. THE. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, . 1918. 13 if HELF WAXTF.P FEMALE t CAPABLE woman for permanent position di- trtbuting hosier and underwear to ntaltf tnitoain, at Mill prion, AU or ere time; $60 to $loo snommy. rarxer I'ilk PhlluialnhU. MIDDLE-AGED woman (or housework, good horn, mod rat wages. Call morning. 25 Worth 2 2d (t. SIKLF WANTED HAL AXJ FEMALE ! "tikldlNAL MoUU barbCr coLLLoiT Teaches to trad in S weeks. Give scholar ships and transfer cards. Pare you who ku jng Big demand tor both Ma asd mm 3d sad Bnrntd. OREGON Barbel College will leech feu the bar bar tnda la weeks: toola fro; scboUrshiiJ jil.i Mia srbJla learning 1 naranteed: tuition reduced. t$$ Madisoa. II.' Uniil.tU BARKER SCHOOL Teaches man and woman barber trad la 8 week. Special tataa for abort time only $1 8. good at of toola, giving diplomas. 264 Coach at, WANTED Touug ' man or woman to feed -pisttea printing press. Smith Printing Co., 804 Btark t- ELDERLY couple-wrldiing home on sinaU farm; amall monthly salary; references. C-75I. Journal. ' SITUATIONS MALE WAN with two bun nd 12, position la da try: lint claw nailksr. Bos 284. rout, 1. Oswego. Or. f HUCKLnu' Job wanted. Have 114 ton truck. Will do any kind of work; go out of town ry. T-667. journal. tint class landacapa gardening. trimming of rose b tubal, berry buabaa and trse. ilroaO- way 2404; SlNGLE man wanu work on dairy farm; can milk. W-796, Journal. FOR plowing and harrowing lota pbona Wdln. 666. or 1146 Montana sv. . SITU ATIOITS FEMALE 4 CIUL, eilwrlenccd in confectionary and tobac co, wenta day work : no Sunday work; in mall grocery or confectionery itore. U-9 US. Journal. LADY wanta poaition aa housekeeper, good cook and houaakaaper. O-n0. JonrnaX DREHSMAKITVO 4t JwEABECK BHADLEY, faablonabla dreumaklng. raaaonabla. loftH 4tb at., room 28. Phone Main 2868. FURNISHED BOOMS bXTSKPTN(1 room for rani Very reasonable; walking distance to shipyards and ddwn town. Apply alter 3 p. m. oui. VfNT)KK K1W-MAJCAOEMKNT Prlaceai botal. E. Sd and: Bumaide. BOo .day an, a weak op. East 111.' kOoMa la modeia botal. 8L7 weak and ua 46 Alder: tNKUB.NlSUKD room. ,81.2 par week. 2Tf 8d st. PARTLY fuenisbed large rooms. 167 H 1st at. Marshall 2S0 fBE HAZEL Furnished rooms, ateam beat. 880 8d St. running water. FUBKISHEP BOOMS 7 PttlVATK FAMILY LAFU1E sUwpIng room In modern home, Small private family, suitable for two young men Ea 4H07. , TO RENT chrap. sleaplng room, bet. 2 car lines, near Die shipyards. 146 Reach ft. near Miaaiastppl st. : KK'ELY furnished'Ur room for 1 or 2 gentle r nirn: gt 1 o for one, (0 apiece for two. 381 Broadway. Marvhsll 827. 8KrKNI8HKI rooms with telephone, $25 per month. ki ehenette, light. Call East 4857. LOVELY large front room, suitable tor one or two gentlemen. 70 Evrrt-rt. KOOMH AND BOAUI) 1$ BOOM aud board-for buxlnme girls, modara con- vantaneaa. walklna dlstanaaw IB.&U weak. 12 B. 7th st. East 4782. lUE alartba Washington, 8U loth, lor Marshall 1361. t UM nam girls and students. BO OMH AMD BOABD It - PRIVATE FAMILY BOOM and bosrd to young boy at young girl a woman, employed, $20 per month. T-594, Journal. CHILDKKN to board in private hbn Est 2446. j Pbona TWO rooms with boar neat ship yards. 604 8d st W ANTED BOOM AP BOARD 88 TOl'NfJ married coupley desire room and board private family, no other roomers. Z-867. Journal. ' HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 FURKI8HEP AWP ' UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room; gas. light, heat, phone. bath furnished; 814 per month. 472 Bal snnn st. Call Main 3979. Cern ADtSi bth-ot-.f"ki vmii lwit 401 let st. $9.00 2 furnished housekeeping rooms; sleep ing room $6; near shipyards. 545 Vi 1st st. HOUSEKEEPING ROoTlS n FUBHISHED AND UNFURNISHED FBIVATE FAMILY WANT 2 ladlee to rent part of modern 6 room house with lady alone; reasonable rent 684 K Taylor st. tfWO furnished H. K. rooms, new, clean, bath, light, gas, heat, phone, close in. 387 12th st. . FURNISHED - housekeeping rooms for rent cheap. 1278 Belmont. Tabor 76. FOR BENT HOUSES UNFUBN18HED IS Powers Rental Bureau A department operating for the convenience a onr patrons and friends. A service sbralntely without charge to you. Our Ibtings of houses, bungalows and apartments b most complete. YOURS FOB SCR VICE Powers Furniture Co. Third and Yaaabffl Streets S ROOM country place, liatf acre, garden. fruit, block from Oregon City car. Benedict. Main 1748. Tabor 7858. ft ROOM bungalow, modern, clean, conveniences, near Richmond and Franklin schools. 316. 1116 E. Sherman. Owner. 1145 Iron. I ROOM cottage, 76th st,Montevllla. Phone VVni. Swain. Main 3496. ' FOR RENT, modern. 7 rounr house. It, blocks from Irvlngton carline. 'East 2985. I6.60 HOUSE in Montarijfc Call Woodlawn 1 208. - ntooM" modern cottage, $ 1 0 mo.. Including water. Owner. Broadway 1556. JT6U8K for rent, walking distance. Main 5085. FURNISHED HOUSES 86 CLEAN, furnished houe, 6 rooms; 1105 K? ' Csruthers, corner 87th; 885; good furniture, piano; full basement; tubs; references required; no children or peta. Call morning's B-1999. MCF.LT furnished modern 5 room cottage. $20.60 with water no email childn 5 029 Oantenbein ave.. Russ ell Shaver car, $8 A MONTH Old fashioned house partly furnished, fruit, garden and chicken run. Mt. Scott car. Tabor 8668. PARTLY furnished. 8 room cottage. $10 Calf Tabor 7868. $13 PARTLY furnished 3 room ilat mation at 34 4 Tillamook st Infor- ROOM modern, new bungalow Garage. $40. 440 Eaat 62d. APARTMENTS 4$ FURNISHED AND UN FURNISHEP BUSUMARK Modern. completely furnished H. K. rooms, large and light ; reasonable, walking distance. No children, 665 H Wash tpgton st. H18LOP HALL. K. 6th and Hawthorne, Modern I, S and 8 room apta,; $12.50 up; walking distance. Eaat 882. OUTSIDE Apt.. 8 rooms, dressing room, pri vate bathi Clinton Apta., corner 16th and Clinton at wCall Seilwood 1082. 605 JKFFER80N. DAVENPt RT APTS. For rent, furnished, 3 room - apt; average price. 326. Phone Main 5438. : STANFIELD APTS., 204 Porter st near the shipyards; 2 room apta.; completely. equipped ; reasonable. Call Main 7392. mVINGON APARTMENTS L - HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Two beautiful new modern 4 -room apartments f mom """h" .bu"low' 48'h etreet im for rent. CaH Eaat 4622. manaaev. ' m-ovements paid. . 32600. easy terms. F. Van- THE LOIS. 704 Hoyt near 21st: 4 room apt; large, light, airy room; two large closet. V"-: OKMON -K. Front. 4 ioont. moaera. 656 fTanders. Nob Hill. Bdwy. 837$. FUBNISHEP FLATS i ROOM ' uiiper flat, furnished. $12.60. $ l 3 room upper flat, partly furnlabed. $10.80. ' Adults only. 24th and Vaughn at. near Foundation shipyards and foundries. Mar. 8870, TWO modern apta., 470 14 Hancockst Call Eaat 2416. HODEEN 5 room flat; piano; garage. $25". - Maryland ave. ftOdNfHrurnished flat modern; central; 840; room apt ; furnished.- Inquire 446 Taylor. FOR RENT Furnished 6-room flat, 66114 . . Mihrankie at ' Phone Seilwood 668. 