THE -OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY. APRII 3, 1918. v rrW!OTP HOTTSE - - - M yOB tALHOtTgg -41 . nEVEI room boo, completely fttr-sJshed. fur- LAST CHANCE to bar thU Nutifui ' ome, nlttnw to excellent eondltlot ntw, iuM - 28th and &ktdmore. Jo $19,600 3 yra, aco. already to. Everything "us ready to walk la, Has large rooms, attic, fail bssement, Fo Mm mmtblt lit lltkit - furnace, strictly modern qiomo flmah: m Wilt 1 Af RlCHf mod.ra id h ' two. in i '!L J,'al -J - , ""ate-rial . strietsd district; larts eoroer lot. with dowbl .e?M BnJrS k"- Bring room. dining room . (are, so 34th tail Itewthome. WIU tnt f"hed 1 quarter oak, rest to natural far. To (of If 9 monin to tea-ponsible party. Mala 3274.-1' , ?-. Completely furnished, win mQ ATTRACTIVE bona. Jsnnlng. Led,.; rim' gl-tt? ensff "g' wTensider front: gas, electricity. Inquire at store or a" 1 Viot2ultol MODERN house, partly turnlehed, to rent to now tb MMTi two lart for as. This to Oft Land's add. Phone East 3668. of the best borne In too cHj. Will bo on tha ' iiEW groom bujicalow. . 440 JC 6 2d. $40. "nl re days, and thoao ara my terms. - Oarage if wanted. a." . bt"r- coma; bat don't- coma FTrTsISIIED or unu.-nUd I room house; 1 SmtJ. woklk.tT R-lTVarfira? " fenced In. Wo. 8 E. 47th at. N. ..rtrto,- jjaaaJSuTS Broadway eafilna. .,,, i - ArAHTMENTS ' 4t ypKWlWKB D AN D V NFURNTSHED VasUaLOe HALL, E. Ota and Hawthorn. Modem 1 1. I and S room apta.1 alz.aO ops walking dwancw. Eaat 863. .- - -. NU 4 room. steeping percbee, bard wood , fkmra. ' Oarflald. asl il nuui nr. union. . wood lawn 4aoz. GMEtt.N.wt, fumiaW .ad odi ; rneaa raaonabla, Bmgla rooma 93 par . 2nd and Yamhill. l-ENINftlXA. APT., Wood lawn SS0. 8b Johaa ' or M. A. ear. S. t. 4 rooma. $15 up. ' Till? 0kMhRZ-i ro.os. licht, i - Klandon. Nob Mill Hdwy. 8S7$. ..TWO room ttrnUbed apartment with bath. Har- uoart, etb and Harrtnon iti. TOB HE?f T-FLATW " II ; 4i$ Soi-UfJOU modefn appcr flat, alaopina porcb, (a not wat beater and othar atoves, - whh or without aaraca. 2S1 E. 2d, between Haaaalo and Mgrtnomtrf. , ' i ROOJa modern flat, ekiaa to abipyarda; rent $1$. Call Raat 8714. nMSnr57tlo ia."raaaonabta; ' Aaat 442i: " rTJRKgHE $ - LfPER 6 room flat. furnUhad, newly paperad, all light room. av4H Front at. HOTELS (4 A MiJL)lUtAtB PKlCEb Hot Ki, 6 Ukbli UOTSU CLIFFORD. Catt Uorrteoa at. and Eaat llxtk. 1 pw dy. $4 pwr wak - op. - - WTORE9 AWT OFFICES 11 UTOMOHllJk. itmi and utore foe rent. 60 Tuhln(toa tt. Eaat 6504. WATynTO BEHT .VANTKD To rent S-rocm modern buncalow near Roaa Cltv Park or Mbntatrilla ear line. Would '111 to lean at reaaonable rant. Mo children. Call Tabor 7792. fEBEZEEF35ST51. thorns diet. ; reference Tabor 1221. newly fumtahed rooms, also room with alcove, for llfht honsekeepinc; best location. TO F lander. Main 6706. TWO neat bousskeeplnf rooms: cae ranee, ' eleetrle Ucht; south ; of Washinfton it A-788. Journal. ! VTANTkU L'nfurnUihed room with kiuhenetu; Itum ' k(M.tai : v$tt aAAm nrmfmrrmA 1062. alWlTUk rant. Call East 8847. : - WANTED room furnbhed flat, reaaonabla. K-648. Jonrnala FOR SALE HOUSES 1 CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW . - ; B08B CITT PARK $$1(0 All floors hardwood, Svinf room acrom en f tire aouae, small den, bis kitchen. 2 bed rooms, full basement, furnace, fireplace, bK 'concrete porch oa front' and aide, climbing- rosea, . vines on porrb. rosea around entire lot. nice lawn, eome trees, fourth houso south of car -. on 45th eL, in a bungalow block. DO NOT D1S ; y 1 Tl'KB TEVANTI Bhown by appointment only. ' 3. U HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Cham - her of Commerce bldg., 4 th and Stark St., Main , 208, A-2050. (Sanday only at branch office, ; 4BU and Handy bird. So phone.) " $50 Down, $10 Month . 4 room plastered bouse.. 40x100 lot.. 6s car - (are. Uood eohool price $750. $100 DOWN. $10 MONTH. 4 room plastereda. house, 80x100 lot;, good . school j Oo cartare. Frtce $$00. $100 DOWN, $10 MONTH. . T 4 room plastered house, 160x62 lot;- 6e carfare; beautiful view. Prtee $1260. '"' . $150 Down. .... 4 room bouse, completely furnbhed: 60x100 4 lot;, street paved. Full price. $1460. ' ; OKO. T. MOORB CO.. Abtngtoa bldg. Special Bargains .1100x100, 84th, near Mt Tabor ear, room ..' bouae In bad repair, ail fenced with chicken wire; ' $860, terms. : $0x100, 8d si. near Sandy road, st, graded. walks in and paid, high and eightly; $109. . 2 Acree In rairview, 2 good houses, barn, fruit, view of river, great bargain: $2200. - S Lota. 6 -room bunxalnw. rm w n vttu fpit. one block car; $2B0. terms, B. P. fRburn, 610 McKay bldg. J $8f.S6a rooms, Hawthorne district, 1 block from can atriotly modern, .large, light, airy .c roc ma. Owner leaving city. - $2400 B rooms near Franklin high school. ..modern. A great bargain.. Kasy payments. - $8606 rooms, full lot, $100 cash, $10 per month. Ui-fJi0-1.00 r"h- 10 month. Richmond dlatriott good gardes space. . -Bee O. B. Rippey, McKay bldg. Main 6229. ROSB C1TI DISTRICT, $2880 " . 7 room, story and one half house, hardwood r. Tloon, furnaee, fireplaco and all built-in con venience, in beautiful Beaumont oa tha hill ;' $600 cash, balance to suit Place at- one time VZ t'!""" $4250. Fred W. Oermaa Co., . T82 (Chamber of Commerce. ; ' . PKNLNariLA tiatRicf BTiNdiLoW 1 ' 4 rooms, modern. 50 feet off hard surface. ' Frtoa $166o block" ,ro . loa locaUon. C A. Warriner, -' 206-5-7 Board of Trade jildg. n HOUSE AND ACRi - ONLY $775 .- Oear an acre; 2 room bourn, chicken h oases. soma fruit, electric lights, water. Only $0 inhv . -J Terms. Call (00 Concord bldg.. 2d . ROSB1 CIT PiRK Btrlcily modem 6 w. , . huagalow; hardwood floors, furnace, flreplaea. are interested in a bargain let ua call for you , - a a a, y w v v v, Kurt Ula. AX rwi J'L r" auow aropeny. jr., vanauyn, 615 .Chamber Com. Main 195B. - -.i between HKfaa Ayb at. J6ftN. ' room anecg completely furnished, large barn With Concretat f nn nrta linn mwLA 1 : Arbor Lodge. $800; $200 cash. 110 mn'nthlv Fred W. German ci. 7$a TchTnt It Commeroa! 36l6 3B.8B Wtvltft. ki na ir ftV-f t V ' Well built I room cottage to eery dilaptdated oondltJom. emaB lot. eloa to. near Richmond line. Fred W. Carman Co.. T88 Chamber of Commerce. BAROAIN-1-8 room cottage. North Irvington, lnit rrovd dlatrict; nice lot. fruits treee. Price xouu; lorraeriy aoid (or $3(00. - Term If good portions paid. Phone SaUwooC 2J2I. after 6 p. m. Owner. BAI.E BY OWNER HAWTil6RNlBi blSTRICf aaowra 1 room onngaiow wnn rurnitnrel price ' and terms reaaonable; none but prospeetiva buy mtmA annlw i 1 1 At .no. n . , T St., ecrner 87 th. v. W7 -m't mMij una, SWOO Sk, SAnOOia - I?J? TEN'til-j aCr MAPLKWOOD' eoev. 100 aaah. 81 A manthl. Inn !, 2"! ot ,rit wo room hovsa 1 6x20 6a fare. SO nlmitM1 4A Fred W. German Co., 72 Cham, of Com, LOT WITH HOVSiT and barn for sale cheap. $650. at Humboldt at., between Concord street and Patton are. aui euiim. auui HUVat bungalow, modern: full baaament L ii 1? tlii0t 80 cash, 4816 88th wia u. aawn, snaueu S1U TIT treee; ascnfiCed . bwS"bidJ.10 tttonth- . ONLY $il00 CLOoii BY ST. JO&M. ' TT.? 100 houses good location, and over " lulUipts and street Improtiments included. . Terms. Tabor 6869. i ROSE CITY tAfcK Madera 5 room bungaW a-.asT -2a:fl,n,U1.C- 'If11 ."at baaeia.nT ,82450, $460 cash and $20 month" r Vandurn, 815 Chamber Com. Main 196B. ' &mu'r'SbU. $ bedfoZtaX l'ot 4 fix" i.t l00'0?