V ' THE? : OREGON DAILY lOURNAL;'' PORTLAND." 'THURSDAY; APRIL" 18. '1918. 14 A f LONGSHOREMEN 'WANT SAME PAY AS SHIPWORKERS Steamer Westgate Not Being ' . Worked at All and Westshore . Has but Three Gangs Working. EMERGENCY FLAG IS FLOWN aid. at the scale demanded by the long horetnen was met by the private inter est handling the Thistle. The longshoremen ask a rise of 85 cent straight time arid $1.25 overtime. The present scale, which is identical with that on Puget Sound, is 65 cents and $1. ' Failure to immediately accede to . this , demand resulted in the , long shoremen going into the shipyards and other industries where higher wages are obtained. The board of arbitration was com- i Dieted . Wednesday wifh announcement .vsvpituu ocuu manner, ium tciiuaa- ter's corps V. S. A., had been selected by the shipping board as the third mem ber. The employes are to be represent ed by William Olsen. Robert Shaw Is to represent the employers. Wednesday afternoon. Miss Jean Porter was the sponsor. At two points along the face of the outfitting; dock the vessels are moored three deep. The remaining two- are moored side by side. All are end to, so the waterfront there is well taken up with vessels. Men Enough Available at Price Paid in Shipyards, It Is Stated, but Not at Price Offered. TWO YARDS LAUNCH SHIPS - f Despite the fact that the full board of arbitration has been appointed and that announcement Is made that conferences In regard to adjustment of their wage demands are to be -held Immediately, 'longshoremen- were not available today to work the cargo of the steamer West- ' gate and she was idle at the dock of the Portland flouring mills. The steam er Westshore, lying Just above the West gate, was being worked by only three gangs, when there should be four. Both of these vessels are flying the flag of the Emergency Fleet corpora tion. Their builders rushed to get them completed and that delay in loading ' them should be encountered is a matter of much lamenting among shipping men. There were enough longshoremen available for loading the schooner Thistle with lumber at St. Johns. It Is Callala and Lieutenant Delorme New Ships in Water Today. Two launchlngs took place today. One was a government wood-steamer and the other was a steam auxiliary schooner for the French government. The government vessel was launched at the plant of Supple & Ballin at 2 :30 o'clock and was christened the Callala by Mrs. Fred A. Ballin, wife of the de signer of the vessel and a member of the firm of Supple & Ballin. The Callala Is the third government vessel launched at that plant. The other vessel was launched by the Foundation company at noon and was christened the Lieutenant Delorme. The sponsor was Miss Myrtle Knudson daughter of Captain Theodore Knudson, superintendent of the plant The Lieu tenant Delorme Is the fourth such ves sel launched by the Foundation com pany. K1CKAPOO IS LAUNCHED at TELLS DYSPEPTICS WHAT TO EAT Avoid Indigestion, Sour Acid Stomach, Heartburn, Gag On Stomach, Etc. Indigestion and practically all forms ot Stomach trouble, say medical authorities, are due nine times out of ten to an excess of hydrochloric acid in the stom ach. Chronic ' acid stomach" is exceed ingly dangerous and sufferers should do either one of two t hints. Hither they can no on a limited and often disagreeable dil. avoiding foods - that disagree with them, that irritate the stomach and lead to excess acid secretion or they can eat as they please In reason a r.u make it a practice to counteract the effect of the harmful acid . and prevent the formation of gas. sour ness or premature fermentation by the Use of a Utile Btsurated Magnesia at their meals. There is probably no better, safer or , tnore reliable stomach antacid than Bisurated Magnesia and It is widely v used-for this purpose. It has no direct action on the stomach and is not a , digestent. But a teaspoonful of the powder or a couple ot five train tablets 1 taken In a little water with the food will neutralise the excess acidity which may be present and prevent its further for mation. This removes the whole cause of the trouble and the meal digests nat urally and healthfully without need of pepsin pills or artificial digestents. Get a few ounces of Bisurated Mag nesia from any reliable druggist. Ask ,' for either powder or tablets. It never 1 comes as a liquid, milk or citrate and In 'the bisurated form is not a laxative. Try this plan and eat what you want at your next meal and see if this Isn't the best advice you ever had on "what to eat." t (Adv.) A DAGGER INTHEBACK Thut's the woman's dread when she gets up In the morning to start the day's work. "Ob! how my back aches." GOLD MKDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules taken today eases the backache of to morrow taken every day ends the backache for all time. Don't delay. What's the use of suffering? Begin taking GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Caosules today and be relieved tomor row. Take three or four every day and be permanently free from wrenching, distressing back Daln. But be sure to get GOLD MEDAL. Since 1696 GOLD MKDAL Haarlem Oil has been the National Remedy, of Holland, the Government of the Netherlands having granted n special charter authorising Its preparation and sal. The housewife of Holland would al most as soon be without bread as she would without her "Real Dutch Drons." as she Quaintly calls GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. This is the I one reason why you will find the women and children of Holland so aturdv and robust. GOLD MEDAL are the pure, original ' Haarlem OH Capsules Imported -direct from the laboratories In Haarlem, Hoi. land. But be sure to get GOLD MHDAL. Look for the name on every box. ' Sold by reliable druggists In . sealed packages, three Sizes. Money . refunded if they do not help you. Ac cept only the . GOLD MEDAL All ' others- are Imitations. For sale and guaranteed by the Owl Drug Co. Adv. Third Wood Ship Leaves Ways Kruse & Banks Shipyard. North Bend, April 18. Coos Bay yards launched the third federal vessel con structed here when the Kickapoo went off the ways on the high tide at 6:80 on Tuesday evening, christened by Mrs. Nell Banks, wife of a member of the firm of Kruse &, Banks, at whom varrl the launching