THE OREGON DAILY 7 JOURNAL, PORTLAND FRIDAY, MARCH 8, ,1918, 17 gVUNERAL DIBECTOBS - J. P. F1NLEY & SON. t rami rnneton , FBIY AT DEITE Wgm Attendants Mosjtgnsasry et Fifth, v, . - Mate 0.- , . . A-l 390 - CHAMBRS-KEN WORTHY (XX, 1111 -arky t. Weod-wa 9800. C-1183 t MONUMENTS HELP -TASTED--MISC. 4$ Needs 10,000 stenographers. Enroll aoir for shorthand, typewriting,- - bookkeeping HISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS. COLLEGE. 8d floor.' AHsky bfclg. i NUMBER YOUNG WOMEN AND MEN wented to prepare for telegraph ekrvtee-1 help flU naacia eaml by the drafting of mil for war. for particular eall -trr writ Telegraph Dept., Room 218, Railway Exchange bldg. - SPA MSH Conversation and mnnab Bates I 11 2.67 r$ RQ, ST. AT MAPI SrM A'UKTL AiD WOK a. 24-o 4tB . at, opposite atty 1-0. Mela 8664. Philip New Son lor meawrlele. to large rliaa 1715. - - 498 Montgomery. Maia HELP WANTEDFEMALE YOUNG women for elephone work, pay while learning. Apply Pacific Telephone ok Tele, rnpk Co., 6th Uoor, Park end Oak sts, be twoto 8 :30 a. as. ao4 6:80 p. u WANTED Several women for all kind the " atrteal work; all women moat be of aa and . ; LOST AND roUND ' tl kill! following artirlr have been found on ears ' ettho PorUaad lUUway. Ltcht Powaf Co., March 6, 6. 7, 191 a: tt suitcases. umbrel la, 1 badge, i handkerchief, - 0 pr. gloves. IV , packages, 10 ltmeh boxee, 1 traveling baa. 1 trap, l pr. rubber, cat tickets, checkbook, 1 pr. ae sots, 1 can, z overcoats, l oou coat, x basket, 1 aack onion acta, musio roU. magazine, pfcg. check and bankbook, 1 sign, 1 aoap bos, 3 glove. books. 1 baby alippar. 1 knit Una needle, 7 pones, 1 raft link, 1 book tlcssts, 1 bunch . ksra. 1 necklace. 1 bracelet, or. mit- tena. 1 brooch, stickpin, I mm tela pen. 1 BUt-1 RESPONSIBLE dv. wishing to earn a ww - -" - i spring eur oi cm 07 siT ms uuu K,T' v w, bac. 1 ball. 1 iroa cap aud los. 1 iroa atand. leal) at room 410 Central bids., cor. 10th and 1 raaa, erora ana eontenu. a nana fnpa. uwb- i Alder eta. era anay obuta property at elation. parae coniainlna and. aome allrer, altk hdkt. and ear ticket. on waaoo el reward Rent CoHT Froat auto Thunder-about 4 p. m., near I are. .""J SLT ? loe ba eon- I GIRL tot Ught honaa work. S Vi" 4 FRAZIER & McLEAN Say: Location Counts but Little when you have the goods and the right advertising inedium. Moving from the' West Side '.to the East Side did not affect our business in any ray. -" Proper -use of JOURNAL WANT ADS is one of the reasons. You will find us repre sented almost daily in the ; ' ' Horses and Vehicle Coiiimn 918-rjrnraiehed 0 room cot tare, water. 54 S. 27 th at. 1-bleak south Bichmond ear. Fruit and flowers. T FOB BENT, 4 room house, furnished. T W. KiUinssworfh are. APABTMEWTS 4S 'FtTEiriSHED AND U5FUBinSHF.I KINO ALBEBT Am. Waa m ..A . ft a Va.sJI , he able to trarel; only those wo mean 1 woo4 ffo, cierator and Janitor aerrioe. Corner strictly baainoea need apply. Cn 8 12-8 IS Stock I nth and kf ontaomerv (ta. Ezehance bW.. 8d and Yamhm. no pnonca. 1 vttatt. Hit t to. a.i. J g.U- ' 4 - MWJwvrk UAiMt saw wtM avana laanwiwi uw awva u 1 J, 2 and 8 mora apta.; $12.80 no: - distance. East 8K2. ;iAVENPOaf Apta., 60S Jefferson at. alking Two iflbely fnmished $ room apta., includinc bath. island Aide, OTB1En5ED lor department fgrykoy gong apt . atore work; must be thoroughly capable and - , - ing ono $10 bUl furokdi beat of references. Answer O fr87. Jour- FOB BKNT 2-room fori! f. and ear tickets, net . . Strictly raodera. Beat $3( bet.'HoUaday Park and 8th atn I ifIDD1 r IurD jlj. ' tB aatist' t11- v-f I X-coreaf MU1 at. la?s 444 H Irrabee. "ork 110 1 Bot,th841 KenUworth NICELT fureislied 4 furnished apartments. strictly modern. Beat $30. $88 Chapman Sea 818. Km aBat 1 aaj waahinc. plain eookiat; 81S per month. Boss ate. Finder pieaaa call lar.aaaw-. 1 at, 699 R ,sth N ttTBA TED onto our premiaea. 1 younc bull- I VAN'TEI Woman or (irl on small ranch room apartment, walkins diatanea, weat side. 84$ 11th at. 4 BOOM 1 furnished apt., walkins distance. Call Tabor 2601. children. 880 month, Main 8614. 5 BOOM -furnished apartment. N-499, Journal. doe. wbita. yellow) auet over are: owner can bare aim by paying cost Incurred. Main 7392. LtHT Wednesday. ' business memorandum booEl of was to owner only. P. 1 0. Lewis, Uotal :lTtUnd. j fTOLEv-Columbka' ehainlaaa assist In. saneral housework. H. E. Spencer, Bcappooee. m. Address A tires. Liberal bio Tela: m reward. Phone 'loodyaar Wdln. $88. LOST A email book with an elastic band round, containing o hecks made out to H. I. Pilar. 684 Alder at. Phone Mala 1310. 1 WOMAN to assist in laundry, experience de I arrabla but not necessary If a nick and careful. Week s pey for 8 days' work. 1288 Halaey at. WANTED Middle aged woman lor practical nursing. Call at 740 East 27th It. Take Woodstock, car. WANTED (iirls for Bindery work. exnerienceS prererreo. Apply Bindery lore man. f ortiana rrtnttng House ., sas I sjrior at.. FOB BKTTTFLATB I FOB BENT 8 room flat, close in. reasonable. FOB SALE HOUSES 9 4-Room Bungalow 8200 CASH Balance $18 per mo., including interest. Beat buv in Portland today. 4 room double constructed tmngalow ready for plastering. 80s low It. lot, 1 Sr and 4 asrfs) Irult treea, mrga abed aulUble for garage and ehieken 2 V bDu. from Boae City Park ear. No trade, no agents. UWMtB, 018' BUW, FOB 8AI.E TABifg IT VH SALK. beach eottaga, furnished, at Long Beach. Wash. cos. lot, an fenced, well with ntimp and sink In boose, cleat of iaeumbranea, term, long time; also 100 aesw farm neat SUarwood. Or., tools, bnfldings. ninntng water, no incumbrance, long time. For iull parfleo Urs write owner, Fred K. Hungerfbrd. 687 K Ash st.. Portland. 12 H -ACRE farm 2 H miles west of HilWxiri nrk mA la ,fTM in culti ration, balance m-a si a tw T-rvra. 1g ' srauaings, stocg ana irapierasni, we r'Ji , - - EtB BALE -LOTS It tRd ,UUon. blr(aij. u oas for $8800, $22 $19850x100 lot,- facing N. on 46th are., 80 mortx, balance oash. A. G. Johnson, Boate feet west of Woodstock ear (worth $700). $2100 Williams are., near Broadway, 60x100. FBANX L. M'GTJIBE. ABINOTON BLDO. FOB SALE 11 lots in one piece; clear: about 40 fruit tseeau closa to car line ; fine place foe building a home. M-679. Journal 8500 Two good lota. 68th St.. bet. Broadway and Hsnley St., past Laurelhnrat, $C0. then $10 monthly. No agents. X-91T. Journal. ACBEAGE $7 AGUE CASE. 1$ East 4421. FTJBKISHED FLATS $$ Inquire 678 Texas school lands fot sale by the state at $2 per acre; $e per acre cash and no more for 40 years; but 3 per cent interest; send 6c post sge for further information. Inrestot Pub. Co., Dept. 82. San Antonio. Texas. FOB BENT 8 furnished rooms. E. 21st. Take ftrooklyn to door. LOST A large duimond dinner ring Monday I ONE first class inseamer on pauta wanted at ; rtOTELB 84 A MODERN PRICED HOTEL OF MERIT GARDEN HOME Fine acre homeaita, close to atation, only $700, $230 cash, balance 810 Per month. Oregon Electric trains all atop at Garden home. Come quick, . it won't but. MeCormick, Main SS18. evening. Kifl reward. Business- addreaa Elite MIlHnery. '8WQ Morriwwi st. Sunday call A-H61. LOUT Masonic charm, diamond setting. Re- tnm to New Firkin, hotel. Reward. t'UU NO 2 schoolbooks on Morrison St. bridge. Call east end of draw at home. LOST A' Collie dog with name Partridge oh nnllar. Return to 407 E. 8th St. Howard LOST Musk rat, melon-shaped mufT on Ter- wllrlger bird. Reward. Phone 2178. OMT Pocket nook, dressing room Liberty thea tre. Reward. 