'g -t, - 1 .' '.j,,',,"1'," '; ' s I . HOTELS - - $4 1 MODERATE PRICED HOTEL OF MERIT HOTEL CLIFFORD. Eat Morrison St. and East Sixth, ,4 $1 per day., $4 per waek.up. , STORES ASP OFFICES v 11 CONCORD BLDO. hu outside room, priced frog 910 to 410. ia good condition and good oervice. um KiUt W., room 4ll. copui 2d and Stark sts. WANTKIV TO BEST T WASTED- 2 or 8 unfurnisbad noma, rcav aonabla: walkine diatanca ta North Bank sta tion. -107 E. 2d at. N.. efey. WANTED Before April 1, modara bungalow or hotiaa : aaanonaibla. rjermanant tenant. Tabor toil. WANTED Furniahed house, not too far out; apnea for garden. Phono Bast Hit. A MODERN 6 or 6 room bungalow, responeibl party. 0-88, Journal. WANTED To rant or bay email 2 or 8 room nouat. Call Marshall 144. GENERAL HEAL ESTATE 8 FOR SALE 81 acre timber land; 4 mile aouthweat of Albany; lot at Lena on ML ImM If..- J . . ... .... Xl U - - V port. Inquire V. B. Hickman, Bhadd. Or. K 1. J FOR SAiTE .irnTTKFft gl iC8T BEE what nic bomaa you can buy wHb j a mua catn, baianca just ilka rent; all on pa Tad (treats: t i . 6 room bungalow. 817S0: 8200 down, bal-' a nee Uka rent. I 8 rocea house. 616S0 1 glSO dawn, balanea like renU 8 room bunaglow, 12250; $500 down, bai anca Uka. rent. 7 room bungalow, $2500; $500 down, bal ance like rent. 8 room bouse, $550; $100 down, balance like rent. 4 room bouse, $950; $100 down, baianca like rent. 8 room bouse.' 8750: 8100 down, baianca like rent. This is int a few of the real snana which wa hare. If yon will call we will take you out to see these places. New York Land Co., 881 E. Morrison. 850 PQWN, $10 PER MONTH. . ROOM HOUSE. 50x100 LOT. BATH AND TOILET. ELECTRIC AND OAS. . HARD SURFACE ST., IMP. PAID, $1280 TOTAL PRICE. K. 11TH NEAR MASON. SEE FRANK L. McOCIKE, ABINGTON Bldg. To Buy Yonr Home. $2350 Hawthorne Avenue District 6 ROOM BUNGALOW Fine modern bungalow; E. 47trr, 1 block from the avenue; lot 80x76. If you need some thing like this, snap it up. J. L. KARNOPP, Railway Exchange bldg. Main 675. SELLWOOD BARGAIN. 8850 8100 CASH. Rellwood is oloae to river and big Industrial center. Neat, well built 4 room plastered house;- large chicken bouse, garden, berries, fruit, woven Wire fence. A cheerful little borne. Act quickly. ' A. K. HILL, 418 Henry bldg. hawth&TSne list, foreclosure 6 room modern 2 story house, full concrete basement, wash trays, furnace, fireplace, etc., E. 82d near E. Main st. Clone to 2 carline. Perfeot title. Price $2875; some terms. SEE FRANK L. McUl'lBE, ABINGTON Bldg. To Buy Your Home. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT Modern 6 room, 2 story dwelling, corner lot, paved streeta, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, gaa range, built in effects, hardwood floors. Three blocks from car on 42d st. Price $4000. Possession after April 15. Phone Ta bor 7128. HOSE CITY DISTRICT, $2850 7 room, story and one half house, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace and all built-in con veniences, in beautiful Beaumont on the hill. $500 caah, balance to sntt. Place at one time was valued at $4250. Fred W. German Co., 783 Chamber of Commerce. $1850 WEST SIDE $1850 New 6 room house,: bath, toilet, electric and gaa. fireplace, white enamel; 1 block to car, on Kelly st; $250 aVoan, $15 per. month. Street paid in fuU. .. ' SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE. ABINGTON Bldg. To Buy Your Home. LESS than cott, une-.ot the boat homos in Portland. Strictly modern, furnished com plete, 9 large, - airy rooms, lot 102x102, cor. 28th and Skidmore. Come and see it. WU1 be on the market until March 28. Call be tween 9 and 11 a. m. and 7 to 10 p. m., Wdln. 8226. $100 DOWN. Price $1800, R C. Park dist., 4 rooms, bath, toilet, electric and gas, etc, E. 73d at.; 1H blocks to ear. See our list before buying. Auto at your service. Photo at office. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRE, ABINGTON Bldg. . To Buy Yonr Home. Acre and House ONLY 8800 Two rooms, water, lights, soma fruit, acre of ground; 10c fare, close to station; easy terms. Call at 600 Concord bldg. . $100 DOWN. 7' room Trangalow, bath, toilet, 50x100 lot; 1457 Winona st, near Dekum are.; price $1500, clear. See our list. SEE. FRANK L. MoGTTIttE, ABINGTON Bldg. To Buy Tour Home. SHIPYARD WORKERS NOTICE. 3 room shack with sleeping porch, .gas, wa ter, plumbing; on a corner lot, 45x102; lo cated in the Peninsula district, near 2 carlines. price $800: cash $150; balance $15 per mo. McCLLRH at BCHMAUCH. 615 Gerlinger bldfr R. C. PARK Small 6 room Eng. colonial, white woodwork hardwood floors, full ce ment basement, fine lighting and plumbing fix tures, fireplace, all built -in conveniences, $2850 easy terms; consider small auto as first pay MU8T go, 8 room modern house, lot 60x100 $595 $5.95 DOWN. 15 93 AfOVTHI.T Well built 2 room cottage in very dilapidated condition, small lot. glose in. near Richmond line. Fred W. German Co., 782 Chamber of Commerce. 5 ROOM house and 4 lots near Firland Sta.. An fh Alt Sl-nf pt ,n. Th 1 . - 1 1 n rH,n mnA fn,i. Tk. . . ....... - c luia Kll property is worth $2000. Will sell for $1500. half cash. Neil smitn. nan roster road. Tabor 1931 $1400 $300 CASH Very neat store and living rooms, 30x100; paving pd. : nr. 2 schools, on Williams ave. G. C. GOLDENBERG ABINGTON BLDG.. "35 Yrs. in Portlsnd." Main 4803. EIGHT TENTHS ACRE MAPLEWOOD $650. $100 cash. $10 monthly buys this splendid piece of land with two room houe 16x20. e fare. 20 minutes' ride. Fred W. Herman Co.. 782 Cham, of Com. NEW 5 room bungalow. Fireplace, cement basement, oak floors, 1 14 lota, ligh loca tion, west aide south, 5c fare. Near new Fulton Park school. g2 500. Terms. P. B. Van Nice. Mar. 5454. 401 Concord bldg. 8T. JOHNS HOUSE 7 room modern except furnace, on carline, hard surfaced streets. $800 cash; clear lot to $1000. balance of $700 mortgage. Epton A McClellan. Main 2941. 612 Cham, of Com $860 Dandy 8 room bungalow and 80x110 garden tract; some shade and fruit; gas, electricity and water; 15 minutes out 5 cent fere. Small payment down, $10 per mo. Prentiss. 505 Corbett bldg. bargain Lot soxi 20, 4 room house, elec trio lights and water la house; all kinds fruit, fenced and chicken yard. 6746 78th S. E., Mt. Scott car Woodmeer school. MUST go, 8 room modern houie .lot 50x100, corner; 2 blocks from car, in Piedmont, $3300, $500 cash will handle it. Woodlawn 1392 eve nings. MODERN houae with fireplace, some lumiture. emeu won, lurnace. s-a acre ot ground, fruit trees. . Price $4000 cash, or nearly all cash. Mt. Scott district Tabor 2829. ROSE CITY PARK Good 5 room bungalow, full lot; fireplace, bntltin buffet; $2230, $250 cash, $15 month. F. Vanduyn, 516 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1955. BUNGALOW home for $2500. on very ea.v terms. Rose City Park; owner will tint and remodel to suit buyer. F. Vanduyn. 515 Cham, of Com.. Main 1955. MODERN 7 room house, E. 39th and Holgate, cor. 48x115; mort. $1600. Sell cheap or trade $1500 equity for anything I can use. V- 007. Journal. BUNGALOW, moms, paved street. 