26 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 21, 191a. M. I ACREAGE 7 r- Idd.OOd 'ACRES.N80UTHEBN OREGON" , , Ol'KM TO FILDm APRIL 29 TO MAT 28. . - Wa auk and 11 the only maps allowing : tentct lot t ton of tbeea land. , ' Unmi map of entire (rant as forfeited ; .? (opea unit designated), fl. , Lande opea: Josephine connty 12. Jackson .' and Klamath counties combined $2.50. Town- nlitoU tl each. Postpaid, rma who served WO dare in army or nary ' ffl Civil war, Spaniah-American war. or Pbilip pma Insurrection, can f tl declaratory etate- Brant by Agent without eisitrng Unda, and make 1 . application within aix month. Having mapped and assisted In clarification of these lands for the government, we are prepared to sire you ;, tlx beat of service. TREK IX FORMATION. ANDERSON ft ANDERSON. : i 411 Chamber of Commerce. . Off lee Open Sunday. Portland. Oregon. l BUBTJKBAH ACREAGE 76 FOB SALE My improved 5 acre place near Portland, all in high atat of eultiTation, building, orchard, lot of email fraiU. Hor.te, :cw, poultry, tools and crop, 15 acre adjoining, rented sows with it. 4 acre in cultivation. If joa bar f2000 cah ean do bttsine: bal ance lona time. 11. 11. Baaaindale. Hillsdale. . Route 2. HARDEN IIOMK ACRE All fat cultivation, lot of fruit and berries; loaa to . 1L station: only IS mln. oat on Ore ion Electric; cheap and your own terms; To commutation fare; gas, electric light, water and phone accessible. Phone appointment, McCor- Wic, Main S3 1 8. roU SALE, bargain, 2 acre, all improved, splendid location, good house, fireplace, cement 1 basement; fine water, plenty of fruit, within 5 Minute' walk of paved road, station, and stand ard school; no trade; term to suit. Mrs. J. A. Chamber. hi mile east of Lenta Junction on roster Road. GARDEN HOME, on Oregon Klertric. 20 min utes from Portland, 2 hi aare. fenced and tiled, $1650. your own term; 2 acre for 1100; 6 acre improved. See J. A. King, Garden Home, Or., and let me show you the S bt buy In thl growing district. HUBER STATION A particularly choice acre, finely cultivated, 13 fruit treea, planted 8 years; gaa and water : ean be put In frian main; 7 minute from school and depot; barn and fine well on place. C- 898, Journal. 146x200 OREGON CITY line. 10c fare, all In cultivation; 2 room house and chicken house. fine soli, $850, on easy terms, 5c to Milwaukia shipyard. Claude Hale, Oak Grove, laftW or 202 Wilcox blrtg. FOR 8AI.E My equity In one acre near Oak Orove. Heaverdara. all in cultivation, 7 room tent house, good we'!, fruit trees, chickcnyard, creek. Call East 857B Sunday' 'only. atTAN PLACE 1 acre; 6 room house, Iruit trees; colored people only. Phone Hansen. Main I11S. or 13.1 K. 0th t. SUBURBAN HOMES 71 i ACRE home on S. P. red car electric line, be tween Aloha and Tobias; house quite new, wtth S rooms, bstb and sun porch first floor, 2 bedroom, sewing room and attic second floor; electricity and gas; living room ha fireplace and library, builtin bookcases; big chicken and pigeon houses and yard, bsrn, water system with gaso , line engine: berrie and young orchard, balance ij, of land under plow; adjoining is 5 acres free Ekature; price lenoO; ternu to suit. I .add utate Co., Concord bldg. ': 4.85 ACHES NEAR PORTLAND $1,100 r 4 room house, hot and cold water, good well, pumping plant; place well equipped for small dairy; Included at thi price is one good horse, Wagon, harness, plow, cultivator, Jersey cow and houseliold furniture. Owner must sell and you ean buy this place for 11500, 3250 cash and balance to suit. Hee Cordon, 73:: Chamber of " Commerce. Main 645. ' ,aSARGAIN near Hveverloii. by owner. 11.00 acre, good loamy soil. 5 tinder cultivation, balance wood. New 5 room bungalow, cement cellar. 2 chicken house, big woodshed, tool , room. 4-year-old orchard, 35 tree. New wire fencing. Excellent water. Near school. 2 block from Pacific highway. Good car service. Price 2500; term. M 731, Journal. Garden home acre homes Oregon Electric, only 15 mm. from Portland. One of the finest little bungalows In the state, close to U. II. station; all finished in white en amel; expensive Wilton velvet carpet on the floor; fireplace, shower bath, etc.; a snap at B000; $000 cash. bal. easy. Phone me today, MeCormlc. Main 03 IK. MODERN SUBURB A N HOME FOR TRAI eT I have a beautiful place, 3 nice lot, grape, fruit, nice hedge and shrubbery, 7 room house, hardwood floor, fireplace, etc. Located 724(1 Foster road at Eirland Station. Want trade , for modern house, closer in with garage. Phone ' Broadway 43M. A BARGAIN 4 minutes' walk to Garden Home station ,5 acre. Vs In cultivation, 7 room ' new bungllow, barn. 2 chicken bouse. 3 cow. "" S800 lb. farm team, good single and double harness, gool wsgon. plow, hsrrow .and other tool, all go for 34000. About H canh. AI Metier, owner. SUBURBAN HOME PLACE An Meal pot on Will matte river, 20 acre native shrubs and woods. Fine spring water. . bwt salmon trolling place on. river. A bargain. A. W.. LAMBERT & SON , 404 East Alder st., cor. Grand Ave.. . Purtland. Or. OF the prettiest pis res in Oak ;rove. each of these place contain from 1 4 to 1 era, all in garden, with all kind of fruit and , (lowers and the luiuse are up-to-date in every epect; the prices range for either of the place under $5500. 11. J. Clohessy. 415- Abington i bldg. OARDK.N HOMK'home"; 1.1 acres, fair 6 room house, chicken and wood house, fine . iroung orchard, lots of berries, flowers, shrubs, to.; an Weal place to live; $1050 takes it; term; owner leaving, must sell; only 15 min utes' ride on O. K. J. R. W OLFFB 1 8 C. of jC. Bldg. ,160x200 OREGON CITY line10cfare7aTl . . In cultivation; a room house and chicken house; fine soil; $850, on ea-y terms, ,i0 to MUwankle shipyards. Claude Hale;Main35 1 7. VOU RENT 7 acre home close in on O. Elec Main 177H. A. Crick. FOR RENT -FARMS 14 -Mi. ara headquarters tor tarm remala and farm sale. If you wanCsquick action, list your farm with. us. Watch our ada. 185 acrea. Albany district, 140 acres under plow 45 acrea pasture. acre orchard. M mile to R, R., good well, windmill, pumps, coun ' ty road. 8 room house, good barn, hold 60 tone hay, chicken houses, garage, hog houses, 1c, ; complete aet of farming machinery ana growing crope; rent $550 per year. Per aonal property: 5 horses. 7 cows, chickens 14 hogs, etc. Price $4000. . 119 acrea, Clarke county, Washington; 20 acrea in cultivation, family orchard, A-l aoil all fenced, 5 miles to R. It, 17 miles to Vau rouver. 1H milea P. O.. good road, spring e 4 room house, water pid to buildings, barn, hold 27 head cattle, 4 tons hay, sep arator bouse, woodhouse. cellsr. wagnii, pig - and chicken houses; rent $100 per year Personal proterty: 10 cows. 0 heifers, l" bulr. 2 horses. 8 sows. 2 pig, chickens 2 hosts, clover, spuds, hay, all farm tools. Price, $2000. 90 aeree. Estacada district; 35 acres In culti vation, balance timber and pasture. There are 500 acrea outrange, fenced. 7 acre orchard. 800 prune trees. -'0 acres seeded to clover; H mile to school. R. F. n,, rock road, good well. 4 room . house, large barn ml other buildings. Rent, including out range, $200 per year. -T? acrea. Willamette valley. 35 mils, in Tn.. land; 7 acres good prune orchard and other fruit, lota of berries. 4 miles to Oregon City 1 anil R. R.. on Pacific highway; 7 room :. house, good barn, prune drier. Rent $2r0 per year. Personal property for sale- r Horse, chickens, etc , and all farm tools in crops, i nee, imu. li acrea, adjoining above 90 acres, with an . ' acres nnder ploy; 7 room house, ham. etc - ' all farm toola. grain. ' arowina rron. e Bent $300 per year. Personal property for wst. it nurssrs, . i canie. ) aiieep, S hog , It erea. all in cultivation, all level, fenced with .woven wire. A-l aoil, family orchard, . near Clackamaa atatinn; two walla, 7 room house, large barn and outbuildings; lease for - two years, $275 per year. 15 acrea, all In cultivation, family orchard, all fenced with woven wire. 1-V miles to rail road station. 