6697 VOtB St. H. K. LADY'S gold wrist watch, monogram "J A M' on outside beck case; reward. Mam 2788. )NK Miller, new tire, 80x8 bad on truck. East 42. Howard. tfifT 820 blineward. Call East. 4088. v HELP riHTED-MALE once, none Dry Co.. 82 5th Ct N. PIRHT-CLA8S millinery makara. , Hoffman Milltnery Co., 807 Morrison. WANTED Woman for general housework arid plain eooklnc. Jon1 "wsaes. Pbona East B787. GIRL to assist with housework 'in family-of three. Tabor 184. AN OLD ladywanted to help care for children. HOTEL CLIFFORD. East Morrison st. and East Sixth, 81 per day. $4 per week up. ' 'WANTED TO BENT 1 BT careful, permanent tenant, 8 or 7 room modern house, with' yard; walking distsnce,' east side; reasonable. State pries and location. A-699. Journal. as.. FOR BENT 5 room bouse, 8 acrea, concrete chicken boose, barn. Wichita station, o. W. P. R. B. '"i Inquire at white house ioiiung store building. $10 month. FOB SALE 2000 acrea rich bottom land, best of sou; good location, low prioa and easy term a. Address L. Jacobs, Klamath Falls. GABDEN" ; ranches neer Portiaad Small wages and good home. LADY to work in, upholstering shop. Tsbnr 8084. Heywood Bros. A Wakefield Co.. 148 N. 10th at. GIRL fof1 general plain housework, 4 adults in ramuy. call erenlnirs. wairw. lazo. 1 WANTED Woman to help with housework a few hours each day; no cooking. Tabor 0021. WANT to rent smsU house with large garden, near earline. Stats description and rant. C 860, Journal. par acre. GARDEN tracts. West side, city water and gas. IJ I1KA. '4lft L..hM M. fllWVj . W '.V. month. M. E. Lee, ouo ijorDett bias. FURNISHED or unfurnished 6 roote modern house, St Johns earline. Phone Sellwood 1881 FOB BvkLE HOUSES et HELP WAWTED MALE AHD FEMALE 98 WANTED OIUGINAL MOLEB BARBBB COLLEGE Teaches the trade In 8 weeks. Girts scholar ships and transfer cards. Pays yoa while learn ing Big demand for both men and women. 2d and Bnrnslde. 0 auarr, laborers for Kelly Butte, rock ""Z:r , ... , . .' k auerry. County work. 89.00 to 84 per a noura. 1 U"I-,J"" . , . ""' ."'V f . , i $0 laborers for gas company, sacking briquets and handling brick. 83 per 8 hours. Frsa bus to and from work. sj ' Farm-hands and aheepherders.- 4J) to 860 montn ana touna. Men for planing mills: Sticker men, band iar- ber trade in 8 weeks: tools free: scholarship diplomas given; paid while learning; positions guaranteed; tuition reduced, 288 Madison. 6RIGINAL MOHLER BARBER SCHOOL Teaches men and women barber trade in 8 weeks. Special rates for abort time only 815. Including good set of tools, si Ting diplomas. 284 Couch st. SITUATIONS MALE aawyers. sash and door machine men frame ma- WANTED Young orchards to "prune; experi enced landscape gardener ana orcnara man. Phone E. 6888. ! YOUNG married man wants position as tractor china men, frame nailers, stock cutters, cabinet makers, clampers and turners. 48 to 60oTar bout. Men for section gad extra gang work. ' Men fot lumber mills and camps. Govern ment scale of wages and. conditions. 8 hours' work. Carpenters and helpers, railroad work. operator: experienced and can furnish1 good 1 I references; will go any place. K-Oltf. Journal. WHY PAY RENT LOOK Why pay rent When yon can buy a home and Ilka rent at a very low price. II in doubt 0 me in and ws will show yoa the rare bar gains we hare. 6 room modem bungalow on pared street, price $1780. 7 room modem bungalow oa pared street, at 82000. S room bungalow, modern, on pared street, 42RO 8 room modem bungalow, and a good one, at $8200. 7 room modem, oa pared streets, lot 10 Ox 191) Int. nf tn harrW nttee 82000. t' room brick house. 2 lots, modem, pries $2000. ' 4 room house, good Jot, at $780. ' 3 room house, lot 60x100, price $478. We hare lota of other good homes in aa parts of the etty at the lowest poesipi pnos. NEW -YORK LAND CO.' Kst Morrison et. Phone East PUTT, K.pnnu mnArm hnnse near Kern Park station full basement, lot 40X1WW, lot gixis, Mia Tfirvfi m.n seeks noaition anto dririna or m I M.h shon- electrical work- a srieciaitr. .ast ma. I s.mnm nuwlern himsa on lmprorea meei. ELbERLf man as Janitor or house man, tea- I cement walk paid. $1400. $850 caaS, 318 per aonable wagea. D-918. JournaL nvmvr , rr-m fw a -ciws ATI? A m , ,, - w ex I 1)11 UAIUI.IO r rUD C LiTID OVment bUreaU BEFINED woman, capable and experienced in - 1 mMtlntf mihlin wiahnS tA ffl V. sh,m nf 247 Deris at MEN WANTED FOB SAWMILLS. BOX FACTORIES. LOGGING OPERATIONS. KLAMATH COUNTT. 0RKQ0I. PTOHEST WAGES. BEST SCHOOLH. ' COOL, DRY CLIMATE. CI ?1TY OF 6000 PEOPLE. There la a big diversity of labor, aa there are -1 4, sawmill. 6 bo factories, 16 logging -operators using both steam, donkeys and horse log giaa. Three lath mills. Boys and womaa caa work la toe box lactones. - COME NOW. MILLS OpfcN MARCH .1 TO - 10. BOX FACTORIES NOW RUNNING. ON ARRIVAL 8EB - KLAMATH LUMBERMEN'S AND LOG- GERS' ASS!., MAIN ST., KLAMATH TAlAM, OREGON. ... 1200 MEN EMPLOYED. Boys Look Hefe ABB tO0 18 TEAR OF AGS? DO YOU POSSESS a" BICYCLE t Do yrm want a steady lob that will pay yon real money r " We furnish you full uniform free and allow J vacation with full pay. If Interested eall , ana see, MRP BAILEY ; . Western Union Tel. Co.. i7 8d st. WANTED . .' Two Young Men , ! With Twin-Modsi Motorcyelas. One to work" aighta and j- One to work daytimav r- Good salary. Cleaa work. ' V ELMER L. BAILEY 288 Oak st '- LABORERS WArTTXD ' PerrasnsVit positions aerocsd steady men, wages 68.10, 6 hours I strike Bat yet deelaswl aft bat 1800 assa worUag; general papermfll work: bo experience aeeeessry. Apply 808 Ors- goa bldg.. oornat Ota ana us streets. hotel, apartment or rooming boose, aa house keeper. N-4TO, journal. POSITION aa manager, first class apartment or rooming house: can give references, experi ence. Csll Broadway 8410, Mrs. jonea. NEATi reliable mlddleaged ' woman wishes to keep house in gsnuemans noma. u-soa. WOMAN, . unincumbered, wants housework in or out of city. xvi a st. mnnth"" blncks from Arleta atation. 8 -room house, H block from car line, fine garden with fruit, $550. $50 cash and $10 per month. 4 -room house near Arleta station. Mount Scott car line. $650. $60 cash and $10- per Tnnntn. 7 -mom modem house, full cement basement. nicely furnished, good furniture and ruga, near car line, for $2000, Including furniture. $500 caah, balance termi. NEIL SMITH. 6514 Foster road. Tabor 131. $950- SITUATIONS "WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 28 MABBIED man with family wanta position on large grant ranch; can rornats best of ref erences; lots of experience with all kinds of farm machinery. Will give op present occupa tion to JMlp Increase grata production ; wife could cook if wanted, i, Mackianon. 425 E. 44th st DBESSMAKINO 48 like new. Maia 2878. irtTBSES 6$ TRAINED nun will take any case ; reasonableT Referenoea, Call Tabor 6748. FURNISHED BOOMS $800 CASH Viim.. sen T.e no . ii1ndins interest. Lsrgs 8 room modem house; full Una atand- srd ntnmhin,! iMwt ende new window abadea. eleetno ixtuxea, jjutcn ancnent wiio wia ing closet and collapsible table, kitchen, bed room and bathroom nnianea in wniio enemei. 