2 blocks north Richmond car. near 84th ; beautiful homes all around. $200 cash, balance monthly. 1029' Carnthers. Main 679. 8T. JOHNS 4 room houae. No. 718 N. Hayes st, $1475; $150 cash. 6 room house, 614 New York St. N. E., $2500; $250 caah. G. W, Watt, 633 Cham, of Com. bldg.. Main 2061. dyun. 6 IB Chamber Citn.. Main 1955. COTTAGE at big sacrifice, 6 rooms and base ment, fruit trees, close in; no agent. 888 Eaat Ankeny st B-3871. NEW modern 6-room bungalow, -68th at R C. ; 82600. $500 caah, bal. $20 a month. 0-582, JournaL 125 FT. on Montgomery st, four large house7 clear of incumbrance; $18,000, hi cash. X-442, Jonrnal. ' $2375. TERMS. 6 R. bungalow. 50x100. East 82d. North Diviaion st Hetcaji. 93 (jham. OI um. mimw vtf.. 4 ""BOOM" shack houM. good plumbing, doa in. 80th. near Division $800. terms; lot worth i,i ana rh.ni nf Ctim . - J ., u " . : -v.' a; " FOR SALK. ebeaptent -house, 16x24. corner wwa. v v... . $l5b07"TERMS. cosy 4 r. modern homsr1uB lot. 2 bllm.-car. Z-422u Journal. 6 K06M bungalow, bargain.-$1500;raU dear; terms. 2016 E, Yamhill. -" y. .- SMALL bouse and 60x100 corner lot. $1100, asajr payments, . Owner. Phone Wdla. 8544. SMALL HOMES AND LOTS IN DEMAND: If desirous of selling, advertise in The Journal. If a prospective buyer, watch the "Real Estate" columns. Ads run three "successive days lc a Word Per Insertion One Time Vfec Per Word FOB SALE HOUSES $25 DOWNr llo MONTH AGUE TRACTS EAST TEBMS EARLY PLANTING SOIL NO KOCKS Maka an inrertment for now and the futura, build a little temporary home and try it for the cummer, sou will never 'more back to toe cU' to Uy Oaa, Water, and Electricity. Park rose acrea are reached by the way of the Rose City Park carline. Sandy bird. (Columbia highway) is the main road to the city, and runs through Parkroae. Park rose haa good school, also church and stores. Park rose la different of itl Yon wOI like the looks . J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bide. 4th and Stark Bta., Main 208, A-2050. (Sunday only at Branch Office, 40th and Saady.tNo phone). MODERN 5-room bungalow, cement basement. attic, fireplace, fine location; terms if de sired. . 11 11 E. Yamhill. FOB SALE LOTS If SHIPBUILDERS. ATTENTION Fine lot 50x100, 125 ft. off paved street ind carline, covered with amall fir ftreea, St. Johns line; price $496; $5 down, $5 monthly. Fred W. German Co., 782 Cham, of Cham. A.OT8 for sale, $660. west side, fully unproved. Easy terms. Phone B-2499. ACBEAGE $7 Cheap Acreage Five acrea. $250; $10 down, $5 per month buys 5 acrea of land between Portland and Cen tralis on the main line of 8 railroads, 1 miles from a town of 800 population, sawmills and shingle milla; some partly cleared and some all cleared, running stream, some bottom and some bench; can give yon any kind of a piece you want. BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. ni o ttauway Kxchange bldg. 10 ACRES, very beat of soil and highly im p roved, with 8 room modern house, good barn, other outbuildings, fine large orchard, on hard surfaced road. 8 tnilea from Portland. This is a real snap. $3500. Terms to suit. Also 10 acrea, 0 room house, close in and well improved, with small orchard. Price $1650. terms. Also lota more of tracts uj to 25 acres at low prices. Don't buy yonr acreage until you see us, as we have the right prices. .ew xorsj Land Co.. H81 K. Morrison et. Cut Over Lands- Direct from the lumberman, iin Urge or small tracts, close to Portland. large portion tillable: ideal for stock, dairying or In tensified farming. $10 to $80 an acre. Terms to suit, 6 per cent CHARLES L. WHEELER CO.. 617 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 40 ACBE8 unimproved land, 13 mi. circle of Portland. 1000 cords of wood id tree, best of sou, living water; $2000; must have $1000 cash; don't answer unless you have the money. Woodlawn 1481. evenings. FOR RENT 6 acres near Vancouver, Wash., 8 room house, good well, orchard and ber- ries; 8 acres in good cultivation. Sell. 2511. FIVE acres, all in cultivation, with good 7 room house for $2500; good terms. W. T. Goulder, 719 Chamber of Commerce. CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN ranches near Portland: 8. 6. 10 acre tracts, 866 to 8200 per acre. McFarlsnd, 60S Yeon bldg., Portland, FOR SALE Five acres, all under cultivation, in the loganberry district near Gervaia. Must sell, and 8850 will take it B-901, Journal. 2 ACRES under cultivation close to 6-ent e line. 81200; terms. Gnobler Cafe, Lents. SUBURBAN HOMES 73 FIVE acre home on S. P. red car. electric line, between , Aloha and Tobias. House quite new, with 5 rooms, bath and sun porch first floor; 2 bedrooms, sewing room and attic second floor; electricity and gaa; living room baa fireplace and library, built-in bookcases: big chicken and pigeon houses and yards, barn, water system j with gasoline engine: berries and young orchard, balance of land under plow. Adjoining is 6 acres free pasture; price $8500, terms to suit Ladd Estate Co., Concord bldg. A Fine Buy Corner acre, cultivated except small grove; close to electric station. Will sell for $10 per month. Call 500 Concord bldg. A BARGAIN, if taken soon, 1 K acres, partly under cultivation; 4 room cottage, fireplace, gas in all rooms, sidewalk to electric station; 2 blocks to' Pacific highway; running water; terms. Phone A-1597. TIMBEB 28 GENERAL LAND OFFICE Washington, D. C. Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the act of June 9, 1916, 439 stat, 218). and the initructiona of the secretary of the interior of September 15, 1917, the timber on the following lands will be sold April 24. 1918. at 10 (o'clock a. m. st public suction at the United Statea land office at Portland, Oregon, to tVe highest bid- I der at not less than the appraised value as l . . , . . .... shown by tnw notice, i sue to o. .uoject .to tne ' approvsl of the secretary of the interior, nnrchaae urice. with an additional sum of one- filth ot 1 per cent mereoi, ueing commissions allowed, must be deposited at time ot sale. money to be returned it sale not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber which must be removed within 10 years. Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, urwiitinn of such citizens and corporations organized unuer u.e - iue uuiieu oiaies timber on any 1A subdivin wi& offered i separately before being included in any offer i of a larger unit T. 1 8., R. 6 W., See. 83; : NE14, NE14. red fir 465 M., yellow fir 860) M cedar 5T M. ; NW14 NE14. red fir 670 . M, yellow fir 195 M.. cedar 80 M. ; NE 14 NWIi. red fir 1490 M.. cedar 45 M. ; NW 14 1 NW14. red fir 1905 M., cedar 20 M. ; BE 14 i 8E14. red fir 1910 M.. white fir 20 M.. ! cedar 195 M. ; 8W (4 SE14. red fir 1790 M cedar 90 M. ; SE14 8W 14 . red fir 1790 I U. SW14 SW14. red fir 1030 M., yellow ... . V rn o a I a nr tl . a. Ire, 1 fir OUU A. ' a, . NEli. yellow fir 1450 M.. red cedar 60 M. ; NW14 NEA. yeUow fir 2250 M.; NE14 NW14. ! yeUow fir 1650 M. Fir not to be sold . at I less than $1.50 per M. and cedar not less ,' that $2.00 per M. T. 13 S.. R. 6 W.. Sec 35 8E 14 NE 14 . red fir 890 M. ; NE 14 8E hi . ' red fir 410 M.; SE14 SE 14. red fir 630 M.; NW14 8W14. red fir 400 M.. not to be sold' for less than $1.00. per M. T. 1 8., R 5 , E Sec. 29; SW 14 8W14. red fir. 1900 M., not to be sold at less than $1.50 per M. -T. 4 8. B. 2 E.. Sec. 3; SE 14 NW14. red fir I 480 M-: NE14 BW14. red fir 305 M.; WE hi ot to be sold st SW14. reaiw: o" $ less than $160 per 4 8.. R 4 K Rer 9 Lot i. rea nr eua i ; uo a, red fir ' 4 60 M.: Lot 9. red fir 695 M.