THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TGESD AY. MARCH ,X2; 1918. 13 SITUATIONS MALE t! YOUNG ut, exempt, want position a.., raffle mmH Of accountant; baa had 6 years' ex perieae! beat reference flirnished. - E-620, '" J"rrel. -" '' ' SITUATION wanted, clerical or uUua, by man cm drift age; A-l reference from former employers ; can demontrte my ability : to meke good. Z-470, J ml mm I V. ,u ' .i,. ' '.."ii t ..'41 . TCTTm Vt-i2f lT"?n .t ? T!T . s -. I jiriiiinugi in - mm i i.ii.i.i --j - -i 1 ! 'AtNTLNG. papering end , tinting; nice clean ' ' . MrfllH VMU . , ' v. Phone Woodlawa 4581. work. ACREAGE and " lot plowing dona, reaaonabia. Call Tabor 7269 or at 1092 E. TamhM. SITUATIONS FEMALE '4 iOL'MrhKPKlt Place wanted bf mkMleaged Norwegian woman, in small Scandinavian fam ily, city or country. N-480, Jotirn.1. LADY tU -work in building or factories, Wellwood 8014. KXPERlglsCED woman warita cleaning, etc. Woodiawn 8041. WANT KDBay work. CaU Tabor 6S07 morn inga or evening. ' ' ioUNO woman wanta day work. East 3082. DRESSMAKING 40 FOR tba not vp to data dressmaking for your money. Main 2878, evening. FURNISHED ROOMS LAUHElTlIOTEL- Room 8 3per weak. St. beat.. Abo newly fnrnlshed apartment. Modern I AAN MABOO ITOTEI., MODERN ROOMS. ' I BATHS, PHONES, $2 AND UP. THAN - I tUENTK 60c UP. 4221, Washington. I FURNISHED room In private family, suitahl. I for man or woman emDlovad thronah the day. Mdwy. 8784. UNUEII NEW MANAGEMENT "" ' Prlneeaa hotel, E. 8d and Bunuida. SO day P, $2 week up. East 171. ttOOMU in modern hotel. 81.76 weak and npT '486 Alder. partly furnished large room. 187 Vt 1st at. Mar. 289. fHE HAZEL Furnished rooiiij. aaa beat, running water. 888 Sd st. FURNISHED ROOMS 7 FUIVATE FAMILY FOB KENT Lovely front room, newly fur- nlsbed; running wster; auitabla for business, tan or woman; quiet place.' IDS 21rt it, be tween Wanhtnaton and Taylor. Marshall 2816. 434 YAMHILL and 12th, comfortabter warm room for a man, 85 month. OOOO room In modem home, board if you wish. AdulU. Woodlswn 1080, ROOMS AJCP BOARD IS fiOOM and board for busine girla, modern eon , entenees, walking dlsUnos. 88.80 weak. 12 J. Tth at. East 4782. HH Martha Waabington, 880 10th. for bau - Hrla and stndenta. MarsbaU 1251. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY CHILDREN to board in private home. ' fchoue East 2448. JUAKue well furnlnlied room, board if desired. 651 Taylor. ' Main 4080. WASTED ROOM AAD BOARD It A MAN 80 and two boys fl and 8, desires1 board and room In a eond hum.: referent, i exchanged. Phone Tabor 2977. ' VXNfEb-ftoom and board for boy in' private family Where father ennlH .t. mh.n . wishing, elty or country. T-690. Journal. . , HOUNEKEEPUrO ROOMS S FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED THREE H. JL. rooms, near shipyard. Larrahee at 831 , Lliilrf housekeeping uit, heat, light and furnished. 122 tier nnih iir u n. 1. EtRGHTront room and Tltchenette, alo""ingle , room; very reasonable. 065 Flanders t. Cem AotSi vt Dtn- m i - IKITSKK E EPINO KOOMH 7t FURNISH RD AND L'N FURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY PLEASANT front room and board in email private family, suitable for two gentlemen; home privileges, walking diatanc to hipyard. East 4401. , fTJ&H&ENT Large room and kTtr3analrrir at entrance. 195 21rt t, between Wash 1nton and Taylor. Marshall 2816. TWO nice large light li. K. rooms. 244 Mont- gnmery st lRO0MS and .leeping porch furnished for ,rkin'- .B1?""1 HOUSEKEEPING rmimruiUble-foinine. man and woman. Br.adw.y T384. , ., r i FOR KENT-HOUSES 19 UNFURNISHED i?,;X"I"7 vr: .- , ; . ..-l - VE mln. walk from shipyards, corner of th and tViurh f .i.t hu a 1.... 1 1 rnems, with aloove, living room, dining room. kiUrtien. pantry, aU newly tinted, cement base- merit, new eleetrto fixture, $20 per month. Main- 1480. house, .1.. . 1 v. 1 l. ... ... A . ., . ,T acre, some trull ana oer- : -.ll u.. 1.. .. 1... , . , , .. . vi r; V ,MODEKN 7 room, close to car. $15 per month, -TboT "88s- . ivur,n o room nouse, walking aistance to Shipyard. Nt. 655 Northrttn. TWO room house. 4119 5 St lb ave.. 8. E., $4. FURNISHED HOUSES 88 MODERN furuialicd cottage; water, light. 820 East 1602. , ' APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED KING ALBERT APARTMENTS ' New. 2 and 8 rooms. miKlem hath kitnh. , dressing room, hardwood floors, elevator and ian- I m,. -gr.w?e. nui ana Montgomery. t HJSLOP IULL, E. 8th and hawthorn. Modern i 1, 2 and 8 room apt.; $12.50 up; walking I d Wanes. East 882. 1'HH ORMON ' K h'ront a r,w,i n. uiu Flanders. Nob Hill, Bdwy. 8878 ribvimigi, o ' 1 h 1. K ISilr.Il 2. room n.rtm.nt, 182 H Union ave. v VlonFttv a r.w,m .,J . j. i rrrc s auiiK.n. a room apartment. East 11th and Division. Phone 8ellwood 2750. Monday. tknn. U-U 1 ...... , , , FOR RENT FLATS 18 llOLLAD A YA DH Modern 5 room flat. t20' fenS.?-i n.r',iLfl; CUMm ia' 8 block- from Steel bridge. 226 Occident St. , , LOWER 4 room with sleeping porch, flat. Belmont. Broadway 1763, , 8 ROMS, close ln. reasonable. East 4421? 884 . ' HOTEL8 (4 A . MODERATE PRICED H6TEL OF MERIT HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison st. and East Sixth, y 81 per dy, 84 per week up. WUTKn Tn hw-stt FURNISHED 5 room house, by March 20, with w. . ..!. . j-. - " ooi over ."0. m ot. son ns. Hetiwood 379. WAN'lED, to rent, modern 5 or 6 room iur- I aiahed bungalow; right price for good place if I u in mimiw, t;SH feast 7971. Saliu, furnLThed house. VVertTlideT "o"ien. etee trie light and gaa, within 15 minutes of p, o.. titan and wife, reference arleon u.tot r ..' FtiL'ft or" 8-Tonm k.. ..-u 1 . to 40th T-B80 JWhel FIVE or 6 room cottage or bunaalow No -hiU dren. Z-477, Journal. TO LEASE - k'OR RENT Term of v.. rs. " inmr:" water trapoetation. Owner, Thoa. G. Keaue, ."jj-l. orce.tor bld'- oi- isnojr, aajuining railroad and' , , OR MALE, BUSINESS PROPERTY 66 ilSi,-.peTrtment iU. 125 ft orTloMioSi?; at. with 4 large house. $ 1 800. H caah bal. lo.ig time 6 per cent MH1, jcurosl FOR SALE HOUSES ' 81 l.s.iiL'fiJ . i " ' '- "" - """"vKf..'"'. 2 ZrZb 'Shl'. - - - e e. Eary terms. Owner, room 24. 18.1 Stt .' t r. win rrni. - n m 6 ROOM bungalow. $1200 eouitv- paved st.; cheap for caah. 942 cmiK. ... ,. m. w .vui, . , t, i mmm Sll.t. ... $ iSBO FiV E"rcimou7te"rieTor7m gardea spot and chicken run - tt i 1 Owner. Phrsne. Tabor 83. Mt Scott, car. lanor no8. Mt Scott car nr-rcotUgT"ati07 Sunnytrtde. at a banrain. For phone owner, Tabor 994, COZY 6-room modern beat part Sunn 'twice and term Dhone FIVEairtment site on MontgomeTytTlT. ft. front. 1800; H cash. X-923. journal (JTeRLOoK modern home and aearlTlBewruy- . aiture, Woodlawn 250T. ' HOUSPSI. Mt. Bentr: fruit ai. ..r.. t,tt. en coop; for rent or tale, cheap. Tabor 1627 r. mmZ. . ,'... muz." " J 27 ' OWNER' "i Modern bunaalow. lot. 60x100, 24M; ea-y term. Tabor 7247. i'Xftl A.,'' 'frifff 8 j. Smell a room houe, i no lot Tabor 6657. - ...-. East 8418 Apt 45 ' Lwo b'droom. wing room and attic second ; FOR SALE or exchange, 62x100, in central 4ailur.fc-tY r ra . 