The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 06, 1918, Page 9, Image 9

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Cmten af Aawrtee. Portland. Jeae.
Convradoa of Oread Knc&mpmant G. A. B,.
Portland. ut 10. - , ...
l'adfw Coaat AdrvrtUinf Mas t aaaocUtion
cot-fuUa. VurUaad. 4ulf it-ft.
Portland and vicinity TenUht. Bandar fair;
Usbt wtnda. moatly Muterly. ,
OracoD Tonigbt - and Sunday fair; (ratio
wind, mootljr aaatarlr. -...
Wellington Timiht And Sunday fair: coobf
tonight Borttieaat portion j tntlaaatartr vindt.
charge of violation of the prohibition
law. Officer Teeters made the arrest.
This is said to be Pakus' second ot
Soldier Confesses Eebbery Corporal
William Benton, with an engineer com
pany at 'Vancouver Barracks, confessed
to the police this morning to the rob
bery of 15 romlrtg houses in Portland
during the last few weeks. In one place
he is . said to have obtained more than
1200. He was arrested Friday night by
Officers 'Majoaey and Xa Salle. After
Investigation by : the police he will be
turned over to military authorities. '
Bed Cress Board to Meet In accord
ance with the decision of the board of
director of the local Bed Cross at its
. . Ulik ii i mii i a imvana aaat of tb Mimintppt
riar, and tho praoMtra i moderauiy hlah. tnx : last monthly, meeting to meet in future
tbo KortbwatC Elacharo tho praararo to mod-1 in the midst of some Specific Red Cross :
rui . Prociyiutjos haa fInl. activity, (the monthly meeting of. the
oat tho PUiiM aUtoa end tho Miarijatpp allay. . ,, K mn .
rrhinonOrd to tho Oulf of M.xloo a4 board will be held Monday af ternoon at
waatward into Coiorado, Wyomlns and Montana, the headquarters Of the Portland chap-:
Rata haa fallen aUo at Tatootb bland. Waah. ter. 204 Cor bet t building. The meeting.
The mathcr to aaucb milder on the northern which will be presided over by James
Kocky Mountain alopo and In tho npper Utonlaaippl
vaUey. and to much colder in South Dakota.
Condition are aomewhat nnaettled, but fair
freather may bo eipeeted in Portland and 1U
vicinity tonlbt and Monday.
baker. Or
. IloUe, Idabo ........
Bottom, Uaea,
; t.hlcaco. IlL ........
lea Moine. Iowa
- Kraano, Cal. ........
OalTMton, Ttaa . . .
Helena, Monk .......
Kanaka City, lto
Ioe Angwlea. Cat
alanbfield. Or
, New Orleans, La. ... .
New York City
. North Head, Wash... .
Phoenix, Aria ......
I'iUnbui-f, Pa.
Portland. Or. .......
ltoeeours. Or.
St. Louia. Mo. ......
Ht, Pant, If Inn. ......
Man Praneleeo, Cal. , . .
Heattle, Wuh. ......
Mkartdan, Wyo,
, Spokane, Wanh. ......
Victoria, B. 0. ...... .
Walla Walla.' Waah. . . .
Washington, D. C . . . . .
. WlUtaton, N. D.
Temper tare
!TT1 80 0
BS 8 0
45 4 O
44 40 0
63 40 .04
TO B0 0
76 02 .M
B4 SO .03
46 43 .80
70 63 0
60 84 0
SO 63 1.80
60 86 O
SO' .43 0
76 46 0
60 88 0
60 40 0
res 8 ,o
66 46 '.13
68 43 .01
64 B0 0
63 40 0
40 80 -.IS
60 46 0
....40 0
63 46 0
63 83 O
48 84 .01
on Bale at
Business Office. The Journal
' India Basket Shown The new loan
to the permanent gallery at the Museum
of Art of Sartaln's painting, "The
Aqueduct. Algiers," is now hung. There
Is also shown in the room of the Jap
anese prints a curious Chinese carving
in campnorwood, decorated with gilt and
coiors. in the studios may be seen
Hunday a display of Indian and Pacific
Island baskets and fibre fans. The
regular sessions of the art school be
gin Monday after the spring vacation.
The regular hours of the museum are:
to 5 o'clock, week days. 2 to 6, Sun
days: free the afternoons of Sunday,
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Satur-
1 day.
Btrack By CarEarl Frailer of 646
Columbia street was struck by an auto
mobile driven by Hadrian Clark, aged
15, Friday afternoon at Fifth and Jef
ferson, streets, and sustained severe
bruises and cuts about the head. He
was taken to the Emergency .hospital,
Where's two stitches were taken in his
lower lip. Clark, who resides at 680 Sal
mon street, said Fralser was crossing
the .street In r front of the car and the
accident occurred before he could bring
the ear to a stop, f '
Tladaet Hearing Completlos Comple
tion of the viaduct over the O-W. R. ft
N. tracks at Sandy boulevard Is prom
ised within one month by R. E. Kremers,
city engineer In .charge of the work.
