THE' OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. 'SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 14. 1918. : i 27 i , , , - MOMKV TO LOW -RKAti ESTATE ? oClt MMsllBCBt plaa W UMI beat end MUM method of ' paying a loan. 33.26 pa month fr 88 months a 71.24 tot 80 months, of 618.17 oc nonttu, pan $1000 lota Bd letev t I '.Other amount tm proportion. ! W loan on improved eity property I . Ct lor building pnrpawee, ' No Commission charged. ! .EQUITABI.K SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION MORTGAGE LOAJtV " Aay mil oa laaproved ettv eadt fatm property; wilt consider (and building loss, THS LAWMKNCB XiM1At7T , Ulm IB. 13 4th Ml. A i1 We HAVE money u loan a aar amount at urrout rat of laterest. No delay. It you mm ua. McCIura have the security. Bcbms'ncb, Mio 201. ilONElf to loan oa improved rperty in moat every town in Washington, Orvgoai and Idaho; a ma 1 paid sack monthly lik rant. R, B. 'hdIv . Ji W B. nkbW. ! i. aa4 lerges iuoutt at current' tale. : tjtiick setioa. Fred W. German Co,. 782 qtiam. Com. bliLOlNO loan on city or Miburban property, money advanced a wora progresses. W. i. Peca, iilo iHU MHin bldg Mam 840T kiuAk.1 ui loan tu iiutiuiiu till aiuuw aeooO e city property I A H. BELL, 201 Gerltncer Rlda. I 1 HAVE lilOO ti M(T9WHI(jai 'Una or etly nroprrt. P (. Boa t7K MOM KIT TO I,OAXI CHATTKLH, HALAIU.KH 07 Salary Chat tat I.OAXS Wl LOAN MONET On short not tea to salaried or worsting inirn rn tneir own notes. WeeKiy, iemHtmuilhly or monthly payments. Each trc acli m strictly confidential NO MOKTGAGB NO INDORSER ABSOLUTELY NO RECUItlTV. We a Is. -loan on household iurainre, piano. cic, wuiiuiu removal. CALL. 'AND IXVE3TIGAT Columbia discount iXUepany; $17 Falling Bldg. If Ybu Need Money Seer Us SALARIES CHATTELS I.nana mad to person on .alary or hied tucomsj on household lurnliure. pianua, diamond and other personal property, leant rate, liuaioeaa con fidential; pDTala office. ! 1W1UM' LOAN COMPACT tjooiuod. i 306 307 Laauia Bide fOUI'LAM; Mt.WKDIAL LUlli AhSN. Ktlabltancd by 1'ortland buslnau sua to protect borrower. '.. MTERS HERMAN, Mgr., 394 STARK ST. LOAMS ON DIAMONDS. JEWEI.UY, I'lA.NUS. HOUSK1IOI.I) ITUItMTlJJtK. ' ; LOAMS V A N TV U 30 HA.NTKU -To borrow HOM) im lj arreit trrlunved laud, value S15.OU0. i; ri:,4. Jour nal. I 18110 ;II.T .dee country mortgjiile diarbunt to arat yn. w-7t;j, uotirnal. - LIVESTOCK tS STOCK SALE will be held at my place. 6 nulaa eaat o( woodland, Wah., la i.wllt2 county, Ttwoday. AprU lo, at t0;30 a. m,j.60 head or more atock will be Mld. 80 head goo4 nileb eewa, pnwUy all t ba fraab, soma at time ot wtlo. This atoek ail . cuaranteed to stand the Tuberculin teat; 4 bulls, one 4, -year-old Dur ham, one 3-year-old man Durham, one 3-year-old Koktetn, 1 yearling, part Hereford, 20 head yoang atoek. t good team horse, black, and 8 years, weight 1200 poanda; 1 gray mare, work d on Ola or single, weight about 1000; 1 heavy wagon. aimot new, S incut 1 buggy, al most new i X set harness, good. Abel . Mtavk. owner; Woodland, Uah. W. 8. Wood. oo tirawfr, V ancorrrer. . rOTJLTHT, FIGgOyg, TT.T STOCK 87 Are tba greatest winter layers in existenea. . C. IOQK. BIRPSf PETSt ETC. AIKEIALB poppies, aoma excrTlent atoek aud by Cb- Bilmer Biago. Fine champions in Callaway of 628 UenUnbein avenue haa So first 14 ancertora. 8 months. $40 each, ilo pulleti ptjrebaaad from me as day-oid chicks; kenna Park Kannaia, CoL k!4. McKeoaa are. the 3S DUlleta laid 88 !2 rstt- In Nov.. V 19 rzn , "'. ira . in De&, aa average of 77.3 per cent for or. ON account ol ill health I will sell my entire dairy. 4 nave run the dairy tor 'i year. 18 A-l cows, 4 to T aala. when freah. 8 bett ers freshen during the summer, 1 Holntein ball. 1 none, narrumtf, prmg wagon, ouggy, aeiifety rord auto, milk bottle, bottle fillers, etutomers and buildings. I have income of S0( to Suotf per month, aU eery , cheap. Terms. M1 Commewial at. Take Ituell.8haver ear. bee owner between 1 and 6 p. m. 6ft 8 A I.S For -ida y. juit in from farm, S testeil htgh-produrfng young milch cows, 2 lUg. tihrthorB yearling bulbs, 'i Htz. II ol tein yearlong bulla; refer to Dn, Mack or Buverwooa, city nan; atoca at barn E. ta ana Ivon t. . rice record at 4 5th t. Cows are lirt elaas lor family or dairy. Hainan k'uel eompany. so!, Holsteins, IKirhams, Jerseys, to 9 gala, rich muk; pHca 80U and op. Will take fat cows in exchange. 1 1 60 Macadam at. South Cortland car to end of line, 8 block south to HichardHon are., 1 block east, in pasture. and t3 per cent in Dee. The abov i the great, est average ever obtained from an entire flock. (Jhaa. Woelfer of 988 E. 27tlt f. report aa average of 75 per cent for Dec. I. A. Bterena of Bend. Or., rnrts 64 to 83 eggs per day from 75 pullets. With grain at present prices you cannot afford to take chances; yos moat have winter layer. And evwutaauy you wiu coma 10 Kobinson for them. Better coma now and aava disapr ointment iiay-old chicks. 816 Per 100. Satisfaction giuuanteed, A. V. Robinson, B. 82d st. and 6th ava. 8. E.. Portland. Or. Phone Tabor 7289. SILVER CAMPINES Chicago Chamnion Mala head a Ben of Silver t'ampine this seaann. Thia grand bird abio awarded special at Chicago for being best colored mala. Pen contain first Chicago ban (champion female) . ceeond - Chicago hen. first and urcond Chicago pullet; also winner at Ore gon mate ceir, Portland Mhow and ether. Eight choice specimen in aiL Egg (3 per setting. Waller Yoang, Oregon Oity, Or. Ori ginator of Winner Strain Silver Cam! inee. i'OK BALE Cute Togt:nburg milch does, yearling: doee, doe kidv and goats mitk for in fa 11 U and invalids. Bnsemont Swim Uoat Dairy, a8 E, ettth t. N , Portland. Or. Phone Illt6 i'ltiSSIl Jersey cow. witji oTwitiinut calf; itentle. Bond milker, 3 to a Vi gal. Take Montavilia detxit car to 8 1st St., walk 4 blocks east. Or will trade for shoals or breeding sow TWO fine brood sows Poland-Chin for aala, or wouid exchange for family cow goon com ing fresh; alfo W. L. laying