THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL POR TLAND, . WEDNESDAY,,- MARCH 6, .1918. 14 ST. JOHNS YARD Aire ID VESSEL i - T OF FLEET Grant Smith-Porter Ship Com pany Put Kasota in Stream at Noon Hour. SISTER OF WASCO, BILOXI . ' V. t Miss Norma Hauser, Daughter of Eric V. Hauser, Sponsor for. New Ship. f The Grant flmlth-Porter Ship company launched Ha third government ship to day at 1 :15 o'clock. It was christened the Kaaota. Minn Norma Hauser, daugh ter of Erie V. Hauser, vice president and general manager of the company, waa the sponsor. The Kasota was ready for launching Sunday, but the event had to be post poned until the ways were extended on Stop That Cold At Once C5VSCARA QUININE The eld family remedy la tablet form eafe, sure, easy to take. No opiate no unpleasant after effect. ,. Cure colds in 24 hours Grip In 3 days. Money bsck if it fails. Oetthe genuine Dox with Red Top and Mr. Hill's picture on it 24 Tablets for 25c. At Any Drug Store account of the river being a little too low. ... Other veasela launched by the Grant Smith-Porter Ship company are the Wasco and ; Biloxi. The former "vas launched February 17 and waa the first fumiu! nnt under actual government contracts In the Columbia and Wtllam- j tired, per Oscar W. Sen ware, nautical ette district. The tsuoxi was wuncn i expert, U.S. K. on February 24, Just a week; later man the Wasco. I from the master of a steamer that on! February 27, 1911, , when In latitude 49 degrees 7 minutes north, longitude 127 -degrees 65 minutes west, passed a large ( tree, four to five feet thick, with large roots and branches attached. E. F. Eckhardt, commander U. S. navy, re- News of the Port At 7 :4B o'clock tonight at Ihe Mult- nomah hotel Mr. Hauser will give a( second complimentary a inner io wre- . oarture March e men of the plant. The first dinner waa i Prentiss, American burner, lor San Francisco, given two weeks ago at 'which was flls- , general freight and lumber, cussed the benerit mat couia dj ar rived from close cooperation among shipworkers to the end of speeding pro duction to the limit. DESERT LAND BOARD ' APPROVES PROJECT N JORDAN VALLEY Cousins : to Inspect Telephone Company , Hernaa Bcndaaoa to Herbert H. Marti a and wf.. L. 11. B. 2. Eaatoa Add.: personal property, furniture, etc, l.OUO K. Goddardeto Ida M. Anderaon. ALL ALONG THE WATERFRONT The motorshlp Erris has arrived safely at Honolulu, according to. advices at the Merchants' Exchange. The exchange has also been advised that the motorshlp City of St. Helena leaves Sydney. Thurs day, on the return to the coast with a cargo of copra. Annual Inspection of the new motor Bhip Carmen at the plant of the Mc Eachern Shipbuilding company at As toria Is being conducted today by Cap tain Edwards and John Wynn, local In spectors of hulls and boilers. The Car men was launched December 24. On her maiden voyage she will take a cargo of lumber to Sydney. Officials of the local operating depart ment of the shipping Aboard deny a re port that the steamer -Westward Ho has had any trouble at sea. Now Tugboat Being Equipped Marshfteld. Or., March . The first of the two new -tugs chartered by the C. A. Smith company to take barpfes of lumber from the mflls here to Bay Point haa arrived and is waiting at the yards while being equipped with a J towing engine. It Is the Benito Jaurez, a former gunboat, once owned by Mex ican capital. Another, the Daniel Kern, is expected here from Puget Sound soon. The tugs Tyee and Sampson are already in the service of the company. Three barges have also been chartered by the company from a Puget Sound firm. MARIS K ALMAS AC Weather at River's Mouth North Head. March 6. Condition at the mouth of the river at noon: Wind. northwest. 1 0 miles; clear; sea. smooth. ua Record for March 7 Bun rises, 6:39 a. ra. Sun sets. 6:05 p. m. Tides at Astoria .Thursday High Water: Ixw Water: 7:18 a. m 7.0 feet I 0:48 a. m. . State Engineer Lewis Author- j ized to Go to Washington to i Hasten Contract. Salem, Or., March 6. The desert 3.0 feet land tuunl ul :17 o. in 6.8 feet 2:57 p. m 0.8 foot. .... " , joraan v auey Land & Water company Astoria. March o. satiea at o a. in. im schooner Roamer, for l oos Bay. Minnie N. 80 ft. U 7. B. 7. Elizabeth Irv us e Add. to bast Portland Alc-eraon Koran Ferris and wf. to Ella uunxii. A, a. d. a. hotbii ml The appointment of E.M. Cousin, to I Z. B. 8, Albina Add . . property of the Pacific Telephone A bT. 'aV Telegraph company waa confirmed by j Bessie Duke et al to Elizabeth i' larks, the city council this morning. Cousins': ?; - . B- Mabel is to receive a salary of J250 monthly W. a. TUlotson to Martha Starchier." "li and may be discharged at the will of 16, B. 5, Nash's First Add. the COSnciL , a W. Cary and wife to" A. J. Morgan.. - rt"C rSoyfoPrex0pln i Vtt M; Sd vided a fund of 130.000 lor me expense claim, except 20 acres, also nt of malting an appraisal of the holdings) i. acres; quitclaim deed Of the Portland Railway. Light & Power A. J. Morgan to Joseph Teres! and wife. revoked this morning and i acres beginning at 8V. corner a substitute ordinance aaopieu oy me council, making the appropriation for inspection of books, accounts and physi cal property of public utilities. 10 2.125 10 10 Ready For His Bath With Cudcuta Soap Cuticura Soap is ideal for baby because of its absolute purity and delicate medication. Assisted by touches of Cuticura Oint ment to rashes. itchings and chaf ing it Is all that is necessary to promote and main tain the purity and beauty of baby's skin. r. ss re . u iii mar sle Bash Free-by Kafl. Address post-card: OaMaara, Peat. SA. But so." Bold ererr where. Boap Bo. Oiatsaaat 26 and SOo. Astoria. March 5. Sailed at 2 p. m., steamer Washtenaw, for Fort San Lois. I DAILY RIVER' READIiAjS . e STATIONS, , . -? S., j ii n sis iii Umatilla 25 8.6 '6.2 0.00 Eugene 10 6.8 0 0.00 Albany 20 5.0 -0.6 0.00 Salem 20 6.0 -0.6 0.00 Oregon City 12 6.8 -0.2 0.00 Portland 15 8.0 1 -0.2 0 . 