1 noat- electricity and gas, Uving room ha fire- west side, wholesale and retail district, joining .rCLT nt on.or before April 1, un- , Place and library built in bookcase; big chicken! Urge wholesale and retail establishment, near Y.TV o nou .or bungalow; no children: and pigeon houses and yards, barn, water system ; R. R, and docks, ideal far warehouse or busi .V!?. .1 preferred. Phone Tabor 4887. with gasoline engine; berries and young orchard,! ness property; price 7500. This ia one half MODERN 4 or 6 room bungalow, preferably PUnc of tand .Sl Plow ndioining is 5 acre the purchase price of this property. Will take furui-ihed with tsnu. nn hi..t free pasture; price $6500, terms to suit. La dd t?XOO cash or would take aood farmland as I. HAVE several good bargaina ia house and Phone MarshaH 8933 between 12 and 2 only. i WANTED To trade) Woodlswn houte. value fHt I'tlL IwBV!'tiiUl CitT- 1L per, j -TEASE:: WltlTdWlWPrRCHASr 1 83200. for acreage, or farm. J-621. Journal. ' ' : 4tf - enlUvatum. house, barn, spring; 1 1 ' I ' ta 4 room bungalow, near school and nark" ! poultry, small diversified farm; Oohunbii WAWTEDr-REAl ESTATE 1 1 -4 oom bungalow half acre tract kso Park Rom: Living room. I Incite. 2 bed room, big kitchen, with built-in effect, porch. "hod. chicken bom sod pen, bearing fruit tree. U kind, of berries, g.rnen? ( round aU in bifh l At mi untifiii. Itvn fin 7ui aati-lrt j JtfhU, prtjMur wtr, iridew.i to e&rlfnc tmI '" irivaaHiv vm iucwvmi f,v atai nu Hand; bird. J.U HARTMAN COMPANY. NO. 7. Chamber of Comnwrca bide. 4 th and Btara. Main 2U, A-2080. f iiAWTHUUNK BLNUAbOW IXiN'T MISS THIS 8 roomt, den, fireplace, full cement baa men. furnace, full lot garden apaca in rear, .retST fln7 CttT l JhoK block to I?Vh' J rJ-Zin if taken 471b. at. Prtc 2850. Term if taken , paed car on at once. C. A. Warriner. . BtTTER, IjOWE CO., . 203 S T Board of Trade bUg I'HACTICALLV now Mnttly modern 7 room bouae, with attlo flnUhed. deairable location, laurelhont. Garage, rosea, lawn, street im lroremenU all paid. Furniture for aal if de aired. Am offering leaa than coat conatruction when building material waa mach lower in price than now. Constructed for parmanent home, but owing to death in family, have no need for I tie wiwt1 "I LCtw.Br" way 38 or see owner, 205 Fenton bldg. , NICE HOME CHEAP 5 room, sleeping porch, large attic, hard- woofl fl?-, Pce. full cement btMBimt. 1 b.loArom " Ram Clt' prk di" trtot' 1 . RITTERt LOWE A CO.. 208-5-7 Board of Trade bkig. ' Modern Irvington Home At a real snap. Fttrnac. hreplace,' beamed ceil ing, paneled dining room, Dutch kitchen. Come ee for yourself. Consider some trade. By owner. J85 E. 11th N. MODERN B-room North Iryington, near car, 81850, 81B0 .cash, balance'as rent, MODERN B - room .-bungalow, east of Irring- ton, 81850, 8100 down, lis I. a rent. MODERN B-rooan bunaalow. near Alberta eat. $1800. terms. 1 have other bargains. Dubois. . 728 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE Over acre with good house, f herries, fruit, chlcfcenbouse, .with 150 feet 1 of high wire fencing; 10 minutes' walk to car. Price 81250. Take Council Crest ear to Hewitt station, follow sidewalk to store, inquire within ; easy term. . $2200 ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT . Nice modern 5 room home, furnace, fireplace, built in effects, paUshed floors, full basement, gas, electricity; 2 blocks earline. Lawton, 1100 N. W. Bank Rldg. Main 987. ' 86000 HOME for 58500 1 room bouse, with fi replace, corner 100x200: one block from Woodlswn car, 80 monstrous bearing fruit trees, $o00 cash. Balance to suit. This is sure some buy. Fred W. German Co., 782 Cham, of Com. FOR SALE By owner, fine home, in Irving ton, in first elasa repair; strictly modern j none but prospective purchasers need apply. O-668. Journal. - - $1200 6 ROOM bungalow. R. City Park. 82160, 5 room, hard aurface street. We have other good bargain. Thos. W. Currie, 629 Henry bldg. $2700 $600 DOWN. 6 rooms, modern: den. fireplace, cement floor in basement; fine neighborhood. See this for bargain. Phone Woodlswn 1284. BEAUTIFUL suburban home on easy terms. 0 lota, 5 room bungalow, other buildinaa. lota fruit and flowers, creek through place. Call at 760 Nehalem ave. Phone Sell. 2972. SMALL house and 60x100 corner lot $1100. easy payments. Owner. Phone Wdln. 3544. ) I FOR SALE LOTS I 8195 60X100 lot. facing N. on 46th are., 80 feet west or Woodstock ear (worth $700). $2100 Williams ave., near Broadway. 60x100. FRANK U M'Gt'lRE, ABIXGTON BLDG. 4 LOTS $60 (West PortUnd HelghU), East ' 171. room 803. Call evenings. IMPROVED, cleared lot 60x100. $175 cash. a;,...,, . 1t i , ; : Eh 3 Io,J, 'or laaat At 128 J'.asi 001 1. ::;;: , T . , .4, " 1 40 ACRES of good agricultural land at iuina 1UV lriaa fn Kautrmef We. aeJ s.a4. TiUe, plenty of work in vicinity; ideal place to le. Am going to war and will sell for 3450 W. Hurley. 685 Irving st. Marshall 2063. 1 ' " ' ' I mm imFinf C5kap ianu. o.a c"rops; mgn'Wee have put the farmer, of Western C.nldlTon a pfI f"1 waa undreamt of before ' f W .war. Mor Westara Canada, farmer h big bank balance, than aver before: more JI, ,irn..hf,f. uK!irJ.Zl?. , . vamvmi. uui BlUEHie IDS. ever Deiore, more .automobiles were bought last year by . ur muiouiUUilB war uooguv ims. mr Of : Canadian farmers tlutn ever before. Western i r.... 1 w ... j .J '' gts in there now ia going to make money for years to come. Along the line of the Canadian Northern railway is some of the beat land in , , the country price 816 to $25 ner acre leas ; terms) and 128.000 . . 1 ... ...a .. - - . - T ... .n ' n . : ' V, . : , iou acre HKttls larms. , m .cu u ... l w 1. 1. ncHern minua euu j us tell voti eJL 1 WtlV more land was sold tn Amarfeen fermera ln I91t 'nan in any one previous year. Bend for FREE illustrated books and folder. Call on or address A. Brodstedt," D. F. & P. A.. M ; "ii. i moia neuvs, 606 Hasting st.. Vancouver, B. O. BEST BUT IN OREGON ' GARDEN HOME On Oregon Electric only 18 min. from Pnrtlanrf 1 .mnt.ii,,. FOR SALE HOUSES all city convenience, gas. water, etc; 64 acre. S. E. 14. M. E. red fir 1250 M. cedar 60 right at the station, good house, large barn, M. ; N. E. 14. N. W. 14. red fir 18(10 M,. ce abont 2 acres fine bearing orchard; right on dar 60 M. : N. W. 14 . N. W. 14, red fir 800 good auto road. Bert buy in Oregon. Price M.. cedar 100 M. ; 8. W. 14. N. W. 14. red for quick sale only $5250. Good terms. Worth fir 450 M. ; S. E. 14 . N. W. 14. red fir 800 nearly double. Don't wait; it won t last a M-. cedar 40 M.; N. E. 14, 8. W. 14. red fir week. See McCormic at Garden Home at once. 750 M-. cedar 50 M.; N. W. 14, 8. W. 14. red Phone Main 9318 for appointment. ' ', f ir 650 M., cedar 60 M. ; 8. W. 14, 8. W. 14. : rmA fie B50 1 . cedar 60 M. : 8. E. 14. S. W. AN ACRE Um Texas school lands for sale by the state at $2 per acre; 6c per acre cash and no more for 1 40 yean; but 3 per cent interest: send 6o Post- , a lor further information. Investor Pub. Co., Dept. 82. Ban Ante , FOR SALE, at a sacrifice. 0 acre beaverdam. ""e oi cuuivation, wiui new hniutin.. yl i. , . os. uu, ft.wu, iiuui m.m I I.JIJ, Oil IUI1, ; Wash. Will give easy terms; come see for yourself. Charles Sagert. Sifton, Wash. , FOR SALE 2000 acre rich bottom land. I ... i i . 1 i t s easy term. Address L. , Jacob. KUmath Falls, rHWpv F57fTi .iVenv" u,. 1 CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN ranches ., Portland :8, 5, 10 acre Jtraota, 805 to $200 per acre. McFarland. 608 Yeon bldg.. Portland. 