THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PO RTLAND, FRJ.DAY, APRIL 8, ; 1918. 10 SITPATIOTfB FEMALE 4 HiGH Mbool graduate with knowledge of book keeping would like position in office. X- nor SOUS. ! -yi . . . . . WIDOW lady living in suburb will car lot cnuaran; mothers an ena we near, rsier- TabOT 0114. CAPABLE young lady, practice! Dun, inU an of lady patient Tubercular oc nervous cn preferred. Z-428. Jonrnsl. ftTF.NO., rre, xp., desire position. CaU , Bdwy. 818. Mis Boliona, - ' DRESSMAKING 49 VkkNCU dressmaker wish angagaroeol by v day. 3. Mr, rraeela, ssv v B. waanington - TO AiET th moat iirt claaa work, for your money call Main 2879, evening. ', , HURWfcB 39 wRADL'ATK hum U prepared to Uka invalid lady with means at her : private residence. Tabor 2 H 9, 1 ; FURNISHED ROOMS UNDER NSW MANAGEMENT ' Prince hotel, E. Sd and Buinaide. 60e day p.- - 'J week wp. East 111. MAKCO itOTZL. MODERN ROOMS. BATHS, PHONES, $ 12 ANI CPt TKAM SIKNT 60s up. 422 hi WASHINGTON. FURNISHED ROOMS ; 78 PRIVATE FAMILY 08'6lTTf WI?K8t.rC-2 2 28 Room .uitabl. - for one or -two; meu only. ' Near Cornfoot shipyards and O-WT it. N. railroad yards. Prttatef a mily. ; Edit KENT Furnished room, private home, 10, 1 block to Union and Broadway car lines. Phone East 7716. 847. Weidler t 434 YAMHILL, corner lath. .Beautiful front room, beat, electricity. II amonta. 614 well furnished outside rooms, doss to rsr, is k. una. labor ivi; eotiiis. it YAMUII.L. cor. 12Ut, aomfortablo room ' for a man; month. ' filCELY furnished room. 646 6th st. I ROOMS AKP BOARD 1 koOM and board for business eirls, modern eon renlcnees. walking distance, 8.60 week. 12 X. 7th St.' East 4782. ! " ItuOM ud board tor one genUemanl 667 klan- ders t. tUk; Martha Washington,' 8MU 10th. tor bui- dm girls and students. Msrshall 1261. ROOMS AND BOARD 71 PRIVATE FAMIlil ROOM and ,bosrJui prTrste family for young ' couple, employed, preferred. Call 706 K Flanders, cor. K. XUtn. fijRNioUkU rooms and board for 1 or 2 ; good i home cooking; home pririlrges. 1044 Clare land ate. Cell Woodlawn 2076. WAXTIfP ROOM AND HOARD 88 VvANTklU by ship woraer, on second shift, ' room and board in private family, dinner at noon. O-Ml. JournaL i H0VHRKEEPI5O ROOMS FTJRMHHm ASU UNfURMSHED (fWO nice furnished housekeeping rooms for permanent, clean people; adults only. 413 Montgomery et FOR ftK NT Three furnished' housekeeping rooms, $2.60; one single Itouxekeeping room, $1 Perweek No children. 868 ltst CLKAN H. K. roomwltfir kitchenette. J'ree phone, light, bath, 8 minutes' walk to I". O. Reasonable. VN4 Clay st. FRONT 2-routn furnished apartment with kltcu nette, and one housekeeping room. 826 Hail at. . . QftUK room with alcove and kitchenette. 154 N. 18th. Broadway 1818. 3 ROOMS. $16, light housekeeping; near 18th ' and Washington. I lions Marshall 8843. WklLXt fuxnifhed housekeeping rooms, near shipyards. 201 E. Morrison st. - HOUSEKEEP1AO ROOMS 71 FTJRN13HKD AND UNFURNISHED V'L'RNlSHEi) room in modern flat, use of kitchen: one or twe young women preferred. Call t evenings before 8. 470 Hancock st., near Vth. ' East Hide. i NICE cleam, all outside, rooms; furnished for house keeirtna. nesr carline. 76S Alr blna are. Woodlawn 8888. H. K. ROOMS, elose in. phone, light and bath. Bo1 riandert st. frione A-ZB08. HTk. ROOMS, close in, phone, light and bath 6n8 Plsnders st. Phone Broadway 1'974. ii'ut'SKKkfcl'lXi and sleeping rooms. 202 Jefferson-Front st roH rent nouses UNFURNISHED It , A 8TRICTI.T modern. 10 room house in re- atrlcted district; large corner lot. with don ble garage, on 24th near Hawthorne. Will Tent so respensioie party. Main 2274. s j i ssai vm acre, jmmx piowea; moaern '8 room bousa, narn 12x24. 6 blocks from carline. 6o tare, $li per month. Phone Tabor 718. MONTH. room shack and half acre ground, .08th eve., bet 78th and 82d ata. p. r... Ml. Beott car, ynone Tabor BB83. aUH kknt -one s-room cotuge, 8S; one . 4-room, plastered. $7.60. CsU 4601. ask lor Mrs. Carney. house and St acre. 8044 42d are. 8. H. - Kent $8 a month. 6 ROOM cottage, some furniture, good location nee unman si. msrsnsu till. FURNISHED HOUSES $ ATTRACTIVE bouse, Jennings Lodge; river . trout; gaa, electricity. inquire at store or phone Main 8088. Would consider selling. MODKR.N bouse, partly furnished, to rent In una! aaa f none East Zona. i33 HAWTHORNE.; completely furnished 7 room modern house: lease. Tsbor 4679. F.KW 8-roum bungalow.' 440 E. . 62d. $4 0. vtaragw u wanteu. APARTMENTS 41 - FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED lilSLOP HALL. E. 6th and Hawthorne. Mod! ern 1. 2. and 8 room antsir 812. B0 no: LAITUKL APTS. Newly furnished and 'mod.! Prices reasonable. Single rooms $2 per week. seno ana xasnnni. STAN FIELD APTS.. 204 Porter st. ; shipyards? 2 room apts.. completely furnished. reason- able. Phone Msln 7892. I'ENINBULA APTS.. Woodlawn 860. St. Johns or M. A. ear. 2. 8. 4 rooms. SIS nn. JtXUNA apu., 4 5 Trinity place: 2 room irons mm. i no cniiaren. Msrsnsu X3, Vi llK OKMONDB 8 rooms, light, modsrn. ttoO Flanders. ob Hill. Bdwy. 8878. FOB bEHT rlilTs 11 CL1CAN 4 .room flat with gas, ehaap. Hi 4 ROOM flat, cheao: lis E. li.t. 8 ROOMS, dose in. reasonable. East 442 ll FURNISHED FLATS 88 6 ROOMS, elegantly furnished flat o.nir.l west aide, $46; also 6 rooms and steeping. luunh Mel . rnnilkkMl til T-....1 a a& J aymr. Vt'PErt 6 room flat, furnished, newly papered, all light rooms. 894 H Front st 2 LARGS 4 room furnished flela, tieam neaU close in. 245 E. Broadway. 4TOOl Partly fumUed near ear, $13 month. Inquire 408 Swetland bldg. . : HOTELS . 84 A 'kobERAtri PRlCEb HbtEL OF EebU HOTEL. OlrrAlin. East Morrison st and East Stzth. $1 per day. $4 per week, up. WANTEDTO RENT - Win TKI Before Mar nnfnmt.Til A K v room house in Sunnyside. MC Tabof or Haa viiome am. i raiereueee. Tabor 1221. Tr o-c ' l . l-i - inAninu guvunn moaern lurnuned bntne ' b dui?-. "arden, modsrate rent, beat of aro. 0-624, Journal . CHOICB newly furnished rooms. aUa room with ov gn nouMceeptaa; best location. v " cwwwi. aiara stus. FOR Hii.F.-nnrv mi FOR SitE By" owner, good 8 room shack full lot: 4 blanks M W . rv.hi.. . "V! , 10 month. intVr .1 two vacant lots. L J. Boyee. 82 Killinasworth. ONLY 82100V cLosii hV H j-.Ux'a L room bouses, good location, and over n iuu imM mna street improvements' included. 'i vrnts.' 'lsnor woov. ;TfM6ND district.' 2.' blocks M, - i". ytuy 81028. , Terms. Metcalf . 817 Chamber of Commerce. Mar. 2482. BOSS (SlTl PAR 2100 takes 6 room bun: i eivw, m iou si., oiocaa nortn .of ear street paved and paid. No agenta. Tabor J441 SACRinCE 2 room furnished house, fine lot! L vA-V. ?. teJ or. 12. , Mr- pilBl, l. . tip. QUI mau, nouse and 60x100 corner lot.. 81100. eev payments. Owner. Phone WnTn tui ait ROSE CITY PARK. room bungalow including furniture. 2800. East 2838. 7" i FOR. HAl.hi H rouut , modern hlUlM ...... OK x.rutruoted hous, ' miiUbU , nl fVl' A itU ' " l-J""f " A . ITf v"t. . a vivi eTROOMrjmaa.lot BOxlOOrioealsdntrTFlE galowj (500 now. balance terms. Tab. 4477. r FOB ' SALEHOUSES 1 LAST CHANCE to buy this besvrtiful bora. - soiniM RHdmstt, Cost 310.500 2 yre, ago. Hae . 