00 for reclamation of 46,000 acres In the Jordan Valley project. In Malheur coun ty, and agreed to enter into a contract with the company under which the company will be permitted to charge ta an acre for water. Out of this $65 an acre the comnnnv is to set aside $15 an acre from the first 8000 acres sold, .and $10 an acre DR. CHARLES G. HOAG EXPOUNDING IDEA OF 'EFFECTIVE BALLOT '() Rising. (-) Falling. RIVER FORECAST The Willamette river at Portland will remain nearly stationary during the next two or three days. Peninsula Security company to Eliza beth B. Maxfield. block P. r.nwiiiii: fore the company obtained the contract leafue of Philadelphia, was a guest of ! 8. W deed with the state and already approximate- Reed college Tuesday, and spoke on the ; ,MiBi v.i'nru a hi.k rch A."rella'1froniJ'uSem, 5t:ly 16.000 naa been spent In -construe- theory, application and advancement of Evsnston; warranty deed ":m. Am8.nta from "rSSSSl I ",n n,d 'W coloniza- yhat , known ag the ..effective baUot... j Hon-f- t. M. " m.: Rose.City. from lx Angel,, at tlon. Two large dams for the storage fr. Hoag is a graduate of Harvard. diUon" "ctPt E. a 5 feet M lot 6 Notice to Mariners Branch Hydrographlo Office, Portland, March 6. information has been received Hopes Women Will Adopt This Habit As Well As Men Qlass of hot water each morn ing helps u look and feel clean, sweet, fresh. AT TTEIGHBORmO PORTS Msrshfield. Or.. March 6. Arrired: Martha Buehner. from San Pedro, at 6:60 a.m.; Hardy, from San Francisco, at 7 a. m ; Yellow stone, from San Francisco, at 11:10 a. m. Wan Francisco. March 8. (I. N. 8.) Ar rived (March 6) U:ft5 a. m at 4:80 p. at 1 :86 r. 1:36 p.m.; tSvea, from Grays Harbor, at 2:15 p. ra. ; Bouth (.oast, from JSureaa, at :io p.m.; Laame, from Casper, at 4:15 p. m. ; Pasadena, from Albion, at 6:50 p.m.; Sea Foam, from Mendocino, at 6 60 p. m. ; Tahoe, from Grays Harbor, at 0:25 p. m. ; Whittier, from Port San Luis, at 11:40 p. m. Sailed (March 6) : City of Topeka. for Eu reka, at 12 a. m. ; Willamette, for Portland, at 12:16 a. m. San Francisco, March 6. Arrived: Saginaw (with barge Charles Nelson in tow), from MukUteo, at 1 a. m. : Rainier, from Seattle, at 2 a. m. ; I. G Scofteld. from Seattle, at 6 :80 a. m. ; Klamath, from Redondo, at 7 a. m. ; French schooner Moans, at 1 1 :30 a. m. Hailed: Tug Fearless (with barge Fullerton In tew), for Port San Luis, at 8 a.m.; Mexican steamer Korrigan III, for Santa Rosalia, at 11 a. m. ' Seattle, Bfarch 8. Arrived March 5 Ship Abner Cobflrn. Honolulu, thence February 12, via Clallam Bay, in tow tug Pioneer, 9:30 a. m. ; West Arrow. Tscoma, S p. m. Ssijed, March 5 Einkaaan Maru, for Dalny, 4 p. m.; skagwsy, sou in western aiasaan pons. 1 :-20 p. m. : ITouche. southwestern Alaskan ports. 11:45 a. ra. ; Grayson, for Shanghai, from Meadow Point. 11 p. ra. Juneau. March "8. Sailed Jefferson, south- cut oeiore me state can enter Into I -..-... D - n . fmai contract with tne. company the Secretary rroportionai nepre- siate must oDiain a contract under the Carey act with the department of the interior, and the board authorized State Kngineer Lewis to go to Washington to urge speedy consummation of the con tract- Unusual feature of the situation is that Meney Brothers of Boise, con tractors, began work on the project be- sentation League Touring Country. Dr. Charles G. Hoag, secretary of the American Proportional Representation I of Anthony Uhlttaker donation land ciaia no. is, thence N. 1S48.65 feet to beginning of land to be con veyed : warranty deed Carl ghattuck to J. S. McKinney, lots 4 and 6, block 4, Caplea addition to St Johns; quitclaim deed William V. Stone and wife to George M. Stone, lota 8. 4, 6 and 6, block 3, Summit addition; quitclaim deed... Margaret A. Stone to George M. 8 Cone, all lota 5 and 6 and undivided ttto thirds interest in lot 4. block 3. Summit addition; quitclaim deed. . . George M. Stone et al. tto Margaret A. Stone, lots 8 and 4. block 1, North Vale ; quitclaim deed ............ Margaret A. Stone to Jessie K Stone. lot 8 and undivided one-third inter est in lot 4, block 8. Summit ad dition; quitclaim deed Charlea H. Startraek to Laura M. (Mhus et al.. NWly one-half lot 4. block . 42, Jamas John's addition tot St. Johns; warranty deed - Gregory Investment company to Will iam Trinder, lota 25 and 26, block 20. Gregory heights; S. W. deed. .. D. B. Hanson to Mrs. V. M. Michaeison. 100 by 87 feet beginning at NV. corner block 18, Creston; contract. . Cecilia Kagi to Henrietta Kagt. lot 8. block 60. Vernon; B. and 8. deed.. Sadie R. Beier to A. G. Jackson. 8. 41 2 8 feet lot 4. block 23. Alameda cart; warranty deed MEETING NOTICES 41 KENTON LODGE NO. 145. A. P. AND A. M. Stated oommnni sation tomorrow (Thursday) re nins, i ;SO o'clock. Work in t. degree. Visitor welcome. RICHAKD F. GKWT. Sec , 1 GOLD V01.N priae wiU ba wahxen Satunlay night by . the hlnd So da! dub. Selling-Hirsch building 8 H ington street between wosi rsr Don t forget, a danc every bhuw the same place. M05UME3TT8 EMBLEM Jewelry a speetaKy. Mttoaa, mast clurmi. Jaeger Bm.'lll-S Xlital'Staiistics. matri$is.Blrtbs. Deaths. MARRIAGE LICENSES of water are to be constructed and one and has been an instructor and profes- 1. suiiusi cQinpieiea BOr tll Brant. University of Pennsyl- In connecUon with his trip to Wash- vania and other colleges. The" system ington. State Engineer Lewis will, ask of the Hare method, of. casting and the government to cooperate with the counting ballots in such a manner as Btate in revising plans for the reclama- to secure representation of 'the entire tion of the Deschutes project, which in- constituency in a city (or district re- cludes the Central Oregon project, the turning three or more members) is be- J. B. Morson project and the Tumalo In rapidly adopted by the cities of project, all In Central Oregon. bound. 