10 ACRES, highly improved; 4 acres in fruit; 5 room bungalow ; at city limits, hi mile to depot; $2500. terms. Hatfield. 1651 4th st. 2 ACRES under cultivation close to 6-cent-car- line. $1200; terms. Gnobler Cafe. Lenta. n .. . . SUBURBAN HOMES 7 5 ACRE home on S. P. red electric earline. be- tween 4loha and Tobias; house jtiita new. wun o rooms, oatn ana sun porcn nret floor: cl"e v-. '.um-uru oiag. FOR SALE FARMS 17 110 ACRES. 100 acres in cult nation. 10 room plastered house and dairy with concrete floor, a large equipped dairy barn, land Ues almost ! level, fruit for family use. fenced and cross : fwyed. .thickly sttled community, very best of i sou, only a hi mile from Columbia river town. 18 mile, from Vncouver on macadam road. close to school, U rural advantages. Price $10,000. THOMPSON A SWAN, 5th snd Mein t. V. its h'ui-b i . i I I' vation. Fine running trout stream. Auto road. (Fenced and cross fenced. Good buildings, or - well, drained. 40 acre in high' state of culti- cuara anu oerne. gooa cows, tieuers, gooa tm- brood sow. 25 . chickens. 16 tons hay. i f"ln !kJ Ln'AW M Urm 1U'" ? 0i J B? "" 8 J?" mt P.V Atkinson. 112 W. otb st. Vancouver, heifers, good 15 tons hay, j'FARM 10 acres, near electric from Vancouver. ' uae acain. C-.SC" . trj3. i -" fruit, fine wster. 7 room hous. '-S StwA.-Will Uke $130O ton monaaae. -mo exlu.nim ltmnfU iindrterMf 1 highway, - Wasco county: lone lease with od- I "wi ij! nam pnrxy, tt l m ftojai otug. 58. ACRES. -; acres tindrr cultivation. 50 ! Per acre. , $75 down, 5 yean' time on bal. tla V. ntHM laful h a ..n . . ...m,. St.. , ". Draper, 401 Board of Trade. .THOUSANDS of acre -wheat land in Montana. ' improved or unimproved, small payments down. ' improvea or ummprovea, smau payments down, R?lfrT.IWvirf"aa " Pepr' "20 tniow ave. N. Last 4285. 1 25 ACRES improved, diversified Oregon farm, reaideno. equal value. 612 Royal bid. "22 tiHn rtLSt WBch- !?U " w,u-SSg eitr fnrty.. Phon tx i- : . . . . , 4 o Ac u r, iann. close ifii stock and . imDle-:s menta, $2500. Wolfstein, 114 1st at. FOR RUNT FARMS WANTED Party to rent farm on shares . . to. improve- land." W-S 82, Journal. 14 65 A-'KES' cultiration. balance pa tare, U fenced, 8 milea from a "'"i bui,dLn2. rent tlSO per year; 3 eowi, team, uarneaa, poultry,- all farm imple ment for aale at $625. 60 ACRES, 80 of which ia good bottom land. bajanea pasture, located Bear town 13 miles from Portland, good build ings, rent $300 per year. Will eel) 8 horses, 1 cow. 2 pigs, buggy yand harness for 8850. IL U. Haloney. HITTER, LOWE it CO., Ona.K.T TnH. hlrla ACRES, 10 iu cultiration, 24 mile eaM of rnrti.nd u nfl road, orchard, buildina. Portland, on uaTed road, orchard, building. i waier, wooci. xvttiiL evtr year. Persia, ntuu. 2310. Portland K. 1, Box 870. 110 ACKE dairy ranch below Holbrook. Stock for Mile. Parker. 42214 Washington at. FARMS WASTED BEST OB BUY 8 40 TO 80 acres, near Hermiston, Or., set to alfalfa; srsne stock. Will turn good modern ! merit. B. O. Horning, Newberg, Or. TIMBER UENEHAL LAND OFFICE. Washington. XX C. Feb. 23. 1818. Notice is hereby giTeS that subject to the conditiAa and limits tloca of the act of June 8. llff S SUt., S18). and the instructions of tba secretary of the in terior of September 18. 1017, tba timber on tha following lands will be sold April 4. 1918, at 10 o clock a. a., at public auction at the United States land otiica at Raseburg. Or., to the highest bidder at not leaa than the ap- 1" "" . . be subject to tha approval of tha secretary of the interior. The purchase price, with an ad ditional sum of on fifth Of X per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if gala is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber, which must be removed within 10 years. Bid will be received from citiaena of the United States, aeaociationa of such citisens and corporations organized under the laws of tha United St tee of amy state, territory or dis trict thereof only. Upon application of a Quali fied purchaser, the timber or any legal subdi vision will be offered separately beior being included ia any offer of a larger unit Sched ule of timber to be sold: T. 21 8., R. 3 W.. sec 28. NW. hi. BE. , Douglas fir StO M.. not to be sold at tea than fl.ji per M. X. 21 8.. U. 4 W.. eeo. SI; N. K. 8. W. 14. red fir 450 M.; N. W. . S. W. ia, red fir 560 M. ; S. W. B. W. H. red fir 530 M-i 8. K. . S. W. red fir 750 M.; X. E. hi. 8. E. hi, ted fir 880 M.; N. W. hi. 8., 11. hi. red fir 400 M., incense cedar SO M. ; not to be sold at lea than $1 par M-. See. 23. S. W. 14. N. E. hi, red fir 800 M., second growth fir 100 M ; N. E. 14. N. W. 14. red fir 760 M., white fir 25 M ; N. W. W, TN. W. 14.. red fir 1000 M.. white fir 50 M.; S. W. 14. N. W. 14. red fir 860 M., white fir 25 M.. cedar 10 M. ; S. E. 14, N. W. 14. red fir 600 U second growth fir 100 M.; N. E. 14. S. W. 14. red tir 1100 U.. white fir 40 M. ; N. iv C a W. V. red fir 010 M. white fie jo M.. cedar 10 M. ; 8. W. 14. 8. W 14. red tu 1 ou a., wmie w ivu m., oeoar ou at.; '8. E. hi , a. w. , rea iir izu as., wmte 1 ir VV mm-. VW . mm" . tm . W. Xm. 14. red Iir 1000 a., wnne tir 26 cedar 25 M ; N. W. hi. 8. E. hi. red fir 1150 M., whiU fir 80 M.. cedar 20 M. ; S. W. 14. 8. E. 14, red tir 1000 M., whiU fir 60 M , cedar 40 M. ; 8. E. 14. S. K. 14, red fir 1240 M.. white fir 60 M., cedar 30 M. ; sec. 25. N. K. 14. N. B. 14. red tir 1050 M. ; is. vv. 14. . JS. 14 , rea Iir 900 M. ; S. W. 14 N. K. 14. red fir 1000 M.. cm- 'dar 30 M.j S. E. 14. N. E. 14. red fir 1100 M.; N. E. 14. H. W. 14. red fir 1050 M., 1 uA.r 9 M : N. W. U . N. W. 14 . rwl fie 900 M.; B. W. hi. A. w. rea tir 1100 M. ; & E. 14. N. W. 14. red fir 900 It. ce- 40 VI. ; N. E. 14. 8. W. 14, red fir 1200 w ? Z , as. i - - fi0 M ; W. 14. 8. W. 14. red tir 1100 JS.; S. E. hi, 8. W. hi. red fir 1800 M, ce- dar 60 M. ; N. E. 14, S. IS. tk. red fir 1200 M., cedar 20 M. ; N. W. 14. ft. . 14. red fir lORO U Ur SO M. : 8. W. 14. 8 K. U Jf JMrioS iUt ia MJ'e?- ' J J J k ,0 af '-mte to i & AlTr 40 11 N W Si , N. E. 14 red Si. u sUt. filV K,' eahf 10 Ml a v t" v "Lwi fkiSSk. .wl' ... ib' liV cedar 60 M. ; 8. E. 14 . Nk li7 red 7 . . ... ... w .., - .AT, I80 wbs5" Ufl xl&l 2. . . V, r . stjI s, V.i i7 N. E. 14. N. W. hi. red fir 800 M., white ft. vn i . cedar 80 M. : N. W. 14 . N. W U Ted fir 1100 M white ' 25 M, cedar 15 M.s 8. W. 14, N. W. hi , red fir 620 M., cedar 00 U. ; 8. E. 14, N. W. 14 . red fir 800 M. cedar 110 M. ; is. a. , a. sv. , rea Iir 1 .1 k. 1 ,u 1 . a 1 1 r .. uu ai.. enm ".-."-.." " j kh m s.. an is n v. u. a St leu wv mm.. - ... 14 red fir TOO U... Ceoar OU N. K U S. E. 14. red fir 050 M., white fir 20 M-. ce- dar 60 M. ; N. W. 14, 8. E. 14, red fir 740 M . white fir 40 M., cedar 60 M. ; 8. W. 14. m js. 4, reu tuv M,, ivw sa. j a. ! n 14 . 8. E. 14 . red fir 720 M.. cedar 80 M. ; js. 4, reu tuv ivw sa.j a. ec 85, N. K. 14. H. is. red 1600 M. ; N. W. 14. N. B. 14.. red fir 1600 M.; 8. W. . S. E. 14 . red tir 1700 M.. cedar 20 M. : irvv - amH;tf.l: ! 