The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 30, 1918, Page 14, Image 14

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beautiful and inspiring ervices Slill JSlark Observance of Caster Sunday
Elaborate Ceremonial Planned by
Trinity Episcopal Church
r . Bishop. Sumner to Preach.
Dr. Stansfield to Preach Easter
' .Sermon at First Methodist
i Congregationalists' Program.
.' All hoars mentioned la this article are
EAUTIFUL, inspiring Easter
services have been planned by
the various churches of the city
for Sunday with chancel deco
rations of lilies and appropriate
This Easter day will probably
be more generally celebrated than any
Easter Sunday since the day when
Christ rose from the grave.
Tha Episcopal churches have made
elaborate plans for the day. Trinity
.Church has arranged for a wonderful
musical service. Bishop Sumner will
: preach both morning and evening at St.
- Stephens rro-Cathedral and at St.
J)avlda the rector has announced a rare
musical treat.
w t Dr. Boyd has announced special serv
ice for the morning and communion in
the afternoon at Klrst Presbyterian. At
.' Central Presbyterian and Westminster
the pastors have announced special mu
: Ha and sermons. At Mt. Tabor Pres
. byterlan the young people will have a
v 'prominent part in the services,
t S First MelhodlHt church will have a
' special sermon by Dr. Stansfield and
baptismal and reception of members. At
Wilbur Methodist Dr. Henry J. Talbot.
psvtor of the old Taylor street church,
'.will preach. Centenary and Sunnyslde
Churches have announced special musi
cal profrrams. The Knights Templar
; will participate in the morning service at
ML Tabor Methodist and in the evening
: at First Methodist.
; ii The Congregational churches an
nounced special musical programs in
jtearly all the services of .the day, espe
cially at First church. Sunnyslde church
And Atkinson Memorial,
.'i The White Temple and East Side Bap-
i list churches have made special prepara
tions Xor their congregations tomorrow.
St. Davids
2 The ' services on Kaster day will be as fol
lows: T a. m. Holy communion, sung in part
so Simper's setting in K flat; the offertory an
them. "They Have Tsken Away My Lord"
(Statner). 0 a. m. Second communion, at
. which the children's choir will sing. 11a. m.
Hong, "Eucharist," the music being Gounod's
"Mease Solonnalle" adspted to the Angellcan
rite, and one of the moat superb musical service
- extant; the offertory anthem will be, "As It
Began to Dawn," by Mylea B. Foster. 4 p. m.
( Children's Easter service and Lenten offering.
V's', Trinity Episcopal
Easter serrices will begin at Trinity church
1 with an early celebration of the Holy Com
munion in the morning at 7:80 o'clock. At
thia service the full choir will be in attendance.
V At 11 o clock there will be morning prayer and
sermon by the rector. Dr. A. A. Morrison, fol
. lowed by a second celebration of the Holy Com
munion. The text of the "sermon will be, "He
Is Not Deed." An unusually beautiful musical
' service will be rendered.! including: "Christ
Our Passover" (Schilling), "Te Deum"- (Knox)
' and "Jubilate" (VanLear). Tha anthem will
ha "Lo, the Tomb Is Empty" (Broom). An
' Invitation is given to non-communicants to re
main through the communion -service, which
follows the offertory. The setting for the sec
ond celebration Is as follows:
' A "Kyrie"
: "Sanctus"
. "Agnus Dei"
. . "Gloria in Excelsis"
.r .; All are written by Tertius Noble, one of the
- Moat noted of modern composers of organ
xausie. Tha Easter evening service will be at
B o'clock. The music for this service has been
composed by Luclen T. Becker, organist of
: Trinity. Strangers are earnestly Invited to all
of thasa aervices, especially uniformed men.
. . St. Stephens
. The aervices at St. Stephen's pro-cathedral
. on Easter day will be as follows: Holy com
munion at 6:80, 7:411 and 11 a. m. ; evening
" prayer and confirmation, 7:43 p. m. The bishop
will preach morning and evening. The music
at the rooming service will be:
Organ prelude
. Processional, "Welcome Happy Morning"....
, ' (Calkin)
.Kyrie in B flat (Agutter) .
Communion service In E flat I Eyre )
Introit, "Christ Onr Passover" (Buck)
Hymn. "The Strife Is O'er" (Palestrina)
Offertory, "God Hath Appointed a Day" (Hours)
' Recessional. "Jesus Christ Is Risen Todajr"
(Morgan) . . 7....
: Organ postiude ?
The evening music will be:
Organ prelude
, Processional. "Come Ta Faithful"
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittia In E flat
Hymn, "Angela, Roll the Rock Away"
Offertory. "God Hath Appointed a Day" (Tours)
Recessional, "Hark, Ten Thousand Voices"...
; St. Michaels
'Eaater services at St. Michaels Entsnonal
ehurch. Rose City Park. Rev. T. F. Bowen,
vicar, will be In this order: 7:80 a. m.. Holy
Communion: 11, Holy Communion and ser-
Additional Easier programs will be
found on Page 7.
i r i N
. i H
L J J .
mon; 4 p. m., service for the Sunday school
end all children of the parish. Sister music,
recitations . and address. At th It o'clock
service tha speeial music will be -as follows:
Processional, "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today" . . .
Antbem, "Alleluia, Christ Is Risen" (Eastham) .
"Kyria Eleieoft" (Eyrie)
"Gloria TiW" (Garrett)
"Credo" W. T. Best)
Brow, "Welcome, Happy Morning" (Sullivan) .
Offertory, "As It Began to Dawn" (Bauchau) .