2:30 p. m ; City of Seattle, southbound. a p. m. Valdez, March 5. Sailed Victoria, south bound, v a. m. Port Angeles, March 8. Sailed Arapahoe, lor an r rancisco, in tow tug TatoosA. Dungeness, March 5. Passed in F. 8. Loop, lor Seattle, u:o a. m. Bellingham, March 6. Arrived Curacao, Seattle. Port Townsend. March 5. Passed out Sel kirk. 6:3(1 p. m. Everett, March 6. Arrived Wapama, San Francisco; StanWood and Admiral Schley. Ta- Canada. Dr. Hoag lectured before the students in Reed college Tuesday. To day he will be a guest tt the Oregon Agricultural college. Thursday Dr. Hoag will address the Progressive Busi ness Men's club at noon at the Benson hotel, and the Central Labor council at night. En route to California Dr. Hoag will stop off at Medford. He has re cently been in British Columbia ' on the same general mission. Recent advices received by him state that the Imperial i v. J ". ' : lot 1. British parliament has adopted a par-. .ik,5' S k, i9u ?i 7;-8 tial application of the principle, which j T l o'and 20 block 2 Bioomini: and except E. 25 feet of N. 25 feet lot 7: warranty deed Lillian B. Smith to Blaine R. Smith, lot 6, block 1, Crescent heights; warranty deed D. C. Upp Jr. to Daniel C. Cpp, S. 8 feet lot IB and part lot 20, block Hawthorns avenue addition; war ranty deed . Gertrude D. Book and husband to Florence A. Deans, lot 1, block 6. Belle Crest: quitclaim deed Fred A. Jacobs company to Pontae Barone. lots 12 and IS, block 10, Dover; warranty deed Carl Burdiek Cad well and wife to J. A. Pet tit et al., beginning at quarter section comet between sections S and 16( township 1 north, range 2 east, 44.964 acres; quitclaim deed EI wood Minchin and wife, to J. A. 1'ettit, lot 17. block 18, Belle Crest; quit claim deed J. A. Petti t et al. to Lucy A. Ring. 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 2.000 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Aden G. McCorkle. 27, 370 Eddy street, and Grace Nrher. 25. 736 East Thirtv-ninth street. Fred Orth. 26. 883 lonard street, and Alice M. Martin. 21, SOO Wallace street. Marcel Klimck, 80. Eat Thirtieth and Ankeny streets., and Julie Konesek, 24. East Thirtieth and Ankeny streets. Robert S. Andrews, 18. 883 Yamhill, and Viola M. Friel, 18, 885 Yamhill street. Ellis C. Thayer, legsl, Buckingham hotel, and May Pettcron, IS. 708 Gli-an nreet. Andrew C. Sherbsrt. 25, Vancouver barracks, and Gladys M. Heyor, 20, ' Wlckenham apart ments. BLAELSING GRAf g67-3Rq 5T. AT MAHIV IVHIUMI) UAHUUi WOKkUi. 24- 4ta alals S564. Philip at.. opnoaiU citv hall Ken bob for asemorlala LOST AK1 FOtTWTJ ft THE following articles have been found en the ears of the Portland Railway. Light Power company: March 4 1 suit case. 1 traveling Dag. 1 purse. 1 note book, 1 piece ear-ring. 1 watch fob. 1 cuff link. 2 broochea, 1 key, 1 kodak. 8 pair gloves, 6 gloves. 14 nmbreUaa. 6 packages. 1 hair net. 1 market basket and con tent, 1 book, 1 boa xtationary, 1 pair rubbers, 1 gaff hook. 5 lunch boxes, 1 overcoat Owners may obtain property at Firt and Alder street station. IOST Tellow purse containing $10 bill, two $5 bills, 3 t ulr, on 11th from library to 11th and Washington, north aide of Washing ton to 21st north, on 21st to Everett, west ?n Everett to 22d- A widow's monthly waaea, bsdly needed, earned under most distressing ctiMlition. Keward. Phone Main 8386. 704 LOST lady's engagement ring, with two large diamonds, one large sapphire and 14 small diamonds, set In lOatinum. Will pay 8100 re ward for return of ring or suitable amount for informal ion leading to its recovery. Notify Mr. Smith, Marshall 702. will apply in the election of about 100 BETTER THAN CALOMEL Thousands Have Discovered Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets v are a Harmless Substitute Dr. Edvvards' Olive Tablets the sub stitute for calomel are a mild but sure laxative, and their effect on the liver is. almost instantaneous. They are the re mit of Dr. Edwards's determination not to treat liver and bowel complaints with caJomeL His efforts to banish it brought oat these little olive-colored tablets. The pleasant little tablets dothe good that calomel does, but have no bad after effects. They don't injure the teeth like strong liquids or calomel They take hold of the trouble and quickly correct it. JVhy cure the liver at the expense of the teeth? Calomel sometimes plays havoc with the gums. So do strong liquids. It is best not to take calomel, but to let Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets take its place. Most headaches, "dullness" and that lazy feeling come from constipation and a disordered liver. Take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets when you feel "loggy"and "heavy." Note how they "clear"clouded brain and how they "perk up" the spirits. 0cand?5cabox. . All druggists Happy, bright, alert vigorous and vivacious a good clear skin ; a natural, rosy complexion and freedom from ill ness are assured only by clean, healthy blood. If only every woman and like wise every man could realize the won ders of the morning Inside bath, what a gratifying change would take place. Instead of the thousands of sickly, anaemic-looking men, women and girls with pasty or muddy complexions ; In stead of tho multitudes of "nerve wrecks," "rundowns," "brain fags" and pessimists we should see a virile, opti mistic throng of rosy-cheeked people everywhere. An inside bath is had by drinking each morning before breakfast, a glass or real not water witn a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate In It to wash from the stomach, liver, kidneys and 10 yards of bowels the previous day's Indigestible waste, sour fermentations and poisons, thus cleansing, sweetening and freshening the entire alimentary canal before putting more food into the stomach. Those subject to sick headache, bil iousness, nasty breath, rheumatism, colds and particularly those who