THE OREGON DAILY. JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1918. 11 ; ' WTTtTATTOTW MALE - ' 1 ObITKJ.SH , ae watchmen for twe Hpwlw eod J rwlI.DI. Bfnt SMI J o ? MKIP ' ivMnjaanaa. -480, JournaL POSITION wanted by aho.1 metal Worker. State wae.- J-664, Journal. tTtrA,no?rw--FgMAig i jUPERIENGEI) stenographer noU poaltion. "Wilt gin references. X-Ot, Journal. Van- V ' PBFSWMAKTNft "" 40 to GST tin mnmti find cites work, for your saonsy nil Mtlii 3879. evenings. FRENCH Ore maker wishes nUKninl by day, ' 02. Mrs. Frsnci,, (SO 44 K, Washington t. FUBHlMEi boohs $3.00 WEEK $4.00 WEEK t Exceptionally desirable rooms, .'I ' THE GARLAND HOTEL. . U Imwr and Washington . Streets. -. "...;-)'-,.., ,j Phone Mais 1136. .. Laurel hotel Room is iw mt,- steam heat Also sew ly furnlshad anartmente. Modem. . SKCON D AS Y AM1ULL ITS. Li HOB . cEai housekeeping rooms, running Employed - people preferred. ' water. Jit 11th. UMDl.1. NEW MANAUEMKNT r-rmeees hot at E. and Bernaide, 00s day vWO.. la week no. Mat 111, tAt Marco h6tl, U6deA,V r60mo. BATHS. FHONE8, 12 AND UP: THAN STENT 60a up. 42214 WASHINCJON.- - ' ; rcMWHEi unosjs o FBI V ATE FAMILT TyfoTr furni4ll'r;robni ralU with running water, light, heat, bath and phona fur tiinhed. Clote to shipyard. .Adults preferred. 412 lotn at.- Main zezs. f t WICELY 7 furnished' room (or gentleman, 15 modern flat. In private family, $10 month, ' Fuona Main 8628, 464 Jefferson at. - '' i'EWLV furnished large front room, suitable for two gentlemen ; close to shipyards. Also rooms, 741- Ifood at. i , ' . ICE 'room with home privileges for Working girl who will act aa companion, j 1508 E. ' at.; yntarUia earline. - , 1 JTlCELY furnialied room n. steam heated apt,, ell convenience. 56-4 Couch at.. Apt One, Call Manhall S3 70. I ' rounui, aalect raaiUenca, cactuiira -., . - homa-lika placa; gantlemeB only; ; rafareoeaa faquirtd. 141 K. 23nd it. - W10E claan roamta priraU hoi Try naaoav ania. e?v fcrmtt at. i i'lCELT farnbhad roam, (or rani 498 Uadiaoft U l'hona Marahail 4 214 ATTI0 room. . wa! liking dlounoa, both plum, 7 N. 17th near Hoy. IS month. 14 , B.OOK AyP gOAEP aad hoard (or! bmiDau girb, madara! aoa-' Tanianeaa. walklna diataaea. 11.10 waak. 13 X. 7lh at, Eaat 47IS. Ijaai'alanba V'ahaitou, 0 lvtb, for buair nana giria.and atndanta. Manhall 1:251. " ' HOrKEKEEPISO ROOMS 8 yPRWlHHKP AW1 UKFIJKMIHHF.P Tt'MT opanad 43 room. aiU. aaar ! shipyards and lllariaatpiil ' aa. earliaa. H. K. and tramiant. 8 V, Ruanall U. Vi Ituitfcthed boumgaaeplng ! rouma, naar shipyards. l a K. Morrtaoa at. -.- iiorsEKEEPisro rooms v TUR7HIMHED AM P UlTFDRyiSHEP TliRkCK aicaly , (uroialiad ' bousekaoping rooms1, prirsta toitat and bath, prirata front and baok . yaranda, alert no Hints, aa for cooking; no xiiUdrsn. atonin. XV o m. Tttu at, . aL v. er. s TO' ItENT, An prirau family, 2 nica clean, llglit II, K, rooms; alactria lights, water and ' phona. . 180 E. Tth t. N., cor. Oregon, i Mo children. Phona Eaat 7818. h i NUAT. aoiufortabla 1 and 2 rooms.; furnished II, K. apirtmcnts. (or adults only. 1S7 20tb aasr Washington, Tba Delmonte. ' FfVE (urnithd"JTK. rocsas, modern, chicken park, gsrdsu, Woodlawn 688.; j .'-' - CaRCR 11htJi7TC'rKnr$2 per week.' 244 ' Montgomery at. ! ; - " TWO dandy IL K. rooms, everything, included, for 117 per month, 1168 bolmoat. FOB REE5T HOUSES UXFirKWIWHED j 13 3Va ACRES garden ground, 0 room house, barn ana emefcen nousa, gooa watar, i nine irom Lents; Gresliam earlaie. 00 minutes (torn city, rtallwood 1121. .i - it - j FOit TttSS T Modern ' 0 . room house. ' large ' aleeplng Preb, beautiful grounds, Zhk acres : barn and garage. See owner, 4 8th st and Bid are, g. K.. or phone Taber 8848. 0 HOUU nmodom bungalow.. $1 OO, inoludiag water, or lor sale. iiome - cash and terms. Tabor 1401. 0514 68th S. E. . livH lva.ST--7 room liouts, good basemenjr for 'i ahop. 012 per mmth.0U0 Schuyler st. ln- quira ovo a. oil w. m Tl) U RUNT -8 room house, tt -lot.i. Iruit'and ganlan. ML Tabor. $10 par month, i Apply E. A. Mtiwitmis. 813 Ablngton bldg. i , '. BE V K.N rooms, electric lights, gas, some tur ntture, fruit trees. East end of Broadway ' r1 . a Ownar, Main 8910. lull IIKM'-II room houaa with yard, rea sonable. Hunnyside. TeL Tabor BttSO. . 18, INX'I.(;1IN0 'water. 7 nwm house, newly Kpered. Uronnd for gsrden. Phone Main 8189. VOri RENT 5 room cottage, 065 Taggsrt at,' HO.ftO, Including water. Adults only. MODERN T room house. ML 89th and HolgaU; ranee and 11 bads. IMP. Call East 0325. . ' BEAlTirUb U room house. Ail built-lns. Oak floors. 127. 507 K. 89th. : 'Foil RENT d room house with garage. 1384 K. Harrison st i HOUSES FOB RENT FUBNlTUBK FOB WALE - 38 i'OU RENT 0 room house, furniture ;for saliT 1110. 1220 B. Msln. 0 ROOMg very cheap. I'hone Main 0531. ' FTJRKISHBP HOUSES to $50 MONTH 0 room completely furnished modern. Piedmont Hot water heat ejleeping , porch. 1211 Height ave. Phone Wdln. 187. Vteferenees. " COMPlt.KTEI.Y furnished modern 7 room house, - 3 bedrooms, cboloe location, reasonable tent. Vt block to car. Phone Tabor T63l. - TaO. HAWTHORNE ave.. completely furnished 1 1 room ninue, a Bedrooms. Tabor 4870. MOSTLY furnished house. 4 rooms. Fruit and , roaaa. Plenty ground. Tabor 1 8088. I AFABTMEHTS ;t At FPRKISHEP AWP UNFURlflSHFP ' " H THE JEFFREY. , TT New 3 room furnished apt, : corner Russell and Kerby between Mississippi and WlUiams ' swc.. 013. . klSUiP HALL. ML 6th and Uawtnoraa, Atodara , 1, S and 0 room apts. ; $12.00 up; wsikiag ' a1,tBO- East 083. - ' ' ' 3 AND I room apartmants, steam heat, at the .Wedderbura apt. oor. Grand are, -and East Bnrnside, under new managamant. TliE LEONC&T 8 room furniahed apartment, private bath and phone; ' reasonable; aquiia. a no sina ax,- FURNISHED apsrtmenU. $i0 to 4'iO.' at Uolladay hotaL eomer HoUadays avenue and Adams st Walking' distance. East 8223. BONNIE BRAE' ' S room apartment, newly $8.60. llth and Hancock. furnished; j Beat FOB BEKT FLATS It Oil. $12. thoroughly clean, very convenient, 4 room flats. 674 Mississippi ave 4 ROOM upper flat, unfurnished, walking die- tawce. 020 Manhall. Bdwyt 1600. - ilOI KRN 0 room lower flat. Price-$26. East 4076, mornings. - HOTELS ' 04 a Moderate priced hotel of merIi hotel clifford. ... East Morrison at. and East Sixth, , 01 per day. 04 per waak np. . - STORES Ayp OFFICES ' 11 GOOD location for auto sundries and tires; No. . 284 2d sts will c bangs storee to euit tenant, gee W. J. Hawkins. 448 Sherlock bldg. - AUTOMOBILE, garage and store (or rent 000 E. Washington st East 6501. BRICK: atom. 17x80, 288Va' N; 16th -st.. - cheap; good for any buaineaa. Broadway 2332. , ' vTAKTEP TO BEKT f CHOICE newly furntahad rooms, also rcoa with aioovo, 1 or ugnt nousekeeptng; beet location. T09 Ftendera. Main 0700. WANTED Unfurnished room with kitchenette'; steam seated west side preferred. D-852. JournaL . Alil'T April 16, 0 or 6 roota furnished honsal (harden Must be ble. Will Bef- avencea. F-782. Journal, 0 ROOM modern bungalow to lease or rent, with nice yard and garden spot Tabor 4600. FIVE or . 6 w room house or flat; tefei Woodlawn 4870. WANTED to rent small tarnished bouse, eleo. r ' TO LEASE -f .'--'-. pa SS ROOM hotel. 820 Front street lor lease.' For , terms. I X. Thompsos ak Co., 2B3 Madison. FOB SALE. BUSINESS FROPEBTY 68 . ' y ' FOB 8AtE.v " ' I WAREHOUSE SITE, j ', 150 x SO. - East f aeoad. ThM lad Fin stxaata. i : -!;.; ' ,. t-'-; f. Trackaga . a two gidas. ' J Owner, , " t 014 Spaldint bnOding. I ataia 4980. ' FOB SALE- HOUSES 1 CAMFOHNtA BuNOALOW ' v i. tIIOSE CITY VA,KK ' : ;!':- ',-:( 13150 :f s ' ; - . i -- i i- . : .v;"" ;i -y . :-' ' - '-. All (loan hardwood. Bring room serosa en tire honse, rmall dan, big kitchen. 