0 - 21 '. t ,THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND 1 SUNDAY MORNING. MARCH .17, 1918. REALTY BOARD GETS FIGURES IN DETAIL ON VACANT HOUSES - .Plenty of Buildings Available r but Too Many Are Not Habit ; able, Is Verdict After Inquiry. ?k?K-' . GOVERNMENT FUND OFFERED Emergency Fleet Corporation to Expend $50,000,000 to Pro vide Homes for Shipworkers. One of the most valuable pieces of Investigation worlc done by the Portland ? Realty board during the past year, la ';" shown In ' the report submitted to the board Friday last by the special hous ing committee, appointed for the pur- ..itose of ascertaining If it is necessary at this time to engage In an extensive ' dwelling house building program in this city. The report of this committee was in part as follows : ' Your special housing committee ap nolnted to make a aurvev to ascertain .the number of vacant houses and their condition in the City of Portland wisn to submit the following reoort : First: We would ask that this com mittee Is not to be confused with an- other committee, that has been ap- , pointed by Mayor Baker, as this com. : mlttee's efforts were confined entirely " to suicertninine the number of vacancies , and the condition of the vacancies. The thr committee la. Interested in a very commendable direction In trying to ob ( tain' better housing conditions by the enacting or a housing coae. i , VarloBi Sources Approached "fhe first worlc in preparing: our re- . oort was done throueh the co-operation of the Utilities companies and based on fas services, they showed vacancies or 5D0 oremises that were suitable for liv ing purposes. This was somewhat oon ', fusing as. In a great many Instances, the eras com Dan v may have four or five meters In one houHe, particularly where It :was a large house and a portion of It -was- rented out for light housekeeping " rooms. We next obtained the co-operation of ' our, water bureau and out of a total of .61,333 services they showed a vacancy . nfi 5J15 services for dwellings, flats. apartment houses and 33 vacancies for notein, loaging aim ruumuiK Our next survey was with the co- ' " operation of the electric light companies and tmsed on tne information ouLameu -' from them there was disclosed a va- - cancy of about 1800 houses. You .will nnt -thpre Is considerable discrepancy between the calculations made, based on water, gas anil electric services, b ig . urea also indicated to us the necessity of making a further survey. We also had no renort at that time as to the exact condition and location of the va - rlous houses that were vacant. , The oo-operatlon of the postoffice de partmebt was then obtained and a sur vey made by the mail carriers of the j city, each vacant house being listed; '' first, as to Its location, then as to .. -whether It was a house, apartment or flat and' next the approximate number ' Of rooms, after which the card showed '"the condition of tho house, whether It was goo(i old or bad, after which the agent or i owners name, together with address was listed. 1888 Vacant Houses Found ':. ' ' This brought out the information that . " there were 1326 vacant houses in the City of Portland, 125 vacant flats and 64 vacant apartments. It is interesting to note that in going over the39 vacancies, as reported, the ' majority of them are in the hands of owners, which would Indicate that If ' they would eo-operate with the members of the Portland Realty Board they no ddubt would be able to obtain tenants Immediately for any vacancies that they have- As one of the first things the agent would do, and In fact Insist upon is, that the owner should put his house ! In good condition. The members will be Interested In the general outline of the plan for taking care of the housing situation as pro ' ,,vided In th measure recently passed by ". .congress apptopriatlng $58,000,000 for .""this purpose. ? The act ives JpO.OOO.OOO to the Emergency Kleet corporation to . provide houslnvt facilities in ship yard ..centers and also provides that the fleet " corporation nmy acquire by such re 4' qulsition or requisitions for temporary iiHes any Improved or unimproved land for the construction of houses for the employes of shipyards in which ships are being constructed In the United States as follows: ' Construction on such land of houses and necessary facilities upon conditions as to price, etc., as the fleet corporation may determine and sefl, lease, or ex. change such land, houses and facilities unon such terms as it may determine: Purchase, lease or requisition, lnclud ' , Ing requisition of temporary use, or ac- fiuire by condemnation, houses-and other r buildings, together with the lands on . -which the same are erected, and also i manage, sell, lease or exchange the um. as It may be determined; ' ' Make loans to persons, firms or cor .. 'teoratlons upon such terms and security, for such time not exceeding ten years ' j as It may determine; ' ". Compensation Is Provided Provision is made for compensation for the property acquired. Whenever, the fleet .corporation requi sitions property.lt may take Immediate j. possession of At and occupy the same until the validity of the title (has been ' - established. ' '.i'jr-jf The- powers' granted by the act cease , twltli the termination of the present war , .f ?tvith Germany." . X No eontract 'for construction shall pro- TjfM fur rAmMnftBtinn of a pnst njn 5- fbasls, unless the contracts provide that 3 1 in case- of any Increase above a reason- i abl , cost, as fixed by the board, the I i percentage of profit shall decline in ac- r - s ..iik v. i i. th contract. ': ', The boar 4 may. however, agree to pay a premium, or- bonus ror speedy con- atructlon. -; V 'fhe fleet cArnoratlOn is reouired to ,t .report to- congress the names or air per- 3 r sons o corporations with whom It has " I made contracts, together with a state- ' ment of its expenditures-' in excess of ' Part of this fund has already been al lotted to BrldBreoort. Conn., and S8.' '4-' 000.000 la also to be spent at the gov t . . . ernment fabricating plant at Hog Is- j land. From Information at hand It "' would Indicate that the balance of the fund, will be spent at various Atlantic '..K'. const points. , . V The Seattle Chamber of Commerce has .