- i THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, j PORTLAND,' "SUNDAY " "MORNING, JVIARCH 17. ' 191S. 24 F r v. 1 i- 17 UEIIE IS A BKUA1JI AT V B iCUK ' v. 40 acre farm, 2 mi la from MeMirm 5 " rule, Yamhill county; 300 seres in eulti ' t vstina; aU good loam soil; large orchard V of cherries, walnuts, prunes and apple. Fin nw bouse. 2 barn and all necessary . outbuilding and farm took. This is the ' best ranch wa know of at a prioa of $40 " per acre; about 84 miles went of Port- J land. Can be had on easy terms. 14-30 ' . BEST WHEAT FARM IN THE Wlk i LAMETTE VALLEY Mfl acre. 000 acres in cultivation, now , In fall wheat This plana belongs to the old ; Derby ssUU in the Waldo-Hills, and has v been considered far years, tha boot wheat ' - proposition in tha valley ; averages SO bushels or more an acra crery year; has 2 acta of food buildigs; is 2 miles from ' It H. station, east of Salem, dose to . arhool, churches and stores. Don't fall T to ae this ranch for a wheat and general y, famine proposition. Pries $00 per acra. A BAl.ril ACKLEY LAND CO.. ' 287 hi Washington at. 44-80 v 50 'Acre Dairy ALL YOU CAN ASK Is interest on yonr money and a going salary, for yonr time, with soma extra Jirofit for unaccountable Mases. The srm has been doing it Present owner too old to handle. Place iv mostly river bottom. Very rich deep soil, tiled where needed. 40 acres under plow. A sight or the crops will convince you that is a real producer. Good house and out buildings. 3 cows, 4 heifers. It will do rou good to look st a herd like this, las been averaging $150 and better month. AH needed asachlnery, feed and seed. 8 work horse. Presrure water sys tem. mile to station, 25 miles Port land. Itest psrt of the valley, $10,000. Place is clear. Reasonable term. D. McCbeiny. JS2 Chsmber of Commerce bldg. , Alain 7102. - Modern Dairy Farm .This is no doubt the hent hnv in iloli-v farm around Portland, located 25 miles out iin.im i unwiKi. icu .-f miles 'Mil In ary best farming section. Farm Is in first I class ahapa and on a splendid paying basis. It I la offered on easy termi if desired. 125 acres. uss --. I l a. . 1 i . - grade up Und. Following is a' partial list of , .tli. perwnal property that goes: 2 first clsse 1 . i Mriii i,...ti h.irn l.,.,. h.,i, , i hogs, 'fine mstcbed team, all farming imole- i . ments: and lots feed. Equipped with 3 gas engines, one for cream separstor. one for i pump, one for silage cutter. Good H room 4 house, hot and cold water, bath. Splendid barn, 2 silos, numerous flmt -class outbuildings. Splen- did location with all rural advantagi-s. I'rice, eomplcta, only $13,500, $1000 down, balance your own terms. Hargrove 'Realty Co, 122 North Sixth St. Broadway 4381. 27 1-2 A, Everything Goes $3750 Uy farm is on main road 4 miles from nice tiwn up the valley, well settled neighborhood. 20 acres in cultivation, 5 nearly cleared pasture, balance wood lot Oood 5 room liouie. water piped, good barn and outbuilding', fine orchard and hedge around the yard. Personal : 2 horses, cow, chickens, mower, rake, wagon, buggy, tools and household goods. Am lft alone, reason for sacri ficing. D. UcCheney. 832 Chamber of - , Commerce bldg. Main 7102. Sell My Farm Half Price f am eoine to Canada iust as sonn a T can arrange affairs, to take charge of a Urge wheat' ranch) need money ana must have it to equip r my holdings there; f am offering for a few days xny farm that I took on a valuation of $15,000 at less than cost; in fact I am offering it at only $6000: note the (Inscription: 120 si ren : .rich, smooth land, 20 miles from Portland, 3 mues irom good sown, on K. t !., milk route, rsveiea rnaa, rigni at arnool : ou acres in cul tivation, livin water, 6 room house, barn i spring noma, outbuildings, orchard : ramemher tha price Is only $6000; pay me $2 WOO down and' assume a mortgage of $3100, 3 years to run, , placed there by one of the oldest and moat r , liable . mortgage pomparlies in Portland. Hargrove Realty Co, 122 Korth Sixth St. Broadway 4381. We Have the Privilege to Offer . "OS acres Columbia river front farm, well dyked, has dock and deep water frontage, is alio convenient to railroad transportation. Farm is ready for full operation. Complete equipment, tractor, machinery and , horses. We invite the mot thorough investigation of anyone desiring one of the best properties on tha coa-t Price $92,000. D. MeChes ney. 832 Chamber of Commerce bldg ' Mala 7102. A Beautiful Farm On the highway soon to be pared; one of the best produce places in the entire valley. All in cultivation, no waste land. 89 acres now in crop. Fine mod .ern house and large basement, barn. Close to town, college and all conven iences. Large oak trees in yard. Will su the most particular buyer. $160 an acre. 1); MrT'hesney. 332 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 7102. 4 0 ACltES. 24 miles from Portland; small lioue: on connty road: lies good; A-l soil,' fine . ,reek, 8 miles electric line; price $1200 $400 ash, bal. to suit 40 acres. 27 miles from Portland: most all In cul, good barn, fair house; price $3000 cash, bal. to suit 160 acres. 27 miles from Portland. 90 acres M rul., good new house and barn. Al soil, 4 borses. 2 cows, 8 hogs; all farm tools and machinery: lots feed and seed, and crops now ,, In.' fcverythlng goes $75 per acre, 14 ca?h, baL k v to ault Open Sunday from 10 until 2 , " IJ HENRY BLDO. """"Very fine AMHn.frcojrrrTiTRM k?1?' miles good town; Yamhill coun ty; Ju acres; 140 acres hlah state cnlHn. u 4 u , f "- miHiiuon; , J,. .5 lfX.proper ,drinage; living stream.; ' i.r.i'l buiWings; splendid bearing orchard: ! "no of the very best farming sectionk J wfaTn CfTtn5r;.na,tU'r: :t L" th? wee 6 per cent. ' " oal" 122North Sixth St Broadwav' 41 Going Farm, acres. S(l nnil., n1 . - , . . vatastn, balance is pasture; : H JlLn ""L rock": "ow by a larga trout creek; barn; on a logging railfoad where the en product of the farm can t. anld On. mil. J tha Columbia river. CO miles from Portiina isi nacre. $200 cash. CHARLES 1.. WHEELER CO., 517 Chamber of Commerce Bldg'. ': Improved Farm for Trade ' 40 acres, house, barn, orchard, near small town, good road, splendid land. Will trade for ' house, stora or city lota. This is a splendid opportunity for someone to get . good home in country. What have you to trstte? Call 502 touch bldg. or phone Sellwood 2552. , ft' YOU want a fine lb-acrefarra that "a a money maker don't pasa this up. Newly shuvled cottage of 7 rooms. Fine well Soil 'f',?lT ''ttiliied for last 5 yrs. Good barn, rhleken house and runs. New wire fenca. 4 erea in apples, pears, cherries and prunes, 8 crip iu mowing, resi oi land In small fruit and garden. Price .sonable. Will take $1300 on mortgage. No trade. Marshall 3933 e. win take $1 Marshall 3033. 7iTr tvi n.,-.. . 150. acre, near Amity. 70 now in - Ann . -. . . . , . " vutuuuuiuia inu wen: ua . u iv Kra, wiui at if now in crop goes with pmce; siocg ana implements included. You I ; uui riiougu wus year to pay for half the tarm. ; Take poawsaion now. Price $13 000 trmv Badley, 404 N. rW. bank bide- FARM TO acres within 10 miles of pArtt.-j - eourt house. Rich aotl. No graveL Part in erop. Beautiful view. Creek. Public road runs through place. hi mile, to station, commutation s". noose, oarn, ore nam, hay, grain, vMbert, bonds. baUnc long tW . lavicuiniw. uunwn. e ii.uvu1, a cash 1 Beaverton. Or., W- 2. fAVAOtAX f.rw, n. t - ably easy terms; landseekers" excursion parS leaves Portland for Calgary, Alberta. Saturday March SS; reduced rates. For further partipt SrS-Sj-M CoTiOS Xi.i tT.nl,. 1.1.1 t Z.. J M5 Kali way Excbanga bldg.. L. P. Thornton Ai representative. , , BACmriCH SACRiFICK SACRIFICE! 