0 lart room, attic, full - bment Fox furnace, atrietly modarn apoceo finish; waa tmllt by owner by day' work only; best material money could buy; ban, Uvlng loom, dining room finished is quarter oak, mat in natural fir. Too ood to rent. Completely furnished, will sell furnished. (10,000; unfurnished. $9000,- WUl take 88009 Man,- give tine; or would consider or 8 room bungalow near school and church. There is no debt on this property, and do sot need the money;, two large for as. This is one of the best homes in the city. WUl be on the market only tare dart, and those are my terms. If - you want ; to buy, ' coma; but don't coma shopping-. : Will be at borne forenoons. 866 Skidmore St.. two blocks to 'Broadway carlio. -w siwra. Alameda park. $50 Down, $10 Month . 4 room inlaatered hnhaa. A Avion Mj'lli ear. fare. Good school. - Price 8760. 100 DOWN, $10 MONTH. 1 4 room Blattered limn aoiina lot? v1 school; 6c car. 's re. Price $900. 100 DOWN. 110 MONTH. 4 room plastered home. .186x62 lot: e carfare; beautiful view. Price 11260. , : $150 DOWN. 4 room house, (nrakh' XAtIAA lot; rtreet paved. full price. 81450. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. Abington bide 4-Roora Bungalow $1050 ' On terms. : 50x1 AtY Wf .fr-.t lmn,n,.m.nt. paid; fine lawn, lota of roses and berries, and soma fruit; bouse was built 8 hi : years aol walls all newly tinted; Dutch kitchen finished in white enamel; bouse piped for fas; small base ment. No mortsace to assume. 2 blocks to Handy brd. Koae City Park car to 8tb and handy bird,. See Mr. Jenks. BUNGALOW BARGAINS J 12100 A fine newlr nslnted K rmM nunffalnw at 1020 IMrbion st. nr. 84th; fine location and a splendid boose; larce lot. 8400 cash, balance terms. If interested see it at ones. 4. I KARNOPP, Main 876. Railway Exchange Bldg. GOOD 6 room house, lot 40x100, near car una. svou; sau cash. lo month. A small house and two Intv. If K- tin mV J0 montb. . 6 rotfn bouse,-well furnished, large corner lot. street improvements paid. $16 including furniture; 8260 cash, $16 montb. Nica 4 room house, 2 blks. ; from car line, bath, gas ' and electric lichta. street Innrora- tnenU paid, $1200; 8100 cash, $19 month. fen amiiB, oon rosier road. Tabor 1831. FOR SALE, HOUSES ON PAVED 8TREETT o room, corner lot, ooxioo. 6 room house, lot 50x120. . 4 room house ........... 0 room modern bungalow .. 8 room modarn bungalow... 7 troom modern bnneslnw ' .$1500 II A A jea.aawe tlUVV $1500 $165.0 $1750 .$250O 7 room strictly modern bungslow, corner.. $8200 7 room strictly modern bungalow, corner.. $8200 I ntn iukh. J .AN 1J CO.. 881 E. Morrison at $Sf50 6 rooms. Hawthorne district 1 block from car: strictlv modern, lsrve. liirtit r i.. rocms. Owner lea vine citv. - $2400 5 rooms near Franklin high school.. ii. a uni. usrssin. AUT navmenrs $860 6 rooms, full lot ttnn ..k tis .J'A0""'.00 10. month. Richmond district; good garden space, . Bee O. B. Kippey. McKsv bide. Msln 825B $1895 FURNISHED, $500 DOWST 7 BLOCKS TO smpYAnn Near Mivnselnni n.1 Rt.nt rt are A es. house, good repair, hardwood, floors in 2 front inn ' Bee our Hat of over ;.V, . ..." . . auio at your service. SEE FRANK. L. MGUIBK. ABINfJTON. RT.rwi TO BUY YOUR HOME. $600 SI 00 CUh. hAlaYlftl ft 1 K ne. MnwiV 4-.1V. lng interest. 2 rooms with dlxappearing bed in f,TJng,oom: Ur cloMt; 3 blocks from Rosa See Mr. Jenks at 68th and Sandy hlvt. goiOO BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW $3100 Worth $4800. 5 room. Strictlv mnrinrn Kiinmln. KIWI AA lot, overlooking Hawthorne district' ' Has city 5. i swam neat, nrepiace, etc.; $400 mu win luiiuie. FRANK X. M'OCIRE, ABINOTON BLDO. Modern Irvirrgton Home At b real man. Furnace. firn1Aa v.. mui ing, paneled dining room, Dutch kitchen. Come maK v consider tome trade. By owner. HOUSES FOR 8AI.H at A nffT'hviv " 8 room house. $760. lot 80x127.' 8 room bungalow, $800, lot 60x100. 6 room bouse, $1800. lot 50x100,, ... so car; easy terms. -381 E. Morrison at. Phone Rear naiT . CLOSE IN SELLWOODTaR " Wonderful bargain. 5 room bunmlnw in itm. way add.' Only 20 minntea out Street tm- E Tin " pbm. space tor garden and chickens. DscuiKini ior aisou, cash. A. K, HILL, 419 Henry bldg. $675 LENTS, 3 r. house, large lot mi nun mm r u . . k . v. . n , . - $3500, Portland HeighU, 6 r. house, 2 lotg." snmaumenui on au. GEO. W. WATT, 683 Cham, of Com. bldg. x. or marsnan 4009. BETWEEN HERE A NTT T ifinva 8 room shack e9mnl,inW fimt.Kul l. . i with concrete foundation ' and cement' Door, near, unv, eovu; vv casn. mm monthly Fred W. German Co.. 782 Cham, of Commerce. $696 86.95 DOWN. - XS OS MnvTui.r Well built 2 room eottase in -r rii.nM. condition, amall lot dose in, near Richmond nn. iron t iv. taerman Co., is J Chamber of ''inmrce. A STRICTLY modem house of 6 rooms and steeping porcn. m Irving ton : rented for $35 a raorith. Willsell on easy terms or exchange for acreage or farm. Morris, .481 Chanlber or vomincire. BARGAIN 5 room cottage, North Irvington. im proven antnet; nice lot, fruits trees. Price $2500; formerly told for 13 5 00. Terms if good portions paid. Phone Sellwood 2821. after v p. m. ownrr, - , $2550 -Hawthorne bunaalow. cor.' n4n mt close ko furnace. Mrerjlace. mmrmom- .n knilt uis, fiivv casn. U. CL GOLDENBERQ, Ablngton bldg. "35 yeara- in Portland." - Main 4 808. IRVINGTON DISTRICT 83950 bunaalow. 6 rooms, harriwrwvt rw.r fireplace, furnace. V, blk. off the paving; terms. G. C. GOLDENBERQ, t ABINGTON BLDO. 6-ROOM modem bungalow with Dutch kitchen and built-in conveniences, ccanntetelv for. nlshed with hew furniture. 2 blks. from ear nne. 2zut; uu cash and terms to suit asoor coio. SALE BY OWNER HAWTHORVE nisTntn-r Modern 7 room bungalow with furniture; price and terms reasonable; none but prospective buy era need apply. Call any time. 1086 E. Lincoln St., corner 37th. ' BARGAINS One 7 room homo, choice loea- uon: very suostantiai. so no. on, n vnnm very excellent, fine location, $5750. Don t fall to tee these homes. Irvington lota 50x100 ana miiuv. r-ast a?a. w. M. Merdman. $850 BUYS a dandy 4 room house, west""aide" . water, gaa ana electric trice $1$ permontb M. gas and eleetricity. $200 cash. hsi. E. Lee, 606 Corbatt oiag. i ST. JOHNS SNAP. 107R 8 room bona and over 4 full loU; street im provemenU included; good location ; terms. Ta our odov H.6USE eiven awav. lots SStOA auh big garden spot; fine location; 23 min. out! Oregon City car line. O. W. . Harris. Oak ' ' ' BHUI roam house. $1600, corner lot. ISO Cora ave.. 8 blocks Sellwood ear. 1 9' min. utea' ride. Improvements paid. ' Terms or auto nrvt payment rnone Tabor 7262;- - T- LOT WITH HOrfsST and barn for sale cheap, $830. at 'Humboldt ii, wiwiai .uoneora street ana fatten aaa. nu vnouwn. auvi 6 ROOM bunaalow. modern! full . a . loU la lawn, shaded with fir trees; sacrificed by owner. $1480-. $880 cash. 4316 88th b O. C FOR SALE Modern 6 room house. E. 37th st bet Hawthorne and Di vision -at; all modem rmventeBcea: lot 60x100. Call Sunday. 461 E. -nwai nouse for sale, 8 fruit trees, lot 60s . 100 near Portsmouth station, 2 blks. from car Une. Inquire at 1T15 . exits, a A 1.12 by owner., attractive modern bun. -:fSJ,wJ,5 S; a prk- M be seen between " -ov except punqsys. oeo E. 58th N FOB SALE LOTS 16 ONE' LOT IN ELMHr-HST , ' FOR SALE CHEAP i! tot 50x100 northwest corner B4th od Hancock. Q-623. Journal. ... . - ' ACKKAhk - mi . 