11 nils nawl daonrated. 60x100 ft. lot. Sev eral laoris llr trees, large iron tree, imc house, l)i blocks from Boss City Park oar. No tad, no agenta. BELLE' CBEST JENKS' SPECIALS 686 E. 68th st, N. For Sale by Owner nag 4 B. cottage with large living room. French Windows, dining B.. kltcnen, oearoom, esrden and chicken house. 32000. V cash. Roe L. L. Janks. 68 68th N. PhoOe C-165S PHONE? Sellwood 98 for experienced dlese- fnakee. TiiMRnn&bi. i i'i i , I Frencn winaows, oinins rv., UP TO DATE dressmaking by day; make over bath, largo floored attic, fine neighborhood, nice FRUIT4. k .... eas. ,m ioaa MoFarland, 608 I eon bldg., Portland. 8. Box 128. Hills bore. Or. FOB BENT FABMS 14 " THIS IRRIGATED FARM OSS iem with 9 ft ft &yrwe -under the ditch. located In Klickitat unty, equiped with, good modem buiidinaa. with electric lights, hot snd cold water. This farm can se rented for a trna of veers aa tlmt Sin nar acra. Wa have the records which will show" that the proceeds from this farm amounted to over 87000 last year. There ja a laVgs amcatat of acreage now in fall crop and this with a large herd of Ilobtein cows, horses, farm implements, feed and hay, is for sale at a reasonable price. IL M, MALONEY. BITTER, LOWE CO.. . 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. HOMESTEADS 4T TIMBER claim open for filing; oral 8,000,000 reel, fbone East 7511. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 14 40 ACBES with 2d growth, fir timber. 8 to 24 ins. through. Will trade for city prop erty, bet. Fremont at. and Kenton. Shough road preferred, near earline. smo owner. 100 Failing st. 9 BOOM new house In Forest Grove to trade for a home in Portland; modem except fur nace: large groand. Harry Ball, mil Lum ber Exchange. - $10 pet ACRES hiahlr improved, cheap: attractive terms or will take good 6 or 7 room house. W. T. Gould r. 719 Chamber of Commerce. ORCHARD TRACT near Dufur for acreage near Portland, or automobile. A-8 96. Jour- , - nsi. EXCHANGE large lot or new launch for build ing materials. Main 0424. 120 ACRES land in Clarke Co. A. C. Kriger, ltt ACRES for sale in aity limits, gas, water. electric light, on street, fnone Tabor 4TBQ. 100 ACRES, Umbered. Umatilla Co.. $10 per acre. Main 2818. SUBURBAN HOMES 7$ FOR BENT Two acres, plastered bungalow and other buildings, on carune. xanor ooo. TIMBER 28 126 E. Salmon. Tabor 8621. FOR RESULTS list your property with the Real estate mtcnange. am aa St.. rortianq. WANTEIV REAL ESTATE 31 I SELL houses only. List with me. Hare caah buyers. C A. Wsrrtrter. BITTER. LOWE at CO., 20S-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 60c AND 7 Bo "day. $1.75 week up. large. lortabia lumjanea rooms; absolutely clean; baths free, hot water all hours. : Save carfare. The Cadillac. Sd near Jefferson. 5-ROOM doubly constructed bungalow, buiiwia effects, gas, electricity, iirepiaoo. iuii 7 ment, furnace; Alameda d 1st riot, about 8 blocks to car; $2500 quick aale; terms. a, BiaAIUS, 202 W11COX bldg. Main 8517. Evenings. Marshall 8770. BEST BARGAIN IN BOSK CITY PABK LAUREL HOTEIRoom. 32 per wee. Ateaaa "kj "r Citr Part uUder sn3 neat. Also newly lumlsnea apartments. Modern l z. Tintlirie i.oodwood. There all day. Ere RRmNn ain TArair,T. hth I owner. Gutnne i-.ooawooa.iucm sm w SECOND AND YAMHILL 8T8. TODftR NEW MANAGEMENT Princess hotel. E. 8d snd Bura&ide. 50o day op, 82 week up. East .171. BOOMS in modern hotel. $1.75 week and upl 485 Aider. - THE- HAZEL Famished rooms, steam heaC running water. 880 Bd st. THREE partly furnished rooms for tent. Mat- a ball 3. . 7$ CANTED Young maa or woman, with suf ' fieient experience in corporation accounting to take charge of oftjee work of light and sower company In small nearby town. Apply 1216 Spalding bldg. WANTED Janitor and wife In a medium slsed apartmrat house, oa west aids. A 'good steady Job, Local references required. ' B-6,17. Journal. - . WANTED Young man with clerical experience to take charge -of stockroom depart moot of Hght and powest company fa small nearby town. Apply 1216 BpafcUrtg blag. , WANTElrFlrst-claaa dentist; plenty of work, no competition. Particulars enclose postage, 3 F. Weeely, Scio. Or. t WANTED Experienced chauffeur for abort drives snd about tows; light - work. Apply Painless Parker, dentist.- 826 H Washington st. loi NG MAN wanted at once. Apply Portland Broom company, E. 23 th and HolUday. Phone B-2141. LEUVERT BOYS and special boya, good wages. . Apply superintendent's office, 9 to 10 a. m., Okia, Wortman tn King. WANTED Experienced shipping clerk fot wholesale grocery: good salary for competent man. u-tsi, journal. IRST class platen press fseder; good wagea, . FURNISHEIJ ROOMS FBI TATE FAMILY k&ATLY furnished rooms, to ladies employed can do light housekeeping. 770 GBsan at. ROOMS AND BOARD 1$ BOOM and board fot business girls, modern con- veniencea. walklne diatanea. 83.00 week. 12 E. 7th at, East 4782. THE Martha Washington. 380 10th. for bus? eight honrs; pay above Prtnting Company, 263 H Yamhill at scale. Watsoa WANTED CompetenV. billing machine operator for shipping office ; good pay and splendid op fXSirtunlty for advancement. W-768, JoumaU OVKRNMENT waaU stenographers and typists? - Enroll now at Sherlock's Ballroad school, Worcester aids WANTED Experienced teamster wholesale - meat boase. . Must hat previous experience inis line, ss-owo. jqomar. WANTED Salesman to sell new aoto acc sorts. N-471, Journal. WANTED Experienced photographer sal. B-658, Journal. CABINET makers wanted. lafao- Valsattna M taring Co., 604 E. X4neoln st. WANTED First class Urs salesman. 838 Ah keny st, ' "HELP WAN TED MISC. REMTNGION-WAHL Cd"UBSl" 48 anpply. Positfons '424 lumbefusetis , The demand exoeeds the guaranteed. Sea na at once, bldg.. 5th and Start sts. UtSa' DICKER'S BCSLNtflS CtiLLsirle) - Civil aervlce, dictaphone operating, shorthand, typewriting bookkeeping, mimeographing. - Eng- Msn speiiwg. stuaxy pug., aa ana elorruon -mw'TfldBNfi auTO SCHOOL. K1 mwrannva ivr ' SPECIAL NIGHT CLASS BATES. - PAY AS YOU LEARN. 'THE ADCO AtJTO soliooTT $80 Wasoo sC comer llaioa ava. ' Call, 'write) or phone K.. 744$ about frea trial effer.- l)ay and Mght classes. GRAb AYE.V EAST 427... girls and students. ManhaU 1201. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILT -Jt I nings phona Broadway 1800. $1 700 $500 CASH ELEGANT 5 BOOM BUNGALOW ON GLENN ATE,. NEAB A! AMEDA PABK. GREAT SACBIFtCE. INSPECT NOW. FRANK IX McQUntE. ABINOTON BLPO.' $2500 H CASH T,m mmm T raosn himaa. large living room. dining room, buffet. Dutch kitchen, basement, large porch, 8 sleeping rooms upstairs; piped for furnace: Corner lot gartten. at. J. car. L. L Jenks. agt-. office 68th and Bandy, Am AKth Hsiulv. 2 nlka. from R. i 5 room bungalow, nving n., ouiua -. kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bath, basement, nice gar den and. fruit; fireplace. $1800. easy terms; aiTftn tftnn oash: $100 discount all cash. L. L. Jenka. 88th and Sandy bird.. B?C. car. HAWTHORNE AVENUE DISTBICT One block from earline, -6 room, all modern bungalow, big attic, furnace, hardwood floors, white enameled Dutch kitcb fcfeplace. book case, 42d st. Address owner, 328 E. 49th St.. or phone Tabor mua. WANTED Room and board for single man j MODERN house for sals, 8 rooms with batb on west aide: stata full particulara. N-721. 