The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 09, 1918, Page 14, Image 14

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.?"' Y-'.-V ; ; PORTLAND. OREGON
SATURDAY. .MARCH 9, . 1918.
first Presbyterian Church 3s
Program of Entertainment Will
. Also Be Provided at Conclusion
T Of Sunday Evening Services.
Ladies and Girls Will Receive
. Boys, and Serve Coffee and
-.Sandwiches; Program Prepared
nastor of the First Presbyterian
church, corner Twelfth and Al
der streets, will Inaugurate a
new Dlan Sunday evening; in
order to welcome the soldiers and give
them a touch of home.
. , This plan is to make he evening serv
Ico specially attractive' to the soldiers
. and to provide entertainment and re
freshments for them In the church house
lifter the service is dismissed. Sunday
night for the first time the ladles and
girls of the church will welcome the sol
dier boys In the reception room after
th evening service and have a musical
program and give them coffee and
The. sermon Ln the evening by Dr.
John H. Boyd will be the second ln a
series on "Four Great Questions Con
cerning Jesus Christ." - TUe subject is
"What Does Jesus Mean by Asking
Men to Follow Him?" ln the morning
at 10 :J0, Dr. Boyd will have the sec-
; ond in anojLher series on "Some Large
' Values of Religion." This special sub
ject is "Religion and the Task of Right
Living." ' There will be special music
bo,th morning and evening.
Christian Church
. After New Members
. "The War and So.ul" will 'be the one
great theme at the First Christian
church from now until Easter. All
services and departments of the church
will be ' utilized during the remainder
of th Lenten period to deepen the
religious life of the membership and
also to enlist many new members. A
systematic canvass of the homes will be
made. during the next two weeks by
the ladies of the missionary society and
during. the week immediately preceding
Easter, the pastor, Rev. Harold H.
Oriffls, will hold a special preaching
service each evening at 7:45.
Dr. Waldo Gives '
. Subject for Sunday
"Winning Men One by One" will-.' be
the subject of Dr. Waldo's discourse at
the Whits Temple, Sunday morning. - He
will discuss the question of the church
being brought Into new relations and
the realisation of s much needed sym
pathy and personal interest that is every
where apparent the obligation of world
x evangelism as the need of the moment.
The Olbry . of the Cross" will be the
subject for Dr. Waldo's . evening dis
course. , . ;'.-'-':'
Exemption problems
T Open Forum Theme
William V. Woodward, chairman of
' the local exemption boards, will speak
' on. "Some Kxemptlon Board Problems"
Sunday evening at 7 :45 o'clock in the
open forum, Unitarian chapel, Broad
way and Yamhill streets. In the morn
ing at 11 o'clock. Rev. William C. Bl-
tot 1 Jr.. will speak on -the themp
"Will the War Change the World's
People's Sing at
' Highland Church
' At Highland Congregational church
at 7:S0 o'clock Sunday night there will
be a song service, a real people's sing.
led by a chorus under the direction of
Miss Orrel Rose. Rev. Edward Con-
stant will talk on "Our Boys in
France." The morning theme will be,
.'The Gift of Self to God and Hu
.?. Sunday Evening Illustrated Lecture
"The Heritage of Half a Century." i
. stereoptlcon lecture on the history and
-work ofvthe Woman's Foreign Mission
ary society of the Methodist Episcopal
- cnurcn, wm oe given by Mrs. A. H
v Sproul. in the Rose City Park Methodist
church. East Fifty-eighth north and the
Alameda, on Sunday evening, March 10,
at 7:30 o'clock.
sf ' 1
, 14th and Bybee
Visitors 9 to S .-
Pishop to
III 1 ' i ' all
Bishop Waller . A. Sellew, who will
speak at First Free Methodist.
Father Towey of San Francisco
Arranges List of Sermons
For Evenings.
Masses every morning at 6:30, 7:45
and 8 :30 a. m. with an instruction be
tween the last named services, and a
special service, with congregational
Singing and sermon, will be the features
of the mea's week of the mid-Lent mis
sion at St. Marys Cathedral, beginning
Sunday night.
Father Towey, C. S. P. of Old Marys
church, San Francisco, 'who is giving
the mission, has arranged the following
list of sermon subjects for the . evening
services 1 aunng.v in ween: sunaay.
"Watchman. What of the. Night?" Mon
day. -"The All (Securing' Scrutiny of
God ;'" Tuesday, "The Voice ; of the
King Wednesday,' "Defeat or Vic
tory?" Thursday. "Out of the Depths;"
Friday, "The Return From a Far Coun
try' , ;. ; .