2 5 milea to Portland, on good road, good well, 8 room house, new barn and outbuilding. Kent $175 per year Equipment and crop for sale: 1 team 3 cows, brood sow, 40 chickens and all farm ing iraplrmenta; acrea in oaU and vetch. , Price. $700. " A. O. Bender. RITTER. LOWE CO., 08-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR RENT. $10 per month. 5 acres near Cook station, on 8. P. electric; four room rustic Bouse. 4 acrea cultivated: 40 apple trees; good . anil. - A. W. Morgan. 606 Railway Exchange. . Mar. 2688. FOR RENT or sale in whole or part, summer resort farm house hotel and 100 acre grax Ing fare, in Tillamook county; farm suitable for aheep or goat. Owner, room 19. 168H 4th. 9 ACRES FOR RENT " At MUwaukie: very richest land, all cultivated - risstea. barn, orchard; house furnished and aome ; Implement wtth place. Phone Broadway 4381. V1LL sublet 10 acres, lots of fruit, use ot ow - and partly furnished 8 room modern house to ' neat Christian Science family, cheap. Sea im , mediately. Sellwood 9302. 10 ACRES, bungalow, barn, well, etc, tine rich Tualatin valley river bottom, van reaaonabl. Inquirs 851 Va Wean. Room 2. ; ACREAGE and lot auitabU for war garden. hear fl carline. Apply Sunday, corner 89th - and. Has Una road FOR RENT 40 acre dairy tarm Uiat will uka good car of 8 to 1 0 cow. J. N.. Bog i Oneida. Wash. ' - FARM for rent, 140 acrea. 110 acrea in paa twrw, good improvementa, ' running water in every tichi. - nee owner, nni vtnsaQ at 10 HEAD good young dairy cow, $700. Ralph Ackley Land Co.. 210 Bothcbild bide. 14 FREE KENT Aho crop on 28 acre bearing-orchard ; boon and use of other land, for care of orchard; must furnish team and tools. Address D. L. McLeod. 204 Porter st , FARMS WASTED REST OR BCTM WE HAVE buyers tor improved farms from 40 acre op If the location Ja suitable and priced right Farm owners send vm full description of your farm, improvements, stock, etc. Don't omit anything but inflate 'price. E. A. LINDOREN Savon Land Co.. 935 X. .W. Bank bldg. V A I! If Fit s ATTENTION We are selling and renting farms every day. Why not list yours" We get results. Watch our ads. A. G. Bender. RITTER. LOWE CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade. HOMESTEADS 47 Map of 0, &-C. R. R. Land Free We have the new county map of Josephine and Jackson counties showing only the agricul tural land opened to homestead filing, April -9 to May 25. These map show principal towns, stream and railroad. Price, Josephine county. $2; Jackson and Klamath, combined, 3.2.50. postpaid. With each county map will present free map of State of Oregon ahowing the entire grant. . ROWLAND MAP COMPANY, Roseburg, Or. lI.MKI.lt claim, government land, filing guar nteed V. 8. land office. (Not U. C lnd.) Good timber. Cruise over 3,000.000 feet, tor co t and detail address C-059, Journal. TIMBER FINK UiO acres timber, near Alsea Hay, cruises over 8.000,000 it., of cedar, fir and hemlock, well situated for logging and good aoil for dairy ing or farming. Will Use house and lot and some cash, or sell cheap for cash. J. B. HOLBKOOK. 214-215 Panama bldg. SHIP timber. 20,000,000 to 30,000.000 feet: more available; easy logging; can be flumed to Ry. Address Box 185, Hood River. Or. 100 ACRE timber claim, between four and live million feet heavy piling. Am a wiaow ana want to sell. D-Qqo. Journal. SHIP KNEES WANTED. LOEB BKO. BRO.rfWAY BLDG.. PORTLAND. OR- FOR SALE F AJIM ?L 17 !oWNER SICK; MUST SELL. 15 keres f'tie land. 0 under cultivation; 8 room house, 2 porches, barn. 40x50; good wa ter, outbuilding, all feuced: handy to; Van couver shipyards; in sight of Sifton; family or chard; $2500; $100o down, balance 6 years time 6 per cent, or whole 40 acres for $5000. J VI. Awtry, Orchard, Wash.. K. F. No. 1. Box 151. ONE OF THE BEST 115 acre farm in Washington county: 65 acres under plow, 50 on the bottom, balance easy sloping upland: main highway: 14 town and high school; good farm buildings: spring water piped; crops in and looking fine; $12,000, which is far below surrounding values. D. Mc Chesney, 332 Ch. ot Coxn. bldg. Main 7102. 60 ACHE YAMHILL COUNTY FARM $3000 25 acre under culivation. 15 acres slashed, 10 acres in fine oak timber. 5 room fair house, good barn, chicken house, hog house. a spring by the house, another by barn, on main county road and close to school. Terms. E. A. LINDGREX Savon Land Co.. 035 N. W. Bank bldg. ON ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS. Finest little farm in Clark Co. ; 20 a. high state of cultivation: crops- in, family orchard : fine water; on c-rllne. convenient to Vancouver sliipyard: some fine grade Jersey cows, horses and tarm implements go with place : abstract title. Price $5000. cash or term. L E. Sher man. Sifton. Wash. 80 ACRES STOCKED $6500 10 cow. 3 heifers, bull, team, a lot of chick ens farm machinery, 70 acres bottom land. 30 in hay timber for fuel, fair buildings; a sure money maker. D. McChesney, 332 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 7102. SPECIAL 40 acre in Southern Oregon, near railroad town, good soil, well timbered; price reasonable. 3 lots in Lake Shore View addition to the city of Seattle. Wash.; lot 240x0 feet each. t;eo W. King, 16th and Alberta sts., Port land. Or. FOR SALE or trade. 130 acres timber, good soil, some improvement, near Laurel. Wash. House, lot 50x130, on Oregon City line, near Portland city limits, rented. 5 acre well improved poultry farm at Craw- fnrdsvtlle. Address owner. Chas. Rick, Craw- fordsville. Or. PRICED FOR QUICK SALE Fine farm near Portland, 55 acre in grain. 25 acre in clover, over 300 head of sheep. 12 hesd of cattle. 8 head of horses and complete farming tools; if you are looking for a grand farm, this will uit you. M. E. LEE. 505 Corbett Bldg. 1 HAVE one ot the ba.1 tarm m tlie Willam ette valley, extra well located and improved. Will make you a price that will open your eyes. In pieces from 40 to 233 acres. Now, if you are looking for a snap here it is. Am leav ing the state. Box 12. Woodburn, Or. FOR SALE Beautiful 10 acre farm in Mel rose; 0 mi. out from Roseburg, Or.; good road; new bungalow; woodshed, granary, barn, chicken house: fine place for a home; fine soil, must sacrifice for $2000 acc't of death in family: worth twice this amount. East 4045, 386 Vancouver avenue. $3300 TRACT FOR $1850 5 acres near Orenco, 12 miles from. Portland, 600 pear trees, 200 choice rose bushes, very expensive and rustic log bungalow with fire place $500 cah. bal to suit 732 Cham, of Com Fred W. Germen Co. DAIRY RANCH 100 A., 1H mi. to creamery and electric line, about 00 a. in culti.. fenced, house, barn, macadam road, milk and mail route, all fine bottom land: $12,000; make good term. F. E. Seachrest. 248 Stark st. 480 ACRES, 300 in wheat: will insure crop for 810.000. 1H0 acres triDutary to ditch tnat flows through place: buildings: 7 miles to R. It. Auto road. 80.000 acre outrange offered at bargain. $2000 rash handles it Zimmerman &. Co . 311 Board of Trade. ATTRACTIVE HOME TLACE 1714 acres 1 '4 mile from town in Washing ton county; good buildings that cost $2000 to erect; all $3500: practically ail under plow. D. Met hesney. 332 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 7102. 40 ACRES 7 mile from good town, 80 acres irrigated. 30 alfalfa, all good land. buildings, fine dairy proposition. $50O0, $1000 cash, bal. long time, 6. Zimmerman & Co., 31 1 Board of Trade. MOST valuable after war. 40 acres Hood River, on railroad, 2 irrigating ditches run through, wjterpower to run any machinery on farm, free: wood enough to pay for it. $1500. 3400 53d S. E. NEAR Portland, 90 acre. 80 choice bearing fruit, nuts; 26 acrea loganberries; good in come, no IncuntDrance. bxenange Tor Portland proiierty, wheat or stock farm. Will assume. Zimmerman & Co., 311 Hoard of Trade. 4.000.000 FEET of fir timber for sale. 22 miles from Portland, near R. It A good place for a tie mill. Also 1GO acre dairy farm. 50 acre cultivated, well watered. God build ing. J. E. lCroy. Estacada. Or. R. 3. FOR SALE, by owner, 16"b acres. Eastern Ore-' gon; 85 in cultivation; 60 can be tilled; free range; small house, barn. 42x32; water piped in house: bearing orchard; $3000, aome term. NX-711. Journal. UNITED STATES land opening. 