10 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, 1918. LAUNCHED 61 DAYS AFTER KEEL LAID Steel Vessel West Grove, 8800 Tons, Takes Dip With Chal lenge for Rapid Shipwork. WORLD WILL SEE IN FILMS Vessel Is Christened by Miss . - Frances Fuller; Many Local , Firms Supply Ship Equipment. Portland's challenne to the world in ; "the speedy construction of steel' ship ' nulls was issued W ednesday aiienioun vhen the government 8800 ton steamer .West Grove was launched at the yard "of the Columbia River Shipbuilding cor poration. Just 61 days after the keel had ' been laid. ' Moving pictures of the launching ; feature or the remarKaDie . mnusirwi ; ponawe rurniture Dy neywood uros. & and . patriotic achievement will be j Wakefield company ; upholstered furni f shown all over the country. ture for the captain's quarters furnished ' When the big gray hull, spick and by Portland Furniture Manufacturing pan ln Us fresh . oat of paint, left Its 1 company ; mattresses by Pettit Feather I -ti- i,in.i into the &i Bedding company : galley and pantry I Willamette river, nhouts of approval ev ,, throne f K ttors I ahd workmen, some of whom were perched high up on places of vantage ; The vessel was christened by - Ml Frances Fuller, the function being ac- I compllshed with appropriate detail. From the bow of the craft the Ameri can colors fluttered in the breeze and ; ropes of Oregon evergreen entwined ' from bow to stern made a fitting local . picture. All Riveting Completed The West Grove slid Into the water ' gracefully as a water fowl and NUXATED IRON lr. Ferdinand King, New York Phy l Irian and Medical Author, says physi cian should preyribe more organic iron Nutated Iron for their luitients rays anaemia Iron deficiency -la the ireatest curse to the health, strength, vitality and beauty of the modern Amer ican Woman. Mounds warning against use of metallic iron which may injure the teeth, eorrode the atomach and in some cases thereby do more harm than good: advices vse of only nuxated iron, taVen three times per day after meals. It will increase the atrength and endurance of weak, nerv oua, run-down folks in two weeks' time in many instancea. Dispensed by all good erugglsts. TRY MAGNESIA FOR It Neutralizes Stomach Acidity, Pre vents Food Fermentation, Sour, Gassy Stomach and Acid Indigestion. Doubtless If you are a sufferer from Indigestion, you have already tried pepsin, bismuth, soda, charcoal, drugs and various digestive aids and you - know thoao things will not cure your trouble In tome cases do not even give relief. , Bui before giving np hope and de elding you are a chronic dyspeptic just try the effect of a little blsurated magnesia not the ordinary commer- Clal caroonate, citrate, oxide or milk, . but the pure blsurated magnesia whlc.i , you can obtain from practically any druggist in either powdered or tablet form. Take a teaspoonrul of the powder or two compressed tablets with a little i vater after your next meal, and see; What a llfference this makes. It will . Instantly neutralize the dangerous, harmful acid ln the stomach which now causes your food to ferment and our, making gas. wind, flatulence, heartburn and the bloated or heavy lumpy feel in it that Seems to follow tnost everything you eat. You will find that provided you take a little blsurated magnesia immedi ately after a meal, you can eat almost anything and enjoy it without any danger of pain or discomfort to fol low and moreover, the continued use of the blsurated magnesia cannot In jure the stomnrh In any way so long as there are any symptoms of acid in digestion. Adv. GET NEW KIDNEYS! The kidneys are the most overworked organs of the human body, and whn they fall ln their work of filering Out and throwing off the poisons developed In the system, things begin to happen. ; One of the first wajrniiias is pa.n or ' Stiffness In the lower jpart of the back: highly colored urine; loss of appetite; iuuiicsuuii, iniiiiuuu, or even stone ' In the bladder. These symptoms indi cate a condition that may lead to that dreaded and fatal malady, Bright's disease, for which there is said to be no cure. You can almost certainly find imme Hlate relief in OOLD MEDAL Haarlem OU Capsules. For more than 200 years this famous preparation has been an untalljng remedy for all kidney, blad- der and urinary troubles. Get 1t at any ..drug store, and if it does not give you almost Immediate relief your money will be refunded. Be sure you get the GOLD MEDAL, brand. None other genuine. In boxes, three sixes. for sale and guaranteed by The Owl - Drug Co. Adv. Stop Itching Eczema " :' Never mind how often you have tried . and failed, you can stop burning, itching eczema quickly by applying a little zemo . fxrnnshed by anytiruRgist for 35c. Extra large bottle, $L0a Healing begins the moment zemo is applied. Jn a short time usually every trace of eczema, , tetter, pimples, rash, blackheads and . similar akin diseases will be removed. For clearing the skin and making it '.igorously healthy.alwaysuse zemo,the penetrating; antiseptic Uquid. It is not a greasy salve and it does not stain. When others fail it Is the one. dependable treatment for skin troubles of all kind The E. W. oa Co, Cleveland, O. rY&Sm Vou o n Jlj W,m " " fCt W Beautiful, T H lthy, .... '. J Oheeked Ir c fun of V Life. Vim U - "" l and VI- . "' ' . tallty. STOMACH TROUBLE the big vessel was brought to a stop before he had reached ihe center of the river. Sharing honors in the building of the WeBt Grove are a number of Port- I land f trra8 which have manufactured or installed machinery parts and equip ment. The vessel is to be supplied with Kerr turbine engines with 2500 shp. ' horsepower. The speed of the ship is ' designed to be 11 miles an hour, loaded, j The length is 410 feet 5k inches, beam I 64 feet and depth 29 feet 6 inches. One unusual feature in the building of the boat is the completeness of the work at the time of launching. Every rivet was in its place and there are about 650.000 of these fastenings. In the construction of the hull 2980 steel plates were used, and about 35 tons of paint was consumed. Manjr Local Firms Assist The engines were made by the Kerr Turbine plant at Wellsville, N. Y. The