"Bursum Cords and Sanctus" (Ca midge)
"Henedictus" (Morleyl
"Agnus Dei" (Gounod)
Hymn. "The Strife Is O'er"
"Nunc Dimlttis .- ,
Recessional, "Alleluia, Hearts and Voices
Hesrenward Itaisa" (Sullivan)
Good Shepherd
The Easter day aervicea at the Church of the
Good Shepherd will begin at 7:80 a. m. and
11 and at 7:80 in the evening. It is ex
pected a large attendance will be at all of
these eervWs, The following musical program
will he rendered:
Processional, "Hail, Festal Day" (Powell)
"Christ, Our Passover" (Mornington)
Te Dram" (Von Boskerck)
"Benedictus" (Heathcote)
Introit. "The Day of Besurrection All IUI
lows" "Kyrie" (Mendelssohn)
Hymn, "Jeus Christ Is Risen Today" . ( Worgan)
Anthem, "Hallelujah, Christ Is Risen" (Spinney"
"Sanctus" , (Gounod)
"Gloria to Exeelis" fEllwanger)-
Recessional. "Christ Is Risen, Christ Is Risen"
(SulliTan) . .Organist. Miss Elna Anderson
All Saints
Children's service and offering of mite boxes
for missions at All Saints church will be at 10
a. m. Holy crenmunion and sermon, 11 a. m.
The offering will be devoted to the care of the
little French girl, who was adopted by the con
gregation lent Easter and, if large enough, an
other child will be adopted. The sermon wilt
be "The Social Message of . the Resurrection,
being the first of a series on the theology or
the social gospel, a vital good tidings for- the
needs of an era of change from individualism
to socialism. Bishop Morris Memorial chapel.
Good Samaritan hospital: 7 a. m. Early cele
bration of the Holy communion. 0 :80 a. m.
Choral celebration of the Holy comminlon.
Strangers are cordially invited to join in Easter
worship in both All Saints and the hospital
Grace Memorial
The following order of services will be fol
lowed at. Grace Memorial church Easter Sun
day: Holy communion. 8 and 11 a. m. At the 11
o'clock services this musical program will be
"naerea :
"Welcome, Happy Morning" (Sullivan)
"I Know That My Redeemer Llveth"
"Angels, Roll the Rock Away" . . . (Arimathea)
"Hosanna" , (Ranier)
"(ferns Ye Faithful Raise the Anthem" . . .
(St. Kevin)
Soloists. Miss Edna Slater. Mrs. Harold C. Bay
iley, Fred J. Glass, E. N. Strong.
St. Marks
The following will be the order of the service
at St. Mark's Episcopal church, Twenty-first
snd Marshall streets, Easter Sunday, at 11
o clock:
Processional. "Chri!t I Risen" (A, S. Sullivan)
Processional, "The Strife Is O'er" from "Pal
est rina"
Introit. "Christ Our Passover" . . . (Humnhrev)
"Kyrie Eleison" (Gounod)
Gloria Tibi" (Woodward)
Hymn 116, "Angels, Roll the Rock Away"
Anthem, "Christ la Risen" (Clare)
"Mnrsum Corda" (Woodward)
"Sanctus" (Woodward)
"Benedictus" (Woodward)
"Nunc Dimittus" (John H. Gower)
"Agnus lei" (Woodburn)
uiona in .xcelsis (old chant)
Master Donald Lamont. soprano soloist
V. Robertson, choirmaster.
First Presbyterian
Easter Sunday will be a busy day at the
first I'resnyterian church. The pastor, Kev.
John H. Boyd, ' D. D., will preach on "The
Conflict Between Life and Death." and there
will be special music by the Quartet and the
orchestra. In addition to the services in the
morning and in the evening there will be
great afternoon Communion . service with bap
tism of children and adults and reception of
new members. There are 185 who already
have been examined and will be publicly re
ceived on Easter afternoon. The music at the
morning service. 10:30 o'clock, will be en
riched by the addition of a string quintet to
assist the quartet. The morning musical pro
gram wui be:
Organ prelude.
Grand Chorus (Grison)
tarter antnem
"Awake, Thou That Hleep-
"Christ the Conqueror" . . .
"The Masdalene" ...(Warren)
Easter anthem.
Easter anthem.
(Each anthem with string quartet accompani
Organ postiude. "March" (Batiste)
In the evening at 7:lo, c.dgar E. Coursen
will give an organ recital and the large or
chestra under the leadership of W. Bittle Wells
will play several pieces. One of these selec
tions by the orchestra is worthy of special note
as it has never been given in Portland before.
It is a descriptive piece called "An Easter
Fantasia," by F. L. Lake. This consists or
several parts dercriptive of the events of the
last week and the first Easter morn. The or
chestra also will play Gounod's great march
from "The Queen of Sheba," The evening
musical program will be:
Organ prelude recital
(a) "Sonata" (Mendelssohn)
(b) "Cantilena" (Dubois)
(c) "Slumber Song" (Schumann)
(d) "Andante" (Lactmer)
(e) "Serenade" (Schubert)
Easter anthem, "At the Rising of the Hun"
Easter Fantasia for orchestra (Lake)
(a) "On Calvary"
(b) "And the Sun Was Darkened"
(c) "The Dawn of Eaater"
(d) "Christ to Risen"
Easter anthem, "As Sleep Takes Flight"
, (Shelley)
March for orchestra and organ, "The Uueen
of Sheba" (Gounod)
Two Enter carols
"Two Bright Angels" (Lloyd)
"Ring Oat, Delightful Easter Bells''
Easter' anthem, "Te Choirs of New Jerusa
lem" (Smart)
Organ postiude, "Processional" . . (MacDowell)
Calvary Presbyterian
At Calvary Presbyterian church special music
with a special Eater sermon will characterize
the morning service, and in the evening an
Easter cathedral musical service will be given.
This new form of a musical service, without
the Easter features, was used for the first time
last Sunday evening at Calvary church and was
greatly appreciated, and, with the changes that
will be Introduced, will seek to give adequate
expression to the great Easter joy. The ser
mons will be delivered by Rev. R W. Rogers,
the one in the evening being an Easter, memo
rial sermon in memory of the men who have
given their lives in tha world war for freedom.
The music will be in charge of Professor George
Hotchkiss Street, and Misa .Margaret Lamberson
Cremation first makes its place
because the entire process of
putting away the remains of the
loved departed Is accomplished
without a . a 1 n g 1 e attendant
The Crematorium itself, beauti
ful building, located in its park
on the banks of the Willamette,
is a restful place where it Is
easier to find comfort when it
is needed most. The service is
read tn the chapel or family
rooms, where every detail is Car
ried out to help you think less
harshly of death.