puilaU for food iaed tent, K-6 20, Journal, t'Olt UALE 3" year oUl Jerney heifer, from registered stock; first calf, others to freshen soon. O.1 O'Neill, Durham station, oa Oregon Electric FOK sate, irtnh milk goat. Maanen Sc. Toggeuberg. Taka Hose City car to 57th itt., walk south. J. Paliek, 359 K. 87th C N. OR SALl: 300.0O0 8. C. White Leghorn chicks durina Aoril. Mar and June. Heaviest laying Hcganized stock only. Broiler ,in 10 weeks: pullets Jay at 6 monthi. We guarantee safe arrival of all chick to destination, you pay only for chicks received in vmrl condition. shipped safely anywhere west of the Rockte, rice 1 u per luu, vs per 1000. No money id advance; pay on delivery. Finest hatchery in the world. Kntabrfehed over 20 year. MLJsT HATCH INCUBATOR CO., . , ii 1 in sr., reiaiuma, t.aL TWO yirtjng Duroe sows, registered stock, bred in March, weigh about -00, $40 each. K. F. Walters, Oresiiam. f'UK SaXE Togg.mherg yearling doe, $25; ahto Haaneit 4 -year-old milking. B. J. Pasheh, 860 K. 87th st. N. JlUtSliY-Gt'ElLNSEy cow. will be' fresli by Sunday; vry untitle, rich 111 ilk and lots of It. 1 0t Woolsey t lr4 cows. 850, to $90T WiU sell 8EVEN Treali cows. $50 to or trade for beef cattle. Tke MisiKtplii car. Foft s.iLe 105 Failing aU milk cows. sippi are. Before Tuesday, two first claaa 1 recently freh. 1645 afiasia- liOKSr.K VEHICLKS. KTC1. 18 KOH MALK. HOUSES A span of msrnr bai.U ti yer old, color light sorrel, half enter-, weinlit 250 ifyi. : thi is a real learn, with gnod heavy ibonei and the best of feet, warranted sound and; true worker; low price, t'416. A apau of gajldiuga,: weigiit D'JOO Hm . dapple gray ami dark (bay. M and 0 year old. itt gtKti working order, good true puller, soiitid exneptlng a trifle strfct sore; $2 60 take tiicm A bay geliling cumin! 8 years old, weight 1400, no one ha a he liter 110" but he l just a very 'lillle street sort; $130 takes him at he hai no mate. 1301) I!. guiding. 11 year old. good hoiiitat work )ior,H in goiid con dition anil ha no mate; will Uik 7 5 Black mare, 7 years old. and brown mar,-. S years old, weight Z'AUH i!-i , wmn.l and tm in all harness; low price, $150. A mmn n( mares, buckskin and bruwn. weig'it 2il0 lb.-.., age 7 and coming 0 years olii, sound and guod true auihials in all liarneea; $105, low inrf. 1 snr rrl driving horse, mature pacer, fjift. trtisty nd safe for anyone to handle; $7& take him. $85 take good sound little work tetum. brown and snow white, weight 2100 lb... I in good or der, gentle ami trua to pull. N(rn ot 3-year-.ntd t'lydn geldings, weight 2IIUO n, half brotliera, gentle, perfectly sound land liave been working a few times, jitut off (the farm; low price, $125. Aleo sveral single general pur poie hiirses, Very reasonable. Mint of tjliia stock it right nut of work and is straight and right and fully guaranteed. We hano lot of bar nee, both einule and rliuible sets, "and some wagon. 1 buugy cheap. ( all at 208 Kuwell st,, corner of Vancouver ava. ITake Williams svc. ear at lid and Washington, get off at Kusaell st. and Williams nr. and walk oue Mock west. MILK (iOATS Kresh Toggenberg. milk goats, kids by aide. 302 Front at. i'AH'l I UK ialand give 4 quarts. for lOo head Particular Wdln. of cattle. 10418. WANTED A young Jersey or Guernsey cow. Must be T. K. tested. Call Tabor 7269. VOl'LTRT, PIOEOMS, FKT STOCK 87 Butler's White Leghorns Tin tint hnv slaekev e.hieks. My laying stock averaged 72 per eent through November and lieeeniber, giving a profit of $2 per bird. They will do as well for yon. The lay is bred in them. My breeding stock is trapnested and Unionized, and is large, healthy, vigorous stock, the only kind that lays the winter est. All breeding pen headed by 240 pedigreed cock' erels. Visitor always welcome. Have enlarged capacity of 300 hatche April F4, May 6 and May 14. Order before it is too late. Call Woodlewn 11102, or Oak Orore 16aw or Mar. Sso Butler lfoultry Farm. Jenning Lodge. Or. Incubators EXCEL AND EXCLtSIVE MOI3TIJIIE QONTBOL HATCH HKITEli. SIAlliE BKTTEK SELL FOR LES8 HOME PUODliCT CATAMJO FUEE MAHTEK INCCBATOH CO., INC., Faetnry. 4 15 Jaasup St., Portland. Or. NEW ' Zealand. Flemish Oiants. Belgian lure Uufux Hed, Angora rabbttx; registered and utility tock; White leghorn egg, incubator lot and small amounts cheap: trade fine gandel for goose or hens; alio rabbit for chickens. Wanted, cat that will kindle soon; any kind, M-716, Journal. WE ItAVK a fine assortment of young geldings and ins res, weighing from 1100 to 1000 lbe., also a few good young milk cows, )ut fresh ; 5 Sets of doubl work bairuess ; all slock guaranteed. Frazier McLean 240 E. 8th and Miiin. WANTED either homes or cows or both ami harness, waguna, eto., for use on farm. Will trade 40 acre good level diloetl land, below Clataksme, on Columbia, mine $himi 1'hona 1, or writ It, Willia, Oregon ; City, Or., Oen eralDellvery. '; ON ACCtM'Nt of sicknef.' "Wfifi-Wys" "team of brown geldings, weight 2SH50 lbs., .good harness nd 3 'i inch farm wagon. Oood ranch leara. plow and do any kind of work. , Take t Woodstock ear to 54th at., walk 6 blka. north to white house. 1 . JX)R BAl-E1 Mar and gelding," 5 and 0 jear old. Uood workers and gentile: also 6 head of other good woik horse from 1000 to 1400. 1'riee ranging from $25 to $!? 5. Ooing out f buslnes. 22.Cnion ave. Phone East 8227. tX)K 8,vi.K Po 11 y harness aind iia-llt hack. 830 oaslt. or trade for chickens., ('all 1812 K. lfitb at. N. Wood la wo can to 115th at, 6 bksrkisouth. ; : (i(tI ranch team and harness, mare and geld ing, weighing 2350 lba. ; price i$180j Take Mt. Scott rap to 9th, ave., 1 block east, I block north to BN25 85th st. 8. K. J 1 TEAM. welghTng 2800, harness nd wagonT $H6. I team, weighing 2200, with harness and farm wagon. $140. 267 E. 8th t., cor. Hawthorne ave. INSUKE your chirk by feeding Pratt's Baby Chick Food for the critical first three weeks: (then add Pratt Poultry Begulator to a good hlaveloping ration ' and watch 'em grow. SatiR- iaction guaranteed or money retunded. irt class dealers everywhere WILL eichange guitar and case, 11 window shade. 