The Portland Railway. Light A Power
company will begin laying its tracks
over the. viaduct Monday, according to
.Engineer Kremers. The work on the
, great project nas been rushed to secure
- completion In time for the heavy sum
mer traffic to the Columbia river high
way. - "Window Washer Arretted Declaring
that pedestrians are entitled to the. pro
tection the law allows them. Traffic Of-
fleer O'Halloran arrested two window
- washers, Frank Raschio and James Co
lombo, Thursday, on a charge of wash
' lng Windows on the Ellers building with
; ut'f wearing a life belt. The officer
; stated that they also had their buckets
sitting . on the outside of the window
without being fastened. The men are
In .the city jail awaiting trial.
AstemobUe Dealer Flaed It cost F.
: W. Kipper of the Northwest Auto com
, pany 64' in municipal court Friday
'..morning because "the mAi In the shop
were so busy they didn't have time to
look after the temporary dealers' tags
' properly." Officer Cameron arrested
Kipper Thursday because license tag
' 154Li was on ttte front end and 154D
on the rear end.
Beiimi Work on Dam Resurantlon
of work on the dam at Bull Run lake
will begin during the latter part of May.
The dam. Is partially built and has for
Its purpose the raising of the level of
the. lake, - thus providing a greater
amount of water for Portland consum
ers, during the low-water period of the
summer. ,
' I Boaad Over to Grssd Jry The two
, youths charged with the larceny of an
automobile belonging to E. K. Roe the
of Mllwaukle, were bound Over to the
grand lury- Friday in the munici
pal court They were arrested in Eu
gene, mnd gave the names of ,Cless
Btubbs and - Charles Tedesco. Their
bonds were set at $500 each.
Michael Pakas Fined Michael Pakus
was fined 6100 and given a 80 days sua
, pended sentence by Judge Rossman in
- the municipal court Thursday on a
B. Kerr, the new chairman, will begin
at 4:30 o'clock. Many matters of Red
Cross policy will be discussed. .
Bed Cross Given Finds The Masamas
today delivered to Mrs. J. O. Mosby,
office treasurer of the Portland chapter
of the American Red Cross,
net proceeds of an entertainment held
oh March 16. Little Miss Virginia Wil
son, - 295 North Twenty-fourth street,
presented 617, the proceeds from the
sale of Jonquils, which she has grown
and aold herself in her neighborhood.
Vocational Gnldanee Speakers for
the vocational guidance class which
meets this evening In the story hour
room of Central library will be:' Miss
Bessie Nye Grant who will - talk, on
"Automobile Salesmanship," and Mrs.
O. Jolly whose subject will be: "The
Practical Business Woman."
"Kelly Pool" Begarded as Gambling
Declaring that 'Kelly Pool" is gam
bling, j officer Rhinehart .. arrested
Barkleyi Davis, James A. Gehrig,; Clar
ence Newman, Ralph Gilhcer and Frank
U Sullivan at 145 H Third street Thurs
day night and filed a charge of gam
bling against them. J j
Columbia Blver Highway Stage Two
round trips, Multnomah FaHn to Port
land dally. Leave Multnomah Falls 1 :30
a. m. and 1:10 p. m. ; leave St. Charles
hotel, Portland, 10 a. m. and 4 p. m.
Saturday and Sunday evening leave
Multnomah Falls 6:30 p.m. and Port
lend 11 p. m. ! (Adv.)
Meeting Tonight A meeting in room
G. Central library, this evening, at 8
o'clock, will discuss matters relating to
medical freedom, according to announce
ment of Mordaunt A. Goodnough.
Steamer Geerglana, for Astoria and
way points, leaves Alder street dock
dally, except Friday, at 7 :4 a. m. Fare
11.26 each way. (Adv.)
Steamer Jessie Harklat for Camas,
Washougal and way landings daily, ex
cept Sunday; leaves Washington street
dock at : p. m. (Adv.)
Steamer Iralda for St. Helens and Rai
nier daily at 2:80 p. m., foot of Alder
street : Sunday, St. Helens only. 1 :80 p.
m l (Adv.)
Dr. MeHahonl Portland, makes 100
per cent chiropractic reasonable. Ad
justments made easy. (Adv.)
INTEREST rate A per cent, payable semi-annually, on September IS
and March 15.
Size of loan -$3,000,000,000, with oversubscriptions. y r
Bond denomination$--50, 100, 500, $1000, S000 and $ 10,000.
Maturity! of bonds Ten years, dated from May 9, 1918.
- Taxatiqnf Carry same exemptions as second loan.
; Selling campaign-l-Twenty-eight days, ending May 4. :
Terms of payment Five per cent on application, 20 per cent on May.
28, 35 per cent July 18 and 40 per cent August 15.
Secretary of the1 treasury authorized to purchase during the first year
an amount equivalent to one-twentieth of the original issue, and each sub
sequent year one-twentieth of amount outstanding at start of year, until
one year after the close of the war. This provision is designed to main
tain the bonds at par onhlgher value.