1 . humiant with fnmaea. 1240 Mich- JournaL ina are.. Corner Simpson, opposite carbarn; 3 LARGE weU furnished room, board if desired, blocks from Albina. Lot 60x100 Cash $1500 061 Taylor. Main 4080. I ana giBuv moriwe. T I rtorth bldg. Msm 6841. y WANTED ROOM AND HOARD $t I " r KERN PABK. . ELDERLY lady wanU room and board or house- , P t.riTL riewalk lot HOUSEEEEPINO ROOMS 8 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PLEASANT large front room with kitchenette,'. hot and cold water, electricity, anitabla for conple or business girls. No children. Del Monte, 10 1 zutn near wasnington. $2.2& WEEK; completely furnished TL" ST rooms, absolutely clean, every convenience. Desirable people only. Sara carfare. The Cadillac. 3d near Jefferson. h- Terms. Owner. Phone Mar. 8293. 6 BOOM house, walking distance from town: near 4 car tines ; bath, concrete basement with wash trays; one large IinHhed room that may be used aa living rooxa. rtui aeu coeap. Call Sellwood 15. - $6000 HOME fot $3500 7 room hooae, with fireplace, comer 100x200 one block from WooOlawn. car, 80 monstrous bearing fruit treea. 8600 cash. Balance to suit. This is eure some boy. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Cora. FOR"TJALE S rooms. Fax farnaeo, 86600. GENERAL LAND OFFICE. Washington. D. 'G. Fab. 23. 1918. Notice is hereby give that subject to the conditions snd limitations of the act of Jane . ivio ta oral., zig)r and the instructions of the secretary of the in terior of September 15, 1917, the timber on the following lands will be sold April 4, 1918. at 10 O clock a. m., at public auction at toe United States land office at Boseburg, Or., to the highest bidder at not less than the ap- S raised Talus as shown by this notice, sals to e subject to the approval of the secretary of the interior: The purchase price, with an ad ditional sum of ons fifth of 1 per cent thereof ' being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned If sals la not approved, otherwise patent will issne for the timber, which must be removed witlun 1 years. Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of each citixens and corporations organised under the laws of the United States of any state, territory or dis trict thereof only, upon -application or a quali fied purchaser, the timber or any legal subdi vision will be offered separately before being included ia any offer of a larger unit. Sched ule of Umber to Da sold: T. si a., jt. a w., sec. 23. NW. K. BE. . Dowgtas fir 890 M. not to be sold at less than 91.20 per M. T. 21 8.. R. 4 W.. eec 21. N. El . S. W. U. red fir 460 11.; N. W. S. W. red fit 860 M.l S. W. . 8. W. fc, ted fir 630 M.; 8. E. k. S. W. k , red fir 760 M. ; N. E. . 8. E. H. red fit $80 M. ; N. W. . i. E. 14. red fit 400 M.. incense cedar ill 1L; sot to be sold at less than 81 per M.. Bee. 28. 8. W. K H hV it , red fir 800 U., wecond growth fir 100 is.: St. a- ia. . sr. w. rea nr 100 M.. white fir 25 M.: N. W. H. N. W. 14. red fir 1000 M., white fir 60 M. : 8. W. 14. N. W. 14. red fir 850 M., white fir 25 M., cedar 10 M.; S. E 14, N. W. 14. ted fit 800 M- second growth fir 100 M. ; N. B. 14. S. W. It. rod fit 1100 M.. white fir 40 M.: N W. 14. S. W. 14, red fir 910 M., whiu fir 40 M-, cedar 10 M. ; 8. W. H. S. W. 14. red tit 780 M.. white fir 100 M.. cedar 60 M.; 8. K. 14, S. W. 14. ted fir 1240 M.. white tit 90 at, cedar 60 M. ; N. E. 14. 8. E. 14, red lir 1650 M . white fit 28 M., cedar 28 M. ; N. W. 14. 8. E. 14 . red fir 1160 M.. whiu fir 80 M., cedar 20 U.i L W. a. s. . 14. ted fit 1000 M white fi 60 M. cedar 40 M. : S. E. 14. S. E 14, red fit 1240 Ja.. wmte iir ow M., .cedar 80 M.: sec 20, H. a. 14 . . K. 14 . ted Bt 1080 M. ; N. w. . ai. , rea iir gov M.1 S. W. 14 N. E. H, ted fit 1000 M.. ce dar $0 M.J 8. E 14, N. K. 14. tad fit 1100 M-; N. K. 14, . .rea nr luou jg., cedar 30 M.; N. W. 14. N. W. 14. ted fit 900 M-: B. W. 14. N. W. 14. ted fit 1100 M; S. E. 14. N. W. 14. red fir 800 M ee dat 40 M.: N. E. 14. 8. W. 14. red fit 1200 M-. cedar 20 M-; N. W. 14. 8. W. 14 . ted fit 1160 M-: S. W. 14 . 8. W. 14, red fir 1100 M.; S. E. 14. W. 14. red fir 1800 M., ce dar 60 M.; N. E. 14. S. E 14. red fit 1200 M-, cedar 20 M.; N. W. H. S. B. 14. red til 1260 M:. cedar 80 M ; S. W. 14, & E. 14. . 11 Ml XI nedar 40 M. : S. K. 1A. S. E. 14. red fir 2200 M-. cedar 20 M.; sec. 27r-l N K. 14, W. i. , rea iir oov aa., sua iir 25 M.. cedar 40 M. : N. W. 14. N. E. 14. red fit 840 M.. white fir 16 M., eedar 10 M. ; . W. 14, N. 14. red fir 880 M. white fit 80 at., oeaat ow as. ; o. sv. , n. as. t , rwa fir 780 M.. whiu fit 40 M-. aedei 100 M.j N. B. . N. W. H, ted fit 80 M..whita fit 20 It. eedat 80 M.; N. W. 14. . W. 14. ml lit lioo M.. white fit 25 M.. eedat 15 M.; S. W. 14. N. W. 14. ledVit 620 M.. eedat 60 M-: S. B. . w. . rea lit too St., ewdar 110 M. ; N. E. 14. S. W. 14. ted fit 400 M.. cedar Z aa. ; r(. w. . B. Jt. 14. red fir 630 M.. eedat 40 M. ; B. E. 147 8. W. 14, red fit 780 41., eeoar ovaa.; si. Si. E. 14 . tea Iir oow at-, woite ui as., oe- dar 60 M-: N. W. 14. 8. E. 14 . red fir,740 M., white fir 40 M.. eedat 60 M. ; 8. W. 14. 8. K. 14, red fir 750 M.. eedar 100 M. J S. B. 14. S. B. 14. red fir 720 M.. cedar 80 M. ; 83. N. M. . Js- rea iir xepv a. ; N. W, H. N. E. 14, ted fir 1600 la.; S. W. 14. K. E. 14, ted Iir nuu it., ceaat 2 St.; S. E 14, N. E 147 red fit 1260 M, eedat 60 w . w n U WW U fir ltSA U mm. dat 60 M.; N. W. 14. N. W. 14. red fit 800i M-. eedat 100 M.l S. W. 14, M. W. 14, ted fir 480 M. ; S. E.-A. N..W. 14, ted fit 890 M eedat 4 H.i n. E. . 0. v. rea nr 700 M.. cedar 60 M. : N. W. 14. & W. 14. ted fir 650 M.. cedar 60 M.; 8. W. 14. B. W. 14, red fir 850 M cedar 00 M.: b. as. 14, a. vr. 14. red fit 180O St., eedat aw m.; N. JS. , S. E 14. red fit 1800 Af-. cedar 20 Mu N. W. 14X8. B. 14. ted fir 1800 M. ; 8. W14, 8. E 14. red fir 1700 M. ; 8. E. 14 v S. Jt 14, red fir SOOO" M.. eedat 20 M.. whit fit te ha sold at not leas than 81 per M.. eedar at not less than 00 cents per at., ana rea fir at not sea than 31.50 par M. except In W. H. N. W. 14. and S. W. 14. sec 85. which Is to be sold at not less than $1 pet M. Clay TaU- n. LIST your property for aale or trade with Sher man Nelson, realtor, 618 mttock blk. Phone Broadway 673. BEST buy around $1600-; house need not be modern. Must be In good neighborhood. gttuu csn. t.-470. Journal. WANT cheap land, 40 acrea or more, aaywhem in Oregon. u-Gua, journal. CASH fi or bargain in bungalow or dwelling. to 7 rooms. Phone Main 679. MONET TO LOAN PHlTTtl.g. IlI.lRTVg ' Portland Remedial Loaj. aAsn. 7 Portlaad tee bon EsUbliabed by DTotl O. MTEBS HERMAN. Mar.. 84 STARK ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELrtY. PIANOS. LOANS "WANTED $ LOAN your money. 10 per cent interest ot 1ns- prorea fortiana real estate. m a can piece mm, of 3100 up. Celiars-Murtoa ee., oxa Yeon bMg ' AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES " 44 Isas thajV - HORSES. TKHICLES. ETC. 18 $40 BUYS 1200 lb. work horse, a little heavy bat otherwise sound and beat kmd of worker; In good order; good horse for alow work. $200 takes dandy team and first-claaa breeching har ases. They weigh exactly 2 S3 a loe.. are w-o wmmrm lt mmiA mrtA . Ka iSrind of Workers. single or double, mare and gelding. wUl sail separate. Also two 3 Vi inch, wagons, la good abape, $20 and $35. Call and aee u " at Transfer bam, 263 Russell St. near WU GOOD USED CARS AT GREATLY. REDUCED . PRICES WHILE TUEX LAST 181T Ford toortng ear, sJgaost asrw. aasaouat ahle wheels, extra Urv $480. 