ship will have three Scotch boilers, with a diameter of 149 feet, by 11 feet in length. These were made at the Fort land company's own plant Each boiler has three furnaces. Howden forced draft system will be installed. Anchors and chains were imported. W. G. P. McPherson & Co. of Portland f 1 . . . , , . . M . n .. otner equipment was made or supplied ln Portland, as follows Copper pipe by the Northwest Process company ; small brasswork and fittings by the Oregon Brass works : ship chan dlery furnished by the Beebe company ; fixed furniture by the Columbia River Shipbuilding corporation, this furniture including built-in berths and lockers ; equipment by Olds Wortman & King ; "team tahles by F. J. Iitner; carpeting I by Olds. Wortman & King ; linoleum by the Cork Floor Products company; pipe he v ' niya . arVav. tympany ; life- ifeboat company ; galley range by S. Markay ; cargo masts by the Columbia River Shipbuilding cor poration ; winches by the Smith & Wat son Iron works ; booms by Broughton & Wiggins ; Coen oil-burning system in stalled' by the Pacific States Rubber company ; propellers by the Smith & Watson Iron works, after local designs. The wheel is 17 feet in diameter, with a 14.3 pitch. The electrical work was performed by Ne Page, McKenny & Co. A. Graef did the painting. Peck Machinery Installed The West Grove will have accommo dations for a crew of 50, and 25 addi tional men to handle the guns. Com plete wy-eless equipment will be - In stalled. The gun crew will be quartered SLUMBER OUTRAGED? i Are you compelled to arise from your slumber, once, twice or more, because of pain, irritation and abnormal condi tion of kidneys and bladder? are guaranteed to correct the alkalinity of your secretions, . thus giving you un disturbed slumber, making for Rest at night, and Energy by day. All forms of kidney disorders cannot be success fully treated with Balmwort Tablets, but when these symptoms exist you will receive a gratifying recovery If you use them ; amount of urine secreted Irreg ular, insufficient, too frequent, too copious, accompanied by pain, difficulty, smarting," burning, irritation, pains in back and groins and when the passage is foul of odor, highly colored, etc. Also stODDaee of secretion followed bv fever. i ichills, pains, headache, rheumatic pains. depression, etc. Balmwort Kidney Tab lets HELP THE KIDNEYS Sold by all druggists. (Adv.) Rub Musterole on Forehead and Temples A headache remedy without the dan- fers of "headache medicine." Relieves eadache and that miserable feeling from colds or congestion. And it acts at ence! Musttroleis a clean, white oint ment, made with oil of mustard. Better than a mustard plaster and does not blister. Used only externally, and in noway can it affect stomach and heart, as some internal medicines do. Excellent for sore throat, bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia. congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lum- bago, all pains and aches of the back or joints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, hilhlairvi frnctwl fpt r-niHa of thZ CnUDlains, trostea ieet, C01d3 Ot tne tnesi in oiten prevents pneumonia). 30c and 60c jars; hospital size $2.50. a TIZ FIXES ACHING, SWOLLEN, SORE FEET How "Tiz" does comfort tired, burning, calloused feet and corns. tood-tye, sore feet, burning feet, swollen feet, tender feet, tired f Good-bye. corns, callouses, bunions and raw spots. No more shoe tightness, no more limping with pain or drawing up your lace ln agony. "Tli" ja magical, acts right off. "Tlx" draws out all the poisonous exuaauons which puff tip the feet. Use "Tls" and wear smaller shoes. Use "Tls" and forget .your foot misery. Ah ! how comfortable your feet feel. Get a 25-cent box of "Tiz" now at any uruggiBi or Department store. JJon't suf fer.y Have sood feet, glad feet, feet that never swell, never hurt,: never get tired. A year's, foot comfort guaranteed or money rehitded. w- . (Adv.) ; DRIVE AWAY HEADACHE ... "Sure! I use T1Z Vitf) j mSt every time for any forward, the officers amldshops and the crew aft. Alt of the -deck machinery and auxil iary machinery waa put in before the vessel was launched. President A. F. Smith and Manager J, McKinlay of 'the Columbia River Shipbuilding corporation Wednesday re ceived the following congratulatory mes sage from D. E. Skinner of Skinner & Eddy, steel shipbuilders of Seattle: "We wish you best luck In the launching of the West Grove. You have our hearti est congratulations for your great achievement This kind of successful rivalry is the spirit that should be shown to meet the national crisis." Congratulatory message was received March 15 from the Kmergency Fleet cor poration on the progress of the ship. The builders are rushing the work of installing the machinery in hope of mak ing a new record for the completed ship ready for service. All work and outfit ting is done at the firm's plant. Following the launching of the West Grove, Miss Fuller, the sponsor, was presented wltn a handsome gold mesh purse by President Smith of the Colum bia River Shipbuilding corporation. Point Bonlta Launched The Alblna Engine & Machine works also came to the fore Wednesday with an offering for the government's liberty fleet, when the 3800 ton steel steamer Point Bonlta was launched. The event took place at 4 :20 o'clock and was suc cessful ln every respect. Mrs. A. Rei mann, wife of the head of the local of fices of A. O. Andersen & Co.. was tne sponsor. The Point Bonlta. which win De one of the "Point" fleet, is the third steamer built by the Albina company, all of which are for the government, having been commandeered. The others are the Point Loma and Point Arena. The former went into commission over two weeks ago and the latter will soon be ready. These two are 3300 tonners. The Alblna company, according to Wil liam Cornfoot, the president, will have another ready in two weeks. She will probably be christened the Point Lodos. Third Launching During Day The launching of the Point Bonlta made the third launching during the day, the hull of the government wooden steamer Bell Brook having been launched earlier in the afternoon at the plant of the Peninsula Shipbuilding company, after