P0TATO MARKET LIFELESS THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE COUNTRY Edited fcr " ' ; Hymao tL Coses BRQOCOL -...1. I MARKET A SHADE VMR WITH : MORE LIBERAL SUPPLY - ' Pouolas County Shipping Mow Xlb ; 'orslljr In Car lts end Clackamas County At Sendinjj Poor CJi- fornla Stuff 1 DetrimenL I The keel hroeeolL OT winter cauliflower, - Son la aow r full twine, end receipts her in . - somewhat increased f of tn last ew oay. ves C l load laU at being shipped from iMmgiaa county v mi ta these arc added tba offering Iron Oswego and othe Clackamas county pointa. ,Tb want 'f tb trad an far tba moment trifle over " ; supplied, which mean that pries an being gradually shaded. jiHhoMh fof tba selected Douglas County ; Mack aalaa ar it ill reported a hub a $1.75 -' ar moTtnaV a Bound l.tl.lt pet erst. : V-Oswego atock it moving from $1.25 ta $1.60 per rate, which la aubstaatially the aame aa the California stock f selling at. Tba latter generally of very poor quality, , and no mora re- : , aembies tb Oihod fancy stock aside from tba ' crate than day resembles nifht. Taos that ' . want real good quality are forced to purchase tba Oregon broccoli, although the free offering at I tba poorer California atock naturally baa iu effect ? wpva in price. Price of Butter . Is Up One Cent 4 A Pound Here An advance ef 1 eent a pound waa mad In tiw price ef butter by Portland awniariaa durin the day, niacin print at B fee estrae la plain wrapper and add far carton. VP ehsne waa made I nvttarfat. , POCLTB.T MARKET RULES FIRMER all through the poultry market a firmer tone la ruling alone Front street, with receipt! ex tremely limited and a very food demand. This applies to everything that wean feather. "JOE WILL HAIL OCEAJf BLUE ' "Joe" t'rbanek, for about 10 years In charge ef the meat and poultry department of Page A ";- Bo, haa enlisted-in the United State merchant smrtn and ia bidding the boys along the street tare well. K WHALE MEAT SELLIXQ FREELY Very liberal sale of whale meat are reported by Portland fish wholesaler. Hupp lies are com ; Ing steadily from Paget Sound, galea are report J ad bora at lc a pound for the best quality. RAZOR CLAMS ARE HIGH PRICED Bator elama ware in Urge supply daring tb -.' day, with tajAyat $Sc a dosen fnr Clatsop beach ; , and 26e a dosta for Long Beach offerings. The i former were of larg kite and the latter looked a U tba big elama bad been taken out. Dullness Gives Way to Advances In Early Trading BEALIZInVj SALES AT CLOSE New York, March 14. IL H. 8.) .Realising aslaa durlnir final imdtaa- in the Block market this afternoon caused losses of about 1 point to most of tb active issues. Beading dropped ta 83 it and Steel common fell to 9144,. ; New Tork. March 14. (L V. S.) Trading was dull at th opening of the stock market to-, day, with price chances narrow and generally higher lsl , Beading waa a strong feature, moving up aeat 3 points to 82. Chesapeake Onto roe 1 Vi to 60. Bteel common, after droppiBf to 0 H . nV Hed to 81. Bethlehem Steel B advanced to IT Vi, and Baldwin roe to 7 . Corn Prodacta waa in good demand, and rose to a H . American Linseed adraaeed ta S3 H, ana Msiican Petroleum sold higher at American Can rase 1. to 41 W. The market tone became stronger after the first 19 minutes. Ths majority of stocks made rains rana-inc from 1 to 8 oointa. Beadine rsas $ VI to abora 8i. Cheaapeaka A Ohio rose 14 to eovi, and at Paul preferred rose to 74. American Can mo Ted up. 2 Vs U 48 It. ateel common adranced to and gains of around 1 point war mad ia Bethlehem. Btlrl win ana crucioi. Money loanine at ner mt There was a display of streneth in tha nr. noon in Bethlehem Steel B. which adraneed to 19 7. udjum uigar Btorea adranced 1 to o -m omi common reiiected absorption, ad Tsadnc 1 point to Bl . Banc of' New Tork nrlcea rnrnialuvt he rim. beck A Cook Co.. 218-217 Board of Trad oniiaing: UESCItlVTlOM Open HIDE MARKET C03TTI5CE8 SICK Market for hides continues sick at practically trry point in th t'nited Bute. Eastern re port indicate that the big packers a well a th smaller bwteber- as unloading their supplies With as Utti daisy aa possible. BRIEF SOTE8 OF PRODUCE TRADE Butter and cheese firm at former prices. Trad ia th egg market just about steady. Country killed mast slower, but about un changed. Cerlued of Wlnningstead cabbage from Los Angel. Asparagus offerings slightly greater; price Homing. i WEATlfER IfOTICB FOR. SHIPPERS Weather bureau advises: Protect shipments during th next 8thours from tb following tem peratures: Ooing north. 88 degrees; northeast orx B.. P. A fl . 28 degrees; east to Baker, 2 de grees, and south to Ashland. 23 degrees, lilnl mnm temperatur at Portland tomorrow, about u aegrees. JOBBIXO PRICES XX PORTLAND The are tha . price ntailam payTwboleaslers. sceyt aa xnrwu Bona; l,i i -V Ogirgi, froducu. - t BUTTE Railing pnee Creamery prints. in paraffins wrappers, eitrs 53c;. prim firsts. Ble; first. Hue; cubes, 1c less; cartons, 1 .' adrsnce: dairy, 84 0 88c per tb. -. BUTTKUITAT k-urtlanu UellTerr baais. So. 1 . Senr cream. (4c lb. - CHKKSli Helling price: Tfflamook fresh Ore con fancy full cream triplet, 282SVic lb.; Votwif America. 80 SO He. Price tu jobber: Tillamook triplet. 2tie; Young America. 28c f. '. - b t'eo and Curry price to jobbers f. a. b, Myrtl Point: TripleU. 28 Vie; Young America, , 2Its lb.; brick,, bee; Umbargsr, 85c; brick .. wiss.i40o lb. EUGH tielllng price, ease count. 85c doxen; Ircytng pnee, 83 9 84c dozen; selling price, 1 andled, 1 6o ; selected candled, in carton. 37c - ' 1.1 V: PUULTBX BrlMler. 8e; eld rooster. . II 4240 lb.: atacs. 24M28c: turkeys. 272fte: ' rMMtl tasct. kZatkSe: Nu. i't if.. .. 88.00 doseut-fees, lire, 22c; duck. 83c; pig- ona. A.u oosen. - - j rraah VttabM and Fruit FBESU rBUITa Urangea, $8.73 .. box: bananas. 8 Vk V oo lb, ; lemsn. 8 7.00 7.40 boa; Caafornia arapeiniit 33.30 box; alorida. 88.00 m 0.78 box. -APPLES $1.00 2.28, according to variety and auslits. ft" . DkLlELI mUIT Data. Dnnalin as on'. tarda, $i.(0 crate; raisin. 8 crown loos musca tel. lOo. lb In 60 lb. boa; tig. $8.80 boa lor 1tt-4 m. package- OJtWNH Selling price ta retailer Oregon. Ko, 1. 