1 , - f i THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY. . MARCH 9, V 1918. 11 IS;''. - DEATHS TtTirEHALS l -URNS At , U Maid of her daughter, j 1149 Kut Ma ia atre, trea t, -cent A. Hum. ate 91 tnii 8 month and 19 day. DkM -at wwiw by nm wuter, Mr. Leur Poller of this Ry, and one on, CharW & Bam of S; on adapted dangh tar, Mr. Sauna Mcpherson, city; two grand; one. William E- Burins of Cam. Waah.. awl Chart Edward Burn of Tacoma. The funeral erricao will toko plac Monday. March 11. at 3 p. m. at the above residence. 1140 Eaat Mala street Friend aro tovtted to ittmi, later ' mart at Rrvervlew e-try. Arrgeeate in ' rare of T. 8. lAwaiai, Inc., funeral director. rBAC4n ih city. March . Jacob Burl back, age 69 years. Tha funeral services will taka place Monday, March 11, at 2 P. m. from Kfena (German) Got)grgat I church, corner East Ninth North, and t'rasaocit tree. Friend invited to attend. Interment at Boaa City ceme tery, Arrangement in car of F. 8. Dunning, Im-i. 414 Eaat Alder atraat, BPAfLlHNG In thie crty. March ft. Henry H. ' Speukllng. at 72 year. Remains ara at tha garter of F. a. Dunning. Inc., 414 Eaet Aldar. Funeral netiaa In later iesue. FLORIHT8 MARTIN FurUtEM CO., k'loriata, 864 Was. Main 366. A-1Z- j-wea tar au atooa rttettoaflr arranged. I'.LAkl- ' HklM..' Fcta . lilT hlaia ot A-l 404. Ftoa flower ant floavl g aa. Wo branch store. LtBLlMER. Portlsnd Motel. 428 More, ' Ua U m ili. FlorM. 141 U th rt. FUNKKAIi DIBECTOB8 Holman Undertaking Co, Funeral Directors EetablUhed 1877. Third and Babnoa Btreeta. Mala 107. A 1611. Udy AaaMant. J..P. FIN LEY & SON Progroaaiva Vwnl Dtoeetora i PBITATB VH1VX Wotuea AUaadanta . MoatgoBMry at FWta. Mats A15. WILSON & ROSS Eaat 4. Lady Aaatetaat C-316S Mnltnomah at -Seventh at. Dunning &. McEntee Cudertaaera. Modern la arary detail. Broadway and Pine eta. Phoaea Broadway 480. A-6o. Idr F. S. Dunning, Inc. Tha Golden Bala TJndertahen. 414 E. Alder at. Phona Eaat 42. B-B23B. ' A. 0- Kenworthy Co. Tabor 527. 6803 Old at, Lenta. Tabor 5805, 88th t. and Foater road, Arleta. Eaat 71 B-1888 LERCH Mis. Lereh tTndartaken E. 11th and Hawthorne fiiLTlek "" TRACBX. lUideiident Fnaeiml I)t rector. Prhsea aa tow aa 420, 440. 440. Washington at Ella. Mam 3841, A-f888. Waahincton at Giisaa at. Fr HAMILTON 1474 B. BeraJ aerrieea. Tabor 4514. Breeze & Snook it fTJ.. kina U.ln lilt" WeS A-2821. Corner 4d and Ulayi 'A. R. Zeller Co T92 East Will iams ara. 1088. C-1088. T. BYRNES, nuw resideno establishmeat. 991 Williama eve. Woodiawa 220. C-1948. "Ehambers-KEnwortht CO 1111 Kerby rt. Woodiawa 8306. C 1138 MONUMENTS rfBlXesinttei PUK'l'LAyND MAUBLE WORKS. 284-2tld 4U at.. orDoelta eitr hall Main 9664. Philip Nen Ho for memortala. LOST AND FOUND 11 THE following article have been found on car of the Portland Railway, Light A Power Co.. March 6, 8, 7, 1918: 6 suitcases, 6 umbrel la. 1 badge. 1 handkerchief. 6 pr. gloves. 10 packagee, 10 Inneh botes, 1 traveling bag, 1 atrap. 1 pr. rubbers, car ticket, checkbook, 1 pr. aclasnrs, 1 can. 2 overcoat. 1 Coil coat. 1 ' basket, 1 ack onion sets, muaic roll, mega ne, pkg. check and bankbook, 1 ign, 1 soap bqx. 4 glove. 8 book. 1 baby slipper. 1 knitting needle, 7 purs, 1 cuff link, 1 book tickets, 1 Doncn gey. I necklace, 1 bracelet, pr. mit ten, 1 braae, -stickpin, fountain pen, 1 mit ten, 4 pkg. school book, blue print, news bag, 1 bell, 1 Iron cap and lock, 1 iron stand, 1 vase, crock and contents. 8 hand gripe. Own era may obtain property at 1st and Alder st. station. THE following article have been found on car of tha Portland Railway. Light 4s Power Co., March 6, 1914: 2 purses, 1 spectacle case. 18 umbrella, hand grips, 1 hamper, 2 luncn boxes, i , packages, I key, 1 pin. 1 book . sample, 2 palra glovee, 1 glove, U books, 1 square, 1 brace. Owners my obtain property at 1st and Alder st Station. LOST ess Mississippi car, Thursday p. in., pack ag of knitting, 2 pairs bone needles, 4 steel needles, in toe .of man'a gray sock. Steel ?!T Nottfy, 803 Alb,in LOST Black purse containing one 41 bill aim some stiver, eiia nasi, ana car lies eu , on Waaoo st bet. HoUaday Park and 8th at.; reward. East 1858. 44 4H Larrabee. LOST- From auto Thursday about 4 p. m., near Hood and Porter at., 8. P., blue bag con taining shawls, glassea ' (ia case), etc. Finder pie e rail Mar 4880. STRAYED onto our premises, 1 . young bulU dog, white, yellow pot over eye: owner can have him by JejrTng cost incurred. Main 7292. L0lT Wednesday, bnsines memorandum hook, of us to owner only. P. G. Lewis, Hotel Portland. 'LOST A small book with sn elastic band round, containing checks made out to H. D. Black. 584 Alder St. Phone Msin 1310. LOST A large diamond 'dinner ring Monday HELP WANTED MALE AND evfnlng. Hig reward. Business address Eltte FEMALE 89 Millinery 880 Morrison at. Sunday call A-1461.4 ORIGINAL MOLER BARBER COLLEGE REWARD Lost,' collection book. Return to j Teaches the trade in 8 weeks. Gives scholar West Ceut Insurance Co., 640 Morgan bldg. I hP and transfer cards. Pays you while learn- rhone Marshall 867. : ing Big demand for both men and women. frlsT P 1;K-a, a. 1 v ft.- Ji tre. Reward. 6597 95th st. 8. E. ... vuu uiiraii ui - I HELP WANTED MALE 1 . Boys Lopk Here ARB TOD 16 TEARS OF AGBf DO YOU POSSESS A BICYCLE f ' i Do you want a steady job that win pay yoa real money f W furnish you full uniform free and allow you vacation with full pay. If interested call . MR, BAILEY : Western Union TL Co.. 74 Id st. WANTED' Two Young Men WKh Twin-Model Motorcycle. One to work nights and One to work daytime. Good salary. Clean work. ELMER L BAILEY 253 Oak st J I i II i I I nssifcu lour, man or woman wiu am- f trient experience in corporation accounting -to take charge of office work of light and power company In small nearby towi. Apply . 1216 Spalding bldg. T BRIGHT BOY WANTED Must be energetic and bare fair knowledge of city; good houra and good wages, with chance of advancement. See Mr. Brown, Journal business off we, 11:80 to J 2:80. WANTED Janitor and wife in a medium- aired apartment house, .on west aid. A Local reference raquirsd. good steady Job. K-B17. Journal, WANTED Young maa with clerical experience Jo take charge ot stockroom department of lignt and power company in email nearby town. Apply 1216 Spalding bldg. ' WANTED Firet-clas dentist; plenty of work, a competition. Partkuiar enclose postage. 1. B. Wewly. Scio. Or. DELIVERY BOYS and apeeial boy, good wag: Apply superintendent's oftea, 9 to 10 a. ni.. Old. Wortman V King. V ANTED Experienoed shipping clerk for wholesale grocery; good salary for competent wan. G-787, Journal. tllU nlnwina- nhana allmvt 1 itl ' ' '.!.-' .. - aervice reaia tared Jerae bull at 9th ..w 1 ' FIRST claa plaUa press feeder; good wages, eight hours; pay above seal. WatsoU Printing Company. 368 H Tamhilt st . WANTED- Man to wash, automobile and gen ral garag work. Ask for Mr, Grham, 627 WANTEb Competent billing machine operator for shipping offics; good pay and splendid op portunity for advancement W-768, Journal. WANTED First claa lira aaleamao, 3i6An i keny st MACHINIST wanted. Phone Main 1346. HELP WANT-TWMALE - ' MEN WANTED FOB - sUWMILL. BOX FACTORIES. LOGGING OPBRATIOSfS. g KUMATH COUNTY, OREGON. 