THE OREGON - SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTL AND;; SUNDAY MORNING, ;- MARCH 31, 1618. tit roa sale hocses 82500' -mm Fruit tree, garden, room modern: aear school. . 6lh st- and 62d at. ; Uv. Scott car. CHARLES HINOIJCH A CO.. 228 Henry Bide - -CALIFORNIA BtNOAIvOW ROSE CITY PARK $3180 Ail floor hardwood, eli ring room across en tire Sous, small diM big kitchen, 2 bed rooms, foil basement, 'furnace, fireplace, big concrete porch on (rout dad side, climbing roaes, vines oo porch, roses around entire lot, nice lawn, aome tree, fourth house south of car on 4ith at., in a bungelpw bloek. DO NOT DIS TURB TENANT! Shown by appointment only. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Clism ber of Commerce bWg , 4tii and Stark ata.. Main UOA, A-206U. (Sunday only at branch office, 43th and Sandy bird. No plume. ) TO. SALE HOTJSES 1 ' FOR SALE HOUSES - ' 81 s ROSE CITY PARK bungalow, 6 rooma, modem, , . hardwood . floors, fireplace, builtin bookcase. . ; : fla . lighting effect Dutch kitchen, furnace, eement porch, located on pvd street i, block: ' from ear. Prica $$750, cash 11250. -T. $25 DOWN 115 MOUTH . ACHE TRACT8 EASY TEEMS S room bungalow, full lot, modern. Price . EARLY PLANTING SOIL SO BOCKS fiiuw, caan uv. avetanc nonutf pi- menta, 78d at. 1 block from Gliaaa at. This ia a anap, aa you could not build the house for Uiat price. . Hon and lot Price $800. 48x100 cor r, 3 room, sleeping parch, fa, water, plumb ing. Peninauiar district Either St. John or Kenton car, $160 cash, balance IIS per mo. A bargain 8 room modern house, hardwood floor, 2 fireplaces, furnace, builtin convenience. 2 lota, pared ata. a block from carline. 680 Chehalem ave.. Council Crest Oa account of mortgage having barn foreclseed, will aell (or MO 00. McClure Bchmauch, SIS Gerlinger bldg. Main 2801. BARGAINS IN BUNGALOWS Went aide bungalow, 5 large rooms, modem .to the extreme, price $1750. Easy term. Alameda Park bungalow, 6 large tmi, whit ens nisi finish. All built-in effect. Garage. Pric 4000. $750 will handle. Rose City Park bungalow. 6 rin, sleeping porch, whit enamel finUh, hardwood floors, piste glass windows, built-in effecta. Price $4 750. Easy term. Boa City Park bungalow, 6 room, sleeping porch, modern in erery respect. Price $8750. Term. Main IMS. 508-9 Chamber of Com. tarma. BL P, : fuhura at in at. sr.. ku. HAWTHORN E DISTRICT tftr nr- s. UV i A SWELL BUNGALOW, LOT 36x100. ' 33250 ONE of the moat beautiful 6 room This bautlftil .6 roan bungalow with hard- . bungalow on Mt Tabor. Has erery modern wood floor., fireplace, built-in buffet, furnace. Sl"T!nTT,c- 7uu"iL ruiiman protest room. Dutch kitchen, etc.. ia open for inspection . - i"?" f,w li "j- today from 12 to 6. Vacant and ready for 'I, . nof wm.f"n' occupancy. The price i low. located just 1 mo!,B 12"- - ne block, Jc,arUne- 2000 block north of Hawthorne at 1281 Kart Mad- moP9J 7n- .? K .'V:e?t !m1 2200 Union Ave.-Church St, V Bargain ' 6R, Bungalow, Fruit Trees Terms $200rt Wood lawn, 7 room modern house. $1200 Hone City 3 room cottage; modern. $1100 Mt. Rcott. rooia- houte, fruit, etc CHAKLK8 BINULEK & VA.. 228 Henry Bldg. thi. Just what you Open today. After ion, near 4 lat. Do hare been lookinz far. Sunday, ace A. J. TKEPE CO., 284 STAKK ST., Near 3d. Main 8510. -nOSE CITY PATIK 5 ROOM BLN(ALOW DEN On Satwly Bird., big tiring and dining rooma, II built-in effecta. fireplace, 2 big bedroom, whit enamel kitchen, back porch, cement baae tnent. new. nerer orcunied. beatttiful interior. CaU 1. U HABTMAN CO.. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bids.. 4th and Mtarx. Main 208. A- 300. (Sunday only at Branch Office, 45th ana Bandy biro, iso phone). carfare. . ISO DOWN. $10 MONTH m Dlaatered Uouk. 40x100 lut, 0 cant ood ftchoot. Price $750 $100 DOWN. $10 MONTH 4 room, plaatered hou. 00x100 lot. Good school. 0 cent carfare. Price $000. $100 DOWN. $10 MONTH 4 room plaatered houae, 15Ux:2 lot, 6 cent carfare. Beautiful riew. Price $1250. $150 DOWN . 4 room hon comploU-ly fmrilfripd. 60x100 lot. Street pared. Pull price $1450. GEO. T. MOOKE CO . Ablnirtoo Mdg. NEAT 8 room cottage. Alberta diitrbs, jon renlent to car, atom and icboo); $800. Easy term. 4 room cottaa-e. cloa in- near Gliaao and K. 28th. $1650: $150 caah. $13 per month; Per cent. O room modern buncalow and fa rax. lOOx 100, improred street: this ia a anap- at $1700: $250 cash, $15 per month, including lute re t- 7 room modern bungalow. Sunnynlde. nared atrect. fine location; $2200. Eaay term. o room modern bunaalow. f tree lace, built-in feature. Boae City Park. 60x100; $2400; 400 caah, balance eaay. o room modern houseboat, neatly furnisoed. moored at foot of Harney at; $1000. Terma. one acre, choice black land. 3 room cottaga. at Uilwaukie; $1400. Term. It. SI. GATEWOOD & CO., 165 H Fourth rt. Make an iaveataiaitt (or now and th fu ture. Build a UtU temporary boaa and try it for the nana you will nerer more back to Ui city to ctayt GAS. WATER. ELECTBICITY. ParkroM sera are reached by the way of th Bow City Park cartine. Sandy bird. (Colum bia highway) ia th main road to tha city, and run through Farkroa. . ., Parkroa haa a good school, also church and tore. ParkroM to different I To will Uk. tit looks of itl J. U HABTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Com mere bldg., 4th and Stark ata. Main 208. A-2060. (Sunday only at brancu of fie. 4 5 th and Sandy bird-, no phone.) Special Bargains 100x100, 84th, near Mt Tabor ear, 8 -room houao in bad repair, ail fenced with chicken wis; $850. terma. 50x100, 48d st. near Sandy road, t graded, walks in and paid, high and sightly; $100. 2 Acrea in Fairriew, 2 good notves, barn, 'rult, riew of river, great bargain; $2200, , 2 Lota, 5 -room bungalow, garage, all kind , fruit, on block car; $2930. FOB BALE HOUSES 81 terma on ray equity. Must be sold by April 8. Be Mr. Hitler, with A. O. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark at. sear 3d. Main 351 0. SUNDAY PHONE. TABOB 8255. 8ELLWOOD CAR SOME BARGAIN: $1600 S roonu, modern, street lmproTe mentx. sewer and all paid for. Only 1 H blocks from Sellwood ear at 496 Miller are. Go see it. Reauire S500 cash, balance i A nn inor. 11 , i mi viu, i' l ' i u v, , niAv ... . . . ' , . , . garden, berrie. chlckna, go m this. The houae m"tn'3r- .he on to rech d- ia amall. you can buUd on Uter, if necenaary, 5 I"" fuy 1i"P,rt?cl or J "to block from Bandy bird., and carline. water. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 STARK ST.. tu WtriMt J I. HARTUtK en Nn 7 Near 8d. Main 8518. 4th and Btark FORCED to sell my new modern 7 room home 2 ROOM HOCSE ACRE TRACT $1450 PARKROSE: If you want to get out. raise Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Homes'for Everyone $7755 rm., E. 6th; H cash: Sen. $850 S rm.. Failing; H cash; lien. -59004 rm., Ruaaett at ; $200 caah. $1000 4 ran., Druid at; $100 caah. $1100 5 ma. Cook ar.; $100 cash. $11306 nna., KX id mors: $375 casta. 818n- mi Alberta Dtatriet: 350 f 81S0O4 ran., Blandena at; $250 cash. $2000 0 nu, W. Terry st; $400 cash. $3500 9 nna., Farragut; furnished; tarma. G. C, Goldenberg "85 Yean in Portland" 215-216 Ablngton Bldg. Main 480S ONLY $1000 for two cottage with lot 03x100 ft. 100 feet from a hard surfac street which leads to tha buxinoee center. This property ia In the thick of tha industrial center, near North west Steel worka. It is worth in cash today. $2500. You can (Up off on ear tin on to the property; 1 block away from another ear line. $1000 gtre you a clear title to these houses with a big lot M. J. Clohaaay. 41 Ablngton bldg. A VERY modern home on Colonial Height, a restricted district close in near Hawthorne, 10 rooma with hardwood floor throughout double garage, eor. 75x100; will sell at. low price $10,000 and terma. A very modern home Irvlngton, lztn ana Knott 8 room, hardwood floor throughout lot 50x100. Pric $5300 in terms. Phon East 6844. Monday, Main 2274. A REAL BARGAIN Worth BSSO. law cilTlent enea $460.' Lfb- ral dteoount lor ah; lot 18. block It, Al berta, on E. 80th at. between Wygant ana Going: graded street, cement walk, improve ments paid. Addr i. c UWKK, Mcsva. vr. ROSE CITY PARK CAR A KIIU Rl NT.iUlW $2500. Beautiful bungalow, located on the southeast corner of 63d and Fremont streets, z ft oiocxa north of Sandy boulevard. Nice larl rooms, large attic,, tie. Now vacant and ready tot occupancy. ' Very reasonable terms. A. U. TEEPE CO.. 264 8TAKK. b T., Near 39. Main 8516. $1395 FURNISHED $500 DOWN 7 BLOCKS TO SHIPYARD Near Mississippi and Stanton. 