a bad start down, the ways. TO BUILD TEN BARRACKS Workmen Start Work or Erecting Ten Buildings at Standifer Plant. Ten wooden barracks will be erected at Vancouver, Wash., to house the hun dreds of workmen who will be employed ln the new steel shipbuilding plant of the G. M. Standifer Construction com pany. Th workmen commenced today to construct the housing quarters. The 10 structures will be each 80 feet long and 24 feet wide and will be two stories tn height. The central dining hall will be 200 feet long and 100 feet wide. The company has contracts to build 10 steel steamers for the United States govern ment. It is expected that more than 3000 men will be employed in the work. The housing conditions of Vancouver are already overtaxed and it became necessary to provide special quarters for the men. ARRIVES HERE FOR CONFERENCE Meyer Bloomfield Comes to See Lloyd i. Wentworth. For a conference with Lloyd J. Went worth, head of 'the Oregon district of the emergency fleet corporation, Meyer Bloomfield, field agent of the housing department of the United States ship ping boards arrived in Portland last night from Washington. Mr. Went worth and Mr. Bloomfield are expected later to have a joint conference with of ficials of the Chamber of Commerce, which has given consideration to the housing problem. Mr. Bloomfield was sent to the coast by the shipping board to; make a thor ough stud'y and survey of the housing situation as applying to shipyard work ers and make a report to headquarters. Lightship on Station Again Relief lightship No. 92, which went adrift from her station at the mouth of the Columbia river last Thursday night during a gale, and put Into Astoria, was replaced on the station March 26, according to notices sent out by Robert Warrack, Inspector of the seventeenth lighthouse district. Notice to Mariners Branch Hydrographic Office, Port land, March 26. Notice has been re ceived from the master of a steamer that on March 25, 1918, at 5 p. m.. ln latitude 42 degrees, 49 minutes north, and longitude 124 degrees 41 minutes vest, that he passed a piece of wreck age consisting of heavy timbers bolted together. Apparently part of a ves sel's stem. Information has been received from the master of a steamship that on March 24. 1918, at 3:30 p. m.. he To Stop Indigestion in Five Minutes Some Common-Sense Advice Pain ln the stomach after eatlne. indi gestion, dyspepsia, flatulence, gas, etc., are almost invariably due to acidity and food fermentation. To attempt to cure the trouble by using digestive powders and pills or deadeningfBrugs is like try ing to relieve a wound from a splinter of glass Dy applying ointment without first removing the glass. In each case the cause remains and the trouble gets worse. The common sense thing to do when your stomach hurts is to remove the acid ana stop me rermentation by means of a simple antacid or neutrate such as Bi-nesia, which can be obtained of any druggist in either powder or tablet form. A teaspoonful of Bi-nesia Powder or two or three of the tablets taken in half a glass or net water alter eating, instantly neutralizes the acid, stops food fermen tation, and thus enables the most con firmed ayspeptie to enjoy the heartiest meals without the slightest pain or in convenience. Try this simple plan at once and forget that you ever had a stomacn. (Adv.) WAKE UP FRESH Get a 10 Cent Box of "Cascarets" for Your Liver and Bowels. Tonight ure! Take Cascaret and enjoy- the nicest, gentlest : liver and bowel cleansing you ever experienced. sighted, one half mile northwest of Oxford reef gas and whistling buoy, the after part of a ship's bottom, con sisting of the stern post and about 30 feet of the keel, together with the dead wood and some planking. All was floating in an upright position. The wood looked fresh where the hull had been broken and had been recently copper plated. -E. F. ECKHARDT. Commander U. S. Navy, Retired, (ln charge.) Schooner Okanogan Chartered The schooner Okanogan has -been chartered by Balfour, Guthrie & Co. to carry a cargo of lumber from the Co lumbia river to Australia. It will be some time before she carries out this mission, for she is on the way from Grays Harbor to Sydney with a similar cargo. She is scheduled to come direct to the Columbia river from Australia. Large Steel Vessel Launched Seattle, March 28. (I. N. S.) - Che 7500-ton steel cargo carrier Bremerton, a commandeered vessel originally or dered for a Norwegian company, was launched here Wednesday afternoon. ALL ALONG THE WATERFRONT The steam schooner Celilo left down for St. Helens this morning to work lumber for California. Bound for Preseott to load a careo of lumber, the steamer Tiverton, after dis charging a general cargo here, left down at noon. The tanker' Fl Segundo got up early this morning to discharge a cargo of oil. The king fish of the watetjs here abouts Is to be Immortalized in the name of one of the new government vessels. Salmon Is to be the name of the second vessel launched at the Mc- Eachem plant at Astoria. The first, which will be launched shortly, will be named Astoria. Contracts for boilers for the next eight government steamers turned out by the Grant Smith-Porter Ship com pany have been let to a local concern the Western Structural Steel & Tank company. News of the Port Arrivals March 28 Santa Monica, American steamer, from San Francisco ballast. El ' Segundo, American steamer, from San Francisco, oil. Departures March 28 J. A. Chanslor, American steamer, for Gaviota, ballast. M ARISE ALMANAC . Weather at River's Mouth North Head. MarcU 28. Conditions at the mouth of the rirer at noon : Bar, smooth ; wind, southeast, 9 miles; weather, cloudy. 8un Record for March 29 Sun rises, 6:57 a. m. Sun sets. 6:35 p. m. Tides at Astoria Friday High Water: Low Water: ! 1:34 a. m 8.4 feet I 8:26 a. m 0.2 foot 2:16 p. m 7.1 feet 8:17 p. m -Ieet DAILY RIVER READINGS 8TATION3 .3 S Ivri.ton 22 U. 3 -0.1 0.00 Umatilla ........ 25 I 7 . 7 I 0 . 6 0.00 Kugene 10 5.7 -0.3 0.01 Albany 20 7 . 