3 bed rooms, full basement, furnace, fireplace, big oonerete porch on front and aide, climbing rosea, Tinea on porch, twee around entire ipt, nice lawn, some trees, fourth house south of car on 48th at. In a bungalow block. DO NOT DIS TURB TENANT! Shown by appointment only. J. - L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No.- 7 Cham ber of Commerce bldg.. 4th and Stark its.. Mala 208, A-2050. (Sunday only at branch office, 45th and Sandy bird. No phone.) A Rising Market Oregon to bolld 150 additional ships. 0 room tiome, 27th and Division. Price $1860. $280 casn, improvements pam; parea, nreei, swewaia K. BTEAKNS; . w Vals 0117, vrenings. . and Bunday. Marshall 077O.-.' i - :- V ! - ' -- " " '' ; ! i HOMES. ; T Will snpnlr lot and build modern bungalow or boose to accord with your ideas. Substan tial Initial payment required ; total cost 11800 na up. I ' , - . .! i: IF. 8TEARNS. . 203 WUooa bldg. v t . ) " I Alain 8517. i ! I Evenings, 7:80 to- 8:80. - .Only $50 Down 4 room boufta, lot 100x100; price" $1275. 8 rooms and sleeping porch, price $700. , 8 rooms plastered, toilet in; price $880. WILLIAMS REALT? CO.. Graya Creasing: Phone Tabor 4934. . . DEAl HOME - 0 acres, well improved; modern 8-roeea Teal- denee, with basement, furnace; chicken psrki garage: lawn, ' flowers and fruit. Located cor ner OOUt .at, lad lth are. S E. 00100. Terms. -.. -.- $690 05,90 DOWN, 6.M5 MONTULK Well built 2" room ootUge in very dilapidated condition, small lot, close to, near Richmond Una. Fred W. Germaa Co., 783 Chamber of ' BETWEEN HERB AND ST. JOHNS V ' 8 room Shack completely furnished, largo bans with concrete foundation and cement door, near Arbor Lodge, 0800; $200 cash. $10 monthly. Fred W- Oermsa Co.. 782 Cham. o( Commerce. FIRST on to See this 5 room,' modern- bunaa 1 low for $2000, with improvements paid; fire place, furnace, buffet, china closet, double con structed, tall basement; will buy if they save $1000. 408 Bwetland btdg. i i SALE BV OWNER HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Modern 7 room bungalow with furniture; price and terms reasonable; none but prospective buy ers seed apply. Call any time. 1085 E. Lincoln St., earner 87th. I ' : ... - .' a WILL . iiAC'ftll'lCK 8 room bouse, i Us. Prfn, Sinno 2SO -eaSh. rent Ilka rent Place must be seen to be appreciated. : Neat school. I .arc garden, young trees, macadamized street. ttaOU ootn are, o. K. at acott car. IX)R SALE Modern 6 room "house. 1 acre. ' fruit trees, I chicken house, about 8 blocks to school.. Otto fare. 4 mile S. of Stanley station. 02000 easy terms. C. Raabe, MUwao- klee box 101. 'Can MUwenKi onz. BKAUTIEl'L UtUe home, 4 rooms, reception ball, toilet, bath, pantry, electric lights, gas. full basement, roses, cement walks, 1 block from oar and pavement. Owner, 88 E. 72d N, MODERN: 0 toom residence, dood ' west side district 1 near shipyards.. Owner going East ana saenncuig tor )iuu, luui (wjruwi us. ance like rant, na Horsl biag. MODERN 4 or 5 room bungalow (or rent or ale: fireplace, buffet, panel -and beam ced ing dining room, i large basement - and attic Call 4003 08th at, S. E. BARGAIN, splendid 8 room house, garage, oor. lot, 50100; -very ressonable; top location, Trvington. i Several cheaper bungalows. Eaat 278. . W.: Ji. HeTdman. GOOD" 4 'rooni bouse and 5 lota, close in on 80 fare, 20 min. out. -at-a bargain.- 01800 cash, bsl. long time or will sell house and Jot eheap.j Q.62Q, Journal. IVE room cottage bargain. - Terrace Park, corner, i Fireplace, fruit, berries. : roses, cost 12750. Price $1800. 0250 cash. M. V, Depot car. 70 is. a , FOPS' room modern bungalow, lust out 01 city, hicti taxes and assessments, on Base Line, raved. Must sell or lose place. Inquire owner, 70 E. BSd N. M. V. car. 0 ROOMS, story and half. 8 bedrooms; Jot 45x100; good school, walking - distance to Franklin high; cash price $2200, terms $2500. Phone Tabor 5898. ' . . , ; -. FOR SALE A 0 room modern bungalow; with built-in effects, 3 lota, east front; all kinds of fruit and berries; 4 blocks from earline; 02000, nuu casn, am monm. .. xaoor nq ta. FOR SALE By owner, a modern 0 room house, lot, 60x100; full basement; garden and roses; 01800, 9200 cash. Bellwood 1289. EXCEPTIONALLY (me 7 room house with garage, in , ! Hawthorne . district, reasonable. Owner, Tabor 807 FINEST 0 room bungalow in Rose. City Park: open for inspection. 559 E. 49th N 2d cor ner north of Sandy. FOR SALE 01700. $400 cash: modern 4 room bungalow; near Peninsula Park; lots of roses, berries and fruit Owner Woodln 2476. HOMES f have several which I will sell on easy terms and at right prices. Call Main 079 mornings and evenings. t ! 1 ( BOOM bungalow, excellent garden, MU Tabor ear, $1800! terms. No incumbrance. .If Interested cell Tabor 1902s Owner. MODERN 0 room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, cement basement, Dutch kitchen; terms. Owner, Woodlswn 1219.1 . FQR SALE Well constructed liouse, suitable for four flats.: Phone Owner East 025. : NICE 7 room bungalow, near Peninsula school; 8t. Johns earline. Call East 8325. 1 SEVEN room j cottage, 807 Corbett st. $8600. L. E. Thompson 4V Co., 268 Madison. . r Foil SALE -6 room .modern bouse; . terms. Call Sail. 2682; ; SMALL home on easy pas-ments. ' R. B. Walter, 6840 Fostet Road Tabor 8897. 0 ROOMi : bungslow. $19707."lilf cashT 687 lirterty at wuin. 44o. FOR SALE Rosa City bungalow, 7 rooms, modern. Phona Tabor 015. - . 1 BMALL house and 50x100 corner lot, $1100, easy payments. Owner. Phone Wdln. 0344.' FOB SALE LOTS 10 OOzlOO, 63d, near Sandy road; street graded, walks In and paid; very sightly; complete abstract, 3199. 8. P. Osburu, 610 McKay bldg. Main 6229. ; FOR SALE Cheap, 7 nice lota in cultivation; terms; will take heavy young team as part payment 1498 E. 18th st, N. Wdln. 0882. ACBEAOE Q7 BUT a 14 sore homesite at Courtney, $750 Terms., Gas and electricity. Oregon Inv. AY Mtg., Oo 202 Stock Exch. .Bldgv, 3d and YamhitL - - ' - - . - - - , . -,. FOR RENT 8 seres good garden land with . cottage; also 10 acres without dwelling. Both pieces af tend situated on the east side in city limits. ' Apply room 300 Henry bldg. FOR SALS: Ona acre. aU plowed. 8 blocks south of Powell valley road on Buckley ave. Call week days. Tabor 2862.! , t. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN ranches near - Portland; 3, 0, 10 acre tracts, 860 to 1200 per acre, i lacr srianq, oua laon bldg.. Portland. ACRE. Z room bungalow, half improved, 2 yean fueL , Fine proposition. - Phone Oak Grove 20Tt J - - .a . FUK SALE 4 14 acres. 2 acrea eWrad. 9 XL miles east of Ore aoa Citv. Win - .i. . Ronte 0, No. 88. Goo. T. Smith. - - : , ACRES (or sale. $550, half cash. YaQa Teats, w. vau at oio uuaan. SUBURBAN TfSMES 70 FOR SALE Suburban borne., Oregon, City -Hne near Gladstone, modern 0 room house, hardwood floors, French doors, built in con veniences, city wster. cement basement, 3 08-100 seres; all in cultivation. 40 fruit trass, barn. 20 chickens, i 1 cow. 0 minutes' walk from Hereford at j Herman Kelsos, Phone Oregon FOB SALE FARMS 17 Es4 you 'hava 02000 cash wa have' th. stock and dairy proposition Is Marion coun ty, win tease to uotooer Wits Vuday option. Hugh Mates. Sootts Mills, Or. ,"y7 FOR SALE 40 acres, 0 is cultivation, 4 room house, small barn, running -water. 0 miles S. B. Oragos City. 0 18.000V Thoa. Weyrick. Boute 8. Oregon Clty.' - .... . . . . 00 ACRE partly improved diversified Oregou tana. Good roads and market Price 02300. Oerraine bargain. 0700 cash, balance to suit yureiiasar. xioyai OKlg. - .