have a pallid, sallow complexion and who are constipated, very often, are urged to obtain a quarter pound of limestone phosphate at the drug store which will cost but ,ia trifle but is sufficient to demonstrate the quick and remarkable change in both health and appearance awaiting those who' practice internal sanitation. We must remember that In side cleanliness is more important than outside, because the skin does not ab sorb impurities to contaminate the blood, while the pores in the thirty feet of bowels do. - (Adv.) WOMEN ARE NEEDED TO HELP IN WAR. 4 ; t Women can be usefully employed In nursing the wounded, in making tip the soldiers' kits, and a thousand other ways. Many American women are' weak, pale or anemic from woman's ills. For young girls Just en tering womanhood; for women at the critical time; nursing mothers and every woman who Is "run down," tired or overworked Doctor Plerce'a Favorite Prescription Is a special, safe and certain help. It can now be had In tablet form. You can procure a trial package of tablets by writing Doctor Pierce, Chief of Staff at Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., enclosing 10 cents. Write in full confidence if you desire free medical advice also. Roseburg, Oregon. "There Is noth ing so good as Mukilteo. March 6 -rArrred Barkentine members for the next parliament. James Johnson, San Francisco, thence Feb. 20, in tow of tug wanderer. Port Blakeley. March 6. Arrived Benjamin r . racaara, Seattle, in tow. T aroma, March 5. Arrived Admiral Schley, oeaiue. Army-Navy Orders REAT, ESTATE TRANSFERS A. Karp to X. I. Simon, easterly 39 ft. I,. S, and easterly 30 ft. of northerly 20 ft. U 7. B. 167, Portland t 5.900 Meridianal Co. to Victor Sevak, L. 15, M. 1. Berkeley - 1 George It. Priest and wf. to G. W. Priest, U 1 and . Id fL L B. 1, Klmhnr&t S. D. Kilpatrick and wf. to Edith Hyde. I,. o and S. 1 7 H ft. L. 6. B. 3, Kil-natrick-Collian Tract Elizabeth E. K rants to Edna ' Woolery Johnson es al, L. 52, B. 119. Uni versity Park Charles Shockley and wf. to Thomas Crowley, U 18, B. 21. Westmoreland. totn Park: Quitclaim deed. C. 8haw to E. W. Ring, lot 11. block 9. Saginaw heights; quitclaim deed. . Mahel K Watson and husband to K. F. Allen, lot 13, block 7. Sunnyside: warranty deed . BOO BCILDI3CO PERMITS San Francisco. March 6. (T. N. 8 ) The following army orders were issued here today: Captain D. U. Humfreville, to disciplinary oarracas, Aicairms, vei. First lieutenant William Barton to this city. The travel performed by Captain Isaac Ham. Uton, signal reserve, from Seattle to Point Sheriff to Ludwig Hirsch, L. 15. 16. 17. Wells and return, on February 28. for the pur- B. 298. Couch's Add pose of identifying and recovering signal corps Lorenzo W. Prewery and wf. to Frank E. property, is approveo. ,nd Marion U Ford. L. 6, B. 32 Private John A. Denny from present post Rossmere transferred to Second engineers' training regi- I Frsnk E. Ford and wf. to James II. nient ana sent to vanoouver barracks. I Woodcock, L. 6. B. 82. Rossmere t-nvaie nenry . c iansDurg, company A, I Add 818th engineers, Vancouver barracks, trans- I Hattie Starfas and hus. to H. I Ganoe. lerrea to xwenuexn engineers (forestry) and I N. 43 ft. of 8. 87 V ft. of E. 130 sent to American, university. District of Colum- ft- U 2. B. 3. Bernhardt Park bia. I H. L. Ganoe and wf. to trustees of rirsi i-iiraiOTini eamuei snapiro. dental ra- I lents IOdge A. F. & A. M. No, 156 serve, to Vancouver oarracn tor duty. I 42x130 ft., beginning 434 ft. N. of The following named privates, enlisted ordnance I 8. E. corner L. 2, B. 8, Bernhardt corps, national army, now unaer instruction m ord- I 1'arfc nance training course. University of Oregon. Eu- I Margaret 1). Reed to Charles" Stout" et al gene. Or., will be sent to Camp Fremont. Palo L. 6. B. 1. Oroo It ham's Add. ...... Alto. Cal: Lewis Griffith, A. A. Johnson. E. I Emil Heilmann and wf. to ' Edward T. Dprwger, J . jv. oteeie. 10 275 900 .985 10 District Judges Are Given Long Terms Attorney General Brown Rules-im Law JTe3V,4n e37etT?nhXLadd- BlmaAe' Abolished Former Coart, go Three Will L. A. Brandes and wf. to Giuseppe I. Mij nrn,. t-mi ieei m5to- Lr- . 87. Tibbetta OPEN NOSTRILS! END A COLD OR CATARRH Doctor Pierce's Favorite Pre scription for all 1 diseases with which a woman is troubled. I took it for inflamma tion and It cured me. I also took It during ex pectancy and I was so well all the time; had no headache, no back ache, no morning sickness, no sour stomach, no bloating." Mrs. M. B. Hughes, Mosher street. wnwnM "Hftr tls1 vnl for a long tfme and I was all run-down, not exlre unt January. 1921, so no had aevere headaches, was nerrous election will be held for those offices and tired all the time. After trying this year, according to an opinion given different remedies wijioui geiung any t.v ittorn.v Cnrl Ttn . better I decided to try Dr. Pierce's strict Attorney Evans or Multnomah nemeaies. x loos 111c ratunio Jrl" COUnty. covery' according to , directions and j uh ether the act of the 1913 legislature was restored to peneci nwun. can providing for three district Judges mere conscientiously recommend them. y changed the name of Justice of the "My mother always uses Dr. Pierce's ; peace to district court ana broadened Remedies. sne gave me tne a avorite the powers or whether it abolished the Prescription when I was coming Into Falting et al. L. 4. B. 4. Tweeter Park N. P. Tomlinson and wf. to fharles An derson. U 3. B. 128. Stephens Add . Anna G. Loomis and bus. to Anna, R. tarl. I,. 1B.-B. 111. Rose Citv P.rk Amelia Mats Beissel and hus. to Lena nchmtdt. w. H B. 13. Sub, of Tract "C." Overton Park T . Percy H. BIyth et al to Michael Don- lan. I,. 