'THE' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY. MARCH 20, 1918. 12 4fr .. 4'.''' BEUEVEO PLANS MADE TO EXTEND INDUSTRIES 'i,'f '''' ' Chairman Hurley Seems Unde cided About Allowing Vessels to Be Built for Individuals. inrtdfl, D. Ci tor this city Tuesday night master af the schooner Joseph PultUer, following- an important conference with l1" 1? federal shipbuilding- authorities. Coincident with the efforts oi Mr. Wefitworth, Robert Dougan, special rep resentative of the Portland Chamber coast and is under lease to the munici pality or Portland. . The concrete ship Faith, the largest of her kind in the world, recently I lstinrTt 4 n , Patlfnrfila vanl will t of Commerce at Washington, Is working i ,ajy (or it8 trial rip May 1. It will industriously to obtain consent . or tne be fitted with triple expansion engines of being made Bethlehem industriously to oDtam consent. . pi w d mua wun tnpie expansion shipping board for the establishment 1750 horsepower, which are 1 s , . ucv.ti-ir. nianf in I tne Alameda plant of the of a large wooden shipbuilding plant In ,!,.. nn"v ' WENTWORTH ON WAY HOME this section. Telegraphic Information received from Mr. Dougan today Indi cates that Chairman Hurley of the ship ping board is still undecided as to the feasibility of allowing the private con cerns to construct vessels for private owners. ... ir h been the Dolicy of the snipping board and Emergency Fleet corporation in th naat to center, all shipbuilding activities on the work concerned direct- j -1 i r.f u.t J ! - lmnnnani ucr lerei ces nBiu in Washington Thought to Have ' - isj- r f mann rniifrcvx nil ixuksl uns. . - a a U. Plans looking to the extension of the wood en snipDuuamg program or tne ' Oregon district are believed to have been i. .... , r ii' . . i- ' .11.. ,J WUI KCU UUi Djr ltlKJ IX U . TTCUIWUIUU UID- strict officer of Portland, who left Wash- BEAUTY SPECIALIST TELLS SECRET t ; A Beaaty BpeelalUt Gives 8 in pie Home Made Recipe to Darkes Gray Hair. ' Mrs. M. D. Gillespie, a well known o beaaty specialist of Kansas City, re cently gave out the following state- dW,M mrinllnr rrav hair- "Anyone can prepare a simple mlx- ture at home, at very little cost, that will darken gray hair,' and make it soft 'and glossy. To a half pint of water add i, 1 ounce of bay rum, a small box of Bar- bo Compound and hi ounce of glycerine. '' These ingredients can be bought at any p drug store at very little cost, or the t, druggist will put It up for you. Apply to the hair twice a week until the-de- aired shade is obtained. This will make m. rrav haired nraitn Innli f C vrn m f; vauntrr. It doen not color the swain. Is " not, sticky or greasy and does not rub off.- (Adv.) c t) PIMPLES BURNED f HP Large, Red and Hard. Cuticura Soap and Ointment Healed. "My daughter was troubled with pimples and she tried squeezing them out but they got worse, and she could not stand to touch them. The pimples were large, red and hard and they festered. They scaled over and were in blotches and sometimes they burned and itched. They disfigured her face very much. "I saw an advertisement for Cuti cura so I bought one box of Cuticura Soap and one box of Cuticura Oint ment and she was healed." (Signed) Mrs. D. F. West, Pleasant Grove, Utah. You can't have skin troubles as a rule if you use Cuticura Soap assisted by. a little Ointment now and then. ple Eaeta Free hj Mail. Address post card: "Cwtlenra. Dept. H. Beaton." Sold everywhere. Soap 25c. Ointment 2S and 50c. Shipbuilding company. BERTHA DOLBEER BURNED Hull Found Washed Ashore on New Zealand Coast. ' San Francisco, March 20. (L N. 8.) The burned hull of a ship that was found washed ashore between Aukland and Napier, N. Z., February 20. today was - Identified as that of the three masted schooner Bertha Dolbeer in a ly with the government. Promoters of cablegram received by the marine de the proposed new plant have signified partment of the Chamber of Com- IT MADE PUBLIC Answer of Netherlands Govern ment Received at' Washing ton This Forenoon. their vriuinenefis to Invest a large sum of money In the establishment here of one of the largest wooden yards in the world, providing the sanction or. me ,ivfnmnt ran be secured. Building of vessels for the coastwise trade would form a large part of the program oi uus new company. WESTERN OCEAN IS LAUNCHED Big Sleel Ship Glides Gracefully Into Willamette. T.minMiinir of the steel steamer West ern Ocean marked the completion of the ninth hull by the Northwest Steel com pany Wednesday. The 8800-ton ship slid from her birth gracefully. Mrs. Wal ter Beebe. wife of the vice presiaeni of the company, acting as sponsor. The Western Ocean was originally contracted for by agents of the French government which had placed orders for eight, vessels of the kind with the Northwest Steel company. ine unneu KtntAK eovemment commandeered the vessels and they will be fitted out under the supervision of the Emergency ieei corporation. Work on the Western ocean was com menced December 8. The tenth steel tn Western Chief, will be launched in April. The Columbia River Shipounaing cor poration will put its fifth steel vessel, into the water Borne time next week. ALL ALONG THE WATERFRONT United States Inspectors. Edwards and Wynn have undertaken the examina tion of the steamer westDroon. ine work of inspecting the Westchester has been completed. The steamer Willamette of the Mccor mick line is scheduled to leave Portland for San Francisco next Saturday. Her cargo is all consigned to San Francisco on this trip. Loading of the new steamer West- lake, which was built on Puget sound, has commenced at the Crown -mill. The new ship Libby Maine, built for Libby, McNeill & Llbby, will be launched at the North. Portland yards of the Standlfer company Thursday afternoon. F. J. Samuelson has been appointed merce. Captain J. Ferln and a crew oi eight have not been heard from and it is feared they were drowned. The vessel was identified by a ship's boat found near the wreck. The Bertha Do! beer, 240 tons, left San Francisco November 3 for Little ton, N. Z., with a cargo of case oil. She was long overdue when the wreck was discovered. DAILY RIVER READINGS STATIONS 5 , is P VtW Lewton . 