- Eight Hundred and Odd Dollars : CbUected in one day at a rummage sale held in a First street store. Here's the point there are odds and ends- -unused, articles around practically every Portland home. -The Journal Want Ads attract 'many, many more people than any First street store "window. Make them your market place if you wish to . , FOB SALE fARMS 17 r- 134 ACRES T : . :. About 40 scree in eultlratioa. balanaa slashed and seeded. 7-rootn honse. bath, hot and cold water. Large barn, 2 silos, 1U aeres fruit, 40 cows, tea at, some hoca. 0 gee engines. silo eutter. wagon. Mower, rake, - tedder, plow, diss, harrow, cream separator. Watered with spring, well and living stream. Price 010,500, H eaan, paunee tuna. , v Xtua place is making money.'.' UII.L.MAN HOWUND, 8th and Main it., Oregon City. Or. - , 00 7 ACRES -' Sood 80U 20 aeres fat ereo. baJanea slashei anil aataAt 0 acres timber; family orchard bearing. 0-roora house, barn, outbuildings; mile to school, mile to car line. : Team. 2 eon. I heifer. 3 calves, harrow, plow, cultivator, small tools. Price 00700: 02000 cash, balance 6 Wars. 8 X. interest, 1 -, See us for bergenia in email homes DILLMAN 4c HOWLAND. 8th and Main eta., Oregon City, Or. 00 ACRE, farm, 150 under cultivation, finest of soil., all kinds of tools, hnraea. barn and outbuildings, 107 acres in wheat, good orchard. .All for $40 an acre.- Terms. In Jefferson count. Investigate; this sale ac count old age. Blanchard 4t Clemson, 702-8 Selling bldg."-" - :' 23 ACRES i .,: " 2 Vi . 'gcree in cultivation. 8 mare aajdla cleared, soree good bottom land, stream through place. Good well, new bouse unfinished, barn. chickea bouse, on good road, 0 Allies from Oregon City. Price $1600. iULLUAX-A HOWUAND. 8th and . Main st.. Oregon City, FOR -SALE 4 HO L acres loggod-ot( land, 9 .-buildings. 1000 1 fruit trees. aPDles. Dears. prunes, plums, cherries, blackberries,- loganber-J ries. Roads. 28 miles from Portland, 8 milean irom station. 2 per acre. -741, Journal. FOR SALE, cheap, ;27 acta farm, all in eulti vstion; crop partly in; running water; good buildings, '. family orchard: good gravel road. $1500 cash, bat easy terms. Owner. U. H. Griffith, Route 1. Boring. Or. 71 ACRES st Manning station, Washington county; 1 acres in cultivation; moat all till able; some bottom land; 3 -room house, barn, good toads, -creeks and spring. Price $2800. George Morse, 810 Chamber of Commerce. 40 ACRES, some improvements,' dose in, 02206. fM.7 I 1 1 A auv... ' - ' . . Wolfstein, 114 Vim. VOR RfiTfT P1RV. "1 -.lis FOR' BENT -0 'acres good garden land wltE cotUge. Also 10 acres without, dwelling. Both pieces of land situated on the 'eaat side in city limits. Apply room 203 Henry bldg. TEN acres, close to Crawford station, for rent: also 6 acres under plow, good bouse and banr nu. spring water. r,asi oow. - - FARM for rent, 190 acres, 12 miles from city. suitable for dairy.: Address J. h Wine. 892 Foster road, Lents. : Tabor 6056. . 1 TIMBER 88 UENERAL LAND OFFlCle Washinaton. D. C Notice ts hervby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the act of Jnne 0. 1910, (39 stat., 210), and the instructions of the secretary of the Interior of September 10, 1917. the timber on the following lands will be sold April 24,1918. at 10 o'clock a. m. at public auction at the United States land office at Portland. Oregon, to the hiaheat ' bid der at not leas than the appraised value as snown oy trus none, saia to Da subject to the approval of the secretary of the Interior, ; The purchase price, with an additional sum of i ana- fifth of I pet cent thereof, being commissions auoweo, must 00 laepomtea at time ol saia. money to be returned 4f aale is not annmvad. otherwise patent will issue for the timber which must oe removea witnm iv yean, Kids will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens and corooraHnn organized wader th laws of the United states or any state, territory or aistnct thereof only. Upon application of : a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal subdivision will be offered separately neioie Being mciuaea in any orfei of a larger unit. T.. 1 8.. R. 0 W Seev 00 NEV4, NEH. red fir 400 M., yellow fir 860 M., cedar 00 M.j NWV. NK!4. red fir 70 M , yeuow ur i au, nasi iv - l: DBa NWli, red fir 1490 M.. cedar 45 M.; NwC NWU red fir 1900 M., cedar 20 M. ; 8e2 MU. Mi flr HIO whir. r A 1 cedar V190 M. ; SWK BE H... red fir 1790 M cedar 90 M.; BEK BWS. red tit 31790 M. J 8W 14 " SW red ' t it 1080 M.. TeUow 1 is uv, v ma, a. v.. m. -, iw, i natia NEK, yellow fit 1450 M.. red cedar 00 M.i NW14 NE14, Jellow (it 2260 AC; MBH NWVi, yellow (ir 1050 M. Fir not to be sold at less than $1.60 pr M. 'and cedar ; not. leas that 02.00 per M. T. 18 S., R. 0 W., Bee. 85; BE 14 NEW. red fir 890 M. ; NE14 SUVk. fi. 11(1 M RKU MRU. nl Hr Attn art NW 8W red fix 400;M.. not to be sold for less tnsn i.v per au x. 1 u.. H. 6 E.. Bee 29; SW 14 SW14, red fir. 1900 M.. not to be sold at less than $1.60 per M. T. 4 B.. R. 8 E.. See. .0; 8BH NWH. fed fit 480 At.; NK BW, rea nr sua M.j SBVi BW14. red .fir 800 M.j not to be sold at less than 01.60 per l. . T. 4 B.. R. 4 XL, Sec 9: Lot 7. red fir 405 M. ; Lot 8, red fir 400 M.! Lot 9., red fir 695 M.; 8E14 SB 14. red fir 070 AL; not to be sold fot leas thsa 01.00 per M. CLAT TALLMAN. uom m utsloner. GENERAL Land Office, Washington. D. C. March 4. 1918 Notice la hereby given that subject to the conditions and imitations of the act of June 9, 1910 (89 Stat., 218), and the Instructions of the secretary of tba interior of September 35, 1917. the timber on the follow ing lands will be sold April 20." 1918. at 10 o'clock a. m., at public auction at the United States land oniee et noseourg, ur., to the hiirheat bidder at sot less than -the annrafcmi value as shown by this notice, sale to be sub ject i hi. - - w, i in terior. The purchase price, with en additional sum of one fifth of 1 per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at the time of sale, money to be returned if sale is not approvea, oiuerwise patent wiu issue lor the timber, which must be removed within' 10 yean. Bids will be received from citizens of the United States. 1 associations-, of such dtizeua and eorporstions organised under the laws of the United States or any state, territory or dis trict thereof only. ! Upon application of S qualt- Z, n.,.nh...r the timnar m an. knl ...SHi. li.r " ,1 h. offered seoarat-lv hrf" be offered separately before be ing included in any offer of a larger unit T718 S-. I'- 8. W.. Sec; 13, NW. 14 NW. 14. red fir 870 M.; SW. 14 : NW. 14. red fir 880 H sene oi wmcn snail oe aoia lor Jess than 11 M) Tier M. T. 21 8.. R. 2 W.. Sec 25: NE. 14 KB. , Douglaa fit 690 M.; NW. 14 ve. u. Douslas fir 750 M., incense cedar BO V.; BE. 14 NE. 14, Douglas fir 850 M.; SW. 14 n .1. 4. lwuaiaa. nr iuv m..i no. n - iv v. a. nnnslaa fir 1520 M incense cedar B0 ML: NW. t 14 NW. 14. uougiaa nr iiuu at., incense cedar an si.f KCi. a is. vousm nr iou ai.. in- cense cedsr vu i.; ow. ,n v. fougias fir 161V M., incne ceaar zo ai.; rii SE.14, Douglas fir 1440 M.i NW. 14 SE. ?4, Douglas fir 1220 M., red cedar 25 M.; BE. BE. 14. Douglas fir 850 M.; SW. 14 SE. 14, nrmalas fir 660 M.. incense cedar 40 M.. red cedar 10 M.i NE 14 SW. 14. Douglas fir 790 M., incense cedar : 7 9 - M.4 w. 'A oW, 14, Douglas fir 97V M... incense -cedar 160 M.; SE. 14 cv. 14. lxiugtas ur auu at.; an. aw. 14, Douglas fir 300 M., none of which shall be sold foe- less than 31.25 per M. T i CLAY TAM.MAN. Commissioner. .- ',: ... 160 ACRES AH good land, 1,100.000 timber. 