, THE OREGON DAILY " JOURNAL, PORTLAND, .THURSDAY. APRIL' 4, 1918 17 Tn? iwn offices - 11 I -: !. imvinit $7 .AUTOMOBILE, linn end store foe mL 60 CHEAP land. big crop.; high price bAV put , immniiw w. r.m eon. ms iinstn or Wanton Canada en a pros- ' i 1 ' 1 i ne: WAHTE9-TO REHT 7 JVUipjK ' fa-- if.- . -" i.v-V J. ' Z- a I have big bulk bale room noose la Bunnysins, Mb Tsoor or nsw- , IT TTT " 7 "T1 r. .. thorne nfimm. Tabor 1221, ' r- Jn,.C'sfo Florida than ever before; WAti i : , i . ! ' i more automobiles were bought hut year by - CHOICE aewly 'furnished rooms, also room with Canadian (umen than ever before Wntm . J light housekeeping j best location. Caned hu .truck Ite strkte and t mlm who vu rianoer. stsin eioe. .,,. ta, there now is going to make money for l nu neat nouseaeepin room ; u mm, i inn to come. parity footing that waa undreamed of before the world war. - More Western Canada farmer than ever before; more electric light: I A-7 2 8. Journal. J aoutb - of gaa Washington rOR BALE HOUSES ft BOUSES FO SALE ON EAST TERMS. . Aajrona who haa lived in tha City of .- Portland for) any length of time must confess that the opportunity offered at . thia time to noma aeekera waa never any , more favorable to bay a borne, in Along the lines of the Canadian Northern railway is some of tha best land in the country pries $1& to $25 per acre easy terms, and 128,000 160 acre FREE farms. Let us tell yon ail about Western Canada and . 7. Jn2' 1nd " told to American farmers in 1817 than in any one previous year. Bend for IHEE illustrated books and folders. Call on or address A. . Brodstedt, D. F, A P. A.. Dept. 11, Agent. Canadian Northern Bail way, 605 Hasting t.. Vancouver, B. C YGCB CHANCE IS IN CANADA Rich lands . ly . alt eases property is offered for aala .for lee than tha boose originally cost to build, that (round rata is not eon- eidered, and tha trans as a role are so reasonable that.alssoet anyone who is a 1 ' loeer of a home can enjoy to ba a home ' 1 owner which I is the duty of every work inc man to lestabllsh home for him- ' self and family. We have several, of . them from $1000 and upwards on lib eral terms. OTTO HAREHON REALTY CO.,- -I 4 IS Chamber of Commerce Bldg. and business ouportunitiae of ter mi inria. pendence: Farm lands, $11 to 130 acre; irri- to 0; 20 years to pay; $2000 loan rn fmproTementa, or ready made farms, loan of livestock; taxes average under ii cents an acre; no taxes on Improvements, per- ELECTRId fan. tens, rifle wanted. Mala 4498. iReads Like the Big Outdoors but, then, all sorts of wants are expressed .; through, The: Journal's classified and re " suits obtained.' ' - . ' f ' " V.A -.7 f - It's the People's Market Place TIMBEB 25 M equipped sawmill. In operation, inchid tec timber. A gsnuioe anap, cash repaired. 17000. . HOUCK, 110 10th st. 130,000,000 FEET red fir, ..mile Irons rait- roe a; laeai tor jramina w - tl.TB a thousand. One of the best operatins; shows near Portland, M. E,-Leo. 606 ;Cor- Ibett blhT. - - J' sonal property, or liTestock; good markets, 1 6HIPKNEES WANTED. LOEB BROS.. 902-S I -uwiit, mm, Hiepnones; excellent I BBOADWil HUKi., rtilLiA!tu, vn "" crape ana umK( prove rC Dpeclal homeseekers- f. certif'wrtU fd'free 'V-k5t V tTEi, Gambla- uuu.ktu. Atian ijsuwron, uenerai superintend- t, ' ' j- ; r, ".i. ent Land Branch, Canadian Pacific By.. 112 f CORD wood tiniber for sale, 1 mito from the WWU Ul 1WVS v "Jl, " .ww. BrsnrESS oppoHTuaiTiEg TJT yon are ambrtious and bare front $1009 te S2IV00nd your aerrtoee which you want to pot Into a business which paid net profit Ust year of. $5819 with only one man working answer thia ad. Money secured and can pay good salary. I want four alert men' who want to do things for Jobbers proposition. X-723. Journal. MTESTOCK S JC8T Off the farm some fine Jerseys, test from - 6.-3 ta -6. 4. bnttor fat and iraiu rtnrham and Holstela cows,, just fresh and coming la soon, ell hrge, young cows; see them at 46S Bberrett ave. Beuwoon ear, . v. TOGGENBERO fresh milch goats for sale an3 goass aula - lor tnianu and - mvalble. mont Goat Dairy. 2S E. odta St. N. D-11P9. . - - ' . 6th sse., Calgary, Albert. 10 ACRES, all in cultivation, close to Van- TALKUtO MACHINE BUSINESS EOS SALE WU1 Invoice about $8000; clean, live stock of standard works; well established and naiiiw TimTil' will etanil doSBSt ia?StlCa- 0 tion. Don't answer n nines yon have the money or good.-backing. M-733. Journal. courer.-sboot S acres in hofim mohinl. n kinds ofiemall fruit. Five room house; good barn and 'oilier mithniMinva L'..nu1 mwA Ll T CHANCE, to bny this beautiful home, I fenced. Close to school, on good road. Price stn ami risuimors. t ost fiu.ovv t yrs. ago. i eoouu. FOB WALK rARMS 17 J20 ACRES WATERFRONT Psrt cash. baL lnnffim . HI A Tjim. I . j 'a . .i . )m Use ft large rooms. atUc. full basement. Fox ber Ex. bldg. . b Bcre, for $10 down and $5 per fornsoe, strictly modem vpocco finish; wis built EVERGREEN: Station, 1 acre. 6 city lots, for month. 10 acres $20 down and $10 , per , . rt V . , onl": 1tJrf1 . price of l $650 cash. Dahlgren. 86th and month. Fine place to raise ducks, geeae and money could buy. bsll, Uvlngrom. dining room Lexington,. Eastmoreland. P. O..Parkwood, Or. chickens, as there is a large pond In rear; WE WANT a good live man to take charge of 8 states and anooint effects lor one ol the best Burglar Alarms oa the msrket. This i fast seller. Moms. U vnamoer oi Commeree. ' ' nwl . .... v.nL..i. fnn.i.h wtn B.111FOR BENT 2 seres fine ssrden Isnd. K. furnished, $10,000; unfurnished, $0000. Will . .7,0 "f Division. Also some pasture ad take $3000 cash, give time; or would consider Joining. Owner, Wdln. 580. . A or 0 room bungalow near school and -church. 5 There Is no debt on this property, and do not SUBURBAN ACREAGE 76 need the money; two large for us. This is one ACKB end half acre tracts, close to station on ol the best hornet in the city. Will be on the Oregon Electric, at Garden Home. Some manor only inree nays, ana tnose are my terms. hare ,mn houses. Cheap and easiest kind of : ahopping. Will be a boms forenoons. 86S Mkldtnore St., two blocks to Broadway earline, w to Alberta. Alameda park. I Ian ennd Tilsea to raise willow for market. Some all cleared and some partly cleared; from' $75 to $125 per acre. BELL REAL ESTATE CO., , 818 Railway Exchange Bldg. . FOR BALE! Half interest In The Dalles Bak ery. Reasonable. Hall eaan ana Daianoe iv be paid in monthly payments. Purchaser may have 10 year lease. John Woovaiaa. 11 b 2a st., 1 ne uauea. jt. ftivnv with S19S Mn km aoual half interest in auto repair snop wiui a reuaoie mechanic, profits $7 a aay to eacn panner. Call room 403 Dekum bldg. . terms. Only 1 5 minutes out. Gas, water, elec tricity, etc. Phone HcCormic. Main 9318. SUBURBAN HOMES 7 I- ,$50 Down, $10 Month : . ' 4 room plastered house, 40x100 lot, 6c car fare. Uond school. tPrice $760. - $100 IX)WN, $10 MONTH. 