( - already made a request that $3,000,000 ; h made available to assist In meeting 1 TIPS TQTJIE HOME QW.'En Sellwood tS B-1324 w .'"''5 V'i'- :t. : .-i -i OREGON DOOR GO. - SASH AND DOORS General Mill Work Feet Spokane Avenge, Portland, Or. Genera! Insurance BONDS - ) McCargaf, Bates & Lively Yeon Bu'ildinc Main 168, A-2694 the housing requirements In shipyards and other war Industries In Seattle. Tacoma has also submitted a propo sition asking for co-operation In - the building of houses for - their city. a. reconunenaauon nas oeen made Uiat tho government annoint a. director of housing for tho Puget Sound, shipbuild ing aisirict wttn power to Commandeer, If necessary, all available vacant places and after that to build tip all present empty space. Our situation hero will be somewhat similar unless the DrODerty owners take It upon themselves to put ineir property in rentable condition. At tne present time there are employed in in .tne shipbuilding plants about 18.000 mek and about 3000 men in the saw mills and we now have 7 B0 manufactur ing. . establishments employing approxi mately 37,000 people. Data From Pnblle Utilities ' In making our survey we also ob tained the following data which might be of interest to thl members of the board: , Telephone Users In Portland 190T 27,424 1912 52,700 1918' 65.641 1917 ; 58.983 Gas Consumers 19U 33.492 1912 37.434 1918 .45.517 1917 ......49,310 Electrical Consumers 1911 29,081 1916 , 41,674 1917 42,700 Your committee recommends that the co-operation of every member of the board be enlisted to have owners place their houses in first class rentable cob--dltlon and wherever an agent has a house listed that is in poor condition, that he write or interview the owner and endeavor to prevail upon him to put his house in order. HoDing that our efforts will meet with your approval. - tespecuuny suDmiiiea, A. C. CALLAN. K. B. MacNAUGHTON, F W. GERMAN, F.Tfc McGUIRB, COE A. McKENNA, Committee. Gresham Man Buys Ranch in Klamath Klamath Falls, March .16. The ir. rlgated ranch near Wilson bridge owned by C. F. Setzer of this city, was sold this week to E. W. Aylesworth of Gresham Or. The property purchased consisted of 160 acres, all of It under irrigation and 90 acres in alfalfa. REALTY TRANSFERS Bunt Inr. Co. to Berenice C. Bowles, Jj. 25, 26, B. 8, WestoTer Terrace. . .$ J. U Hill and wife to Ida M. William son, U 4, B. 105. B. C. Park Ada V. Hojrle and Husband to Harry Prentice et al. L. 43. 44. B. 14. Uregory Height Arthur J. Bichajrds and wife to Marga ret R. Burke. L. 1, 2, B. 9. Firland Clyde E. Poteet et al to Cliaa. M. Smith, L. 19. 20, B. 20. Berkeley Adolph Johnson to J. J. Noonan Jr., L. 1, B. 4. Gleneyrie Franklin R. Brazean and wife to Geo. H. Adams, L. 13 to 18, B. 3, Alberta Geo. II. Adams and wife to Geo. F. Traube, und. int. in all B. 3. Alberta Andrew Hoben to Elizabeth Hoben et al, U 8, B. 12. Elizabeth Irrine's add to Eaet Portland The Palmyra Co. to Wilbur E. Wood. L. 1. 2, 3. 4, B. 8. Palmyra. ..... Birdie H. Harnois to Adelbert and Maria C. Harnois, L. 13. 14, B. 86. Pied mont - 10 10 900 800 10 10 10 10 4,fl00 nna G. Loorals and huiband to Anna R. Earl. L. 10. B. 111. R. C. Park. 10 400 10 2,044 10 Tho. Nebon et al to A. Krazh, L. 12, B. 2. Tetania Park add Title Ic Trust Co. to Josie Hayes, L. 18, B. 88. Farkrose Sheriff to 8. L. Eddy, L. 6. B. 65, Vernon Stanly Bryant to Tina C. Rader, L. 14. B. 6. ArleU Park No. 8 Luella Gillette Bloss and husband to Uoyd B. Symmonds, U 16, B. 18, Chicago i . . . . 1.S50 Base lina Land Co. to A. B. Johnson et al. L. 12. B 1, Rockwood Park: L. 3, B. 1, AlUmead; L. 3. 8. 12, 15. B. 4, AlUmead; L. 6, B. B, AlUmead; U 2, B. 10; U 2, B. 11; U 10. B. 4. -, L. 14, B. 11; U 11. B. 11, AlUmead; I.. 8, B. 2, St. Thomas; U 16, 11 4. Westmoreland; N. V. L. 7, 8, B. 6, Warerieiah HeighU; L. 4, B. 8. York add. 10 10 E. B. .Clark and wife to A. B. Johnson et al. L. 6. B. 7. King's 2d add . . . Base Line Land Co. to Charles L. Saw yer et al. It. 4. 6, B. "V." Tabor Hta., except strip IS ft. wide, part of Belmont st ... 10 Western Ore. Trust Co. to A. B. Johnson et al. bee In W. line 15th St.. lOO ft. Sly from inter, of said line with Sly line Belmont st 10 Base Line Land Co. to Christine John son, bee. at E. cor. of tract of land heretofore eonr. by Jno. A. Wesco and wife to F. M. Arnold, at pt. in center county road 10 Frederick R. Mickelson and wife to F. W. Geiger et al, L. 10, 17, B. 2, Harvard HeighU 10 Franklin R. Brazean and wife to J. A. Campbell, L. 15, 16. B. 4, Har vard HeighU 10 8,775 Sheriff to H. W. Friea. Sly 48 ft. L. 6. B. 141. city of Portland J. U. Butter et al to David McMillan. L. 15, 18. B. 13, Portsmouth UL; also a 4 in. galvanized pipe now sup plying water to said lot and other loU for a disUnce of 2 blocks 10 964 Sheriff to Ladd & TUton bank, L. 1, 3. B. 8. Chelsea . Lawyers' Title St Trust Co. to Lillian R. Johnson. U 10. B. 2. St. rnomas 10 Sarah J. Wetzler to Jesse B. Holbrook and wife, W. Vt L. 5, 6. B. 63. Sunnyside add. 10 10 400 10 The Beed Institute to H. B. Darts, L. 1. B. 6. PorUand Jno. M. Pittinger and wife to Bertha Harmon. S. k L. 7. B. 1. Albina. . Claude Cola and wif to A. K. Hill. L. 18. B. 1. Midway Theodore F. Ris and wife to Guy R. Earl. L. 13. 14. B. L. E. St. Johns... 900 The Ore. Home Builders to Kilham Sta tionery Printing Co., L. 7, a. IS, Olmated Park 10 Had Indian Known -A Different Tale Salem. Ohio, March 16. It was well for two Germans who visited the home of an Indian in Oklahoma that the redskins did not know that- the United States were at . war with Germany. Dr. Walter F, Rlttman has just returned from an in spection of oil properties near Tulsa and happened into an isolated Indian home. "The Indian could speak English," Dr, Rlttman said, "and the conversation turned to the war, of which our host had not heard. He seemed interested, and after mediation remarked : - - - ' " Too bad I didn't know it yesterday. Two Germans in my house then. Could have killed 'em just as good as not.' ' Thrift Stamp Plan John Todd's Idea Springfield. HI.. March 16. If it had not been for the fertile mind of John T. Todd of Springfield, the Thrift Stamp plan in effect throughout the country today might never have been started. He