Write, phone or call for booklet.
Sellwood Car to Visitors
FoarteentB aad Bybee 9 to (
looting people's Society to Join in Pinion Sunrise Services Caster Sunday
.. Hi ...ii v- v H K it t ft ' ft ft ' ft 'ft "ft ft 'ft ft ft . ft ft ft ft ft
Jfleetings UEill ?Ue?e!d in (Eight ifferent Churches of City at To'Clock
Lively and Inspiring; service have been
planned by the young: people's societies
of Christian Endeavor, Epworth league
and Baptist union of this city in their
sunrise prayer services, which are to be
held in eight different churches Easter
Sunday morning at 7 o clock, new time.
Prominent young people will be In
charge of each division. Young people
of the city desiring to attend these meet
ings are asked to attend the one nearest
will preside at the organ. The features of the
program for both services follow:
MOliNl.NU HKKVICU, 1U:3U A. il.
Organ prelude, "Easter Morning" (Otto Mai
ling) .
Antbem, "Lift Tour Glad Voices" (Schneck-
er) Choir
An Easter carol, "Christ the Lord Is Risen
Again" (Shalkley) Choir
Solo, "My Redeemer and My Lord" ( Buck )
Miss Ruth Agnew
Easter sermon, "Why Do We Believe in Im
Organ postiude, "Festival March" (Bruno
7:80 P. M.
Organ prelude. "Twilight" (William Faulk es) . .
Processional hymn
Evening hymn
Scriptural and musical response
Anthem. "The Day Is Gently Sinking to a
Close (Jus net
Response to prayer, "Send Out Thy Light"
.............,... KAV.S
Anthem, "Ring the Joy Bells, Christ Has
Kisen (Hosmer) Double uuartet
Easter memorial sermon, "The Religion of a
Soldier- Christ as Companion and Fnend . .
"Hymn of Triumph"
Drgan postiude, "Hoanna" (Paul Woe ha) . . .
Hope Presbyterian
The morning service at Hope Presbyterian
church will be communion and reception of
new members and it ia expected that Rev.
Floyd E. Dorris. pastor, will receive Into the
church 15 new members. Rev. Mr. Dorris lias
only been with the church one month and if
his work continues, Hope church will have the
best year in its history. The evening service
will be a cantata by the. Sunday school and
assisted by the church choir. "The Lighted
Cross" will be the title of the cantata.
Rose City Park Presbyterian
Easter services at Rose City Park Presby
terian church are being planned to convey th
full significance of the words. "Christ is risen."
The basis of the plan is described by Dr. Robert
H. Milligan. pa'tor of the church, in this way:
"In certain parts of Russia a beautiful Easter
custom prevails. At the beginning of the day,
when the sun is )ust rising, the people go about
the streets and highways greeting each other
with the words, 'Christ is risen.' One won
ders whether there are any in stricken Russia
who will hare the heart to observe the custom
this year. When people are glad they want
to tell others. Joy is social. Nothing charms
like joy. The world is sad, but all the world
wants oy. This message, 'Christ is risen,'
should be often repeated for it contains the
secret of Christian joy." On Easter Sunday
morning. Dr. Milligan's subject will be. "The
Joy of the First Easter Morn," telling the story
of Mary Magdalene making her weary way to
the sepulcber of Christ "while It was yet
dark" and returning in the light with the
aAAmAt tnMABff thm wnrlH hsa Tr hpsrd The
Easter Sunday evening service at the Rose City
Park church will be devoted largely to a mu
sical program presented by the quartet, assisted
by Mrs. J. U. Simmons. It follows:
"Christ the Lord Is Risen Today" (Mozart)
"Awake, Ye Saints, Awake" (Schnecker)
Soprano solo, selected
"The Choir Angelic" (Hanscom) .... Quartet
Tenor solo, selected
"Soft tha Bells Are Ringing" (Stebbins) . .
"Christ the Lord Is Risen Today" (Frey) . .
. . . Quartet
Baritone solo, selected
"Alleluia, Christ Is Risen" (Burdett) . Quartet
"The Choir Angelio" (Hanscom) Quartet
The following are the members of the quartet:
Mrs. W. E. Lid yard, soprano; Mrs. F. R. Cook,
contralto; Stanley Norvell. baritone; J. E. Dee
ran, tenor and director; Mrs. G. H. Bestow and
Mrs. J. W. McMichael, accompanists.
Westminster Presbyterian
"The World Without God," will be the sub
ject of Doctor Pence's sermon at Westmin
ster Presbyterian church, East Seventeenth north
and Schnxler streets, Sunday morning. The
chaos, disaster, the hopelessness and void which
must follow upon tha removal of Hia sustaining
might; even the mental despair at tha sickening
conviction that He is not and all of this con
firmed by Jean Paul Richter's great vision in tha
church yard, will be discussed.
The Easter communion will be observed at
the service at '4 p. m. The evening service wjll
be omitted. Doctor Pence will speak at the
Y. M. hut at Vancouver at 6 :30 p. m.
Anthem, "King All Glorious" Barnby
Contralto Aria, "And God Shall Wipe Away
All. Tears" Sullivan
Offertory Duet for Soprano and Tenor.
"Break, Diviner Light'' Allitsen
Motet, "Your Thankful Songs Upraise". .Weber
Communion: Anthem, "The Wilderness"..
S. 8. Wesley
Tenor Aria, "Then Shall the Righteous
Shine Forth" Mendelssohn
Jane Burns Albert, soprano; Lulu Da hi Mil
ler, contralto: Joseph Mulder, tenor; Dean Zan,
baritone. Director and organist, J. Hutchison.
Mount Tabor Presbyterian
At the Mount Tabor Presbyterian church
there will be a sunnse prayer meeting at 7 a.
m. conducted by the Intermediate and Senior
Christian ' Endeavor societies, Easter Com
munion and reception of new members will take
place at 11 a. m. Sermon, "The Easter Mes
sage That Inspires." Music program:
"Chant Trlumphale" (Gaul)
"Offertore in E flat" (Batiste)
"Easter March" (Merkel)
"Lift Up Your Heads" (Hopkins)
Vesper Easter concert, 4 p. m , in place oi
evening service. Centenary Methodist choir
joins with ours in this service and also soloists
from other churches. Professor Joseph A. ban
ley, director; Mm Erma Ewart, organist.