1CHEST WAGEa, E8T BCHOOLS, COOU D8T CUMATE. CITY OF 6000 PEOPLB, Thar U a big diversity of labor, aa thor ara 14 aawmiiia, S has faotoriaa, 1 lociinc epcrat ora nauif both ataam, donkey and herao bx 'iVaa Uth muk Jtoya and woawn can Work U tha hex faotoriw. COMB NOW. MXrXTTJPISf MARCH 1 TO 1. BOX FACTORIES NOW BUNXPiG. BXA1IATH " LUMBERMEN'S AND IOG- . GERS' ASSN., MAD BT.. KLAMATH FALT J!. OBIGON. 1800 MEN EMPIvOTEP. , W manufacturer marketinc , nationally aujc Martha Waahinaton. S80 10th, for hoai !fhtl. P'0"'"1 'trough ratatlar. "d j b and tu duT MarahaH ,251. . ' , i miivm ivim ui, ma7. ! aananmn to ran on retail trade. Liberal guar anteed moathly drawin aeeoant, plui com mission and atpanaea whila traveling. Only ap plicationa from nun in aerriea of Teaponaibla houaea for at lea at three yean to aalea capacity , will ha gfen consideration. Good opportunity j for promotion to higher position for the right . man. Application to receiiSlronaideraUon from ua moat (ire full details aa 'to age. married or , aingle, and alt preeioua emploxmenta and re- aona far rhangea. Give telephone number ao auick action can be taken on arrival of em ployer In Portland. T-707, Journal. LABORERS WANTED Permanent positiony lam ed .ledy Wegea 44.10, S honn; rtrike not yet declared ou at too a aaea woraing; ganaru mm nywitiM hvii. wmmm f. .piny goo bldg., corner 6tb and Oak atreeta. it' A S TEI Plumber. A. L. Hanard, 212 4thT HELP WA3TTEP MISC HAWTriOHSE AtJTO""BCHOOL. it 482 11AWTHOK.1E AVE. EVERYTHING MEJJHANICAL AjtD ELEC TRICAL: UNLIMITED; PRACTICAL REPAIR EXPERIENCE. t'NCLe SAM Need 10,000 atenograpliers. Enroll now for shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping, MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE. 8d floor. Alfaky bldg. K' CM BE It YOL'NG WOMEN AND MEN wanted to prepare for telegraph aerrice to help fill vacancies canned by the drafting of men for war. Por particulars call or write Telegraph Dept., Room 218. Railway Exchange bldg. KEMINGTON-WAHL COURSE The demand exceeds the aupply. Positions guaranteed. See ua at once. 424 Lumbermen bldg.. 6th and Stark sts. MISS DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Civil service, dictaphone operating, shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping, mimeographing. Eng lish spelling. Altsky bldg.. 8d and Morrtooa. THE ADCOX A DTO SCHOOL. ' 480 Waaco St., corner Union are. Call, write or phona E. .7445 about free trial offer. Day and Night classes. SPANISH Converse tkm and grammar. Ratea to large daase 408 Montgomery. Main EAST" km CdMlfEBClAL SCH06L. i22H GRAND AVE. EAST 427. HELP WANTED FEMALE TOUNG women for telephone work, pay while learning. Apply Pacific Telephone Tele graph Co.. 8th floor. Park and Oak ata,, be tween 8 .60 a. as. and 6:60 p. m. VVANTED Experienced stenographer. Good salary and permanent position. Apply in person. Twin States Motor Car Co., 511 Alder. WOULD like to correspond with some respect able middleagcd woman who want good home with man and wife as one of family. Would be willing to pay ome wages. Will furnish trans portation to right party. G. A., Box 101, Wallowa. Or. RESPONSIBLE lady, wishing to earn her spring suit or coat by giving . only spare time, call at room 410 Central bldg.. cor. 10th and Alder at. RESPONSIBLE lady, willing to earn her aprirtg auit, coat or separate skirt, for giving only spar time. Call room 410 Central bldg., corner of i "in ami Aiuer bi. . EXPERIENCED bookkeeper for departmrat mt-nwm wnvk MtMt fiM noh1w narh and Kith and Alder st. atora work: must be thoroughly capable and furnish beat of reference. Answer G-087, Jour- nl. HOUSEKEEPER wanted, woman between 80 and 40, one that can do plain cooking and willing to leave town. F-708, Journal. WANTED Woman or girl on (mail ranch, to assist in general housework. Address Mrs. H. E, Spencer, Scappoose, Or. ', GIRL with good office experience, knowledge of bookkeeping preferred. State age. experi ences, pnone number, r-u&a, journal. COMPTOMETER operator, wholesale house; state all particulars fully. . G-731, Journal. ON first class inseamer on pants wanted at ovice. Bone Pry Co.. 8,2 H 5th rt. N. PIRST-CLASS millinery maker- Hoffman Millinery Co., 367 Morrison. WANTED Woman for general ho-ework and plain cooking. Good wages. Phone East 3787. GIRL to assist with housework in family of three. Tabor 184. COMPETENT woman to do cooking and gen eral housework; good wages. Msin 2519. AN OLD lsdy wanted to help care for children. Small wages and good home. Tabor 8084. A MIDDLEAGED woman to assist with house work. 841 Kenilworth. Bell. 819. LADY to work in upholstering shop. Herwoo3 Brae. A Wakefield Co., 148 N. 10th st. GIRLS wanted, factory work. Apply Tru-Blu Biscuit Co., E. 6th and Davis. GIRL for general plain housework. 4 adults in family. Call evenings. Wdln. 1526. i d and Burn side. OREGON Barber College will teach you the bar ber trad in 8 weeks; tools free; scholarship diplomas given: paid while learning; positions guaranteed; tuition reduced. 233 Madison. ORIGINAL MOHLER BARBER SCHOOL Teaches men and women barber trade in 8 weeks. Special rates for short time only 516. including good set oL tools, giving diploma. 254 Conch st. SITUATIONS MALE WANTED Young orchard to prune; experi enced landscape gardener and orchard man. Phone E. 6888. YOUNG married man wants position as tractor operator ; . experienced and can furnish good references: will go any place. R 61 H. Journal. YOUNG man seeks position auto driving or in ' shop; electrical work a specialty. SITUATIONS FEMALE GIRL, high school graduate, having 6 months' post graduate work in atenography, wishes i nam posi lion or clerical or stenography work. '. Moderate salary -expected while finishing course. B-789, Journal. I XKHIENCED; cook wishes housekeeping here '.hiw Til v' ii , . OT Da"": 1 ?1 1 21st- ileMe wnte C' M- llenry. waou., retmed woman, 36, wishes to go as K.J5,tJk."tQXi?l'nX .,chiIdIe.on ow" iland auto tnp. Phone Woodlawn 5549. ' TH ISlTH IV . .--,- f . 1. . I - - . w . ., , -', V .jntt (U b UI i roommg nouse "J?,, hDou1; Acn0 frencea. expert- UBroadwty 8416, Mrs. Jones. , ence. WANTED 3 hour a day easy outdoor em- ploymeut. Pbone Woodlawn 5543. t EXPERIENCED woman wants house cleaning! etc, Woodlawn 4725. WOMAN, unincumbered, want or out of city. 291 3d at. housework NURSES 66 nu.ivrn ,.. .Aun w m . " J can, cnjuauie. Rafetance. Call Tabor 6743. .in i FURNISHED ROOM a 60c AND 75c day, (1.75 week up, large, eonv , R08E CITY PARK, strictly modern 6 room bun fortable furnished rooms; abaolutely clean; I galow, 8500 down, balancs like rent Tabor hatha free, hot water all hours. Save, carfare. , 4477. Tha Cadillae. Sri naar . J.ff. m r 1UKEL HOTEL Rooms 42 pr WM. " St, bt Also newly furnisbed anartmenta. Modern B-!P TAMH1LU SIS, CNDfh S'EW laANAGEM-Wf rrtncaa betel, K . 8d and Burns! da, 49 dag V-'LT "P' 17t- BOOMS in modern hotel. 41.75 week and op. 486 Alder. .. , , . - : :' tttB - MAX L Furnisiied roema. steaaa ea running water. 885 8d at FfjRNlBHKn lUht 3il'u tc" t ,ihiw ' miira' . 444 Columbia st Reasonable. THREE partly furntsned rooms' tor "rent "ala? shall 239. FUBNISHEP BOOMS PBIYATE FAMILY ' 74 434 xsmniil and 12 th. comfortable, warm room for a mas (15 month. FURNISHED front room, tor, of E.'