7c.u: J"1 c raise all your vege- tables; chickens, etc. which is the greater part of : your riving. This property x located i, ".."t'," lu V month. m. ... .m, vvroeis DlOg. 6 ACRK3 on eQtcr tat , Graham district, near tjVww -cieareo. ' Evening CHICKEN, . FRUIT, GARDEN ranchea rortjsna; . a. 10 acre tracts, $66 to $200 y acritsw, viij ieon QMg.. Portland. ACRES for aala. $560, half caah.taGa Veata. Or.- CaU at 826 GUsan. . : . A Real Poultry Show If all the Poultry offerings advertised in the Saturday, Sunday and Monday Journal were gathered together in "one display,- they would form a display of Oregons best The Journal is acknowledged the leading medium for selling" Poultry products.". Phone Your Ads for Saturday Si ; ACREAGE IT TOUR CHANCE 18 IN CANADA Rich lands and business opportunities tier you inde pendence: Farm lands,'' til to $80 acre? irri gated tends. s to aoo-. KU years, m pay; $2000 loan in improvements, or ready mad farma. Loan of livestock; taxes average under 20 cents an acre; no taxes on improvements, per sonal property, or livestock; good .. markets, churches, echooB, roads, telephones; - excellent climate crops and livestock prove it Special homeeeekert far certificates.. Write for free booklets. Allan Cameron. General Superintend ent Land Branch. Canadian Pacific By.. 112 9th are.. Calgary. Alberta. FOR REN I 2 acres fine garden land. K. 7 Otn. near invtston. Also some paxure ma- joining. Owner. Wdln. 889. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 76 ONE block from car, 25 minutes from V. O. . Large acre, half in garden ' with fruit trees, lota of berries and flowers. Remainder suitable for chicken ranch or cow. Bungalow with 8 bedrooms, kitchen with range, largo dirdngroom with heater. Bargain $1960. worth $2800; terms. Apply Westwood, on property. Baatow Station, dose to uaraen noma. isae vniirn Electric car at Olda 4s Kings. ACRE and half acre tracts, elose to station on Oregon Electric, at Garden noma, noma have small houses. Cheap and easiest kind of terms. Only 15 minutes out Gas. water, elec tricity, etc. Phone McConnlc. Main 8318. SUBURBAN HOMES 78 GARDEN HOME Fine acre, all in full toear- ing orchard, applet, pears, peacnea, prunes ; nrth 11000. 8760 today. Any terms you want 8 acret with improvements worth $600. all for $3700; $500 cash. fine acres, only 81600; wortn a.'woo; $800 canli.' balance easy. Come today. PHONE M cukjuc. a ai.v waxn. Ttsnnarv for cssh. 8850 buva ml home in Brentwood. Good small house, all finished and furnished. 2 lota, young orchare garden. Call at 6521 Gardner at. Brentwood. . FOR SALE FARMS 17 FOR SALE or trade by owner. ry ranch. 62 Vk acres. 60 seres in good cultivation. balance pasture, no waste land; fair buildings., orchard, creek and well water; rock road, cream route, telephone, high school in district; 1 Vs ruilea small town, 4 miles to K. K., 55 miles from Portland. want smaller rarm ctoee . w good town, up to $8000 or $4000. State what you have and price in first letter. Ad dress Box 48, Amboy. Wash. - FOR SALE By owner. Stock and farm ma chinery and ranch of 640 acres, all good aoil. about 400 acres plow land, fenced, good running spring water, some timber, close to -school, 4 miles to P. O., 12 miles to good R. K. town. 17 miles to Poison. Mont, i-rice tor au. aio.ou per acre: part cash, balance time at 6. Address C, R. Sawyer. L-B. 373, Poison, Mont, so Af'.HKS. -22' cultivation deep well, family orchard, south slope, en rocx roaa, x ft muee fmm niml hishwav: choicest and cheapest acre age near Portland; unexcelled view Mt Hood and Tualatin valley; II muee uounnouse. - vwner. 85800. terms. 81 IV Rosa at Broadway 1418 business hours. FOR SALE 65 acres all in cultivation; 7 room house and barn; fenced: a good or chard; stocked and equipped.- This is a good valley fanm at a low price. $6500; part cash, balance terms. We have several other . good valley farma at low price. Aw lor ina Co., 381 E. Morrison st . 41 hi ACRES, highly improved farm, 6 cows, o krtPM, nlea. ehickena. all machinery and tools; best aoil in Oregon; 15 miles from Port land; price $6000, half, cash, balance to suit 6 per cent Herman feper, zu union ava. a. East 4285. THOUSANDS of acres wheat and alfalfa land in Montana: imoroved and unlmn roved, in parcels to suit; small payments down, balance crop payments. -Soma trade, Herman Peper, 620 union ave. r. 100 ACRES. 145 in cultivation, 75 in crop, buildings, hot and cold water in house, grad ed road, stock and machinery, $8765. $1000 cash and some trade, balance time. Zimmer man ac Co.. 811 Board of Trade. - FOR . SALE One thousand acres level lal nd. fenced, two large barns, two houses, out- buildings; near3 Medford, Or.; sperms, W. A. u ii M.jrI r.. td, 4HCUIU1U) VI. FOR SALE or exchange for Portland residence. a real farm in, Colorado of 24Q acres. Address 290 Marguerite ave. or phone Tabor 4992. FOR SALE 160 a. level land, SO a. cultiva- . tion, in Eastern Oregon; H fenced, plenty good water. 18 Revere at. Portland. Or. 88 ACRES, half or moss in cultivation; school. $65 per acre: sto down, long time on Bal ance. Bee Draper. ox ttoara or Trade. Main 70. FOR HEWT FARMS 14 - ' A CLOSE-IN 'FARM ' -75 acres. 65 in cultivation. 24 minutes from Portland, near station. WeU and windmill, water piped to bouse ana barn, comfortable build ins. Rent 8475 per annum. Will aell 3 cattle. 2 young mares, 2 pigs, 4 dosen chickens, all farm implements, 15 acres of plowing. 23 acres of growing fall crop: 4 tons of hay. 1 ton of seed wheat; IK tone of oats. Price about $1600. H. M. Maloney, BITTER. LOWE CO., 207 Board of Trade. FOR RENT 16 acres, poultry and fruit ranch on fine road near Portland: must leave and would sell house furnishings and stock. Black- stone hotel between 1 and 3 any afternoon. . R. Woolsey. FOR RENT 10 acres. Family orchard. 4 room house, barn, 2 hen houses, hi mile east of Mt. Scott cemetery, near Lenta, Or. Owner on place Sunday. W. J. Hunter, 115 W. 6th st, Vancouver. Wash. . 80' ACRES on Tualatin river, 2 hi miles from TlgariTsta., Oregon Electric Une. 4 acres of orchard, 4 room comfortable bungalow, barn, chicken house and welL Call Marshall 8205. 8 ACRES good land. 2 acre orchard, 5 room tmaii nouse, good barn. Close in. - Call Sunday p. m.. Woodstock car to 84th. walk 4 blocks south. ' 40 ACRES, 33 acre under cultivation; house, bam; good toil; 14 miles from Portland. 3 miles from station. Inquire 268 Morrison tt hi ACRE with 'small house at Wichita station, $600. K acre at Stanley station. $550, small house. PhouMMereUwoodjt714, evenings, 11 ACRES for irtnt or"aale, 1 mile aoatnof Linneman Jet Phone evenings. Sell. 1714, or writ to W. F. Miller, Milwaukl. Or.. R. 2. FARMS WAHTEP RENT OB BUT 88 ' QUICK ACTION NECESSARY" I have s cash client who will buy from one to five acres, close to Portland, with fair im provements; hat to be close to carline, not over $3500. Let me know what you have at once. H. M. Maloney, BITTER, LOWE CO.. 208-6-7 Board of Trad Bldg. T TIMBER . M GENERAL Land Office. Waahlngton. T. C." March 4, l18-f-Notioe is hereby given ths! subject to th eonfUtions and Umitstions of the set of Jun 9. 