occurred. The same yard launched the first two federal shins. all of which have been of wood and of me Hough design ALL ALONG THE WATERFRONT The steam schooner Tamalpals, with cara-o of lumber, is due to leave down from Rainier this afternoon for California. With lumber for San Francisco, the steam schooner Tiverton got away from Westport Wednesday night. The crew of the steamer Westgate is being signed on today by Shipping Commissioner Montgomery. To load lumber for the south, the steam schooner Ce lllo. which brought general merchandise from Sajn Fran cisco for the Parr-McCormlck line for unloading at the Couch street dock. Is due to go to St. Helens this alter-noon. The steam schooner Klamath goes down from St. Helens late today for the south with lumber. After discharging oil here, the tank er Atlas an barge No. 93. are due to leave on the return to California this afternoon. BE OPENED HERE First Class of Workers Will Be Organized at Meeting on Friday Evening. MOTORSHIP-. INSPECTION BEGINS Officers Finish With Westshore To day; Complete Weown Friday. First annual Inspection of the new Plans for the organisation of a school for men employed in wooden shipbuild ing in Portland are announced by L H. Alderman, city superintendent of schools. At a meeting to be held Friday eve ning at 7:30 o'clock at the Ladd school. the first claas will be organized and regular sessions will be held two eve nings a week following. Among those Interested In the school. and who will be present at Friday's meeting, are J. II. Abbot, superintend ent of hull construction at the Grant Smith-Porter yards : J. L. Hubbard, chief Inspector for the Emergency Fleet corporation ; F. A. Ballin of the Supple- Ballln yards : J. W. Hall, assistant dis trict supervisor of the Emergency Fleet corporation, and others. These men will be on the teaching Btaff and others will be added as the work progresses, Inasmuch as the building of wooden Prison Kioters May Jbe sent to isarracKs Spokane. Wash.." April 18. (I. N. 8.) -Twenty-seven I. W. ' W- confined In the county Jail pending trial In su perior court, may be sent to military barracks at Fort Wright for conime- ment if they do not stop rioting in their cells, according to a threat or the sheriffs office this morning. Tho prisoners, taken in recent roundup aids here, started a 'noise riot ui the county Jail Wednesday night, shout ing, beating on the bars of tneir cens with slats torn from their- beds, and hurling utensils about. The men were working In relays and were sun at i. this morning, adding threats to com mit real violence If they were not re leased. motorship' Evelyn, a product of the pruLu., - McEachern plant, was begun today by in Portland hereafter, local educators the steam vessel Inspectors. u , Similar inspection of the' steamer lonS W ilng lines. Westshore was completed this, after noon. Inspection of the towboat We own of the Hosford fleet will be con ducted Friday. The steamer Westshore is a product of the Northwest Steel company for the emergency fleet corporation. OREGON BOND SALE N EARING $25,000,000 (Continued from Pat Ona) The ways which the Kieknnoo 1ft I rnvrv of the. fire was the only thing will be the scene of a construction stunt I that nrevented serious loss'. The not before attempted here, the raising steamer was formerly known as the in iu gays or a snea 400 feet long, 85 reet nigh and o feet wide to house ship- five shins delivered a year from now. Vlrm nn River Steamer and the record set by shipouiwers oi Fire early this morning threatened th 'Northwest make-Jt Ibto to turn destruction of a portion of the Port- .Ti...""::. V i nJ. and Waah- land water rront wnen a o . , j fln(J same Bplend,d spirt t covereu un uie oicmikii vi, I n,Mnti.m mra has been done to field. The loss to tne sieamer waa . -. . tImBnt w.r factor small, not exceeding $150, but fire de- llirlno,'tl. nstMt week- in the North- partment officials declare the early ais- - durlmr the previous year. The preparations made for carrying on the war throuchout the nation have been little short of marvelous and bespeak uunuinK. inn win proceea while a smaller shed half the length and much lower Is torn down and while workmen are laying the keel for the next vessel. Two other sheds of similar size are In the same yards, each of which required almost 60 days for completion. Ostllnd & Payne is the firm that is to build the shed. Ml Mare and Is owned by the Ridge- early &nd vlctorloua conclusion of iieia xraiiBUuriauuii wuiiiiawj. Henrtci Is captain. News of the Port the great conflict. Liberty loan campaign managers are still awaiting favorable reports from Oakland, the only town In the state that has not subscribed its full quota. No reply had been received at noon today to a telegram sent to the Oakland com mittee Wednesday urging a speedy com pletion of their task, In marked contrast to the apatny oi DUMARU LAUNCHED AT ST. JOHNS 10 10 Eight New Steamers at Grant Smith- lumber- Porter Ship Company Dock. With the hulls of eight government Porter Ship company's plant Is an im pressive one. It tells the story that this plant has established the greatest rec ord of any in the country. The first vessel was launched February 17 and thereafter a fleetmate has followed at regular intervals. The latest addition to the fleet was the Dumaru. launched DaoarturM April 18 Atlaa. American cteamer. for San Francisco, hallaxt. No. 93. American barge, for San rranciaco. hallut. Monterey. American rchooner, in tow ot tug , Oakland campaign committee Is the NsTigator. for GaTioU. ballast. - , -nirit of a letter received today by Man- T . . 1 . .. i. Aan-tnon l..mUr Tn, Mftfl 1 " -"' - I T IT T imnli f.nn V! r f- president of the First National bank of Ashland and chairman of the Ashland Liberty loan committee, Fovndrymen Back Big Loaa "Subscriptions to the Liberty loan will cost the First National bank, of which I am president, $75,000 in depos its," says Mr. Carter, "and this Is no small item in a bank of this size. I am M ARISE A1MAXAC Waathar at River' Mouth North Head. April 18. Conditions at the wood steamers moored at the outfitting I mouth of the rirer, at noon: Wind, aoutb- oock. tne scene at th Omnt Smith. muc. c amooth: weather, clear. Bun Record for April 19 Sun risea. .0:17 a. m. Sun sets. .8:03 p. m. Tide at Astoria Friday Hiah Water. Low Water. 