5 -0.7 0.03 Salem I 20 7.5 -0.6 0.05 Oregon City i 12 I 7.4 -0.3 0.04 Portland 15 9.4 0 0.02 () Rising; (-) Falling. RIVER FORECAST The Willamette rirer at Portland will remain nearly stationary Friday and probably fall slightly Saturday. AT NEIOHBORTSG PORTS Astoria, March 28. ArriTed down at 7:30 and sailed at 10:40 a. m. : Steamer Rosa City, for San Francisco and San Pedro. Arrired at 6 :30 and left up at 8 a. m. : " Steamer Santa Monica, from San Francisco. Sailed at 7 :30 a. m. ; Auxiliary schooner Carmen, for Sydney Tia Grays Harbor. Sailed at 10:40 a. m. : Gas oline schooner Mirene, for Newport and way ports. Sailed at 11:30 a. m. : Steamer Daisy, for San Francisco. San Pedro. March 27. AtTired: Steamer Sbapta, from Portland. Astoria. March 27. Arrired at 12:30 and left up at 1:40 p. m. : Steamer El Segundo. from San Francisco. Arrired at 11 p. m. : Steamer Ualco, from San Francisco. Point Reyes, March 28. Passed at 9 a. m.: Steamer Trinidad, from Columbia rirer for San Pedro. San Francisco, March 28. Arrired: Enter prise, from Hilo, 3 a. m. ; Hollywood, from Se attle, 4 a. m. : Admiral Schley, from Los Ange les. 4:4 0 a. m. ; Newburg, from Stewarts Point, 4 :30 a. m. : lkm, from Caspar, 4 a. m. ; Seafoam, from Monterey, 9 a. m. ; Santa Barbara, from Astoria, 10 a. m. : Daisy Mathews, irom Los Angeles, 10 a. m. ; Johan PouLson. from Co lumbia rirer. 11 a. m. : Wapama, from Ererett, 12:30 p. m. ; Mandalay, from Crescent City, 12:30 p. m. Sailed: Tug Tyee. with barge Chas. A Smith in tow, for Marshfield, 2 a. m. ; cteamer St. Inez, for Antofagas, 111 t m. 8eatUe, March 28. (L N. S.) Arrired March 27. Keishin Mara, from Kobe, 6:45 p. m ; Fulton, from Tacoma, midnight: bark Ori ental, from Port Blafcely, towing, 6 :30 p. m. ; ship St. Paul, from Port Blakely, in tow, 1:30 p. m. Sailed March 27: Suwa M&ni. for Manila, 1:15 p. m. : Nankal Maru. for Yokohama, 8 p. m. : Santa Ana, for southeastern Alaskan ports, H p. m. Cordora. March 26. Sailed: Admiral Watson, southbound, 9 .80 p. m. "WrangeU. March 26. Sailed: City of Seattle, northbound. 8 :30 p. m. Ketchikan, March 27. Sailed: Jefferson and Admiral Farragut, northbound, at 8 a. m. ; Northwestern, northbound, 9 30 a. m. Bellingham, March 28. Arrired: Curacao, from Seattle. Port Townsend. March 28. Passed out: Morning Star, 7 a. m. Port Gamble, March 27. Arrired: Schooner Muriel, from Seattle, in tow of tug Prosper. 3:30 p. m. Ererett, March 28. Arrired: Gorernor, from Vancourer. Tacoma, March 27. Arrired: Redwood, from west coast ports; Taiyu Maru and Northland, from Seattle. Sailed: Quadra, for Britannia Beach, B. C. at 3 p. m. San Francisco, March 28. (I. N. 8.) Ar rired yesterday: Washington, from Eureka, at 11:50 a. m. ; Brooklyn, from San Diego, 1:25 p. m. : Phyllis, from San Diego, 6.80 p. m. : Saginaw, from Port Angeles, 7:45 p. m. ; Charles Nelson, from Port Angeles, 7:4 5 p. m. ; Sea King, with Erskine M. Phelps in tow, from Port San Luis. 11:45 p. m. Sailed: Standard No. 2, with barge 91. for El Segundo, 1 1 ;30 a. m ; Multnomah, for Se attle. 12:25 n. .m .: Aralon. for Los Antreles. 12:15 p. m. ; Charles Christ risen, for WUlapa Harbor, 3: S3 p. m. ; vvmttier, for Port San Luis, 3:55 p. m. ; Helen P. Drew, for Greenwood, 4:35 p. m. : Lymon Stewart, for Port San Luis. 5:45 p. m. ; Narigator, with Monterey, for Portland, 8:53 p. m. : Bearer, for Astoria. 7:53 p. m. Stanwood, for Tacoma. 9:05 p. m.: Surprise, for Piegon Point, 10:05 p. m. ; Brooklyn, for Eu reka, 10:40 p. m. ; Pasadena, for Albion. 10:45 p. m. : Kaimer. for Ixs Angeles, 11:35 p. m Marshfield. Or., March 27. Arrired Bonlta Juarez, with Columbia barge No. 39, from Bay Point, 7 p. m. yesterday; AnrU, from Astoria 12 midnight- FEELING AS A DAISY Let Cascarets liven your liver and clean your thirty feet of bowels with out griping. You will wake up feel ing grana. xour neau win De clear. oreatb ngnt, tongue ciean. stomach sweet, eyes bright, step elastic ami complexion rosy they're wonderful. Get a 10-cent box now at any drug store. Mothers can safely give a whole Cascaret tr children, at any time when, they become cross, feverish, bilious, tongue dbated or constipated Cascarets are harnless. -. - tAdv.) n. Home-made Grenade Explodes; Boy Hurt San Rafael, Cal.tljrfch 28. Robert Lethbridge, 15 years xld, high school boy, was perhaps fatally injured here Wednesday when a home-made hand grenade exploded and fractured his skull. Other boys narrowly escaped injury. The grenade consisted of a small bicy cle pump filled with explosives, which Lethbridge had generated in the chem istry laboratory at school. He lighted a fuse to the device but was unable to throw It before It exploded. Urges Cooperation With Shipowners Seattle. Wash., March 28. (U. P.) "We can bungle the whole shipbuilding problem by conscripting labor, or we can build faster and faster by working hand ln hafid in co-operation with labor." This was the statement Wednesday of D. E. Skinner, president of the Skinner & Eddy corporation. "If all the other ways in the United States would gear up to our pace we would have 20,000,000 tons before 1919 said he. "As it is it will be three million or four million tons, which Is not enough." Two Pay Fines Vancouver, Wash., March 28. Ed Fitigerald and S. G. Murnhy, arraigned before Police Judge Derr yesterday on a drunkenness charge, were fined $25 and costs of $1 each or 10 days ln the city Jan. They paid their fine. Army-Navy Orders San Francisco, March 28. (I. N. S.) The I oil owing army orders were issued here today: Pnrate Obed E. Berry. Coast artillery. 16th company, I'uget Sound, transferred to quarter master's corps. The following named sergeants, first class, ?uartenna!ter corps, now on duty at the school or bakers and cooks. Camp Lewis, will be aent without delay to Camp Fremont for duty: Al bert Alleman. Raymond M. Brink, Burnett R. Currie, Elmer E. Dean, George B. Gardner, Barney Seel It. Will ism TurnbulL Second Lieutenant Harry S. Dorman, Coast artillery, reserre corns, now at Fort Worden. Wash., ha Ting been assigned to the 62d artillery (C. A. C), by paragraph 115, special orders No. 297. war department. December 21, 1917. will proceed to the Presidio, San Francisco, reporting to tus regimental commander. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS W. F. McGregor and wife to M. Gorman, land beg. in 8. line Daris is inter, by E. side line 22d; also L. 6, B. B." Crown Court $ Je.ine Jensen Vasshaug et al to Serrerin Dalra. L. 16. B. 1, LaDene Park. .. Wallace Glorer and wife to Title A Trust Co., L. 11. B. 11. Laurelhurst . . . . Albert L. Fraley and wife to Edward 10 125 10 10 10 10 975 10 10 10 T. Irwin et al, L. 16. B. 108, Rose City Park Walter F. Pruden to Metropolitan Inr. & Imp. Co., L. 7. B. 6, Bartsch Park add. Metropolitan Inr. A Imp. Co. to Claud A. Dunn, L. 7. B. 6, Bartsch Park add Swinton Land Co. to J. C. O'Brien, L. 1. 2. 3. B. 4, Swinton Frank B. Swayze and wife to Nedra Co.. L. 6, B. 2. Cuthill add W. M. Dobbin and wife to Dirkje Storey, L. 6, B. 1000. Laurelhurat H. C. Courier and wife to Maggie G. Friel. L. 4, B. 39, Fremont Jno. Luethe to Teresa M. L. Luethe, N. W. of Sec. 5. T. 1 N.. R. 1 W Title & Trust Co. to Wellesley Land Co.. L. 8. 9. 10. B. 11. Wellesler 10 K. S. Nehl and wife to Chas. Nannemann, J,. 1U, 20, . 0, Park add to Albina; E. 16 2 3 ft. L. 7. B. 14, DeLash- mutt & Oatraan's Little Homes No. 8: N. 35 ft. L. 1. B. 2, in Sub. Tracts 1 and 4. Fernwood Jno. E. Aitchiaon and wife to James A. Gray, part L. 5, 6, B. 70. Sunnyside, 8d add. Peninsula Security Co. to Matt Thringer et al, L. 23. 24. B. 3. Pt. View add. Chester E. Shaffer and wife to Albert Horger, L. 10, B. 11, Orerlook. . . . Lillie Conser to Minnie M. Parsons, I- 14 B. 6 and N. 10 ft. L. 13, B. 8, Fozchase add Treasurer of City of Portland to Meri- dinal Co., L. 39. B. 3, Mt. Tabor Place add Meridiar.il Co. to M. T. Moiean. L. 39, B. 3, Mt. Tabor PUce add Portland Realty & Trust Co. to Ida May Alexander, L. 7 to 10, B. 4, Amboy. Andrew Larwn to Hattie L. Larson, L. 12, B. 12. Elmhnrst Edward T. Hall and wife to Nannie Pa- junen, L. 16, B. 2, Hancock st add. Ladd Sc Tilton Bk. lo Northwestern Tr. Co, L. 6, 7. B. 6, Norwalk Heights. Hibemia Barings Bk..to E. B. Van Dersel, L. 6. B. 3, Cameron's add First Trust Sc Saringi Bk. of St. Johns to Rena 8. Morgan, L. 12, IS. B. 1. North Bank add Sheriff to Lena Scheideman, L. 32, B. 18. Albina Albert Horger and wife to Chester E. Shaffer et al. L. 7, B. 33, Central Albina Chas. F. Kesterson and wife to Jno. Mitchell et al. W. H of S. E. 4 of S. E. Sec. 24. T. 1 S., R. 2 E. . . Pluro P. Lyons to Hannah Lyons, L. 2, B. 28, Woodlawn 10 1 10 10 10 17 1 10 10 10 10 1 10 958 10 2,850 1 Harriette B. Lewis and husband to Claude H. Sheeley and wife, L. 6, B. 33. Beaumont 100. Ladd & Tilton Bk. to Jacob Johnston et al., L. 21, B. 7. Roselawn 10 1.52S Lewis C. Tollisen et al to W. M. Free man et al. L. 7, B. 6. Albina Title & Trust Co. to G. M. Shrock, L. "IV B. Z3, Paritrose 10 10 Nannie Pajunen and husband to E. T. Hall, I.. 4, B. 17. Laurelhurst W. S. Gilmore and wife to Wm. Surbes et al, L. 4, B. 3, Sertrance add. to 8t. Johns 2,600 700 10 10 Franklin Realty Co. to Henry E. Bey er. 1j. 10. a. 3. Gammons Chas. Sundquist to Henry 8. Wtbrook, L. 1, z, a. 27. Molbrooks add Susan Chipman and husband to Fred Miller. L. 18, B. 2. Chipman s add to St. Johns BUILDING PERMITS J. S. Haughey Repair 1 H story residence. 847 Fargo street, between Union arenue and Rodney arenue; W. J. Brown, builder, 8200. E. W. F outer Repair residence, 509 East Richmond between Hudson and Smith arenue; builder, same, $50. Dr. George Parriah Repair three story hotel building, 120 Broadway, between Glisan and Uoyt; V. J. Carlson, builder. 8700. Sidney White Repair 1 H story resi dence, 1420 Alameda drire; builder, name,, 895. J. F. Gillmare Erect garage. 829 North Syracuse, between Trumbull and North Wil lamette boulerard z builder, same, 865. J. G. Grosz Erect garage, 290 Glenn are nue, between Hawthorne and Market; builder, same. 880. Library Association Erect one story build ing. 4430. Sixty-fourth street, between Forty second and Forty-fifth arenuea, McHolland Bros., bulder, 810,000. Chrest Andresen Erect garage, 881 Borth wick. between Sharer and Failing; builder, same, 8116. Frank Lewerenz Erect one and one-half story residence, 1010 North Willamette boule rard, between West Reno and Weyerhauser; builder, same, 82500. Charles W. Hays Erect garage, 1802 East Serenteenth street, between Tolman and Clayborne; builder, same. $75. J. G. Reisinger Erect garage, 7328, Fifty fourth arenue, between 8erenty-aeeond and Serenty-third streets; builder, same, 850. W. A. Gray Erect garage. 1390 Belmont, between Forty-ninth and Fiftieth streets; build er, same, $50, Frank Kiernan Repair four atory store build ing, 140 First street, between Alder and Mor rison; $800. George V. Cloud Erect garage, 1000 Grand avenue, between Wygant and Alberta; builder, same. $50. J. A. Meier Repair two story apartment building. 1773 Belmont, between 8ixty-eighth and Sixty-ninth; Toung A Deibert. builder, $850. Constantino Ferrino Repair one story resi dence, 4t Kast rwenty-iourtn, between Glad stone and Cora, arenue; Charles F. Pedersen. builder, $229. Peter Worslere Erect garage, 707 Commer cial, between Cook and Iry; C. 8. Blodgett, DUimer, so.o. Charles Curtis Repair one storr residenr 8808 East Forty-ninth street southeast, near Powell Valley road: Mr. Fate, builder. SSO. Northwest Steel Co. Repair one story office buildine. foot of Sheridan, between Mood nA I Hirer; Trancneu rereiiua. builder; S19O0. I - j. cooos Kepair i vt story residence, 68s Montgomery drive; J. M. Dungan, builder; $245. L. O. I liah Repair 1 Vs story residence. 141 Sheldon at., bet. Oregon and Hoyt; buUder, aame; avv. A. t;onr Keparr e story ofnee oumiing, S03 Btarkrst., bet. 5th and th; Vanderhoot Bros.. builder; $500. - .3 -i" . . , ,. H. Jorinson Reir 1 storr maxJiln ehop, 440 Balmont st,. bet. E. 6th and E. 7th; Zan- llo Broa.. builder; 180. ' tu r Jones Kepair z story raraiiun 200-207 1st at., bet, Salmon and Taylor; D. J. atcCrmm. builder: $50. W. A. Gruwold Erect garage. 1597 Stock too, bet. ruke and Olm ata.; builder, same; 50. E. Craig Erect garage. 710 E. Richmond, bet. Feasendea and 8neca; builder, same; S3 5. E. W. Bantom Repair automobile shop, 10 a 4 E. GUaan. bet 59th and 60th; J. A. Lakin, builder: H0. , W. S. Jaoobson Erect garage. lamng St.. bet. 8tb and 9th: builder, same; i30. Charles Eastman Erect garage. 600 t. I1R at. N., bet. 8andy road and Alameda; builder. e; $75. C B. Dowlint Erect aarase. 