1916 Cole, beat bat us city. 181$ Stodebeker. extra w lent shape, at a sacrifice. 1817 OaklBBwl 8, fine shape. 00OO sallea. o eectl tires, Cedillae tooriag, 3260, , ' TeUs touring, $SOO. Wbsar gas, $400. .... Saxon two pass en gat. Ilka new, $878. Ford touring ear. good boy. $880. Ford touring, repainted. $276. . Ford, worm drive, new, cheap. AO these ears wiB bear inapecUon. Come to, look them ever before yoa bay. Open Sunday. Easy senna. , W. H. WALLINGFORD. 23 Alder st. Mala 2482. AUTOMCsMLES .WAITTEP . 19 . r wiLL PAaOTTSPOfCAilt FOit" jTOUl - FOUIX- FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE. S. 1 180. - w- IV 18th and Hawthorne are. WANTED Beet auto" Wood lawn 4197 HIGH Ed T $300 wiil buy. uiitsr pncea paid lor aatvmobllea: eonus tioei ne ebecw 121 N. $4 at, Bdwy. 36,9: - AUTOS FOB HIRE $. AUTOS TOR HIRE WITHOUT DRTTEBS Brand new cars.' Reasonable ratea --Feartna Robaett. Cite Garage. 86 lOlh, Bstweea Star! and Oak. Broadway 6t6. AUTUS without drtvere lor "hire, 'Coucbaaee sk BuHivan. lOtk-Yasahiq. Mar. 288. A-lgSft. MOTOBCTCLF.S-BICYCLES Large stock of new and used maahinea, DAYTON CYCLE CO., 68 &th st. MOTORCYCLE aod some cash as first payment eat roadster or boa. Call Marshall 844. be tween 1 and 8. evenings 827 E AMer st, - LAUNCHES AND BOATS $4 WANTED Houseboat with large porch: gie dirsctions bow to get to place. U-T88, Juf nal FCSrSALE Furnished houseboat. C. WOlanv otto Moorage. - PIANOS, . ORGANS AND MUSICAL : INSTRUMENTS - $4 CLOSINa OUT 8276 nuruht niaal Imp tsl 1 caaa, a ssou one. WE Bava the finest assortment of young geld ings and marea, weighing from lzoo to lovv lbs., snd moles weighing from 1000 to 1400 lbs. Abo seven sets of double horse harness. stock sold with a guatantee Fr.azier & McLean 240 E. 8th and Main. CONSIGNED to us and must sell 29 horses and Doniea. was ons and harness. Here la tne place to boy, as we handle nothing bat cow signed stock and yoa get a square deal. If yoa want a none or nave one to aeu. eee ws -wm best references - in town. COLUMBIA STA BLES. 802 Front st, . i 870 BUYS a 1200 lb. rancA mare; color black; good worker; also 800 lb. blacky bay pony mare, cheap. Take Mt. Scott cat. to 9th are., 1 block east. 1 block north to 6325 85th 8. E. Hoase with flagpole. ' A TEAM of good farm nuree, fat and good health, work single or double; also 1450 4b. horse for sals cheap. Brooklyn car. North 3 blocks to 706 Woodward ave. CAPITAL STABLES. 287 Front at. Just re ceived a carload of horses and marea from $ to 7 years old. and from 1200 to 1800 lbs. AH nrst clam stoca. 11, tsierman, nop. WORK teams, good groand. $5 to $8 snd found. Without dnvsrs. $2 to 38, Long Temment contract. Expenses both ways. A. Irwin, Beaside. Or. PIANOLA to trade for hone or cow. RJchi WHY wait until the bora, is stolen and then I giTassh ! e llrri ,irt. Vara ?- bv h. ltamT TK. fMf Shtfttf M him the . . " - Vw . w . nice warm days are upon us and then everyone gets the fever to get out of town for fresh air and recreation. But when yoa go to bay an au tomobile the good boys are gone and yoa take what is left. Play wise and boy bow and save mosey. The cars we sell carry the same guar antee as a he w one. 1916 Dodge roadster, new 844 battery .,8 630 1916 Overland model 88. looks new .... 600 1917 Chevrolet, oversiae tires 630 1916 Baby Grand Chevrolet, 80- per cent new 860 1200 900 '800 600 right, 8190; a 6423 one. 8216 eash: a 690 organ, $29eeah at Security Storage Co., 109 4th at, at WasbtHt Pianos stored. 60a monthly. or nougat ana soiq lor casn. fnone Main 0a. Q lTbonogrsphs rrtd records boaght, gold - exchaaged and rested. Expert repels, ing. lit H 3d. near Alder, tpsratrs. 1917 Hupmohlle, $150 of extras ... Series 18 Studebaker. 95 per cent new. Series IT Studebaker, 90 per cent new. 1A1T rk.n.l.t SUA OR imp . 1912 Baby Mitchell six , 800 ? Franklin Sis bug BOO 1916 Overland, model 78 609 Ford 1 ton truck. 90 par cent new 600 Light delivery, overhauled 2 SO 2 ton track, brand new 700 Uppert-Stawart 31500 delivery 600 4 Carloads in ' Next Week. Open Sunday and Evenings. The Firm With a Reputation Money Cannot Buy. OONlEY'8 USED CAB CENTEB. 8. W. Corner 16th and Washington Sta. Brick Building, Dtde Entrance. Phone Main 8848. E FBICES ABB SOARING CABS ARE GOING TO BE -MIGHTY SCARCE THIS SPRING car, S biocka south to 706 Woodward ave. BORAS and wagua. $1.20 day; 2 horses and wagon. 32.50. 646 Front. Main 2208. DEAD huiaee and animals nauled away free. Call Wood wa .20. Portland Rendering Co. MUST sell 2500 lb. team, harness and farm wsgoa cheep. Call at 203 N. Union ave.' WANTED Farm wagon. $14. 1 set batneaa,' 145 Stanton. FOB SALE, cheap. 2 milch cows; a 8-year-old 103 bo in C). K. WANT ing. good 6 or 7 room house. Party watt W. T. Goulder, 719 Cham, of Com. ROOMING HOUSES 8 Best Buy in Portland 80 rooms, best farnitars tn Portland ! many private baths, 'good long lease, very central. In come $1200, profits $650 per month. Price, on terms. $6000. Bir.gne compels sale. 002 Coach bldg. 27- ROOMS, brick bldg.. all on ons floor, rent $25: neat and cleaa, aa a pin. clears $125 a month. Price $850; terms; close la wast side. Peters. 15 N. 0th st, . 2 Rooms, snap, white temple fi& tries, lovely furniture and fine money maker. Brace Qoddard. 602 Couch bldg. 22 BOOMS, rent $35; all on one' floor, large ugnt ana airy rooms, asndy transient location, $400. Peters, 15 N. 5th St. 1 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 28 Jersey; 4-year-old Holstein. NICE, young, gentle riding pony, true worker. - single or double East 181. SPRING wagon in good order cheap, good, fot 1 to 2 horses or trade for cow GOOD work team and old Tabor 988. harness fot sals j ehean. Phone Broadway 1609. 10 HEAD good tars work horses, well fed, Ws have some exceptional bargalna te earn on band and are offering them, at real bargain ui hies Inveatoato the oats tn this Hat: 1917 Buiok 8. first elass $900 1918 Dodge tooriag car, extras 900 1916 Dodge 650 1917 Maxwell touring ear, first class .... 676 1917 Ford, extras 426 1914 Chalmers, first class 1916 Dodge, delivery 680 1917 Stodebeker. 8 pass. 776 1917 Chevrolet, first class ........... BOO 1918 Cadillao,-first elass I860 lig ceaiiiae, nrst class uo Ford roadster, elee. Ughta and starter ... 880 Aad many others, COVET MOTOR CAB CO- Washington at 21st st. Main 8244' FULL CASH TALUK PAID Fot records phonographs, organs, pienoe, -," musical instruments. -k NEWMAN RECORD EXCHANGE, 138 let st. Msia 4496, Tsbnr 6798. - I0..4.? .J?""...,"? . t 7..i eve osui uur ids piayer paane 1 24. 8487.60. Best sari nam bans- fas ,H house, secures musical edocattea, entertalnaeat -and the property. Bchwan Piano On.. Ill 4th. GEORGE T. TUNER. " " Rraduate New England Conservatory ef kluslo, ' Bostoa, Mesa, Tuning. 