Organ prelude. "Easter Dawn" .... (Clauscann)
"Hallelujah! Christ Is Risen" (Spinney) Choir
"Hosanna" TGramer) Mr.-. J. A. Finley
"Christ Our Passover" (Schnecker) . . . Choir
"Resurrection" (Shelley) . . Clare Milo Godfrey
Pipe organ. "Kaster Day (Loret)
"This Is the Day" (Cook) Choir
Easter solo Eugene Walters
"On That First Easter Morning" (Spence) Choir
itom bloom to uiory (words and mucic
by Mrs. Ward W. MacHenry)
Louis J. Hinkel
"Our Lord Is Risen From the Dead"
(Schnecker) Choir
Postiude. "Hosanna . (Hartmann)
The Senior and Intermediate Christian En
deavor societies meet 6 :30 p. m. No evenig
Central Presbyterian
Special Easter music for Easter has been ar
ranged by E. Maldwyn Evans of the choir ot
Central Presbyterian church for both morning
and evening services. The program follows:
relude. "Old Easter Melody" (West)
Aria, "I Know That My Redeemer Liveth '
. (Turner)
Mrs. E. Maldwyn Evans (Edith Roalyu Collate)
Anthem. "O Death, Where Is Thy Sting"
Postiude. "Easter March" (Merkel)
Prelude, "Easter Melody" (Bartlett)
Uantata, "Ti seven uast vtoras timooi")
Solos bv Miss Marian Bennett. Messrs. D.
Gner, 1L Richards, tenors, and Henry G.
At the organ. F. A. Harvey.
Postiude,. "Festal March" (Teilman)
Kenilworth Presbyterian
Kenilworth Presbyterian church will celebrate
Easter in a speeial program which will cover the
life of Christ from Palm Sunday t to the Ascen
sion. At the conclusion of the program the
pastor will apeak on "The Supreme Decision. "
An offering will be taken for foreign missions.
An opportunity will also be given for the bap
tism of Infanta. The following fa the program:
Victory aong by the school.
PrayerRev. Mr. Ratscb,
Eaater greeting by Zehna Merchant.
Triumphal entry Primary and beginners with
cradle roll exercise.-
Song "Near the Cross." Dorothy Gerard jr.
Talk by superintendent of the cradle roll department-
Song "Lilly Bells,"; recitation. "The King
of Glory." -
Mrs. Reed's class, "Easter," recitation, Sid
ney Woodberry.
Baptism of infants. '
Selection by Miss Odeen'a class.
'i ne raaaover anon address By nr. Carlton.
' "Htm Hnnr O'.r V. , :. '
Uethsemane -"'Tie Midnight." by the choir;
solo.- "Tha Prayer of Uethanmuw, Jean Mc
Lean. Xb. Trial Short address by Mrs. B.. J.
their home as the meetings are to be
District 1 meets at the St. Johns
United Evangelical church, John and
Ivanhoe streets, with Miss Faye Stein
metz as leader; district 2 at Vernon
Presbyterian. East Nineteenth and
Wygant streets. Dr. George B. Pratt;
district 3. Methodist church south, 269
Union avenue north. Miss Eleanor
Ewing; district 4, ML Tabor Methodist,
Town. Song by Misa Knecht's class. "A True
Story." Misses Odeen and Van Groos.
Calvary Short address by Mrs. Jonea. Song
by mixed quartet. "The Saddest and Gladdest
Day.' Dorothy Shay." Song, "When I Survey
the Wondrous Cross."
The Victory Short talk by Mr. Conger.
The Ascension Address by Mr. McLean.
Millard Avenue
At tha usual Sunday school hour Mrs. J. H.
Zehrung will guide the tiny tots through the
mazes oi j-aster exercises. At 11 o clock iter.
William M. Amos will speak on "The First
Birthday of Hope," and one of the leading
chorus choirs of the city, directed by Professor
J. Archie Hoihngsworth, will sing "As It Began
to Dawn" (Lerman), and "HaiL tha Risen
Lord," (Ward). The service will be concluded
with the sacrament of the Lord's supper. Tha
Junior Sunday school will furnish tha evening a
entertainment, and among the most dellghtiul
numbers will be aonga by Professor HoiLinga
worth's Junior choir.
First Methodist
At the First Methodist church the Easter day
aervicea are to open at 7 o'clock in the morning
by an Easter salutation service. The usual
morning services at 10:30 o'clock will be pre
ceded by baptismal, reception of members, benev
olences. The sermon will be by the pastor.
Dr. Stansfield, on the "Historic Facta, the Hu
man Experiences and the Christian Hope of the
Resurrection." and it will be shown that tha
hope of immortality ia tha sublimest thing in
the Christian faith. At the Sunday school serv
ices at noon there will be a special Kaster pro
gram rendered by the children, assisted by the
Sunday school orchestra. Also, there will be
collections and subscriptions for benevolences.
A special address of interest will be delivered
in the forum. At 3:15 in the afternoon this
church will join in the great Easter rally, which
is the consummation ot the noon-day services
held the past week in the Hippodrome theatre.
This service Is to be held in The Auditorium.
At this service 100 churches will join and a
monster crowd will be present. There will be
an organ recital previous to the rally, and a
chorus under the direction of Professor Boyer
will lead the congregational sing. There will
be familiar hymns and patriotic songs, aung by
the congregation, led by Professor Boyer and
the chorus, and accompanied by the great organ.
Dr. Stansfield will be the speaker at this meet
ing. The evening services at First Methodist
church will be the Knights Templar Easter serv
ices, with members ot the Oregon oommandery,
K. T., present. The processional will be prompt
ly at 7:80 o'clock. The sermon by Dr. Stana
lield will be on "The Coronated Christ" not a
crowned emporer or a king, but a coronated
humanity. The cornation of Jesus Christ is and
will be in a Christ crowned humanity. "On His
head were many crowns." "Crown Him Lord of
All." During the day the following musical
numbers will be rendered by the vested choir,
quartet and soloists:
Chorus, "Easter Song" Dickinson
Chorus, "As It Began to Dawn" .... Hammond
Chorus, "Awake, Thou That Sleepest" . . Stainer
Quartet, "A Legend" Tscharkowaky
Chorus, ".Easter Song" ,. Fehrmann
Soprano Solo and Chorus, "Hosanna"
. G ranier
Arrangement are made at Centenary Meth
odist church for a great day on Easter Sunday.