8 acres. IB cleared, dandy bungalow, barn it house: raull fmlt nn ri.iri. Jmt house. -" nanuy oungaiow, barn, i se, ratal fruit, on Pacifia hiehw a l mile of Castlemrk. Wash. Stn ,nt.. v. Only 2286V $700 '4oim bal. w i?a Reagan. Vancouver.'- Wash. $20 ACRES wheat and stock ranch, will eell ai FOR BALE FARMS 17 ' i"JEVTI.EMl,R FARM ' Nothing better than -this' in , Oregon, Im provements absolutely modern and unexcelled soil; 4 mile from good town, hi mile red elec tric can, short ride out of Portland; 77 hi acres, practically all in cultivation; 8-room fully mod ern plastered boose, bath, toilet, electric fights n house and barn, 2 fins barns, silo, concrete floors, nice lawn, cement walks, roses, etc- In fact, one of the prettiest farm homes in tits state; garage, shop and all outbuiling. - PER SONAL: S larga horses, harness, 2 wagons, boggy, automobile, gas engine and feed Bill, wood saw. plows, drill, hay tedder, rake, mower, fanning mill, disc, barrows, 1 5 good cows, 8 heifers, bull, etc Price, complete, $15,500. hi cub, balance easy terms. Crop in. You would fearer regret owning this farm. ' HARGROVE RE.LTT CO., 122 N. Sixth St Broadway 4381. CREAM OF WHEAT LAND 839 acres in the safe and sure belt of Klicki tat. 800 acres now seeded and . fenced bog tight. Good water. Price n house, fair outbuildings, spring . 828.500. ona-thiri i cash .nd , 'merit or long time, 8 per cent. I bsL eron navment or Ions time. 6 De Wheat land 500 in crop: good soil, rolling land, nearly all plowed. The best bay in the 1 Northwest at $20,000 Terms, $5000 cash; baL crop payment 160 ACRES DIVERSIFIED FARM 00 acres in cultivation; 40 acres nrgler ditch with free water. Fine corn and whtat land. Uood building; springs piped; good fruit; on tine trout stream. Ffhe hog and dairy farm. Four miles to county seat. Price $8500. LEASES FOR SALE On stocked and equipped wheat ranches. P. B. ALVORD CO... 218 Board of Trade. 24 A. on tha Willamette river, all curt, sandy loam soil, 112 young prune trees, 50 other' varieties, 1 A. strawber ries, 1 A. blackberries and loganber ries; good 5 room frame , house, bam 48x74 ft, shed 14x14 ft. outbldg. ; 2 Urge, young mares, 1 good Jersey cow and calf, buggy, harness, , wagon and other farm toob; near school, on good Co. road, -6 mi. to It. R sta.: $3000. 118-5. RALPH Af'KLEY LAND CO., Rothcbild Bldg., 287 Va Wash St 16O0-ACRE WHEAT RANCH, WITH 1000 ACRES IN WHEAT 1 500 acres in cultivation, fin soil, level and rollint land, north slope; 60 agres pasture, fenced with wire, some hofrtight fence, fair , , , ,, . : 1 . l'lln. well with gas engine. Ranch is lotf1vi" the bext ,' lJl .n8"" wl,ot .''i on c"unt ,Toa(1 Pnce only VJS aVfras. M I it Ut CaVHU. injKIire CTUir IVUl, Ul Kinru ..0wn,r'', "J Prt fnC?. .t "Tptmv ".m Pin Vtal; of HARTMAN (tOMPANIT, Mj. 1 cnamoer oi ' ""T1"rr' bldg- ! - UP-TO-DATE 46-ACRE EQUIPPED FARM On Pacific highway, south of Portland. 1 mile from good town of 2000, on electric, line, 40 acres now in crop, family orchard, 7 room mod- ern house; hot and cold water, barn, garage. milk houne, hog house, all bldgs. painted, 2 good mares, 1 coIfT 2 cowb, 1 calf, 3 brood sows, 0 pigs, 4 dosen liens, cream separator, range with hot water tank, mower, disc, plows, har rowi. cultivator, small tools. One of the nicest fsrms in the valley. I'rice $7500, Vt cash, balance C. See Sam HtNrey at J. L. HART MAN CO., No. 7 Chamber of Com. bldg. 3000-ACRE EQUIPPED STOCK RANCH, 10 AN ACRE 200 acres in cultivation, 80 acres alfalfa, balance good pasture; 400 open pine timber, extra well watered, 2 creeks, numb r of rpring-. good buildings, water in house. Personal: 15 -ood hor.es. wagons, harnesses, complete set of farm implement! : an Jdeal stock ranch, away be low JU real value; located in Gilliam County, Oregon. Part cash, termi en balance, 1 'v . See Sam Hwey, at 1. L. HABTMAN COM- PANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldj. 40 ACRES, located only 5 miles from Inter state bridge and Vancouver's industrial center, with 37 acres under cultivation. 4 room home with brick cellar, 1 barn, room for 10 head of cows, small bam for hones, granary and work shop, 10 acres bearing prunes, living water and on fine auto Toad, V mile from school and mile from electric carline. Price, if sold at once, $5250. $2500 cah, balance 7 per cent THOMPSON &. SWAN. 5th and Main ts., Vancouver, Wash. 60-ACRS EQUIPPED FARM. 15 MILES FROM PORTLAN PRICE CUT TO $5500 . Former price $7000. Personal property: 7 cows. 3 heifers. 290 hens, sell about 15 dozen turn a rlav: income about $200 a month, all farm implements, some hay and feed, 21 acres in cultivation, tine sou, balance pasture, ana urn ber. family -orchard, berries. bouse, barn brooder, incubator, Vi cash, balance 6 . See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN CO., No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 160 ACRES. 60 a. of rich alder bottom land. 20 acres of which is in high state of cultivation, 80 acres more latd easily cleared; abundance ot out range, with best of spring water; building: and fencing, all kindi of fruits, 1 4 miles to store and P. O., V4 mile to fchooL Price $6000. Take half, In home of few acres, or house and lot th or near Portland, baL very easy. 407 Stock Echange. 16 2-3 ACRES level .black loam, good fences, 2 acres pasture, windmill, pump and pump ho'ise assorted fruits and berries, good 7 room hou ?e. barn 120x60. granary, woodshed, tool hooie. fruit flouse. store room and cellar. Electric station on place, gravel road, school 1 mile, 2 blocks to churches and rtation. Price $5000. Williams Loan & Investment Co.. 422 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Or., or 112 W. 8th ft., Vancouver, Wa?h. 129 ACRES. 83 acres in cultivation, 44 acres pasture, running water, fenced and cross fenced, boards and barb wire. Good 8 roorrt house, good barn and other bnildingi. Auto road, 14 mile, R. R. town, high school, churches and bank. S10.5OO. Will consider some trade. Williams Loan &, Investment Co.. 4 22 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or:, or 112 W. 6th Bt, Vancouver, Wash. UN K ACRE ON OREGON CITY CARLINE All in cultivation; 3 room modern house, with sleeping porch; water system operated by elec tricity; barn; all kinds of fruits and berries; 2 blocks from caf line on River road; corntr lot; $3000; $10O0 cash, balance long time. DILLMAN It HOWLAND, 8th and Main St., Oregon City. Or. 50 ACHES, fine sojl. 1 H miles to rail sta. 25 acres under cultivation, lies fine, some good t'mber. Imp. would co?t over $2500. be sides clearing; some fruit Equity $3000. Some terms. 80 acres cutover land, not" hard to clear but 3 miles to railroad. Price $14 per acre. SUNSET REALTY CO.. Henry bide. 2190 ACRE EQUIPPED WHEAT RANCH Located in the best part of Eastern Oracon oeu, iiifu acres m cultivation, i-uu acres in wheat this season, in tint condition. $5000 equipment, both go "with sale, $4 6 an acre gooa Duuaings, abundance of water, some pas ture, i See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN CO., No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. FOR SALE By owner, 80 acres stock and dairy ranch, outrange. 35 miles: outbuildings and orchard: water piped to building; county rraa. n-io, journal. KXCHASG REAL ESTATE St FOR SALE or exchange, ' cAi.ii.mr, iui income oi farm. 1200 acres of fine second growth" tim ber in Lane Co.. near Eugene. Box 46, Mult nomsh Or beaverton snap ! 30 acres, 27 in cultivation, on 2 roads, near Beaverton. Trade for Portland property. Sell- vtonu luao. 10 APRF.S NEAR PflRTTlVn 1 V,r a . . i . 1 . I V ; ti . i i tt'iii . ... - Ubi,v iu imiutuu, will 8S- ' sume or pay cash difference. Geo. T. Moore ' Co.. .A: Abington bldg. I'HEAT and stock ranch. Returned over $8000 i. V" yer- w,ul ike 12.?00 cash; $12,000 ": l'rPe"y, pre.erapiy vacant, oalance $12, .000 mortgage, uwner, o-t.