1918 (89 Stat. 218). and the kast ructions of th secretary of -the Interior of September 15, 1917. th timber on the follow ing lands will be sold April 28. 1918. at 10 o'clock a. at. at public auction at the United States land offi at Rosebarg, Or.. - to th highest bidder at not bet than th aptwaised veluas thown by this notice, sale to be sub test to th approval of the saeretsry of fib in terior. The purchase price, with so additional sum of ons fifth of 1 psr oant thereof, being eommissiona allowed, mutt be deposited at th time of sale, money to be returned if sals is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the Umber, which mutt be removed within 10 years. Bid wilt be received from citizens of th United 8 tat, association ( such citiaau and corporations organised under th laws tt the United States or say stats, territory or dis trict thereof only. Upon aaplicatioa of s ouali fied 'purchaser the timber oa any legal tubdi. vision will be ottered separately befor be ing included la any - offer of larger unit T. 1 8,. R. B. W. See. 18, NW. K NW. k! red fir 87014.; SW.K NW. K. red fir 8 80 M.. none of which shall be sold for let than 3L60 per M. T. 21 6.. R. 2 W See. 25; NR. K SBt K. Douglas Or 690 M?; NW. KB. K. Douglas fir 7 JO 1L, incense 'aed; 90 M ; SE..K NE. K. Douglas fir 860 aLlsw. hi NE. K. Dougla fir 950 M..; NE. hi NW. hi Douglas fir 1520 M.. incense cedsr 50 1C: NW K NW. K, Douglas fir 1100 AL. Incense edar 40 SB. K N)M. K. Dougla. fir TSOliVTln eena cedar 9 M.'; BW. hi NW. K. Douglas nr iiiv-abi i"w whu id aa.;- i tu. w BE. hi Dougiaeilr 10 AL; NW. K BE. K. Douglas fir 1220 M.. red cedar 28 M.; SB. hL Douglas fir 630 M.. incense cedar 40 AC. red cedar 10 M.; NE. hi SW. hi. Douglas fi?790 M., Ineons cedar 70 M; NW. K SW. hi. Douglsv fir 979 M.. incens eedar 150 M.; be! K 8W. K. Doug 1st fir 500 At; 8W. K SwI K. Douglas fir 800 M., none of which Bhall be gold for lata than 31.28 per M. , TT - CLAY TALI .MAN. Ctimsiilssior-T. da. vs. i". an, w ca. M SMALL logging, milling, and eord wood propoaP tion. on railroad. 8 miles, from citv. Parker. v . s Yvasnmgton t 8HIp"ivNEES WANTED'. iOER BR6s..' 902-V BROADWAY BLDG., PORTLAND. OR. SHIP knee and newa ties wanted. Gaabie mx Ship K" : G"Pg bldg. -CoTtD wood timber for ssie.l mile from the - town of Hood Kiver. Phone 3aia 1390. 28 GENERAL LAND OFFlOk Waaoingtoa. D. C . Notice is hnvby given that aubiaot the eondltiofis and limitations of the set of Juno 8). 1916. (89 stst, 2181 , and to Instructions of the secretary of - the interior of September 15, 1917, the timber on the following lands will be sold April 24. 1018. at 10 o'clock a. at. t public auction at the United States land office at Portland, Oregon, to the big beet bid der at not lea than the appraised value - as shown by this aotioa. sale to be fobiee to the approval of the secretary of the interior. . The purchase price, with sa additional sum of ono fifth of 1 peg east thereof, being onmniiealiim allowed, must bo - deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sal is not approved, otherwise patent will ferae for the timber which must be reasoved within 10 yeara. Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations organised under the lawa of the United States or any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon application of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being included in any offer of a larger unit T. 1 S.. R. W., Sea. 38; NEK. NIK. red fir 465 M, yellow fir 860 M.. cedar 80 M.; NW NEK. red Or 670 M-! yellow fir 185 M., cedar BO M.; HE NW14. red fir 1490 M cedar 45 M.s NW14 NwJ, red fir 1905 M-, cedar 20 M.: BEU EE H. red fir 1910 M.. whits fir 20 M., cedar, 196 M.: SWK BKhi. red fir 1790 Mcedsr 90 M.S SE4 8W hi , red fir 1780 M.; ' 8W hi BW14, red fir 1030 M., yellow Hr 600 M. T. 2 8.. R. 6 W.. Sec 8; h NEH. yellow fir 1480 M.. red cedar 50 M.; NW hi NE 'A. yellow fir 2250 M.; S&hi NW vellow fir 1 GOO ja. ir not to Da told at Row fir it less than $1.60 per M. and cedar - not leas .v.. . o n n u. u t is a navw 1 1 ,.,VV jp -- v.. . v -, WU 85; SEU NEK. tad fir 890 M. : NEK 8EH, red fir 410 M-; BE K SEK. red fir 680 M.: NW hi SWK. red fir 400 M., not to be sold for leas than 81.00 per M. T. 1 8 . R. 6 E-, See. 29; SWK SWK. red fir 100 M.. not to bo sold at lets than $1.60 per M. T. 4 8.. R. 2 B.. Sec 8; SElK NWK. red fir 480 ML; NEK SWK. red fir 805 at; SEK SWK. red fir 800 M. ; not to be sold at lees than $1.60 per M. T. 4 8., a 4 ., See. 9: Lot 7. red fir 405 M.; Lot 8. red fir 460 M.; Lot 9. red fir 695 M. ; BE hi SEK, red fir 675 U. ; not to be sold foe last than 91.60 per M. . CLAY TALLMAN, Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIMRER Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the Act of June 9, 1916 (88 Stat, 218). and the instructions of the Secretary v the Interior of September 15, 1017, the timber on the- following lands will be sold May is, 1918. at 10 oclocs a. m at nubile auction at the United State land of fice at Portland, Oregon, to the highest Mdd;r st not less than the appraised value- as shown by this notice, sale to be subject-to the approval of the Secretary of the Interior. The purchase price, with an additional sum 3f one-fifth of one per cent thereof-, oeing commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned sit sale is nob approval, otherwise patent will issue for the Umber v. hlch uinst be removed within 10 years. Bids will be re ceived from eitiaena of the United States, as sociations of auch eitiaena and corporations or- j .i i . .. . . , j . . . . . aaniseu unuer un mw vi me t. mieu DUia or any atate, territory or district thora-jf cnly. T'rjon arolication of a auaaified rmrcna)?. the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being included in any offer of a larger unit. T. 9 8.. R. 2 E., See. 85; NEK NEK. yellow fir 250 M red fir 50 M. : NWK NEK. vellow fir 660 red fir 800 M.. hemlock 10 M ; SWK NEK. yellow fir 700 M.. red fir 250 M. ; SEK NEK. yellow fir 350 M., red fir 450 M. ; NEK' NWK. yellow tir 730 M.. ryea nr zou nemiocK iv m.; . -4 xwhi. tteUow fir 100 M., red fir 1200 M.; NEK BWli. yellow nr zuu M.. red fir BOO M SEK SWK. yellow fir 850 M., red fir 850 M.; NEK SEK. yellow fir 460 M.. red fir 600 M. : NWK SEK. yellow fir 600 M., rej fir 600 M. ; BW hi BKK. yellow fir SO M., red fir 1800 as.: 8Ca BE, red fir 1530 M., none of the fir to be sold at less tlian 81.75 per M., and none of the hemlock to be told at leas than sue per At CLAY TALLMAN. Commissioner, General Land Office. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 84 26 ACRE SUBURBAN FARM. . Only an hour out from Portland center, right at station on electric. Will take good bouse aa first payment Stock and equipment so with farm. Netlan as Parkhill, 219 Lumbermens bldg.. 6th and stark sts. IF you have Improved acreage. 5 to 20 acres. to exchange for Portland property, write or Bee sir. rteery. 1 GEO. T. MOORE CO.. Abington bldg. 10 ACRES good land, Clackamas county, also nouse equny ana rurmiure to trade for Ford ear. M. 8. " Cobb, 409 Swetland bldg. TWO house, five lots, in Cottage Grove. Or. 9 lots in Ashland. Or. Owner will trade for Portland property. P-618. Journal. , FOR SALE oc rent. 2 cheap, one 4 and. one room house. Phone Tabor 188. FOR RESULTS nst your property with th Real Estate Exchange, 201 Id it, Portland. WASTED REAL ESTATE 1 WANT 6-room bungalow in good dist Nu merous buyers waiting. 