At 9:45 a. m., the Sunday school will present
an Eaater. program of rare excellence and beauty.
At the conclusion of thia program the ordinance
of Christian baptism will be administered to
such children and adults as may be presented
tor this holy aervice. At 11:00 a. ni. the
pastor will preach on "The Power of His Resur
rection." After tha aermon there will be a
reception of members into church fellowahlo.
Tha Epworth leagues are arranging for meetings
oi special interest at U:lo p. m., to which au
the young people are invited. At 7 :30 d. m..
the pastor will preach on "A Sepulchre or a
Sanctuary w bich r An evangelistic aervice
will ba held after the sermon. Centenary
church is a good place to worship God, and all
the people in the community not already Identi-
with some other Christian church'are most
cordially Invited to these services. AU who
come will be given the glad hand and find many
good Christian people who are willing to help
in all possible Ways to the attainment or better
Sunnyside Methodist
The musical program for tha Eaater services
at the Sunnyside Methodist Episcopal church
will be of an attractive and interesting nature,
under the direction of Jaaper Dean Mac Fall,
choirmaster, with Mr. Samuel F. Grover at
tha organ. The following program will be ren
dered by the combined adult and junior vested
choirs of the church:
Organ prelude, "The March Triumphant"
Processional, U come AU xe caitniui
Jerusalem (Parker)
O. B. Harrlmen Jr.. and chorus
As It Began" (T. Dawer Harker)
Mrs. Fisher and chorus
'Night of Wonders" (Petrie) Chorus
"Neath the Cross"
Harriet Backer and junior choir
Hosanna" (Granier) . . . .Mas. Fisher and chorus
Wilbur Methodist
Dr. Henrv J. Talbott. who was pastor of the
Old Taylor Street church from 1901 to 1904,
wui be the preacner ttnnday morning at tne
Wilbur Methodist Episcopal church, which meets
at 10:30 o'clock in the assembly hall of the
Multnomah hotel. The service will be a joyous
one,- for many of the old friends of Dr. Talbott
w)ll be delighted to greet mm on tins master
Sunday and to hear him preach again. The
committee which has charge of the Easter serv
ices has an excellent program arranged. Special
(music by the Leach sisters, with Mrs. Percy W.
Lewis presiding at the organ, is among tne addi
tional attractions which Choir Leader L. N.
Hansen has on his list. Dr. Talbott at present
is president of the Kimball college of Salem.
Mount Tabor Methodist
The Knights Templar always make of Easter
an especial event. This year Washington com
mandry. No. 15, K. T., of thia city will cele
brate Easter at the Mount Tabor M. E. church.
East Stark end East Sixty-second streets. Rev.
E. Olin Eldridge, D. D., pastor. Tha mem
bers will assemble at the asylum of the com-
mandery. Masonic temple. East Burnside and
East Eighth streets, in full uniform. Ralph R.
Schomp. commander. The time for the as
sembly is 10:45. and will march to Grand ave
nue and Eact Morrison streets, where special
cars will be in waiting. The full K. T. band
will be in line. The aervicea will be under
the charge of Eminent Sir Norman L. Crout,
prelate. Music will be by an augmented choir.
Members, families and friends and the public
invited. The following special numbers have
been arranged for:
Organ prelude Misa Helga Hansen
Anthem. xe Kaster Bells
Commandery quartet
Solo. "Hozanna .... Mrs. Charles II. Henney
Selection Commandery band
Anthem, "Christ Is Risen" Church choir
Postiude Miss' Hansen
Central Methodist
"His Last Week," a sacred cantata aeeking
to make real the life of the common people
Rev. H. J. Talbott,
D. D.
BET. W. T. KEBB, B. D Pastor
. Mrs. P. W. Lewis, Accompanist -Miss
Laura Fox, Pianist
Assembly. Hall of Maltnomah Betel
. fourth and Pine Streets
Come Bring Tour Friends
East Sixty-first and Stark streets, in
charge of local chapter; district 5, Sun
nyslde Congregational, East Thirty
second and Taylor streets. Miss Mildred
Bartholomew; district 6, Spokane Ave
nue Presbyterian, Sellwood. Clair Hos
kins; district 7, Kern Park Christian.
Sixty-ninth street and Forty-fifth ave
nue southeast. Miss O. Spaulding, and
district 8. White Temple Baptist, Twelfth
and Taylor, Horton Robinson.
in tha time of our Lord, and to express some
thing of what honest hearts must have felt
concerning Hie life and mission will be given
by the members of the Central Methodist Sun
day school (Vancouver and Fargo), at 7:30
p. m. :
Characters: Abdiel. B. E. Scott; Ben-Eara,
Wilbur Lucas; Mahlon, Dewey Larson ; Reuben.
D. L. Sharp; Judith, Irene Johnson; Deborah,
Mrs. Wilbur Lucas ; Adah. Mrs. J. W. Day;
Leah, Helen Parker; reader, Jeasia McDonald;
violinist. Vide May Car; eoloiate. Mrs. Helga
Peterson. Miss Gladya Miller; quartet, Mr. Oakea,
Hisa Barton. Mrs. Peterson. Mr. Adwen and
Miss Myrtle Mortenaon; organist. Eileen Sprague;
junior choir (under direction of Mrs. George
Heaumez). Edna Wants. Marguerite Karlck,
Haxel Rudeen, Emily Rudeen, Grace Soule,
Clara Soule, Violet Dahh'n. Ceclia Pitzer, Mil
dred Knndson. Ruth Kngberg, Margaret Burn
ide. Mabla Hudson, Argartha Harmon, Anna
Zimmerman. Joaephine Zimmerman; organ pre
lude; prayer by the pastor; announcements.