-'7, Journal. NEAR Portland, " 80 ' acres; 80 acres h,,nnj iiuii. nuii ana loganDemes; exchange wheat, stock farm or Portland property. Will assume Zimmerman- tt Co.. 311 Board of Trade. FOR SALE or excliangeTfor clear lot Piedmont preferred, income property in Lents, consist ing of 2 stores with lodge room above. Phone Woodlawn 4423 or C-2549. GOOD apartment corner with 5 room cottage on same to trad a for farm. Tabor 147. 12S2 Belmont. j WANT to trade my home, value $2200, for I small farm near suburban town. N-483, WILL trade my 940 equity in Modern 9 room bungalow for city lot or auto; no Fords. .684 E. 4 2d st. N. $2lR0FfRST mortgage. 5 years, 7 l w ZMrnl gaiow good district Room 8. 143H Broadway. UKUCfcttX store, stock and buildinirs value :."" ?le"i d?ict. tiada for farm; sume. 314 Lumber Exchange bldg. T-1 1 , 5 : mm I . " ,uJuer i room Domes, close in. Prio $5500 each, for Imnm,.,) f m ... Owner. Tabor 6029. LOS ANGaiLES property. Will sell or exchange ' Cn or whit 068 E. Salmon. .. uunuuig ior foruana property. ill a wklt fiO a -mi Cl . V . T 6 ROOM bungalow in Salem and 80 acres tira "'" $3500. to trade for farm. lf B. Hoard. R. 1, Hill boro. Or. FOR SALE or. trade. 40 acres. All in im.1" on tion. Call Main 5531. , yn 'lu exchange, income property and cash for I "tock of merchandise. Y 725. JournaL ' EXCHAJtGl:.2 Jot" in Peninsula. What have ! rwl A-705. JournaL EXCHANGE 20 acres in Tillamook Co. iov i house .quit,, A.74t. ' huiij. J-, . ""'i. L Ust ,B"r Property with the Real ' Change. 201 3d st.. Portland. ? . moaern nouse to exchange fur a 4 I or 5 roam bungalow. Sell wood RRn r FINE Hons T?i..r !..) i. i ' . j. land .-Mata "-- NOB HILL flats for elosa in- west-side resi dence. E-833, Journal. DIAMOND wanted; , hay $7QQ beautiful giew lot. Mala 1254. . , .... FOR SALE FARMS vTODA contain the choicest offerings of the best producers. The Journal for years acknowledged medium on this class of advertising. " EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 2! $75,000 wheat ranch consist ins of 800 acres, 3 1-2 ,, -t-i r II .A a m es 0ut of The Dalles 2 nat- ' ural lakes on the place; hot i . i ana coia waier in nouse, own electric light plant, fine buiid- ngs, 120 head of cattle, 6 head horses, all necessary farm implements and ma chinery. Will trade for clear Portland income property. Pacific Agency . 512-13-14-1.5 Swetland Bldg 14 Acres Close in For Trade Mv husband is in the hospital as result of stroke of paralysis; must dispose of our choice little farm Home only o mues irom me citj limits of Portland, good road all the way. 14 acres, afl in cultivation except 1 acre of nice fir grove; very best sou, no roca; nice living trout stream through place, good 6 room plas tered bungalow, splendid red barn on concrete foundation, outbuildings, splendid bearing orchard. Price $5000. Take $2500 home. Hargrove Realty Co. 122 North 6th st. Broadway 4381 268 ACRES of . Willamette valley lana: a houses, one 5 room ana one ; large Darn, family orchard, outbuiluings, 2 hi miles from town and R. R. Good gravel roaa, miie from school, high school in town. 200 acres In cultivation, balance in pasture and oak and ash timber. Running water for stock, good well at barn and house, good water. Price IJU.uwo, A cash. Terms to suit purchaser, 8 per cent . . . J I W'.ll fair. Pnrtl.n s,r Bil- SaTnp."AK:,rrp; tjley. For sale quite reasonable same town valued at aoouu. Kentai value per month. No commi'ions. See owner Sun day at 3 p. m., Monday 10 a. Ji., at North western Bank b',dg.. No. 1026. FOR SALE or trade for city or country prop- ertv. 1 steamboat capacity 50 tons, now be ing operated on run continuously for about 7 years; good paying business; reason for sale owner retiring from business. Answer if inter ested. U-589 JournaL STOCK OR DAIRY FARM 388 acres near Willamina. part river bot tom, part upland and finest pasture; good buildings, spring water piped to them: dairy cows, horses and machinery included; price $25,000. Will take smaller tarm as part pay ment, balance 6 per cent LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. ACRE near Capitol Hill station, on Oregon Elec tric. 5c fare; well built bouse, o rooms ana bath. sas. Bull Bun water: all cultivated, frutt. berries; running stream of water. Trade for Port land residence free of incumbrance, w rite sict., 300 Oregonian bldg., or phone Marshall 5844. EIGHTY, acres. 1 mile town, near mail route: about 10 acres; in cultivation, water pipea to bouse: orchard, house, barn. J poultry houses; good team, wagon, farming implements; partly under good fence; wouia comiaer iraae for city property in good live town or estab lished jewelry rtore. GX-793. Journal. OWNER DRAFTED 320 acres, 4 miles from Mosier. 50 acres cultivated.' 4 room house, barn, 2 wells, spring; worth $8000; take $6000; take clear vacant lots or house to $4000. CLEVELAND. Main 1189. 222 C. of C. bldg. IS ACRES in good state of cultivation except 2 hi acres m oak timber ana cnicken para. 6-room chicken house. 10-room reaidence plas tered, 2 good wells; exchange for bouse and lot in Portland if clear; mortgage for difference. D. W. Farmer. Willamette. Or. Earge FARM FOR SMALL ONE Have well located 68 acre farm. 35 acres in cultivation, full set buildings, orchard, run ning water, finest of soil. Want about 10 acres well improved, close in, .clear for clear. R. F. Feemster, 209 Abington bldg. 233 ACRES, 135 acres cult, well improved. 27. tailes out, auto and 2 railroads, depot, store and P. O. on place; all or any part. 10 acres up; good team; may take some trade. Box 72. Owner. Woodburn. Or. YOUNG FARM FOR HOUSE Beat 2H acres at Multnomah. All in cultivation. Fine view. Best soil. All clear, price $4000, want clear home or will sell easy terms. BADLEY INV. CO.. 404 N: W. Bank. EXCHANGE good, equity in small modern bungalow. Want small farm, acreage or good light car. Will assume on land. See owner, 426 Baldwin st ' FOUR room cottage, hi acre ground, berries. fruit trees, etc., on carline, near Seattle, for propertv in Portland. Must be no incumbrance. L. A. Burnett. 2051 E. Burnside st. Portland. 6 ROOM modern house, near carline, on East i Flanders st, Portland. Want small acreage. See R. J. Davis. 214 U. S. Bank bldg.. Van couver, Wash. 480 ACRES in Morrow county. No waste land. Price $20 per acre. Would take city property in exchange. M. E. Lee, 605 Cor- bett bldg. 120 ACRES 2 seta bldgs., on the Goldendale branch 8., P. A S. Value $6500, clear; trade for Portland home to $12,000. Cleve land. Main 1189. 222 C. of C. bldg. WI L exchange well located choice 15 acres, 8-year-old bearing orchard, for good Portland vacant, clear. Reason, eastern owner. Quick ac tion necessary. K-604, JournaL 6 ROOM BUNGALOW 3 ACRES Close in on Oregon City line. Want to fell or might consider 'ome traode on equitable basis. It. F. Feem'ter. 209 Abington bldg. HOUSE near shipyard, Raymond, Wash., partly equipped for boarders. Cottage, city. Both for place anywhere; wth house preferred. 3930 S)th 8. E. Tabor 3235. FOR SALE or trade, 160 acres with 4,000.000 feet timber, mostly cedar; located in Coos county, Or.; prefer Portland property. T-595, Journal. WANT Coos or Curry Co. land for Portland and Gear hart equities in bungalows. Will go see land. P. B. Van Nice, -j1 Concord bldg. Marshall 54 54. TWO story 9 room home, garage, full lot. $4500: subject $18.0 incumbrance: owner will consider clear vacant for equity. Mr. Mar tin. P. O. box 8R5. 54 5 ACRES Willamette valley. 4 50 in culti vation. 340 in crop, fine building i.- on rail road, good roads. Will give good deal. Zim merman & Co., 311 Board of Trade. 389 ACRES. Polk Co. Fine dairy farm with large barns, silo, good building i. Will give good deaL Zimmerman tc Co., 311 Board' of Trade. 