- "5i.wIWn distencVFrankili, high. Ceah mice $2260; terms. $2500?Na tnnumprsnoes. Phone Tabor 6898, FOR , SALE by owner, attractive modern bus? - fx - P1tS seen between f:80 and B:80. except Sundays. 660 E. 55th Nj RO8E CITY PARK $2100 takes 8-room bun-" ga'ow. oa 46th st. 2 blocks north of ear: root paved and paid. No agents. Tabor 844U t ROOM modern house on Alberta earline' R.Wirm' helanc, mWy"! 1 38- .FOR ULAWST constructed house, suitable for roor flata. Phoae Owner Eaat 4z5. . ''I fO?-..f, modem hoiTnirma: wvwaaMaB HH-gJ aUaASIi ITUiU gfefUO Can SelL 2682. SMALL. faou anil 6xl0 corner lot. ifloS: easy psymenta. Owner. Pbona Wdln. UkaT Ta(SrM6T110r? ROSE CITY PARK.- (-room bungalow. m: k . aj 1 sst 1 isg, - I sT, f.WVV-, TiBli dtfttafo Homes for Everyone 7766 rms., K. thj half ftih; liana. t sua a ,. v-.m . IT-i. . " $ 800 rata., Russell at. 1200 cash. ! ;""';" ma., irnm ft. ; ajoo oath. ZiiiTi 2 --in., t,oog i in. B 100 tuh til ou o reu., BkKimor; S7B cans. f.1! i.'.vJS0 .o00o II T'w tI .Iaa Z: 3500 0 rma.. Parratut; fnrtiinhed; terms. G. Goldenberg "85 Tear, in Fortland" 215-116 Abinctoa bid-. i Main 4803. " "WMBABD, ON CAR LIMB " Neat 2 room bruuiln. nti lim nMf1 luor Cloeo to shipyards. $ Lombard. Take a look. Prtco $1200. C. A. Warriner. ; HITTER. IXWK & CO., C08-6-7 Board of Trade Blda". IaVIXGTON. fine 7 room hoiue wiU 4 bed- rooms, $BB00. Eaat 2888. FOB SATE -LOTS a 1$ 26TH and Cliirton, ' tnU lot, facing earllna, all improvements m t ln .ni nd paid for. $850 Z02 Btock Ex. 8d and TamhlH sts. FOR 8ALK tam lot. Call Tabor 2872. ACREAGE $7 Cheap Acreage rtro aerea, $230: $10 down. $8 per month bays $ acre of land between Portland and Cen tralis, on the main line of S railroads, 1 miles from a town, of $00 population, aawmals and shincle miTla; aome partly cleared and soma aU cleared, rnaninc stream, aomo bottom and soma beach; can dTa you any kind of a piece you want - BtlX REAL ESTATE CO.. 818 Railway Exehance bid. FINK ISVESWftVT BBS scree (iniunM. i.nt - i- jtow price of $8 per acre. $600 caih will handle. It WZS. aA 4B64d.onB. I8W a H Mra homeaite at Courtney, $760. Terms. Gss and eleetrleltv ni...' Tn. at Thii?0 i202 Stock Ecb- BW- M FIVE ACRES- $1000 'Nine milea from courthouse; lie level, good tl: far gardening, chicken or berry ranch; " payments. Call 600 Concord bMg. Owner. H-VhttOKKKN Sution, 4 acre, 8 city lots, for price of 1: $650 cash. Dahlgren. 86th and KamrKw, r-aatmoreiana. f. o., Psrkwood, Or. FOR BENT 2 acres fine gsrd-m land. E. , 7 0th, near Division. Also some psaturo ad- jouuna. uwmr, wain. oa. FOR BAI-E One acre. aU plowed. 3 blocks eouin 01 rowen valley road on Buckley sts. Call week days. Tabor 2382. FOR BALE 1 acre; all plowed. 8 blocks ; sown at roweu T alley road, on Buckley avo. juau week nays, Tabor 2558. . UARDEN tracts, west side; city water, gas. etc. Price only $350: 310 caah. balance $10 per month. M. K. Lee, BOB Corbett bldg. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN ranches near Portland; 8 ; 8, 6. 10 acre tracts, $66 to $200 McFarland, 603 Teon bMg.. Portland. per acre. SNAP M acre, $485; 6 fare: water; gas electricity. Thomson, Mohawk bldg. 4 ACRES for sals. $560, half cash," fails eata, ur, can at Bxa uusan. 8TJBTJRBA7I' ACREAGE ft ACRE and half acre tracts, cloaa to station "oa Oregon Electric, at Garden Home. Some bar small houses. Cheap and easiest kind of terms, only is mtnates out. Gaa, water, eleo- trwity, etc. pnone Mecormlc Main 9818. STJBTJRBAlt HOMES GARDEN HOME ACRE HOMES 15 MINUTES ON OREGON ELECTRIC. 7a COMMUTATION (TARIC New T-roora modern bousavwith acre, aO In cultivation, nicely improved; snap at 12700. $800 cash, balance to suit. Large modern 6-roora house, and tha heat improvea acre m uaraen Home: (me outbuild ing, right close to station, only $3750. half oasn. nee wis. Strictly modern B-room hema. srttfc 1 u acres, neeely Improved: close to statlctt; sacrifice $3650 cash: worth easr $4000. Three, acres with improvements worth $600; an m caiurawni; eome I run ; o minutes to ii U. atation;- only $2700. $500 cash, baL to suit. Two acres with 6.. room house lam ham outbuildings; right on good auto road; 10 min ute to. G. H. station. Only $2300, worth $3000. 1 Very easy terms. RKMEMBER Garden Home has aU city conveniences gas, water, electric lights, phones. i -"7 irrweat gom scoooi, enurcn. stores. PHONB APPOINTMENT TODAY. MeCORMIO. Main 9S18. GARDEN HOME Fine acre, aU in full bear" lag orchard, applea, pears, peaches, prunes; worth $1000. $750 today. Any terms you want. 3 acree with improvements worth $600 ail for $2700: $500 cash. 2 fine acree. only $1600; worth $2000; eovv canu, oauaacv easv. oome today PHONE M-CORMIC. MAIN 9318. FOB SALE FARMS 17 $20 Down, $10 Month' bny 40 acres of logged-eff land located be tween Portland and Centra 1 u. h. main line of three railroads: fine for dairy or cujcavn itKo, j rieaij of outrange; pnea $30 - Bell Real Estate Co. , $18 Railway Exchange Bldg. 167 ACRES near Astoria, $4800. 80 A. In cult. 60 A. slashed, some 20 years ago; 4 acres of orchard, poor buildings, three miles from railroad, 12 miles from Astoria. 8 milch cows, 1 heifer.' 9 yearling heifers, i bull. 1 bona, 1 young sow, wagon, plow, etc; unlimited outrange. This la the bkret an an to tha coast country. rnotos at office ot mred W. uermsn tjo., iaa etism. ot Com. FOR BALE 10 acres, an tillable, level rich loam sofL B acres in high state of cultivation, smsll orchard. nem . banalow. nw barn, thickly settled , -? adrantagea. joining land Corn ell. in at $550 an acre. 4 miles from Interstate bridge oa good an to road. Price $8760. THOMPSON A SWAN, 6th and Main sts., Vancouver. Wash. MISSOURI FARM 12.50 PER ACRB 160 acres, SB ecrse in cultivation, J 20 acree tn good oak saw umber, grows abundance acorni for hogs. mile to school, 4 miles to good market and high school, 8 springs, drilled well ' fPrfca $2000. $1000 cash, balance on time. DfLLMAN m HOW LAND. 8th and Main st., Oregon City. Or. FOR SALE -By owner. Stock and farm ma- chinervt and ranch of 640 acres, all -good soil about 400 acres plow land, fenced, good running I z n .19 n sonrf R It T i miles to Poison. Mont. Price for aU. $18.60 per acre : part cash, balance time at 8 . . Address O. R Sawyer. L-B. 873. Poison. Mont. 40 ACRES. 