THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; POR TLAND, - WEDNESDAY, MARCH ' 6, 1918. HEIF AUTM-Mf All r - w AftSISTANT TO BOOKKEEPER Boat hav knowledge of stenography. Apply R. W. Stub. STUBBS ELECTRIC CO. . . . Sixth at Pin. Y0T7NO women for telephone work, pay white learning. Apply Pacific Telephone A TeW- graph - Co.. 6 lb floor. Park aad Oak (U., be tween $;30 a. so. and 1:10 p, a , LTPMAN. WOLFE As . CO. require th service of a woman soda dlsperuer, am a woraa to . act aa keeond clerk. permanent poaHton wtik Boon oar ta offend to those who can analify. - Apply Superintendent' office, Thursday mora ing, between 9 and 10. aerenth floor. FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 11 Powers Rental Bureau . A denertaaan oneratlns far the eeewlae af ear patruaa and friends, A eeriteo absolutely withoat eharea to a. On Uatlnee of bungalows ajKlapart eate 4 aioat ejoaapstte. iukaa rujt bkktu Powers Furniture Co, Wira and Yamhill Stnttt a ROOM1 house, yard, 46 17th at. between market and Mill; Welkin d lata nee; $7.60. wnn water. FIVE room bungalow partly furnished at 223 E. 70th at. N. Addreaa box 91 Sherwood. Or. Phone city marahal of Sherwood. fare. oaa. adioinine Wichita atatinn CI W P.. Be Inquire at (tore building, f 0 month. ROOM houae. 259 Chapman at Keys at zo 14th at. Phone Main 7689. ROOM houae. aeOuITal Call bet. 1 and 8. 618. FURNISHED or unfurnished 1 room modern house. Bt John airline. Phone Bellwood 1981 WANTED At once, three wide awake solicitor. -. to sell Una of hand painted Kaater earda. Right person can make from 3 tn. IS per day. Call between 2 and 6 in afternoon. VUla Bt . Clara. 12th and Taylor, Apt. 107. ill t a tit 4 I ...i.i.... aiI trlbuting hosiery add underwear to regriiat easterners, at mill price. All or (pare time; oa to !)() monthly. Parker CO., K746 J. 12th at,. Philadelphia. HOLMEKEKPEU By workingman with middiraged widower! 2 rhildren and (mall borne. near Portland; wagea (12 IIS per month. N- .478, JonrnaL ' RE8PoVsiHJ Udyl wlahTng to earn ber .y epring auil or eoat by firing only epare time. can at room 410 central bid-., ear. i via ana lJru EXPERIENCED SALESWOMEN for shoe de ' partment; most be ratable and furniah beat of references. Apply. 9 to 10 a. fn.. aupertn- tanden a office. Old. Wortman King. WaTsTeD Reliable rouni aifl housework and care of children; to aaelat in good home. laundry done outside. Eaat 916; no cooking 7809. WANTED Experienced AlteratlonTat and ssles . lady combined. 8tat photie number and eat ry expected. P-91n, Journal. MIDDLE-AGED lady to assist with houae work Wagea $10 a month. Ml KniIwerU. are. Sell. 1110. liuht houaework Tabor 5027. Oood GIRL .for light home work, 3 in family: no washing, plain cooking; 113 per month. Rose City ear, 699 E. K. t all Tabor 691 EillMIL girl to awliit' with One who gU home early, home. "WOMAN to aaalat in, laundry, etperienra de- airabla but not nereaaarr if ouirk and rireful ' Week a paf for A daya work. 1250 Halaey at. VAJTEl lfuericnced houaemald: city ref eranrea reqnired. Call morniuga, 26$ Tiata are., cor aladiaon. VAN'l'EI-Tiniiii room girl or kitchen helper. Phone Crown Point Chalet, long distance 105 forbetu W)MAN lot hiiiiework, email famiTy; home night and Hnmlaya, Mt. Heott car near Fir land. Tahor nr.U. N$"ANTEI Middle aErd woman tor practice nnralng. Call at 746 Eaat, 27th at. Tike Woodatock car. frANTEU Woman to help with liou-cwork I few hour each day; no cooking. Tabor 6021 .i'OUNii girl or elderly woman wanted for gen- . eral houaework. Phone East 4394 .WANTED Eiperienced operator on eewing machine to aew aarka. 310 rront at. 1IELP AV ANTED MALE A5D FEMALE tt UHIUI.NAL MO LEU HARDER CULLEOBi Teeehea the trade in eight weeka. Oirea acholar abipa and tranU-r carda. Paya you while learn ing. Rig dmandy lor both men and women. ad and Hurnatde. OREGON Barber Collrie will teach too the bar- bet trade In $ weeka; too la free; acholarabip . dtplomaa given : paid while learning: positions guaranteed; tuition reduced. ZS3 Madlaon. 0RIU1.NAL WOHLER HArlUEK MCHOUL Taachea men and women barber trade ta 8 wka. Special rataa tot short time only 116, inelndlng , good let of tools, giving diplomaa. 284 Conch at. SITtTATIOKS MALE WANTKrv Ten m orcharda to prune : expert ' enced landacapo gardener and orchard man. prmne k. nanB. 'ijtrj .around Landr man with tools wants Wsudlet, RouU 1, in Box - i Horses Not Out of Date-Read This 5-PASS. Overland, good condition, to trade for good farm team, wagon and harness. Tabor 6504. 4810 66th at. S. E, The advertiser has been using The journal classified for 14 years and gets results. ;r"v:-' . Can You Trade Horses for Auto? - FOB SALE HOUSES 1 IIOrSES FOR REltT FURNITURE FOR SALE , IS tot; NO caupie leering town will sell funfltttre reasonable, living room, dining room, kitcflen, perfectly new. Thia 6 room flat for rest. 204 McMillan, near Broadway bridge. FOB SENT 4 room modern bungalow, furhi- tura fnr aale. 333 K B'Jd ilaarthnrna ear. Phone Tabor 4 8 02. Ft7R?TIHHF.D slOTTftKft ti ECRNISUEh modern $ room house. $i per month. 4 room furnished hones, till per month. M. L. Miller. 202 Wilcox, bid. Mala I61T. $18. Earnlahed 6 room Cottage.' water. 644 k! 27Ui at. 1 block south aUchgaonal ear. rroit and flowers. ON account of leaving, will sell or rent good 4 room house, barn, on aere. 6 blocks carline. Johnson, R. $, Bot 2 12 Lenta, FOR RENT Partly furnished 3 room honeei Modern convenience". $8.80 Der month. Call at 10U3 E. 11th at N. 5 ROOM furniahed cottage. 4$8 Rosa si, $18. ( Ill 4S8 Rose. NkCE furnished 4 room cottage, near 8. P. R. R. Khoril. Call at 882 E. 24th. flAWTttORS'E av. WHi" PAY RENT LUUK Why pay rent When you can buy a home and like rent at a eery low price. If In doubt ci-me in and wo trill show yon tba rare bar gains we have. 8 room modern bungalow en paved street, price $1760. - " 7 room modern btt&ittoW s pared street, at $2000. . 6 room bungalow, madam, oil pared street, $2250. ; 8 room modern bungalow.-and a good one, at g.taoo Another good room bungalow at lltlO. 7 room modern, on paved streets, lot lOOx. 120, lota of fruit and berrtes. price $2000. . 7 room brick, houae, a iota, modern,, price 12000. 4 room hrmae, good lot. at $TB0. 8 room hoawe, lot 60x100, price $476. 6 room bungalow, paved street, (1600. We have lots of other good homes in all parts of the city at the lowest possible prtoa. TIJHlk. xAKiU Eat Morrison t. Phong Eatt W50 $300 CA8H .i.iu vsv ' uu . ....... Large S room modern house; full Una stand ard plumbing; beet grade Mew window anaaea, el trie rtiturea, untch kitenen witn urga cool ing eloaet and eollapsible table, kitchen, bed room and 'bathroom finished in white enamel, all walls newly decorated. 60(100 ft. lot, sev eral large fir trees, large fruit tree, chicken hoase. 1 blocks from Bosa City Part car. No trade, no agenta. OWNER. 