.lOth st, sue . nnn NEATLY furnished rooms, to dtea employed; . can do light house keep log. 776 Gllsan at- . It BOOM and board (or ouainaaa girta, nodera con venieneaa, nalking diataaoa. woak. 13 E. 7th at. Kaat 477. BOOMS AND BOABP IS PRIVATE FAMILY CHILDREN to board in pnrat home. " Phone Eat ; . ' oojf) ,WJm in "modern home, board it yu fh Adult Wdln 1081. Adiitta. ymn. tv- .,v LARGE weU furnuhea room, ooara u 651 Taylor. Main 40S0. WANTED BOOM A TCP BOP YOUNG lady wUhee to locate jheerful room, private borne, west fine, eiu umui. F-885, Jonrnat EXDERXf lady wanta room and board or house- keeping. rooms. Mt. Scott; Christian Science preferred. Tabor 5601 HOTJ8EKEEP1HO BOOMS S FTJByiSHEP AND PKFPBN18HEP PLEASANTTarge front room with kitchenette, hot and cold water, electricity, auitable fog couple1 or busineas girls. No children. Pel Mont, 147 20th near Washington. flPfYl AntR Free bath, hot, cold water. 41 TWO fumislied housekeeping rooms, gaa, bath. 412 month. 602 Front st. SOU8E EEFtO- rooms, 70S Everett St.; no children. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS 73 FUBNISHED AND VKFVBKISHEP PBIVATE FAMILY TWO rooms and sleeping porch; running water, electric lighta. heat and cooking gaa fur nished; walking distance, 516. Phone East 7074. LARGE "furnished H.,K. room. block from Hawthorne car. Call Tabor 418 or 295 E. 49th. TWO nicely furnished H. K. rooms; heat, phone, bath, gas. Phone D-1749. THREE large modem housekeeping rooms, firal floor, private entrance. 429 Main at. WEIX furnished bedroom. H. K. prtrflage. Modern. East 7860. FOB BENT HOUSES UHFUBjIbMeIi FOR RENT 4 room house. 84 per month; 1 year' rent in. advance; lot 100x100: IB bearing fruit tree; 8 block south of Lenta atatten, 66th ave. and 91et at. HOUSE 8 room, pantry, water, electric llghtsl toilet, 8175, terms. Foot Miles st. M. J. no 7-KOoM house on Borthwick, convenient to ahipyarfl. aiam ga. , 6 ROOM house, 2 acres ground, barn. 1391. Tabor FOR RENT 11 room modern house. 605 6th st. near Sherman FUBNI8HEP HOUSES 44 SMALL, partly furnished house. Apply 616 Woodward sv. FOR RENT. 4 room house, furnish 7 W. KUlingsworth are. APABTMENTS 43 FUBNISHEP ANP UNFUBNISHEP ' r KING ALBERT APTS. New, 2 and 4 rooms, strictly modern, hard wood floor, elevator and Janitor service. Corner 11th and Montgomery at. HJSLOP HALL. E. 6th and Hawthorne. Modern 1, 2 and 4 room apt.; 312.60 up; walking distance. East 882. NICELY furnished 4-room airtment. walking' distance, west side. 454 11th st. 4 ROOM furnished apt., walking distance. No children. 560 month. Main 6614. BOOMS BOABP FOB BENT FLATS 15 48 8 room flat; 412,50, T room flat. 805 E. 11th. VE RT desirable 4 room unfurnished flat, walk ing distance. 822 14th st. , -, i . R J room flat, close in. reasonable aC 41. FUBNISHEP- FLATS 64 425, 4 ROOMS, clean, piano, lighta, water. Phone East 2786; walking distance. FOR RENT -8 furnished rooms. Inquire 679 E. 21st. Take Brooklyn to door. HOTELS 44 A MODERN PRICED HOTEL OF MERIT HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morri-on at. and East Sixth, 61 per day, (4 per week up. WANTED-TO BENT J flat WANTED t room furnished house or with small rard. or furnished H. K. rooms with privileges of keeping dog. L-749. Journal. WANTED 2 rooms for light H. K-, furnished or unfurnished, west ride. Phone Tabor 1448. FURNISHED or unurnished 5 room modern house, St John carline. Phona Sellwood 1881 FLAT or cottage and will buy furniture; no dealers. Wdln. 515. FOB SALE HOUSES 41 6-ROOM doubly constructed bungalow, built-in effect, ga, electricity, fireplace, full base ment, furnsoe; Alameda district, about 3 blocks to car; (2500 uick kArms 1 202 Wilcox bidg.' Main 8 SI 7. Evenings. Marshall 8770. TERMS FIXE DISTRICT Modern 6 rooms; hot water heating to au rooms; large basement with cement iioor, con crete garage, panel dining room; beamed ceiling. Built for home. For less than house cost 4 years ago. Phone Woodlawn 8229. MODERN house for sale, 8 rooms with bath room. basement with furnace, 1240 Mich igan ave., corner Simpson, opposite carbarn; 2 blocks from Albina. Lot 50x100. Cash (1500 and 41800 mortgage. J. Humfeld, 22 Ai as worth bldg. Main 6841. KERN PARK Newly painted and kalsomined 4 room house, furnished, bath., electricity, gas, sidewalk, lot 100x50; shade trees, fruit trees, 41400. Some cash. Terms. Owner. Phone Mar. 8292. BUNGALOW 4 rooms, bath; close in; garden, fruit, chicken run, roses; near car shops; fine condition; positive sacrifice, (200 cash, balance ((1250) like rent Can move right in. 549 E. 18th st., Sellwood cars. . Call Main 679. $5000 HOME for (3500 7 room house, with fireplace, corner 100x200: one block from Woodlawn ear, 30 monstrous bearing fruit trees, 6600 cash. Balance to suit This i aur some buy. Fred W. German Co., 733 Cham, of Com. AM leaving city, will sell 6 room house on hard Kaat 4 iT I surfsce street, i oiocg irom iryington ear nine, 61600; all improvement inetud3; part cah. ror information call iu . ntn st, .N. Wdln. 694 . . FOR SALE 8 rooms. Fox furnace, 66600. Viround 86x140, west slope Mt Tabor. Also apartment site 100x100. 24th and Yamhill. A. C. Kriger, owner, 1296 E. Salmon. Tabor 8621 J FOR SALE Good 5 room modern bungalow I 3 lota, garage. variety of fmit and berries: 3 block from carlin. (1600, (200 cash, (15 month if taken immarfiatelv Tabor fiS73 ! " Tfornn . anno nn.-v rooms, modern; den. fireplace, cement floor m basement; fine neighborhood. See this for . Dk i W u41.,n 1 'f,l fgob SlJNNYSIDE S-room house. 43d snd , E Morrison. (200 cash. bsUnce easy terms. I fBtll. . MVMW I ' . l" ! 1240 K. Morrison or D-1056 bet tt and 7 p. m. MODERN 4 room cottage, E. 25th. nesr 8. P. R. R. shops. AU furnished, ready fw step UK tiarasnriacea sireei, au para, axuuu. (500 I Cash. bal. monthly. Phone East 3225. SNAP 3-room bouse, tot 50x118; (MOO cash, (900 terms. 1038 E. 18th at, 2 bits. from Sellwood car. s m . 1 ' . ' i . j 6-ROOM modern bungalow, Mt Tabor diet riot; host car service in eitt : anv reasonabla i,rm I Phone Tabor 2792. 6 ROOM bungalow 41200 equity; make offer; pared sr.; cneap ror casn. . C rather , st. K. . car to guth. 66WSH73lohouse with bath and Lot 40x100. For information caU 1 gaa. Tabor i 5727, or 6828 85th st 8. K l2i, on Montgomery with 4 large hou . all rented; clear of incumbrance, 418,000. H cash, bal. long tims, 6t. E -602. Jgsq 1 826 down, 3-room house, at Lenta, lara-a lot ! 8660; also 4 and 5 room houses, large lot ' In garden, rent 48. Marshall 4569. j TWO 6 room bungalowa. 4 block from Alha rta j , carline. Phone Wdln. 8993. - KiXU bungalow completely modern. West ' moreland. Call gelt 8039. 4 ROOM bouse, electric lights. Anabel statiqn. 9800. 4150 cash. Hobbs. Main 847. 4 ROOM bungalow, clear: would con skier trad. t Give phone number. Y-704, Journal, .. ( NICE modern 7 room home on Vaughn st.: nuamoue flu-j tw.; rsons attr. iTSU. I ALE Beautiful home by owner ittracv reasonable. .1068 E30th AM. Horses to Trade or Sell . The Journal's Classified Columns always contain an interesting list of -Offerings and wants. Read them. Use them The Journal leads in ads on Horses and Vehicles FOB HALE HOUSES CI 6-ROOM modern house near Kern Park etation. full baaement. Jot 4 Oil 00, for 41275. 4175 cash, balance term. ' ' 6- room modern home en improved atreet, cement walk paid, 41400. 4350 caah. 415 per month. 8 blocks front Arleta etation. 3-roora house, Vi block rom car line, fin tardea with fruit. 4560. 