22 cultivation, decs' well, family orchard, south slope, on rock road, 1 4 miles from paved highway; ohoicest and cheapeet acre- - ,1 . I 1 . Hn-VA-llwt wi I Unwt . 1 Tualatin valley; Is milea (uourtnouse. u wrier. teoouu, lerm. lin mm a aiwiwii 111. bustnem hours. a ACRES AT GRE8HAM " Nothing down for 4 years, oleared lavel land, close to cannery; also bars 2 acre place oa tha same terms' I -BELL REAL ESTATE COMPANY, r 818 Railway Exchange bldg. ' 83300 TRACT FOR $1850 5 acree near Orenco. 12 miles from Portland. 800 pear trees. 200 choice rose bushes, very expensive and rustic log bungalow witn ilre plaen. $500 cash, baL to suit. 732 Cham. of Com. Fred W. German Co. 414 ACRES, highly improved farm. 8 cows. 2 horses, i pigs, chickens, all machinery and tools; best sou in vregon; I o nuiee ixom fort- land; pnea aoouu. nau cajin. naianca vto suit o per cent. Jiermaa reper. mx9 union ave. if. THOUSANDS of aerea wheat and alfalfa land ia Montana; improved and Unimproved, in pan-el to suit; emeu payments down, balance crop payments, Soma trad. Herman Paper, 620 tnion are. N. ... RENT OR SELL i i.r 11.. A ; mtl (aMMHUai - - - - "' . . w aBviwwa. gajsva, u uiuabHm, tiJ Mssur, swriA, &T chard, plenty email fruit, 12 milae from Port- nwi, uui-i-f, :. wv akgfctsua Aas aaa ill liHIIIInll MILLERS HIP, 481 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE- ior excharm for PortlaiMi eaUnT a real farm In Colorado af laa amm . gv aaarguenie ave. or pnone Tabor 4992. Uoo, ia Eastern Oregon; r H ' fenoed. plenty sJa vawTi o aveverw ai... rorasDH, ajr,;. 88 ACRES, half or more in cultivation; school $65 per acre; 875 down, 'long time en. bal ance. Sea Draper, 401, Board of Trade. Main Who Has an Evinrude ? V m rove who needs one. He used the People's :Markct Place to make known his wants. H is ad read : - -- ' . - -' . . FOB SALBgABMS 17 100 ACBB FARM . . A nerfeet Mat tract of land, 8$ acre to o ti ration, balance oak . croea and paatBTo; a acre fall planted; aeed on hand tor balance 1 you are welcome to take roar spado and anywhere on this tract; aoil i H deep; only a mUo from town; Southern Pmeifio electifca thickly settled nart of Willamette Tallej i "J i lu .MfMitiMitMitiii' woven wire fences. aeary tease, 4 nead regTtered n" feed and aomo macninery inciunwa. .-. McCbeaney, 282 Chamber of Commerea bid. Main 7102. - ' - : . 20 ACRES aU cleared. 7-tnilc from Vancoarer, 1 mite from oariine. $2600; terms, Inquire 889 Hancock at. - - - - FOR BF.TTT FARMS 14 ti aeM A.t in cultivation. 24 miautes from Portland, near station.' Well and windmill, water Dined to house and barn, comfortable buiid rT . . . . a- . ft.';ii .1 a Mtti. a. nrui i o y iuwub. " , . , .mm. nurM. -2 niza. 4 dozen chickens, all farm implements, 15 acres of plowing, 23 acres of growing fall crop; 4 tons of hay, 1 ton of seed wheat; 1 ft tons of oats. Price about $1600. rt. at. aiaioney, i . BITTER, LOWE A CO.. i Z07 Hoard of Trade. OK KENT IS acres, poultry and fruit ranch on fine road near Portland: most leaT and wonld sell boose furniahing and stock. Black stone hotel between 1 and 3 any afternoon. H. Woolwr. - . 40 ACRES, 83 acres under cultivation; bouM. barn: coed soil: 14 miles from Pertland. 8 milea from station. Inquire 286 Morrison at. FOR RENT1 B acres, E. 92d and lUaealo St.. 1 block north Mt. Hood depot. I'hone K. 4791. TIMBER as GENERAL LAND OFFICB Wssbington, D. C - Notice la hereby given that nMeet te the rdnditions and limitatlona of the act of June 9, 11. (89 etat., 218), and Ui lnatrucUon of the secretary af tha interior of September 15, 1917. the timber on tha foUoWina lands will be sold April 24. 1918. at 10 o'clock a. m. at public auction at the -United States land office at Portland, Oregon to tha highest bid der at not leee than the appraised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of tha secretary of the interior. The purchase pric. with an additional sum of ana fifth of 1 per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be aepositsa at time of sal, money to be returned if sal ia not approved, otherwise patent will Issue for the timber which must be removed within 10 years. Bids will be received from eitiaens of the United States, associations : of such dtiasns and corporations organised under too laws ot toe united States or any state, territory or district thereof only. Upon application ot a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately before being included in any offer ot a larger unit. , t. a . . a w.. Bee. S3; NEK. NEK. red fir 465 M.. yellow fir S0 M , cedar 50 M.J NWJ4 NE4, red fir 670 M.. yellow fir 195 M.. cedar 80 M. ; NB K NW4. red fir 1490 If, cedar 48 M.; NW !IW, red fir 1905 M.. aedar 20 M.: BE BE 14. red fir 1910 M., white fir 20 M , cedar 195 M.: SWH SEA. red fir 179(S M cedar 80 M.: EE4 BWa. red fit 1190 as.; H BW. rea iir iuou ss., yellow iir www - m w . ., uui, o . cvsi w, NEHi yellow fir 1450 M.. red cedar 60 M.; Wi4 hsw, yeuow ur zzaw a.; hb NWJ. yallow fir 1650 M. Fir not-to be sold at leas than '$1.60 per M. and cedar not Iss that $2.00 per M. T. IS 8., R. :W., See. B5; SkiK MSa. rea nr au .: ISIS Shi", red fir 410 M.: SEA 8E4. red fir 680 M-: NWli SWH. red fir 400 M., not to be sold for lsss than $1.00 per M. T. 1 8., R. 6 . Sao. 29: BW BW14. red fir 1900 U not to be sold at lees than $1.60 per M. T. 4 fl.. R. 2 R, Sec. 81.6E14 Nffit. red fir 480 M.; NEH SWH. red fir BOB M.; SB SWtt. red fir 800 M.; not to be sold at tea than $1.60 per M. T. 4 8.. R. 4 E, Sec. 9: Lot 7. red fir 405 M. : Lot 8, red fir 460 M.: Lot 9. red fir 695. M. ; BEI4 BBH. red fir (78 M.; net te be sold for lem than (1.60 per M. CLAY TALLMAN. Commiaaioner. GENERAL Land Office, Waahlngton, D. C, March 4. ll a Notice m nereby given that anhiect Hn the conditions and limitation of - thm act ot June 9, 1916 (89 Stat, 2181. and the nut ruction ox tne secretary oi in interior of Kentember 16. 1917. the timber on tha. fallow. ing lands wiU be sold April 26. 