Co.. near W ills ami oa, 12 a. euk.. balane peat tire, baa slightly rolling, 6 ream boas, bars 24g 48 ft-, woodshad, hen house sad agoa shed; 8 miles from R. R. st., mi. to school, on county road; several hna- dred cords wood. Pric 82400, 8600 dowa. 189-8. 10 H . near. Newberg. all cult., good loam soil, lies level: 4 a. orchard, small "hou-e, barn 80x80 ft. Place is fenced, close to good college town: 21 mi. west of Portland. Price 82000, 8600 down. 127-3. '6 s. near Oak Point. Ws.ih.. sll cult, good brown loam soil. 1 a. bearing orchard, spring wateY piped to bldg., good - 6 rrxen house, barn 28x82 ft., several outbuildings, 1 mare, 1 cow. 2 Jersey heifers, 12 chickens, buggy, har ness, on good county road. Vi mile t B. R. ata. and Columbia river boat landing. Pric 8100. This must be cash. 181-8. RALPH ACKLET LAND CO., Rothchild bldg.. 287 Va Wash. St. MOITET TO -OAK CHATTELS, SALARIES "Loan 8 r "Chattel Sslsr WE LOAN MONET Oa abort notir to sslsried er working mea aa their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly pgyment. Each traaeaetioa strictly eoafideatiaL . NO MOHTGAOE NO IN DOUSE R AB80LLTELT NO SECT, RITT. W also loan oa household furniture, visa. stc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANT. LICENSED. 817 Failing bldg. If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS 1 jeans made te person on salary or fixed in come, oa household furniture, piano, diamonds snd other personal property, legal rates. Busi ness confidential; private offices. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANT. licensed. 806 807 DekuBt bldg. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 Al'TOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 41 Ferd Buick readsttr 8469 . 460 Ford delivery, just overhauled, with aew tire 206 WE HAVE oa hand s few usd touring cats, including a S-cyl. 7 pass. Plerea Arrow; 7. pass. Csdilla. 7 pass. Packard. 6-psaa. 1'sck srd and a 5 past, -rL Chalmers. " Tbss cars hav sll been overhauled and rpsiatd sad sre ia fin shape. Ne rasnnsble offer will be refused, ss w need the racm sad must dispos of tbeas. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. Tenth ad Burnsid Streets. Broadway 621. Chevrolet, run less thaa 3500 miles. . Peer lea,, 7 pea., cheap. Hudsoa, 6-pss i , Hudsa, 7 pasa., rasp. Col Thirty Jefferie Z ton truck.. Ford, 6-paaa Abbott Detroit. 6 pas . POB-fLiKA etoUL LOAN asSn'. i Established by Portland basin ess mea to protect borrower. C. MTE89 HERMAN, Mgr.. 894 STARK ST. 1XJANS ON In AMOK DS, JrWKLRT, rULNOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITUBE. HOUSES, VEHICLES, ETC 1 LOOK HEBE! Bargalu ia wagons. W hav th finest lots of ctoaed top spring wagon evar offered for esie. all in A-l esadition, mad mi the bast material money can buy, very strongly unatrueted. it the things for farm- era r eaaspers; taeyTl take the place ot either your hack or heavy vehicle. They coat 8300. All good aa. new Ear 886 ywa can hav on. Auto nave replaced tnem. uu .03 Kusseu near Williams ave. Don't snias this chance. Com FORDS FORDS FORDS FORDS FORDS FOHDS FORDS FORDS FORDS FOR SALE OR TRADE 5 seres. aU in culti ration, buildinrs all new. 80 miles south of Portland, on quae good gravel roads, mil I Qui oh. We need the room. from boat rin Vi mile from town, reedy to move in; will .trade for residence ia city, Souta Portland preferred; or will take auto ia part payment; price 62700; terms if dealt ad. Jail Mar. 6085. , "h,l."' nuU R,an. wter- "rdBn. outrange. ThU is the biggest snap In: all kind of small fruits. Nic young fruit . --nnt,. photos st offic of ; trees, cmesen bouse, hog Jiouse, eeiaem waias. y.a.n 732 Clism. of Com. in the Fred W. This is a dsndy snd a snap. 4 04 Stock Kxchange bldg. Farmer A Fiflher, WASTED TO BEST HAVE client with 11000 cash waiting, for 4 or 5 room bungalow on paved street, not more than 82600. Any good district, hut not too IN MKAUTiFUL CUELAXCHXE PUAllli 40 acres, 20 a. in cult., new 5 room bouse, large barn, small orchard, 2 creeks, 1 Vs miles from 2 creameries. Tms vaaey is in tne mwi ROv Prolific part of Clark county. Price 83H50. 81660 61600 down, bslsao 6 yar. FrT W. Uer man Co.. 732 Cham, of Cou 1'ORTLAND HOME 6 room plastered house, electric lights, bsth, partly furnished, gsrsite, 2 lots each iiiu teet, s '.t piocs, to csrun. rnc SWIlO ...1 . Ku la.... tartM )1U.MA. t UUlvi.iM), : $t; ACRES wheat land la tn vvaiao tuiis, th and Maiu u. Oregon City, Or. 9 miles south of Salem, about S00 acre eul- 3250 WEST afDE WILIMETTTHTS. tivated, now in crop, 2 rets good buildings; You have been waiting s long tin for ral lend produce from 80 to 40 bushels per acre, bargain in s west side home. Here it is: 7- Will dirkle if desired. Price 800 per acre Hi room strictly modern hsute overlooking Foreatry eluding crop; tenms. 48-80. Ralph Acaley lna bldg.. river and asounUins. 848 28th at Co.. 210 Bptbchild bldg. Saner St. 1 " IN BKALTIFL'L CHEL.VTCHIE PRAIRIE FRANK L. M'OLIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. ; 40 acrea, 20 acre in cultivation, new 5 room ment. bath, iiilet. alcctricft and aaa: gtOO far 'out. Farmer A Fisher, 408 Stock Es. bldg. down. baL 820 per month; no liens; A-l coa- 1IAK client waiting for 0 or 7 room home, Hon. g.'OO to gaoo down, balance like rent. Parmer A Fisher. 40H Stork Exchange bldg. S-WANT a iVrooin house with garage, close in. , 111A t u wvsi kuf'v iiiAAi 1 liAiia ! ram ha.rn. amall orchard. 1 creeks. 1 Vi 6-room inmlern hiinealnw. fulTmnt haao. i miles from 2 creameries. This valley is in the 200 A. TRADE 26 mi. S. of Portland. 110 a. cult., sll tillable, black soil! 4000 cords of wood, 1 H mi. R. R. Sta. Nothing bet ter at the price. Will take 84000 resi dence as first payment. Ralph Ackley Land Co., 210 Rothchild bldg. A BARQAIN for anyone that needs hones: Men, weight 1250, a little street sore bat sound otherwise, true worker, 866; bay horse. weight 1400 lbs., 876; team weighing 2800. with harass aad reach wagon. 