3 miles from store, P. 0 hi good farming country, $2000. DILLMAN At HOWLAND, - 8th and Main St., Oregon City. Or. ! TIMBER claim, cruise guaranteed over -3,000,- ,000 feet; good umoer; weu toes ted; excel lent investment Fot details, cost, etc., address T-008, JournaL SHIP KNEES WANTED, LOEB BROS., 902-8 BROADWAY BLDG., PORTLAND, OR. SHIP knees and hews ties wanted. Gambia Rieg Bhip Knee Co., Gerllnger bldg. y ' HOMESTEADS 47 OREGON land grant lands In Jackson and Joaephine counties open for filing April 26. Other lands near Portland . open soon. Experi enced cruiser and locator at your service, rea sonAble fee;, make your selections now. G. la, Webb. 414 E. Stark st EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 UNINCUMBERED 2 story store building in good town 80 , miles from Portland. Rented to ' good tenants. U Owner leaving. Will sell - or trade for tana property. 02 500. If you have a proposition you know is right, submit it No inflated values considered. 332 Margin at or phone East 2593. WANTED -Trade or'i sell; will trade my property -is Dallas, Or., for property in Portland; also have pair, of milch goats, Toggenbergs, for trade or sals. . Address 032 14 Mississippi ave., Portland. , . - '- i . - BEST 40-A. improved farm . sear Portland. Exchange clear xyity income property. : E- 638, JournaL .. CRANBERRY bog, eplendid location, ta pro- docing district; sell or .-.ehang. Portland property.- rs-e.s, journal. 25 ACRES: 12 miles from Portland. imnmvadL- good buildings. Want 8, 5 acres, with build ing, cioee is on ear una. M-7ZH, JournaL FOR BALE or rent, 2 cheap, one 0 and one 6 room houses. Phone Tabor 138. , FOR RESULTS Hat ; your property with the Real - Eatate Exchange. 201 3d at, PorUaad. $4000 100 acres (or rooming have. .,H-48s Journal. 1 Sell or EXCHAKGE REAL F STATE - 14 23 ACRE SUBURBAN FARM. Only an hour out from Portland center. right at station on electric. Will take good boose as first payment. 8 took and equipment go with (arm. Neiian A ParkhilL 2 IB Lnmbarmens bldg., 6th and Stark sta. WASTED BE Ali ESTATE 81 BRACKS ANi SMALL HOME WANTED Must be N. K. and priced right. We have Bnmerons buyers waiting., :; Fred W. Oerraaa to.. 72 vrtam. of fro- 1 " WANTED 5 room 6ou. $2260, . or lees. Have small 4 roam hoasa aa 1st narmant. D-988, Journal, v -.A. SMALL home outside city. Terms. Owners only. J-055. Journal. 'EOOMI5B HOrSEJt OS 27 ROOMS 27 . -Rent $25. - Brick building, all on one floor: every room full, clears $115 per month; price $700, naif cash, petera, 16 s. btn st. AM GGINO south and will sell my new, modern, eldtsntly furnished h rooming house, coexist ing of 12 rooms. A splendid investment;: easy terms. ; gee my reprewntative, 214 Henry bldg. FINE 10-roomVace,, close in, well furnished clean, good moneymaker, j A snap lor $076. Call 188 Third. 1 WANTED A hotel or apartment house. Wood- lawn 4680. No agencies.. WANTED A email rooming house, west, aide. Main 0581. CASH for - rooming house; state location and Tinee. J-645, JournaL ' . ' BOOMING house for sale. $50 will handle the deal if taken tomorrow. - Mam 7321. 12 ROOMS. H. K., alwsya fulL Beat. $20. 84 6. Terras. - Owner. 472 Main st. : 18 ROOMS, well furninhed; sell cheap. Want to go to Frisco. Can East 8S26. BTJSiyESS OFPORTP?HTIES 30 FOR SaLK -Good general mercnandiao: store in live country town of about 1000. 2 good aawmills, 'dairying, fsnntng and fruit raising; stock 010,000 to $12,000 and about $2200 fixtures. Handle starjla lines. Mason Ehrman as Co. groeeriee, Fleishner Meyer eV Co. dry goodsy HamutDB Brown, vt tc AWnn Co., ana Ohittawa shoes. Hart, Schaffner tc Marx cloth ing, etc Suitable terms; would consider part real estate. E-644. Journal. : : ; t WANT to sell a neat ana dandy grocery store : At Bell station, Etacsda' earline; stock sew, claan; - fixtures good; living rooms in rear of the store; rent reasonable; delivery wagon and horse, with barn on premises.' Apply at store or to B. Tsbell, 8601 Foster road. Tabor 661 0. BUSINESS OPPORTTJNITT i r-.A graduate of aa agricultural college, who Bet- $2500 to Invest, can be assistant manager, good, salary, and home furnished, of a . corpora tion having large bearing orchards. Address B. C. O. Co.. Dufnr. Or, - . HAVE i'OU 02500? . r If yoa want ta b independent yon can be. Wa tiaed this amount to finish a big paying businaas. It you mean business ' answer this ad. 1633 14 E. 13th St., room A. Portland, Or. : CIGAR 8TGRB ", - en busiest street in city, right where ell work ing people pass; rent $10; cleared over $185 last month; price $295 for aU. Peters, 10 N. 0th at. - - 1 .;v '- J' ' ' FOR BALE Half interest in The Dalles Bak . ery. Reasonable. Half cash and balance may be paid in monthly psyments. Purchaser may hare 10 year lease. John Woovalaa, 114 E. 2d at.. The Dalles, Or. GROCERY STORE BARGAIN 4 On beat transfer corner close in; no compe tition; rent 015. with living rooms; worth $1000, if sold at once $695 lor all. Half cash. Peters, 16 N. 6th st ; ' A GOOD businaas proposition for man and wife; cheap rent; chance to make j good money. . Grab It , quick before yoa are sorry. H-669. Journal :. ' : y '.. BEST furnished and equipped Columbia high- way - mountain resort Steam heat Private bathe.. Beautiful grounds. -Real opportunity for right party. 01000 required. 612 orl bld AM enrolled for government service and: wish to make cash sale of my business. Hsird reusing parlor, prominent location in business district, excellent business. E-708, JournaL - FOR BALE Lumber yard and hardware store j doing fine Business,- gooa puce w uvsi a.a- arees YX-680, ..JournaL' v-f- ; - i. ' '., BlCKSiriTH shop and tools' fort sate very Ap reasonable. Owner 'must leave, town. ril 67 2d st or 787 1st st EXPERIENCED miner and prospector d financial assistance to prospect is new and promising district -D-93 9. JournaL' ' ! SECOND band 'barber supplies and - chair. bought and sold, List your barber shoo With as. Portland Cutlery Co.. 80 0th at, FOR SALE A confectionery and ice cream, atand on one of the main ear lines. L-815, Journal. -'.'---- ' - ' ' . . DON'T WORMY I can sen or trade anrtainc anywhere 1 taty gaan. 14814 Broadway. j SALE or trade invention automatic pipe and nut wrench. Phone Broadway 0988. ' I FOli cAX,E Grocery and delicatessen. "Be owner, phone Main 1204. MOITET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 07 OUR installment plan is the best and surest method of paying a loan. . ' $33.26 per month for 88 months er $21.24 lot 60 months, or $10.17 for 90 months, pays $1000 loss and interest r. - Other amounts ts proportion. . We loan on improved city property Or for building purposes. 'No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A- LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark St. Portland, Or. . , WE 11AVD money to loan in any amount at current rata of interest No delay. If you have -i the security, see us. McClure & Schmsuch. Main 2801. y -: , MONEY to loan on. improved property in most' every town in Washington, Oregon and Idaho; ' P? . nac monuuy nae rem. n. XL Chadwick. 822-28 N. W. Bank bldg. $250, 3330, 0400, $600, $650, $750. $1000 and large amounts at current rates. Quick action. Fred W. Gormen Co.. 702 Cham. Com. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property, money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 215 and 210 Failing bldg. Mais 040T. MONEY to loan in amouoU of $100 to $5000 on eitv oraDertv. A H. BELL, 201 Gerllnger i iitti,iAUK loans. 8 and 7 -per cei Louis : K.inmtin a t'.o.. soh Heifinff nida. CASH for mortgages, loans, contracts. F. H. Iwls, Room 4, Lewis- bldg. ' Main 6831 . $100- to 01600, consider lots. E. H. Dowliag. 