1 can sell quickly if priced right G. C. GOLDENBERQ. ABINGTON BLDO. "85 - Years in Portland" Main 4808. bUACKB AND SMALL HOMES WANTED Must be N. K. aad priced right We have numerous buyers waiting. . Fred W. Germs Co., 782 Cham, of Com. HAVE client for 5 or 6 room house or bun gatow In Ross City Park dist FRANK U M'GUIRE. Abington bldg. BOOMnrO HOUSES 68 WANT 9 to 12 room modera house, close in, cheap rant Will buy furniture, if good and reasonable -for cash. Z-424, Journal. FOR SALE Rooming ' bouse, 18 rooms, 5u0 casn; gooa uvnst. Camas. Wash. Mrs. Alios . usaall. BUSINESS OPPORTUyiTIES 13 $126 BUYS grocery and confectionary stock; - rent $20; building and fixtures, living room and bath; good location. " 8800 buys stock and fixture, grocery Mors; very cheap rent; 8 living rooms, ' 8460 burs la rsr a stock groceries, notions, ato.: living quartern; rant $12.50. ATI th above are fine places (or lady or man and wife, man working. . Particnlart, Room 8, 145 H Broadway. you are ambitious and have from $1000 to $2600 and your services which you want to Clt Into ft business which paid a net profit tt'yesr of $5819 with only one man working answer this ad. Money secured snd can pay good salary. I want four alert men who want to do things for. jobbers proposition. X-728. Journal. - . . TALKING MACHINE BUSINESS FOR SALE Will Invoice about $8000; ft clean, live stock of standard works; well established and paying profit; will stand closest investiga tion. Don't answer unless , you hav ths money or good backing. M-783. Journal. - HAVE disposed of my horn and am going to . leave the city; will aell the best cash grocery cn the East Sid at 85o on th dollar and $375 worth of fixtures for $150. Stock will invoice around $1350. Owner, 849 Sandy road, account of draft will sell whole or half interest in the Spot Cash Basket Grocery, a good paying proposition. Cash only. Parks Schneider, 801 Jackson St.. Roaebnrg, Or. BLACKSMITH shop gad -toots tor' tale very ressonabla. Owner must leav town. Ap- ply 678 2d st or 787 1st tt - FOR SALE Sawmill, engine, planer, donkey engine, 9x10; capacity. 15,000 ft; good eon- dition. . Box 862, Newport. Or. SECOND hand barber supplies I and chaira bought and sold. - List your barber shop with ua. Portland Cutlery Co.. 86 6th st . . DONT WORRY I can sell or trad anything anywhere. Lay man, 145 K Broadway. FOR SALE SmaS stor at school cheap; all alone. Phone Woodlawn 8336. CONFECTIONERY and light grocery; fine loca tion. 1010 Belmont at MOTET TO LOAN" REAL ESTATE tf $260r $360. $400. $600, $660. $760. $1009 and ktrg amounts at current rates. . Quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chasm. Com. BUILDING loans oa dtT oc suburban property - money advanced as wont prugns s. W. O. Beck. 218 snd 219 Failing bldg. Main 6407. MONEY to loan in amounts of $100. to $6000 oa city property. A H. BELL. 201 GerHngvr Bldg. Mi, it TG AGE loan. 6 and 7 Look Salomon A Co., 408 Belling bl fclTY. and farm loans: any amount: current rates, xs.- y. nryan. oow cnam. ot Com mere. CASH for mortgages, loans, contracts. F. H. Lewi. Room 4. 1 wi bldg. Main 688. $1H0 to $1500. consider lota. E. U. Dowling! SIT Chamber ot Commerce. MarsbsB 2483. II HAVE 31000 to 840.000 to loan oa farm or t dty. property. P. O. Best 8T9. - TIMBER KOIfET TO LOAKT REAL ESTATE 87 OCR installment - plan as the beat and surest metnoa of paying loan. - - . 882.26 per month for 88 Is of $31.24 for 80 months, o 16.17 for 9 aaontha, nays 81000 Isaa and interest t Other amount la proportion. We loan on improved city property Or for building purpose. a No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAYINGS ek LOAN ASSOCIATION 4 Start at. rorUand. Or. WE HAVE money to loan in any amount at eurrent rate of interest No delsv. If nm have - the security, see ua. MeClura k Bchmaucb. Main 2801. MONET to loan on improved property in most every Town in wasnington. Oregon and Idaho; tame is paid back monthly like rent R. E. Chadwlck. 825-23 N. W. Bank bldg. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES 7 SaterF LOANS WE LOAN MONEY Chattel On short notice to salaried or working men cn their -own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly r monthly payments, Each tnnsactin strictly confidential NO-MORTGAGE NO IN DOURER ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. W also loan on household furniture, niancs. etc, without removal. CAI.I. AHU INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED. 817 Failing Bldg. If You Meed Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS - Loans mads to persons on. salary or fixed income, on household furniture, pianos, diamonds and other personal property, legal rates. Business con fidential; private ofticea. XVBTLiAMD 1AJAN COMPANY Licensed. 306-307 Dekum Bldg, PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portland business man to protect borrower. C. MYERS HERMAN. Mgr., 894 STARK ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. PIANOS. xtuuaKxioLaj rtHMiUKL LOANS "WANTED ' 88 LOAN wanted. $1250. 3 years 7, on a nearly new B-room bungalow. No. agents. R-681. JoumaL - FIJTAKCIAL $1 I HAVE a few thousand dollars for invest- ment of merit with or without my aervteea. C-882. JournaL HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC. 18 ATTENTION iltmskl KUYKKM We atill have left ft number of horses, harness and wagons, alao vral farm wagons, that w must tell. Here are s few of the berg hit Black gelding. 6 yn. old, abort, block r, chunk, a beauty, gentle, kind and true la all hi man, $76. Brown gelding. 1100 lbs, T year old, sound, true in all harness, $65. Dapple brown mare, 8 yeara old, good in all harness and s specially line singls driver. Weight 1140 lbs,. $65. Blood bay mar. 1200 lbs., 7 years old. fin animal anywhere. $85. Brown gelding, years old. sound and true in htrnas. 1200 lbs. ; 85. Sorrel gelding. 1250 lb.. 8 yeara old. best hone la city for same money; dead true; all harness, very gentle, 885; also some well matched teams of bars, browns and blacks, ag irom o to v years, weighing from 2Z0O. Booo lba, per span. All of these horses hav been working right up until a few days ago, are grain fed, and ready to get In and do your work, every on of them being in good flesh. Also 1 10001b. horse, best worker. $35. We hav many sets xf extra -good double harneaa, both heavy and medium weight Both Yanks breeching, and the regulation five ring western breeching. We wiQ let go cheap with hones. Everything must tells The Russell St Ttnasfer Storage Co.. corner Russell and Vancouver svenu. 1 block west of Williams avenue. XV hav the finest awortment of young gelding and mares weighing from 1200 to 1700 lbs., and mules weighing from 1000 to 1400 lbs. Also 7 sets of double horn harness, - AU stock told with a guarantee. Frazier& McLean 240 E. 8TH AND MAIN STS. SPAN of brown mare and harness, weight 2400 lbs., guaranteed to wore and sound ; nice fat roaa hone, gentle and true puller, weight 1100 lba.: also 5-year-old driver, very soft snd gentle. Russell Bt Transfer A Storage Co.. 268 R uracil at GOOD 5 ton camelback wagon, high grade surrey, several delivery wagons, farm wagons and all kinds of harness. 