8165: nic bay cbaak. weight 1680, fat, true snd gentle, aafe for a lady to drive. 860: also several set of double sad single harness. 2 light wagons snd s tae boggy. 882 Knott, tt blk. cast Union sve. MUST sail at one: Oa 8200 lb. team, one 2800 lb. team, three teams about 2700 lbs.. oa team of fine black msrea, well bred, sound s dsady farm pair; on pair of 2600 lb. mules. three pair of cheap horsas, s fin saddle pony snd th best eadal stallion in state, handsome, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 146 airea close 1 '"rt dandy, if you want a good one to McMinnville. 70 acres in cultivation. 2 I W ill exchange. 80 i Front st. acre orchard, 6-room house, barn, .all fenacd UVE. 11 AVE a fine aaanrtment of vnune eldln 7. gnm? "in. UC"; " rMl"P and mares, weighing from 1100 to 1600 . . . j i, . I lbs. o sets of double work harness ,.c wiuo vfTju 1 . r j .arm jur sale. 1 1 in I .... r. n, u. i. K.dr - w 1817 Ford roadster. 1817 Ford touring. 1817 Ford touring 1917 Ford roadster. 1817 Ford touring 1816 Ford touring. 1816 Ford touring. 1913 Ford roadster. 1914 Ford roadater. 1914 Ford touring. 1916 Ferd delivery. 1914 Ford delivery. 1917 Ford delivery. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO, East 13th and Hawthorne ave. E. 3770. SOME more new buys just arrived. Remember we see thst every car ia tn good running wuiuuvii uriui going ouu all stock 40 ACRES, all tillable. i ail. fi. P. depot, new 6 room plastered bunga low, good outbldgs. Will trade even for Portland property. 210 Rothchild bldg. 154 8 Frazier McLean 240 E. 8th snd Main. ONE spaa of brown mar .7 and 6 year old. wt. 2000 lb.; good set of harness; good 3-in. lumber wagon practieaUy new; also good plow. If you are looking for aa outfit, call at 821 K. 10th st. iviD oTTE xi ii K I a . . .'. . ' , " enoice iH-arina l old. Oood workers and gentle; also head fruit, nut: 26 acres loeanberriee : mod m- I f Mk,i A nrk K. lnno t has come, no incumbrance. Exchange for Portalnd I Prices ranainc from 62A to 175. Coin eat i-roprny. ni or Btocs iarra. vrui sasuma. I of business. 202 Union ave. Phone East 8227 .iinniernian o.. mi noini or 1 raue, most proMfic part of Clarke county. Price 63950. . . - j i . I w , "... , l,uv uown, oaianoai u ... - man t?o.. 782 I'.hamber of Ormerce. Main 4240. MAT 1. 5" or 6 room house. tabor 3 1 03. FOn BALK HOUSES 41 8160 CASH or less, balance 820 month, in cluding intereat. Pretty modern, double con structed bungalow, A rooms Snd attic, full ce ment bsaemrnt, laundry trays, big lot. fruit tree, rosea. N. E. cor. Killingsworth and Olenn. "A" cars. Main 6068, forenoons. HAWTHORNE BUNtJAHOW 82800 100 ft oft of avenue on psved street; fire- FRANK L. M'OI'IBE, ABINGTON BLDG. .rin-a .11 i Wation: 0 room house. FOR SALE 6 room bungalow, furnished or: eost 61500; barn 26x40; watered by well unfurnished, 2 lots, fruit snd flowers: shed snd stream; 2 miles from good valley town and for garage, on corner, 1 block from carline. B. R. Price 83200, V eash-balance terms 82500; part cash, balance on terms, or leas to suit purchaser. lMllmaa xtowland. otn ana for all caab. Wdln. 660, All in good condition. Phone Main sts., Oregon City. I 43 ACRES T miles out, sll cleared. 114 1st. 68500 MURRATMEAD. Very attractive 10 room rasldeaee, refined naiebborhood ; doubl garage; Iisrdwood floor, ; 1 block from rsr line, south of Hawthorn ave ; terms. ror iuu particular apply owner. 474 , 200-ACRE farm lor rent TiusriooK st. rnone ast and equipment for sal 81750 INSIDE PROPERTT 81780 Wolfstein, FOR EEWT FARMS 14 r Portland, atock a sacrifice this week only. New Tork Ind Co., 881 . Mor- Great oportunity to own a piece of inside rison st. - Pbon Kast 6817. property 8wxl00; 6-room cottage. 64 E. 8th at. at Stark; 15 minutes' walk; can arrange easy termv FRANK I.. MGUIBE. ABINGTON BLDG. ' HOMESTEADS 47 ' 80-ACRE relinauLshment. Clatsop Co.. 2 milea plac,, foil beement. cement floors; plac has a7mt-DM W , . i. 1, ih.im i.i.j from, town and Pacific highway, fine soil, no eot orer $8000. Terms. $200 down. 826' MOl,r"N. . JJS 'S!,,400! 1l.k-lnd ! rock, fine spriaga, cabin; pric 4250. 411 ii.i. r.. iv :.. vao K.r iruii. jio . luuuii, isoor ill. ' ti .ih of t'.ommerre. Broadway Car Home $900 FOR SALELOTS , Henry bids. GAS- PARKROSE ACRES -WATER ELECTRICITY -SCHOOL Ji TIMBER NOTICE ot Sale of Government Timber. Notice is hereby given that subject to th 3 room hous. 65x100 lot: fruit trees, chick en house snd runs. Price $9011. Terms, Kslph Ackley land Co.. 210 Rothchild bldg. THE GARDEN SPOT OF PORTI.AND I All cleared, on Bendy Blvd.. paved A lew minutes waia irom aionut viua car line, ana eemenx siacwas. very gooa terms. i. . ., 'k tha United stun land f- new houae. 5 rooms, attic, basement, gsrsge. j Hsrtman Co.. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce StPl auction at th. Lmted States land of- young fruit trees. Lot IOOiIOO. Pnce $1275. ' bldg.. 4tb and Stark sts. Main 208, A-2050. I'aah or term Tsbor 83 72. $150 DOWN. $26 monthly, 6 GOOD brick building m city, income 8100 s montn; want, valley rarm to about gsuuo. Country and rky property in Oregon to $13, uuu. mm t;anfomia land. MORRIS. 481 Chamber of Commerce. loll ACKKH, 14u ia cultivation, 75 in crop, buildings, crop, stock snd machinery, $3765. Will make good terms, accept aom trade., Zim merman u.. nil Hoard of Trade. PORTLAND lot to exchange for Seaaida house, Jnluiaon IHidaon Co.. 34 N. W I JUST arrived with two carloads of Idaho horses. from a saddle bars to 1 osier horse. Will exchange. Guaranteed aa represented. PHIL SUETTER, 880 Front sC. cor. Montgoaaery. Townsend Stable. NICE 6-year-old horse, sound, weight about 1000 lbs., gentle, works single or double. 