Sunday. March if, the . mission , will
close at ! p. m. when Father Towey .will
preach on "The Kingdom Transcend
ent." During the , past w eek all the
services of the mission have been
largely, Attended and the congregational
singing has been . an inspiration. A mis
sion for the children pf , the parish baa
been held on the last four days .of the
week.,- . ' y . i i;:;v ...... . ,
Friends Quarterly
Meetings Are Held
The regular "Quarterly ..meeting of the
Friends churches of Portland is being
conducted ' in the First Friends church
today and Sunday. This evening at
7:45 . a business . session . will bfe held.
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock Rev. J.
D. Sprinston will Bpeak under the aus
pices - of the Bible school department
and special music will .be furnished by
the. male chorus. At 5 o'clock a union
Endeavor rally will be held. The reg
ular. Sunday morning and evening serv I
: ,T, 7 . . . - .
ices will be conducted in all the Friends
churches. ...
Rev. E. R. Martin
Will Be Speaker
Rev. E R. Martin of the American
Sunday School union, will occupy the
pulpit at the morning service of the
Central , Free ' Methodist church with
an address on home missions. Rev. Mr.
Martin is an Interesting speaker both
to old and young. At. the evening ser
vice the pastor. Rev. W. N. Coffee, will
speak on. "The Mission of Christ."
Ida Vose Woodbury
' Will Speak Sunday
Mrs.-Ida- Vose Woodbury, represent
ing the American- Missionary associa
tion of the -Congregational -church, will
speak Sunday inornlng n,the First Con
gregational church; at 6 o'clock, in the
Laurel wood church, and at 7 :30 at At
kinson Memorial church. Tuesday aft
ernoon .at 2 :0 Mrs. Woodbury will ad
dress a mass meeting at the Sunnyside
jongregationai church. ,
Based on
Sentiinent whidi has as its baseUhe
- innermost feeling and understanding
must seize upon Cremation s that
process which places away , the dead
in the .most beautiful, reverent and
lasting peace. -
Cremation, in bl-ief, may be de
scribed as thajt process which does in
a few minutes in a cleanly manner
( that which -nature's process takes
years to accomplish and with which
the average mind cannot help but as
sociate many, horrors and disagreeable
' (Write,- phone -or call for booklet)
ULjU11I Ul
Eastern Leader to, Occupy Pulpit
Of First Free Methodist,
Morning and Evening.
Bishop Walter A. Sellew of James
town, N'i T., is expected to arrive in Port
land at 10 :30 this evening from Los An
geles, where he has been looking after
the interests of church work. He will
preach for Rev. A. Beers in the First
Free Methodist church Sunday morning
and evening., Bishoa seilew is here in
the interest df 4rcampaign to raise
funds to liquidate the indebtedness of
Seattle Pacific college.
The service at night will be mission
ary in Character. The bishop will be ac
companied by Mrs. Sellew, 'who will as
sist in the missionary' meeting. 1
Dr. Waldo to Speak
At Arleta Baptist
Dr. William A. Waldo, pastor of
White Temple, will speak at a special
mass meeting at the Arleta Baptist
church, Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
J. W. Troy, the singing evangelist, will
have 'charge of .the singing. He will be
assisted by the male quartet composed
of C. M. Godfrey, 3. A. Finley, Frits
DeBruln aqiarold Moore. The pas
tor, W. G. Handley, will preach in the
morning and evening. The special meet
ings will continue every night next
week and Mr. Tr ox will be present to
lead ' ln the congregational singing and
render solos.
Co-Workers' Glass
Meets Monday Night
Monday evenlng. March 11, the fourth
session of the Christian Kndeavor co
workers' class, under the leadership . of
Mrs. W. E. Wright, will meet at 7:45
o'clock in the First Christian church.
The study taken up by this class is
under different lines than have ever
been undertaken by Christian Kndeavor
societies before,. as it prepares the mem
bers for. the personal work for which
they have ' pledged themselves in the
cdiworkers pledge. -
Pre-Easter Series
Of Sermons "Planned
.Rev. Ward W. MacHenry, pastor of
the Mount -Tabor Presbyterian church,
will begin" a. series of pre-Easter servV
ices March 17, the, general theme being
"The Challenge of the Cross." Sunday
he will preach in the morning on "Life's
Greatest Question" and in the evening
Clarence Bteeie win give an -illustrated
lecture on "Slam." " ;
, ...? . Lutheran. Fund 1500,000 J -Dr.
W, E. Brinkman announced, in his
sermon last Sunday thit the: Lutheran
churches of the; United States had ex
ceeded their hopes to raise (750,000 for
patriotic, service and that the fund was
now .pasts the 1900,000 mark -with the
promise that -the million dollar mark
might -. be obtained Portland, has suc
ceeded in raising her quota.
Fourth Sunday "in Lent
Uniform S. S. Lesson
"Jemu Restoring Life and Health." Mark
5:21-23. 35 43.
I i.oiaen text: -HinHU toos onr inurauue,
and bare our diseases." Matt. 8:17.
I ; . .