4 room plastered house 00x100 lot; good school; en carfare. Price $000. $100 DOWN. $10 MONTH. : ' 4 '. room plastered house, 156x62 lot; 8a srfsre; beautiful view. Price ;$125tf. .' '. $150 down. . ' 4 room house, completely furnished; 80x100 lot; street paved. Full price. $1460. OEO. T. MOORE CO.. AMngton bldg. ITROOM mwlern. ' full lot ...... . . . . . . $1600 room modern, 4 room metlern, moot modern. , t The best home A good 5 room house, lot 100, fenced; varMy of trees and small fruit A good outfit of furniture. In good condition, including a fine rrfsno, all for $1400. Terms on any or all of tne above. , GARDEN HOME ACRE HOMES 15, MLNUTES ON OREGON ELECTRIC, o Ja ai u u 1 ivji t Atits MISSOURI FARM t $12.60 PER ACRE 180 acres, 25 seres in cultivstion. 120 acres in good oak saw timber, grows abundance aeornj for hogs, mile to school, 4 miles to good market and high school, 3 springs, drilled well. Price $2000. $1000 cash, balance on time. nrr.i.luAN A 11OWLAND. ; ' . 8th and Main St.. Oregon City. Or. 484 EAST Washington St., table condiments factory having failed, will secruice entire equipment. 205 Jefferson st. BLACKSMITH shop and tools for sale very reasonable. Owner must leave town. ply 673 2d st. or 787 1st at. New 7 -room modern house with sere, all in I for SALE By owner. Stoek and farm ma- ctiltivation, nicely improved; snap at $2700, I chinery and ranch of .640 acres, all good soil. $800 cash, balance to suit. about 400 acres plow land. lenceo, gooa running Large modern 6-room house, and the best spring 'water, some timber, dose to school. 4 improved acre in Garden Home; fine outbuild- miles to P. O., 12 miles to good R. R. town. 17 lngs, .right close to station, only $3760, half miles to Poison, Mont. Price for all, $18.60 per cash. See this. acre : part cash, balance time at 6 . Address Strictly modern 6-room home; with 1 C. R. Bswyer. L-B. 373, Poison. Mont. nicely improved; close to station; sacrifice .n iiibes. 22 cultivation, deep well, family $jo casn; worth easy $4000. orchard, south slope, on rock road, 1M miles Three acres with improvements worth 1600 : I i.i.i..r.hnw .ml rhoamat era- all in cultivation; some fruit; 5 minutes to G. II .. Portland: unexcelled view Mt. Hood and M at.rinM ' nn t S.dn K. 1 M(. 1 1 , .1 Tr;; .1,; "rvcr' ,"..- i Tusuun vauey: i m" i"-:"r?r; SECOND hand barber supplies and chairs bought and sold. Ust your Darner snop wnn us. Portland Cutlery -Co.. 80 Btn at. , Two acres with 6 room house, large barn. ft Jf22 outbuildings; right on good auto road; 10 min ' .Vi- ?.,-.;A lion ntes to G. It station. Only $2300. worth !t '"'?! Kou2tl".i"'J45WO 13000, Very easy terms. 41V J ne in lortUnd for the price. REMEMBER Garden Home has-all ritv 3 ho $580O. terms. 811 H Bow t- Broadway 1418 hours. ACRES, hichly improved farm. 8 . cows. 2 horses, pigs, chickens, all machinery and nnnwantna i. .... U.K.. ' ItnnU- het SOll 1U OreffOnl IS BUieS ITOm fOri- wvu.w-buuvs swv, , ,1KUU. UUUllfSS. I , - . . . . -. etc.. at city nrices! irood school, church ,tr. land; price $6000, Hall casn. naiance w sui HOUCK, 110 10th st, ; : BUNGALOW BARGAINS ' ' 82100 ' good am to roads, etc. rilOXE APPOINTMENT TODAT. McCORMlC. Main 9318. GARDEN HOME t'ine acre, all in full . bear ing orchard, apples, pesrs, peaches, prunes; worth $1000. $750 today. Any terms, you want. 8 acres with improvements worth $600. all for $2700; $500 cash. 2 fine acres, only $1600; worth $2008; $800 aah, balance easy. Come today. PHONE M'CORMIO, MAIN 831. 6 per cent. Herman Peper. 620 Union ave, N East 4Z8D. THfil'SAXns of acres wheat and alfalfa land In Montana: Imoroved and unimproved, in parcels to suit; small payments down, balance crop payments, sosn uauo. nciuisa rcy. 620 Union eve. . - LEVEL loamy 20 acre home. 18 miles, bard road, $2500; small payment, reus, - sn leouver, Wash., Route -2. ; 15 ACRE farm for sale, 1 mile east of Farm- A fine newly , painted B i room bungalow at ington, xn county road, under cultivation. rnone can eoo. BARGAIN for cash. $850 buys mv home in It , 1 11 1. " ... . . - , , 1 tVAIlll 'A..A Vkil.i j . v. . , T, I 'ii. vr mn, UUSU UOUK, Sll illltSIltU ' W.v.wv.. UirUV - jmtisuju lb nr. oaiu; line locauon anu fnrnlshed. 2 Infs imtn rh..H I Vir. o . , i I r, ;a , .1 1 , 1 , . 1 . . , . . I . I I ' . v v.uuw.v, I . I I 1 nAI.D, UI B1UU.IK. M M. Ul U.IN A IWOI'H.. .".L.. !7 ."' maaQ" I Call at 6521 Gardner. Brentwood. a real farm In Colorado of 240 acres. Address J. I KARNOPP. I iriiiDKD Msla 678, Railway Exchange Bldg. , B Alt (Tain 8 worth "iN vest ioating1 290 Marguerite ave. or phone Tabor 4992. GUA11ANTTED AS REPRESENTED 8 room bungalow, elpse in, on Sellwood line. FOR BALE 160 a. level land. 80 a. cultiva tion, in Eastern Oregon; V fenced, plenty good water. 18 Revere at., rortisna. or. i GENERAL, LAND OFF1C& I . Washington. D. C. Retfce to hereby given that subject te tbe. ,p h.if mo in '.nlHvatinn: nehool SfTa lorand "instruct! of 1."A J" , ST J"t imunnnHoii 1'suu , oiwa iur guraeq anu i the eeeretarv of the interior of Santemho is I ance. ".. ahicknt. Kserificln. tiaiD sskii ...h IVMrJ.,. ne jutenor oi septemDer 16, . . ..... , . ..... . - mi, tne timoer on tne following lands win i , . room house on bt. Johns line. $1600. $400 be sold AnrU 24. 1918. at 10 o rlock a. n 2(T ACRES all cleared. 7 miles from Vancouver, . ..i . ... publio auction at the United States land I 1 mile from earline. $2500; terms. Inquire taulsi'M VwVArt ' otnee at ronuna. Oregon, to tne bigheet bid- tid. $3250, $1000 cash. , oer at not lrm than the appraised value as . "It.. 410 Henry bldg. ihowm by tbJ notice, sale to be iubject to the $8C60 6 rooms, Itawthorne district, 1 block spproval of Ae secretory of the interior. The from car; strictly modern, large, light, airy purchase price, with, an additional sum of one- tocms. Owner leaving city, fifth: of 1 per cent thereof, being commissions 880 Hancock st. FOR BEKT-FABMS 14 "A" CLOSE-IN"FARM ?K acres. 65 in cultivation. 24 minutes from $24008 rooms near Franklin hish school, allowed, must be deposited at time of sale. I Portland, near station. Well and windmill, water snwiern. A great oargain. juaay payments. I money to oe returnea u saie is not approved, I pipes to nouse ana - Darn, comioi uium ounu- 860 6 rooms, full lot. It fill rash. 1 1 0 I otherwise natcnt will lssua for tha timber whi.h I inn. Rent 47B ner annum. Will sell 8 cattle, per month, ituust be removed within. 10 years. Bids will 2 young mares, 2 pigs, 4 dozen chickens, all stoo $100 cash, $10 month, Richmond be Deceived from citizens of the United States. I farm' implements, l a acres of plowing, acres district good gsrden space. I assoeistions of such citizens and corporations 1 of growing fall crop; 4 tons of bay, 1 ton of m , nee yy. rt. svippey, aicaty oiag. jtisin n9. I orgamzea unaer toe laws oi vne umtea States 1 seea sorsi, a 7m woa ox rmim. jrncv wm .uvu. ' B ET' KE Sl3 N bST."ji OHNST ?f n,-?.t.-!- " 55.e;tof on i rrMiJw$aZ' nr .1 - Slut 2"JLJ?!SSa- " rinXr""y legal bdivirioT v?iUff.rwS " --2 07 Board wfTrnder'-' . Arbor Lodge. . $800; 8200 cash, , $10 monthly. P"',11 be"S" tifin? Ln0lRd8da w '2' "IS I BEAUTIFUL suburban 10 acres, across street sfred w. Uermsn Co.. 73 Cham, of Commerce. T, "Sa n Vt I. aiiA u i.UL TZ: "nm, wo 2'mxs l oaraen noma, au in - i t;- v.