2 light saddles. 8 good carta cheap, or exchange for horses. ; 802 FRONT ST. WE hav about 25 head of horses weighing from 1000 to 1600 lbs. each. The horse consist of mares' with foal, 'draft hones, some farm chunks and -Street-used horse. W wil( ell cheap at ModH Stable. 6tb and Dens. fUUITIf. DTI Ul t- Q UB7 L-Tl.x.-r o' Just received 'a carload of horses and mare weighing from 1200 to 1900 lbs., 5 to 7 yra. old, for sale. FINE span of young deUvesy mules cheep, or take horse or cattl in exchange. 802 FRONT 8T. WANTED To rent team of hone for 10 days. Call East 2735 between 5 and 6. TEAM weighing 2500; farm wagon and bar- neas for sal for 3140. 1967 E. Stark. ItuKSE and wagon, $1.26 day; 2 bona sad wa gon. $2 60. 648 Front Msln 2208. DEAD bona nd animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co, 1100 LB. horse, buggy and harness; lady can drive. Call Main 6450. $20 RUTS ft nice gentle family whit pony to rid or drive. Call 268 Basse il st 10 HEAD good farm work horse, wall fad over winter. $50 to $160. 228 Aider at IilTESTOCK t$ JUST OFF the farm aom fin Jerseys, test from 6.2 to 6.4 butter fat and same Durham and Holstein cows, just fresh and coming in soon, all large, young cow; see them at 466 Bhsrrett ave. SeHwood car. 2 TOGGENBERG fresh 'milch goats for sal and roata' milk for infanta and invalids. Rose- mont Goat Dairy. 296 E. 99th st N. Phone D-1196. ' FINE Toggenbcry buck, fine big pair of trained goats, 2 dandy Angoraa aad kids. Cheap, 802 FRONT ST. " FOR SALE 12 family or dairy cows, all great milkers; also 1 registered Holstein bull. AU cows delivered free by ante truck. Ed Dammann. Ores ham. Or. Phone 797. .- - - - MILK GOATS Fresh Toggnberg milk goat, giv four qusrts, kids by aid; alto fins Toggenberg buck. 802 Front st. JUST received, for sale. 8 fresh milch FRAZER M LEAN A CO.. ' 240 K. 8th st FOR SALE Fresh Jersey cow and calf. 860. 2d house south of Island station. Milwaukee, Z-428. Journal. , JUST arrived with 22 head of good cow; most ly fresh, sotn springers ; all breeds. A. Hat. 9716 Foster road, near 97th st (Louts). PASTURE for 100 head cattle. Sauries Island! 10 cents per day. PARTICULARS Woodlawn 1998. FRESH'wow, also 1 corning fresh toon; both heavy milkers; also some tine fresh xoJch grots, cheap. Call Main 6187. GOOD 3-year-old hifg to exchange for good AOCMl 802 FRONT ST. ' FOR SALE cheap Young calf. Call Woodlawa 8878. rnrt.TBT. PTCFnNg. rt Tfir 'h , , r m - SILVER Campin Uy like leghorn; oggt $2.60 per 16. Mrs. Grace Hardaley. Columbia blvd. and Dels war ave.. Portland. Or. Woodlawn 319 3 LAYING hens and 1 thoroaghbnd B. L"HL rooster to traa ior a cea, spring and mat trsa or good rug. Phone Tabor 6763. BETTING bona wanted: Wd'pey.gZ eaohT E. IX. Sohanen. 2$7 Hswtbora ave, bbobo East 6669. - - - - - - CHICKS. White Leghorn; free range, trag. aeov ed f ovrndatioa stock. Master Ineuhator fn 416 Jessrrp at. Portlaod. Or. Weodiawa 4844. FOR SALE Betting agg. 6 psr agg. fr 2 -year-old Hogsaisrd bans. CaU w oodUawa 8878. , ' -S C. Rhode Island Red eggs for setting. $1 for 16. Woodlawn 685. , PRIZzTWhite 'Plymouth Rork etis $2.50 per setting. E. D. Schanen, 287 Hawthorn sve. BLACK MINORCA egg. 81 per set ting of 13. 4203 76th tt B. E. No Sunday mlas. FOR SALE 20 White Leghorn laying puUeta tUI each; also a brooder. Sellwood $211. FOR SALE Barred Rock eggs, for batching; 14 for 1.60. CaU labor 6048., FOTTLTBT. PIGEONS. FET STOCK 87 . CHICKS AND HATCHING EGGS ". front too- wiBter-lavtne . U'Mi. ' kind that pay for thesatelves again after the f.1? 1a.ft laying. Chicks from ov best i'i.U,,?2 1?? 47"T- 1 P" Krs. 87 per 100 $1.50 for 1. and 60 extra fee packing and shipping charge on single eat tinga, J. R. Maguir. 787 Orson at nlwasa aT. a 18AI " " vw V. THE PRrnCProatvi ' T 'lsfirwww 1 ' " m 1B E. 12tk st N. phone Woodlawn 'i486. M,Ha 111 . ' .- ii -CZ niiigi sdihi awyoeaisea Whru Leghorn chicks. We don't need further sdverrtMvMi wHM ,U- tr . i " ' , w oiiw, ire Darning. Day old chicks ..SIB nor 100 Ct?"1 V1 -- ,...818 per 100 Rhode bland Reds ............. tin M, mo SILK RAY S blue ribbon strain Barred Rocks . nd 8Uver Campinas produce, the egg and anew bird, too. Writ or i ron for prior for egg, chick or eoekerela. Murray's Barred Rocks (utility strain) egg for hatching, $1.60 for 15 eggs; county orders 60c extra, J. J. Murray. 8126 2d st 8. E. Phone Tabor 1261. WHITE Leghorn setting eggs, heavy winter lay ing . traprMMted stock. 87 per 100. 800 1-day-old chicks for April 8, $15 per 100. F. H. Robinson. Carlton. Or.. A. 1. . WALTER HOG AN strain Whit Leghorn hatch . Im ,rMn beavy laying stock. $1.28 for li: J. 'OT 100 agg. 8141 K. Morrison. Tabor-1906. EGGS for hatching from xtra fin large win , ter laying strain 8. C R. L Reds, none bet ter; only 60 for 15 egga; 87:50 for 100. B. A. Mitchell, Orenco. Or. CRUPKE Rarred RoekTEUiot red, 6. A. tX White Leghorn eggs for hatching. Leave or der for chirks. Tabor 4070. W. H. Wil- tisms. ooiT 78d st B. E., Port hind WHITE Leghorn baby chicks, from heary la ring (Hoganiaedl stock. March delivery, $11 pf 100; April, Sift. We guarantee safe arrival. noneer itsicoery i sts mms. califs 60 LAYING pullet. Rhode Island Reds. Barred Rocks, Whit Leghorns; gentle driving plow horse; harness; two light spring wagons, Cheao. 145 E. 81st N.. Mont villa ear. WANT 2 or 3 colordes of boas. Will trade laying hens or pay cash if low in rrio. Want Belgian and New Zealand haras in pain. N. E. Copper. Oak Grove. Or. FOR SAIE R. L Red roosters.' $8 to $6. Tahpr 299. THOROUGHBRED W. L. setting Columbia 659. DOGS. BIRDS. FETS, FTC. 48 WANT Airedale bitch. State age. price and if will take laying hena in trade. S. E. Copper, Oak Grove. Or. BEAUTIFUL orange bird for sal. 176 N. 24th st call st side door. Main 84 99. WANTED Spits and Fox Terriers under 1-year-old. B-917. Journal. THOROUGHRRED Scotch Collie puppy for tale. reasonable; going away. Sellwood 1696. REGISTERED Orange and Rlue Persian cats' tt stud, fe $3. Call East 8225. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 USED CAR SNAPS . 1917 Overland. Country Club, $709 1917 Ruick. Light Six. $950 1916 Oldsmobile Four. $700 1916 Oldsmobile Eight, $960 1918 8tudheker Four, 3760 Willys-Knight $900 Rao. touring. $ftM Dodge, touring. $850 Overland, touring. SHOO Warren, roadster. $260 Auburn, touring. $180 Light Six Buick roadster. $900 OLDSMOBILE CO. OF ORRGON.V Broadway at Couch Broadway 2270 Studebaker. electric equipment, good con- - dition $400 Overland. A-l condition, electric equip-" ment 4 SO Saxon Six. run 6000 mils inn Jeffrey, wonderful ear, for quick sal ... 478 Bee the st once if you went a good car cheap. WESTERN MOTOR CAR RALES CO., Broadway at Burnsida, GARAGES, HOUSES CHICKEN HOUSES. The portable kind- Save yen money, go sam ple at 644 Hood at Main 111 Millmade Construction Co. NEW TIRES ' What brand of new tires do yea prefer I W have them, an asak and sixaa. Also wo auk th fa mous O-V-C Double Tread (aewedl tires snd do all manner of tir ra. pairing. Oregon Vulcanizing Co., 838-885 Barn ride near Broadway. THATER. 