68.00. Tabor'bt74. $90 UA8H burs$3T5 trtt Gabler ai'right Piano and 8X68 eash a USA Is nota player piano, at Security Storage Oo., 10ft -4th. SNAP $78 trombone and $10 ease foFTST. Haretakea only one lesson on horn. Call Tabor 2327. - ... ' v - . FIRST 'class $600 player piano , and several J pieces of music. Will self for $300, $18$ caah. bat 310 month. C-858. JournaL BENT a pFayar piano, music included. ilarolA. . H. Gilbert, 384 Yamhill at. ' FOB . SALfl cheap, 46 player piano rolls, ever 1 practically new; real Bargain, Mala 44 7. PHONOGRAPHS, records, bousut. sold sal changedk Hail A Caaslday. 116 let St. M.ff096 WANTED Piano or plkyst piano tot eaaL W-744,-Joomat . TRADE your old piano tor new talking ma chine. Harold H. Gilbert. 884 YamUlll at. PHONOiaUPU eabiaet else, like B.wJ with reooros. JTake $60. Main Mil. PUSO for sale. $222 cash or $80 caah bal ance on contract. Phona D-18U. .-' 5. WANTED piano, pay caah.' Marohan 6248, over winter. $50 to $150. 228 Alder st LITE STOCK M WANT to buy between 20 and 60 Angora goats, that can be conveniently loaded on the -"Willamette ; or Columbia river steamers. Send prion and description in firs letter to J. II HowefT Boyd. Or. aa USED ATJTOKOBTLES, , TERMS GIVEN. FIVE voang fresh grade Jerseys, dairy ai family: some fine butter cows. Will taks dry or fat cows ia exchange. 96 E. 80th. cor ner Washington.. " FRESH family oow, rich tester. South Port land ear to Woods st, apstairs aad top toad to 788 12th at MUST" be sold, good big team, weight 2800 lbs. ; 1817 Mitchell. S-pass., -cyl 1917 MReheU. . 6-pasa., 8-cyl 1917 Cbcvrolet, 0-paas 1917 MsxwslL 6-paaa.. sedan. 1912 Mitchell. 6-paaa., 6-cyl ll J cilery, o-paas., o-eyL ...a $ $78 1060 TYPEWRITERS r r ' tl NEW REMINGTON, rental plan. . tent apadiea' to' . x purchase. Visible, modela. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER? CO- 88 Broadway. ' - Broadway 462f WE BAVE too from 60 to 78 Prpent on s4 makas of typawiiura. Send fot ouT price llsl Retell department. Wholesale Typewriter Cev. 821 Washington street , r REHt'ILT typewriters, aupnUaa, Corona dealers.' E. W. Pease Co.. 110 6th. FOR " SALE i45 caainMclaas I'aderwooX B-763, Journal. ALL MAKES tip writers rented aad repsireds r pr . a, , i tr.i .ease Oregon Type Co.. 94A 5th. Maia 8663. Money Making Restaurant, $200 Sloknsss eomssls selet Rsw. Boy this, run it aad make money then sell for doable the price. Term. 368 Union eve, north st Bdwy. I Want to Buy Grocery. Store Have the eash and some clear real estate to miw n w. . 4. U. W.4. of say agent at 602 Coach bldg.. or phone Main, full particulars. M 693, JournaL 4867. TSOWS with pigs for aale. Inquire of G. WANTED, party to take contract for catting oordwood, drag saw and tools furnished free. Apply Sellwood Wood Coal Co.. 13th and Iinta. I must leave the city ai aa old established busyness I AM drafted a once. I have and need a manager with some capital. r Main 7618. A-4253. ; FViR SALE Small cleaning aad pressing shop. Good location, doing good business. Owner leaving town. F. A. Gordon, 106 E. Alta st. Pendleton. Or. FOR SALE Good paying laundry business, "in" small town, an up to date plant Reason for selling sickness. 34600 eash or terms. Address Ll Ay Walsh, Issaqnah, Wash. MILLINERY old established location, small stock; good ope ing for eae who would like to add dressmaking. Owner 768 Alberta st Phone C-1320. 894 Glsdatone used to heavy hauling. are. W-B ear. - X A-l Jersey-Durham milch cow, 2d ealf, 1 a . ; 850 750 ........ 760 1916 Mitchell, 5-paaa.. 6-cyL ........ . 750 A number of others to select frffat, $160, up. v Used Cat Dept.. KmrHELL, LEWIS STATES CO.. East Morrison at First SU East 7272, B-121. - B. taated. Georges en. 2048 4 days. T. Portsmouth ava. WOULD give a fine home for 1 to 2 good I cows for their feed trith privilege of baying. Box 419. B. -et X, MBwankle. UT. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. NICE fresh Jersey cow, rich milker. 971$ Fos ter road. 97th St. Lents. GOOD young Jersey cew for sale. Phone Wool lawn 868. WANTED A good milch goat State breed and BarcT Waterloo, Or. B. POULTRY, PIGEONS. PET STOCK $7 WHITE Leghorn day old chicks. The hen that lay -is the ben that pays. Ws have the greatest laying strata known. Stock on range, full of Tim ana Titaary, sio per ivv. vtisiena PouItfT Acres. 1 101 Simpson st fnone vooa- lawn 8269. ' , BUFF ORPINGTON- A-l eggs for hatching; 82.60 from pens No. 1; $2 from pens no. 2; $10 per 100. These are from prize-winning Latock. Portland. 1816 and 1917. Anna Brown. 16700 41st SE. Phone Sellwood 2981. BARRED Bock hatching eggs. Hamlet strain; Silver-- Casmine hatching eggs. My stork is second to none. 8 Hsmlet eack erels for sale end-baby chicks. J. Murray 8126 62d st 8. K. Tabor 1261. FOR BENT Garage and equipment in Lenta, 316 per month. O. F. Reed, 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 8617. GemAntS, not. cold water. $1 j Ground 85xi40, west slope Mt Tabor. Also VKllt-JrVLlOi week op. 401 Tit st 1 apartment mto 100x100. 26th and YambilL TWO furnished h ouaekeeping rooms, gas, bath. Si- montn. BV2 rrent at HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS 78 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY A. C Kriger, owner, 1296 E. Salmon. Tabor 8621. DOUBLE house, 6 rooms each, modem eonven- ' ienoes, close in between East Morrison and Hawthewna. Will take sins la boose aa pert Pay ment or aell reasonable. Can be suede into small apartmerrta. Q-761. Journal. TWO rooms and sleeping perch; running water. I FOB SALE Good 6 room modem bungalow electric Ushta. heat t. and meatine- aaa far. i a i. nrUt, nf tmit trrija. nished; walking distance, $15. Phone Eeat 7074. $ blocks from earline. $1600. $400 cash, $15 TWO nicely fumUhedH. K. rooms: heat, bhoae. Ipet month If taken Immediately. Tabor s7 oaxn, gaa. rnone 1174. 18800 BUNNY8IDB S-room house, 4 ad and WELL furnished bedroom, L K. Modem. East' 7860. FOR RENT HOUSES UNFUBNI8HED privileges. . . Morrison, 8200 eash, balance easy terms. ' J awiiWB sgx v v wa i-w -i bjiu . i and steeping 9 ROOM house with 5 lots at 1180 MOwaukia I tore. Call 499 12 I FOR SALE Modern Irringtou baea. 6 rooms idern Irringtc porch, with &. loth N., or without f urnv- mornings. are., for only 326 pet month. Has fur-1 A SNAP S-toom bouse, lot 60x113; $800 nace. irre piace, urge living room ana la good I cash. $800 terma. JOBS . 18th st, 2 blka. roiuiuui- m nouj ir ana tine garaen. 1 from Seuwood ear. FOB RENT -4xxoom house. yeafs rent in advaac4i lot 100x100: 18 J MA.MV, IWUVVi SW bearing fruit trees; 8 blocks goat-. dl , Lenta f " i a 1 Wat eat son ice in euy: any res en name terms. Phone Tabor 2792 BOSECrivY PABK. strictly modem room lyttjBr sl.4iA.-s Jia-la men --3 A1 ZZ r... JTl j - . . . aaal satow. $500 w. balaaee like rent Tabor ' " ssuisww- paruy rnraianeq at Urn f 4477 n. isw as. n. e. uurese box 1 nnerwoea, or. Phone city marshal of Sherwood. - - - - - - BOUSES, T. 6 rooms, yards; beautiful location. East Ash and 15 th. HOUSE 8 rooasa, -pantry,- water, electric Ughta, mim. ii, terms, roox Sanaa st tl. James. FOB -BENT- 11 room modem fua AoS th as., uusr poerman. TWO 8 room bungalows. 14 berta earline. Phone Wdln. 8998, 128 FT. en Montgomery with 4 'large houses. an rented. Clear oi xiicumnrarice.- 14 cash. baL fang time; 6. E-402. JourfiaL $90O BUYS a dandy bungalow, west side, $100 cash, balance $16 Bet month. ML E. Lee. 60S verDeti oiqg. , 4 BOOM house, eieetrw lights, Anabel station. -. ssuu. iidv csnx noooa si sin m7. block from Ai" 4 KO0M1 bungalow, clear; would consider trade $107 room hooae on Bortbwick. . venieai to shipyards. Main 8486. 