550 caah and 410 per month. 4 -room house near Arleta station. Mount Scott car line, 5660. 459 caah and 410 par month. 7- room modern hoose, full cement baaement, nicely furnished, good furniture and rugs, near ear line, for 42004. including furniture. 5540 caah, balance terms. NEIL SMITH, 4514 Foster road. Tabor 1931. Two 6ood Buys 7 room house, bath, electrie lighta. 2 lota; price 41076, terms; 4109 down and 412 per month. 5 room house, electric lights and gaa; price 4550; terms 850 down and 410 per month. WILLIAMS REALTY CO., Gray Creasing. Phone Tabor 4934. SEE this pretty modern, nearly new honestly constructed 5 room bungalow: big lot, Drettv grove in the rear; charming yet homelike neigh borhood ; just beyond Laurelhqrat (Mont villa ears) 4409 cash, balance (51550) to suit you. 1629 Oregon, st, owner. Main 67D, morninga and evenings. BEAUTIFUL 5 ROOM BUNGALOW Hawthorne distrlrt. 1 block to car. atrictlv modern, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, at tic, 82850. Easy terms. T room house, close in. East Side, cor. 17th and Clinton. Price 53250. Eaay terms. F. B. HOLBROOK CO., 214 Lumber Ex. bldg. 5 ROOM bouse, walking distance from town; near 4 carlines; bath, concrete baaement with wash trays; one large finished room that may be used as living room. Will sell cheap. Call Sellwood 16. FOB SALE LOTS If 6196 50x100 lot, facing N. on 46th are.. 80 feet west of Woodstock car (worth 8700) . 92100 Williams ave.. near Broadway, 60x100. FRANK L. M'GUIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. ACBEAGE 47 CHEAP land, big crops; high price have pat the farmer of Western Canada on a pros perity footing that was undreamed of before toe worm war. Mora western Canada tar i nave Big Dane balances tna n aver be rare: mora Western Canada fanners are spending this win ter in California and Florida than ever before ; more automobilea were bought last year by Canadian fanner than ever before. Western Canada haa at rook its stride and tha man who geta in there now i going to make money for year to some. Along the line of the Canadian Northern railway is some of th best land la the country -price 615 to 425 per acre (easy term) and 128,000 160 acre FREE faraw. Let us tell you all about Western Canada and why more land waa aold to American farmer m 1017 than in anv one Drevioas veer. Bend tor g luustrstea books ana folder. wau on or add rasa A. Bradatedt. 11. F. r. . Dept. 11, Agent, Canadian Northern Railway, wva awing ex., iiMWTir, js. Km Texaa school lands for sale by tba state at 52 per acre: 5c per acre cash and no mora for 40 yean; but 3 per cent interest; send 6c poet age for further information. Investor Pub. Co., Dept., z. Ban Antonio. Texas. 43 ACRES, 10 miles from courthouse, 10 cleared, balance pasture and timber, running water, earn ana small nouse, aoouo; or lei cheap for 1 year. 6657 8 2d st. 8. E. Tabor 7100. RELINQUISHMENT 120 acre good wheat land near railroad and thriving Montana town. A bargain. All tillable. Can clear thia season. X-021, Journal. FOR SALE 2000 acres rich bottom land. best of soil; good location, low price and easy terms. Address L. Jscobs, Klsmath Falls. FOR SALE Improved 5 acres, near Newberg, ut., at a bargain lor caah. tioaglin Boap Co. Vancouver. Wah. . CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN ranches nee Portland: 8, 6, 10 acre tracts, 686 to 5209 per acre. McFarland. 603 Teon bldg.. Portland. 2 ACRES under cultivation close to 6-ceat car " line. 41200; terms. Gnobler Cafe, Lent. BUBUBBAX HOMES 79 FOR SALE By owner, suburbsn home, house modern, has all of city convenience, with out these high taxes, 1 acrea, high class school. F. Holm, Oak Grove, Or. FOR RENT TwoT acrea, plastered bungalow and other buildings, on carline. Tabor 665. TIMBEB IB GENERAL LAND OFFICE. Wsshingtoa. D. C Feb. 28. 1818. Notice is hereby give that tubject to the condition and limitation of th act of June 9. 1914 (89 Stat. 218), and tba instructions of th secretary of tha in terior ot September 16, 1917, the timber on tha following lands will be sold April 4. 1918. at 10 o'clock a. m.. at publio auction at tha United State tend offic at Roaeburg, Or., to tha highest bidder at not less than th ap- S raised value as shown by this notiee, sal to a subject to tha approval of tha secretary of th inter r. Th purchas price, with an ad ditional sum of on fifth of 1 per cent the roof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale ia not approved, otherwiaa patent will issue for the timber, which must be removed within 19 year. Bids will be received from eitixe ns of the United States, associations of sue citizens and corporations organized under tha laws of tha United States of any- state, territory or dis trict thereof only. Upon application of a quali fied purchaser, the timber or sny legal subdi vision will be offered separately before being included in any offer of a larger nnit Sched ule of timber to be sold: T. 21 8- R. S W.. sec 33. NW. hi, SB. . Douglas fir 590 M. not to be sold at leas than (1.26 per M. T. 21 8., R- 4 W., sec 21, N. E. ,. a W. . red fir 450 M.; N. W. 14. S. W. K , red fir 560 M ; 8. W. tt, 8. W. K , red fir 680 M.; 8. E. K. 8. W. red fir 750 M.; N. E. H. S. . reo iir osw .;. v. 54 . red fir 400 M., incens cedar SO U.; not to be sold at less than 81 per M.. Sec 23. 8. W. . N. E. 14. red fir 800 M.. second growth fir 100 M.; N. E. 14. N. W. 14. red fir 760 M.. white fir 25 M. ; N. W. 14, N. W. 14. red fir 1900 M.. whit fir 60 M ; S. W. 14. N. W. 14. red fir 869 M., white fir 25 M. cedar 19 M. ; 8. E. 14, N. W, 14. red fir 900 M second growth fir 109 M. : N. B. 14. S. W. 14. red fir 1100 M., whit fir 40 M ; N. W. 14. S. W. 14. red fir 919 M.. white fir 40 M., cedar 10 M ; 8. W. 14. 8. W. 14. red lir 780 M-, white fir 190 M., cedar 60 M ; 8. E. 14, 8. W. 14. red fir 1240 M.. white fir 99 M., cedar 60 M-; N. . 14, 8. E. 14. red fir 1660 M, whit fir 25 M.. cedar 25 M ; N. W. 14. S. E. 14. red fir 1159 M., white fir 89 M., cedar 29 M. ; 8. W. 14. S. E. 14. red fir 1000 M , white fit 60 M . cedar 49 M. ; S. K. 14, 8. B. 14. red fir 1249 M., whit fir 50 M cedar 80 M. ; see. 25, N. E. 14. N. E. 14. red fir 1050 M : N. W. 14. N. 14. red fir 950 M. ; 8. W. 14 N. E. H. red fir 1090 M.. ce dar 80 M; 8. E. 14. N. E. 14. red fir 1100 M. ; N. E. 14. N. W. H. red fir 1060 M.. cedar 20 M-; N-' W. 14,' N. W. , red fir 900 M. ; 8. W. 14 , N. W. 14. red fir 1100 M.; 8. E. 14, N. W. , red fir 900 M.. ce dar 40 M. : N. E. 14, 8. W. 14, red fir 1200 M.. cedar 20 M.;-N. W. 14. 8. W. 14. red fir 1150 M ; 8. W. 14. 8. W. 14. red fir 1100 M.; BE. 14. 8. W. 14 . red fir 1300 M. ce dar 60 M. ; N. E. 14, 8. E. 14. red fir 1200 M.. cedar 20 M. ; N. W. 14. 8. E. 14. rod fir 1259 M-. cedar id II.; 8. W. 14 . 8. B. 4 . rd fir 1150 M.. cedar 40 M : S. K. . & E. 14. red fir 2200 M., cedar 20 M. ; see. 37. N. E- 14. N. E. 14. red iir 860 M.? white fir 85 M.. cedar 4 M ; N. W 14. N. E. 14. red fir 40 M9 wmte iir 10 at., ceoa r lu .;. W. 14. N. E. 14. red fir 880 M.. white fir 80 M.. cedar 60 M ; 8. E. 14, N. E. 14, red fir 780 M.. white fir 40 M., cedar 190 M. ; N. E. 14. N. W. 14. red fir 860 M., white fir 0 M.. cedar 30 M.; N. W. 14. N. W. 14. red fir 1100 M white fir 25 M cedar 15 M. ; S. W. 14. N. W. 14 , red fir 629 M.. cedar 60 M ; 8. E. 14. N. W. 14, red fir 860 M., cedar 110 M. ; N. K. 14. S. W. 14, red fir 400 M.. cedar 35 VI ; N. W. 14 . 