Prologue: "What Think You of Christ?" Part 1,
"The Palms"; part 2, "Getheemane" ; part S,
"The Cross"; part 4, "The Crown"; aong by
the Sunday school ; Benediction.
Central Free Methodist
At the Central Free Methodist, church Easter
services will begin with a sunrise prayer meet
ing at the church. There will be appropriate
exercises by the Sunday school at 9:45. An
Easter sermon by the pastor, with congregational
singing of hymns appropriate to the occasion,
will constitute the morning service. The day
will cloee with the evening preaching service
at 7:30.
Rose City Park Methodist
Sunday evening at 7:30, the Sunday school
of Rose City Park Methodist church will hold
Easter services. - Through the faithful effort
of individuals and the superior work of trie
choirs an exceptionally good program has been
prepared. Inspiring music and devotional an
thrxns of a grade rarely enjoyed by congre.
gations of equal size, is the usual order at tn
"Little Brown Church on the MIL" The
community and friends of the church are heart
ily welcomed. Come and bring a friend.
Kern Park
The juniors of the Kern Paak church will
render an Easter program Sunday March 81,
at 7 :30 p. m. At the morning aervice the
pastor will speak on "An Empty Tomb." Ap
propriate music will be a feature of both serv
ices. Ihirlng the week following revival aerv
icea will be conducted by Evangelist L. F.
Stephens and wife.
Lincoln Methodist
At Lincoln Methodist Episcopal church the
Eaater program by Sunday school will take
place in the morning. A aermon will be de
livered at night by Kev. E. B. Lockhart. en
titled. "Ia Civilization Bankrupt?" "Easter
tide" (by Brackett) will be sung by Miss Ella
Jane Walch.
Clinton Kelly
At Clinton Kelly Methodist Episcopal church
an Easter program will be given by Sunday
school in morning.
First Free Methodist
A sacred concert will be given by the choir
of the First Methodist Church South, Easter
Sunday. The following program will be ren
dered :
Prelude (selected) Mrs. Wolff
Anthem, "Awake. Glad Soul Awake!" (Brlgga)
By the choir
Sok. "Resurrection" (Shelley)
. Robert L. Crane
Vocal aolo (selected) Miss Mabelle Holme
Quaftet, "Savior, When Night Involvea tha
Sky" (Buck)
Misses Mabelle Holmes. Anna Bergstrom,
and Messrs. R. I,. Crane and R. T. Jacob.
Short talk by Presiding Elder, Rev. W. J. Fenton
Anthem. "Darkly Koae the liutity morning
nurk). by tha choir; soprano oDiigaxo oy
Miss Holmes.
St. Johns Methodist
Tn tha Kf Johns M. F.. church. 211 West
Leavett street, the Swedish Sunday school will
render an interesting program next Sunday at
3 p. m.. of singing, music and recitations. Rev.
J. A. Willman will speak. Soma talent from
the Swedish M. E. Sunday school WUI neip on
the program and the Scandinavian people in
St. Johns are requested to attend.
Swedish Methodist
Sunday Rev. J. A. Willman, pastor of the
Swedish M. E. church. Beech and Borthwick
streets, will preach on the subject. "Christ's
Victory." at 11 a. m,' In the evening at 7:30
tha Sunday school will render an interesting
program of ainging, music and recitation; Sun
day school at 9:45 a. m., m. u. at o p. m.
All Scandinavians invited.
Vancouver Avenue
The Vancouver Avenue Norwegian-Danish M.
E. ehurch will hold a special Easter program for
the Sunday school in the evening.
Norwegian Danish M. E.
At the First Norwegian-Danish M. E. church.
corner Hoyt and Eighteenth street, of which
Rev. Elias Ujerdlng is pastor, mere win ne a
special Easter aervice with music and aong at
8 p. m.
First Congregational
At the morning service at the First Con
gregational church Dr. Hugh Pedley, the pastor,
will preach on "Christ and the Fact of Immor
tality" and the church quartet will render the
followine musical program:
"Lift Your Glad Voices" (Van Leer) . . Quartet
Contralto solo. "Easter Eve (Gounod) . . .
"Jesus Lives" (Berwaid) Quartet
At the evening service Dr. Pedley will take
for his tonic. "The Rider on the White Worse.
and the quartet will sing the following numbers:
"Let the Heavens Be Joyful (Fletcher) . ;
"Awake. Thoa That Sleepest" (Gillette) . .
Soprano solo, "I Will Extol Thee, from ora
torio "Eli" (Costa)
"Awake. Glad Soul. Awake" (Brown) . Quartet
The church pulpit and auditorium will be
Associated Bible
Sunday, March 31
3 P. M.
Marston Chandler
City Auditorium ,
9IsIe .trader IMrertloa ' Prof. Beyer
, , Wit Chorus ;
At the M. E. church south hot coffee
and rolls will be served after the serv
ice. At the Sunnyslde Congressional the
meeting will be held in the young peo
ple's room In front of the church fire
place. The senior and intermediate so
cieties of Mt. Tabor Presbyterian will
hold a sunrise meeting in their own
church auditorium. Special music has
ibeen planned.
decorated tn keeping with the Easter sermon.
At 12 o'clock the eeveral departments of the
Sunday school will hold their usual Easter Sun
day exercises, consisting of Eaater music, sosgs
and recitations by tha children. . These exer
cises will be held in the Bungay school room.
Highland Congregational
A specially prepared festive service ia ar
ranged for the hour of 11 on the morning of
Sunday. The Sunday school will have a part
in this service, furnishing solos and other items.
The junior vested choir will sing two Easter
selections and an Easter anthem will be ren
dered by the regular choir under the direc
tion of Miss Orrel Rose. The subject of the
sermon by Rev. Edward Constant win be An
Easter Message." which will have direct appli
cation to the tunes in which we live. In the
evening at S o'clock an enlarged choir, with
special assistance, will give a cantata by J. S.
Fearia entitled "Easter Angela."