846 E. 4 1st. it. N.. bet. Sandy and Halsey; builder, tame; 60. V. V?. Millard Repair 1 atory residence. 126 W. Alberta, bet. Dearer and Gay; builder, aame; 200. C. J. Franklin Erect rsraa. 1115 E. Clay, bet. 3Tth and 88th; builder, same; S60. W ml halm Estate Repair 1 story store oui ic ing. 182 Sd st.. bet Alder and Washington; Harry Rerton, builder; 875. A. L. Simon Erect garage, Bt. Helens roaa; builder, same; 850. E. W. Spencer Erect garage, 634 H 8Zd st 8. E.. bet 4th and 63d ares.; builder, same; 835. A. G. Ehlmann Erect garage and fence. 1063 E. 19th N.. bet Alberta and Sumner; builder. same; 875. Footer & Kieiser Co. Erect bUlboard, . E. cor. Union, bet Schuyler and Hancock; builder, same; 850. 1 Lemon Juice is Skin Beautifier, Also a Whitener ran u y women use just tne juice of lemons to bleach or whiten the skin, but pure lemon Juice is acid, therefore irritating-, and should be mixed with orchard white. At the cost of a small jar of ordl-" nary cold cream one can prepare i full quarter pint of ine most wonder ful lemon skin softener and com plexion beautifier, by squeezing the Juice of two fresh lemons into a bot tle containing three ounces of or chard white. Care should be taken to strain the Juice through a flno cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep fresh for months. Every woman knows that lemon Juice is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freckles, sallowness and tan. and Is the Ideal skin softener, smoothener and beautifier. Just try It! Get three ounces or orchard white at any pharmacy and two lemons from the grocer and mako up a quarter pint of this sweetly fragrant lemon lotion and massage It daily Into the face, neck, arms and hands. It should naturally help to bring back to any skin the whiteness, the sweet freshness and flexibility of which It has been robbed by care lessness or trying atmospheric condi tions. (Adv.) SEW TODAY FORCED SALE Mortgage got the best of this party, so here is your chance for a good investment. Total Price $8500 FOB CLEAR TITLE 100x100, four-flat building and good cot tage, close In. Good, clean property. v BITTER, LOWE It CO. ISo. 20S 6 7 Board of Trade Building AUCTIOX SALES TOMORROW AT VIL80N"S Auction Bouse, 189-178 2d st Sale at 10 a. m MEETING NOTICES 41 B. P. O. ELKS No. 142. Reg ular meeting this (Thursday) erening. Elks' Temple, 8 o'clock Visiting Brothers inrited to at tend. By order of the E. R. M. R. SPAILDING, Secretary. WEBFOOT CAMP NO. 65 W. O. W erery Friday eight in W. O. W. Temple. 18 11th st. Members ra ti nested to be present. Vis itors welcome. L. G. De Toung, Acting C. C; H. L. Rarbur. Clerk. MT. HOOD LODGE NO. 157. A. F. AND A. M. Special com- munication tion , i0m0rtr?W,ir tirS?UM ' vi i, ' I in M.i Visitors welcome. Order M. ED C. DICK. Sec. erening degree of W. M. ED C. DICK. Sec PORTLAND LODGE NO. 65Ta. F. AND A. M. Special com- i . v-h.. T 7. an o clock. Work in M. M. degree. Visitors welcome. Order YV. M. C. M. STEADMAN. Sec. ALBERT PIKE LOD;E NO. 182, A. F. AND A. M. Special com munication Friday ere.. March 29. at 7 o'clock. E. A. degree. Vis itors welcome. By order of W. M. E. R. IV IE, Sec. HARD times dance will be giren Saturday night by the Highland Social club at its hall in the Selling-Hirscb building. 388 H Washington street, orer the Hazelwood. A dance is giren erery Saturday night at the same place. EMBLEM Jewelry a specialty, buttons, pins. charms. Jaeger Bros., 1S1-133 ntn st. yjtal Statistics matri$ts.Blrtbs. Deaths. MARRIAGE LICENSES Albert Salstrand, legal. Hoff, Or., and Emma M. Roswall, legal. 889 Minnesota are. Archibald Silrerman, 87, Bkamokawa, Wash., and Marie 8. Jensen. 23, Linnton. Dock Thompson, legal, 792 Montana are., and Lena Hold, legal. 715 Montana are. Wedding Announcements Vf. G. Smith & Co.. 811 Morgan bldg. DRESS SLITS for rent, all site, kinng Co., 809 Stark st. Unique Tai- BIRTHS MILLER To Mr. aocTMrs. Frank Miller, 227 H Park, March 19. a daughter. BENNETT To Mr. and Mrs. George Bennett. 423 East Couch, March 22. a son. PURS LET To Mr. and Mrs. Otis Pursley, 8017 Eighty-fifth. March 23, a son. WRIGHT To Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Wright, 4 72' Maiden arenue. March 19, a son. WETENKAMP To Mr. and Mrs. I Jo yd J. Wetenkamp, 984 Bybee arenue, March 17, a son. DAQULANDE To Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Da qulande, 171 Arthur atreet, March 24. a daughter. SALVATORE To Mr. and Mrs. Arcangelo Salratore, 582 East Sixth street, March 22, a daughter. I.IAN CO To Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bianco, 1195 Curtise, March 14. a son. BACHOFNER To Mr. and Mrs. Herman G. Bachofner, 915 East Yamhill. March 24, a daughter. SHEAFFER To Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Sheaffer, 5121 Serenty ninth. Msrch 19, a daughter. SNYDER To Mr. and Mrs. George 8. Snyder. 5311 Fifty-second are. March 19, a daughter. BANCROFT To Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Ban croft. Linnton. Or., March 18, a daughter. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 7i ANDERSON In this city. March 27. Anna Ruth Anderson, age 89 years, belored wife of Godfrey Anderson, mother of Raymond L., W. G.. Ooldie D., Ernest R. and Wada Pearl An derson, ail of this city. Services will be held tomorrow (Friday) at 2 p. m. at the resi dential parlors of Miller A Tracey. Interment at MnRnomah Park cemetery. POST Mrs. Edith Emily Post (nee West) at Kvereon, Wash., March 28. belored wife of Frank C Post and mother of Lillian May and Charles Wesley; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George West of this city. Remains at Portland Crematorium, wnere services will be held at 2 P- m.- Friday afternoon. March 29. BROOKS At the family residence, 288 North Twentieth stmt- . March . 27. WiTHane Edear Brooks, aged 2 years, 8 months. 25 day, be I lored aoo of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Brooks, J Brmaina' r at Holman'a funeral pators. . An- Inooneemcnt of funeral later. v . f . 4 ul DEATHS ATfD FUNERALS SHERMAN Iu this city, at the family sT donee. 