4 ROOM house, chicken house, with 6 acres full bearing prune trees; near Vancouver, Wash.; will sacrifice for cash or consider 5 room bun galow in trade. M-718, JournaL - HAVE several tracts of good elose in acreage to trade for city property. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO.. 224-225 Henry bldg. 40 ACRES Fine soil. Fully equipped. 8 cows. 25 miles from city. Fair building. Will pay from the start Mrs. J. Robbins, 301 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 731. WANT clear lot for $1000 equity in 10 acres, improved, near Grasham. E. S. Smith, 894 Woodward ave. - FOR house in Portland. 80 acres in White Salmon orchaVda district, reasonable. Marsh. 6857. EASTERN land wanted. Michigan preferred. for farm and city property here. This is your chance. 312 Swetland bldg. EXCHANGE My Eastern Oregon ranch. 195 acres, for Portland property. Lawton, Main 937. FOR trade, by owner, 160 A. improved, in south - central Ore., for auto or truck. C L. Wrenn. fcidgefieM. Wash. 820 ACRES in Tillamook Co. Owners would exchange for Portland property. U. E. Lee. 605 Corbett bldg. FOR SALE or exchange, house in St Johns; centrally located; suited for boarding house. Z-868. Journal. -- . PORTLAND income for similar - property near Chicago. Price $12,000. Mta. 350O JWia assume equal .amount 840 E. Ankeny. MODERN .room house tor farm; will assume. 208 Abington bldg. 10 ACRES good land to exchange for, house. East 433. , - K EXCHANGE HEAL ESTATE ti 82 ACRES. 40 acres cultivated, 52 acres logged -off , In pasture, all level' except 2 acres hilly; ft acre prune orch ard, 1 acre in variety of fruit. Black loam soil, watered by 2 good wells and 1 mail creek, 8 room square frame house, telephone, barn 62x52 feet, concrete apple house. Wood house, milk houxe, ehieken houiw, hog house, and fruit dryer. Place is all fenced with wire . and rails. 2 horses, 6 cows. 3 yearlings, 3 calves, 2 hog. 24 chickens, wagon, mower, cultivator, plow, harness, doubla and single; hay rake, binder, harrow, stump poller, many other tools. .3 hi miles from, R. R. station, on rock county road, has R. F. "D. and good mifk and cream route, hi mile to school, 25 miles to Portland. Price $8000. Part trade. 143 8 RALPH ACKLET LAND CO. 210 Rothcbild bldg. Cor. 4th and Washington sta.. Portland. Or. IN WILLAMETTE VALLEY 160 acres. 60 A. cult, most can ba cleared easily, good black soil. 30 A. bottom land, family orchard; watered by wring and creek piped to bldgs.- 6 rooms, 1 hi story iioue with rustic outside,- barn jut being built. 4 0x46 ft tool Fhed. chicken houe, hog hou?e, milk house, woodshed, shop. Place u fenced on 2 sides and part of 3d with rail end ir. 4 horses. 4 cows, 2 yearlings. 1 calf. 1 sow, 36 chickens, U 3-yr. old steer.,. 1 2-yr. old eteer, wagon, mower, walking plow, 2 sets harness, hay and rake, bind ers, harrow, single bucgy, hay rack, wheat drilL Has R. F. D. , cheese and cream route, 1 mile to school. Price $5800, pai trade. 117-5. Ralph Ackley Ind Co., Rothcbild Bldg., 287 hi Wash St We have a few good stock ranches, also dairy and di versified farms, all in the val- and upon same we can take in exchange your city property. See Walters Pacific Agency, Inc. 512-13-14-15 Swetland Bldg PERFECT FARM HOME 98 acres, nearly all fine bottom land. Mod ern building; private water system. On state highway, hi mile frjom 2 good towns and high schools. Stocked and equipped. Take good home place as part payment, balance as long aa you want at C 7r . COUNTRY HOME All in high state of cultivation. Lots of fruit. Comfy, buildings. Near electric sta tion, handy to Portland. Price and terms, to suit you or will trade for auto. . P. E. ALVORD CO., 21 S Board of Trade LOS ANGELES property to trade for 8 or 10 acres, either in Multnomah, Clackamai or Washington counties. This place contains three acres with bearing orange trees, apneots and other varieties of fruits. There is a 4 room house on the place. It is on a good road and Inside the city limits of Lo Angeles. If you have something to trade of the above description all clear of indctrtedness that Is worth $3000, here is an opportunity. M. J. Clohessy. 415 Abington Bldg. FULLY EQUIPPED STOCK RANCH 412 14 acres. 10 miles N. E. of Roseburg by auto road. 60 acres in cult., 40 acres in grain, spring piped to bldgs., family orchard, 20 Dur ham, Jersey and Hereford cows, 50 goats, 8 pigs team, wagon, tools, etc. All kinds of grain, hay and seed. $10,000. WiTl take up to hi in Portland home, bal. 6 . CLEVELAND. Main 1189. 222 C. of C. bldg. INCOME PROPERTY 100x100. nice corner, a ood location, with four houses bringing $60 per month; city as sessments paid. Price 10,OOU, mortgags $3500, 3 years, 7 per cent Will exchange for a good going ranch and assume. W. C. Repass, 725 C. of C. bldg. A FINE DAIRY FARM In a fine farming district. 6 good cows. 1 good horee, all necessary implements; fair set build ings. About 50 acres in cultivation, most of which is fine creek bottom. Must be sold at a sacrifice to settle an estate. Geo. T. Moore Co., Abington .bldg. NOTICB If your property, either city, farm or acreage, has merit and is for exchange or sale, call or write full particulars; no inflated values consid ered; have first class list to select from. Geo. P. Henry. 829 Henry bldg. References, Portland Realty Board. FOR TRADE for small ranch or city property in Oregon or Clarke county, aslungton, 12 room house, part house now renting for $26 per month, in American Falls, and 320 acres relinquishment wheat land, 250 acres ready for low; 6 miles from American Falls. Idaho, ioaglin Soap company. Vancouver. Wash. WHAT have you to trade in the way of cleared property to the amount of $13,500 income bearing ill Portland for a beautiful place of 28 acres on the Clackamas river, between Clacka mas and Gladstone on a hard surface road with all kinds of 'fruit, good buildings, etc M. J. Clohessy. 415 Abington bldg. SALE or trade for farm, 7 room house, full basement, fine street, walking distance, nice lawn, cement walks, choice roses. famiH- ar den. all nicely kept and in good condition! Give- full particulars and price i.rot Idiier or calL owners only. 792 Belmont ft. TO EXCHANGE city property, centrally located east side; also 120 acre farm, equipped, in ntral Oregon, for large farm, either wheat diversified or cattle, $4 5,000 to $50,000. In quire 174 Grand ave. S. 8 ROOM modern house, 60s90 lot, with garage. No incumbrances. Close in. Will sell, or trade for income property to value about $6000. Will consider incumbered property. For sale by owner. T-603, Journal. 12 hi ACRES. 6 room house, barn, chicken house, 2 acres orchard, running water on place, best of soil, 1 mils station, for rent or exchange for Portland property. Owner, I 932, JournaL TO TRADE 879 acres in Canada to exchange for city or farm property or might consider property in the east: this is good land, on the R. R. Re pass, 725 Chamber of Commerce. 1 ACRES highly improved with fine hou-e at Oak Grove near a hard surface street and carline for $4750. Will take in exchange a small houio in Portland to the value of $2000 or $2300. M. J. Clohessy, 415 Abington bldg. A SMALL ranch in N. Douglan Co., or., for sale or exchange for small stock of general merchandise in country or small town. Inquire of owner. W. N. L., Anlauf, Or. EXCHANGE 2 flat house, No. 63 E. 6th N.. for small house farther out. Terms. Call owner. CC .TTVATED 12 acres. Orenco: want good house equity, good district Marshall 5945. WANTKIt-RKA L F.STATE 1 , SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED Must be N. K. and priced right. Wa ,hare numerous rniyers waiting. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Cora. WANTED Modern 4-5 room bungalow, from owner, not over $2000; must b northesst: have $1150 mortgage, on monthly payment and cash. A-713, JournaL WANT good beach cottage from owner who will take Portland property . in exchange. De rcribe, giving price and location. M. T., p. (J. Box 855. WILL buy equity in 100x100 with modern 5 or 6 room house. Mut have bearing fruit trees. Or will buy outright Furnijjure also con sidered. A-706, JournaL " REAL MONEY IN SIGHT If you have a bargain in a hou-e and lot; sraair places sell best B. F. Kelly. 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1484. WANTED, 4 of 5 room modern house, 50x100 lot; snap; $2000 . or under. Private party from owner. K-418, Journal. WANT to buy direct from owner, modern tt room house with 3 or 4 full lots, near car. Must be bargain. ATI casta. J 6 1 fi, JonmaL STRICTLY modern house or bungalow in Haw thorne district from 6 to 7 rooms;, must be a bargain. E-60, JournaL : . ' WANTED A 4 room bungalow. Write Sergt Harry Richard. Y. M. C. A.. City. WANT to buy lot on easy terms, not too far out SelL 1044. CASH for bargain in bungalow or .dwelling. 5 - to T rooms. Phone Main $7. CASH' for modern 6 or 7 room house, through : owner-. - Tabor 4441, -.. -. .- WANTED 4 room, modem bungalow. Alberta, - on easy. .terms. 932 Chamber CommeieM II Want 6 room modern-bunga-' low in Richmond district for $2500, cash; want from 4 to 6 room bungalows in other good districts, some with cash and monthly payments. Have buyers waiting if your price is right. Can sell quick.' Ask for Warnock . With Pacific Agency 514 Swetland Bldg. GOOD PLACES 160 A. farm for city homes; 85 in cultiva tion, with building) on. 15 A., with extra good soil and buildings. 7 r. house. 2 large barns, woodshed and chicken houses; 3 a. bearing orchard. 1 horw. 3 cows, hogs, chickens and implements : hi miie to lugh way and station: $2750, ou terms. 322 HENRY BLDG. Main 587. WANTED Modern bungalow of 4 or 5 rooms, close i.i. near carline. Have 3 large lots to give as all or part of first payment L-747, JournaL WANTED To Iea 5. room hone in IIsw- thome dirtrict Phone Tabor 1131. 6 ROOM cottage west of Union, near Killings-worth.- Zella Gossett, 164 W. Killingsworth. ROOMiyB HOUSES 68 63 RM. APARTMENT. In twos and threes. Modem white pressed brick, west side. Ele eantly furnished. Long lease, reasonable rent Price $450.0. 44 rm. hotel. Rent $125. Long lease. Modern west side brick. In best district. Cater ing to men only. . Very best of furniture. Splen did money maker. Price $5500. Terms. r 14 H. K. rms. Rent $30. Cloe in on th st. Electric lights and many modern conven iences. Very clean and extra well furnished. Price $850. Terms. 13 rms. In heart of town-. Finest grounds and surroundings in city. A dandy home and a swell money maker. You cannot duplicate this. Price $1050. Terms. . 39 rm. apartment Rent $150. Free heat, water, electric lights, etc. Dandy modern home. Fireproof. Beautifully furnished. - Price $2500, terms. Just the place for lone woman. Many other3. All sixes, prices and locations. YATES REALTY CO..L 249 4th st. Buyers Take Notice No wice, buyer buys the first house they see nor do they buy from the first agent they go to. See others first then see mine. Buy where you can do the beit We have an auto to show ycu around in if you mean business. If you are after a Joy ride stay with the other fellow. 82 room apartment house, most modern in the city. Swell furniture, close in, location; rent $250. Prio for all, $2750. 27 room rooming "house, all on one floor, brick building, rent only $25. Turns away 20 people daily. Price $900; terms. 22 rooms, transient bouse, all on one floor. Bent S35. corner, large, light rooms, i'rice for all, $395. 16 rooms, dandy home. West Side, close to park, rent $25. Always full; income $122; price for all. $595; terms. PETEjtS. ot course. 10 otn st HIGH CLASS HOTEL AND SUMMER RESORT 16 double sleeping room; can arrange for 16 additional ; 1 8 tents furnished, all with floors; one large screened building on river bank ; dance hall 46x00; concrete swimming pool 60x120; tennis court 50x150; large garaee with 8 stalls: croquet grounds 50x100: electric lih,ts and all other modern conveniences. 1 5 -room bungalow; 1 8 -room house; all modern in every way; all furnished throughout with good furniture. 20 acres of ground. Will also lease 120 acres additional at low price, which really should go with the hotl. KELLEn STEELE. 314 Lumber Exchange bldg. These Are Real Bargains 4 5 rooms on Washington st, clearing $300 month above all expenses. $3500. 40 rooms housekeeping apts. $1800. 22 room;, strictly modern, $1500, terms. 25 rooms, $9 50. terms, winner. 14 room, $650, White Temple district 10 rooms, $4 50. White Temple district Square deal to buyer and seller guaranteed. Automobile at your service. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG. 15 Rooms Part H. K, ' Clean; good furniture: cheap rent; 2 blocks from Portland hotel; quick sale. $900. See my agent, L. A. HALL, 512 Tanama B'dgj' TWELVE ROOMS. ELEGANT FUlbJtT,lRE Account of sickness will sell mytbtau&nlly furnisheed rooming house at sacrifice. 1 jbis will appeal to any one waatiiuf a home lit, connection with good income., i Pliona Mala 5770. ," 12 H, K. Rooms 2 sleeping porches; good furniture: low rent; near White Temple. This is the best buy in the city. $300 will handle, i L. A. HALL. 512 Pajttma Bldg $1000 AllEAL BARGAIN $1000 11 1, 2 and 3 room apartments, cloe in. cheap rent, no vacancies, now clearing $75 per, month without owner's personal attention; own er in other business and in need of cash; will be there Sunday and Monday. 328 Main st 22 Rooms $11 00 Terms Rent $35. Modern. Income $175. Good home. Splendid location. Always fuIL Snap. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 602 COUCH BLDG. FOR SALE cheap, rooming house. 80 fine rooms, nicely furnished, in the heart or the city; have to sell on account of poor health; must have change climate? The Francis. 162 West Park cor. Morrison st. PhoTia Mar. 6110. CASH FOR. IMPROVED ACREAGE Have several cash customers for Improved acre age at reasonable price. Geo. T. Moore Co., Abington bldg. v WE "have several shipbuilders desiring to buy hoiLses on terms. List your house with old reliable firm. Phone Main 1068. Frank L. McGuire. Abington bldg. ill-ROOMS Nice, modern place, close In, west side. U. K.. nicely furnished and clean. Rent $30. Light rooms. Price $650, terms. 188 jJd st. ; FOR SALE! Rooming house, 18 roomi, doing good business; $500 cash. Mrs. Alice Rum- sell. Camas, Wash. . J TEN ROOMS. WELL FCRNL"?ED. PAYLVO GOOD INCOME, VERY jCENTRAL. A PHONE MAIN 4864. 21 ROOM hotel, rent $37.50; clearing $115 monthly, beiides living rooms. Price $1200; t"rra Room 8, 145 hi Broadway. HAVE party wanting 0-7 room house in Mult nomah add.; $50 down. baL- $15 per month. Albert Harala, 706 Mississippi ave. FRANK L. M'GUIRE can sell your bouse. 411 414 Abington bldg. Main 1068. 30 ROOMS, mt tly hou'ekeeping; circumstances force us to sell; price, $750. J-630i Journal. BUSINESS OFPORTC5IT1ES WANTED FOR TRADE Portltand suburban real estate for rmall stock merchandise; will give part ca ll. Box 15, Monitor, Or. Looking for well foundd drug business, valued up to $6000, JournaL V-990 CITY lots' and cash for grocery or cigar store. Y-725. Journal. BUSINESS, OPPORTUNITIES 80 WANTED Experienced man with some capital to engage in galvanizing business. M 711, Journal. "FOU 8ALE- Paying meat market in Vancon- ver. Wash. Good reason for selling. Journal. B-786. U' YOU are looking for a Willamette valley farm it will pay you to see. fiippey. 