- - . ' " y i cultivation. - juoenenc soil. o acres orcnaru. TiOo DOWN. $6.98 MONTHLY MrcedarnV k7: W Ns'sTnl fir 670 i VU bttUt a TOom cotUg in wy dHap,dtl u.t jellow ftr 195 M., cedar 80 U.i NK4 Ham. rd W.j Urxix-vn Co., T8a Cbambcr of .on raeroe. cultivation.- Excellent soil. 6 acres orchard. Fair buildings. . W ill lease term years to re- sponsiDie party, A. K. HILL. 419 Henry bldg. BARGAIN. 5 room cottagej North Irvington 1m- fedat J6 0M.; B W 14 SB red fir 1790 proved district! nice lot. fruits trees. Price " ow5v.W 1790 $2600; formerly sold for $8600. Terms if HWK. red fir 1490 M.. cedsr 45 M.; NW14 tw u swi ft iu ir u sMia 9n j am W red fir 1010 M.. whlU fir 20 M7, FOR RENT 13 Acres.- poultry and fruit ranch iru A -is IT) a vevs SJk m. waaBaawa asaesy eajea v ej bssam would sell house furnishings and stock. Black' ' gooit portions paid. Phone Sell wood 2321, after p. m. uwner. M.; SW14 SW. red fir 1030 M., yellow I Bton hotel between 1 and 3 any afternoon. R. fir fjuu ai. 1- I B., a. o w.. Bee. ; nm I wnotsry. FINE Toggenbery bockl fine big pair ol -trained goats, 2 dandy Angoras and kids. Cheap., 4 .. . - . . 802 FRONT 8T. ' OR 8ALE 12 UmUy or dairy eews. all great milkers: also 1 nvktmd Hni.tn knil All cows deli rered free by auto truck. Ed Pammana. Greaham. .Or. . Phone 797. JUST- reeetved. for ' sale, 8 fresh milch cows. FRAZER M'LEAN tt CO.. ' - 240 R. 8th st, JL'ST arrived with 22 head of good cows; saost- u - iresn, soma springers; all breed. A. Hess. 9715 Foster road, near 9Tth sr. (Lenta). .i cents per aay. JrARTIC ULARb Woodlawa FRESH sow, also 1, coming fresh soon; both Heavy milkers : . also some f rnsr Imb mVH goats, cheap. Mats -6187. . GOOD S-year-AU h Ap- FOR SALE Sawmill, engine, .planer. . donkey engine. 9x10; capacity, 19.U0O lb; gooa con dition. Box 883, Newport, Or. . BONT WORRY I can sell or trade anything anywhere. Lay man, 145 Vi Broadway, FOR SALE Small store at school cheap; all alone. Phone Woodlawn 8836. CONFECTIONERY and light grocery; fine loca tion. 101O Belmont St. - MONET TO LOA7T REAL Y. STATE tl OUR Installment plan u the tbest and sorest method of paying a loan. $32.28 per month for 84 months or 21.24 for AO months, et $16.17 tot 86 months, pays $1000 loan aad Interest. Other amounts In proportion. We loan on improved city property Or for building purposes. Nn eommission eharsed. - EQUITABLE SAVINGS sV LOAN ASSOCIATION ' 242 Start at-, r-ortiana. ur. WE HAVE money to loan in any amount at current rate of Interest. No delay. If yon have the security, sew- us. McClure 4s Schmauch. Main 2801. ' MONET to loan oa improved property In most every town in Washington, Oregon ana laano; skme is paid back monthly like rent. B. B. cnanwiei, azz-zs n. w. tuns oiog. $250. $850. $400. $500. $850. $750. $1000 and laraea amounts at current rates. Quick action. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham. Com. BUILDING loans oa city or suburban property, money advanced as work progresses. W. Q. Beck. 215 and 216 sTatling bldg. Main 8407 MONET to loan in amounts of $100 to $5000 on city property. A. H. BEIX. 201 Gerllnger Bldg. MoUTGAGK loans, 6 and 7 per cent. Salomon ft Co., 408 Belling bldg. Louis CITY and farm loans; any amount; current , rates. K. F. Bryan, ol) cnam. of Commerce. CASH for mortgages, loans, contracts. F. H. Lewis, Room 4. l ewis pidg. Main 88B, $100 to $1600, consider lots. E. H. Dow ling , 617 Chamber of (Commerce. Marshall 2432 $500, $1000, $1500; private party; no com mission. J-oU. journal. I HAVE $1000 to $40,000 to loan on farm or city property. P. O. Box 878. MONET TO liOAIT CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 NEV. vellow fir 1450 M.. red cedar 60 U ' I in icnra 99 ...uti. I ....... " ...... , tfl OOKA - ...... ' 1 WW w- V ... .www , if sVC-f iiflTWir rtta-T'tii'r " k. "' i. - v. l"T, v. . iTIi . 'a w n , 1 bsrn; good soil; 14 miles from Portland, 8 1 ili.S.iL. wTvLS?,.'n; rUow 'ir i.60. M- ""J to. " . inile from station. Ineuire 263 Morrison st and paid for, at cost of $518. Owner going I that $2.00 per M. T. 18 S.. R. 6 W Bee. I .ACRE with small house at Wichita station. to war. -Will sell tor $2100 on easy terms. I $55 BE NE 14 . red fir 890 M. ; NK?4 BE. Chapman WenUer Co.. 1078 Hawthorne at 8th. red j, 410 M. ; BE V4 SEW. red fir 680 U. a-ilOOM"' "modern bungalow with Dutch kitchen NW14 SW14. red. fix 400 M.. not to be sold and. built-in conveniences, ctsnnletelr fur- tor less than 8 1.0? P?'.au T. 1 s.. R. 6 riisned with new furniture, a blks. from r line, $2200; $000 cash and term Tsboe 8678. i Salary LOANS . ChaUe ' J WE LOAN MONET On short notice to ssisried or working men cn their - own notes. - Weekly, semi-montblv monthly payments. . Each transaction strictly confidential, . - NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSER ABSOLUTELY NO BECURITTT. We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc, with ont, removal. CALL AND 1NVESTIOATB. . COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY, LICENSED. 87 Failing Bldg. $600. Si acre at SUnlev station. 8550. small house. Phone Miller, Sellwood 1714. evenings, 11 ACRES for rent or sale, 1 mile so-itS of J.mnemsn Jet. . Fhone evenings, SelL 1714 Phone horse. heifer tn T'e'uge fnr grrnil 802 FRONT ST. 6 FRESH cows $60 to $90. 10a FailingstT take Miss, car.- ' , JERSEY -calf for sale. 2 weeks ouL $1 6.' Salt wood 1450. POULTBT. PIQEOJT.V PET STOCK $7 CHICsTS AND HATmntn mnm from the wtntstr-lavtnw Whit T Mfu.-- .v. kind that vay for themselves again after the others have att laying. Chicks from our best late fall and winter layer. $15 per 100. Ein. e per , a 1.00 for 15. and BOe extra for packing aad shipping charges oa single set S.'v Maguire. 787-Oregosi at. phone 1 THE PROCRICfUtrriE wlTCrrrnv . 1584 E. 12th St. N. Phonn WonHkni'lllll Hells Oregou Agrioultural coUece In-xieniuct White Leghorn chicks. We -rinn't t w.k. adverUsement. "Keep the Home Fires Bnrnina- - Day old chicks tig p,, JOo n'l 18 P" 100 Rhode Island Beds 818 oar 100 AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 41 FORDS DODGES 'BUTCXJ I )TOR SALE nSCEtlATrivTC 1 ALL mac rase sold tar lsmi a - aavata are employed 1 mishmee rented, repaired. A-$$l, Mala 94 31. Sewing AUrbiM Essportum, 180 84 ec smsvt 7aysoc "We have a large stock af light, eeoaamicsl rata, which we are ami to dispose et at east te mv he ks the time to, save eosae money ea ...l - J m. stka f.ni.. 4 m. Me. ml oar list: uSIU.LaJ drophead sewing mactisMS 1914 Ford. eTtrws i......l'??v with attar setts; aB are ta vary ?? aa exams good condition. mschiase teated at S ?sod eew 250 AS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.!.! $5 ....H 1918 Ford, first ska ... 1913 Baick 1911 Baick 1912 Maxwell 1912 Cedilla 1909- Chalmers deBvery. good shape r saontb. Phone Ernst kll mr B-A80I.'- K. Steew. 