3000 claim in Southern Oregon fruit, farm, timber and grazing lands. 50c per acre down. $2 on final proof. Send qnick 25c forv msps and particular. DOUGLAS ABSTRACT CO., Roseburg, Or. FOR SALE OR TRADE 4 80 acres, at Rivers. Crook county, Oregon, with stock or with out; 00 acres in grain and 80 acres ready to pui in : no agents wantea. &aaress Charles Stevenson. Rivers, Or. 8S!i ACRES, Polk Co. Fine dairy farm with large barns, silo, good buildings. 818.000. $3000 cash, some trade. Zimmerman oV Co . 11 Board of Trade. Improved Farm for Trade Klickitat county. Will trade for anvthinff What have your 502 Couch bldg. 40 ACRES. 59 free irrigation, 60 wheat, 28 prunes, crop, stock and machinery. $75 per acre. $3000 handle. Some trade. Zimmer man it Co., 311 Board of Trade. 100 ACRE8 145 in cultivation, 75 in crop; buildings, crop, stock and machinery. $3765. Will make good terms; accept semi-trade, Zim merman &Co3UlBoajxlof Trade. 40 ACRES partly improved. Columbia highway diversified farm, house, spring, ideal for poul try, 6 year lease, for $150. with option pur- 80 ACltES. partly improved, diversified Oregon 'mu. iws mu iuu maraex; price X . o 0 genuine bargain, $750 cash; balance to euit purchaser. 612 Royal bldg. . 1M,'"vftK1 20 acres 17 milea out on electric. $8600; term.; discount for cash; Liberty bond aame as cash. A. Pearson. 656 E. a 7th t. N. or phone Tabor 6024. horses; all implements house furniture If wanted. Sea me at Room 60. Rainier ho- FOR SALE -240 acre stock ranch, in Malheur county, with plenty of ouujde range, on prl Tat; water right For term addresa Henry McDougall. WestfaTL Or. 7 . ALBEKTA WHEAT FARMS "". oats, I la i and barley, , the beat then wnie viatme sjoia. win., ihmtI 460 ACRES improved alfalfa and fruit ranch. ,'TWt 6u7.?fer ffertsf S. M. Tenant, v. .isiui Vi, commerce, . . , . . FOB RENT--FABWS For the Sake of Prof it read the For Sale and Wanted Miscellaneous columns. You may. find there something you want, or better still, something you have and don't want that the other party wants. Profit Either Way FOB SAIjE TA RMS 11 1000 ACRE Willamette valley stock, grain and fruit farm. All A-l soil. 0 miles from Porte land. 4 H miles from good valley town. 8 mi lea from station on Sourfiern Pacific, in good tann ing district, on good auto road, phone, milk and mail route, school across the road, well fenced with woven wire, watered by streams and spring water piped to house. 8fO acrea cultivated, about H of this is bottom land. 200 seres more very light clearing. bL la timber and open pasture. H of cultivated land now in crop. About 75 acres in fine commercial or chard iurt coming in bearing. Very good farm house, also smaller house for the help. r large barn and other outbuilding. AH necessary ve hicles, farm implements and small tools. 5 horses, about 00 head cattle. 175 good ewea, about same number lamb, few bogs and chick ens. Thi I a going farm, not out in the hill, but right in a good community. If looking for a good stock ranch and you can handle this, call at- the office for particular. The price, including all personal, is $75,000. Can make very good term. Neal Brown, 207 Panama bldg. PERSONAL FOR SALE RENT RANCH 60 fine milk cow, 60 now milking; between 40 and 50 heifer, coming fresh; 2 large bulls, 3 small: 8 bead horse, harness. 2 wagons, buggy, ensilage cutter; In fact all manner of farm tools necessary to run an up-to-date dairy farm. Price for personal property 312,000. 525 acre in ranch. 25 acre upland, balance Columbia River bottom, modern up-.to-date barn, fl room house, all necessary farm building: rent $100 per month; lease ean be extended to suit purchaser. This is one of the best paying dairies in the ' country today and must be seen to be appreciated. No trades con sidered. THOMPSON & SWAN. 5th and Main st.. Vancouver. Wash. CAN T BEAT THIS QUARTER SECTION FOR THE MONEY You can't beat thia farm buy If you look all summer. Note the description and the value offered for the money: 180 acres, 70 acres in cultivation, balance good pasture and very easy to clear: all the very best of dark, rich, mel low loam aoil: living water: bearing orchard; good " room house, 2 good barns, outbuilding. Price, with stock and equipment, only $10,000. $3500 cash, balance, your own time: 6 per cent Interest; located food county road. 3 milea to town, 40 miles out. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 North 6th St. Broadway 4881. 6 ACRES. 6 MILES OUT Ton should buy me. I'm located right on carline, with hard surfaced road right in front of my gate. I embrace fl acres, and as rich land a can possibly be found around Portland. New house, well, with pump on back porch; mwi him mi thiiildinar : hearing orchard and berries. Jump in my agent' car and run out! and look ma over. Just an mnes irom en limit: fine level road all the waj, I U show you how to reduce the high cost of living. Price, with some personal. $2850. $1200 down, balance 6 per cent HARGROVE REALTY CO. 122 North flth St. Broadway 4381. 10 ACRES. All in cultivation, sightly location: 1 acre prunes, good well. 5 room house, barn; on good road, 2 Vi miles trom uregon tuj. vv re served on 9 acres. $2500. part casn. 40 ACHta. 80 acres in cultivation, mostly In crop; good team; 3 cows, 2 heifers, calf, sow, 8 pigs, chick ens, wagon, harness, hack, 2 plows, harrow, seeder. When not busy on farm owner ean use team outside at $9 per day; $5750. $3000 cash. DILLMAN HOWU.NU, 8th and Main st. Oregon City. Or. 50 ACRES FOR $3S00 $1200 will handle this property, balance easy term. It is probably the best buy around Portland. 20 miles out; 56 hi acres, 27 acres cleared, facing good country road; some timber, running water. A splendid laying tract; good soil. 6 room house, barn, outbuild ings, bearing orchard. Price $3800. $1200 cash, balance easy, 6 per cent. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North flth St. Broadway 43B1. 240 ACRES. IMPROVED WORTH MORE THAN $40,000 FIRST-CLASS BEARING CHERRY AND APPLE ORCHARD. EXCELLENT LOCATION AS TO MARKETS. Unincumbered. Will ex change all or part for Portland income. Thia is worth investigating. Phone Main 0313. CHARLES L. WHEELER CO.. - 517 Chamber of Commerce bldg. PROFITABLE COUNTRY HOME $22,000 98 acres, near Salem, highly improved, 16 acres finest bearing prunes, 5 acres Loganber ries. 5 acres commercial cherries, valuable culti vating land: water piped to both acta of build lues: owner confined to mill and lumber plant. See J. M. Edwards, GEO. E. ENGLEHART, Main 7266. 624 Henry Bldg. REAL STOCK RANCHES 2017 acre. 75 tillable, fine soil. 3 hi miles river front, fine grass and pee-vine. 10 milea to R. R.. good roads. $8 per acre. Good term. 12.000 acres. 6 milea to R. R-, fine roads. plrnty of water for irrigation, several thousand acres agricultural land: growa everyuung to per fection. 30 miles fencing, buildings. $10 per acre, 10 cash, balance long time at 6. Zimmerman & Co.. 31 1 Boa rd of Trade. GRAIN FARM 345 acres gently rolling farming land in fine part of Willamette valley, convenient to town and shipping point; all first class soil that has been well farmed; 800 in cultivation; 10 room house, 3 barns, II silos, woven wire fences; com plete, with all crops and possessions, $87,50O. D. McChesney. 332 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 7102. FOR SALE 60 acres. 4 acrea under cultiva tion, 20 acres clover pasture. 23 acrea slashed, rest good wood; fenced on two sides, cross fenced; unlimited outrange; small 5 room house with modern fixtures; large barn, out buildings; all buildings new; horse, cow, 4 3 goats, chickens, hay crop growing, furniture, tools; everything, $3000. $1500 cash, rest on term. Address F. F. Streller. Eddyville. Lin-! coin County. Oregon. 107 ACRES near Astoria. $4800. 80 A. In cult.. 50 A. slashed, aome 20 rears ago: 4 acres of orchard. yoor buildings, three miles trom railroad, 12 milea from Astoria, 8 milch cows, 1 heifer. 2 yearling heifers, 1 bull, a horse. 