has admitted suggesting the "big idea' to Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo while the latter was visiting in Chicago. Mr. Todd is a former railroad man here and is at. present engaged in Washing ton. assisting Frank Vanderlip, chair man of the National Thrift Stamp drive committee. Hubby Took Hair Money . Canton. Ohio, March 16. Money was needed, so she cut off her hair and sold it for 85. Mrs. Wilda B. Bowles alleges In her petition - for divorce. : Her hus band. Homer D. Bowles, she charges, took the money ' from her rand used It himself. Heaoe the suit, - BUILDING PERMITS BIG FALLING OFF IN ALL CITIES Government Construction Makes It Possible for Some Towns to Indicate a Building Spurt. With the vast government construc tion activities omitted from the tabula L tion of building permits issued in fhe principal cities of the country and with present work running strongly towards war necessities, the showing made by tne clues becomes necessarily unfavor- auws. ins siausuca oi DUiiaing per- I Annn i n i r i - rTxiiSlQO Acres of Marsh year ago they represented an over whelming percentage of it. And the volume of government work is still in creasing. Ordinary building operations that is, private building have shrtink to less than half the normal amount. when the increased cost of construction is taken into consideration. In esti mated cost it is something more than 50 per cent. It is quite evident that the current amount of normal construction is considerably less than the actual requirements. Households are "doub ling up" all over the , land ; business structures are not kept strictly "up in repairs. The construction of needed buildings of all kinds is being deferred to more propitious times. But the crowding of necessary work makes a very fair showing, all things considered. In 110 principal cities of the United States the building permits issued in February, as officially reported to the American Contractor, Chicago, total $29,074,332, as against $52,73,254 for February last year, a decrease of 44 per cent- Of these cities, 32 show an increase over the corresponding period a year ago. In most Instances this in crease is due to the issuance of permits last month for one or more unusually large structures. Thus, In Baltimore the gain of 114 per cent Is accounted for by the issuance of a permit for an addition to the Bartlett-Hayward com pany munition plant, at a cost of $277, 500, and a $283,443 permit issued to the Consolidated Power company. Harrls burg obtains its neat gain through- a permit for a $170,500 school building. Sioux City's splendid increase comes from a permit for a $400,000 department store building. Youngstown owes its big Increase to a $600,000 permit taken out by the Home Savings and Loan company. The large cities generally show a decided falling off in construc tion work. Details follow : CITY. Feb. 1918. Feb. 1917. $ 965,650 300,740 14.428 493.323 82. 82 69.430 Akron. Ohio Albany. X. Y Alton na, Pa Atlanta. Ga Baltimore, Md Bayonne, N. 3 . . . . Binghampton, N Y . Birmingham, Ala. . . Boston, Mass Buffalo, N. Y Canton. O Chicago. 111. Cincinnati, O. ... Cleveland, O. .... Columbut, O Darenport, la. ... Ienver, Colo m-troit. Mich. .... liubuque. la Duluth, Minn. . . . Fast St. Louie, - 111. Krie, Pa. 177.585 139,600 7,299 281,798 72,4 4.450 3U.6U1 50.111 989.000 493.000 48,030 2.378.000 249.700 1,262.070 158,510 25.645 173,630 857,580 36.030 188,095 15.950 80,025 98.428 37.895 19.265 817,629 1,862.700 31.605 765,680 82.594 95.505 835.619 253,095 293,976 698,195 90.885 379.669 2,377,355 89,820 820,449 661.398 6.328,691 407,640 163,600 591.865 414,688 221,830 144,046 9.042 85.510 68.155 537.230 62.274 3.865 896.030 12.265 82,243 12.775 8.845 861,304 238,473 196.644 30,782 1,790 10.500 731.450 262.650 70,440 127,425 683,740 156.981 147.527 8,303.000 469.000 109,700 8.657.000 841.490 2,784.260 223.655 10.895 248.620 2.104.470 19.400 149.035 240.853 188.816 61,505 144.010 74,100 622,610 759.630 66.665 1.222,518 180.820 246.785 403.844 823.805 532.955 138.186 78,818 863,243 8.572,499 818,262 1.999.165 686.834 Grand Rapids, Mich Hartford, Conn. . . . Hoboken. N. J Indianapolis, Ind. . . Kansas City, Mo . . Iincoln, Neb -os Angeles, Cal. . onuTiUe, Ky. . . . Memphis. Tenn. . . Milwaukee, is. . . Minneapolis, Minn . Newark, N. J New Haren Conn . . . New Orleans, La . . . New York. N. Y.: Boro of Queens. . Boro of Manhattan Boro of Richmond Boro of Brooklyn. Boro of Bronx . . Total 12,341.503 Oakland, Cal. .... Omaha, Neb 366,022 936,925 4.028,115 241.535 210.660 636.532 6,778 64.900 67.175 1.166.020 19,583 24028 684,625 180,822 104.750 162,242 23.820 906.541 218,044 77,207 888.133 28,991 30.750 1,221.825 233,800 51.855 217,990 255,420 hiladeipnia. Pa. . Plttaburg, Pa. .... Portland. Or iebmond. Va. .... Haginaw, Mich .... Salt Lake City, Utah Pan Diego, Cal. . . San Francisco, Cal . San Jose, Cal Scranton, Pa Seattle, Wash. . . . South Bend. Ind . . . Spokane, W ash. . . . Springfield, Mass. . ft. Joseph, Mo. . St. Louis. Mo. .... St. Paul, Minn .... Tacoma, Wash. ... Toledo, O Topeka, Kan. .... I tica, N. Y Washington. D. C . . Wichita, Kan Wilmington, Del... ore ester. Mass . Youngstown, O. ... Robber Disarmed, Kicked From Store Chicago. March 16. For kindness and generosity to hold-up men deliver the hand-embossed leather medal to Albert Belanger, Chicago grocer. A "tall, dark man," according to Belanger's report to the police, entered his store and started tickling his ribs with a revolver. "Here, you can't pull that stuff in here," Belanger told the bandit, as he seized the gun. "Get out" The bandit "got" and Belanger tossed his weapon after him into the street. "Now take -this and beat it," the grocer enjoined, and the burglar did. mese xeuows are geting to be a nuisance," was Belanger's comment as a customer drifted in. Beggar Too Willing To Change $20 Bill Kansas City, Mo., March 16. (I. N. S.) A beggar Called at the home of Fred Robertson, United States district attor ney, in Kansas, City, Kans. He asked Miss Helen Garver, the maid, for some money to buy a meal, as he was hungry, tolas Garver explained that she had only a J20 bUl. "Oh, don't let that bother," replied the tramp, as he pulled a roll from his pocket, "I can change that, all right." The maid slammed the door. Fleeing Before the Impending Storm - ' London, March ,16. A Frenchman at tending, for the first time an English church service, was horrified on looking through the prayer book to find so many "collects." ""Turning to his English companion, he said: "Let us go", -I have not ze money for all these." But he had misunderstood the mean ing of the word and, like many others, having an objection to frequent requests for. money - which he had not. the cour age to refuse . before others who gave, he thought it best to leave before the I 'collections" began. . . . Land Purchases in i ! Sutherliif Frequent Sutherlln, March 18. -That there Is an abiding fairh on the part of a good many people In the value of land In the Sutherlln valley is shown by, the num ber of land purchases which nave been negotiated in that vicinity during the last few days.