2 dozen economy jars, 500 pounds Early Roue seed potatoes. Rhode bland Med or Huff Orpington hens. 1 year old. 020 E. 7th st. north. No phone. f HOKbCGHBItEliWhite Leghorn baby ehlx front heavy layers; young pen for sale and rullets. settings. B. I. KcdS; Mrs. Buiderup, Sell wood 2618. 0320 E. 44th rt., Woodstock. BLACK' Flemish tlianf lahblta. best blac! breeders, pure blood, for sale; also Buttercup eggs. $1.50 per setting. Enclose stamp .for reply. V. A. Everest. Hlllghoro, Or. WE still have a few choice Belgian, Flemish and kuIub tied does lor saie: ano 1 ime xietgian buck. Mt Scott car to Whitman ave. 682 Kth S. E. It. R. BELGIAN, pitee winning pedigreed stock. fina , breeders and does with young, for sale; If you want to Mart in tba rabbit basin, atart right by buying good stock; thia ia your oppor tunity. 682 E. 75th K. Bo City Park car. FOB SALE Tietoa Tip, re of Mike Baluain and son of Champion Illuminator and Nan Baldwin, by Mike Baldwin. CnUsual Airdale and a top-notch breeding pair for only $50. U. E. Wornom. bog 844, Vancouver, Wash. PETER PAN KENNELS announce the service of King Moose, black t'entap imported atoek, proven aire of priaa winning kit. ; few reasonable. Tabor 7773, 636 E. Slat st North. . FOR BALK Prize winning brindla English Bull dog. Phone Woodlawn 52S2 Snnday. AUTOMOBILES ACCEBSOniF.S 44 1B! FOSD -dtb. uixaa. good conditiori. $JoT 284' V- 34th st . t PASSENGER. 6 cylhider Studebaker; com pletety overhauled and painted: 8 good tire and spot litt: $.78. $400 cash, balaoca $50 per month. Phone B-2891. LAHE Mfg. atoek, It Bepatn. 8000 guaranteed apriac prle-e rwdwred. 4 M. IsHa a. 1 41! ArTOMOBILER ACCaTSWOttTTS 41 STTPEBAKEn SIX, T-paaa.; aaap f T iTIALMEKS, 7 pa.. 1817; Jika new... 1250 OVERLAND. Isll; win wbeeki and apara 850 HTriEMAKER. 181$: eW . equipment.. 400 CHALMERS 8 30; overliaulad and re- pauited wow Tour dollar bring mora wh ua. Easy Term. Open 8-imaya. WESTERN MOTOR CAR BALES C0.T Broadway at Burwiia. ArTOMOBILEACCESSORIF.8Jl4 VXXCA N raiNO AND BETRSAD1NO ! SECOND IUN TIRES Wa win sell you nave tirea and take year ane. We auaraetca aatUIacOon. w. -. an 10 North Broadway. 1 g WHITE Pit Bull puppiea. Broadway 2188. TOY Rvtlw for service ; rg. A. K. C E. 4051. S. CTVYHITE LEGHORNS - Eggs for hatching, $2 to 87.80 per aettlcg. Incubator iota $10 per 100. Baby chicks, 1 5c each. W hare tba tiuaat atoek of Leghorns oa the Pacific Coast and bar been operating a succesatul eonunercial ranch for a num ber of years. McKenna Park Poultry Farm, McKenna ave. and Lombard; Bt John aar. OuDEK chick now for May 12 delivery, from McRaea trainee text wtuie Lieguorns. uvexy hen trap-nested all year. Our male bird are all sons of trapnestea nens. maiun muiu, o, 280 hb to 270 eeas each. Won third pea and fifth individual at All-Northwest egg lay ing eon tent lt year, over 1000 iiena co-vev Ing. Why take c nances Duying iruia amaiiu Iioultry keeper when our cost but little more. After May 1 price reduced on es.i to $8 and $12 per 100. Chick 15 cent and 20 cents earn. Phone Mllwetutia u. ac-vae Poultry Farm. Milwaokie, Or. Ut:UHiV'H blue ribbon strain Barred 1 loess and Silver Camplne proauce in nrrnn show birds, too. Write or pbone tor price . ior Murray's blue ribbon strain of Barred Bock setting eggs, chicks, cockerels, or hen. Silver Campine and Barred Rocks (utility strain) et- t no acta. S1.5U for 13 eggs: country oraere 60c eatra. For sale, pen 01 X yi. om uarreu Itoek hens, with blue notion strain cocaerei, au. J. J. Murray. SJ26 62d St. 8. E. Tabor 1261. A f'TOM OBtLES -ACCESSOBf KB 44 j1e MAXWELL for aale cbaa tv K-496. Journal FOR RENT Garage for 4 cars. 664 6th t FOR RENT Garage. 793 Vancouver ava. 1917 FORD roadster, like new, A-l condition; terms. Broadway 1572. NEW FORD for aale; immediate delivery. Call Woodlawn 1427. 10 18 FORD touring, with extra; car kk new; term. Broadway 1572. 191 T 5 passenger Ford for aale, $400. Call Woodlawn 1427. six. fine condition ; lite 780. 1917 TEUR terms. Main FOR SALE Marion roadster, in good .condi tion, 4 good tirea, fgau. fnone wain. oB3. FORD cars painted; special prices. Bobinaoo- Smitfi Co.. atn ana Htauos. Highest price paid for ysur old ear. Condition no object call prompuy. Taar v. ' I f HAYEK. SHAVEK-OTJLLT . MACULNE COMPANY 1 Ton. $870 I BUILDERS Of 1 H Ton, $420 EVERliEADY TRUCK S Ton. $470 1 ATTACHMENTS Capacity f Mlg. in Portland 193 R. Water st Phone East 7487 NEW TIBXS What brand' of new tire do von prefer t Ws tuvatthetn, all aaake and auea. Aia we. make the fa muus O-V-C Double Tread tsewedl tire and do ail manner of tire re pairing. Oregon Valcanuiug Co.. 833-335 Bcra .de near Broadway. WE for their HUDSON 6-40. Thoroughly ovarUauled. painted. Terms. Main 780. LTcTHT Hudson car., 250. Morrison st newly Call 3 p. m.. 713 1917 MAXWELL, 5-pass. touring car. at SG50. Call Marshall 462. bargain AM forced to sell brand new Willys Over land Six. E-65S, Journal. NEW Ford delivery bodies for aale at 100 N. 4th at. Broadway 045. 1 FIXE 5 passenger Reo $250; in good condition. 1028 E. Alder. SNAP A Mitchell 6 in good shape; will acli or trade. 6 Prescott st. FORD snap. $350. Must sell. 34th St., near Taylor. 5 pass. 202 E. BARGAIN -1916 Reo, 5 passenger, 4 cylinder; in fine condition; fully equipped ; a car hard to beat; private owner. ; Broadway 2080 or Tabor 7874. WRECK CABS Parts AND BELL THE UOOD CSED Parts AT LESS THAN New Accessories.. I'eed Gear. Transmission, Bearing. Motor and Everything for the Aaia. Owe ot the Largest Wrecking Com paniea la Portland. Motor Parts Mfg, Co, 825-27 Bnmaide. bet. 6th A Broadway. phone Broadway 323" Garages Call for illu-trated price list 854 An keny st. Phone Broadway 14 9. Sam Connell Lumber Co. 181 T FORD. 6 pa., demountable rim, attack abaarbes. niak la Plata bumper, tool box, daaa fpeedorarter. Perry auto lock,- electric tail ttgi't. Oagoest ten, iciatoroe rauraa nx-a, bpuzukwv spark pings, on extra caaingi $530. aad worth iu riMxie Main Monday. ' A t'TOM OBI f.Fl -A rrFRBOBTE W ' tt STCTiEBAKER. T paaavagar, repainted la coed shape. Starter and lichu. A anap at oa. Sea King or Stevens at Wlnton Co. Bdwy. 1614. 