Young People s Tppic
Baptist fnlon: "Making the 'Most of Our-
selTM." Epsb. 4:11-16... Y
Christian Endeavor: " "Matins the Most of
OurselTes. Eph. 4:11-1.
Junior C. E.: "Our rather Who Art in
Heaven.'' Luke 11:2; John 14:5-11.
Eoworth Learn "The Voice of God In the
Ufa of Todax." Heb. 1:12; 4:, 7.
First White Temple 12th and Taylor its.
Rev. William A. Waldo. 11. "Winnins Man
One by One"; 7:45. "The Glory of the Cross."
East Side East 20th and Ankeny sU. Rev.
W. B. Hinson. 11. "The Two Great Questions
of the Damascus Road'; 7:45, "Return ot the
uora. -
Hichlanrl E. 6 th and Alberta. Rev. Charles
Mieier. 11.-7:45.
Third Knott nd Vancowve ave. Rev. 1
Welby J. Beaven. 11. 7:45.
Glencoe . otn ana Main iter. a. m
Waltz. 11. 7:80. .
Arleta Rev. W. Garnet Handley. 11,
The Intermediate Department of the School
of Praer"; 7:80, "Quench Not the Holy
Spirit"; 8. mass meetinc. serme-n by Dr. Wil
liam A. Waldo. .
St. Peters Lenta Rev. P. Beutfen. 8.
10:80. 7:80.
Pro-Cathedral 15tn and uavts Mev. v.
O'Hara. 0, 7:15. 8:80. 8:45, 11. 7:45.
St. Lawrence Sd ana snermas) uev. J. u.
Hashes. 6, 8:30, 10:80. 7:80.
t- Fatness l vtn ana sintr ev. is. tr.
Mnrpby. 8. 10:80, 7:80.
St. Francta e.. a its ana itev. t. a.
Black. 6. -8. 9. 10:30, 7:80,
Immaculate Heart of Marv WUllanu ave. and
BUntott Rev. W. A. Daly. 6. 8, 9. 11, 7 40.
Holy Rosary IS. aa and Jiscaaa Her. Mi.
S Olson. 6, 7, 8, 9. 11. 7:80.
St. Hose lb. D3a ana Ajameaa kcv. 4.
O'Fsrrtli. 8. 10:30, 4.
St. Andrews B. atn ana Aioeita stav. J.
Kieman. 8. 10:80. 7:80.
The. Madeleine is. zetn ana Bisuyoa Bev.
George F. Thompson. 7:30, 9, 11. .
Ascension b xamnui ana jw i om s rsncis-
ran Fathers. 8. 10:80. 7:80.
Blessed Sacrament Maryland ave. and Blaa-
dena Bev. F. W. Buck. 8, Is) .80. 7:30. ,
Holv Cross TToowaaw Bev. u. Baymond.
8. 10:80. 7:80. -
Fathers. 6:80. 8, 10:80. 4.
St. Stephens sza ana E. isyior see. war
ren A. wattt. . o:ow. sw:w. ess.
Hol Redeemer Portland blvd. and Vancouver
. Rev. F. H. Miller. H. 8. 10:80. 7:80. .
St Phillrp Nerl tPaulbt Fathers) E. 16th
and Hickory lie, V. i. Cartwright. 7:8a,;
10:80... - .
' St. Clem'ent-HS.iimith ave. nd Newton '
Bervlta catners. 0, 0. 1 .mv.
Sacred Heart E. ?ltb and Cental Rev. G.
Robl. 10:80, 7:80.
St. "Agatha E. ISth and Miller Bev? J.
Ctmminsky. 8. 19:8'J. 7:80. j -
st, Stanislaus Polish) Maryland are. and
Pallius; Rev. F. Matthew. -8, 10.30, 7:80.
St Joseph German) l oth and Couch Rev.
B. Durrer. - 8, 10:30, TJ0. ...
8b Michael. (Italian') 4th and Mill Rev. M.
Baleatra. -8. 19:80. 7:SO. v - -
- St. Clares Capital Hill Franciscan Fathers.
7:80.9:15. '.. , -..-.
St.' Charles 8 3d and Alberta Rev. G. SaW
dernorn. 7. 9:80, 7:80.
All Saints E. 38th and Glisan Re. Father
William, Cronia. - 8. 10:30. ,. ... - .
. - - . Ohsistlsjtl . I .
tnt Park -and Cohuttbla Rev. HsnJd H.
Griffis. . 11. "Around the World I ft , Thirty
Minutes"; 7:46., "A Double-Barrelled iDetec-Story,:-''
"-" :;,''''',, '
' East Side Chrlrtian-E. 12th and E. Taylor
Bev. H. R. Sawyers vll.-i 7:30. -;::U. 'j.
M on la villa B. 76th and Hoyi Rev, J. w.