1918, at 10 o clock a, m.. at puono auction at tne United States land office at Roeeburg, Or.j to the highest bidder at not lesa than the appraised value ss shown by this notice, sale to be sub ject to the approval ot the secretary of tha in terior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one fifth of 1 per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at the time of- sale, money to oe returned if sals ia not approved, otherwise patent will iasus for tbs timber, which must be removed within 10 vests. Bids will be received from eitiaens of the United States, associations ot such citizens and corporations organized under tha laws ot the United States or any state, territory or dis trict thereof only. Upon application ot a quali fied purchaser the timber on any legal subdi vision will be offered separately before be ing included in any offer ot a larger unit. T. 18 8.. R 8. W.. See, 18. NW. 14 NW. , red fir 870 M-t SW. NW. red fir 880 M.. nous of wwen snau oe sola lor less than 11 SO ner M. T. 21 8.. R. 2 W.. See. 23: KE. 14 NE. 14. Douglas fir 690 M. ; NW. 14 NR. V.. Doutlaa fir 750 M.. incense cedar 00 M.: SE. H NB. 14. Douglas fir 860 M.; SW. 14 I t.. 1, 1SRII1H lit WW . U. -J i-. V. - , Douglss fir 1520 M incense cedar 50 M. ; NW. 14 NW. 14. Douglas iir liuu sa., incense cedar 40 M.; SE. 14 NW. 14. Douglas fir 780 M.. in cense cedar 90 M. : SW. 14 NW. 14, Douglas fir 1510 M.. Incense cedar 2S 1L: NE. 14 CE.V4. Douglss fir 1440 M. ; NW. 14 SE 14. Douglss fi.r 1220 M., red cedar 25 M.; SE. 14 BE. 14, Dougisa nr sou as.; in, -A BJS. , Donalas fir 650 M.. incense eedsr 40 M.. red cedar 10 M.; NE. 14 SW. 14 .Douglas fir 790 L. inceaae cellar i a.; nw. BW. i. Dougla fir 870 M.. Incense cedar 160 M.; SE. 14 SW. 14. Douglas fir 500 M.; SW. 14 SW. 14. Douglas fir 800 M.. none of which shall be sold for lem than $1.25 per M. CLAY TALLMAN. Crnrnla-doaer. SHIP KNEES WANTED, LOEB BROS.. 902-8 BROADWAY BLDG.. PORTLAND.: OR. btilP knees and sewn tiaa wanted. Gamble Rieg Ship Knee Co.. Oerlfnger bldg. HOMESTEADS 47 OREGON land grant lands tn Jackson and Josephine counties open for tiling April 26. Other lands near Pottle nd open soon. Experi enced cruiser and loeater st your service, rea sonable fee ; raaks your selections now. O. I, Webb, 414 E. 8tark St.. EXCHANOE-RF.AI ESTATE 24 184 ACRES, ,70 in cultivation, 6 room house. water -in' house and bam. Large barn, stanch ioned for 82 cows. Team, 6 cow,- 6 baiters, wagon, plow, mower, rake. Win take Portland property. Booming bouse, business lot. Price $14,500. - 88 ACRES . 20 acre In cultivation, 7 room house, barn. 2 H milea to store, a-miles to Estacada car line. 1H million feet fir timber which can seU for $2000. Price $5000. Willi take home to Albina district to $3500. DILLMAN Ac ROWLAND, 8th and Main st Oregon City, Or. Farm Near. G resham 20 acres, an In cultivation. 1 acre bearing orchard, balance in. wheat, timothy and clover; new house, bam," on good road, beautiful farm; aheap at $5500. Will take city residence for part. S. P. Osbnrn. 6l0 McKay bMg. 26 ACRB SUBURBAN FARM. Only an hour out from Portland canter, right at atation on electric. Will take mod L house as first payment. Stock and eauinment ao witn larm. Neiian st jr-arsnm, 2x9 Lumbermen oiag.. otn anq ntant sts. ; - TO EXCHANGE city property, centrally located east side; also 120 acre farm, equipped, in Central Oceana, fee targe farm, either wheat, diversified or csttle. $45,000 to $30,000. In quire 174 Grand ave. S. LiO ACRES, highly improred; 2 good house.; loins city limits : dear. WQ1 trade an. for clear, modem 1mm in Owner, Tabor 2374. restricted district. IF you have Improred aereaae. I t SO "aerea: to exchange for Portland .property, write or ee air. ; eeery. i. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. Ablngton bldg. ; LOTS in South Kewnort. Or. Iota Faiit Hnnnd at Blaine and patenVNo. 1170246. dear. aU or pars ior gooq nseq car. Uwner. Tabor 2574. EXCHANGE $1000 eauitr in 4 aoraai In. prored. 30 mintues out. to trader for equity mb aw. ". n-goi, journal. . FOR SALE or rent, 21eheap, en 4 and one 6 Toom swoses. rnoac xaoor 138. i'DANDY lot in Ladd'a addition for good autoT Morris. 481 Chamber of Oommerc. FOR RESULTS last your property wuh tbe Reaj Estate Esehang. 201 3d St.. Portland. MTANTEP -REAL ESTATE 81 - WANTED FOB CASH. " W wta pay cash for nousas up to 83500 te vahie; if you want to sell see us -at one. Johnaon-Dodaon Co., 634 Northwestern Bank bldg-- - - 7fHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED T un. . a. praEsn Tlgnx. we gaiva Dnaaeroas euyem waiting. Fred . W. Geraaaa Jo... 132 C&ean. of Com. WANTED X h. p. Xrinrade, lata xaodaL Phone Oak Grova 1 M. WANTED RE AA. CSTATRT It Want 9 or 10 room modern house, deee in. - cheap rent; buy furniture If good and rea sonable for cash. J-651, Journal BOOXIKG HOTJSES (8 Let Me Show You A -18 rooma, good furniture t close . la: cheap rent: worth $1350; for $900. 12 rooms. 8 sleeping porch ee; $500. I have other bargains. -4 IV. A. HALL. 612 PANAMA BLDOfp - Here's Rare Bargain - 18 Jfitiaia. 188B: rtaht down town: elaaal hot and cold water tn every room. You can double your money on this. 602 Couch bldg. Beautiful Place $900, Terms White Temnle ditric-t: win make you good home and clear $60 month above your ex pense. Goddard. 602 Couch bldg. FOR 8 ALE Rooming house. 18 rooms, $500 cash; good business. Mrs. Alice rusaeli. Camas. Wash. Complete 10 Rooms, $245 Near Carlton hotel 602 Cotkeh bMg. ' BUSINESS OPFOBTTJ5TTTES U IF you are ambitious and have from $1000 to 2500 and your servieea which you want to put into a business which paid a net profit last year of 85819 witn amy one man woraing answer this ad. Money secured and can pay good salary I want four alert men who -went to do thing for jobbers - proposition. Y-723. Journal . TALKING MACHINE BUSINESS FOR SALE Will invoice about 98000; a clean, live Stock .of standard works; well established and paying a profit; will stand closeet investiga tion. Don't answer unless you have tha money or good, backing. M-733. Journal. FOB SALE Half interest to The Dalles Bak ery. Reasonable. Half caah and balance may be paid in monthly payments. Purchaser may have 10 year lease. John Wooralaa, 114 E. 2d St.. Tbe Dalles. UT. A GOOD business proposition for man and wife; cheap rent; chance to make good money. Grab tt quick before you ara sorry. H-669, Journal ON account of draft, will sell whole or half toterest to tha Spot Cash Basket Orooerr. a good paying proposition. Cash only. Parka Schneider. 801 Jackson sU Roseburg-Or. FOR SALE Lumber yard and hardware store doing fine business: good place) to Bee. Ad- dreee YX-680. Journal BLACKSMITH shop and tools tor sale vary -reasonable. Owner must leavu town. Ap ply 678 2d st. or 78 T 1st st. FOR SALE Sawmill engine, planer, donkey engine, 9x10; capacity, 15.000 ft; good con ditkm. Box 852. Newport. Or. SECOND hand barber suppliaa and chairs bought and sold. List your barber shop with na. Portland Cutlery Co.. 86 6th at. ' DONT WORRY 1 can sen or trade anything anywhere. Lay man. 146 14 Broadway. ' FOR SALE Smsll store at school cheap; aU alone. Phone Woodlawn $886. CONFECTIONERY and light grocery; fine loca tion. 10 10 Belmont St. PoiT SALE Grocery and delicatessen. Bee owner, phone Msin 1204. MONET TO tO AN RE AL ESTATE 17 OUR installment plan ts the best and surest method of paying a loan. 32.26 per month for 36 months ot S2l.24T'for 60 months, or 15.17 for 96 months, pays $1000 loan and interest. - Other amounts tn proportion. We loan -on improved city ptiayeitj Or for building purpueee. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark St. Portttnd, Or. " " " MOBTGAGB LOANS Any amount c iaaproved city and farm property; will consider good wu tiding loaagL THB LAWRENCE COMPANY. stsln 6916. 