- , E. F. Simpson, a new arrival In Suth erlln from Nebraska, has Just purchased a homestead of 25 acres and is reported to be making an additional purchase of adjoining- tracts. This last purchase gives Mr. Simpson over 60 acres of bear ing treea. ' " Stanley Huffman, who recently came to Southern .Oregon from Minnesota, paid $160 .per. acre for a ten acre tract located one mile west of Sutherlln. Frank J. Norton recently took title to 16 acres of land Just east of Sutherlln. Mr. Norton is one .of the most enthus iastic orchardlsts in this vicinity. Land Sold in Klamath Klamath Falls. March 16. L. Jacobs, a local capitalist, closed a deal in the last few days for tne purchase of a 3760 acre trace of Lower Lake marsh lands. It is understood that Mr. Jacobs. will sub-divide this property and. sell It In small tracts at a reasonable cost. This particular land is said to be the richest and most valuable of any of the dnalned marshlands in Klamath county, Two Big Land Deals Made at Goldendale Goldendate, tash., March 16. Two big land deals were consummated few days ago, when M. W. Claussen purchased 520 acres of choice land of ETdward Pike near Goldendale, Wash., the consideration being $30,000 cash Grant Bunnell, one of the big sheepmen of this section, purchased 900 acres of choice grazing land of the John Holdl- man estate. BUILDING PERMITS - It. M. Sines Repair 1 H story frame red dence, 4535 E. 88th St.. bet. 45th and 46th aves.; R. M. Sines, builder; $95. James Johnson Kepair 4 story mill con structed warehouse, 41-43 E. 3d st, bet. Oak and Pine: James Johnson, buildet: $200. Mr. Scott Repafr 1 story frame reaidence.588 Bidwell, bet 15th and 16th tts.; Mr. Scott, builder: SUUO. Cora P. Froman Repair 1 story frame resi dence. 643 Inslay ave., cor. 17th St.; Cor. P. t Toman, builder: 100 F. H. Kearney Erect frame garage. 1168 Kulinzsworth ave., bet. Michigan and Missouri F. 11. Kearney, builder: $50. F. H. Kearney Erect frame garage, 1163 Killingsworth are., bet. Michiean and Missouri F. H. Kearney, builder; $50. F. H. Kearney Erect frame garage, 1163 Killingsworth ave., bet. Michigan and Missouri F. U. Kearney, builder: $50. Mrs. Tena Kays Erect frame garage, 6626 85th St.. bet. 0.0th and 67th aves. ; U. Kays, builder: $3 5. Richmond Knoz Erect frame garage, 806 8 Edison St., bet. Polk and Tyler; builder, same 17ft Fox A Co. Erect frame garage, 1474 Ksl scy at., bet. 66th and 66th; Fox A Co., builder (Jhrtstmn a. Johnson Erect frame garage 825 19th st., bet. Market and Clay; Christian . Johnson, builder; $35. A. Meyer Repair 1 story frame residence. 27 H. astn. m., bet. riassaio and Wasco; xoung biebert. builder: $600. L. W. Friede Repair 2 story brick ordinary drag store, 220 Morrison su, bet. 1st and 2d loung ec JJleDert. builder: $50. Herman Kranman Erect frame garage. 1331 Astory st-, bet. Uregonlan and Maerum; builder, same: 91 a. tirant-Smith-Porter Ship Co. Erect 2 story frame balding, Bradford St., bet. Fessenden and Trumbull; GranvSmith-Porter Ship Co.. builder; tiz.ouu. Louis Tost Erect frame garage, 907 Tilla mook St., bet. E. 28th N. and E. 29th N.; builder, same; $250. John Ferguson Erect frame garage, 1223 19th st. N., bet. Jarrett and Ainsworth; John Ferguson, builder; '$130. Albina Engine Machine Works Erect frame office building, 461 Ixmng St., bet. Loring and river; Albina Engine A Machine Works, builder; $75. John Kieman Erect mill constructed ware house, 169-175 N. 15th st., bet. Irving and Johnson sta. ; LeDoux A LeDoux and Oscar Warman. builders; $40,000. V. B. Preston Erect frame garage. 497 Montgomery, bet. 13 th and 14th; V. B. Pres ton, -builder; $60. W. B. Preston Erect frame garage. 467 Montgomery, bet. 13 th and 14th; V. B. Pres tcn, builder; $60. W. B. Preston Erect frame garage. 497 Montgomery, bet. 13th and 14th; W. B. Pres ton, builder; $60. VV. B. Preston Erect frame garage, 497 W. B. Prea- garage, 497 W. B. Pree- Montgomery, bet. 13th and 14th; ton, builder: $60. VV. B. Preston Erect frame Montgomery, bet. 13th and 14th; ton, builder; $00. W. B. Preston Erect frame garage, W. B. 497 Montgomery, bet. 13th and 14th; ton, builder; $oo. VV. B. Preston Erect frame garage, 497 Montgomery, bet. 13tn and 14th; VV B. Pres- ton, builder; oU. Mr. Saline Repair 2 story wood frame store. 611 Ulisan St.. bet. 15th and 16th: M. Campbell, builder; $200. J. kj. Uossett Kebair 1 storv frame resi dence, 4104 E. 64th at., bet. 41t and 43d aves.; C. E. Uossett, builder; $75. Portland Gas A Coke Co. Erect 1 storv xrame taetory sned. rit. Helens road at uasco station; Portland Gas & Coke Co.. builder; $850. iuarl Johnson t-rect frame garage,, 1092 E. 23d N., cor. Sumner st; Earl Johnson, builder; 650. Harry Detler Erect frame garage. 667 Thompson st-, bet. 18th and lath; Jake Drake, bulkier : $130. Green C Love Repair 1 story brick store room. 251 1st St.. bet. Madison and Main: Jaa. I. Marshall, builder: $200. L. A. Adams Kepair 1 story tent house, 362 E. 59th et. N., bet. Broadway and Hancock; cuiiQer. same; sou. King Bros. Boiler Works rErect 1 story frame boiler shop, 707 E. 18th st. bet. Rhine and Frankfort; builder, same; $1000. JamesMuckle Erect 4 story mill constructed warehouse, 53 E. 6th St. N.. bet. Davis and Couch; James L. Quinn, builder; $26,000. A. VV. Anderson Erect frame garage, 842 Halsey St.. bet. E. 27th N. and . 