Portland Men With National
Army at Camp Lewis to Speak
in Oregon.
Wife Asserts She
Was Purchased "on
: Installmeiit Plan
Uncoln. Neb April t.iU N. S.)
Mrs. Lulu Ward, suing her hus
band. W. U. Ward, a locksmith, for
alvoroe, testified today that she waa
sold to him on the Installment plan
and that he paid $500 for her.
She said ' Ward made his nrse
payment on her to her father and
stepmother when she waa IS years
old and that when ah waa 17 all
payments having, been" completed,
aha waa turned over to him and ha
married her.
Ward's attorney denies the charge.
Parrot Gone;
t K t tt St tt
id chapter i XT" all T7"- T
iffi.Kill lvaiser Is
ect Hun
r. at. ft j... ft : ft
Often Heard
The following Portland men. now of
ficers In the national army and located
at camp juewia. nave oeen oroerea ai- i . . , 1
. rectly by the war department. throigh AlKUlSOn UilUrCll
' request of Secretary McAdoo. to report
: to the Liberty loan committee of Ore-
i gon to assist the speakers' committee in
i the speaking campaign during the period
of the Liberty loan campaign:
Lieutenant Thomas Henry Boyd. Lieu
tenant Robert B. Kuykendall. Captain
To Aid Government
Chicago. April . (L N. a) Police
today are searching for a patriotic par
rot that was stolen frosn Alexander mo
Kenna, In addition to", its patriotism,
the bird is described by Police Captain
Wesley Westbrook as being a "fluent
talker' . --. 4 -
McKenna has had PolJy nine years
and has taught It to say 'Klll the kai
ser," "Hurrah for Uncle Sam' and
"Buy a Liberty bond."
Neighbors of McKenna last night
heard Polly shrieking "Kill the kaiser;
kill him; Sammy kill him r
Then Polly suddenly disappeared. :
"There Is no doubt the parrpt was
stolen by a German spy, Captain West
brook said today. "I have notified
every cop in the city to be on the look
out for the loyal parrot screeching "Kill
the kaiser" ;
The Atkinson church plana for hearty
cooperation with the government In Its
plans for the third Liberty loan and In
Lester W. Humphreys, Lieutenant Ar- I other efforts to put our army and navy
thur A. A. Murpny, Major uunn a.
White. - Lieutenant Leslie O. Toose
Malor W. HL Flnser, Lieutenant Colonel
William H. Jordan. Captain' Jacob
The following have already . arrived ,
and have been assigned by Milton R.
in the most effective condition to- the
end that we may as speedily as possible
put forth adequate effort to help our
allies to the uttermost In winning the
great war.
The morning service will be tor the
Klepper, state manager of the speakers' I illumination of the principles for which
Officials Will Hold
Gala Day Thursday
Federal, State, County 'and City Gov
ernments to Be Bepretented In Parade
Program at Liberty Temple.
Officials of the federal, state, county
and municipal government will parade
and conduct a speaking and musical pa
triotic program next Thursday., noon, ,
Judge Robert Bean of the federal
court and B-' F. Irvine will deliver five
minute talks at the Liberty temple. Mil
ton A. 'Miller will be chairman. A mu
sical program, vocal and Instrumental,
Is being arranged.
Each section of the parade will be in
charge -of an official of the United
States, the state or- the city. The fed
eral officials will be In charge cf Mar
shal George F. Alexander. Custom-house
officials will form in front of the cus
tom-house at 11 :30 o'clock and march up
Broadway to the temple.
City Attorney LaRoche will head the
city officials, and District Attorney Wal
ter H. Evans the officials of the state
and county. .
Insurance Hazard
Survey to Be Made
A survey to be carried on by 56 mem
bers of the Special Insurance Agents'
association to ascertain the fire has-
ards now existing in and around food
warehouses and other buildings eaocn
tlal to the government for war work
will be launched soon. :
At a meeting of the association Fri
day it was pointed out that many of the
warehouses are not properly fortified
against fire, and the duties of the state
fire marshal are now so heavy that it
would be difficult for a survey from the
fire marshal's office. The members of
the association are well versed In fire
prevention work and are capable of
conducting the survey and , making
recommendations for Improvement
Harvey Wells, state Insurance commis
sioner. Is Interested In : the proposed
plan, ' which has also received the in
dorsement of the state food adminis
udge Tazwell Authorizes Buying
of $6000; Executors Warmly
. Commended. for Patriotism.
"We declare it our patriotic duty to
subscribe for Liberty bonds of the third
Liberty loan,"! declared C. Lewis Mead
and Thomas N. Strong, executors of the
estate of Xarifa Jane Faling, deceased,
in asking County Judge Taxwell for
authority to purchase $6000 in Liberty
bonds from Mrs. Paling's $600,000 estate.