16th mad Washington ata. 1818 HCDSOX. T paaa. toaHng car. newly painted and overhauled ; Urea are almoet new ; eaa extra. Prica $675.00; terma. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR'COMPAMT Tenth and Boraalde .U. Broadway 621. roBDf4 foros rontvi rosDs rouDs ro&is " 181T Fard toarfnc 181 T Feed touring 1017 rord roe-iesef 191T Ford toartrsj 1811 rord tourta lt Vard teoriag 1016 Ford tewriasi ltl Ford iwadWtaf 1I6 rord towntay. 1015 Ford tarn ring )16 rord tvarinc -! -1818 rord touring 1014 rerd touring 1814 raid tounnt 1814 Ford tounag 1018 Ford touring - " - 1818 Ford deUewry 1018 Ford aWiivery 1914 Fard cwhvecy 1UI Ford bug. Doa't fail a sew tbeea earn befare awaj ks. Priree race from f 200 uu. Tou will ba 8ur priced wbea yuu are tbecm, lor a number el then r practically rww. juc at (xira aaatpgaaaw Term U dasared. Fast 8770. FRANCIS MOTOR CAB CO.. E. llb aad Hawtaoraa v 1014 VELIE roadster, A-l condition, cheap. Terms. Main 780. very WANTED Portable garage iu good coudition. Tabor 6700. ---BEST OFFER TAKES Haynee, Jl. 7 passenger, six tirea in good condition. Worth $1250. Make us an offer to I seme aa estate. See King or Stcrena at Winton Co. Bdwy. 1614. 16th and Waahington ts. 191- lfRD C-2585. 5 paaseuger. fine shape, $100. WHITE IJitiHtiRN HABY CHICKS Now ready for delivery. We have some of the best breeder in the West. All from Hogsn ixed. heavy egg laying strain, raised on free ranee runs: therefore we can produce Daoy chick that cannot be equaled in aiae. vigor and health. Scbueller Poultry yarns, iiv t 18th st. N., Portland. Or. Woodlawn 1190. ZIEQLER S. C. White Leghorn are the product of lona and correct breeding. Tuey are true egg machine with the stanchion to stand up under, consistent laying, the real business bird. Baby chick $1$ per 100; batching est $100 per J5 $7 per 100. 0 fertility guarantecu. W. Ziegler, 124 33a t, jsunnysiae car. WANTED A few fine canary singers. Broad way 2789. FORD truck, 1 ton, chain drive, first class, cheap for cash. 14.47 Mallory. Woodlawn 1656. FORDS!!! with good tirea, new seat covers. KISSEL KAR for sale, latest model, Goodyear cord t'res. Would trade for small car. A. & Robinson. 6th and Madison. Main 1100. 1914 STIT'EJtAKER, fine condition, electric lights and starter, very cheap; term. Main 780. DCBRUIIXB TOP CO.. 9th and Oak. Broadway 1664 FOKDS! FORDSTi One 3 -pas.. 1016 model. newly painted and overhauled. riew $875. One Ford roadster. 1016 model. 3 new Ur ewly painted and overhauled, new inn ete Price $350. One 6-pasa.. 19iT model. Ilassler shock ah. aorber. warmer, lenses. Stuart SpeedomeUr; tires; practically new. Thia car ia as good a uew. i-rice aoau. Bnick lonr with electric starter Herds, err res practically new. Thia car is in fin- eon. aiuun. i-rice ."oo. EDWARD J. BUSH. 1103 Main St.. Oregon City, Or. THE PRtMiRESSIVE HATvSERY 1534 E. 12th N. Pbone Woodlawn 1483. Sella Oregon Agricultural college White Leghorn chicks, 500 for April 16 delivery, $13 per 100. n a -. I i ku 1 iarrrxi i-oc cuicits o yet x w IthoUe biland Ked c..icks. . . . . I8 pet 100 Fords Enameled $15,00 870 E. Morrison St CHEVROLET 4-90 touring in fine condition. Call after 5:30 p. m. or Sunday a. m. 731 Oregon st. 60 LAYING pullet. O. A. C, White leghorns. Rhode Island Keda. Barred Hoc-s; also sou na. gentle black driving and plow mare, 1250 lbs. Usht wagon, 8 sets single harness. Reason- i able. 145 E. 81st st. N., Montavilla car. CHALMERS Master six. thoroughly overhauled. newly painted, electric ngnu ana starter. ..Good tires. Big bargain. Terms. Main 780. WE have on hand the best line of emvt nud car in the city, but they are nellinc fast and 1 1917 Studebaker 4. 7-paas.. 990r new me aooner jou ouy ins better car you will be ble to ret. Come in; we have one to suit you at a price you cau pay. Liberal terms to all. FOR SALE $325. 4 passenger Cadillac, new tires; mechanically perfect; private owner. Call Marshall 4 2. WHITE Leghorn baby cliicaa. iroa heavy laying (Hoganiaed) Block. March delivery, all per 100: Aunl. $10. We guarantee aafa arrival. The Pioneer Hatchery. Petaluma, Calif. MUST HAVE CASH. 1816 Ford touring for $285 today. 434 E. 30th at S. E., near Division. BARGAIN Rhode Island Bed eggs. $5 per too. ir for xi. iiaov emexs for Auru 24 delivery; also 1 brooder cheap. 6305 42d St. 8. E. Sellwood 281. WHIT E LEGHORN setting eggs, heavy winter lavma trstonested stock. 67 per loo; 1000 day old chick for May 2W, i per iou. sr. H. Kobinson, Carlton, or., it. i. FIVE passenger Ford. $275 cash; good run ning order. Tabor 411a. J. It xiacon. Gresham, Or.. R. A. Box 18. FOR SALE 1911 4 cylinder Packard. 7 pas senger: will sell cheap. 671 Lnion ave. rv. Fhone 1125. FOR SALE-r-S. C. White Leghorn eggs for hatching, Tancred strain, n.zo per 10. Glenn Walton, 800 Woodward ave. Phone Sellwood 1167. FOR SALE. $40 starter; cost $125 kll I'amninea Inv like Ijuborns: eeza $2.50 I 441 VV. Park at ner 15. Mrs. Grace Bardsley, lolumbia Diva. and Delaware ave., Portland. Or. Woodlawn 319. ALSO BABY CHICKH. 80 HORSEPOWER roadster. Bosch magneto, Wiilard ttorage battery, good tires, r First class running order; $250, terms. Columbia 17. FORD runabout "ijrfine condition. Call Wood lawn 5617 Sunday morning, or any time Monday. Everready automatic auto good aa new. Inquire at 1917 ITupmobile, 5 passenger $1100 1016 Ilupmobile, 6 passenger $1000 1017 Grant Six, light, economical 1916 Grant Six. $600 6 passenger Maxwell $1150 8 passenger Overland, newly painted ... $350 2 passenger Overland, newly itainted and overhauled $400 8 passenger Buick Six $850 Cadillac Eight, extra fine condition.... 6 paanengrr Studebaker $4 50 1917 Studebaker '. . . , $700 6-cylinder Studebaker $700 6 passenger Cadillac $400 2 passenger Chalmers $375 And many other good car to choose from. The House of Fair Dealing. MANLET ATTTO CO.. Eleventh and Oak St., at BurnMde. Broadway 217. MAXWELL. 