850: bay mare, good worker, little street son. $80. Cell 892 Knott. H blk. east Union ave. 1914 Overland .elec. I. and 8., new battery. $S5 1916 Chalmers Little Six, it's like new.. 600 in Htudebaker 6, 7 -pass.. 98 new. 1916 Maxwell, runs like new..... 1916 6-40 Hudson, cord tires 1918 6-54 Hudson; new cord tire 800 550 900 700 700 600 760 800 650 250 . 630 . 27 . . 806 . .1000 . . 400 . . 160 Maxwell, I pass., only ran 2000 mil,. 1916 70fJ 622 Aider st. WALI.INGFORD. Bdwf. 249: 161V Dodge touring, first else, 8 660 mis iKxige rrdt-r, lini class 700 into 1 lodge Oe 11 very, lint claa 660 1912 Buick 275 1918 Buick ". $75 1814 Chalmers, firrt class . .' 425 1914 Ford, fir.t class 1916 Ford, first elate $75 lord on ton truck, new H.10 1918 Hud ion 9o 191 T Haynee, new 180 1917 KlaalKr. Ilk naw 12S0 1915 lteo, lis naw ' 050 1917 Mitchell Uglrt Six, SI ITS , 1200 1915 Cedilla got 1250 riATO, ORGAK8 AWO 81 17X117 AT. INSTRUMENTS 84 C4HB,U tmMM sriat pssaa iot 44a eaahj a $1. ver, f $ re 4464 Sa. K. aaaoreajy lov iu cask; atsa nr. aa' sera 8674 suartgat. 41M: a iit ."tell1 " 446wWia, 4.3$ re ; s 496 Remtty oraaa. 62tL aaSa Alas !!??!" rrJeAdiil vi.- ru tag) Csv. 4.'v l-Bogrpa aad roevrd aassgat. seal aohagd and reaiad Exiaart npakr-- 141 , vd. awar AkUr, apetairs i . . . T If TsEEWItlTEE ' WlLGTON. i. otai PU chu Vkubio aaoaea RlUIVl LT A. . ... 68 Broadway, Broadway tl. wti it. I a.a. tlMufl - - . . ftrntlfot rwoe Mt. Th wa4eaie simwibt - y. a.-i waanrnsrtoa at. AAA, MA&KS tjriaiwmer reatas) sad Oregoa Tyn C, 94 A 4th. Mala supplia. Coco aw w. reaaa tjo., no 6tw rsssirsaV 444a. HOUaEHOLD GOO On FOR BALK A W also bar twa 1417 Ford deliv ery asrs ia first claaa condition . . 886 COVEY MOTOR CAR CO,, 2 1ST AND WASHINGTON 8TREETS MAIN 4244. SPECIAL BARGAINS Breakfast lsb, $2.98: Colassbrs dash phono, graph and records, 411.74; buffet. 4 11.76 1 chws oatuaat. 411.86; isury dxs-tng tabs with r.l,.'toUn,n'i;?'L' " Ti: -bis. 611.90; high ovea gas rang. 814.60; laundry siT. J.4 : laagwa, ai ' h.,U "". 41.s6: aew fiber rugs, JS i ? "-l.. 66c; wool fiber MnsH. 6c yd.; drawn, 84.90; eteel ewwebaa. 84.90: ako w have oa tbta aai se crsaai tabia aad eoairs. aidborda. cbiffoaMrs. refrigerators, leather eat rocker and ctialra. lreaj bods, oewi plas. as In aa 64.6$: aU gaoda saarbed to bag card. You be on of the assay to salon. , 208 Mad r a- Notice, Country Dealers Also hotel and rooming houae owner Wa ar going out of busiueas. Must sell atuvca, canioU and furniture st Ira than iC Grand Rapids Furniture Cor M 86 GRAND AVE. EAST 244. MUST aell good furniture of i- USED CAR SNAPS 1614 Dodge 1916 Oakland 1917 Overland. 4-eytinder Locier tewriag Overland touring , . Hupmoblle touring Reo touring 1917 Willy Knight 191 8 Brand new Ford Sedan.... 1917 Ford touring I art or li: no dealer: hnau aft A aa. wees days. AU day auuday. at I IL Fraaklya st. Woodstock car. MUST aelf at"balain7ReTSabl' gas rang. 14 burner., aide oven and broiler. 44. .-riaia liace. issur TZ16. UArU.fe, library table 3i8 ferl. ekaaa. tUll Thursday a. m. 771 E. 27th at. W. H. 1 nr. Beuwoou 1V7V. . $!7B FURNITURE of 4 roosas for sal ctwap.' lAd st n.iv wg g. i in . 9 F Va ftrt 650 11 RNlTl RE fr .. r.s fur !." riat iot 675 riKMB tab A rKair. k 11. V.. . 2 chalra. trl range. 172 28d aC H. rent. 2UOW N. 161 Ii. 1917 Studebaker 4. 1 ma t. 1917 Studebaker 4, F 7 -pas, cord tires. 1916 Studebaker. 4. 7-paas.. last aw... Franklin bug. some car Pope Hartford bug. Just rebuilt Auburn, 6-paaa. Bosch mag., new tiros... open Bunds y and Evenings. CON LET'S USED CAR CENTER. Big Brick Building. Sida Entraaoa. S. W. Cor. 16 Hi and Waehlagtoa ata, Phone Bdwy. 2656. USED AUTOMOBILE) TEBMS GIVEN 1917 Mitchell. 7 passenger. 4 cylinder. .$1160 1617 Mitchell. 4 passenger. 4 cylinder... 1060 1917 Overland. 6 passenger. 4 cylinder.. 775 1 in Miteneji, a passenger, o cy Under. . . TOO 1912 Mitchell. 6 passenger. 6 cylinder... 860 1916 Mitchell. 6 passenger. 6 cylmdar..'. 850 1913 Chalmers. 6 passenger, 4 eyliadar. . 850' 1914 Studebsker dUvry, 4 cylinder.... 460 1912 Rambler. 6 passenger. 4 eyliadar... 376 Several others to select from 8104 aad ap. 11817 SMALL MITCHELL SIX, FINE CONDI- ueau v ar iseparcment iTAJNTEP REAL ESTATE rtlj I'ilS JUt on GOOD ranch team and harness, mare and geld- in. .....Kir.. '11,(1 ik. at an T-i. - X . """ bl'1: I Scott car to ..9th ave. Inquire at Wcstover gro cery ,tor. SI A FINE robber tired surrey, on 6 ton camel- It, I back wagon, on 2 ton camelbsck. sll kinds deals but th buyer! We charge ao com-1 of delivery wagoas and harness cheap. 802 mission, consequently th buyer can do bettor i Front at. through our systeax Call and investigate. Eo-j DO you want" a" driver f gene, Salem or Portland. OREGON REALTY EXCHANGE TNT. CO.. Eugene, Or. RrcYmiH hilt ftalna anrl 'IRfl U. MA m r-f- r ; i i or aai or iraae ior someuning l can use. a. i.w ' , , I l l 14 K. 17t St., HOUUI. Fine animal, part paeer, gentle far lady to drive or hadl; color sorrel, 8 year old, 876. Russell St. Transfer Co., Russell st. and Vancouver ave. I sell bouses only and hav house with me. caab buyers. C. A. Warrfner. R1TTER. LOWE A CO.. 208-5-7 Board of Trad. 885 BUTS good little span of horses; sound. gentle, true; harness and faiaa wagon cheaji. 263 Russell. J OLDSMOBILR CO. OF OREGON, Broadway at t'oilch. Broadway 2270. FORDS FORDS FORDS 1914 MODELS 1916 MODELS 1916 MODELS 1917 MODELS 1918 MODELS TOURINGS ROADSTERS CHASSIS ALL READT FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY XCCHAL. ir.KMS AND TRICES TALBOT A CASEY. INC., GRAND AVE AND E. AN KENT ST. OPEN TILL NOON SUNDAY MITCHELL. LEWIS A STAVES CO., Kaat Morrison at First street. East 7J72 Phase, R-1218 MARION roadster, fin shape, many extra,. Classy car. nest oner tKs It. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. Tenth and Burnside Sta. Broadway 521. Hon, 41000; TEBMS. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY TENTH AND BURNSIDE STREETS BROADWAY 21 ASK FOR' MR. KR0O USED ACTOMfBILES 00 NEW furniture for sals. 414 lith et. an. Sol" . Snap I " - Snap inu III C ultrvi V a ararnr.a -- '-'. .,1 . i j.ja ir. w i n j , LORBIX-BUOWN ataMdumeier for muloreyai. nearly rww. 96, and 1're.io light tank, $6. No. 6 Heme engine latbe. aura long bed. foot power, 1 1 inch awing. 8 chuefca, compoaad ret snd extra tools. $1.50. Wincheater automatic rifle. SSI, new, with case, $12 -724. Journal. Electric Motors Boaght, sold, rrated sad reparred. -Walker Electn Work. 418 Sara akle st orat 10th. Broadway x A-5674. ALL machtnae sold for least Bw genu sr sup is red; saachlao rented, repaired A-6626. afsm 9481. Sewiag Maeluna Kaspawiuav . 190 Mn Taykar. SlU.UU ' Tea dropbead sewiag macatae . . atiacnment; aa ar ia vary DaTmoh 1 SMeblao. rented at 4 per month. Pbon East 3869 ar B-SS0T. M. K Steen. 159 Grand aa. . "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS" T- and "IJotuehold iwi.- ... ration All dtartiVDBt. l 7.11!! .irvbluned ander their rpeeti. cuJitklJZ inr.w inr.K $8 to $ 1 0 VUZAU Guaranteed. ITS Third St. W'e rent and rtfr. Ms In 1646 A-IBI. FOR SALE lady .Washington snd navy seed bean, guaranteed ta grow. IMlvered m 20 w'dlrf 60 10' "r ' pout"1' I'aea WHY GOOD young team, sound, weight 2900, well SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED I "ro" to D10w- 8B Ulaoslone ave. ana Uuet he N. K. and nricMl riaht VVa hav. I si. o. meroua buyer waiting. Fred W. German I PASTURE wanted fi or mare and salt. Phone Dix. Woodlawn 3877. Colt for sale. 10 mo. conditions snd limitations of the Art of Jun numerous g 1916 189 Stat.. 218). and the instructions 1 Co.. 732 Cham, of Cham. ? ' infr til'ti-h., i , th. oT.o-inr 1 HAVE buyer, for modern horn, in Rose City I ola FercBeron. Weight TOO pounds "' ifil i Lid U?v i 161? S ll i?Xk i I Pr snd lUwtbome dlatrict. Phono oa. I HORSE and wagon for sale cheap. J. L. ' !?lib,i!f1f?ff' t' .l!1?.'-!1 K,.00!. 5. I- McGuire. Ablngton bid,. Floral Co . East -7th and lUncc akrfB I" ' saw lie at Portland, Oregon, to the highest bidder at not lea than th fpraied value as shows by - this notice, sale to be subject to th ap- arovsl ot tue secretary oi me anterior. tub room modern bungalow. Eaat 7Ui, near Alberta: laundry; $3000 lot in Ladd's addition: will sacrifice for nnrrhase Brie, with aa additional sum of one- trsys. furnace, $2700; also room modern I $1600; terms. Morris, 441 Chamber of i fifth of one per cent thereof, being commission. furnished house, 72 East Burnside, $2000. Owner, Marahall 4509. ' GREAT RARGAIN. STANTON ST. 6-room modern bungalow, walking distance to R. It. shops snd shipyard; $1800; easy terms; Bo liens. (To settle sn estate). FRANK L. M'GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. ' EIGHT TENTHS AOUK MAPLE WOOD $850. $100 cash, $10 monthly buy this splendid piece of land with two room hous 16x20. 6 fsre, 20 minute' rid. Fred W. German Co., 762 C'hsm. of Com. 2 BLKB OF HAWTHORNE CAR 6-room bungalow, paved at., cor. lot, fire place, furnae. garars. 987 E. Main at.; pric $2600, terms. Ralph Ackley Lend Co., 210 Rothchild bldg. SHACK IN SUNN YSIDE $860. ' $50 down. $15 montn buys three room back, burlaped inside, wired for lights. 1264 E. Morrison it. Fred W. German Co., 7S2 Cham ber of Commerce. $595 $5 95 DOWN. $5.95 MONTHLY ' Well built 2 room cottage ia very dilapidated condition, amall lot, clme tn, near Richmond ' line. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Chamber of Com mere. VHEU you get tired heving your rent raised snd being compelled to mov. look us up. W hve bouses snd lots we csn selT you for $25 down. $10 monthly. Fred W. Germsn Co., 782 bamber of Commerce. MODERN 6-room bungalow near carline. butlt- Commerce. ACREAGE Vlelri' PROPERTY BELOW VALL'E limed, mnat be deposited at time of sale. money to b returned if sale is not approved. . j I otherwise patent will issue for th timber, which ! te received from citizens of the United Bids will States. I WANT from owner, 6 or 6 room modern bungalow. Bargain. Prefer UBder hill Rosa City. Terms. V-719. Journal. FOR RESULTS list your property with th Bal Eatst Exchange. 201 3d St., Portland. ROOMING HOUSES Rooming House Bargains 44 30 rooms, cheap rent; 8800. 16 rooms, very central; 8750. I have others; all sizes. L. A. HALL. 512 Panama Bldg. Owner must hav money end will sell his beau- j associations of such citizene and corporation, tlful 7 acre tract located on Clackamas I organized under the laws of th United Bute Heights, t mile from Oregon City carline, t or any state, territory or district thereof only, under good fence, haa a fine spring, and haa s , Vpon application of s qualified purchaser, the wonderful view of th river and mountain,; timber on any legal subdivision will be offered must b seea to be appreciated. Pries $1600., aeparately before being included in any offer I et a larger unit. T. 4 N., R. 2 W., Bee 33; Owner has adjoining 2 1 acres which he will ; ew u . swt. red fir 640 M. : NEi. SW4. sell for 6600. This land sll sold originally for f,r 669 M. ; SE , NWli, red fir 440 AL; 1 $800 per acre. INEH, NWU. yeUow fir 285 M.. dead fir 25 JOHN E. HOWARD. 815 Chamber of Commerce tl . gvV'A. N W 1 , yellow fir 865 M.; NW4 "" Puv.it ArBjEXcTE I tw V. vellow fir 1060 M.. piling 25 M. : N'.. i 5 acres 8250, 810 dowo. 6 pr. mnth. bnyi 'SEU. yellow fir 285 M.. dead fir 95 M., lae M. M a. aak Ai j a. a . . - Ilk Vf X . AA lii L. raw! fie 1 t . on th. main lin. of 8 railroads. 1 mile from IHo fir 295 M.; piling 60 M.; SW 14. SE hi. , j 40 "DOMS. new brick, cornerhigh grsds , far- s town of 800 population, sawmills sad shingls :t i u jwuow iw puxng am ai . ; mills, soma partly cleared gnd some all cleared, ISKW. SEW. JUow fir 2S4 U.. dead fir go 428. A-1871. running stream, aom bottora and sons bench: M-. piling 10 M.; . bob of which is to be sold 10 ROOMS In Whit Temple district, nicely ran give you any kind of a piece. Bell Real I St lea uma i.vw;pey aa. a. e p.. ty. a... furnished; big incoaie; BABGA1N Here It Is, Real Snap 9 rooms, west sidet 8220. Wall fnrniahod. Worth $500. 