I rename. f 11. ..luw, vui, , ,
illustrated setmon- lecture, iirfjfJ- K., ";'-.
to (Entertain
unty Sunday Schools to Convene
MOHR mnml Mnllnnmak Kmintv Klin. I tnrilnr n Villi' ulnn ' onrl til in t'ho
TffH.S annual Multnomah county Sun
I u&7 kiwvi vuiivenuun wui, D tieiu
M area 19 at, the White Temple. Mrs.
M. A. Danenhower, director of Oregon;
will have charge of the convention.
Awards Of Workers library books will
be made (I) to the acnool having the
largest percentage of its enrollment over
14 years ot age attending a full session ;
(2) to the school having the largest per
centage of its teachers and officers at-
Sunday Morning Meeting Will
Be in Charge of Dr. Kerr;
Special Music Promised.
' f '
The Wilbur Methodist Episcopal
church, which has adopted the unique
departure of holding its services tn a
hotel, has struck upon a popular ar
rangement. The assembly room of the
Multnomah hotel makes an ideal place
in which to conduct services. Rev. M.
H. Marvin who was acting pastor the
greater part of last, year, will be the
preacher on Sunday. The service will
be at 10?30 and in charge of Dr. W. TT
Kerr. Special music will be ln charge
of L. H. Hansen. Sunday school exer
cises will follow immediately after the
preaching service under the direction of
Superintendent Sam Connell and
Choirister Ernest Stansbery. The pub
lic is cordially invited.
Pastor Evangelist
Will Give Sermons
Rev. Carl G. Westerdhal, pastor-
evangelist from Seattle, arrived last
Thursday - and gave a very Interesting
and inspiring lecture. Sunday he will
preach in the Swedish M. E. church,
Beech and Borthwick streets, 1 In Eng
lish at-10:30 a. m. and rrt ; Swedish at
7 :30 "p. m. and in St. John's' "Slethodlst
church, 211 West Leavitt street, at 3 ;30
ln Swedish. In the ' same churoh -there
will be Swedish Sunday school at 2 :30
p. ni. ,
Rev. Mr. Westerdahl wm .preach Avery
evening next week at 7 :46, except -Saturday,
and will remain for two weeks, .
E. J.. Jaeger ; Will -Lecture
on Orient
E. J. Jaegar will give an illustrated
talk, on Japan, China and Manila at the
Tremont United Brethren church Sun
day? 'evening at 7 :30. Mr. Jaeger re
cently . made an extended trip to the
orient, and has a collection of 100 col
ored slides taken- by , himself
Will Visit Every Family
5 At the f Men's Congregational club
Monday night' it was dec'lfled' tp, make
March 1? "Fellowship . Sunday?', in. the
First Congregational church.- Fellow
ship Sunday has been designated by this
church' as the day on which' every fam
ily of the congregation will be visited
by, the -men of the church. Many of
the men registered for the work.
Rodney . Aenne -Bodney aad Knott Rev.
J. F. Ohormlejr. 11. "The IncaraaUon" ; 7:80.
"The Supreme Sacrifice." '
Wood lawn lTth and Liberty Joseph D.
Boyd. 11, "A World Vision"; 7:80. "A Great
Salvation." '"-.
Christian Science
Treason subject: "Man."
' First chare h Everett between 18th and 19th
ate. 11. 8.
Second E. 6th and Hoi la day. 11, 8.
Third B. 12th and Salmon. 11.8.
Fourth Vancouver ave. and Emerson. 11. 8.
Fifth Sixty-second St. and Forty-second are.
S E- 11.
Sixth Ussouic Temple, W. Park and Yamhill
II, 8.
St Johns Holbrook block. 11.
First Park and Madison, Dr. Hush Pedley.
10:80, address .by Mrs. Ida Vose Woodbury;
'T:4K. nutnr n "Th ni) th Rauli and the
j Angels."
Atkinson Memorial Cast Twenty-ninth and
! Everett Rv. Warren Moore.
11. 7:43. Mrs.
Ida Vose. field secretary for American Mission-
sry society,
Waverly Heights E. 83d and Woodward
Rev. A. C Moses. 11, 7:30.
Sunnyside EL S2d and Taylor Rev. J. J.
Staub. 1 1. "Lessons Learned at the Foot of
the Cross"; 7:49. "Bethany's Ideal Home."
Hishland E. 6th and Fresco tt Rev. Ed
ward Constant. 11. "The Gift of Self to God
and Humanity"; 7:30. song service and address
on "Our Boys In France."
Trinity 19th and Everett Rev. A. A. Mor
rison . 8, 11. 8.
Pro-Cathedral of St. 8tepben the Martyr
1 3th and Clay Rt. Rev. W. T. Sumner, bishoa.
Very Rev. E. H" McCollister, dean. Bundaya:
7:45 a. m., 11, 7:45 p. m. ; church school. 9:45
a m. ; week days: Wednesday 7:80 a. m.. Fri
day 9:80 a. m. : Holy day, 7:80.