22 6.8 0.8 .... I'matilla 2B 4.5 '0.7 0.00 Eugene 10 5.8 0.5 0.00 Albany 20 7.0 0.2 0.01 flalem 20 6.4 0.2 0.00 Oregon City 12 6.4 0.2 0.00 Portland 15 5.3 0.1 0.00 Washington, March 20. (L N. 8.) Wnll n? rnW tv ttijt ultimatum iapvmI by England and the United States '?im,ftto. tSi-rtrVtSTiv.M- reached the state department today. Its 1 contents were not revealed but there was every Indication that it was unsatisfac tory and that the seizure of all Dutch shipping lying in American ports was really at hand after two days of wait ing by this government At the port of New York alone there are 5000 American bluejackets ready to go aboard the Dutch ships lying there when the word is given, it was learned today. Immediately after the arrival of the reply, which was transmitted through London, Vance McCormick, chairman of the war trade board, hurried to the state department and was closeted with Frank L. Folk, counsellor of the depart ment. () Ruing. (-) Filling. RIVER FORECAST The Willamette rirer at Portland will remain nearly stationary during the next two or three aaya. Kill That Cold and Save Health .scaraM quinine The old family remedy In tablet form eafe, sure, eaay to take. No 2iatea no unpleaaant after effect, urea colds in 24 hours Grip in 3 days. Money back i f it fail. Get the genuine box wttn Red Top and Mr. Hill's picture on it 24 Tablet for 2 Sc. At Any Drug Stave AT XEIGHBORIXG PORTS San Francisco. March 20. (I. N. 8.) Ar rlTed: French M. S. Stasia, from Victoria, at midnight; Northland, from Seattle, 12:30 a. m. ; Atlas (with barge 93 in tow), from Seattle 5 :80 a. m. : A junction . from CordoT. 6 a. m. Brunswick, from Los Angeles, 8 a. m. ; barge Edward May (in tow of tug Relief), from Eureka, 7 a, m. ; Nome City, from Mnkilteo. 7 a. m. ; Stanwood, from Los Angeles, 9:80 a. m South Coast, from Caopar. 10 a. m. : O. C. Undauer. Marsh field. 12 noon; Girlie Mahony, from Albion, '12 noon. Sailed: J. A. Chanalor. tor unnton. o a. m. San Francisco. March 20. Arrired March 19 Knchak, Grays Harbor, 3:50 p. m. ; Car mel, Willapa Harbor, 4:30 p. m. ; TUerton, Bandon, 6:05 p. m. ; J. A. Chanslor, I.innton, 6 :80 p. m. ; Hoquiam, Grays Harbor, 6 :S0 p. m. : Hardy. Coos Bay. 11:05 D. m. Sailed yesterday, Martha Bnehner, Poos Bay. iz:oa p. m. ; en juan. tiaiDoa, i -.89 p. m. Phoenix, Bandon, 12:05 p. m. ; Bradford, South America, 9 :su p. m. ; Marshlield, Port San Luis, 4:50 p. m. SeatUe, Wash.. March 20. (I. Jf. S.) Ar rired: Northwestern. Southwestern Alaskan porta. 8:15 a. m.; M. 8. A list ra lien, Calcutta noon: Santa Inez, Tacoma, 6:20 a. m. : Port Angeles, Tacoma. 3 a. m. ; Anyox, at 6 a. m, Alarm i. Armed: Grainer. at noon Eastholm, at 7 p. m. ; bark Guy C. Goas. Port oiaaeiy, in tow oi tug wanderer, 4 p. m. Sailed, March 20, Horaisan Mara. Yokohama, 10 a. ra. ; Victoria, Southwestern Alaskan ports, 9:20 a. m March IU. Sailed: Kichmond, San Fran Cisco, 5 p. m. Valdez, March 19. Sailed: Alameda, southbound. 8 a. m. Juneau, March 19. Sailed: bound. 5 p. m. Wrangell. March 19. Sailed phia, northbound, 4:15 p. m. Hongkong, March 14. Sailed Seattle. Port Blakely, March 20. Arrired Wergeland from sea in distress. Tacoma. March 20. (. N. S.) Arrired Suwa Maru, Heattle. Sailed: Santa Rita, for West Coast ports na nan tram-isco it iz :30 a. m. March 19. Arrired: Argyll, San Fran CISCO. Chicago Maru, Rainier and Port Angeles, irom oeatue. Alaska; west- Princess So- Africa Maru, M. S In extending its reforestation work, the state of Pennsylvania expects to plant 8,000,000 young trees this spring To Remove Dandruff HOLLANDS REPLY J Norway May Need 4 Amuirasen in War Chicago, March 20. L N. S. Cap tain Roald Amundsen, noted Norwe gian explorer, discoverer of the South Pole and the Northern Magnetic Pole, will make another attempt to reach the North Pole next summer unless Norway, declares war on Germany and his services as a private in the Nor wegian aviation service interfere, he an nounced here today. "The Scandinavian countries can no longer remain neutral. with safety and honor, he declared. . Captain Amundsen looks to Admiral He has done remarkable work," said the ex plorer. , Admitting that he had returned three decorations he received from the kaiser, Captain Amundsen asked: "How would it be possible to retain decorations given by a man guilty of the murder of innocent people?" First Anniversary Ohio 'Liberty Day' Columbus, Ohio, March 20. (I. N. S.) Saturday, April 6, the first anni versary of the entrance of the United States into the war against Germany and the opening date of the third Liberty loan campaign, has been des ignated by Governor Cox as "Liberty day." j In a proclamation issued today the governor requested- that patriotic pro grams be arranged in every community in the state and urged the display of flags' from every building. He fur ther requested everyone to aid in the sale of War Savings Stamps and Lib erty bonds. Socialist Party Charters Bolshevik San Francisco. March 20. (I. N. S.) The Bolshevik branch of the Socialist party today has a charter granted, it is claimed, by the national Socialist organ ization. The Bolshevik branch was or ganized here, its leaders say, to cause a revolution in America along the lines followed in Russia. Federal officials today stated they "were watching, but no action has been taken. The organization claims to have more than a hundred members. Herman B. Smith is secretary and headquarters have beln established in the Jack Lon don memorial library. It is declared similar