162 Orand ae.. aar Berssoat 1914 Chslssra. first clam rerd. ar one-ton track 1914 Overlaad deHvery. first clam . 860 - Electric Motors ! Boagbt. sold, rvatoel and repetred. Walker Elactris Works, 41S Jngra aide s aorasr Iftta. Broadway e A-6T4. WE HAVE AT FKE8ENT SOME EXCEP TIONAL, BARGAINS IN USED CARS. IN CLUDING SOME SLIGHTLY USED; - PACKAEDS HUDSONS PIERCE ARROWS , rniTums . . CADILLACS . OVERLANDS a ' These ears have all been everttaaled and re painted aad the price ia right, PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. 10th and Burnzids sts. Broadway 821 WHITE Leghorn setting eggs, heavy winter lay- u uspmnsa sues, - per 100. - 800 1 -day-old chicks for Anril ft ik . ma i. iwimron, mruon, ur.. K. 1. WALTER HOt.AN strain White Leghorn hateh- m egp irom neavy laying stock. 81.25 for 15: $7 for 100 ezca. 2141 P. uri. r.. nor ivuo. EGGS for hatching from extra fine large win ter laying strain ft. O. R. L Reds, none bet ter; only 81.60 for 1 eggs; $7:50 foe 100. a. a mitcwu, vrrenco. or. CRUPKB,, Barred Rock. Elliot red. O. A. & White Leghorn eggs for hatching. Leave or ders for chicks. Tabor- 4070. W. H. Wfl. liams. 6617 73d st. 8. E.. Portland. WHITE Leghorn baby chicks, from heavy earing tnogamxeai stock. March delivery. $11 per 1?0 .- April. $10. We guarantee safe arrival. The Pioneer Hatchery. Petalnma. Calif. 1 60 LAYING pullets, Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks, White Leghorns; gentle driving plow horse; harness; two light spring wagons. Cheap. ... oiw f... asonianiie car. WANT 2 or S colonies of beleal Will trade laying hena er pay cash If low in rrice. Want Belgian and New Zealand hares in pain, N. E. Copper, Oak Grove. Or. BARGAIN HUNTERS. READ I We . are offering this week at very attractive prices the following cars. Call and Inspect them Ree four, touring $428 Cadillac four, touring 860 Overlaad touring Pope-Hartford touring Flanders touring .................... Hubmobfle, touring 1 NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY SILVER Camptne lay like Leghorn; eggs $2.60 per 16. Mrs. Grara Ttanlslev rnhmM. ki.4 and Delaware eve.. Portland. Or. Woodlawn 819 A FEW thoroughbred White Leghorn and RhU bland 8516. bens tog sale cheap. . Phone Tabor EGGS for hatching, from fine R. L Reds. AAibiIl Sllwood 868 or call at 4445 45th st. and Holaate S. FL 8 LAYING henr and 1 thoroughbred, R. L Rl rooster to trade for a bed. spring aad mat- w oou vug. rnone Tabor 8768. CHICKS. White Leghorn: free ranee, traa ed foundation stock. Master Incabator Co.. 418 Jessup st., Portland. Or. Woodlawa 4844. BLA MIKOROA .arm. 61 per setting of It," , 4202 76th st. S. E. No Snnday sales. FOR IR RALE 20 White Leghorn laying pullets 81.25 each; also a brooder. Rellwood 3211. FOR SALE Setting ben and mrtahla ebik house. East 177. 492 Ross. I FOR RENT 5 acres, E. 92d and Hassalo sr..' 1 block nortn lit Hood depot. Fhone K. 4791. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 84 Sen. 29: SW SWV. red fir 1900 M I or write to W. F. Miller. MilwanMa. Or.. 'Rj 2. tn suit. I not to oa soia at less man ei.ou per ja. T. 10 - 4t8.. R. 2 E.. See. 8; SEHNW. red fir ,iAXr BY OWNER HAWTIIORNE DISTRICT j s W St. red fir WMTnot' IrbTaoir?! Modern T room bungalow with furniture; nrioe 1 1 et itn n. XI T A a o a. v nd term reasonsbl.) none but prospecave buy- gee. ; Lot 7. red fir 405 M. ; Lot 8. red era need applyi CaU any time. 1086 E. Lincoln fir. 460 M.; Lot 9. red fir 695 M. ; 8E St.. corner 87th. - BE 14, red fir 675 M.; not to be sold for less BARGAINS iOne 7 room home, choloe loca- than $1J0 PerM. CLAY TALLMAN, tloa; very Substantial. $8760. One room; Commissioner, very excellent, fine location. $6750. Don t fail GENERAL Land Office, Washington, D. C..' to se these homes. Irvington lots 50x100 March 4. 1918-Notlce Is hereby given that - aril goxioo. East 273. W. H. Herdman. aubjeoe. to the conditions and limitations of tha 20 acres in cultivation. 7 room house, barn. LOT WItIT'HOUSE' hact of Jnne 9. 1918 (89 Stat.. 218). and the 214 miles to store, 5 miles to Estaoada oar end bsrn for sale cheap, $630. at Humboldt I instructions of the secretary of the interior of line. 1 H million feet fir timber which ' can at., between Concord street and Fatten ave. I September 16. 1917, the timber on the follow- sell for $2000. Price $5000. Will take home Jail Wdlwn. 8001. I mi lamu win um raw ira ai iv u Alblna district to aoouv. 134 ACRES. 70 in cultivation, 6 room house, water In house and barn. Large barn, stanch ioned for 32 cows. Team, 6 cows, 6 heifers, wagon, plow, mower, rake. Will take Portland property. Booming bouse, business lot. ; Price $14,500. oa A CRM If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Loans made to persona on salary or fixed income, on household furniture, pianos, diamonds and other personal property. legal rates. Business con fidential; private offices. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY Licensed. 806-807 Dekum Bldg. THOROUGHBRED W. Columbia 669. L. setting eggs. 76c 1918 Packard Six .................. aad -lions. hold 4 Ss- asm awnasat- mMmmtfU aaUoae, AO advertiaaeneata af tswn. sssnt ana 1912 Maxwell extra need sheas 889 1 fi 1 7 arna.n.k All-. V .Image - - . mmmt 1916 Baick, roadHer ................ 1911 Dodge, touring ..... 4 ......... . 409 1917 Dodge, roadster, extras .......... 860 1911 Uadeoa Bnper-Siz. bght. new. . . . . .svv MANY OTHERS 1 ' - See oar stock before pvchaalaf atoewaere. as COVEY MOTOR CAR OOMTANT. . 21st and WashlngtoB Bta. . t Malm 6244 , FOR SALEn Delivery- Overland. ' Can be 6th and Taylor sts. ea at Portland Oarage. puvusnssi and.r their LOOK THEM OTES. W to $ 1 0 25&i5rwtAa Cnsrsateed, We rent and repair. ' 1T2 Third St. Mala 1846. A-181). lUTOMublLES. MoTORCYi'IJa. LALNClTEl ee koala are separate ciasmificati.as. A ksrge BstlBg .caa be . few ad smdec taese different els ws flea ttovss. tOm SALE One 4 burner gaa ranee" wua elevated ms and boUer. lst-elaaa cwadittna. Used abort Una Coat aew. 880. Bell 420 i'Kone Kast 6780. bestet. wtaaie ra good condition; I FOR BALE Gas rasa table. AUTOMOBILE! WANTED 78 Spot carh Paid for late aaedd tearing can aad roadstarv Mast be ta good coaditioa. - . THE CnED CAR EXCHANGE 27 Washington street . , Broadway 6468 WiLL pat toU spot CAStl for yoUr 1 riT ivau FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE. East 8770. E. 18th and Hawthorne se WE WILL PAY CASH e. gi three aeeteva. biaek aad springs. 1498 K. 1 1 Ik K. laww 65M2. ' - Broadway 2079. whaira, BSrtwes- Ppeske Weee ffilni ft fr G. L. Schreeder. RWdla.1.58. sTOILB.V.ySrS New and steena ha ad All dens Aay emewas. iH SALE A'ea bornspewer bsHserai SmmZ trie motor, type R. L. siagle phase) asm one forge blower. Call $11 K. 10U a,, a paoae For aaed Ferds. touring, roadster or . delivery. PALACE GARAGE CO.. 12ta aad Stark eta. Broadway 1672 Phones A-2442. AUTOMOBILE wanted. W1U give clear title EXPANDING eooe oiateh oa 2 $-14 Ueh ahalT Counter abaft 1 hk to 2 la., puUrys 8 to 89 chain. Tabor 8126. 