8HAVKK-GTJLLT MACHINE COMPANY 1 Ton. 8870 I BUILDERS OF IK Ton. 8420 I EVE R READY TRUCX 2 Ton. 8479 I ' ATTACHMENTS Capacity Mfg. in Portland 193 E. Water t phone East 7487 ONE Ford chassis. 8236. 1 Buick chaasia. $l2f 1 Cbalmar chaaaia, $200. 9iav mvstbI ear too good to wreck. Will ten at from 8100 to $175. .. v.. .. . . : LONG ,4k SH.TA. 4627 H.wthorne sve. Mfg. A Repair. 8000 ' guaranteed springs ta stock, prices redooed. 84 tt. 16th st . ; -6AIL MAIN(47iB8 ! ''t'": ..!J' '.'" onaiuon . "x u . j 1916 FORD, touring car in excellent gaecnanseal cooaraon. au new- urea, lar rust repainted, lis shock absorbers, speedometer,- foot acewl erator. other extra. Price 9386. Call at 635 Alder street - ULPM0BU.E. 6 passenger. i17 model. fT year cord tiros; perfect mechanical condition; j Roadway O26U10- B4"" "d " AiAWTUORNE AUTO BCHOOL, - 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. ETERTTHINO MECHANICAL AND ELEO. TR1CAL; UNUMlTKDi PRAOTICAL REPAIR vrvEKirjirtg - bid Used Cars puu-s-j xTuiui STOCK rlVVT UOTrili rttrt siei tin wsoingTow sta, kfahl 8244 AUTO hmwiwix a,.u,. " Teach you in three bava. 707 LEWIS BUILDING. 4TH AT OAK. Low rate. . . CaU av CASH paid for aid cars; condition no obieet: parte for all makes of ear. (..a-Y-i- , TT. , "v" 'oauwgy saalOO. MOTORS. aaar aoarlneal - - - I all saakat.of can and sell truer Part at half Vhem. David Bodes Co.. Broadway ana laasara es. croaswiy A. S..t . 1 .. , , . ""J?. . . 'Seurary ear. in good condition; 1PT"'d-. Can b-oV at Portland Gangs. 8th and Taylor ata, LATE 1917 Maxwn touring car in excellent ..Jr" .T .P wheel. ! r v t vash bob m t Buau , FOR SALE Roo say i pesncu '7Tr i painted snj WtLtri HoU 1.' Tml ' ' Blanaena; st mTwraUMa' 8W. 1 99 ( faARAIN 1 ton Ford; track, good Oody. ui and surtains; have Vi saw for tt, 1020 E. afOtil $TV 14 . - FOJEt 8ALE Chevrolet touring ear. VfOTTatZ , aider rd sag la trad. Aoditegtoxa Garage. Z aV-r I . ' ' -aSnl ?L3ZL "HZ? ZV?L&-J H. B. Blaok. 634 Alder et Mam l$i$. - DUBRCtLLl-" " TOP COw. th aad Oak. Broadway 1894 Fords' Enameled $1 5.00 " "ovriaow or. ' 1915 iX-U rodter in tint claaa mochaaicJ condKion; wiU eU very reasonable. o$5 870 E. slorriaoo St Aider etrvwt 1917 FORD touring ear. excellent coodiUoa ; good tiros and prico la- right East 160. 1916 MAXWRLX for ei oh p." RV499. Joaraai! AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES I WE' HATE At PRESENT SOME EXCET. UUNAL, BAKUAINB IN USED CARS. 1N- . l,t;AiAU IrUAUS aUJUHTLX IBJkD: FACEARDS HUDSON8 ..' PDLBCS ARROWS HALMERS CADILLACS OVEXLANDS - Thaas con hav nil been rrarhauled and re painted sad the prios Is right .. - PORTLAND HOTOB CAl COK 19th sad Burrasd sta. ' Broadway 821 FORDS 'DODGES t BUICK8 I W hsv. a Urr. etock of llrht ecomilcal can. which we are going to dtp of at oo-t to v. Now s the time to avoney .. 1 good need car. The following is a part of our list: v , i:j i - 1 wvm iiaioni oeuvwy. . goou anap..... 1914 Chalmem. first class -. 41 Ford, new one-ton truck J 980 vwiu. nvw vwwn vruc:s , . " - 1914 Overland dsUvarr. first claaa 890 I ll Dodge delivery, good shape. ...... 1918 Packard Six 75Q 1918 Maxwell, extra good ahap 360 1917 Stud baker Six. T aew , I960 1916 Buick. 'roadster 900 1917 Dodge, touriaa 800 1917 Dodge, roadster, extras .966 191T Hudson Super-Six, light BW 1409 . MANY OTHERS See our stock before parch si sat aheahora. at w can save you money. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPART. , 81st and Washington Sta. f Mala 24 USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN ,211 46p5j-ey, Kll 1912 Mitohell Tiief mTiJk aao 1917 Overlsnd. 7 pass.. gyi IIIIII '860 1916 Studebaker. 7 pass.. cyl 1 J I Studebaker. 7 Pam., 8 cyl.,. 850 1916 Jaflery. 6 paa. 9 cyl............ 600 .ITSED CAR DEPARTMENT MTTCHELL, LEWIS A STAVER CO. East Morrieoti at First 8t East 7272 Phons B-H19 PAtftg A r.r iai LJ . ioal eonditloo: look. i.v. - . .. xoptionally good buy. Apply st Cook A GiU nxMnull. mA l . I- w . ' ,- , ' AUTOMOBILES WANTED 79 SPOT CAfiH ft.ll a . . . . r' fonrln cmr - toadstsr. Must b In good eondiritna. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE 837 Washington street Broadway 0488 1 WHia PAS' I6U iPOT CAAa ffOtt 16CA FORD. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGSL East 3779. K. 19th sad Hawthorn sa. WE WILL PAY CAHH For used Ford, tourina. roadster v PALACE GARAGE CO. mhgtArk Broadway 1672 Phone A-2443 AUTOMOBILE waolad. Will .iva W litu beacheaf IL Burly. 688 Irving. Marshall 2963. " ww av vwpvi VawU ww aflXIf(7rm SPOT CAfiH FOR YOI K FORD. - suaivtyiM, vV I. "" IVi" m Fia. IJ. CORNER HOLLA DAY. PHONE EAST 8.04. WANTED A light 6-nasaeneer tortrine tr 1- good condition; Ford. Dndg or Maxwell prs ... m yy lam, srivs, journal. WANTED-r-A roadster or light 8 rsasenrsr W. A. Sfaop. Oroeham. Or. HIGHEST prices paid ior automobile; eorxlC tion no object 121 N. 3d t Bdwy.' 2029. AUTOS FOB HIRE tt AUTO TOWING AMI SakVU.L' iLaat vTe- sre prepared to tow your sat aaywbar tow na aioy ana sngnt ssmkio. LONO k SILVA. Phone E t 9940. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS Brand new oar. Ressonebl rata. Fearing A Robaett, City Garage. 89 10th, Between Stark aad Oak. Broadway 840 AUTOS without drivers for hire, Coachman- Sullivan. lOth-YarnhPL Mar. 832. A-1236. MOTORCTCLES-BICTCXES R1CYCLES MOTORCYCLtS:" L Largo stock of new and used rnarhtass. ansa iv.i . I i.ija. . ous at. koTORCTCLE Look and runs like aew. Bargain. Swank. Main 4190. LAUNCHER AND BOATS 94 WANTED Two good floating cull logs, about I so incnos omuut ana . o-lt. song, for noma ooas. d-vii,' rfocnaL PIANOS. ORGANS AT.Tt MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 94 PIANO BARGAINS The following InatruoMmts are on sale thia Week hMinnin Mandas. An HI 1; Hooert m. caoi upnght, manogaay cas. C a Hsitet Dana. wmut oasa, 260. Bteinwsy. ebooy ease. 8276. Armstrong, walnut eaae, 1190. . a wiw iwww. nst VII IS. Whttney. French walnut case. 8193. Webber nianola. foot like now. SSOO I gasaonu nssirow.. graaa. taua fix ! Ooeany eoa. perfoet eoadiUoa. 529. Beautiful Hsseltoa. grsad. aatia finish, ma - Beautiful mottled mi hogs ny, Knrtz avaad. . 1. ' . . ' . i . ' ..B"'"jrm tboa instruments. I'Cometo Musical Floor." 7th ; LIPMAN, WOLFE &CO. GEORGE T. PECK. PIAN6 TnEr" Graduate New England Coenwrvatorr of Vai, Boston. Mam. Tuning. 83.00. Tabor 8674.1 ! l..i u i .Otn t- h.11 ft.- tf m f.-T talking L Bchwaa Puao Co, 111 Foarth at ONLY $1S BaaoUfui player piano. exoalWat . . rl,K SA mkumt anil. Wm.. W -n for your silent z4 M.rket st ! tuna KWAKE carlo a rand IS IT 1 .-J touen pmeci, annRs sa noca avjaaaa, gaa Harold 8. Gilbert. 384 Yamhill gt, CASH paid lor your OM plana- W buy aad aell for cash only. Beswrtty BHoraoa ja 100 4th SA 1 1914 FnnL nhu . . IDntl isis sMrf na. gee raago. dreatrra. bwreeasvH uiaa Poef l Vl RnSil !, taU. leotbor reefter aad enaua; high ehainv 1911 Bmck Ill ? thin, , msoemary to oosantot a. "U Maxa-v.v.v.v.v:::::::::::: III inJA' 1912 Cadillac 960 P W " f1.,V7?Tr?'- , SMALL upright pUno. 876. Broadway i6XI'HAT hav you to . exchange . for a mum r Sunday. Tabor 1474. . -I ooorset Ma 8016. c 129.60 HAND I boudoir Maaoa Eajalia arm I wew c: wrt ton. 264 Market st MH6NOG.RAPH,; rocoroa. bought acid akanaed. Hall A Casaidav. 