branches will be formed all over the country. . Mutinous Grew of Russian Ship Seized Seattle. March , 20. (TJ. P.) Twenty members of the mutinous crew of the Russian ship Toula were taken aboard a city harbor patrolboat at the request of the naval Intelligence officers this morning and transferred to the United States immigration detention station here to Join their 11 leaders, who were taken Into custody Tuesday. The entire crew will be sent back to Russia, while the officers, against whom they mutinied, will attempt to sign a new crew here. The Toula is in Rus sian government service. Chicago to Furnish 1000 War Aviators SAYS HOT WATER WASHES POISONS FROM THE LIVER Strength and How to Gain It Everyone should drink hot water with phosphate In It, before breakfast. " ..Tq feel as fine as the proverbial fiddle. we must keep the liver washed clean, al , most every morning, to prevent Its sponge-like pores from clogging with In digestible material, bout bile and poison- .us toxins, says a noted physician. "If you get headaches, It's your liver. If you catch cold easily, It's your liver. If you wake up with a bad taste, furred " tongue, nasty breath or stomach becomes rancia, it a your liver, sanow sKin, mud dy complexion, watery eyes all denote liver uncleanliness. Tour liver Is the . mont important, also the most abused .uid neglected organ of the body. Few know Its function or how to release the dammed-up body waste, bile and toxins. aMoat ' folks resort to violent calomel, which is a dangerous, salivating chemi cai which can only be used occasionally because It accumulates In the tissues, also aitacics me nones. Every man and woman, sick or well, should drink each morning before break- ' fast, a glass of hot water with a tea v -spoonful of limestone phosphate In it, to ' wash from the liver and bowels the nre- Yious day's Indigestible material, the poi sons, sour bile and toxins; thus cleans- '. Ing. sweetening and freshening the entire alimentary canal before putting more ..rooa into tne stomach. Limestone phosphate, does not restrict . the diet like calomel, because it can not , : 9 salivate, for It is harmless and you can suiyuwiej aiwrwarus. il IS mexpen slve and almost tasteless, and any phar - macist win sen you a Quarter nound. which Is sufficient for demonstration of how hot water and limestone phosphate cleans, stimulates and freshens the liver. '; keeping you feeling fit day in and day - out- taarj r X For Dytpepsia, v Indigestion . " Heartburn, Batching, gone add Stomach. Qas In-Stotnaek. aUs.. take a taaapoonfol of Blsur , ated Macaasla la a half glass oi bat water after . aatinsY Is aaXa. plaaaant aad aarmlaas to mat and f glTaa alnuxt instant raliat It aantralissa atom ach acidity end awaetena, tha - food atets s that disastloa a eaay sad painless. gold by The demand today is for men and women who are strong in every sense of - the word possessing the physical strength necessary to endure hardships and fatigue ; the mental strength to grapple with difficult problems; the nervous force which endows the body with vigor and vitality ; the will power to triumph over adversity and turn de feat Into victory. But such glorious strength is impos sible so long as your nerves are weak and exhausted, and therefore if you would be really strong you must first care for your nerves. Weak, exhausted nerves need food, and for this purpose physicians strongly recommend the use of the organic phosphate known among druggists as bltro-phosphate and put up In 5-grain compressed tasteless tablets. If you feel your strength is failing from any cause, get a supply of these bltro-phosphate tablets and take one with every meal. Practically all of the minor ailments afflicting mankind, as well as many of the more serious maladies, can be traced to nervous ex haustion and lowered vitality, and prob ably this explains why such a remark able Improvement in the general health is Invariably noticeable when bltro phosphate is taken as directed, as the nerves are thereby revitalized and made strong. Adv. Get a small bottle of Danderine at any drug store for a few cents, pour a little into your hand and rub well into the scalp with the finger tips. By morning most, if not all. of this awful scurf will have disappeared. Two or three applications will destroy every bit of dandruff; stop scalp itching and falling hair. Adv. A Child Doesn't Laugh And Play If Constipated Look Mother! Is tongue coated, breath feverish and stomach sour? Ilillquit Denies Report New York, March 20. (I. N. &) Flat denial of a report from San Francisco that the Socialist party Has granted a charter to a Bolshevik branch there was voiced here this afternoon by Morris Hillqult, one of the leaders of the So cialist party in the east. The assertion," said Hillqult. "is ab solutely false. I have never heard of Herman B. Smith, who ts represented as secretary of the new 'Bolshevik branch.' "The report is absolutely without foun dation so far as the Socialist party Is concerned." Gronna Renounces Pacifism for War Washington, March 20. (I. T. S.) A formal renunciation of pacifism was made Tuesday in the senate by Senator Gronna of North Dakota, one of the six members of the senate who voted against the declaration of war. He de clared that although he had opposed the war it la no longer a mooted question and that he now is as much interested in the outcome of the war as are those ho voted for it. Senator Oronna's statement was made during the discussion of the agricultural appropriation bill. "California Syrup of Figs" can't harm tender stom ach, liver, bowels. KEEP LOOKING YOUNG It's Easy If You Know Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets The secret of keeping young is to fed oung to do this you must watch your liver and howela there'snoneedof hav ing a sallow complexion dark rings under your eye3 - pimples a bilious took in your facedull eyes with no sparkle. Your doctorwill tell you ninety percent of all sickness comes from in active bowel3 and liver. 