1 young sow. wagon, plow, etc.; unlimited outrange. This is th biggest map In the coast country. Photos at office of Fred German Co., 732 Cham, of Cora. W. 60 ACRES, 30 miles from Portland, 5 miles ) from rail and river transportation, 20 acres I cultivated, 15 timber, balance open pasture, run- j ning water, spring and well, all good aoil, 10 acres ; rough, balance lies fine, fair building,' well J stocked and equipped. 1 5 in crop; price for all! $3500. $1700 cash, balance on time. Neal Brown. 207 Panama bldg. I WHEAT RANCH 1320 acre, 12 mile from Lyle, W:ah., 6 miles Warwick. Fair building, all fenced, 300 acres winter wheat, good for 80 bushels. 300 acres summer fallow, 1-3 of crop goes with place. Price $25 per acre, hi cash, balance 10 year at 7 per cent. Address JX-659, Journal. IN BEAUTIFUL CHELA TCHIE PUAIR1E 40 acres. 20 a. in cult., new 5 room Jiouse, large bam, small orchard. 2 creeks, 1 H miles from 2 creameries. This valley is in the most prolific pert of Clark county. Price $3960. $1500 down, balance S years. Fred W. Ger man Co., 732 Cham, of Com. S'lOCK farm. 820 acres. 100 in cultivation, balance fine pasture, good house, two bams, good fencing. 35 head of fine cattle. S horses, good implements, ou cream route, no encum brance. Price $35 per acre, including stock and equipment. Want city property or valley farm. O. W. Bryan, r.08 Chamber of Com. Main 1908. 40 ACRES, $1500 i In Clarke county. Washington. 12 acres in cultivation around the atumps. family orchard 8 years old, 6 room house, large barn, root house, chicken house; $500 cash. $200 yearly. Plenty of work In vicinity. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. 10 ACRE ranch, $1650. A 1 aoil. level, no waate. about fl acres in cult, and crop, balance pasture and fuel; 4 room house, barn and chick en house; less than mile from town and r. r. atation. no hills, good road, fine community ana splendid buy; term. J R. WOLFF, 618 Chamber of Commerce bldg. COUNTRY HOME 45 a.. Yamhill Co., new 5 room house, not quite finished, bam, chicken house. Thia goea foi $40 per acre. See Mr. Berry GEO. T. MOORE CO. ABINGTON BLDG. FOR SALE or rent. 10 acres, iht miles from city limits. Cleared, house, barn, 2 chicken houses. 30 fruit tree! .$120 sear rent. K II. Holcomb. 1219 Holgate, near 41st st 8. E. w. 8. car. FOR SALE or exchange, well improved dairy ranch, close to good town on coast. Want valley land up to $3000, or residence property in good location. Would assume. S-662, Jour naL VOft SALE 320 acre wheat ranch. 1-3 down and balance to suit at per cent All fenced. water, house, barn. A bargain at $10 per acre. See owner, E-668, JournaL ABOUT 80 A. near city, fine river bottom, soma tock: price $12,500; take $8000 in trade. Joe Smith. 6680 8th 8. E. IS ACRES I acres cleared, Yamhill Co., S1000. Taka Ford aa part payment. - 481$. 6M at. S. E. . ,. 17 FOR SALE ONE OF THE BEST STOCK RANCHES IN SOUTHERN OREGON. SITUATED IN DOUGLAS COUNTY. 85 MILES EAST OF RIDDLE. INQUIRE OF A. J. WINTERS. 5-67 SIXTH ST.. PORTLAND. OR. LINCOLN C O. SHEEP AND GOAT RANCH FOR SALE BY OWNER 404 '.4 acres with following personal: 50 sheep lambing now, 80 goats kidding now, 6 horses, 4 cattle. 4 doa. chickens, farming im plements and small tool. 50 bushels good seed potatoes, some good apples. '40 acres in good bottom; 25 in cultivation. 20 acres bench- land in cultivation, 200 acre open pasture, unlim ited outrange, 15 acres sown to oats for hay. 2 acrea in wheat 1 acre bearing orchard. . 1 good new A room bouse, 2 bsrn. 1 new; other out building. Fences vert good, mostly wire. One of the best wells in the county. 3 creeks and numerous aprings on place. 1,000.000 to 2.000, 000 feet good second growth fir Si mile to valley and Newport road. 4 H mile east of Ed dyvilla which is on C. it E. K. R. 1 miles to school. Telephone) in, house. This la one of the best buys in the county. Unincumbered. Everything goes at $40 per acre cash or will take a mortgage hack . on place for part at fl per cent. For further information write Charles Eagleson. Woodburn, Box 5. Oregon. Here Is a Choice 90-Acre Willamette Valley Ranch including stock, all implements, furniture, and the 40 acres fall-sown grain. 90 acrea rich, black loam. 70 to 80 acres in fine state of cultivation, balance valuable oak timber; good 10 room house, barn, hog and chicken houses, fine family orchard of ap ples, plums, cherries and berries, 3 mile to elec tric station, 8 H miles to boat landing, high school, store and sawmill; good roads, good neigh bors, good land, all for $10,500. I have many other fine farm and ranches listed in Oregon, California. Washington and Idah6, on which I can uote reasonable prices and terms. J. B. HOLBROOK. 214-15 Panama bldg. 40 ACRES, all in highest hUte of cultivation. on east side. 10 miles from Portland post office, 3 hi mile from Lents, 3 mile from Mil waukie, on fine road, phone, mail and milk route, less than 4 mile to school and church. surrounded by best of small farm homes. Land lies fine. Nearly all in crop, well fenced, run ning water, good well, 2 ci-sterns. Fine large or chard, 8 room house plastered, large woodshed. granary and workshop, large barn, ailo. Teed cutter and gasoline engine. Everything com plete in vehicles, implement and farm tool. Good young team, 10 grade Jersey cows, 2 hog, some chicken. This i but 10 mile from public market. Income about $2000 a year. If you want a fir-it class farm close in, see this. Price $12,000. Neal Brown, 207 Panama bldg A FIXE INCOME IN EASTERN OREGON 820 acres in high state of cultivation; fine sandy loam well irrigated, good young orchard consisting of apples, pears, plum, peaches, etc. ; berries; crop consists of 150 acres alfalfa; rye, 80 acres; 130 acres, in wheat, timothy, etc. Fair house, barns and outbuildings; 2 good wells on place; 1 hi miles to school, 3 milea to postoffice, near Prineville. The following stock and implements go with this place: 6 head milk cows. Jersey and Durham; 1 bull, Durham; 2 calvea, 8 horses, chickens, all necessary farm implements. Price $35,000; cash, $12,000: balance, terms. Williams Ixjan A. Investment Co.. 422 Chamber of Commerce bldg., or 112 West' 6th St., Vancouver, Wash. 20 ACRES 0 MILES OUT Not a prettier lying tract in Oregon, nor a better piece of land, located 9 mile east from the city limits of Portland. All in a high state of cultivation. Good 7 -room house, barn, out buildings, lots fruit and berries. Personal. Very fine team. 3 cows, wagon, hack, buggy, chickens, binder and ail farm implements; price $5000, hi cash. Hargrove Realty Co, 122 North 6th st. Broadway 4381. RANCH. STOCKED COMPLETE 4S0 acres. 10 miles from Lyle. Wash.. 5 mile Warwick. 5 room house, frame barn 4 Ox 60. new granary, chicken house and other out building, all in good repair. 80 acres in wheat and oat. 85 acre summer fallow, B0 acres more sod to be broken, 80 acres fine bottom land, all .fenced, 60 acre hog tight 17 head of cattle. 2 horse, chicken, hogs and machin ery. Price $25 per. acre, hi cash, balance own time at reasonable rate. Addresa owner. I. E. Fo. Lyle. Wash. 77 ACRE FARM 6 MILES OREGON CITY Between 30-35 acres under cultivation, 15 acie slashed, balance pasture and timDer. i.im cords: county road and two running creeks through land: new 6-room hou.se, almost new 42 by 45 bam, 2 old houses used for pig and chickens, 9 young Jersey cows, all milk ing; team of horse, separator; spring wagon, new Implements, etc.: cream check $100 per month. Price $9000. best of terms. E. A. LINDGREX Savon Ijind Co.. 035 N. W. Bank bldg. 160 ACRE8 on Metolius river, 60 acres in cul tivation. 50 acres irrigated. SO in alfalfa. A acrea bearing orchard, nearly whole place could j be cultivated ; fl milea to town; good house and o- Price $7500, hi cash, bal. 5 yrs.. 6. See us for mil kind wheat and stock ranches in Eastern Oregon. Fine farms from $12.50 to $40 per acre. W. W. W ILSON CO.. 511 Washington at.. Vancouver, Washington. 25 ACRE FARM. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED I Only an hour and a quarter from center of I Portland; right at atation on electric line: 17 acrea hi cultivation; good set of buildings; will take as first payment good house up to $3500; small amount of cash and balance secured by mortgage on the place as long aa you wish, Neilan & Parkhill. 