1 YOUNG man enbeet to dnvtt haa a bareea. trunk, leather traveling bag aad aa A'l over eeat to be sold at a low pnne. Pbnae 1168. it, wantea. Will alve clear title I . , a . ' ., . . . . -.1 ta some eood aaricnlrure Umf ne Tssirin. " r--r. " Ber. -r reach to Newport and Waldport XtS" I" J.- J- .tf J" '"""N"'" beaches, IL Burly. 683 Irving. Marshall 2kS. 1 1" TsmhiO and Taylor. J. . r.l . L . . I I A III 1 tH.. ITIuTmw. lor sale. Bend lOe tor "Book of IKstlgna ' and dV tails. Int. Trading Crochet Co , 2K8 $4 sC SLIGHTLY aaed eosnjMiUng eseles. all anU: else cheese cutters, col lee mills aad meat. spot Cash for yoi h xjrd earl e. Ransom. 209 cxion ave n. CORNER HOIXADAY. PHONE EAST 804. WANTED A light 6 -passenger tourina ear in good condition ; Ford. Dodge or Maxwell pre. JtT-ir'ii . as Tatars, ferred. WU1 pay eash. E-706. JournaL I g"'.!"?1, 4 RICHEST pricwTpaiOoriutolnobile.; corvdi- JOtf?!? turn no obieet. 121 N. Id n. Bdwv. 2a I - alUntly used, gooa as new. asargaia, avJ. . ..i : . . 1 , I Journal. 1 CrtSJ VSSnJy" .,.C- 10U .01 floa ED . PRick taUonag avid sa ' I . 1. I J . . SP UaM A. m.im - k. erld'e Mroant tailor. 600 ENVELOPES or 600 bond Mtaracadv heads or st s tense dUu $1.76. AS at.rk mm ' WANTED 6-pasa. light car. .Will trade er pay cash. 188 d St. BOO nn nillh. AUTOS FOR niRE. $1 I Smith PrtnrJng to . 904 Stark st. AUTO lUMLNU A.Si ne.utcat CAsl We are prepared to tow yoar ante aay here you wisa. uny and nignt servlee. LONG t SILVA. Phono East' 6946. 450 850 250 180 Broadway at Couch Broadway 1460 AUTOS FOR HTRB WITHOUT DRIVERS BranS. new care. Reasonable rates. . Fearing A Rotmett. City Garage. 8$ 10th. Between Stark aad Oak. Broadway 840 AUTOS without drTvers tof hire. Couchmsn A Sullivan. lOta-YamhiU. MOTORCTCLES-BICTCLitS BICYCLES MOTORCYCLES. . i-EitlXLlZk,U, Wanare for nrdena. Kaet lit, C-2S74. cleaners sld. repaired, re ted, et - changed, bought Bewtley Co. Uala 8662. $55. COMPLETE BATFI BOOM OrTFIT. $55. Ncrthwestera Pipe Co.. 187 Front rt tNCALLfcO for tailor saade auita. $.$ up. Taykw the Tailor. t Barnstde.' iATlITfliS. sinks, tolleu. pipe aad 5 (Utlnr? A- Lf Howard, f 12 4 th st. Phone Main 10. I Burnauk potatoee for sale or trade, k&e lOO Iba. Mrs. W. Howard, 188 N. 16th. w.l a.- 1 11 - . .-i. 1-. I PLl.MBINU aanvlies, waoleaass t'l Ilavss Co , 212 ad si. Msla 187 8 lark- Large stock of new and aaed machines. . I DKorilEAD sewing machine. $9: bargain, 191 DAYTON CYCLE GO., 68 6th st I Farb st.. near YamhilL - FOR SALE Clasp; 1917 motorcycle, tandem. I YEAR-OLD Coaooid grape pkate glieea. T5T nearly new) aeeessoriea. Alberta car line. MOTORCYCLE Looks and rune like new 1241 E. $0th st. N. I Hswthnrne eve. East 616. Bargain. Swank. Main 4190. LAUNCHES AND BOATS FURNITURE WANTED ' 74 Pifer-Hamiltorr 88-90 On ad gvoaae. , W..A ... 6 I J, ' uww. Amm ft.". n . . oi T. ... . . w I . w ismsiMV, nvpns, nsw. 11- nroKnosi. a a wswpown stoves, rangws. eto. We ran promptly. engine, so aoou ronnini ooviojtKni, v. neap, u taken at once. Albert Laae, Wash, at, dock, Portland, Or., care sir. Martina. W A N TED Two good floating cull logs, about "Want Household Furniture SO inches diameter aad 40-ft. king. hoase boat. B 916. Journal. for WILL rbone PAT Maia CAftTL SB82. USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN 3511 aasa...,f... $880 1918 aee. 6 pass.. 4 erl ............ . 450 1912 Mitchell. 8 pass,. ij ........ ... 860 1917 Mitchell, ft pass.. cyi 960 1917 Overland. 7 pass.. S cyt 880 1916 Mtudebaser. 7 pass.. cyi....... 600 f1' T pass.. 6 eyl 660 1916 Jeffery. ft pass, cyi 800 TSKD CAR DEPARTMENT MITCHELL, LEWIS A STAVES CO. East Morrison at First St. East 7272 Phones B-1216 PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portland business men to protect borrower. C. MTER8 HERMAN, Mgr.. 894 STARK ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY, PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. LOANS WANTED 86 WILL sell well secured $700 1st mortgage, ' sale contract oa house. 8 interest, payable monthly. A. B HII.lv 419 Henry bldg. DOGS, BIRDS. PETS. ETC. 46 EXCEPTIONALY fins Fleminea Giant does for sale. None better, 1281 80th at. H Alberta car to end of line. AN'L,Aird1 yhT Stete age. price anA if will take laying hena ta trade. N. E. wHfwr, su urovs, JT. BEAUTIFUL orange birds for sale. Hi N. 24th u vau at side a 00c. Main 0499. WANTED Spit and Fog Terriers under 1, year-old. B-917. Journal. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 .K.n .non 1. 7. 1 nia uiuu limnsw imlM 1, 7 ooio Italue aa shown by this notice, sale to be sub let. B. JS. -i. . I, . .1.. .1 'SUm .1 $ittO MOD. S rn, bungalow, near Vanoou- I tsrior. The purchase price, with sn additional 1"": ver ana gTsmont, ouu essn. DILLMAN. A HOWLAND, st. Oregon City. Or. 4316 ,88th iy'ir-ti-t- P' iarMi All fenced and eross-lenced; fair House. sum ol one imu m -a per cent inereoi. belngir.r- .Tr; "1. ImiI kiliM naa eommiions aUowsd. must bs deposited st the 'wluohaV.. f rftroSerrf l4 time ef ssle. monsrto be. returned if sals is SwvSS Sm clt property. ; 814 not snoroved. otherwise patent will issue for Lumber Exchange bldg. i G. O. GOLDEN BERG. Ablnrtnn hM. ' '5 years In Portland." : i Main 4808. FOB SALE BT owner, good 8 room shack, full 't7a0VaS0 2Z. 81 A c.nS ,.Ui . "P1, yearsT Bids wiU be received .from eitisen. of . a I ou ; ot down, $10 month. 6 Interest; also I Jk? r-rfitt states nssneiarinn. of mchViTJll two vacant tots. I. J. Boyce. 82 Elllingsworth. LIIM ,Sw ONLY 82100 CIXISB BY ST. JOHNS. I tha United States - iw,? T Tacm houses, good location, and over I triet thereof only. Upon application of a quaU- I George P. Henry. 829 Henry bldg. n iuu kk. i oa siree unprovemenu lnciuaea I fled purchaser tne umoer on any legal subdi-I ences, Portland Realty Board. . . ST. IT m. saalBlBa 1 . . ... r m n . . . v m . I .. t r,. ..u.r uuu. I vision wui ne oiiereu separately oeiore bo- ITX roomsTstory and hslf. 3 bedrooms, iot 45i i i.o,ud a1 fte iw l?r" Un' .109. good school, walking disUncsT Franklin W8" h' Jl higu. - . caan price $2250 s terms. 62500. No 1 reu sir o . - -j-";. J. "r I hiuse aa first payment. Stock and oquipment go liwumbraiicee. Phone Tabor 6898. !-. i, 'ST Vima "rn 42 le" with farm. Nellan A Pnrkhfll. 219 Lombermens Sl Ml 75 n V.- "T?- "y- I Mrf nth and Stark sts. , , - , , ., vw I m is. i , .- ei. ia, uougias iir ovv as.: nw. k. -wv vlu, I MS. ; , uougias jir lav at, annro h. timber, which must be removed within ml NOTICE. If your prop'y, either ciry. larm or acre age, has merit and is for exchange or sale, call and corporations organised under the laws of lor write full particulars: no inflated values eon- the United States or any state, territory or die- Isidered; have first class list to select -from. iteler- 28 ACRE SUBURBAN FARM. Only an hour out from Portland center. right at station on electric. Will take good bldg., 6th and Stark sts. potUM. 'mfW mwfin, icrnis.. o. v. GOiiinoBKKG, AMngton bldg. incense cedsr 80 1 160 ACRES in Central Oregon, 125 acres ta ; BE. NE. K. Douglas fir 850 IS.; 8W. 14 I cultivation, 10 acres in alfalfa. 