88x95 ft lot. vierw. 4 room house, aas. basement and hard wood floors in 2 rooms. Owner in draft; forced sale. See our list Over 800 houses. Auto at your service. FRANK U M'GUTRB. Ablngton Bldf. Alberta Bungalow $2550 Artistic 5 rm.. ftreulafe. hardwood floor. B. C. buffet oval mirror doors, beamed ceiling, full cement basement, 1 block to car. Terma. G. C. GOLDENBERG. AB1NGTON BLDG. - "35 Years in Portland." Main 4803 ata. Main 208. A 2050. (Sunday only at Branch Office, 4 5 ill and Sandy. No phone). Tabor 1C0.V I in nice location. Large livinc and dinlna room with hardwood floora, plate window, fire place, builtin library, buffet. Dutch kitchen (white enamel, large bathroom, full basement, full plumbiag, fine furnace. House very warm. Rose, shad trees, fruit trees. Pric $3050, $1300 cash. bal. 6. No atenta. Tike CALL tiie ra'insr Hume Uepair company for ' Broadway car to Alameda Park. Phon Vood any reimra yoi: may need at your residence, i MT" o or ana. f IRVINUTON PARK BUNGALOW i Will sacrifice fine 7 room buncalow SWnul dining room with beautiful buffet living room hat attractive fireplace, bookcaaea and window seat complete Dutch kitchen, breakfast room, sleeping porch, sewing room; house double con structed: plat glass windows, east front ner car. This U a real bargain and will stand close inspection. No agents. Phone owner, Sunday or evenings, Wdln. 4859. $2750 5 ROOM modern, 2 lit near Division. $2750 5 room modern except furnace, 34th, near Division. $22004 room. bam. outhouse, lot 100x219, St. Johns $8750 6 room modern, E. Taylor, near 17th. $2250 8 room modern except furnace, garage, Leo are., near 9 th. Cash or moderate term EPTON AND McCLELLAN, Main 2941. 512 Chamber of Com. A. 700 2 14 crs, haa new 5 room bungalow, which coat $2000 to build: located nn Ma cadam road, V miles outaide of city limits: 6 blocks to carline ; owner is non-resident. This property must be sold. Can give aome terms. see Air. uuier, with SELLWOOD CAR ClABEiN WONDERFUL BARGAIN B room bunealow in Midway, only 1 block to car. Big space for garden and chickens Sew ers, concrete walks, etc., all in and paid. Pric $1850. I lout aion worth th money. $300 cash down. A. K. HILL. 419 Henry bldg. LAUUELIIURST NEARLY NEW $4500. Story and half 0 room bungalow. Junt Ilk new. Every conceivable convenience. Garage. Prica include all street and eewar axaceamnts. Convenient term. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 STARK ST.. Near 3d. Main 8616. DO YOU KNOW VALUES t 81750 E. DTH AT HTAKK 5 room house and 30x100 lot sll liana paid. held around $12,000.) FRANK L. M GUIRE, Ablngton Bldg. House and Half Acre, $1650 Easy terms, close to cars, good hons. fruit bernes, etc , bargain. BRUCE GODDARD, 502 Couch bldg. $4200 LAUlELlfi KST BUNGALOW $5850 Laurelhunit, 75x100; 7 room: garage. $4500 Irvlnston. modern bungalow. $5500 Irvington, 19th and Thompson, -Modern 7-R. Garage, St, Imp. Pd, CHARLES RINGLER & CO.. 228 Hensy bldg $2730 A beautiful bungalow in Hawthorne district, 3 rooma, large attic, hardwood floora. fireulaoe. bnffet kitchen, cement bawment. fur nace and laundry traya. All atrcet work in and paid for. It does not sound reaaonable bat i a fact. W can sell this for $500 cauli and balanro like lent. Don't fail to see this before you buy. See Mr. Hiller, with. A. O. TEEPE CO.. 261 Htark St. near 3d. Main 3510. SUNDAY PHONE. TABOR 8255. NEW BUNGALOW WILLIAMS AVE., $2650, TERMS. Don't fail to see this wonderful value, new bungalow with the modern convenience, real attractive home, one that you will proud iW The owner ha left th city and inatrurU na to sell for $2650 for immediate sale. - Term'. A. O. TEEIV, CO.. 264 STARK ST.. Near 3d. Main 851 A t)ANlY lit; IE St. Johns line -Clone In Short dlftance wext of JefUr.ion high school Uood 6 room houne. Modern plumbing. Kr.n and berries. Space for chickena and garden. Htreet improvements paid. Only $1300. Con venient terms. A. K. HILL. 4 19 Henry bldg. FINE, 6 room modern house, with dandy sleep ing porch : corner lot. fine view; close in on east side, hardwood floors, white enamel in terior. All built in conveniences. A nsp, only $32.50. Term. BwANDIN AVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO., Suite 212 Lumbermen bldg. TTRoblHouse $1700, Terms 23 minute out. on Woodstock carline. For further information see my atty., Mr. Stringer. Office, 806 N. W. bank bldg. WILL SACRIFICE room V iota! Pric $1800. $260 rash. Text like rent. ; Place mvat be ie'n to be appreciated. Near achooU Lrg garden, young tree, macadamized street 9006 55thave S. K. Mt Scott car. ALBERTA DISTRICT, $850 4 rooms, all plumbing in: lot 50x100: street improvements paid. A forced sale, $100 raah or Liberty bonds; $13 per month. Paul Waidt, Tabor1212. ! si RO5M modern bunlow, 1 block to Alta mead car, $1400. Small payment down, bal. like rent. ; SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO. j ' Suite 212, Lumbermens Hidg. Ji6DEUN 4 or 0 room bungalow for rent or sale; fireplace, buffft, panel and beam ceil . lng Slning room, large basement and attic. Can 4808 6th st, S. E. . 15 2 00 WILL buy 5 room modern house, lot OOllOO, $000 csn, balance like rent. . Owner, no agents. Call Sunday or evenings. 1100 Mlextseippt ave. TWO CHOICE BUNGALOWS Hawthorne, close in. Modern 6 room bun galow. Exceptionally well built Full lot Ro;es, fruit, berries. $H500. Convenient terms. Rose City Park, west of hilL Clowe to car. 5 room modern bungalow. Price only $3250. Con venient terras. These are both hith class propo sitions. Jnet as represented. Buy them before it's too late. 1 A K. HILL. 419 Henry bldg. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark t Main 3516. SUNDAY PHONE, TABOR 8255 Sd. Tabor 8668 FOB 8AXE T.OT9 IS SNAP I 2 flaw lota, residence district Mareh- neki. Or., growing city: corner. ana sonth frontage; good for home or in eel aseot: 85x100. $1200. Term. Deal with owner. Box 252. Redding. Cal. $150 S. E. cor. 74th and Burnside, 50x100. Bom asm to assume, bnap, oo looci G. C. GOLDENBERG. Ablngton bldg. 85 year in Portland." Main 480$. ACREAGE 51 LITE 1 not such an uphill proposition to th man oa th level. Buy on acre, do some thing for yourself and get on th level Acre tracts, $300; $50 caah, $10 monthly, cr tract. $800: $30 caah. $7.00 monthly. acre tracts. $175; $20 cash, 5 monthly. H can are. Lioeateu on ir- nza ex.. una. wrwuwa and Estacada cars pas th land. U. tt. DASU1B.USI1, 248 Sterk st Main 2558. Cheap Acreage Five ins 8230: $10 down. 85 PT month buys 5 acres of land between Portland and Can- tralia. on the main line of a raliroaoa. x s miles from a town of 800 ooDulation. sawmills and shingle miUs; aome partly elerk and some au cleared, running stream, some bottom ana some bench; can give you any kind of a piece you want. BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 818 Railway Exchange bldg. TOO ACRE highly improved dairy ranch in Til'amook county, on aoain county road. H mile from cheese factory and school. I .and is well watered bv two stream and irrigating sys tem, new S room house and good barn and all necessary farm machinery. 8 cows. 2 year ling heifers and three horses. Water piped to houaa and barn. Pric $7200. $8500 cash and tha balance long time. Writ or call on Wtl- u.un ec tt n in , iwtTrr, ST. 80 MILES TO PORTLAND COLUMBIA HIGHWAY Choice acreage, any size tract cloa to big payrolls and two new shipyards at Columbia City; rtg aevelopmeut now going on ana lot of work to be had. Investigate. Low price; easy terms. Special inducements to settlers. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO. Suite 213 Lumbermens bldg. Only 15 Minute Out oa Oregon Eleetras. lo Commutation Far. Tow rwat will boy these . small box houa and aor, sign. vary eas y tarma. roar root an furnished boo and an intra re. clos to O. H. station. Only $1100. $100 cash, balaae $15 month t per cent. Halt acre. 3 room house, right at station. $800. half cash, balaae to suit Half acta and 3 room box houaa. S minute hi nauoa, J ou, very eaay terms. liT Iew T Mini m1.ra hnnM srtta acre, au IB mwm nsirintinn ..i in... . is?Aa othoT out bulkHnas. Tha hiwia fc aaid to b the sou caan, oa lance to aatt " wwm-Mmnm - Largo modern room hooaa. gad tha bast J0", havina; all modsra eoav.ntoncs aaeily Improved aor ia Garden Home: fin outbuild- "aad in a.ctty. Has 10 large rooms, bath, f ar- inga. right cloa to (tstioa. only $$750. halt r?;,."1" ate. Wtor ",, an at xn eash. Sea this, buildiaga. riao aB wall feneed with wovwa svtr Strictly modera S roam homo, with 1H t" acrj. nicely improved; elos to station; aacriflo. ""JJTT'r. ?ZrJTZ $3660 caah; worth easy $4000. Br. and pus-third of th crop wmea m Thre. scr with toprovemenU worth $800; : TfiJPZ."" piwchaaer. Yaa aaatbaat an in culUvaUon; some fruit; 6 minute to O. K KJU?? rur K. a-i w-taia, Vf... H. sUtlon: onl 82700. 1500 oaah. bal to snit 1 INY At TRACT, tha Baal Etaa UM. Two acres with 6 room house, large barn, outbuildings; tight oa good auto road: 10 min ute to G. II. station. Only $2300. worth $3000. Vary eaay terms. REMEMBER Uardea Horn ha all city convenience gas, water, electric lights, phonea, etc, at city price: good school, church, stores. gooa auto roaas, etc. rxiONK APPOINTMENT TODAY. McCORMlC. MAIN 8818. AMITY ACRES 10 A., cuL. tor $ 750 14 A., running water $1000 9 A., part cult, fenced $ 700 20 A., part cult, fenced $1400 All fine land; close to electric line; $100 down, $50 per year, 24K Htark st 6. F. E. Seacbreat FOR HALE at a bargain, aom of tha bast acre age in Multnomah county, consisting of 160 acres, on th raeifio Hikhwy ana electric lines. Parties wishing for screage cannot make a mis take by investing in this. Call or write 920 Sell Ir.a bldg., Portland. Or, 7 Acres Onion Land All in eul., 6 miles from city limits of Van couver. Wash., 4 ma from stores and elec tric line, rrtce $1273, $173 caah. beLto suit 4 11 Henry bldg. HOMES. Will lupply lot and build modern bungalow or house to accord with your ideas. Substan tial initial payment required; total cost $1850 and up. F. K. STEARNS. 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. Erenings. 7:30 to 8:80. THREE room-. $850. $200 cash, bal monthly payments. University Park. 6 rooms. $1000. $100 cash. bal. monthly payments. Woodstock district 4 rooms. $900. $100 cash, bal. monthly payments. Mt Scott district See me for bargain in all parts of city. A. H. BELL, Gerlinger bldg. FINE modern 7 room house, hardwood floors, i ' large fireplsce, big. light cement basement HAWTHORNE DI8TRICT ONLY $1250 Go se the northeast corner of 88th and Har rison streets, 4 room cottage and barn. As sessments only $150. The lot is worth more I than what we are asking for the property. Was ! formerly held at $2000. i A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 BTARK ST.. Near 8d. Main 8316. SHIPBUILDERS. ATTENTION 11, hn,... .. m, i., . , o room ainiH, large anea. cmcsen Sleeping porch, 4 sleeping rooms. On 62d St., nesr Ssndy boulevard. Pared street. House enuld not be built today for $6500. Price $4500. Main 8667. ask for Mr. Moor or Mr. Taylor. 5-KOOM bouse, patent toilet, newly painted and papered, $950; $50 cash. $15 month. 8 mall howe and 2 lot in Brentwood. $460; $50 cash, $10 tnonth. 5 -room modem house, full basement, 2 lots, 1 block from Hawthorn car. $2500; $300 cash. $20 month. NEIL SMITH. 0514 Foster rd.. Tabor 1931. Only $50 Down 4 room house, lot 100x100; price $1278. 3 rooms and sleeping porch, pric $700. 5 rooms plastered, toilet, in: price $850, WILLIAMS REALTY CO.. Grays Crowing. Phon Tabor 4934. GOOD 8 room modern "Bouse, 06 2-3x100 lot; paved street, paid: fruit and berries. Price reduced from $3250 to $2950, for quick sale $2130 cash required, near Columbia Park. See Mr. Smith. COE A. M'KENNA CO., 727 Cham. Com. Bldg; Oil SALE by owner, 5 room bouse, 2 porches. 11 full hearing fruit trees, lot fenced with chicken fence, 60x100 lot, $700, easy terms. 8t John car to Columbia Park, north to Willis blvd.. 2 blocks east to Wayland. 1 block north. 1821 Wayland st Call Sunday or evenings. lull bedroom i, stairs to large attic, china closet, basement, gas, electncty, paved street rom Richmond carline, nea $1900. $300 cash, rest iu payments. Phon Sellwood 1013. IDEAL HOME 2 acres, well improved: modern 8 -room resi dence, with basement, furnace; chicken park; garage: lawn, flowers and fruit Located cor ner 80th st snd 68th ave. S. E. $3100. Terms. V VOU eel by owner, on easy terma, a modern "!v t root house ot Michigan are.; convenient . to aahool and car. Price $2000. S-633. Journal. nai. ' BARGAIN, splendid 8 room house, garage, cor. lot 50x100; very reasonable; top location, , Irvington, Several cheaper bungalowe. Eaat ; 378. W. H. Herdman. SEVERAL well located new, modern 4 and 5 . room bungalows for sale Easy terms. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO., " Suit 213 Lumbermens bldg. . LA RG K house ia Vancouver! Wash., close in, 100x100 lot Good for spartmant house or - boarders. Phone Tabor 5B24. FOR SALE 6 room modern house in Haw- thorn district, 1M blocks from car. 810 ; E. SHth. Owner. Y $1130 BUYS 6 room bungalow; bath, gas and ' eiectnclly; lot ouxivu; 30U cash- llattieKl, ' 163 H 4th st . FlNES'lr 5 room bungalow in Rosa City Park open for inflection. 339 E. 49th N.. 2d cor- r north of Sandy. FOR SALE Rose City Park. $2700; modern Phone 7 room . bungalow : discount for cash , C-2835. TJ5fTA6, . . I . - A , Art . n . , . tnuc, niuuiifr jb uwiiuv; near fsu Johns shipyards: $875: terms. Hatfield. m.i'sj sun rreex. tOR BALE. 6 room cottage, modern. 10 min- utea walk to Albina shipyards; cash or xerma. in AiDina ave. ; Ik'OR ). new 7 room house, garage and lot ' - "0100; 2 Mock .'rora car; vacant lots for rsmenmg. pnee 220Q. 729 Ilbeity street. .FOR SALE $1700. $400 cash; modern 4 room bungalow; tiear Peninsula Park; lota of rosea, oeme and fruit Owner Woodln 2476, MODERN 5 room bungalow, corner lot, 1 block 'to car, $2100. $500 down. 1320 Grand are. n. FOR SAt-E. full lot. 3 rooms, fruit tree and garden, or would trade for 4 room cottage wicn ouxou roox lot, lui'j UommercUl tt . SZlALL house, on large lot; liiKtl (as F. Hughes, water. near Richmond car. Call Tabor J405. ; VOR SALE Modern 5 room bungalow. Eaay payments. inmeT. oo I oza sr. B. K '.SMALL borne on easy payments. R. B. Walter, eoso soever noao. isDor osv I . ' HOUSE, .12x16 for moving. $15? 2145 E. Gliaan. Tabor 2075. T 5 ROOM bungalow, $19757 half cash. 687 uoeny n. wain. o J VXlH" BALE Small frama building at 386 K. Die ST. tci. laoor Til . FOR SALE Modern 5 room bungalow near - rranaua aigu scp.ool tall 2422 5 1st at " $Tt50. HAWTHORNE dlstrict6roovn bu ex talow. easy term. Owner. Tabor 7247. - SlOIiE'hrt S Tooms. wsirTScated. $3000," terms v no com xn nwiim. vvnfr, levis. Journal. SXinSALt Rose City huniow7f modern. Phone Tabor 516. MALL hows and 50x100 eornat lot. ' til 00, easy paroienta, Owner, phone Wdia. $544. ON account of moving to farm, will tell my , 8 room house, 4 rooms and bath upstairs, 4 large rooms downstair. Builtin kitchen, large front and back porches, wash basin and toilet on back porch. Kail basement House In good condition, inside and outside. Lot 50x100. For further information call Wdln. 903. i 6 ROOM Calif ornian bungalow. 1026-E. Lin- ' - I (IKAA cum, tiivu. 5 room modern cottage, 2635 E. 48th at, 1 Vi black south of Division st, $2000. Th above homes are real sacrifices. H. F. COVER. 64 Union ave. HOUSE BARGAINS Ranging in price from $1600 to $8000. They are ail genuine bargains, taken on mortgage during the hard times. Buy them now for leas than they cost mortgagee. Terras. NEILAN A PARKHILL, 219 Lumbermens bldg., 6th and Stark at. ROSE ClTY" DISTRICT. $2850 - ...... . n 1.. v. - . - - -- i -'.y mwwj. ii.iu.ui Teruences. in beautiful Beaumont on the hill one time German Co. 732 Chamber of Commerce. 