416 Chamber of Commerce. Mala 867. -I HAVE 01000 to 040.000 to loan on farm or city property, p. o. ox 873. --- $4600 No commission, WiU split Tabor 0135. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 07 Salary LOANS . Chattel WE LOAN MONEY : On short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes.-, vveeauy, semi-monthly er monthly psyments. . Each transaction strictly confidents!. , NO MORTGAGE 1 NO INDORSEE ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. We also loan on household furniture, ptanna etc.. without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. . COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. ..: " -LICENSED. 817 Failing bldg. If .You Need Money, See Us - SALARIES CHATTELS Loans mads to persons on salary or fixed income, on household furniture, pianoa, diamonds and other personal property, legal rates. Businaas eoa iidenual; private offices. - - . PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY f - - licensed. 300-807 Dekaa Bldg. " lORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. ' " Established by Portland businees man to protect -. borrower. C. MTERS HERMAN, Mgr.. 894 STARK ST, LOANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY. flANOS. nuusanuw runautiiu, I LOANS WASTED to $ SOU gilt-edge country mortgage. Discount to draw 8 per cent H-659, Journal. HORSES. TEHICLE8. BTC. - 10 $100 TAKES 1200 lb. horse, 4 yean old. har - - nsss and wagon. -880 Front at, alto several sets of harness snd wagons. FOR SALE Hand-made grocery . wagon and Bernosa. a. ncittiign, o vui FOR SALE 1 gooseneck wagon, 3 14 tons, cheap. Must selL 429 E. Belmont LIGHT (ana wagon., aad brown mare, 040 ; Would seR eepante. Phone Marshall 4055. 0 . HORSES, wagons and harness for ealeTT F" a-vaw. .Mm. aDia. - IIO. QUOS. TEAM, 2000 lbs, with harness, 0160. Cad City . Dairy bans, 270 Grant st. 8. Portland car. Swap HORSES. VEHICLES, ETC IS ATTENTION HORSBB'UTEf We still have left a number of hones, harness and wagons, also several lams wagons, that we must selL Here are a few of the bargains - Black gelding, 0 ym. old, short, block y. chunk, a beauty, gentle, kind and true fas all harness, $70.-! .r.v ,-. , - -: -,-v ., - Brown gelding. 11 00 lbs, 7 years old. aound. true in aU harness, $65. Dapple brown asare, I years old, good is ali harneae and a specially fine single driver. 1 Weight 1140 lea., -6. - Blood bay mare,! 1200 lbs., T years old. fine animal anywhere. 080. Brown gelding, 6 years old, sound and true "In harness, 120O .lbs. 85. Sorrel gelding, 1200 lbs., 8 years old, ! best horse la city for same money; dead true; all bameas,- very gentle, 080; also some wall matched teams of bays, browns and blacks, age from 0 to 9 yean, weighing from 220O. 2600 lbs. per -span. All of these horses have been working right up until a few days ago, are grain fed, and , ready to get in and do your . work, every one of them being in good flesh. Also 1 10001b. horse, beat -worker, 030V We have : many seti of extra good donble harness, both heavy and medium weight Both Yankee breeching, and the regulation five ring westers breeching. , We will let go cheap . withi Everything muvt sell. ,i i The Russell St Transfer 4b f Btorage ' Co., comer Russell and Vancouver avenue, 1 tilock west of Williams avenue; 0160 BeJTS team with heavy breeching harness, ' weight 28SO lbs., guaranteed aound and true workers any-place. This team baa bean used to haul1 fertiliser to' parks of this city, contract being finished, wa have no further nse for them, also have a chunky sorrel horse which is good to R low and gentle for lady to drive; with single arneas. $50. - 263 Russell at. Ask for Mrs. Hess, FOR SALE Young team, 6 and 0 years, about , 1300 lbs. each,! sound and trna; also wagna and harness. Call East 2419 week days. Can see them at Greenberg sta., Oregon Electric T. 1 I,ano. ; FOR SALE 8 head mares and geldings, alt good worken and gentle, weight 1000 to 1600 lba. each; also single and double harness, wagons and buggies. East 0227. 292 Daion eve. A GOOD team, harness, wagon and aQ kinds of ' farm implements , for - aale, CaU op Tabor 4885, residence on Section Line toad. . 4 Vi miles east of 82d st A. M. Allshouse. MUST sell one team of brown mares 070; one mare and gelding, weigh 2400 lbs., $00. Portland Fure Milk Stablea, E. 2nd and Broad way. I" - W:--!-:-; -j ,-: -.. . - ., FOR SALE Pair of xoaree. weigh 2200 lbs.; -took-' alike, - color bay; good harness; $140, Take Woodstock car : to 04th St. walk 0 blka. north to White House. ' 4-YEAR-OLD bay horse, 1150 lbs, broken to work: 1 good workine harness: 1 btizs-v har ness for sale) cheap, I960 Hodge at St Johns car. -j - FOR SAI E 1 heree 9 years old, cheap. Call Multnomah Fuel Co. barn. Curry and Ha. eedam sta., a. m. or after 3 p. m. TEAM; of mares. 2400 lbs., with harness; alsa cowana narrow. f 129 Duys complete out fit.' ! 1967 E. Btarkf. take MontaviUa car. FOR SALE 1 good all ground ' bone, cheap, weight 1000 lbs. O. H. Winters, Luther Sta. Eataeads car. i $85 BUYS honest ranch, team and harness; weight 2200 lbs. Take Mt Scott car to 9th ave., inquire at Weetover Grocery store. TEAM, weight 2200 lbs., sound and good work en, harness and: team, wagon, $140, Spokane earn, nasi am ana riawtnorne. : . , FOR BALE Matched tesnt of horses, 2900 .lbs., 7 and 8 years old and sound, 0325. Trial allowed, 880; Front st, - .- 1200 IB. horse, 8 yean ld, .single or double, and harness, delivery wsgun and cart, Cheap. Kerbs Store, Gladstone, Or. 1400, LB. true work hone, good condition, har- : mas, top buggy. Might exchange for good irasn dairy cow. 01 js. Asn. .1- . - - v , huRSE and wagon. $1.25 day: 2 horses and wa- gon. e..oti, 00 front Main 2208. ' Front Main 2208. DEAD horses and animals hauled away fraa.u Call woocuawn zu, rortianq rtenfienng co. 10 HEAD good farm work horses, well fed over winter, sou to siou. - Aiaer st - .-:-.'.).-.' livestock: It FOR SALE 7 to 9' good milk cows at reason able price; also would exchange for good beef stock at farm 14 mils back of Kenton high school on SchoUs Ferry road, .14 xoilee from Portland. ' - r - '' : sl- Witt arrive with" 22 head of aood Sows, nuiatlv fresh, snd some springers, all breeds, by wed., April 8. A. Uess, 9710 Foster rd. nr. 97th: 'gc, Lesta,- f- - . - FRESH cow. young, gentle (or lady to haa- die. Must have money. Mt Scott, Tremont ota., o diss, soutn. 7 sun ootn ave. FOR SALE 4 good milch cows. J. W. 'Holaaee. 1-3 mils east of Concord station on Oregon tjity canine. : 1 PASTURE (or 100 heed cattle. Bsuviea Island. 10 cents per day. PARTICULARS Woodlawn FOR SALE or trade for good cow. light team - and harness, guaranteed. Tabor 2181, after Sunday. , -, - FRESU dairy cows, all breeds. Gentle family cows, rich milk. Very cheap. 761 E. Ash. - LARGE Holstsin and other breeds. Terms. Bruce, stockyards. . - CHOICE young fresh Jersey cow at 28th and Holgate sta. FOTjXTBT, PIOEOirS, FET STOCK 87 Butler's White Leghorns Do- not buy slacker chicks. ; My laying stock avenged 72 per cent through November snd December, giving a profit of $2 per bird. They will do as well for you. - The lay is bred in them. My breeding stock is - trapnested and Hoganized. and is large, heathly, vigorous stock, the only kind that lays the winter egga. . All breeding pens headed by 240 pedigreed cock erels.! Visitors always welcome. Have encaged capacity of 8000 batches April 6, 14. 