-; SE 14 HKi Ted fir 675 M. : not to be sold for less thin $1.50 per M- CLAY TALLMAN. Commissioner. GENERAL Land Office, Washington, D. C, March 4. 1918 Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions ind limitations of the act of June 9 1916 39 SUL. 218). and the ln-.trm-tiona of the secretary of the interior of September 15, 1917 the Umber on the follow- - ins lands will be sold Aprt I 25, 1 918. at 10. o'clock a. m.. at puoire ssm "e States land omce ''"' J- hiahest bidder at not leas than the appraised vaiue ."" ,L ""' J T IT.. 7T T .wm.. Vaa hia nAttnat at las tr risk KtiH. lect to the approval of the secretary of, the in-! terior. The purchase price, with an additional turn ot one fifth of one per cent thereof, being .nmniadnm allowed, must be deposited at the Itime of sale, money to be returned if sale not approvea, ouwiwimj mieut. wm uo iw the timber, which must be removed within 10 .,2it.iw Tstetea. associations of such citizens ind rPr.tto'crianTtd und the lawk of the l tutea otaten or " J staie. k-i rivory or ai- trict thereof only Upon application of a qnali- tied purchaser the umoer on any legal subdi- vision will be otierea ..separately Mfore be , nr'ad rvnRj? IS NW uZv Unil T-IJL WJ.w8 v?wNW- rea r oi b. ia w. it. rea nr M ., none It Ml ner L t st k k 5? (v iS! NE. 14 NE. 14 - A'SU! " ' 1" STT re u NK. 14 . uougias nr 000 u. : SW 14. Douglas nr aow aa.; is w. n. uoug- ; las fir 1520 M., incense cedar, 50 M.; NW. 14 1 NW. 14 Douglas fit 1100 M . ineense cedar 40 1 T u : Hlsi. T n . , iuim nr u: SET 14 nvv. 14, iougia nr Te M.. In- L?-8f " l. . "f,1" tf ,"Sfi4lBM s itw! iv 8 hi Douglas .fir 144v at.; NW, 14 SE. , 14. i DongUs fir 1220 M.. red cedar 23 M.; SB. V j reT 14 . pooglae f ir 850 M.; SW. 14 8R 14 f JJOUClaS' I1T BDV l-, IBCCim .mui At. rea cedar 10 M ; NE, SW. 14 . Douglas fir 7tt M. incense cedar 70. M; NW., It 8W. 14. Douglas fir 970 M.. incense cedar 150 M. ; RE. 14 , Douglas . fir 300 M., none of which shall be aold foe lens thsn 81.25 per M. . v ... CLAY TALL MAN, Couunisuloner. ' TIMBER 18 GENERAL LAND OFFICE, Washington. X. C. tab. 23. 1918. Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the act of Juno 8, 1916 (89 Stat. 218). and the instructions of the secretary of the in terior of September 10, 1917, the timber 'on the following lands will be sold April 4. 1918. at 10 o'clock a. m., at public auction at the United State land office at Roseburg. Or., to the highest bidder at not less than the ap- K raised value aa shown by this notice, sale to s subject to the approval of the secretary of the interior. The purchase price, with an ad ditional sum of one fifth of one per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, none' to be returned if sale is not approved; otherwise patent will issue for the timber, which must be removed within 10 years. isiae wm be received from eiusens oi the United States, associations of such citiaens and corporations organised under the law of the United Statea of any state, territory or dis trict thereof only. Upon application of a qual ified purchaser, the timber or any legal subdi vision will be offered separately before being included in any offer of a larger unit Sched of timber to be sold: T. 21 S.. It 2 W., sec 23, NW. hk. I SB. K. Douglas fir S90 M . not" to be sold at less than $1.25 per M. T. 21 8 . R. 4 W.. sec 21 N. EL. U : B. W. tt. red fir 450 M. ; N. W. 8. W. . red fir ?; B. W. M , 8. W. U. red fir 530 M S. E. Jas 8. W. hi , red fir 750 M. ; N. E. hi. - , wa nr SOU M.; N. w. . B. K. red fir 400 M., incense cedar 50 M.; not to oa sold at iesa than $1 per M.. sec. 23. S. W. iAL red fir 800 M.. second growth fir 100 M. : N. E. N. W. hi, red fir 760 UJ wbito"r 2J5 M N. W. hi N. W. K. w v at., wmte nr 60 M. : 8. W. hi. W. hi. red fir 850 M., white fir 25 M.. ceaar I u hi. ; s. E. hi N. W.. red fir 900 kwn growin nr 1UU M. ; N. E. hk S. W. 14. red fir 1100 M.. white fir. 40 M.: N. B- W. hi. red Br 910 M. white fir iv ceaar 10 M. B. W. 8. W. 14, red fir 780 M., white fir 100 M., cedar 60 M. : 2' l W. hi. red fir, 1240 M.. white , " i. ceaar ou 44. ; N. K. hi 8. E. t! ? r ioou M., white fir 25 M ceaar zo M.; N. W. 14 8 E. hi red fir 1150 M.. white fir 80 M.. cedar 20 Ml 8: , w- S. E. hi . red fir 1000 M white fir 60 M . cedar 40 M; 8 E. 14 8. E." 14 . red fir 1240 M., white fir 60 M.. cedar l050 M.Tn ' W. a " : S W- 14 N. E 14. red fir" 1000 M fee der 80 M.; 8. E. 14 N. E. 14. red fir 1100 MV :. lW- 14. red fir 1050 M . ceaar au M. ; w. W. 14. N. W. 14. red fir k? Rfc 8VWV HN W- r rrt fir 1100 h ?,' H-' S W- red fir 900 M., ce dar 40 M.; N. E. 14, 8. W. 14, red fir 1200 i-. ceaar M.; N. W. 14 , 8. W. 14 . red fir i ?; " - w. hi, red fir 1100 Pi ! w. hi, red fir 1300 M.. aar .;. 14, 8. E. 14 , red fir 1200 ceaar 20 M. ; N. W. 14. 8. E. hi. red fir 1250 M., cedar 30 M. ; 8. W. 14 , 8 E, 14. red fir -4150 M., cedar 40 M. ; 8. E. 14 8 E. 14. red fir 2200 M.. cedar 20 M. ; sec. 27. ?i ?; E- H. red fir 860 M.. white fir 25 M.. cedar 40 M. : N. W. 14 . N E hi red fir 840 M.. white fir 15 M.. cedat 10 M. ; S. W. hi. N. E. 14, red fir 880 M.. white fir 30 M cedar 60 M. ; 8. E. 14. N. E. "4. red fir 730 M.. white" fir 40 M., cedar 100 M. : ? .Fa & L W-H- ttd fir 5 M , white fir 20 M.. cedar 80 M. ; N. W. 14 , N, W 14. red fir 1100 M.. white fir 25 M.. cedar 15 VL- S' N- w- "-W r 20 M, cexUr 60 M.; S. E. 14. N. W. 14. red fir 860 M., cedar 110 M. ; N. E. 14. S. W. 14 . red fir 400 M., cedar 25 M.; N. W. hi. S. W VK red fir 530 M. , cedar 40 M. ; S. E. 14 , 8 W. 14. red fir 780 M. ; cedar 50 M. ; N. E. 14, 8. E. 14 . red fir 650 M., white fir 20 M.. ce dar 60 M.; N. W. 14. "8. E. 14. red fir 740 M., white fir 40 M., cedar 60 M.; 8. W. 1i . 8. E. 14, red fir 750 M., cedar 100 M. ; 8. K. 14, S- E. 14. red fir 720 M., cedar 80 M. ; sec 85, N. E. 14 . N. K. M . red fir 1500 M. ; N. W. 14. NV E. 14. red fir 1600 M. : 8. W. 14. N. E. 14. red fir 1700 M., cedar 20 M .; 8. E. 14. N. E. 14. red fir 1250 M., cedar 60 M. ; N. E. 14, N. VV. 14, red fir 1360 M., ce dar 60 M.; N. W. 14. N. W. 14, red fir 800 M.. cedar 100 M. ; 8. W. 14. N. W. 14 . red fir 450 M. ; 8. E. 14 N. W. 14, red fir 800 M . cedar 40 M. ; N. E, 14 8. W U red fir 760 M.. cedar 50 M.; N. W. hi 8. W. 14. red fir 650 M.. cedar 80 Jl S. hi. 8. W. hi. red fir 960' M., cedar 60 M. ; S. E. 14. 8. W 4. red fir 1800 M. cedar 30 M. ; N. E. 14. 