54, 57. Blytbwood Add. to East Portland . . Salem, Or., March 6. Present terms of three district Judges in Portland will Lift Out Your Coras ICE-MINT THE NEW DI8COVERV ENDS ALL Foot Troubles .Everett between E. 68th and E. 60th N.; build er same: 370. Mrs. Fowler, erect frame garage, 670 Preacott between E. 18th and E. 19th . ; builder same 875. Dean Vincent, erect frame garage, T2 5 K. 44 th st. N. between Klickiut and Thoaapaon; builder same: 180. Mrs. W. B. Preston, erect frame garage. 497 Montgomery between 14th and 16th; builder same: zhu. Mrs. W. B. Preston, erect frame garage, 499 Montgomery between 14th and 16th; builder same: 880. I.a Uascogne Investment Co.. repair 2 story frame flats, 425 6th st. between Hall and Col lege; Thomas Downing builder; 8400. D. A. Currie. reDair 1 storv frame residence 10 855 Failing between ' Garfield and Mallory; i builder same: 875. i D. A. Currie. repair '1 story frame residence. 1 853 Falling between uanieia ana Mauory i builder same: 875. I J. W. Wolfe, erect frame garage. 8 E. 89th ' N. between E. Ankeny and t. Ash; builder U. i E. Maxwell: 8190. 580 I Joan Welsh, erect frame garage. 981 E. 19th ; X. between Going and Wygant; builder James 10 Welsh: 875. I G. A. McCaH. repair 1 story frame residence 2,000 ' 1127 E. Grant between 88th and 87th; builder Mr. Evens; 860 10 Eli Simonson. erect 1 story frame residence, 905 E. 21st t. between Bktdmore ana Crane 10 builder same: 82500. I M. J. Mahoner. erect frame garage. 926 Re- ! gents' Drive between Shaver and Mason ; builder in Mm.,- 9on ' Wheeler & Tucker, repair 1 story frame fac- 10 tory. 494 E. Mill between E. 9th and E. 10th sis. : Cutler Fruit Grader Co. builders; 895. 1 ! W. V. Horten, erect frame garage. 119 K. . 69th N. between E. Glisan and E. Flanders ' builder same: 840. 1,350 I P- Samson, alter 1 story frame residence. 91 ' E. 60th st. N. between Everett and r landers builder same: 350. Will Sherlock & Co.. alter 5 story brick ordl nary office building. 85 3d st. between Oak and Stark; N. C. Paulsen builder; ssuu. W. Humphrey, erect frame garage. 1647 Wil low, corner 63d: bftilder same: 850. Emmanuel May Investment Co.. alter 2 story frame repair shop, 261 2d st. between Madison and Jefferson; S. B. Donaugh builder: $0. Swetland Building company Repair sjx- i etorv brick ordinary otnee Duuamg, 1211 mm 1 street, between Washington and Alder; Harry 1 Park, builder: 820. 1 nearin estate Alter two-story brick ordinary 1 store. 826 Stark street, between Sixth and Ttrnadwav: 1.. D. Horn, builder; 3300. I Mrs. C. M. Fruiht Erect frame garage, 69 HowTo GetBelief WhenHead and Bom are Stuffed Up. Count fifty! Your cold In head or ratarrh disappears. Your clogged nos trils will open, the &lr passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more snuffling, hawking, mucous discharge, dryness or headache, no struggling for breath at night. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist and apply a little of this fragrant antiseptic cream In your nostrils. It penetrafes through every air passage of the head, soothing and healing the swollen or Inflamed raucous membrane, giving you instant relief. Mead colds and catarrh yield like magic Don't stay tuffed-up and miserable. Relief is sure. Adv. rr5i L" womanhood." Mrs. C. C. Messenger, 1793 Duane street. Adv. To Remove Dandruff Get a small bottle of Danderine at any drug store for a few cents, pour-a 774 same This new discovery, made from a Tor.. I East Thirtieth street north between Davis and j . . ' . . : t.- . mA hn bUr- anil office of Justice of the peace in cities ft- ot 100.000 population and created an en- a pair of Bwollen. burninsr. ach nV, iw East Ei?51n treet , ner flvalv AAiiwt I T a. 1 ' . . ' ' -------a -yw , rTl1lrlr ! XIQ. 7 ' . , . m j. . I A ,T s0"688 rlgnt put, then the I j. J. Tyle Erect frame garage, 968 Glenn swreioi vuuuou uut mat uuiuus ouuveiB mis oil. I avenue north, between Preacott and Ooing I' the first named condition nrvaill I n , thi lrHnn of Aiatrint 1nHrAa in iQijaTAAn il." .. f P. -7 ! r E. Johnson Erect frmm caraec. SS2 was void and terms of tie present dis- off so eaw ' H is wonderful. Just Srt- raraM eSSS" HwthoTO nd - 1 i i T I thinV i -Mt ki e i.ii- "f I Harrison; same builder, HU. J"us "t"'" " January, t" "l K"" ""' P- a a. Turner - Erect two-story frame rest- 1S.19. and Judges would have to be ice-mint, -or arterwaras. it dencei 83o East Thirteenth street north, be- elected this year, but If a new court was , , "' uurrounoing tween Halsey and Weidler; U. H. Bauey as Co, AH.llul V,An ,1,A .1m. An .. V A 1 E7DV.(I builden ; 36000. . , . i a J . . i ... j , ,,j aw, . I Vrt,, -w.lll ma-caw V.n , I J. J. seuwOOQ IWIHir one-ury irvmv pwrc nine into your ntuiu bjiu run wen imo : juugeo in isi wan vajiu ana meir terms I " "c ii, tui . com - i-m..illa hetween East Thirteenth and . i i i . y. . v. - At ill . j . . . ii T .. inni . t Kmin M Till nin infl r hk rr mrvrwi nniann . ' " " - - .- . . . . ... me staiji " me ""sr Lips. xy n in nut o uuui jauuiij, jijiix. ne s; .ITJ i,,7 i ,.AinT Xia . I Eat Fifteenth streeu; Charlea Maurer, minaer t the latter Is the correct in- SV-e-S.- .f . "".'u.l"": ' 325. morning most. If not all, of this awful 1 held that scurf will have disappeared. Two or i terpretatlon or the law. three applications will destroy every bit of dandruff; stop scalp itching and falling hair. (Adv.) In Five Minutes No Sick Stomach Indigestion, Gas ARE YOU RUPTURED? A poor fitting truss by not properly liolding rupture Is dangerous and worse than no truss at all. Anyone can .sell a truss, but it takes an expert truss fit ter to fit one. We specialize in fitting trusses, guaranteeing satisfaction in every instance. We carry all kinds of trusses, but the Seeley Spermatic Hhleld Truss Is the best, usually clos ing the opening In tea days. Send for Illustrated circular and measuring blank. LAUE-DAVIS DRUG CO. TU88 XX3 BTS. Dept. 6 TbixA ana TunMU Sta Vortlsad, Ox. "Pape's Diapepsin" is the quickest and surest Stomach relief. Lord Reading May Be Answering Hertling nlaatm nnrt Vinnrf j I nir tona trf that 99 corn of yours is sure to be a "goner" if j it ever zeeis tne magic toucn oi Ice-mint. It imparts such a delightful, soothine. cooling feeling to the feet that you will ' sigh with relief. i Ice-mint is the real Japanese secret ' for fine, healthy little feet. It pre-! vents foot odors and keeps them sweet , and comfortable. It is greatly appre- ' Wedding Announcements W. : Smith Co . 