602 Couch bldg. 36 Rooms $1500, Terms On on floor. This plac is good for $260 month profit. Bruce Goddkrd. 502 Couch bldg. Apply Swis Hancock. GARAGES HOUSES. CHICKS HOUSES. The Bortable JhA glad 8r yea I money. Se sam- Bl st 644 Hood at. Main 111 "T en everlasting aggravation by a leak 191T Oldsaaoblle. 6 passenger. 6 cylinder; only I ',. By not a permanent and comfortable driven 8000 miles: good a new A number of I W u inds of leaky roof. Mala other, to select from; price 8126 up; terms I ailuuUBIl.1.8. alUlOHCllUA, LSOUIM or boau ar separata rasaatficatlaaa. A air a hating caa be luuad uader Itti.i Uifei given. TJ8ED CAR DEPARTMENT MTTCHELU LEWIS A STAYER CO. East First and Morrison streets Esst 7272; B 1216. rlaaaltiratlnBa. FOR SALE: Cheap, 1 top buggy and harness: also cream separator. E. 9th and Hawthorne. A SPAN of mara for ssls. good Isnn workers. 940 Mscadsm. Csll for Charlie. . HAVING lost mate will sell one 1600 lb. horse, wagon and harness. 268 E. 9th. HORSE and wagon, 61 25 day: 2 hore and wagon, 62.60. 646 Front. Main 2 -'OB-DEAD horse and snimsls hsuled away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. LIVESTOCK Estate bw. 418 Ry. Exchange. Sec 11: NE14. HW14. red fir 686 M., ceoat i n- 40 M.. whit fir 20JL; NW14, W(i, red fir i li; 996 SWU. NWT4, red fir 1046 M., SE 1 . J!nWH. red fir 864 M.; NE14. NE. red MAIN 4864. in buffet, fireplace, wash trar,, garage, etc. : I price 82100, S6IHI cash, balance $16; nnlyH I per acre, Blocs to car. st. r . n"o t oroett bldg. BLOCKB R C. PARK CARLINE BUT a ser boovsll st Courtney, $750, Terms. . Gss and electricity. Oregon Inv. Mtg. VO.. zwa -toeg Kgea. mag., so sna ; f4r .40 u- nvv. NK14. red fir 820 lemhiu. , ttStr H9 M . none of which i to be sold for DANDY cr on Ostfield road, aome fruit trees j leas than $1.50 per M. CLAY TALLMAN, and grapes, very good soil ; would make an 1 Commissioner General Land Office. ideal home; near Oregon City car. 10 dis- fcoilCa; u' tAtJs OF UOVEUNMENT count for cash. E 661. Journal. 1 TIMBER CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN ranches near NoUe I hereby glvea that sub.- to th Inrtt.Fifl - ft K IA arm tr.ci. SS tn S?nfl , aonditions and limitStlOBS of th Act of Jiid. McFarlend. 608 Yoa bldg., Portland. 1 9. 1916 469 etas.. Ii), ana ta lnstracUon 1 tn eecrsnary " " unvnor m nefuiu.'r 12 ROOMS, 4850. Clean, good. Goddard. r02 Couch bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTTJIflTIES 14 WEEKLY newspaper and job office ia Portland. Owner called Is important service; now net ting 4125 monthly. Practical printer could do batter. Ads under contract; excellent political patronage; 4800O. very may terms. 4224 92d st. S. E.. -Portland Or. 24 HEAD of good milk goats. Sonnons and Tog genbergs, fresh with kids, and soma to be fresh aoon.'. Some registered Sonnons, also one fresh roan Durham cow. Price right. Take SeUwood car to lnsley avenue; walk two block eaat to 20th st. 7 FRESH cows, large milkers, testers; 4 heifers to freshen soon : 1 0 head of yearling heifers ; 30 bead of stock hogs, 2 fine sows. 1 with lit ter of 9. At Robinson's barn. 1 mile west of Oregon City, Or., near the West Une school. Millmade Construction Co. CO) Dryad way 2079 (ffl J fKn fs 11 1 m, . New and second hand All siaea Any ewvftt . lJlkM. eai"i crocua wra e um tot sale. ttead loe for -Book of lkaatgara" snd details. Int. Trading I'roehet (' . Sex Hl m Also we ssak the fa- I NEW Gill net. 300 feet; rw boat, motor, near. ' -ms .at. 1'ollce 1'ualtive. &MS NEW TIRRS Sell. 403. What brand of new tiros do oaa, prefer T Wa have them, all aaaks and slaee. AJao we ssak the fs- IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US BEOFRE I J. tlrea and do all manner of tlra ra. I Umatilla ave. BUYING 1917 CHALMERS . 7 pass., like new.. $1250 1917 CHALMERS 0. Roadster, overhauled ana repainted 1000 1K11 UltaLMiUB 4, 6-pass.. air starter, fine tires . . 1918 STUDEBAKER 4, Ipsa, electric kinds Vf bodi- for mIV H7ah.t nrtca r.,i .'..?. I. L "SStiSU. J t: equipment 400 for old cars. oi.iyji.i vnr-u computing arales. all kiada; Pairing. Oregon Vulraalslng Co., 888-884 Bara- boo KNVELui-e.H ..r Sun 1 ,-TT : aide near Broadway. - 600 bond billbeada or atatemeota. 'l J y - I Smith Priming Co., 204 Stark st. AUTO WRECKERS I FINE LARGE Pitf At7TElf8r" We wreck most all makes of rare anA aell tfc. I R...I ti. iiib..i-it n : . T. . I . wei t'liv. . Dsn an 1 vj., aa g iat ar. aiAHnltAl.1, 2676 1914 APPERSON 8, 7-paaa., Al condition 650 wr.3ir.HN SJOTOK CAR SALES CO. Broadway at Burnakl PACIFIC JUNK CO . 228 Front St MAIN 476H also chees cutters. eu4fea ui:ia . A . sllcer. very cheep. Cl st 864 Stsrk st. Iffflljaiir Garages Call for illustrated price liat. $54 ia. keny at. 1'bon urusawsy 149. THATEK, SHAVEM-Om.T MACHLNW COMPANY 1 Ton. 4479 I BUILDERS OP 114 Ton. 4428 EYEKKEADY TRUCK S Ton. 8479 I ATTACHMENTS Capacity I Mlg. la Portland isi v. sr.t km ... I . ...-rz..;.. 1 . 1 " - hwm Kmm 11,1 I rLLBDI.SU auiaUMa. .- IMVte ty.. Ill Sd at Maw 797 V ACXLM Cieauera aula, repair, t.ulm. T . ciiaaaeo. oougny pentley Co Mam a6aj . rOR BALE At a bargain, velvet and cretonne ' window hangings, nearly new rWllwood la LXCALLEit ior taiiur Taylor th Tailor 369 V Baraside. iar ti FOR SALE 1 PoUnd China sow with 8 liigsi 865; 1-year-old Poland China boar, $40. V 728, Journal. FOR SALE 7 young pigs, one work horse. 1 ssddle horse. 