St. - Davids E. -1 2th and ' BeTmont Rev.
Thomas Jenkins, rector. Services 7:30, 9:30.
It. 7:80.
St Marks 21st and Marshall Rev. J. .
H. Simpson, rector. . Rev. J. i. Hatton, asso
ciate rector. 11. 7:43.
St. Andrews - nereldrd at.. Portsmouth
Archdeacon .Chambers in charge, ti, 7:30 y. aa.
Grace Memorial WekU.r and IS. ltth M.
Rev. Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11.
Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham
Rev. John Dawson. 11. 7:80.
St. Michaels and All Saints -'- E. 43d and
Broadway Rev. : 'iv F. Bowen, rear. 8. IS,
11 and 5.
:, Church of Our Savior 60th are. and 41st
at. S. E. Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 11.
Bishop Morris ' Memorial Good Samaritan
hospital Rev. Frederic K. Howard, 7. 7:45.
St. Pauls Woodmen Rev. Uswaid W. Tay
lor. 4.
An Saints- 25th and Saner Rev. Frederie
" Howard, ii. senes on intelligent Loyalty";
special topic, Attitude of the Common People
so-War."- - '
L Johns Corner E. 16th and Harney. Sell-
wood Archdeacon Chambers ,in charge. 11,
7 :. - -
. .. 1 .- ...
I A- M. Breck. vfcar. 11. ,
f CvanesUcat MasecMtlas f
j Firx Engliih K. 0Oi and Market Rev. E.
ID. Homactiuch.. 11. "Tenth Chapter of Reve
I Ution"; 7 :30, evangelistic service.
1 First German, ltfth and Clay Rev. G. F.
i Liening. 10:45,8.
; Frea Meth.M 4
Central Both and E. Flanders Bev. w. N.
Ceffee. - 1 K preaching by Rev. E. R. Martin'
of American Sunday Kchool union; 7:30. pastor
on "lhe Mission of Christ."
First E. Sth aud MU1. Rev. Alexander
Beers. -11. 7:80. presetting by Bishop Walter
A. Sellew of. Jamestown, N. 1.
- ' Prtends' Onurcft ;': . '
Flrst B. 35th and Main Bee. H. L. Cox.
11. 7:45. fv;-?. ;,::,.: ,, .r. , v
- Coagregatton Beth Israel 1 2th and Main
Rabbi Jonah B. WiscT Sabbath servlees Friday
at 8 p. m, Saturday 16 .So a. M. , Sunday, lv,
in Portland academy hldg.L" 13th. And Mont
gomery. - Religioa echool. Bible : classes at
Ceotxal library. sec(id and fourth Wednesdays.
tending a full session. f and (S) to the
school paying the most , per capita to
the state and county association "work.
Recognition will be given (1) to5- the
department having the best handwork!-,
(2) to the class for. the best handwork
of a whole class; (3) to the girt, 9 to
16, for the best original handwork; (4)
to the boy 9 to 16 for the best original
handwork; (5) to 'the senior class for
the -best activity suggestions and (6) to
the department- for the best original
Societies Will Contest Friday
Evening for Pennants
That Are Offered.
What is expected to be one of the I
1 o fcrAaf TtanMnt Vx, i n or Punlv. IThUm (
..,... ' ,
rallies will be held by the Willamette
association at the Highland Baptist!
church next Friday evening. The ,. j
cieties will contest for three pennants!
to be awarded for attendance, mileage
traveled, and. standard. of excellence. I
The following program Is offered: Song I
service, Mr. Proppe ; Devotional, A. D.I
T", . . . TLf I 117 3 J I
LiKjoorzi man . uucl, iiuao - . uuu lui u anu
Mr. Bishop; Round Table. "How Shall
We Energize Our Society?" male quar
tet. Highland Baptist quartet; roll call.
Miss Lydia Pliter, secretary ; address.
"Present Day Vision for Young People,"
Dr. Waldo of White Temple ; social
hour, refreshments.
Sunday win be tag day in the Bap
tist churches of the city, for each one
who expects to attend the rally will
be tagged by some worker.
Book of Revelation
Theme of Minister
In continuation of the series of ser
mons on - the - Book of Revelation, Rev.
E., D. Hornschuch, pastor of the First
Evangelical church,' will use the tenth
chapter as a basis for the 11 o'clock
sermon Sunday. The usual evangelistic
services will be held at 7 :30 o'clock.