158 4th St. A-2818. WE HAVE money to loan ia any amount at current rate ot interest. No delay. If you hate the security, sea ua. McClure Ac Schmanch. Main 2801. MONEY to loan on improred property tn most every town in Washington. Oregon and Idaho; mm is paid back monthly like rent. R. E. Chadwich. 838-28 N. W. Bank bMg. FOR MORTOACS LOANS see OREGON 1NV. A MORTGAGE CO.. Stock Eiehsage blag.. 8d and TsmhUl its. $250. $350. $400. $500. $650. $760. $1000 and Urges smounta at current rates. Ouick action. Fred W. German Co.. 711 Cham. Com. BUILDING loans on dty or suburban property. money advanced as work progresses, W. O. Beck. 216 and 216 Failing bldg. Maia 8407. Ht'NET to loan in antounts of $100 to $5000 on city property. A H. BELL. 201 Oerllnger Bldg. $4000 TO loan on improved city property at 1tc. Moore A Robinson. 823 Lumber Ex. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 per cent. Leula Salomon Ac Co., 4 08 Selling bldg. CASH tor mortgages, loans, contract. F. H. Lewis. Room 4. i ewis oiag. Mam 688 $100 to $1500. consider Iota. E. H. Dowling, 617 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 2482. $500, $1000, $1500; private party; no com mlsgion. J-650, Journal I HAVE $1000 to $40,000 to loan oa farm or dty property. P. O. Box 878. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 7 Salary LOANS' Chattel WE LOAN MONEY . On short notice to salaried or vrorking ' mea an their wn note.- Weekly, aeati-monthly or monthly payments. Jkaca tranaaouoa strictly confidential NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSEE ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household tumlture, psans. etc.. without removal CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED, 17 Falling bldi If You Need Money ' See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Loans made to persons on salary or fixed Income, on household furniture, pianos, diamonds and other personal property, legal rates. Brains aoa firtential; private office. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY Lioensed. $06-307 Dekum Bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portland business man to protect borrower. C. MYERS HERMAN. Mgr., 894 STARK ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. FINANCIAL (1 t HAVE a few thousand dollars for invest ment of merit, with or without my servieea. C-882. JournaL HORSES. TKHICLES. ETC 18 W bar tbe finest assortment af young gelding and mare weighing from 1200 te 1700 lb., and mules weighing from 1000 to 1400 lbs. Also 7 sets of double horse hame. All stock sold with a guarantee. , Frazier& McLean ' 240 B- 8TH AND MAIN STS. GOOD 5 ton camel back wagon, high grade surrey, several delivery wagons, farm wagons and aU kind of tumesg. 2 tight saddles, 8 good cart cheap, or exchange for horses. ' 802 FRONT ST. ONE span bay horaee, 2400 lbs., $250; 814 ShutUer wood wagoa with raek. S65: ana saitcl-iell nlalform mrin. tenia aaA E.- F. Odell. Gresham, Or., Route 8, Bob 83. CAPITAL STABLES. 287 FRONT ST. . ' Just received a carload of horses and mares weighing from 1200 to 1600 lbs... 5 to 7 yra. old, for sale. . . . FOR sLkLE cheap, one bay horse In good condi- . tion; weighing 1404; also single farm waa-an. Mni-t eu at one as going to work to aaixi- yaro. vau iwe 1st, room 28. i MAN'S full jewel gold watch for good work i no-rso anu auigie narneee tnac can plow, l,,l r. iw .1. r e5 BCI8 houeat raach team" "and hameas: wvight. 2200 lbe. Take Mt stone, ear t. a.K ave., ipqiiire m weuver woeery store. FINE apaa of roung delivery mules cheap, - take horse or cattle in exchange .. . ";.- Qua rsu-iT nr. - J iioHSE and wagon, $1.26 day; 2 horses ami wsv go. 32 60. 646 Front. Mailt 2208. DEAD horse and animals hauled away free. C3 , Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering C. 10 HEAD good farm work -horses. weA-faA L . winter. $50 to $160. 228 Alderjt. 19 ' We still have left a number of horses, ha nd waerona. also several tsnn wacona. that wo mast sell Hero are a few of tha bargmtna- Black gelding. 6 yra. old. short, blacky, chunk, a beauty, gentla. kind and true to all b$rnsa, . Bmwu gelding. 1100 Bm, t veara old. soand, true to all harnaaa. $66. Dapple brown nssJaTs rears old. good to sU hsrawas and a speetolly fine single driver. Weight 1140 lbs.. 865. Blood bay mass. 1200 Iha.. T Tears aid. fine animal, anywhere, $86. Brown elding. 8 rears on. eouna ana true to baraess,- 1200 tha,: 80. Sorrel gelding. 1250 lbs.. 8 years old. bast horse to city for ua money; dead -true; all hams, very gentle. SoS ; also ierae well matched teams af bays, browns and blacks, age from 6 to years, weighing from 2200. 26O0 ftM. per span. All of these horses, have been working right up until a tew days ago. saro grain fed. and ready to get in and do your work, every one of them being in good fieeh. Abo 1 10001b. hone, best worker. $35. Wa have many set ot extra good double ham, both heavy and medium weight. Both Yankee breeching, and the regulation fir ring western breeching. W win let go cheap with hones. Everything must eeil The Russell 8t Transfer Storage Co.. corner Roeell and Vancouver avenue, 1 block west of Williams avenue. LIVESTOCK l( JUST OFF the farm soma fine Jerseys, test from 6.2 to 6.4 butter fat and some Durham and Hototein cows, just fresh and cominf in soon, all large, young cows; sea them at 446 Sherrett are. Sellwood car. FINE Toggenbery buck, fine tug pair of trained goats, 2 dandy Angoras and kids. Cheap. 302 FRONT T. x FOR SALE 12 family or dairy cows, 'ell great nutters; also 1 registered Hoist ein bull Ail irawe delivered free by auto track. Ed Dam man n. C res ham. Or. Phone 797. J 1ST received, for eale. fresh milch sows. FRAZER M LEAN' A CO.. V . " 240 E. 8th at. . JU8T arrived with 22 head of good cows; moV ly fresh, eome epringers all breeds. A. Hess. 9716 Foster road, near 97th at. (Lents). PASTURE for 100 head cattle. Sauviea bland. 1998 C"lU 991 d"' PABTICtARS Woodlawn GOOD 4-year-old heifer to exchange tog good bona. - 802 FRONT ST. T AP'tK H-ltin sad mhir hrrerli Trma bruoe. stockyards. 4 FRESH cowa $60 to $90, 105 railing st, ' take Miss, car. JERSEY aalf for sale, 2 weeks aid, $10. BeO- wood 1450. FOTJI.TBT. PIGEONS. PET STOCK 87 CHICKS AND HATCHING EGGS from tha winter-lavin W hit. T al, kind that pay for themselves again after the outers nan quit laying. Chicks from our best late fan and winter layer, (15 per 100. Eggs, v. aw. f i..u ivr so. ana oue ex rm. ior packing and shipping charges en Single xSet- ". av. aiaguir. 151 vregon st, pcooe awa a ouo. 1 TO POULTRY RAISERS ..Write pouHrr department. Fisher Flouring Mm company, Seattle, or our Portland agenta. Routledse Seed Co.. 14S Qrl st.. PortlaiKl n. for FREE Poultry Bulletin on bow to raise chicks sucreeeiuuy m accordance With the new poultry iooa reguisoons ot u. B. roocl Administration. 