1916 roadster. Parfect condition. $400 cash. Call Mar. 427 Sunday before 11 or Mar. 22ZO Monday. CHICKS 2000 White Leghorns hatching to day. . Range raised, trapnested foundation stock. Hatched strong, easy to raise. Master Incubator Co., 415 Jeasup St. Wdln. 4344. PACKARD TRUCK 3-ton Packard, truck, chain drive. In a-ond I snap, new tires: terms, i-iai, Journat CURTIS WHITE WYANDOTTES. "Eggs that hatch from heus that lay." $1.50 per 15. Stall No. 351. Public Market. Mon day, Wednesday, Friday. Main 3389. TliTlTlfHlTBRKI) White Wyandotte eggs for hatching, $1.60 for 15 eggs. Phone Wood lawn 354 7. forenoons. F. A. Palmer, 120 Kill ingrfworth stb. KRl'PKE Barred Rocks. Eliott bred; O. A. C White Leghorn eggs for hatching. 600 egg incubator for aale. Tabor 4070. W. H. Wil liams. 6617 73d S. E.. Portland. EGGS for hatching from extra fine large winter laving strain a. K. i. lieaa: none better; only $1.50 for 15 eggs. B. A. Mitchell, Oreiico, Or BLAIR'S prize winning, heavy laying White Wyandotte. Eggs fur hatching. Tabor 231. 228 E. 47th st BLUE ANDALUSf AN eggs for hatching, $1 per setting ot 15, $6 per 100. Mrs, J. J. Bmgger, Mayger, Or, RHODE ISLAND RED setting eggs from winter layers, $1.00 a setting. Carter, 1600 Newell st, city. WE repair Ford tops, curtains, cushions, etc. Bring your car ro us ior repairs, xtobmaon. Smith company, 6th and Madison. METZ car, 1916 model, for sale, in fine condi tion, auu; --uu aown, pat term. Call Geo. titton. Main 1917 FORD delivery, $440, or will trade body lor new o-pase. ooay. ne it at garage, 371 ti. water, rnone r.asi ooz. 1 HAVE the boat Apperson car in Oregon and tor a quics sale will taxe $500. Phone Kast r90. 8. C. BLACK MINORCA eggs for sale the very kind you are looking for. the best. 1). it Wood, 1H08 Hamlin st. Columbia 792. BELGIAN HARES, good, healthy stock. Write, stating just what you want McCoy, 218d E. Stark st. Portland. RHODE I. RED, darki rich color, Elliott -strain eggj. xi.BO for $10; SB per loo. 1'tione Tabor 8023, 5512 88th Rt S. E. HARNESS for aale. 1 art new double '.express, 1 set new single driving. 1 met single express. 68 E. 22d N. East 0508. FOR SALE One 2 -seated hack, $50; single -heavy set harness. $10; good condition. 412 Fenton bldg. Broadway 1783. i BARGAIN 1 pair of ranch hion.; 2400 lb.. sua Harness. v r rout tti lrlal alloweo. Also 1 new buggy. t price. j GENTLE home.; wora single i vr double. Will let party nave for her keepi 4404: 42d ave. S. 11, oily. FOR 'SALE Marc, weight abut 1050. Sny der, owner. Faithiou aUbles. E. 11th and I lander H. I iuu lAisr.a s year oui m.ii'CL. wagnii.aiKl har- . ne: Will give trial. 3S0 Front; st; also seh, double harness. utrtiafS and wagon, $1.25 dr. 2 horse and wa gon,t$J SQ. 546 Front M! 2208. DEAD hones and animals hauled away free. Oa w iiixinwn go. portund (tendering; Co. GOOD work hone, hack and harness for 142 E. 8 1st st N . Montavili car. ON K 3 V. wagou for f-ale, or will trade for cow, 0710 57th at and 63d are. H. E. RUBBER tired Studebaker trap 1 and single harness, $60. TTTT Marshall 1420. true hay work horse, fat ) 751 E. Ash. . LIVESTOCK IS FOR SALE 8 family cows, all frb and goo3 j miners; ait cows aeuveretf Ires by auto truck. Fd Hermann, Gresham, Or. 4 i lilREE frean ooa-H heavy milkers. Fresh milk goat. kid. South Portland; car Wood st, nrstatr and top road to 783 12th si iOCNU fresh dairy and . lamii !y cow. Jeraey- uueriisey, 4 eney-tojtitein. V0 Iti. 30Ut st tiunnysin car. : $5FKES1I family Jersey. Second milk; gentle. 891 E. Wa: calf ; rich tor. 80th tt A MILK cow, with young call, for sale. Tsbor 74 70. 1 i 1'hona ill Oil. cows and calL Ueirtla for lady. ova r roni si. TOI-'NO fenUe cow for sale. $75.' Mrs. nooertson, Jennings ijoaet. Or. BULL calf 3 weeks old cheap. 1922 Berkley M.. St John ear to Rm ledge, east 2 blocks. SIX young fresh cows, all bseedal Extra large irarmm, a yearn, very tine cow.! 751 E. Ash. FTF.SH gau' milk for sale:; also choica buck tlrta. atra, y, w. l'ont, Troutdale. Or. FIN E Jersey-Guernsey heifer i foil sale cheap. win tm iresR in anna neuiwooa 39. GUERNSEY COW 12 to 14 iTiuarU Testing 0.04 per cent Tabor 109. daily, GOOD young family cow cheaw 88 K. Ankeny u, aaoina ruia. " i , ! fJVEfoggnherg milk, goat, kid at side, cheap. Imrntrw 832 s Mis, ava. lb BT( Jtolst'aina. Tlsrm. . , Bruee, Stockyards. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Black Minorca reter. Sellwood 1442. Ed Chapman. 1306 17th st. WHITE Ighorua, trapnested. Tieavy layer. $1.25 setting. 230 E. 77th st. N. Main 7891. Bercbman. Yeon bldg. Barber Shop. THOROUGHBRED O. A. C. Barred Rock hatch- $1.26 SETTING EGGS $1.25 Rose Comb, Rhode Island Bed. English Baron leghorn, over 200 egg strain. . Tabor 985. B Alt RED Rock baby chicks and eggs for set ting; incubator lots a specialty. 1447 Mal lory ave. Woodlawn 3 658. i'OR SALE Thoroughbred White Leghorn set ting eggs, from 2-year-old Hoganixed hens; bo per egg. Call Woodlawn 3878. THOROUGHBRED Whit Rocks, Schanen strain. Eggs $1.50 for 15. Tabor 8023..5512 8Sth st. ei E. WHITE LEGHORN setting eggs tor aale, $1.23 4or setting. Wisteria. Poultry Acre. 1101 Simpson st Phone Woodlawn 8269. FOR SALE, reasonable. 8 full blood Partridge Rock laying hens, prize birds. Phone Ta bor 365. KRl'PKE stock Barred Rock eggs, for setting. $1.E5 for E. 39lh st. . 15. 1197 Woodward ave. near SILVER Campinea lay like Leghorns; eggs $2.50 per 10. Mrs. Grace Bardsley. Columbia bird. and Delaware ave., Portland. Or. Woodlawn 610 SENU1NE KeUerstrass White Orpingtons, $1.50 setting: baby chicks Acm 14. Meliwood 3048. 4219 48th ave. southeast 60 LATINO pulleta. Barred Rock. It I. R.. White leghorn. Tabor 1259. 161 E. 81st N. FOR SALE 3 pair mated, working Carneaux piegons. Tabor 4 504. BEAUTIFUL R. C. Rhode Ialand Red' rooster for sale cheap. Tabor 983. S. C. R I. R. eggs, for setting, $1 for 15; sit ting hens, $1.23. Phone Woodlawn 585. 