80 at t XV. u TVmelaa fir 950 M. N K ti NW. ti I nwti for' alfalfa. All anb-irrintod. fenced and Il87B TWiS" hmiAafafjl I stFlfT ft nwifn. sislniasm lea' ' I Douglas fir 1620 M.. incense cedar 50 M. : NW. I cross-fenced. On county road; fair buildings. . - .... . .v... ,,,, . . . ... . , . . , , . v , , . I i , . .mt. i , l. ssuu oown, balance terms, lnauire 840 E. I t t ""im m, nm ss incenee ceaar I near kuwu oon bu vnvwv Ankeay st I 40 M.; BE. NW. -t. uouglas tig 7 BO" M in- I ana wiu assume.' 814 lAimoer r.x. pidg. RICHMOND distneti - a block, ear. 8 room 5? gV9 iiLnJ-r . ?' ""j? M.a-.yCh.ftmberWof Cm.M.r.. W 881- '. FOR- SALE hy owner. attracUve modem bun- SB. 14. Douglas fir 860 M.; SW. 14 BE. , galow is E. ft Park. May be seen between Douglas fir 550 M.. incense cedar 40 M., red 80 and 6:80. . except Sundays. 660 E. 65th N. cedar 10 M.; NE. 14 6W. 14. Douglas fir 790 "ROSE CITY PARK 82100 takes B-rnom bunt nBe?te 70 M. ; MW.'-HAW. H. . . . . . . - . I 8 Wvt -. gsiow. on eotn sr., Diocts north of car; street paved and paid. No agents. Tabor 6441. $t0. $100 CAH, $16 a month, buys 8 room eottage. weet side, fine corner lot. M. ' R L D0B Corbett bldg. . S-ROOM house for sale. 8 fruit trees, lot 50x 100 ft., near Portsmouth station, i hik. from ear Hne.- Inquire at 1715 Clarendon st. I conditions and limitations of the Act of June to exchange for Portland property, write or see Mr. . Beery, . GEO. T. MOORE CO., Ablngton bldg. 4 FIVE room cottages Tn restricted district. Ground 100x100: all rented. Price 86000 Want country home, at least one acre, aad will Douglas fir 970 M.. incense cedar 150 M.: BE. I assume. 814 number kx. owg. b, 14. Douglas lir ouo As.; bw. BW. 14. Dbnglas fir 800 M.. none of which ahall be sold tor lass than 81.28 per M. CLAY TALLMAN. Commissioner. 25 LOTS, 50x100 each, in Klamath falls. ! clear, for roruana property. Morris, 491 1 Chamber of Commerce. . . 5 ROOM modern bungalow, full lot, for 25x100 or 6x50 foot lot. with good 3 or 4 room bouse, woodlawn U7. NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT .1 TIMBER Notice to hereby given that aubiecfr to the 1SChANGE-81'60O equity in 4 acres lav naiiinnm ina umiuwini tn YiMt Afr nr jnnfl t t a - . sT" bftAsi v. 1 rsrrrr .1 lo nn in w 9111 ivA i . proveo, 'mwwos ouw w traae lor equity " ria carune.1-1 --- -1 zc'i r; "'"rrrr u house ana lot. n-oot. journal. i ' mAVWi esvw uowni naiance monthly. Ills lul w nrxirimij yi vue luivtuv. 01 nejjKjiwr I . , vvir , yr , R 80th st, N. .oas moniaijr. i ,5 1917 ambor m th, foUowina lands 1 10ACRES good land, Clackamas county, also Eg ?AL "tructed i suitable IZ"' ItittlX X. Fordr.-" 409 Swetlb,. ti w Trt. " qzB- - I fiee at Portland, Oregon, to the highest bidder at I FOR BALE or rent, 2 cheap, one 4 and one FUR HALE o room modern house; terms. I not lass than the SDDraiaed value as shown by 1 room bouses. Phone Tabor 138. CaH Sell. 2682. - , I this notice, sale, to be .subiect to the armroval I -.t. . : tJ.ir- J l : i-iuj. If h. t.He -Ph. ,,., 1IVJ" nr-ovio u ,or property viu.uhbmi ' " vv coriaev nn, siivo. 1 --, , .:.rr- . --": I acetate aitossta aoi Bd st.. Portlands , " n, m. .. . i-nnet wi.n a i . nti .Ti.m a i mm M ,hmA,i,.M Mr I m rvi ens. vueiwui. sHuna T-iTinin ins mis auowvu. owa uu rann.. o-room tunnlsw. Is. h. .ii ... k. I w A vTi?n hvit. vstivb eludng fnrnlture. $2500. Eart 2838. returned if sT Z srrn nrheVwlU ' - ".-'Z-J:rZ " jau.TOiu.i, una 1 -room no use with 4 bed-IP0-1 wiu issue lor sue umoer wnico. must I hnat wnitin wn. snsnn f... uu.a Tlt nr.. wk tn -uiA. in k. I merous cuyers waiting. TihRt Pit .1I-..H.. Jl- 4 w.-- leeived from citisens of the United Statesv st- T5 5Jr " -.v-e-vw, sssviswtH v lUVIH UUD- I sm a4.An. w...U wljn. a. w. J 1 -j,.., ' rTw V . 4 win I aiaMWim Va alUU VlklAOUl aKUA SXJI ltJSa IVIUS trfw aniX4Nl Tinder the Uwa of the United Utfttes or Mir tUto, territory or district tharoof only. uxxm atikmuon or qnauiioa pnrca9T. tli w-s.ww.-o w s uvm 4UU- galow; $300 now, balance terms. ' Tab. 4477, FOB SALE LOTS Ku- I can sen quickly if G. C. GOLDES'BERG. ABINGTON BLDG. ID tears in Portland" Main 4803. ONE LOT IN . ELMHT7RM1 FOR SALE GHEAP SHACKS AND SMALL MOM Ed WANTED Must be N. B. and priced right. We have timber oa any legal subdivision will be offered I aamenms buyers waiting. Fred . W. U separately before being included : in any offer I Co.. 783 Cham, of Com. 1 01 a atrger unit. -Inside lot 80x100. northwmt eorna. 84tls nA S!. S5, "S ? I oot.t MOIJ8B- T -.. . . ' '. -;. w" . j. . 1 . a aa rt rw nr sou as., rea nr cow M.. hemlook 101 I RT V1H iNnnW Til 1 1 BW14 NE 14 . Vellow fir TOO 1.. d Mel s-Cl IVIC OIIUVI IUU 250 M.; BE 14 NEH. yellow fir 850 M red I 14 rooms, good furniture; close In $8 Hancock. O-SJI. JoamaL FOB SALE A bargain lot Call tabor 2472.' I a swa-e ru ' a- ,aj, , inuvw in du TTSX A w mwmm bjv.7-a iiuwiuti. Or 460 M. ; NE14 NW 14 . yellow fir 730 M I rent: worth $1250: for $900. rSJT ; ".afctrict. nMfo M oIn'eV " 4KA FrOak vetunga. gWH.. yellowf fir 200. M, red fir 90 M7; - t A HALL. 618 PANAMA BLDG. GARC EN tracts, west aide, -eitj ooavenienoe. k aR man W as a x .. cheap 1 avis', am u n at tf - - - 55 ' nuL .,7.ri " II ROOMS, nice place, close in: rent $30. iw I r." aJ" a J" l" sow no nr sou 1 , jr. jr. w.n f-mfaiwi . n.. 7 snap. CaH 188 Sd St. Portlaadi a, 6. 19 acre tracts, $68 to $200 I Z- 1. . oe nam rr sere. kcFartand. 608 ToTbld... rnZ K'SS A, 4 . ACRES for sale, $560. half cash. Valla I . ci or. van at 620 Ulitaa. I - , i Commissioner 1? mnm mnrlrrn hnnir rlnna iiT Will bu furniture. If aond and b.ipipch ajjd I reaaonaoie lor casn. . gr-iz. Journal. L. . .,....;...-.; I FOR SALE Rooming houso. 18 roeats, $5T3 CLAY TALLMAN, I cash; good business. Mrs, Alice J'usselL '. Genenl Land Offioa, 1 Camaa. W&,h. , gCTAIfCTAX 1 HAVE a few thousand dollars for invest ment of merit, with or without mv aarviaea. C-882. Journal. HORSES. TEHICXES. ETC. 18 GARAGES, BOUSES. CHICKEN B0CSE&. The portable kind Save yoa HERE ARE SOME GOOD BUYS Crane, la and let oa demonstrate! Msxwen 5 peaarnaar touring ear. .art painted sad over hauled; good tires, a d a . m-mw. ivrmi. dandy Pie at 644 Hood a. u. fm s 1 a Millmade Construction Co. : NEW TIRES What brand of Bew tires da yoa prefer f Wa have them, all makes and sisea. - Also we make the fa mous O-V-C Double Tread (sewed) tirns and do all manne of n m. pairing. Oregon Vnlraniitiag Co.. 883-838 Bora side near Broadway. ATTENTION HORSE BDYERb" We still have left a number of horses, harness and wagons, also several, farm wagons, that we must sell. Here are. a few of the bargains Black gelding. 6 yrs. old. short, blockv. chunk. a beauty, gentle, kind and true in all harness. eo. Browa gelding. 1100 lbs. 7 vears old. sound. true ta all harness, $65. Dapple browa mare, 8 years 01a, good, la all harness and a specially fine single driver. Weight 1140 lbs.. $63. - Blood bay mars. 1200 lba.. 7 vears old. fine animal anywhere, $85.. Brown gelding. 