518 COHBETT 3LM. FOB SAI.E- FARMS UK BALE A fine dairy farm of 206 acre, s 7 miles southeast of SUverton, which we held at $65 per acre and nothing thrown in, bat as we have bought a larger farm, for quick aale wa will sell this 205 acre farm for $49 per acre sad leate with the plaee 6 high producing reg. Jersey cows and young bull. $4000 cash down, balance) from 1 to 6 years at 8 per cent interest 100 acres plow land, balance pasture and soma fine timber, creek runs the year round, 2 wells,-S barns 45x63, room for largo herd and 8 horse stalls, large bag boose, ma chine shed 26x2 feet, new Indiana silo 10x30 feet, ft loom bonse, large poultry house and several smaller bulldhura. rood orchard, tele phone and rural delivery to house. Land is of the' best. Ask others about the lama. Will grow clover and vetch. From bog And dairy e took ta $4200 In 1917. Hare built up the place by oairjnng lor past 1U years. Addreaa F. A. Doer- fler.gilverton. Or. 40-ACRE alfalfa farm. 4 room houae, 18x4,0 barn, team, chickens, cow, $3800. Term. Will take Ford. M. D., Hermiston. Or.. R. T. D. KENTON nished complete. modern 7 room house, fur- bedrooms. Tabor 4879. APARTMENTS 48 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED EJNQ ALBERT APT 8. : ' New. 2 and 8 rooms, atrietly modem, hard wood floors, elevator and Janitor service. Cor. 1 1th end Montgomery ate. UlaLUP HALL, E. 6th and Hawthorne. MwC ern 1. 2 end 8 room acta.. $12.50 up. walk- fne diunce. East 882. DAVENPORT Apts.. 605 J efferson 5 room cottage, ncais Mississippi are., $1860, terms. - Rosa Cit.v Park. 6 room bungalow: hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace; 50x100 lot and mod ern home, for $3750; terms. F. TanOayn, 618 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1968. st. Two including bath. nicely furnished 8 room ants. phone. $25 each. Main 6435. THREE liaht H. K. rooms. Dundee Apt., 850 H Hawthorne. ; b ROOM furnished apartment. N-4$B, 'journal. FOR RENT -FLATS 1$ VERT desirable 4 -room unfurnished flat, walk- . . . . n . . . 1. . . W ing uiaxanre. nza jein si. LOWER 5 room flat with sleeping porch. 102 H IS, 18th St., cor. Tkylof. Bdwy. 1762. FURNISHED FLATS WEST SIDE, wililng distance, 5 room, nicely furnished flat. 2 porches, grand view. Main 2T84. ithr STORES AND OFFICES 11 RENT 3 offices on 6th floor. Concord fcide IIB. This is the onlx vacancy we have. Good service, choice Corner, facing north and eaat. Ledd Estate Co. FOB RRNTttAltS MANCHESTER dancing hall, 85 ft 6th near Oak, tor rent for dancing partiea on certain evening. Broadway ZBZ7. WANTED TO RENT BY careful, permanent tenant.' 5 or 7 room .modern house, with yard: walking distance, eaat aide; reasonable. State IpHce and location. A-6B0, JonrnaL Wan1! to rent small houae with large garden near earllne. State description and rant. C- Rh(i. Journal. 4 or 6 room houae on Installment plan. WANT 642 E Feseendea at., St. Johns, Or. FOR SALE HOUSES 12500- Vs CASH fll aide wosk. . J-- L. -485, Oswego, Or. .VOl'Nli men aeeaa position auto driving or tn . shop; electrical worn a specialty, wast mo. ELDERLY man as Janitor or houae man. rea- ennahla weaes. D-91I. Journal. a H0HE wishing ai-raying done call Mar. SITUATIONS FEMALE 4 REF1N ED Woman, capable and experienced la i meeting public, wish to take charge of a ' tiotet. apartment nr rooming house, as house keeper N-470. Journal i I'RfVATH lessons, children or adults; funda- - mentela knitting, crocheting, knotting, atitch- rry. . Phohe East 6820. CAf ABLSS Bwiaa woman, 88. with 4 -year-old boy, wants to- work In good home for board and room. B-7R0, Journal. SEAT, reliable middleaged woman wishes To keep house in gentleman's home. C-858, Journal. . can operate UIRL wants general office work; comptometar. . C-8B5. Journal. WOMAN . Wants housework By hour. BOo per hour and oar fare. Room 8, Main 925. CANTED ly work. Tabor 1107. Tarn rootnv 7 room houae. larae livina teem dinina- room, buffet. Dutch kitchen, basement. large porch, 8 sleeping rooms upstairs ; pipea for furnace i corner lot, garden. K. u. ear. I,. 1 Jenka. agt.. office 6Bth and Bandy. $1950 $1960. Very neat bungalow of five rooms and sleep ing porch, splendid fireplace, furnace and built in conveniences i located at Firhrhd. $150 cash, balance monthly. Fred W. German Co., T32 Chamber of Commerce, CENTRAL EAST -SIDE BARGAIN. Well built t room bouse, corner lot, 72x 148. Price $2200. Terms. O. A. "Werriner, Hitter, lowe co . 208-5-7 BoArd of Trade Bldg. "FOR RENT FARMS 1 LEA.SE WlTH OPTION TO PURCIIASt: 40 acres, 10 cultivation, house, barn, spring'. Ideal poultry, email diversified farm. Celumbia highway. Wasco eeunty. .Long lease, option purcaass, rignt party, u- 1 . journal. BtTStNESS OFFOBTTTNlTtES t mIat MA&Kkrr van VCm ftav A ernl tnd. in a cood town. 600 population, good slaughter house, good feed shoda and pens; a good Place. muea to ibi nearest shop. Write UcKee h Blaokwell. Jef ferson, Or. - ClOAR BTORR On the busiest street in the city, where all the working people ares rent, including light, $12; clean, new stock; owner cleared $182 in the month of January. Price if aold At onee, $295. Peters, 16 N. 6th at. TEAK OF GRAY liARE Weight 2660 nound-. ft MAM old! a splendid team. Witt sacrifice. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPAVT TENTH AMD BURNKIDE STREETS Broadway 621. SAWMILL, possible capacity 180 M. on river And U. B.. in town of 10.000. SlOO.OOO.OOU feet Umber accessible. Price $50,000. Part cash, bal. can be paid by mill's earnings. Phone fteU. 973 or addreaa H. E. Walter, care First .vauonal bank, ortgirn-Cltj. ' Restaurant $200, Terms Doing good business. In splendid location, well equipped. ortn double prtoa asked. BHUCK UQDDARD, 602 COUCH BLDG. ACTOMOBILE garage in country town. Part ner wanted to wait on customers, ate. Have agency for new eara. Profits good. $1800 l quired, fully secured. Call room 403, Dekum j bldg. 380 ACRE farm on Macadam road. 6 miles from good town on ft. P. Ry. 150 acre now ready to aew wheat. WlU rent for five years. Inquire '110$ Northwestern Bank bldg. WANTED, party ta take contract for cutting eorowooa. a rag aaw ana tooai lonusnea ire. Apply Bellwood Wood gs Coal UO., istn a Lenta. - FOR RENT- 19 acres, suitable Tot gardening. E. Rogers, Hillsdale, Or. Main 9426., t8 4-Room Biwgalow $200 CASH Balance $15 per mo., including Interest. Beet bnv in Portland today. 4 room double constructed bungalow read for plastering, 60x lu rt. lot, l lir and 4 large iruit trees, targe shed suitable for garage and chickens, B hi bike, from Rose City Park car. No trade, no agenta. OWNER, 618 COBBKTT BI,1M. BELLE CREST JENKB' SPECIALS C36 E. 68th at. N. For Hale by Owner Snug 4 R. cottage with large living room. French windows, dining B,, kitchen, bedroom, bath, large floored attic, fiae neighborhood. Bice garden and chicken house, $2000, ts ,eah- Bee U U Jenka, 30 8tn H. pnone v-iooo. CLOSE IN 6 ROOM BUNGALOW $600 cash, bal. easy. Woodward are., Waver- ly Heights, 1 block to Woodstock and 2 blocks to Richmond car. Price $2600. C. A. warrtner, BITTER. I -OWE CO., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. m-sr mnr.ii'j TV TtofiR C1TT PARK Modern new bungalow. Just completed. 