THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY, APRIL . 18, 1918. 17 EARLY PLANTING OF POTATOES ON GOOD SCALE IN SECTION Edited by : man II. Cohen BEST CALVES SELLING AGAIN AT 19 .CENTS ALONG THE STREET Tiptop Quality, Hove at Recent Hi(jh Point Weakness Shown - for Thin " and 'Ovrrvight Stuff Hog Demand Good With Small Run. BARLEY FLOUR FROM EAST IS NOT FINDING- MUCH FAVOR LOCALLY Home Product Considered Best and Outside, Product Quoted at Highest Figures. -llxrket for country killod calves is showing thr erratic lone. While much business ia top Quality "tuff was done at 18 He a pound durinf. tb Ut 24 noun, some dealers received 19a for 11 their tops Tbs Ktni to be nor eppsrent in he heevy and off ends svuff than in tops, slthough it looked fur awhile, during the pre vious 24 houra. that tha .market wss going to pieces. Thin and oversise vesls ara in greatest supply and it i always tha rule (or this class f stuff to show oriknra unless thre wax fitat shortaga of all offering. Hales of off grade tuft vera made down to 15416c a pound during tha day along the street Country killed bog remain firm with 23 Vie pound the ruling tup for beat quality among tha tied. Receipt of dressed hog are only limited, while tha demand ia rather keen and all offer ings are quickly mured ai the price range quoted. Justs are in demand end there ia a 10 good call for beef and mutton. NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS Wheat. Bar. Flour. Oat. Hay. CALIFORNIA (JHAPKKRCIT HERE Carload of California grapefruit ia reported in by tha trade in good condition. Priced at (3.50 w4 .00 per crate. Honda alock la aclling free ly at tha higher trices because of better quality. APPLE 8ALK8 t'fi.lTINLE LIBERAL Ralea of . smiles In the local market continue liberal. For extra Taney Urge sized Wtnesaps tha trade ia inking as high as $2.75 per box. A few hoi. of Home remain, which are quoted around $1.76. Portland, Thurs. Year ago 13 Season to date. 8678 Year aso. . 475ft Tacoma, Wed., 24 Year ago . ... 10 Season to date. 4545 Year aso... 652H Seattle,- Wed.. 13 lew ago.... 1 Season to date. 4803 Year ago.... 4513 3 3 370 883 1388 2099 1UU 1273 2118 2254 1 3 28 82 .... 288 138 114 .... 313 1778 2 1 7 " 803 1511 1008 2917 305 1457 1288 3491 LACK OF BUSINESS IS NOTICEABLE HERE IN THE POTATO MARKET Outside Call Practically iKllI at the Mbment Seed Stock Is Dragging With Early Rose Sellfng Low ta Local Territory. J. KM Off MARK KT TO BE LOWERED With the ueit shipment of lemon from the anuth, lower prices are etrcted in the trade here. Present Blocks are liinlirr uriced. Orange Miarkrt is atearlv amuml former ttricea. 1 AHPARAftL'N MARKET 18 ERRATIC Market for asparagus Is rather erratic in the south, recent eaknea being followed by higher prices wiib the opening of the cahneries. -i.ixal market Is slightly congested, and sales are made kt the low point. rotl.TRY MTt'ATIO IH EASIER Hliglitly eatier situation is shown in the thicken trade, with most bu-lii s in hens at 27c a pounu; in fact, tump receivers were not able to unload at this price, and sent supi'lius to outside points.' IlRIEE .NOTES OK FRODl'CE TRADE Kurtlier shipment strawberries from soulh; sale, at i" crate. y.dd little is Just about steady; ouUide buying again. it, an sales are slow locally, with tha east (till weak. - l.ood creen pras are quoted steady at 12 12 te,c pound. v.Ml nurket is waiting for government action on supplies. Eastern barley flour of.'ering here is not meeting with much vale because of the better quality local product offering. According to tha trade most of the eastern stock la not aa clean in appearance aa the home output and even then tbe holders hare been taking more for it than what superior quality Kurthwest milling has been selling at. Millers and dealers report an abundance of substitutes available at , this time and the gen eral substitute market ia weaker. Hay receipts continue very heavy and a liberal increase in country offerings is reported by -dealers. Sales up to this time have been sufficient to take care of all offerings but the trade anticipates a weaker tone soon. From tbe office of J, V. (Janong, chairman of tbe muling division of the food administra tion, comes the following announcement: "Mills ara advised that when supplying flour to tne xooa administration it must be un bleached. Bleached Hour that ia now manu factured may be shipped on contracts, but you are not to do --any further bleaching, when sup plying flour to the food administration." P1XXJR Selling price: Patent, $10.00; bar ley flour, 818.00 18.60; Willamette valley, lit. 60; local straight. $9.60; bakers' local. $!. 80 & 10.00; Montana spring wheat, patent. $10.60 10.80: whole wheat. $0.60; graham. $9.40: rye flour, $18 60; oat flour, $18.00 13.25 bbl. nil "Lifting pnee, new crop: Willamette timothy fancy, $26,00 ton: Eastern Oivgon- w aamngton, fancy timothy, $ao.oo; alfalfa, $24.00: valley vetch. ( ): cheat. $25.00: ciuver, $20.00 ten; grain. $25.00 ? 26.00. UKAIN IS A UK B Nominal. No. 1 Calcutta, 4 V4 &25e in car Iota; less amounts higher. MILLSTUt'FS Bran. $30.00 ft 30.60 : shorts. $32.00 y 82.50; middlings. $30.00 39.60 ton. KOLLED OATS Per bbl.. $12 50 & 13.00. HULLED BARLEY Per ton, $77fc78. CORN Whole. $78; cracked. $70 ton. Merchants Exchange April bids: OATS Thurs Wed. Tues. Mon. Sat. Fri. 1918 1917 tl918 Feed 6000 4!l75 6850 6650 6750 6800 - While liberal supplies of potatoes are stall being absorbed by tbe drying and evaporating plants of this section, there ia practically no shipping call for oe open market. A tew tales of carload lots were reported here during the last few days, but it took exceptional quality and low prices to secure even this limited business. t-arl jtose potatoes are a glut upon the mar ket with practically no local movement, and a complete cessation of outside call. While these potatoes are quoted at high prices in some of tbe California markets it is noted that none of the trade there cares to make additional pur chases in Oregon, even at materially lower figures. Planting of potatoes is well under way in Ore gen, Washington and Idaho. Reports received ty Tbe Journal from its sueciai crop correspond ents indicate that the acreage in. the three states will about equal that of last season, al though soma aec lions wjll plant less. Good; Tone Remains In Livestock Trade At North Portland Hogs Ara Strong With Cattle Steady Packers Bring in Suppjy of ' Own Mutton, 892 4 1 1300 881 288 4 .... 