The request of the two executors was
granted instantly, and Mrs. Faling's es
tate thus earned the distinction of be
ing the first purhcaser of Liberty bonds
of the third loan, through court pro
cedure. During the first and second
loan campaigns, Judg Taswell au
thorlzed the purhcase of Liberty bonds
from funds in nearly a score of estates.
The $6000 bond purchased as authorised
this morning, . however. Is the largest
which has been made through the coun
ty court.
The estate of Xarifa Jane Faling nas
been the subject of a bitterly contested
suit since last October, and this suit
will not be completed until some time
this summer. -j Dr. W. Tyler Smith of
Sheridan, Or.,' is endeavoring to break
her will by which she bequeathed the
major portion of . her estate to sair.
Strong and, Mr. Mead.
Despite the pendency of this lawsuit
which will ultimately determine the
heirship of this comfortable fortune,
Messrs. Strong and Mead are still in
control of the estate as the executors,
and Judee Tazwell this morning warmly
commended them for the patriotic Im
pulses which j impelled them to make
their generous suoscnpuon 10 uie uuru
Liberty loan..
America stands as 1 a people. Atkinson
intends to share in the meeting at The
Auditorium, carrying its service flag of
30 stars.
The evening service will be of a pa
triotic nature, touching some of the
great features of our history, and will
be illustrated with lantern slides.
bureau, to various engagements through
out the state :
Captain Humphreys, Lieutenant Tooxe.
Captain Walter L. Toose Jr., Lieutenant
Captain Humphreys speaks this eve-
Ltiing at a big rally at Baker and Is to
join President Kerr of the Oregon Agrl-
Oregon. In this Itinerary Dr. Kerr and I KR Sf"QTO 1TI XOTTTIPO
Cantata Humnhrevs will steai at the Kvl O LOtL O ill OOl V IVjCJ
following places:
Wallowa, morning April 7; Lostlne,
afternoon April 7; Enterprise, evening
April 7 ; Joseph, morning April 8 ; Pen
dleton, afternoon April t. They will also
Flagat St. Davids
William G. Helber, Former Su
perintendent of Incinerator,
I Qualified for Place.
Centenary OHurcli
To March in Body
' The members of Centenary Methodist
church expect to attend the patriot! o
servlca at The Auditorium, M0 strong,
Sunday afternoon. They are to meet
at the southeast corner f the Plaaa
block at X :!0 o'clock and march to The
Auditorium. They will be accompanied
by a band and will carry the church
61 star servicer flag. In order to make
It possible for more to attend the serv
ice, the women of the church will pre
pare hot coffee in the basement, and
those living at a- distance may bring
their lunch and eat it In, the church and
then proceed to the Plana block.
Will Receive Member
Sunday morning at Highland Congrs-
aatlonal there will be holy communion
and reception of members with a brief
sermon on "The Masters Greeting.
In the evening the pastor will preach
: on the patriotic subject "A Cry From
i the Trenchea" in which he will deal with
tion because of failure to pass the re- gregatlonal church Sunday at 7:46 p. m. bin- evaneellstte drive Tat the S.llwood I question that Is being raised In some
quired grade of 75 per cent. P mV about what will the future
-I nave naa no time, -as yei, 10 con- . r , . a - - I v ...j i .C. "3 . naYt) Ior tna man wno oies on tne at-
elder the results of the examination. IVIP.a.HIPS 1 inflTflTIf iC" r:,7.: -I tlefleldT
SL David's' Parish has the distinction
seak at Milton and Freewater. and In I and honor of having a service flag with
wasco ana ooa mver counties. 1 5 stars, one of which Is rold. The
lieutenant uurphy. together with Dr. I names of theaa raliant fnilawi will b
A. A. Morrison, speaks at Hood River I read on 8unday mornlnx at the 11
Monday evening. April I. I o'clock service, whan the rector will
' Captain Tooxe has been assigned for j preach on the text. "Everyone Said to
a xew .aays- speaamg tour in Polk I His Brother. Be of Good Courage." At
county. (the night hour the service of evensonr
Lieutenant Toose, together with Major J Used at Easter will be used 'and the rec
Hector MacQuarrte Of the British armv. I tor will hrl ahnrt Mrlm nf urmoni
sOnmt. .!,..,... ra v.iiati- ha rivm 1 na" the following schedule: Rosebure. Ion "Freedom And Creed." or "The Faith
'mnriHnn'tn th rMuit of the fternoon April 7 ;y Medford and Jack of the .Christian." The children's choir
no . consideraUon to the results of the Mn county Aprll 8 and M; Gr& will sing at the 9 :S0 service. The school
civil service examination for superin- Pass, April 11; Roseburg and Douglas meets at the same hour. A welcome
tendent of the municipal gar Dago ;incxn- j-wuniy, Apru iz, 13 ana 14.
erator. according to a statement made t Major. White Is to arrive in Portland
f ftra I tonight. Captain Kansler will arrive
yesterday morning. this afternoon. f
The examination resulted in placing ! Major White, together with W. F.