219 Lumbermen bldg., 5th and Stark at. 40 ACRES 40 minute out; Gresham district; rich soil; not a foot of waste land; cost present owner $8000: will sacrifice for $5000. including farm equipment; to see it means you will buy; absolutely best buy on the market to day; cost you nothing to see if you want a gift of $3000. See or write Mr. Warnock. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC., 514 Swetland Bldg. 320 ACHES NEAR MYRTLE CREEK. OR. 12 to 15 acre under cultivation. 2 small houses, barn, chicken house, woodshed, small orchard, overflowing spring. 3 hi million feet piling. 4 mile to public and 1 hi miles to high school. 4 miles to town. Price $2 500. only a small amount required as first payment Look thia up. E..A. LINDGREN Savon Land Co.. 985 N. W. Bank bldg. GOING WHEAT FARM 160 acres, 11 mile from Lyle, Wash., fair house, fine big barn. 4 horses, 3 head of cat tle, 85 acres in winter wheaf, good for 80 bushels. 70 acrea summer fallow, all fenced. in good repair. Price $53 per acre1, half cash, balance own time at reasonable rate. Address, HX-672. Journal. YAMHILL county ranch, adjoining the best town in county; 20 acrea of black aoil. nearly all in cultivation; all wire fenced; fine creek; 8 acre fine commercial orchard, berries, etc. ; good buildings. Owner gone East, must sell; $6000 is a sacrifice price; terms. See thia and yon will buy it . J. R. WOLFF. 818 Chamber of Commerce, bldg. 40 ACRES in Washington county. Tgood build ings; all cleared, in crop; consider Portland residence property in trade. Rippey & Ayls wortb. 12 McKay bldg. . EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 4 Foil SALE OR TRADE House and lot and timber claima. 680 Mississippi ave. WILL TRADE 10 acrea good land for house! ' East 488. i FORTY acres Oregon land for about 4 room bungalow. 8-859, Journal 16 ACHES. $800. $200 mortgage, for lot. auto. R. house, or what have you? Main 2268. 40 ACRES ia farming district; clear; trade for house equity or chattels. M-7 50. JournaL LOT to trade for rooming house. Woodlawn 588. WOMAN will exchange work for 4 minute Cy linder phonograph and records. Wans 4777. FOB SALE or exchange, 8 room modern house. near Twohy Bros. Phone D-1091. 1 ACRES, cultivated, close m, for house) equity or casn. Marsnau . FOR SALE or trade. 2 house and lota ia lb Dalies. Add. A. Mciaier. Dulur. . . .. FOB SALE rABMS EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE S 11) K SALE UK EXCHANGE A splendid improved 8 acre tract. 4 mile from Albany. Or. ; land all Improved except about acre covervd with oak timber; has a 6 room bungalow, large barn and other necessary buildings; all well fenced; M mile from Pscifio highway, near school. It la a lovely home. Price $3000; would consider Liberty bond. Ford auto, land between Hood River and The Dalle, or on term $1000 cash, balance per cent. OTTO HARK SON REALTY CO.. 413 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED Cows, heifers and team and har ceas and wagon in trade for my equity in 10 acre tract 12 milea southeast of Portland. Vfc mile southwest of Snnnrside schoolhouse; small house, good barn, chicken house, well, 13 fruit trees; 2 acre plowed, some more clear, some partly cleared and some small timber; good soil: price $2000, incumbrance $1100. Will take cash or trade. Want to leave imme diately. Call or address: A. H- liaasel, Clack amas. Or., fet. F. li. No. 1. I HAVE a large 9 room pantry and bath, south east front on paved atreet. all cement walks. 2 abort blocks from college, garage; plenty of rDemes and berries; 2 full lot; nous p:a tered and tinted; 3 anades, 100 foot porches fine place to live and keep a few roomers will trade for small ranch, value up to $4 500 and pay scene difference. Must be close to Portland. Forest G ve or Oregon City. Address U B.. 302 N. 12tb st. Corvallis. Or. VERY LOW PRICE 105 ACRE IMPROVED FARM Rich bottom land, near Sholls. 4 Ss miles from Sherwood. $100 per acre. Will exchange for clear Portland proierty or discount for cash, to wettle an estate. See J. M. Edwards. ;eo. e. englehart. 624 Hanry bldg. Main 7266. PEACH ORCHARD 82 acrea; some grain. Between 1400 and 150O fine bearing peach trees! Should return at least $5600 this year. Near famous LaFol let orchards. Price $11,200. Take Portland or Seattle property to $5000; aome cash, balance easy. (See Ott ) G. S. Smith efc Co.. 432 Cliamber of Commerce. 234 ACRES fine improved farm; modern build ings; stocked and equipped, located in Wil lamette valley. It is a snap at the price, $14. 000, and will exchange for city property. Let me tell you about this. R. N. Warnock. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC. 514 Swetland building. GENERAL merchandise location for sale or exchange; only store in small town; good lo- cation; tine large buildings. Have stock of goods and business property to trade for small farm, house and l't or what have you? HX-673. Journal. IRVINGTON HOME FOR TRADE Fine 7 room home and den. fully modem. A-l throughout Price $5500. Too much house for present owner. No mortgages or streets to as sume. Will take a well located bungalow to $3500. bal. terms. BARR. MAIN 1189. 222 Chamber of Commerce bldg. I HAVE one of the best farms m the Willam ette Talley, extra Well located and improved. Will make you a price that will open your eyes. In pieces from 40 to 233 seres. Now, if you are looking for a snap here it i. Am leav ing the tate. Box 12. Woodburn. Or. WANTED House or vacant lots in Portland for 160 acre, partly cultivated, in Jefferson county. Or. $3000. See J. M Edwards. ;EO. E. ENGLEHART. 624 Henry bldg Main 7266. FOR kale or exebange. by owner, new two story brick building on good business comer: $9000: income $100 per month; will take farm near Portland to $4000 or $5000 in part payment; balance on time. Addresa 972 Brook lyn st Phone Sellwood 3421. WILL trade 5 loom house and lot. located few blocks from Broadway bridge, for 5 room modern house: prefer one with garages must not be east of 20th. sduth of Hawthoru or north of Killingswortb ; will assume some indebted nese. U-030. Journal. FOR SALE or exchange. 115 acres, free water for irrigation, all kinds of fruit, alfalfa. 0 room bungalow, large barn, 6 mile to The Dalles, good roads, R. F. D.. telephone. Would like place in Southwestern Oregon. C. L. Hazen, Hood River, Route 4. BY OWNER. 10 acrea good land, about 11 mile from Vancouver, on good road; mootly au in cultiva tion; about half in bearing prune, for botise and lot in Portland Addresa 972 Brooklyn st. i-none sellwood 34-1. 7 ROOM modern house. Grand ave. N. ; $2000 equity, $1000 mortgage: 15' a. unincumbered ranch. Grand river valley. Colorado, improved one or both for sale or trade for property in Hawthorne district.. Owner. 467 E. Taylor. 400 ACRES diversified Oregon farm, build ing, tock, equipment, . personal property valued $33,000 included. Price 7 3,OUO; ex change for income city property equal value K-727. Journal. 160 ACltES for $16O0. $10 er acre for un improved land near Camas, Wash., is very low cash price, (an take $1000 in clear prop erty, bal. cah or terms. J. It. WOLFF. 618 Cham of Commerce bldg WANTED TO EXCHANGE 6 1-5 acre of unimproved land, one mile from car line, for small stock groceries and confectionery with fixtures; land valued at $650. U.VKL'tl, Journal. FOR SALE or exchange Small acreage at atation on Gresham car, o room modem house, bam. garage, creek, berries and fruit ; will consider small car as part payment; term. Inquire third house west of Stanley station. CORNER lot. ..0x100, m West Linn. Oregon City: value $200. Trade" for furniture, ruga, or what have you? A. MARA LA. 801 Minnesota Ave. WILL aell or trade for Portland property, my 6 room bungalow in Hood River, Or., lot 100x140; garage, berries, flowers, sightly lo cated. Mrs. H. M. Wood. 1051 Commercial at. Wdln. 4221. TO exchange for home. 10 hi acre at Newberg 10 acres at Reedville, 20 acres at Oregon City, 5 acres at LenU Junction. Will trade either for house in city. A 6 room house, to : trade for acreage. See Arnold. 