218 64 19 35 187 278 ,10 752 145 30 3 48 ill 1 665 45 98 13 88 400 100 5 817 13 2 8 346 & 4 618 151 61 ' 619 BUTTER OUTPUT IS HELD BACK BY COLD WEATHER N COUNTRY PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. . . . 1 1 ' 1 O V. Iltifi. vriiic. auw. Thursday w ednesday . : Tuesday ....... Monday ....... Saturday ...... Friday W eek ago ...... Year ago ...... Two years ago. . . Three years ago.. Four years ago.. Generally steady tone was shown for cattle in the North Portland yards during the day. There was only a small run of odds and ends with no toppers available and extreme prices were net tested. These are still being offered. General cattle market ranges Good to choice steers. . $12 00912.25 Medium to good steers 11.76012.00 Common to good steers. ........ 9.00 10.00 Choice cows and heifers 10 0011.00 Common to good oows and heifers 6.00(g) B.CO Canncra 8.00 $ 6.00 Bulls ., 5 50 9 60 Calves i T. 60 tela 00 Stocker and feeder steers 6,50 s 9.60 Swine Situation atrenf Situation in the swine trade, ia strong at North Portland with only a small run reported during the day from local points. Seattle con tinues to buy some of its auppliea in South la kota instead of getting them at borne. General hoc market range: Prime light $17.68 17.TB Prune heavy 1 7.50 0 17.66 Pigs 18.00 18.00 Paekara Oet Muttsul New York Fur Auction Salee eerporatlea an- I B i . . , r Bounces the fallowing comparisons in the prices!.. . ,,.... . h, k. realized at the spring auction sale as compared , v" , ZZ.. V i , . " ith prices realiiid at the January. 1918, sale: ' came direct to fl meat company Make Here Has Not Shown tbe Sea sonable Increase Expected General Steadiness Shown for Best Makes Throughout Country. Stock Market Goes To Higher Pointy v - Early Trade, Good 9 i i i w Masr Vert. April S. !. . ' a.)-wees f mm Imperlant Vrenoh suocsse cams pew new ieeel etrswvth In Use stack market this awV arwaen. we of the active leue sneklnt ejaina f frwm tut points. ' Steel common res over t Bwlnts to 84 H : while Baldwin Lsxevnotlve advaneesl 1 te 78, Distiller, after aefllnf up te 43 4 reesyted i Vfc and International Paper, frem a Men at 8t'e I dropped te 87. Total sales for tha day amounted te SX2.100 shares; bands, $8,685,000. Comparatively steady tone with well main- tained ttHjoa la thnwn fnr Kut f . i.llw throughout the country, in fact at some Dcdnta i Period. Jig 11 h sursncw were nuieu aunng rerens aays. While city makers are not bidding up for country cube extras, most of them report that ineir own output is snowing only a very small increase. The cold weather has kept back tbe growth of grass and thereby decreased the output of milk and 'cream, which in turn have in fluenced the butter trade. The United States bureau of aaarketa reoarts conditions oa April 16, prices being to the re tailers, sett New York. April 18. IL "tf. S.) The stock market again showed its diapositioa to break away from a waiting policy at the opening today. TJur ina the first 15 minutes oftradiag saaay stocks made vigorous advances, with a number of issues aelling at the highest prices reached in a iou$ Finance : Timber : Industry s ill asasw-assj-awasswassaussss West Coast Lumbermen bay That Embargo Placed on . Lumber Ship ments to Territory East of Chicago Seriously Affects Operatioa of Mills In tha Northwestern Males. - ' .- 1 Fur Sales Bring , Advanced Prices Tubs or cubes Plain prints Prints in cartons . . Tuba ar eubes. . . . Plain prints Print in cartons. , Tubs or eubes Chicago Market- W EATHER O IlCE FOR SHIPPERS W'alher bureau edvirei: Protect eiphmcnts during the neM 38 hours against the following llllliliuilln tnmiereturrs: Going north 4 4 dc- luirllieast over tha Seattle, Portland A blNikane railway, 82 degrees; east to Baker. 2s u.grre, and south to Aliland, 32 degrees. Min imum tmiperuture at Portland tomorrow about 4 I di grees. Thirty day delivery waa quoted: No. 2 feed oats Eastern oata and corn in bulk: OATS No. 3 white 3X clipped, white No. 8 Clipped ..... No. 3 yellow. No. 3 mixed , Yellow , Mixed CORN 6850 6600 6100 6150 6100 6150 6300 6250 6300 6250 joBiiiMj rmcEs iy poutlakd Thee are the prices retailers pay wholesalers, .uit as othtrwbe noted: Dairy Products UUTTKK ttvlllug price : Creamery prints, la plenum tstappen, eatras, 42c; prime tints, Ov, lirt. Hit Vic; cutwe 1c less; cartons lc auUiliouat; dairy, 2Vso ib; buying price, cubes, 8 3 V '4 r Ul licilKAT Portland Jeiitory ba.--U, No, 1 stur cream, 41c. Clli'.k.ab; Belling price: Tillamook fresh Ore gon laucy fuH cream triplets, 2tieV20Ssc lb; Yuung America, 28g2aVc. Prices to jobbers: . Tiliaiuuua triplets, 24o; Vouug America, 25c I. u. 'i. Cioia and Curry. Price to jobbers, f. o. b. ' Myrtle l uiiit: Triplets. 23 vac; luuug America, '.i lit, but, sue; .lu.buiutr, 3oc; uric 0im, uc Ib. r.GS Helling price: Case count, 84c doa. Buyuig price, 33 ( i He. eiuilhig pnee : Candled, btfo, .cted, in carious, btte. ' ,ic POULTHV Nominal. Hens. 27c lb. ; hrniier J7, old roosters, lsigUe; stags, 20 iic; turktys, a!roc, dra isncy, 3iu; No. U, 30c; squsb, SJ.OO Uos. ; geese, live, 20 (a? oe. ducks, 3oe; pigeens, $1.60 doa. Fresh V sua vaults and Fruit r ERESil EikUiTo orauges, u.2o ley 7.00 box; 1 bauausTs, UVi l it Ib.f, $t.26y7.26 box; vanioinia grapeiiun, a iu lav -i.uo; riurJUa, $o.ooia l 7o. Al i xt, iellow .SewtoHus, extra fancy, 4 ties, bus, :..; tier, 11.411, taucy. 4 tier, '2.0U. vuoiue. 4 tier, l.7o. 4 V tier. SI. 50: 5 fit, el 2o. lied Ciieeas, ilra lancy, is Vw tier, a tier, aU stu; -t x tier, aa.