8. E. 14, red fir 1800 M., cedar 20 M.; N. W. 14, 8. E. 14. red fir 1800 M. ; 8. W. 14. S. E. 14, red fir 1700 M. ; S. E. 44, 8. E. Vi! red fir 6900 M.. cedar ,20 M., white fir to be sold at not less than- $ 1 per M.. cedar at not less than 50 cents ber M., and red fir at not less than $1.50 per M. except in W. 14. . w. i. ana . w. sec. 83. which is to be sold at not leas than $1 per M Clav Tall- man, commissioner. 120 ACRES new land. Clatsop Co. timber Still standing, logging road building along north line of place; hewn log cabin, 20x20 $10 an acre cash. Col. 222. Q. C. Abbott A 35 M equipped sawmill and timber. Take possession today, tjtart up tomorrow. HOUCK, 110 10TH ST, SHIP knees and hewn ties wanted. Gamble Rieg Ship Knee Co., Gerlinger bldg. SHIP KNEES WANTED. LOEB BROS.. UU2-J BROADWAY BLDG.. PORTLAND. OR. FOB SALE FA BM S 17 120 ACRES WATERFRONT Close to Portland; river and a. R. transpor tation, cut up in 2. 6 and 10 acre tracts You can buy 6 acres for $10 down and $5 per month. 10 acrea $20 doif i and $10 per month. Fine place to raise ducks, geese and chicken", as there is a large pond in rear; also good place to raise willow for market Home all cleared and some partly cleared; from $75 to $125 per sere. BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 818 Railway Exchange Bldg. DEATH IN FAMILY AND CALLED TO WAR Beautiful 12 acre tract, 9 milea from Port land on macadamized road; 9 acres in culti vation, 2 acres of creek bottom, large running creek, shack house, good barn, chicken houae and cellar, four cows. 1 heifer. 1 horse, 60 chickens. 2 wagons, mower, plow. cnltiTatnr !r . harrows and ail other tools. This olaca cost Commerce, 167 ACRES near Astoria, $4300. 80 A. in cult, 60 A. slashed, some 20 years ago; 4 acrea of orchard, roor buildings, three milea lrom railroad, 12 miles from Astoria. 8 milch cows, 1 heifer. 2 yearling heifers. 1 bull, 1 hone, X young sow, wagon, plow, etc.; unlimited outrange. This is the biggest . snap in the coast country. Photos at office of Fred W. German Co.. 782 Cham, of Com. ; " - MUST SELL" 20 acres standing timber, lying 9 mileji south of Portland, only 14 mile from Oregon Electrio and 8. P. R R. ; good road, water, near school and churches; 8250 an acre; $1500 caxh, bal ance easy terms; or will sell in tracts to suit For particulars write A-739. Journal. HERE is a good one: 58 acres. 25 miles from Portland, 1 14 - miles to town and good school. 14 mile to station on red carline: all ' in cultivation and nearly all in crop, 10 acres .' Ilrw orcnara, iair Diiuoinga, well waierea, tirsi class soil and a going farm. Price $10,000, with ail crops but no stock. Good terms. Neal Brown, 2T Panama bldg. $75 DOWN, $10 MONTHLY 86 acres, 114 acrea in cultivation; 2 room house, smaU barn, logging railroad right through place: Z) miles east or suverton; price $575. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. j HAVrVwell improved valley farm. 20 to wheat or stock farms, 1000 to : 820 3000 acres. See my lbt before you buy, for 1 can meet your wants both as to quality and price, , ;m r.... km. . A ' " " u " w ' 38 ACRES, half in cultivation. 355 per acre, i $75 down, 5 yrs. time on balance; also have .ISO acre stork ranch on same term. Sea 1 Draper, 401 Board of Trade. 820 ACRES wheat and stock ranch, will sell bargainoT, trade for city property. Phona . Woodlawn 8883. Inquirb 784 141. r. . : FOR BENT FARMS 14 : u XCKK8. ic-ted near CarroiU. Wash.. 60 - : vj ,. r cultivation, balance good rrture with running water, moat of cultivated ', land now 4n growing crop : good -t of farm a r r,, " j ,'. . . 1 1 blacksmith shop, granary and other buildings; live norsea. 1 a neaa 01 caviie, 1 nogs. : n,.altra and a t M.n,. nnn ahnnt aanno. H. M. Maloney, RITTER, LOWE CO . " 203 8-7 Board of Trade Bldg , FINE LITTLE DAIRY located near -Battle Ground., Clarke county, Waabington,. consisting of 2 a acrea, 14 acres in cultivation:- balance pasture,, near - school cheese factorr: 4. room house, good bam. silo. chicken houae, water piped to all buildings ; some farm implements: rent 8160 per annum. Will actr eight acres of. seeded ground ; team, har ness ana wsgon, a cows. lor soio. .. H. M. Makmeir. v r : . ' ' RITTER. IAJWE at CO . - - 203 5-7 . Board ot Trade Bldg. - 14 THE LAST CHASCB to rent this 255 acres, 166 acrea under ditch ana easily irrigated, ample water ngnt ownea by the farm; this farm win produce all small grains, clover and alfalfa abundantly; equipped with fines set of farm buildings, with hot and cold water and electric lights ; rent $2400 per year. An equipment of 7bOO will do sola at auction; the tenant will have privilege of baying any stock needed. We have records which will show that this farm produced over $7000 of farm products last year. rl. at. Maloney, BITTER. LOWE A CO.. 203-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg 20 ACRES. 8 mllea from Winlook. Waah.,-15 cultivated, no buildinaa. beat at an IL lie fine. food road; 1 mile to school, church and store; 8800. terms; worth doable that price. Neat Brown, 207 Panama bldg. 130 ACRES RICH RIVER BOTTOM Columbia river bottom land. 1 miles frosa court house; ideal for dairy, truck gardening, etc. Prefer to rent on sheree to right bubV Talk to owner at 209 Abington bldg. FINE country home. 6 acrea, all cultivated; on good rock road: eloae to electrio station. 11 milea out, good 8 room house, full basement, barn and garage; rent $176 a year in advance. rai Brown, 207 Panama bldg. FABMB WANTED BENT OB BUT IS WANTED By experienced farmer, a amall ranch. Mast be tome stock and implements and, partly furnished living house, to work on shares or small monthly payments. Ref. ex changed. V-994, Journal. I WANT to rent a farm of 200 acres or moreT well Improved, within 60 miles of Portland, equipped with good farm buildings, prefer place with tome fall seeding: will buy the complete farm equipment and growing crop if price is reasonable, and pay cash rent W-841. Journal. WANT 20 to 40 acres, rent or buy; state price, terms, location. O-604, Journal. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE $4 FOR TRADE for small ranch or city property in Oregon or Clarke county, Washington, 12 room house, nart house now renting for $26 per month, in American Falls, and 820 acres relinquishment wheat land. 250 acres ready for plow; 6 milea from American Falls, loano. Hoaglin Soap company. Vancouver. Wash. 80 ACRES. 40 acres in cultivation. 1 14 & orchard, 7 room house, barn 40x70; G cows, 1 calf. 1 hone, all kinda of machinery, on county road. 40 miles from Pirtland, 8 miles from electric line. Will sell itock and ma chinery and rent place or will exchange for Portland property. Morris. 431 Chamber of Commerce. 6 ACRES, all in cultivation, good orchard and small .fruit, good barn, small bouse, stock and machinery, only 12 miles from Portland, 3000; terma, or will sell stock and rent place or will exenange lor city pr veny. asurna. 