6 ROOMS, sleeping porch, corner, street paved r '.t Pri 500 "n. balance to uit Plac at t.k!! valued at $4250. Fred W. Ger ewer, all paid. ' mommy payments. i 3 room house. $900; 3 minute' car, easy termi. I Se RIPLEY. 612 McKay bldg. Main 6229. Desirable district $1850. walk to Best bargain. 4 room cottage, neat and clean, $900, on easy terms. Will sell furniture. Main 3456. . COME out te S20 Calhoun st, St Johns car. north side, 1 block to car: 4 room modern cottage; $1400; some furniture included; easy terms; 6 per cent interest. Main 6456. ACREAGE FOR HALE 5 acres, 4 cultivated. In Tualatin Valley Well, fruit trees. Splendid place for South i-oniaiKi snrpyara worker. Mo agents. W 797. Journal. BRYANT ACRES AT OSWEGO LAKE $200 for an acre tract: lies level, open c- ona growth, close to station. THE ATCHISON -ALLEN CO.. 500 Concord bldg.. 2d and Stark. $200 DOWN. 3 room modern house, 50x100 lot, E. t Price $1800. See our list of house. FRANK L. M GUIRE, Ablngton Bldg. 77th $100 -DOWN 4 room modern house, 50x100, lot within 2 blocks of 2 car lines. Price $1250. FRANK L. -McGCTRE, Ablngton Bldg. ACRES near Portland, good house, orchard, 2 acres onion Round, livinc water. Will tak house and lot at $2000; terms on remainder. Bell wood zhas. UY a H acre homeeite st Courtney, $750, Terms. (,a and electricity. Oreguii Inv. Mtg. Co.. 202 Stock Exch. Bldg.. 3d and Yamhill. MODERN 6 room bungalow, 40 ft from Al berta st, on 26th st. Cheap. Terms if de sired. Apply 1057 E. 26th st M. Phone Woodlawn 1155. $1.100 11 ACRES, Clackamas river, part cul nratea; small rnut; large comfortable house auto road: trout fishina: desirable country borne. owner, 408 Hell st Marshall 3403. 6TH ST., $5500. $600 HANDLES 30x100 and 7 room house, 8 block south city hall; ideal apartment site. FRANK L. M O 1 lilt;, Ablngton Bldg. A BARGAIN 5 room bouse on 7 lota on Haw thorne avenu car line. Phone owner. Tabor 833. BEAVERTON SNAP 30 acre nearly all In cultivation- lie txr feet on 2 roads. A wonderful buy at $150 per acre, r-asy terma. prion sea loaa. FOR RENT cottage HOMES I have several which I will aell on easy terms and at right prices. Call alaln 679 mornings and evenings. SHIPBUILDERS 1 7 room modern house, six blocks from west side plants, $4 500; term. 830 Grant st. between 6th and Broadway. 8 acre good aarden land with also 10 acres without dwellinr Both piece of land eituated on the east aide in city limit. Apply room 203 Henry bldg. 2 ACRES, high and sightly, 1 miles from Tigard station. House, barn and farm Imple ments, a dsndy buy at $325 an acre. Tabor 6604. Your own terma. SEVERAL desirable modern cottages for sale. Low price, easy terms. R. L. Glisan, 612 Spalding bldg. SMALL house, well built, plastered, large lot, near school, Mt. Scott carline. Bargain $300. Schweitzer. Main 024. IVE acres, st mile Estacada carline. Hi five, good soil, easily cleared. 17 mil out, 130 per acre. Easy term. 488 E. Oak, re nins. B-ROOM buncalow. excellent aarden. Mt Tabor car. $1800; terms. No incumbrance. It interested call Tabor 1902. Owner. GARDEN HOME A dandy acre, clos to sta tion, only $760; worth $1000. Very easy terms. MeCormic, Alain 9318. MODERN 5 room bungalow, furnace, fireplace. cement basement. Dutch kitchen; term. Owner, Woodlawn 1219 feEAUTIFTrL home In Piedmont; every modern convenience. Graham ave. $4600. Terms. Inquire 220 BARGAIN. 6 room house in Montavilla. $850, Easy terms. Inquire 220 Graham ave. 60x100 ON William ave., with 2 store build' ings. Inquire 220 Graham ave. NICE 7 room bungalow, near Peninsula school St John carline. Call East 8325. BE QUICK. nave bargains In small houses close in on Peninsula. 932 Chamber of Com SEVEN room cottage, 807 Corbett t. $3500 L. E. Thompson A Co.. 253 Madison. ROSE CITY PARK 5 room bungalow, includ- tng furniture. $2500. East 238. ROOM bungalow, on E. Morrison Rt, one block to car; hardwood floors; full basement, modern, built in conveniences. Ortly $2000. Small payment down, balance like Tent. 8CANDIA VIAN-AUKKIl. AX ilE.AL.TX CO., Suite 212 Lumbermens bldg. HOUSE AND ACRE ONLY -$775 ' Over an acre: 2 room house, chicken houses. some fruit, electric lights, water. Only 80 min utes nut. Terms. Call at 500 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. iU5 5.U5 DOWN. 5.U3 MONTHLY Well built 2 room cottage in very dilapidated condition, email lot, close in, near Richmond line. Fred W. Uerman Co., 732 Chamber of Commerce. CHOICE home in Irvingion, 7 rooms with sleep ing porch; hardwood floors, built in effecta; furnace, fireplace; also two complete room top floor; choice roses, shade trees and other ah rub bery. Garage to match house. Reasonable terms to right party. 584 E. 11th st N. $1350 CASH- Half acre, 6 room house, one story plastered; barn, applea, cherries, rasp berries, one pear; gaa in street; city water half mile; 10 minutes to car. Thia ia las than half what place cost; no trade, no agents. 1437 East 21st-st Phone Sellwood 1848. EIGHT room house in flats of 3 and 5 rooms, and lot 18 blocks from city hall on west aide, near Portland Heights. Good -riew. Lots of fruit trees. Trsde for smaller bungalow on east side or good vacant lot Main 1968. FOR 8ALE Modern 6 room bouse. 1 acre. fruit trees,, chicken house, about 3 block to school, 6 V4 c fare, mia 8. of Stanley station. $2600; eaay term. C. Raab. Milwau- kle box 101. CaU MUwaukle 562. FOR SALE by owner, a strictly modern 6 room house with all built-in conveniences, full base ment, furnace, corner lot all improvements paid. 1 block from car. Size lot, 70x03 Price $4400. Terms. TeL Tabor 3229. I loonn nxrV BETWEEN HERE AND ST. JOHNS 3 room shack completely furnished, large bam with concrete foundation and. cement floor, near Arbor Lodge, $S00; $200 cash. $10 monthly. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Commerce. FIRST-one to see this-6 room, modern bunga low for $2000, with improvements paid; fire place, furnace, buffet, china closet, double con structed, full basement: will Day li they nave e-, --- . j-s -" : , 1 1 : aivu v.i - a awoa w a a a. x aud, asao a aa lj x . FLHNi rL K. ana o room nouse tor se e at t Modern 5 room house. A-l furnace. fireDlece. sacrifice, including davenport, settee, chairs. 1 1. it.Hr,. rnnm k.. .ik.- n-ii.ha n library table to match, dining room table, range J uU basement gas. electricity, 'nice fixtures, 2 neater, uiotc, uuu um, uuun, ovc. t t 'blocks carline. Tabor tSOBw. Iron. Sell. 2812. , nirvro v f , crvn -thw ' ' sell home in Lnrlhurst 5 NAl.r. u I un.i r,n iianinuBnis Ul 1 Klt l I Mmt sell home In Inrilhursl K nsnma Modern 7 room bungalow with furniture; price 'Furnace, fireplace, full cement basement, large ana terma rvwouuuiv uuuv um prueirccuTe uuj- r need apply. CaU any time. 1065 E. Lincoln at., corner 37th. attic, all builtin convenience. 2 block from car. 15 minutes from center of city. Tab. 2 1 04, EIGHT TENTHS ACRE MAPLEWOOD $050. $100 caah, $10 monthly buy this splendid, piece of land with two room house 16x20. 6e far. 20 minute' ride. Fred W. uerman vo.. taj. nam. oi . ora. 0 ROOMS, story and half. 3 bedrooms; lot 45x100; good school, walking dmanoa to Franklin high; cash price $2250. terms $2500. Phone Tabor 3898. BARGAIN Lot 86x120. 4 room house, elec- FOR SALE By owner, 60x120, well built trie lights and water to house: all kinds small horn. Dutch kitchen, bathroom. lOOx fruity fenced and chicken yard. 6746 78th 100 and 16x28 bouse, 17 minutes on Oregon a F! f T ftaott ear Woodmeer aehniil 1 k . u i. i H. ... -. - . x.icvuiv. amam u. ma. v-.u, unuiut. a cut. HOUSES of all kinds and price for sale. Some ' H. M. Jensen, Maplewoort stabon. genuine bargains. Come and see me for what new 1 mom knimUn. uifM hBiAimw you want W. T. Goulder. 