3 fresh milch cows, st Colum bia Blvd. snd Union sv. FRESH 6-yr-oad Brow a Swis. 12 t. very rich milk,-tested, siv. woomswn 01. oun- day and evening woooiawvi 91 it. Sam Connell Lumber Co. !.. uto wreckers. Wa have pert ior snort all car, bend la your pert. VT. bVr. -P:SZ1 "Hi LL PAs 0L1 kfti CAH SOU koLat on vibbA niA k.k. "TT.r rc, 1 FORD. dition. Phone E. 4 8 4 V 4 g i H.wTT.. I FRANCES MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE; 1 8770. AUTOMOBILE! WASTE1V 14 RESTAURANT diahear etav, (or ' sale. W-4rV SPOT CASH ' Journal. ' ' 456. tOMfLKlE HATH liOOM OUT if. 646 Nortbweet Pipe Co., 187 Front st NEW HOME sewing machine, ilk new. 820: ... in, . t - . ' - a era n, near lamnin. Paid for late modal tounag oar aad nssilslae. BtM bo n gooa eonaiuoa. TUI USED CAR EXCHANGB 627 Waahiagtoa atreot Broadway 6448 ROiCISLAND ofa-n-Sat. May 4foT E. 16th and Hawthorn sv. I V eaiatfk rvstioa. CsU Bdwr. 2665. COSY KITHCF-jTm-' -refriaerau,,- ..rl table and heater for sale. 1661 E. Everett. . . j. r - 1 .j . .. . itAurs . Oft six,. a aros a 1 ,.,,,-. .h. timber on the foUowiui hiwi. in. Hvr.sn inora.1. yiulH .III, IV. turn elnae tn I .U1IA Jnurn.l. i ' .-. . . . .. . , . I ..... . .... niU be eota sisy , isia, at m o cioc a. m. FOR SAI.E Garag and repair ahop, good tools, good location in WillSaaett salary $650 -8 room houe. $50 cash. $15 per month, including interrst, alo lot $350. Tabor 6659 J TflTBO 4'ROOil HOUSE $1250 ' 4 room plattered modern cuttage, K. 78th St Glisan; $100 down. FRANK L. M'GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. FlR SALE 5 room miHlern. bungalow, large euin; upstairs ; all double constructed; pric 62500;. aom terms. 1065 E. 25lh L N. tiwner. veo consider trade for good " pssaengsr 1917 or' 19 18. auto. Phone Woodlawn 930 after 6 o'clock. FOUR room furnished cottage and lot on par, street at Seaside, for sale. Would conaidi STOP paying rent. Put a tent on one of our larg garden tracts, west aide; pric only $350, $10 cash, balance $10 month, M. E. LEE, 506 Corbett bldg. 6200 CASH, 427 month. 427.5(5, 1 r.-.Tu- ...;...: .. ., ifi.i o..,.. ii--,' 1 1 nwsi SUBURBAN HOMES 74 i VcT toTo , tohlnta? Tt L .. , 1 ,. ,...,.iii. g,ot jaa, than th appraised value as shewn by I "". lH xroowy. i U.K."7 7i'iUK!.!f.r!' tl'J fllti",! this notice, sale to ba subiect to tile sppro.sl I FOR SALE or trade, good millinery store; aao u.V?.lL. llV'JJLV .to .7"w!f.i af th Bogreuty of th interior. In puTcli.ae i hemstitching nd button machine; fin k- o . " .....1 a Mv:7, . Brise. with an soswuonsl suss of ona-fitth ot ! cation. phone Kaat S440 . l " " 1 , " .' " . .. , w vww v. ..nf inmnt. IMHta fMinu.wiM .11 , l , line. colles. A snap at $1250: easy term,: no trad. P. B. Vain Nice, 404 Concord bldg. Marshall 5454. Fin view of city. Kast More land snd Reed i T J", ! FOR SALE Grocery stors and lunch room. ZZTrrA ssl. la not ancroisi o?K.i I rnon. aeiiwooq aim. Ctent will iasu lor th timber Bliich tuntt removed wtthia 10 years. Bid wUl be re- FOR BALE EABMS IT 1480 A QRE stork Urm, sll uader. fane. $200. Good alfalfa land, under ditch, their own water, from creek which run through both sections. Buildings, some stock, A-l proposition, $25,000, half cash. 417 Abingtoa. Mais 6988. t. J. Fisher. 70 ACRES, sll stock snd crop, 24 mils from ceived from ciUxen of th United Bute, ss soeistions of such citizens snd corporations or ganized under tb law, of th United states ar any atU, territory ar district thereof toiy Upoa appticatsoB ot a qualified pnrcauer, U,a timber ou any egal aubdiviaion will ta, oil, red sepsrstaly bet ere being Included la any u;I(r t a larger unit. T. 9 .. R. 2 E., See. 85; NS14 NE hi, sallow fir 260 M red fir 60 M. : NWW kicu yellow fir 600 M.. red fir 600 M , bentlock 10 AVaaVif( mi. sa, ivg, vgaJr. a w I wen) g g swg, Dnswlaiui- BrrsM in eltUiartl ira Al wwMwaa gooa am .. iirepiso, lurrwce. buflet. Uuteh hos, barn, orchard. 1 good team, 4 eowg, 4'J W NE14. yeUow fi 7oo M.. red tit kitchen fied '-. . I brad young stock. 1 sow. 9 pig. 4 .host, hsr-jfto M.; Set Vk yrllo. fir 85u Al!;. red V- 684 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. . VUIn. hack, all farm toeia. Prtea 8460. iie ar.a U.! NEW NffU. rellow ... it... IT 81600 cash, batanee to suit. 411 Henry bldg. yed fir 160 M . bemlocfc 10 M. ; SE NWu" ' if bsa ' , yvHow tir 100 M.. rea tir 1200 ALt MS 14 es f roes PortlatA ; W. 14. fallow fir 200 M., rod fir, 600 M TjTi i E -WC, saUow tir. SW H.. rod 1 fir 660.lt 6 ROOM bungalow and aleeplng porch on Last 36lh. south of Hawthorne avenue, tor 42500. 8500 asab. balance $10 p,r month. M. E. LEE. 50 Corbett bldg. $2200 BARGAIN: ROSE CITY PARK 1 DISTRICT Strictly modern 6 room home. Tabor 6559 $18508: 8800 TRACT FOR B a.v near Ihaani. I '2 Milea . n n . uu HAA .Unl - k U ' A and rurtie lo. basaab. JZZ i. S . .yellow fir 450 Al. rod tor buo pUceT $500 cash. bsl. to rait. 782 "CW J o0 Jt yeUowTir' xTJ 'ii of Com. Fred W. Germsn Co. if00.1:' "iw..?.r Jy.eUow " w. .V- rd , v . rw . - ... Aetfv aa ,11 modern buneaJow. aleemn 1 srMi airr fHEiP 1 An..r.. . ' . .w. - k. ...ih . 1 .1 . .-j porch.1 cement basement. See owner. 101 f 1 .11 m.hi. K..i in .re. in a-... wr.JiT ' rTa -. t k. wi . . . L '. . 18th at. N Phone Woodlawn a B WZZ"-. "-Zil a ,J . " - w sola ------ - - t mgben. uwmvwv, biu. uur, acrea ta lau si las uua hui. aa. FOR SAi E 5 room house, furnished, with 1 wheat; arice $1200. For information writ. ' modern conveniences: best csr aervica in rite hoi 712- Kelso. Wash. r?!"5" C'" ""Th'" ?2T- . jrrrB arttE alS ranch near U. axis S-ROtM cotug tor ssle 111 Eat St Johns, rea. seres in crop, balance fin casture. 1 aera sonsblg terms. See Airs. Postello, 1830 buildings,; 200 seres crack bottom: good fences, building. a-owers. 1 good orchard, e-.ow per acre; $7000 east), long 82250 TERMS. A bsreain. V. . "rue on oaiance Hichnsood f room bungalow. 617 Chamber of Commero. Marshall 24 82. FOR SALE B room house; bard finished; near- CLAY TALLMAN Commissioner, General Land t Kf ice kiNkJ timber etataa eloa t Portland. Trade for Portland or Seattle. 3,8 Kailssy Exehsnge 1 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 17 OUR installment plan is the beet sad surest method of paying a loan. 832.26 per month for SS months or . 