811 Moreen btdg HUKbS bi lls (or rent, all sixes. loritig Co . 8098tark st. Cuhiue Tai- BIETHS BLACK To. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Black, 2100 E. Morrison. March 2; a son. KIRKHAM To Mr. and Mrs. Carle William Kirkham. 1120 Montana. Feb. 20; a daughter. FOWLE To Mr. and Mrs. Leiter W. Kowle. 783 KenilWorrh, February 23t a daughter NORTH To Dr. and Mr?. K. North. 1422 Morrison, Ms rch 1 ; a son. ANDERSON To Mr. and Mr. Oscar Ander son. 854 t'lwhur. FrtTuary 24: a son. FETF.RSON" To Mr. and Mr.. Adolf Peterson, 683 H E. Davi.. February 25; a daughter. GOLDSTEIN To Mr. and Mrs. Sim J. Gold stein. -605 Belmont, February 23: a son. THOMAS To Mr. and Mrs. Hsrry R. Thomas. 1448 Mississippi are.. February 21; a son. GALH HIO To Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Galichio, 6744 Whitman are.. February 28: a daughter. CARLTON To Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Carl ton. 1488 E. 7th. February 28: a daughter. WILEY To. Mr. and Mrs. O. B, Wiley. 6424 8 nth. Februarv 19: a son. WRIPHT To Mr. and Mm. Jessie U Wright. Westport. Or.. February 26: a son. BT'RKE To Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Burks. 624 Brooklyn. February 20: a daughter. LAR8EN To Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Larsen, Un derwood. Wash . February 25: a son. FREITER To Mr. and Mrs. August Freitar. 440 E. 9th.. February 28: a daughter. MAC KINSET To Mr. and Mrs. David A. Mac- Klniey. 113! Vernon. February 27: a son. CLARK To Mr snd Mrs. William M. Clark. 228 Jessuc March 1 : a son. VANCE To Mr. and Mrs. Albert D. Vance. 498 Magnolia, February 24; a daughter. ILL the pprx.u ho found pearl ring set in platinum in rest room on 5th floor of Meier Frank's Tuesday afternoon, bet. 1 :30 and 2 S kindly return to 515 Couch bldg.. or call Mar. 3750 and roceiTe liberal reward? LOST By boy. between Hawthorne school and Idd addition, folder with five War Stamps. Finder please call Oliver Francis King, 284 Poplar St. Phone E. 7224. Heward. LOST By boy, between Hawthorne school and I-sdd addition, foldrr with fire War Stamps. Finder please call Oliver Francis King. 284 IV.plsr st. Phone E. 8727. Reward. LOST Lady's iockt'tbook, cont. glove and shoe checks, change purse, about 14.00. on 4th St. Phone Sell. 980. rhainless hicjele; new Ijberal rewsrd Phone STOLEN Columbia Goodyear tires. Wdln. 838. Cost jus in gold snd $40 currency, wsrd 3H7 N. lflth st. Re fill J. Bower. FOI'ND Small black purse. Msin 04,.'H. after 5:3ft. FOI'ND- . Brindlebnll. nsrae Owner call MsrMisll 21 Li ST 82ft bill. Reward." CalT East'TnS'lC" 'Bob" on collar HELP WANTED MALE t DEATHS AND FUNERALS JS LATOCRELLE At Good Samaritan hospital March 6. llliM, Mrs. Grace Ijtourelle, see 75 years 2. months 19 days, widow of the late Joseph Latourrlle and mother of Henry A. of I cUh.H l . rr . T .. i j . i . x , 1 , 1 iimuBiii, 1 i.m Hi i. iri iiuuMiai,, tins. miiwr Coorter of Ijttonrelle. Or., snd Mrs. Clara Umon of - Trontdale. Remsins are st the resi dence parlor of R. T. Byrnes, 901 Willisms are., at Mason st. Announcement of funeral in later issue. CARLSON In this city, February 28, Mrs. Sofia B. Carlson, szed 50 years. Beloved rife of Alfred F. Carlson, and late of 41 Church street; mother of Joseph and Ruby Carlson. Funeral services will be conducted tomorrow (Thiirsdsy). March 7. at 2 p. m.. from Pearson's undertaking parlors, Russfll street at I'nion avenue. Friends invitad. In ferment Rose City Tsrk cemetery, under the auspices of Camelia Chapter No. 2T. o. E. S. GARLAND In thi. city. Feb. 28. at his late residence. 1095 E. 17th st N.. Robert Dag git Garland, aged 52 years, husband of Mrs Clara Countixs Garland and brother of Sue M Garland of St. Paul. Minn. The funeral serr ices will be held Thursdsy. March 7. at 2:30 o'clock p. m at the residence establishment of J. P. Finley ft Son, Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. Interment at Riverview cemetery. BASSg At the residence of his mother, Mrs. V. O. Lloyd. 677 East Nineteenth street north. March 8, Chester A. Ban. age 22 pear 1 1 months 1 3 day. r nends Invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at the above residence at 10:30 a. m. tomorrow (Thursday) . March 7. Concluding service at Portland Crematorium. ALLISON" 4627 Seventieth street Boutheaat. James Allison, age 57 years. Funeral serv ices will be conducted tomorrow (Thursday), March 7. at 10 a. m.. in the mortuary chapel of A. D. Kenworthy ft Ca., 5802-04 Ninety second street Southeast, in I-ents. Friends in vited. Interment Multnomah cemetery. 8CHREINER At the residence. 4 60 N. 23d St., Peter Schreiner, aged 65 years. Funeral services will be held st Dunning sk McEntee's chapel Thursday, March 7, at 2 p. m. Friends invited. Interment Lone Fir cemetery. MKN WANTED FOR SAWMILLS, BOX FACTORIES, LOGGING OPERATIONS. KLAMATH COUNTY, OREGON. HIGHEST WAGES. BEST SCHOOLS. COOL. DRY CLIMATE. CITY OF 6000 PEOPLE. There is a big diversity of labor, as there ara 14 sawmills, 6 box factories, 16 logging operat ors using both stsam, donkeys and horse log ging. Three lath mills. Boys ltd women can work in the box factories. COME NOW. MILLS OPEN MARCH 1 TO 15. BOX FACTORIES NOW RUNNING. ON ARKIVAL SEE KLAMATH LUMBERMEN'S AND LOG GERS' ASSN.. MAIN ST.. KLAMATH FALIJ. OREGON. 