William G. Helber. former superintend-. Woodward, will address the Methodist
ent, on the eligible list for the position, women of Portland, Aprll 9 at 7 :45 p. m
and removed C. H. Feldman, present at Centenary M. E. church. Major White
superintendent, from further considers-, will also speak at the Sunnyslde Con-
Many ' Embarrassed in Former
Drives j Voluntary Offers Will
Be Received. ! " :
Schoolboy: Breaks
Neck at Playground
:i r .: ". " 1 - ' v .. ?
Kansas aty, AprU CL K, S.) -V
friendly wrestling match, with bis cburr .
Harry Lehey, ' proved fatal to Fre-
Schreiner. 11 . years old, In the play -;
grounds of a Ksnns Clty.'iCaih. schoc'
today. As the Lehey boy arose after -winning
the first fall he found youn-;
Schreiner- unable to move.- Hie rsc'
was broken and he died soon after-wart.
Both boys were In the same grade. '
No attempt should be made to obtain
subscriptions to the third Liberty loan
from officers or enlisted men In the
service of the United States army or
navy, according to Edward Coo king haia,
executive chairman of the Liberty loart
state central committee. In a statement
"In previous campaigns. ' said Mr."
Cooklngham, "oompetllton waa carried
to such an extent as to place many of
the men and Junior officers In the most
embarrassing position financially. In
some cases, actual hardship haa devel
oped, where the men have not had a
nickel for carfare. It Is not the busi
ness of men who -are fighting the coun
try's battles to provide the funds."
While subscriptions from enlisted men
will be received. It is the desire of the
committee that there be no solicitation
and particularly - that anything like
competition among ' the units of the
army and navy be avoided. The war
department, according to Mr. Cooking
ham, probably at a later date will Issue
orders upon this subject, that where the
men have the money saved and pay for
the bonds In full, there Is no reason why
they should not be handled locally.
Get Aeqiitinted With the
awaits every boy. and girl who comes.
1 1
Evangelistic Drive
Will Close Sunday
Sunday win be the closing day of the
"THESE four triads of HoUum
broad Victory breed.
TWey all comply with Hoover's
regulation. Try taem ell -the
are all ' good then : take your
choice ana satisfy year own Ln di
vidual taste with a breed that yea
know is aa good as it can bo naad.
The Standard Holsun Loaf
i A Double Victory breid ev ric
1 lory for Uncle Sim because it
saves 20 wheat and a victory
; for bread-maklnf because It is
a really remarkable loaf.
WiU Be Enforced
Methodist Episcopal church which has
been under way for the past two week
I Evangelist Stephens and Mrs. Stephens
will leave on Monday for an eastern en
gagement. At the morning service Dr.
Stephens will speak on "Going Back or I
Coming Through Which?" In the eve-1
Before announcing my appointment X 1
Intend to look into things a little." Kel
laher declared.
As to the exact nature of his proposed
ls.har declined to state. He snoka of Children Afflicted Meit BemalB on Heme I ning his- subject wlU be, "The Un-
proposed measures to be submitted to Premises and Are Het Permitted to At- Iardool Sin What Is It?" Extra
the voters authorising free collection or
garbage and said perhaps he would find
time In a few days to consider the ex
aminations results.
Hokum Barley Bread
1 Made with barley. Maxes t
eleaslnf variation of the regit
lar bread diet.
Members Preserit
Castor With Auto
Fhe Seek to Have Bonds Severed
That Hold Uncongenial Mates.
He had a revolver which he flourished
whenever he was Intoxicated, boasted of
his ability to shoot and threatened to
take her life, vera Moore alleges in ner
divorce complaint against Bob Moore,
filed Friday afternoon. They were mar
ried In Portland. May 6, 1917. She asks
for the restoration of her maiden name
of Vera Ewlng.
That Harriet L. Shumate deserted him
In May, 1915, Is the allegation made by
Mavln Shumate In his suit for divorce.
They were married In this city June
24. 1909. ! -
Desertion is also the complaint made
by Nancy M. Houghton against S. N,
Housrhton. They were married at New
port. June 14, 1910. He left her 14
months later, she says. She asks for
the return of her maiden name of Nancy
Martin. -. 0
John Hunt Bell was deserted by Edna
Bell lrr May, 1916, he alleges. They
were married In Portland In 1907.
Cruelty is charged by Elsie M. Con
nor against; W. Ernest Connor, whom
; she married in 'this city, September 6,
1910. She asks for the restoration of her
UlAAUd .10.1.., Vi A . WOO.
Go There and Try
H! to Eat
- ., , 4 .
The place is fine: Listen to the
music and enjoy the dancing at
dinner time and evening. The
best of service. American and
Chinese dishes. Excellent mer
chants' lunch daily. 'Special
Sunday dinner. Chef can't be
The Young China
133 Park, bet. Washington and
, , AJder Streets. , ,," .