On Friday, March 1. a patriotic pro
gram consisting of vocal and Instru
mental music, - readings, -an address by
F. J. Meyers, Y. M. C. A. service secre
tary, and the G. A. R. quartet ' was
rendered. . At the close of the program
a service flag containing It . stars was
Revival Campaign
WiU End
Sunday - will be the last Sunday of
the revival campaign.' at the Swedish
Tabernacle. -The forenoon service be
ginning at 10 o'clock' will be a Sunday
school rally. The Sunday school .of
Powell .Valley is also expected to be
present. - Rev. E. August Skogsbergh
will preach. . Iri , the afternoon at t :0
o'clock the speaker will give seven rea
sons why he became 'a Christian. In
the evening he will deliver his last ser
mon in this campaign.
Congregation A ha via Sholom Park and Clay
sta. Rabbi B. brahamsoa. - .
St James. Enoibb West Park and Jeffer
son Rev. Williamj-Kvan Brinkman. 11. "The
Power of the Crdsi"; 8, "The TiUe on the
West Side Norwegian- 43 N. 11th lUrv.
Wilhelm Pettorsou. 11. 8.
- Our Saviors EL 10th and Grant Rev. M.
A. Chrifttensen. 10:10. 11:18.'
St. Paula E. 12th and Clinton. 10:80.
7:80. '
. Methodist EplscoosJ .
Central Vancouver ave. and Fargo at. Rev.
C. C. Rarick. 11.7 :S0. -
Centenary 9th and- Pine ata. Rev. Tnoasaa
L. Lane. 11, 7:80, preaching by Evangelist
H. L. Stephens.
Clinton Kelly Rev. E. B. Lockhart 11.
First Church Rev. Joshua SUnsfield. D. D.
10:80, preaching by Bishop Matthew Simpson
Hughes: 7:30, "The End ct the World" or.
"The Second Coming of Christ, 80-CaUed." by
First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt
Rev. Ellas Gjerding. 8.
The Vancouver Are. Norwegian Danish M. E.
Rev. Elias Gjerding. 11.
Iaurelwood Rev. A. C. Braekenbury. II;
I,incola Rev. E. B. Ickart. . 7:30.
Sell wood Rev. A. R. McLean. 11, 7:80.
Swedish Borthwick and Beech Rev. Jobs
A- Wellman 10:45. '7 AC
Wilbur Multnomah hotel Rev. W. T. Kerr.
10.30, wreaching by Dr. M. H. Marvin: 7:80.
District superintendent. Rev. William Wallace
Toungsoa. U. IX ' SSI Js. 02d St. M. XuBot
8790. -'
M. E. phureh South
First Union ave. and Multnomah at Rev.
James T. French. 11, 7:45.
First Pentecostal K. 7th and B. Couch ata
Rev. a Howard Davis. 11, "The The High
Cost of Sin" ; 7 :30, "Not Ashamed ot the Gos
pel of Christ." ,
Presbyterian -
First 12th and Alder ata. Rev. John h.
Boyd. 19:80, "Religion and the Task of Right
Living": 7:80. "What Does Jesus Mean by Ask
ing Men to Follow him?
Central Eat 13th and Pine ata. Rev. Ar
thur F. Bishop. 11. 7:30.
Westminster E. 17 th and Sehnvler rt.
Dr. Edward Pence.. 10:80. "The Alleged Fail
ure of the Church to Function to the Times";
7:80. third in a series on "Life 'a Metaphors."
"Ihe Builders."
CajTsry 11th and Clay . ata. Preaching by
Rev. W. R. Rogers. 10:80. 7:80-.
Fourth First and Glbba ate, Bev. H. G.
Hanson. 10:80, 7:30. ,
Hope Rev. F. E. Donris. 11. "A FauiUesa
Christ and a Faulty Word"; 7:80. "The Gospel
as a Power."
Sit. Tabor E. B5tb and Belmont at. Re.
Ward McHenry. 11, "Life's Greatest Ques
tion"; 7:30, Mereopticon lecture, "Siam," by
Clarence Steele.
Pleamont Cleveland and Jarrett atn Rev.
A. I.. Hutchison. 11, . "The More Excellent
Way"; 7:80. service flag unveiling.
It oe City l"ra a 4 Ata and Hancock sta.
Dr. Robert H. MUIigan. 11.7:30.
Marshall St. A. J. Uanna. 11. deiioation
of service flsg; 7:30.
Vernon E. 18th and Wygant Rev. J, R.
Landsborough. 11.' "Givias and Receiving";
7 :SO. "My Country. May k Always Be Right;
Bat My Country, Right or Wrong."
Seventh Day ASTairiieu .
' , Note Regular services f this denomlnatioa
are held on Saturday.
Central E. lltu aad Everett U' K. Dtck
sou. pastor. 11:15. -
Tabernacle West Side, K. of P. ball. 11th
and Aider. 11.7:45. ; . .
Monuivilla B- soth and E. -Everett Ektet
8. F. Beatty. ' 1L - -- ' . . - - -
Lenta 94th su and 68th ave. Elder Dt J.