1 20ft MEN EMPLOYED. Boys Look Here ARE TOO 16 YEARS OF AGET DO YOU POSSESS A BICYCLXf Do you wsnt a steady Job that will pay yon reai money r We furnish you full uniform free and allow you vacation with full pay. If interested call and se. MR, BAILEY Weatern I'nion Tel. Co., 78 8d at. WANTED Two Young Men With Twin-Model Motorcycles. One to work ninhts and One to work- dsytime. Good i-alsry. Clean work. ELMER L BAILEY 253 Oak st. JEFFRIES Frances T. Jeffries. St. Vincent hospital, March 4, 1 year; meningitis. M'NAMARA Alexander A. McNamara, 348 Fargo, March 1, 57 years; bronchial asthma. HELEN Peter J. V. Kelen, 650 Iron. March, 1, 89 years; tuberculosis. GARLAND Robert D. Garland. 1095 E. 17th. February 28. 52 years; apoplexy. ROBERTSON Lazarus W. Robertson. 712 Tenlno are.. March 2, 92 years: nephritis. LOCKE Susan M. Locke, Good Samaritan hos pital, "March 4, 67 years; carcinoma. SMITH Benton F. Smith. St. Vincent hospital. March 3, 65 years; valvular heart disease. FETROY1CH Leo Petrovirh. 144 Graham ava., March 8, 1 month; bronchial pneumonia. HEINL Frank Heinl Jr.. 94,9 Yale. March S, 3 month..; bronchial pneumonia. INDAHL Bergithe Indahl, 1838 Boston ava., March 8. 88 years; mitral iliase of heart. HURT Elizabeth Hurt. 1223 Delaware, March 4, 72 years: chronic bronchitis. MILLER Elizabeth Miller. 186 E. 78th, March 3, 61 years: pneumonia. HAMILTON Elmer ,E. Hamilton, 87 X. 78th, March 2, 87 years; perforation of bowels. ' HENRICHSEN ELsle Henrirhsen. 80 Ttxaa, March 3, 3 years; lobar pneumonia. WHITE Nancy M. White, 84 8 4th, March S. 76 years; cerebral hemorrhage. COMER Frank Comer, 5345 45th, March 2, 21 years; pulmonary tuberculosis. ELLISON Msry Jane Ellison. 608 Miller. March 4. 68 yearn: tnberruoeis. BANZER Leonard Bahzer. 288 Cook ava., March 2. 21 vears; abce-s of brain. Ll'MSDEN William Wright Lumsden, 864 E. Ash, March 8. 68 years; cancer of abdomen. FLORISTS MARTIN ft FOKBKS CO.. Florists. 854 Waah. Main 269, A-1269. Flowers for all oocsy sions artistk-allv arranged. TfEW TODAY English Ambassador Kem.rked -The autea Ty women whoVear hlghXel Brltlih Empire It An Aggregation of Nations With Power to Rule." New York, March 6. (U. P.) A pos- OUCH! LUMBAGO! RUB IT ON BACK shoes. Just ask In any drug store for a lit- 1 tie Ice-mint and give your poor, suf fering, tired, swollen feet the treat, of sible rejoinder to the last speech of the I tnetr lives, it costs utile anq there is Oe.rman chancellor was seen todav in I noinmg Dewer. (Aav.) t " . the following statement by Lord Read ing, in his address at the nrteentn an nual dinner of tBe Pilgrims of the United States: The British Empire is an aggrega tion of nations with power to rule Yon don't know what upset your I themselves." stomach which portion of the food This was considered significant in j did the damage do youT Well, don't j view of the chancellor's statement that bother, if your stomach is in a re- ' Germany was ready to consider self de- volt; If sick, gassy and upset, and termination when Britain applied it to what you lust ate has fermented smi : br cntnnicjs. turned sour: head dizy and aches;! J-iord Reading spoke at length regard- I Rub awav all Pain. SOreneSS. ueicn sues bu aumi ana eructate lng tienerai tsmuia, tne ooum African I ctif ftiocc Kar-lrarVi ,..:, undlsreater! food: .breath frml tnnim. ! nolntlnv nut that thta ronrslwnta. I O LKA.KU-UC, W1UI coated Just take a little Pape's Dia- tlve of a conquered people .now sits in I "St. Jacobs Liniment' pepsin to neutralize aciaity ana In five minutes you wonder what became of the indigestion and distress. Millions of men and women today know that it is needless, to have dys pepsia. A little Diapepsin- occasion, ally keeps the stomach sweetened and they eat their favorite foods without fear. If your stomach doesn't take care of I your liberal limit without rebellion; If your food Is a damage instead of a ; help, remember the Quickest, surest, most harmless antacid is Pape's DiaV pepsin which costs only 60 cents for a large case at drug stores. It's truly wonderful it stops food souring and sets tmngs straight, so gently and easily that ' It - is really astonishing. Your stomach will digest ' your meals u you keep adds .neutralUed-Adr. . Two Studebaker Bargains! One 1917 six-cylinder, three passenger roadster, first-class condition, 775. One 1917 six-cylinder, seven passenger touring car, almost new, 900. Covey Motor Car Co. Washington at 21st St. . Main 6244 tive of a conquered people .now sits in the war council at London, exemplifying .Britain s democratic puuty. Wisconsin Solons Condemn La Follette Wanted Boy 18 to work in plumbing shop. Apply in person, 7:45 a. 867 Sandy blvd. m Ah! Pain is gone! i Quickly? Yes! Almost Instant relief from soreness, stiffness, lameness and pain follows a gentle rubbing with. "St. Jacob's Liniment." - Apply this soothing, penetrating oil directly upon the ache, and like magic Mllaf onm..' afiV .TafVhai T.lnlm.nt,,MWi. Madison, Wis., March . (IT. P.) I nnsrs rain. It Is a harmless .backache. The 'Wisconsin legislature went on rec- iumbago and sciatica relief, which never ord today in condemnation of United disappoints, cannot injure and doesn't States Senator Robert M. La Follette's j burn or discolor the skin. attitude with regard to tne war, I Straighten up ! Stop those torturous I Br a vote oi s to z, mo assemoiy i ".titcheaL" in & moment you will Corset this afternoon, after - a 17 hour ses-1 that you ever, had a back, because it sion. adopted a loyalty resolution." j won't hurt or be stiff or lame. Don't with an amendment censuring the sen- l suffer ! Get a small trial bottle of "St ator. The senate adopted the resolu- I Jacobs 'Unhnent' from, your druggist A17CTIOH SALES TOMORBOrf THB BAKEB AUCTION HOCSK. afaaenis T pi DUC-, r ""'" ana v. Mrmx ns at 10 s. sn tlon a week ago now and get this lasting relief Adv- MEETITTO yOTiCES il PORTLAND STAR HOME- 8TEAD. NO. "42, B. A. X.. win cive a card party end dance tomorrow, Thursday erenins, March 7. at the new Moose tempi. 