'Jive phone number. Y-7 04 j slLE Bsaulif ul home 'by Journal. SECOND haad barber supplies aad chair boaght end told. List your barber shop with as. fortiana Cutlery oo.. is m-a, ' " ' . ' rVi.'T WoRRt Y can sen et trade anything aay hare Ley- ssan. 14514 Broadway. i- 191 Feed tooriag. . 1917 Ford roadster. 1917 Ford touring. 1917 Ford touring. 1916 Ford touring. 1916 Ford roadster. 1915 Ford roadster. 1915 Ford touring. 1914 Ford touring. 1914 Ford touring. Don't faQ to see these ears before yoa bay, some of ..them are practically new and all are tn finest mechsnicsl condition. Terms if desired. FRANCIS MOTOB CAR CO.. East $770. E. 18th and Hawthorne ave. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB WALE -4$ - Sell or Trade Steel ranges, 811.60; cook stoves, $S.9$I eft . heaters. $1.4$; two burner Perfection cnek stoves, $2.95; gas plates. 81.96:, wood heater, 81161 coal heaters, 64.90; iroa beds, 86ei springs. $1 46; mattress, 12.35; saw pillows, pair, $1.45; dressers, 84.9$; dining toblea, 36.38; library tables, 81 65: center tobies, -$1.48; Vk Ubourettes, 65c; kitchen toblea, 9cJ steel conch. 92.90: rockers, 31. IBs chairs, 86e bowls and pitchers, 76ei new tabs, 8e : refrigerator, 68.90; child's Iron crib, 68.801 commodes. 81.85; break feet tables, 62.90; gas rangss, china cahineta, leather seat rockers gad chairs, wicker furniture; all as oa this X allow -Tag Sale. 203 Madlaoe at, S. . - LATEST model Detroit Jewel gaa raaas, wlute' enamel,, nearly Bew. Also gaa Rood heeler No. 25, and a wood heater. All very -cheep. Call Wdln. 8668. i VOR 111.12 n ,r burfa. bs snuoh. kitchen queen table, bed, springs aad last tress, wash atand. Call 258 N. 21st Mar. 2776. DEPENDABLE USED CABS AT RIGHT PRICES AND EASY TEBMB Overland . $560 Overland Wire wheels $860 Overland 5-paaa. ,...8438 Ford Touring ............. $360 Maxwell Sedan .., .....8915 Hudson 6-40........ 8660 Studebaker 1915 $960 Chalmers JS-SO $960 WESTERN-MOTOR CAR SALES CO. Broadway at Burnxlde. FINE sawmill and logging rtropositm Portland. 70.000.000 feet timber. Close To railroad, $2 per thousand, including muL $33,000 cash, balance as timber i- removed. M. E. Lee. 605 Corbett bids.. V BHD? KNEE8 WANTED. LOEB BROS.. 902-8 BROADWAY BLDG.. PORTLAND, Pit RETAIL dairy, good route, 16 eews and equlp- ment 1111 0ta ave. o. . MONEY TO LOAN BEAL ESTATE 81 A PEN of White Wyandottee, seven hens snd one cockerel; White Wyandotte and Bhode T.l 1 T 1 . a, kA ,A in a a . IAD. baby chicks. Hogsnixed. bred to lay. 6805 4 2d st SE. Sellwood 281. 100 LAYING pullets, Rhode Island Rede. BoT? I orptngtr a, wmte egm, gnt sewing msrnin. none, wagon wrtn top. 14$ E 81st N. Montaviila car. Garages J See liartiis, 644 Hood . st Pheae Mela 1167. OUR installment plan is the beat and sorest method ot paying a maa. $82.26 pet month fot 86 months eg 821.24 fot 60 months at 815.17 tot 96 aaenttw, pays $1000 Joaa gnd interest f 'Other amounts fa prupurm m. - We loan oa Improved city properly Ot fot building purposes. . No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS JOAX ASSOCIATION 242 Stark St. Portland. Or. MONEY to loan oa improved property la msit every tow a in Washington. Oregon aad Idafeet same la paid back Monthly Ilka rent B. J CnsdwlcK. Ias'aS . w. Usui bldg. $200. $$60, $400. $6VW. 0t. $700. $1000 aad larger aaaounts at current rates. Quick action. Fred W. German Caw, 782 Cham&ar of Comiaeice. BUILDING loans oa city or aobareaa property; money advanced aa work proa-rues. a. W. O. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bldg. Main $487. PRIVATE party win loan on mortgage. 35 00". 81000. $1500.. Write to Max, 290 14th st. city. MONEY to loan la aaaounta ef $100 to $60Vw en city property. A- H. BELL. 201 GerTtngwr bMg. MORTGAGE loans. 6 and 7 per eeat Salomon A Co.. 408 Selling bMg. . Loom WHITE Leghorn baby chicks, from heavy laying , (Hocanlsed) stock. March delivery, 811 per 100; April, flu. we guarantee eafe arrival. The Pioneer Hatchery. Petalama, Calif. FOB SALE! Purebred 8. 0. White Leghorn hatching eggs. Heavy laying stahk, 88 per 100. Write to L B. Gates, H, 4. Taneouver. Wash. WHITE WYANDOTTE8. very heavy laying strain, 31.60 setting, guaranteed 2-3 fertile. Wood wn 996. Millmade Construction Co. NEW TIRES Wast brand ' of new' tttee m oreferf We have the all makes aad sixea. Akte we make the faaaoos O-T-O Doable Tread (eewedl tires and ae aJQ ef tire repairing. Oregon Vela 338-835 Barnatde. -near Broadway. manner Co.. WHITE ROCK EGGS, thoroughbred stock, high fertility; 81.60 for fifteen. V. L, Gibson, Salem, Or.. Route l. FOR SALE Thoroughbred White Leghorn set ttng eggs. $1 a setting. Seat 4439. $92 Brasoo St. 60 LAYING pullets. R. I. R.. Black Minorca. White Leghorn. Tabor 1209 or 161 E. i t FORD ONE TON TRUCK, 1917 Ford one ton track, finest condition; equipped wit- express oouy; virss new. FRANCIS MOTOR :CA CO.' East 8770. E. 18th and Hawthorne ave. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS It Electric 'Motors Bo-gat, seat tented sad Teparred. Walker Electric Walks. 418 Bora, aid, corner 10th, Broadway et A-B674. " ' - ALL machines sold fog aeente : ewinloeedl - retrtod. repaired. A-8616, 9431. Sewiag MaeBiae 390 3d. near Tayle st SI 0.00 drophead sewing afSohtoeg V WlUU Hh atruhn-ntai all are la vert ' good eondltioT.. Sewiag gaaehlasa ranted a$ $8 Kt moath. Pbeae East 8860 er B-8307. K, ' Steea, 182 Grand aee., ptBelssoa. ' - POTATOES, beat quality,' field taa.; $1. seek, select aeed for the war garden. $1.2$ sack. delivered: lay tn a supply before spriof high v J. 11. KtamstrlBO Vk urana ave, a-aene trrioe. V.., '111 "MUSICAL INSTRbMESTB." Typewrttorj" and "Househoid Goods'- gte sepaiaie ewn aatlona. AH adrertiaemwBts ef these gees- ere publtahed aader their reepee-ve all til ftnat tons. ooav nils utssi Abf 0 6b1les. ' M6toCTCLE j. L-CjCkai et beets ate asperate ettastfiaatfaaa. Uattng eaa be found ondet these dtflaseat eisssi licet tqna. - ' fis.t ' r " ' Broadway t$Tt W rA RnnrWsUa.l650 Q. U Schroeder. aaa s-iuuitaea 1 Portland. Or 1 II O llv A-48$ Maw and 2d TTsnd AH lass A st Amount ,Used Sewing Machines Bt half price. Aoto Wrecking Co., g9-iil-9$ 81st N S. O. White Leghorn settings. 15 for $1 50. j Berth Broadway. Broadway 198. lamous xesteriaM strain, woooiawa zoo a. "HO Vernon ave. FOR SALE Ouareateed. We rent, and yepali, . 173 Third St . Msin 14B. aVI$l$, VvK WILL upuoist.r sad repair toot 1 -tore aad iakewonr old dines reed fun litare ia etebange for pay wot Mnrtnocnih Famitare Hospital. 854 8d at Mate 4664. LADIES desiring ereebet work ot" having aotae , t- m A , A. Bk tA ' ' MUTOKs, rs. oearinaa. wneea. axm; we i .rtd detaila. International Trssuag Crochet Co. wrecn au .. w i wu wv parts ! Whiter Leghorn rorTiatr-ing, 14 for 31.50. ckerels. 83; Barred Rock Ses for moor owee. BROWS LEGHORN eggs $1.60 "setting; FTemish rabbits $1 op. Tsbor 7534. AN CON A setting eggs from select layera, ex- eeptionally fertile. Main 7679. Itock Used Cars SSS COVTY MOTOR CAB CO.. 21st and Washington sta Mara 6244. 8 CYLINDER, 48 H. 7 peas. Mitchell, A-l eondition. car naa run evuo : I newest model, cost $1800. WUl sell cash or Liberty bonds. - Msm 1601. 