620 Henry bldg. j FoR SALE or exchange, 0 room modem house. between Irvingtoti and Rose City, 1 or 2 lot. 2 block to school.' tor acreage or cash. 483 i.ienn ave. r-a't sit. MODERN 8 room house and garage. 98 Floral ; ave., Leurelhum. $7500, for modern bunga- I low in good district; your own terms on bal- 1 anee. Tabor 2H53. ! NICE 7 room modern house. Rose City, $3250. easy terms; splendid 5 room modern bunga- low. fine district. $1850; easy terms. Call, uwner, iiain aujj. TirW-T ,r, I -7T...,. 4 i.u. MODERN io i . kj'; Zl ' j . r 5 123 lot. brick garage. Piedmont. Priced right; take high-clasa residence lot part payment 512 Royal bldg. W BLOCK. 100x100. on carline. paved streets. I in Westmoreland; $300 equity, and some I unpaid atreet improvements to trade. What I you goir u-a, Journal. 5 ROOM bungalow, all modern. 2 acres. all in cultivation; all kind of fruit trees; chicken house, barn. Will sell for what tbe improve ments cost. $40(111. H-C95. Journal. I HAVE bungalow witu garage, od canine, good district, to exchange for acreage with good house and buildings, uear station, on good main road, to $3500 value. X-725. Journal. FOR TRADE 40 acre chicken raucli. house? bam, chicken house, well, 3 acres in xouds. Value $600. Write Mrs. M. J. Depew, Koute 2. Boyd. Or. u iuul Modern O room uousss. .unuu i lot, 2 block from carline. for stock and i equipment and first year ieaa on larm. 321 6tU I t. Mar. 1038 ! 397 ACRES, fine land, on G. T. p. R. K.; 30 acres in srultivation, good timber; $30 per acre; mtge. $1'J00. for Portland property. Own er. Tabor 268. EX1HA big comer lot in Moutevilla lor late model roadster; lot value. $800. R-702. Journal. 160 ACtES. improved, near La Grande Or clear; will exchange for clear tirotjertT in Port land. Value $50011. Call owner. Tahor 268. 3 IAJTS. Vancouver, B. C., alao 2 lots in New York, to exchange for furniture or automohil. Ownew, Tahor 268. A rl.NK lot in Idd aiid., on 16tb at; will ex change for auto. Morris. 431 Chamber ot Commerce bldg. Bring in Your Trades We'll match yon. 602 Cooch bldg. NICEIY located improved farm inMinneaota; might coaaider residence a part Full par- ticuiar or no reply. K-629. Journal. $4800 VALUE Lot 50x100 income TiTJ month from two 4 room apartmenu and neat a room cottage, exenange for small farm or acreage. Will assume aome. 408 Swetland bldg 25 ACRE improved diversified Oregon farm. worth $4250; unincumbered, exchange for Portland residence, equal value. $T2 Royal big. TO TRADE my IS acre tract for auto. Iluiek or Dodge preferred. Address L- Lencacher. Coble. Or. ' 820 ACRES Caaada land, trade for something on, aauy, : ia . snamoeg ot bMg. - . WANTED Tacoma bom tor 1 era boaaa at Garden Home, about $2600. J. R. WOLFF. SIS Chamaer oi Can. bldg. - EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE fl Cut Over Lands- Direct from tH InnhtrnM. in large or small tracts, rlou tn Inrtlanii- Ism portion tillable; ideal for stock, dairying or in- tensiried farming. $10 to $30 an acre. Ternu " uii, w per cent CHARLES L. WHEELER CO. 817 Chamber of Commerce bldg . FOR RESIDENCES 1 1 a.. 9 rat out. cloae to eta., new 5 r. house, garm.ee. chicken house. tc. 18 a., at Woodburn. all in cult., extra good house. 2 wells, chicken houses, bam. etc.; fully equipped; cow. horse, chickens. A bargain. SEE Mr. Berry. GEO. T. MOORK Co. ABINGTON BLDG. NOl'ICB. If your property, either city, farm or acre age, haa merit and ia for exchange or ami, call or writ full particulars: no inflated varuea con sidered; have first class list to select fro a. George P. Henry. 329 Henry bldg. Refer" encea. Portland Realty Board WANTED REAL ESTATE WHO PAYS THE COMMISSION on realty deals but the buyer T We charge no com mission, consequently the buyer can do better through our system. Call and investigate. Eu gene, Salem or Portland. OREUON REALTY EXCHANGE INV. CO.. Eugene. Or. Breyman bldg.. Salem, and 250 H 3d at.. Port land. READ our list of tales in todays paper on the real estate page. List your house with ns. We can sell it We advertise, we have the buyers and the salesmerr with auto to ahow' your property. Have been in gusinesa 10 years in Portland. FRANK L. M GUIRE. Abington bldg. 11 might be to your advantage to list your bousa with me. 1 sell bouses only and have cash buyers, C. A. Warrtner. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade. FIVE or room house, not to exceed $25oO: small monthly payment: fniall amount down Mast be worth the money; not too far out See or write Mr. Warnock. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC., 614 8 wet land bldg. ASH FOR SMALL itoME- Clients for homes to $l0OO Buyers for shack. $lO0 cash G C. GOLDEN BERG, ABINGTON BLDG . "35 .ear in Portland" Main 4803. WANT to buy 1015 acres with house, ou ele trie line, near Portland, and turn in as iert payment "40 acres. 20 miles out Railroad and 1OO0 cords first growth fir on 40. 1204 East Madison st L. Scott MONEY WAITING FOR TOU If you have real bargain in house and lot. phone Main 1434. B. F. Kelly, 723 Chamber or i ommerrc bldg. HOUSES wanted. For auica aciioo li.t ,n,n house barcain vri'th m li . - ..i w.. clients ready to buy. WOLFF. 61 X Cham of Commerce bMg WA.VI'E1 Small noui uia.-. .t.it.i.t. chicken farm: rlnu m t n n.i . .. tion; must be" cheao foe e..h si - u-..i 21 Board of Trade. HAVE ca-li cu-.tumer lor H room i..,,,.. over $2500. south ,.t i!.imn i L- UO.U .. ... . " ... foiii sl ic lure Jk. M-li n. . .... V. 615 Ger- linger hldg 1 VA.;NT ,u b.u modern T. or M room bune-alow. .i-'ocatea. convenient to carline; from $2500 to $3.00: cash navment of x.'.iio v.. monthly. Give f,ni particular. J-'flflH. Jnnro.i HACKS AND SMALL HOj.Es WASlt.it' asuac oe . sj. and priced riaht. W. h. numerous buyers waitm. Frd w . 73-. f'ham. of Cos. WANTED to rent or buy direct. 1 or 2 acre with shade and fruit, good modern bouse, easy walking distance to street ear or hard Mirtaee road. Tabor 5305. WANT a arnall cottage with large lot; will trade a fine piece of land, either 10 or 20 acres, for same; must be clesr or nearly so When answering give phone number. E-037. Journal H. X. WARNOCK can sell your hou-e quick if priced rigid. Phone Marshall 3989. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 814 Swetland bldg. HoisE CITY or Hawthorne bungalow. My client lias $3500 cash. G C. GOLDEN BER, ABINGTON BLDG "85 Year in Portland'' Main 4803 SMALL HOMKS WANTED ' i We have call for amali homes, either for cash I or on terms. n can aell yours. uo. j. Moore ' 'o.. Ahineton bldg. MM'A J ION end ;- i . :-r so'A'"''" ",. rnh close in lot $500 cash Jorunal. ill ouy. - oJt. WANTED to buy. 5 r. on easy terms, cement basement and attic; state terms, location and size of lot: owners only. J-674, Journal W E liave a targe li.-t oi clients wanting horas. Let u sell your Johnson Dodson Co . 684 X. W. Bank bldg Main 3787. WANT 4 or 5 room cheap cottage or bunga low. $300 cash. bal. easy terms. 840 E. Ankeny. hi to S ACRES, improved. 7c fare or less". W est Side; W'oodlawn 4 895. Uii i:tt.l l.l imi your property with iliiHn Estate Exchange. 201 Sd st . Portland. ROOMING HOUSES $1 Why Pay Rent? Just Think of it! 1 room, west ide. $2456 clean; rent $20: garden pot. close in. Bruce Goddard. 502 Conch bldg 50 KOO.M hotel, dintng room connection: always full; clearing $J50 mo.; dandy furniture, flosa mattresses. $100 of wood, over $l0O provisions; rent paid up let May. Price. $2000. Tenna. C. W. MILLERSHIP. I 431 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Mnnday call Alder Hotel. 36 Rooms $1500; Terms Brick, on one floor: new. clean, full. rent , $60; very central: will clear $200 month above expense. BRUCE GODDAHD. 502 COUCH i m.ix. Rooming House Bargains 80 room; rheap rent; $UW. 16 rooms; very central: $730. I have others; all siz. L. A. HALL. 612 Panama bldg IT UIUIU. MTUtl-ri V YKiliL-WV ! .. A ?." P11- .