8. W. 14. red fir 630 M.. cedar 49 M. ; 8. B. 14, B. W. 14. red iir 780 M., cedar 50 ML; N. E. 14. 8 B 14. red fir 669 M.. white fir 20 M , ce dar 60 M.; N. W. J4. -8- E. 14, red fir 740 M., white fir 40 M., cedar (i0 M ; S. W. 14, 8, E. 1.. red fir 750 M.. cedar 100 M.; S. E. 14. 8. E. 14, red fir 720 M , cedar 80 M.; sec. 36, N, E: 14. N. E. 4 , red fir 1599 M.; N. W. 14 N. E. 14. red fir 1600 M.; & W. 14. N. E. 14 . red fir 1700 M.. cedar to M ; 8. E- 14 . N- K. 14 . red fir 1269 M., cedar 60 M. ; N.'E. 14 . N. .W. 14. red fir 1869 M., ce dar 60 M ; N. W. 14 , N." W. 14 red fir 800 M., cedar 100 M.; S. W. H. N. W. 14, red fir 450 M. ; 8. E. H, N. W.14, red fir 800 M , cedar 40 Af ; N. K. 14. 8. W. 14, red fir 750 M., cedar 80 M. ; -V. W. '4. 8. W. 14. red fir 660 M.. cedar 0 M ; S. W. 14. 8. W. 14. red fir 960 M . cedar 60 8. B. 14. 8. W. 14. red iir 1300 M, cedar 80 M. ; . E. 14. 8. E. 14. red fir 1809 M., cedar 29 M.; N. W. . S.-T 14. red fir 1809 M-: 8. W. 8. E. 14 , red fir 1700 M.; S. E. 14, 8. E. 14. red fir 5909 M.. cedar , 20 M: white fir to be aold at not less than 81 per M , cedar at not lea than 60 cents' per M,, and red fir at not ss than 4140 per M. except in W. , N. W. 14, and 8. W. 14. sec 85. which - to be aoM at not laea than (1 per At Clay Tall man, commissioner. TTMBEB 18 fix-- aawmitl and logging proposition near Portland. 79.00a.0OO feet timber, ( lose to railroad, 43 per -thousand, including mill, (85.000 caah, balance aa timber ia removed. M. E. Lee, 605 Corbett bldg. SHIP KNEES WANTED. LOEB BROS.. 993-4 MHUAVtA3 BLDG., PORTLAND. OB. BHfP knee and hewn-tie wn ted. Gamble- Rieg 8 hip Knee Co.. Gerlinger bldg. FOB BEHT FABMS 14 THIS IRRIGATED FARM 255 acre, with SOO ai-vwa tindar tha diteh. located ia Klickitat county, equipped with good modern buildings, with electric lights, hot and cold water. Thia farm can be rented for a term of years st about 610 per acre. We have the records which win show that the proceed from this farm amounted to over' 47000 last ?"; ,.Tkr ja a large amount of acreage now In fail crop and thia with a larea hard of Holstein COW. hnr 4m rat fmnh m.tl. f 1 and hay. is for sale at a reasonable price. h. M, M ALOXEX, RITTFR tiwE rrt 208-5-7 Board of Trade bldg, WANTED A good farmer and atock raiser aa a, partner on a 160 acre ranch, 60 acre in cultivation, food tend. 6 acres 20-year-old "." - bouu aynngs on piace, gooa oarn, 1 ""eh house, unlimited outside range, no J . pieniy ot tuei. wiu stock place and build silo for right party. Nothing considered except or 0 year lease. Located mUea from railroad sUtion. Writ S.. car Journal. Oregon City, OrT 86 ACRES, 89 miles from Portland, aood roads, school, orchard. 2fi A. aeeded to clover, first crop. Good buildings, phone. V 979, Journal. - IFOR RENT 9 acre, all under cultivation. . nimienea 4 room House, a cows, 1 N mile southwest of Portland. ZX-478. Journal. 6 ACRES elose in. house, bsrn and ebicken coop. K. 6489. HOMESTEADS 47 TIMBER claim open for filing; over 8,000.009 iee. rnone can 7811. FOB BALE FABMS 17 VK SALE, beech cottage, furnished, at Long Beach. Wash., cor. lot, all fanned, well with pump and sink in house, clear of incumbrance, terms, long time: also 100 acra farm near Sherwood. Or., tool. bnOdinaa. nmnin wata t. no incumbrance, long time. For full part n- la rs write owner, r reel j angwrioTu. 68 T K. Ash St.. Portland. 83 -ACRE farm V miles' west of Hiltsbore rock road. 14 acres in eultivaUcn. balanoa pasture and timber, one aero in orchard, good buildings, stock and implements, eloae to school and station; bargain, all goes for 85800. (2200 mortgage, balance cash. A. G. Johnson. R oata 8. Bog 123, Hillsboro. Or. BUNGALOW, 5 rooms, new, 4 and 64-100 acres of land, cleared. 140 vnune fruit ir. some strawberries and raspberries, (1100. One mue irom i rayette. or. near tha Yamhill locks. P. Bishop. Lafayette. Or. 40 ACRES, half under cultivation, good aoiT springs, (80 per acre, (75 down, (10 per mo. Also larger farms en same terms. Ssa Draner 401 Board of Trade. ' MODERN ranch, 820 acres, fine buildings, near Vancouver, Wash. ell cheap; some exchange. HaU. 211 Washington. EXCHANGE HEAL ESTATE 14 40 ACRES with 2d growth fir timber, 8 to 24 ins. through. Will trade for city prop erty, bet. Fremont st- snd Kenton. Shongb roaa preierreo. near earune. Bee owner. 100 Failing st. 9 ROOM new house in Forest Grove to trad for a home in Portland; modern except fur- iroc, urge ground. uarry nail, 4 si JL urn per exenange, WANTED To bur a 5 or it room hnnaaWrw witn tirepla ce, from party who will take a m nawMAM ' 1 . . , . . , . part payment 2 lota, nicely located. No agent. u-i, journal. ORCHARD TRACT near Dufur ior screen near Portland, or automobile. A-B98, J0U1 ' nal. EXCHANGE largs lot or new launch for build- ing marenai. Main 6424. 120 ACRES land in Clarke Co. A. C. Kxiger, " . naimon. Taoor FOR RESULTS list your property with tha Baal aiare xenange. 2ui a a st., Portland. WANTED RP! AT, KSTATK ! I SELL houses only. List with me. Have caah 0. A- Warriner, HITTER, LOWE at CO., 203 5 7 Board of Trade bldg. WANT 5 room modern bungalow close in; not uer e.uuu; neve a cnoiee city lots aa first p.jiucm, some casn; no agents, xt. H. Tucker 6226 71st st S. ET BEST buy around 61500; house need not be modern. Must be in good neighborhood. tiini cmd. journsi. WANT cheap land, 40 acrea or more, anywhar in Oregon. 0-666. Journal. CASH for bargain in bungalow or dwelling, 6 to 7 rooms. Phone Main 679. BUSINESS OPPOBTUNITIES t4 Butcher Fixtures A complete line of butcher fixtures alt half price. Call Tabor 884. WANTED, party to take contract for cutting cordwood, drag saw and tools fumiahsd free. Apply Bellwood Wood Coal Co.. 18th aad Ints. ' FOR SALE, trade or rent, modern atora build ing, Hillsdale, Or. Good house and outbuild ings', 4 lots. No resonable offer refused. Dr. R. J. Mercer, Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE Small cleaning and pressing shop. Good location, doing good busine. Owner leaving town. F. A. Gordon, 108 E . Alto st. Pendleton. Or. FOR SALE Good paying laundry bnsin, in small town, an up to date plant Reason for selling sickness. (4500 caah or terms. Address Li A. Walsh. Issaquah, Wash. MILLINERY, old establ hed location, small atock; good opening for one wno would nka to add dressmaking. Owner 768 Alberta at Phone C-1820. FOR RENT Garage and equipment in Lenta, 615 per month. C. F. Reed, 203 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. hECOND hand barber supplies and - chair bought and sold List your barber shop with us. Fortlsnd Cutlery Co.. 86 Bth st DON'T WORRY I can sell or trade anything anywhere Lay man, 14514 Broadway. - RETAIL dairy, good route, 16 cows and equip ment 1111 59th ave. 8. E. BUSINESS OPPOBTUNITIES WASTED 68 WANTED 'Small restanrant. suitable for coffee and lunchroom. Give price, description, lo cation, etc. C-780, Journal. MONFY TO LOAN BEAL ESTATE 27 OUR install me at plan is tba beat and aura. method of paying a loan. 683.26 par month for 86 months or 421.24 lor 40 months or 614.17 .far 64 moatha, pays 41099 laaa and interest , Other etoun in proportion. We loan on improved city property Or for building purposes. . No commission charged. EDITABLE SAYINUt A LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark St. Portland . Or. UNKx to Joan on unproved property m nMt very town in Washington, Oregon aad Idaho; same is paid back oalhly like rent it E. Chadwick. 