21 and 27. i Order before it is too late. Call Wdln, 1902, or Oak Grove 169W,,. or Mar. -2409. Butler Poultry Farm. Jennings Lodge, Or; WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks. We have soms of: the best breeden in the West, all from Hoganized heavy Vgg laying strain, raised aa full range . runs; .therefore, we can : produce baby chicks' that cannot; be equaled in size, vigor snd health. Bohneller Whita Leghorn yards, 1640 E. 18th st N.. Portland. Or. Phone Wdln. 1198, B. C. W. Leghorn baby chicks sow ready and W. Leghorn and It L Red hatching- eggs, from! Hoganized stock, at 1813 Barrage at Phone Woodlawn 4980. :, - EGGS for hatching from extra fine large win ter laying strain S. C. R. L Reds, xtone bet ter; only 11.60 for 16 eggs; $7:50 fot 100. B. A. Mitchell, Oreneo, Or. DANIELS White Rocks, world's champion hy. en, highest official records. Illustrated cata log free. Box No, 174. Ideal Poultry Tarda, Hoquiam, Wash, j - --i WHITE Leghorn baby chicks, from heavy laying ( Hoganized ) ' stock. March delivery. Oil per 100; April, $10. ' We guarantee safe arrival The Pioneer Hatchery, Petalume, Calif. WANTED Someone to run incubator with ex perience. I wiU furnish .eggs. -120 E. 20th N. J. A. Hanvat. J-644. JournaL' FOR SALE 8 cyphers 100 chick outdoor brood en, 1 indoor brooder. 1 200-egg incubator. 1634 F.. 12th N.i Woodlawn 1480. --. SR. L REDS, dark rich .-color. Elliott strain. eggs gi.ou ior xs, o per mu.. .'labor 8023. 6513 88th et S. E. , - "' I THE pkOdiESSrVE HATCHERY' 1634 E. 12th N. Phone Woodlawn 1480. O. A. C. White Leghorn bsby chicks Monday. BUFF Orpington i cockerels, pullets and frhoronzhbred nrize-winning stock. Anna Bowen, 6200 41et st 6. E. Phone Sea 2981. CHICKS. White Leghorn: free range, trap ed foundation stock. Master Incubator Co., 415 Jessup st Portland. Or. Woodlawn 4344. THOROUGHBRED White - Rocks, Schannon ' strain, eggs 31.60 for 15; $8 per 100. Tsbor 8023. 5512 88tn st 8. E. RHODE Island Red hatching eggs, reaaanahle. Tabor 070.- .-! ' - - ' - - - - - FOR SALE Petalume incubator. HaU A Cas siday, 120 1st i Main 7098. " ' BLACK Minorca hens for sale, Whit. Leghorn eggs for hatching. OOe per doa. CoL 696. ONE pair of Buff Cochin bantams, prize stock" $2. East 1803. . -. -- , BLACK MINORCA eggs. II per setting of la. 4202 T6th it 8. E. No Sunday sales. BARRED Rock baby chicks. 1447 Mallory avee. woooiawn i. FOR SALE Buff Leghorn , Phone Woodlawn 3998. . and egga, THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock eggs for hatch- ing, 8e each. Tabor oa7. 1284 Ha Way. THOROUGHBRED W, L . setting saga, 76a. Columbia aa. ' . . .. . bli-VER CAM PINE eggs, $2.00 per 10. Grace Bardsley, a,enton otation. woodlawn uy. WANT 2 r settings Blue.: Andalmisn April 4. Tabor 7808. ; CALL duck eggs for aale. Box .01, Multnomah! Or. Main 8165. PAIR China Pbeasante for sal or trade. I wood 1198. v - ' lelT FOB SALE Laying hens. 11 each. G. A. Grey, Ryaa Place. Oregon Electric . " - B. L RED roasters fot sale. Call Wdln. XiT. FOTTXTBT. FIOEOyS. KT STOCK 91 . CHICKS AND HATCHING EGGS from the Win tar-laying White Laghorne. the kind that pay for themselves again at te the ' others have a ait laying. Chicks from ear best 1 kste taQ and winter layer. $11 per 100. Eggs. 1 par xvu. tot is, ana sue extra lor parking and - shipping ehargee as single aet- tinge, j. n,, Atagiure. 707 Oragos sb. phone WALlM HOGAX strain ,"nlu lUghora hatch: . lag eggs from heavy laying stock. 01.30 for 10; 07 for 100 eggs. 2141 E. Morrison. Ts- bof 1900. ' - ' DOGS." BTRP. FETS. FTC-' - 40 i'OR SALE Beautiful iaaportad iSt Aadreas burg eaaary. All yellow. No falsa notes and , good breeder. Write . or Dhone Mrs. W. L Bauer, Molalia, Or. FOR SALE Three Scotch Collie pupa, t months' old: eligible to register: from weQ trained stock. Address Ned it Callaway. Brownsville. Or. "- - Jl'ST the thing for the kiddies fot Easter, a Belgian nare ooe, witn litter, and also Kolas Bed rabbits for sale. Marshall 0890. FOX Tsrriar dog lot tale et trad. Columbia BOl. ' - , - . - . -- 2 -ANGORA rabbits, does, reasonable; will ex- change for BelgUns. Woodlawn 4418. REGISTERED Orange and Blue Perslas,' eats at stud, fee 05. East 8220. NEW Zealand rabbits, . young, vigorous stock. D-1S83. WANT good St Andrcaaberg Rollar fot Uainer. Broadway 3001.- - ' FOR BALE 3 tabblu, 2 does and 1 buck, also bicycle Tabor 8088. BELGIAN hares for aale. 1081 E. Lincoln st Call mornings after 10. FLEMISH rsbbits. 50c each. L Tabor 7524. ' AUTOSIOBILES ACCEHSOniEH 44 FORDS DODGES BUICXS We have a large stock of Uxht economical ears, which we are going to dispoae of at coat to us. Now is the time to savs soma money on a good used car... Tha ' following is a part of our Hat: : - . - 1914 Ford, extras ................ .'.$300 117 ora. szoo extras ............. eza 1910 Ford, first class ............... 050 1V1Z Bukuc ............. ... .. .. 286 1911 Bulck 250 1912 Maxwell 200 1912 Cadillac ;., 850 1909 Chalmen delivery, good shape. . . , . 200 1914 Chalmers, first class .... 425 Ford, - sew one-ton truck ............... 660 1914 Overland delivery, first class. ..... 850 1910 Dodge delivery, good shape....... 660 1918 Packard Six 760 1912 Maxwell, extra good shape.-, 250 1917 Btudebaker Six, 7 passenger, almost new .......................... . .1050 1910 Bulck. roadster ,,......,.,.....-900 1 1 7 Dodge," touring 1917 Dodge, roadster, extras .......... 860 B.n ' 1917 Hudsoa fiuper-SU, light, new., 1400 MANX 9THERS ' - , t Set our stock' before purchasing elsewhere, as we can save you money. CO'tET MOTOR CAB COMPANY, ' t 21st and Washington fits, -' ' . -Main 0244 - ' " . i. - .- . - . ;. -; -l 1917 Saxes 0, A-l, spare ...... ...f.tVTSO 1917 Btudebaker 4. 7 -pass., spare . 600 1918 Maxwell, spare wheel and tire, like ' new iiv'..... , 776 1910 Hudson , 0-40, 7 -pass., spare. . . , . , 000 Mil MarS-swSnob:::;: m Bight Fries Good Can Easy Terras, WESTERN MOTOR CAR SALES CO.,: Broadway at Burnside. GARAGES, HOTTSES. ' CHICKEN HOUSES. The B or t a b la JS ? hlo4H-Sav yoa I l asanas. Seat aasa. ple at 644 Hood at. Main 1107. Millmade Construction Co."- THAYER. SHAVEK-GTJLLX MACHINE COMPANY 1 Ton. $370 i " BUILDERS OF ' 114 Too. 1420 I EVERREADY TRUCK 2 Ton. 0470 I ' ATTACHMENTS Capacity f Mfg. in Portland 193 E. Water st f Phone East 7437 ONE Ford chassis. $285. 1 Buick chassis, $125. - 1 Chalmen chassis. $200. Have several can too good to wreck. Will sell at from $100 to $176.- , . : liONO V SILVA. 4627 HswthoAe ave. iviui uwatiiu) u you can save eao or 0100 a year by burning distillate with a Petite Hot Snot Manifold with not aa much carbon er foul plug as with gasoline and ae easy starting, could yoa afford to be without ltf write rotate. Motet Jaenio, LAHER Mfg. A Repaira, 0000 guaranteed springs Is slock, price, reduced. 84 N. 16th st If yon wish to sell your old car.' -rlHinn no object 301 Front st -. AUTOMOBILE Ownen: Why pay high prices for repairing your car. when von can .at a first class mechanic to come to your noma atvt do the work for a reasonable price f .Call or pnone Main e,24. B. Bnell, Koysl hoteL . ' HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL, : , S8!l WilVTWHRMH , V V EVERYTHING MECHANICAL AND ELEC-H. TK1CAL,; titL,uail.aii; rjtAUTaCAl. REPAIR EXPERIENCE. Hock .Used Cars COVEY MOTOR CAB CO., 2 1st and Washington sta Msln 0244 AUTO DRIVINO SCHOOL : Teach you In three leeaona, - 707 LEWIS -BUILDING, 4TH AT OAK. Low rates. Ceil or write. MOTORS, gears bearings, wlteels,.; we v : r. rr. v :.r; ; zv n r. . , ' - -lorua Broadway. Broadway 190. isavvc, ovt oi m. eoss oi repairing your can; all work guaranteed. Hemp hill's trade schooL 707 Hawthorne sve., cor. E. 20th. Phona East 8068 for service car. when la trouble. CASH paid for old can; condition no object; parte for aU makes of can, Oregon Auto Ex change, 120 Lownadal. et. at 10th and Wash ington. Phone Main 1101. WILL sacrifice (or cash, 6 passenge Umatilla Meta- ger. touring car, new fares. jmatilla Avenue Garage. Bellwood 1219. 