8. C. RHODE ISLAND RED eggs for settings, i ior is, vvooaiawn otso. CHAMPION strain R. L Red eggs. 1.50 per - setting, wo. itaumann. l6 K. 7th st S. BALE B. R. setting baxuk and hatclung egg. East 177. young. NEW ZEALAND fine stock, old and '6714 63d ave-c 8. E. Tabor 8454. FLEMISH GIANT young does and bucks. Wood- lawn 1724. WHITE MINORCA eggs for hatching. 804 Mon tana ave. Woodlawn 2178. 15 WHITE LEGHORN hen and 10, gams pul- lets caeap, aoa a tn t w. BRONZE turkey, eggs. 85c each. Wash. State college stock. Mar. 1420. RABBITS will pay. Mothers with young, $2 to $S: all sorts and sixes. 618 E. 8th st THOROUGHBRED Buttercup egg for sale, $1.50 a setting. Phone Broadway 339. PARTRIDGE WY ANbOTTEMtting "egg " for saie, or excnariB torjrabbits. Tabor J 4 63 FOR SALE Black Minorca" ertm. tt'ner usttine ' 2 year old rooster. $2. 566 Gantenhein ava FOR SALE Incubator. Jt brooders, bona cut" r. rnon cell. 17 07 mm pair of blaektalT trad for bras bird cage. Wdln. 1617. 15 THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock eggs, 8o eaehl Tabor 6637. 1284 Ha bey st WANTED White Angora doe, C month. Call etiwuwi a iia. eunaay. atter 1. LAYING year-old White Leghorns ; for sale 81.S0 each. Tabor 6523. HAVE 15 Ancona laying hen for sale. 3839 lt st. S. E. T &ET'11NG heut, R. I, Red eggs f!or hatching, 00c mmMitiB. . main itooa. CYCLE Incubator for sate. Call East 708. PRIVATE party wants to buy good used car Have cash to pay. Car must be in cood eon. union. Answer ai once. Al-fu, journal. 1917 STUDEBAKER. 7 passenger; fine shape extra tires; $1100. if taken at once. Phone U--391. DELIVERY back for runabout; suitable fi cleaning, dyewurks or trocery dclivcrv. Phone AVootllawn 1H42 Monday. Ing eggs cheap. 6559. 795 9- 78th st N. Tabor WHITE Wyandotte; very heavy laying J-train, $1.25 setting; guaranteed two thirds fertile. Woodlawn 996. $105 STUDEBAKER roadster, electric luhta, gooa tires., in good running condition: would make good bug. 326 6th st. FOR SALE Ford bug, with top. windshield, spotlight, storage battery, electric lights, etc. ail in A-l condition, iv-700. Journal. FOR sale, 258 Ideal incubator, one 68 Buckeye incubator, one fireman a heavy rubber coat Tabor 8140. 1917 FORD delivery. A-l condition; must be sen to ba appreciated: terms. 1 bone Broad way 1572. CALL duck egg for sale. Box 61, Multnomah, Or. Phone Main 8165. WANT to buy a second hand top for White mac nine, r.ast 4 001. TWO good Tugs, 6x9, very cheap, Marshall 1886, DOGS, BIRDS, PETS, ETC. 46 CANARIES and other cage birds, kittens, pupa. pet; cage. loads, remeaies and supplies. na pet LIUllt six Oakland louring car, with extra equipment: anas at $800; terma. Oldsma- rrne Co., 7 w. uroaaway. Hliist rated bird and 145 2d at, near Alder. catalog free. Boutledgs, AUTO TRUCK (2 ton) owner and driver wants steady trucking lob. in or out of city. Phone Tibor 4036. THOROUGHBRED Flemish Giant buck and doe. 9 mo. old. weight 11 lbs. Tabor 528o. or call at 925 E. 76th and Oregon st N., Monta villa. 1916 SAXON SIX Owner leaving town. Thl is a bargain at $650. Can be seen at 1196 E Grant. Phone M-21.0B. BEAL'S Boarding and Training Kennels boards dogs $5 month; clean kennels; best of cars and food. Rose City car to 8 2d, 6 blocks south. Box 819, R. 1, city. REAL Boston Terrior females for sale. Prica $35, hut are worth double the price. Must sell. Eastern stock. Farrell s. 858 Kerby st. Mississippi car. RABBITS tor sale. 8 to 12 mo. old. does and bucks. New Zealand flemish Giant. Belgian hares. Tabor 4115. J. R. Bacon, Gresham, Or,, Route A. Box 18. LATE 1917 Maxwell 5 passenger touring car extra wheal and tire; car look and runs lik new; $700; terms C-833, Journal. 1917 FORD touring car. only used a ahort time; some extras; very reasonable; terms. Broadway 1572. LATE 1917 Maxwell. 5 passenger: .just lik, new: aemonniaoia wueeis; spare tire : tiumoers spot iignt; sex 01 ana tools; 70 cash. Phone B-2391. UTILITY and standard bred Flemish rabbit of all ages. Bred doe $3, 6-mottth-old does S& Used Cars pffi? COVET. AHriOK UAH CO. 21st and Washington st. Main 6244 USED FOEDs If you want a good used Ford see na. Everr ear overhauled and repainted. Robinson-Smith ?L a-dl 'WoSliwS1 l890t5' CaS" ev JELSUI lxviu iuii mouei, o cyunuer car, ior sale at YOUNG singing canaries for aale. Come and hear them sing. Mrs. A. C. Smith, 294 Jef ferson st FOR SALE Flemish and New Zealand rab bits. 6141 Woodstock are. Phone Tabor 213. Good stock. W ANTED St Andreasberg roller, 2-year-old, for a trainer. J90 btiaver t Phone Wood lawn 3652. bargain; cash only considered. Owner going .into the army. Call 188 2d st Main 284 8 or t.aat olio. MOTORS, gears bearings, wheel, axles: we wreck all makes of can and sen their eood parts at half price. David Hodes Co., Broadway IDS r tanners Bl onwivif ivo. WANT canary singer and cage. Will trade pieced quilt bed hi read or something elite. alar. 24 82. CASH paid for old ears: condition S no nh t oarts tot au make ot ear. Orecon Anto V 1 change, 129 Lownadale St., at 15th and Wash ington, fiione rsroaaway z. BEAUTIFUL gold and white English Toy Poodle. 8 months old, broke. Ideal child net; very reasonable. Marshall 2326. SPEEDSTER BODIES BURN ESS aV MARTIN. 15th and Alder sts. FOR SALE Cheap, good watch dog. Pointer and Airedale mixture. Phone B-2782 or 956 E: 89th S, SELL Flemish giants and rabbit bouse. 6th st. Marshall 8441. 