28th N. ; builder, same: $95. Clarence Herwick Erect 1 story frame resi dence. 101 Swenson St., bet. E. Charleston and Zeigler; C. C. Bardwell. builder; $150. J. P. Rasmussen Repair 1 story wood frame residence, 207 N. Swenson St., bet. Crmcksbank end Myers; builder, same; $75. Edgar VV. Smith Erect frame garage, 685 E. 19th St.. bet, Klickitat and Siskiyou sta.; L. R. Bailey, builder; $500. Edgar VV. Smith Erect 1 H story frame resi denc, 680 E. 19th St.. bet Klickitat and Sis kiyou st. ; L. R. Bailey, bnilder; $6000. Mr. McCulloch Erect frame garage, 4346 Hol gate st. bet. 41st it. 8. E. and 43d at. 8. E.; Ben Rossiter. builder; $50. "Where to Get. It" KEMMERER and : ' ROCK SPRINGS COAL TBS CLEANEST AND BEST BURNINO COALS. PRICES REASONABLE. CBY8TAL ICE a:STSialMiE East 244 B-1244. NATIONAL FUEL CO.. E. 2d and Oregoa sta. Short alabwood and block wood. "i 2 load lota. 84. Blockwood. East 2041. DRY heavy wood, delivered, west side, $5 per load. East Side. S. 20th St.. 85. Phone Broadway 607. ' .... . DRY eordwood. alabwood and blockwood. else eoaL Prompt delivery. Acme Fuel Co., 28tk and Holladay. East 8561. B-8188.' MARION FUEL CO. Country slabs, railroad ties, blocks, inside and 'eordwood. Main 287 A A-2SS2. -825 Front near day.' , - - " - HEW TOPAT AuctionSales AT 1 I WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE ltf.171 SECOIfD 8T. (2CB. TA1IH1XL) BEGTJLAU SALESDATS MONDAY, WEDNES DAY AND, FRIDAY EACH DAT AT II A. M. MONDAY RALE GENERAL flOTJSE- FtLRNISHINGS including Dining Tables and Chairs, Sideboards, Dishes and Glassware, odd Chairs and Rockers, l Center Tables. Iron Beds. Springs and Mattresses, Wardrebes, Folding . Beds, ' Carpets. Rugs, eta . ; i ALSO A -GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF CARPENTER S TOOLS. Tools will be sold at 10 :30 a. ml WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY we sell again at 10 a. m. ; , PRIVATE SALE DEPARTMENT GOODS RETAILED AT ALL. TIMES ; Come in - at " .your leisure : and look through our stock. We have a good assortment of THE VKRY BiSST GOODS, SLIGHTLY USED, which we sell at prices that cannot fail to inter est BUYERS WHO ARE JUDGES OP QUALITY. Among other goods we have for sale a complete DINING SUITE In t GENUINE MAHOGANY, Including; Ped estal, extension Table, China Closet, Buffet and set of Chairs with Leather Seats, also very costly Bedroom Suites In CIKCABBIAN WALNUT and BIRDS EYE MAPLE. We Just mention a few articles as space won't permit us to itemize this immense line which we have for sale. If you are furnishing we respectfully solicit an inspection. We can fit you up from the Kitchen Range to ue ir-iano. ALSO OFFICE DESKS Including Roll Top, Flat Top, Type writer and Bookkeeper Desks, Office Tables, Chairs, etc STORE FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENTS Almost Anything You Need. Grocery Department STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Everything Sold at Special Prices We Save You Money on Every Article . You Buy. STORAGE AUCTION SALE On Tuesday Next, Men. 19. at 10 A. M. At the Portland Van & Storage Co., Corner 15th and Kearney Streets. PIANO, FURNITURE. CARPETS, RUGS, STOVES, etc., to be sold to the HIGHEST BIDDER, to satisfy stor age charges on same. J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE of HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, etc. v ON THURSDAY NEXT MARCH 21 AT 10 A. M. AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE 169-171 Second Street (Nr. Yamhill) Including MISCELLANEOUS HARTV. WARE. JOHN DEERE and Or.TVBin plows, shares and accessories, machine nu jiara ons. axie grease, etc. etc. win pay you to attend tnis sale as these goods must positively be sold. J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer, WANTED We pay cash for second hand furniture, stocks of merchandise, etc Main 1626. ESTABLISHED 1892 ON TUESDAY NEXT We will sell at our rooms, furniture of -the best grades, comprislner: Fumd lVonorV,?inlnS.le nJ Chairs. Uolden Oak Library Tab e. nnrl thn. Leather-Seated Rockers, Dining Table, with six Chairs. (Table is 60-ln. top, 10 cAienoiun;, iapeBtry itocaer, and sev- iaauuiiLs ro air. ana Mrs. Axel k. Jakob eral odd Hockers in Golden Oak, Ma- I " 818 Almira apt"., March 8, a son. hogany Center Table and Beautiful Ma- SJUTH To Mr. and Mrs. Ural M. Smith, 409 nogany xtooKcase. in our stock you will also find several large Roll-Top Desks (by private sales), and Rvml to eomolete Suit. Al nM. Oak Flat Top Desk, Golden T Oak Book- vaouo. r uiuau wn. xicuiiree ana a Din- ing Suite, comprising f 1 In Tnbln nnd o tnairs to matcn. Also a Wheeler urll.nn K-n a ut U..U.. UofBedroonTFu KriS" w3817i,t ,f v Iron V1 be hM Mondav at 10 a. m af the rrlU rieas. Walnut. Oak and Mshmnnv ti narin. nf u:m.. a. t Dressers and Silkoilne and Cotton Mat SAfATlD A M TT??n(va.T Sl'lIMITTt-Mal.iesrood. Or. March 18, Fred DALE. Af 10 A. 61. 1 U KaDAY, AT THE3 Rchmitt. age 72 years, beloved htuhanH nt BAKER AUCTION HOUSE, MASONIC Julia hml and f.neT" of Mr? E!, Wend TEMPLE BLDG., WEST PARK AND i land and'Mrs. Hilda Clyde. Services will be held YAMHILL. Monday at 3 p. m. at Mt. Scott Park Orema- 1 torium. Take Mt. Scott car. Frienda invitad. -k-skT mvvr mnn a -w r ,--, ' Arrangementa in care of Miller A Tracey. ON THURSDAY NEXT BAELE March 18, Joseph Backed 4 I yean, beloved husband of Mrs. KlisahetA We will sell the contents of a 7 room house, comprising-: Kitchen, Dlnlne- room. Parlor and Bedroom Furniture Also other Furniture on hand. auh Refrigerators, Center Table, Chairs, etc. and Pictures and Bric-a-Brac. SALE U.N THUKSUAY AT 10 A. M., AT THE BAKER AUCTION HOUSE, MASONIC Tl'UPI c ni rm TEMPLE BLDG. We buy and sell, either at your honw ui . vui twisiB, mil j iuriiuure wnicn n.. I. . 1 v . 1 uu iiato lu (Dvnc tL. i vur SL 1 rVIlSLa, W Is catered to willingly by our salesmen and buyers. For information call Main 3332, or call at our rooms at any time. Goods in -our sales are always on dis play the day before the auction. THE BAKER AUCTION CO., W. C. BAKER, W. H. DEAN, MASONIC TEMPLE BLDG. WEST PARK-AND YAMHILL STS. PHONE MAIN 83SJ. tth sl, m SM BOWS UxlH sii 1 B. Hhm . 