8:30 a. m....6 8 feet 3:03 a. m...S.2 feet 0:61 p. m,...7.0 feet 8:30 p. m 1.2 feet BITEB FOUECAST The Willamette riTer at Portland will fall slowly during the next two or three days. DAILY RlYKtt READINGS 8 00 a. m.. 120th Meridian Time. No Humbug! Lift Off Corns Doesn't hurt a bit to lift a corn or callus off with fingers STATIONS 2- Z j Z A Is 11 Mi Pf Lewiston 22 7.4 -0. 5 0.00 I matilla 29 8.8 0.4 0.00 Kusen . 10 4.S 0.4 0.00 Albany 20 4.2 O 0.00 Pslem 20 1. 8.0 0.4 0.00 Oregon City 12 4.8 0.7 0.00 Portland 15 8.4 -0.1 0.00 glad to say, however, that the board of directors of our bank and all ltd officers welcome the shrinkage, know ing It goes to a good cause. They have not hesitated to urge depositors to ln vest their funds in Liberty bonds and have one and all worked for the suc cess of the loan." Ashland's quota was $103,000 ; sub- BEAL KSTATE TRANSFERS C H. Woodworth and wife to Jeaaia B. Smith ct aL. Jot SI. woca o. .. Mioht t warranty a i 4AA John W." Thompson and wife to William Beck, lot I. oioca 11, vui dition; quitclaim deed William G. Beck to John W. Tbompson, lot 1. block 11. uenier aouiuon; quitclaim deed - M. O. George and wile to security 8a tings a Trust company, oujeas i and 2 and lot 1 to and 0 to 12 in block 4. and lota 0. 7. 8. 10 to 12 in block 8. and part of lot 1 end 3 In said block 8. and part of lots S, 4 eai ff in block 3. Ueoige pUut, alu lot A and 4 in block 60. Carter's addition, and parts of lota 2. 5. , 7. 8. 0. 10. 11 nd 12. block 50: warranty deed Victor Land company to J. V. KoberUon. lot 4. block 242. East Portland: war ranty deed The l'mbdentock A I .arson HomebuUd- rn' Inrej-tment company to M. . eu hauwr. lots 28 and 29. block SO. Jonemcre: agreement Michael Fitzgerald to Arthur 8. Heath- cote et el., lot 12. block 2. Central Albina: warranty deed Holcomb Realty company to Carrie Hof- atad. lot 12. block oo, lrrington rr; warranty deed William Hilton and wife to Frank A. Sweeney, lot 10. block 8. Kings Sec ond addition, also lota 1 to 9. block 4. Wapello Park; warranty deed Title at Trust company to Nedrs. coo pany. lot 5. block 2. Boulevard ad dition; deed Lsri llodlund to Nels Nelson, lots 10, 20, 21 and-22. block 80, Point View addition to St. Johns; quitclaim deed A. K. Todet and wife to E. L. Toung et ai., 40 by 87 feet, beginning at west line of East Thirty-ninth street, 120 feet north of northeast corner of block 1. Good'e addition: warranty deed... C U. Redd and wife to J. J. Wendell, lot 5. Ford addition; B. and 8. deed... First Trust A Savings Bank of St. Johns to C. I. Cooper et al.. lot 10. block .0. North Bank addition; warranty deed Palmyra company to City of Portland, land, commencing at northeast corner of lot 4, block 2, Palmyra; warranty deed , Palmyra company to City of Portland, land, commencing on east line of lot 8. block 1, Palmyra; warranty deed. . Palmyra company to City of Portland, north 5 feet of lots SO and 31. block 2, lalmyra; warranty deed Emina Bailer to City of Portland, north easterly 5 feet of lot 17. block 6. Kidsremont; warranty deed Milton J. Edwards to Rosalie E. Ed wards to Rosaline E. Edwards, lot 9, block 13. liawthorne's First addition; quitclaim deed C. Marco to Achllle Larango, 50 by 100 feet, commencing at northeast corner of tract 5. Fernwood; warranty deed Ceasar Marco to Mm. Cecilia Candiani. lot 8. block 229, East Portland; war ranty deed Essbel Sedgwick to Gertrude E. Aehor. i lot 10. block 1. Roosevelt addition: warranty aeea Walter F. Be rage end wife to W. A. Koav lota SS and SO. block 1. renla aular addition; warranty aeed Cra A. Urenfell and b a band to Fa ye P. IX to. lota 40. 45 sad 4. block 4. Pacific Coast Abstract sab. of lota 28 to 27. Ulenhaeea park: 8. W. deed. . Kyle W. Tarpin and wife to E. La Roy Bmito et aj., cast is - a reel oi ioi 7 aad west IS 21 feet of lot 8. block 12. Mailory sddiUoa; warranty dead Ma Kbaser and husband to Esther Burgess Boothe. lot . block 2. W il lamette (to correct error 1 ; warranty deed K. ai. Courtwrigbt and wife to Sarah Jim Bender, aoatb half ot lot 14. block 81. Central Albina ; warranty deed M. Libby A Ilea to Kthel Lay R,ec et aL. lota 1 and 2U. block 17. I'ni eeniwy Park; quitclaim deed. Loyd U. Swan aad wife to Fred Cosen- - tin! et aL. lot 10. block 7. Willam ette; warranty deed The Grand Army Cemetery association to Oecar C. Long, lot 11. block . Oekbun-t; warranty deed 8. H. Kimball and wife to Karl B. Kugel at al., part of lot 2, block 2. Brown's addition, also lot 8, block 14. Kenilwortl) addition; warranty deed Adria C Haley et al. to C K. Cree. lot 8, block A. Cbt-rrydale; quitclaim deed Adria C. Haley ' X administrator) lot E. Cree. lot 8. block A. Cherrydale; I Mary Schwartz to Jacob Schebtroen. L I 11. block 8. Marchmont addition. warranty deed Minnie Lugraham to- G. V. Gilklsoa et al.. lot 8. block IS, Katharine; warranty deed 10 100 000 1.200 10 10 10 10 10 450 10 1.000 0.000 2.200 600 10 DKATRK AXI FrKEHALS TM UAIIONE In this eHy. April IS. ISIS, at the rotdenco ot ties parents. 1 - sswi nua. Lntber DolUTer Maboae Jr.. agea mouth. 17 da rv Deceased ta aareteea y sua percuta. Mr. and Mrs. U U. Maboea. aad one sister. Mary U Msbene; also a grandson of at. Brewer. Caatiaeock. Wash. 1 waa a iswwibt ot aba Junior Order of kaignta and Ladiea of Security. Remain at the parlors et tho Undertaking company, corner laira sm uar Fwneral net we later. .... . . t a a . I I . I imjiici ta uiia-ciiy. apru ii, 'i aged year. Kemaina will do Friday. April 10. at 1:15 a. as., to Golden dale. , Was., where interment will take fdartL Arrange menu ear w aimer ei i day. Ai.nl IS, at IIO a. an., mass wul be of fered at St. Andrews church. 2ia ana svincna. Interment Mt. Calvary cemetery. UELf WANTED MALE 1 KAWMll-La. . bOA rsLiuUlaa, LOGCINO Ol'EKAlloNa. KLAMATH COCAii. UESXiO.-. S BOCM HA. MKiUKaT WAGES. BaJ s oCHijuUa, cool, ami ciaMATK. CIK Oe sllWU s-AOi'LX Toere Is big divenaty U labor, as there are 14 aanaaills. nee e-u lactones, is aagglaa averatsoau nMBg both atsaaa. eoaaeys and bosa aw ta.a suiu. auy and i ir lias emta la jn uus la PETTY In this city. April 1. J saves George Petty, aged SS Jeara, beloved husband of Caroline Petty aad father of Mrs. Gladys Wil cox. Hetirv Jsbms. e rank I srnnilofL Tnsraaa, Glen. Caroline, and riarah Merwin Petty. aU oi this city. Remains are at the pariers of Millet a Tracey. Funeral notice later. UORBS April 18. at the family 1054 East Sixteenth street North. Albea liverne liobba. age S months, beloved son ot Mr. and sirs, liaxold Hobba. Remains for warded tomorrow (Thur-tfjl to iiiU-boro, Or., tor aervicea and interment, by the Paarsoa Vndertaking Co.. Rnsaell and I'nion ave. J EN SON Ella A. Jtnoon, Good Samaritan Uo- pitaL April 15. 