9 Dr. Edwards, a well-known phyddaa In Ohio, perfected a vegetable com pound mixed with olive oil to act on the liver and bowels, which he gave to bis patients for years. - Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets, the sub stitute for calomel, are gentle in their action yet always efiective. They bring about that exuberance of spirit that r-:. J iT J Ask your - aruggist tor bottle joyed byevyone,bytotungitptheUver 1 of -California Syrup of Figs.- which and dealing the system Of impurities. has full directions for babies, children ' You Will know Dr. Edwards Olive 1 of all ages and for grown-ups plainly Tablets bv their Alive color. : lQe and I printed on the bottle. Look carefuii w .:; Atrtw Jlfornla Fig. Syrup Company."Adr. Isena eorpa; judc a A laxative today saves a sick child tomorrow. Children simply will not take the time from play to empty their bowels, which become clogged up with waste, liver gets .sluggisn, stomach sour. Look at the tongue, mother! If coat ed, or your chltd is listless, cross, feverish, breath bad, restless, doesn't eat heartily, full of cold, or has sore throat or any other children's ailment, give a teaspoonful of "California Syr. op of Figs," then don't worry, because , n.rfuiflv V. o .i ...1 ay lums, ana m - a lew nours u inu constipation poison, sour bile , and fermen Una- wait m gently . move out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. A thorough "inside cleansing" is oftlmes all that Is necessary. It should be the first treatment . given in any sickness. .. , Beware ' of counterfeit fig syrups. Gen. Wood's Son Is Private in U. S. Army Chicago, March 20. (I. N. S.) Chi cago is to send 1000 airmen to France to fight the Huns, it was announced today. The Chicago Reserve Flying corps will be organized, trainee, equipped and Offered to the United States govern ment by the Aviation 'club of Chicago. The announcement was made by Ira J. O'Malley. chairman of the war com mlttee of the cinb. who said that i flying field would be maintained near Chicago this summer. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Amos Crowston and wf. to Hattie Rosen. 6 acres of land from E. side of 8. W. U of 8. W. hi. of N. E. U Sec. T. 1 N.. R. 4 E 1,400 J. H. Bonhamer and wf. to William H. Harword. L. 10. B. 6. Merlow 10 Ola HoTind and wf. to Nils O. Ek lurid. L. IT. 18. B. 9. Parkrose 10 Mabel B. Todd and bus. to C. H Grif fith et al (anianed to D. A. Morri son). E. L. 8. 9. B. 28. Klberta. . 1.4S0 Tha Joseph A. 8tiowbride Estate Co., to Roland Dii. L. 21. 22. B. 7. Darlincton 1 E. Frank ie Walker and tin, to Mary A. Jialcom. L. 7. B. 77. iiaurelhurst . . . 10 Laura A. Garemans to James B. Meehan. U 20. B. 17. Burraae Tract ....... 700 Lilliam A. P. Newton and huv to Julias Zimmerman. U. hi. B. 1. Newport. . . 1,079 Claudia E. Lawrence and bus. to Peter Hrnson et al. W. 42.23 ft. L. 4. B. AO. Park View Extd 10 The Umbdenstock eV Larson Home Build- en' Inr Co. to Samuel Piba. L. 1. 2. B. 42. L. 80, 31. B. 54, Jonesmore. . 10 C E. Sharer and wf. to J. IL Bnrson. L. 7. B. 8. Brentwood BOO Mary J. Duffy and hus. to May Duffy Haack. L- U. B. 4. Oak hunt E. E. Smith and wf. to E. O. Smith. E. 86 ft L. IS. B. 21. Sunnyside John W. Hart to A. G. Ellis. L. 1. 2. B. 12. Grecnoa Hta. Ada. 10 William J. Hill and wf. to John T. Uoe, L. 13. B. SO, Woodlawn 1,000 John Hamilton Fletcher to John Thors- son. L. 1. 2. B. 23. A. L. Miner's Add. to St. Johns 1.800 H El Noble and wf. to Lizsie A. Powell. L. 6. S. B. 11. Troutdale 10 Lizzie A. Powell to Anson Powell, hut.. L. 8. B. 11. Troutdale 10 Morris L. Courtwritht and wf. to Wil liam L. Nash. L. 11, B. 1, Kenwood Park Clara Pelton. guardian of Frederick Perry Pelton et al. minor, to v. K. Pelton. 3 tracts and. h int. all said nrniMirt. hin in Rmc. 55. T 1 N . R. S E.. cuardian's deed 118 The Umbdenstock aV Larson Go. to Lacy E. Miller, 108x220 ft becinnin in W. line of Dr. Hartley s D. L. C. No. 40 said line, beta in Sec. 81. T. 1 N.. R, 8 E.. 1 acre 10 Nettie Bunker to Abbie W. Weston et al. tnNtKM trat 4n S T. 1 N R. 1 W 10 Mamie E. Hamilton and hus. to the (!itv rtf Tnrtlanil . imiithwiMterlT K ft- ' L. 11. B. a. Ridamont 60 Unna G Rirhardnnn tn same. 8. S ft. L. 10. B. 4. Ridamont 70 Carl Oetzen and wf. to same, land com. where westerly extension of line 5 ft. N. of and parallel to S. line. B. 5, Ririrmnnt wiU intnut W. line of K 65th st 200 William Smith and wf. to same. N. 5 ft. L. 11. B. 6. Ridamont 80 Mamrr Knth Hpdrirk to Ht-r of Part- land. S. 5 ft. L. 9. B. 5. RIdcmont. . 60 L. J. McDaniel to Jean S. Morrow. L. 4, B. 8. Park View Extd. . F. L Phelps and wf. to A. W. Smith L. 1 to 6, B. B. Lexington Hts Sarah J. Wetaler to Jess B. Holbrook. L. B. 6. B. 68. Bjuusyaida Geo. W. Day to VernJa W. Hampton. L. 18, B. SB, Irrinctoa .......... Bacority Investment company to Hazel M. Dammeier. L. 10 and E. 14 ft. L. . B. 6. Buck van's 2nd Add . . . ... . C. A. Taylor and rw. to tha Ctty of Port land. BWly 6 t. L 12. B. 2, Rid mont Same to same. NEly 8 ft. L. IB, 16. B. 6, Ridamont - Wilbur E. Wooda and wf to City of Portland. N. 6ft. L. 1 to 4, B. 8. Palmyra Marion Elliott and fw. to Dora Black. La. 0. B.- 2, Brentwood A C. BeoosaU to Mary T. SooucaU at al. U 8. B. 8. Richmond Larinia Jus ton to Petar Andenon. W. 56 ft. L, 8 and W. BS ft. of N. 18.18 ft. L. T. B. 71. East Portland Geo. F. Hubbard and wf. to same, land bag. in K. line E. 47th St.. 19.66 cha. N. and 20.08 eha. E. of pt. at BW. cor. sac. 81. T. 1. N. R. 2 E.. . Geo. F. Hubbard and fw. to same, land beg. on E. line E. 47th st. which pt. Is 19.66 chit. K. and 20.08 cha. E. of pt. at BW. eor. sec 81. T. 1. N. H. 2 E Geo. W. Derry and wf. to tha City of Portland. 8. 