719 Chamber of ; wood floors, fireplace, gaa heating system, city v..,". ' ' . . water. Latewsoa station- ures on t :it v car. Ha FOR SALE or trade, account sickness. Win fare: term. Phone Eaat 4062. ell or trad 20,UOU home. $9000. walk- iiihn New 3 room modera hou.. t'inrt on-n ing distance, for K-707, journal. acreage or small house. S ROOM modern cottage, 76th, near Glisan. Built 2 years. Full basement fireplace, large attic. Fifty foot lot Value $2500. This week $1760. Terms. Tabor 2073. balance $15 per month. Car 2 blocks. Fine yard, fruit flowers, good location. McCroakey, Ualn 1484 7 terms ber of Commerce. FOR SALE A 5 room modern bungalow; with built-in effects, 2 lots, east front; all kinds of fruit and berries; 4 blocks from carline; $2000. $500 eash. $15 month. Tabor 8673. BEAUTIFUL little home. 4 rooms, reception hall, toilet bath, pantry, electric lights, gas. full basement, rose, cement walk. 1 block from car and pavement Owner, 85 E. 72d N. IRVINGTON Fine 7 room house. 4 bedrooms. $5500. Owner. East 238. FOLK room house with a bath on good street Price $700. Sell. 8149. modern House ; terms. Oil SALE 6 room Call Sell. 2682. SEVEN room modern house, Irvington, $6500 easy terms. Morris, 431 Chamber of irom FINE 5 room furnished bouse, $2000, 1757. 208 'A Sellwood BRICK store. 17x60. cheap ; good for any business. N. 16th st Broadway 2382 FOB SALE LOTS 16 $25 DOWN $15 MONTH ACRE TRACTS EASY TERMS EARLY PLANTING SOIL NO ROCKS - Make an investment for now and th fu ture. Build a little temporary bouse and try it for the summer you will never move back to the city to stay I GAS, WATER, ELECTBICITY. Parkros acres are reached by th way of the Rose City Park carline. Sandy blvd. (Coram bia highway) is the main road to th city, and run through Penrose. Parkroa has a good school, also church and tore. Parkros is different 1 Yon win like th looks of itl , 3. U HABTMAN' COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark sts." Main 208, A-2030. (Sunday only at branch office, 45th and Sandy hi vd., no phone.) THREE lots. 240x60 ft each, in Lake Shore View addition to the city of Seattle. Wash Price $1200. Geo. W. King. 16th and Alberta sts. , Portland, Or. 60x100. 63d, near Saady road; street graded, walks in and paid; very sightly; complete abstract $199. S. P. Oaburn, 610 McKay bids. Main tizzv $8000. 6 room house and corner lot. Green- wood ye. and Clinton St. Term. Oregon In. 4k Mortg. Co.. 202 Stock Ex.. Sd and Yamhill. A DANDY room. houM modern. Jrvington. $3500 ; . BARGAIN Modern 7 room uouse taken for ; uon l overtooa uiis. atoms, 101 cuanv- m..ea mm TMrMon att 2fh hWk cars. Fruit, farden (pace. Terms. Owner. 1075 Stanton it Q-1146. SUNNY 5 room up-to-date bungalow, 100x100. wyjui ovv. vviu uta tsuv. xsea iianv FOR SALE One acre. aU plowed. 3 blocks south of Powell valley road on Buckley ave Call week days. Tabor 2352. STTBTJHBiX HOUtS MAKE GARDEN HOME YOUR HOME. T ' 1-OB SA1E YAKUTS tt EEnTo' And LLn'n CoCSttta A&E TUB CREAK Or THE EAMOC1 WILLAMETTE VALLEY OCB BEST LINN COUNT! BUY 340 acre dairy er grain tana, 160 acrea of the very highest duality af wheat bad; 40 acrea, good for vetch, eata, or elover. (ia eloaa-ed sow; th other 40 acre lays atatig a aeia tail fat creek which pro-rtde aataral oral nag fog the Place, aad thi 40 at avow all aoewrad with auk aad aa timber, which a vahsaM for wood. raaca lays oa good read. , auis rrwa xanvwg little city, near achaos, ata. Baa twa large barn. not boa, euo, aiaenwia anea, ana CerralUa, Oregoa. $25 DOWN $15 MONTH ACRE TRAfTH RAHY TERMS EARLY PLANTING SOIL NO ROCKS Mak an investment for now and tha fa. ture. Build a little temporary house and try it lor use summer you will never move back to the city to stay! GAS. WATER. ELECTRICITY. Park rose acrea are reaches! bv tha war of the Rose City Psrh carline. Bandy blvd. (Colum bia highway) is th main road to th city, and run through Parkroae. Parkros ha a a ood achooL alao church and store. ParkroM ia different! Yon win like the Wei of itl J. L, HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark ata. Main 208, A-2050. (Sunday only at branch office. 45th and Sandy blvd., no phon.) 6 Acres on Car Line Going to tell mv aulnndid littU emintn Snm. 12 mile out. rifht at statinn snlendid road ta place, S acres very best of land, good new house, bam and outbuildings. Bearinc orchard and berrie. Price with ome personal property. $2350. Hargrove Realty Co, 122 V. 6th st Broadway 4881. 240 ACHES af choice plow land. $0 acre fall train. 3 mile from OoMondal. la rtehewt belt in Northwest; 4 head bora, ail imple ment, ton of eats, 2 cow, 2 big sow. 10 pig, chicken, 8 ton bay. All go with place for $17,000. $5500 caah, balance $800 per year for 9 yean at 6. Gaod Improvement. vruv ut mm vwm iki, tmr... w ,wi mmtim. 440 acre. 110 acre plow land, IT acre ia fall grata, 10 ia oata; bouse 2$x4$; S acre of fin orchard: barn 42x64; goad water; 3J big chicken house, bit brooder houaa. 85500. 1-8 oaah. balance to suit. Smith Nelson, Goldaadai. 6Cft SPECIAL TdDAY 100 ACRE FARM A perfect lying tract of land. 88 aere in cul trvatioa, balance oak grove and past are; 33 acre fall planted: aeed oa band for balance: you are welcome to take your spade and dig anywhere on thia tract; aeil is all deep; only a mile from town; Southern Pacific electric; a thickly settled Dart of Willamette valla: eond house, barn and outbuildings; woven wire fence, heavy team, 4 head registered stock, chickens. ieea ana aome macninery tnaluoM; $13,000. IX jacsjaeaney 12 Caaabar af ComaMrc bldg. Main 7102. ' 120 ACRES WATERFRONT Cloa to Portland; rirar aad R. It traaapee ?uon. out up tn 2. 5 aad 10 aere tract, ou can buy 0 acres for 810 down aad 85 per month. 10 seres $20 dow. and $10 per month. Fine place to rake duck, gees and chickens, s thr i s large pood in tear: also good place to rata willow far market Some all cleared snd seta partly cleared; from 1 a 10 i -o per acre. BELL REAL E8TATE CO.. 818 Hallway Exchange Bldg. grain Farm. " 845 ACRES Very seldom do yoa find a large body et land lying so well aa thi does, with aa waste land; all fint-claaa soil and has beea wall farmed; 300 acre ia cultivation, 170 now ia erop, bal, plowed ready to seed ; right Citation an aUctsio tin; to roo nuioas. Darns, a sua, woven wire faneaa, family trait Owner baa agreed to complete aeedlns and aell for 817.300. McCHESNEY, 882 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 710a. 2 ACRES, all cleared and fenced. $1650, your own tertns; 2 acre. $1600: 1 acre, modern bunglow, $2150. $850 cash. J. A. King, Garden Home, on Ore. Elec, 16 minute from Portland. BARGAIN 5 room cottage, on carline, near MUwaukle. Easy terms. Add. H-658, Journal. FOB SALE FARMS 17 Very Choice McMinnvilie Ranch 20 acres right in town, all la high state af cultivation, fine creek, good building, very choice orchard, berries. etc Thia la ana af th ' nice plaoea we all would like to awn. $6000 take it Some terma. a J. R. WOLFF. 618 Cham, of Commerce bldg. FOUND SATURDAY 17 46 ACRE HOME Half s mil from town in Waahlnston county. rnn Tnnient Ia arhoAl ass ,mI1am illmrfif. It,, 1- On account of mv hushand belne aiek In a 1 farm, all in eulttvatJon asreerj amall mw fmlr hospital, we are offering our pretty country home and berrie for family ne; goad room cottage at a sacrifice; 14 acres, 3 miles from city limits, and barn face on mala road; $4000. D. Mc- good road, iplendid soil; all cleared, but 1 acre; Cbeanay. S32 tAamber of Commerce bldg. Mla splendid 6 room bungalow, plastered, fine large 7102. ---r- barn, concrete foundation, good outbuildings; ; 167 ACRES Bear Aston. $4800. 16 A la choice bearing orchard, living at ream. PER- cult. 60 A. slashed, some CO year aa-o: 4 SONAL: Hone, wsion. busry. implements. 2 ' acre of orchard, rioor tmikttnsa. tbna mftaa My Country Homej 5 Miles Out cows, calf, chickens. Price $5000; V cash. Hargrove Realty Co, 122 North 0th St Broadway 4381. 40 Acres, $1100 27 miles from Portland. Small box house, barn. 8 acres in cultivation, 7 acres slashed, balance pasture and timber. $500 cash, bal ance to suit 87 acre. 27 miles from Portland. 80 acre in cultivation, large barn, fine spring, on coun ty road : some crrsn In ; close to school : good or chard. Price $2225; $1000 caah. balance to suit from railroad.-12 mile from Astoria. 8 milch cowa. l nailer, z yearling bi(r. 1 bu horse. 1 young sow. wagon, plow, etc: unlimited outrang. Thai i tha bluest snap ia th roast country. Fbntos at office of Fred W, German Co., 782 Cham, of Com, FOR SALE 11 acres, houaa, barn, chiokca house and run, fine spring of water, wire fence. 