41 year, urntouitu. BRVNJOL.FSON lielga brniltun. April IS. a 4 rears, cerebral liemorrliaite. HE1NMA.N John Reinman. St. VincenU bos' pital. Apnl 12, 67 yuar. carctnuma of stom ach. COMIC NOW. MluLa ANU WOOD d OPEKAitON. UN Asikiv aL. bkE KLAMATH LCMstatiJasv.S k e Uiubtwi AodocLailUN. SM 1 "SS 1 . SYlALAlli kALA-M. UM. lwv la sjll-Ull s.ul BUTTS &WESTR0M, 7 Nurth 2d st. 15 laboras, highway, 14.40. ly li. 7 rocamea. 14. b U. Man u rua gas pump, t loo cuui.ih Crusher lureiuan, o. lo li. 4 car loaacrs. si, li. 2 duck teaauiers. , a li. I'lanerman. j, n 11. 8 eugeiaswu. a, t li. b carpenters. i, U. lioagr, h.jO. o iL l'laixr leeUer. i, n. 10 Pulp Makers, $3.64 BUILDING PERMITS Churchill A McBride. erect one story shed. Pittsburg and Bradford streets; builder, same ; S60. Ottor Deilman. repair one story automobile repair shop, 80 Grand avenue between Bumaida and Couch; F. A. Stephens, builder; 195. t . A. Hoy. erect garage. 11 fcAfi Twenty- eighth street between Alder and Washington; builder, same; S35. B. O. C. Call, erect on story residenea, 1123 South Jersey street between Burr and Alma; builder, same; lO0Q. 1'sul Van Fndagh et al. repair three story dance hall. 104 Fourteenth street between W ashington and Bunuide; Moore. Meagher com pany, buiders; (250. L A. Imrall, rivet garage, 157 Julia avenue between Corbett aud Macadam; builder, same ; 840. C. D. Singer, erect storage room, 25 East Seventy-fourth street between Ash and Pine; builder, same; SMS. li. Huddteston. erect garage. 521 Sumner street between East Eleventh and East Twelfth ; builder, same; 835. A. W. Porath. repair ona story work shoo. AC Free Laukiinml olm tr a hmn' L v i mrr a Ik. k - .1 U-i an L" . I " v " , i ' , ' "'"17'- 1 pver Ss-l. u.uaig uutu sbuut JlOm 1. -'" " - i-'i can p uuuititm b uiwi urk. viuikiiu iimuuiuiii., I woity auvut tne ui uu DJ-lJS V m oeim. o.. j . s o. rauws j usesi, I Apru io, e years, iracture. ci.: Apnl WOC- it uuu t KHnrVinIJr;.tnM,uitnomah hospiui. ''No ExDerience Reauired" on! 14. 4 years. rforaUon of intestines. rW '" IIUIIU April 'bong Won, Multnomah hospital, IS. Da years, peritonitis. CHUNG Chin Kan Chung, Good Samaritan hospital. Apru 14. 64 years, pernicious anemia. STONE Erwin Kenneth Stone. 6403 One Hundredth street. April 13. 1 year, laryngitis. KEEiJ Jane Florence Reed, lutt Ka..t Josup street. Apnl 13. 5 years, lunar pneumonia. HA ROMA N Wilma Marian Haniuuin. 1111 Eat Washington street. April 14. 2 years meetle. FLORISTS JAPAN FLORIST 193 4th st.. near VamhiU. Bed ding and perennial pleats. Special sale geranium, heliotrope, calls, lo belia, aster, pansy peohy. anangoid. etc. Outside grown vegetable plants. any kind: your choice. 2 dosen tor I 2&c Japunica and fruit plants at a bargain. IRT1N A FORBES CO . Florists, 864 Wash. WANTED First clas janitor; must coma well ruCuuiineiKird aud uwicisimuJ iitsnrb Of IUC UlSMBtM. 1 ,uUILL Al.l(. s,.NV,a.ciikO lla.ru BUlu uiiunlii ikjmiu ltcv ui-laie iuuiuai. .cuuui ai iw ver i.y ul i a. uiuetuii, osiue. naius eug.ue cut Ij iu.cu. Name .i u-turso-a ci.iacus uuly. bUikJlul), lucwuiutlte ctigluvels, ulfetrs, asivr tvuut-r.-, ci.sLi tuui, uuij uue muaui. uii.Luicu.. siMiio, . J. orsiub,. till) Main 2bB. A-12UU. klawera lor sul 290 Fairs rut street between Peninsula avknua sfone artt4icallv arraruted. and Burrage; builder, same; S25. IXHllse Miller, repair ona and a half atnrr residence. 1775 Siskiyou between Sixty-ninth and Seventieth; J. V. Fishburn. builder; 8800 a. ii. averr, repair five story warehouse. 481 Davis street between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets; builder, same; $300. blus n biutf seam. Wash DELI V EHY UuS 10 years and over; se. Ai'vu Uurrtu.ruueni ollara 10 a. lu. Gmi. Wwii&isu a. awing. good in ACtJilON SALES TOMORROW 10 AT WILSON 8 Auction House. 160-173 34 at. oaie at iw a. 10 S40 760 75 83 10 10 10 MEETiyp NOTICES 41 B. P. O. EIS No. 142. R.- nlar meeting thU (Thursday) evening. Eft.' Temple. 8 o'clock. Initiation. VWting Brothers wel come. M. K. BPALDLNG. Secretary. MEUFOOi CAMP NO uo. W. O. W.. very Friday aJgbt la W. a W. Temple. 1X8 11th at. Membera ra aeated to be prseaat. Vis itors welcome. L G. De Young. Acting C. C; H. U Baxbur, Clark. CL.Atia BROS.. loruis. tf7 atorrssoa . m. Main or A-1806. Fine fiowera aad Ooral Sesigna. No branch stores. PEOPLES FLORAL SHOP, 24 5 Alder, deaigaa and decorations. Phone Marshall 6922. LbUl.lNEK, Portland Hotel. 2H Morrisosv MAX M. MIIH. Flonst. 1414a th at. FFMEHiL PIRECTORS , Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors EaUbllabed 1877. Third and Salmon streets. Maui 607. A-1611. Lady Assistant. J, P. FINLEY St SON Progressive Funeral Directors. PRIVATE DRIVE Women Attendants. Montaomerr at Fifth. Main 9. A 1590. I WAN'iEii Al msuc. esivriciiced stii drulef. Pay II I usjr awl 10c a tuot aud busrd. niaia where had csptrieuce and Him lie guud U.-U1 uresNsrr aud ill arouud ts.'erlcuiie simi ssw- hnejEiigiue aiau,AikUes stui ei, i muduju. ur. UAH U If JONES. Hast Linn hotel. I. w lobe ielt. Ia.4o luc a noun mi uuiumi, i.oii. 8 iwura, carualets' beipvis. u,r i simii worsing now. fiLBaAt lor suswu, s'UlcUs. MJ I IwvT ouguiy UiiUerstaisu lui. .ss ul i. ui - Aiy SttpsiuiLeuuent s viuce, s w iw a u.. . ms. Viuitsuau sx King. WANTED Man and wile, sun lor aasalaut iaiiitor. mi.e lor iwum cIcsum; u s. i lelil 1 urnUUed II. Ill 11m VtiKiklus ialKl, loin and naiiuon u WILSON & ROSS East 64. Lady Aesiatent. Maltnomah at 8. Seventh st. W. J. Dunlap Jr. and wife to W. B. Allen et aL, lot 17. block 13. Beau mont; warranty deed Anna Galik to John B. Meikle et al., lot 14, block 12, Tremont Park; war ranty deed The Oregon Home Builders to Frank E. Smith, lot 1, block 7, Alameda Park; warranty deed William H. Golding and wife to Mary Ellen Sell wood, lots 10 and 11, block scrlptlons to date total $150,000, and ' vji" gSZTZZn Jl.VT?