8. C. W. Leghorn baby chicks now ready and vv. -Liegnorn ana it. i. ttea natcblng eggs, irpm noganuea biock, at A3 19 xturrage st 111 one Woodlawn 4986. WHITE Leghorn setting egg, heavy winter lay- ing trapnested stock, $7 per 100. 80O j-aar-oia cmcxa Tor asrx n. bib m. inn a. 11. nooinson, -uaritan. ur.. tt 1 WALTER HOAN strata Whita Leataani ing egg from heavy laying stock, $1.25 for 16; $7 for 100 eggs. 2141 E. Morrison. Ta- nor uui. . M. a. 1 1 - " KGGS for hatching from extra fine large win ter toying strain S. C R. L Reds, noae bet- I?T!.0,V?. " f 10 eggs; $7:60 for 100. as. au sarccneii, urenco, ur. SEVERAL camoine laying White Leghorn . aa-a-m. 82.80 an- IB. Vm flr- T...i- Mrs. Cohimbta boulevard and Delaware are.. Port aanu, w. t-ii one vvoouiawn in, 2 TOGGENBERG fresh milch goate for sale and goais nuia ior mrants : and lnvalals. Rose- mont Goat Dairy. 295 K 69th at, N. Phone u-iiri. CRUPKE Barred Rock. Elliot red. r nil xjegnom eggs ior natcning. leave or ave ders for chicks. Tabor 4070. W. H, Wil lis ma. Bk7 7Sd K. I. I., Portlsnd. WHITE Leghorn baby chicks, from heavy lavin (HnMnfu1! w'. f .HK ., .til 100; April. $10. W guarknte safe arrival. The Pioneer Hatchery. Petaluma. Calif. 60 LAYING pullets, Rhode Island Reus, Barred. rujeaa. niuw ajeguoros; genua anvmg plow horse: harness; two light spring wagons. Cheap. io r.. Btst aioniavuia car. THOROUGHBRED O. A. C. Barred Rock hatch Ing eggs, cheap. .795 E. 78th st N. Xaawr 6559. CHICKS, White Leghorn; free range, trap Bast ed foundation stock. Master Incubator Oo.. 416 Jeesnp st.. Portland. Or. Woodlawn 4344. THOROUGHBRED White Rocks, 8cbaanoa strain, eggs $1.60 for 15; $8 per lOv. Tabor 8023. 6612 88th st 8. E. BLACK M1NORGA egc, $l per setting of 11 4202 76th at S. E- "No Sunday salea. forsaTe rTl; Tabor 299. Red roosters, $3 to $5. WANT 6 or 8 broody hens; will .psy good price tor name. 1 none Main pap 4. THOROUGHBRED W. Columbia 669. L. setting 11: SILVER CAMPINE eggs, $2.50 per 16. Grace Bardsley, Kenton Station. Woodlawn (ltV DOGS, BIRDS. PETS, ETC 48 FOR SALE Three Scotch Collie pups. 8 I months old; ehgnMe to register; from well rrainea etocg. ares aua XV. -jaliaway, Brownsville. Or. EXCEPT ION ALT fine Fleminsh Giant doe for sale. Nona better. 1281 30th. st N. Alberta ear to end of line.) BELGIAN hares for ssla. 1081 E. Lincoln st Call morni-igs after 10. BEAUTIFUL orange birds for sal. 176 N. 24th st. Call at side door. Msin 6499. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSOBIES 44 1917 Saxon 6. A-l, spare $750 191T Studebaker 4, 7 -pas., ape re 600 1918 Maxwell, spare wheel and tire, like new T75 1915 Hudson 8-40, 7 -pass., spare 600 1915 Mitchell 6. 2 spare. sweU lob 850 . Bight Prises Good Cars Easy Ternu. . WESTERN MOTOR CAR SALES COL. Broadway at Burmuda. Garages Can for ' inustrated price list 854 Aa- kenr ex. Broadway 149, Sam Connell Lumber Co. 1912 HUPMOBILE. 6-pass. touring car. to fine mechanical condition, $160 -jaan. NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. Broadway at Couch. L-PMOBILE." y:oa.:sy 140J. aaAWTHtiRNK AUTO SCHOOL, -462 HAWTHORNB AVE. EVERYTHING MECHANICAL AND ELEC TRICAL: T?NLIMITaU; PRACTICAX. REPAIR Ey.PKKiEJ-uai. fel( v Used Cars PRICE.- RIGHT 1 BtU-USV CUT si I MOTOB CAR tXX, ' -21t snd Wsshingtoa t. Mala 8244 , AUTO DHIvlNO ' SCHOOaT , Tsaco. you to three lreenns. TOT LEWIS BUILD ING, 4TH AT OAK. " Low Tate. - - -1 , Call v write. HAVE good used meial delivery body, will wcrk it ore to fit your ear, or win build -new oa to suit. 49 East 8th st, N. East 4900. - FOR SALE Delivery r. to good eoadi lion Overland. ' Can be et Pa-rUana Garage. 5th and Taylor sta. CHALMER8 SIX, late 1 9 1 8. goodlooking "ear. A 1 condition. 621 Ev 4 2d north. Tabor 7549 1916 CHEVROLET : toanag car; ex cell ret r I trAititm- B000 tire. $486. Can Marshall 442. J17.8EKrES Studebaker $60o; big aauialal 214 E. 19th st N. i(17 FORD touring ear; looks Bke new. ran 1 tiiaZOOJm MSO.'aU Marshall 42 FEDERAL 1 hi ton truck with bodjTCheapfo M lue. svrwsB. oa n. -ara r. j916 MAXWELL fer sal cheap. K-496. JowTnai 191$ FORD. $2 HORSES. TEHICXF.S. ETC ATTENTION HORSE RI3TERA lliiil f AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES '$4 BAROAIN HCNTERS,. BEAD! We ara offerta tiit a.v rery attractiv price the following cars. Call and Reo four, touring .$426 Cadillac four, touring . . .. 850 Overland touring, . . . . , 450 Pop-Hartford touring fa Flanders touring ..... 250 Hubmobfia, touring .................. . ( NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY . Broadway at Couch ' Broadway 1460 EU5PS FORDS FORDS FORDS FORDS FORDS I ! 11T Ford touring J17 Ford touring , 1917 Ford roadster 1917 Ford touring 1917 Ford touring 191 Ford touring 1916 Ford touring t 1916 Ford roadster 1916 Ford touring 1915 Ford toe ring 1916 Ford touring 1916 -Ford touring 1914 Ford .touring 1914 Ford touring 1914 Ford touring 1913 Ford too ring 1916 Ford delivery 1916 Ford delivery 1914 Ford delivery Don t fan t see thee car before yew boy Pries rang from (200 up. You will be pneed when you see them, for a number of them are practically new, lot of extra equipment Terms if desired. v vBA'CIS MOTOR CAR CO.. East 8770. E. 18th and Hawthnrv USED CAR SNAPS ,,,7aP7,rJM,,!!.' Country Club. 8700 MM SuA- unt 5 1916 Oldsmobile Four, 8700 1916 Oldsmobil Eight, $9(0 191( Studebaker Finr $7(0 Willys-Knight. $000 Rao, touring," $B(0 Dodge, touring. $838 Overland-, touring, $300 Studebaker, roadster, $2x8 Warren, roadster, $2(0 Auburn, touring. $160 OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON. Broadway at Couch Broadway 2270 HERE ARE SOME GOOD BCTS Coma In and let us dessoastrste! . sv SrDltd$4'5w. ?Uld, ' icM roaaster ra xennt waeebatiteat condition; has good eord tireeT slghTussneT other extras. Will seU for $90oTtermsT BampT- Va.w . 9 V1Z?SBX SAK KXCHANGB S ,'Laed Bnt Not Abused Cars" t-r-w. U-'7,,,WW Street Where Washington and Burnsids Meat. Open Evenings. GARAGES, trorsM CHICKEN HOUSES. J-Portable kind Bars you money. See am pe at 644 Hood aV8.. a asm Mlllniade Construction Co. NEW tlRt" What brand of aew tire de yon Prefer f Ws hsv them. n makes and sizes. Ala wa nuke the f. ms O-V-C Double Tread teewed) tirna and An .11 ' Paring. Oregon Volcsaixisg Ca.. 338-336 Bam aloe near Broadway. . THAYER. SHAVEK-GULLY"- I" p. (4.S l.sWteri tePb2f- ,, . . tramvsw airs eieCIlBB Hghts. Larva aasa-natii. n... ., overnauiM last , a , . . ! rail .cut aut. tira oarrler and cover. aaaf aia front and rear. Acme DistilUte burner. Divtaion Garage. Eaat 48th and Inviaioo, ONE lord ehaaaia, $236. 1 Buiek chaaaia. 8128 1 Chalmers chassis. (200. Hav wvmi 1 to good to wreck- Win ssR at from 10O INO A 8ILVA. 4627' Hawthorn BAUER'S. 