52.94 ft. L 87. Mel- Loretta Schado to J. T. Richardson. L. 4, B. 16. Sellwood DeLoa E. HU and fw. to William Brim mer. L. IS. 16. B. 14. Woodmere.. Vfm. L. Nash to J. S. McKinney. L 1. 2. S. B. 4. Caolea Add. to 8t. Johns. . L S. Ramwy and wf. to Ira W. Gilmer. u l, B. , wooawortn a Ada. Jno: Jones to App. D. Jones, L. 4, B. 18. Albtna Hmrtd. Sheriff to Bella Rosenthal (guardian of Kt- of L. V. J. Rowndale, minor) , 8. 100 ft.. B. 84. Warerly. except E. 70 ft., also 40x100 ft. B. 84. V- BbeTiff to " Beila" Roaentljd '(guardian of Est. of L. V. J. Roaendale, minor), 8. 70 ft. of B. 100 ft. B. 84 Wa erly . . Carrie O. Waller and ha, to P. M. Ruth field truitee. W L. 7. B. 7. Paradise Borings Fannie L. Hamilton and hus. to Oregon Life Ins. Co., L. 8. B. 2, Central Al Wna Add Andrew Warn bo Id and wf. to Carrie W. Miller. U 19. 20. B. 2. Center Add. R. C. Park Cemetery Assn. to J. P. Fonea. SK L. 147, sec B. R. C. Cemetery Stanley Sinclair Pnrdy and wf. to H. E. Noble, L. 18, B. 2, Crystal Springs Park Walter W. RnaseU and wf. to A. R. Johnson et al. L. 17. 18. 19. 20. B. 196. fnireptity Park. N. H L. , . n n T tMj. Vi.t. . X , a , v , lmuu , amhm ........a Da rid A. Long to A. R. JohnMm. L. IB. 16. B. 1. Kenmore Joseph Kelly to L. S. Weeka. L. 1. 2. 8. 4. B. 40. rairoort Vilas V. Smith and wf. to A. R. John son et al. L. 2, B. 43, Sullivan's Add. LOST ATf D FOUim ft : Florence iL Haaeliiaa. 28. Seward hotel. 10 . Mauriea V. Web, 44, 401 Flnt street. RTWaVrn o , L.i. and Mrs. Dot Van Hook. 28. 41 Beat Momaon hcxr.n, hHHl. -ZV. ajTHTT? TZa , 2d ae. &. E. RewarC Call 5013 in. A ( . -J J .' A ' Tsbor 6896. 10 street Boston, March 20. (U. P.) Otis C. Wood, son of Major General Leonard Wood, is a private in the United States army today. Wood, who is not yet 21 years of age, was a sophomore at Harvard. He will leave for Fort Slocum, N. "., Saturday to begin training. He enlisted as a private when, after repeated attempts, he found he was too young to enter any of the officers' training camps. v Two Detroit Flyers Killed in Service Detroit. March 20. (I. N. S.) Word of the death of two Detrolters, both officers In the flying corps, was received here today. Captain Phelps Colli ns, 24 years old, was killed In action on the western front, and Lieutenant George O. Mid dled! tch, 23, died in an accident in Eng land. Back Soon on Astoria Run The steamer Qeorgiana will start Thursday morning on her summer schedule' on the Portland-Astoria run. Round trips will be made every day ex cept Fridays. Captain L. O. Hosford of the Harkins Transportation company announced that she would leave the Washington Street dock at 7 a, m., reaching Astoria at 1 p. m. and starting back about 2, reaching Portland about 9:15 p. m. 833 60 130 145, 1 10 1.145 100 1.805 800 800 2.100 10 2.224 2,018 10 10 700 7B 10 1.700 10 10 800 1. Smith . M liifeM fel Jl lot mil. ail taring '-o . ! Stark t BIRTHS Bl kSOX To Mr. and Mr. Denton Buraon, 04 : B . It . 1- l t. . , I . 50th, March 11. a son. GOULiiER To Mr. and Mr. Wm. T. Goulder. ' 415 Knott St.. March 9. a dauabter. GOMS To lir. and kin. Fnnk dan. 871 N. I 16th. March 15. a dauahter. COLE To Mr. and Hn Root. A. Cole. 871 E. Gliaan. March 15. a daughter. GUY--To Mr. and Mrs. Jno. A. Guy. 968 Di vision. March 14. a danxhter. ALLEN To Mr. and Mrs. James E. Allen. 144 E. ZPth. March 14 a daughter. WELLE K To Mr. and Mm. Wilford Weller. 149 Killinrworth. March 13. a daughter. MATSON To Mr and Mrs. Ole P. Matson. Hilbboro. Or . March 4. a son. McGILL To Mr. and Mn. George B. McGUl. 4QO East FortT-nixth. March 11. a son. FRA8ER To Mr. snd Mn. John W. Fnser, Vancourer Barracks. M&rch 13. a dauxhtrr. CLARK To Mr. and Mn. WillUm F. Clark. 6841 Seventy-second avenue March 14. a win. SMITH To Mr. and Mn. Theodore P. Smith. Vancouver. Wash.. March 15. a daughter. SMITH To Sir. and Mn Franklyn V. Smith. 1014 Hancock. March 10. a daughter. TIRNER To Mr and Mrs. William Indon Turner. 500 E. Fifty-second. March 15. a son. REIN HARD To Mr and Mrs. Arthur I. Rein- bard. 800 E. Thirtieth street. March U. a ion. FUGATA To Mr. and Mrs. IL Fugata. 497 Sumner. March 10. a son. WHALI.EY To Mr. and Mn. F. W. Whalley. 464 Flint. Marrh 9. a daughter. BUILDING PERMITS R. O. Barhman Erect frame foundry, Burlington St.. bet. Crawford and Bradford sts.; builder, same: SIOOO. Mrs. Onav Erect frame stable. 1308 Ar mour St.. bet Midway and Oregonian; Errin Asher. builder: 385. Electric Steel Foundry Erect 1 story trans former house. York st. bet. 24th and 25th; Elec- trict Steel Foundry, builder: 81000. Northwestern Electric company Erect foun dation and wallf of boiler room, foot of Lincoln St., net. Iiooa ana naroox line; noixaweaiern Electric company, buuaer; sio.uuu. Pacific Fire Waterproof paint compani Erect warehouse and paint factory. 29th st N. bet Nicolal and Industrial are.; builder, same 3700. Pacino Fire Waterproof paint company- Erect factory. 29th st.. bet. Nicolai and In dmtrial ava. : builder, same: 3250. E. P. Ramaae Erect chicken house. 6504 77th st,, bet. 65th ave. and 66th ava.; W. J Ramaae. builder: 8100. Ole Anderson Erect 1 story dwelling. 402 Smith ave. 8.. bet. Mohawk and Seneca; builder, same; 8800. Thomas Mann Repair 1 H story dwelling, 394 Front st.. bet Harrison and Montgomery builder, same: 8100. Mrs. Gertrude Young Repair 1 story reel denes. 6330- 60th st.. bet. 64th are. and 63d ave.: builder, same: 8100. Joe Penney Kepair l story resiaence. iuo E. Water St.. bet. E. Alder and E. Washington O. K. and Rose City Wrecking Co.. builder; 375. Gaorge W. Elliott Kepair 1 story remaenee, 1084 E. 98th st-'S.. bet. 50th ave. and 51st ave.; builder, same; avo. H. O. Triplett Erect 2 story residence, B31 Hamblet ave., bet. 26th and 28th sts.: builder. same; 84 SOU. , , v putp ai uooeru riroa.- store cost- Mnrean KMe ' . . i"??0 ban book. 335. Pleaaa retora to jiii suraner st.. and receive reward. Ho 1 " qnooiiona aaked. . i 08 Tart colli, an.) Alaan H.uky. black . ..and h,,. 