Coaster' Crashes Into Track I
While coasting down Albina avenue hill
near Graham street on his bicycle' this
morning, Caspar Helm, 14 years , old.
ran Into the rear end of a Powers fur
niture truck, in charge of William Mc
Clurkin. living at 1026 Front street. The
boy's face was -cut and his hand hurt.
He Uve3 at 559 Albina avenue. The
driver stated that the boy was coasting
so fast that he could not stop in time to
avoid striking the truck. The attending
physician said the injuries are not seri
ous. 1
j Marriage Licenses Issued
Vancouver, Wash April . The fol
lowing couples have received marriage
licenses In this county: Jose M. Ortlx.
54, and Mrs. May Guilford, u. Port
land ; August Ford, legal, and Adele
Michelle, legal. Grand Ronde, Or. : Har
ry Edwards, 17. and Mrs. Ada M.
Goodman, 24. Portland ; Charles Teager,
37. .and Mrs. Rose Shapiro, SL Port
land 1 Oscar Dtarmlt, 86, Lama Vista.
Or., and Fannie Turpen, 21, Hlllsboro,
Of.; Warren E. Lathrop, SO, San Fran
cisco.) Cal., and Mrs. Maud Douglass,
21, Portland. Or. ; Ray E. Hulburt, 21,
and Beatrice Morrison, IS, Portland.
j Services to Be Patriotic
The evening service at Arleta Baptist
cnurcn win ne patriotic. special music.
appropriate for the occasion, will be
rendered by a chorus of 20 voices, and
Harry- Soule. the Scottish singer, will
give a special solo. The building will
' Will Have Busy Day
John D. Rice, general missionary of
the Episcopal church, will conduct serv
ices at St, Johns, Mllwaukle. at 11 a. m
and at St. Andrews, Portsmouth, at 1 :S0
p. m. '
tend Pletare Show, or P.blle Events. fe .TrTwd. who wiu" & "out S
Children afflicted with measles must i hear the evangelist In his closing aerv-I
remain on the premises of their homes Ml8a Allen, the blind soloist, will
ttand not attend mottoaw : -,- ?'. . . . . . lor everyDony
J . " " 1: - I wiu be neid at a o'clock in the afternoon.
wiurea Bcrvives or any puouc lunctions.
uty Health orncer Parrlsh announced T . r j
this morning that many Portland resl- JLllOCGSall lYL66blHc?
dents were permitting children to roam WUAAJ,0
the streets and attend shows while ill
At the Sunday morning service at the
First' Church of the Nasarene the con
gregation extended a unanimous call to 1 I.Vi.i ZiL
k. t... r it or measies exist
remain another year. Their Invitation
was accompanied with an Increase in
salary and a new automobile, which
was found standing at the church door
after the service.
This Is Rev. Mr. Davis' eighth year
with this church. He Is much loved
and appreciated by his people. The
church is in the best condition of its
history. Evangelistic meetings are now
being held in the church every night
except (Saturday by Rev. T. E. Beebe
of I New Bedford. Mass.. with three
services on Sunday. The services will
close April 14. .
Date Is May 29-30
Tha oa nnAiifiAaiMi I . Ji V a at I
Portland at this I . .. .. r
time, and strict enforcement of this !"". "'T" "n 01 ln. pui" I
rule will be necessary to check the p,u cnuryn wra oe neia a weea later
with measles, contrary to health bureau
It la estimated that at least 6000 cases
Widow Gets Bulk of
j Mark Leyy Estate"
epidemic, according to Dr. Parrish.
A written ruiinir tn thin rtt v..V..n May 29-SO. It will meet at St. Stephen's
sent to Truant orrioer Crum with in-1 rr-'-u'- """'" icooib 01 cm
structions to aid In the enforcement of fornIa wUl P188"1 and maka an ad-
the rule.
Patriotism Will Be
Theme of Sermon!
"Patriotism Is Dead. Long Live Pa
irioiism : - win oe ine tneme or a ser
mon for Patriotic Sunday) April 7, by
Rev. William G. Eliot Jr.. at.ll a m..
cnurcn 01 our Father, Broadway at
TamhlU. This is
on "New Kings for Old."
"The New National Party," will be
the subject for discussion at the Open
dress, and will be accompanied by. Mrs.'
Anniversary of War
To Be Sermon Topic
Running for
us for
the best in
, Trpe end Pictorial. Wood
Engraving m Specialty j
ruary 28, was admitted to probate by'f' al lJ
Pnimfw Tij4aa raraa11 -V f a.
Jennie LevVe wWow. w appointed 5,h.l!!d "" wUl -
"The Lull In the Storm" will be the
subject of Dr. Edward H. Pence's ser
mon at the Westminster patriotic serv
ice on Sunday morning. Westminster
the first In a series w,n observe the day and note Its vast
nisionc meaning, 11a anniversary ana
the duty of the hour. Rev. Dr. William
Hiram Foulkes, formerly, of the First
Presbyterian church, will preach at the
evening service.
executrix to act without bonds. The
property was said to be worth upward
or 123,000.