6 2d and Sandy bird.. Rose City Ptrk. Builder and owner. Guthrie Loodwood. There all day. Eve nings phone Broadway 1800. LARABEE STREET BARGAIN 50x100. fairly good house, near Broadway, few minutes' walk to Union depot and new post- office, $3000, if taken at once. Terms. C. A. Warriher, hitter. Lowe Co., 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE LOTS 1$ SHIPBUILDERS. ATTENTION Fine lot 50x100. 125 ft, off paved street and earllne, covered with small fir trees, St. Johns line; price 4$5; $5 down, $5 monthly. liTMl W. German 1 .o . 1 H2 I ham. of 1 .nam. 1165 b&xlOO lot. facing N. on 46th ate., 80 feet west of Woodstock car (worth. $700) $2100 Williams ave.. near Broadway. 50x100. FRA.VK Li. M'GUIKJE, ABISIi'lVS BlilX. FOR BALK- 11 lota in one piece; clear; about 40 fruit trees : -clone to carline: fine place (or building a home. M-T9, journal. $600 Two good lots. 66th St.. bet. Broadway .and Hanky St., past Lanrelhorst. $50. then $10 monthly. No agents. X-917, Journal. ACREAGE IT Cheap Acreage VV IfllA. I1A aR mm MMlA bays 6 acre of land between Portland and Cen tralis, on the main line of . 8 railroads, 1 H miles from a town of 800 population, sawmills and shingle mills; soma partly cleared and borne all cleared, running stream, some bottom and scene bench J can give you any kind of a piece you want. BELL REAL ESTATE CO 818 Railway Exchange Bldg. B Rfc S8M A K INO feX PERIENCSD d'riiwraakiag at home ' day; rlty refereneea. Ml in 2869 Iuia Bsjtels. j'MONE SeUwood 93 for experienced dress maker. Keaaonaole 4$ rCaS LP TO fATE dressmaking by day; make over like new. Main 287U. FURNISHED ROOMS f ,i Hotel madras. .'!' ' 443 H Wssh. Bt. The beet medium priced hotel in the city, with an mooern conveniences, lor S3 to go per week. ON 66th and Bandy, 8 blks. from R. C. car, H room bumralew. livina R-. dining R. kitchen, 2 bedrooma, beta, basement, nice gar den and fruit: fireDlkc. 81800. easy terms 81700. $300 eaah: $190 disrount all cash. L. L. Jenks, 68th and Bandy bivd.. R. C. car. NEAR O W. R. 4s N. SHOP IN CORNFOOT PLANT Five room Mastered cottage, concrete founda tion, lot. 80x100. street WoTk all in and paid for, on carline, $1500; $50 down, 915 montb ly. Fred W. German Co.. 78$ Cham, of Com. DON'T overlook this buy. 6 room modern house. 2 fireplaces, garage, cau and see tnis place at 116 East 84th St. N.( or call at 481 Cham ber of Commerce. Price, gzeuo. raruy rur- nwiirrj. giiMgi. , - , , rr . iKE of Ui blgtet hp iH PdrtlAhii: tocnifttt. UP lO UaaVaj , I Ul xx-rt lllVk -w ivvus wiswsjaov-, street improvements paid; $3200, easy- terms. Several smaller and larger bungalows, very de sirable. Call early. J. Bobbins. 801 Railway Exchange bldg. SPf.fcblB B fobm home, Irvlngton. Coat garage ; large living room, den, diningroom and ancnen, a oeu at ye yvicu, uv, ,u,- haca. Grkt bargain. East 273. W. H. Herd- man I HAVE bought a farm and now I wish to Bell my former home, near Lehts. It acres cleared, truita and- berries, nice, bungalow and oat buildings, very cosy home. 1 also offer my corner lot in Rose City Park. Will sell at a bargain. Come and aee me at stall 329 Carroll Publie -Jfarket, Yamhill st. bet 10 and a o'clock. V. " R. Wilson. AND 5e day. $1.75 week ud. lame, com fortable furnished rooms: absolutely clean- hatha free, hot water all hours. Save carfare. The Cadillac, 8d near Jefferson. LAL'RKL HOTEL Rooms $ 5e day. rjer week- beat. Also newly furnished apartments. SECOND AND YAMHILL STS. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Ste PTineasa hoteL . 8d and Btlrnaida. BOa dae wp. $2 week np. East 171. . NEW brick, near east end" of Steel bridge, steam nhone. hot and cohi Water, alactrin lights, 8Z8H Holladay ave. Rates $3.50 to $4. ROOMS in modern hotel. $1.76 week and up. 466 Alder. tfelE HAZEL Furnished reoma, steam heat running water. 886 8d st, ftlREE partly furnished rooms for rent kar- ahaU 289. FURNISHED ROOMS PRIVATE FAMILY NkATLY furnished' rooms, to ladies employed ; can do light housekeeping. 775 Oliaau st booms Anp BOARD . JtOOM and. board for busineaa girls, modern con- 16 rVeniencee. walklna dim La nee. 18.50 week. -at. Tin si. ai eiaj. 13 tkt Martha Washington, 8M0 10th, for bu - girts ana wnocnw, Marshall 1Z51. It BOOMS ARl BOARD FRIVATF, FAMILY aTRNISHED room with board, home pflvilege. good horn cooking. VTeodlewn 2876 1044 Cleveland avenue. WAN TED Room and board for aingie man on wan si us; state iuu particulars. N-721. JonrnaL ' WANTED An old lady to board. Tabor 24 6 2. TttORMB AVENlTB DISTRICT One block from earline, 6 room, all modern bungalow, bit attic, furnace, hardwood floors. White enameled Dutch kitchen, fireplace, book case, 42d st. Address owner. 829 E. 49th at, or phone Tabor 6409. THREE ROCaVt FURNISHED COTTAGE. $760 Very neat cottage, ceiled and papered. 5 blocks can furniture alone ftnet 1260; house has concrete foundation, $400 cash, bal. to suit. Fred W, German Co... T88 Cham. Com. EIGHT TENTHS At HB MAPIVYOOD FOR RENT 8 room house. 8 acres, concrete chicken house, barn, Wichita station, O. W. P. R. R. Inquire at white house joining store building. $10 month. CHICKEN, FRUIT, GARDEN ranches near Portland: 8, 6, 10 acre tracts. $66 to $200 per acre. McFarland, 603 Teon bldg.. Portland. 10 ACRES. 9 miles east. $200 per acre; 14 acres, 14 miles west, $100 per acre. W. G. Beck. 215-218 Falling bldg. FINE, level, cultivated acre, grove of trees, close to station, electric lights. Only $10 month. Call at 500 Concord bldg. 5 ACRES highly improved, cheap; attractive terms or will take good 6 or 7 room house. W. T. Goulder, 719 Chamber of Commerce. 2 ACRES under cultivation, close to 6 cent car line. $1200-; terms. Gribbler Cafe, Lehts. IH ACRES for aale in city limits, gas, water, electric lights, on street thone Tabor 4795. 160 ACRES, timbered, acre. Main 2818. Umatilla Co., $10 per AC! $650. $100 .cash, $10. monthly buye this splendid piece of land with two room house 16x20. 60 tare, xu muraier raw, irai e, German Co., 782 Cham, of Cd , :abVH 6 room bungalow. Fireplace, cement basement, oak floors. SMT lota. West side, oath, on 6c fare. $000 caah needed on price of $2800. P. B. Tan Nice, Max. 5454. 401 Concordwbld$. $6000 HOME for $$600 7 room house, with fireplace, corner 100x200; one block from Woodlawn car, 80 monstrous bearing fruit trees, 8600 cash. Balance to suit This is sure some buy. Fred W. derman Co., 732 Cham, of Com. DOUBLE houae. 6 rooms each, modern conren iences, close in between East Morrison and Hawthorne. Will take single house aa part pay ment or sell reasonable. Can be made Into small apartments. G-761. Journal. j " ALBEBTA5lSTRICT. $850 5 room, not modern, lot 60x100. bet Al berta and Woodlawn, $;!& down, $25 monthly. Fred W. German Co.; 7$3 Cheat, of Com. f ROOM house, basement bath and toilet lot 60x100, fruit trees, grapes; price $1800; $500 down, balance east Urtna. Bellwood K607 FOB SALE 5 room house, lot 40x100. as St John carline, close to shipyard; for euick terms; by owner. TBI HOHMFlf FFPtwrt Rnnwa 'FURNISHED. AND UNFURNISHED $2.28 WEEK, completely famished AC - room, absolutely clean, every convenience. Desirable people only. Save carfare. The n. Bit nea i'Sdillac. Oem Apts. near Jefferson. Free bath. hot. cold water. $1 week on.' 401 1st it FURNISHED housekeeping suite. - $3.69. 