1910 FORD roadster in first class mechanical condition: will sell vert reasonable. 080 Ik Hier stiwefc - - BTUDEBAKER roadster for 0 ; has had the i beet of care; looks good; reliable car; rea sonable. Phone East 2H22. 1917 BUICK 0, 0-paae.. " excellent condition. with extras. 0970. Call any time, 429 E. 18th st North. FOR SALE -Delivery csr, in good condition; Overland. Can be sees at Portland Garage. 5th and Taylor sts, - m us oAtr, 1 ton txersix truck in baas cone dition. Would consider touring csr aa first payment Phone Wood is ww 1771. FOR SALE No. 79 Overland, newly painted. in good eondition; never driven only by the owner. Price $600. Phone Eaat 0700. ' LARGE stock of slightly used tires at low prices; vulcanising, re-treading, general tire rebalrina. H. B. Blacky 684 Alder st Main 1319. - - JUBRUILLE " -- TOP CO , " 0th and Oak. Broadway 1004 Fords Enameled $12.50 T 070 at Morrison St. vr-'i- 0 PASS, ear, good condition, eaat new 02260; - spars wheel and tire: a barrels for $073. or will exchenge for roadster. Mam 8100. - OVERLAND eha-ais; - will sacrifice for $100, - Main 7021. -i . - - - .... FOR SALE Cheep. A Ford delivery express, 230 0th at ' -' - . " - 1917 BERIES 8tudebakar 0000; big bargais. 214 E. 19th et . - " FORD touring aad raaabout lor aale c HaU'ak Caoatday, 120 1st. Mala 7098 REO deUvery. OlOw; good order i'hone Wood- 181, 1917 - FORD, delivers, eovered. good ondltioa.O lie e. aiomaon. 1910 MAXWELL tor sale cheap. -490. Journal. gssis4yg. ArTOMOBtXFS ACCESSOBntS J OTJB CSID CAS BAROAINS sFotd DeHrary. ust heiAg evarhaalad ..,$000 Btdek Xaadstar, a good hay .......... iv . I ...I Marios Roadster. axoeBeat shape......... 310 Abbott-Detroit, a I ........... .VV White Oaa, 0-paeaengee ...... ,......,.050 Saxes. 0 ... ...... ...a BOO Hudsos 0-64. S tires almost Sew V-sgwr. 1010 awa.Lv..:.".... Ford, 400 Ford.'0-psAssiger.' 1010.. .V... , . .. ., 400 Ford Boadeter ............. 1".. Terms to, teaponsfble partias. W. H. WALLTNGrORXX 022 Alder St Phona Mais S4S3. " i .us. 1 USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GITXX 'i 3917 Msxw.lL 0 pasa. .... .1 ......... .8850 1 i?? ir aa, era. ............ mov 1 1913 Mitchell. 0 Pass. . e crt... ........ S3 1 1917 Mitchell, & peas.. 0 cyt... 950 7 caas.. 8 CTl. . ........ B60 I i9i? to$l:gt.&: :::::: 11 T i pess.:a qyt,.... auu USED. CAR DEPARTMENT . alTTCHELL, LEWIS 4V 8TAVEB CO. East Morrison st First 8t i --. - East 7272 Phones B-1210 . KEW TIRES" What brand: et sew tirsedo yen I preiari ; n a oav. toeaa, su mazes mad """fr. A.wa moua-wv-u uouoie Traaa ( sewed 1 tires -ana ao su manner or tire aa. pairing. .Oregon Vulcanising Co., 000-090 Burs- aide sear -uroaawsy. 1 i i ' "I'I,11 ;x AtTTOMOBIXBS WAXTEB to vfiPOT CASH- Paid fox lata model touring cars and roadstara. atuw oe in gooa condition. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE 027 Washfngten street. ',-.- 1 Broadway 0408. j '.--.- .' 03000 EQUITY is swell 0 room, (eaat aide! residence. Ces rent for $40; large base-I stent - lights, water, gaa. fruit trees sod 1 V4 Wa Will M,h,.. fn. hl.hMrf. . ' V, ue", a OQrmi. - WK wir.f. paV aJtit . ' For ' vred Fords tourtne. madatar ar i,l!wn. PALACE GA RAG B CO.. 12th asd Stark Sts. Broadway JO 7 a. Pbosee A-3443. I WILL PAT TOO SPOT CASH FOR YOUR ' FRANCIS MOTOR CAB EXCHANGE. - East 0770. E. 18th end Hawthorne ave. SPOT CASH FOR YOUR FORD EARL E. RANSOM. 209 UNION AVE. N. CORNER HOLLA DAY. PHONE EAST 804. i j1. j i ' ' ... , , . PRIVATE! party wiU pay cash for good used ear. Atuat oe oa good running order and Sot elder than 1915 svodeL A-722, JournaL vl-ti.i. 'l u.lil' v,ioh ...h. .. sgnt automomie. rora t) ret erred, iiall ak Cassiday, ' 126 let Main T098. M i I gooa euro, vein. - eovv. Hiatarv. ir. WANT Ford or other light touring ear; email payment down and good monthly , payments. ivos Mi. ilia n. rt TO TRADE-The finest Improved lot in West - - I L ' . ' . i ' , , . , , morels ad for a 1917 - liaht ante. JournaL I WANT, a good light cat lot cash, Joef A. ' wrovar,' wooaourn, ur. $160 CASH, and lot in 'Brighton.'" 4 iio, tot ngns car. r.asc xais. Will py caufa. Manhall 1844. WlNTEfi Ford tu4ur bo&j? ""'a U 'IL A 40os. . . - n ijiMiawB HIGHEST prices paid tot automobiles; cundl- tion no eojeet. - 121 w, aa at, jtowy. 3o-l.J WANT lata model rord . ehual. ; k , prioa for spot -cash. U-983. JournaL . LOTS and cash to trade lot 0 pass., bug "or roadster. Tabor 8762. - irom Rnni. party ior casn. rnons 1 S oor szsa t WANT the best late modal 6 -pass Ford that tt - $300 ready cash will buy. -984. JournaL ATJTOM for nine AO AUTU TOWING A.VO MklRVlCE CAU We are prepared to tow your auto aaywaeta you wisn. jjay and night service. LONO as BILVA, ' Phone East 0840. AUTOS FOB RTKE WTTHOTTT DRTVEatg Brand ' aa bew rearing Rob net t, City Garage. 10 20th. mare ana ins. eimadw.y . aeo. Stius wiui out driven tut fciira. rus-inun nainvaa. lOta-Tanmil - Mav. -rss A-lsaa MOTORCTCLFS-BICTCLKS OA ; BICICLEB MOTORUlOi.Ee). Large stock of new and used sue hi nee. PATTON CICLK Ot).. 6th at. FOirSALE Twin Indian motorcycle, kood Ur. fullv I eoutnoed. cheaoi will takw clarinat. m fully equipped, cheap; ' Will take clarinet or sax op none part I'hone Tabor 6880. INDIAN, power-plus. 7 14 h. p., 1910; still oa U., . B, D' .0, IUU 0. 0125 cash Call 289 Eaat Main B7a original tiros, Salmon, ; or phone LATJNCHEM AND BOATS 04 S.rt.. ........ a. a . " 1 , . I 1 i nutauwAi anap. rooms, lumisnan. g.uu. Terms, j-nones, gaa. . siectncitr, nun nun. Residence, B-2171: business boon. Msis 22Q. FOR SALE Cheap for caah, 18 -ton, to it P. A-l for- nasa.. fraiaht or lowtnar. V. 406. JonrnsL . - CANOE. Chute. Read eolleaa. FLAB OS, ORGANS " AND 1N8TBTJ STENTS HUSlCALl - 04 ior $46 r.l!RrVi Aiit - amall llm-iffht ni... cash;: a 0860 Gabler. 096 cash; $450 Kim- - tlly nW. modern $375 upriglnC' $lTo; .1 Dan large manogany ior iov rasn; also vir - i . n. i o . i.i , $235 casn; a Beany organ, $20, and a $185 mmball organ. 935 cash. Pianos stored 60s monthly. - Security Btorac. Co.. 109 4th at at huh. at. i xk Rare Bargain a; High grade 88 note player piano wtta 100 rolls of ramie, in A-l condition, for sale cheap or win take some trade. Jis.ll A Caaslday, 120 1st Main 7098. - Fwimoampta ead teeordt hewghf. eM exenangea ana tent ea. Expert repair. "' weer aw.r. wrsMatrs. , GEORGE T. PECK. PIANO TUNER. Graduate New Englaad Conservatory at Masts, YOUR piano token in full payment (ot a fine new talking svschise. Schwas Piano Co, ssostoa,' sssns, I oninc. ii.w, - -ibbov as 7 4 Ill Fourth at - . trvL-ri - .i,iaa ..a..- I l.'l .O.UK FI a.A.a.. Vt.ll atw I J rTss I HUVmr. wans VUaeasJgjva. AaM4 4T eBtsTJltJOiy AeV 9 I BT. 0T1 B. LIS 0 UfV9. BREWSTER upright ' piano and fine orn" - - Will seU cheap or rent HaO A Cassiday, 120 v., U.ln vast UAil paid for your old piano. , Wa buy an! ell ' for cash only. Security Storage Co., I 109 4th gt Small upright piano,- $76. evenings. Tabor 1674. Broadway 2600 BENT a player pUno. asoalo included, Marold H. CiIKart. 0H4 Tatnhiil gt. $250 ; PIANOLA and 00 - records ior good ,'.tl- Uw4:.. oini r . ewosi paSUAtMiHAPlln, svevrua. Buusltt. auait ssmJ ertaaaeo. nn at .wut. izh in? mt. M. Tea S PIANO WANTEO 'WiTl pay cash, ' Main 0500. IOR BALPhotogrph outJtt . : for las, thai nau pnes- aurwaa nreei, FOR better tuning. firms, aad ianoa froaa' factory, phone avindons. Tsbor 0070, today. PIANO,- walbul case, upright, good eonditiool 4 . t . a , V, 7ZS a - i . a" owiiuaaoaw - Take' $90 caahft Main 8380.