81.604 1.7i No. 2. $l.t)0; carioad price o( aasociaUon, Ui per canlal t. o. b. ; garilc, ta lb. - POTATOES Selling price: Table stock. Bur-! ranks. Toe W 1MV. staying price. U. bv. No. 1. 76 cental, country pouiU; sweet potatoes. r. a u lh V EI.ETABLES Tunitps. $r10 sack; carrot 1.60 aaet; beeU. $l.BU sack; parsnips, $1.24 aack; aabbag 8 4o Ibt green onions, 46 dosen ancbas; peppers, 40 lb.; bead iettnc. 31.00 at S. 10 crate; celery, hi Uo doaeai. articbnkea, t(0c 1.10 -dosen; encumbers, hotboalc, 31.M ,1.60 dosen:' tomatoes, Mexican. $2.60 6y 8.00 lug; eggplant, 86c lb.; string beans, ( ) ; rhu barb. 10pl3o lb.; eauli!lower, local. 81.26 m 1.76 crate; sprouu. 12V4 lb.; green pea. 17c Meat, riab and Provisions DBESSEU , WKATS Selling price country kUled beat hog. 21 (021 Vie, ordinary. 19 20c beat !.' kuAj 20 V : ordinary veal, 18itts lb.; .rough beavy. 13c; goats, 1012e; lamba. , lf20o; mutton. 11 18c; -beef, T Vs 9 e0?i lb. SMOKED II EATS llama, 37 9 83a lb.: break fast baeoa, 8848o; picnics, 24c; oottag roil. 2c; short dear. aac; Oregon exporu. moked. 88 lb. LAhM Staadard. 28 lb.; lard compound. 8Vke. I tlVHTmit . DWmnll mllnn a KA. i eastern. 6 tie can 3d. 60 doaen can; eaatera eys- tan. gallon, soud pack. $8.60. i FBfcJSH i lSH Oresaed flounden. . fts; steel, bead salmon. 32 28e;binaok. 24 0 25e; perch, IV Se. soles, 7c; salmon trout. iBc; halibut, 18 ' fe2c: black cod. lie: bexrina. c: amalt a.. cum, hard sheila, 4c tb.; 82.76 box; casbs. 61.76 2.60 dosen; Columbia smelt. 81.00 Tax. Qrocerlee I BCCAtt Cube, $u.QBVk: powdered. $8.S7V4: iratv. of berry, i.7Vfc; 1 yeUow. 37.27 Vi; sibowkucu. wi.otTMiaey, ).; XUa V, of.n m p ta cw. . HO ew. 86.00 ea.. Wlh-Japan style. No. 4. 8Vie;'Hew Or leans Head, we: blue rose. M W " SALT Coarse half ground 100s. $15.60 ton- , we.. . .v, aaovj uioss ana dauy. 2.26i tump rook. $20.00 ton, . ' HalAWS UaiUomia. sales by iobbarai ..! .whins, 18014; hug whit. 18c; pink. Staat - kssaa. 14 He; bayoua. 10fc; red. lit "m"f , ' CAMNKU kUUt Carnatioav 35.70; Borden, 6.80; Aster., 36.00; Bagla, 80.00; UtSl $6,661 Teloban, 36.00 eaaa. , "" , COiTtli Moaated. 16 Vi 0 800 tb. la meks BuDA CRACKERS Bulk. IS lh. MlTS Budded wamata. 27 lb.; i-A- tc .mw. w, vw av ia nri jota. Hops, Wool and Hid ' HOPS Nominal, 1T17 croo. 1 S all K n. ' UllikJI Salted. 28 lb, and up. 12c salted. ' nulla, lbs. and up, Iwc; salted and green kip. - - so m m., sac. aaiteu ano-green calf no ta 16 ma.. Sic; green hides. 26 lb, and unTOc arwaa ataga. 60 lb, and no. He: drr flii oa-! ; dry lliat calf ap to 7 lbs.. 38e; dry salt, a lei ; dry bom bide. aeh. $1,26 0 X.60; asito bora. " V"' ,"or.nair. tail. ae; ; boraehaix. mane. 16e; dry long wool pelta. 88. Aik Gold I Hi Alii Chalmers, o.. 28 Vi Am. Beet Sugar...! Am. uan, e. . . . .1 41 Am. Cr Fdry.. e. 76 Am. Cotton Ou. a. J Am. Linseed, c 88 Am. lxwo., c I 08 Am. Smelter, C....I 81 M Am. Sugar, c... 108 Am. Tel. A Tel... 102 Vi Am. Woolen, c .... I 631 Ansconda Alining Co 63 Vi Aicnison, c 85 Baldwin Loco., e.. 78 Baltimore A Ohio, c 65V Bethlehem SteeL B. 78 V r. K. T. . , 40 H Butte A Superior.. 23V reuoieum, e. .1... Canadian Pacifio ..146 Central Leather. e.A 70 Cheaapeaka A Ohia 88 Vi C. AO. W.. ... .. C M. A St. Paul. . 43 J. at w., c. . Chino Copper .... 1 40 Vi . c I., 8S Consolidated- Oaa ..187 Corn Product, e. . I 36H Crucible Steel, e... 62 X. A R. O.. e 1 thstillera ,- 89 Erie, a J5Vi General Electric .. 18fl uenerai Motors . . .iisa (ioodrich Bubber G. N. Ore land ..I 28 Great North., ptT..I 01 Ureene Can Hide A Leather, e Ice Securities . . . Illinois Central ... I 06 Industrial Alcohol . 11-21 Inspiration . : 44 H Int. Mer. Marine .1 28 R. c. southern, e. 17 4 Kennecott Copper..) 81 Lackawanna Steel. .1 70 Vk uemgn. auey 1 01 L. A 7 Maxwell Motors, c. Mex. Petroleum . . Miami Copper...., Midrale Steel.,.., M.. K. A T.. c... Missouri Pacific. . National Lead. . . Nevada Cons . New Hsvea N. T. Air Brake. N. Y. Central N. Y.. Onu 4 V. Norfolk A W.. c. Northern Pacific . Pacific Mail . .. . . Penn. Railway. . . . Peoples Gas .... Pittsburg Coal, o . Preaa. Steel Car. c Ray Cons. Copper. Ky. Steal Springs Beading, o. Bep. L AS. o.... Bock Li'and Rears, Roebuck A Co Saattuck Studebabtr, c . . . . Southern Pacific. . Southern By., e. . . Swift Tennessee Copper. . Texss Oil . . . .-. . . Tobacco Products . Union Pacific, c . . U. 8. Bubber. c. . U. 8. SteeL c Utah Copper .... Virginia Cnem., e. Wabash W. V. Telegraph. . Wastinghouse Elec Willys-OTerUnd . . Woolworth High Low Bid 1 SSTi 42 77 V '83 66 81 108 108 53 64 85 T7 66 78 41 23 146 0Vi 60 '43 ii" 88 las 64 'so' ' 16 130 124 20 81 28 86 1 25 j 40 76 88 lit 108 102 63 68 84 78 85 76 40 22 145 6 68 42 40 88 87 S6 62 88 16 186 123 28' 91 WeWant Your Beaiis Call at 206 Alder L or maN aam plea. We buy all tha time, and pay tha highest market price! Don't taiLfo gel In tosrch with as before teiiinar. i E AUK THE OSTLY EXCLUSIVE ,'BEAM 'D&ALEB8 IS ORKttOX. iW want" morn agents, at country points. Clnera nddenlers 'pleaao writa for our ag-onta1 term a. . S. C. D ALTON CO.' J x tt AWr St. 43 4 28 69 '28 . t . . 72 21 105 88 20 44 42 63 '23 64 81 79 21 149 "46 " 86 24 05 121 4J 28 17 82 79 62 '28 97 45 4 24 66 80 73 21 106 86 29 44 42 58 23 54 84 79 22 r8 46 87 24 16 150 Vk! 80 122 0 s- 93 41 18 16 150 51 128 'i 05 120 44 28 17 81 1? 01 28 06 44 4 23 68 29 72 21 105 86 29 44 41 53 23 64 Vi 81 79 21 149 46 86 24 16 100 60 122 90 03 42 18 8 S3 41 18 Total sales. 