. The sum of $3000 was bequeathed to
Vivian Friedlander. 'a 'daughter ; $1000
to4 Felix Frledlander, a son-in-law;
$1000 to Jane Frledlander, granddaugh
ter, and $2000 to Belle Marx, a sister-in-law.
The residue or the estate Is left
to the widow.
cipal speaker.
$900 real estate In Multnomah county.
Idler! of New Tork cTtK HenAo-ler t'L L8tZ?Z
Methodist to Hold
War Relief Meeting
A Methodist war relief patriotic. mass
meeting will be held In Centenary Meth
odist church Tuesday evening .at 1 30
o'clock. The young people of Methodism
will form a procession, led by Columbia.
Pastor's Son to Speak
"The God of Nations" will be the sub
ject of Rev. Mr. Thomas, at Calvary
Baptist church, Sunday morning. The
pastor's son. J. Harold, navy Y. M, C. A.
secretary, San Pedro, Cal.. on his way
to service In France, will spend Sunday
with his parents at 609 E. Caruthers,
and will speak and sing at the .patriotic
service in the evening. Songs also by
male quartet, chorus, and boys' and
girls' choir. Calvary expects to be at
the Auditorium In the afternoon with
a service flag of 29 stars. - .
Dr. E. DeWUt Connell Institutes Suit
Against Estate of Fred A. Jacobs.
Dr. E. DeWitt Connell has begun suit
In the circuit court for $9226 against
Gussie Henry Jacobs, administratrix of
the astate of Fred A. Jacobs, and the
Fred A. Jacobs company.
He alleges a breach of contract on
the part of the late Fred A. Jacobs,
who agreed to pay the principal and In
terest of a mortgage given by him to
J. V. Beach, on a tract of land known
as the Mann tract, which he subsequent
ly traded to Connell for stock fh a num
ber of different corporations.
The mortgagee haa begun foreclosure
proceedings,- Connell alleges, and he de
mands judgment for the amount of the
principal and Interest.
He also asks to be declared the owner
of 85 shares of stock in the Wellesley
Land company, which he retained pos
session of, but which belonged to Ja
cobs. . . , .
Divorces' Oranled . '
Presiding Judge Morrow signed four
decrees - of divorce Friday afternoon:
J. Agnew from ; Blanche Watts Agnew.
desertion : Ida O. - Fredenthal from
Charles W. Fredenthal. cruelty ; P. C.
West from .Marie Dolores West, deser
tion ; Anna M. Taylor from H. A. Tay
lor, cruelty.
.' In Probate Court
Letters of administration were asked
for In the county court Friday on. the
estate of John J. Multhauf. who died
March 16, by Frederick A. Multhauf and
Virginia Osborne. The estate waa said
to consist of S11..SQ m real property in
Multnomah county and personal prop
erty to the value of $934.: - o;
- A petition asking for letters of ad
ministration on the estate of Nathan
Adler was filed in the county court this
morning. The estate was said to con
sist of '$"3400 of personal property and
of Vancouver. B. C, and fouf minor al TlU "un an? V?!0"1001
children of Esther Schrieber, a deceased Tii wh, alute to Old Glory,
sister of th twtitAr. . Addresses will bo given by Mayor Georee
. . t 1 . KBr. w . w- w ikxi wb rn ina i"an.
1 dlan soldier. The public Is Invited.
i Will of Henry S. Fair Filed
Ths will ofHenry N. Fair, who died
September 28. was filed for probate in
the county court this morning by Elmyra
w.i irarr, ine wiaow.
The estate was valued in the petition
at $3250. A life interest In the estate
was bequeathed to the widow with re
mainder to OrvlUe, Everett, Charles W.
and Nettle Fair and Luna S. Anderson.
children of the deceased. Mrs. Fair was
named aa executrix . to act
bonda - - .
Patriotic Sunday :
At First Christian
Tomorrow will be Patriotic Sunday at
First Christian church. Loyalty to the
republic will be the theme of all serv-
without . iceo- At 11 o'clock Rev. Harold Grtffis
i will emphasise the duty .of a cltlsen In
j this crisis by speaking on the topic,
"The Wisdom of the Ant." At the
! evening hour the ordinance of Christian
I HcHargue Jury Disagrees
L f L?m!i V lt6 Urrln bPtlam will be Administered by Immer
the case of the state against John Mo- ( .a w ,-k -m Vi
'1MB wa uiuiuiv iu avgree ana was
discharged by Circuit Judge Stapleton
this morning. ' McHargue was charged
with failure to support Ms wife, Mattie
dell McHargue. v
Will Support French Orphan ' ;
To support a French war orphan an
other year, an offering of $76 was made
on Easter at AU Saints church, tho Rev.