288 3d st. Main 8778. A DROI'H-AD sewing machine, A-l condition, and Urge mirror. Very reasonable, S20 18m . at. Mala 2871. " I 1 FOB SALE Big load of wreckage Weed si 1 teg f llOO $100 to 31S00. consider lota. K. H. Dowlmg. 416 Chamber of Commerce.' Main 667. eteraer - atl rii . raaosable.T 1008 .' 30fn at. n. . 3 FOB SALE FABMS If! 81 ACBES, tasted on electric earline, $ miles from Vancouver's Interstate bridge and indus trial plan te. 85 acres under eultiraUoa, 1$ acrea ot more line onion and garden land, also soma valuable oak and fir tin bar. suitable fot cord- wood and piling.- . Located on hard surfaced maa wtucn goes tnrongh the lana. 4 room noose, urge oarn, otner necessary oatoou aings, H mils from srraded aeiwwJa -This ks a first- class piece ef land, but owned by a non-teat - cent wno, Having otber Interests, jg.onenng It at a gnat 'sacrifice. Price 8100 per a'ere. 82060 cash, balance 6 i, time to suit If you are looking for either a home ot a first class in vestment be sure and see this. THOMPSON SWAN. Btn and Main sts. Vancouver. Wash. ilO ACRES, 25 in' cultivation, good hot eT barn, etc. OTohard, 80O9 cords of sts ding timber; this Ideal tana ia well .era tared, good fishing, dep aoiL test the place for a dairy, 8 milea to Oregon City, cream route, phone, dally mail; 88000. 31500 cash, balaaoe long t-sa. OscarFrcytag, Gladstone, Or. - - BUNGALOW, 'ft rooms, new, 4 and 64-100 acrea oLlaad. cleared. 140 you f fruit tores; some strawberries and taspberriee, $1100. One mile . from Lafayette, Or. : near the Yamhill Locks. P. Biehop. Lafayette. Or. ' . -- 40 ACRES, half ander eultivati on, good soi springs, $60 pet acre, $7$ down, $10 per mo. Also larger farms on same terms. See Diaper, 401 Board of Trade. 1 ' ... avMt sirr .tinss ' " .. WcB improved 10 acre tract bungalow, bar, etc 85e round top . fare. Phone even t East 2952.. " . . .-... . en tana 1 HAVE 31000 to 840.000 to et etty property, y. tx Box 878. t $100 te $600 Quick, action oa aubmrbaa boaaaa. ' Ward. 407 Spalding bldg. ' CASH fot saottgagea, loans, oantraets. Lew-, Boom 4. Lewis bldg. Mara 48$. F. a - MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 81 Salary; Chattel LOANS WB LOAN MONET Ob Short notice to salaried or workteg men oa their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly a monthly- payments, r Each - transection strictly confidential. . . NO MORTGAGE ' NO INDORSEE ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY - We else loan o household furniture, pianoa. etc., without removaL . CAX-TD INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA YJISCOTTNT COMPANY. - LICENSED. 817 Failing bldg. If You Need Money See lis :" ;" ' ' SALARIES CHATTELS Isr asade te persons en--salary or fixed em neassaoiq mrnrtare. piaaea, dia- uey perse u property; legal raua, eonf lential: wrivato off ea. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY . ' 808-807 Ddkoat BMo.' ' Money te faaa ee ptsoea. fur .tore, other eecnrC . ttev. W. A. He ia way. raa. 08 Wassv baic. BAERED BOCK eggs for hatching. 1447 TSZ CASH paid !f Wl lory ave. Woodlawn 1656. parte for all makes of ears. Oregon Auto Ex- iasa-mpaw- xx.-m o nA w" change. 120 Lowndale et- at 18th aad Weals. - - - - - .. - ."w. . - - 1 HMtML h i asarn 1111. White Leghorn roosters and hens. I ....,.. 1 . i 1 , . a .' f eTr vr-n-s-pTv-a. So so , a 7r 1911 .--v. r. cax. Bardaley. Kenton Station. Woodlawn 819. WHITE Bock setting eggs. $2 pet 15. 486$. Mal- tically new tlree and extra. 4886 E. 8tth st S. B. DUBBUILLB Pes Leariag eity. DOOS. BIRDS. PETS. ETC.- 46 THOROUGHBRED fox terrier poppies. 1447 Mallory ave. Weed lawk 165$. WILL exchange 8 "rabbits for chickens or say- in ing you nave. kt w. pxumore tt TOP CO.. 9th A Oak. Broadway 1884. Fords Enameled $12.50 REGISTERED orange and blue Persiaa eats at etod: fee 33. East 8228. BELGIAN hares, 60c p. Call Tabor 1874. 870" E. Morr-eu St D T you are tainting of buying a new 1 63.76 net load. P-ttte East 4828 6363. . ,. NEW 8AFK for sale; a bargain if yon neej one; dealers need not apply. Call Wood wn TlZ-HOLE steel range practically sew,' water eoU. warming even, t srm ocneuri a 10 good beater. 74 E. 72d st N. AUSTRALIAN' pslsa. twe ef theee plante tot -sale, aoitoble for bote! ef large reoeptioB fcalL Apply Woodlawa 2006. TREES for aale; English walnnt fruit, shade and toss bushes; closing out Tghog iol. : closing 128 E 7 1st aad MorrigmC REDUCED prices oa Cable roofing papet,"sll kinds tools, i. Leva, 12$ Front ft, between Yamhill aad Taylor. lOO ESttLOPES or BOd beni iettoy-U-t' IS t .7 8. 800 bond - billheads - or 8s tb Printing Co.. 204 Stork t $1.7 eat eall aad aee soa. Eeet 7161 eaa gate yoa 87$. Phone AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 WILL trade used car up to $269 ae 1st pey- st en sew 11S a passen get -automo Ja. CaU 454 Flanders corner 12th. TRUCK CONTRACT WANTED Man with twe-toa track weald. Hke te secure I LARGE stock of slightly ased tires at low pr es I ruleanix ing, rc-troewng, general tire repairing. H. o ntiack. 004 wet at, aiam my, haoling coptraet. Aaswcr amedlately. JournaL FOR SALE Overland . delivery aoto hi . fine etulittoa. Win take 8-00 for a nick eeab C-817, gala. Caa be seen any time at 84 N. Broadway. I 1917 FORD, first class condition, -sacrifice. .1794 E : Tars bill t Tsbor 8620. - A RGB potatoes $1.25 pet sack, delireted. i Pboeig Broadway 22$. v ' ' - ; . ONE chest ef ship ea rpeotet toeia fog cheap. Pheae Maia 804 0. . - -$6, COMPLETE BATHROOM 6UTlttT, $55 . Northwestern Pipe Co., 187 I'Totit et - ROTARY White sewing aiua rh e. $20. gain. 191 Park St. near Yamhill. ' SALE Aduraasing mechlne that is FOB SALE Adxlraasing mechlne that is ef figiettt rapid, inexpensive. W-740,' Joorwal. S-EENHOUSES with stock oi pkato fot .teat 7 W. KlUtnawwortn eve. 1 Tee- 8870 1 - Ton. $470 8 Ten. $470 Capacity 198 -. Water THAT Kk. (THA VER-GTT T.LY MAC M COMPANY AUTOMOBILES WATTTED Maxwell or Uertge 78 BUILDERS OT ' EYEBBKADY TRUCK , ATTACHMENTS , '.; Mfg. ia Portland , - - Pkea eat T487. touring eat wanted Wijl pay eash. , C-816. 1916 MAXWIO-, tos sale ebea. k-AJJoT R PUBLt-- -ton track, almost new. ' -- 33 North Park Street IXDE-Ai. 1 14 toa track with body. Z' AUTO WOO DBA W Je r ,- - . -. cheap . for caahi . F-86, to ED I by private patty. Journal. $900 PLATER piane, brand new: exchange fdr auto MiBs. ca 1 estner- ay.: Hotel rtevarre, Mnns .-AAT. . ..- - " ' - 10 ACEKSne level land, 2 miles front Canby. Or. : vtui traoe tor lave asooei auxe et cjose lay acreage. -Phone- East 7732., Owner.. WANTED) bodge cat ia poor eoaditloa that eaa pat te good repair wiyaeHVee one in good condition if a bargain." M710. Journal. WANTED tor ca i, 16. or 1 7. Bupaob-ss, iti Stark at :--T!--r-;'- v-..,i -.r. ; ...-.-'-.:. PLUMBING eoppheey wholesale ' prises. $1 ak Dav- Co- 212 3d at Mala 797. BATHTt'HS. sinksi lot let. , prps and littia. A. U Howara. 2ia sua at. rpone saaia isoo. VaCCUM elee era soli 1, reps ad, tentod, ea ehangeda beeght Beotley Co. Main 8683. ehangeda I jrs ru-1, . , ' Hotee and eow manure. TatH 181. tNCALLJtb for to or made suite. M Tsyloe the Taflor. 289 1 B-rasnde. - tfAPOLEON 'mahogany bed, food condition. Ap- ply 434 Carter Lane, Port nd Height. - . LADY'S new ioe skate. nerx used. Mar. $4l4. Jaeger vacuum sweepers, main bj WELL totted eow et horse manure, . Mar.' 405.C s C0S-Ale4 B "ffXt PaaTb); r - r t . - V