612 McKay bldg. TAILORING, cleaning and pressing shop on good corner; no shops near; will sell cheap If sold within 30 days. G-734. JournaL WANT reliable man to join me in grocery bnd nesa; have new auto and several hundred dol lars invested. Must have help. G-764. JournaL FOR SALECVfe and'deilcatessen. doing $35 to - $40 a -day bu-riiw. t-rms. 385 E. Bum'ide. afUST sell cleanins and pressing business; $75; owner sick. 7 4th st , Marshall 1602. FOR ' SALE, part trade, grocery and cotifeo r turnery, good. Owner, E-622. JournaL CASH corner grocery, a real lire money making store. See owner, 641 Wash. at. ' - - . tWO rood hotels la shipyard - dutnd.. . Broad- ' way 819. TVAWTED -UEATj ESTATE has been the BUSINESS OPPORTTJlTiTIF.S t ABE YOU LOOKING FOR A FINE FURNITURE . AND HARDWARE 8TORE? A fine suburban furniture and hardware store in the city limits of Port land for sale by owner. Carries a com plete line of furniture, hardware glass, paints and oils, crockery, complete home furnishings, fishing tackle, etc., also second band goods. Will invoice about $10,000, Yearly business running $35,000. Will stand closest investigation. The beat buy in the city for a live man. Must act quick. T 671. Journal. West Side grocery store sac rificed $3000; stock and fixtures for $2100. Act quick. R. N. Warnock With Pacific Agency 514 Swetland Bldg. JI'fiT WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR Have fine equipped soft drink parlor, lunch room, eigar store and card room, all combined in one; doing good business: rout sell on account of other business; stand thorough investigation. 6603 Foster road, cor. 66th. Ktrn Park. Mt Scott car. A WELL established general merchandise store in an enterprising Washington town, close to Portland. Stock well selected -and bal anced. Many concessions will be granted to right party. Inventory and other data on file in our offices. The Adjusianent Bureau of the Portland Association of Credit Men, 641 Pittock block, Portland. Or. FOR SALE or will exchange tor equipped foot hill stock ranch next to facades, well es tablished and good paying genera merchandise and farm produce business, located at rhipping station of rich and thickly settled farming country. Clean Ptock of govds, also real prop erty. Price about $6000. Address owner, DX 016, JournaL . Ore Mine for Sale Located in state of Wahington, 3 miles from railroad station. $10,000 already put in on development For further particulars call or address Oliver Champagne at 219 E. 60th t N. MONET wanted. A modern foundry and ma chine works needs small capital before ac cepting big order which are offered. If you have idle money which should be working for the country and getting big returns lor you. phone East 4 878 for information. FOR SALE Old established business paying $250 or better per month, cheap rent, good lease, best location; experience unnecessary: owner wishes to retire: worth $7000; -will take $4000; $2500. This is a bargain. J-619, JournaL . I HAVE an up-to-date general mrle. store for sale in a good business section in the Wil lamette valley, doing a good business. Store bldg., stock and fixtures at invoice price, about $7000. Not the present prices, but the actual cost price.. Must be cash. NX-476, Journal M. FOR SALE -OR EXCHANGE A good creamery, building and machinery, all equipped and ready for business, Will sell on very reasonable terms or would consider other good income property in exchange. Ad dress 8. R. Tandy, Jefferson, Or. FOR SALE $10,000 stock genu' furnishings , shoes, hats, shirts, underwear and work cloth ing -at Prescott Wash., to be sold at 82 He: no fixtures; stock bought at old prices. Owner must aell in next 10 days. Best snap on the market. O. M. Simingtop. Prescott. Wash. HAVE one of best grocery stores in city for Sale. If vou don't want to worlr rton'r Knv -this store. Will discount some. Will reduce stock to suit (See Ott). G. 8. Smith 6c Co.. 432 Cham, of Com. bldg. FOR SALE Grocery and , confectionery store with soda fountain; on old established cor ner. 4 living rooms in rear, stock, fixtures and furniture at a sacrifice. Monthly receipts ex ceed $950. Telephone Main 2572. AUTOMOBILE garage. Partner wanted to tend the office, wait on curtomers. sell sup plies, gasoline, etc. Profits $2000 year to each partner. Open to your closest investigation. Call room 403 Deknm bldg. Store Owners TakeNotice I hare reral new comer that want a KTOrery or oonfcctionerv mtnre, lint von N fl nH - dard, 602 Couch bldg. ...i.sir.l) Ideas. write for Hst of intention! wanted by manufacturers and prices offered for inventions. Our 4 books sent free. Pat ert's advertised free. Victor J. Evans it Co "4 Ninth st.. Washington. D. C. GOOD little suburban grocery store, hi acre. 3 room bungalow, fruit and berries. chicken house. 1 5 minutes walk from car. near good road. Phone 94-Y. William C. Schmidt, Mil waukie, Or. FOR SALE Furniture of 2(i room hotel ; good location, good business. 2 hi year lease. Can ba handled with very small cairitaL Terms Addreas P. O. Box 89. Yacolt. Wash. BLACKSMITH shop for sale, good location, good business building 28x30, 4 years on lot at $5 per month; tools and stock, price $350. 1774 E. ltth Ft FOR SALE, trade or rent, modern store build ing, Hillsdale, Or. Good bouse and outbuild ings, 4 lots. No reasonable offer refused. Dr. U. J. Mercer, Vancouver, Wash. PAYING grocery, good location, Foster road. Invoice about $200. Must have spot cash. Am leaving state. 6040 Foster road. Tabor 8673. FOR SALE If you are looking -for a good restaurant and confectionery, come to 229 N. 23d st. living rooms included. Don't tell anybody. FOR SALE $1000; confectionery, cigars and light groceries, 9 furnished living and H. K. rooms, rent $30; busy cor. 214 Union ave., cor. Holladay. E. 3577. MUST SELL A cleaning and pressing parlor. See Bond. 339 Morgan bidg.. Sunday o. m.. week dani all day. Grocery Store Bargains I have several of ttura at bedrock prices. Goddard. 502 Couch bldg. WANTED A steady man to work in green , house; can clear $150 month; experience not nncesiary if willing to learn; $500 required; fully secured. Call Room 403 Dekum bldg. FOR sale, cleaning and pressing shop, dolne fine business; must sell on account of other business. Tip Top Cleaners.. 394 Jefferson st Phone Main-8472. A GOOU- clean stock of groceries in the bear district in the city; reasonable rent, includ ing fixtures, 3 modern living rooms in connec tion. Pbone Wdln. 5170. MAN with some sales ability can earn $'200 month; rmall investment; established office business. Y 7-0, JournaL WANTED Man with $5000 to take interest in good paying business, who can devote hU time to- the business. P-654. Journal. HAVE oiening for active man in a good wood and coal business; small investment requirca se cured. Room 403, Dekum bldg.. 20-ROOM hotel, county seat, good business, 20 miles from Portland, leased for term of years. Box 236, Hillsboro. Or. - A GOOD - established selling proposition for a hustler at th army camps, $150 capital will handle. 712 Main St. Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE A good paying confectionary store. auitafle for men and wife, on one ot the main car lines. A-710 Journal. ON ACCOUNT sickness will sell paying gro cery at discount or trade for ranch. Give phone number. E-621, JournaL ' SECOND band barber supplies sod enair bought and sold. List your barber shop with us. Portland Cutlery Co.. 86 6th st FOR SALE Shoe shop, A No. 1 .location, no competition, cheap rent and top prices. For particulars address Jack Hamilton. Joseph, Ore. LIGHT groceries, confectionery, etc. This store is a bargain at $550. Haa 2 living rooms. Call room 408 Dekum bldg. DRUGGIST, attention. Do you want a nice pay ing business; no agenta. selling because of sickness. U-928. JournaL . CIGARS, confectionery, nice place for parties to make an easy living. Living rooms at tached. 