-" 'he West Side, in vicin- . "y ol 1,1,0 n1 Washington sts. ; $800 cash han j dies it. A. J. I e FOREST iNote New Addrei 913 fhamber of Commetv-e Bldg. 16 Rooms, Modern, $725 Clean a a pin: cloae to Portland hotel. Thl f Ja v I I nitr-i'ie luiimivn kas ,'rr-r-w at t-rs Buyers, Take Notice I keep an automobile to auicklr and com fortably show you about, with square deal guar antee. Goddard. 502 Couch bldg. Prettiest Place in Portland 14 room. trictly modem: lovely home, yard and rose: clean; new. Price $1000. BRUCH GODDARD. 502 COUCH B LIN'S. . 10 Rooms $350; Snap On one floor, rent $15; real nice; ought to sell for double price asked. Bruce Goddard. 502 Couch bldg. 19 Rooms, Modern, $750 Fine location, well furnished. Tou ahoi double your money on thia. Bargain. BRUCE GODDARD. 602 COUCH BLDG. ahouM Rooming House Owners I have the cash and aant on fro.a 10 to 30 rooms. Broadway 402. FOR SALE Small rooming house $250. East 772. Call at 9 Sunday, FOR SALE A good paying rooming bojse with 411 rooms. Price $460. Call at 25 hi N l-t CAait and clear property to trade fur roust ing house of 30 room. G-768, Journal. BTHIfFRf OPPORTUNITIES: FARM MACHLNERY. tractors, hardware, paint, ! etc Good propositi oa to offer. Am unable to handle myself. W ill assist purchaser through j ' tlie bwsy evsom JX-860. Journal RESTAURANT $450. WORTH DOUBLE Busy Washington atreet location, coat $1500 to aquip. Goddard. avi Coach bldg 1 5 OchTcn "bo , -on "'l": 1' IF YOU have $ mnsie fnraiturs nronraritina Ise essnt It.ff K O : , 9. S S -, . . ... . , 1 . tioa for naany any aino of bavtnasa. Heu vscod 128. AUTO gars as, central locatioa; can ao big busi nesa ; priea aarrifieed to $1260: iavosce $ good deal mora. Call room 401. Dekora bldg. ONE of Columba Beach 'a bast cuacawsiopa for aala. Tabor 2192. . . x BCAIXESS OFrOBTFKITtES II WANTED CUCUMBERS If you have an acre or more and want to con- t tract foe cucumbers, write or call on ns at once. Una acre good land will produce $250 to $300 If properly cultivated and taken care of. W a nave (rowers who nave done better. STERLING FOOD PRODUCTS CO. 1122 Macadam Road. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 514 SWETLAND BUILDING $ 600 Corner grocery and confectionery, near large school: doing $30 daily, eltidine 3 livine moms SI 2 Rent.- in- ' $2000 Buy controlling interest in finet gro- ! eery in atate; good town: 30 mile from Portland. Each rtner drawa $100 sal- , ary Will dear $500O thia yesr. ' $ 150 Per month rent 50 room completely furnished shipyard hotel and dining room. Makea $15 a d. clear profit DKl'G STORE $6000 In good Eastern Oregon town; doing , big business. In draft: will take S 1 SOU rash to handle, balance trade or term. $5000 Splendid general atork in good small town in Wash, county: doing $2000 per month. Postoffice pay $500 per year. Sawmill town. Here a chance to make aome money. BIG GARAGE SNAP $2000 Choice weat aide location; no competi tion for blocks; brick -building, storage space all filled and til 4 men ran dn. Turning business away. Good for $350 to $500 a month. Will consider bou&e in part. WASHINGTON' STREET DAIRY LUNCH llSou Clearing $50 to $100 a week over all expense.. If you are a restaurant man and stint to be shown, sea this $1000 caih will handle. r'y I POOL HALL $4000 Choice wet aide location: net profits $12 to $15 a day; outfit in splendid con dition ; coat over $7000 new. Terms ht cash. WOOIMJTOCK GROCERY $ 800 Clean stock; doing about $30 cash daily; 4 good living rooms; $20 rent. A tine place fox a man and wife. Will make a good living and lay aside $100 a month. " . PACIFIC AGENCY. INC. 614 Swetland building. Great Industrial Opportunity First class going machine plant, adding spe cialty brase and iron foundry, with latest Ira lroved machinery, need a man with abUity and snap to take active third interest. Are now jjest furnished and equipped Columbia high figuring on government contracts and have fu- way mountain resort. Htesra heat, pruate ture order booked. j hatha, beautiful grounds, real opportunity for This ia an opportunity to get into a busl- j right party: $1000 required 512 ltnal hida neaa with big profits and a great tuture Bank reterenre lumuu.ea ami investment tuny ee- cured. See Mr. Vlulgley at 440 Belmont at Sunday, 9 to 4. ' - FULLY equipped cleaning and dyeing plant. auburb of Portland, includes the latest American Dress, extractor and everything com- plete. Sample tailor line paya rent No com petition, lloing $300 per month. Owner will I tay with buver for a short time. Obliged to leave. A chance for someone Williams I .nan Inv. Co.. 422 Chamber of Cora Main 4470. MAMTm MTU inrAP .iun. Main 4o3 vvniMicu nrvv iulao iu, ..; .nsisw .si.i ithi o m. ' Terdiona wanted by manufacturer and prlaea offered for invention: send sketch for free opinion of patentability; our four books and ' llrt of Potent buyer sent free. VICTOR J. r. s a -s ty a w-. o i .-sinm, n uninf ton, li. c 60 ROOM HOTEL Right at entrance- to shipyard. Ha larce I dining room and soft drink place with lunches. Rent only $33 for ail. Feed 120 at noon. I n account of sickne will sacrifice for $2450. j Terms. Will pay for Itself in 8 month, or sell and dounie your money. Peter. 16 X. 6th at FOlt SALE or trade. M mining claim . lHO . acressj situated 10 mile east of Copper P. o . Cal . completely equiped a follow: mile ! flume. 500 ft 16 in. pipe. 1. Giant. 8 build- ' ing. garden spot, blacasmitb outfit, complete sawmill, plenty water. W ill sell . at a hergatn. Addresa owner. P O box 1 99. Jacksonville. Or 1 HAVE an up to date general mdse. toie lor ' ale tn a good business section in tlie Will- . ... 1 1 i i i . inro miwwjt n n 1 1 m uwinie. oiorv bldg , stork and fixture at invoice price, about $7000.' Not the present price, but the actual cost price.' Must be cash. NX-476. Journal. UNUSUAL opportunity lor ambitious printer to buy sole newspaper, established tor 10 year. . in progressive community, and make entire pay ments by outside work. Publisher in next draft ' Roger W. Moe. publisher, U osier Bulletin, ai osier. Or. ' ON ACCOUNT of leaving city"must aefl my exclusive hair dressing parlors; beet trade in the city, doing over $200 a month; terms cash. ; Main 3271 from 1 to 6 p. m.. or Y-4I0. J JournaL I ,sni.sr.ii weoiesi lu osrit ui (renimusF r.x- perience not necessary If willing to learn. Good pay and house to live in. $350 required Call room 403 Deknm bldg. BEST butter, egg. poultry and commlseioa buaineaa in tbe city, both retail and wboie- aale. I am drafted aal must sell thai week. Z-4 4 9. JournaL I CLEAR $50 weekly in small 5c btutoeas; man N. commission charged, security must u. S -odor woman start anywhere; particular free I Moaey waiting. M-753. Journal Writ today Ed Haaaley. 905 E. Main at . I CITY AND FARM LOANS Stockton. Cel. J Any amount; current rate. GARAGE aiiou and used car business. Weat I Side location, rent reasonable, good storage. money maker, number of car go with business. $4SO0. M 700, Journal. GROUND floor office. Partner wanted to take ' the customer out to ee storee, etc., listed for sale. Can make good profits. Particulars, room 403 Ipkum hldg FOR SALE A confectionery store with living room in rear Corner H. Jersey and Chad ton at., St. John. A bargain. Party uut leave city , 7 ROOM house, close to -east end of Broadway bridge. Lot 60x125 with, garage, berries, fruit, grape: nice lawn. A soap for $2600. Terms. Pefer. 1 5 N. 6th t MEAT MARKET Sell, trade or rent fixture. Doing good business. Good reason for selling, Old establishment Evening East 6014. or F 743, JournaL 25 ROOMS 25 Rooming bouse in heart of city, brick bldg . alway full: rent : clear giao per avMith. Price $90, term. Peter. 15 .V 5th at. GROCERY STORE Dandy Ideation. Rent only tin with 8 living room. Clean a a pin Owner called to war, so will sacrifice for $375. Peter. 15 N. $th st. FOR HALE Grocery, $50 to $60 day cah ales. Living mom. no delivering. In apart ment distract Well etablthed. By owner. 