1 year old. Artswen to name of npen. tinaer pleaae call Main 2200. Beware. 1IK1.P WASTED M A I.F, HMS HA.via.lj eVifc SAW WILLS, BOX FACToRllkS, LOGGDfS OPERATIONS. KLAMATH COUNTY. OIUBUOX. v" - BEST SCHOOL. CHL. DRY CUMATC CITY OF 6009 PEOPUL " fvjratt, of lahe. aa there are 14 sawBURs. B bo factories. 16 loggint opera, ers oaing both staasa. donkeys aad horse loa , Three lath mills. Bays and wn Se work to the boi factortaa. "a" kow milCSoTkn MART, 1 TO 16. BOX FACTOHIES NOW BUNNINO. A.,.O.N ARRIVAL SES aLAMATH LI'klMaiHVlKN 8 AND 00 MAIN ST KLAMATH KaOj OBXGOM. 120U inc. EM PITTED Strike oa ill DEATHS AND FTJSERALS BASTASCH At La Mett, Cel.. March 14. Anton Bastasch. aze 2 7 yean, beloved broth er of Andrew, Carl, Ignas, Frank and Sophia Bastaech. of this city: John Rastaarh. of San Franciaco. Cal.. and Mn. August Mahnie. of Se attle. Wa.h Mass will be offered at the Ca thedral, Fifteenth and Davis streets, st 9:80 a. . tomorrow (Thunday). March 21. Inter ment at Mount Calvary cemetery. Arrange rarnti In care of Miller A Tracey. BKEITBAHTH In this city. March 19. God frey F. Ureitbarth of 70 Eaat Main street. age 63 yean, husband of Mn. Helen Breit bartb. father of H. Breitbsrth. brother of Mine nay Breltbarth and Mn. Martha Kitt of this city. The funeral services will be held at the conservatory chapel of F. 8. Dunning, Inc.. 414 East Aider street, at 2 p. m. tomorrow tinurvlayl. March 21. Frwmli invited. HUTCHINSON In thia city. March 19. Wil- liam NeLwn Hutrhinson. ate 82 yean, be loved husband of Mrs. William Hutchhuon. father of Mrs. C. L. Hall and Mn. Bertha Churchill of this city. Services will be held tomorrow (Thursday), 2 p. m.. at the resi dential parkin of Miller at Tracey. Interment at Riverview cemetery. TOMA8INI In this city at her late residence. 899 Hancock street, March 19. Alice M. Tomaaini, aged 64 years. The funeral aerv icea will be held Thursday. March 21. at 2.30 o'clock p. m , at the residence establishment of J. P. Finley A Son, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment at Columbia cemetery. fUTED ast Unn Mills. $3,48 Grinders, 8 Hours $3.36 Lowest Paid Eight houn' shift work. Nine hour days alone. Board and bed $7 week. Beck s hotel. 6th and 9th and Mala. Across bridge from Oregon City. Free employment office on mill wslg. . pay you WANTED I want boys over 18 with wheels. tor toe use of your bicycle. Work is clean and steady. Can snake 300 to 8100 per month. Excellent chance for advancement. Elmer L Bailey 253 Oak 8t -I'nited States shipping uni- LOBSIEN In this citj March 20. Mary Lobsien. aged 47 yean, wife of G. Adolph Lobsien. of 396 Hemlock street. The remains are at the residence establishment of J. 1. Finley & Son, Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. KELLER In this city, March 20. Olga Keller. age 40 yean. Funeral notice later. Remains are at the funeral parlors of A. D Kenworthy Co., 6802-04 .Ninety second street 8. E.. in Lents. LOBSIKN At 8t Vincent's hospital. Wednes day, March 20, at 7 a. m . Mary, wife of A. Lobsien, 896 Hemlock street, sister of Mrs. George Wille. Age 49 years. Funeral notice later. MARINE ENGINEERR- board free marine rugineen' school at versity of Washington. Seattle. Trains engine room officers for new merchant nirinf, Short cut to license. Native or naturalised citisens only. Stationary, locomotive engineer, oilen. waier lender rllclnle. on rue only one month. o enlistment. Address W. J. Grambs. 860 Stuart building, Seattle, Wash. LIPMAN. WOI.FE A CO. require the service of 5 middleaged men to art as janiton; good Pay. permanent position i, offered to thoae who can qualify. Muat be able to furnish the beat of references. Apply superintendent's office, Thursday morning, bet. 9 and 10, 7th floor. LABORERS WANTED Permanent positions assured steady asea, wages S3. 10, S boursr strike sot yet declared eft bat 1BO0 men working: general papersaill work; no experience necessary. Apply 609 Or a tea bldg.. corner 6ta and Oak streeta Saw pel aeek earned by eacn ol a awa sum July 1. selling oar guaranteed shrubs, roses, trees and terries; otban earning Iroaa 623 pee weak up. No experience seessary. Exclusive territory. Free outfit. Bast aeases fog rears. Open territory la this and eeighborlna smsa, Washington Nnrsery Co., Toppeaish. Wash. PIKE In this city. March 19, Enoch W. Pike. aged 75 yean, late of 1001 Williams avenue. The remains are at the residence establishment of J. P. Finley tt Sen, Montgomery at Fifth. SKYT TODAY I HAVE A DODGE delivery car, in perfect con dition, for $650. Also 1914 Overland delivery, $350. Ford One-Ton Truck, $650 COVEY MQTOR CAR CO. 21st and Washington . Col Six Army-Navy Orders San Francieco, March 19. Tha following army orden were issued hers today: Private Forrest J. NeaL Company B, Three Hundred and Eighteenth engineers. Vancouver barracks, is transferred to tha Second engineers, training at that post. A general court martial la appointed to meet at call of tha president then at Fort Stevens, Or., for tha trial of such persona as may be properly ' brought before it. Detail for tha court: Lieutenant Lawson. coast artillery, N. G. ; Major William G. White, coast artillery. N. G. ; Major Willard L. CoppemoU. coast artillery, N. G. ; Captain Jamea Q. Rood, coast artillery corps, detached officers list; Captain John A. Buchanan, eoast artillery, N. G. ; Captain Tan Svarverud. coast artillery N. G.s First Lieuten ant Roasel C. Dunham, eoav-t artillery. N. G.; second Lieutenant Russell D. Bent, coast ar tillery reserve corps; Second Lieutenant Herbert tV. Krugar. coast artillery tiw rve corne: Second Lieutenant Benjamin H. - Williams, eoast artil lery rascrta eoros: Second IJeu tenant Leonard W. Buoy, coast artillery reserve corps: Second Mc&ey. eoaas. aruuery ra- adyocata. r .