8 Bloekt tSomth of City Hall ' This Is Isslda Property , j Ideal Site for Awartaiest Sea Frank I MeGsIre, Ablartoa Bide. , TO BUT YOUR HOUB - 7CEW TOP AT ( The Journal Building hv rrarnnmntr tenants can oy .rearranging tenants can SUDDiy One OCCUPanCy. With -an -. - - - entire flOOr Of 16 rOOmS- rea- . , ., j SpnabiC rental. Best Of DUld- mg Service. Call M. 7173, A- , 6051, room 311. 4ta aad Oraat RU a:sa 7i DOWN room hoaae on fractional corner let. Hard soxfaced street and. lies paid im fall. Great bargain, elose la, West Side property. . See Frank I MrOsIre, Ablngtoa Bldf. i TO BCT lOCB HOME MKKTIJfO NOTICES 41 ATTENTION, MOOSE All members of Portland ' lodce No. 291. Loyal Order of Mooaa, and Tisitlns members are requested to attend the bis Moose meetinc at the Moose Temple, Fourth aad Taylor, to- . dav st.a d. m. Brother Rod nev H Hrmndnn. mud Mcent of the Lonl Le- 1 Eton, will deUrer at address on Moosehsart. , BIG The larcest danoe ever held in Moose Temple wlU be siven by the sloose itana ana ueeree 1 cam on vtnnnuii r , vu ins. juarcn av, et. . Moose Temple., fourth at Tailor streets. Nel- son s orchestra. M..W. A. ROSTER ALBERTA camp, and Skidmore. Tuesday. William OREGON OAK camp, 1st and k Tuesday. Pisk and Lombard. Sd B08E CITY camp. Wednesday. 11th St., Btark. (west side.) , JIT. SCOTT. 1st and Sd Wednesday. Lenta. ST. JOHNS. 2d and 4th Thursday. St John station. OREGON FIR, Friday. 114 H Grand ave. B. P. O. ELKS. No. 142 Mem- bers Arm r.me,tM4 tn mmmt mt the chapel of the Edward Holman i mlertaktng Co.. Uuj I Sunday I morning. 10:30 o clock, to attend the funeral services of our late brother, Moae Heyer. Visiting brothers invited to attend. By order of the E. R. M. R. 8PATJLDINO. I fimmtm Secretary. KIRKPATRICK COUNCIL' 2227, KNIGHTS AND LADIES OF SECURITY. Big open meeting next Fri day, March 22, 8:30 p. m. Swisa hall. 3d and Jefferson ... I'.hI. KOO 1.- ... sta. Cards. "500 tainment. dancing. union AdmlsaKMs free. ancl usic. Good prices. Yoa your friends are in- sited to come for a good time. EUREKA COUNCIL No. 204, Knights and Ladies of Se curity. Open meeting Monday evening. March 18; cards. 600, and dancing; groceries prises. W. O. W. temple, 11th between Aider and Wash ington. Admission 16c. IVANHOE No. 1. K. of P., meets every Tuesday night. 8 p. as.. CaiUa balL 11th and Aider streets. PORTLAND STAR HAMC STEAD No. 42, B. A. Y.., Th-unTn.'TM'.rTaTrtl the new Moose temple. 4th and Taylor sU. Admission, 20c. l-ulon music. TF.TTA HA IN EH, correspondent, soe Allsky bldg.. 8d and Morrison. Residence phone East 7VO. U. fc. A. . ... W .. Kit,, K.lx K.l. day and Saturday p. m . 2:15. Ham and and grocery prises. Abo Tuesday and Saturday night. 8 SO. Tuesday night, box of apples, ham and groceries. Saturday night, 60 lb. sack of flour, ham and groceries. Admission. 26c All welcome. CARD party and danoe, Portland Council K. A L. A 8 . Thursday, March 21, GevurU hall, Front and Qibbs Hta. Orocery pnaes. Card playing and dancing will begin at 8:30 p. m. Adrauvion 26e. A DANCE is given every Saturday night at its hall by the Highland Social club; good music; Selling Hirsch bldg.. 88H Wsshington s. BUSISE88 CARDS Wedding Announcements W. O. Smith A Co. sit Mnrcsn blda EssslLskM Jewelry a a(ectaJiy. bnttoau, tuns, Jaeger Bros.. 181-8 th s. char DKsielil SUITS lor rant, all loring V.. 09 Stark st CBHiue 'las- Vital statistics mtriajts. BIrtbs. Deaths. BIRTHS I JONES To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Jones, Landore apt.. March 4, a son. WARDELL To Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd L. Warden. 200 E. 13th. Feb. 24, a son. MA St OK A To Mr. and Mrs. V. Maauoka, 81 H N. Broadway, March 0, a daughter. SCHTJLTZ To Mr. and Mm, John Schulta. 642 Gantenbein ave.. Maroh 8, a daughter. STRAIGHT To Mr. and Mrs. Asa E. Straight. 486 Rodney ave., March 12, a daughter. HARTMAN To Mr. and Mrs. Allan W. Hart man, 410 Ivy at, March 2, a daughter. NICHODEMUS To Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Nlch- odemus, 860 Gantenbein. March 10. a son. UTTER To Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin E. Utter. 214 12th. March 11. a dauxbter. CROWTHEB To Mr. and Mrs. William Francis Crowther. 822 E. Stark. Feb. 2n 4.. hS, HATER To U, .nJ rui. t tu.-.. Thayer, , r. 1033 ft4 1 2 PoweU, March 7. a daughter. KELLER To Mr. and Mrs. Fred Keller, . n?ih ... u k t . NELSON To Mr. and Mrs. Hsroid Nelson, 6a3 ' Emerson, March 11, a daughter. ' .VVPTfrjl,Jm":u 1,1 ou- 1 8H IRA HA MA To Mr. and Mrs Minezo Shira- : lm.8.5 1' Mr-.h J. daughter. .1 B"-"Ar:nrr'.0 -. "- Henry Sc barer. ! lmn' Mrr" 14-' ahtr- n s a iUss at nrv cd a w a ! . " 1 1 " " " A " aiarcn j a. aisry eager, age 84 years, beloved mother nf Mr . 'dU .IV" - Multnomah Park eemeterY J1 and fath,r o Alice. Bertha, and Reno . ' ' Funeral will take place from Dunning st McLnt chapel, Monday, March 18. at 8:80 - thence to St. Patrick's church, corner Nineteenth and Savior streets wh- re nu will be offered at 0 o'clock. Friends Invited. Inter-i anetic aft fhvra . WOOLWORTH At his tab. residence. lirIjL.n"- lM4d; t i Forty-third avwnna sontheaat rkwteht WmLj ward. Marshall 130. i worth, aged 61 years. Funeral aervlces will ! be held at the Christian church. Kern Park, "T',,1' :3 P- fnends invited. P. ' r ----"- trf trlilrp. ; . .. MULTHAUF In this city at his lata residence, CAPABLE adr. 447 Fourth st., March 16. John Jacob MultIT presses and . . . - . " 'rs"" wages. Aaareea r. v. box Vnttm VUj. TremSn. IZ .f tht-renrknt UmTlT 3. P. Ffntoy A Son. MonUosnerv at 6th. J. P" : Kb"ioc Railroad school. SMITH In thia city, at hta lata residence, 788 Upper Drive. March 16. Keeinald Wwl.l Upper Drive. March 16. Rewinaht Wvt.l "mith. aced 2S veara. son "erf henre fl Clara XL Smith. The remain are at the reet - denoe- establishment of J. P. Finley A Sou') 821. - - Montenmery at Bth. Notioe of funeral hereafteT. MEYER Moses Meyer. 616 Loveioy. March SEVETtSST'fte 6.T 'T .f- Ig.F V? by Orego. SHAW Selena Shaw, 85 Willamette blrdjitWANTEl) Registered pharmaci. U-735, Jour FISHER 'Margaret FlsheT. 161 W. Terr starcn-, 14, years, organte disease of heart. WILSON Celia Wilson. 204 E. 84th, , March IB. 6 2 years, peritoneal cancer. BARANOT Fred Baranov. 891 N. SOth, lbreb 14. 