391.400 share. POTATO GROWER IS NOT OFFERING NOW E OF BECAUS Rl E Killers Bringing Cattle From Their ; Own Lots" to Yards Have Liberal Iloldutgsaaad AraTher- Seventy-flve Cent Price at Country Points Too . Low , Considering , tha Extreme Priee of 8aeka--l)ea1eps Unable to Pay If ore, - 1 25 80 41 76 81 Vi S2 63 81 103 103 68 63 84 76 65 77 40 23 16 146 09 69 7 .2 40 $8 15 63 4. fB 15 188 123 43 28 91 40 12 13 83 120 44 28 17 31 79 62 116 28 96 80 44 4 23 64 18 29 126 72 81 105 86 29 44 41 65 61 28 64 83 79 22 147 17 46 86 24 127 16 149 50 122 64 91 79 40 8 92 41 18 110 Potato are wars bavw catt offering their sup plies generally for tha 76 pric now being of fered by carioad shippers is somewhat below what they ar willing to do Warn as at. If sack could be provided in addition to thia price at country nointa. aorta fair of ferine ceold be se cured,' bat tha sacks ar so high priced that shippers aay they cannot oiler them. in tba meantime, there m a deadlock in me local trad so iar aa outsida ahipmsnta are con cerned. Tha few carloads that ar going forward were purchased some tins ago and can for ship ment bar lust been secured, in tact, snipper report that aem stock purchased several weeks ago b) atUi held oeeaus cars ara as oeing pro vided by th railroad. Sal as alona th street ar aonuaaL even at 81 per cental for good stock, while in carload lots soma ef th shippers ar tilling government orders at 85e per cental for o. 1. Keport from other markets are similar to tnose hown here, tb trend at th trad bang slow. Private reports indicate: Kansas Cily Supplies adequate. Demand and movement verv alow. Colorado Bad McC lures. una-radsd. 81.65. Montana, auality and condi tion fair, mixed, nnaraded. 81.30. Satardajrs sales, iobbins : Idaho, auality and eonditieav Snerally good. Unmet rs. Backed, ungraded, !., innasota Buraia, sacked, ungraded, $1.60. Bt, Lara! Demand and movement mooerata. Northern and western, quality and condition good, long and round whites, sacked, V- B. rad Nn. 1. $1.40 01.66: mostly $1,50 0 1.60. Seed atock. demand moderate, market fair. Bed Hirer Ohio, sacked, $2.2$ 9 2.80 Wisconsin Earbr Boa, sacked. 82.00 0S.2B. Omaha Demand and movement moderate. Nebraska whites. Backed. $1.60 01.80; Western Whites, sacked. V. 8. grade No. 1, $1.85 02.00. Dee Moine Whites, sacked. $1.50 01.76. Quality and condition fair, aeed stock, Bed River onios, Z.o V S.UV. wusuty ana aonaiuon goon, Burbanks. sacked. $1.60 01.80. Idaho and Washington, quality and condition good. Bos seta, sacked. 81.709 1.80. Idaho Netted Gems, sacked. Duality and condition cood. 82.00 0 2.10. rort Worm snppnsa naavy. uemana ana movement moderate. TJnaraded Colorado and Idaho white, sacked, $2:00 0 2.10; aome acab- by, interior, fi.ggaji.i. uaiuornta osrwu, aurthwMtan Nettad Gems. Backed. $2.16 0 2.26. Dallas, Texas Supplies Heavy, .aemana moa arate and market unsettled. Colorado and Idaho white. Backed, $2.10 0 2.15: Washington, Idaho and Colorado Burbanks. $2.36; Washington Netted Genu. 82.26. Oklahoma Citjr Smmliea liberal, market slow. Washington Burbanks. $2.00 0 2.15; Idaho whites, $1.8602.00; Netted Gems, $2,000 9.10: aaad demand apod. Houston. Texts Supplies heavy; market slow and , weak. Oregon, California. Washington and Idaho Burbanks and-Rtuaetta, $2.26 02.40; Col orado round wnite, 62.10 0 2.20. fore Interested L in. Keeping Market lligb. 906 321 68 1$ 444 ,103 .... 11 164 144 S .... 1838 918 $0 2141 16t 74 33 233 .786 7$ 16 16 314 73 10 .... 610 40 I 4 446 '31 0 21 890 101 T .... S34 1S .... 310 TO HUGE PROFITS ALLEGED ON BARLEY FLOUR IN NORTHVEST 4.25 0 0.23 8.000 S.00 7.60 011.00 4.60 0-0.60 Cereal Trade Slow In Chicago Market . nv woetPM r. pritomaho Chicago. March 14. (L N. S.) Cash corn was off a roach aa 20 cent in price today. This was forjfae low grades, trlule better trade were off only 6 cants. Tha csjtU oaU market was nnebanled to 1 cent lower. Provisions were evnarallv lower, althouxh th feeling early was firm aad near! ail th commodities sold at higher Level at that Bma. - Chicago, March 14. (L K. B.) Trad con tinued tight in oat at th opening of th market today, with scattered selling by local commission house. - Th market dull and1 featureless, waa steady at yeetarday close. .: . Corn waa easier, local firms again buying May at 81.27 on resting orders. A few local bouses old. Trade ia very light. Provision ' in sympathy with heavy hog re ceipt were tower. . Chicago range of prices famished by United Press: e CORN March , . . . . May March May May March May July MarcB ..... May ....... July POKTLAND LIVESTOCK BUM Hoc. Cattle. Calves. Sheen. Thursday ....... Wednesday Tuesday ........ Monday , .. Saturday ........ maty ........ Week aao ...... Tear ago ....... year ago, S year aga ..... 4 year aga ....... Much ef the ttrenatn of tha cattle market at thia time can be traoad directly to th fact that th big killers have liberal supplies on their feed lota, which they ar rushing to their killing pens. As long a that supplies continue, they ate not inclined to look with dialer or npon extremely strong, if not higher, prise for cattle. Aside from their own suppliaa. there waa lit tie reported in th North Portland yard over sight. General cattle market range: Madias to choice' users Sll.00011.60 Good to medium steer 9.76 010.76 Common to good steer S.80 9.u Cnoio eow and bailers 8.590 10.00 Common to sood cows sad heifers 6.760 8.16 Canaan ................... Balis Calve Stacker and feeder steers Swin Trad SUady Trad in ta swine division at th North Port land market la lust about steady. Thar was a liberal showing of supplies overnight, bat a large percentaxe ef th arrival war tram California and did not enter th general market. General sag Amaxks rang: . ..817.OQBBlT.lB 40 Mutton Remain Quiet Ia' th mutton and lamb division there con tinues an absence of interest at North Portland. The few bead that bar been told bar during the last month or so really reflected nothing ex cept, perhaps, that th bin killers were aoatewhat interested in holding value bigs. General sheep apd lamb range: Western, lamb $18.00016.50 Valley iambs 4 14.60 016.00 Yearling 18.00 013.50 Wethers 12.60 lm 18.00 Ewe 10.00011.00 Shorn sheep, 3 9 So under Quotation. Thursday Livestock Shippers . Hogs W. A. Ayr, Lawson. 1 load; A. Lace, orland. Cel.. 1 lean; u. v. uinma. miaiana. 2 loads: Me il ban at from, iialeev. 1 load. Cattle Union Meat Co.. Lrto. 6 load direct; EBa Hianple, MoMer, 1 load. Cattle and Calvaw P. O. Riekett, Durham, CaL. 1 toad. x Mixed Staff I. V. McPadden, Corvallia, 1 load cattle and hag; C. JC Luck. Monitor. 1 load cattle and hoe. United States bureau ef market reports live stock loaded March IS carload reported west of Allegheny mountain, aoublcdecka counted aa two cars Cattle and Mixed Calves. Hogs. BBeep. stocx. Total. 