564 REGISTERED orange and blue at stud. Fee $5. East 8225. PEDIGREED Airedale Persian cats HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 462 HAWTHORNS AVE. . EVERYTHING MECHANICAL AND BLHr TRICAL; UNLIMITED: PRACTICAL BXPA1B EXPEK1KNC pups from chamDion registerea stock, r.ast U4. ENTHUSIASTIC, night and day. green roller! canaries, singers, loo- nenver ave. FLEMISH GUNT Sew ZealandRed rabbits' for saie cneap. labor 1894. ROADSTER BODIES " BURN ESS & MARTIN, 15 th and Alder ata. WILL buy or keep a young ox terrier; good ALMOST new Mitehell 6. K pass.. ata sacrifice a rare opportunity to save lota of money on this crass of car, or get a much better car than yon intended without paying any mere tor Tabor 6672. LONG it, 8ILVA, auto wreckers. We have parts lor moat all car. Send in your parts ana we win eupiicate tnem at oo7 oft HUDSON SrTER SIX Tour chance now for the kind of automo bile wanted and at the light pnec. 1916 Hudson 8uter Six. first claw condition looks lika a new car and e ourselves give a 00 day ' guarantee the same aa in factory guarantee. $120O. 1916 Hudson 8-40 automobile, one of the light Hudson. aU in firat claaa condition. $90U 101T TTnisrin nnev Six. bouaht last fall by one of our large shipbuilders and traded in for the. 1018 model. Ixxika Uke a new car. rum 1 buy yt offered on a 1917 Super Six. $1400. 1917 Overland, cylinder. $785. 1916-1917 Studebaker; good bay. $550. 1 Packard automobile, cheap. Studebaker panel delivery. $210. 2 1917 Maxwell automobiles, good small modern automobiles. C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO.. 615-617 Washington st. Portland. WHY are we always doing a big buaineaa In naed cars? Because we always have a nie assortment of used cars that are always ready to run. and give satisfaction, and our price are always from 25 to 35rj lower than our competitor. . . 1917 Hurmobile. 95"$. new, cord tire ..$ BOO 1917 Chalmers Little Six. it smells Jutt new 800 1017 Mitchell. 98r'0 new. $75 seat covers, cord tires s900 1017 Studebaker 6. 7-pa., cord tires. 9 Mr. I)t. USED FORDS FOR BALE TOURINGS ROADKTERS CHASSIS MODELS 18181916 181T 1918 ALL IN A-l SHAPE ALL r.F.ADT FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 1 LIBERAL TEHMS AND i lllt r. TALBOT aV CASEY. INC . j GRAND ATE. AND E. A.N KENT. j OPEN TILL KOOM SUNDAY. ! 1S18 T-paas. Nash inuring ear: only ran ahaut Including apara tire. Thia ia a high grade, light I weight car ana can ia naa si a aunsianuai re- ducUoa. aa owner baa beca called Last PORTLAND MOTOR CAB COMPANT, ' Tenth and Bumside Bta. i Broadway 821 THEME CAU., A HE ALL IN FIRST CLAKS CNDITHIN AiU AT 'i'HB PKICKM WE II At K PIACKI) ON THEM TUEY WHO. NOT BE HERE LONG. Overland nwdater, light and starter. est re tire, eiectria Reo. 6 cylinder. 7 pesa., lik new. Cole 8, 7 pa., aa aicepUonal bargain. Rett. 6 cylinder. T pass, diliou. In food ooa Reo, 4 r) Under. 3 pass., newly painted. Overland, 5 pass, taurmg car. MH1THWE8T AUTO CO.. Broadway and Courb st Broadway 1160. 800 700 63 1016 Maxwell, runs and looks new 1916 Ford. elcc. lighu. selfsurter. new tires 400 1913 Buick, just overhauled 350 Series 17 Btudcbaker 6, 5 pass . cord tire 708 Henea 17 Studebaker 4, 7 -pass., cord tire B0 Franklin bug. 6 cyl 308 Nice little high-grade roadster, elec. lights. . new tirea 858 1915 Chalmers, 6-cyL, overhauled, new tire 708 6-54 Hudson. 7-pas. 5 new cord tires.. 7oa Chalmers touring, run fine 173 5 new 80x3 Goodyear tire, each 10 4 36x4 Non-Skid tires, just new, each.... 13 50 inner tube, all sir.e, each .... f 1 to $2 CON LEY'S USED CAR CENTER. Big Brick Building. Hide Entrance. S. W. Cor. 15th and Washington Sta. Open Sundays and Evenings. Phone Broadway 2636. 8TOP1 LOOK1 AND TOO WILL BUT A GOOD CBED CAR FROM US. AS WE HAVE THEM AT THE RIGHT PRICE. 8 COMPLETE LINE OP HENNEY AND BARNETT BODIES FOR FORD CARS NO WAITING IMMEDIATE DELIVERY WRITE FOR CATALOGUE FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. EAST 3770. E. 13TH AND HAWTHORNE AT. ; 1017 Dodge delivery lulu Font 1914 Ford touring, first class 1912 Buick touring, first claaa 1916 Buick, light ix 1912 Cadillac louring 1914 Overland delivery Ford, new on ton truck 1917 KiaselKsr, lika new 1917 Hudaon Super Six. extra 1917 Studebaker Six, 7 pass. 110,1 s-auuiass ei, iirss eiaas .......... 1913 Cadillac 4. first class 1913 Packard Six. first elaas 1917 Studebaker roadster 1910 Buick road. tar, tint daaa , . And many others, 650 850 & 290 900 40O 8501 650 12 SO 1450 1050 1250 675 750 760 900 IsPEClAT. BARGAINS TM USED CARS If you are looking for a cheap car a a mn of transportatloa or on to rebuild into a bug. We offer the following cars, us good runsung vntiHtttAM' Tha attainment on tbaaa can Is worth half the priea we ask for the complete car. Baa them and yon will bay mem. 1918 Studebaker touring aar. with 8 goad tire, demountable runs aad too) equip ment $226 I 1912 Overland touring, eosnpleta 250 1913 Ford, complete, ready for service .. BOW MOTOR SAJ.ES CORPORATION. 344-40 Bumside at, near Broadway. Pbone Broadway 80. WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING IN USED CARS BARGAINS FOB SALE Late. Model Mitchell touring car. $850 Hudson Speedster, nearly new. . TWIM STATES MOTOR CAR CO . - 814-816 Alder Street Open Sunday OPEM TODAY OAKLAND SPECIALS 1 j 1918 Oakland Blx, devaaturrator touring ' car, extra good valua sts. $1050 1914 Packard A ry Under $1000.00 1912 Packard 4 -cylinder 4i0.00 , 1915 Chalmers. 0 cylinder 630.00 1913 Hudson. 6 cylinder 675.00 1913 Cadillac. 4 cylinder 550.00 1910 Pierce Arrow 500.00' 1914 Marlon Roadster- 430.00 Terms TORTLAVD MOTOR CAR COMPANY -Tenth snd Rumatrte Sts. Ilrusdwsy 521. 1915 Fard touring. withil914 body.... Overland touring, with fore doon.,....- 1917 Dodge roadster, gand tirea and ia : first class condition ; big Talus at ... . t VERY EAST TERMS Or LIBERTY j BONDS Coma to today. MOTOR SALES CORPORATION, Bumsid St, Broadway to 8th. Broadway 80. COVET MOTOR CAR CO., 21st and Washington sta. Main 6244. OUR STOCK INCLUDES SOME EXCEPTION AL BARGAINS IN USED- FORD CARS TOURING ROADSTER DELIVERY 1918 Ford touring, Hke new. 1917 Ford tonring, with extras. 1917 Ford touring, lik new. 1917 Ford touring, A-l condition. 1917 Ford touring, with extras. 1917 Ford delivery, A-l coudition. 1916 Ford delivery. A-l condition. 