822-23 N. W. Bank bldg. -.. tu, wo, gowtf, gofto. 7U, glVOtt and larger amount at currant rata. Oulck actio Fred w. oarmaa t.. of Commerce. 1'L'IL DING loan, on city ur aubaraaa property ; kodcv advanced a work progwi. W. a. Beck, 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 4447, MONEY to loan in auouaU of gl9v W 45VW0 n city VTODerty. A. H. BELL. 201 f-rf1ngr bMg. MORTGAGE loan. and 7 per twos. Salomon A Co.. 408 Selling bldg. 1 uis 6100 to (1500. cons'Jer lot. K. U. -DuWiio. 4 16- Chamber of Comsseree. -Main 447. 1 HAVE gluOtt to 64O.U0V to sw uu i7m ox city property. P. O. Bog 878. 6l00 to 50t Quick action oa auburMa bouses. Ward, 407 Spelding bldg. CASH for mortgage, lea ni. contracts. Lewis. Room 4. I-wb bldg. Mala 684. H. MONEY TO LOAX CHATTELS, SALABIES 67 If' You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Loans made to persons on salar rv r or fixed Income; on house hold furniture, piano, dia monds and other personal property; legal rates, kiuaice eomiaennai; private oiueas, . PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY 806-407 Pekaaa Bktg. V MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALAB1ES 7 Salary LOANS . Chattel v K fo an unvVv Oa abort notice to salaried or working asea oa their owa note. Week! v. aadthie lonthly naraent E k . ,m i confidential. " " u ltOBTGAa- NO INDORSES ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY ,J!.1"' " , furniture, piaaoa, ate,, with oat removal. CALL AND INTESTIQATK. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. Lie en men BIT Failing bldg. -K,Tt.N "RkmediaxTloa-n ai.n. abtabliaaad by Portland smatneai xasa to m 1 protect borrower. HEHMAN, Mgr.. 864 STARK BT. Money to loan on Die noa. fnrnitur. nth.. nr ties. W.. Hathaway. 208 Wash. bid. LOANS WAITED 84 LOAN your money. 10 per cent interest on im proved Portland real esUte. Wa can place yann bld " eawv up. iciiaxa-atunoa co., nza 1200 loan wanted on 2 Iota and 5 rocan, house" value 83000: onlv nrivaia n.ri. ,nni N-482, Journal. 5si' WANT Loan of (1860 on fine country noma; w wcuruy. t -1 wo, journal. HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC. 18 O.N account of retiring frign buatnas I will oner ror sale at public auction, Saturday, March 16. 1918. beeinnine at in a .11 the equipment of the Central Stables at 540 Alder t.. including 18 - horses, 21 mules, wagons, alii kinds bucaies. a lot of ainal. ana double harness, office furniture: also a Buiek roadster, 1 feed cutter and a groat many other thing useful around th farm and barn. W. L. Mallory. Prop. CONSIGNED, to us and must sell 25 horse r and Ponies, waaona and harnaaa Hera ia tha Place to buy. aa w handle nothing but' con signed stock and you gat a square deal. If you want a horse or have one to sell, see us the .reference ia town. COLUMBIA STA BLES, 802 Front at. 970 BUYS a 1200 Ih, ranch mare; color black: good worker; alsoa80 lb. blocky bay pony mar, cheap. Take Mt Scott car to Bth ave.. 1 block . 1 block north to AH 3 ft Hath R. R Hou with flagpole. GOOD plow team and harness, a snsn at 4119. Steel tired bam ih n m tH. I. hay. Light Yankaa breeching harneaa. 419. 889 nan Kara st CAPITAL STABLES, 287 Front t. just r- eeived a carload of horses and mares from B a 7 Vsr ails. irl f-n tonn a 1 . ti AU first claa stock. H. Glerman. Prop. WORK teams, good aruundT 5 tn it .mt found. Without drivers. (2 to 18 T-n. government contract Expense both ways, A. M. Irwin. Bcaaid. Or. MUST be aold, good big team, weight 2800 lb ; ud to heavy hauling. 894 14 Gladstone ave. w-8 ear. PIANOLA to trade for horaa or eow Hlhworw car. 2 DIOCKS aoUtH to 70S WimhnH ava HORSE nd wagon, 31.36 day: S hersea ami wagon, 92. eo. 546 Front Mali. ?( ata i DKAD horses and animate hauled away free. i." wroii awn au. t-ornanq KeMerlng Oo. MUST sell 2500 lb. team, harneaa and farm wason cneap. ii at 2U9 W. Union ave. WA N TED Farm wagon. 814. 1 set harness." 140 Btanton. GOOD work team and old harna for 1. c-eap. rnone roadway 1609. 19 HEAD good farm work borea. wall fed,' wt. ,a jo tiffii. ii. A a at. TjIYE STOCK 35 T I . . 1 u - i na.i i to ouy Between u and go Angora goats, that can b conveniently loaded oa the Willamette or Columbia river u Bend price and description in first letter to 3. 1 n. noweu, o oya, or. FIVE young freah grade Jeraevs. dairy and family: soma fine barter rnvt AX-ni .v. dry or fat cow la exchange. 95 E. 80th, cor- ner w aanington. 1 A-l Jersey-Durham milch cow, 2d calf, fresh 4 da ye. T. B tea ted. Georgeeen, 2048 Portsmouth gve. 19 HEAD good dairy cows, soma fresh and soma com right freah. All young. 160 Russell t N ICE fresh Jersey cow, rich milker. 9715 Foa ter road. 97th st. Lents. GOOD young Jersey cow for'sale. Phone Wood- lawn 858. FOR SALE, cheap. 2 milch Jersey; 4-year-old Holstein. IT 6102 85t PASTURE for 3 head cattle. 1, Box 22, Milwaskle. Addrsn Route WANTED A good milch goat Stat breed end full particular. M 693. Jourmu. NICE, young, genu name nonv. tn. mrk.r ma i. or aouoie. jb n isi, POULTBY. PIGEONS. PFT smrv ev POULTRY and pet stock ad, appear todav under a special beading on page 10. Thia v, m itium i uuv h me oaruraay Journal during tha season. It will contain the beat offerings of the beet producers. ' POOS. BIBDS. PETS. ETC. 46 BEALS boarding and training kanneis. board dogs (5 month; clean kennete, best of care and food. Rose City car to 8 2d, 6 block 8 Box 819, R. 1, city. . REGISTERED orange and blue Persian cats T stud; fee (5. East 8326. RABBITS for sale or exchange; cheap if taken at once. 060 ANth ... d THOROUGHBRkp Fox terrier puppies. 144f .i vw lawn ioag. BELGIAN hs sres. 60c up. Can Tabor i874 AUTOMOBILES--ACCE8SOBIEa 44 ma an if n-'a - xr - . 1 .V ., 1.-.. . . --v.. . V.,1 a -a : " u new. (30. One cenemotar atarrin. .'S iTl aystem with 12-V. storage battery, daah anrl t!i iew.n j - ii - . " . - - - " i cnmnta, 4o. Apply Mount Tbor Garage. 1880 H.wthm. . ' 1917 rOKD tourir ear with ..n.' - n-m i ar ivy t(jL4,(y jsj wheels, speedometer, nnmhinati i w Hf .Jod tfres Wl,r?, 2. ,,ik nw- 64-66 Broadway at. bet. Oak .a. . " . I Sunday. Open MOTORS, gears, bearing, wheels. ,; ; wreck all make of care a.n . -... .- vivaHinaj, JDIVJsaVU WaVJ IWO. 917 CHALMERS. 6-cyL'. 6-pass. tourina ca run very little. Thia car ha. ,u,l ,u- i 1 rt care and fa. In excellent condition throticb- oat. A noUble bftr.ii., 4-6 BroadwaT K.s-r.ai C- kr -4 tM-. Bi msx. a reawa ai agvg T HIV, Bio Used Cars STOCK I'KXi.fcS RIGHT . COVEY MOTOB CAB CO.. 21st and Washington sta. ' ibim 624 in -lie, lignt su tonrine car .1 new. Car is fullv Mtm . ,.i , n best mechanical coritm. An .n.ii.. th9 Price asked 64-66 Broadway at. bet u-m .uu . i, iv. vrpvn BBS y. 1917 SAXON 8 IX touring carl brand never been driven a mil, ir ing fos a lightweight car. jconomieal Ao op-1 .r.t. tht. mm.A . 