'CQ is- P , guaranteed 1 stock, price reduced. $4 H. Kth at- If yon wish to saO your old car. rv t object 2(1 Front et. i-inns AUTOMOBILE Owners: Why pay high pricee far . Tour ear eaa get a do the work for a ranabl price T "call phone Main 6234. B. Bneli. Roral botl 1916 FORD 16 FORD touring ear tn excellent meehanWl eonditio. ail new tirea. CaV Just rtratinT Has ararya mhm - - ,T - ' ""- acoei- Alder street. V,V-.,--'I ' a. CU at 62S MulOtlS, Jlu8- bearing. wbels. axteal w. wreck an assksa of r.r n .IT. . . Irts at half pric David Hodi t. ScJ. and Flanders rt Broadway 186. ajroauw.y af A O J ' -4 A ".".a".'" parte for all snake of crarloa.& change. 128 Lownadala at. at 3 u itl lngton. Phone Broadway 2668 LASH Pmd for old cani eondiuoa n blwt . Parts for an make of ears. Oregon Ant l2: change. 129 Lowr-dal, stTat lBUndiakl ina-ten. Phoa Mala 1161. . "' Urge atock t aitehti. . ... . vnleaalalM -. , ". - - " . -"; R B Black. 684 AJderTt M.te 1319. DUBRC1LLB- TOP CO, - th and Oak. - R roadway 1664 lavTO Fords Enameled $1 5.00 ,' 878 E. Morrison 8t 1915 FORD roadater sa first aiaaa -..rT'7 condHloa; wiU mil eery reaaonabla. . 63 HVW HfJt. - , f FOR SALE Oa 7-Pa. Chad wick, $3M; i roadeter. Btearaa. $200. A baxgaist. H-S6S. rs-ui isaa 1 1 FORD tourinc oo satiletflv overhanlai mhi, mm" T CaU Wdit 4ioT a't trs. $376 cash. (:BO p. m. - MIST HAt'E CASt " Late asadel Maxwell roadster, new fdra. looks tike new. Owner. Tabor 4673. C M. C 2 ton, pract ally new. R. ... auw-ir S3 N. Park at, . call mam mm ATJTOMOBIT.EB ACCTSSOBTES 44 WE HATE AT .PRESENT SOWS EXCEP TIONAL BARGAINS IN rSED CARS. IN CLUDING SOME SLIGHTLY USED; . j . PACSARDS HUDSONS '. FIERCE 'ARROWS . ' , .1 Chalmers . CADILLACS ' t; OTERLANDS ' v : 1 i Theae cars hat all been overhauled and re painted and the price ia right PORTLAND MOTOR CAB CO., 10th and 'Bamald eta. f Broadway 621 1 ' FORDS DODGES, Btncxs We have a larga stock of ns-at. eccoomlcal cars, which we are going to d tap see of at cost to ua. Now is the time to sav seea moaey aa a -good used ear. The following la a part of our list: 1914 Ford, extra $800 iu rord. 2 BO extra .( 1916 Ford, first clam ,t 8(0 1912 Bowk 2(( 1911 Buiek ..1 2(0 1912 Mai well 100 1912 Cedilla . . , ..'(0 1 Chalmers delivery, good shape..... 200 1914 Chalmers, first elam.,...,,.,.... 413 Ford, new one-ton truck.. 6(0 1914 OverlaBd delivery, first elaaa...... 860 uoar neuvery. good shape. ...... 60 191B Packard Sis 1(0 1912 MaxweU. extra-good shape........ 260 1917 Studebaker HU. 7 neasauger. aha est new v 10(0 1916 Buiek. roadster 900 1917 Dodge, touring 800 1917 Dodge, roadster, eitraa 8(0 taxi xiaaaon Bm-er-Biz. ngnt, new. . . . . .taut MANX OTHERS Be ur stock before purrhssls; slseahaia, BS we can save you money. - COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 21st and Washington Sta, Mala 8244 cted Itjtomobiles terms citem 1917 MaxweTl. 8 .$850 i'V"t 4 erl. 4(0 112 aaiicneit, a paaa., a eyl (50 960 660 800 850 800 M,tc!ui !. 7i 1917 Mverisna. a pass.. eyl gtodebaker. J , peas.. 8 eyl Studebaker. 7 xaxaku. 6 evl 1919 Jetfery. 6 pa, cyl . TSET) CAR DEPARTMENT MITCHELL, LEWIS A STATER CO. Eaat Morrison at First St East 1212 Phsnss B-1218 "HOOVERiZE1! Are mm contemnlatfti iSnvtna . tewvw wwm Tnen hris the place -you can sot afford to overlook. Wa have on hand at tbe present tim a large stock of used can aU ready for Immedi ate eervloa. Models range from 1918 to 1817. In roadatera, touring, etc. Tbe price w aak T .. anueeu. permit a to use Use term TALBOT CASEY, INC., Grand v. and E. Ankeny. Open tUl noon Sunday. WiLL air hang ford i-Om trueaTT; o 1-toa n wauway isxcriang bldg. ATJTOMOBIl,ES Tv" anted 7$ P(T nan f Psid for late modal touring car aad -roadsters. Must ha In M .ttt V raKT- TUE J HED CAB EXCHANGE 627 Washington street Brnadwe ! i WILL PAY lOu" SPAT casU JkToTI Foaa - ."AT-?C1 MOTOB CAB EX CHANGE. Ft 8770. E. 18th and Hawthorn? a, Wat WILL touri FAY CAaH- aTOsT tw4 aTofiSi Bridwa". .t?AG CTlv1,,h 4 $tnt8' Broadway 1672. Phone A-2443. sTasSs fas-it . SPOT CASH VtiU Vnt:u sn.k a?RL E. RAN BOM. 209 UNION AVE. n? tTKWKlt HOLLA DAT. PHONB EAST 804 WANTED A light lipsaeenger touring- car to f"Td S7?,1-t,oo: -rra Dodge er MaxwsU pre ferred. WU1 pay cash. .1 E-706. Journal Hll.HEST pries paid lor eotosBoblUa:' JLiiJ tion PWANT wj--i-- aaa ,1. h n. mn ma WANT a good light ear for case! ioai A." G rover. Wood bum. Or. 11 ' - AUTOS FOB TIIBK AUTO TOWING ,AN1 V leal CAB. rve aa preparea, to tow yong ante) Bsj ebea w . ssmj an mgnt ser-nc. LONO i At 8ILVA, Phoa Eaat 6840. AUTOS FOR HIRE WTTHOT7T DRITXBS . new cars. MeaaonaDl rata. Fearing A RobnettjDIty Garaga. 86 10th. Between Btark end Oak. Broadway 840 , AUTOS without drivers for hire. Cousin i SnlUvan. lOtb-Yamhill Mar. '833. A-l 286, MOTOBCTCXFS-BICTCtES ($ mrTli la. Uirruarii 1 a. Large stork of aew and need mi lilasa DATTON CTCLB I XX. gg ta) s FOR SALE Cheap; 1917 motorcycle. tandemT wariv naw; ais wasill isst, Aax Ai. aUU tt. Ii AiDerta car line. . CLEVELAND, nearly good aa new. -ssaaonabl" aiin ztoa proaqwsy 14 IB. LAli.K HtH AN rr BOATS 64 FOR BALE 23 ft axU.rboat. 11 horsepower engine. In good -nanning condHloa. - Cheap, if taken at one. Albert I Be. Wash.' at, dock. rvnaoa, 7i., csii sir. xiarsms. T PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTBUMENTS . $4 CLaJAING wot anaaU tuirlght nUao ior tan cash; m $85') Gaoler. $S caah; $4(0 Kiss- ball large snaftoaany ior igo caah; ale rlr tnail aew. modem' (376 noriamt. Ills- 5428 ne at (215. aad 6(440 ema, $235 c,h attj orgaif. 120. and a $1I monthly. nc-arity Storags Co- 199 . 4th at at wean. as. a Phonorraphs and retold bought, an Id . exchanged and rented. Expwrt repair- ing. go. near awt. upstairs. 20e DAILY bays 8376 ciano laaa 9(. 3281.26: 46 dally buy 8658 niavwr alaa torn 25 9. 6467.60. Rest savlnga baak for the bouse, eecurea m astral daeation, mtvrtalnmcnl and tha property. He b wan Plana C , In 401. GEORGE T. PECK. PIANO TCNER-" S"t7 4r-tor7.- . oonoUi Mas. Tuning. 63.00. fsbor 6674 XPCJt piano tku In fail pt&rm-Ai for ti n-rw Ulkinc lf4hitn 8obtu glutM Ctx $900 kX-ABK parlor grand. (J. aaaioa an3 xowcB wnas, anises s -sarn square, ait irold S. Gilbert, $44 Ysmhill . Hsrold CH1CKEB.ING ptaao, upright saaha . very tine instrument. Take $J0 cuk . Ll.l, 1 aal ' t ' CASH paid for your 'old pisail ttebuy and II iiez sua ww sVsoaxrity Storage C tA9 4th Sasall upright piano, in: Broadway tUS evemns-s. Tabor 1674. PHONOGRAPHS, raeords. bought. oldnd" i changwd. MaH V4Jlday. 120 1st U.l ex 709 sua asm isaini, saaj-sg, aaa pisBo irosB f actorr, phoo Kindow-. Tabor 41 f . t.. -FRADE yonrold piano for - new talking -s-uv- oosn. aaarotu p. ... uoert. s lambin eC WANTED Piano, pay c. Manbail $246 WANTED Good piano eg organ. Mato 4495. TTPE WRITERS ' 77 SAVE you' from 50 to TS per 'coat aa ail mt tTpe-wniera. rVnrtd toe oca prlo lav, enurtuenc. .