- V."- iot -u, oioca e. lAad a aoaiuon; B. w. Chairman Carter says that he believes ! AT NEIGHBORING FORTS Portland local 47. International therhood of Foundry Kmployes. has adopted resolutions Indorsing the Liberty bonds and Thrift Stamps as irdlng 'all, however humble and however small our means, the oppor- For a few cents you can get a small bottle of the magic drug freeaone re-1 from San Tedro, for Portland. Seattle. April 18. Arrived, at 9 a m., steam er Bailey Gatzert, from Portland. San Francrco. April 17. Arrived, at a p. m.. steamer Beaver, from Portland, for San Pedro. Sailed, at 10 p. m., 'steamer Rose City. San Pedro. April 17. Arrived, steamer West erner and Trinidad, from Columbia river. Astoria, April 17. Sailed, at 3:25 p. m.. I schooner I'atay. for Nusnagak San Francisco, April 18. Arrived Mayfair, cently discovered by Cincinnati man. Just ask at any drug store for a small bottle of freesone. Apply a few drops upon a tender, ach- I Hardy, Manhfield. 12 noon; Bandon, Bandon. 12 1 adopted. vve stand ready to give our East Side Mill A Lumber company to Oregon Door company, 2,5003 seres, part of blocks C. D and E. Sallwood addition; warranty deed Isabella A. Carpenter and husband to Thomas I- Gosa. lots 8 and 9, block 8. Isabella A. Carpenter's addition; warranty deed tunity to contribute our part to do j Mrs. C. A. Berkley and husband to our bit In this great struggle against , William R. Breed et al., lot 18, block tne military masters or Germany, who, ranty deed '..7."..".T7 seek to dominate the world In con- j Lucy Taung tov" c.'Gray,"io'u 23 and I tempt Of Justice and right, and free- 2. Mock 2. Scenic place; warranty dom, and without conscience and with- i H "rr a -,i v ; v- - - . . . Bertha Goldrainer to Claud C. Cain lota out mercy." The foundry workers i ,d 2, block 134 CniVeniVy p.rk nave many lorelgn-born members ! addiuon, also lou 1 and 2. block 44. among them, and the American spirited I Waveriy Heights addition; quitclaim 10 ! 10 300 100 10 1..950 10 1.000 I 10 OREGON COMMAS DERT, K. T. Special conclave this (Thursday) evening at 7 :80. Order ot the Temple. So journers Invited. C. F. WIEGAN'D. Recorder. lV ! 0 ll-T-l.. Undertakers. uunniriR oi mccuieB Mode m every detail. Broadway and Pine sta. Broadway 430. A-4558. Lady assistant. F, S. Dunning, Inc. The Golden Rnle TJndertakera. 414 E. Alder at, Phone East 62. B 5125. V A.M a.l ain tu uuauiy Um s.aiiuswa. piy ruum aitf Ucua sHulua. vwee asl da and mi omul, lew t,4 aiiiwi. I' m., s A r cuniaio. Xk 1 t-lUS-.Nl. til FLL(F lilt, V t.A i.l.jl MANibii. 4U Ct-Nlli I'tK by Uuu. WkaibuA FLlFF Ulu lu . I NioN sis AND DAVIS. IIAAilV i.oUi,jvI1jI u,ilier cie trf Usee cuuUsi.t diitiug lumber Uaiueay All eump meut, susterial. ic.. to be luruislied by vw ur. R. H. Brown. Iflephuoe Willu. aoOO. A COLORED ut Japanese boy or old geulta man to ei-t in aiictien; room, board aud Phone I reasonable wage. Apply immediately, b-1 navstr at. WANTED Experiencrd man lo dtne suaa wagon; must give relertuuea; 463 ruum and board. Call Tabor 270:!. c-sies. KENTON tDDGE NO. 145. A. F. A A. M. Stated communica tion this (Thursday evening, 7 :30 p. m. Ry order of W. M. RICHARD F. GEIST. Secretary. A. D. Kenworthy Co, g 1 hate a guud tractor pk ; ul lisv pluauia. disking, uairuaing in u. uurl 6.1 i.t Everet! sc Ea t u4. Call alter p. hi. Tabor 6287. 5802 92d at.. Lents. Tabor 6X95. 68th at. and Foster road. A r let a. Mrs. Lereh Assistant, MT. HOOD LODGE No. 157. A. F. A A. M. Stated communi Hoa thai (Thursday) evening.7 :80 nine at 8. Work la F. C. de- W. M. ED DICK, Sec. East 71. B-1888. Cndertakera. LERCH E. 11th and Hawt borne. Fu- II I III TAII 1B7S E Gliaan St. n A IVI I L I U Vi nevif rn. Tabor 4313. StSSk Z" Breezed Snook SSKS. ,Sg CHAMBERS-KEN WORTHY CO.. 1111 Kerby St. Wood Is wb 8808. C-1188. ITrut.nskinc Co. Main 41BJ A-2S21. Corner ALBERT PLKE LODGE NO. 162. A. F. A A. M. Special com munication Friday evening. April 19 at 7 o'clock. F. C degree. Visitors welcome. By order of W. li. E. R. IVIE. Sec. Sd and Clay. Skewes B. T.' BTRNES. new reaidenea erta bln mam. JUgU , 0 901 Williama ave. Woodlawn 220. C-j94. Clipping Bureau. 21 ET. Independent Funeral WAREHOLSE iiELi'EU APPLY sli.i.u COMPAN1 OF CAiliXlRNlA. liu ill- TOCaw IH.&. CL.fe.LK iou SliaXL bt.itVn.rJ bisim.v APPLY StlUL . COMPA.M lr' cALtrOU NL. 4jmoCKBLk tVAN'lED 2 young turn lo clean s alum aud learn auto painting. Cotay Motor Car Ce. 21st and Washington sts. DELIVER! men lor department sUMe. Aiu.t understand, running aulu. Good wagea. Ap ply MM E. 7th st. N. W A.Ni El Youug man attouding scliuui to work moruiug and evening in escheAge for board and room. 621 Savaer st. to 5:30"." 27 Oak at. Allen a Presa PORTLAND LODGE .-o. aa. - U1LLEK 1MV"'', ' .7 .in t40 S60. 1 r A. M. Stated communi- rectors. P"C aa low as 20 4tl. nu. cation Friday evening. 8 o clock. tv..hir,ctbn at Ella. Mam 2691. A-7885. Viators welcome. Order W. M. "7 r, -7 II , - 692 wiUUn" " faUt ct jSl STEADMAN. A. R. Ze er tO. FArt lOSS. C-1088. HELP WASTE l MIr. S REAZEE GROTTO vHU glva WllSOn W'llSOnWdln. 4940;C-U56. - . !.. uaw,nu T.mnU a uance West Park and TamhiU atreeta. that (Thursday) evening. Apri 18. All membera and their friends la- eltsstrtl oer couple. Wear your rea. . atAVVlHtiltNA AliiO bCHiAJU. 4i HAWTHORNE AVE. EVERT1 H1NG MECHANICAL. AND CI. EC TR1CAL. CNLlMliED; PRACilCAL RACAlsl EXPERIENCE. MOSTJMESTs) nrJLI-aU combined with the American OHu,P' 'u;i:: '.' ; ' ; ; goies, a. m. ; ivome city, rort Angeies, a a. m. : 1 v urea icoutununa 1 I svMBUkM- Inr inrn imt In.fanttv I noon : Bee. with barge Charles Ne'son in tow. ... j , . t, - . yes. immediately. a 11 J oon ' soreness disappears and j SaUe Bark Hecla, Bristol Bay4 8 a. m. ; ship shortly you will find the! Star of Iceland. Bristol Bay, 9:80 a. m. ; 8e- .nrn nr rnllnua nn loo Quoia, coaiim craise, s . m.; Ernest 11. aicjvi, (uiv anrirn, uituuiKut, all to Uncle Sam," is the wording of one of the paragraphs. It is a matter of general comment at the Liberty loan headquarters, how freely people of foreign birth and par that you lift it out, root Seattle, April is'. Arrived Bailey Gatzert, entage are evidencing their patriotism Crounae, lot 17. block 41, lrrington; "snsuiy aeeu ...... .......... Malisaa Tawney and husband to W. L Erwin. lot 4. block 14. Willamette; warranty deed William L. Wood and wife to Helen' H. Wood, north half of lot 4. block 60. Couch'a addition : warranty deed .... F. L. Blanchard and wife to William F. Kettner et al.. lot 12, bl.ick 6. Glen xiaroor; warranty ceed jewelry a Jaeger Bi specialty, buttons, ja.. 1S1-1SS th st. A. win. . Ldrr. and nil. with th flnarnrn. I Portland, in tow tne Wallula. A a m - Itsnn- I and lovaltv to the rovprnmPTit hv anh. r" - 1 Just think! Not one bit P01 8n Franciseo. 