- FOH SA17E Cohambla" gnphophoiM, 2 1 rao- orris; a nargam. usu tea- or Tsoor 24g. TRADE, .yoot old Pasoo lot sew talaiaa chine Hemkf S. - OiThert,' 084 YamblTI et WAN T ED Piano. I'sih Droooailioai for tau- gSJn. Mat ovis. WANTED Piano, pay awah. Manhall 624. WANTED Good piano r organ. Mais 4493. FLAXOS. OROAlfS AKPHTSXCjaX IS S 30e DAILT1 buys $T7$ p'sao leas " 35 . $281.25; 40o dally bays $660 pieyer piano ai 20 4. 0487.00. - Beat savings bank tot tbe house, saenres musical adttcstion. entertainment (and the property. Bchsran Plane Co., Ill 4th, TTFE WBITERS '11 KtW REMIAOTUN. rear! visa, seat appas w BBtehaae, vialoie xeoaeas. i - RXMCtOTUX Tlr'stWRTTaTB CQl ,' M Bvnadway, - Bvoedwav 4tt- Ht, bAVM yoa f roes bw te 1$ pee. east mm a k.W ml --- lm mmm airlaa Bats. . .I'.J! IBatail Oapartzaeac. Wbnlaaals Typewrttae Ua, 121 WaahtaaVw itiM 4. l-fcjy,, liMwruara. suppnaa B. W. Peaaa C.. 11 Otk MAAtslA IrnaTitara raaid and loauea. Oragoa Type C.. 04A 0th. Mah QggQ, HOUSEHOLD POOPS FOB 8 A LB 03 Why We. Get the. Business Boond oak sedeetal dlntrut tables. $11.90: 'aealdih1" chairs. $1,0$: rocketa.. 01.45 nibnry ...... 020lubl. $4.85: pUlows. pair. $1.46; ehUJa tock. en, fl.ea; bed. eptings aaa mattress compute. $5.00; cook stoves, 05.9O rangea, $11,60; gee piste. 01.90: gaa ovens. Ol.OOt go osrrs, 01 U.7 0J effica desks. 011.00: retrta-eraton. 16.90: tables. BOc: bowls and Ditchers. T5e: sew tuba. e5e; also included la this sale are eerpeta, lis-. tiimmm U raocea, dreesen, bureaus. Home Fool table, leataet roc sen and - cnsjra; niga ooauv, ln fact, everything seceaeary to ocaiiplate a home. Look them aver: all goods xoarked ts plain figures on a big yellow aale tags ... SOB MAOlBON.i 5 FURNITCRMoI 0 room hoaas for sale at 4 aacnnoa, - Including davenport, aette. enain, library table to match; dining mom table, rsnre, heater, dressers, iron beds, dishes, etc 727 Iron. SelL 41812. . . ", lHNITURB of 0 room bona for saJe -ehaap almost new. - 808 N. Union ave. -f . WE fciELLi turnitura, stuvee and ranges for leaZ- Hall A Caaslday. 120 1st FOB 'B ALE actScFLtAKFOTTS 10 tirtp fitntttpi fuSaLfttSJ. ATTENTION " 7T 7 -T77 " vs- ,v Tx-w vrvn.ivn una. a A A eviwa nsv '- v. - - HOFwrBa at oscb. caiw'anp BLAC1C wnx PAT TUB HIGHEST CASH I PRICES. V WHAT HATE TOUT - 1 - ';'' v DROP ; CS . A LINE 0 CAUtJ CS , BT PHONE AND ONE OF OUB BUTEftS WILL CALL ON TOO AT ONCE. AMERICAN BOTTLE. BAO 4V METAL 00 I - - . ( f 'v ;. - (s-1010 FRONT ST. fAr 4104. Tennessee mad Port Orford ewdat. popper . trimmed; latest designs; factory prices .Factory E. OUaan. bet 76th and 76th. Tabor bOH. V ! r - . : ALL esse bins, arad (or teasi ' a tents avaployad; L maehinae rented. repaired, : A-0920. U. v vast. sewiot iisranw .eewisa, . 100 94. seat Teytae et,'' y- ... $ 1 O.flf I ' Tea groohaad - sawtng 5 SiaSB..a - vrita attacbaseatst au are la vary good eoBdltios. Sewing aseehlaea rented at Is per raonts, raewe aat aaa. er s-,u R, Bleen. 182 Urswa aw., wear neimiwt. Electric Motors v Imi ft ought, sold, rented and taperred. WaUer EtaettVa Works, 410 Bars. L. aide, eonw lOthv Broadway SEED poUtoes, Blue Rlbbun, Russet, : Burba nk. MMUMtiual I, I.nthae Hurbank the 'bast seed not. in in .,i,t,nA. This saar'a .rice reduoad i y . . . . .. ., xi -iD..iii... ron , 04 par ceuiaa. , w. v 1 " t"""n ave. iwna ; - 1 -siiiki.-a1. ihat'l HDSlKNTii." Tro.writ.r. I , aaA "Hanaahnld Oaads" are keoarst elaaslfW J publaed under their remet 1 eaiiona. tonn..i. u, . --- ( eiaeittteatlaaw. i MUfS V' OVKB. 1 .J-: CEiMoGMESirS asJzUBBBBstS&Batfxem- sol rd. I broeaway l! 1 w. "In hiji. 4naA as, i, exnrotmas., 3- -448 FUaders. M. uta, . . w v. A-S438. 4 ' He'll HlkVUsiS : Portland. Ot.- New end 8d ha no All ettea any ; si AU'ioAluolLtua, AtuiOHCVCI.E. LA0csa.a 1 M lanaf. ... bM..t. nlaaslf laatlaBS. i 1 BgUng ess ie fwiad und.r these IvWfereae jl s-.rsa leatioaa. 3ss;Used Sewing Machines - w 3 Oosrantaed We tent and rvaels, 170 Thfrd Ot Mela I MO.- A-181A- qM rimmmt. MultaovMk JhuuttMf I s..a Ss i ais i II 4 j nmi'iiir, ait a wu una ivae i . . ..l. - -.. ... i. I . table, three baaters, black walnut bedstead. ehd springs, 1490 J5. lata . i'hone woou- ISWU 6582. FORBALE I. C. B. course In electrical in gineering, transfenbUi Paid $90 lor same, Will aell (or $50. on account o( sickness. I " . 7 """" "7," - , ' 1 ; aisnuau ov,. or ana ior .r. r,iin,.v,., Wfst 8id Lumber As BMngle X . "SHOWCASES!. tAftll kfcOISTlCR Cssh register, showcases, (or. grocery or mw fectionery store. Have eaah lar-ssrae. JonrnaL ' ; al iiiii ri v piusi aealas. all Had., also ebeeee eutters. coTfeemllls and. rhrrr. very rboso ll et 314 stars: st . YuU wiU find Kl V. PRICK Uikirtug sold ia Portland at 409 E. Morrison st niy. .ae - world's largt tailors. ' ; " ' 0u E.NVEiAffa.H or butt bond tetterauu i. 600- bead bulnaaaa er stsumeam, s 1. 1 4. mriH PrlnHne IV.. 204 Stark. at, ' 3 HOOVKH ADVOCATES WAR GARDENS. aalait 1 Mt Wa.hinatrm beana. 20e par pound. Tsbor 1401. 6610 6th! St. S.' V.. f hKlil CA.U jiraw Cable nwfing paper, as" " kind tools. . l-ave. sav srooi au, wvm f Vrtd'i..: ina' JLtfnl ,J I BABY carriage anO Bing-r sewing Biachin and Tsrahlll and Taylor. a few other pieewa ot furniture lor aaJa at' flat C. 407 Jeffrrtit at I . , . ,'', - ia . I -Al'i. V.trMe eroehet work or Bavntg 1 for ' s1 B.oo le lev.-Boo of lMfn- v. ana ansui. int. j i.un'i , ..w-.., . w., . q ax.. - flTU3ZKB. ; .. Manure for gardens. East 1 81, 0-2274. I . , . i i . ' iir I s u oi.& a ' " I sny setnns -t bs vii, .nnwi. , t A BTURG..S baby eotky. almost new. and aitaey I Onole, Tabor 0687. 1284 HsWey, ' 1 EXTRA fine -aver bearing straw barrhe) for salaT. I Se OK, . ju.s n r.. 21C do. i'ACL'L'M Cleaner, eokLC lepaifed. ' rented. as changed, bought Bantley Co.. Main 8682. Hi,. COM PLAT l RATU ROOM AlU'i'riT, Korthweatetw Pip. Co.. 1ST Front at- - I UNCALLED .tor tailor made salts, 09.00 so. 4 Taylor ina tailor. -. v pqrn.ioa. belHlCHo. make, totlata, pte . aad. Iluinea A. U Howard. 2 1 T 4ta at. riwsv Mils iws. PLUM KINO aiippiwa, wButaaaia prteaa. Davis tJo,,- Hi ao ax. atsia vf- j FOR BALE Complete grocer tixtwrea, Weod- sawn s i . ' ' -XEAR-OLD Cpacord grapa plaaU, cheap. ...305 Hawthorne t ave. Eat 610. I HARDWtXI i liand loom, with - warp; eheapT , I Phope Taper 4510. : i - t 1 6K1( il.E and storm - cover. $6.60, . Woodiaa 461 9. ' - ' VOU SALE Valour couch cover and ca:las ; 7?' Brow"F oun': 1 fffclii rotted manure, r-ast wmv. - , I VAfTtllTlfTfiWritPKRII Main SS2. FUBNITPBE T7ANTEP .74 Pif ftr HajTlUtOri " Onnd 1 avaeaa. 1 ' ' Fbaww East 7740. I Highest pries, psid for seed tomitore, carpets.. stoves, rsnyas. -e. ve ee it -promptly. toliL-iaMi 114 -sis r rrV-. Vor vonr fwmttnra. stoves, eerpeta Want Household Furniture : WILL' FAY' CA0B. phpne Mats 0112. - CaW FflSt fi3fi Higbiprtea. paid fM ,w, a-w. -a J fUTatttMt. BaCaarffaBaV. i I raam. anrthlna fee booaebold aoods. We ea. y.Mr H fwmtevef for Viaiil named basMl fornstur,, eaasaa A , . eeevea, etc. WE PAX TUB BfclT ritiCAn. : , MORGAN FURNITURE CO.. -"' g Boat atorviaon. - Phono Kaat 2230.;. . ivaAi EL 6 wxi ml-band ' lanuiura. -. - Deal with a reiisble hens, aad eat : what gewds are worth. Wlatona-Auctios lisusa. 24 seat lass- hill; " T " lonwrwswUl W at swe.aa4 "pTy I caIR M. At, SaaAiEJla B atowtaeeae i eve. eorwee TJnmn.- J WILL pay oak lor axwlsi savjae. 24 hand lue I Siture snd stoves. Call Eaat 394. ;:, I . naptnal Si;uiI?T1TRBl XT 04-80 GRAND AVENCB NEED sscvnd-iwod jaroitura, .earpau. ate., la ; .hip nl of tows. Will pay than i ort- land dealers. Main 4779. CUT Itautnt ratw. vo Siwaawlntlal guooa uwi Eaat aad Doota. . ALanaiag lli'rs, A Traost., C. sill and oyt- Brnsdwsy 708, A-17ua ; MULTNOMAH AnrnMuse Aloavual pays h.snaM prices tot ssea luxniUara. gee so. Atats 4440.- V