8 mile to good towa and H. R.. 80 mile from Portland, 10 bead cows and young stock. 1500 lb. wis re, wagon, buggy. 2 har nesses, all implements. $1960. Terma, or wQl ell plac without stock or trad for food stock of genera merchandise. Add. r X-oOB, Journal. FOB SALE ll acres, house. YOB SALE TAKS 17 PLACES TO TRADE FOB A H0TS1 AN D LOT IN PORTLAND OR TO . SELL FOB LITTLE MONEY : , DOW 189 a. 1a Linrnln Co., sear Etk City, St a. cult, 190 a. tillable bottom hand, reaard, room ban, bara aad chicken brass. Pric $2350, $660 , ww, ar will trad area for houaa aad lot 1468. 48 a. near Barti Ground. WsAt 14 a. good river bottam soiL eartivateL bal no pastur; lies level; areharw. room nous, para aogBO tt, wagoa . abed aad ebsskea boas. Phvea Is ail feewed. Frio 82600. 3S0w down, or .. , will trade for a house snd sat la Port" laad ar Band. Or. 848-8. . - - , . -s 88 a. ia YamklH Co., aear trrthf : it mlna, 13 a. sun., balanoa pasture, hs lightly rolling, 8 room hooaa, bara 24s 48 ft woodshed, haa houes sad .wagoa abed: 8 BiUa from R. H. stav. mt . y .t . t school, on eounty read; several hnn- , drad eord wood. Pric $1400, $400 .! dowa. 189 8. t 10 v4 a. aear New berg, all cult. gooA . ' , loam toil, lias level; 4 . orchard, small ; I ;"" beoaw, barn 80x80 ft Place i fenced. l slos to good college town. 31 mt . i west of Portland, Price $2000, $500 t down. 127-8. , j 8 a. near Oak Point Wash., all cult, . . ... good brown loam aoil, 1 a. bee. Hag - 3; re hard, spring watar piped to bldg., goid 8 mom house, barn 28(88 ft, . . , avral outbuildings, 1 mars, 1 cow, 2 . Jersey heifer. 12 chicken, busty, hat -new, on good eoautv road, M mile ta . - K. R. tta. and Colombia river boat Undlng. Pric $900. ssi$ must be) , . cash. l$l-3. . . RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO.. , , . Bothchild Bldg.. 287 w Wash, st, - ' . - 3'H bara. chicken hou and run. fine spring of water, wire fence. 8 mile to good town and B. R., 80 mil from Portland. 10 head cow aad young stock, 1300 lb. mar, wagon, buggy, 2 har nesses, all implement, 81960. Term, or win ell place without stock or trad for sood stock cth, ' of general merchandise. Address FI-w66. Journal 28 ACRES 2 H sere tn cultivation. mors sastlt CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN ranches near Portland; 8. 6. 10 acre tracts. $65 to $200 per acre. McKarlaea. 003 Yeon bldg.. Portland. GOOD speculation. 4 acres near the Ore gon City car. $300 per cre. Phone Oak Grove 81M. ACRE. 3 room bungalow, half improved. 2 years' fuel. Fine proposition. Phon Oak Grove 2 OR. FOR SALE1 4V acres, 2 acres cleared. 2H mile east of Oregon City. Will give term. Route fl. No. 85. Geo. T. Smith. SHIPYARD WORKER! Notice: Invest in cranberry industry on payment and save money. 1330 E. Tsylor. 83 acrvs. 37 miles from Portland. 20 In cultivation ; no buildings ; good spring ; on coun ty road, close to school Pnce $1875; 4 bslsnoe to suit 4 1 1 Henry bldg r- - a r 1 1 . 2 S4 Do Acres mgnt on uar Line ; " rf" thiu,& . . 0 place. Good well, new hooee unfinished, bara, $100 per acre takes my farm. I am old, chicken house, oa good road. $ mile from one ana cnppiea. 1 an 1 Term any more. Sly Oregon Laty. Price $1000. larra is nam on uregon, jsiectrce, an on mi out of Portland. 53 acrea, 40 acrea cleared, bal ance Umber and pasture. Not able to do much work. Have been growing clover on my land for past Several years. It is very rich. Building are habitable, but not very food. Bearing or chard. Will sell for $5300. H cash, and give you a team, harness,, wagon and aom imple ments. 5 ACRES unimproved, 2 mile east of city lim its; near Has Lin road; $2000. Phon Tbor 7373. ACRES for sale. $550. half cash. Valla Vesta. Or. Call at 323 Glisan. 2 ACRES under cultivation close to 6 cent car- line. $1200: terras. Gnobler Cafe. Lenta. FOR SALE or trade, 1 acre of land on Base Line road. Will take Ford car. Tabor 5C03. StTBTJBBAX ACREAGE 76 ACRE and half acre tracts, close to station, on Oregon Electric, at Garden Home. Some have small houses. Cheap, and the easiest kind of terms. Only 13 minutes out Gas, water. electricity, etc. MeCormic, Main 9318. 6 AND 10 acre tracts, 1 mile from Tigard station. 12 miles from Portland: a snD at $320 to 1813 an acre; very eaay terma. Uall Tabor 6604. FIVE ACRES $1000 Nine mile from courthouse: lie level, good oil; fin for gardening, chicken or berry ranch small payments. Call 500 Concord bldg. Owner. STJBTJBBAW Tf??MES 79 GARDEN HOME Fine half acre, . all in full oearuig orcnara. apples, pears, peecne. prunes; worth $1000, $750 today. Any terma you wane Three acre with Improvements worth $600: all for $2700, $600 cash. Two fine acre, only 81600: worth 82000. suu casn. Dais nee easy, uome today. Phone McCORMlC, Main 9318. TWO of the .finest places, take your choice at Oak Grove, close to the hard surfsceH road: one with 2 acre, a modern up-to-date bouse of 7 rooms: another with 1 44 acrea. situated the same, with most modem 8 room house, tiither of these place can be bought for about the price th bouses alone coat Both place 1 block from carline. Aa. i Clohesy. 415 Abington bldg. COUNTRY1 HOME Fine country home, a modem 8 room bun galow with gaa heating and all city convenience together with 3 to n acres to suit customer. Near MUwaukle station. Will take house In city ia part pay. JOHN W. ALEXANDER. Owner, 1805 Northwestern Bank bldg. Phone Milwaukle 80, Msin 2600. 4 ACRES, all level aad in cultivation, family orchard, at. a - small town, about 26 miles from Portland. 5 room house, electric lights other good buildings: two horse. 3 cows, 60 chickena, 2 plows, harrow, cultivator, mower. some furniture. Price S80UU. IX M. Maloney. RITTER. LOWE CO.. 207 Board of Trade Bldg. MODERN 5 room butialow. well furnished. oak floors, finished attic, paved street and sewer all paid. $2600. $500 cah. E. 25th aear S. P. car shops. Call East 8225. MODERN 4 room completely furnished cottage. E. 25th snd Gladstone. Paving and sewer paid. 82000. $500 cash. East 3225. OWNERS leaving th city, wish to sell their 6 room bungalow. Yamhill st Fine location. 1111 . FOR SALE By owner, a modern 6 room bouseT lot, 60x100; full basement; garden and rose: $1800. $200 cash. Sellwood 1289. 2-KOOM turn, oabln. walking dist. $75 cash. Call Sunday. 701 Jefferson it. west af high bridge. BEST buy in St Johns; only $1025 for 4 30x100 lots and 8 room house; terms; tm- prevemeaU paid. Tabor 88 ?. auto or merchandise. Phone evenings, mornings or Bunday. Sell. 118. A SNAP if taken at once. Term. 6 room bungalow just west of Lanrelhunt 928 E. Irving st, bet 80th and 81st Owner will be there all day Sunday. ' MODERN room residence- Good ..west aid district near shipyards. Owner going East and sarrifieing for $3400; small payment, bal ance like rent 512 Royal bldg. LAURELHURSf DISTRICT4 9 room modern cottage, Everett and 8 2d. All improvements in and naid. At a aacrifica. ' $3000. Easy terms. Tabor 2075. R. C. 8 room bungalow, corner lot furnished complete including Pool table. $$750. $1600 town. 491 . 43d N. Phone Tabor 5461. LARGE old hows, full lot fruit galore; 2 block from Tabor ear; $850. $50 cash. $10 saoath, P-609, Journal. - 26TH and Clinton- Full lot. f acini carline. all improvements in and paid for. 8850 cash. 202 Stock Ex. bldg., 3d and Yamhill sts. A FINE lot tn Ladd's add., cost $3000, for 82000. Morris. 481 Chamber) of Com- SACKIF1CE lot in Jonesmore near Gliaaa; paid 3850: take 8400; $150 down, balanoe tin. Tk Liberty bonds, or what hay yon? Tabor 36. FOB SALE Cheap, Tnlce lots in cultivation; terms; will take heavy young team aa part payment 1498 E. 13th st N. Wdln. 8682. FOR SATE Lot -on 61st st snd 46th st.. 1 block fmaaMt Scott ear. Cement sidewalk snd taxes all paid. 8276. Wdhv 2944. . FOR eSALE Lot 50x100, Irvingtoa Park. 26th at Block 72. lot 5. $350 cash. Don't call East 7955 if yoa do not want to bay. FOUR lots. 5 room hods, stable, chicken house, lots of fruit. A snap. 289 E. 6th st Phone East 6619. ; FOR SALE Lot in Boss City Park, 50x104. Can SelL 2473. ONLY $7$, buys-my lot aear Vernon district Improvement ta and paid. Wdln. 4647. FOR SALE or exchange.' a desirable reside lei ia Greats Piaa, - K-82S, JoaraaX FOR SALE Suburban home, Oregon City line near Gladstone, modem a room nous, Hardwood floors. French doors, built In eon. vsrnierjc. city water, eement basement 8 83-100 acres: sll in cultivation, 40 fruit free, barn. 20 chickena. l cow. B minuter walk from Hereford st Herman Melsoa. Phon Oregon City 41 3R. " Beautiful country hoSe 1 y acres, located on a psved road, east of thi city. There is a fin 8 room plastered houaa with full vcemeot basement, water pressure system, 2 nrepisees, a gooa garage. 