3 a. m.; Saginaw. San scrlptlons to the third Llbertv loan. ! M . u 'l nd wife to mV bV Re-id. f pain before applying ,Tb am " m: ' 8n Ftancisco- Among other subscriptions Wednesday! dl,18' block prt: nty -Arnvea Aamirai f srrs- I - ,.u,vt,u Uwv a . juuii, rtiuiam 10 1.70S 450 VjtaJ Statistics matrl$ts.Btrtbs. Dzaihs. CIVIL SERVICE cumulations, Portland, sunn. Women desiring ciergships, postoftice. govern- ment departments; stenographers. W nie tor free particulars to J. C. Leonard (Former civil I service eiaminer) . "63 Kenola bldg . Waahlngon. hLMBEU YoLNG WOllEN AND MEN wanted I. nv.r wm l.r tmLmmrmi.k u V.U f A SmIa fill PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 204-208 4th vacancies caused by the drafting of meal tot wax. at., opposite city bail. Jsaxa BOS, rump i for particulars emu or write i-eaaarapa smvi ' . 1 . n.u . . . 1 1 . . Lu. HWB ,1., naiiwaj r. , . hb a DLAaiSING GfAKllTE & IIT a67-3RD ST. AT MADISOil Neu Sons for memorials. LOST ASP rOTJSP SI MARRIAGE LICESaES TGI of freezone o afterwards. It I Seattle. Anrii 17 doesn't even irritate the!11' southwestern Alaska, 9.30 p. m.; Multno-1 superintendent of the Doernbecher Man surroundinir skin I mah, San Francis, 10:40 p. m.; Melrose. Hon- ufacturing company plant Mr. John. Hard corns. soft corns. ""rTvancouvirIiS T7SkJ wh"e, a f Germany, is 100 per or corns oetween me toes, i rort niaaeiey, iz:zv p. m i also hardened callouses I Sailed April 18 Spokane, southeastern Alas-I In addition to Mr. John's subscription. East 669 on bottom of feet, lust "'oJT i,-,. tne employes oi xne oeraoecner ractory -rtMiftnan. wrmrnmmMtMTn jsisisv. i . . ... r .Krlv.l tin seH w. isTta . irk . u. s ... lUDKnoea Over J Ml Ul Mr OVVIM -v wnssvws V a s g,a, A V . W . SAA. m ACIL3UU waiH AJ . p 1UI AUVO 1 . g . . , - " fall off without hurting 4:30 p. m.; Benjamin F. Packard. Nuahagak. in tKJUal ouuotnpuuu oi me presiaent, r. e, a particle, magical. ' Ladles! Keep a tiny bottle on your dresser and never let a corn or callous ache twice, (Adv.) t. i . i cow tug warrior. b:io p. m. eiimuTJi. i si it s.l ili to., i I son. southbound, 6 a. m. Port Towruend, April 18. Passed out Tug tucnara tioiyose, towing barga - Dashing Wave, Doernbecher, Is for $100,000, making ,a total of over $122,000 from his establish ment to, the third Liberty loan. 1-.. aioers (administntnrl tn Addie Sullivan, lot 19, block 18. East st. Johns addition; administrators deed Addie Sullivan to Delia Etchison. lot 19. block 18, Eaat SU Johns; warranty deed Harold Hurlbut Gilbert. 25. 769 RroaHwav. and- Margaret E. Wrenn, 20 10 East Sixty-fourth street north. v I i. . 1 1 lnr.l. n. Pnnf. 5 R Herman i.uue, vra. - --r- -. 4. and WUbelmina Janaek. legal, 789 Lighty- '""BerOamin C. Brown. 87. 827 Salmon street. . . .in. .....v. ! in. 1 a asR.llekum avenue Norman Silaa Wood. 29. 226 . Madison tnining over $4 atreet. and MatUe MyrUa RedanlL 19. 549 Suth I stamps. THE following articles have been found on cars ,.r i h Portland Railway. Light A Power Co.: t rir. classes. 8 punes. 2 books tickets, leuff link, 1 bottle medicine, 1 rule, 1 pr. gloves, l .! 4 umbrellas. 1 ax handle. 7 pkgs.. 1 aArts. 7 lunch boxes, 1 bucket, 1 bot- ,1. 1 rain mat. 1 cat. 1 gocart. Owners may obtain property at 1st sod Alder st. station. THE ADUOX ALIO aCHoOL ISO Wasoo st.. corner L'aioo ave. Call. wriU or phone East 7445 aewat free trial offer. lis J and night elaaaea MI4! DECsvER s" RLsINE COLLevGK Civil aervK-e, dlctsplione upeiating. alaurtliand. typewriting. buokkeelng. m.neographiDg. Lng lish stalling. Altsky bidg.. 8d and Morrison. REHNKE-VVALaEK, biggest buslnM eoilega be- caoe best; enroll any time; irea catalogue. 840 10 uihT I in ilrreon Electric train leaving Port land 7:46 Saturday night, between Fulton Park and Capitol Hill, lady'a sealskin purse con taining over 64 in money and 85 in trading Finder please call Mais 6859. Re- i USE- TUT IF FEET' Kidneys Cause Hysteria nfiHF RIIRN PUFF IIP nUllba VUlllli 1 VI I VI Inma fnlkn jiverwnrk : anm nvsrsat : soma over drink ; and many do all these Can't beat "Tiz" for SOfC, tired, things and neglect the excretory organs. Nervousness ensues: Constipation some times, but most often the delicate func Hons of tho kidneys become disordered. - followed soon by congestion. Then hearahca, neuralgia, rheumatic pain backache, and lumbago set in. Frequent urination sometimes beyond control. The voided liquid being dark and foetid -odor, and its passage followed by burn Inc. smarting spasms of pain, even hysteria being often the result unless swollen, calloused feet or corns. Sura! I use TIZ' very time for any foot trouble." dlyimyafji m the greatest of all kidney medicines, Is taken to regulate, allay and neu tralize the Irritation of the organs. , : GREAT KIDNEY MEDICINE ' . t Sold by all druggists. THIN PEOPLE SHOULD TAKE PHOSPHATE Sotting Like Plain Bitro-Phosphate to Pat on Firm, Healthy Flesh aad to Increase Strength, Tlgor aad erve Force. N When Itching Stops .There Is one safe, dependable treat ' ment that relieves Itching torture and Tou can be happy-footed In a moment. Use Tla" and never suffer with, tender, raw, burning, blistered, swollen, tired. aching feet. , "Til" and only "Tla" takes the pain and soreness out of , corns. calluses ana bunions. As soon as you put your feet In 430 p. m. Arrived Schooner Muriel, Port Gamble, in tow tog Pioneer, during last night. April 17 Passed out Jefferson, at 12:20 p. m ; KicbmotKl, towing Mrge no. uo. at o p. ra. Sydney, Apru 17. Arrlvea Barkenune. E, R. Sterling. Seattle, thence February 7, via Clallam Bar, thence February 13. Ketchikan, Apru 17. saueo fort ana south bound. 1 a. m. Ketchikan, Apru 10. sauea Humboldt. southbound. 