2218 2387 548 BOO 6781 2028 1895 496 830 6013 2154 1782 40 348 4b 08 State origin of livestock March 13 for Portland: Pries Based Upon Fictitious Values on Exchanger No Purchases of Mo ment Have Been - Made at These rifjures-Not Enough llillstuffa. NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS Wheat, BarleyT Floor. Oats. Bay. 1.7 4 1 a 296 706 1164 1T23 182 1138 1996 1S94 M PLANES HUM OVER V EST FRONT British' Brought Down 79 Enemy Planes First Ten Days 'of Marchr uwneraj nog asaxxa range: Prim light ,r v. .. $17.06 0 17.1 Prim heavy A... 16.75 017.1 Pigs , 14.860 16.4 Totals .. 1 week ago. 0 weeks ago Year ago...... Season to data.. 74 103 232 1406 293 1876 1 ... 11 1 44 2660 By rtUlasa PBRIp SlstasS With the British Army In Franca. March 14: U. P.) BatUa' platnoa fill th str alonx the west front. Artlllerjr tnsT baa become more and mora pro nounced, especially in the resiona of Pasachandaela and St, Quentin, Sausaro balloons ara up everywhere, with ob servation officers awayinc beneath, mi nutely watching- tna oppolnT line. Wherever ona Koea, the lmpreaalon la gained of a full head of a team on tha huso war macnln&T hisalng at eyery Joint. Tha entire front Is th a state of faterishneaa. The wonderful aprtnf lika weather is speeding up tha work in all departments. Signs ara not lacking- of Intense ac tivity by the enemy, whoae force are constantly growing. The airmen on both aides are busy day and night the British bombing military worka along the German a" lines; tha latter hovering over Paris and open townn, murdering women and chldlren. - Tha British brought down 79 enemy planes during the first 10 days In March. Aerodrome, barracks, railway atationa, transport columns and marching, troops have bean bombed. As an example of the airman's dally job, one dived toward a running enemy train, derailing three cars with bombt. The engine was uncoupled and raced northward. The plane followed, close to the ground, raking the engine crew with sLOUB 8.111ns cricet Patent 1 a aa- has. I . jnaajauiaj gun. ley flour, $12.0001325; Willamette valley, t careful compilation shows that the Portland. Thar.. 1 Tear ago. ...... S Season to date.. .3851 Tear sen. ;4117 Taooma. Wad... 14 14 4924 Tear aan. 5203 Seattle, Wed. a Tear ago. ...... 1 " Imiai tu data-. -B7ZH Zll 11S1 Tea ago. 4173 583 1281 1183 8126 That too great profits ar bains mad by mil- on substitute flour is bains generally charged and an investigation is being asked by the public Tba great difference of $1.23 per barrel ia the pries of barley flour at Portland and tha extreme spread between price asked for otner cereals. Daa ceased much concern among dealers aa well as consumer, who charge profiteering. There have been nraetaeallr no aalaa of barley here for a number of week, hat deepite thia fact, th bid on tb Portland Merchants Ex. change have been advanced to extreme figure. (Blon interests have placed their barley flour quotation en this basts, notwithstanding th fact teat no actual ptusMea of grain have beea made at th quotation. Trend of tha bay trad b nniformally quiet, but quotation are generally maintained. MiUatuf fa aoatlnu la greater 4vind than supply. British have dropped 10 bombs to the enemy a ona in the sons of operations. ley flour, $12.00018.00: Willamette valley. $9.60; local straight, $3.60; beJure' local, $9.80 0 10.00; Mou una rpring wheat, patent, $10.60 010.80; wholewheat. 39.60: srraham. 89.4U: KSSlSi Committee Eeports $2S.60a vellry retch, t ) ; cheat. $26.00; ia7?i$302?J??l (on fnul- $2 O026.OO. GRAIN SACKS Nominal. No. 1 Calcutta. 24 0e5e in ear tote; las smonnts higher. MILIATCFFS Bran, $$0.00 0 80.60; aborts, $82.00 0 82.60; middjrng. $39.00 0 39.60 pee ROLLED OATS $12 60013 00 per bbL ROLUCO B ABLET Per ton. $77079 CORN Whole, $71: cracked. $7$ Oat bid lost $1 a ton en the exchange dur ing th day, while- barley was unchanged. Merchant Exchange March bids: OATS Thurdy Wad. Tuea. Men. Sat, Pti. 1918 191T 1918 Feed: ' 1000 1700 7100 7000 7000 7000 7000 Feed BABLET FinancerTim her : Industry American Institute ef Bankins Appoints Comaolttee to Art as AxB!sry : ' to the National Trade Aeeeptanco Council in ProtooUar tiso of ibe ..Trade) Aecegtanco Among Bankers and Business Uen. - t v . i , Trade Aeeentanee Cematittse Xasied. A campaign in the interests ef a more extensive use of the trade acceptance haa been Inaugurated In Portland by the appointment of a committee ef bankers who will begin work at once along educational lines and later urge upon business men, th advantage of tne trade acceptance over the open book account in credit transactions. The committee conatats of T. H. .West, aa- elatant cashier' of the Ladd and Tilt on hank, chairman; R. IL B. Kelson, as sistant cashier of the Northwestern Na tional bank; mnd A- T. Matthew of the Bank of California. They have' been named by the Portland chapter of the American Institute of. Banking to act as an auxiliary to the National Trade Acceptance council, compoaed of Bine member, three respectively from the United States Chamber of Commerce, the American Bankers association and the National Association of Credit Men. The work will be in the .nature of a scnooi i or Danker ana basiness " men,' studying the weaknessee of the present system and the advantages of the trade acceptance. Coarse la IaTeitateat Baaklag. The course of lectures on investment bank ing being given under the auspices of the University of Oregon extension course and the American Institute of Banking la proving to be popular with business men and- women of Portland. The course presents many advantages to men and women too busy to take up a more extensive course of study in banking usage. University credits are given those who "attend all the lectures, a decided advantage ta those taking a course in th i University ef Oregon School of Commerce. Tha lectures are free to the public -end are given each Thursday night In the chapter rooms of the" American Institute of Banking in the Oregon building. The discussion tonight Is on banking terms and their uses. Frank A. Freeman, vice-president of the Lumbermen Trust company la the lecturer. Mill Talley Improvement Boats The Lumbermen Trust company offer $25,642.80 of 7 per cent improvement bonds of MtU Valley. Cel.. dated Feb ruary 11, 1911, and due serially from July 2. 