-r..' . I Woman's Burdens are lightened when she turns to the rlgtit medicine. If ber existence Is made gloomy by the chronic weak nesses, delicate derangements, and painful disorders that afflict her sex. she will find relief and emancipation from her troubles in Dr. Pierce's Fav orite Prescription, If sho's ever worked, nervous, or "run-down," she finds new life and strength. It's a powerful. Invigorating; tonio and nervine which was discovered and used by an eminent physician for many years. In all cases of "female com plaints" and weaknesses. For young girls just entering womanhood; for women at the critical change of life"; in bearing-down sensations, periodical pains, ulceration, inflammation, and every .kindred ailment, the "Favorite Prescription" Is the only medicine put up without alcohol Ingredients on wrapper. Nearly all druggists sell the "Prescription" In liquid or tablets. For free medical advice write Ltvctor V. M. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y., or send 10 cents for trial, package of tablets. Boseburg, Oregon "-"I suffered some thing terrible, had displacement so oaa that I .couid scarcely stand on my feet, also had inflammation. My head and b a c at etched bard and -1 -was. weak and Nervous. Jdy legs And feet ached would bloat, and X was troubled with e o n m (nstiMM 1 had a severs pain In my side. I took Dr. Pierce's Fav orite ' Prescription and Pleasant Pel lets and t hey , . maae m wen and strong. Then: "during middle f life l again - took ' these - medicines 'and - got through sa-' -well was strong . and well Mrs. W. D. . Moore. Hit N. Jackson street. : n -CAdT.) -TWjJN. Ml i --.:'. y 7-Passenger This car is in perfect con dition just the car for the rent game. Will sacrifice for $1000. Phone Main 6244 NIEMI In this city. March 20. Aner Nlemi. aged IT yean 7 months 1 day. Funeral notice later. Remains at the residential funeral parlon of Miller A Tracey. RICK Charles Riee, Multnomah County hos pital, March 17, 17 yean; perforation of in testine ANDERSON A. Anderson. Good Samaritan hospital, March 15. 77 yean: senility. BAELE Joseph Baele, 37 N. Eighteenth, March 16, 46 yean; abscess of abdomen. BAN FIELD John Phillip Banfieid, UHl Lib erty. March 17. 51 yean: mitral insufficiency. 8TITPFEL Mary Btupfel. St. Vincent's hos pital, March 16, 66 yean: myocarditis. BURCHELL John Elmer Burchell, Good Sam aritan hospital, March 15, 43 yean: uraemia. RYAN Ellen T. Ryan. 525 Everett. March 17. on years: mitral valvular heart disease. GRAHAM David Caldwell Graham. Good Sam aritan hospital. March 4. 64 yean: fracture. WOOLWORTB Dwight Woolworth, 7142 Forty-third, March 16, 61 yean; tuberculosis. LANCASTER Holland E. Lancaster. 478 Hol land, March 17, 5 yean; hemorrhage. SMITH Reginald WendaU Smith. 785 Upper Drive, March 18, 25 yean; tuberculosis. HARNETT Homer Cisero Harnett. Yankton, Or . March 17, 62 yean: uremia. MCLTHAL'F Juhn Jacob Multhauf. 447 Fourth, March 16, 64 yean; labro laryngeal paralysis. MONROE Walter V. Monroe, Good Samaritan horpiUl. March 16, 33 years; dilated heart. GRAY Susie A. Gray, 308 Main, March 18. 49 yean; nephritis. PRINTER Who is .capable of setting ads and jobs, feeding platens and news cylinder, dis tribution and general floor work. Steady place tor good man. Bute age and experience In firt letter. Journal, Prineville, Or BRIG HTTtnTeiligent bojr" Til drawing roonPol shipbuilding firm. Good future for one who is progressively inclined toward mechanical drawing. Phone C-1847. WANTED Horse collar makers. We csa ate inexperienced hrlp Apply at E 7tu and Hancock sts. W. II MrMonles A Co. WANTED Experienced Janitor for fir. I cia- apartment house. State experience end ret- erence in first letter. G-7SV Journal. WANTED Experienced warehouseman : perma nent position. Manning Warehouse A Trans fer t 'o. , i'tli a i id 1 i'' 3 1 lia. W A NTED -Skldle aged man for general work arouna laotory. rortiana furniture Mia. Co.. 1249 Macadam st - WANTED Buy to help ' around store ; over la. FliORlKT MARTIN A FORBES CO.. FlorUU. 654 Waah. Main 269. A-1269. Flows ra for all occa sions artistically arranged. CLAKK BROS.. Florists. 287 Morrison st: Main or A-1S06. Fins flowers and floral designs. No branch stores. LCBL1NER. Portland Hotel. 828 Morrison. Apply Columbia Graphaphone Co.. Wsah. 420 31 WANTED Bookkeeper f..r retail lumber yard, in Southern Idaho. Call evenings. Room 833, Imperial hotel. EXPERIENCED pressers wanted for Hoffman machine. , Apply dry vlraning department TJ. S. I-aundry Co. BARBERS, evening att-r 5 o'clock. CnUin shop. 18 guarantee. 1U07 Main at., Vancouver, Wash. TWO shipknee men : sood wages: can live on the place, near 1'ortland. labor 4 397. BOY wanted. Stark st "Oregon Paper Boi Co- Hi WANTEIV S14 wk. -sll around experienced d is U washer, Woods- (Juick Lunch, 101 6th at. A BOY to learn the trunkuiakcrt' trade, ' Ap ply 130 0th st. WANTED Driver. Pacific Laundry Co. Good wages. WANTED Sheet metal ronrker at Union Ava. Sheet MeUI works. 411 I'nion ave. N, MAX M. SMITH, Florist. 141 H 6th sL I TT ERAL DIRECTORS Holmarv Undertaking Co. Funeral Directors Established 1877. Third and Salmon Streeta. Main 507. A 1511. Lady Assistsnt. ATTi"!TTOTf HALES TOMOEROfv" THE BAKER-AUCTION HOUSE. Masoale Tern Die bide. lament and w. para sis. oaiee at 10 a. m. ' MEETING TfOTICES- 41 PORTLAND CHAPTER NO. . R. A. M. Stated convocation thia Wednesday evening, March 20. 7:30 o'clock. After business session, social time cards, talks, refreshments. Visiton welcome. W. P. ANDREWS. Secretory. COLUMBIA LODGE NO. 114. A. F. and A. M. Special com munication Thursday evening at 7 :80 o'clock. Masonic temple. La bor In the F. C. degree. Visiting brethren always welcome. By order W. M. FRED L. OLSON. Secretory. COLUMBIA LODGE No. 114. A. F. It A. M. Special commu nication I Thursday evening) at 7:80 o'clock. Masonic Temple. La bor in the F. C. degree. Visiting brethren always welcome. By order W. M. FRED L. OLSON, Sec'y. KENTON LODGE No. 145, A. F. and A. M. Stated com munication tomorrow Thursday ) evening. 