9 p. m. lhingeness. Apru is. rassea in a steam schooner, probably Stanwood. at 10 a. m. Port Uamble. Apru 18 Sailed Schooner Robert Lewers. for Honolulu, via Port Towns mi, in tow tag Prosper. Port Ludlow. April 18. Hilled Barge Walla- cut. San Francisco, in tow tug Pioneer. Everett. Apru 18. Arrived Multnomah. San Francisco; President. Vancouver, Tacoma. Apru 18. Arrived Admiral Farra- gut, Seattle. Coos Bay. April 17. Sailed Hardy, for Ban Francisco. 5:50 p. m. yesterday: Bandon for San Francisco, 6 p. m. yesterday. San Francisco. April 18. Arrived yesterday: Prentiss. A Irion. 1:30 p. m. : Vanguard. Loa An geles. 2:35 p. m. ; I. i. Scofield. Seattle, 4:55 Vlueen, Los Angeles, o :os p. m. ; Au- Just Try This When Hairy Growths Appfear LOST Spitx Aihart J Davis. 24. Vancouver nsrracss. - . . - . . I . u I , Wash., and coariotu amus jaacsinaiu. e. v lrouDd Deck usan atreei. ..... , eral reward. dr, creasa color, white) ring name "Mike" ; do collar. Lin Noufr Bdwy. 24S7. oe S8 Flanders st- (Modes of Today) A smooth, hairless skin always fol lows the use of a paste made by mix ing some water with plain .powdered delatone. Thla paste Is applied to the, hairy surface 2 or 3 minutes, then rubbed off and the skin washed, when every trace of - hair will have vanished. No pain or discomfort attends the use of the delatone paste, but caution should kbe exercised to be sure that you get real oeiatone. AO v. , r - Tn T l ai soon as you put your feet In a skin Irritation almost Instantiy and bath, you just feel the happiness wai ucaiixs uiu ouuuics wb sam, i aoaiung in. Mow good your noor. old Ask any dritfzist for a 35c or $1 bottle feet t eeL They .want to dance, far lav. of zemo and apply it as directed. Soon 1 'Tlx" ts grand. Tix" tnstantir draws you will find that irritations, pimples, lout all the poisonous exudations which WaCfcheadS, 2cma,DlorxrlTIlervVOrni P" ur ana cause sore, in ainrl arfmilar alHn trnnMsvanrllt r1iarrvar I flamed., aching, sweaty feet rr, , - .e 1 ,r,i s A littl tmv th nnrratinir.-satia. ! . - -" w "l , y fvina Kouid. i, all that to needed, for it " ? "ES VL,Y"WL H . " ."' T ; ' I 'ivfw, iif ir KV.UE w ; uuuivi- w i Anvont wno qon nat aeftirtft l wvw. w teutat vuviiu nai - w. a i l nMsii sinn il t.. h ma irsas itan iissa. . a .... i i. . - r . - ttaaa sjajajgawsjgjsj sjp s 'WW v w sans- saa w. : llMSwa) J Va aU&U.La Mil UlVm Judirinff from the countless Dreoara- Hons and treatments which are continu allv VtA.nsr nclxrrt inrtl trtr ths nnrnaa n4t 1 lu m. making thin people fleshy, developing Eureka ; Se Kh arms, neck and bust, and reolaclnr berlv f-'ip,V.rts f0"!. A?.1-:.,PirVi hollow, and angles by the ; soft Suited 1 atatSewa, L AngeuT Si. m. ; lines of health and teauty. there ara avi-I v-Lv. a -m n r-vVi.ri dentlT thousanas or , men and women I BelUegham, :80 p. sa. : George W. Elder. Ma- w ii e.cwuij iucu uusuive uunness. i cauan. via Loa angeies. l :uu p. m. TMsn... snii wstnknMM ..,.1V I Sailed yesterday: Herman Federaon. on cruise, Thinness ana weakness are usually ii-.is a. m.-. Lslme. Caspar. S:60 n m due to tarvea nerves, jjut oodies need wuittier. Port San Luis. 4.55 p. m.-. Tliaalak. more phosphate than is contained in I Trans 1'scific. 4 :40 p. m. : Carmel. am i Hr. modern foods, itiysicians claim there is bor. 5:15 p. mj City of Topeka. Loa Angeles, nothing that will supply .this deficiency 5:25 p. m : Fairhaven. Mexican jxirta. :05 SO well as theorgamc phosphate known P. ra.; Girlie Maboney, Albion. :4f p. m. ; Sea among druggists as bitro-phosphate, Kele. with Simla, Port Sao Lois, 8:25 p. to.; which is inexpensive and IS sold by most 1 Araba, wita eanuago. aaonierey. civ p. m.; .11 ,ta i a m,.. I Arctic, alonterey. 7 p. m.: Boea Uity. Astoria r'zszz "bax : BTViVr v.: p- s. w. pu,et 19 nArvea directly and bv sunnlvin. ih IP- body cells with the necessary phosphoric food elements, bitro-phosphate quickly croduces a welcome transform art r,n in the appearance; the increase In weight irequenuy swing swiomsrung. Thla Increase In weight also carries with It a general Improvement In the sv.es.ea. leV VasPtrniicnACSi galsavs&Mlb. a SSIof energVhich ac- An "eho TneUnE" CoIumbU company exeeaslve thinness, soon disap river district of the Baptist Women pear, dull eyes become bright, and pale Missionary society Will be held In the cheeks glow with the bloom of perfect White Temple tonight at S o'clock. Miss health. " Klixabeth iTMowelL president, and Miss f CAUTION Although ; bitro-phosphate Carrie MlUspaugh wOl speak V and ia unsurpaased for relieving nervousness, many others will take part. Miss Jes- sleeplessness ana general weakness it I ale Maulbetach and Miss Eva McKav White Temple WiU Hold Echo Meeting Lemons Beautify! 8train ismon Juice well before mixing and massage face, neck, arms, hands. (Adv.) I flesh. (Adv.) bothmen and women, are Invited. Here Is told how to prepare an inex pensive lemon lotion which can be used to bring back to any skin the aweet freshness ot which it baa been robbed y trying atmospheric conditions. Wind-chafe, roughness, tan and redness are warded off ant those tell-tale lines or care or of age are softened away. xne juice of two fresh lemons strained Into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white makes a whole quarter pint of the most remarkable lemon sum oeautltler at about the coat one must pay for a small jar of the iTuunry coia creams. Care should L taken to strain the lemon Juice through a fine cloth so no lemon duId arete in then thla lotion will keep fresh for monies. a,very : woman knows that lemon Juice Is used to bleach and re move sucn oiemianes as rreckles. sal lownesa and tan. and Is the Ideal akin aoriener, amooti-vner and beautif ler. Just try It! wet three ounces of orchard white at any pharmacy and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint or thla sweetly frag rant lemon lottos aad massage it daily Into the face, neck, arms and hands. ana see xor yourself. - ;; - . (Adv.) Andrews. Parma. Idaho. ST. and Laura p sannn T T. V. C A. building. Charles Broadus, legal, ItU North Fourteenth j LOST At tne 20th Century grocery er Public im and Pearl raaailn. legal, isi r,oixn msrkat. crecioua aeapsaae iussbbobts iuwi 1 ounce nth street. . ... I belonging to my son. aow ia rranca. T. J. aeward. legal. Armirutn noiei. ana sssr- vi(r.ball 549S. jorie Powers, legal. Almira auartmeou. Harold K. Uonlon. 