11X9. to July S. 192$. The bonds are In denomlnatlona of $$4.2$, $100, $200 and $1000. MiU Valley. Cal., la situated across the bay from San Fran cisco, in Marin county, has a population Idaho Oregon . . - . Washington . . Totals 1 week ago . . . 4 weeks ago. . For Seattle: Washington . . i 6 i 4 6 1 ... a- ... 6" . s si 6 e 13 18 10 7500 8850 7500 7400 7400 7200 7100 Brewing: $200 4076 8300 7950 7950 7750 7060 Thirty day- delivery was quoted : UATB $68.60 76.00 82.60 12 Totals '1 S S 1 week aga ... 1- 1.... 1 S 4 weak age . . . 7 S 6 1 17 Wednesday Afternoon ,ele . STEEBS A - No. A. lb. Price I So. Ave. lb. Price si... lie tlv.vV i ...' " ;. , cows - - ; v . . a w -a .at Quick Losses in Ootton After Start New, Tork. March 14. (t N. 8.) An vine. of 1 to 9 points recorded at the opening of th cotton market ' today. Tb tone waa steady. Within 10 minutes after the.ooeninx. orieea had fallen 6 to 8 points, howevex. Th close waa steady at a sat decline of 0 0 16 Open. High. Low. Close. 127 127 127 126 126 . OATS 91- 91 89 89 89 89 87 87 PORK V 4850 S860 640 4842 LARD 2570 2617 2612 2597 2600 2680 2632 2617 2620 BIBS 2437 2492 2502 2483 2487 2636 2542 2520 2525 Say Grain Changes Help Poor Quality Proposed ehangea in the grain standard of th Northwest to be considered at an official grain hearing in Spokane Monday would be dis astrous to tha farmer, think certain grain men of Oregon Agricultural college. Miller and con sumer also would suffer if th proposed change ar made, and only tha buyer who operate blend ing and mixing plants would benefit. The proposed grade would allow buyer to mix poor wheat with superior wheat and bring up the grade of th blend without in sny way adding to its food value. The profit en this manipu lation will accrue altogether to th dealer who performs it. , On of tha worst instances of this ia pointed out by Professor Byslop aa follows: Section 2 at the proposed change drops tha class white club and includes thia inferior grain in class 5, white wheat. A sample of this No. 1 white wheat my con tan aa much aa 25 per eent of poorest whits club without losing its class 1 grade, while a sample of No. 1 white wheat containing no more than 10.1 per cent Marquis or Turkey red will be thrown into asm pis grade. A pure sample of little club would grade th same aa a sample ef pure bluastem, if th latter contains only - o per cent sort Kernels. pointa. MONTH. March . . . . May July October . . . December . Open. 8228 3180 S140 3030 3007 High. S288 3186 3142 8040 816 V Low. . S219 S162 8120 S019 8000 Ooa. S220 8167 S121 8020 8000 Pastern Cash Grain CbtSkgo- Cash corn. No. S vellow. SI 1.S0: No. 6 yellow. $1.15 01.23; No, 6 white. $1.25; No. 6 white. $1.19. . ; Oats No. 3 white, 93 3 94c: Kb. 4 white. Sc . , ; s St. Louis Corn Closed: May.' 81.26 at at 1.26 e; cash corn, unchanged to 5c lower. , jam stay. SB se; lower. ' r Kansas city Cash ears unchaaced to sower. y t . Oats, unchanged. Omaha Cash corn: No. 4 white, f 1.7. a IAS No. a whits, 31.63 01.66; No. a whit. 6 Las 01.60: sample. $1.35: No. 4 vallinr. ai.9aa 1.65: No. 6 yellow. $1.47t No. 4 mixed, $1.66 i.lo; no. a mixoo, i.os. Oat No. 3 white, 92e; Ke, S white, 2c lnuuin- asii oc n. Flax. $4.2704.36; to arrive. $4.27. dry short wool pelts, 26e; salted and green pelts (January takeotf). S.6O0S.6O each; dry sheep shearling, each. 10 0 Sue; Baited -aheap sfccarHw, w a-e-v.ni, wi Basis, lung nair, 26c; dry goat shearling, each, 16 0Swe dry abort nair Boat, wacn. eve av ex.uv. xetuL. Coarse valley, aoe: .-- 65c; valley tambwooi. AS 0 60s lb.; extra tW rtmm. SO at 86a. CBSVtOL OaW CA8CABA ssABX Baying price for car tot. 8 09a. , "T" TALLOW No. 1, 14a; Mew t, 12. gzmam. MOHAIR 1917, 40 0 60 Hv. i - Rope. Palnta, oua ' ROPB Sisal, dark. 2 So; white. 2o lb. abxndard Manila. 82c LINSEED OlI-Raw, bbh., $1.6T gstV krt He boiled, bbls.. " $1.69; taw, eases, - $1.77; Douea. : .,w- - --. ; w 5 .an TklAL OIL --Water white: ta drome -ui laXTS. J. VC IBIsnii - v- s tiAHLii.' " woBv, se; caaea. se e: AMERICAN LIVESTOCJC PRICES l.is..;S8 6 0 1 1... 1... 1... -1. . . 2... 1... 1... 2... 6... 2... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 1... 14... 24. . . 12... 12... 77... 10... 2... 14... 107... 12... S... 9 35 6.73 4.50 8.75 7.75 7.25 8.25 6.50 8.00 4.00 6.60 7.60 BULLS 1300 7.60 I 1. 790 S.60 1 1. 1650 7.26 I 1. HEIFERS 1520 $ 9.26 I 1. 780 7.60. 1. CALVES 820 $10.00 HOGS 820 . 890 . 690 .1130 .1110 . 9O0 . 930 . 890 . 660 . 695 . 835 . 850 lf..tl 700"t-4.00 2..... 755 7.26 1..... 870 8.25 1.....1140 7.76 l.... 030 4 60 1...1. 800 7.26 1 980 7.50 1..... 990 9.00 3 84 6.50 6..... 920 8.00 1 960 6.60 1.. ... 910 7.00 ...1410 $ 7.75 ...1490 7.75 ...1540 7.50 ... 640 $ 8.00 ... 710 7.00 Nayal Appropriation Washington, March 14.U. P.) Car rylng 11.325,000.000, the largest alngle naval appropriation bill in the nation's history waa reported out by the house naval affairs committee today. Naval aviation work will receive twice the amount' originally asked for. the appropriation for this having been raised from $94,000,000 to $188,000,000 at the recent request of Secretary Daniels. Mrs. Breyman Will Be Buried Saturday Salem, Or., .March 14. Word has been received from Senator and Mrs. Charles Lv McNary that they will be unable to return to Salem to.be present at the fu neral of Mra. Margaret JS. Breyman. mother of Mrs. McNary. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Saturday after noon from the late residence, SISgCourt street. Services will be conducted by. jtev. William Eaiot or Portland. Inter ment will be in Odd Fellows' cemetery. Irpgoyen's Party Is Winning Argentina Ducuuo auti, n siren lr.f-i - i it AlthougN complete returna Ifrom the court-of CIackamaJ" ?"r. under the Argentine general elections will not be-1 direction of Roadmaater T. A. Roots, available before the end of th montn. I this information having been given out Best vsrietles sad Uses of apples are aeOins mdlcationa todav were that fnwutmnt I by County Judsre Anderson today. Thb ru;n foruand "Ark.t at $2.00 0 2.26 , irigoyen'a party will win by a email improvement will consist of cutting dowl SjiSZTlSSu a' '""" ! margin the ade. to 5 per cent and in lengthen! Spitxanberga ar practically out of the mar-1 Only three provinces have completed ln curvee and placing the base ia ket here except for a few odda and eada and their count Two of these gave the shape to receive the hard aurrace pav- ef MOO end i eeainectad ry elactrio In terurban ferry aervic with Saa ITan ' dec. MXlaav!Oe . street lafreveaiSBt Bead Morris Brothers on Tuesday evening purchased an issue of $i,U9.$l of $ per .cent street lmprovesnant bonds of the City of McMinnvQle. Tha bonds ar in denomlnaUon of f&sa, , dated March 15. 191$. and due March IS, 192$, optional on nay Interwat fat efter . March 15. 1819. . . , Held Yoer Liberty Leas Beads Ona who euDscribes for a 'Liberty bond and gata credit aa a patriot for doing ao is not ectlnr pntrrotlcaJiy If he Immedi ately sells that bond, that is, unless lie imperatively needs th money, aay a -Secretary McAdoo. It la not tha tnere subacrlpUon that helps the seaeraunen, it Is the actual loan; shlftlnc the bond to someone else, does not tralp. The same objection lies to exchanging Lib erty loan bonds in trade. - Merchants offering to take Liberty loan hoods la exchange for march s-n die are 4oub4 . lesaly actuated by patriotic motive, but such transactions tend to defeat a pri mary object of the bond sale, the en couraging ef thrift and tha discouraging of expenditure. Bonds so exchanged ar in most case trn mediately sold on th open market which tend to depress the market price and affects adversely the ami of future issue. Ifecretary McAdoo expressly state that there la no desire en the part of th government to prevent or Interfere with legitimate trading, in good faith, tn Liberty bonda. It ia one of tha great object of the treasury department to have thee bonds held aa permanent Investment by the people and paid for out Of savings, tha at once providing funds for tba govern- ment And conserving labor and material. There are the soundest reasons for hold ing Liberty bonds. Their Quotations . under par on the atock exchange means a' loss only to those who elL Th finan cial history of th United States show that in times of peace all of its bonds have gone above par, some as high aa 119. Th tremendous growth of our re- " sources and of our trade, our domestic . trade alone having increased from 120, 000,000,000 to 164.000.000,000 in the last, -four years, warrants the belief thai our government bonda ar th soundest ln vestments in the world and with the res toration of peace conditions will com . mand a handsome premium In the -market. ' No. 2 faad - . . . BARLEY Fed Brewing . .' Eastern oats and corn in bulk: Oats No. S white. 864.60: No: S. 164 00: 88 lb. clipped. $64.60; clipped. $64.60. Cora No. a yellow. 872.00: yellow. 872.00: No. S mixed. $71.00; mixed. $71.00. Best Apples Firm At $2 to $2.25 for. The Larger Sizes Local Trade Excellent With Values Well Held Red Cheeks Are ia Storage. 182 $16.85 191. 16.85 221 ei , 262 . 168 . 390 . 200 . 196 ..196 . 27S . 336 16.85 16.85 16.86 16.78 16.S0 16.85 16.90 16.85 16.90 -13.86 2.. 1.. 4.. 1.. 14.. 8.. 70.. 1.. 2.. 6.. 180 $15 25 270 16.86 852 170 183 212 191 610 890 188 15 220 10..... Sll 16.b5 14.00 16.85 16.90 16.85 15.86 16.90 16.90 16.90 16.86 No. 1. Thursday Morning Saiaa HEIFERS . Ave. lbs. Price No. Ave. lbs. Price S70 $8.00 COWS 2. a. i. l. s. 2. 7. 15. 1. 1. 1. ,. T185 -9.00 ,..1050 7.00 ..1020 9 25 ... 910 S.50 HOGS ... 10S $15.25 I STEERS , .. 480 S 8 00 HEIFERS ... 603 S 8.00 HOGS . . 120 $16.00 ,.,,205 16.86 , .. 80 14.00 ... S0O 17.00 . .. 150 15,50 6. 880 2.. 7. .1063 1.... 790 $6.2 4.60 7.00 S. IS. 58. ' 1. 457 $16.83 292 10. a 174 16.70 620 15.85 Ohtoaee Hess S17.SB rUnn Vsreh 14. (L N. 8.) Hoe Be- eetarat, 37,000; itronc and Be higher.- Mixed and butchers. $16.80 0 17.86; good heavy.. S1S-10 17.30; raugn Heavy, tis.ivwio.su; usnx. 117.25 17.901 Pig. 813.70k7.; bulk, in TS as 17.65. i u..-int ll.BOO: ataadT ta stronc. Beeves. $9,28 0 14.15; cows and heifers, $7 00 s12.00: atock ers and feeders. $8.23 012.15 ealvea. tlO.OO ft 16.00. Shaao -Keceiots. 19.000: steady. Native end western, $11.26 014.00; lamba. 314.18 018.60. Omaha Neat $17.20 Omaha. March 14. ft BV &1 Hog Ke- ceipU, 15,000; 16 015c higher. Top, 817.20, range. $16,600 P7.20; mixed. 816.80016.95; good ebotce, .i.vii.ie; roogn. is.ib 16.85: light, $17.00 0 17.20; balk. $16,70 0 17.00; pigs. $12.00014.00. Cattle Reoeipta. fiOOO: alow. Beeves, 89.26 013.25; cow and , heifers. $6.60010.75; stocker and feeders, $6.50011.25; western, 39.60011.75: ealvae, $9.00 013.00. Sheep Recetpta, 18.600; strong. Wetbers, $11.00013.26; yearDngs. $11.60014.76; lamba. $16.00017.66; awes. $11.26 012.86. 1. Kansas Olty Hess S17.SS Kansas CUy. March 14. (k N. 8V) Cattle Receipt. 3000; strong to 15c higher. Steers. $10.00 0 18.50: tew, and heifer. $8,000 812.76; atockcr' hnd feeders. $6.00012.40; calves, $7.OO01S.OO.1 Hogs Receipt. OOOO; 16 0 30c higher. Top, $17.65: bulk. $17.00017,50; heavies, $16.76 017.26; mixed. $16.80 01.7.60; lights, $16.85 17.66, Sheep BeceiptSr 1000; strong. IjBaba, $17.80 018.00. ' ' . ,.-. Oemmr Hess UlMe" i Denver, Marh 14. (C. P.) Cattle Re etpts 1800. eteady. - Steera. 88.60010.60) cows and belfara, 07.0009.60; -mrm aad feeders, $7.00 011.00. Hog Receipts 800. F Top,:-. 91741, ' bulk, tl7.OO017.26. -,.::-, , Sheep Receipt 700. steady. Wethers $11.40 0ii4s; ewes, iio.oosi3.o; lambs. $14.00 BAIBT PRODUCE OJS THE COAST . v- San Frnnclsos Btarket Saa Francisco, March 14. (U. P.) Batter Extra. 60c Egg 1 Extras, 40c: extra firsts, 88 e; first, 3 Be; extra pullets, 88c; extra first, pullet, 36c Cheese California flat,, fancy, 23 He; Ore gon xoung Amenea. zetke. SeatU Market Seattle. March 14. (TJ, P.) Butter Native Washington creamery, cab, 63c; ditto brick. 5Se; storage Caliornia, cob. 46c; ditte brick. lee. ' . Eggs Select ranch. 