262 Clay. HOUSeitEEPISCr BOOMS FUBSISHEb AND UNFURNISHED FRIYATE FAMILY . lVo.50 MONTll Nice' large furnished 'hUe keeplhg room. 1T1 18th. ,l r-TT FOB BENT nouses 1 ,T FURNISHED IFVEN foom bon'ee. 482 Broadway. Gas, bath. II 8 room house, bath, good condition. wajaing aiatance, o-o ri. naimoa, neat xTtn. H71'8ES. 7. $ moms, lards; beautiful location. East Ash and 16th. )0 7 Yoom house on Borthwick st, con venient .to uipyaras, : aisin wfeo. ;v,'-- eale $1050, $600 casB, noga at,. t. eonns. . BY OWNER. 6 room house, bath, basement, cement wauts, nice .location, ene Dioca car, $1600. $500 cash, 979 Vancouver ave. ' OSWEGO LAKE acre' and 6 room modern bun- i 506 Concord bldg. FOB BALE Modern Irrington home, 8 rooms furmv atut sleeping porch, with or withoat tufe, Call 499 E. 13th N., mornings. MODERN 6 room Bungalow, near St Johns car $2S0i easy terms. aJnbeis, 728 Chamber oi Commerce. ; - ; . ROSE CITY PARK, strictly modern, 6 room buo- galow, $500 down, balance lik4 rent Tabor i LOTS on carline, berries, garden, 6 room house, a anap; $16; term 4810 86th t. B. &, leaor oova, an , . . r . ..r.. .. ." - i La you want a neat nute moaera home on the Fenlnsuia for what It would cost to tmikl th neuse, see owner H in Baldwin at 126 FT. on Montgomery with 4 large houses, tut rented, clear ef incumbrance, $18,000. V, cash. bal. long t. . R-602. JonrnaL TRADE or aale. pleasant home at . Peninsula. i-aone wootuawn eon lor particulars. ROOM i Call Eaat STidern" loderli house 416 154. lav, Irvlngtoo, $4800! HOMEH Woodlawn S507. Overlook addition; cheap. SUBURBAN HOMES 79 5-ACRE home on 8. V. red car electric line be- tween Aloha and Tobias: bouse nuite new. with 5 rooms, bath and sun porch first floor: two bedrooms, sewing room and attic second floor; electricity and gas, living room has fire place and library built-in bookcases; big chicken and pigeon houses and yards, barn, water system with gasoline engine; berries and young orchard, balance of land tinder plow, adjoining ia 6 acre free pasture; price $6500, terms to suit Ledd Kstate Co., Concord bldg. TIMBEB GENERAL LAND OFFICE. Waebingtoa. ., Feb. 28. 1918.-Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations ef the art ef June 9. 1916 39 Stat, 21$). and the instructions ef ike secretary of the in terior of September 16, 1917, the timber oa the following leads will be Sold April 4. 1916. at 10 e'cloek a. as., at public auction at the United kite tee land efflee at atosekurg. or., to tba highest bidder at net leas than the ap praised value as show by thia notice, aale J be eubjeet to the approval of the secretary of the interior.. The purchase price, with an ad aittoaal sum of one fifth of 1 per cent thereof, being com mission allowed, most be deposited at time of sals, money to be returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issme for the timber, which must be removed within 10 veers. Bids will be received from eit af the United State, associations of such eitiaane and corporation of taalaed under the laws of the United State of any state, territory of dis trict thereof only, Upoa Application of A Quali fied purchaser, toe limner of aay legal subdi vision will be offered separately before being Included In any Offer Of a larger unit Sched ule of timber to be sold: T. 21 8.. R. U W see. 89. NW. 14. B. . Douglas fir $9 M.. not to M told at lees than $1.20 per M. T. 21 8.. R. 4 W., sec. 21. N. E. 14, 8. W. 14, red fir 489 M. : N. W. 14. S. W. 14 . red fir 660 M.t 8. W. 14. 8. W. 14 . red fir 580 M. : 8. E. 14, 8. W. 14. red fir 760 M. ; N. E. 14, B. B. 14, red fir 880 M. ; N. W. 14. 8. E. 14, red fit 400 M. . incense cedar 50 M. ; not to be sold at less than $1 per ii . Sec 23. 8. W. 14. N. E. 14. red fir 800 si . second growth fir 100 M.; N. E, 14. N. W. 14. red fir 750 M., white fir 25 M. ; N. W. 14. N. W. 14. vv, Ta in owv u.. wiuia iir v aa.. cedar 10 ;'8. K. 14. N. W. 14 . red fir 900 M.. second growth fir 100 M. ; N. E. 14. 8. W. 14. red fit 1100 M.. white fir 40 M. : N. W. 14. 8. W. 14. red fir 910 M., white, fix 40 M., cedar 10 M.; 8. W. 14. 8. W. 14, red fir 780 M.. white fir 100 M.. cedar 60 if.: 8. S. 14, W. 14, red fir 1240 kl.. white fir - 90 M.i cedar .;. 14 . 8. SL 14, red fir 1650 At., white fir 25 M., eedar 25. M.; N. W. 14. 8. E. 14. red fir 1150 M White fir 80 M., eedar 20 M : 8. W. 14. S. E. 14. red fir 1000 M . white fit 60 M., eedar 40 M. ; 8. B. 14 . 8- 14, red fir 1240 U.. white fir 60 , cedar 80 at. : eae, is, n. ia.n. H, red fir i060 it.; M. W. 14. N. E. 14. red fir 960 M, 8. W. 14 N. E, 14. red fir 1000 M., ce dar 80 M ; 8. E. 14. N. E. 14. red fir 1100 ki N. K. 14. N. W. 14. red 1060 If . cedar 20 tN. W. 14. N. W. .tt4 fir 900 M-: 8. W. U. N. W. 14. red Br 1100 M-; 8. E. 14. N. W. 14. ted fir 900 M.. ce dar 40 M. : N. 8. 14. 8. W. 14. red Or 1100 M.. eedar 20 M. ; N. W. 14. 8. W. 14. ted fir 1160 M. ; a. v. it. a. w. , reel lir now M l 8. E. 14. 8. W. 14. red fir 1800 M., ce dar 60 Si. : N. E. 14 . S. E. V . red fir 1200 U , eedar 20 M. ; N. W. , 8. E. 14. red tlx 1250 M.. eedar SO M. ; . W. 14. 8. 14 red fit 1160 M . cedar 40 M. ; 8. E. 14. "8. B. 14. red fir 2200 M.. cedar 20 M. ; aee. 27. N. E, U. N. E. 14. red fir 860 M.. white fir 25 H-. cedar 40 ; N. W. 14. N. E. 14, red fir 840 M.. White fir 16 , cedar 10 M. ; a W. It. N. B. It. red fir 880 M., white fir 80 cedat 60 M. ; 8. E. 14. N. E. 14. ted fir T30 M.. white fit 40 MA., cedax 100 M N. E. 4. N, W. 14. red fir 860 M . white fir 80 M-, ceuar so M. ; . w. 14, N. W. 14 red fir 1100 af.. white fir 25 M.. cedar 15 M.s 8- W. 14, N. W. 14. red fir 620 M., cedar w H.I . c w. ia , rea nr sew at , eedar 110 M. ; N. 13. 14 . 8. W. 14. red fir 409 M.. cedar 25 M .; N. W. 14. 8. W. 14. red fir ISO M.. cedat 40 M. ; 8. E. 14. 8. W. 14, ted fir 780 M.. cedar 50 M. ; N. E. 14. S. E. 14. red fir 660 M. white fir 20 M.. ce dat 60 M. ; N. W. . 8. E. 14 . red fir 740 M., white fir 49 M,. cedar 60 M.; 8. W. 14. S. E. 14. red fir 760 M., cedar 100 M. ; 8. B. 14, 8. E. 14. red fir 720 M. , cedat 80 M. ; see. 85, N. E. 14. N. K. 14. red fir 1600 M.; N. W. 14 . N. E. 14, red fir 1600 M. ; 8. W. 14, N. E. 14. red fir 1700 M . cedar SO M ; 8. E. 14. N. E. 14. red fir 1250 M , cedar 60 M. ; N. E. 14, N. W. 14 . red fir 1860 M.. ce dat 60 M l N. W. 14, N. W. 14. red fir 800 M.. cedar 100 M. ; 8. W. 14. N. W. 14. red fir 450 M ; 8. E. 14. N. W. 14 . red fir 800 M.. cedar 40 M.; N. E. 14. 8, W. 14. red fir 750 M.. cedar 50 M. : N. W. 14. 8. W. 14 , red fir,650 M., cedar 60 M ; S. W. 14 , 8. W. 14. red iuvvou ., ceaar ou ; . 14, 8. w. 14. red fir 1800 M . cedar 10 II.; N. S. E. 14. red fir 1800 M.. cedar 20 W. 14, 8. E. 14. red fir 1800 M. ; 8. W. 14. 8. xfi. 14. rea lir x 100 ; a. Bi. H , . 4. 