- TThnlasale Tnwaiilar Ca ' 821 Weahh-a-toa tre. KEWREMTNCTON. rental plan, rant appl-a te s-urcaaaa. - vlble ineowta. . - $$ Browdway. Breadway 4481. RXRIILT typewriter.' our---. &kuc eVstWanw E. W. Paaa Cm. 110 6th. AJJ. MAXES typewri Oregoa Typ t .. I 4A 6th. Mass 8444 HOUSEHOLD 001IS FOR SALE $5. Why We Get the Business . '' Eoaad eA pedWal dining teMsa, 1 $ 1 1 .96 1 inlng chairs, (1.3(2 rwakera. $1.4$l Ubrary table, $4.(6: piilowa. . $1.4(j whUd Ttmk- tabass. Oet bowta aad ntta t(a: (Be: asm tosharleal te thas aak at atrssw. baw eieuss, gas ran, drceser, bar a. Ilom Pwol tab, asatber reekers aad fcirs hltib eravir. 1 fact, everything Bi -saury t Crlte a hoaa. Leok them aver: all good marked to plain fig-area an a big yellow el teg. ', : XU MADIRON. 1 FURNITURE af 6 rooes koaa or saat sta eacnriea. tnarading davenport, aette. eaaar. library Uble to Saatela, dining roeaa taltl. langw. heater, drsanri. trest aavkase. .. 131 Iron- SelL 2(12. W(X)D. enat, gaa coasbrnatino aaxUnd range. Take ehairs. Imoleum. ' drisiir. vary e-Jseap. Sellwood T63. - - FOB BALE Baautlfed rnrwltara at 6 la (rood emdlrkm. Tb" T I Si. FOB BALR telucSLLANTOCS 19 ALL maehrne anld foff wt aawau are eBptr4 : .macrtna rented, respired. A-8436, Man 94(1 Sewing Marhin JBpwttusa. 190 3d at. near Tsyaar. ; $10,00 4 Tan 4robea4 as sing t l with attack meamt an ara oastttsou. eVra-ina marhla Terred at 8 rr-sssrU. Pboaa East 23(9 ar B-830I. X, Stawa. 1(3 Grand sv., near Belmont, - Electric. Motors. Bnua-bt. enid. seated aad tseielreil Walker Eleetrle Werkt. 418 Busw sxte t eornar loth. Bruadway r A-6674. "aaTnTCATJ INoTbL W L.S ts." " T rve writers and House hold Oooda" ars senaral csusifl- earinna. AU advertswmente of the gnod ara publiahed under their rawrasrti-ee elaaaiflcaUDCBV IAIO. TITKM OVER. $8 to $10 MAlinXEA. s. s GnarantawaL - We rent and msrlr. 172 Third St ' Msla 1846. ll. AUTOMOBUjUs, UOlOUCtCLXa. LALNCHtS or boats are eeparafe ciaaiiioaiva. . a mrg Brting can be . found under thas: dlfteraat dasaiticattons. FOB (SALE Ga raae. tahlau thta heaters, black Walnut badtvd and aprrr.-. 149$ E. J8U X. 1'bea WeoA- swn o an a. . braaow.i a till. mm Rea. Warn. 19(0. 449 A-34S3. Or. New . and 2d he. AO elasa A fcEDUCavU poos oa Cable roofing Vf. aal krads too la. it L, rum Mm misma YsmMU and Tayter. r LADIES -deatnaa cmrhet n baring aea far aaaa mmmA lAa fee -Roo ) tawftna". and wctollB. Int. Trading Cvwetiet Ca , 1H H at SL1GUTLY used eomputin scale, sii Aind.; aiaa-. eli naa cutters, eotfee mill -and meat tlfeer. very cheap. Call at $84 Stark at. . r. H..S" 1. I ' a 1 1 ' rOK aA t aderweoa revoinng uupiw-air. liahtly aeed; good aa new. zrgin. av-ss. 'ournaL . . YOU wiU fiad ED V. 1'RICsi teUonng sold to Portia ad at 409 K, Momsoa sv naif. is. vena a larwe-s xaiwrra. S66 ES'VfeLOrES or 600 bond Uterbead.' HI 600 bonat- biUaasad or staUsaanU,. $1.75. Smith Printing Co.. 804 Stark at RtST A IRAN TUAN ; E Cll EAP-N fc W Peninsular gas and coal Beaaty. ' Cos $180. My price $50. Mein 4((7. Manure for gardens, Eaat 181. P-2274. VACUUM cleaner aoid. repaired, reolad, et ehanawd. bought. Bentlay Co. Main (S2. (56. COMPLETE BATrf Uohil OUTFIT. 666. Northwestern Pro Co.. -187 (front St. NCAlXkD ior tailor mad salts, $(.S0 tip." r Taylor th Tailor. 2(9 Bartwad. BATHTUBS, sin sasilol lets, pip aad faur.av A. U Howard. 212 4th st . Phone Miln 1404. NO. A BuiWnA Potatoes fur sal or, trad. 1 par 100 lb. Mr. W. Howsrd. 188 hi. 16th. fLCMBINU supplies, wUolawale praes, , lk- Hevis Co.. 212 3d - assta let. DROI'HEAD sewing maeblna, $9; bargato, 1(1 I.. siMe Taanhill - - TEAR-OLD Cmcord grape plant clisp. 5 Hivtaorsa as. ft aia. ; a ORIOLE aad tterm aver. ((.(, Weadiaea 4619. 4-tiM. RENT Sinaer sawing mctilne, , . 110 Grand ate., phone gAat 4 no. 126 LLOYT f-fttXcES Mdlng aery Uggy la brown leatherette, tor ( Brwadway 44(. FOR SALE Valour oooeh cover and-eatglss vase, cheep. 9(14 N. Kth. Broadway 8046. Jaeger vacuum sweepers. Mate mn. 0x12 TENT. 20(1 E. Baraaid. FURNITURE WANTED 74 PiforMmiltnn $8-99 Grand I 1161-llummwi. , pijoa, Eaat 776$. Highest price paid for need ruraMsr,. eerpeU, stoTae, rangee. ate. We call pruaipoy. Want Household Furniture WILL Phone PAt Msin CASH," $$$2J Call East 636 ilT tZZJZ rugs, anything fa Tnosssanold goods. Wa ' mam change your old fwrnltur for Sea. WANTED Bacovid band famliuee, tang and Steves, etc WE PAT THE BE8T PRICE. Wisniv n-uvtT.-o v f-i ' 890 Eaat MorrWam. 'phoa East JII. WANTED Second Land furniture. 1m1 wuA a IwllaM get what good ara worth. Wilsan'a A 24 away Tasa- bin st DALL:MAIH 734&ti biga- 1 r-ric for your Used twmttn-re, eteree, earprta. I'llONE Last 7$15 when you want te seal yoar furniture: we wfll come at nc aad pay yon CASH. M. R.. SKATER. $60 Hswthara sv. corner Untost - - ." WILL pay caah for reaming bowse. 2d hand fa-' nit u re and stove. UaJl Kat ZB4. GRAND RAPIDS FURNITf RB EX. 84-i6 GRAND AVENUE. NEED saeoad hand furniture, aavrpata, etc., te ship out of town. WiU pay asora tbaa Part land dealers. Msla 4778. CUT freight rates a household gawd iiiiwi atest and aoutn. Manning wa rn Traaa-fer Co., Vtb and Hoyt. Broadway 708, A-1708. MULTNOMAH Furniture lfapiul psye kighi price for need furniture. 854 54. Msla 4414. SWAP COLUMN WILL, trad rumJtur. and atrumnts tog wast nav mi , naal at caaasW fcy. 126 First. Main 1099. S whai nave you to eieasnga tag, eouraat Mat' 8018. WANTEDMISCELLANEOUS 6 ITT" TT OUelPa.. PorUaod, Tront . Li OliailN UUi Ofvm - Hida Metals Robbars. Wrtte for ixioss snd it-prng tags. Mais 1699. WE" - aaaai ReWhT Bed. s-prrng sad saattrs eeprta, ((.60; mok stovea, (G.90; vassres. (ll.( f pistes, (1.90 awe eve. (..(; g aarrx. (l.f; effV deawa. II l.ka: riaratoTe. t(.9l K. WANTED Tb ssseyl of ParUaad V k"l , pey tb highest caah pneas for boaesbotd goods, Prompt sttawUeav . Aat 6107. M. ' tester. 14B Hussaal . - - ' 1 I Pacific Junk Co.- rJ Hicheat pric for funk af aU ktoda. Write for hn-sing tag aad prleea, - i mT sHuWtaJM, CASH atEaslSTER " Cash regWAer. for gjery V o feeticmer-r atae. Have caah fof .sassa, 21-742, t Journal. , . -. : . i . . -. . WifcU ftPAlRlNO CPK-iALM WATCH CLEaMNO. II; JEWAX8. 4w$ . RErNCJOTlTn, JEWELERS. 124 STU ST. WASTED aad baad 4aoiriiig pictora aiaci.uv ceeapiete; mast .be cheap. See OUf, ZVl. 4th st ; GOING East ar SoatbT - Household good hipte4 at redaoed rates. Parifla Cct - rerwurug Co.. tl Wlleoa Mdg.. Marshatt 47, HlGHEaT pricee tog guns, ssuaaal InatrantenlaC kodaka gad high grade limn Tana Jtro.. 74 3d SC. near Oak. Main 6906.' FULL ealae paid foaT-Phaud goods aad jaak. any quantity. Pnoa Msin 734. 201 Is lK St. PAYS katheat price for seexsnd band akHhifii. tools, etc 273 t fml. stam vi. WANTED Rl.W sao-a-tana. casoeraa, leosea. liocbfield. 66 3d et. Pboei Mala 3(81. WANf ED-i-. p. fcvCudeTUt tSJToai Oak g-roee 1-M- ' WANTED Second band tot-la. biryeiaa, etc. Ritfmen Harsrvsre. 313 Front. -Main 8611. ELECTRIC tan, teat, lifl wanted. Maia 44 tt. WANTED A amall rang. P3Atie Tabor SlT. (Coatlnned l A-ellawiBf fki) - 31 N. ath U . .Vi . r 4 '