-o; tier, ' ..2; cUulce, u it tier, 2 2u, 4 Her. S2.UU: - , tier, Sl.iii; a Ur. si.oVi Itome beauty, iiiuibinaUon, dW tier. J.0U; 4 tier, $1.75; lo-j bus hm tu a Dux loU ur price ia over . - oO bvs. UUIKU eittira Dates, dromedary, $5.25; tariis. crate; laisiiia, a crown lo-ise musca tel, lOe lu. ia 6w lb. buses; !., $3.50 box tor 10-4 us. paoaage. UNKINa -Aeiung price to retailer: Oregon Nu. 1, $1.25; No. 2, 7&clfe1.00; carload price of aaaueustlou, $1,00 L o. b. ; garlic, 7o 10.; onion sets, iso lu.; new crup Texas itvruuue, uo crate. l-UiAltiluo beuiug price. Table sto- k. tiur- baua, luuisyet.uu. uuying price: i). a. Sa .1 mu ceutal. country putnu; wt putaiue. if loo iu. ; n vw itiiiaioea, sue lu. tGti AtUt-tt lurmps. $1.8601.60 sack carrots, Sl.uOia-i.ia sacs; beets, SJ.Jj aaca; . par-UipS. 1 uu sac; caubaae. iltic Id.; srxii onious, 2j Uusen Uuimiimm; ppp:,a, 35e I Clearings ! v..u, nicii, o sue j Balances qumu , , iwuua,., ... uvmh , cucutooere, uot boue, $i.7o(sV.O0 doseu; tomatoes, Mexican, $4.60 lug; egsv'aut, 2ic lb.; asparagus, lOttj liVke;, lav We; cauliflower, local, $1.2; sprouts, 12Vu lb.; greeu peas, 12cm 12 10 lb.; borsersubu, Isttc ib.; spinach, boc vySl.UU. MaatT Fish and Provisions COUNTUi Mk.AiS aeUiug price country killed best hogs. 23 & 2s He; ordinary, 22 He per lb. i. beet veal, lowllic; ordinary veal, 16(9 Do; ruugh heany, HalOc; guau, 10(9i2c lb ; lamu, tik2uo; uiuuon. 12 16c; beei, lu ia l&o lb. BMUKKD MEATS Hams. 2884e; break fast bacon, S3y4Wc; picuica, 24c; cottage roil, U8c; short clears, 29b3c; Oregon exports, sssoked, 83o ib. PAlJkERS MEATS Fancy steer beef, 20o; fancy cow beef,, lac; fresh spring laiae. 40o Iroaeli yearliugs, 2Uo lb. LARl auadard, 28e lb, lard compound. 28 e. . OiaTEHS Obnnpia. aaL. $4.fi0: anud .. era, lo can, $o.uw Ot. cau; eastern, gal., solid pack, $8.60. tSM uiessed ilouhders, c ; steel reaq asumon, s2m, cab Oiuuuok, 23c; percll. 7o; aulee, 7c; saimou trout, lac; halibut. . law 20c; black cod. He; bernug, oc ; smelt, go: llama.' paid shell, ee lb. S2 .7a bus: erals.. f 7& .Wil.lit dus; Columbia suwiu, $1.00 box; shad. aau. Oreceries Lack of Pressure Sends Corn and Oats Up at Start By Joseph F. Prrtchard Chicago. April 18. (I. N. S.)-r-There were further decBnes fri the grain markets, losses being shown ot 's (9 2 Vi c for oats, while corn was ( TaO lower to unchanged. There were no sales of round lots of corn today, but carlota were 5c higher . to Co lower. The trade in cashr oats was small. Oats were unchanged to H o higher for sara pies and premiums for round . lota were off '.i o & He. Provisions were lower under selling pressure from the larger packers. Chicago, April 18. (I. N. 8 ) A higher ranis- in both corn and oats due to lack ot selling pressure featured the opening of the market today. There was only moderate buy ing, and it was slmoet entirely local in chsr- seter. There was soms short covering in evi dence. Trade in provisions was somewhat broader. There was some good selling of July ribs, be lieved for an outside pscker. Prices were only a frscuon lower than yesterday a close. Chicago range, by United" Press: COHN from its own feedlots. Steadiness is shown in the general trade with no change in 'prices in dicated. General sheep and Iamb range Spring lambs $ 20.00 Western yearlings 18.28 A 16.60 Valley yearlings . . .. 18.26 16.50 Wethers .: 18.00 (a) 13.60 Ewes 19.00 as 12.60 Shorn sheep, 2 V4 So below quotauons. Meat Trade an 8 Iron a Basis Reports received from representatives of the bureau of markets stationed at a number of the Urge Eastern wholesale meat centers show the wholesale meat trade closing on a strong and higher basis thia week. At Boston lighter re ceipts movement to freezers and a better de mand has resulted, in a higher market on all dressed meats according to tha Friday aummary of meat trade conditions wired from there. The market in New York opened. on a strong basis and with the volume of business as heavy for thia week aa last the demand especially for beef was more active and the market cleaned up on beef, pork, lamb and mutton and but a few calves were carried over. In Philadelphia re tailers bought sparingly eerly in tbe week in anticipation of prices being lowered toward the close, but later it was found necessary either to purchase at once or do without and the result waa an active market that brought about an' advance of fully $1.00 pn beef and $2.00 on lambs. Wholesale meat trade in Washington did not carry as much buoyancy as noted at some of the other points, due in part to a rain that continuec all week, with sleet and snow on one day, conditions which had a de pressing effect 0n the market activity, but in spite of unfavorable weather tbe market closed strong aa beef. Lambs cleaned up at strong prices, some selling as high aa $31.00 per hun dred, a new high mark for the year to date. Thursday Livestock Shippers Hogs S. O. Talis, Albany, two loads; Baf- feley A Shattack, Cottage Orove. one load- Sheep 8. M. Smith, Junction City, one load; Union Meat company, Lyle, six loads direct. Mixed Stuff D. K. Uanielson, Monitor, one load of cattle and bergs; Tillamook County Warehouse company. Tillamook, one load of cat- M muii so as a lia aim uuss. v.uuu iuvuku, utrwia, one the announcement of 'tha Introduction af tha P04?. ,f J10" "hp- , . ... u rice filing bill In tha house by .preventative I , r. " Ji, ,V i ","Z2r. TiJ w Emerson, the cotton market broke 100 point " -- ru.- Cera cusuwi u bu car. , ' Open. High. trfiw. C'.ose. May. $ 1.27"i $ 1.27 V. $ 1.26T $ 1.26 T June, 1.46H 1.47 1.45 1.45 July, 1.47 1.47 1.43 H 1.48 OATS . April, .88 .88 ' .86 U .86 U May. ,84 M .84 .82 .82 H -une, .8.1 .81 Vs .79 .70 July. .74 .74 . .73 ..73 'A PORK May, 47.45 47.50 47.25 47.40 LARO Msy, 25.40 28.40 25.10 25.20 July. 25.70 26.70 25.37 25.55 RIBS I Msy, 23.75 23.78 28.27 28.27 1 July, 24.15 24.17 23.75 28.73 PACIFIC COAST BANK STATEMENT I Portland Banks Clearings' This 4Veek. Monday ....$ 4.035,813.00 Tueeda; .... 4.071,000.24 Wednesday .. 4,140.004.00 Thursday .... 8,650.190.40 Clearings Balsnces Clearings Balances Clearings Clearing SUUAR Cuba, $0.60 ; powdered. $6.87 H : fruit ot berry, 7.87 H ; i YeUow. $7.2TH aranulated. $7.87 Vk ; beet, $7.77 vi; extra el tt.ejvt; goiaen u, i.aiet. HllikrWapea stybe, No. 1. 8?fes New Or kana aead. ttvket blue Mae. Ve. SALT Coarse halt giouue loo. $16.60 ton; 60s, $11.24; table dairy, 60s, sio.uo; loos. asw.ov; oeiea, m iv, lancy xaoie and dairy, $28.S5; htmp rocs. $20.00 ton. -, BlkANeV California, salsa by Jobbers: Small white, law 14c: large wmte. ISc: pink. ur: . limaa, .16 tea; bayous, 104c; ted. lie Oregon beans, Duyiugpnce: wmte mactune cleaned, afe ajvc; nana picaea, vt sy iiw. CANNEtl .Uli.ii Cetuatin, $5.70: Borden. $5.80; Aster, $6.80, fcagl $w.ou; Ubby, $j.$6; yetobaa, 66.00 ease. COrrSJfi Roasted, 16Vt S ia sacks or Orums. ttoDA CRACKERS Bulk. 18c lb. -NUTS Budded walnuts, 2y2vsa Ib: al BBoada. 