14. red fir 5900 At., cedar 20 M., White fir to be sold at not less than $1 per M., eedar at not less than 50 cents per M., and ted fir at not less than $1.50 per If. except to W. H. N. W. 14. and 8. W. 14 . aee. 88. which is to be sold at not less than $1 per Clay Tall man, commissioner. WANTED-To buy from 100 to 600 M, ACTIVE man, able to invest a little money can bnv ia a a-ood Wood and coal businee) and clear $226 aaoath. efaU mom 403 De- knm bldg. WE have a good paying proposition for a man with a email amount Of money. MILLERSHIP, 481 Chamber of Commerce. drafted and must leave the city at I have an old established business once. and need a manager with aotn capital. 7616, A-4253. Main FOR MALI: Small eleanffut and pressing shop. Oood location, doing good busineaa. Owner lea vine town. F. A, Gordon, 106 A1U at. Pendleton. Or. k'OU 'haLGI Good uavin aundry business. la amaU town, an up to date plant, tteason tor sellina sickness. 14600 oath or terms. Addreaa L. A. Walsh. Iasaquah, Waeh, ONE of Ud best small groceriee in the city Caah trade, across from public achool. liv ina room in rear, rent $12. Will aell at in 88 voice. Phone Woodlawn 189. SECOND hand barber supplies and chair bought and aold. List tour barber shop with sj Portland cutlery Co., BO eia sx. DON'T WORRY I can cell or trade anything anywhere 14614 Broadway. RETAIL dairy, good route, 16 cow and equip- ment. 1111 BUth ave. . ti. CAt'GH'Fln the draft. WliTaeU money making restaarant cneap. ntiz, oaruai. GROCER? doing ood busineaa. maker. Owner, phone East 2288. aoney SMALL capital will handle food business man or woman, s-koo, journal. HORSES. TF.HICXF.S, ETC. 18 ATJTOMt)BtL:S--ACCESSOBIKN 41 GOOD USED CARS AT CTfRATLT REDCtH) PRICES WHE THEY LAST 1917 Ford vjvnrtn car. almost beW. demtrtint- able wheete, extra tire. $460. me tj-oie, oest cmy in oivy . , 1118 Studebaker. extra wtrrtet text, ectcet leet shape, at a aacrlflce. HIT Oakland 8, fine shape, driven ease than 6090 aaUaa. 6 cord tires. twdiUao toeniag, $269. Velio tonnac, $300. White gaa, A400. Haxow. two paKeencer, like new. $675. Ferd towrint ear. good buy. $85f Ford touring, rt painted. $275. Ford, worm drive, eheasv' All these cert wall beat Inspection. Come tn. look them evet before you buy. Open Sunday. Easy term. ' APTOMOBtttrl AtCrSSfrft.E W. H. WALLING FORD. $40 BUYS 1200 lb. work horse, a little heavy bnt otherwise sound and best kind of worker; ia good order; good horse for alow work. $200 take dandy team- aad flrst-elaaa breaching har- a. Toey wewb exactly 2325 lb., are ea year old. aooad and very beet kind of worker, single or donole. mare -and gelding, will aell aeparate. Abo two $ H inch wagona, ta good shape. $20 and $$5. Call and aee thia stuff at Transfer barn, 268 KuaseU st near Wil liam ave. 622 Alder st Bala 2492. WE have the finest assortment of young geld ing, and maree, weighing from 1200 to 1500 lbs., and mules weighing from 1000 to 1400 lb. Abo seven seta of double horse harness All stock sold with a guarantee. v FrdTior At Mfl osin 1 ULIUI Vft IIIVUUUII 240 K. 6th and Main. ONE team of beery horses for sale., will sacrificed for caah. Call Broadway 521. GREATEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED ON USED CAB8 "... r ; In ' order - ta snake room let . mt treat ears. waicB are now coming la daily In carload tore, we havw decided to eloo oat all of our old passenger car aod trwoka. ,t " . " 1Oeatland 5 Passenger, $421. 1 Overland, passenger, $410. 1 Reo 4. S pe meager; $$10. " 3 . ' 1 Rea , T paasenger. $1100. ' 1 Stearns aght 6 pasaenger, $IS0. , a efc 1 Marmonl B pasaanger. iS09. " ' - And many other. I Prices from 200 up. la order to glee every one en opportunity to tkke advantage of thele exceptionally tow prtrM. w will be open Bandaya until 4 p. as. aad week deys until 8:80 p. m. ! , NORTHWEST AUTO COMPANY, : BROADWAY COUCH STREETS ' '.- BROADWAY 1469. real A TEAM of goad farm mares, fat and good health, work single or double; also 1460 lb. horse fot sale cheap. Brooklyn car. North 8 block to 706 Woodward ave. LIYEBTOCK WANT to bay between 20 aod 60 Angora goats, that can be conveniently loaded on the Willamette or Columbia river eteamers. Send price and description in first letter to t. H Howell. Boyd. Or. FOUR fresh cow, some large dairy cow a, some good Jerseys. Sell or trade tor beef cow. South Portland car to end of line, I blocks eoalb, 1 block east In pasture. FBESH family cow, rich teeter. South Port land car to Woods at., upstairs and top road to 788 12th st. pmrr.9 auk roaring CARS ARE GOINO TO BE MIGHTY SCARCE THIS SPRING W have some exoepttonel bargain tn ear oa hand and are offering them at bargain price. Investigate the car la this list: 1917 BOk 6. first elasa $900 1918 Dodge touring eat. extra 9u0 1918 Dodge 60 lilt Maxwell touring cat, Tint clam .... 67$ 1$17 Font extra 425 1914 Chalmers, first elaa 426 1918 Dodge, delivery 660 191T Studebaker. 8 paas. TT6 1917 Chevrolet first class 600 1915 Cadillac, first class 1250 1918 Cadillac, first Claaa , 600 Ford roadster, elec lights and starter . . . 890 And many others. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO-. Washington at 21st st Main 8244 NEW BUYS IN UflED CARS, AND DON'T , FORGET THE PRICES ARE RIGHT: . . 609 191 T Chwtort, 96 per cent new 1916 Overland, model 83 1916 Baby grand Chevrolet, rebuilt: new carat, aood tire 9 830 , 1917 Chevrolet Juat new ....,,.$ 600 . 1916 Overland, model T8 $ 690 . 1917 Hupmobila, 95 pet cent new. .... ,$1200 Seriel 18 Studebaker. 8-7 Passenger,. 95 per cent new alt over , ....$ 900 ' Sert 17 Studebaker. 90 pet eeat fcw..$ 600'. Mitchell Baby Six. overhauled .$ 800 ' Aubarn 40. Rntenbar motor ,,..$ 60 FrankUn Six, bag. perfect $ $09 Open Bandar aad evening CONLEY'S CSED CAB CENTER 15th end Washington eta. Brick building, tide entrance. Mala 88$ S. B3 SHOATS. 6 and 6 montb old. in prime condition, ready for fattening. M. E. Noble, Lumbermen a blgX WOULD live, a fine home fog 1 to 2 good cow for their feed with privilege of buying. Boa 419, B. R 2. Milwaukia, Or. BIO young treeh red and roan Darham and Jersey dairy cows, heavy milker. Take fat A FEW, SELECT BARGAINS IN USED CARS 1117 Ford tonriag car witn demountable wheels, speedometer, combination lock and many other extra. Oar same aa new $485. - Garages v tee Baas ale a. ' 644 Hood at Baw. bar m I 9 u w m w m m m 1X41. : Millmade Construction Co, Overland, model Bl. t pea, touring ear. splendid mecnamcai concuuon; goaa um. ! bargain at $600. AUTOMOBILES WANTED cows in exchange. Tth 761 E. Ash. SOWS 1 Haren pigs for aale. Waterloo. Or. Inquire of O. E. FOR BALK 4-yer-old Holstein mUch cow. 6102 66th st 8. B. Tabor 6397. for WONKY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 87 OUR installment plaa la the best aad auras method of paying a loan. $82.26 per month for 36 months or $21.t4 for 60 months or 8l6.1T for 9$ months, pay $1006 laaa and interest Other amounts la proporOoa. We loan oa improved city property Or fot building purpose. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN-ASSOCIATION 242 Stark St. Portland. Or. MCJLTUAGE LOANS Aay emeu at ea kaproved est and farm property; will consider good building loans, THB LAWRENCE COMPANY, Main 6915. 168 4tk Bt. A-281B. MONEY to toea on improved property ia most every towa in Washington. Oregon and Idaho; sara Is paid back monthly like rent R. K. Chadwick. 822-23 N.-W. Bank bldg. 960, 8860. $4UU, $500. 6U. 76V. $1000 And larger amounts at current "tea. Oaiek action. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Chamber ef Commerce. .. , BUILDING loan oh city br auburbaa property; tnoney advanced a Werk pro reset a W. G. Beck. 216 and 216 FaUing bid. Mala $407. PRIVATE party will loan oh mortgage, IS 00, MCE young Jersey family cow. 802 Front POULTRY, FIOEOyS. TBT STOCK 87 TO POULTRY RAISERS. WritaPonItry department. Fiaher Flouring Mil la dTmpaay, Seattle, or address branch of fice. 16th and Hoyt tta., Portland. Or., for FREE Poultry Bulletin on bow to raise ehlekt successfully in accordance with new poultry food reyralatioae ef P. 8. Food Administration. 100 LAYING pullet. Rhode Island Red. Buff Orpington. White Leghorns, light sewing machine, horse, wagon with top, single harneaa. 148 E. 61st N. Montavilla car. FLEMISH GIANT doea and back for sale; must dispose of some account of room! best breed and strain at right prices, enclose staeXB) for reply. F. A. Everest, Hlltaboro, Or. ' Studebaker, fine condition. 4 cyL, 8 pass, tonriag A good bay at $460. car In Many ether ta select from. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. "Used Bnt Not Abused Cars' C27 Washington it Broadway 5468. WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING IN CSED CARS BARGAINS I WILL-FAY YOU SPOT CASH FOB TOUR FORD. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE. ' : V st 11 90, B 18th aad Hawthorne va. - USF,0"Maxell or Dodge touring car wanted V by private party. Will pay cash. U-816. : Journal. ';- UOO PIYER piano, brand new: eichabge lot automobile. Caah either way. Hotel Navarre, room 407. WANTED tor cash, 1$ or 17 HapmobUe. S 4T Btark t ' kiGHEa T price paid tor aulomubileet eoauV. uon no oojecT, 121 n, n, tsowy. ao -la. : -ir -r- 1 -r --1-r r rS .: AUTOS F HIRE It WHITE Leghorn baby chicks, from heavy laying iHocanlsed) atock. March delivery, $11 per ; April. $10. W guarantee tef arrival. The Pioneer Hatchery. Petalama. Calif. 60 LAYING pullets, R. L R.. Bck Mln White Leghorn. Tabor 81st N. 1289 OtTtv., 161 K. Write to 290 14 st. $1000. .$1600, citr. FOB MORTGAGE LOANS aee OREGON LN V. ak MORTGAGE CO.. Stosk Bxehange bids.. Id aad Yamhill st. MONEY te loaa ia aaoaau ef $100 to I6000 oa city property. A. H. BELL, 401 OerllngeT tM MORTGAGE loans. Salomon Ac Co. a t 408 Selling net bid. cent. Louis $100 to $1500, consider Iota. E. H. Dowling. tin c-namoer ot uommerce. Mam 867. 1 HAVE $1000 to 140.000 to lean on farm or city property. P. O. Bo 878. O. A. C. BARRED ROCK hatching eggs. 31.50 for 15; $8 per 100. 706 B. 7$th at N. BARRED ROCK eggs for hatching, 1447 Mai- lory ave. woodlawn loan SILVER CAMPINE eggs. 12 50 per 1 5 Berdajey. Kenton IJUttrm Grace Woodlawn 819. To per WHITE Rock aetting eggs. $ 4668. . 1 DOEEN fine R. I. R. chickens for sale. $1.50 apiece. Sell wood 2657. WTnTED Some Mallard decoy duck. Tabor 6422. CHALMERS. 6 eyl. 6 pas. , .$800 CADILLAC. cyL. 7 pass. HUDSON. 6 eyl, T MAXWELL. 4 eyl.. 5 pass. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. 10th and Burnsid st. -Broadway 621. 160 750 425 AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS.; Brand new ear. Reasonable rate -Fan flag ft Robnett. Cite Uarage. 88 10th, f Between Stark and Oak, Broadway 9IA 1 AUTOS without driver for hire. Coachmen it . Sullivan, 10th-Yamhill Mat. 213. A-1SH9, MOTORCVCLES.BICYCLES ; U BICYCLES MOTORCTCLEa. -Large clock of Bew and ward machine, DAYTON CYCLE CO., 98 6th st DANDY bicycle. 820 cash. Tabor 1691. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 61 DANDY motor-boat, cost 2000. With A new engine, for quick aale; 1800 will buy. . MORRIS, 411 Chamber bf Commerce. -1 BOGS. BIRDS. FETS. ETC. If HIT 1916 THOROUGHBRED fox terrier puppies. 1447 Mallory ave. Woodlawn 1656. RABBITS and buteW"for sale. SeUwood 2B13. 1100 to nouses. 1500 Quick action ea" Ward. 407 Spalding bldg. suburban CASH for mortgagee, loaru, contracts. F. H. rs, Itooaa 4, wla bldg. Mala 688. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 87 Salkry , LOANS Chattel WB LOAN MONEY On short notice te salaried or working men on their own note. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSEE ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, pianos, etc, without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. lilv. B..-N sap, . 817 FaUing bldg. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 OVERLAND FIVE PASSENGER USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN 20 CARS TO BELECT FROM 20 HERE ARE A FEW FOR YOUR APPROVAL lli micneii, o paae o cyi. ; Beany new ex low 11917 Mitchell, 5 pass., 6 cyL 975 1917 Maxwell, 6 paas., 4 cyl.; fine shape 600 1917 Maxwell Sedan, 4 cyL. 6 paas.; nearly aew 823 Mitchell. 7 paas.. 6 cyL 1200 Mitchell, 6 pea.. 8 eyl.; fine con dition ftKn 1916 Mitchell, 7 pass., eyl 760 1916 Jeffery, 8 paas., $ eyl.; Ana con dition , . . , 900 12 passenger hotel bus. 6 eyl 850 Several older models, $121 hp. See our stork of high grade ran before yon purchase; w can save fou money. USED CAR DEPARTMENT MITCHELL, LEWIS A STAVER CO.. East Morrison at 1st st East 7272 B-1216. I HOUSEBOAT "C," Willamette Moorage. PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL - . INNTBUMENTS 84 CLOSING OUT $276 upright" piano for 14$ rash; a $830 one. $95 caah, and $425 one : $116 caafai also modern, virtuaHy aew $$76 no- ' right. $190; a $426 one, $215 eash: a IHI organ, $20 rash, at Severity Hurra a Co., 109 , 4th st, at Wash, st Piaaue (tored, 60e monthly, . or bought and old for cash. Phone lis in 6-'3. . SMITH and Barn fuQ itae bprlgtit. like aew. -French burl walnnt ease. Would (ell for -less than half of eoat price and also consider -term. 149 0th it Main il00. Winter top included, tire nearly new. $600. overhauled, . repainted. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. 10th and Burnside ' Street. Broadway 621. Attention Ford Buyers FOB SALE FABMS PERMANENT FARM HOME. 17 oB" aa eeeM in hMnriful Chlatfhie rrreiet fn Clarke eeunty Wah., richest kind of prairie loam, 26 acres in cultivation, on acre ot orch ard? 5 room house, barn 36x60, good trout stream through the place, 8 cows, S twor year-old heifers. 1 yearling heifer, on heifer calf, 2800 pound team. two wagona and all im plements, cream separator, house completely fur nished witn tint class gooos, a ceautirul noma ranch. $2500 cash, balance to suit Fred W. German Co., 782 Chamber of Commerce. DEATH IN FAMILY AND CALLED TO WAR Beautiful 12 acre tract 9 miles from Port land on macadamized road; 9 acres in culti xation, 2 acres of creek bottom, large running creel, shack house, good barn, chicken house and cellar, four cows, I heifer. 