4 th and Taylor sta. Admission 20c Union music. YETTA HAINES. eorrespmd cat. 205 Xlisky bids.. Sd sad Morrison. Keridenee phone East TBtt. THE MACCABEES Portland iant So. 1. re . nlar review end decree work Thursday erve nfne. March T. AH raeinbers ersed to' be pres ent, r Com and be e Maeeabe Thursday v ains. Q. IX Baker, & K. . - - CLAKK BEDS, FlorisU. 287 Uorrison at. Main or A-1805. Fine flowers and floral aeeim. No branch storaa. Ll'BLlNER. Portland Hotel. S2H Morrieon. MA-X M aSlTH. florist. 141H th st. HJNKKAL DIBECTOB8 H0LMAN TNDEBTAK1NG CO. Established 1877. FUNERAL DIRECTORS, Third and Salmon Streets. Main B07. A-1511. Lady Assistant. J. P. FINLEY & SON Progressive Funeral Directors PRIVATE DRIVE Women Attendants Montgomery at Klfth. Mate . , WILSON & ROSS East 4. , Lady Assistant. Mnitnoman at eventn a. o-tiea (jBdertaaera, Modern ta Dunning & McEntee every detaiL Broadway and Pin sta. Phones Broadway 480. A-4SB8. Lady assistant F. S. Dunning, Inc. The Golden Hnle TJaderUken. 414 B. Aider at. Phone East 62. B-BtSB A, D. Kenworthy Co. B287. B802 02d St. .Lenta. Tabor B8. th at. and roster road. Ariote. East 781 B-ljSS Cndartaken Mn. lreh LERCH B. 1 Ith and Ha wt novae UttAxtL A TRACBT. Independent Vnneral DV Sri. Price, a. tow a..aO. 40. f BO. Washineton at Klla. Main HAMILTON 1978 K. Gliaan st, Fis- Beral sel rices. Tabor 4118 Breeze & Snook b'sTb,' TabU "it. Skewes A-2821. Conav Sd sad Clay A. R. Zeller Co 692 East - Williams ava, 188. 0-188. T. BTBNES, new rasMaeee eaUbUshmaat. 1 W lHtems ava, Wood lew 210. C-1M8. CHAMBCBS-KJCNWOBTHT 00.7 LABORERS WANTED permanent positions aeaared steady . w(ea $8.10, 8 hours; strike sot yet declared oft but 1600 men workica ; general paperamOl work; no axperienee Dscasiary. Apply 009 Ore gon bide, corner Btb and Oak sUeeta. 86U pet week earned by each of men ataoe Job) 1. selrtng onr (Oars n teed abrnba, rosea, rreea and berries; others earning from 628 per week up. No experience necessary. Exclusive territory. Free outfit. Beat aeasoe for yeara. Open territory la this and neighboring: state. Washington Knrsery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash, WANTED. An energetic young man who U looking for a future, to work in our snip ping department. One with lire and automo bile accessory experience preferred, tipportunny for right party to get connected with desirable concern. Advancement. 1.-1. Jonrnel. TRI CK driver at once, with (1000 to 11500. make first payment nn new truck. we can arrange yearly contract with one of largest com panies in city. Exceptional otiporturiity. An swer st once in (wrwin. 1. C Warren Motor Cir Co.," 5M-6II N. 23d st. Msin 70. UARKY JONE.H, contractor, wants laborers at $3.25 for nine hours. Apply to him on ion in West Linn. Or., or at bia home. 004 Jefferson St.. Oregon City, nightay BO Y wanted in wholeaaie men a furnishing de rjartment: not over 18. One who haa hat tome retail experience preferred. W-787, Jour nal. WANTED School boy to work for room and board; light work, nice people. Call Tabor 28S9. - WANTEt First-class dentist; plenty of work, no competition. Particulars ancloaa postage. J F. Wesely, 8cio, Or. BOYS and girls wanted at once. Apply Port land Broom Co.. E. -5th and liolladay. B- 2141. YOL'Mi man wanted to learn automobil. ac cessory business. A. J. Winters Co., 63 u 7 . 6th St.. city i . GOVERNMENT wants stenographers and typists. Enroll now at Sherlock' Railroad school. Worcester bldg. WANTED Boy over 18 to work in bakery at nights. Royal Bakery, 11th and Everett. Broadway M3. " vYANfED Experienced automobile washer; day work. Francis Motor Car Co.. 18th and Hawthorne are. WANTED Experienced teamster wholeaaie meat bouse. Must have previous experience this line. A-nvl, Journal, WANTED Salesman to sell new auto acces sories. N-471. journal. WANTED A boy to learn Ford parte busmsea Francis Motor Car Co.. 18th and Hawthorne. CABINET makers wanted. Valentin Maaufaa- turing Co., B04 E. Lincoln at. WANTED Boy to drive Ford delivery car and clerk in grocery store. Call 621 8d at. WANTED Elderly man for chora for board room, cash. 621 gavter. WANTED Can and bottle washer. Willamette Dairy, 48 8 Union ava. N. SaKEK apprentice wanted to work on bread and cakes. Oeorge G. Peterson. Forest Grove, Or. WANTED Two boys over 10 at oneeJ Wad-, ham tc Kerr Broa., 4X1 Davi st., cor. 18th. club. WANTED Janitor. Call Multnomah Thnrman ft Chapman St., 8:8Q a. tn. - -WANTED Elevator boy or man. Hoyt HoteT HELP WAITED MISC. 49 UNCUS SAM Ketda 10,000 steiographers. Enroll Bow for shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BOSINEM COLLEGB. 8d floor AUsky bldg. NUMBER YOUNG WOMEN AND MEM waet7 to prepare for telegraph aervtoe to bats fig vacancies caused by tba draftirig at men for war. For particulars eaD er writ Telegraph Dept. Boom 218. Railway Exchange bids. MISS DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE ' CivU service, dictaphone operating, shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping, ieneotraphrasy Eng iih spelling. Allsky bids.. d and Morrison. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL, 462 HAWTHORNS AVE. SPECIAL NIGHT CLASS BATES, PAT AS TOO LEARN. THE adcox- AtTfd SCHOOL. 860 Waaeo su, corner Unioa era. Gall, write er phono E. 7446 akoat fiae trial effer. Day and Bight elaasea. - . . fcPANIBH Conversation and grammar, Bates - to' large elaasea. 483 Montgomery. . Mala ill s. - - - - EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL.' ill wj uiunu sir. lau k xi. UNCALLED for tailor mad suite, $B.6 aa. Tsvlofth Tailor. 28BH Bumaid. HELP WAKTED FEMALE SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS and Utility Garment Co.. 107 1st st. - WOMAN, to da hnuawirli and nUt Mkl.., . good home; references. Phone Main 9314. WANTED Good cook, good wags. Cell aftaay aoon after 2 :80. - 48 E. 17th at. N. .- - -WOULD like s housekeeper for two an xVrav n, ia waru, g,merprw, vr. CHAMBEBS-BXNWOBTHT CO.. I " ,",-r ? T . tilt Barby at Woodlawa 6306. XllSS ' . (CoBtlBSed Oi Kt Fst