821.24 for 60 months, or 615.17 for 96 months, pay 41006 loan aad interest. Other amounts la proportion. We losn on Improved city property. Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark St.. PortUnd. Or. " MORTGAGE LOANS " Any amount oa improved city sad farm property; will consider good building loans. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY, Main 6916. 146 4th SU A-2818. WE HAVE "money to loan in sny smountst current rste of interest. No delsy. If yon have the security, se us. McClur 4 rJcbmsucb, Main 2801. MONEY to loan oa improved properly in moat ' every town in Washington, Oregon and Idaho: same U paid back monthly like rent. R. K. Lhadwjck, SZi'-.g N. w. Hank bldg. RETAIL dairy, good rout. 17 cows. Ford de- ivery and all equipment ana sn crops in. 1111 69th sve. 8. B. FOR SALE 1 fresh eow, privilege af 4. extra good milk cow 1786 Kirby at . corner of Columbia bird, and King st- Woodlwn 136. WANTED Over 4 gal. eow for casff Phons Tsbor 6559. PASTURE for 100 bead of ratUe, 20 mUea from Portland. Woodlawn 1998. POULTRY, PIGEONS, PET STOCK 7 WHITE Leghora baby chicks. Irom heavy layiag (Hoganued) atock. March delivery, gll per 160. April. 610. W guarantee safe arrival. Tb Piooeev Hatchery. Petsiasma. CeiiL WHITE Leghorn setting eggs, heavy winter lay- ing trapnested stock. $7 per iuu; iauu day old chick, for May 20, 815 per 100. Robinson, Carlton. Or. Koute 1. F. H. l modern: 82400: terms. 94 79th at rail 'i .between 2 snd 6 p. m. $2500 Modern 4 room bungalow ; 3 bedrooms, cement base meat; .good yard; fin location; woooiiva oav ' ST OWNER Modern 6 room house, MunUvilla car lin. half block to csr; sll imoroTamenta paid. Tabor 8068. 4 ROOM house, large lot, trait, poultry houae. I Good home for 41000. Terms at 4. Houck. all Henry bldg. 1 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATK 4 8 ACRES, 7 room house. Urge barn. A3 IRVINGTON home, T rooms and sleeping porch. under rulU vatloo; in crop. Good hard sur-j ' strictly aaoasrn throughout; vslu S0500. fsce road. School, church and store adjoining. ' Will con aider a amall place ia a fair aaigbbor No rock of gravel. iea. Morse, 814 Cbasntwr hood. Mstn 2274. -. , a , . 80 ACRES, Polk county Fine dairy farm "with 600 ACRES good Eastern Oregon wheat land; 1 larg barns, silo, good buildings. $18,1U. plenty of good water, hous and barn. Pric ; $3000 cash, soma trade. ZisamerKian A Co., 811 $17.50 per acre. One tliird cash, balsnc easy j Board of Trade. w. v.. o, lr-aVbtd l' b'' ax . ' I FUR f KAbhV-kod.rn 6 room house. 60,1 0 160 ACRES aasr Newberg. A cult. Fin creek lot. 2 blocks from carline. for stock snd oa Place. House, barn snd oatbtxUdiags. Good - equipment sad first year lesM oa Ursa. 421 6ta wa. wait ireiv ior , vi naiiu income property, t ,f. xi ar. ivaa WE buy snd sell sll kiada of poultry, pagsoaa. rabbits, puppies, pigs and pet atock. Tbe Cub Produce Co.. 165 Front at. 201 Mor rison. , 6HaVH Csmpines ley like Ighorna; eggs 42.50 per 14. Mrs. Grace Bardsley, Columbia bird snd Delaware ave.. PortUnd. Or. Woodlawn 319. ALSO BABY CHICKS 44" o! a! C! White Leghorn laving pullets; a-entla amall oonr.nar. 6. sound, rid, drive. plow, saddle, barneas; very light 2 -seated wagen; reasonable. 146 E. 61st N. MjamtsvUl car. FOR SALE Buff Leghorn eggs for setting bens; also 1 rooster, A. car. rnone wain. 4998. ffilCkS. White Lex horn: fro rang, trao neat- ed loundstion stock. Master Incubator Co., 41a Jesanp st-. foruano. ur, wooauiwn 11.21 SETTING EGGS 81.25 Rose Comb, Khode bland Ked. English Its ron Lrgtiavn. over 200 egg strain. Tabor 985. "for LAMER' Mfg. A Repairs. 8006 amaranth, . utomuhuioa; eoadt- 1 V,""' -t"1 . u"1'1 HH eM .stxia. I ,t Mdwr 239 A. L. Howard. 212 4th at. 11.,, JH,B so WTD I AIT' or lmH 01 l,uo lb- ,'dl U saUuigturi navy I beans for sale cheap. 8 1 H Railway Exchange. s HAWTHORN K AUTO 0100x1" 468 HAWTHOHXSJ i. EVERYTHING MECUAX1UAL AND It! wa- T.J, r cm E... v.a t,.., : nrr RPfl f'.nrC PRICKS wwww VMIW glllUV e-vwv , ... 1 1 . . . - jj . n a auiva VA OtZ. IH snd Washinstnn sts 'Main ,n HIGHEST prices paid lor tloa bo object 121 N M WANTED 2d hand Ford touring car. nav eaah. Tihnr I ill arte. K I i. riej-ep. a I ft nsilwav e.xehanee ,750 W7ELL secured first mortgage for light KVM:.t'T,lm"n 'kni, outftt Mt aheap. lata inuuri amomooue. a-us, J ou ma 1. 1 - - WANTED A aeotlon mold vukanlzeT Call I j"fcH VACUUM aWEKpfc.Ha MaeaaAaa 'labor S8'J. FORD wanted. Miut be cheap for cash. 37 gents. U.'tt Burnatde at. Hdwy. 28$ 9. SWAP CT)LTJJ4jr 14 AUTOS FOR HIHE 64 l-'lON chain drive Ford trnck with WrtghTsTT .-v wonn i uu: will t k . $400 ch. 1447M.llor, vfc W,Wewlta ! AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS lira aid new cars. Heasonabl ratea. Fes ring A Robnett, City Gersge, 86 lota, BetweeB Stsrk snd Oak. Brusdway Sta WILL trade furniture, a! uvea snd mas4njnssTrq- menie or pay raaa ,lor wnat nav you 7 H.n A aaidy. 126 First. Mam 7098. ' " PEDIGREED d for aai or trail at otkcet 1-rione fol. S51. ? WILL trade $3 Kramer piano for motorcycle, f MOTORS, gears bearinra. ekM, ... AUTOS wnbout dnvera for hire. CoucbmaB 4s wrack VnaBolSi ad U tneT 3 "" lOth-t.mhlH. My. 232. A-12$6. v .- lbivio) nodes Co., Brosdws, and FUnders at. Broadway 196. , EURN1TTJRE WAKTEP 14 CASH paid for old ears: eoadltXoo as object I si' cars. r,oa Auto Kx- crag. Ijt9 Lowsudal. at. at lei and Waat ...... srrv- gsrsjaiu w, y sSffllf. MOTOR CTCLE S-BICTCLE H BICVCLE MOloHCk'CLEa. Large aturk of new and sued machines, DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 68 6th at. (6 Want Household Furniture WILL Pboa PAY Mala CASH. S8S2 PIANOS. ORGANS AND MUSICAL 1NHTRUMF.NTS 14 Y?..-J?,,rr.