12 lat . U Tn.a ir.SA vrtina.i. v T... ace; bargain.. H Mam $864. m. ii .' a ooa; kl CHICKERING. like gain. 312 Worcester bldg. vVANTaCD Pmbo or player, for eaaaT Ttete G-523. JonrnaL FOK better tuning, rumg. aad Maaos froat r " todsT T230 PUNOLaT60 ocordaT for aooda.lg , a-aj.aa, vw noma, lor gooa sella. vriric izv naimoa t TRADE your old piano fe talking bin. Harold B. wfTbart 984 Yamhill TA'ANIEI-7iaao. pay aaa., A4Alii3T: FIAJTOS. OVGATfS AKTj JCXTSICAX ' INSTRUMENTS 84 I CLOSING out anail . wpright ptaao for $46 " cask; 8360 Uabjer. 86 cash: 8450 In. ball hvrge saabegaay for $160 cash) ales nr- roaiiy aew, gaooern mmim upright, glbg; a . $42 oa at J1, sad ft $460 acw. $116 cash; fti$90 Beatty organ. $20. sad $115 Kunbell ecssa. $$ oasav - Piano storH 8 atmitblv. . becaxity Storan Cev. ml. d at Wash. s. ..... 01 L HEKICES V PhoAograpba and record .boughs, gold eicoangen ana sen lea. Kxpart rep tr ine. 143 hi 24. neaa Aider, nrwtairs. 20 DAILY bun '3376 cUiU is mT . 6281.26; 40 daily bays $850 Peayar pis a toss 23. $487.80. Best savings kwak ftw the house, aeoure nvasical education, anlerttliiali n aad the property. Schwas piano Co., Ill 4th. IF YOUR player piano at out of order write or pnoDo to v. n.rmr, expert Work uekly . sad mtiafaetorit. . S84 Markat t " ssam svix, - AU worn nlnt. WANTED Good piaoo or gasl Mala 44iL TYPEWRITE R - - , n NEW REMINGTON. reaUl plan, rent wlleai .' rwviin,. - v in pi mnoeta. REM TNQ ton TTPEvrRrrvB rvi , ' 88 Broadway. Braadwevi 4 821. GUARANTEED Factory Rebuilt Typowviteral "All Makee." ldoa mootbly rnsewta. Bead for price Hat The Wboloaal Tnraer Co.. Retail Dept. 821 Washington st REBUILT typewriter, supplies. Coroo rtiisr aw w. r-ease t. no otn. ' '. EOTAL typewriter (of sale, bargain. $10 De kam bldg. ALL MAXES typewriter rented sad r vragoa Type Oo.. 4A 8th. Mala 84. "1 " . i- i t j HOUSEHOLD COOPS FOB SALS $ -Why We Get. the Business d!nin chairs. pedestal dining tables. $11.90 l.$; rookcrs. $1.41 library il J?tUo'- M!r. TZ-ma- l Ti .n. n.T. rZlrT. 11 ' mTZ TTlJl-i 1V?2 111 ! J?. II,; ' IV' sTt V. r,,V V taoMS, wue; sew mna Mtcaera, im; bow tubs. " mnm'nyj.-- i i WOOD. cVmL gas 1 nation Garland rasa.' Take chaira. linoleius. rtieeeef wrv eheen. .. . . - ' . " peirwooo ins. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 'ALL aaschmes sold tat assst no agents are employed : vaaehm) rented, repaired. A-842S. Main . 9481. Bewiag Maehine Esaponuat 190 3d st near Taylor. . i $10.00 Taropkad aawtog .raacWaot eondltlrm. aowing vnarhine revitsd at 8, peg nroath. Pbon East 2369 or B-830T. E, R- 8 teen. 1(2 Grand ave.. near Relwuwra. x Electric Motors- Bought, sold, rented aad repaired. Walker Elaetrie Wnrt. Ala Im.. ; aids a annur ItUk lil. A.AMTA "MUSICAL IN8TRLMKNV.," Tywrlter.' and HonashAkt ri4. " . - i "f- . All sdverttsewsents of these goods are 1 published under their respective claa;iostiooa, 'r. the as (ITER. tO $10" !? Gnsranteed., W twat and tspaV. . v I AUTOMOBILES. MOTOhCYCIXH. LALNClii Bating can be found under the ' diXfereat I elastlfieaUona. FOR SALE One 4 burner ga rang wMa elevated ovwa and boiler, lst-el enndn-Mm. Csed short time. Cost now. 669. .Sail 839 fbnn Kt B780. Broadway 2079. O. L. Bchroeder. Rea. Wdln. 1960. 448 Flanders. - A-243S Portlaad. Oc Any aaaewn. New and second hand Al I FOR SALE A lioraevowa Geaeral-Elo- ! . "xoc. xyo is-.t., pnaae; asm. I "Tt Mower. yV ST?? Call 881 E. iota st, or pbon EXPANDING rone clutch en 8 81 6-loch abaK eoonter shafr 1 W tm 3 - nullem ft (at mtt I lrl.. portable forge, saw table and eoavtyor ehara. Tabor 8128. . ' " I ' ' - ... - - I REDUCED prices Cab roofing paper, alk sua, ol loeia. . v l-ev. - ik Front st, oo-T. tweon Yamhill and Taylor. LADIES desiring ' emcbet wnrk or having and"dTeinw Mi Trrr CVoCo'. llTiT. GILL ET. brand new. 3o0 teet. 7 inch as. - 35-laiht deep; also fin salmon rod. 684 FmatJII ave ' I'hmw MatlwnnH I SO - I - w-. . .. . I ui 1 1-1 M oonuiutmg ecale. ail - kinds; ,2? 'Tn'ttrfi " 5 I '1Wr- yrr cheap. ten st 34 Stark at ivu wiu iuhx i,, ran, vauonng sett aa Portland at 409 E. Morrison st sraly. The I 600 KS KUJVYJi or 600 bond ietterboMls. $2; t oww Bona piuneaav or atatemtaoy. 9 A. Is. Smith Printing Co . 204 Stark st - FkTUTH.l7.EK. Manure 'for gardVna FJit 181, C-1T. MEAT slicing cbln. 'Brkl;' latest; eery enesp. 829 Hal mow st I VACUUM .deaaers aoU. repaired, rested. - I ehanged. bought Rentier Co.. Mlo86x. I 66. COUPLtrTS BATH ROOM OUTFltliAA, I Northwyterw 11r) -Co.. 1 87 Front at NEW HOME aewtng asachln. $2Q;' bartaTaT i r-ara st. nr. xmnui. - . LNCALLED for 'tailor mad suits. 49.60 up. Tsylor th Tailor. 289 H Birmkh. BATHTUBS, sinks, toilet, pip aoeT" fit tins. A. i iiowara. zix 4ta t mono wsta 16. PLl'MBINU aoppoea. holeaal price. Slara- HkVw Co.; 319 84 et Main 797, ORIOLE aad storm ovt, $6.60. ; W i. FOR. RSX-4iagar aewtng machsBav TI3 Grand av., phone East 4940. JlEGER VljCTrMSWEJRa.' Main kill FURNITURE WANTED Pifer-Hamilton w 776.- Highest prVw paid for w4 famHaa. erDie, stoves, range, ate. W earl promptly. Want Household Furniture WILL PAT CASH."!' Phone Msta $$$2. - Call East 636 ii ruga, anything fa bnnaebtiM good, W I change yowr old fwrwituve for new WAN f ED Second heed fo mitiir. rangas and. stovoa. ete. WE PAY THE'beST PskaCEA. OKU AS niLS IT I BE CO, V 896 Kt Moevvaoa. Phone East 3288 i I WANTED Second hand furnUora. Itmmi waa.1 I -wn-i--aaMaaw..BB. . " - I reliable bows aad cat what aoaaa ,m. I rTT' " abcuob aioum. 2d aaar Xt- - I Bill akwi I f?fl m fl fl ut a, a fl tu r v r, t 1 T ffl. 1 ' IhW 3 tV df l li, " Z ' If gaa. I lUaOllasUai UWlinlUiiJ fl CeVt wish to eh teka kith- st prVe for yowr sm4 furullaie, sto, earpata. PHONE East 1816 whom yea want to aU yowr 1 farnrturt; . we win com rnmrr; .w wta com at oaco and pay it CASH. M. at SKATER. 86 " I av. corner Uniow. , WILL pay caah for soon boo. 24 hand fnr- BMore and atovwa. Call Et 294. GRAND RAPTDS FCRNTTrRll KX n 94-84 GRAND AVENUE ' NEED aacoad hand fur i tar, carpet, eta. . to3 abbs out of town. WUl pay asor taaa Port-- had i daaaira. Maia 4773. . . CUT fraight rate on bowashold goad shc4 1 Esat nd South. Maaoing WeYh A Transfer I Co.. 9th and Hoyt Broadway 103. A-1763. 1 I U ILL. ear caah far farnitafa A aa A mml E. 1694. I Lrr-v vv.uiu n-situn If i-l-f rsrs iiirha.1 j pnos for wed furniture. 864 3d. Maf 44. SWAP COLUMN i t$ 1 ...... ... . - . . . . 1 ' J stmnvanu for what hav ynuT. HiO A CaaaV I dsy, 126 1st st - Pnna Main 709. v I UOVJU geuw equity an a room saew. z ana. in I porUand, for need sato. Writ Roatg N. 2, I Jiuwaoaw. , I triLL tnda auoii araan had ior win oat Maia I 4878. b I f ' ' I WAJTTED HISCELLANEOUS . HJGHXST for gun. mraWml 1 kodaks and high grade liain. T4 4 .. war Cwk. IFULI value paid for 2 Sand AwOB. good and tuna. . I any quantity. Phone Mam 734. 201 hi It st a fAi8 klu-4 prtce. ior tweond hvd oloduag," tool. tc -273 Front, Mia 44:3. WANTED Bt les sootgwsis, cam, ' le Hoehfiekl. 88 3d t . tuonm Alain. 8581 sc .1 a ' sTr. i. " L. Tudwart 18 Frtit "V?? BKtman lUrdwar 213 kront Mla 3811 1 . . T ivii awnug. . Phoao Mara 4496. - ELLCTBIO fas, tent, rifle wanted. rJaia lilt'. I tColi84 tB JeU wUfTaajei, 49) . i