1$ 28c; . filberts, 2 Oo in sack los; Tesr Ago. 4.842.911.2S 3.538,880.01 8,023,608.50 2.584,807.88 5,486,785.00 825,675.00 715.932.00 123.253.00 1.422.116.00 397,951.00 an Francisco Banks $17,205,863.00 Los Angeles Banks $ 5,051,552.00 Seattle Banks Tacoma Bank Spokane Banks Fisher, 1 5 per cent higher. Wolverine, no change. Otter ( northern ) , 1 5 per cent higher. Otter (southern) , 10 per cent higher. Blue fox, 50 per cent higher. Grey fox, 1 5 per cent higher. Cross fox. 30 per cent higher. Australian fox, 20 per cent higher. Silver fox. 80 per cent higher. Red fox, 25 percent higher. White fox, 20 per cent higher. Mole, 20 per cent higher. 1-eopard. 25 per cent higher. Mink (northern), 1 5 per cent higher. ' Mink (southwestern) , 25 per cent higher. Badger, 1 0 per cent higher. Ermine. 1 0 per cent higher. ' House eat, 20 per cent higher. , Kolinsky, 1 0 par cent higher. Marmot, 40 tier eent higher, American opossum, 15 per cent higher. Australian opossum, 15 percent higher. Tasmanlaa 1 possum. 25 per cent higher. Ringtail opossum, UO per cent higher. Marten, 10 per cent higher. Russian sable, 30 per cent higher. Beaver, 20 per cent higher. Nutria, no change. Sknnk (northern), 1 0 per eent higher. Skunk (eastern) , no change. Lynx, 20 per cent higher. Muikrat, 80 per cent higher. Muk.rat (black) , 25 per cent higher. Wild cat (northern) , no change. Wild cat (southwestern) , bo change. 'iiet est. no chsnge. Bear ( black ). 20 per cent higher. Bear thrown) ,10 per cent higher. Racoon (northern) , no change. Racoon (southwestern), 10 percent higher. Wolf (northern) , 40 per cent higher. Wolf (southwestern) , 30 per cent higher. N. T. Beaton. Phil. Chicago. . . 43 . . 44 te . . 43 aood . . 48 te . . 44 . . 44 te Fair . . 40te -Tbe market was unchanged cn 92 score butter, but the light supply of fancy Luttee caused 87 and 86 point "whole milk" to 48-49 4te 47 48 48 te 45 te 4te 47 44 te 45 40 4M 60 4T 40 44H 4Ste t 48 advance te 0. Considerable activity waa still this movement m m Steel common resisted continued accumulations and after opening dowa at Site points, advanced ta S3 te . International Paper resumed its upward move ment advancing from 38 at the opening to 89 in the next few minute. Industrial Alcohol made a gain of 1 to 124. with .the buying coming from the same sources that were active is the re cent upward movement In Distillers' Securities, There was a brisk demand for Bsldwia loco motive, which rose L to 77. Americso Can was in good demand, advsncing T point to 44. Msrme preferred made a gain of te ta 83 te. and the common rose A to 24 S. Liberty Stes eold at S8.S8. while the 4s were traded ia at $6.22. Tbe most important feature about the stock market during trading during the forenoon waa tlie ateadily broadening demand for many Issues. Steel common advanced to 92 te. and other rteel industrials making gains of aver 1 point. Baldwin Locomotive advanced te to 77 te. and American Can gained te to 44 te , a new high for noted in cars of 90 Doint "centralised." Tha pasVsWeek was marked for activity in trading and a general strengthening of the market. Receipts sad shipments exceeded the previous week by 1978 and 9531 tubs resDectivelv. and cold storage holdings were reduced approximately 3800 iuos. . , New York Market The market continued strong today and prices advanced again. Consid erable 92. score butter waa sold with prices ranging irom sac to STtee witn 4&4 as an Money loaning at 4 per cent. The impression prevailed on tbe stark esckanga floor that some favorable news had been received from France, and reports that stats-meats had borne of French activities were carrept Thia belief induced more urgent buying in the late afternoon, with many slocks then selling at new bigh prices for the day. Steel eommon was ia good demand, and rose to 98. a gain of 2 points for the dev. Many average. Reoelpte Saturday were the lightest ?th" in" md d'anees ranging from fraction ainca January, wnue me total isat esai waa . - 7000 tuba less than thst of the previous week. Storage holdings showed a decrease of approxi mately 5000 within the same period. Baste Market .The market waa firm snd prices advanced tee to lc on moat a-radea. Re ceipts continue light, storage holdings decreased , . ,r.i. , " rbout J02 last week against 18,000 the previnua : A0u-thlniera. c. . . week. Street stocks show a slight increase this I"- "r"- " morning of about 600 tubs. ( m- Can, c. . . . Philadelphia Market With moderate receipts i-?"- Vr " and continued light supplies and a brisk demand I Am JiU)n OU. C . all grades of butter sold at an advance of lc Am- I'ined. c... over last Saturday. Supplies en local floors were ' m- omeitar, c. . . . 5832 tubs this morning and receiDts were 900 m- pugar. tubs. Butter continues to be withdrawn front storage with practically none going in. Range of New Tork prices furnished by Over- 216-217N Board of Trade beck Cooke Ce. building llEteU'UlHTlOS 1 Open! High Vom Cold Weather Is Retarding Growth Of Oregon Crops S Am. Tel. at Tel. Am. . Woolen, e . . . . Anaconda Min. Co. Atchison, c Baldwin Iusco. , c . . Balti. A. Ohio, c. . . Heth. Steel B 24 , 71 te 43' 82 I i.s 2$te 24 , S3 73 te Tl 'a 72 t 44SI 43l 43 7$ T7',,l 78', I 32 8$s $2t 33 76SI 7$tel 16S 77 101V.UOS 101tell04 1 00 te 11 00 3a I 99 V (I0O .'H & I b-'tel s te 6 I I 65 I 65 te r.S a$v, aalal 83 te 76te 7$tei 7tel.7 Bl 's 2 l te si te 77tel 79U1 TTtel 78te otton Market Hit Hard at Closing; ; Sharp Loss Forced this afternoon. Fluctuations In the last hour-war tha most sensational of th past two weeks, Th market closed steady at a net decline of 107 to 115 points. New York. April 18. (I. N. 8.) Erratic conditions prevailed in the cotton market through out the first hour today. The start was firm, showing sdvsncea of 4 to 35 points on the stronger cables and rain in the ex tern belt. After the first hour the market was very active and slightly under last night's close. Month Open. High. I.ow. Jsnusry 2794 2805 2670 March . . May .... July .. October . December Totals 1 week ago. 4 weeks sgo Cattle and calves. 2935 2704 J387 Mixed Hags. Sheep, stock. Total. 2017 664 420 6054 2118 6T3 482 6009 2490 664 396 6117 State origins of livestock loaded, April IT: Kor Portland 2 ... S Oregon Washington Close. 2872 64 . . . 3010 3030 2830 2070 2&85 2800 2860 2860 2676 2805 2815 .2660 New York Spot Market 3030120 down. Ttls Portland. 