Chitwood. -11. -.:': '
St. JohnsCentral - ave. ' aad
Elder A. M. Folkcuberg. 11. -
Mt Tabor E. owth aad Belasout- Elder W.
T, Hilgert- 11. ' .- i i,-,:-:,.
'Aibma . (German) Skidmore and MalloTy
Minister, A. A. Meyer. ' A, 4 aehwaitaer. local
eldev. 11:15. , 7.-..
Scaadisaviaa Ogdea, hag. Mmdasippi 'aad
glfter the (Evening
Appropriate Services Will Mark
Dedication of Flags on Sun
day. Soldier to Sing.
Three Portland Presbyterian churches
will unveil service flags in their churches
Sunday. At the morning service in the
Hose City church a service flag will be
dedicated and Dr. MUIigan wUl preach
on 'The Price of Liberty." In the eve
ning he will preach on "God, the In
visible King."
Piedmont church will give a service
flag program at 7 :30 Sunday evening.
The service flag bears 27 stars and the
roll on names will be called and loca
tion of the men given where known.
The popular "Veterans' Quartet" will
participate in the program. 'An or
chestra will assist and Sergeant Webb
of Vancouver barracks will be special
soloist. The regular church choir will
SlSO aSSiSt.
. .,. C,ru -,, will null.
cte its service flag Sunday morning
at 11 o'clock.
Rev. A. J. Hanna will
nave 'charge of the service.
. TTT'11 n '
XclStOr Will (jlVC
TliCjnniiroa nn PrQirnr
Tomorrow morning, at the 11 o'clock
service. Dr. Morrison, rector of Trinity,
will preach on the question. "Does It
Do Any Good to Pray?" The use or
uselessness of prayer is a problem
never more' urgently before us than at
the present time on account of the
world calamity. In this connection it
may be of interest to the public to know
that all soldiers, sailors and workers in
the cause of freedom are prayed for
every Sunday at Trinity, with especial.
Intercession for the men whose names
are- on the honor roll of the church.
There will be a special musical serv
ice at 11 o'clock, at which Luclen ,E.
Becker, organist, will play as an offer
tory. "Komonol-Ostrow," by Rubinstein.
Uniformed men and their friends are
earnestly urged to be present. Even
song at S, preceded by the meeting of
the Oooa Fellowship society, every Sun
day evening in the Parish house. Nine
teenth and Davis streets, at 7 o clock.
Young members of the congregation
are invited.
Temporary Pastor
Guest at Reception
The regular monthly meeting of the
First Congregational brotherhood Mon
day evening was in the form of a recep
tion to Dr. Pedley who will be the
temporary pastor of the church for
three months.
Five of the Portland Congregational'
ministers were present and made short
talks welcoming Dr. Pedley.
Two piano selections were rendered by
Professor Luclen E. Becker, who has
been engaged as organist for the church
commencing April 1.
Membership Drive On
' Ai membership drive Is being con
ducted in the - St. James Lutheran
church, and the slogan is' "Every one
win one " The church plans to receive
a large class into membership on Easter
, Sunday. .
Sbarer. 11.
Salvation ffrmy
' Corps No. 1 248 Ash st. Ensign Frank
Genge. 11, holiness meeting: 8:15. prsyer
service: 8, memorial service-is - honor of late
Peter J.. Vender Kelep. . ....
Corps No. 4 12K is 1st at. Ensign If. U.
Lorengen. 11, 8:16, 8. .
, Swediab . Corps 430 Burnsideu '
' Onrtartan
9 Chorph of Oar Father Broad .-ay and TamhilL
Rev. W. O. EUot Jr. 11 "Will the War
Change the World's -Mindt"- 7 :4B, "Soma
Exemption Board Problems."' by' William F.
Woodward; open forma. '
, Penlel Mission S68 1st. - 8. 8.
Christiaa and Missfonary - Alliance E. vath
aad Clay Rev. John E. Fee.. .11, 8:15.
Rev. Jblui R Boyd, D. D.
PA8TOB ' ' ; v j '
r : . .
Tomorrow, March ,10, 1918
it a. m;
7tlt P. M. !
The Evening Service is planned
specially for soldiers, with en
tertainment and refreshments
in the Chapel after the service.
People of IrVington
Westminster. Church stands for "the welfare of lrvington and Us
people. The communrty as a whole, and you as an individual need
this church iiid the church wants you. Line up with your neighbors
and get the every-Sunday church habit. ' j
Tomorrow Dr. Pence will speak in the morning at 10:30 on "Ths
Failure i to Function" and in the evening, at 7:30, the topic -will be
"Metaphors of Life: The Builders." t ? J?
, The evening ssrce ,
: East ServeaUeatH and
WMl Bpzak Here
v V '
1 i
Dr. F. 'A. Agar, who will take promi
nent part in laymen's missionary
REV. R. W.