- r" "mditlon. Pric 8825. lis 11 awe. Sal oiaau. v. ''nn. JSDor 7649. I ana, - a . an. .11. k. inn .1 - CHALMERS 6 late 1916. just overhsuled. new LATE model light 6 Buick roadster dsndr Jf- - , M.TlB '"f of tk condition, 4850. Come prepared to takJ , hows secure iisical eduoatlou, enurtainasent away. Fletcher A J.me., 33 BdaT " and tbe peoperty Sehwaa l-iano Co.. Ill 4th. Call East 636 JriT raaa. aartbaua sa beuaaheld aaada. . Wa c Hangs yatwr old tnrnttatr for now. VvA.ViKD Ssund Bami Uraiui, ....y, ,J aovwa, nc na rm s ns, nx. r fstlCA MORGAN FLRNITURE CO.. S90 East MofTisoa. Pbo Esat 22X6 CHALMERS SIX car. new tires. Phone Sea 2157 C. 1915 model, fine looking 4900 KN ABE parlor grand. 4S47. settoa and A-l mec basically, price $75u. touch perfect; Krsnarb ax Baeb squst. $66 DUBRUTLLfe TOP OO, 9th and Oak. Broadway 1664 Fords Enameled $15.00 4250. 6340. 4400. 4400. 4420. 47J0. 41000 snd larger smounts st cu&ent rsti. tjuick set ion. Fred W. German Co., 742 Clism. Com. 110 10th St. IT 7r0 4 roo m Sunnysidejiousaterm,' 1081 E. Salmon st. Owner. Tsbor 4686. , FOR BALENew modern "4-room i bungalow, Souko Portland, close to shipyards. 846 1st, Ralph Ackley Land Co., 210 Rothchild bldg. ! v. a'nffl' so f i.- . jrs r - I - , 1 , , T "'e- i prunes, csrepv pots ana mamillary. l per got.. o fr a; rrt cs5h. balance easy are g000 handlea. Some trade. Zimmerman terms, well faiproeed. 902 Spalding bldg. t A V , 311 Hoard of Trade. ALBEflA WHEAT FARMS ACREAGE t ourtney station. Oregon City caf- W heat, oe ts, flax and barley, th beat ther 1 line, for equity in 6 or room modern is. ' Writ CTsud Col," Warner, Alberta v I bungalow. Stratton. 217 Abiagtoo bldg. BUILDING loans on city or subarbas property. money advanced as work progresses. VV. G. Beck. 216 and SJS Failing bldg. Main $407. FOR MORTGAGE LOANS see OREGON-i?iVT 4c MORTGAGE CO.. Stack Echang bldg., Bd and Yamhill is. MONEY' to loan in smounu of $100 to 44000 on city property. ' A. H. BELL. 201 Gerlinger bldg. ctttAnd farm"loans Any amount: current rat,. R. F. BRYAN, 509 Cham, of Com. bldg. MORTGAGE loans, S snd 7 Ti. Salomon I A- Co.. 408 Selling bldg. CASH for mortgage, loans, contracts. F. Lewis, room 4. iwis bsrlg. Msia 468. Tu. 4 1 (H to $1500. coauider lots. R. H. Dowling, 617 Chamber of Comerce. Marshall 2482. I HAVE 41000 to $40,000 tn loan Ms Is city prosiort. P. O. Box tTJ. THOROUGHBRED Butlereup egr $1.50 satttng. Phone Bdwy. 830. sal, FOR SALE Setting bens. $1.30. SeUwood 1203. BLACK MINORCA eggs. $1 per setting of 14. 4202 6th st S t.. No Sunday sales. FOUR " laying bens, 85; 1 setting hen, 81.60 or by tbe layand. Woodlawn 4531. WHiTE'ROCE hatching eggs.' $1.50 per" IS'; heavy laying strain. Mam 4668. rTtlNTiBna for sale. Pbon Wdln. 685. S70 at. Morrisos) Bt FOR SALE 1811 High power Steams tour ing car; good running condition; cheap. U-966, Journal. CHEVROLET tourmg, model 490; snap. Call after 6 30 p. m. at-: R-C. ear. in frae 731 Oregon 1914 Ford, fin condition, detaviantsbl rimi. 6 tiros, spot light sad speedometer, 8400. E-728. Jourrasl. DOGS. BIRDS. PF.TK. ETC 44 PEDIGREED msl English setter pup, sired by "Rolo Heika," for ssls very cheap. K 929, Journal. BEAUTIFUL orange birds for sale. Main 6499. 176 N. 24th it. "Thon BELGIAN hares for sale. 10S1 E Lincoln st Tabor 6289. POINTER dog. good hunter, for sale cheap. 43 E. 11th SU PEDIGREED Airedale pupa Iron stock. Eaat 404. ' registered OVERLAND 1914 4-paaenger, perfect condi tion, sacrifice 4660; part time. 1031 Caratber after a p. m. REO 6 psasenger suto ia good repair, 4224. 8 naaaenser Caae: good repair. SSOA. W. K Jacobs, 1028 East Alder. Bsrold 8. Gilbert. 884 Yssshill ot. GEO. T. PECK, piano toner, graduate New England Conservatory of Mule. Boston, af ane Tuning s. iaoor ,n. Uia ert prteo for your aed forsrlBre, f weea. earpete PatoAK Kaat Talb atws row want to .soil yea luraiUsrei we win. sum, st sass aad sat I you CASH. AL R SKA KB, Saw Hawiaerao ate. corner Caioa. CASH paid for- yoar oid ptsaa. Wa way aad aeil for caab only. Seoartty aHorago Col. I 41b at. 6") t.ABti ouys 830U Hubier as Hobier uprignt J piano tomorrow as senmj Btorsga IJo.. lot Piter-Hamilton NYi -90 Grand aveaaa. Pboae AVug 77 Uisrbast prices paid for Baed furs iters, aarpets. eves, ranges, si sea ean promptly. ' Els. aecbod band Inrsiture. aaroeta. eta., sa ship Part af toww. WUl psy more thaa Peru OUB piano taken ta rail payment for a flae I kxad lieaior. Mala 17. "" . """ Inmm icuT ' Ireigbt rata aa aossUoid good sbspvod s sr WW s aa ww- Meaning Wa rb at Traaefe PHONOGRAPHS, reoords. boagot, aoid aod as- I Co., bib aad Hoyt Brosdwsy 798. A-l 70S changed. Mail gt taewaay. ws 1st t. M. Ts98 Most f cash paid for In mature and ma-caluT atniments. llsU Laasaday. 126 rirat. Msia 7096. " FOR SALE" CHEAP 1 Charter tiik rang, dia- FOR SALE Ford touring car and ranabout. Hsll A Csssidsy, 12 First. 21s -TON Speedwcl truck, fine shape. $1000 617 CI of C.MarhsIl 24S2. DODGE" Roadster. 1917.- Ilk aew. Will trade for late model Ford touring. Broadway log. DODGE. 1916. splendid car. A 1 condition. 6676. terras. Broadway 106. 1914 FORD delivery tar. A-l sliap7""Esstr 4 Oil FOR SALE Extra fine Braadi mandolin, coat 840: aell at sin. u-oe, journal. jS takes eoprano aaxapbxaaala good conditlJnT Tsbor is. TRADK your old pis so for aew talktrag ssa- eblna. Harold S. Gilbert, 6S.4 Yaaahlll at. PIANO wanted. ca.h. good piano; bargaia! Main fi68. 264 PAY cash for old piano, any condition. Msrket et. TWO boneekeeping rooms for on or two led lea. ga. light sad phone, 604 It R. ;;j t. WA.VIED A piano from private party cbeap for eaeb. Esst 6014. Ing table, 6 diners. 607 E. Mill. FttJaAiaislMa sport menu. Need raaa. or rang. av-O. etc Slain 449. Taoor S7n. MULTNOMAH FaraHBr lloepiul pay bigheat prioas for need fwraitara 2 7 Wsah. M'a 4 WASfTEfs MISCELLANEOCS 4 DIAMOND wanted, say rsab for hargaia from fivataiarty Eat 6614. - WXNTED Small potatoes. Maat be cheap. Bos 119, Route 2, ancenver, Waah. BlCTCIJ! wanleiL Maia 44 91 WANTED Piano. peiiaU petty. Marslisil $246. I tCaallaa EoUowlBf PaVft)