431 Chsm. of Com. TO EXCHANGE city property, centrally located east aide: abo 120 acre farm, equipped, in Central Oregon, for large farm, either wheat diversified or cattle. $45,000 to 5s000. In- qnire 174 Grand ave. S. 10 ACRES good land to exchange for nouse- Eaat 4 33. FOR RESULTS list your property with the Real Eatate Kxchange. 201 Id st. rortiana. WANTED BEAL EST ATE 81 IT MIGHT be to yonr advantage to list your houxe with me. 1 sell Bouses only ana nave cash buyers. C. A. Warriner, - RITTER, LOWE CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ' BTTK-fC AND SMALL HOMES WANTED i.. Km N. K .nd nriced riaht We have numerous buyers waiting. Fred W. German fVi 782 Cham, of Cam. HAVE hu vara for all kinds of homes, some with cash; for results, list with u r. nni.nv.VRF.RO. Abinaton bldg. "US vaara in Portland." Main 4803, uivr nrt walMni for 6 or 6 room bungalow want good terms: also good 7 room bungalow, W. T. Goulder, 71 cnamoer oi commerce. BOOMING HOUSES 43 : 12 H, K, Rooms o .lMntn, norriua: aood furniture: low rent near White temple. This is the beat buy in the city. $300 will handle. L. A. HALL, 0 1.' rinimi mag, 15 Rooms Part H. K. Clean; good furniture; cheap rent; 2 bloeka from Portland hotel: quick sale. $900. See gay ent' L. A. HALL. 612 Panama Bldg. oi nnnu anartment lease. Rent $60. Good location, clearing better than $100 a month. Price $1600. MILLER8HIP, 431 Chamber" of Commerce. ROOMING HOUSE, 12 rooms. nn a ' V aond carueta tine modern O. K., furni tnre all aood. clean, close in, H. K. a snap for $500. Call 188 8d st FOR SALE Rooming houae. 1 8 rooms, doing Mrs. Alice Boa- good business; aovv sell. Camas. Waab. TEN" ROOMS, WELL FURNISHED. PAYING GOOD INCOME, VERY CENTRAL. A BARGAIN. PHONE MAIN 4864. BUSINESB OPPOBTUNITIES 20 FOR RENT Dining room of Hotel New Meadows, Idaho. Splendid Helgho. summer Dining r.d. and rent very reaaonaoie. ' ,h kitchen comDletelv furnished. Ad dress Manager Hotel Heigho, New Meadows, Idaho. CON FECTION ERY-grocery store. Splendid ; mm, .nH hn.lneu. for man ana wife, or K2 idles. For particulars, phone Sell. 289. V-99B Journal. FOR SALE $1000; coDiectlonery cigars ami light groceries, 9 furnished Vrwt and H. K. room. Ant $80; busy cor. 214 Union ave.. cor. Holladay. E. 8877. . FOR SALE Good paying workmen's hotel, price $14,000; will take farm or land as part pay inent Address Holland Hotel. Klamath Falla. Or .. CANDY, soft drink, ice cream store. : . : , ,hMn rent, aood fixtures: aenuai iwuww. Kmo . M., candy making outfit; very cheap. R-688. Journal. RESTAURANT for aale at Waaco. Or. Inquire at resteurant next to Wasco hotel. Owner: Helen Reed. Wasco, Or. SECOND band barber kiM.h, .iuf Sflld. l.lSl euppTtes and euair- List your barber shop with as. Portland Cutlery Co.. 84 6tb at. hunt WOkKl I can sell or trad anything anywhere Lay- man. li xroeuw. FISH" market for sale; owner drafted, reasonable nrire. See owner i no " GIVE Hood a show at your show card. Mar shall 6139. FOR SALE. Silver Moon restaurant 33 N. 2d. MONEY TO LOAN BEAL ESTATE 27 OUR lnatallxaent plan we at aad eur method of paying a sua aas 5 ner xoontb lor 86 a ontha or 321 24 for 40 months ot 816.17 for V6 month, pays $1000 nd interest. Other amounts in prvyvi laisw W loan on improved city property or for building purpose. - X. AMmni..lnM eh. TmaA EijUiTABLE SAVINGS at T.OAN ASSOCIATION 24 Btsrs ax., i-orxiann. vt. MOUTGaoE Loans a., wumnt on imoroved city and farm property, wila- eonaider good bufldmg tea V THE LAWRENCE COMPANY, Wsln 6915. 168 4tb St. A-3816. MONEY to loan on improved property ia asost every town in v asninssi. uiwbot mmm mwm , . u n. n nc wmuiu .,v real. H. Is. Obadwiek. 62Z- w. w. wi nwip. u. $bi. 4wu. ww. o. ;ai. ivw and larger aatount as rarnw actJoa. Fred W. aaoraaaa vew, of tosamerco. BU1L1N loan oa rati or auouroaa property; aaoaey advanced' aa work progresses, w. o. Beck. 218 and 216 Failing bldg. .- Mata 3407. Vnu WOUTVIAIK LttANB see OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO.. Stock Eiehange bldg.. 8d and Y a rah ill ata. ku.saf to aiaa ia asatMUM t aav) w " "if 5BELL. 201 Oermawr bldg.' UuUiUAIiH and 7 per caul Salomon A Co. 408 Selling bid. gl UU to 616UU. eonaider Iota, - at. Howling, 4 Id Chamber of Commerce. Main 667. ! (tAVB $1004. w gaw.vUw to awn m wn. or city propert. P. O. Box 873. 31UU to $50O Ouick action oa Ward. 4u I Bpakting otog. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASMS. - Eatsblrahed : by Portia ad bwmaeai a ta " FjTytsj$?t IMM VUwf W. - . C MYERS HERMAN. Mgr. 894 STAKE ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. PIANOS. . HOPBB,HOIJ rPtOtlTORli, Money to ka on ulaaos. furaitura. otner aeean. W. A. Matbawsy, ra, , jcua waaa. atag. FOB BENT FABM9 87 Salary LOANS W LOAN MONET Chattel Oa abort aotloa to salaried or working ata oa tbetr owa aotee. Weekly, eeasi-monthly or monthly peimeata, rank tiaaaaettoa atriotly eonlidentJal. ato MOUTGAGB FO ETDOBSKK ABSOLUTELY HO SXCURITT Wo also loan oa hnnsehnlrl furniture. etc. without removal. . 'A I, I, JLNLI CtTSSTHaATaV COLUMBIA PtSCOTTNT COMPANT, LICENSED. SIT Failing bids. f You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Leant made to Deraoas oa aalarv a honaehold furnttura. tdaaoa. moods aad other personal property; legal Basin sss confidential; private offloea, PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY SOS-SOT Dokaai Bldg. HOBSES. TEHICLES. ETC. IS WE hare the finest assortment of young geldings and mares weighing from 1200 to 1750 lbs., and nulea, weighing from 1000 to 1400 lbs. Also seven sets of double horse hirneaa. All stock aold with a guarantee. Frazier & McLean . 240 E. 8th and Main. CONSIGNED to us and must sell 26 horses nd Don lea. waaona and harness. Here is the place to buy. aa we handle nothing bat con signed stock and you get a aquare deal. If you want a Dorse or have one to aeu. see as tne best references In town, COLUMBIA STA BLES. 802 Front at TEAM of mare and horse, weight 2400. block y built, sound, good true workers, good harness. for aaia cheap. Oregon City ear to Hereford station, 1 block south, turn to right, second barn. PUBLIC auction sale every Monday and Thura- aay at a p. m. Morse, wagons ana nam si a. We will sell your stock at 6 per cent commission. Star Stable. $08 Front at. John 8. Williams. prop. . FOR SALE or trade for young mules, one reg- totered crrdeadala stallion, dark bay. Blocs y built plenty of bone, coming 6 years old. John fainter. Kt 8. Malem, or. TWO bay geldings. 3200 lbs.. 7 and 8 yrs. old. 8400; 1 sorrel saddle pony. 4 yr., vary gentle, $50. 103 tailing st, tske Mississippi ear. FOR HALE 2 good mares, weight 1150 and 1800. work any. way. in good condition. 8. Cliff otd. R 1, Beaverton, Or. WANTED A hone from 8 to 6 years old; must weigh from 1200 to 1300 lbs. Will pay gash. P-789. Journal. PAIR mares, weight 1250, good farm mares; harness and wagon, cheap. Call for lady at 547 Front st GOOD rjalr mares for sale, mare and gelding weight 1 sou. good worsen, sound team: gooa harness and farm wagon. Call at 646 FroTft st HEAVY set double breeching harness, never used. $50: make offer. goom 29. 