3 years, broBcho pBesimotila DltATIft ATCT TXTKT.fLK'Ln T is city. Ue?r, ' - mmkA SB rers- feratlur or Hun Merer of Portland; MaJ Bimoa - Jtatna, Ua Charles braant. aintjnwpn L-ueiia ana aim hot Morns of Bmi Fraoctee, and the late Joseph Kmamsel and ftaaaei Meyer, a friends invited to attend fniraJ Mrricea. which will be held at Ilolman's" Ineral parlors. Third and Baboon streets, at 1C60 a. m. today (8nBday), March 17. CoDehvM services at the Portland erema- torinm. risatB lhia city, March 14. 101 8. at Utt idtmMJS!ii west -fern street. Margaret Eibth Fisher. 4 years, be- let mTei wum n loan ss. sisner, BBOiner 01 .nm ntbmr of thilelty and Jolm U. Fisher ot Baa x rmacwcix rsaerat semoea wui oe naia m the ahore rifcence, Sunday. aUreh 17. at 2 anil in chie of WUsoa A WUmb. sviUlncs- WW US TVUW IIUU A.VT67J Wl (Wlo COFFKT Athe home. 2S Mill street. March 16. Mrs. I t)ofrey. aced 80 yean. V nrentAs. mother of la B-. Marcaret L. Coffey, and Mrs. M. A f rur. of this city, and Mrs. Nathan Uonnds of & Louis. Mo. ttneral eortece from the sboTe idenee. at 9:16 a. m.. lomorrow (Monday), Jarch 18. thence to St Mary's cathedral. Fieenth and Tavls streets, where the services will te held af 9.10 a. m. Interment Ki-rer View dmetery. COTTON Tie funeial services of tha Ute Wu Ham Wis Cotton will be held at the tint Presbyterian khnrch. Twelfth and Alder streets. at n p. anj tomorrow (Monday . juno in. rrienda invtid. Interment Biverriew cemetair, priTate. Retains will lie In state in the church from 12 octock Monday an til time of service with honor giard of Hoy Scouts. KINti-Th.tuu.raJ sun ices of the late Mary Ann Kin, wu Dassed away in this city. March 16. will bt beld tomorrow (Monday), at 2:15 P. m,. froei the chattel of th Skewee Under- taklnc cofany. corner Third and Clay Friends tnaod to atuna. interment surer Y Urn Abbeviansolrum. LKVT U h 16, Roger Levy, as 16 years. K )i4 hn.ti, nrt r.t run.niin. Irv. Tain Mr. 1 I u'vera. Nettie Iw. Isaae H. i.uM v ,.. all of Portland and Aaron 11. ' Levy of I vv af Francisco. Funeral announce- ment latrt MILLEB larch IS. at Vancouver. Wah.. Doris aiier. daughter of Br. ana Mrs. James E. Miller, iiter of Beatrice Miller, formerly of this city. Funeral services will be conducted Monday. cn IB. -Z p. ra . cy anapp i nuenaa ing Co., i Vancouver. Fnends invited. - In terment, sjse City cemetery. Portland. PETERStf March 14. at Luther Station. Normari Peterson, aged 7 years H months. Funeral rvires will be conducted Monday. March ltJat 11a. m., in the mortuary chapel of A. D. Anworthy Co.. 6802-04 9 2d st 8 E, tin Lents.' 1 Friends ibvited. Interment, Multno- man centry BURCHl-In this crty, March 15. John Elmer lurchell, aged 44 years. Beloved hus band of aims BurcheU: father of Russell, V el ms. Alvfc-lnd Jnsie Burchell, Mrs. .Anna Eddlng ton, Staay and Jabea Johnson. Services will i be held ifcnday at 3 o. ra. st the residential parlors d (Miller t Tracey. Interment Multno- mth Pas remeterv. LYNCHtn thii citv. March IB. Katie V Lynch kgrd 58 year. Helnred wife of Walter i A. Lynofcj mother of Walter C. John K., BuriU i A. Lyra and Mrs. Clara Adams of this citv and . Mrs. Ja S. Robinson, Manila. I. I. Services be 1H at 1 p. m Monday at the residential 1 parlors f Miller A Tracey. Interment Mount I Scott prk ceTnetery. ; BTVWltf 1 t' o . ' . TKk t ' I 8TKWAI Jennie E. Straart. 405 Columbia. sisrej 14. Pi years, cerebral hemorrhage. I FLORISTS ilAHTl' ft FOliBEH CO.. KlorUts. 834 Wash. .ions atically arranged. u 1 FlorUu. 2 87 Morrison st Maisat A-1805. Fine flowers itores. f lively 828M and floral designs. No branch stores. Lt'HLLIK, PorUand I MAX JJ SMITH. Florist. 141 H 6th st. r TTJ EKAL DIRECTORS U a i Yl on ! lnrlM4nl!niv f iiMiian uiiuci laMii. j)x t Funeral Directors EdlMkhKl 1R7T Third and Haunon Streets. klaui 507. A-1611. Lady Assistant. - J. P. FIN LEY & SON Progrenive Funeral Directors. i ATE UKlvE Women Attendants. Montgomery at Fifth, m A-16B. i Mate WILSON & ROSS LUU" 1 'WO .East 1. Lady Assistant. C-S16S. ; Multnomah at Seventh sf. During & McEntee I JllBill fl? (V MflrnTPP CnderUkera. Modern In . tf "'I Broadway and Pine sta. Pboi Broa4y 480. A-45S8. Idy assistant. j F, S, Dunning, Inc. i The Golden Rule Undertakers. 414 B Alder st. Phone East 62. B-5226. A. D, Kenworthy Co, Vbor 6287. 6802 02d St.. Lents. TaboCH05. 66th st and Foster road. Atleta. Eastpl B-lSi, LERCH Mrs. Jrcb Aadstant. Cndsitkera. E. 11th and Bawthorne. MILXU A TUAC'ET. Independent Funersl I1- rs. Prices as low s 0. $40. 6t0. Waaila-ton at Ella. Main 2691, A-7886 HAMILTON 173 E. Glisan at. Fu neral services. Tabor 4313. DiA 2. Cnrtly Belmont at 83th. i54. Tabor 1258. SMwei" Undertaking Co. Main 4152. A-2321. Corner 3d and Clay. A, v nr. OU- Williams are. CIICI Wi East 1088. C-1088. Wlon & Wilson Jtil .RSfcft.. BYRNES, new residence estsblUhment, WllUsma sve. Woodlawn 220. C-1B43. CHAMBERS-KENWOUTHT CO. ir Kerby at. WoodUwn 330U. C UM MO CM EXT BLAESING 6ftANIT tl te7-3ft, ST. AT nADLScSJ It LAND MARBLE WORKS. 204-aott 4tn opposiU city ball Main 8604. Philip NriiSona for memorisls. LOST Af FOU3ID fll Till following articles have been found on the drs of the Portland Railway, Light A Iower I "r'L J1, "? V u.m,'re,,: March 14 1 bank book. 3 umbrel- i- norl dooss, i pacaages. iir j giot i baseball mit, l" east 1 hand grip, a trav r j ffahing pole, 1 har eltopping baa. 1 suit- traveling bags. 1 doctor's r.lf 1 fishing pole. 1 hand saw, 5 lunch boxes, 1 fs-cart, 1 hobby horse. Owners may obtain prpyrty at First and Alder Street station. V1L parties or party finding black Moropro UUrse on Washington st. bet. 12th and 14th psae return to owner at desk San Marco bo te jnmua cash bnt plus personal belonging ; bo qeytons asked. OIT -On road between Multnomah and Ti r ardville on Thursday afternoon, a pure eon tiing about 827. Finder leave at this of (Wand receive reward. fi&T Purse in lavatory of Ljpman. Wolfe A i Bo , Saturday, March 10, containing 828 and e small change, also Y. W..C A. mrmber- 4 It card. Phone MUwaukie 70. Reward. T OR STOLEN -4735 60th st. 8. E.. bite short haired cat with blue eyes. Re- d for his return. Main 213 from 9 to , k. m. 1ST WED. p. m., in Owl drugatore lavatory. orple umbrella with white ivory una. uo- ll reward. Wdln. 3972. , tST Friday a. m.. a man's rmall brown pocketbookS containing a 820 bill. Reward. I turn to Journal office of 126 Omaha ave.. USD -Bracelet,- Friday noon. Owner may have same by proving property and paying sIL Tabor 1762. HT Feb. 26, sunburst pin of pearls and rubies, size of quarter. 