807 1st st. FOR SALE, old established restaurant, always a money maker; fine opportunity for man and wife. K-6, JournaL ' ' ' DOSCT WORRY . esa sen or trade anything anywhere Lay : 1 48 s Broadway. FOB, SALE. Silver Moon rettaurant. 33 N. 2d. BtTStSTESS OPPORTUNITIES '. t $25,000 General Mdse. in one of the best Eastern Oregon towns. Trade for improved valley farm. " $7500 Geneal Mdse. in good small valley town, good business. Trade for clear housesr improved farm or second growth timber near railroad. Pacific Agency 512-13-14-15 Swetland Bldg RESTAURANT, paving $200 per month, in best of location, fully equipiwd, well man aged and with no debt but because of sick ness our tenant must sell and only asks $600. It will pay for itself in 3 months. Good living quarters can oe rented lmmeuiateiy Joining. Main 0313. CHAS. L. WHEELER CO., 517 U of C. Restaurant for $200 Terms l If you want a restaurant that two can handle- that will clear you $225 per month, I have it; no competition, lively locality, easy terms. See Goddard, 502 Couch bldg. A up-to-date millinery store in thea best part of the city, in a new brick bldg., with living rooms in back. The right place for the right 1-dv. G-675. JournaL, CANDY, soft drink, ice cream store, good resi dential location, cheap rent, good fixtures; candy making outfit; very cheap, It 538, JournaL MONEY TO LOA RF.AL P.STA'fK t7 utU iDtallmeni plan u lue iki "a aoiiBl method of paying a loan. $32.26 per month lor $6 months or $21.24 for 60 months or $15 17 for l6 mob tha. pays $1000 loaa and interest Other amounts in proportkm. We loan on improved city property Or lor building purposes. No commission charged. EQLtl'AIlI.E SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 24J Stark St.. I'ortlsnd. Or. WANT A I.OAXT We have parties ready with the money. $800. 3 years,' TH. $1000, 3 years. 7 "r . 219 Lumbermen? Bklg.. 6th and Stark sta. VvTlEN YOU-REQUIRE" a loan on realty see us for low rates and attractive repayment privileges. fcsafety boxes for rent, no increa.-A) in prices. Union Safe Deposit & Trust Co.. 284 Oak. MORTGAGE LOANS Any amount on improved city and farm property: will consider good building loans. THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. Vtsln 6915. 153 4th St. A-2l kiONUY to loan on improveU property ill uhjbI every' town in Washington. Oregon and Idaho; ram is paid back monthly hke rent U. K. l l,.dwlck. 822-23 N W. Bank bldg 4uu. ioo. oo. eauu. toju, aiaw. -aluuu and larger amounts at current rates. Quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 73a Chamber ot Commerce. l.t ll.Ul.Nl, losni on cit ur euburDan property; money advanced ss work rrogrossea. W. O Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. llU.NtV v loan in amuiuiu ol tllio w Huutt en city property. A. H. MK4.L. 201 Gerltneer bld. MONEY to loan on well improved city prn erty. Low rate on gilt edge security. W. T. Vaughn. 1225 N W. Bank bldg. FOR MORTGAGE LOAN'S see OREGON INV. at MORTGAGE CO., Stock Exchange bids.. 3d and YawsbUl sta. 4bOO PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN on improved farm or city projierty. Might make it $51100 or divide. Y-715. Journal, 42500 ON part implored city property; private party, 7 per cent; no commission. M 035. Jour nal. $500 IMPROVED city property; private party ; 8 per cent; no commission. M-634, Journal. MultlGAiit. loans, ii and 1 per cuil Salomon A Co.. 408 Selling bldg. loo to el&ou, con-iiler kiu. .ti. U liowlmtf, 416 Chamber of Commerce. Main 867. HAili siuoo to eso.ouu to iuu uu larm or city property P. O Box S78 $600 TO $700 tu loan on good 'security. V 769, Journal. $100 to $600 Quick action on suburban bouses. Ward. 407 Spalding bldg. SOKY TO LOAN CHATTKL8, SALARIES 67 Salary LOANS WE LOAN MONEY Chattel On short notice to salaried or working men oa their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly er monthly payments. Kscn transaction atrietly eomiaentiai. NO. MORTGAGE IfO INDORSEE ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We abo loan on household furniture. rtc. wiinout removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED, 817 Filling bldg. If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Loans made to persons on salary or fixed income, on household furniture, pianos, dia monds and other personal property; legal rates. Business confidential; private offices. PORTLAND LOAN JJOUl'ANt Licensed. B06-307 Lmkiua Bldg. PORTLAND KKMtCl)lA MJAN AtUUt. Established by Portland business mea te protect borrower. C MTERS nEKMAS. Mgr.. 394 STARK ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS, i EWKI.RT, PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Money to loan on pianos, furniture, other ties. W. A. Hathaway, rm 208 Wash bldg. LOANS WANTED 10 EIGHTEEN HUNDRED 1FOLI.ARS 7 POX. 10 ACRE home. Tigard district, all In cultiva tion. 6 acres bearing orchard, shack buildings. beautiful home site, and conservatively worth $4000. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham ber of Commerce. WANTED .Monday. $4 00 or $500. 10T. 1 year, oij improved ecurity worth $2000. 932 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANT paiiL $1000 loan on cottage; paved street Owner. I'. box 80S. WANT $2000 loan on 2 story house. P O. box 855. Owner, XhOO gilt-edge country mortgage, discount to draw H per cent. H-585. Journal. FINANCIAL tl MORTGAGE on 40 acres of $4 75, Hood River county. Inquire 529 Lverett st HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC. 18 BAY horse. 1400 lb.'.. 4 years, broke to work: one 14-inrh steel plow and ons hillside plow. Call Main 1783. ask for Klinke. WILL pay cash for horse, about 1200 lbs. Mut t young and gooa to wore single. At auis E. B2d st. SMALL team, wagon and harness for sale, also some good fresh cows. Inquire National I-aundry ham. E. !th and Hawthorne. WANT team, harness, wagon, farm impiuments and stock. Have good land to exchauge. II- 653, JournaL - BLACK PeTcheron gc-lding, weight around 1400 Jbs., 6c yean old. sound, good worker, $150; not been worked in city. 880 San Rafael. BAY HORSE) 1300 IbT! harness and wagon. $75: work any place. 251 Meade st; South Portland car. TWO gixid teams, liarness and wagon. 1 rubber tire buggy, cheap. 20S Union aye. N. Call Snndny or Monday. ' WILL sacrifice my three farm horses, because I have no uae tor Ui-'m; good workers. 80i 2d st . lSo BAY HORSE.' $60. South Portland car.' 251 Meade st 2300 lb. TEAM, harness and farm wagon, $125. Phtme MarvhaTl 405 5. GOOD ranch teem, wagon and harness, 6838 82d st. S. E. $100. hOUsli and waan. $1.25 day; 2 torm sad wagon. $2 50. 84 6 Front Main 2208. MUST sell wagon, cheap, m good order, no use for it. Tabor 085. Have DKAD horses sod animals hauled awsy tree. Call Woodlawn 20. Port Und Rendering Co, GOOD team, wagon and harness, $100. Wood lawn 1490. 1301 B. 12th N. 10 HEAD good term won ever winter. $50 to $150. Bones, well ted. 228 AldVr st. SMAlL horse, tiarnea aod wagon. 5704 92d nL Tabor lSOO. - . . HORSE and delivery wagon for sale.- Will take phonograph as part Pnone Tabor 661. WANTED Buggy shafts and Marshall 6894 . . -- - breaking cart. FOR SALE Light spring wagon, long body, in fine .shape, 3o. dko carton a vs. FOR SAI- 4-year-old bay horse, sound and true, . 1180 lbs., 1950 Hodge st, t. Johns car. HOBSF.R. VEHTCtFrt, ETC. 1 We have tha finest assortment of young geldings and mares weighing from J 2 00 to 1500 lbs., and mules weighing from 1000 to 1400 lbs. Also seven arts of double horse ha mesa. All stock sold with a guaraotea, Frazier & McLean 240 E. 8th and Main. Just. Received Shipment Good young bones and mares, from 4 to 8 years old, weighing from 1100 te 1R00 pound; some well matched teams heavy boned and blocky. built; all wall broke and la fine condition- Prices very reasonable. G. IK ,WU liam.on, V. S. stables. 