952 Bryee street. March 2 s. Francis A. Sherman, husband of Mrs. Maryland K. Sherman, lather o. George Cor lis, Philua Nor ton, Robert lancing and Francis A. Sherman Jr. The funeral terriers will be beld Saturday. March 80, at 2 p. in., at the abore residence. Frieuds inrited. J. P. Kin ley ft Son, dirfcUr. FLOtllN thi) lunerai net rices ot Carl Walter Hor.n. belored intaiit xn of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Florin of MJ East Sixty-ninth street North, will be conducted tomorrow (Friday), March 29, at 10 a. m. from the funeral parlors of trie Chambero-Kenwortiiy company. 1111 Kerby atreet at Emerron. opposite Jeffenou high school. Interment Rom City Para cemetery. Friends inrited. hlCAiu ln this city. March 2s. Peter Ricart, age 75 year,, belored lather of Mrs. Anna Golden, Juuction City, Or. ; Henry Kirart, Pendleton, Or ; Mrs. lieaai loon of this city. Notice of funvral later. Arrangements in care ot Miller aV Tracer. GREEMFIELll At her late residence, 406 East Fifty-third street, Mrs. Al 1. Green field, aged 7U years. Funeral nouce later. Re mains at P. L. Lerch's tuui'ial parlors. East Eleventh and Clay streets. KOltfcl.NM Rrgiua li. HJbbiiu. 4405 Seren tieth atreet, March 25, 2tf years, tuberculous. BLAIR William C. lllair. Knott aud MitJuy streets, March 23, 5a years, lober pneumonia. LARSON Uiuu Lr..on, 2U2 Vs North Twenty second street, March 1U, J5 years, acute alcQoltgui. GKE1RLE Mrs. Mary Greible, Sellwoud hoe pual, March 25, 75 years, strangulated hernia GOROON Almira Gordon. 712 East Oak. March 24, ) years, bright a disease. EAST IN- Caroline Eaaiin. 4 SO College street, March 24. 04 years, lobar pneumonia. ENGLISH James Harrison English, 5U2 Mar ion arenue, March 2i, 73 ear, unracmia. ELLISON Hi rman Peter Ellison. 2U East Fourteenth street, March 24. 65 years, ralu- lar heart disease. FLORISTS kiliiLS s lunsu t,u., Cloriata, 654 Vtau. Main 2t7, A-12t9. Flowers for all occa sions srtttical!y arranged. CLARK ttnus. iioiuia. 2H7 Mornaon st Main or A-1605. tine flowers and floral deaigna. No branch stores. LliMi.l.Nfc.tt. furuaud Hotel. 828 Morrison. VIA A m. cuiiti. fciorut. 141 S tttn at. FU.VEKAL DIRECTORS Holman Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors Established 1877. Third and Balinon Street. Main 507. A-1511. Lady Assistant. J. P. FINLEY & SON Progressive Funeral Directors. PRIVATE DR1VIC Women Attendants. Montgomery at Fifth. Main . A-15. WILSON & ROSS East B4. Lady Assistant. O-SIS. Multnomah ' at Seventh St. Dunning tfrMcEntee usL?i"& erery detail. Broadway and Pine ata. Phones Broadway 430, A-4558. Lady assistant. F. S. Dunning, Inc. The Golden Rule Undertakers. 414 E. Alder st. Phone East 52. B-522S. A. D, Kenworthy Co. Tabor 5267. 5802 B2d sL. Lenta. , Tabor 68H5. 8th st. and Foster road, Arlefa. East 7 81 B-1888. Undertakers, LERCH Mrs. Lerca Assistant. E. 11th and Hawthorne. allXliU at TltACEX. Independent Funeral di rectors. Prices as low as 120. 40. gtfO. Washington at Ella. Main 2691, A-7885. HAMILTON ne-I Fu neral aerrices. 'labor 481s. Breeze & Snook ZTAZ "-t CHAUBElla-atNnOUTUI CO. 1111 Kerby st. Woodlswn 330U. (VI 183 Skewes Undertaking Co. Main 4152. A-2321. Corner Sd and Clay. Ai R. Zeller Cot eH iu8r"cio"i Wilson & Wilson vJ- din. 4U40: C 1155 R. T. BYRNES, new residence establishment. Bl.WClHsms are. Woodlswn 220. C-194a. MONTJMEJVTn 1 BLAESING GFtoNlTF(l 7-3RD. ST. AT MADISON I Portland makule woun-s. 204-200 4m St.. oDPOsite city lialL Mam 85U4. Philip Neu Hon (or memorials. LOST AD FOUND SI THE following articles hare been found on cars of the Portland Railway, Lignt & rower Co., March 27. 191 H: One policy. 3 purses. 1 handball. 1 note book, 1 card case, 1 bank hook. 1 button. 1 ring. 1 Ien. 2 suitcases, 1 trarelins ban. 6 nsrkages, 3 lunch boxes. paint tin. 1 can inilk. 2 rain coats. 1 pair skates, 3 pair glorr. glares, 1 mitten, 1 horvk 1 hoe. 19 umbrellas. 1 key. 1 pin. ann.n mar obtain nroue'rty at First and Aider street Station. DOCTWs-black bag. containing medicine and instruments. Libersl nwsrd. East M-. I B J0'U- 77: rr I J?"? oflHrsL "c"uAlS44 M V f Broadway 501. BT1U11.1) or simen. "u T " , V, Angora cat, goes by name of "Blacky.1 srd. Phone Mt o 1 a". DIAMOND bar pin Wednesday night. Cotillion hall, or abora ltn su iwwsru. idi Journal. LOST Tw watches -on chain, bet. Russell and l-Vomont on I nion. nu r.asi i.n. iwwsru. THE party who found pun at Kuniet theatre Marrh 25. phone Woodlawn 93H. Reward HELP WANTED MALE I BOTS WANTED. FACTORY. 18 TO 20 TEARS. BAG, AMES-HARRIS A NEVILLE COMPANY. 15TU AND HOYT ST. CARPENTERS NOT WORKING IN SHIP vanna AND WHO ARE WILLING T. HELP THE GOVERNMENT IN THE PRODUC TION OF SHIPS WILL REPORT AT THE PUBLIC EMPIiOYMENT BUREAU. 247 DAVIS ST. f 1 wivrrn Men to Qualify fo -trainmen. Ap nir room 310 Electric building; open all day and all nignv, mciumua ouuva a . SECOND BAKER Man who understands mix ing bread. Apply raiiennwimrai on ice. to 10 a. m.. Olds. Wortman King. MAN and wife wanted to do janitor work in of lice building; linng rooms prorioea. in quire 815 Dekum bldg. WANTED Salesman and collector, aalary or commission. Dinger sewing jsacmne o . iiu Grand are. DELIVERY boys wanted. Good wages. Applj superintendents office, 9 to 10, Olds, Wort msn at King. WANTED 3 bu-tling agents (or a sellable auto accessory, cau erenings. o ou 10 w o clock. 263 Union are JANITOR" married. who understands oil furnace. wife can help in kitchen. Broad- way 5433. YOUNG MAN, well UreaseO. lor a new selling nrowsiuoo; big wages. Call 809 Stock Ex. bldg WANTED Logging contractor for trucking with auto trues . also ssmuiue- jappiegste LAim ber Co.,- Medforo. OT. MARKERS and sorters, washmen. hand trotters, scorchers and macnine nana. iauonai laun dry Co., E. Wth and t.lay. ,, iuu aliade man ana arapery Hanger. aftMt be exuerienced. Apply suDenntendent ' ft to 1.1 a- m.. Olds. Wortman aV King. EXPERIENCED floormen. best of references required. Apply superintendent's office, S to 10 a- m. , Olds. Wortman it King. BOY with wheel wanted for delivery and errand work. Bushon? & Co.. 91 Park St. WA.M'tH W ashman at once; steady job te right party. Coquille Laundry, CoqnfUe. Ot. STEADY Elderly man to do chores in hotel. 821 8a Tier st. comer 1 5th. WANTED A man to attend furnace night and snorning, for roomette. Call 521 H Union are. ERRAND boy wanted Edward L. Krebe. 