42c. aLsSBsl AffMartaW ay4tal $ Lea Angeles. March 14. L N. S.) Better California creamery extras, 47c . Eggs Extras. 89e; ease count, 86c; pallets. 86c oit aoo um., i . . ! eowa. 8! WH1TK LEAL To lota. tetsa. TURPENTINE Tanks. 5c; case lots, Je lese. , . .WLaa XA1LS Bads price, $5.85. T5Ss 016.05. -r-T.Cr-;:";"i--Senttl Hods ataady T Seattfe. March tL N. ; SJT Hogs B- esipts-1379. steady, ; .' - &c-'-;r. Cattle Iteceurt- tr,, steady. ?s Beat steers. 011.60; medium- to ehoice, $9,500 common to medium. 86.50 0 9.00: heat eowa. S9.OO01O.OOi- common to sudims east. 14 f $6.600 &V60; bulls, $6.00 0 8.00; eslvas. 36.00 "010.00. - - - - . FhMo i rrefrts aoec ' ' POTATOES ALL AI.OKO THE COAST 7 ' Ban Francisca Market . gatt Francisoo, March 14. (U. P.) Onioma --Per cental, brew or yeiiow, Ui for good iill-. tvw. aKA ts a uwiuw nr wwiwt. sjwm. .--. w v. d ' Oregon Barbanka. $1.40 0 1.65 ; . Nevada. $1,300 1.60. according to quality. . . Sweet $4.60 06.00 on the street. Seattle Market . ' SeaetSarlfarch 14. (C. P. ) Oniona Cal ifornia yellow. 3 0 2 e per pound. Potatoes Locals, $25.00; Xakfana Gems, 328. oo per ton. Lee ansalas Market Lot Angelas. March 14. (L N. .) potatoes Northern Bnrbanks, S1.6O01.9O; sweet. $4.50 04.7ft saea; vregon tarty Hose, a. Money . aad Exebaage New Tork. March 14. iL N. 8.1 mooeT a the Tfloor of the New Tart Stock Ex change today anted at 0 per cent; high. 6 per eent; saw, per eanv ' Tints BBOnay waa oiC Bat war S ant. ..- The starxet tot prists isarrasine paper dnTL v - CaH ntomve ia London today was sat Meant. Starhna exchange was Quiet with bnaineaa ta bankers' bflls at $4.7$ for demand. 84.72 for 60 day bills and 84. 70 lor SO day bast, .... Suverr-New Tork, 86e: London.' 43d. .---y M "J. : ww .Terk ' Metal Market- New Tork. March 14 (L K. S.I Lead Easy. Spot, 7 0 7 ; March. 720 0 745; April. Speher Easy. Spot and March.- $7.3607.68 Apru, isay ISO; May, 7a?, ef ins r- . Ltverpeel . Cotton Easier - lvanoel. March 14. (L N. S I Spot cot n aeii o'"- P--- --. F-'--. eoi !. PACIFIC HIGHWAY' IN CUCKAMAS COUNTY TO BE IMPROVED SOON Roadmaster T. A. Roots Will Have Charge""bf Work of Cutting the Grades. Oregon City, March 14. The Pacific highway between the city limits to Os wego and the Multnomah county line is ka-lmpefltail at pnr-a tie th county 18 British Vessels Lost to Submarines Ing next year. The county court only a few days ago requested the state' resident engineer, Mr. DeWltt. in charge of the engineering on the Canemah "work, to furnish the court with the cross section grides of this particular stretch and the esti mate of the Quantltlea of material that would have to be removed. Following this the court received a communication State Highway Engineer Nunn, mall ahtea. Extra fancy Wiaeeape ar taking , Irigoyen party majority. toe leaa or sales on in local soars el aroana $2.00 0 2.25 tor tb large sis sad from $1 to $1.50 for th smaller fruit, - . Home, are vmaitin ftnA fast siui ilia rt. t .w. a . ii.,v..ii, . . ..ll, w aww US' w,(A sale of th large sixes of extra fancy at $1.75 0 2..ou per boa generally. " yellow Newtown ar in fair supply with the fancy at f 1.73 0 3.00 for large aise and th extra fancy 25o abov thee figure. Bed cheeks ara selling about th tame range Few of these are ottering, most of tb supply being held la storage. Apple market ef the nation: Minneapolis Demand and movement moder- ai. juxua lancy nomea. meainra to larte. 12. OU nn fiahine- craft wrer aninV. T ..- t.. s - .. S12.25: fatwv B1.7S9 rill KM hu. WW ' 'I -veuiy uuw nuuewus. . P. mediam to large, $2.25 02.50: few higher. ! For the third successive week the I replied to ins erceci uist tne county wni ana tntt Detween t$000 and $9000 ha been set said for the same from the state cooperation fund, this being one-third of the amount appropriated for state cooperation by the taxpayers' budget meeting, which also decided that at least one-third should . be expended upon the Pacifio highway on the west side of the river. W. E. Farr, Mayor ' To Fill Vacancy Camaa. Wash., March 14. At the regular council meeting Tuesday eve ning, W. E. Farr. a 1 merchant. Was elected mayor for th unexpired term of O. T. Clark, who waa recalled by a" vote of the citizens last Thursday. - Mr. Farr haa been a resident of Camaa for about 10 year and la a brother to C. IC Farr, the city clerk. ' The hearing of the petition of the Crown-Willamette Paper company for a . vacation of parte of Fourth, Fifth and Columbia streets will be before tha council March as, ; vi. War" Stamps Are ; Subject 01 Meeting Willamette, Or- March 14. Nearly 200 persona attended the Thrift Sav ings stamp rally in tha Willamette school house last night when interest ing talks were given by State Senator Walter A. Dimlck and A, C Bowlana, both of Oregon City. A musical and literary program waa given under, tha direction of the Camp Fire Olrla. London. March 14. (TJ. P.) Fifteen vessels of more than 1600 tons displace- I from ment were submarined last week, ac- asking how soon th county expected to cording, to the 'admtralty'a flgurea. I start. work anon this imnrovement and ! inree vessels unaer mat tonnage and Lwhat sum was available for the aame. . ioMtJZ'aS,e?'a UrM- ao -number of British vessels sunk haa ready March 20, 0 2.25 fancy. $1.76 0 2.00. i .a is $8000 and $9000 ha Cincinnati Demand and movement moderata. Extra fancy Borne, larte, $2.40; medium. 2.25; email. 81.83. Extra fancy WtnessDs. medium. 82.40; smaU. 81.90 0 2.00; choice Wineaaps, Bomea, medium, 81.85. xtoston Demand and movement moderate. market fair. Northwest boxes, quality and con dition variable. Extra fancy W inetap. large. 32.50 0 2.75: mediam. $2,25 42.60: amalL 31.50. Extra fancy Home, -medium -to karse. 81.50 0 2.00. Extra fancy Staymaas, wsedmsa. $1.76 02.00. Houston Demand and movement mederata. Extra fancy Winesap. Jonathan. $2.6002.76; lancy. -.-'3WZ.su; enotc. various. 62.40 0 2.75. Columbus Demand and mavement moderate. Extra fancy Northern Spy. lairs, 82.65. Extra rancy and fancy Winesap. medium to larce. $2.60 0 2.76.. St. lxmi Demand and movement mod crate. St. Paul Soppliea moderate, d ems ad and movement good. Extra fancy Jonathans, mediant to Urge. $2.60 0 2.25; fancy, $1.75 0 2.00. Extra fancy Wtneaepa. medium to large, $2,26 0 2.60; few higher; fancy. $2.000 2.25; choice to lancy medium to larsa, S1.76 0 2.OO. cnicago Kxtra fancy IcIIcwb, large. Is OO 0S.25. Extra fancy Bonn, madhy. 