641 Washington st. WOOD and coal. A cash business lor all-Oil. I can ousineia lor ail-on. It ill rs i. r;u,To.,,ur.,f You Need Money See Us Have plenty wood a Money will be secured. GROCERIES, etc.; a cash More cheap. Best location ; apartment house district Haa liv Ing rooms. Room 403 Ilekum bldg PICNIC PARK, dance floor, dining room, stand. camping ground, good business. F 111, Journal. SAWMILL for eala. first class condition. 40 M. P. donkey engine. 9x10 Wash.. Iota est fla- ging. E. J. Martin, owner. I -a Center. Wn. 1 FOR SALE Garage and repair shop, good ' toola. good location ha W ilia alette valley ! 1 law. BX 1)41, Journal. i ! DON'T WORRY ' I eaa aefl or trade aaytbing asywaers. Lay. i I man. 1 4 6 H Broadway i FOR SALE or trade, good millinery store; also ! hemstitching and button enacbioe; tine lo- I 'eatioa. 1 hone East 8440. MEAT market for sale, trade or rent, oa ac- ' s,o7"Vr - " 'w - " Vancouver. " SMALL country atora for sale ; saast aeO at aaaar ' Ftaater. Tall 1 BtTIK4M1Uf L'J" J- E. Car wttlri" 'iTvSE. Washington n. ! wagon Washington at I icr r CREAM aad soda fountain, light gro- I - esiase aad see. 7 Me) East Ankevtr st. FUUNIMHINGS and lea for aala ul Warren: ton luKet Addr "Hotel.' WafTssatovi. Or. FILING aad drsgsaw ytvmtitiom log right tsxru. . S-S$8. JowmaL OYSTER aad ckiU tuad. doing (soi asauasssT , m heart of city. Marshall St4. . " ... BrWTXEB OrPOBTTTXlTTEW ft Removal-Novica A. J. Dv Forest I have moved to 91$ $17 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDO. But my business it still tbe eatML BC8INESS CHANCES Hotels. Rooming and Apt. Houses EXCLUSIVELY nd I ana better equipped than ewr to gtvaj yosj service. If you wish to sell. lt your place wit a me. I can help you. My continuous advert t II). fne t Via . lib . r L ..( mendarton of being suecmful. If yew wish la hue 1 ran son TIME AND MONEY My long experience and personal knowledge of the average going business enabled ass to locate jou right. TRY ME liberty Bond Accepted Same as Cash REMEMBER THE NEW ADDRESS 913 917 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Stop! Look! Would like to bear from party who t look ing for C'"l location tor general mercJiandMt S 1 1 1 11 . f,.u 1 - f f ... HU la l. ! --(! a 1 , V . fsnuing sod dairying districts in Oregon. Will offer it rheap for cash or would exchange as payment on suitable Willamette valley farm. For full particulars address owner. WX 425. Journal Business Partner wanted: reliable man to put ca-h in ran-h wtih au experienced farmer and storknisn: 1'U acres under-irrigation, all broke but 1 acres. tu e. room House. 2 narns. J cow ham, shelter lot ock. cro-a fenced. acre in alfalfa; clunery and wagon m-rcsearv to runVanrli. I wul " P"t up half cah of IIS.Oimi. tt.e pur. ha P"ce I want to etoet with beef cattle i t(t, Journal. IN V EST It; ATE THIS OPIKICI UN ITV Ice cream, candy, cigar store. Well U- catrst. cheap rent; to be sold at invoice. iarage. doing good l'Ultie. m Morug "d repairing : verv cheao rent, to be vild at in foKt. If you want to so into buinr f-.r jr.irrlf tad pajr only ml ltiTfii'- rtr--v ti No ji.ont Information Mct'lura fc a4t:liiuaarh, M. ;rlingr bUU- Rural Express Route Established 3 years: 2 ton trwk and niW" ment ; clear $1. per day; sell cheap or trade tor city property or farm. Not able to handle tlie bu-tiiieM. L. A HALL. 512 Pana.aa Itblg CUTTING UAll.ltoAli TIkh Partner wauled lil.uoo capacit mill, plenty timber; after (laying all eiu. can cseer $ I Mi to g-JflCI ila- .,ii.ri.n.', n,,f iims.111 but want a partner who will make hmi-ell generally useful. $3000 required, fully secure.1 Call room 403. Iiekum bldg T.iv ertT and "hoarding mi able To exchange for city or che in acreage ieoi erty; So head of good liur-sr and liarne. l wagona and other eiuipmeiit. all complete, actual cash value $40110; huinc clearing $250 uoutli A. J. DrFOREST Note new ..IMre-e 918 Cliamber of Commerce bldg W r.l-.lvLlnewpai-r eosl ob uttu-e in I'olliaiei. Owner called to iuiiianl servi-. now nes ting $125 monthly. Practical printer c.uM d-. better. Ada under contract; excellent political patronage; $3il(io. very easy terms. 622! H-'d t S. E.. Portland Or. AlGOING sawmill proposition, cutting West em pine. lu.OOO rs;iaclty Timber roiitrar; included. V7.VJ cash required. Heal nviir tuuity. 51.' Royal bllg Morrison and Itday. Vll Kit 1' I lite lll.r.Mtm Lotel furulslied , Und n p,, .treats; a.,! h-ation ! o,ner. No agents. Apply to Box 430. Seaside. I (n I WE hate some very altfacllve m.lu trial l"'Vo aitioit for practical men If you are looking I for Industrial invetment H will pa) ou to sew , M. E. Iee. MI5 Corbett bldg t - '.' Bl'MNF.SS OPPORTI-'NITILS WANTED ; HAVE buef for 60 room house: also another for : loo room house; mut he mutlern. lair lut- ! nulling . reasonable rent. I lease, etc. 'r.ucipsl g. c. goi.denrf.ro. AMgtn tug. MONEY TO LOAN REAL K.MTATr tl OLH isrUliee-M luaat ss IM awl I method of paying a loaa. 132. 2tl per month to 36 aaoeUha a 1 $21 24 lot eii Booths, or I $16.17 lor 9 aaoatha. pay $1000 loaa aaj tctereat Other amounts In puspuittua. W'e loan on Improved city property Or for builduig purposes No com nl teicn charged rQUITABI.K 8AVLNGS A LOAM ASWOCIATIOI , S42 Stark St . Port lend. Ov MORTGAGE LOANS Any amount on improved city and farm property; will consider good building Vaa. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. Main C915. 153 4tlJU. A 2815. WE HAVE money to loin in any asaouul at cwrrent rate of lnter-t No delay If yoi i nave lha security see it McCTare ttelisnsnch. Main 2f0l LOANS Ul lCKLY MADE $1500 at 7 per cent. $7 So at a pet cent. $ 1 ooo at n iter -cent llty or improved ml t freaveM. 1 tr- , umbenuen bldg , 5th and Mtsrk MONEY to loaa eel isnprovesi pe overt 1 tm w-t every town la V ahiDtoo. Oregon aad Idakss; seme paid back aaoethly Uke rent. at K. l-adwwa. K-J2-28 X W Bank bldg zov. 4U. IIUU, $6ui. !, (lew. iieuo and large amounts at current rates tjatck action Fred W German Co . 71? Chsaa Coca IT HIT MORTGAGE !OAN SAFE DEPOSIT BOXE. Union Safe Dep. A Trust Co.. 284 Oak. - lUdNU k diy auburbaa urooerty. 1 money advanced a wora progress, W. ti. Pec 215 and 216 railing oldg Mala 840T. , .r. 1 lo loan ia ausouato vf a 1 W w aaexew Lb city peoperty A H BELL. S01 Oertlnger JrrvW. iinmr pui vaTb" Money to" loan n. r. rnis.s, dwv i nam. oi i ova mag FOR MORTGAGE IIANM OREGON INV. . A MOKTGAGE tO. Stock Erhanae bid. I 3d and Yamhill t. .,, fsu.. ff ajxl 7 pet ft and 7 lemon A Co.. 40a fveli.ng bldg. CASH tor nsoetgagea. loane. rontraetaT V. H. l-esri.. Bonn 4. ' ewt. hide Main NEED money, will di-count 2d mortgage.- 20 per cent; good security. II OK4, Journal. ioo lo l . 617 Chamber cou-ktsr sui K tl. lavwiiang. of Comaaeree Marshal! 3412 I HAVE $luuu i 40O00 to mta Saras w ntv nenoerte. Y O Box HT8. MONEY 1 LOAt 7 CHATTELS. MALA HIES i.OAN Chattel WE LOAN MONEY '. i iary On short notice to salaried or working saea rl their owa aotee. Weekly. aaai-Mmhly or asontbly payoieata Each Irc1ws4.il m evrtetby confidential tU MORTGAGE XO IHlORIsTB , ABSOLUTELY NO eJEOUHITY. I We also loaa on basasebold varatiure. ptaaea. : etc. wiinoav veavovai. CALL AND LXVESriGAIB. COLUMBIA DIUVr!T .XJUPASY. LICENSED 817 Fading Bldg. SALARIES CHATTEL I Loan axade ta persoas oa salary ae fixed faro. I on aouaeboid furniture, paaaaa. - ex lali and ether personal property, legal nsua, " 1 i aaav private ofiiaea POKTLAND LOA? COMPANY 30 807 Lsrkaaa Bldc PORTLAND REMEDIAL IXlAX AH4 Establiahed by Portlaatf dskIosm aaea ta anrsteet aorrosvee. C MYERS HKRMAM. Mgr. $94 STARK RT. LOANS ON tflAMONIra. JEWELRY., PIANOS. HOCSEHOIJ TV HK ITU RS LANt WANTF.D WANTED. $1HM bsxu on vacant property on Mt. Tabor, conservative vh $SHI; will pay 8 er remt rsk for Mr. Grahaaa. Tbs Brong Cotapany. 27 S Oak st. ' WANT kUOOO o lirrt foe buildina l purposes; , Journal. aear two large siiiprard. K-724, - WA.VtLT $2000. Uiw property lor 1 to A"-' - tm or 7 leer ent InUrest. No - I . 1 2 comaiaiin. I -90l. JowrnaL ooo on' BE.T security; aea covite a H 693. JoarnaL MOBHEf, VEHICLES, ETC iiwMAK aad wagwa. $1.28 Say; 3 aserss aad ara. goa. $2 S S4S Freest Mala 220S. lLAD horses at aaimala aealee) away frsa. Cast Vodlewa u Port la ad RvdsTllii Ca. ltew iM. black aear, yssrs aid, 14$ ll aeij that waak. 584 K. Oak st. 9 IS