247 Stark et. SINGLE ma a for tending to garden aud choreiT U-9SS. JuunaL - -- WASTEDA good milk drivet for wagon. Cell ai Willamette dairy. 488 Union are. K. WANTErAn'advertisini acOicitof. apeeiaiTTl$ . Stock Ex. Bldg. . ., . ."- .- HELP WASTED MA LB LABORERS WANTED CAMAS MILLS Strike not declared off, But orer 700 men working. 83.36 lowest wage paid. S -hour shift work. 9-hour days alone. Steady work and higher wages to reliable men. Good housing accommodations and school. APPLY 509 OREGON BUILDING turner 5th and Oak. MfcN MANla-D ton SAWMILLS. BOX rAC'loUlEa. LOGGISQ OPERATIONS. KLAMATH COL" MA. OREGON. HIGHEST WAt.LS. BEBT oVHooiJi. COOL. DHV CLIMATE CITY OF 60OU -fc,OPLE There la a bitf dircr.itv .,l Iihnr as thaea era 14 aauuiL. 5 bos lactones, lti kxaJnc oper ator Uaiiig both ieaiu, donkeya and Dorse log- sius- lure tatu uiiiLv Boys and women can wora in Ui boa lactones. COME NOW. MILLrt OPEN MARCH 1 TO 15. BOX KAUI'OUIKS NOW RUNNING. ON AliKIl AL SEE KLAMATH LI 'MBEUMEN S AND LOO' CtR a ASSN., MAIN ST.. KLAMATH FALIJS. OREGON. 1200 MEN EMPLOYED. FARM LABOR FOR WESTERN CANADA. Canada s Isrm needs nuko t,caMarv an arw peal to the I in ted States allies ior men. The gorernuieni of tlie ( nited States wants- every uiau nu can entciiTeiy Help to do term work Uiu )ear. It wanu thu land in the United States dereioped nrt oi emre. but it also wauu to help Canada. Uenerer find a mau we can spare to Canada s field after ours are supplied we n.m u mri-vt him there. We will tell lou wuere lou can h,t am tlia mm. bined intercuts. Rate of 1 cent per mUa Irvim Canadiau boundaiy points lo dintinaliou and return. Ior particulars aiiply to U. 8. Era plojmrnt aerrice, Dvpt. ol lbor, or to J. N. Gnuve. 001 First are., 8lokaue, Waah , Can ailiag government agem. WANTED I WSnt burs liver 111 uilli whaaU n.v nn for the use of your bicycle. Work is clean and steady. Can make Ji.O to 1 1 00 per month. Lit ellent chsnce ior ail vanci'uient. Elmer L, Bailey 253 Oak ft. GKOt.'ERY delivery boy, 1155 E. Morrison st. HELP WANTED MISC. 48 HAWTHORNE ALIO SCHOOL. 482 HAWTHORNE AVE. EVERYTHING MECHANICAL AND ELEC TRICAL; UNLIMITED; PRACTICAL REPAIR EXPERIENCE. UNCLE SAM Needs 10,000 atenograpDera. Enroll now for shorthand. typewriting. bookkeeping. MISS DECKER S PRlVA lk. BbSLNtna COLLklik, ao iioor, A.issy Diag. CMUa.lt kOONta VuiltN AND MEvt waaied to prepare for telegrapb service te bain flu vacancies caused by the drafting of atea tor wag. For particulars call or write Telegraph Daps.. Room 218. Hallway Exchange bldg bl'ANlhtl Con veraalion ami graiauiac. Maw Mat tn large ! w( alontauiur 1715. AST SIDE COMMERCIAL StUUut, liji GRAND AVE. EAST 427 HELP WANTED FEMALE YOUNG LADIES TO LEARN TE' EPHONE OPERATING NINE DOLLARS PER WEEK PAID WHILE i.r.A ti. iw STEADY ADVANCEMENT PERMANENT POSITIONS ' ? APPLY TO TELEPHONE COMPANY OPtR- All.Mi OLIUll., 1'AKK AND OAK 8TS. SIXTH FLOOR GIRLS WANTED. 16 TO 20 YEARS. BAG FACTORY. AMES-HARRIS & NEVILLE CO.. 15TH AND HOYT 8TS. Competent Girl for General Housework Wages 310 5S2 E. 16th st . N Eat 6998. WANTED Serersl women to do outside work, loading and unloading materials In cars, han dling sprat, rlesning rsrdi. etc. 25 cents per hour. Inquire st Store Iept., Brooklyn shop. Southern Pacific Co. BOOKKEEPER and cannier, an exceptional opening for person of proper qualifications. Must be experienced. Gire age, experience In detail ; references and beginning salary desired. M 726, Journal. TYPIST and "service clerk. Tempoiii7po tlnn but may derelnp permanently. Give age, experience, references snd salary desired. M 725. Journal. GIRL WANTED Cooking ami genera house work. 3 adult. ; 850 per month; references required ; telephone mornings Main 1 877. WANTED A mother's helper in a family of with a cook, references required. Write and gWe phone No. to Box 1. Reed college. WANTED Girl to do plain cooking and aaJ sist with housework. No small children. East 8 2 9. WANTED Housekeeper, middle age, and help clerk in variety store; no objection to one child. W. C. Collina. Warrenton. Or. WANTED Woman on small dairy ranch. Must know bow to milk; no housework. Gail Tabor 5223. or address 481 East 88th St. N. GIRL with good eye sight for picking over beans. Koutledge Seed .Co.. 145 2d at. WANTED Girl for housework in family ol 2. Phone East 4 245. GOOD girl or woman for general housework.' 961 Oantenbein . are. GIRL for general housework In family of Z. Phone East 94 6. mornings. WANTED Girl for general housework; ne washing.Wages 5 . Cal 1 Sell wood 6 B. WANTED 5 young women, well educated, good appearance. Call Room 809 Stock Ex. bldg. GIRL with some bookkeeptug experience. Cell at 212 4th st WANTED A woman for housework ; S ehU? dren. Inquire 4 06 4th st. 8. WANTED A woman for chamberwork. Main - 5120. GOOD MAID for general housework. Mar. 1884. aELP WANTED MALE AJIa FEMALE ORIGINAL MOiJbat 4ARtteii COLLjUig; Teaches the trade tn e weeks. Gives aehoia ahipa and transfer car da. Pays you while teuraw tng Big derasM iv Both aura mxjt 2d and Bermuda. OtiEooN BarneT College will leach row the keg. ber trade in 8 weeks; took, free; scholarahia OTpiomaa given; pan wnue learning; guaranteed; tuition reduced. 211 ORiGLNAL liuuul h An ba.lt CslJUb" Teaehea men and am barber trade -m g weeka. Spec 1 rates tor short time only $1$. Incladlna) gcod aet ol tools, giving dlylosnaa. 284 t'ewc eg. WANTED Shoe salesman and saleslady. 1 Boatoa Sample Shoe Store. 129 4th. Mar. 4248. HITUATIONrV MALE i DO tint cuua lan daeepe gareeBtng. tnaaaune of rose hushes berry shea sod tree. Broad way 2404 1 WANT restdentiai gardening work by day or contract. n 1706. MARRIED n. 24, position driving truck or delivery. References. Tabor 2021 ELDERLY Bian wlabea work as p"ifr vt honseman. H 911. Journal. . - PAINTING, paper hanging and tinting; ait goods strictly first cuvaa. Woodlawn 4(11 gITCAjjoyf4r-MAXB-, 4 n i'aia.'v wuo cnuaren. nay w ana girt o yrs., wishes job as housekeeper on ranch. . Call at 181 8th. Mrs. 1 nra Pfaier. - EXPERIENCED woman wants day work or help pack trunks. Kef. Wdln. 1872. MltllTUlM u kim k. i - Uemaa or email iamily. LADY wants work by the hour. - Weodlswu 4518. -j "CalT (CohUhaed FollowUc Xag '""