85 reward. Phone n 7337. Keep-eke. ST Or a nee half Persian cat. Liberal ward. Phone Wdln. 8522. LOST- 'oat containing keys, in N. Portland. Call Main 1771. or 781 Oregon st. 14c HELP vTAHTEn WALK 1 1 sue 1 and job printer, able to ran . KTt.j. , , - AN.TiJ A. . iautor. 1 Af.i" . JUMr. tali after 10 .nAl clor at io. IQ St., second floor. .lLDERLT man to help in hotel Call Sarier A- i i-un " n- . National Laandry Co., TiLT E. 8th and Clay. .TWO at strong boys over 16 for factorr work. Pacific Stoneware ' Co.. 685 - Sberkxk era. -COLLECTOR on wast aide. Previous- experience not necessary. Powers Farnitara Co. fWANTED Stableman. 646 Front C '1 1 Bms WEsTBOM employment office. 17 HV 2d at, wui be opea all day Bandar. . s . WANTED WANTED ' " Men for mills and camps, government goals of 'wages. Farm hands for all sections, top wages. '- Laborer! for big industrial planta. ; ' : - Freight handlers for raUroada. aection nsea. Work for everybody at --. " '" Public Employment Bureau 247 lvis st ' . MAM Wa.N'llbU FOR SAWMILLS. MUX r ACroRUji. LOGOCTQ OPERATION A KLAMATH tXiUNiK. ORJCGOJt. . PK'.HKST U'aUUi. BK8T 8CHOOU. CMU DRY CL1MATC - L- CITY OF 600 There is a big 4 sea mills. b MM Hun. tint K i 6000 rUOPLB. --, t oiventty of labor, as taev ere bos factories. 1 4 laeeina: en using ootn steasa, oanaays aad ging. Three lath sail la. Jlojns aa4 wera la l us ooa laetonaa. COME NOW. MILCmCFtN MARCH I TO 16. BOX FACl OKIES NOW BUNjfXNO. ON ARRIVAL 8KB KLAMATH LPllUaUUKN'e AND fOO- GEUH' AS8N MAIN ST., KLAMATH FALIA. OBCOON.' 1200 Mfc.N EMP1A)TKD. filrike on. Wast Una Mills. ' - ; $3,48 Grinders, 8 Hours : $3,36 Lowest Paid I 1 Eight hours' shift work. - Nine hour days alone. . Board and bed $J week. Beck's hotel, 6th and Wth and Main, Across bridge from Oregon City. Free employment of tire on mill walk. FCHMTCRE packer. Apply between 9 and H a. m. , superintendent s office, cony, Meier A Frank Co. " AKE you aalutied Vrith your pruaaot wagesf Wouldn't you like to increase your salary f Owr salesmen are making" from 87 - a day up. Better see us at once. VV can increase jour earnings. AUTO SPECIALTY CO., ' 2 tui It - , FCHNITCRE cabinet maker and epfirtar. Ap ply between V and lie. m., raperintaodatu'a office. Basement Balcony, Meier A Frank Co. LABORERS WAHTCO Permanent positions asaored steady eaesv, wages 38.10. 8 hours; striks sm yet dssterei elf bat 1600 men working; general paperssul ork; no eaperieaoe necessary. Apply 6 Va Ure un bid., ssuraar lk and Uak streets. FURNITURE cabinet maker and apfitta. Apply between 0 and lis. ra., aupeiia tesdent a of fice, basement balcony, Meier A Frank Co. 6etf pel week earned by ecs of ssaa Jul I 1. selling our gnarantaed sanabe. frees and berries; others earning f roaa 126 se week up. , Ma eaperienee Beceasary. ataeiaassw territory. Free outfit. Best, aeasoa la yeaea. Open territory is thai and oighborlaaj 1 i tosAirinctoa Nursery Go., Toppeoiso, Wash, FURNITURE packer. Apply between 0 gad It a superintendent a office, basement bal cony, Meier A Frank Co. . TOUNO man with auto to sell homes on o- miasiun bssis. for realty eonoerra, cood acted -by on who knows bow to make yoa good sooner O. C. OOLDENBERG, 215 Abington bidg. Main 4808. 8ft years in Portland. SALESMEN TO WORK, Wi lli " is AilXLVfl OK NEWSPAPER EXPERIENCE, TO TRAVEL WITH THE BEST MAGAZINE PROPOSITION IN THE WORLD. 81 AN HOUR IP YOU WORE. WKSTEKN MAUA ZINE t:R, VO4-0O7 HHALDl.NO BLDO. GOOD, live, hustling subscription solicitor loi j country weekly, to travel over county. - One .with either horse or motorcycle preferred. Aa aress r.Kj. pqi ma, ijregosi juy. JiiE opportunity of a iileUma toss la WsU uresseil, clean cut salesmen, capable of earsv ing 3200 monthly. Itas-beens not wanted. Room S'J3 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and SUafc. StENOGUAPHEH. experienced in lumber busi. nesa. Work largely billing and soma figur ing. Answer in own hand wrUing. jtefer ceg required. W-776. Journal. --'s COLLECTOR wanted, with machine or aaotur- cycie. Mast be thoroughly acquainted ia suburbs. Stats) age, references ana salary ex pected, pnone number. -7 as, Journal.- WANTED Man over draft age to work ia fa? tory; good wages, good boon; moat be re liable and ambitious. George Wilsoa, 26 K. Front at. - ... MACHINIST wanted. Two all around mee tor medium sized new work. state aalary and erperlenoe. T-611. Jonrnal. ' - - . . - WANT competent and reliable bookkeeper to . go to Alaska work for salmon canning ounce ra. J-635, Journal. - ... ..- RELIABLE and experienced fire insurance ao- . lieitor; give refereneea, age and axperieBcsv R 64H, Journal. DELIVERY bnys and waavo boys. Good wages.' Apply superintendent s office, 8 to 19 a. m., - Olds. Wortman A Ring. HANDY man fur shipping room La wholesale house. Steady position. State age, exparWnee) and aalary expected. P. O. box 12, Portland, Or. MEN WANTED for general factory work, 8 hour day. Apply '-- 7 0 Monday monuiw. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis sta W AJS'TLD Elderly carpenter to aliiogle house : and make few minor repairs. Phones East 6610 or call Sunday at 124 E. Satmoa at. -WANTED Man to drive milk wagon. - good ' wages to right man. Rjvervkrw . Dairy Co.. 1003 Belmont a. - - WANTED Experienced salesmen for domeatS ana noose inmuniMg irpartmenta. - iaobana Bros., Sd and Morrison sta. - - WANTED Man ia wholesale grocery in warehouse) dept. Exempt from ' draft. Wad hams e Kerr Bros., lath and Paris, MECHANIC, garage, good Uoubie mas; BtusT have- family and be steady worker: win tow wages to ngnx snan. box IBS, bwtml Mt. BUTCHER, capabla of handling beet trade ia residence section. State age, ntrwac and aalary expected. W-666. - 3 snrssl WANTED Offioa boy; good opportuaity for svdvaneement. Mitchell. Lewis A Slaver Co., E. 2d and Morrison.' - WANTED 8 rough carpenters. -1 finish car penter; laborer, 1 cement . and brick snan. Tabor 4867. ' ' - " ' - MAN wanted to work in soap works, also bo to wrap soap. - ivasi, rung a lag tioap tin. TAILOR wanted to work os huLes' Jackets, lii help wAicrn ma Lie Sk. iota. .