1917 Ford roadster, like new. 1916 Ford touring, like new. 1916 Ford touring with extras, 1915 Ford touring, with extras. And several others. Terms given. Open Sunday from 8 to 12 a. ta. PALACE GARAGE CO.. Authorized Ford Dealer, 12th and Stark sts. "Ask Any Ford Owner." PARTS FARTS AUTOMOBILE PARTS PARTS NEW AND USED LARGEST AUTOMOBILE WRECK ING CONCERN IN OREGON. Wfl CARRT THE LARGEST STOCK OF PfJiiTS OK ANY HOUSE IN THIS STATE AND CAN SUPPLY SOU WITH KwLINES. RADIATORS, FRAMES. ( RANK CASES. CAM . SHAFTS, CYLINDERS. CRANK SHAFTS. . PISTONS, CONNECTING HODS. TRANSMISSIONS AMD THEIR PARTS. FRONT AND REAR ENDS AND THEIR PARTS. BODIES. TIRES. WHEELS. HUBS, SPINDLES. ETO. OCR STOCK CONTAINS EVERY PART AND EVERY THING FOB THE MOTOR CAR. MAGNETOS. MAGNETOS. Bdwy. 1572 Phones A 2442 MAIL US' TOUR ORDERS. EVERY ARTICLE GUARANTEED. - DAVID HODES CO, FORMERLY AUTO WRECKING CO. "THE HOME OF A MILLION PARTS BROADWAY AND FLANDERS BT. "home. Call Columbia 695. THOROUGHBRED Engliali Bull pups and Flera Hth CMant Rabbit for sale. 1124 F. 27th a , , , - 1 ana we wu nupmaia inesn at bv oil Hat. SERVICES of pedigreed Persian cat. $3. Tabor We bar several engine, bodies and wheel etc.. ' 1 ovi. - . . 1 on nana, uia auio nougat regaraiess of con- FOR'sale. snale' and female canary, iii'lr. ad 1 ditJon. Phone E. 6840. 462 Hawthorn ava. w uiiams avenue car. oil 45. MUMCOVET ducks for aala and Belgian haras. 1 194 t;. zsq st . - CANARY- BIRDsTJor sale, mala and female. .Ola Cottage Place, near Shaver school. AT STUD Registered Oregon: -mala Persian. Mala 84BO. itiiiadale. Or.. Box 22. BIRDS for sale, deep yellow f smalts; fw gocj smgere. -aii A-nm. , WASTED etter pup. Oiva METZ 6 passenger touring ear, in excellent mechanical condition; baa good tirea; an ex ceptionally good bay at $450, terms if de sired. Car left with tha Used Car Exchange. 527 Washington st, where. Washington and Bumside meet Broadway 6468. Open Sunday. ) full rjartienlara - BUG BODIES ' M sde to Order. BURNERS at MARTIN. 15th and Alder sts. USED CAB BARGAINS. Ford delivery, Just overhauled f 303 Ford truck, 1 ton express body, cheap. Two ton truck $1000 Seven pass. Hudson 6-54. cord tires,.... $ 983 Cola Thirty, 6 paaav- $ 800 Buick roadster $ 450 AUrion Roadster, repainted $ 400 Fir pass. Ford, excellent shape. .$ 400 Five pass. Ford, excellent shape t 460 Seven pass. Chandler, repainted $1100 Sevan pass. Peerless, cheap ........... Term if desired. Open Evening and Sundays. W. IX WALLtNCFORD. 22 Aider st Phone Broadway 2483. 1 CSED CAB SXAPS 1317 Maxwell touring. $650 Overland 6 elyindrr- T passenger. Snap for quick sale. Saxon 6 eL, louring, $650 ' 1917 Buick. Light Six. S9S0 1916 Oldsmobil Four, $709 . 1918 Oldamobna Eight, $330 1918 BtodebakM roar, 8750 Willy-Knight, $900 Reo, touring. $650 Dodge, touring, $860 Overland, louring. ($00 light Six Buick roadster, $900 Warns, roadster, $250 Aabant, touring. 8188 OLDSMOBILE CO Or OREGON, Broadway at Couch Broadway 2270 840 223 750 WE have several exception! good buy In good dependable light weight can: 1918 Maxwell, like new ,.76B 1916 Maxwell, fine lhape, new tires. ,. S0 Chevrolet 490. fine shape ..$48 1016 Ford roadster, soap ..$295 Ilripmobil bug .$25 1015 Ford touring.. ,.$295 Btudebaker. small 6 pass ..,.$$79 1915 Btndebaker. el t starter, etc.... $150 1915 Chandler Mix. in ear ,.$660 J91T Oakland Six. like new... $750 1917 Hudaon Super Six. snap. .......81850 1917 Cola Eight, almost new ,81150 Many otheta of various makes and ' prlraa. from $106 top. Call and see theso. Open Baa day. 1 I A-l AUTO WORKS A PAINTING CO.. 023 Alder St I USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN 1815 rord. 8 pass. 1917 Saxon. 9 paac. 6 -cylinder, 1917 Mitib.ll. fvpass., 6 eyi. 1917 Studebaker. T nastv. ryt 191 Studebaker. 7 a.. ryl 1913 Mitchell, S rasa. 4 cyL 1916 Mitchell. 6 pass., B cyL 1917 Maxwell sedan. 6 pesa, 1916 Jeffry. B pa-. cyL 1918 Col. 7 pass.. 8 ryl, 1914 Mitchell. 7 pass., cyL 1914 Stadshaaar delivery. 1917 Mitchell. 7 pass. tyX 1918 Michigan, 8 pass.. 4 rL 1917 Overland, 6 pass., 4 ryt 1917 Overland. 7 pass., 6 cyL fi Several othen to select id up. CSED CAB DEPT. r rices 1160 MITCHELL. LEWIS 4t BTA V KB CO.. East Morrlaop aad first ata. . East 7272. B-IST6."' YOU NEE DA CAR NOW- Tha motor, ear multiplies tha effeetivenaaa and aaefulaaa of every as a. every wosaaa at hosaa who ts backing Unele Haxa. Leaders ia every kind of patrWtie work ava doing double and triple doty became of their tlme-Mrlng. distance-cut tine. mrgy-conarv1iig taotar ears. This M a anachina age. It Is wasteful to aaa band aad foot when machine power can do so much mors and do it so much better. Aad if yon bar a aeptadsbia ear tha better wort it doee. tha mora effectively tt serves tba raatioa. - Our stock Includes many exceiJtlonal bargain la high grade used cars, all v.r hauled, and ready for real, hard patriotic service. Call today for a demonstration. " A tFEW SUNDAY 1918 Maxwell. 8 passenger touring car In excellent condition. Car rua only 2100 miles, look and runs like new; a bargain, if aver there was one.. BARGAINS - 1917 Chevrolet. $ passenger tearing ear, in splendid saacaaaieal condition; aaa dratonateble rsaa. extra Ore. Luosa. aad run lika saw. A real bargain. 1918 aeries Stadebsker, cylinder, 7 passenger touring ear; ran only 800 gaila. r never out of the dealer' hand. A brand new car. absolutely. Offered at great reducUoa ia price. 1917 Bnirfc Tight sit touring ear til ex cellent mechanical condition; good tires aU around. One of the be i bargains oa the local market See It today. 1917 Case. 7 passenger tow ring aar. r. eently repainted aad ever hauled; motor tn excellent coadltioo; baa good Urea east vsjisaawut. w 1917 Ford touring car, la fine saa ehanieel condition. This" ss a cpleadid bay ia a Ford ear; has good tires all round, aea H before yon bay. , 1916 Overland B psrf v tearing ear ta the eery beat gseehaaieai cowditl ; aaa had tha bewt of care and will five toad service, A low pries oa this eaa. 1918 lldamobtl B. roadster, la spWw- did mechanical condition; vacantly. wr' haul) and run fine. A big mviAc eaa irw wjbmsv vy ysatcifins sum is. today. Wdln. 2400. AN CON A tuueks for aala; ,404 4;drva7"s7"ET and prica. j. uewson. 118 &ilpatrtck st