6 years ora. sound ana - true In harness, - 1Z0O lbs. ; oa. oorrei aeiumg, i.ou ins., a years 01a. Deel , j , . ,..m ,,. - ' horse In city for seme money; dead true; aU BARGAIN, 1814 Ford touring, for $350. Just hanww wmww ...i. .un. .i.. . nl overhauled last week.: nreatn an.1 -l..i matched teams of bays, browns and blacks, age r Lr! .netoJ K1"?n- rob ran, foot na Z200, zouo "V" . 1 w mux cover, same size THAYER. SHAVEK-GCLLT MACHINE COMPANY 1 Ton, $370 BUILDERS Of 1 H Ton, $420 ( EVERREADY TRUCK 2 Ton. $470 I ATTACHMENTS Capacity I Mfg. la Partis nd 198 E. Water st Phone East T4T from ft to 9 years, weighing from lbs. Per span. All of these hones have been working right up until a few days ago. are grain tea. ana reaay to get In and do your work, every one of them being in good flesh. Also 1 10001b. horse, best worker, $88. We have many sets of extra eood double barnesa. both heavy and medium Weight. Both Yankee oreechlng. and the regulation five ring western breeching. . We win set go cheap with horses. Everything must sell. The Russell St.. Transfer Storage Co.. corner Russell and Vancouver avenue, 1 block wen 01 yvmiams avenue. We have the finest assortment of vrrane geldings and mares weighing- from 1200 to 1T0O lbs., and mules weighing from 1000 to' 1400 lbs. Also 7 set of double horse harness. All stock sold with a guarantee. . Frazier& McLean 240 E. f TH AND MAIN STS. GOOD S ton camelback wagon, high grade surrey, several delivery wagons, farm wagons and all kinds of harness, 2' light saddles, 8 good carts cheap, as exchange for bom 802 FRONT ST. wheels front and rear. Acme Distillate burner. " ' . ' . ... uau,. .HU ASlVmOQ. ONE Ford chassis, $286. 1 Buick cbeeaas, $126 1 Chalmers chassis, $200. Have aaemi ears too good to wreck. Will sell at from $100 MI 9 A 1 W. g, LONG A BILTA. 469T Hawthorn, are. MIg. A Repairs. $000 guaranteed springs ta stock, prices reduced. $4 N. 16tb at, 'J.VL. '""tor fn excellent mechanical condition; haa good-cord ttreer apetlight, bumpeT other n n. Will aall n. olAV.?.., - - .v. . . w v , Hnu THB rSED CAR EXCHAWOB Used !Bnt Not Abused Cars" 7 'Washington Street Where Waahfngtoa and Barnsida afeet, vyv wveainga. JJIED CAB SNAPS 1917 Bnlek. Light Six. $956 . 1916 Oldsmobile Four. $700 1918 Suidebaker Fear, $760 Willys-Knight, I 00 Beo. touring. $660 Ilodga, touring. $828 -Overland, touring. $800 Stndekaker, roadster. $22$ Warren, roadster. $250 Auburn, touring, $160' OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON Broadway at Couch " " Broadway 2270 i naxoa a, a-i. spare 8780 1917 Stodeoaker 4. 7-pam.. apare! 1 1 ! ! ! I 600 1918 Maxwell, spare wheel and tire. Eke T76 F IAN Ob, ORGANS t AND KUS1CAL INSTRCBTENTS 84 . PIANO BARGAINS Call East 636 furniture, stoves. rags, anything ta household goads. I We ex. ' cTisnre your old furniture for new. r WANTED Second hand lurellsn. ran res and" survss. err. wk pit TUB BENT PRICES. MORGAN FURNITURE CO 1 , ' 89ft Kast McTtw-n. rhone Bast 3318 The following Instruments are on sale this I WANTAD StoeoA hand, insmiinm. lsi nC seea. MgMuuag . Mooaay. ,apru i: a reliable hove and get what goods are nmn. ' e svsw syiitus . mswf worta. fZZB. - . Hallet A Da vis, walnut ease. 1200. Bteinwsy. ebony ease. 8275. Armstrong, walnut case. 6190. t Mallet A Davis, rosewood case. $178. Whitney. French walnut case. 8188. . Webber pianola. Just like Bew. 8 80 A. Beautiful liaseltoa grand, satin finish, ma hogany rase, xeneci eouauion, fo.'l hiU th. Wilson s Auctioa IIossmv 2d awar Ta t. i wish to- ob tan fclgh- set price for your need fnmlttrre. stovea, earrwt-. PHONE East 7816 wbea yo want to sell your fumirure; we will coma at once 'and pay whs rimi xt ti tritrt ana tt.wtkrr. onuuiui mmism nimssnr. aansmsa BT.3U. I itt mm, v-aLnw suwKvss new, eooo,- . Suitable terms caa be arranged these instruments. it oa any of WILL pay cash for rooming hovsw. 2d hand far nitur. and stovw. Call Ea-t 294. t . GRAND RAPIDS I LKMTl HE EX. 64-86 ORASD AVKNCB. NEED second hand. furrrRure. carpetat etc. to ship out of town. . WiU pay more than port land dealers. Maia 4778. ' CUT " freight rates oa household goods shipped' Kaat ami gtanf h. Maiiv W.'r'V,'. A T-an.la. CLOhINU out small upright, piaao for $4$ .. Pt and Hort. Bmadwsy 793.- A-1701. cash; a $350 Gabler, $95 ash; $460 Xnva- W1..L pay oaali lot .amlluie of i toj rvosiu! ball large mahogany for $160 cash; also vir- K. 1694. . i tisally a-w. modern $376 upright, $190; a wrtrvoitAit l i. i.-l ' L..U..I 6426 one ai jio. ana Mu one. 6236 Vi ,ZTLa V7-iZ " m7Tmi TrVsT Come to Musical Floor," 7th LIPMAN, WOLFE & C0, eash; a $90 Beatty organ, $26. aad $136 Kimball organ, asa eaan. riaaos stored 60a monthly. oecunty Btorsge ia., 109 4tk at Wash. St. 0 rtonogTsphs and record bought, cold evenengwa sn reniea. r.lpert twpair- " SWAP COLUMB t ; WILL trade furniture, stoves 'and- musical in-" strusnenta for what have yoaf Hall day. 126 1st st. Fhone Mam 7098. WHAT have yvo to osonango awiirseT Main 8418. Ir. a masse 20e lng. 142 H 2 d. nee r Alder, jHUsrs. Y buys $176 piano loss 257 DAILY 8281.23; 40e daily bays $660 player plv lem 26 . $487.0. Beet savings bank fot t the WAITED MISCELLANEOUS J 4 1332- Front at, house, seen ree masioal educatloa. eaterteinaveat I Is where yoa caa obtain full value for youf id aand tooss. lank, etc. end the property, fccbwsa Fiano Co., Ill 4th. ;eoA.R T. PECK. PI A.v A iTX'rn Graduate New England CenservatorT of Music. I J5Hi xtoston, We bay. anything from , everywhere, no matter ' bow small or new aad aeesvad asunt baxdware aaa n. Mass. Tuning. 63.00. Tsbxr 6674 I wullding Bsateriai for aate. , ZJUS'k gl BUY, SELL AND TRADE kotl new 111 Fourth sc I HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Btcyclee. EleetiM Fans, 8900 EN ABE Da r lor a rand. IKlf. utU . .1 I Caah Kntisterav TrBewrtters, Bbowoases. Sewing tovjch perfect; Krameh A Bach square. $66 I afschlaee. shotguns. Rifias. MershsanWse. TOOL Harod S. GUbert. 864 Yamhill at, 'land JOverytltlng. , 1 - . . I u-iiiki sal a m an at a T rn sv . a a st at Bh gBsjtl 855COLLM6IA graphsphone wui. 80 yovds. WKWMAN. 126 1.' Main 4498. T.W 4798. Will asU or trade. MiUershlp. 431. Cnsunhwr I . DC "TtTDICTN ef Comaserca. v Dt, lllilll II I ' " - . . . CHICK ERIN G pi no, upright aiahg.. -very fine I Why net seTI your eaat-atY elothfng ia am. tnstrumenu lass uu casn. 190. Jeer- I llighe- prtree paid, call any time. naL CASH tstid7or your old piano. We btrr ana aeU for cash only. Security Storage Co.. inn eta ee. ii.ouiun ..a iwfiih, wu.ui., pjui aoa es c hanged. Hall A Cassiday, 126 1st st. M. 7098 FOR better tuning fixing. end pianos lroas factory, phone aUndom. Tabor 6076. today. TRADE your old piano for new talking mat chine. Harold B. Gilbert, 384 Yamhill st. WANTED-Piaao. pay cash. MarshaU 6246. WANTED Good piano er organ. Maia 44 96. TTFE WRITERS 77 Aim V yoa wlsli te sell your old eat. Coaditioa ss object, 231 -Front st T 1912 HUPMOBILE. 