24 8 Front st THREE 1st class work horses, 1 mare, S years old. weighs 1500, sound and true worker, 1 bay hoive, 1200 lh. ; 8-yr. old black horse. 1200 lbs.. 10 years old, yery gentle, first-class all around horse. Will sell one or all very reason- 1 able. Take Sellwood car to Imley ave., go two blksE. to 700. FOR isAT.E Fine 6 year old standard' pr driving horse, wt. 1200 Ins.; this horse is perfect; also fine eart, rubber tires. Bad by H. A. Mover, Syracuse. N. T.; horse, cart and harness, A. beybold. 75 . 87th - uv" car, get off at 57th, 2 olocaa CONSIGNED to us and must sell 26 borsaa and ponies, wagons and harness. Hera la tha place to buy, as we handle nothing but eon signed stock and you get a square deal. If you want a horse or have one to sell, see u tha best references in town. COLUMBIA 8TA- BLES, 302 Front st. GOOD farm. team. 230 lbs., 9-10 year old. wagon ami harness ; $175 (or outfit if taken. Monday. Call at 1230 E. 10th at North. WoodUwu car to Ainsworth ave. Alro 2 horse, heavy, rubber-tired buggy, ball bearings. $275 rig; $S0 cU it Phone Wood- ' lawn 4 590. GOOD, big work train, weight 2000 lbs,( har ness and wood wagon; also team farm snares, weight 2200 lbs., fat and good workers, and young tamDv.cow; quit farming, will sell cheap. Brooklyn ear to 20th, 3 blocks north to 706 Wood worth ave. ; ONE team grays, 6 and 6 years old, aboat 1S00 lbs. each; also wagon and harness. Will sell separate. Call East 241 week day, or come to Greenberg station. Oregon Liaptrio Sunday. T. lel.ano. owner. , AUCTION sale in Yacolt, Wash., March 19: 8 horses, weight from 1250 to 1660 lb. 8 wagons, 4 new Blrdsell, two of them 8 hi and two 3 hi l 4 sets harness. Evarytbirjf la good sliapc. H. Lambert. ' . . PUBUC auction sakTevery Monday and Tours-. day at 2 p. m. Horses, wagons and harness. We will sell your stock at 5 per cent commission. Star Stables, 308 Front at, John S. Williams, prop. - : GOOD ranch team, weight 2400, with i good harness; trial allowed. $185; small ranch team and harness $80. Take Woodstock ca to 54th St.. walk 8 blocks -N. to white lioune. i'arm" Outfit complete - Consisting of nica 2300 to 2400 lb. team, good heavy harness and farm wagon, te be told cheap. 263 Kasnell st 0 HEAD mares and geldings, all good worker and gentle; weight 1000 to 1500 each; also single and double harness, wagon and buggies. " t 3227. 292 Union ave. 8. - 1200 LB. ranch mare, good worker; price $70. Take Mt. Scott car to 9th ave, 1 block east, 1 block north to 5825 85th at, . Boum with flagpole. . FOR SALS: Bay geldihg, 6 years eld, weight 1750 lbs., sound and gentle to work, a real draft horw. Price $250. Address or pbone W. V. Bauer, Molalla. Or. - FOR SALE 10O0 to 110O lb. team,. 8 light transfer wagons, 2 open and 1 aoverad, good town; reason, other business. H- D. Flagg. Bar City. Or FOR SALE or trade for young mules, on teg- ' iatered Clydesdale stallion, dark bay, blocky built, plenty of boias. coming 6 yean old. John Painter. Rt. 8. Salem. Or. MATCHED team, weight 2200 lbsL, sound anil true in all harness. With their harneaa and farm wagon. $14 5. Wood yard, E. 8U and Hawthorne. - THE Multnomah Lumber tt Bin V., at foot Bancroft ave. have several head of heavy Work horses, also several wagons for sale. GOOD 1000-lb. work horse, good heavy single harnesa. $40. 263 Russell st, near WU- twmi ave, ' . " TEAM, mare and gelding, ages 6 and 9, weight 8 1 OO lbs. : good, true workers. vv hi sen reasonable. S. T. Llnd. Phone Oresham 28X14 FOR HALE- 2 good mares, weight 1150 and 1300. work any way, in gooa eonuiaon. 1, Beaverton, Or. . B. Clifford, B. FOR sale cheap, small wagon, jilow, harrow, and cultivator. 125 K. 4t" ' 1 GOOD work horse. Main 4738. 832 1st at. LIVESTOCK tl l-r-m Ii- ul, Brush Preifia. Wash.. Monday. March 18. at 10:30 a. m Full blood Dur ham cow; 8 high grade Jerseys. 4 fresh by time of sale: 6 Durham heifers, 5 fresh. 4 to freshen soon; 2 Durham calves. 1 Durham bull, coming 2 yr. old. from the N. C. Hall herd of RMge field. tuberculin tested: 6 year old borse, 1300 pounds; mstcbed team S year old tnsree,. weight 260O sows, 1 12 head With pigs, others. dt to farrow seoaj 70 to 100 pound shoata; 40 Barred Bock bens; big lot machinery. UL V. Wood, auctioneer, denburg, owner. Vancouver, Wash. Fra- AUCTION HALE at Hanson place. Battle rironnd. Wash.. Tuesdlv. March 19. stall a. m.: 16 railrh cows, IloUtein, Jersey and Dur- h.m These cows will all be fresh within a month; 1 Jersey bull, S years old; 4 brood ; sows; team mares, 6 and 7 years old. weight 9400: 3 h. n. cas engine. Sharpies separator. Swiss power corn cutter, cider gnilL Biiaxard e- silsge cutter, oia spring wagon, imsii soots, ss. D. Lawson, owner; CoL W. 8. Wood, auctioneer. Vancouver, wash. PITHLKV RALE Wednesday. March 20. at 10 a. m , 14 wiles v,..., r rintiMM- 411 stilendid mflrh cows of high producing quality Consisting of lilgh grade II l.(.in. l,njm rr1 Tilirhantf. moetlv freh or coming fresh. One registerd Jersey bulL All tu-. herculin tested end free from contagious aooruoo. C. W. Al.THAN, owner, J. W. HUGHES, Auctioneer, S. I PARRETT. Clerk. 20 HEAD of tlioroughbred milk goats, mostly toggeoberg, all just fresh wltn 1 to smij each, giving from 4 to 6 quarts per day. An first class, young and gentle; from $25 U $76; also 2 freh cows , with calves; 1 IloVstetB. 1 Durham, giving from 4 to 6 gala. Take Ml wood car to I re ley ave., go 2 blocks east to 700. iru-in mos. 1,1. kr team of mules, well matched. 1 u.rw.m mnA Kck- aln 1200 lb. horse. 8 years old. Wifl drive single or double: har ness and delivery wagon cart: large lMirtjsra nw, --in k- r.h ui Rerls fttore. Glad tons. Or. KENTUCKY JACK PLOWBOY No. 114T, su-ea by Jumbo Mc, Ho. . 404$. Win u eneap i or exchange for other stock. W. J. Rittet, 24$ Meade St.. Portland. Ore. THKKU registered Holstein bulla. Two 2 years, old; one 7 months. All are from Omsby an- wit ueroen siraiu- . Diosaeu. wi wm O K. fT tiihik Imror o weeks. $6 each. reg istered iFuroe sows, 9 month. 1 registered Jersey bull. S years. $76. 'B. F. .Walter, Cmliim. Or. DURHAM row with calf, very hen vy milker. rich tester, fine family or dairy cow. vreexnt City car to Arlington station, up river to wsgon bridge, cross, turn to le t. first house. PEDIGREED American Hampshire sow.- wet! marked, good condition, 15 moa. IT. B. Goodfellow, Ryan place. Multnomah P. O. ;IM,"Wff ol business. For sale. 2 good Hoi stein cows and route. '670 E. 14th st. N. Take Irvington car. fOR BALE 2 good family rows, grade Hol- stein and Jersey: t75 and $80. Ceil 1259 Halwey st. of Tabor 1993. : ' FRESH family cow. calf, gicb tester: .also 1 coming fresh soon. South Portland, Woods st, upstairs and top road to 783 12th st JUST arrived with 26 head of cows, fresh and springers, all breeds. A. Uesa, 9715 Foster mA no ft?K mt I nf. ' s .. . , i rtVE fresh Durliara cows, 2 Jerseys, all fine young cows. -Will seH cheap or trade for beef cows. 1449 Mllwaukte st. ' FOR SALE Fonrnisrge Dnrhsm cows, - some iresn, some coming iresn; six. gallons sank. -488 Kirby. FOR sale or trade, SO eowt, dairy equipment j '' 9 scree- ii meciric Ftawn, near oaiem, edue. rnone Hellwooa ZHHO. i-t.as, -journal. COW for sale, also some rabbits. 6022Tfu3! WA N TED Some mllcb gnaU of good stock I give oescrrprien. la-hi, josnni. LARGE freab Jersey. 6 gals., rich gnlflx, ,794 ANGoKA gust for sale. Broadway . 2238, or ? 4&8. 1 FULL blooded Jersey and some HoUteina. -Take MaWsshipt wr. 105 Falling st 4-YEAR-OLD mffcU cow for sale cheap. J 10i 85th rt g. E. Mt 8eoU.ru. . . . TOiXfTTresh Jersey and Durham diary cows, ' 1 FOR SALENS good fresh cows. CU "I'ahof s"7249- Monday. , - - -j. , - o r roni st CALL DUCK'eggs for sale. Main 8I$6. ' JKRHEY eow tot sale..' Call "iTilwankie 7 1 -ft. i S COWS 50 each if-quick sale. ' AoJ front sE