873 Hawthorne ave. WILL sacrifice my three farm horses, becauxe I have no use fur them; good workers. sua 2d st. . FINE young pair of delivery mule. Will ax- cbange for horses or cattle, aua Front ax. RORfl.lB and vuoa 81.36 davi 1 wagon. $2.6. 646 rront Main n. DEAD horses and animals hauled away free. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering On, 10 HEAD good farm work Bom, wall fed," ever whiter. $50 to $160. 236 Alder at TEAM, harness and Call Marshall 828. wagon for sale cheap. STALL aV for rent. 12th and Flanders. For in formation call Broadway 4 811. SMALL black mar, work any plaoa, $30. .1413 Minnesota. Woodlawn 1430. 1 GOOD work horse. Main 4738. 832 let st FARM horses for sale. Inquire 800 Montana. LIVESTOCK 8$ FRESH family cow, calf, rich tester; also one coming fresh soon. South Portlsnd to Woods st. upstairs, and top road to 783 12th st. FIVE fresh Swiss milch goats with kids. South Portland car to Woods st, upstairs and top road to 783 12th st . 8 POLLED Angus bull. 16 months old, 885. v 8 bead H obtain cows, 40 lbs. and over. Geo. R. Mokel Cow Co. Phone Wdln. 6049. GOOD grade or plow horse for sale; weighs 1300. Call Woodlawn 78. WANTED Some milch goata of good stock ; give description. LX-744. Journal. FOR SALE Brood sow and pigs. Mil wank lc 84 W. FRESH Jersey-Durham Division st cow, choice. 1694 A NO. 1 fresh cow. 14 qt fresh milk. E. 14th at N. 841 ONE thoroughbred Jersey. 6 first class Holstein cow. 105 Failing St., take Mia car. FOR BALE 10 bead of milch cows, formation call at 661 Gtisan st For in- FRF.SH cow for sale. Woodstock. 6705 49th st S. E. HOLSTEIN cows. "SI nice. Stock- yards. Wdln. 2400. A NO. 1 fresh cow, E. 10th N. 15 quarts rich milk. 790 POULTBY, FIGEON8. FET STOCK 87 TO POULTRY RAISERS. Writ poultry department Fisher Flouring Mills company, Seattle, ocour Portland agents, Koutledge Seed Co.. 145 2d St. Portland. Or.. for FREE Poultry Bulletin on how to raiee chicks successfully, in accordance with nea poultry food regulations of U. 8. Food Admin latration. INCUBATOR, 890 egg, Cypbera Hot Air, new. been run s batches, none better, lo save shipping, sail at bargain. Oa sale at Modern Feed Barn, Vancouver. Waab., till boat sails April 1. Terms. PULLETS 16 Brown Leghorns. 82 Buff Orp Ingtona. genu work driving horse, sewing ma chine, Wagon top, harness, cheap, 145 East 81st st N. M on ta villa ear. FOR SALE 29 Leghorn pullet. 81.50 each. and a thoroughbred White Leghorn cockerel, 38. 650 E. 20th 8. W. W. Aw W. K. car. Seilwood 8211. FOR SALE 29 laving Leghorn pullets. $1.60 eacn, ana a thoroughbred White Leghorn cockerel. ; 555 E. 20th 8. W. W. or W. B. car. Seilwood 8211. WHITE Leghorn baby chicks, from heavy laying (Hoganized) stock. March delivery, $11 per I0w; April. $10. We guarantee ear arrival. The Pioneer Hatchery. Petatuma. Calif. R. L REDS and O, A. C. White Leghorn eggs delivered in city. Tabor $1.10 par 18. 6877. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Barred Rock cock nil for trade for laying B. H. pullet. 984 East 23th st N. THOROUGHBRED O. hatching eggs, cheap. Tabor 6559. A. C. Barred Rock 795 E. 78th st N BARGAIN. BO egg electrio incubator, A-l con dition. 6746 78th 8. E., Mt Scott car Woodmeer school. 1000 CHICKS from heavy laying Baron and O. A. stock. April 7 delivery. 17 He each. Tsbor 2280. BARRED ROCK he! for sale; eggs for batch ing:. baby cbJcka. Woodlawn 1656. 1447 MallorV ave. BUFF Leghorn setting eggs for sale, $1.50 for IS. Two fine White Hock cockerels, 34 as. East IKUp. 7 87 Oregon. WHITE ROCK eggs for hatching. $1.50 per in. cau siain 4 hob. BLACK MINORCA eggs, $1 per act ting of 13 4202 7Btr at 8. K. INCUBATOR (Cyphers). 240 capacity, $15 Phoae Tabor 7308, FOR 8ALB Day old Rhode UUnd Red chicks. T. J. Cocking. Phono Wdla. 1582 WANTED 500 or 1000 .Thick Colony brood er and W. Leghorn roaster. Mar. a84 BARRED Rock hatching eggs. Tabor 123X 161 K. 81st st K. BUFF LEGHORN setting eggs for aale $1 for IB. iaao Moage v ootumbia &. SILVER CAMPINB eggs. $3.80 per 16. Grace Bard'dey. Kenton Brattnw. Woodlawn gl CALL DUCK egg. lor kaM. Mam 8166. 7 POO . BIRDS. PET. ETC. 44 SHEPHERD tmpidea, $10 value. $8 der quick; am going to move. Jas Bnyd, rr. ;h. Or- Taykrr, COLLIE pupf4e,' $3 to $10. or trad for chicken. 226 Ha) leek. Kenton ear. ST. ANDREWS BERG Boiler, singer and aisles. 390 Shaver at, -WeodMwa 8653.' THOROUGHBRED Fox ""Terrier puppiea, 1447 Mailory at. Wdla.-1656. , , MONET TO LOAN CHATTELS. 8ALABIES AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 41 WE OFFEB THE FOLLOWING BARGAIN'S IN USED CARS: Packard 6 cyL . . Packard 4 cyL . . Chalmers 6 cyi . Cadillac 4 eyt. . . Hudson 6 eyL . . , ,$950 .630 . 650 , S50 . 7S0 PORTLAND MOTOR CAB CO.. 10th and Bumaida. Broadway 821. THE OLD RELIABLE FIRM IS 'THERE TOTJ FIND THE FINE BUYS IN USED AUTO MOBILES THAT BUN AND iAOK JUST LIKE NEW. 1916 Overland model 8$. lust new $550 1916 Baby Grand Chevrolet. 90 new.. 650 Series 17 Btudebaker 0, 7-paaa. 9& new. 800 Series 1$ Btudebaker 6, 7-paaa, 98 new. 900 Bene 18 Btudebaker 4. 7-paas. 1)5 new. 7UO j 1917 Saxon Six. just brand new 760! 1918 Saxon Six. looks just new 600 High Bpeed Bug, just rebuilt 4 50 84500 Bug. electric lignta, top sou Franklin Bug, 6-cyL 800 Aubura 40. 5-paas. just overhauled 260 Wa have tost bought 25 more can. The will be in tomorrow. Read our sua. Open Sunday and Evenings CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER, 8. W. cor. lfith and Washington Street. Brick Building, Sid Entrance, Pbona Main 8843. FORDS FORDS FORDS FORDS FORDS FORDS 1617 Ford touring. 1917 Ford touring. 1917 Ford touring. 1918 Ford roadster. 1918 Ford touring. 1915 Ford Touring. 1916 Ford roadster. 1914 Ford touring. 1917 Ford touring. 1917 Ford delivery, panel body. 1916 Ford delivery, express. 1915 Ford delivery. 1914 Ford delivery. 1916 Ford chassis. Don't fall to see these oars before yon buy. Terms if desired. FRANCIS MOTOR CO.. E. 8770. East 18th and Hawthorne ave. PACKARD TWIN 6 Just like new, new Goodyear cord tires alt around, slip -covers, bumpers and every other conveniences. A rare chance of getting a high grade car at a low figure. PORTLAND MOTOB CAR CO.. 10th and Burnslda sta. Broadway 62 1 Bargains in Used Fords We nave on band at the 'present time a large stock of used Fords, ail in good shape and ready for immediate service. Roadsters and tour ings and models range from 1918 to 1917. Hera ia the place to "Hooverixe" when buying used car. Liberal terms to an. TALBOT &TCASEY, INC. Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. Open till noon Sunday. OVERLAND 83, fine shape, excellent tires J Willys-Overland. S good tire, a claary and spare: see this one, . ov car . H Studebaker 1915. always driven By own- er; A-l condition 800 Chalmers 6-SO, powerful, flexible, depend- able. A-l Urea vuu Many others. Term. Open Bunders. Evenings by appointment WESTERN MOTOB CAR SALES CO., Broadway at Uumxlde PACKARD Model 1 8, 8 paaaengar, eord tires. aeat covers, electric lights, overoaulea. Bargain at $750 00. SEE KING OR STEVENS AT THE WINTON CO. 8th and Washington Sis. Broadway 1(14. Open Sunday. 