8. E. 14 . red fir 1700 M. ; 8. E. 14. a E. 14. ' red fir 5900 M.. cedar 20 M., white fir to i be (old at not tea than $1 per M" cedar at i not less than 50 cento per M.. and red fir at not less than 81-60 per, M. except in W. hi. N. W. hm. and & W. 14 , aec 85. which as to be sold at not less than $1 per At. Clay Tall man, commissioner. SHIP KNEES WANTED. LOEB BROS.. 802-3 BROADWAY BLDG.. PORTLAND. OR. SHIP ' knees nd hewn ties wanted. Gamble Rieg Ship Knee Co.. Gerlinger bldg. I EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE ti ' jwTirnRa T in-i'VTdnlVi-S-" , of bnUdinga. 100 acres culUvatei ome fall wheat. aU farm machinery to run place. 100 acres more can be put in cultivation, easily. A snap at $18,000. with all seed, 87 head of ' cattle, 7 horses, hog and chickens. Fenced 'nd eross fenced. In valley. Will exchange i for good city property. Alxx.25 acres aU in i cultivation, lots of fruit and berries. Good house ; and barn. Trade for house. Price $5000. I A1 80 acres, weU improved, with two sets i of , buildings, aU river bottom land. rnce 7uuu '' iki oi juuutoo. first payment, balance 6 per cent. Owner, E- 019. Journal. THREE FIRST MORTGAGES $3500. 3 years, interest , monthly, 8 per cent $2000. 5 yean, $400. Annual interest, ,T 1 per cenu . t j y 3 1500. 3 years. Interest monthly, 8 , per ceiiu For city property. Room 8, 1 4 5 14 . Broadway. NOTICE If yonf property, either eity. fra or acreage, has merit and ia for exchange or sale, call or i write full particulars; up inflated values eonsid- ! eted: have first class list to select from. Geo. P, "TO.r, -"'-"" . I Realty Board. ! HIGH, sightl siahtlr lot. Irvington, 13th near Knott. as part payment on about 5 room dwelling. as part 1 Mt. Taboi i trade for iTACi- cscl 1 Mt Tabor or MontavUla, accessible to auto, or larger traikimg site, 'tabor 740. ACRES. 4 miiee troni Lyie, Wuu., lor sale exchange for Portland property, 8. Port land preferred, by owner, 1128 Macadam rt SALE or exchange, house and 1 acre with M " "Vehnrn Or? E. McCul- FOR" RESISTS lit"your property withlbT J: . juuieiucii. luiuMm, I BUNGALOW WANTED , I have the : cash, to way for 5 or 6 room . strictly modern bungalow. Rose City Park; pro- 1 fer to deal directly with owner. V-973, Journal. i ... V i. . .. r " " . ' - ... 1 iwA?t'i' noose. I city or acreage, i for sale, we can eU it. If f your price i right 1-tet with us. New ,s York Land Co.. 881 E. Morrison t. v . t Lena 10., i ft. Morrison sr. . . ' WANT"Tlo5 acres, with house and bam. near Hawthorn earline. Call Tabor 7269 or at '1992 11. YamhiU t ; . i - from owner, good .mall 1 cottage,- near car. smaU payment down, bat p'7- Journal. - HAVE buyen waiting for 5 room house .1 i reasonable nrtces snd terms. H Iine K"ii ' . waaonaoi prices ami term. Union ave. f. tst 4285. i I wanTToT with some . buildings. 2 or 3 story. . . - . est vi ' i vrieecn rfeuersDS . .wt otari. FOR BE7TT FARMS 14 I 8'.'l .-nareber of Want a r Commerce. i . uaunijn, xie . lot and cash. 687 Liberty st Wdln. 4495. Helps Solve the Help Problem . Captains of industry or the tired housewife will find; in The Journal's classified col umns the-medium that reaches over 60,000 homes. Make-your appeal through Help Wanted Columns VTA"NTEJ REAL ESTATE 31 I SELL houses only. List with m. Have cash Buyers. C. A. WsrrineT. - BITTER. LOWE A CO.. 209-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED Must be N. E. and oriced right. We have nttmeron bnyers watting. Fred W. German Co., 782 Cham, of Com. CASH for -bargain n bungalow or dwelling. 5 io 1 room. Fhone Main 6T9. ROOMING HOUSES IS Buyers tTake Notice Come see us. get ia one of our automobiles and we will take you around and show you any kind of a house you want. We have them on the terms and at price to suit you. Will guarantee yon square deal. Bruce Goddard, 502 Qou'ch Bldg, . 12H.K, Rooms $500 White Temple Dist. ; good furniture, gas, electricity; cheap rent; clears $50 per month; term. Have other real money makers on my list. L. A. HALL. 512 Panama Bldg. Most Beautiful 15 Rooms Elegantly furnished, modern, making big monev: lovelv home. Goddard. 502 Couch bldg. FOB SALE Rooming house, 10 room, all filled. Rent only $15 per month; fitted up with good furniture. Will also include fur niture enough to fit up 10 additional room, Price for quick sale $450. L-746, Journal. Modern 80 Rooms $5000 Cost $10,000 to furnish. Clear $600 month. Best in Portland, good lease. BRUCE GODDARD, 602 COUCH BLDG. FOR SALE "cheap, rooming house: 30 fine : l .. , 1 iH .1.. k., .f Ik, ettry; have to sell on account of poor health; must nave cnange cumats, itss, West Park cor. Morrison st. Phone Mar. 811s. TEN ROOMS. WELL FURNISHED, PAX1NG GOOD INCOME. VERT CENTRAL, A BAR GAIN. PHONE MAIN 4864. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES tt iPLENDID onnortunitv for progressive busin man to buy a going business, $40,000 annual aales; good clean stock of general merchandise of about $15,000. Realty consisting of store property and - residence of value of $12,000. Will accept trade in part provided property in trade is not inflated in value. Town is 1200 and growing, with large sawmill and logging camp paying out considerable money monthly. If you are looking for a place where compete tlon to not keen and prices cut. investigate. Best of reason for selling which will be given any bonafide prospective purchaser. Address, N. Selig. Fall City. Or. Your Own Terms, Restaurant Doing fine business, well equipped. Snap for $200. New. Sickness. BRUCE GODDARD. 502 COUCH BLDG. GOOD OPPORTUNITY Cafeteria at shipyard, doing good business; reason for aelling; fully equipped. Call before 2 p. m. Closed Sunday. 672 Hood at.. Bo. Portland, foot Arthur at. Butclier Fixtures A complete line of butcher fixture at half price. Call Tabor 884. FOB SALE Small cleaning and pressing shop. Good location, doing good business. Owner leaving town. V. A, Gordon. 106 E. Alto sU. Pendleton. Or. aou.uOO APARTMENT v house, monthly in come $1200. ( cash, balance terms. Sell whole or half interest. Thomasien. Y. M. C. A. SECOND band barber auppllea and chair bought and sold. List your barber shop with B. Portland Cutlery Co.. 86 6th aC " ! DON'T WORBT " I can ell or trad anything anywhere Lay man. 14514 Broadway. MUST sell nice, clean stock of groceries, near large school; will invoice around $500. 205 " h. ON account of sickness I will sell my half inter est in well paying established business. Mil- lerehip, 481 Cham, ot cm. GOOD paying picture theatre, best equipment, $2000 in cash, balance trade or terms. Z-920, JournaL BOARDING HOUSE for rent ia a desirable tovn. For particular, write to owner. O-0o3, Journal. FOR SALE Established paying confectionery store. Good location. consider caan only. Address Box 188, Junction City. Or. WILL sell my equity in my home cheap, owner. Nelson, 126 2d st See MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 27 Utiit inslalluenl plan is tu beet aotl eui rest method of paying a loan. $82.26 per month lor 36 month or $31.24 for 60 month or . $15.17 tor 96 months, pay $1009 loan and interest Other amounts in proportwa. We loan on improved city property Or for building purpose. K commission charged. EU.L4VABLE SAVINGS tt LOAN ASSOCIATION 24M Stark St. Portland. Or. MONUx to loan on improved property in most every town in Washington. Oregon and Idaho; ia naid back usonthly like rent at E. Ubadwick. 