1 nee sezuu. XX. A. nawacj, 1 BITTER. LOWE dt CO.. 207 Board oi Trade. " A &OOM BUNGALOW WITH 8 ACRES Close in on Ore son City lias. 6 He fare electricity, fas, furnace, fireplace, garage aad other outbuildings, 2 tfc urn in cultivation, nice young orchard, beautiful ranning stream. Aa ideal home spot. 'Only $8230, terms. B. Feemster, ZOV Amngtoa Diag. $1200.- HALE sere, good hone, garsge, chick en house for 600 chickens. Fruit water aad . $700 cash, .'lira, U XT. Frasier. 260 Broadway.' - ' - . I GOOD buy investigate; - aear lailaaukiaT J?hons Oak Otata, 11-M. rrr t ijiu a. urssmrv a am yim ima.. mv rw n.n 8th and Mala St.. Oregon Cityt Paying Stock Ranch Away Down - 1 807 sera la ene et the best ttoek dbtrteta la L Grant county. Oregon. 135 acre bottom Mad. ; all eu itl rated, mostly tlmotay. aexiem aeoes aary. but can irrigat whan desired. Balance best bunch graas pasturs fenced into $ field. Well- . watered and loin reserve rant. laily mail.1 near creamery, ohooL stor. etc Fair build-J' lng. Pric 312.600, 37500 cash, baL 0.1' Also pat ia following personal: 8 horses. 40 'V cattle, full et machinery, stacking outfit, com- " plete blacksmith shop, etc. owner unsocial ly abl te retire, and offers yu thi sura avenu to wealth st very atractiv price. , . . . Hargrove Realty Co. . 182 N. 8th t Broadway OSU CHOICE COLUMBIA HIVER DAIRY. - J 181 sen, shout 76 errs under plow, about - . 25 acre more that can he plowed, balance ia ' sxcellant pasture, watered by stream ; family or- ; chard ta full bearinc, 7 room house, dairy, sll ; neceaaary outbuilding, dairy bara 60x70; new J ailo ; 1 mil from sood Columbia rir towa, f rail and boat transportation ; all rural ad van tagea; 18 mllea from Vancouver. Together with 26 cows, thre 8-year-old heifers, four 2- ! year-olds. 1 bull. 6 bead of horses, 7 liogi. a ) dossa chicken, t sets harness, 3 wagon, 3 -' plows, 2 ho rasa, $ cult! ra tors, almost M? separator, mower, rake, all tn usury milk can . and eooler, small tool. Prica 828,000 half ' easa. Tna u oaa 01 tn vary pt oatna a. v th Columbia liver. It tntarmtsd - w Sdvie p- yoa to kek st it st once . k, . ! j THOMPSON A SWAN. ' " ' 5th snd Main ata. Vancouver, Wash. : i BE.n'TON AXIS' msn i,nmiTEir7aj5 ., . ! CHEAaf OF THE FAMOUS -. ' . WILIJtMETTE VALLEY THE BEST BUY IN BENTON COL'NTT ' . 166 acre of first-claaa sandy loam. river . bottom soil. ISO acre in cultivation, which lay Ideal. No waste land, and practically all ta crop. -4 Place I weU fenced. Haa about IS sera to P- 'J ture, sad 10 sera la Umber. Lays mil from i the Pacific highway, in the heart et th famous Irish Bend district Has (nod T room bouse, two barns, alio, hog house, etc. With toe place Si 82 registered Lincoln swas, rem, snd svrl -4 mb. 4 horses, 3 registered Uolatxia cows. 2 grad Jsraey oovra, feed, aeed, eta, also 60 chick-y' ena. and too la sad equipment to run um place. V Everything goes, snd lmmedlsts pomemioa wlU be given, price 3123 per errs. KINNEY A TRACT, th Heal Estate Men. Corvallia, Oregon. IN IDEAL 40 acre farm borne; all good loam aoil ; all in cultivation, level, weU drained ; , t as rock or (ravel; oa good road mil R. K statioa sad school; good houaa, hot aad cold water, toikrt snd bath; good barn chicks m, house snd Other nsoaassry bnildinga, good- , . A .(l- - - d fruit; sad extra fine water; deep well: pra I aur system; water piped to all building. If : yoa want omthing good sod all bard work i done, aee this. War cause aal for $8000, , S $4000 cash, balance 6 year at 8 pr eent Improvement ar worth'raor than price sakad. WILLIAMS LOAN A ViV. CO., 422 Chamber of Commerce, Portlaad, Or., , or 113 West 6th t. Vaneouver, Wash. 1 ..w.t Hargrove Realty Co, Broadway 4881. 22 N. 6th st 84 ACRfca H the WtlUmette valley, t ml from good town of 2500 in habitants in a very, thickly settled community; on a good gravel road 70 a. in crop, mostly fall wheat and oat; good 6 r. house, barn 40x60 ft. fenced with woven wire; all good loam oil. This h th bast bargain we hsv on our list Price $7600; $3000 cash. 153-8. RALPH ACKLEY I .AND CO., 210 Rothschild bldg. $50 Per Acre Buy 40 seres of fine lsvel sod. sboat 25 sere in cultivation and crop. 1-$ of crop with place, bal. pasture, aom timber, oa county road, aear Molalla. Some terma if wanted. J. R. WOLFF, 618 Cham, of Commerce bldg. 82 ACRES 2 miles from business center of best town la Willamette valley. $0 rod frontage on Pacific highway, good soil, lias fin, 18 acres eultivsted, bL easy clearing, running water, good well. 8 room plastered cottage, 2 barn, chicken hou snd runs. 8400O. A real anap. Neal Brown. 207 Panama bldg. FOR SALE LARGE ALFALFA FARM, ssrt ..mi in rrwa,m ..,1.1. inn 4 .i,i. good aet of farm buildings adjoining a town of unn ........ i . I.... Tl.i. t- . . 1 1 ... of the best Irrigation systems in the Northwest . 40 cultivated; aouaa, para aaa eatauuainga; It is predicted this farm will produce from 800 lamiiy orcnara, wni ami snsaj to . 1000 tons of alfalfa this coming year. Price rich soil, county road and telephone. A map. 850.000. 34600, 10 mile aortOsatt et Catniaatet, wsao. or trad. 820 acre. from EddyviU oa public rosdi 2 dwellings, barn, 4 poultry hou, orchard, 25 acres in tame grasses, springs and creeks, extensive out range, good for poultry snd fruits but beat adapted to sheep and goats. 87.80 per acre. Ad dress H. B. Luc. Eddyrille. Or. 8000 ACRE WHEAT FARM. 8500 acres in fall erop. 400 mors ready for seed. Indication ar now that crop thi year will net 8100.000. Plac can be had for 836 per acre. Easy terms. Neilan A ParkUill, 219 Lumbermen's bldg., 8th snd Stork ta. 120 ACRES. 60 level, fenced with wevea wire. II. M. Melon ey. RITTEB LOWE A OO. 207 Bord of Trade Bldg. 134 ACRES at Newberg. 50 acres in high state of cultivation, with very fin horn. good barn, with electric light ; 8 0 acre on river; one of the beet buy at Newberg; $125 , offering thia at a sacrifice. See owner, 801 Railway Exchange bldg. J. Bobbins. ACRES. 18 in cultivation: one mile from Sprine-water. Clackamas county : running water. well fenced: on a good road; fully $1-000 worth of standing timber. Price $3000. H. M. Maloney, RITTEB LOWE A CO. 207 Board of Trade Bldg. ALFALFA proposition that cannot be beat, ss either i worth twice the price asked: 815 acres adjoining town; over 200 in cultivation. 460 acre fin commercial orchard and al falfa. $15,000 wiU handl either. 8. ML Vs- nard, 92 9 Chamber of Commerce. Mar. 4188. 248 18th st. Portland. FOR SALE or exchange for smallat place f good, weU located agricultural lead, weU im proved 160 sere stock ranch in Southwaet Ore gon, adjoining railroad grant leads snd free range, with or without stock, implements, houaa hold goods Addr w. . ttarter. aerey, ur. Nothing down for 4 years, cleared level land, clos to cannery; also bars 2 sex pise oa the same term. BELL REAL ESTATE COMPANY, 318 Railway Exchange bldg. 79 A.. 60 CLEARED, school on place, good bid a., spring water to house, 1000 a. out side rang iotas plaos, erop ia, weiaT stock M, everything foes st 87000, $4000 cash, Bex 1127. Wlnlock. Wssh. 40 ACRES, wast aid. Willamette valley, T3 4b cultivation, $43 per acre; aba 70 acres, 20 seres ia cultivation. $60 par sera. Either place $75 down, time oa balanoa. Se Draper, 401 Boara 01 -iraoe. 1 FOR SALE tSTJ acre loggad-eff laud, 9 building, 1000 fruit Uses, apples, pears, prunes, plums, cherries. Blackberries, lotsabar- rlea Jtoad. zb sun irons rorriaaa, a au from station. $26 per sere. N-741, Journal. 