6 toMrlns mc In meclianical condition. - $ I SOTaan. NORTHWEST AUTO CO, Broadway at Couch. Piotwi-ay 146 J. MOTORS, tears bearings, wheels, axles: n wreck all makes of ear and sell their good wwm a. half amaa TWal 1 . . - and Flanders i FOR SALE cheap, one bay horse ia good eondl tion; weighing 1400; also single farm wagon. Most sell at once aa going to work la ahiD yard. Cell 796 1st, room .29. . - TT MAN'S full jewel gold watch for good work horse - aad single harness that caa ' plow. 1487 E. 7th at. N. . FINE span of young delivery mules cheep, or take horses or cattle in exchange. 802 FRONT ST. MoRSB and wagon. $1.2$ day; 2 horses aad we? gon. $2 6Q. 646 Front. Maia 2208. DEAD horses and animala hauled away free. Call Woodlawtt 20. Portland Rendering Co. . 10 HEAD good farm work horses, well fed ores winter. $60 to $150. 228 Alder st. JPJBV1 Go- Rroadwa; , i r. i i a, , nn art . I WW cwuuti. .W OIWQnr 1VS. WAS. stssn oay sunn, vv son., t.ov, one t ..... c ' r 1 ,, . ; ftli Shuttler wood wsgon with rack. $85; , LARtE stock of slightly ased ttres a low prions; one atncneu pisuorm spring rruit wagon. 840. I '.";',"'"-. V" . . s"ji ure repairing. E. F. Odell. Gresham. Or.. Route 8, Box 83. H. B. Black. 634 Aider st, Maia 1819. WE have about 25 heed of houses weighing from 1000 to 1600 lbs. each. ! These horses consist of mares with foal, draft bones, some farm chunks and street-used horses. We will sell cheap at Model Stables, 8th and Davis. CAPITAL STABLES, 287 FRONT Si ; Just received a carload of horses aad mare weighing from 1200 to 1600 lba.. 6 to 7 yrs. old, for sale. - - Dub rctlajs " TOP COw - ! ' th aad Oak. Broadway 1484 Fords Enameled $15.00 - 870 E. Morrison 8t i t-yiPn wt-ia.e h. iwa i -rhseirj eononion; win aeu very reeaimsBle. AVder street. . -.-.. FORD touring, eomoletely overbaalel. will. . traa. 887ft cash. Call Wdla. 4280, after 8:30 p. m. ' " MUST HAVE CAAH Late model Maxwell roadster, new tiros, look Ete new. owner, xaoor eoi. 1918 Hodsoa 640. T-peaV; spare. .I. . 600 1 P JT. lrtT WESTERN MOTOR CAR SALES COL. Broadway at Barpaide. WE SAVE yoa from 50 to 75 per cent oa all makes of typewriters. Bend lor oar prise lists. Wholesale Typewriter law PEOPLE'S SECOND HAXD STOBB Marshall 8226, or 209 Madisoa sC IV. 1 HIGHEST PRICU PAID FOR YOUR CAST-OFF CLOTlil.NO. SHOES, ETO. 129g N. ITH BT. CALL BROADWAY 284K Ri:T. AVIS TRA.lvi . Tenta, aamping outfits, tools. . otcyelea, ' trre writera. cash registers, show cs see, masiosl m atrnmeata, lumiiars. EtsryUiixig aadar .'the ' sun. i NEWMAN. 128 1st Maia 4446. Tabor 8T98. Second Hand Clothing;.: 7. METER. THE TAILOR, PAYS $7 $4 AND CP FOB 2D HAND SLITS. HE PATS uad vrtu snjkvs . v ii r-1 . vr IXTW 1 1 nil. NEW BEaflNGTONTrentsl plan, rent appUe to I MARSHALL- 1229 OR229 MADISON ST. I2'ff: ",.fjf . , I WE" BUY DLiMO"NDSTlLD &6llX. KHSL1U1U.1 IirSJita w.. I g n war tLurmtiw, h wti crsale nm. bmAioa and 88 Broadway. Broadway 4621. 1916 FORD toarlaa ear ta auniiame k n.?A!LJZl "-.Cnr. Jut rtei t m&i:r& i i ITHM UT. .laja naim Wli . aSat M. REBUILT typewriters, surylles. Corona dealers, I aalr jewelry, preeeamtlew Jowela a specially. c w. rease nv otn. I FVcxermg oo.. par l. w. nana aiog., ata IL ROYAL typewriter for aala, bargain." 610 Ie-1 JTJ" kum bldg. Portiaad. HCPMOBILE, S paaseoger. l$i7 model. Good year cord tires; perfect mechanical conditiosT real Urgsjn ; Urms to reeponalble party. Apply at grotdwtyi r.-- HAWTHORNE AUTO aOHOOL. 448 HAWTHORNS AVE. EVERYTHING MECHANICAL AND ELEC TRICALj CNLlMlTAiD; PRACTICAL RJPAl. gX PEiriAjaeNOggnV ' I Crteinlr- Pn aaa Aaa ' I st 4V 11 1 Ik I I PA. R f If AHKriL H?TroI7 bT1 v." gTri!1- nm VeU. Rabbet- Write ' far Oregea Type Co.. 94A Bth. Maia 366A .hspotng tag. Mara 1899. HOUSEHOLD OOOUS FOB SALg 1' VAhv Wa Rdt.iho RllCinoce Jeoods. . Prompt attentioa. East 4747.- X. M. Ill IJ IIU UVt tllta lUUIIIUUM I Beater. 148 Re Used Cars iu5 STOCK . - COVEY MOTOR CAR flat and Wssbingteva sta. Round oak pedestal dining tables, $11.40; dining chairs. 1 1.1 S ; rockers. 81.46; library table. $4.8$: pillows, pair. 81.48; child' rock ers, $1.46; bed. springs and mattress complete, $6.60: cook stoves. $6.90: ranges. $1LAOi gaa plates, 81.90; gas ovens, 81.65; go carta, $1.76; office desksw 811.60; refrigerators, $6.90; K. PRICK table. 90c; bowls and pitchers. 76s: aew tabs. I 4th st. ell st. Dei still lunlr Pn i 476S atylllU JUIliN Ul Hia-host arte for iaak af aU sJnde. for ahipptng tags and prseea. - ; - WANTED 2nd hand danoivlag pictare machi eompleu; must be esesp. Sea Oliver. H 331 wnto 201 i AUTO DRIVING SCHOOL t Teach yoa ta three ksssona. T07 LEWIS BCHaDING. 4TH AT OAK. RIGHT 66e: also included fat thia sale are carpets, ha- I to!G or Soutkl . ho-ssehokt aoods shipped1 CO. eJeum. gaa rang -a. drotsert bvreeus. Homo Fool I .jjim A satan. Paetf se Coast Forwardiaa - Maia 4244. toble. 1-Uvrr roelars ami .hairs; high ebeirs. eigldg.: M.rskvlu 2467. ta fact, ewytiing bp usury to esaapleto a 1 9 . , " rates. ' Cell. or write. PAIGE 6 pesseagar 1917 nsodeL perfect ta I set, - every ming necessary to exampioto a I j , . . i i ' 1 vw.. f. kT . .ii . i. I Ii u ; H IJ5T snsss for fuss, moasoai Usstraaneata. . plain figures aa a big yellow sal teg. .- . I kodaks aad high trade ? Till uinisnn. . 111 sa k.. smbv vm. ... - - - - - iosl eonditioo; looks and like - - i eruvittuu -A v i . I frf-f T. mIu naid fas 24 band goesa and run. hen- ewnstitaon. new: aarden. alrende in. mzmmrw. I aar-uaatity. Pbosse Mala 7 $4, 201 Vk let at, exc-pUon.ll, good bay. Apply at Cook A GUI 288 lithstl . . : wa-joaoss. i PA Y bluest r. bmi., s-A Lmmi n . m,l tBB " ' I tookt, etc 218 krei log segoad nand slothing. Mala 4 Sox. G. M. C, 2 ton. practically new. Bargain, "iuich . i- swa.. aa ar x. .k. ... 1916 FORD, extra equipments. $36V Ht Couch bldg. Mar. 4613. FEDERAL. 1 Vs ton truck with body. Cheap for . Quick sale. Terms. 89 N. Park st, - - 1916 MAXWELL for sale cheap. E-496, 1916 FORD. 4255. 41 1 ttiit ti. . JoamaL u ZLr" W roal. gas combiaattoa Carmaa raaga. w AXTKf-R. Wo. Wna, ameraa, U C-L8" i? 'L!f,fliorBr?trt: ' Take- chair. : linoleum, dresoar. ,7 ebeap. I W thf i.ML 85 d eU Phono alai. $511 WAVltle - B. n,iniww. a i .M-mmm change, 129 Lownedais t. at 15tA. and Wash-; tngtoa. : ynone gToaqway im HAVE good nail metal deUvery body, will work tt ever to m your car. or wui nana new en to suit. 49 Ksst Stn st, is. East 4099. FOR SALE Beautiful furniture of ft - home. . Ia good coaditioa. Tabor 7191. 1914 CHEVROLET too ring car; excellent eon dition. good tiros. 4485. Cslf Marshall 462. i$17 SER1XS " Stadebake ' $66v; big bargain. 214 E. 19th st. N. 1917- FORI) touring car; looks like new, rua 2000 nules, $4- CAR Marshall 663 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 Iaak l.fflfl 1-M. WANTED Bscowd hand tools, bfcycles, oteT Brttmaa Hardware. 31$ Front. Maia $411 WANTED To buy pvteluee. Simons. 1st aod Alder ste. ; ' , TT3 I WANT targe, seooad hand aoa: Jig. Tbone kaia 4682 I ELECTRIC fan, t t. rifle wanted. Main 461. lOrV. TENT. 2"0'5irE. BurSaida. ; ORIOLE and storm sum, $4.60. Wevdieea 41. -.-- FOR - RENT ninger eswuig Grand .ve.. phone East 4940 JAEGER VACUUM SWEEPERST lCoaUad ob loUowU;