1 week sgo. 4 weeks ago. For Seattle So. Dakota.. n r. .3 1 vreavn . 2838 I Washington 2T10 2688 TtTfc Seattle. 1 week ago. 4 weeks sgo. 16 1 6 S 14 8 34 1 3 No 4. 12. 1 . 86. 1. 4. Money and Exchange New York, April 18. (I. N. S.)-Call nirn.v 011 the floor of the New York Stock Exchange tooay ruiea ai w ptr cent; D4n, o per cent; low, 4 per cent Time money was quiet. Rstes were: 60 and 00 days, 6 & tt per cent: 4 to 6 months. 6 per eent The market for prim mercantile naner waa dull. ' Call money in London today waa 2 v per rent. Sterling exchange was steady with hnMiu..t in bankers' bills at .75 te for demand.' 4.72 for 160-day bills and $4.71 for 90-day bills. ouver, at xew xorx. votec Mexican dollars, 77c Loudon silver, 47 ted. HOGS 22cf per lb. guaranteed net on top quality. :":1v-,::EGGS - Wo ruaranteo Jio per &oz.t Fancy Erg's. Direct from producer. Ship all you hu.v. ., 1 '- $io commission charted. THE SAVIN AK CO. Casltal 100 Front SL peanuts, 1 80 lb. ; pecans, 17o lb. Mops, bVoel and Hide HOPS Nominal, 1917 crop, 15$18e Jb HIDES Raited, 25 lbs sud up, lc; salted bulls. 60 o and up, 10c; salted and green kip, 16 to so toe, sac; saiiea ana green calf up to 16 lbs. v21; green hides, 25 ib and up. 9e; gieen stags, 60 ttw and up,- be; dry tlint, 25c: drv flint ealf. UP to 7 lbs. 28a: dn uilt mil. dry horse hides, each, $1.23 1& 1.30; salted horse hides, each, $8.00w4.00; horsehair, tail, 25e; horsehair, xoane. 16c; dry long wool pelts, -too; dry short wool pelts, 25 lav 80c; salted and green Delta (April taaeott), SJ.OOMS.OO each: dr. sheep shearlings, eaeh, 15a0; salted aheap abearlings. each, 25 ieV 0c; Ory guats. w hnir itfie: dry goat sUearliiigs. each, laaeaue; Arm 1 . . .. .... WOOb Coarse valley. uOc: medium nil.. 65c ; valley lamb wool. 4560c; issUru ore' n Kuia,n!le IK 1VII V " v. CUlt TIM OU CAUCARA BARK Buytnc prioe tor ear lots. 8 tec . TALLOW Ao. 1. 14c; Jio. 9, 12e; grease. I UfJ JO. . - MOHAIR 1917, 40 0 504 lb. Ropes, Paints, Oil ROPE Sisal, dark, 24e; ahit. SStee lb; standard Manila. 32c LINSEED OIL Raw. bbU. $1.T gsJ; kettl boiled, bbls, $1.6$; raw, cas, tl.U; boiled. mum. 81.79 gal: luts of 230 sals. teas. COAL OIL Water white iu druuu or trun bbls, loo gal; eases, 2O0 gal. " ' . tiASOLIN K Irou bbls, 21c: cases, 31; en gine outiUate, irea bbls. 12e; cases, 22c. WIUTB LEAD lou lots, 12e lu, i0t lbs. l8TPENTINlTaJvksi 5c; "eases. 18c: 10 case lots, xe less. VTUUa titllsi Hsulr price. $5.35. A3I ERICA If LIVESTOCK PRICES 1 Chicago Hogs $17-88 Chicago. HL. April 18.-(1. N. S.) Hoi Receipts. 82,000. Slow and 15c lower. Mixed and butchers, $17.23 g 17.85 ; good heavy. $16.40 S 17.70;, rough heavy, $16.40 1 6.75 ; tighta. SI 7.30 17.85 ; pigs. $13.25 & 17.25 ; bulk, $1 7.45 ( 17.75. Cattle Receipts. 16.000. Steady. Beeves. $11.0016.90; cows and heifen. $7. 60(a) 18.90; stockers and feeiicr3, $8.75 0 12.73; calves, u "U g 14. ou. Sheep Receipts, 10,000. Strong. Native. $13.25 17.85; lambs. $16.50 21.75. Omaha Haas $17.80 Omaha. April 18. (L N. 8.) Hogs Re ceipts. 19.000; 13c to 0c lower. Top. $17.80: range, $18.75 W 17 80; mixed, $17.10 17.25 ; good, choice, $ 1 7. 00 g 1 ;, rough, $16.75 $17.00; bulk. $17.10 (iff 17.25; pigg. $12.00(3 15.00. Cattle Receipts, 1000. Steady. Beeves, $12 0017.00: cows and heifers, $7.50S 13.25; stockers and feeders, $9.50 012.25; calves, so.oow ia. UO. . Sheep Receipts 12.500. Steady. Weth ers. $14. 50j 16.00; yearlings. $1 5.25 ft 1 7.00 ; tNo. lamtu.; ewes, $14 50(9 18.20. Kansas City Hogs $17.65 Ksnsaa City, April 18. (L N. 8.) Cattle Receipts, 6000. Steady to strong. Steers, $12.00 fes 17.35; cows and heifers, $8.00 St 14.50; stockeri and feeders, $8.00(913.60; caires, in.iiu gs is.uu. Hogs Keeeipts, B000. 10c to 23o lower. Top, $17.60; bulk, $lT.25ft17.65; heavies, $17.1017.CO; mixed. $1 7.30 (g 17.65 ; lights, $17.00 W 17.00. Sheep Receipts. 1000. All Umbs, 25c higher; lamos. f.-i.oo 21.50. Denver Hogs $17.BB Denver. April 18. (U. P.) Cattle Re oeipts, 1700; 10c higher. Steers, $9.60 16.15; cows and heifers, $8.50 & 15.00; stock ers and feeders, $8.75 13.00; calves, $10.23 13.60. Hogs Receipts. 8300. Steady. Ton. fli.oo; Dun, n.2B ss 1 1.40. Sheep Receipts, 3200. Steady. "Lambs. $20.00 0 20. 70; ewes, 315. 00i 16.70. Seattle Hogs S17.8S Seattle. ' April 18. (I. X. S.) Hun Re ceipts 2030, steady. Prime lights, $17.75 17.85; medium to choice. $ 1 7.50 (tt 1 7.00: rough heavies, $16.50 & 18.85; pigs, $16.50 & 1.0.B3. Cattle Receipts 261. steady. Best ateera. $12. 00(a) 12.50; medium to choice, ' $10.50 s 11. 00; common to medium, 7.00WB-00; best cows, $9.00 ($10. 75; medium cows, $6.50; buus, $o.og .&0; calves, 6.ooti 1.00. ..- . - , , Sheep Receipts none. . , Wednesday Morning Sal JOWS Ave. lbs. Price. I No. . . . 630 $ 5.00 f- 3. . . . 750 8.00 I 5 18 8 ntral leather, c. Iiesapjake 4c Ohio. 1 Chi. V J. W .. e. . . j C, M. V St. Paul. . Edward I Wells of the Portland office of the 1 C. A N. W.. c. . . . weath.jr bureau report: "Coi.tinued cold, cloudy Chino (.'opper weather stm reUrded the development of vegets- C la F. A I., c. . . tion. Heavy precipitation in some localities de- CcnsoL Oss layed farming operations, but waa beneficial to'Ccrn Pioducts, c . . grains ana grasses, which were beginning to need rucible Meel, c. . . moisture. 1 1) A It. li.. e "Farm work keens well la hsnd aenaralls and I tillers With - fsaVsrahlst laroci lhar nn M atill k m..W I. ' Krie. C . advance of the averaca aeaann. atthoueh iwnnrta . (enen! Klectrh; Hrookbn It. Transitj 3Kte Sotel 8tel 88 IP 17s I8SV137te18Hte 6T I 60 1 67 Butte A Muierior..l "0 Calif. Petroleum, c. Canadian Pacific. ..; 1 87 te 66 61S 8S 91 404 86 te 63 te 4 464 14 te 189 te 118 42te 27 te Financiers at VTar Prenkat Walter Kendall of Clark. Kendall V Co.. ra-w turned Monday from as months stay In New York. In spite of the recent Ger man succeeaea the stock- and securities markets remain firm, according; to Mr. Kendall, and bond dealers are not so much concerned over find ins a market aa about finding aecuritlea with which to supply It. During- tha first three months of 118 new Issues of bonds In the United States totaled fSS.OOO.OOO. compared with $1S4, $00,000 durinf the first three months of 114. Not many large Issues are In sight at this time, while funds available for investment ara Increasing rapidly. Practically