11 1 . . . .' . , - - - ." buu u, wiu uujr r. 04-OB nroaaway at., net. oak and Pine. CAfcH ,id for okt cam; coo Hon no ouicrt parte for all make of earn. Oregon Auto afaange, 120 ixwnadale si., at 16 Lb and Wgb iagton. Phon Msin 1161. MLDTLM weight road'ter. electric starter and light in perfect condition. (400. See Marsh 882 lorrieon st. " iv 1 1 MAAntLi, roadster. (4SO caaii: prac tioally new Urea and aztr. Leaving city. 4885 E. 87th st S B. DUBKUILLE TOP CO.. 9th 4c Oak. Broadway 1684. Iautoto Fords Enameled $12t50 370 E. Morrison Bt. LARGE atock of slightly used tires at low price) vum ai iwinw, gva vrei re epainag. H. M. Black. 534 Aider t. Maia 1819. FOR HAU; Overland delivery auto in fin conditio-. Wii take (400. for quick cs.it ale. Can be eea any time at 64 N. Broadway. CHALMERS 3a bug. new body, newly painted, au i fitjm w iiwn , f,.v, jeaauil at Woodlawn 4844. 1917 FORD touring, ateo an all Ford delivery; raT8 in ior caan. in sw 1917 FORD, first cla condiuon. 1794 E. Yamhill st lbof fiu20. sacrifice. 1914 MAXW-Ua log aa cbcap. JoamaL K-tvav REPUBLIC 4 -tea truck.- almost sew. 83 North Park Street FEDERAL 1 1 ton truck with bodyT' 43 North Park Street AUTO WOODBAW; cheap tor cah. F-686. journal. WANTED, 1918 or 1917 Ford; will pay caah , price woaa ma swenng. -02U. JournaJ. AT7TOMOmT,FSACCESSOBIEg f 1 1 ' ' ; " " . ,, t . .. ,; i GOOD fSED CARS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES WHILE THEY LAST at i- 1417 Ford touring car, almost saw, demo it ble wbnela, extra tire, 9469. 1916 Colo, beat buy ia city. 1916 Studebaker, extra winter top. txeat lent hap, at a sacriflca. 1917 OakUnd 8, fin shape, drivwa lass thu 5900 milea, 6 cord tire. Cad aa touring. 8250. Vehe touriBg. 6390, - Whit gaa. 8409. .... Bazoa two passenger, like, new. 1676. Ford touriBg ear, good buy, 4559. Ford touring, repainted. 4274. Ford, worm dnv. new. cheap. AD these ear wUl bakr tpeetio Coaaa in. look them over be (ore ywa buy. Open Sunday. Eaay terms. W. H. WALLINGFOD. 623 Aider st. Main 3492. PRICES ARB SOARING CABS ABB GOING TO BE MIGHTY SCARCE THIS SPRING. W have socae exceptional bargain tn ear on hand and ara bftarinc than at real bargain prtcaa. Investigate the car in this list: 1917 Bole- B, first class ...(900 1918 Dodge touring car, extras . .. 900 1916 Dodge 659 1917 Maxwell, touring car. first class .... 676 1917 Ford. Txtraa 426 1914 Chalmers, first claa : 426 1916 Dodge, delivery .v 650 1917 Studebaker. 3 pa. 776 1917 Chevrolet first class ....... w... 600 1915 Cadillae. first class 1250 1918 Cadillae. first class 600 Ford roadster, elee. lighta and starter ... 899 And many other. COVET MOTOR CAB CO.. Washington at 21st st Main 6244 USED AUTOMOBILES. TERMS GIVEN. f '1 1917 MfteheU. 5-paas.. 6-cyi. . . . . 3 975 1917 Mitchell, 6 p., 6-cyl 1069 1917 Chevrolet. 6-pas 604 1917 Maxwell, 6-paa.. eda . 859 1912 MitchalL 6 peas.. 6-cyl 760 1918 Jeff err. S-nsaa.. 6-evl 750 1916 Mitchell, 6 pes.. 6-cyl. 759 A number of other to select from. 8169 up. Used Car Dept. MITCHELL, LEWIS 4s STAYER CO Eat Morrison at First St Eaat 7272. B-1216. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. 191T Ford touring. 1917 Ford roadster. 1917 Ford touring. 191 7 Ford touring. 1916 Ford touring. " 1916 Ford roadster. ,1915 Ford rosdster. 1915 Ford touring. , 1914 Ford touring. V 1914 Ford touring. Don't fail to ae these cars before you bny, some of them are practically new and all ara tn finest mechanical condition. Term if desired. FRANCIS , MOTOB CAR CO., East 3770. E. 18th and Hawthorne ava. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS IN L'SED13AR9 1916 Oldsmobiie Eight, like new (5U 1818 Studebaker 750 Oklainobile Four , ftOO Loziar touring 800 Wrren roadster 250 Auburn touring 15(1 lion er touring 800 Cadillac touring 5o 1916 Ford . 800 And a few other. OLDSMOBILE COMPANY OF OREGON Broadway at Couch. Broadway 2270 Garages Sea 8 a at pi aa, 644 Hood at Pboa Mala 1167. Millmade Construction Co. NEW TIB What brand you prefer t all makes anc of We sew Ores do bar them. wa make the famoua O-V-0 Doubt Tread (sswsdh ti: and do all manner of tire repairing. Ore on Vnloaalxtng Co., 866-685 Burns laa. near luaoway, THAYER, SHAVER -OTTTXT MACHINE COMPANY 1 Ton, (370 I BUILDERS OP 1 14 Ton. 6420 f ' E VERREADY TRUCK B Ton. 4470 I ATTACHMENTS Capactt y I Mfg. in Portland 199 E. Water at Pbone Eaat T487. Ford 6ns ton truck ' 1917 Ford ona ton truck, finest condition; equipped with express body; tires new. FRANCIS MOTOR CAB CO.. Est 8770. E. 18th and Hawthorn av. LATE model Ford coupe, just repainted and overhauled. Here is lot of value for a lit tle money. Just the car for the men or woman who must he out in all weather. Price very law. 64-66 Broaibvay st, bet Oak and Pina. Open Sunday. 1916 LIGHT SIX BCICK roadster, in fine mechanical condition. A car you arm be prond to own. An rkcellent buy at tha price asked. 64-06 Broadway at, bet. Oak aad nne. Pine. Open Sunday. 6 CYLINDER. 48 H. P. . 7 pass. Mitchell, A-l run 6009 miles, very I condition. Car has .i. .. j i ar t newest model, cost (1800. Will sell for 81199 cash or Liberty bonds. Main 1601. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 1 I WlLL 1-TuU SPOT CASH FOB T6C- FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE, E, 1180. E. 13th and Hawthorn gr. 10 ACRES fine level land, 2 milea from Canby. Or. Will trade for late modeP ante or cloa in crege. Phone Ea 7782. Owner. WANTED Dodge car tn poor condition that I can put in good repair myself, or one in good condltKn " ; WATKD Bet t B7-41 Alt condition if a bargain. H 7l, Journal. auto 5300 cash ai buy. WoodUwn 4197. HIGMEd'f prices paid tor aatpmooil; e -Hon no object 121 N. 3d at Bdwy. 2629. AUTOS FOB H1BE 62 AUTOS 08 HIRE WITHOUT DBIVBaU, Braad new ears. Reasonable- rate Fearing Kofcnett. Cltv Oarag. S8 iota. Between Stark and Oak.' Broadway 9(0, A MIDDLEAGED man with a good. Ford for h.r by the day, week, or month, around town. Mrshall 8897. THE e-as t Ford bug in tn city. Se. it t 602 Hoyt st or call Bdwy. 87. AiJKiH witxtoat Onver lur tura. Bullivaa, lOtb-Yamhl 1L Mat. 242 A-1266 MOTORCYCLES-BICTCLES 64 BICYCLES MOTOUCYGLt 8. Large atock of new and used machinea, DAYTON CYCLE CO., 68 6th at. MOTOKCY'CLK and soma cash aa first paymeot on roadxtet or bug. Call Marsha 349 tween 1 and 6, eve nines 927 E. Aider st LAUNCHES ANP BOATS 44 WAN'ILD Houseboat with large porcb; give directions how to get to place.. G-.768, Jour naL FOR SALE Furnisbed houseboat, C. Wav ctte Moorage. PIANOS, 0BGANS ANP MUSICAL INhTBUMENTS 4 SCHUBERT , upright piano, like case, exceptionally fine tone. Will aril lor 3190. on terms. 149 6th st Main 3196. iSNAP 675 trombone and (19 for 654 Hare taken only coe iessosr oa horn. CaU r.i oaT . 1KT class 5U pteyer piaava and awverai pieces of must e. , WUl sell ior (300, 6166 .-w . i a,., . v. r ana f i RENT a player piano, music included. Harold M. OUbert, 884 Yamhill st. FOB SALE cheep. 40 player piano roli, over y practically pew; real bargain. Main 4547. PHONOGRAPHS, r-aorde, bougut, ul an-J chnged. Hail k Caasidsy. 126 let t. M. T09 WANTED Piano or player Piano for cash. W 744. Journal. I THaTlS! Ma, nU n nA tar ,.lkina - I enlne. - Hsroia . tiimevt. a4 TmhiR . I WATJ Pi a, sy , ah, ,w Mrhll . 6346, MANOg. OVOAirit "ATTB J XCIICAL ' INSTRUMENTS 44 CLOSING OCT 4274 upright plana for 44 4 caah; a 4860 one. 646 oaah, and 42S ewe 4116 eah; also modern, virtually new 6676 up right, 4199; a 6426 one. 4215 caah; a 89 organ, 429 caah. at Security Storage Co., 164 ta st., at Wash. st. Piaaoa atoved. 60 monthly, or bought and aojd fee cash. Phona Main 444. 