823-33 N. W. Bank bldg. SiOU. 0. soo, OU. 06o, ioo. luuo and larger amounts at current rates. Quick action. Fred W. . German Co.. 732 Chamber ot Commerce. liLlLDINU loan, on ct uX suourDaa property; money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 3407. MONEY u loan in amount, of luo to $6ouo on city, property. A H. BELL. 201 Gerlinger bldg. atuUitiAGl:; loams, 0 and 7 per cent Salomon A Co., 408 Selling bldg. LoJa 100 to SI6OO. consider lota. K. U. Dowung, 416 Chamber of Commerce. Mam 867. 1 HAVE $1000 to 4W,WOO to loan on una or city property. P. O. Box 873. $10O to $500 Quick ' action oa 1 aubarbaa house. Ward. 407 Spalding bldg. CASH lor mortgage, mans, contracts 7. 5T Lewi. Room 4. Lewis bldg. Main 683. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 67 Salary ; LOANS Chattel WE LAN MONET On short notice to salaried or working men oa their own note. Weekly, aemi-monthly or monthly paymeata. Eacn transactloa .trictiy eonfidentiaL NO MORTGAGE NO TNDOB8EB ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY W aho loan on household furniture, piaaoa, etc, without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED. . 817 FaUing bldg. 4. If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Loan made to persona on salary or fixed in 00 in, on household turuitare, - piaaoa, dia monds and other personal property; legal rate. Business contideutial; privet office. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY Licensed. 808-807 Ltekum Bide PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN A8S.V Established by Portland basin osea to protect borrower. ( C MYERS HERMAN, Mgr., 894 STARK ST LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. PlAKOe). " HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Money to loan ou pianos, luraiture, otner securi . rJee. W. A. Hathaway, ns 208 Wash. bkig. LOANS WANTED 44 LOAN vnur mumt. la dm nettt int.iMt. nm it. iu . l'oittand real estate. We can place sums of $100 up. Cellan-Murton Co., 826 v. bldg. WANTED 81250. 7, nearly new 5 room bnngalow, in tint claaa condition. No agent. J-618, JournaL HORSES VEHICLES, ETC. 18 10 HEAD good farm won; ' Bone, well tea, over winter. 8BO te $150. 228 Alder GtKID nnch team, wagon . and harness, $100. 683" 82d tt. 8. E. 1250 lb. BAY horse. $65. 251 Mead at. South Portland car. 2200 lb. TEAM, farm wages and harness, $128. Phone Marshall 4065. .fiu aitxit a id. wore none, a uum bit thin. Just ia from tba paattue. 263 Roaseii. HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC 18 WE have the finest assortment of young geld ings and mares, weighing from 1300 te 1600 lbs., and mule weighing from 1000 to 1400 lbs. Also seven seta of double horn harness. All stock sold with a guarantee. Frazier & McLean 240 E. 8th and Main. TEAM of heavy work horse for sale. Will be sacrificed. Tabor 769. MUST sell mare and gelding, weight 2500 lbs.. in good working condition but a ' little pave ment sore. Good harness. $135. One team geldings, weight 2200, also harness. $75, not tame, good workers. Been plowing. Take Woodstock csr to 54th St.. walk 6 block north to white house and barn. FOUR young farm mares, also two gelding. weighing from 1135 to 1175 lb. AU sound and broke to any kind of work. 4 good double harness, 4 farm wagons. Come and see them work and try them yourself; no reasonable offer refused. CaU Transfer Barn, 263 Russell at., near Williams ave. CONSIGNED to us and must sell 20 horses and ponies, wagons and harness. Here is the place to buy, as we handle nothing but con signed stock and you get a square deal. If you want a horse or have, one to sell, see a the ben reference in town. COLUMBIA STA BLES. 802 Front t. $70 BUYS a 1200 lb. ranch mare, color black; good worker; also 800 lb. blocky bay pony mare, cheap. Take Mt. Scott car-to 9th ave.; 1 block east. 1 block north to 5825 85th at. B. E. House with flagpole. FOR SALE 38 horses and mares, 900 to 1500 lbs. Good workers, single and double. All kind old and young. All kinds farm wagons. 2 in. up. All kinds good harness. Private tale. 546 Front. TWO black geldings, weight 2500 lb.. 8 yr. old. price $225; 2 bay gelding, weight 8200 lb., 7 and 8 yr. old. price $460. 106 Fail ing st. Take Mississippi car. 2200-lb. team, mare and horse, harness and hack, $186; will work single, double. 1st and Irving. 2700-lb team, mar and hone, 5-6 years old, harness and wagon: have no further us (or them. CaU at 203 Union ave. N. MUST be old, good big team, weight 2800 lba.; used to heavy hauling. 894 14 Gladstone are. W-S car. TEAM bay ma res, 1150 lbs. each., 7 and 8 year old, $143. 253 Meade at.. South Portland car. SPRING wagon in, good order, cheap, good for one or two horse or trade for cow. Tabor 985. FOR SALE Team of horses, 2400 lba., wagon and harness, at a bargain or will trade for automobue 149 Admiral st. 1 BAY team about 2500 lbs., just, from tha ranch. Also 1 1200 lb. hone. A bargain. 805 2d it. ' - A TEAM weighing 2200. sound, will work in any heme; wagon and harness. Woody rd on corner E. 8th and, Hawthorne. a BORSE and wagon; $1.26 day; 2 horse and wagon. $2.50. 546 Front. Mala 2208, DEAD bone and animals hauled away free. CaU Wood lawn 30. Portland Rendering Oo. - LITE STOCK THREE registered Holstein bulls. Two 2 yean old; one 7 months. AU are from Ormsby and Wit Oer ben strain. J. L. Brogden. Sewell sta., O. E.. Or. MILCH goats coming fresh. Toggenberg, Saanen, Nubian blood. $35 to 850. Include stamp for reply. AU young. M. Moutchalin, Carson, Wash. ' FOR SALE 4 Jersey cows, 1 Guernsey cow. AU fresh and good milker.. AU cows deliv ered free by auto truck. Ed Baumann. Greaham, Or.: DALRT for sale, 19 cows, 3 heifers, 1 bull, 1 .horse, delivery machine and 8900 route. jr. O. Johnson. 831 Commercial. Wdln. 688. " MILK GOATS Fine lot Swiss Toggenburg taSk goats, fresh, kids by side. Phone Main 8030 803 Front st, FOR SALE Two young cowe, tested; horse, harness, spring Wagon, cheap. J. Satchel, syivan, or, WILL arrive with a carload of good fresh cows by Wednesday, March 13. 9715 Foster road. near 97 tn st.. centa. BIG first-class, fresh Durham and Jersey dairy cows, neavy milkers, nign tester. 701 . Ash. WANTED, fresh cow, not over 7 yean old. Call Tabor on. PASTURE for 3 head cattle. 1, Box 22, Milwaukie. Address Bout WANTED A good milch goat State breed and full particulars. M-693, Journal. NICE, young, gentle ruling pony, true worker, single or- double. East 181. FRESH cows, big milkers, Durham-Guernsey. 1694 Division St. 5 FRESH cowa for sale, 274 E. 7th at near Hawthorne. POULTRY, PIGEONS, PET STOCK 37 MAG U IKE S BABY CHICKS AND HATCH ING EGGS From high (rade heavy laying Hoganlzed stock. O. A. C Barred Rock, with cockerels direct from college. It I. Reds, White Wyan dotte, Brown Leghorns, White Leghorns with O. A. C. and Tancred cockerel. Chicks from heavy breeds $20 per 100. East 810 oer 100. ! lJ5horn chick. 16 per 100. Eggs $7.50 per 100. Get the best J. R. Maguire. 787 Ore gon St. Phone East 1805. uv LAYING pullets, White and Brown Leg horns, pen thoroughbred Black Lngbng pullets snd cockerel; horse, harness, light spring wagon with top. 145 E. 81at North. Monta villa ear. ' FOR SALE Whit Leghorn egg for setting. Pens headed by "Tom Barron" cockerel, from H. L. Grubb' Poultry Farm, Falrview, Pa. $1.50 for 15 eggs; $8 per 100. G. W, Bad leck, Beaverton, Or. EGGS for hatching. S. C, White Leghorns, Ferris strsin. from hevy laying flock, 15 for $2. B0; 100 for $7.50. Phone E. 695. R. R. Reid. 974 E. Irving st PURE BLOOD Rhode Island Red eggs. Elliot atrain, dark rich color, $1.60 for 15. $8 per hundred. Tabor 8023. 