Baritone solo and chorus of women's voices,
. "Angel Guards"
Contralto solo and chorus, "Angels at Geth
eemane" Soprano solo and chorus, "The Wondering
Alto and baritone duet, "Rock of Aces"
Tenor solo and chorus. "The Angels of the
Intermezzo, s violin solo
Chorus, "The Victory Is Won"
Baritone solo and chorus, "Thou Art Gone
Up On High"
Contralto solo and wonien'a chorus, "Joy in
'the Mansions of Light"
Final chorus, "The Angels' Adoration" .......
Waverly Heights
Mrs. Ida Vose Woodbury of Boston, who re
cently spent two weeks speaking to Congregation
audiences throughout the state, has returned
from Washington and will occupy the pulpit at
the Waverly Heights Congregational church
Sunday morning. All who have had the oppor
tunity of hearing her unite In pronouncing her
one of the most intensely interesting speakers
now before the public. Mrs. Woodbury each
year refuses many offers of from $25 to (SO
for a single lecture The evening service st
Waverly Heights will take the form of an
Easter concert with the following program :
Instrumental music . . . .
Responsive reading . . .
"lie Loved Us So" . . . .
Scripture lesson
Fraser Trio
"Christ, the Fountain" .
"Christ Is Risen"
Address ,
"Lead Us. O Father" . .
. . . . Frazer Trio
. . . Junior Choir
Chariotte Chesley
Junior choir
Ladies' trio
Adult choir
. . . Pastor
Sunnyslde Congregational
Easter services will begin early In the day
at the Sunnyside Congregational church. The
Intermediate Christian Endeavor society will hold
a sunrise prayer meeting at 6 a. m. A Union
Christian Endeavor prayer meeting will be held
at 7 o'clock In the parlors of tlie church by
about 10 neighboring societies. A short Easter
program will be rendered by the Sunday school
La the assembly hall at 10 a. m., to which the
parents and friends are cordially invited. At
11 o'clock the pastor. Dr. J. J. 8tauh. will
preach an Easter sermon on "The Inexhaustible
Source ot roaster Joy ; cnolce selections oi an
appropriate character will be rendered by the
choir and a large class of new members will be
welcomed into fellowship at this service. The
evening service at 7:4 ft o clock promises to be
an inspiring climax to the day's celebration. The
superb cantata, "The Triumph of the Cross," an
allegorical description of the struggle ot win
ning a soul, will be given hv over 80 partici
pants, on a platform specially erected for the
Atkinson Memorial '
"rtiere will be an afternoon service at 6
o'clock at the Atkinson church and the regu
lar 7:45 p. m. aervice will therefore be omitted
for this Sunday. At this 5 o'clock service the
Rev. John. H. Boyd, D. D.
Easter Sunday
10:30 A. M. (New Time)
7:1B P. M.
Organ Recital by Edgar E. Coursen.
Selections by Great Orchestra, with
Organ Anthems by church quartet.
Congregational singing of Easter
Hymns. Reception for Soldiers at
9 P. M.
11 A. M.
Sermon by the Pastor, REV. WILLIAM O. ELIOT, Jr.
"The Christian Year and the World at War"
Prof. Harold C. Merriatn will speak on "WAR POETRY
Moralngt RIftEX WITH HIM
Appropriate Masie
quartet will give an Eaater cantata entitled.
"Darkness and Dawn," by Fred W. Peace. The I
singers are Miss Hellene Pierce, soprano and
director; Miss Beatrice Palmer, contralto; F. E.
mwv. tenor, and Curtis L. Beach, basso. Tha
Sunday school will have a special Easter pro
gram at the regular aesstoa at 9:45 a. ra. At
the 11 a. m. service the pastor will preach en.
"If a Man Die. Shall Ho Live Aaain?" Quite
a number of new members will be received into
the membership of tha church at thia aerrice:
The Junior Endeavorere will meet at 4 p. m.
and the Senior Endeavorere at 6:30 p. m.
The cantata, "The Day of Resurrection" (by
Hall) will be given Sunday evening at Pilgrim
Congregational church by the church quartet
under the direction of William Lowell Tatton.
The members of the quartet are Mrs. Eva
Farrell Kingston (soprano), Miaa Mildred Thomp
son (contralto), M. K. Thompson (tenor I.
Mr. Patton (bass), with Miss Orlena Woliett
as organist. The Sunday morning aervice will
be in charge of tha Sunday school.
Laurclwood Congregational
Dr. Hugh Pedley. pastor of First Congre
gational church, will preach an Easter aermon at
the 5 o clock vesiwr service in Laurelwood Con
gregational church. The choir will render spe
cial Easter music. Tha aervice in the morn
ing will be conducted largely by the Sunday
school, beginning at 10:80 a. m.
White Temple
The Baptists of the White Temple are look
ing forward with great anticipation to Eaater
nunday. It win be a very auspicious dsy. Or.
William A. Waldo, the iastor, will preach In
the morning on "The Living Christ Among
His Disciples."
The glad note of Eaater will ring out from
every service. The temple quartet will render
the following numbers :
In the morning: '
"Crown Him" (Schnecker) t
"God Hath Appointed a Day" (Tours) ....
"Christ Is Risen' (Coombs).
In the evening:
"It Is a Good Thing to Give Thanks"
(Schnecker I
"He Is Risen" (Msrzo)
"Christ Arisen" (Cutter)
Preceding the evening service begininng at
7:15 there will be given an organ recital by
the organist. Miss M. l.ucile Murton.
The White Temple, havuig set the pace for
all Baptist .churches in the state on the Mil
lion Dollar Campaign expects to put It over
the top" on Kaster Sunday by way of a very
generous freewill offering. Thankoffering en
velopes have been distributed to all the mem
bers of the church, and all will come with
their contribution on Sunday morning and like
wise Sunday evening. Among the large Dumber
that are connecting themselves with the White
Temple there will be several who will be
baptized on the evening of Easier Sunday. The
general public will be welcome to these services
and courteous ushers will see that all find
comfortable seats and enjoy the hearty wel
come that will be extended to aU.
East Side Baptist
On Sunday the services at the Et Side
Baptist church will follow thia order: At 9:30
a m, special Easter Sunday school session; st
11, preaching by Dr. Hinson, from the theme,
"Has Christ Risen Then What?" Baptism
of converts at the close of the sermon. At 6:80
p. m the Kaster service of the young iwople.