New Pastor Has Held Important
Positions in San Francisco
And in Chicago
At a meeting of the session of Calvary
Presbyterian church held this week, a
call was extended to the Rev. R. V.
Rogers, who has been occupying 'the
pulpit for the three Sundays, to take
up the work of the pastorate as perma
nent stated supply, beginning with next
Sunday. He has accepted.
Rev. Mr. Rogers has held important
pastorates In Chicago and in and about
San Fj-ancJaco,. and was secretary, of the
interdenominational - century forward
movement in Chicago, .which was carried
on during the year j(SK0. He has had
pastorates in 'both the Presbyterian and
Congregational denominations, having
been pastor! o't 'the . ft'istortc Plymouth
Congregational church of S&n Francisco
and having -served during the- past three
years under the extension board .of the
Presbyterian' church' ln a forward move
ment sbPUt an' Fra'riclsco. . Mrs. Rogers
has also, been active tn Christian service
and is tt e originator of the Young
Ladies' Comfort Guild, which has a num
ber of organizations in California.
Sunday morning at 10 :20 at Calvary,
Rev. Mr. Rogers will begin a series of
sermons in "Steps Toward Easter," em
phasising the thought of war and im
morality, the subject Sunday being "The
Meaning of the 'Phrase, Everlasting
Life."- The subject in the "evening at
7 :30 will be "The Success of Kindness."
Special music will 'oe rendered by the
choir. .
Twin : Conventions
For Sunday Schools
The thirty-third annual, twin-conventions
ot the Oregon State Sunday School
association will be held this year at La
Grande, April 22-24, and at Salem.
April 2527, The uncompleted - program
Includes the names of prominent offi
cials, clergymen and educators of Ore
gon and the northwest. Extra efforts
are 'being expended to furnish, the best
of music. J
; New Discussion of Old Topic .
The moot question of the alleged fail
ure of the church to f function. '.to the
times will ! be discussed , at the West
minster - Presbyterian - church Sunday
.nornlng by Dr. Edward -Pence. - .The
evening subject will be, fMetaphors of
Life ; the Builders."; '
' 7 : r
1 :
First Presbyterian Church Next
Friday Evening Will Be Scene "
"-of Missionary Meeting.
The Mobilizing of Christian Men
For World Service Will Be
General Theme.
HERE will be a great mass
meeting of the Protestant men
and women of Portland at the
First Presbyterian church, Fri
day evening. March 15, at 7 :45
o'clock, under the auspices of the execu
tive committee of the Laymen's Mis
sionary Movement of this city.
The speakers will be Dr. W. E.
Doughty of New York, who is In charge
of the field activities of the Laymen's
Missionary Movement. And leader of
many of the great men's conventions
in recent years. His theme will ,be
"The Church in a World at War."
Dr. F. A. Agar, formerly missionary
to Africa and an author and speaker of
note and ability in the Baptist church,
will speak on a subject to be announced
later. t
Mrs. Paul Raymond, organizer of the
Woman's Congress of Missions in con--,
nectlon with the Panama-Pacific ex-i -position,
will be the representative of
the women at this meeting.
Dr. Thomas A. O'Farrell, the famous
lecturer on Africa and other lands, will
give his great illustrated lecture on
"World Wide Missions Up-to-Date."
The gesral theme of the meeting will
be "The Mobilising of Christian Men
for World Service."
Bishop Hughes to
PreaGh on Sunday
BishOD Matthew Simnaon I-Tub-Viar will
preach a before Easter sermon at ths
First Methodist church Sunday morning.
Special music will be furnished by ths
choir. In the evening there will be a
congregational sing led by the vested
choir. The pastog. Rev. Joshua Stans
field, will preach the second sermon in
the Sunday night series on "The End of
the World," the special topic being "The
Second Coming of Christ, So-Called."
Hope Church Will
Hold Annual Meeting :
Thursday evening the annual congre
gational meeting of the Hope Presby
terian church wtl! be held In the church
starting at 6 :30 o'clock with a dinner.
A few short addresses will be given and
the officers for the coming year elected.
Rev. Floyd E. Dorrls became pastor of
this church February 24 and, is well
liked ny the congregation.
President Wllrai'i Personal Em
missarr to .France Tslka to the
Wkte-Awaae Clob la toe Hot at
V A. If.
. alas sseaks at
10 :10 a. m. Bishop Matt S. Hughes,
Bishop of Portland area,
wilt preach. . -
7 :30 p. m. Dr. Joshua SUnsfield
will . preach the second,
and closing sermon, on
. ... - .
A eosrref atloaal - slag sromptly at
Tttt te fits, tireat patriotic, aa. -
tloaal asd Istplrlsg kymsi
Associated Bible
' Public Lecture ,..
' : By A. A. Yerex '
Sunday; March 10,3P. M.
S i Everybody Welcome. .
SeaU Free. No CoHectioa.
66 "T P 99
Tat ver
the V here