alt of the ! American securities held In Europe at the" beginning of the war have been liquidated In this country, aeeording to Mr. Kendall, and the payment of divi dends on these securities releases a con stantly Increasing fund for Investment. New York financiers, says Mr. Kendall, predict an unprecedented buying move ment immediately following the close of the war. Concerning the probable du ration of the war. financial houses of the metropolis are divided. In opinion, he says, the Stock Exchange crowd be lieving peace will be declared In July of thia year, while the bond dealers gen erally predict that the war will continue for five years. Embart-o on Fir Shipment A strict embargo has been placed by the federal priorities board against the shipment of all commercial lumber from Western Oregon and Western Washington to the territory east of Chicago and St. Louts. At the same time the mills are prohibit ed from shipping mora than two car of commercial lumber for every one of government lumber. These orders ai ready have been placed In effect. Lum bermen say the restrictions that they wilt place on their operations will be serious. The government edict against the eaatern movement ess all the more disconcerting In view of the fact thst for the-flret time In many years the west coast mills had been getting sub stantial orders for their common dl mension stock from territory along the Atlantic coast from as far eaat as the New Kncdand statee. This situation offered a happy solution of tbe prob lem of what to do with the big and ever Increasing volume of side lumber that the west coast mills are piling up as a result of their government opera; Hons. But Just at that time the em bargo order came along and the mills now are Just as much at a ioas aa ever to dlsDose of their side cut. Ann on 04 te site 91 41 te MS .ii" ' 91 40. Industrial Al3oae4 .t!28 4Tte 24 te 18 te Site 7te Ave. lbs. Price. . . 770 $ 7.60 oA shortage in labor were received from Lane '. eneral Motors Ihd Waaea hnM. I Uuodrich RubU ta-hii. .1 .v J.'t. Ivor, ore uand . muv ww siowis 01 wiitirr wneei. owis ana i: V . ..hl.Kil rye waa not satisfactory, on account 01 the cold Can I 4"V weather. th prnn n,.inl.inl . thrift. . .''VM. Vs"".. dition and were much above the avenge for the 1 Securities . T..'!! 2i'te -ii . . LIi ,K . Illinois, Ctntnl wheat ia below fair ta gSod tha aaouad wUl tt 1 i,.auat-lai ai-mI reseeded to other grains. . . "Seedins ef barley, oats and aortas wheat con. Int. M. r. Marine . . . tinued where the weather permitted, with a Kan. City South., e. larger acreage over that in 1917 being prepared Kenneeott Copper. . in eastern counties. That which ia up looks well. 1 lckawanna Steel. . put com nights snd cloudy days ere unfavorable 1 i-enign valley to proper germination gad growth of the later Louis, ft Nsshville. sown. I Maxwell Motors, c. . "Grass Improved but little where rains fell, Mfsrn?nContier''U"1 owing to low temperatures, but aa a rule meadows Midvale steel " were making a good start ia most districts and , M kL A T c' ' pastures were furnishing sufficient feed for pros- ' Missouri I'seific. . .' tnt needs. 1 actional lad . . "Stock continued in fine condition with a nor- ' Consolidated, xual increase in estlle. while the average iucrvase ' New Haven in lambs was about 100 per cent. Considerable ! N. Y. Air Brake., stock ia already out on range. I . . Central "The damage to fruit by frosts on the 3d. 1 N. Y. O. A W.. while severe, wss less than anticipated, and was ' Nor. A Western, e . . confined principally to epriepts, early cherries and i Northern Pacific. . peaches. The cold weather is retarding bloom : Pacific Mstl of she later fruits, which so far have not been Penn. Railway injured, so thst prospects are good for apples . Peoples Uas and pears. Spring spraying ia under way. Pittsburg Coal, . "An increased acres e of around for corn and P. Steel Car. c. . . . beans is being prepared. Potato plant in? ia pro gressing, with scattered reports of a decreased acreage, and larger gardens are being made. Surunine and warmth are needed for ail crops. 37 S 64 te 4 4Ste 144 140 te 120telllt 34 H "4 6te 14 -a I39tf 42te 28 te 424 24te 4214 27 te 42 te site i:s 4Tte 24 te 16 te aite 190 8.00 I 1.. . 980 9.25 1.. .1110 7.00 j 1.. . 840 8.50 I BULLS .1700 $ 9.00 I 1.. HOGS 320 $17 65 I 20.. 1.. 44.. 68.. 1.. . 800 . 980 .1040 ft 50 6 00 10.00 .1230 $ 8.00 196 JL20 198 230 430 1. . 7. 26. 2. 67 : 4. 6. 1T.65 I 16 00 1 17.75 17.65 16.76 HEIFERS 860 S 8-30 670 9.25 CALVES 270 S S.0O I 1 230 8.00 I Wednesday Afternoon Sale COWS Ave. lbs. Price 1 - No. 224 $17.65 270 17.65 98 14.75 194 17.65 180 17.65 430 S 7.50 140 $12 00 820 $ 6.28 ,.1170 8.25 . .1190 , . 890 , . 7(i0 , . 860 . . 890 ..1155 . . 660 . . 860 8.25 8 50 7.25 6 50 6.50 10 00 6.50 7.00 BULLS 1340 $ 8.50 I HEIFERS 490 S T OO I HOGS 121 120 Ave. lhs. Price . . 1060 $ 9.75 . .1150 ' 9.00 970 940 920 . . 870 . . 800 . .1105 . . 800 ..1190 9 60 9.00 9.60 7 60 6.25 9.25 7.25 8.23 DAIRY PRODUCE ON THE 1 Ray Cons. Copper. I Ry Steel Springs. . 1 Rep. 1. ec e . . . . I Rock Island ! Sears. Roebuck Co. . 1 8hsttuck ,nlaT! Htudeheker. e I OAST southern Pscific. . Southern Ky , r. 103tell03te SS te I 84 te 1 te 44 4 62 68 24 te 62 te 80 te IS SHte M2 te 20 te San Francisco Market 1 Tennessee Copper .. I ITte San Francisco. April 18, (I. P.) Butter , Texaa Oil 14Ste extras,- 40c. I Tehacco Products. Eggs, extras. 40 tec: extra firsts. 89c: firsts. 1 nion Pscific ... 39c; extra pullets. 39e: extra first pullets, 38c 1 V. 8. Rubber, a. Cheese California flats, fancy, 27 tec. M'- B. meet. e... Oregon Cheese 'In South Utah Copper ... San Francisco. April 18. (I. N. S. ) Ore- I Virginia Chen., e gon cheese: Xoung American, ss tec; triplets. I abash 26c. La Angele market I.oa Angeles. April IS. (L N. S i Butter California rreamary. extras, 3 8c Kgga extras. 39c: case count. 87 tee: out lets, 36c per dozen. New York- Sagar and Coffee New York. April 1 8. -Cof f e Spot No. 7 Rio. 9c; No. 4 Santos. 11 tec. Sugar Centrifugal. 6005. Dr. Booth Is Now Captain Lebanon, April 18. Captain J. C. Booth, who received his commission in the medical department of the United States .army two weeks aro, left Tues day morning for Fort Worden, near Puget Sound. W. U. TeL.. Westinghous Eire M V 118 it te te 93 40 te 64 te 89 te 91' 41 te Site 85 37 o3te 4T4 14S 140 12-1 s 42te 28 88 H 42 te 12 ' 2te 93 124 te 47 te 24 te ISte 82 T9te 111 iu 2S te 46 te 4te 21 te 67 te 19 28 te 122 69 19 103 4 S4 32 te 43 te 42 ' 62 68 H 24 te 62 te i9te 14 2 te ISte 80 ! 