1 horse, 60 chickens, 2 wagons, mower, plow, cultivator. 2 harrows and all other tools. This place cost $5100. Price aow $8900. $1700 cash. Fred W. German Co. 732 Chamber of Commerce. . 146 ACRES. WnAMINATllStfw A good cheap ranch; $ acres in ealtfvkdott, t errea bearing orchard, 1 H acres strawberries; fiae stream through plaee: some bottom land: barn large eaeagh far 13 bead of stock, email shack house; 6290 down, 6260 yearly, or win take lot ot mall houae aad lt as first Kyment- Fred W. - German Caw tSJ Caam r of Com an roe. . FOR SALE, beach cottage, furnished, at Long Beach. Wash., -cor. lot all fenced, Well with nump and sink in I house, clear of incumbrance, terms, long time; also 100 acre farm neat Sl.erwood. Of., tools, buildings, running water, no incumbrance, long time. For fall partiw lars write owner. Fred K. Rnngerford. 687 Ash it.. Port la rid. - feet A 698, ot tintbet that is easy to handle. JonrnaL FOR SALE -200 M. feet of timber; easy to log. n-4i. journal. SHIP KNEES WANTED. LOEB BROS . 602-3 BROADWAY BLDG.. PORTLAND. OR. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 40 ACRES with 2d growth fir timber, 8 to 94 Ina. through. Will trade for city props etty, bet Fremont at and Kenton. Shougb road preferred, near carline. Bee owner. 105 Failing t. , , 12 H ACRES, 8 room house, barn, chicken house; running water; 2 14 acre bearing or chard; on main road, 1 mile to station: for rent or exchange for Portland property by owner. A-697, Journal. FIVE acres, $1000; adjoins station property; 11- cent tare; good view; might take city bung low and assume. Call 500 Concord bldg., 2d ana stark. SPOKANE income property to exchange for im proved acreage near Portland or Oregon City. C. B. Richards. 891 8. 12th ft. Salem. Or. Ion KK&Ul.Ts 11st your property wuo u Estate exchange. 201 3d st. Portland. ITAWTETt REAL E BT.ATE $1 LIST your property for sale or trade with Sher man Nelson, realtor, 618 Pittock blk. Phone isroaaway 073. Farm Near Gresham 20 acres, alt in culti ration, 1 acre bearing orchard, balance In wheat timothy and clover; New house, barn, oil good road, beautiful farm, cheap at $6500. Will take city residence for part a. i'. ourn, iwaea.ay mag. . half under cultivation, good soil. BO pa 180 per here. $75 down. $10 pet' mo. Also larger firms On aame terms. Bel Draper, 401. Board of Trafle. , 160 ACRE farm for Portland residence, up "to - $3000, balance term. Give partieuiare la answer, f will investigate whila rev Portland. N-49i Journal. - - J rim SALE I una .. 1 Well -improved 10 aere tract bungalow, barn. ete. 8 Sc. round trip - tare.: Phone - evenings. Bast xa. CASH lor to 7 bargain in bungalow ot dwelling. 6 I none, alam 0T. WANT good 8 ot 7 room house. Party wait- "' w 1. uoniaer, j to unanm. ot Coin. ROOMINO HOUSES 9 Buyers, Take Notice Rooming nouses, all sites, 10 to 135 rooms. $40O tO 17000. Rein von if mn !' u,f. ficierrt money. - Buy now and take1, advantage 01 in Buvancmg nneea. 1 ncre never waa a better time. Our automobile is at your serv ice. Only place of merit bandied through that otiice. , . J. BRUCE -GOPPABP.. $03 Conch J)ld. Net Income $50 Thl beet fnmitare and the beet buy ia Port- lanes or ia u. k. room lor $500 j terms. : Gas, etecrncKy, gooa tocaooa. L. A. HALL. 518 Panama Bldg, ' COUNTRY-H0T. Best town in Oregon, close to, Portland, mill town: 25 moms: tsrrna away 2u nennhi it ail rent $25; AQ large, light lad airy rooms. Clead as a pin. All for $784; terms. Board and room 97 a wee, peters, 15 is. e - Snap for. $725 84 room, well faraiahed, brick btrfldirlg. close la. cheap rent . A money maker. Ui A. tlAi, oil Panama bldg. I COOMING house, 23 rooms. bricA bldg,, eteam 1000 cheap 6 . beat Rent only $$6, ; Clot in. price I 8Fn"trit' flaw. 100 aa. ' If You Need Money See 1)3 SALARIE8 CHATTELS . Loenl made to rieranM m m 1. r M nm Income, en household farnltur. pianos, dia monds and other personal property: legal rata. Buasnesa eouiiaenoai; private offteaa. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY Licensed. 106-307 Dekum Bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN AS8N. Established by Portland boslnaa (Beat ta Protect borrower. P MTJRS HERMAN. Mgr.. 894 STABS BT. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Money to loan on pianos, furniture, other aecurP ties. . mi. a. nataaway. rm.. 208 Wash, bldg. LOAN'S WANTED HUNDRED 89 EIGHTEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS: 7 PCT. 1U AUKE name. Tieard rliatrict. Hon, 6 acre bearing . orchard, aback buildings. oeaumui nome sue, ana conservatively worth 84000. Fred W. German Cou. 732 Cham. per or uommerce. LOAN your money. 10 per cent interest on lm proved Portland real estate. We can place fcnm. of 8100. ud. CeUara-Murton co.. 823 leon Ding. $2500 on 10 acres improved home, on carline, close in. value jouiiu. t-B57, JouruaL If yon are contemplating buying a used Ford, we would adviso you to call in and look over our used car stock. We have Roadsters. Tnt irinaa. Chassis. Ail tn good condition and models, range from 1913 to 1017. We aim to save you dollar. Call And be convinced. talbot a Casey. ; Grand Ave., and E. Anient 4ft. Open Until Noon Sunday. DEPENDABLE USED CARS AT RIGHT PRICES AND EA8Y TERMS Overland $$60 Overland Wire Wheel .......1850 Overland 6-paaa. . , ......... $435 Ford Touring $350 Maxwell Sedan $916 TIadson 6-40 $650 Studebaker 1915 $600 Chalmers 6-80 .... $959 WESTERN MOTOR CAR SALES CO. Broadway at Burnside. PACKARD 80. SEVEN PASSENGER . All overhauled, repainted, new top. Hip covers, hock absorbers. Runs like a watch. Pries $630. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO, 10th and Burnside Btreets. Broadway 521. 0 33 l race near raphe end reeordl aovight told exchanged and rented. Expert repair, tag. 142 H 2d, near Aider, npetaira. PACKARD TWIN BIX Five passenger touring ear. Ilka new. ah Goodyear cord tires. Many extras. Must be sold at once. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. 10th aad Bams ids Street. ADAM SCHAAF upright piano, a tood old standard make, mahogany ease, fn pf lct condition, very cheap, do term. 14$ 6U It Phone Alain 8106. t 20c DAILY buys $37 piano leae 86, $281.26: 40e dear buy $660 player piano lex 25 ft. $487.60. Beet sating bank fot the house, secures mnsiral education, entertainment end the property. Schwan Piano Co., Ill 4th G EOHG K T. PECK. PIANO TUNEB: iduate New England Conservatory , of AfnfieV oa, Mas. Taning. $100. Tabor a 74. Broadway 621. a Graduate Bostoa, $90 CASH buys $176 Ernest Oabiet at-rigbt piano and $265 caah a $160 86 n6te"-un player piano, at Keeurity Storage Co., 109 4 th. FIRST . claaa 500 I) layer plaao and several a mnale. U'ill aell fe. AAllfl. Blag EXCEPTION A b BARGAINS IN USED fiawaleeah. baL $10 month. C-J68, Journal. $85 WEBiKa.1 sottaae organ, aaw. v - - Kimball piano, rosewood, till, - HAROLD 8. GILBRRT. $84 YsmMti st ' - g Piano Tuning $2.50 ZZLSXi. $26 I fniiKnGRAPMS. records, bvagbt. sold o-l -.- Changed. Rail eVTeesiday. 