At 7:45. preaching by Dr. Hinson; subject.
"God's Love for Man." Baptism of con
verts at the close of the sermon. The com
pletion of the special offering of March, towards
which the church has already pledged over
$3000, will be made on Sunday.
Grace Baptist
Easter aervices will begin with a union praise
and prayer service for the chnrches of Monta
villa at the Mount Tabor Methodist church, at
7 o'clock The pastor of tlie Grace Baptist
(Montavilla) church will preach tn nis pulpit
at 11 o'clock on "Glorious Affirmations of
Immortality." and at 8 o'clock. "What If He
Had Not Risen?" The ordinance of believers'
baptism will be administered at both services.
At the morning service the choir will rentier:
"Sing, for the Day Is Breaking".. ,
Composed by Ira B. Wilson
"In Christ Shall All Be Made Alive"
E. S. I.orenz.
"The Lord Is Rwen Indeed"
Carrie B. Adams.
"As It Began to Dawn"
Solo by Charles Hsgemsn
In the evening the choir will render the fol
lowing music :
"Triumphantly Sing"
Ira B. Wilson.
"Lol Easter Dawns"
E. H. Lorenz.
"Christ Being Raised From the Dead"
"Jesus Christ Is Risen Again".. ..Lyra Davidlca
A solo by Walter Parsons.
Calvary Baptist
At Calvary Baptist church J. E. Thomas,
pastor, will preach an Eaater sermon, "How
We Know," and appropriate music in the morn
ing will be rendered. An Eaater program by
the Sunday school will be given in the evening.
A aervloe flag presentation will ba a prominent
feature of the evening. It ia the gift of the
Twentieth Century class of Young People. The
flag contains VI stars. r.vemng service
begin at H o'clock new time.
h V
Elaborate Preparations Made in
Churches of Denomination in
Portland for Observance.
Most Rev. Alexander Christie to
Celebrate Solemn Pontifical
Mass Elaborate Programs.
AU hoars mentioned In this article are
LABOHATK preparations have
been made for the observance ot
Easter Sunday in the Catholto
churches of Portland. The serv-,
ice, while of an impressive re
ligious character, will be featured by
specially arranged choir programs.
Leading soloists will elnsr during the
ceremony which is one of the most sol
emn and Interesting observances of,
those of the Catholic faith. Archbishop '
Christie will celebrate solemn pontifical
high mass at 11 o'clock at St. Mary's
St. Charles Catholic
Solemn Kaster services will be lield ia St '
Charles Catholic church. Thirty-third and A I- .
berta streets, Sunday at 10:80. 11. Mentxel'l
mass in honor of Our Ijidy of Loretto will be
sung under the direction of R. Gramkb and
Miss N. Oorbett, organist. Tba enaembU of
the choir is: Vocalists. H. Gramlch, 1L
Brandos, B. IJndecken, Mesdamea D'Autremont,
Wastok. Ferguson, it. Brandes and Misses E.
Kerns and T. Manning; violinist. Miss 11. Mao
Donald, Messrs. J. and L. Delaney, 1. P.
Graef; cellists. Miss A. Kennedy and F.
Brandes. Special features will be "Ave Maria"
(IV Hamma), by Mrs. A. Wastok. with violin
obligato. Miss MacDonald; "O Salutarts" (Ebeu
Bailey), by .Mm: D Autremont and Misa Ma
ning, violins and cellos accompaniment; "Tantum
Ergo" (li. Hamma) quintet.
Marys Cathedral
Solemn pontifical mass will be celebrated by
Archbishop Christie at St. Marys cathedral at
11 o clock Easter morning. The following will
be the order ot service" and the musical program :
Procession "Keca Sacerdos" Elgar
During the Vesting of the Archbishop
"Regtna CoeH" Gloria
Introit "Resurrexl" ...Recto Tono
Kyrie and Gloria "St. Cecilia" Gounod
Gradual and Sequence "liaec Deis"
. . Plain Chant
Credo "St. Cecilia" Gounod
Offertory Motet "Terra Treinult" .... Wiegand
Sanctus Benedictus and A g n u D I
"St. Cecilia" Gounod
I hiring Unresting of the Archbishop
"Hosanna" Granier
Frederick W. Goodrich Is organist and director.
Churrh of theMadeieine
The following order of mrvice will be ob
served at the Church of the Madeleine at 7
o clock. Eaater morning:
Procession "The Strife Is O'er" . . . Palastrfna
Introit "Renurrexi" Recto Tono .
Kyrie and (J Ions Mas in E fist .... Wiegand
Gradual and Sequence "11 ace Dels".....
V. W. Goodrich
Credo Mas in E flat Wiegand
Offertory Motet "Hegine Coell" Hamma
Sanctua and Benedictus Mass in K flat . .
Agnus Dei , Biset
"Ave Verum (MlUard) and "O Salutaris" (liar-
gitt) will be sung during the communion.
After Mass "Hosanna" ianeT
Soloists: Mrs. Leslie M. Scott, Airs. Charles
Shea. Mrs. M. Madsen, Mr. A. a, Petaei,
M. Msdsen. The director Is Frederick W.
"The Living Christ
Among the Dead"
"The Living Christ
Among His Fellows"
By Temple Qaartet
Both Morning a'd Erenlag
Orgaa Recital at 7:15
will be administered to a large num
ber at dose of evening service,
All Services on the .
New Time
LENCE Sermon by Dr. Joshua
Stansfield, Pastor, on
"The Resurrection as
Historic Fact, Human
Experience and .
Christian Hope"
litis P. M. Sunday School Kaster
Program by the Children, and spe
cial Missionary collection.
CITY AUDITORIUM, joining with
one hundred other churches in the
closing rally of the noonday Union
Meetings held the past week.
Address by REV. JOSHUA
Music and Chorus and Oreat Or
gan under direction of PROFES
SIONAL promptly at 7:10.
Sermon by Dr. Stansfield,',
"The Coronated H
Christ" :
Special music by vested Choir,
quartet and soloists, aU day.,;
COME ...
All SetTlees oa ytir STittoaal Tim