3te 39 S3 I f2tel S3 21 te! 20tel 21 te 17te 17tei 17te 146 te 143 te !14 56 I 34 te I 33 27 te 48 26 te 15te 82 te T9tel 18 5tel 68 I 5Ste j I "is teYii' "i'ss" ' 28tel 28 te 2Ste 45te 46te 45te '20te '2'ite'l "SO te 1 1 1 te I 1 te 28tel 28H 128 1126 6.Stel 69 te 84 te 44 42te 68 te 68 te 24 te 62 te 82 I9te ISte 28 te 123 68 te 108 i 83 te 81 te 43te 42 62 68 24 '4 82 te 80 te 19 trenches and make the boy fight till the good fight is won. Men Laser to Learn Mr. Palmer declares that the o!i Third Oregon Infantry band Is the best In Frsace and he adds that In all the allied armies there are no better men than the boys who enllated from the Pacific Northwest. Just be fore he left France Mr. Palmer veri fied hie own opinions through discus sions vklth Major George Kelly. Chap lain Gilbert, and. many other well known Portland soldiers. He ssys that there Is not a single Adle Oregon boy ir. France. Every one of them is on bis toes, putting In spare time master ing French andojlhjjr subjects that ill aid in seektne- promotion. Tne boys. Mr. Palmer says, re happy anu well fed and uncomplaining. Secretary Palmer is at home to en gage In recruiting work for the Y. M. C. A. staff abroad. A great many men are needed to carry on the fine worn th association Is dofnav and which has won the most cheerful coopera tion from offlcera and men of all silled armies. 119T 94 te 79 v, 42H 93te, 40tel 118 91 te 7", 42te 94 ' 40 119te 53 te 94 te 7 te 42 te 7 te 94 te 40 te Total sales, 82S.10O share. OREGON 'BOYS WANT MORE HOME MAIL (Continned from Page One) top of - that th two-to-en limitation will offer new difficulties. As a mat . tar of fact, less than Z per cent of th mills' output goes into government lumber. It would take at least thre cars of commercial lumber to every a f government business to keep, th . yards from becoming oongeated, the lam- . bermen aay. Trad la brisk and tha mills could seil all their commercial cut if they could get cars to move 1L Baak of Commerce Issaes ramshleLe Th National Bank of Commerce la Now York Is distributing a new book entitled, "export Trad Associations,'' Thia pub-' licatlon contains tiia complete text f . the Webb act approved April It, Mil. and an official summary of the Report of th federal trad commission oa th development of foreign market. Tha . Webb act Is of special in tar t te ex- porters, merchant and manufacturer of thia country, aa it permit of cams- - bmations for foreign trad without vio la ting the .anti-trusr law. Tha enact ment la an after-the-war tneaaura. The) time ia surely coming wben tha ned for overseas markets for finished goods will be appreciated. Thia pamphAet ia amply provided wltn marginal notes, and la a ready desk reference for the busy raer- chant- Am trira's New ObllgaUea la Ferelra Trad Add reaalng a convention ot man ufacturera recently. Burwell (1 Cutler. chief of tha bureau of foreign " and iomeetic comnvero. department of com merce, declared that th obi if alio n of t our manufacturers in th United Stale) to Lake on foreign trad aa quickly and as thoroughly" aa they can ia a national obligation, because it is tbe only way to maintain the tremendous credit balance) . which now stands In our favor. II also emphasised the duty of our manufactur ers to supply our alliee and neutral countries with commodities fin inked aa far aa possible to their final form so that th entire industrial facilities of our allies may be continued ta th pro duct Ion ot war munltiona and not di verted In the direction of lea ewayeatlai articles. "Perhaps the rfewest but snoat decisively blading part of tha obliga tion." aid Mr. Cutler, "relate to th necessity of consuming in our own fac tories aa much of th preckvu raw ma terials found and produced in this coun try aa our manufacturers can turri Into goods. Lett us not revert to the sale of raw materials on the scale that char acterised our export trad prior to H7$. for It Is only sine that time, when w have been selling labor and service), that wa have become on of U)e great economic world power. Army-Navy Orders San Franetero. Aovil 16. I. N. S I The . tallowing army orders were sasaid heva today:. a-rgeant tfirst das I Frank I. 1 lock well, med ical dasiansaeat, will be eent froaa present statical to rort lavtse, to report tor oaty at inai post. Fir-rt Class Private arl Hughes. ss-dM-al -rtmenU Vancouver Barracks, is transferred treat presact grade to veterinary corps and aseicaed to duty with the 81 8th ongi users at that poet. sterawsBt Hugh J. Wataoa. auertarsaaete corps. having reported et these tssedejwartere frees th third officers tratnln ramp, tamp Ua, kt as signed to coaet defenses of Puget Sound. A board ef officers ta constat ef Captain Jeha W. Frsser. engn-ev reserve carp; First Lieut a snt Ralph O. Wadsworth. engineer teeervs earpe; first Lieutensnt Donald 1W. Page, esinee re serve corps, ks appointed ta Bar 1 at the eel! af, th senior affirar thereof st sissower Barracks, U ash., t esaesine Second- lAewteaant Stanley Levy, engineer reserve corps, awd d-te rests hat fitMse for the convpittainn held by bias. LAvw umaat l-vy will e notified by tbe board whea te appear tur tost rasas ma nun. In IS cantonments C50.0O0.000. feet of lumber wer used. Ir Alleged to Have Stolen Automobiles San Frsnclsco, April 1 .!. N. S.)- After Joy-riding In company with two young girls from San Frsnclsco to Phoe nix, Arls.. snd return, George Ruef, al leged ' deserter from Camp lw Is, snd Cyril S. Butter, sre under arrest today. accused of automobile theft. The police say that Uuef stole cars In Ssn Frsn clsco. Berkeley. Sacramento. Los An geles and Bakersfteld. but Butler Is only alleged to have participated In the San Francisco crime. Klght machines were stolen. ' 370 2lt $17.65 3 160 $17 66 16.00 2,.... 140 16.00 16.00 26 179 16.00 16.65 2 250 17.65 17.65 7 162 17.65 16.65 1 , 210 17.65 17.65 8 960 16.65 16.85 49 180 17.66 16.65 10 204 17.65 Chicago Dairy Prodaee Chicago. April 18. (L N. 8.) Butter Re ceipt. 