126 1st t M. 709 8 SENT a piano, meat reasonable term ia porv land. Harold 8. Gllbeit. $84 YtmblU et - 180 cash bat- 191$ Bulck Light Six , 1916 Uhlsmobile 6 .., 1911 Cadillac Wlrrerl Roadster , Ford Todrtng Ford Touring . i . . . .- , , 1914 Loxier. a regular ear with cord Urea. OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON. , Broadway at Couch. Broadway 2270. .$ 900 950 800 TRUCK CONTRACT WANTED Man With two-Urn truck would tike to hauling contract Answer immediately. C-817, 1 .vuroai. POULTRY, FIOEONSy FET STOCK $7 $70 BUYS a 1200 lb. ranch mare; color black; good worker: also 80O lb. bloeky bay pony mare, cheap. -Take Mt Seott ear to 9th are., 1 Work east 1 block north to 682$ 86th 8. E. House with flagpole. FOR BALE. 8 bead mare and geldings. ,all good worker and gentle; weight 1000 Its 1800 lb, each; also tingle and double hsrneset wagon and bugtiee. East 8227. 292 Union av. WORK teamt good ground, found. without anver. eoernment contract. ll. Irwin. Seaside, Or. ea '.2'to Expenaee both ways. to 16 and .$8. Lent Garages Can for illustrated price ttsL $$4 Ankeay Bt, Paoee Broadway 14. Sam Conneil lumber Co. LE I V. ator T HATER. 8HAVER-GTJLLY MACHINE COMPANY 1 Tow, $870 I BUILDERS OF Tea. $420 I XTERREADY TRUCX 2 Tea, $479 1 ATTACHMENTS Capacity I Mfg. in Portland K. water et. 19$ Phono Eaat T4S7. I PIANO for aale. $222 eaah or anee on eon tract, paowe ltsii -TTtEWBITEBS. f kEW bEMINGtON, teotal PUa, teat 4t t Mtrchaae. yisioie xo lens. REMINGTON TIPEWRtTEB CO v 8$ Broadway. - Broadway 49. i. . WE SAVE yon frosa 10 te 71 per eeat oa all makes of typewriter. Send tot oar prioa list. Retail department. Wneleaaie 'irpewruer i. 821 waanington freec ... . . . . v REBUILT typewrHera. aappUa. tleroaa iaata E. W. Pease Co., JI9 5th. - .;. FOR BALE 646 cash, tirat-elaaa Lnderweed. B-718, JoavneL ' : . aL, WAKES typewritera .teatad aad r Oregon Type ia.i ti,w- " We all makes and make the famous O-V-C Tread (sewed) tire and them. ! we Doable do all for sa; and 6- 5-PABS, OverUnd. good condition, to trade fot good farm team, wagon and harneaa. Ta bor 6504. 4810 60th st. 8. E. LIGHT horse aad delivery wagon for sale. In-E.. autre Palmer grocery store. 82d st. 8. Lent. BOUND work horse, weight 1800. a good worker, or money refunded. $71. 191 N. 11th at, corner Flanders. PIANOLA to trad for horse or cow. Richmond ear, 2 Mock south to. 706 Woodward ave. HORSE lad wagon. $1.28 daft 2 bersw Wagon, $2.60. 549 Froht Mala 2208, DEAD stock taken emickly. We rAy thl dead and erippled stock. JTaber 424 Jaber 420$. aauled aoa r Portland Rendering Cat DEAU .horses and . animals Can iv ood lawn zv, NICE, young, gentle riding, pony, true worker, single or doable. East 181. SPRING wagon ia good order cheap, good. 1 to 2 horses or-trade tor cow 10 HEAD lood farm work nor Tor Tabor 986. ever winter. $59 to $160, farm team,, wagon and well f. 828 Alder at harness. FARM wonil4. i aet rasa. ii gtaiSoaT tysteiat Mllaa Look a aad runs' nke b seen to be eppreciaterL t a-WfjT"iitIle but. left AnuaJu Kent a vat with ii ' 1160. 'DoWt miaa seeing thia. storage batter, for Ford- n.HX.ii. 'street. Main 8966. - DCBBUIlB NEW TIRES ' What brand of aew tire do HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB WALE 86 ; yoa prefer I W nave them. I 1 T J - --- oeir 01 I I dUC Steel ranges. 111 50; cook gtovea, If.ttf oil heetera. $1 45; two burner Perfect ioa cook tevs7S.85; tu Pll. Mt vtr: $1.15; coal heetera. $4.9: Ifott fcK apriag. $1.43; mattrese. li.ll; aew pniow,; pauT $ 14 5 ; dreaaer. $4 96; dtolnt : tablea, $6.88; library table. $4-$J center. Ublea, 11.49; oak taboarettea, 65c; kitenea stables. 90e; steel eoucn, a.vv, iw.mii, meaner of are repainna, uregon vn wanning Co.. SSB-Iaa nnrasiaa. near atroaaway. MOTORS, .cears, bearings, wheelr, axle) a wreck elT mexes oi cars ana eeu Ttierr pert at half pries. Ante Wrecking Co.. a 9-41 -9 1 Worth Bteadwey. Broadway 198. " 19l7 FORD tonriag ear, only driven a few rnBrfw?v'-Ist"? and pitcher, 76et Jpi ll U-1??2Z1"?; refrigerator. 63 901 ebild'g iron crib. 5.4; with us lo.aeU foi ionodoa. 118$: breakfast Ublea, $2 90; gas i ,a0r.. One aenemotor starting and lighting ' enti with 12-V. storaaw battery, dash a laVl i lamp, horn and all attachments, 945. AddIv Mt Tabor Garage. 1880 Hawthorn ave. BIO STOCK Used Cars iS covet . motor cab co., 21st and Washington sts. Min 4244 1918 Metz u ; In Portland. til Alder Tbe street. Main 896 CYLINDER, 48 H, P.. f pas. MitcbeU. A-l cviuiiiuB. , r tmm nm ntiuu muee. verv newest model, east $1809. Will sell for 81100 rash-or Liberty bdnae. Mam 1601. t8Bl paid fet oM cans eoaxnttoa ao obierti .parte tor all xaakee of eara, Oregoa Aut Fx. e age. 120 Lownedale at. at ltU aad WAs Ingtoa. Fnoo4 Main 1181. 1917 MAXWELL roadster," 1459 eaah' rieatlT near trrai and 4881 E. 87th st K. E. METZ extra. Leavinl city. top sirs . iti eV Oak. Broadway 1864 614 A)r I .hi nhtnet. leather aaat rockers and 1 -, --: ,-.-:-- , w.m chairs, vrlcger larnnnre; an ss aemv Tag Sale. 206 Madlaon st - must aell CHALMERS, 6-paa. touring car, siarter and elect rio tights, extra equipment. Price $375. Matt aell at euee. 614 Alder It ; FURNITURE complete for 6-ruoa kt ones; cueep. caeap resi, w 15S4 Misskwippi eve.. -.. roeta, bona. '??LAt"R?l'l'AHE qrs .1$ 8oo Envelopes ot 600 bend iettrhds7l'4; 00 'bond biiihead or s Late man Is. $L7I. Smith Printing Ce.i 204 Btarh ett - SLIGHTLY used 17$ Singer sewing aaaebine, 1-.- a.i ea. . u.lut i,i IF you are thinking af boyihg a- "Chevrolet lde,k ji2. 1224 Mrsaiasippi evenae. ear eau a w , " rirf.'U .h-l .. .,.. Fords Enameled $12.50 ItO E. Morrison St East 7161. WILL trade rated car up te $250 as 1st pay merit en hew 1918 S passenger automobile. Call 414 Flanders corner 1 2 th. STUDEBAKER ear itl good runhlnt order and .one ot toe wee vw e.e. on Alder atrect. auua aoo. . kt -AT A Inn m.i $X97T0-pLETk fiAlii UooU bt'tKir. Nonbwemevn Pip Co.. 187 Front et' - fiOTIgir'hTte" eewing teaci.Ine.' $29. ! Bar :gktn. '191 Park st near YambilL . la erieaa. T ia Tta Co.. 212 3d at Main 797 LARGE stock of slightly Used tire kt low prices"; ! BItHTUBS. ssnk . toiieta, prp- and FLUMBLVG soiipUeR, whole l, 212 ed at. Mtark- tottrinc ear. eltv. eWir to sen Aider Street- Mala 896 REPUBLIO i -ton track, almost newT - . ...a a rsorrn Para Btreet FEDERAL 114 toaTtrock with bed - 83 North Park Btreet vulcanising, re-treading, general tire repair!. H. B. Black. 634 Alder st , Main 1319. hvt model; part lea tine 1 FOR BALE Overland delivery ' Into in fine at a big sacrifice. 814 1 condition. WiU take $409 for quick cash 6. ' aale. Caa be seen gay time et $4 N. Broadway. "T 11916 MAX WEI : tot 'sale eheipT" K-406. -' I . JonrnaL. . ... . . - r" i EaTK 1917 Overland, ran 8000 xa0e leaving I v fot Alaska. S5 larhhifl at. , ' . pipe ai Phone fitting. Mala 1606. A. U Howard. 212 4 th st CUUii cleaner s.-id. repaired. , rented, -j . changed, bought. Beatley Co. Main 8582. - T fertiuzeuT ' - ,. .. Horse and eow manure. K.41IL ; IAEGER VACUUM SWEEPERS. MAIN ZlHi I WELL rotted row et horse manure. Mar. 403.V '(CoaUaaed OR 5txri?8f9) .