8 p. m. Visitors al ways welcome. R. F. GEI8T. Secretary. THE aaemben of the Alaska Fishermen's union will meet in the Sailon' Union hall. 88 V Sd t.. Portland. Or., at 7:80 o'clock p. m., Wednesday. March 20, 1918. Members in good standing are requested to be present and to have taeirt books or receipts along. H. M. Lomtaen. Agent. ' THE MACCABEES Portland Tent No. 1 will have regular re view Ttrarseky evening. March 21. at their hall. 409 Alder street. Degree work. All mem ben urged to be present. Geo. D. Baker. R. K. . - .U at I .KM Jewelry a aveelalty. button. sas. haras Jaeevr Bra-.. 111-8 Sth at mitritqcs.Blrtbs. Deaths XAKIUAUF. LICENSER Edward" W. OreahamerT'iegal. 48 EastKinth north, and ChrtMina F. Eiling. legal, 48 East Ninth street north. - Charles HerraH.S2. ft21 Hood street, and Rose F- Wiedexhold, 20, 477 East Seventh treat aorth. . .. '-.-.- . Julius Herbert, 24, Port hind hotel, and" Gar- trnae a. Petersen.. zz.. los irriac -etraau Richard JC. MrKlhose24. Cajap Lawks, and J. P. FINLEY & SON Progressive Funeral Directors. PRP7ATK DRIVE Women Attendants. Montgomery at Fifth. Main ft. A-1598. WILSON & ROSS East 54. Lady Assistant. 0-8188. Mulfnomab at Seventh st. Dunning & McEntee Undertakers. Modern in every detail. Broadway and Pine sta Phones Broadway 430, A-4658. Lady assistant. F. S. Dunning, Inc. The Golden Rule Undertakers. 414 E. Alder st. Phone East 52. B 822ft A. D. Kenworthy Co. Tabor 5267. 5802 92d st-, Lenta. Tabor 5895. 6ttth st. and Foster road. Atlcta. RELIABLE men to dUtrbiute circulars. Apply tomorrow 7 a. ra. Kelly. HOt Kront st. TWO elderly men to do chores in ' hotel. Call 521 Harter st. ' BOY over 16 for delivery Apply 834 U'aaW at. TAILOR and presaer wanted at once. 285 Main. HELP WASTED MISC. 48 HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. EVERYTHING MECHANICAL AND ELEC TRICAL: UNLIMITED; PRACTICAL REPAIR EXPERIENCE. UnBOr SAM Needs 10,000 stenographers. i Enroll bow for shorthand. typewriting, bookkeeping MISS DECKERS PRIVATE BUSINES- COLUbGS. 3d floor. AHaky bMg KUMBEU IUWU WOMEN AND MEM wanted to prepare for telegraph service to help fill vacancies caused by tne drafting of saes for war. For particulan call or write Telegraph Dept. Room 218. Railway Exchange bldg. REMINOTOM-WAHL COURSE . The demand exceeds the supply Positions guaranteed. See us at onoe. 424 Lambermens bkig ftth and Stark sts THE ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. 880 Wasco st.. corner Uakm ava. Call, write or phone K. 7445 about free trial offer. iMy and Night classes. SPANISH Conversation and grams e. tn Ursa elaa 1718 493 Montgomery Rates Mais I east side commercial school, 12a s 1 ;kani ave. east 427 East 781 B-1888. Undertaken. Mrs. Lercb ' Aawistant. E. 11th and Hawthorne. LERCH MILLER A TRACEY. Independent Funenl Di rectors. Prices as kiw as 820. $40. $00. Washington at Ella. Main 2691. A-7885 HAMILTON 1973 E. Gliaan st. Fu neral services. Tsbor 4813. HELP WANTED FEMALE YOUNG women for t'lephowe work, pay while learning. App'J Pacific Telephone A Tele graph Co.. 6th floor Park and Oak sta., between 8.30 a. m. and 3:30 p. nv. Breeze Snook BSff T.r Qr for General Housework, Qlsmuno Undertaking Co. Main 4162. j Bm,n f,rajy. no Unndry. good wagea, r 582 OrCVICO A-z vorner aa ana iy. ElJtb A! Ri Zeller CQi Et lTc-iuVa St. N. Phone East 5992. - Viiiiu ava ' EXPERIENCED GIRL for general housework. He) Wilson Wilson wdi8 n. 4940; C 1155 T BYRNES, new residence establishment. 991 Williams ave. Woodlawn 220. C-1943. washing, small family . good wagea. Phone E- 204. before 12 or after 6. WANTED 2 nice appealing young -ladies, guaranteed $3 a day. Apply 9 a. B., 209 Btoek JCxchange bldg. GIRL to assist with housework. 820. treat ' to 5, go home nights. 791 Kearney at. - GIRL (or housework and help on luach wagon. Call at 602 Front sC j WANTED fiirl for general housework, email" i family, wigw ev. asaiw CHAMBERS-KEN WORTHY CO. 1111 Kerby ft Woodlawn 3806. C-1188 MOK V3fF.im BLAESlNG GRANITE I POUilivO UAKa(i-E WORKS. 204-2W6 4Ui ; GIRL wanted tor gvueTal Isuuaework i : good st otwosRe: city haa Mam 8664. Philip wagea; Apply 58 Ella street. Neu Sons tor memorials. GIRL to assist with general housework. Bdwy. LOST A5D FOUXP 1169. 148 N. 18th. . MARKERS and .aortera. National Laandra. i WILL the party who took the coat from the Sth and Clay . ,- Broadway car on Friday, between 8:4 6 p. as. IwAlTkMH wanteA in Italian and Vrw-h sl and 7:15 p. . return same to 437 Graham . .... 298 Lnioa sv eor. ( lav at. avenue t Phone East 6788. LOST Small silver purse, Saturday afternoon. Phone Main 2405. Reward. LOST On 23rd st. ear, wrist watch in leather wrist' case. Call East 7490. Reward. LOST A 820 bill, by working man under doe- tor'e care. Reward. East 4282. taurant. 298 Lnioa ave eor. Clay st. WANTED Diahaeher. 7 9 4 8alion at. Main 1029. ' - - : WANT ED Elderly man for janitor; also girl for hotel work. ' Call Woodlawn 2768. GIRL to aaskt with housework; good nomel good pay. 600 gd at. south. " - WANTED Girl fur '"J genet si ;heuseworaV SeTT wood 509. To I stjef . aA.aaK4.ssw aasas-V A assi ! !. JAW1 DHUS ifs Her s M-aaM UIV mm Mimu . in- m nan-nai man sisusi i s isitu. Call B-27S1. - . t WANTED Elderly - lady . to keep 1 Loht-A brown fox fur. Tuesday p. aa.tto: WMOmrr m MeMinnvme. g ttoas at. ; ward Mar. 878. ' - : , WANTED . at once, office ttrl, stenographer. LOST Monday to lieoton, diamond ring. T Re- i axrr-nee sot neceary.- 881 B.. Morriaon. , ssard.-' Phenw Mn. 'Fred 1-tpold. Wdia. 189 1 TWO chair lady barbel shop lot saisT 177 lrvg street, i OBT Brindle bulldog, valued aa twt. whiU I - . i .., ' . . , - atreu wn xacav - roe ass smju I vsuasia afxi f sil ;. --.-x-.