28, 643 Uantenbelil ave-I LOST April rm. end A anas K. Uieaa. IS, 4 S oenienoein . oooa Reward. 11. on atreet. Uibcrnia bank small check enclosed. Mala 1163. SDartment S. Reward. Wedding Announcements W. O. Smith Co.. S11 Morgaa bate. Liativaa SLitXH toe rest, aU sues lorlng Co.. SOS stars o- tlasvsa 'la B1BTHS miur tnin vio,- i rn T7T , . . . j. .Wolfertb. 41 Last tjeventy-tuui street. Apru I LOST a string " " a. . dsiubter. ward. 14 Spalding. Main 48. BAXTER To Mr. and Mrs. Harry D.'J. Bag-1 LOST A young Scotch Collie dog; reward. ler. w i v lmtcuih lswv. Apru v, sv son. i ihone Tabor 1 s. LOST Bunch of ke Tuesday, i. r. f 160450. Reluns to 147 10th St. Phonal Broadway 2877. Reward. LOUT April 1. aS Anaeo camera, SI i Hippodrome or Pantagea theatre; liberal re ward, wm. tseca. siw, rnrvn Pum containing money at the Htrand. Owner may obtalao same by pay- in. for thla ad. VTdln. 106. Ka- HKLP WAMTtillyKJrlAI, BOYS WANTED Over IS. With MTbaeai Uaa Work aad Steady , Good Advaaeamsal HAL fS TO S100 PEB HO. Elmer U Bailey 253 Oak Street BUTTS & WE'STROM, 27 North 2d eC 1 lady Hanky. S month. 1 lady eoofc. fu month and B. SEWDiG tunng. Couch st. actii oa operator tor waiet ssaaafae- UanulacturiDg Co., 4 th. aad I BRADLEY To Mr. and aire, frank A. Bradley, SSI Hawtnerna avenue, April a, a son. -COSHART To Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Coasart. 1101 Last Market street. Apnl 2. a son. SHERK To Mr. and Mrs. Albert K. Shark, Sherwood, Or.. April 6. a daughter. . BARTHOLOMEW To Mr. and Mrs. Earl 8. Bartholomew. IIS West rut street. Apnl 8. a daughter. BMTtH To Mr. aad Mrs. Otis 8. Smith. 105 East Alder street. Apru IS, a son. HARRIS To Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert W. Harris. SSZ East A so street, apru is, a son. THORJ LOt Freckles, a wliite. long hair trick pup. Call Main till aner i p. m. E. FOCND A man's hat I'hone Wdln. 4S1S. TStlT HUME OFFERED. Tanne woman emvloyad taut of day eaa have! alee noma ta family of threw adults for aaaiet-l ing with domestic duties.' Call Eaat 46S1 alter J S p. m LADIES and ebildrea woo are ales, see Dr. Elva ftoreasen, drug lew beamc. SB HELP WAIT Kl Jl A a. if. II kUra Isorsnssn, drug less L m i .r jo run errands asui I twre yon. 60S Panaaaa bldg .k hfmself osefnl around store. Columbia I u ANTED Girl for starch depart meat, haa3 . GraphapUona Co.. 42 Washington. 1 lroaing, handla work, wxpertaneeal or tneg-i tr-. r?TTr-T.. men aa news agents en raiT I pertnced. National LeuDdry. E. Sth and Clayl j .i.. tiood DroDoaitioB. Com hews I va VTEIsGirla to leera aaarkira and son -I To Mr. and Mrv WUuam Thorn: 211 r. ul N. 10th at. I log. Good wages, ateaoy poaiuoa, roruaa Monroe atreet. April 10. a son. I r.-. r....Tr-i .k.. the draft sis "to ma I Laundry Co.. U and Covieh. TRANCHELL .to Mr. and Mrs. Cbarlas C. I ,1 top'' with out nursery stuck. Cash I TVpL uiENCED tiparaturs oa shirts; good paT TrancheU, 1Z94 Atmnue street, April 7, a "k)T capital Ctty Nursery Co.. Balem. Or. j amj etewdy work. ML Hood tactary. 'lit son. ... . I . : v. v .... vinlin nlavera ta iusn I Couca at. ..r . onrv mr u. .mi um stia r, i v, s i t.ls . - . -. - . i iu7i;i.r: i orclHr, tor Practice. M.rsnau TSi orki ACTZES To Mr. and Mr.. Thomas i. Aatxen. I CaThINIST Operate saaall ahoy for machioerf 404 Willamette boaievard. April 12. g son. store, chielly biasa work. Permanent position. ROBINSON To Mr. and Mrs. cnarkes M. Uoh-1 X-35. Jjurnau lnsnn. 14 Grand avenue, April 12. a son. WIsI To Mr, aad Mrs. Charles Blocn. SS Eaat Tweoty-aighth street. Apnl 11. a daugh ter. COXSETl To Mr. and Mb, Lloyd Coosar. 87 Rsst Elehth street. April 10. a son. i KE Y N OL1 S To Mr. aad Mrs. John W. Reyn olds. 627 Last Fifteenth street, April 16, a a4m n trh tAvT- LYNCH To Mr. and Mrs. -Phillip M Lyacfa. I 1281 East NiaeteeaiJi street. April 7, g daughter. - WRLVGEU man -f. ""5, American Laundry. 140 L. J C fllM'T m-p around stoswT General wvra and da s'uip-ping 171J. Jorri. fii)T"wiib abeel. over 16. 812 per week. 66 Park at-' ailiEU wanted to milk. 8 eowa. 840 moot a, board and room. 1UI7 Gay at. WANTED Wringer man. Imperial Laundry Co.. 855 Busaell st. . DEATHS AJtP rrXEKALS Ti M DOltiALL la this dty, April 17, Angus MeDours.IL aged 59 yean, late of Taaoma, Wash. The . remains are at the reaidenea ea tablishmeat of 4. P. Finley & Boa, Moalgoeaery at Fifth. BXIKSCH.NEIDEU The funeral aervicea of tarn lata Ottilia Kestachnetder will ' be heM Friday, April It, at 1 p. m.. from the chapel of Miller A Tracer. Washington at Ella strew.. Interment Lena Fir cemetery. . TERWILLlGER The fuaeral aervicea of the lata Hiram- W. TarwUUge- wiU aw held at the faanily raeidenra. 1126 Macadam afreet, at S p. m. toaaorvww (Friday), April IS. Friends Isrnted. lataamant sUverrWw ceeaetai MAS so fire pouer rugou .. 7o Macadam. UaS married or single, ranch. SelL 64. Fraalaad Furniture work aa dairy WANTED Night man and atablemaa i - at the Model fltablea, 6th and Davie. tv ANT KD Exvenenced anilker to milk 5., ma and board. Taboc 2 15 WANTED Towns girl to assist ia sv. nd sin ef ehJdrm. 1 iond home. No tne. laundry done oatatde. 616. Eaat 670S WANTED Ksferieaced caleawomea lor laoe and embruidery depta. KoOerta Broav, 84 and Morrwua sts. housekeeper; ato eb. i WORKING jectsea to 464 Davia at. wiahasi child. Call alter 8 p. av. i WANTED At ance. reliable deotast to take car ef eartabhshed cKy practice for aaveral anontha. T-6S4. JomrneX WANTED A euiek and strong girl fas' labeling can goods. wadiiama avarr and Davuv goods. w ediiame m Brasv. 18lk WANTED A competent girl tot sec aad work. TeL Mala 2166. V iOi-lN laeeona la eschahge foe ironing. Wdla. 634 4. call A STRONG GIRL or woaaaa. experience accessary. I'nKed Mattr a, and Fad Co. . rsTEI Trscjcal cleaner for tailor shop. AVrailwll J" fuu boy ever 1 6. goad wages aad steady work. 4 St Paris st. Ask for Mr. Loy. WAITED AbU bodied maa at Aasaricaa ,Caa Co.. 14th and Frrmt. ' - - . , . . WANTED 2 aatoanobUc painters. Covey Motor Car Cow. 21at aad Wswluastaei at, - UL.vri.lt Li eiderli lady to k care tor 8 ehfiurea "Call Mar halt 4276. WANTKD A eheeolaia dipper. - Hudsoa-Mors Candy C6...g4wy !. - . , WANTEJl Etyerienoed. reUabla amal Moat be good cook, west aid. 650. Mala 6016: - GlfiX. for general housework. ce to aiee,aaBs pteterrru. iziiaumn see. tCeaUaaed ea if olio w lag raf a.