114 -TON G. M. C. TRUCK, $1580. 1917 model, used very little, ha new tires: truck in perfect condition; will sell for $1550. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO., 10th and Burn. id sta. Broadway 621. USED CAR SALS At 64-66 Broadway street Between Oak and Pin Many splendid buys In high grade late ear All luuy gnrgtssa. Make sure of toe location. 64-66 Broadway street Former Chandler aalesroona. CHALMERS BUO l. Has demountable rims, top, new tires. Good condition. . Price 8885. See King st The Wlnton Co. Broadway 1814, 16th and Washington gt. 1917 BUICK TOURING, A-l CONDITION. 81025.' 1916 BUICK TOURING. FINE CONDITION. $950. 1916 BUICK ROADSTER, JUST PAINTED, ewvu. THIS 1'SKU CAR KXCHANGE 627 WASHINGTON -WHERE WASH. AND B CRN SIDE MEET. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 463 HAWTHORNE AVE. EVERYTHING MECHANICAL AND ELEC TRICAL: UNLIMITED; PRACTICAL REPAIR EXPERIENCE. Bui STOCK Used Cars PltiCAe) RIGHT bOTEY MOTOR CAB CO flat and Waahinaioa ata. Mara 4244, CASH past l old ; ouaMutiua ao otojeet; part for all aaskes of ear. . Ovagoa Aato as ebass. 120 Low aad 1 at Ikife aadWaa- iMtnn. Pbeaa Mala 1161. - SU1VD9, - mnwi wuvmm, MW. an masse ex cam ana eei 'jtn part gt Ball price. Auto wracking Uo.. -wl-w Korth Bmodway. - Broadway 196. 1918 SERIES Studebaker touring car; brand new, C cylinder, 7 pas.; -wui sen tor several hundred dollars less . than too new car pr today. 64-64 Broadway, between Oak and Pin FOR SALE 1917 Hirper-Sn Hudson, run 500O railea. haa all extra equipment, just s good as aew, Kst 4753. . -s - 1914 FOfiD touring ia good ordar; $276 caah. X-D99. Jesnai COMPLETE act of Ford wneela, ta good dtdon, for wal. - 0-M9,- Jownwri: - FOR 'SALE Chalaaera 1912. $27$, 1 Journal. - I -1 -1 , P-800, AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 41 ABIETT IS THE SPICE OF UFJC f -And va hare the variety of : cart, - Coma up and take your choice. . - . ' . ; 1917 Kiasel Kar. Uka new ........ ..$1580 1917 JJodge. tike new . . . . v . , ..r- S2S 1911 Buick, flrat claaa ...... 250 1913 Buick. fisst claaa condition ,...' 800 1918 Buick, good condition ........... 825 1917 Buick Six roadster, just like new .. .900. 1912 Cadillac, first class, electric light and starter ...-." 400 1918 Cadillac, first class condition 575 1916 Cadlllae Eight, perfect eonaltioa.. 135- 1914 Chalmers, first claaa 425 1918 Chalsaera Six.' great buy 6 1917 Ford, over $200 extraa ........ 625 1916 Maxwell, first class ........... BOO 1912 Maxwell, flrat elaaa ........... '2B 1815 Mitchell, first claaa ,,. 800 1912 OakUnd roadster, good oondltion.. 150 1915 Btudebaker roadater, 8-paaa. . ... ;550 1913 Btudebaker, first claaa condition .. 8 7 5 1917 Btudebaker Six. 7-paaa.. almost aew 1050 1918 Packard Six, first claaa 780 Many Others. COVET MOTOR CAB COMPANY. Washington St at 21sU . . Mala 6244. - SPRING IS HEBE NOW IS THE TIME TO BUT TOUB USED CAR, AS YOU NOW HAVE TUB CREAM . OF THE MARKET TO PICK FBOM, j ,, 8 REOS. S-eyl., 7-paaa. - "M 2 OVERLANDS, 4-eyL. 6-pasa, . .. . ., 1 OVERLAND roadster. . v 8 8-cyL COLES. 7-pasa. , '.. ' 1 4-erl. COLE roadater. HUDSON, 6-54, cord Urea, spot ligut, fully quipped. . -v. Jw" V- AU car listed above ara In aa good . mechanical condition aa. our meehaaioi' ' can place them. . -s 'J OPEN SUNDAYS t NORTHWEST AUTO CO., 5 " BROADWAY AT COUCH. - ' USED AUTOMOBILES . TERMS GIVEN 1918 Maxwell, . 6-pasa.. lew ...... 850 1917 Mitchell, 0-pes., u-cyu ,,.... ivnu 1917 Ford. 5-paaa. 8S8 1916 Mitchell, 7-paaa., 6-cyL 750 1917 Maxwell Sedan 850 1917 Jaffery. 6-paaa., 6-eyL ........a- 800 1912 MttcbeU. 4-paaa., 4-cyT. .gTB 1912 Mitchell, 6-ea 6-cl. ... 380 1916 Studebaker, 7-paaa., 4-cyl ...... v 8p , 19P6 MitcheU, 5-paas.. 4-cyL ........ 650 1914 Studs Dakar delivery .......... . 450 1914 Case, 5-paas., 4-cyL 450 1916 Mitchell. Spaas., 8-cyl 80 1917 Overtond. Spaas.. 4-cyL ....... 800 1917 Mitchell, 7-paas.. 6-cyl ..1250 One 2-ton truck .......1250 Several eld cars. 3100 and art. ..' Used Car Dept. MITCHELL, LEWIS k STAVER CO , E. Morrison at 1st St ' ' ' Eaat 7272 H-1216 " USED CAR BARGAINS. -1917 Buick liglit six. extra equipment, . ,t RS 1917 Ford, extra equipment 400 1918Hkland touring ....... .1 .,.. J100 lvin nruaeoascr 1016 Old.mobtle. . . . . . . T Of? i . . . a 4V. ' 960 ' 700 .......... 800 926 350 Old. mobile . four . . . Hudson touring . ... Studebaker roadster Warren roadater . . Beo, Cord tires . . . I . t 4 650 160 Auburn touring OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON, unwinr as i oncn. v Broadway "2270, . TRUCK: DRIVER WANTED '- , . To buy 2 ton truck and take eontraet-wftb I large wboleaaU house in city. Contract call for 1 year with privilege of renewal at 8u6'u per month; oveniu said extra.. For tntervUw eail at . PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO..' 10th and Bums Ida st ' f . Broadway (21. 1017 HAYNES IJght Sit; repainted." good tires, fine condition. - SEE ' KING OR STEVENS AT THE WLVTtlN e. . 16th and Washington Sta. U roadway 1614 open Sunday. GARAGES, HOUSES, CHICKEN V HOUSES, v. The portabt kind Sae you money. Sao sam ple gt 644 Hood at Main 1167. Millmade Construction Co. BABY Wlnton Six. repainted; new tire: Hk new, at a big discount V SEE KING OR STEVENS AT THE WLNTON Ctt. , 16th and Washington 8ta Broadway 1$14. Open Sunday. Garages Can for 01ntral4 rric list 854 An any st Phong , Broadway 149, 4 Sam Connell Lumber Co. NEW TIRES What brand of aew fftas : do you prefer r We bavo ail make and aaab lb famous O-V-O Doable Tread (sewed) nd ao aU manner of tiro repairing. Co.. 838-886 Bo mania. Bear Broadway. THAYER. SHATER-OT7LLY " 4 ' MA CHINK COMPANY 1 Tea. 8870 i BUILDERS OF 1 H Ton. 3420 f XTKKREADT TRUCK s Ton. as iv i si isuiai.i i. Capacity atlg. la Poniaad its K. Wat at. Phoao Eaat f 487. USED FORDS Bargains ta touring cars aad tmdrtsrn. . Every ear overbaoled and repainted, - ROBIN 8ON-8M ITU CO., - . Aathortaed Ford Deate.. S Oih and Madison. - If you wish ta aQ your old cat, Condi Hog ao objeot 231 Front et. - . - ' FORD ONE TON TRUCK ' ' 1917 Ford on ton track, finest conditio! equipped with exires body: tiros new. FUANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANT East 8770. E, 18th -and Hawthorn ave. 1 10 1 7 SAXON Six. brand new. a splendid ear way. between Oab adPtoe. Broadway -1828. A GOOD Ford truck with UrgTVody' aad topT"(n tint rssaa ootiattmn; tor sale cheap; trade. o tr WW t , .....j I .TT..' ... I ,i i uisua .ia w ...17 wi uw wrw pwo) 1 ruioanunig. ve-vTeeu-jig. gewevat nre vagsmsg. a, at. (ttcs, oaa mmmt e, . . ana' 1 a 1 . ' . . IH1BKUILAJI , . , v" TOP Xm ' 9th A Oak: SMoadway 1464. Fords, Enameled 2.50 - .- 1TO E. Morrlsoa St' A 1 T5T6 M AJa WXL' war rheao" K-tOt, joarnai. eoo - 1 MCE roune body, fit Ford or heavier. '1 128 16fb. j CHEAP, 1917 a-rie Studebaker, $609; S4 I .. f Ai i' tan. VWgaVAtW vil XaW Tfa Sf sew.