F. K. Howard, vjcar. The name of the
.little girl.- whom All Saints church has
bad under its protection for the past
I Gertrude Cohen' Asks Divorce
Alleging that he threatened to, kill her
with a butcher knife, Gertrude Cohen year. Is Marcelle Justin Bernard, restd
began . suit for divorce against D. Q. lng at Baynes in the department-of the
Cohen in the circuit court this morn- Seine. , ' ! '
lng. They -were married at Vancouver.! ... - -. .
Wash.. June 1. 1913. Sha auks tnr h i n.u.n. ni........ '
, . - ...v 1 . r m . m i.i .... cxuiiuav uuacr,uirn
custody of two minor children and $40
per month for their . support.
In .commemoration of America enter
ing the war. one year ago today, Sun
day will be Patriotic Sunday at Mt. Ta
bor Presbyterian church. Rev. Ward
This church has
! Wilt . Is Filed
I The will of 'Anna W. Johnson, who ; MacHenry, minister,
died March-2, was, filed for probate In changed the Ume of the evening service
County Judge Taswell's court yesterday j to o chock.
morning Dy ner aaugnter. airs. - Violet
Johnson Cook. The estate was said to
be worth $5190 and was bequeathed to
Mrs. Cook, Stanley K. Johnson. Stanley
K. Johnson Jr.. a son and grandson, and
to Dorothy Johnson, a daughter-in-law.
Mrs. Cook was named as executrix to
act without bonds. -
; - Splendid Entertainment -
The Intermediate Endeavor society of
Sunnyslde Congregational church held
a program at the Mann home, March
H. The main feature was pantomime
enacted by four girls and sung by Miss
Jessie Hoge. assistant superintendent.
Sunday afternoon
i and evening
! Park
Come! Brinj "the crowd."
Splendid, ,big dance pavilion ,
overlooking the Willamette.
Cotillion Orchestra and But
terfield will be there with the
livest, best jnusic you've ver .
stepped ta . .. ;. :1. f .
NOT g Jitney dance. Admis
sion: Ladies 25c, men 5oc.
6c carfare; Mllwaukle or Ore-1
fon City car.' . .; : - -'
On tfm aW4 fjnft wmm tlwu A rtUlm
ea DmUmlMitimtN. 9
Increase Children's
Efficiency 99.8 ;
AHInveitlgatlen intbe
Marion Sebool, Clevelaad.
Ohio, showed thatH of
. the sebool earoumeat bed aW
eerad or trraewlar teeth. Twenty
seveaof theae troBSoeetefettr
yean behlad la their arade.
were orfaalsed late a oeatal
quad. At the end of the year
there had been s taJ tar ae
1 werklag ealeleacy af tale
Holsum" liberty Bread
Made with oatmeal. Makes es
pecially delicious tout Try it
toasted; - j w -- - j -
Holsum War Bread 1
For wheatless days and wheat-
less meals. Deiiciously good.
Saves 40 wheat Try it. 5
1 - ! . 1 j ' -
aU products of the larg
est and most sanitary
bakeryin the Northwest
A timllar experiment la fhe .
Bickaia Sebool. Pertlsad,
Oregon showed great results.
The new Prophylaetie or Pre
ventive Dentiatry has for its
prineipie-ggKPtHg MOCTH
merely keep their front teeth
clesa sad white ea tbeootaiae.
It mesas thstaii the teeth saaat
be kept eleaa en all their sar
. faces, froat, beck, else, sad
down te tbeganis, and ha low
the rums. To make this ststs -ef
cleanUaess poasible to e very
blab degree, teeth sanstftrat be
made smooth, aad.thaa highly
polished, 1
If preper da lly a tten tioa U rrr aa .
the teeth by Ue ladivtdsel '
they may be easily kept clean
and healthy. 1
9mt0 Dmmtrnl A mrtaflf
numMne ee Masting
4sk vew rtsmear te Va
I Tsey Are ef gusrtoe OesJBy. ;
M Vaara -WhaiaaaDae rUimH-. aa
HMtlrvt riitufM Is ewtiaaa. -
. sve, SS, 87, St Front Si.
1 1 ' I '
. 1 . L. MoaurM tr
in " 1 1 1 ij ' miin--
(T iii lllllllllllilllMJinniii ,1 . V'
Reliable ! Dentistry
Wa foaraatae ear werk for IS
era We wul evaerlse fwar tMS
netrtra aaa what tt wUl eaat. -
Me Orawna
rarcataia crewes. . . ao-es.eo
OaM PUUnea. ..".. see We
rM Set ef Taeut tar...,.aS-S
Her ruilwaa
S aita aw
. TI7 Lewie Bigg 4th as4 Oak
Utw Rates. Cal! or Write.
Regular price fl-Mf yon order IS worth
ef other Prlntlner at the same time. Of-
, fer good until Apr. tQ. 1S18. Bring this Ad. V
' BOHE C1TT rKIHTEBT. 1I filth Afa
MAKttl or VINI TalHTtxe
? da. b. r. srgwTOir. rt '
; Opea Kvaatses Csta lev ; : "
Boston Painless Dentists
Ik sad SU ea Wartimstee A. . :
Main 17 A 17U