5312 88th at SE. B. 8. Miller. THOROUGHBRED White Rock eggs, $1.50 for fifteen. 50 cents extra if shipped; none bat ter; come and ee my birds. Tabor 8023. 2"2 88th tit SE. B. 8. MiUer. FOR SALE; Purebred 8. C. White Leghorn hatching eggs. Heavy laying stock, $8 per 100. Write to L B. Cates, R. 4, Vancouver, Wash. DANIELS' White Rocks, world Champion layers, highest official record. Illustrated catalog free. Box No. 174. Ideal Poultry Yards, Hoquiam. Wash. WHITE Leghorn baby chicks, from heavy laying. (Hoganised) stock. March delivery. $11 pe? 10O; April. $10. We guarantee safe arrival The Ptoneei M.tcnery. Fetaluma. Calif. WHITE ROCK EGGS, thoroughbred stock, high fertility; 81.50 for III teen, v., I Gibson. Salem. Or.. Route 1. - B. R, and R. L II. chicks, $2.50 dox.; eggs $1.50 for IS. C-1718. or week day Board- man. Bdwy. 850. BROWN Leghorn eggs from good layers, pure bred cockerel for sal, a. Scouie. 1490 E. Stark et .. tiUFF Orpington egg for hatching, best layem and every egg guaranteed. $1.50 per setting. O. "a. C. Barred Bock cockerel '$3 and $5 each; egg for setting, $1.50 per 15. Corona Poultry Park, 2080 E. Salmon at WHITE Wyandotte and B. . - iea eggs lor Mr. Ada Mitchell. ettinc. 81.50 per 16. R. 8, Box 260, Lent. Or. a C. WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks, oa day old; S. C. WhiU Leghorn and Black Minorca eggs for hatching. Call Columbia 696. i.AKHi.l) Rock eggs for hatching. 2 roosters, K. 1. Bed. Whit Leghorn. "Tabor 1259. 1-61 81st st.. N. COCKEBELS for sale, of O. A C. strain; B. P. It, 82 each. Mrs. R. J. Frakos, Scap- noose, "Or. HAiSD-SOME Barred, Bock rooster, yr. old, $2.50, or trade for White Leghorn cockerel. "' Rhone t ... . . . FOR SALE Buff Leghorn eggs, $1 aetting: Phone Wdln. 8993. On Alberta earline. THOROUGHBRED black Minorca rooster for kale for 315. 6126 86th St., Lent. Or. BLACK Minorca eggs for setting at 75c for 15. 6126 6th t-, IntsfJ Or.- i. ANTED, White Leghorn and Barrel Hork ehtean ; em. ohi: tate pnee. Taw Rhone (t, SILVER CAMPINE" eggs. $2.50 pet lb. Grace rurnsiey. ajmwi Btatmn. woodlawn 319. ' FOR SALE- liatcliing eggs. -Single Comb White Ijeghom Hoganised hens. D-l 098. EGGS for batching, Eat 1R02. fin stock. 6 SETTLNG lit wanted uick. Tabor $ti." OGS. BIRDS. PETS. ETC. 4 PUPPIES for sale, thoroughbred gpita and vniuiee, a montn eMJ tnorougribred Spits, 1 -year-old. J. E. Browa. 4011 65th 8. E. HARTZ Mountain singer, cheap (orange) , $5. teii i aoor now.. NEW ZEALAND rabbit, does and buck. young, vigorous stock. P-1883. , ENGLISH Pit buU puppies for sale. Broatway zms. BELGIAN hare. 60e up. CaU Tabor 1874T TWO pedigreed Airedale puppies. Tabor 563. .AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 GOOD USED CARS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES WHILE THEY LAST 1915 Ford touring, excellent buy $373 Briscoe 5 passenger, aluminum body 430 1916 Cole, best buy in city. 1916 Studebaker. extra winter top. excel lent hape. at a sacrifice. velie touring 800 White gaa ; 400 Saxon 2 passenger, like new..... 675 r ora touring 275 jCole Thirty 250 row worm drive, new. cheap. Ford bug .-. 800 All these Can will beer inspection. Come ief. looK mem over Delore you buy. Open Sunday. Easy term. W. H. WALLING FOBD. 522 Alder St Main 2493. JUST NEW CARS AT USED CAB PRICES 18 eerie Studebaker 6. 7 pas 8900 17 series Studebaker 6. 7 pas 800 11 series otuoabaker 4. 7 pa. 700 1910 Overland 6, 7 pas., Just new 700 1910 Overland Model 83. 65 new.... 600 1916 Overland Model 75. just new 600 1917 Chevrolet 490. run 1400 mile.... 600 1916 Chevrolet baby grand, j boy 650 nuason aioaei si ... - . . stint nuics aioaei ", new tire S50 r-nnnin nag, e cyl 800 $3800 bug, just rebuilt 450 Light delivery overhauled 250 Ford 1-ton truck 500 Lippert 1-ton truck 600 1 wo-ion truck, brand new 700 New arrivals every day. CONLEYS USED CAR CENTER Southwest corner 16th and Waahingtoa Sta. Brick building, side entrance. Phone Main 8843. USED CAB SALE At 64-66 Broadway street Between Oak and Pine Many splendid buy ta high grade 1st model car AU fully gunranteedT kfk.e ."IP of the location. 4-66 Broadway street firmer Chandler salesroom. EX1'nfiTA?AH.!,BARAIN8 USED CABS 1616 OldamobUe alght, like aew. SBSA iib studebaker, $750, OldamobUe four, $800, )xie; touring, $800. Warren roadster, $260. Anbum touring, $150. r.oYheW0' 2M- OLD8MOB1LK COMPANY OF OREGOV Broadway at Couch. Broadway 2270. fWI sRiM?hALESRg6W AND INVESTIGATE UR U8ED" VAUUES lata tt 1 y ouiuu 1918 Dodge touring Overland, model 83 Overland 1917 '.'. Maxwell Sedan, salesroom car ' '. Overland. 5 pass., 1914 Chalmers Master Six Chalmers, model 18 . . Peerles. 6 -pas. Ford tourine .' ." 1 " " ' $1000 650 850 916 . 435 700 450 650 350 WESTERN MOTOR OAR R.Tva CO. BROADWAY AT BURNSIDE Garages See S a m p 1 s, 644 Mood at. Pboa Mala 1167. Millmade Construction Co. FORD ONE TON TRUCK. 1917 Ford one ton track, finest condition; equipped with express body; tires new. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO. East 8770. E. 13th and Hawthorne av. NEW TIBJC8 What brand ot aew tire do yon prefer f W bar thesa. aU makes nd ize. Abo we mak th famoaa O-V-O Doable Treed (ewd) tin and da ell manner of tir repairing. Oregon Vuu Co., 883-886 Boroside, wear Broadway. THAYER. BHAVKROUIXY MACHINE COMPANY 1 Ton. $870 I BUILDERS nr 114 Ton. $420 f EVER READY TRUCE 2 Ton, 8479 I ATTACHMENTS Capacity I Mfg. in Portland 193 B. Water t Phone Eaat T487 FOR SALE 1918 MITCHELL club roadster, new. . 1916 FOHDROADSTER with, delivers bodv extra set of fenden; new tires" and tube. 1916 BTUDEBAKEK, 6 pas. E. P. E8BEN SHADE, 830 E. Morrison St, 1917 CHALMERS, 6-cyL, 6-p, touring car. almost new. Car ia in splendid condition ana look use a new car. A sacrifice at $M5u. Terms given. 64-66 Broadway at, bet Oak and Pine. Open evening. BIG bToCK Used Cars RIGHT COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., tit nd Wshtngtrm t. Msrn 6244. 1916 BUICK light six roadster, in fine me chanical condition. Has auot licht bomt.r 4 cord tires; aa exceptional boy at the price we are asking. 64-68 Broadway st, between Oak and Pine. Open evenings. 1917 FORD, like new. good Urea, Kpeedometer, cut out, xaie iocs, ou gauge. Price $463. Babe Elliott. Oregon City. Re, phone B-216, emieer pnone raciiie i t i. CASH, paid' for -old can; conol'ton aa object. part tor all make oi can. Oregoa Auto Ex Chang. 120 Lownsda! .c, at 15 LB aad Wit. lngton. Pboa Mala 1161. J MOTOKS, gears . bearings, wlveeU, axle; w wreck aU mk of en and sell 'Heir parts at half price.- Auto Wrecking . Co., 9-tl-e8 North Broadw.y. Broadway 19 A HAI I MAIN 47fift If yon wish to ob- v, ..,.. .... ifv-ui. fuil value for your old car. Condition no" abject: 1917 FORD touring car, like new; car must be seen to be aoureciated: tsnu srivm n.n.. way 1572. ." fXIR SALE, Overland delivery in fine condi- tlon. . Ca , b seen aaytrme; low price for !i ic. jsppiy fortn ifroadway. , DUBBUIL5T TOP CO. - " ttb Jk 0k Hroadwftf K64 Fords Enameled $12.50 378 Morrison St. 1917 FORD touring ear with extr-, car ottly used a snort time; terms to responsible party. Broadway ijf LARGE stock vf aUgbtly need Urea at low price; enloaaiaing, re-treading, general tir repel rtag. Mxi , Jsascx. ... asar st. saaia i i. FINE- 1918 Bniek roadster, $30o. Pbane uek orov i- 1015 FORD touring ear- wiC electric' aterter' will sacrifice. Broadw.y 1572. 