7700 tubs. Creamery Extra 42e, firsts or- 40c: packing stock 38 89c Eggs Becetpta, 29.977 esses. Current re ceipts, 30 0 32c; ordinary firsts, 31te(S33c; firsts, 32 te (9 3 so; extra, 33 tec Liverpool Cotton Firm Liverpool, April 18. (L N. 8.) Spot cot ton was quiet today. . Price firm. Bales. 6000 bales. Chicago Cash Grain Chicago. April 18. Barley Malting and ailUng. $1.50(91.76. feed. $1,40 6 1.00. "San Francisco Grain Market "Kan franc Lsco, April 18. Cash grain- ' , Barley, per cental, feed, 83.55(a) 3,80. . tMts, ptr cintal. rtd feed. $3.23 08.40. No. 10 . 375 . . 203 . ISO . 800 Thursday Worn Ing Sales , HEIFERS Av. lbs. Price. No. ,.1150 $ 4X75 I 4 bs. Pricc 2...; 820 .1070 .1200 9.00 b.50 i 7... 1. .. 64. 4. . 6.. 55.. 1.. 1. . 8.76 I COWS 630 7.00 I 2. 940 7.25 j 1. 1020 9.60 I S90 8 7-25 I HOGS 193 $17.50 I 4 670 16.65- I 6. 192 17.63 1 28 .... 127 16.00 I 9 221 17.65 I YEARLING LAMBS 80 $15.00 I 1.... BULLo 1360 8 8.60 I 1.. ...15P0 S 8.50 840 7.00 ! 212 $10 76 64 1600 116 16.00 187 17.63 100 $10.00 V Vea fj J I LIBERTY BOND SALES Liberty bunds Monday , . ... Tuevdsy ' . . . Wednesday . Thursday . . Mhi ia New York: 8 tes , 1st 4 " 2d 4 ...... $9.S $96.30 896.4 ...... 9S.9S 96.34 96 82 ...,..). 92 96.14 96.20 . . .... 98.90 90.34 . 98.38 POTATOES ALL ALONG THE COAST U San Francisco Market San rraneisco, April IS. IU. P.) Potatoes. pel cental. Delta. $1. 1 o repeckeu; Ore- grr. Burhsnks, 90c $1.2S; northern netted Gems. $1.45. repacked. Onions, per cental, brown or yellow. 78 ) 83c 1 Lee Angele Market ' T 1.1m Snril N B V Tn,.... I Northern Burtianks. $ 1 . SO 1 . S 3 ; Oregon Early Rose. $2 25; locals. $1 2541.25; l.laho Russets, $1.45 01.60; new. 8c; sweets, $1.60 per rug. Sew York MeUl Market New York, April 18. ( L N. 8.) Lead Steady. AprR. 87.09 1.1 ; spot. $7.07 H 7.1 1 . . : Spelter Doll. Spot snd April offered $6.90; May. $.9S; Jim and July offered $7. , - St. a-ouss aajstai aaarsat St-., Louis, - April 18. (L N. 8.1 Lead Steady. $6.62 Va bid and 86.92 asked. . - Bpelter Quiet. $0.73 sellers. ' WERE YOU AWARE that the Northwest is the home of the third Ureest capitalized. Life Insurance company In the. United States? New World Life headquarters Spokane has paid-in capital 01 t. 133.050.00. The significance of this is that YOUR Policy nat urally should be carriedln NEW WORLD LIFE Stevens Bldg., Portland DR. L-vK. KERR, Suprr. A splendid openint for a local rep resentative in . your, aisinct. and mora mail la the one great demand of the Oregon troops. Mr. Palmer left Portland last Decern ber and in the time he has been abroad has visited, aa religioua and social wor secretary for the Y. M. C. A., most of the American army camps In England and France, lie had charge for a time of one of the largest camps In base sec tion No. 2, snd here and elsewhere In France came into contact constantly with Oregon boys. Th Oregon troops are scattered Into many sections of Franc, some of them, Mr. Palmer declares, being either actual ly at the front now or are waiting for their marching orders. Members of the old Third Oregon are for the most part doing police duty and such work for the time being, but every man in ever branch ot the service is keen to get into the big fight - ' . The Oregon boys aa a rule are in the gayest of spirits and never utter a dis contented word ; every Oregon man In the service has had opportunity to prove hia everlasting optimism and aa a unit they have declared that they want to stay In Franc until th big fight is won. AVord Frem Berne Awaited "There ar two messagea I have been asked score of times to bring to the i families and friends ot Oregon boys." Mr. Palmer said today. "By far the most important;" of these is th fact that th boy want mall. While th French soldiers can return home for a few days occasionally to as loved ones and the British can get a -ticket to Bllghty' j sometimes easily, our boys must stay In roe gam au roe time, with only an 00 caaional period In the rest camp. Just aa far irom th bora, fires aa th tranche ar. They want and must hav mail and mora mall if they ara to be happy ana ao in worst they, set out to do. The next Important message was expressed by on lad when he aald: Decisive Battle in 1920, Says Observer St. Leouls. Mo, April IS. (I. N. 8.) The United States must hurry . 000.000 men to France.' declared - Oeorge W. Simmons, manager of the southwestern division of the Kcd Cross, who has just returned from a three months' tour of the battle front in France. "The decisive battle of the war will not be fought until the autumn of 1S20." he continued. "The fighting spirit of the American soldiers In Franc Is won derful and the Yankee. troop are amas- Ing the entire world." MORRIS BROTHERS Incorporated Established 2S Years 201 Railway Exchange Bulldlnf Portlsad, Oregoa Th Premier Municipal Bond House ot Oregon Municipal Bondt Yielding From 5 to 6.85 Tesopboa Mala 340 f Strangers' Body Is Found in Snow Bank Cisco. Cal.. April 18. U. P.) At- tempta to identify the body of a man found by Kdward Alspaugh. telephone lineman,' partly burled in th snow, wer unavailing today. Alspaugh found th body by follow ing ooyot tracks through the snow. A revolver waa clutched in on hand, possibly Indicat ing he had killed himself when unabl to beat off some animal a attack. Th fellow- to keep .th bom fires burning is not tha chap la th trenches. Ana it lsnt altogether what money at horn will buy for us it's tha home itself.' - - 4 ; - A little touch of home the knitting irom. mothers needle, th candy from sister's kitchen these are the things that will brirtsr home closer . to the Tonnage' Increase Paras toeneaw has tncreased more than 150.0O0.SO0. teste a year tat recent years, tnd is still erlmbins. Only improved, reeds and 'highway to ana ply adequate transawn tattoa faeuttiee will relieve the ri agisted freight condition eo teqaeat rnt tha in crease, and a road te be af th bigtssst efft rirwer muse be saved with wasmtsj OTMtS COMPANV Jeurwei wHStae, Peruana, CLARK, KENDALL & CO. " 'Tit Freedom Call; Lend Your Air BUY LIBERTY ' BONDS NOW Wa shall be glad to give you any Information concerning Liberty Bonds, or to help you make your purchase. BIRICTLY OPPOSfTg TMt LISgsTTY TSStPLg tos-tos as Bid. ' teeks. Beads, CoOoa, Orala. St. 8 lavs' 17 oxd pi Trad JtaJUU. - OverfaecJ(&CookeCo DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES. Heath Ckleag Beard ef Trass Carres pdBt af Xgaa k Bryan CUeera 5tw York.