0 Fhoaofrapha and records booght. sold exchanged gad rented. Fepart c int. 148 3d. Mar Alder, npstairs. FULL CASH VALUE PAID .For record phonograph, organs, plane. mnaira) inatrumenU. - NEWMAN RECORD EXCHANOE. -128 1st st. Main 4496. Tabor 8798. 20c DAILY buy 4176 " ' piano W " "i 4 6281.25: 40e daily buy 6669 Player sdaaa leas 25 f. 5487.80. Baa aavings oaak for tag ' wwrw isvjksi aauoarimv eavarxau aaea and the property. Schwaa Piaaa Co., Ill 41a. . GEUM.K T.' PECK. -11aNo 1 TUN KM." Graduate New England Conservatory af Mast. awiwii waaw. inning, , Taaor aor. THE most caah paid for tiaaoa, organ, muaical t net rumen and ramtrda. Hall A. 1-0 rinr. Nam 70V8. I90: CA&ri bun st5 Ermwt G.bU Ufrl.l,, Piano and 12(111 na 1 a IMA ga a U.i.a player piano, at Security Storage Co.. 109 4th. F18CHEU PUyer llano in Al condition, 64001 Melville Clark Apollo. 8800 Hevesdea Plan - Co.. 87 6th at MUfOJ 6S-ot player p-eo, with 100 rolle of mask). Will taka I (Lirit Im ta Mall Cawiday. 128 First Main 7088. REAL GOOD upright piano. A-l ahape, aid well known make, for ula. van e n. 141 th at. TTPEWBITEHS ft NEW BEMINGTON. reaul piaa. reat awiU it purcnas. vonois xaoneis. BEMCiOTON T IPE WRrTXat C 88 Broadway. Broadway 4li WB SAVE ye from 60 to 76 par cent oa ail make of typewriter. Send for our prtaa lists -Retail department Wtnl la Typewriter Oa 821 Waahington street 7 REBUILT typewriter. aurmUea. Core (Uaiara. , W. Feaae Co.. 119 6th.. ALL MAKES typewriters rented sad 'repa-as. uragoa Typ vo.. 4A at Mala gaga. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB SALE 44 Sell or Trade Steel rang. 411.66: eoofe tov, 44.64; ofl haatsra. 41. 44; Awe burner Pertaetimi cook Move, 42.98; gal" plates, 61.45; wood hatters, 41.16; coal heaters, (4.901 ires beda. 46a; springs, (1.44; mattress, (2.84; new pillow, pair. 41.46; dreasers. 64.94; dining tables. 4-45; library tables. 44.68; center tabiea, 61.44; oak tabburettea, 65c; kitchen tabiea vwo; auai ooocn . ag.au; roeaer. aa-i ; gaaira, 8 Be; bowl and pitchers, 76e; new tub. 641 rwfrigwrator, 48.90; ehiid' troa ertb, 8 8-4-9, i a aa. ..1.1 .A a,A. - iHiliilMiwnia. f4,v,i pi lap ia.. I ii.., aiai.wv rang, china cabinet, leather eaat rocker chairs, wicker furniture; all la oa this Tslliisr Tag Sato. 398 Madiaoa st. ' - FOB BALE MISCELLANEOUS 14 FOR SALE 1 awning 14 ft in., 1 awnine s 6 ft 6 in., no boles: 1 adding machine, S refrigerators and 1 ice box; about 800 ft of , adjustable and detachable shelving. Can Mil fn 14 ft lengths. Can be moved or shipped without damage and tat good for groceries, drugs, shoes, books or hardwar atora. Phono Ia bor 1443. ; ' - ' Electric Motors Bout-t, aold, rontad aad isptiV -. ----.. Walker E-otrie Works. 418 aide, oorsar 10 th. Broadway g A-6674. : m.rhtwas sold fat saati mm agonta employed; Baacauve rented. rene-red. A-8636. M. 9481. Bowing Machine -asvari-sV 199 Sd. near Ta fayior S10.00 Ten drophead aewing xe-sbtaa P I UiW 0 .trachmenta; all at ta vwr good eooditioo. Sewing machtoee vented at (4 Er month. Phona Eaat 2469 or B-6407. B. . Bteen. 163 Grand a., near Belmont ' -POTATOES, beet quality. Itold run. 11 ack, select a4 for tba war garden. 41.34 aaek. delivered: lay ia a aupply before eprlng high price. J. HaKramr. 1414 Grand ava. Phona - East 41. - . "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," Typewriter'' aad "Hooaabold Goods" ar separate elaaaifi 1 cations. All advert amenta of.taeee goaos ara mibliahad under their reepeetiv elase-k LOOK THEM OVER. FOR SALE or trade, 1 Columbia river liaUind outfit, constating of I rootorboet not, f-b Ing right, net lack and camp. Addr Lo ... l-odtke. Nona lem, UT. k. if. x, owa iw. AUTOM OBILk . kotOftcf flL-S. LaTOcB-3 or boats ar separate c a tioation. A.larga or boats ar separate listing can be found eia fleationa. 4fATaa Wire Ropewtttsr New and 2d Hand AC 81 Any Aaaowot ,Used Sewing Machines ' Guaranteed. Wd rent and rapalt, 174 Third Bt Mala 1846. A-l 61 8. W'R Vl'fl.r, nnholi tar and rrr-Da tr re tumi- tore and take your old discarded furniture ia rxebang for paymant. Moltnomah Furaitar llopltaL854 3d at Msin 4654. -LADIES dclrfng crochet work or having soma for sal. Send lOo for "Book of Design" and detaila. International, Trading Crochet Co., 3M 3d st. Main 6778." ' A DROPHBAD aewing machine, A-l condition, and large mirror. Very reasonable, 226 15ta st. Main 2871. , k'i ill itAlAVHia load of wreck a ce ' rood at or East 63.76 per load. Phona East 482S or 6255. NEW SAFE for sale: a bargain if you noed one; dealers need not apply. Call Woodiawa 2862. REDUCED price on Cable roofing paper, ail kind tool. J. v, Agg groat s, oeiw Tamhill and Taylor. lOO' ENV'fcLOPKS or 609 bond teu.rUa;2. BOO bond billhead or statemtnU. 61.74. Smith Printing, Co., 204 Stark at i BLIGHTLI used computing acaira, au uv; also eh cutter, coffee ill and anaat alicer, very cheap, Cell at 884 Stark t noMtoe gi.xa per sack. delivgrad. Phona Broadway 225. ONE cheat ofship carpenter tools for aalo cheap. Pbone Main 3u4 0. ; FOR SALE Addreaarag uhii that ia ef- fictent, rapid, inespenaive. W-740, Journa L gTeENHU8E8 wiuTitock" of ptente for riot 7 W. Killlngsworth sve. PLUMBING supplie. whole I price,. TIaTF Is Oo,. (b mi SECOND hand briik and doors for sale. E t 1B05. 787 tyregon at. - , BATHTUBS, rink, toilet. A. L. Howard. 212 4th at pip and fitting. Pboa Mln 18U6. : VACUUM SOU waa nawi wj. . u t , irawv, fir eanged, booght Bent y Co. - Mla 6641. FERTILIZER. Horaa aad ew manara. East 141. ' ' ; 65, COMPLETE BATH BOOM OUTFlf . i Northweetern Pipe Co., -187 Front at ; IN CALLED tor tailor mad suits, 49.69. ifla, Taylor the Tailor. 389 H Burnstda. -(290 V. . meat slicing machine, Utost, 90. 829 Salmon. NAPOLEON mahogany bed, good condition. Ap- ply 434 Carter Lane, Portland Height- . LATY'S new ice eaatea, never used. Mar. 56141 JARGER VACUUM SWEEPERS. MAIN 6563. WELL rotted eew or horse manure. .Ma. 4066. MACBLNEBY It fix if--tk-al 10lroower steam eagin. one i JS horsepower boiler. 128 lb. preaenrw; ateo i , VomX w ri, Mw. Vrite. A, R. Brett, Bm kston, Or, . - - '- - . Fairbanka Morse gaa engine, ia per- feet race) nJcai aad working -oUUO , viiu . sell for 8125. CaU at 187 Front st - FUBN1TUBE WANTED - 74 " If yoa wiskto ob- WLiniUia u '; high. est price for yotrr weed fur-itwre. stovee. carpet. Want Household Furniture WILL PAY CASH. Pboa Main 8883. Call East 636 Ttt- rugs, anything 'ta bowbertd good." "Wa mw, change yoar old farnitwre for now. - ' WANTED Bend hand furnilur, range snd ve7ete- WB PAX THE BEST PJOC MORGAN FURNITURE CO.. 399 Eaat Morrtec Pbone Eaat 2288. PHONE East 716 when you want to sell youg turnitar; we will come at oaea aad pay yoa CASH. M. - BEATER. 889 Hawtbora .m ,iu TTn - WILL pay cash for roowUng ho ne, 2 band fur DHiir and atoee. iu jum e. GRAND BAPTD8 FCRMTCV- 84-66 GRAND AVENCarr i. aS etetbina. anv amount s Par aaod nitur and clothing, any amount i Pay good price Call Mr. Wbbom. Marshall 4781. 1 a,uTICE VV buy aaeond hand furnitura. W ? pay iugneat price for all kind of aeond band ! goody M roadway 1896 48 H. 8d at, ' tjcT freight rate aa uo hold gaoos aaipvwd ' - , East and Booth, Maanmc Wa'rh a Transfer Co.- 9tb and iloyt, Broadway 793, A-l 70S I UriAVllUlH Hawal t va hiarur S st. f . pncea lor wsea rwrnmir . mam . I HObl cash for funutoxa. .Main. 7046.