1816 MAXWELL -'v ae el. k-to Joarcl. 1918 FORD Sedan, latest , model; etidcrabte ...... .. - ,uu, 1 1. 1916 FOBD touring ear. A-l . conuitioa; bar- 1 jlii j -.gaill. rj mail imssssi iti AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 FORDS -DODGES BUICK3 NOTICE TO SHIPYARD WORKERS Wb Da carfare when roa cava bar a good used cat with a small payment down gad easy terms Read the faUowing and yon are sura to find something to suit you: 1916 Dodge, late model, new Urea. ....,$ TOO 1918' Dodge roadster, first claaa. ...... 6T6 t At r e ... :Ak ifii ins, run use new. ... .......... . t 1916 Ford, first class............... 850 1915 Ford, first das ............... 300 1914 Ford, first cUs. ............. , SOV 1916 Buick Six. a rest condition , 900 1912 Btriek. first cU. ............. 275 191? Studebaker Flanders, first ciaaa. . . 300 1917 Maxwell, lust like aew... 685 1916 MaxweU, late model, first claaa... "650 1914 Chalmers, fust class condition ... . 425 1913 MaxweU J...... S5 1915 Cadillac Eight, just like new..... 1250 1917 8tudebker, 3 passenger........; 775 ao in rnsin oul, uai ea. n 1916 Ford roatUter, electric lights and tarter .v. .-. 890 1817 Studebaker Six. almost jsew 1050 1(111 L.I u 1916 Dodge delivery, just like aew,.... r a. w f iau Utfll -aT T . . . ... - 260 650 ii weriana dUvfy .... 1913 Maxwell : -.":!-. 850 200 660 . - -ewww ww" werwwww i ord On Ton track MANX OTHERS ' COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Waahingtoa St, at 21st Main 0244. IF TO'U EXPECT TO BUY A USED CAR IN llUi BPKKsU, YOU CAN SAVE MONEY UX BUYING ONE JsOW. Our list 'of used can gives' you this oppor- MliUigr. 1917 Ford touring, like new. 1917 Ford touring. A 1 condition. 1917 Ford touring, with extras. 1916 Ford touring. A-l condition, 1916 Ford touring, with extra. 1 01 Ford touring, like new. 1915 Ford, electric atarter. 1915 Ford touring, A-l condition. 1915 Ford touring, like new. 1910 Ford roadster, A-l condition. 1918 Ford roadster, with extras. 1914 Ford delivery. A-i condition. And a few other. PALACE GARAGE CO., Authorized Ford Dealer. 12th and Stark Sta. Term, given. Open Sunday. . Broadway 1572 Phones A-2442 USED AUTOMOBILES . TERMS GIVEN 2i T?ARR Ti 1 aPTTrr'P i s-t & KlitE.ii4RrEW , APPROVAL tH. 6 pas... 6 cyL ; nearly aew $1160 SLK S i' cyL. ...... . 975 .... oeoaa, Oi., A pa. I nearly new . . .V!T 191T Mitcheu, 1 pas.. 6 cyL 1916 Mitchell, 6 pa.. 8 cyL; fme'co'fr- . n m O n 1209 .... ? rl"5.' V ' V -.- "60 iSii , . 0 eye 160 1916 Jeffery. 6 paaj.. 6 cyL: fine ecL oiuon ,, Several older models, $125 up. " See our stock of high trade can before you tJ It Tf n at issa aK es Urr7i1F? CAR DEPARTMENT MITCHELL, LEWIS 8TAVEB CO.. East Morrison t 1st- st East 7272 B-1216. A.txrj you coinc to rinv nw 1 0 1 d r n If o, look up my 1917 ChenrfW f... . ' jenger sport roadster with five wlr wheels and two extra tire, now French gray body with green wire wheels; will reenamel to suit bnyer lUv. been offered $1250 in trade tot ne 1918 Chandler of any model. You can mikV $160 cashorVtS? tZttf in or P-JmS. 1100 f" or. "oerty bond and my car 1 your. Phone Anger, Broadway 1944. V-977. JournaL , t USED FQRDS bargain in touring ears and roadsters. Every car overhauled and repainted. ROBINSON-BMITH tX Authorised Ford Dealer. th and Madison. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 . SPOT CASH Paid for late model touring can oad?teT,.,Mu8t be ln ood conditioa. THE USED CAR EXCHANGB 627 Washington etret Bfoadway 5468. I WILL PAlt AOUSPCVT.CASU FOB Xoiii e, .'fi'018 MOTO" CAB EXCHANGE, E. 1190. E. 18th and Hawthorn; era WILL pay cash for used Ford, 1917 or 1918.' ,.v,h, wire. K.1S vetso. WANTED A 1917 Ford" roadster by a private Jra te" av- a i , UU ril 1. WANTED To buy late model Ford; win3 siiiekL Phone Tabor 1669 LOTS in Tacou for Ford car." JournaL s7 WANTED. 1918 or 1917 Ford; wiU pay caah" state price when answering. R-620. JournaL USED Dodg or . Ford cat at caah faar!er stain 937. HIGHEST pneo paid lor automotu-" tlon no object 121 . 8d t, Bdwy. 8629. AUTOS FOR HIRE" S AUTOS FOB HIBB WITHOUT DRIVE 88 Brand new ear. Reasonable rata Feariag A Bobaett, City Gang. 10th. Between Stark and Oak. Broadw.y a an. AUTOS without driven tor hire. pninvan. lUtn-TamhlU. afar. 332. A-1230. MOTORC YCLES-BIC YCLEg H BWYCLES MOTORCYCLES. Large stock of new and used machine. DAYTON CYCLE CO., 68 th t LAUNCHES AND BOATS 84 FOR SALE Ou 2 cyl. 2 cycle 16 H. P. rtne motor, complete, with maaneta and carburetor. Price $65. 204 E. 84th. Tabor 1172. PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL 1 l.iBiauneMn 8 CLOSING OUT 6276 upright piano 'for $45 cu; a sou one, vo easn, ana gaga on 6116 caah; aiao modern, vlrtuaUy new $376 up right 8190; a $426 on. $215 caah: a $90 organ. 0 cab, at Security. Stora. Co.. 109 4th t. at Wah. st Piano stored. 60c monthly or bought and old for cash, pbon Main 6823 EXCHANGE YOUR RECORDS No doubt yon hava many good record that you are tired of. Do you know that you can exchange these for fresh, lata records by pay ing a few cent difference at the Talking Macbina Record Exchange. 616 Eilen bldg? 0 WM L WEHCER -. Pbonogrsph and record bought sold exchanged and rented. Expert repair ing. 142 H 2d. near Alder, inetairs. FULL CASH VALUE PAID For records phonographs, organ, piaaoa, musical instruments. NEWMAN RECORD EXCHANGE, 128 1st st Msin 4495, T.bor 6798. 20c DAILY buys $376, piano lw 26 T $281.30: 40e dally bay 8650 nlsver tern "5 , $487.50. Best saving bank for the bouse, secure musical education, entertainment and the property. Scbwaa Piano Co.. Ill 4th. WE have a nice home in Ctecaamaa. clear mnA about $1000 casta to exchange for 6 nr a acre- imticovea, tun too tar tram Portland. Morris, 431 Chamber of Commerce. GEORGE T. PE6aV PIANO TUNER. "" .' Graduate New England Conaervatory of Maata, Boston, Vises. Tuning, 33. OO. Tabor 8574, THE most cash paid for piano, organ, musical instrument aud records. IlaU A Caaaidar. 126 Fust Main 1098. $90 CASH buy 6375 Ernest Gaoler upright piano and $265 cash a $550 88 note Heiag player piano, at Security Storage Co., 109 4tj FTsCHEK Player l iano iti Al conditioa. $40O: Melville Clark Apollo, $800, Hoveadea Pmaa Co.. 87 tth rt. . rT RENT Diaier uiano. minne included ll..i 8. GUbert, 884 Yamhill t. , PHONOG RAP Ha, record., bought, sold aJ ex r hanged. Hail A Casstdar. 136 1st tt. M. 7096 TRADE ' your old piano for new talking aa. chine. Harold S, Gilbert, 884 Yamhill at BEST buy tn city, high grade anrirfht ru $189. Empire Transfer, 148 1 1 th. WANTED Baritone horn; state price. 8-616, JournaL EDISON Phonograph, 00 double dtee ricotdT. wbb t.,tf, st... m w. vvygaat TltADE--HeWnce lot in Walla - Walia, clear" trad for piano. C-850, JournaL ; ' USED plane, excellent' conditioa, $150 cash. .ion iw7, iumr zet. PIAXO: good condition: Kare.ln Inr ... trade. Phone labor 67 16. . WANTED Punt, pay cash. Marshall 6346. ' TYPE WRITERS , - 7 W'E SAVE you trout bv to 76 per eem va all make of typewriter Send for oar price lieta Retail department. Wholesale Typewriter Co.. S21,Wasbinttna ss;. - NEW REMIND TON. rental pun. lent applies i purwe. Vrrtbl asndeK 1 REMINGTON TYPEWRITER " CO., " a Brnadway. ' Rmetws -46?1i REBUILT typewriter, cuppa, Ooreaa J JS. W. Pea Cot. 118 , TYPEWKITFIH ALL MAKES typewriter rea ted ad swttair Oregon Type Co.. 94 A 8th, Main 8668. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE 6i No High Prices Here. Iron bed artrinev .wt - - - e. wa : dresser Tu T.v..vT lTs UW? 'o, mahoeany or ivory finish. mL$o; "w breakfast tablea $8.30, kitcbea ,.Wri ., T rocker, $1,15, Morrto chair M. .P' Cook stove $ 96, ivivff. pair $1.46. gxHxi SrlT b.e carpet 6 60 yard, beat grad linoleum 6S0 srd. WsTaUe. k! l.T!l.,?:!: .?" of gaa range, din. table, lib. n'ia rockfn and high cblr. fc jtu and dba, ail in oa this big Yellow Tax sals gaa aladiemi "ww fI-AJiE-MISCELLANEOUS 19 . refrtirt?J,.L,,l0, M-L1.. a ""l, adeWhabte ahXlvta.1. "ca- aU 1S.k14. tba. Ca be moeid orhrpped no books or hardware (tor. Phone la. wr .sea, - . Electric Motors . ?t sold, reated and MpatretL Walkm Eteetrte W-aka, 418Bara. 6674 Broawway ar ALL machloe old for leatt a ageata employed: asaaalaea rented. repaired. AJII4. . M. Xtih. chto Saaporras. mwm .u, ueei smyMe; ) Si OiOO r.Tm ropbead fsrwiat asaebbMsi m ' with attachmeauj aU ar U very good eoodttioii. Sewing an.chtna rented at $8 per month, phoaa East 3838 or B-830T. JB, .s. meen. 10a ssiana av., wear tieimonf. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. 11 'Typewrner. 1 ... .. - - . f, .M - i .a. ------ mwwvwwm. ... eefiwtw HI.MI1I . eetiowa. AU dvertiMnuint of the good r publish aaakr their iwspeetiv c sif ieatieas, ' LOOK THEM OVER, - -- DROPHEAD tewing machine with ttchaint, 810; range, $10; iron bed and spring. IS; kitchen table, $1.60. Caah or swap for chirk ens. 1. Suton, Baa Lin road. Bos 492, R- A.. Wet Ascot sution. Mt Hood Line. - -. AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES, LAUNCHaS or boats are asperate cl.ssririostioaa. A large Hating can - few ouad uader taeea liffeaal class! fi ration. , FOR SALE, on heavy oast top double o ten. Bora rang, just the thine lor logging camp, cheap. Apply Ntwbrf Iroa ' Works, Ncwbug. Or. . ..- O. U BebJWKter.... Broadway 8078 . PorhETor Wire Rope1:;, New and 3d Hand ATI Blasa Any A meant ' jgUsed Sewing Machines . 0urantd. . We rnt and repel , J mug bu sgaia ibb. - A-l 81 a. WE WILL upboUter and repair roar ' iaraT ' ' rure and take your old dleearded turettara in ' nebange for payment Mvltaotaaa Furaitara BosptoJ. 854 3d t. Mala 4664. JOB PRINTING: Established buiinea,' gool ' location; cheap rent; teaae; uiubi 1 r 3. men. If acid this weak $500 takai it U 014. Journal, - LADIES desiring crochet work oc having for aale. Hand lOa trm l,Rui nf .ri.x and details. International Trading Crochet i)w mart OU n. OtSIB SMI. FOR SALE Big load l 'ol wreokag wood 'at $8.76 per load. Phone East 425 at East 625 a. FOR SALE One coal air tight heater and on iron bed. apring aad xttrs. 472 61-' mon. Main 2979. - v ONE typewriter desk and two wivl detut oha7rTt Suite 412 Morgan bldg. . Mala 6507. CaU between 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. t . tuuciKU pncea on Cable roofing paper, all kind tools. J. Leva, 189 ob stTWsnwi i itjiii etna j wiyior. tod ENVELOPES or m bond UtUrUadsTH 600 bond billheads Ar ataieea It ll HAIR switch, natural - hair; private par ties; .. " ' ' . r t ' oara Drown, so uaci Call at 904 Long ave. SLIGHTLY used computing scales, aU kind; also cheese emitters. coffeemlUa atui Mat: alicer, very cheap. Call at 884 Stars; t WAKE UP B iiv; get that leak beioro'Ii get yon; we otidlxe ail kind ef teak root. 608 Tourny bldg. Main 6886, SHOWCASES for al. 1022 Laaotater "gi. Take Kenton ear to Derby. FOR SALE Addressing machln that it " iKienk, rapia, mexpensiv. w-740. JournaL 45-70 WINHCESTEU rifle reiieallne riflaT ell or trade. T.bor 67J6. DAltK blu imported amoAisg jacket.. i1T. ' bargain. Main 2211 PLUMBINO upplle, wholesale prleaa Vtaw , Pari. Co.. 2ir8d t Main T97. v BATHTUBS, link, loilata, pip and fitting. A U Howard. 312 4 th t Yhon Mala 10A. COMPLETE trap drum ouUU tor aate. " KTy aa. VACUUM eteaaen aold. repai .lead. staA mTm changed, bought. Bentley Co. Msia 8689.- FEBT1ZE Horse aad cow manure. East 121. 465, COMPLETE BATli ROOM ol'fFlf. Hi? Nortliwestern Pipe Co.. 187 Front at. UNCALLED' for tailor mad suits, $ isp. Taylor the Tailor. 289 V Barmrkle. ; GOOD new complete Uets transit Lawtoa, ll00 isorwweaxern nana mat, Main V 7,- iti'KN manure t& plowing. Sell wood 204."- WELi. rotted manure. East 8189. FURNITURE Tf ANTED' 74 Higtiest -Prices, Paid o tar D kinds of boo hold good, hotel sad restaurant outfit, trunks, bag aad nlfo trteycte. fishing tackle and flreara Ate Wat aad tool of aU deecrtptlon. CASH OB C CHANGS. Levin Hardware & Furn. Co. 221 Front st, cor, Salmoa. ' , Main 9072. A-7174. Cash paid cash paid We need aU kind of aaed furniture, carpet, stoves, range, office turn whines gad hmwm hold good. W pay top pnoa aad will gall promptly when notUied. - Gevurtz Furn. Store 305-307 1st. Marshall $$7. Plfer-Hamilton "'iLtTn?. Highest price paid for need furnitur, earpets. stoves, r.nges, etc W cell promptly. - 748 is Tr at price for your need tnmltar. etoeea, earpet. Want Household Furniture WILL PAY CASH. Pboa Maia 8882. Call East 636 AJTIJZ rag, anything ia household good. . W aa. -change your old furniture for new. ? WANTED Second hand furniture, range aad Moves, etc WB PAY THE BEST PaUCEA MORGAN FURNITURE CO.. 880 East MovtUow. Phone a t 8388. WANTED Second-hand furniture. peal wka ' a reliable house awl get what good ara worth. Von' Auction House, 24 sear- Yaav hill ' '. " ' ' - in oft K t 7616 whe yoa want to U poar luraiture; we will eome at oaoe aad say you GASH. M. K 8 EATER, 8 Bawtaaraa ave. corner Union. WILL pay cash -lor ruossUng bosw, 2d bead a -nil nr. and stoves. Call East 294, ; lARAND UAl'IDS FURNITURE EX. - -64-86 GRAND AVENUE PRIVATE party irous of bayias aaed tar nitur and clothing, any mount Par price CaU Mr. Washburn. Marshall 4788 NEED econd-hand . furniture, carpets, etc, to ship out of town. WiU pay mora thaa port land deafer. " Maia 4773. .. KOT1CE W any secood band furnit w. ' We' nee bieheet Wria for all kiada of goods. Broadway 1396. 4 N. 3d , CUT frciaht rate oa Ivoueebold gooos ntppT East and Booth. Manning Wa'rh A Transfer Co., 9ta and Heyt. twaasnr T.; A-t 798. MULTNOMAH Furniturw liusltaJ pay blchert price for ased furnhnr. 364 84. Main 468A MOST cash for furniture. Mala '70987 SWAP COLUMN ft WUJ. tmU 8340 euuitv in . lot, each 40x100. at 70 tn n. ava., wear Firland. oa Mount Scott line, far funUtar,- F-704. JournaL r " - - Wi'LL trade - furniture, toa and moaieal to- trumeata for what nave youf HaU A Caatu day. 130 First. Main 7098.. ' A $100 olid oak foldJaTbad lor a bra bed. Plume Mar. 2O05. WANTEP--MISCELLANEOUS PAYS blgbest arte for teooad band rinthla. . tool, etc 273 Fran. Maia 4602. WAN! ED Rifle. 4a-uy.i cameras, Hochfield. 6 84 at, Pboaa Mara 3681. JUNK Bags, bottle, aacka, carpete. aid , ejota- ing.- toiv East 394. BiU man Hardware, 318 Front Mala 3611. VVA -owws - t - i.Buii, cmc7i. lens, organ. Mam. 4498. .Tabor 6798. 138 First. FULL vain paid for 24 hand coed ndjuaX an tiuaatity. - Phone Mala T34. 304 1st f. - . . . tXostUsAtl'OB jrazt rsc)-