81.75 S 2.00: large. 82.00 02.23. Bxtra fancy Spits nberga. medium to large, $2.23 0 2.60; choic to fancy mediam. $2.00 0 3.P5. ritmoarg sxtr lancy Uelidoua, large, as. as 0 S.OO. Kxtra fancy Winesapa. Rome, lares. $2.40 02.60: small ta mediifm. $1.75 02.26. Bufftlo Demand aad movement stoderatB. market steady. Opening price today: Boxes Northwest Extra fancy Bomea, medium to large. SZ.B3 9 2.DO. extra fancy wineaaps. Btay- mene, large, $2.50; small. $2.25; fancy mediam. 32.O0 0 2.15. Extra fancy ooitxenbern. large. S2.60 0 2.73; medium. $2.50. uman uemaaa ana movement gooa. extra fancy Bomea. $1.73 0 3 10. mostly $2.00. Extra fancy Spitren bergs, $2.25 0 2.50. Extra fancy Winaaapa. Winter Pearmaina. $2.26 02.60. New xork Market weaker, (applies beery. Extra fancy Winesapa. Spitaaabergs. large. $2.76; medium. $2,25 0-2.60; small. $1.7602.00. Extra fancy Newtown, large. $2.0002.40; me dium, $1.7602.00; email and scalded. $1.60. Philadelphia Rome, auality generally sood. aa Bootted. aome scalded. $2.25 0 2.90: medi um, $1.65 02.85; small. $1.3001.60. Bates on Canadian Eoads in U. S. Up Washington. March 14. (U. P.) A IS per cent Increase in rates was granted by the Interstate commerce commission today to the Canadian railway run ning into the United Utates. The sys tems are the Canadian Pacific"; Grand Trunk. Pere Marquette and Wabash. The Canadian railway commission re cently granted a IS per cant increase te J Canadian roads. ' .Mleged Bootleggers Resist Extradition San Francisco, March 14. (TJ. P.) William Hunt Sr., William Hunt Jr. and Timothy Dw-yer were brought be fore the United 8tUa commissioner here today for further hearings in con nection with the Oregon "bootlegging" Big Dynamite Cache Found in PACIFIC COAST BA!CC STATEMENT Clearing: Monday ... Tuesday . . . Wednesday . Thursday . . Clearings .. Balances ...... Clearing - Portland Banks This Week. Tear Aga . .$ 4.06H.1 74.40 S 7SS.9S0.06 .. 6.548.796.43 1.766.034.66 . 8.637.026.06 2,470681.84 . .$ 383.632.03 2.560,146.16 Spokane Banks ; . . l,t,i3V,VS Oaring ' S ' " r'ranelst Bam Clearingk . . . . S02.87S.00 ; 67.87AOO ,,,, ,.a v.ovv.vie.wv ,..,'--.' owa.wva.vv Beaks Clearing $16J7$S,942.0 Las Anesies Banks - . . . . , - . . ... . 4,742.908.00 , ga Franelse Oral Market Saa Francsteo, . March 14, (U. P.) Cash grain: . -. ' . - Barley, par cental Feed. $8.800 B.SoT Oeta, per cental Red feed, $3.43 0 3.60. Ifew Terk Sagar aad Coffee " New Tork, .March 14 D. P.) tMfea Bpo Mo. 7 Bio. 8e; Ne. t Santos, 16 a. Ten of th accused men have waived preliminary hearing and furnished $2000 bonds for appearance for trial in Port land. , Snrvevor. General l I the Xoa Of Alaska Renamed gsstfa Washington, March 14TJ.. '.) Two hundred and forty-five pounds of dynamite enough to cripple the entire plant was discovered secret ed at dif ferent place In th Hog Island ship yards recently. D. R. Kennedy of the American ', International Shipbuilding corporation told tha aenate committee today. Secret service agents ar now work ing on the oaa and 100 guards have been put on wta-At the plant. 'Loan Shark' Leaves $4,00d;000 Estate New Tork, March 14. KI. N. & the vast profits, of tb loan shark" busi ness were revealed today when- It waa declared in tha eurregate court that Daniel Tolman. known during Ufa a "Loan Shark" left, an estate ef Tolman' chain ef SO loan finally landed him in prison for usury. 'Eagles' Name for v . 1U1U O .Washlngtofi.' March - 14V--U. F.) Washington,, March 14WU.r P. President Wilson , today nominated Charlea E. Davidson of Alaska, to be re appointed surveyor general of Alaska. Judgment Entered Against Railroad New Torn, Aiarcn 14-d. jv. s. A , . M eve A ceo 1 a , ."Tesw TnaTr. A Henry Ford s new submarine f ightinT Railroad company In favor of th Eatdt-I betag,bult' 14 the Ford plant at able Trust company of New Tork. tron-1 Detroit will, jenownaa -j,- Bee- tees tn tn county clerk's office here. I rwtnry w ;! , 7. "" This amount represwjnted - the balance today.' The - new craft- will constitute dwe'on a Judgment of $1$.27 0043.17 re-1 the -eagi eigr- ona am sw ww n wiwarl as-alnst that railrotvil eomnanv na I nam ad xusxie-1. age- ana -so cm. - - Jun 14.- lat, I - ' . ' Vancouver MsrrlsBO IJ censes Chleaa BaJry Predaee . I Vancouver. Washer March 14. Mar CT"!i-'-re". iL avutter 1 ,4-... licenses wera issued to the fat- easgeal a at aV a I -' u Creamery extra. 44 He: lust. 3)aya4e; Rererpt 7710 tuba. Crat extra first. 4$ 44c; , ltK Beceipt 11.636 ease. Current receipts. S4 34 He; ordinary firsta, 3(e; first. 86c; extra. 40c .-. , . , Seattle Barley Market ' ' ' Saatde. March 14. ft ST 8 1 "to. 2 feed barley. 880.00; 40 lb. barley. $77.00 per ton. P -. earner t H Msi -. -. lowing couple Wedneeday ; Victor Fay Learned. 27, Cloverdale. Or and Oraee A. Ed mrd-. 21, Pacific City. Or.s W0- llam WHJIama. legal, and Jsi V Shields. - 29, n legal. ' Portland 1 - Henry Deedkman, 2$. Vancouver bsrracks, and Belle Dyer, : 27, Seattle. Wash,; Ben Bed, : 40. . and Mrs Eva Breew, 12, MORRIS BROTHERS . Incorporated ;. E$UbIishcd 25 Ycart aot Riilwsy Cxchsnfa Boildlng Portland, OrctOR - : " ' ' ; Tfi Premier Municipal , Bond Hotum of Oregon Oregon Municipal Bonds Yielding From 5 to B10 Telephone Mai MOt ' I ' !! A GoTernnent Experiment - Owing to railroad eon- - J est km svrmy officials ecided to transport "IJberty auto trucks from DetrotS to the Atlantic seaboard loaded with supplies, " under their own power, ' - over public highwaya. The experiment was a - gravtlfyiris; success and, would have been dou bly so if the read bad . been paved with h BITULITHIC 'WARREN BROS. CO.' Jxturnal Bldg. ' . . : ; Portland Ox. - " Steeks, Beads. Cettes, Grata. Kte. , ' ti$-21t Board of Trade BaDsUaf. ; Overbeck&Coola'eCo. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES 4 TO aAU K ' Keatbers Chleare Beard ef Trad. ; Cerre.posdests of Xerna Brrt - ..... vr.---V---