1 FOR SALE cheap, 27 acre Una, all ia culti- Here Is a Choice 90-Acre u Willamette Valley Ranch Including stock, sll implements, furniture, aad the 40 sere fllaown grain. V 0 acre rich, black loam. 70 te 80 arm la fin stats ef eultivstlon. balance valuable oak timber; good 10 room hou, bara, hog snd chicken-houses, fta family orchard of apple, : pluma, c harries and berrie, 8 mile to elvctrte statioa, St mile to boat landing, high school, ' stor snd sawmill ; good reads, good neighbors, good land. 11 for $10 600. ; i. u, nuiinauus, f . 214-215 Panama Bldg. - " NEAR WHITE SALMON. 190 seres, $9090. terms can be rranr-4 to suit purchaser; $5 acrea in cultivation, 50 acre vary easy to pot in cultivation, balaae p-, ture. Extra fine water, sood road, new $ room. modem bouse, good bars snd ebicksn house, . ,-; good fence: improvamaots eoet over $10,000. Owner overloaded with real estate, must saU, :, If yoa want real bargain and fine home o i,h UnnAa A aaa thia skes. William 1 laan, A Investment Co.. 423 Chamber af '' Commerce, PerUaad, Or., or 113 Wort 6th st, encouver. Wash. ' . Tl ABE FARM ve NEAR FOREST GROVE Wsshlnlton county; rich fin, soil; 8T Sere fa ; .i i cultivation, over 60 in crop; wood for fuel and , t running water, oo mala road, daily mail snd .j i milk eendeaser route; bunding oa a sightly ria aiiovu sine vavw w. mvhhwihiiiii, ww i ttrooa i . . bouaa, spring water piped. Urge barn sad silo, V fsmlly fruit, all kind; school loin fsrmj eow ,i; vanient to hUh school sad coll ess: on of those . deatrsbl places not often for aal: $10,600, It. ..... McCbesney, 33Z cnambsr of comma roe bldg. i, Main 7102. 4 124 ACRES - U A About 40 scree in cultivation, balance J lashed and seeded. 7 -room hows, bath, but.'. iJ sad oold water. Largs barn, 2 silos, 1H seres- ' fruit, 40 cow, team, aom hog. $ gss engiaM, ti Uo cutter, wagon, mower, rah, tedder, plow, - f disc, harrow, cream separator. Watered wttt, spring, well and 11 ring atresia, price flSOO. 4 cash, naiance xune. sua ptao m mlng aaoaay, 107 ACRES. 70 in culUvathm; 15 mile south of Redmond: 50 acre irriaated: fair aet of farm buildings; sll except 10 sera can be culti vated; irrigation right ia all paid up. WIU aell at a big bargain for 82750. H. as. Maloney, RITTEB LOWB A CO. 207 uoara of Trade mag. .ran oartl in: running Water: sood 160 ACltG farm, loo under cultivation. linear buildings, family orcnara; gooa graves rasa, of aoil. aU kind of tools, bone, w axons, si soft cash. baL eaay term. Owner. V. A. barn and outbuilding, 107 acres in wneat, gooa Griffith, Route I, Boring, ur, orchard. AH for 845 an acre. Terms. In i .AHU J- i, ' A . '. Jefferson county. Investigate; thi sale ac- Vhott(i hot and cold water, sood buiSdlnt: ia & Blsnchard A Cl.maou, 702-8 sadhinw" $$7$T$100v "" rash, saooo xTso ot use vsioauon. asa. uma. Improved Farm for Trade ! Zimmerman A Co.. $11 Beard ef Trsde. 71 ACRES at Manning statioa.- Washington 40 seres, house, barn, fencsd. well. etc. 8 i county; 14 acre te eaiorstaoat most all. tils- seres of orchard; close to town. Win trad sole; som bottom aeaa; a room &e4ks, .bara. for anrthlna I can us. I gooa roaas, csweas ana smi nsv aww. C. WEST, 302 Conch Mdg. i veor ww, " rriAwr rt awrr: I DANDY IS aor farm. 2 miles frws PertUaeT i nn .MM. -isn.n-k ..t. .i i ,i i elos to carline. well iaenrwved. stacked aal v. so irir hHnn fin ni a. aiwi ' annlDoed: ia a soleudid farminr-wemmanxt' and grass', large, amount outrange, hood buildings, s food horn. Price for all. 88000. Mast bar 7 . . a. a aaa W waf ai 1 WW amam SwAV - all fenced. 10 minute to cneese isctary. stor, sieuv en. "" ""'" ' omg. school, hotel, etc Need money; sacrificing for fa au have 82000 eash we heve the haat 33300. Term. Owner C-889. Journal. (toe sad deary propoaitkm is Msrtoa eoua- 480 ACRES. 800 wheat promise fine erop; ty. Will lea to October wtta 90-daf optioa. 180 sere tributary to ditch. 10 irrigated; Mngn Magee, bcost aaurs, outranse, good buildings, with implement, stock. FOR 8AX 40 acres, 3 in cultivation, 4 room etc; $00 per sere; vmnout stock ana imps- boa, mail barn, running water. 5 miles tt. ment wiU mak yoa price; good terma. Zim- - Oregon City, $12,000. The. Weyrlck, Aoute UK 1 UI. H K W. . W . . rd of Trsde. S, Oregon City. 178 A. best WiU. river bottom fsrm. beaatlful ffBT beet 320-ar improred farm io gut "". tA Waahiaataa. mooera QUI Xtinea stoek aswl urpassea. cw wicoout eqwas, l a bciws oesver- -Wnarv Aeoewt a. U. sut ana- u. ... k.i. macninery. aseep " --';, -TTAA . Walngtoiv mgton piog. Baal, $11. 1 HAVE aom great bargains ta wheat raaehee HA ACRES oo Canyon road, mile west of v J, 21, iTnmaaak lat asTSan ZZ! court bouse: partly clear; house aad bara. FjJmW T Goalda? 71 t cS? (prings: 310.000; H cash; may take modem sbout them, w. t. uosxwer. tip af Com, city home for rest Oregon Inv. A Mortg. Co., 80 ACRE partly laaprovsd dirsttifled Oregoa ''0-2 Stork Kichanr bid. 3d and TamhllL farm. Good rwstt snd marxe. rrie S22S0 easa. a is nea ta salt rvf0FWES74T50what a-w bungaTow. good 2sJiU'.V1? water, 8 mile from station. 333 per acre; , pvrrchaaer. 812 Royal bMg. uniKHmjsB ax l an xoaxu ax sood trad. 10 ACBES Cultivation, near carline; $ room house, butch kitchesv ilrevlaee, good bara, lot ef berrie. 8. M. Vevtard, 929 Ch. of Com. rOTS BENT 5 acres, garden land, 7 room - plastered bow, Foster road; 89 fruit trees on pLace aad running water. 818 Ceach bldg. BY OWNER 840 acre Uaep, blaek, loai sail st all If iaterawted write st it., Portlana, or. EX E. 3 2d FOB SALE 180 sera good IsAd, ai Addram H. H. Tiaatiea: Baker. Or. t 82508. Myers. Park Plase. Or. ' Wheat wHif-filif--wEJir V. M. Apple Land Ctv. larvkdat, Konl DILLMAN A nOWLAND, jth and Main St., Oregoa City, Or, 69' ACRES Good SoU 88 sere 1a erop, bslatvse slashed gad seeded: m am uawsii .mA..j v. . . u , .. ia nwia . i houaw. bars, oatbuUdlngs; mils to sehooty h H mile to oar one. seem, 3 caws, i aeur. , 1 aalves. harrow, aiew. cultivator. amaO toobv prio 85700; 82000 cash, bslsaos 6 years, tBterest ' . ' .. Bee a for Bargain ia small Dome DILUlAJf tt HOWLAND, ; ' -' 8th and' Mala its., urecoa City, Or. .,,! 92 ACRES, 40 acre improved aad ia suitivs- tloa. baL logged att aaa gooa pasture; all . fine toil: 8 sera bearing praaea, at saneisd family orchard, fruit dryer, eencrete appl hossse, ! t 8 room house, bam 52x52, outbuildings, feneed ' snd cross fenced, fsrm machinery; prio $7260 ; would be tatereeted ia aa up to date bungalow to : live in, ss owner Is sick sad mast lsv th farm. Any difference eaa stead against tha farm kmg j, -. tima at 8. Tbl i offered below the e-Oaa. . Bee sir, naiiev, 403 attack Ectnge badg. FINE 145 ACRE FARM . Alau IS CULTIVATION Cndaabtedl oca of tha beet faraa tw W(1. - . lamette valley : seeptioally rich aoil, SB ta sal- k tivatioBl Vfc falLseWB rrafn erom.baU.Bew twrw I ' being pat fa; modern buildings that would eoet :-a' st leart seooa ta a apnea t ; loeauoa oa mala highway, esoa ta he paved, only 144 m. from fin towa near Haiem: 810 an a; ewuer t lo. trig us gig at ana cant lakaois. D. MeChasney, 832 Chamber ef Commerce bldd. Mia 7102. 5 80 iCBCS, srtaated 1 mue from Uctri iTnaT 7 axil from Vsaeoavar and 1 mil from -A (chool. o good road; 40 seres elesrad sad ander high state of eultlvstloa, balaao rax. ' - tars aad timber; T ream bouM, large barn; '. family orchard at assorted fruit and 8 acres Prica 85S00. 82009 cash, bslaaee 8 . st T per rent ' aa THOMPSON SWAJf. W EMth aad stain st. Vanoouvwr, Wash. BEST 100 acre farm in Clackaanae County; 85 a. -iK is cultivation and eroelael. IB sere ia araaes: ii I aeed swUdinea. pumping alaat, 31000 tractor; imptameota sad stock; woeea wire feaees; 8H . mile from Estacada; 817.600. Oregoa lav. k. -ni. Mortg. Co.. 203 Stock Ex. bldg . 8d snd Ysmhlll. , i 4dACREA, soms imprvsmnu, close io. $225oT Wolfstem. 114 irt , yoa.siEyTrAKsfS y y if ElRM1 for rinClSS scria7i2 mile from city, 1 suitable for dairy. Addram J. V. Wing. 89i foster read. Leats. Tsbor 60S6. ' . J00 A'CBE farm, 50 ia cidUvatXaa,' K mites lir. - Good buildiaga, aa stack er tools. Lease on " shares. Walter Keswwrm, Forest 4frwva, Or. ' ; YOA KEN-!" 10 sarsa, Uood laser, good for setstoss, slovsr or rsstsbles. B-44S, JBai,k