THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, TUESDAY, MARCH g!918.- 13 HELP WANTEDMAM! i- MEN WASTED TOVL f , SAWMILLS. BOX FACTORIES. LOGGINO OPERATIONS. ' KLAMATH I'OliMI, OREGON, i ' HIGHEST WAGES, v H KHT HCHOOU. 'OL, DRY 'LItfATE. , ! CITY OF 01K PEOPLE. ; There III bi diversity eC labor, as there sre 14 sawmills, ft box factories. 1ft logging operat ors Using both steam, donkeys end bore log- ' jrinc.' Three lath mill. Boy and womn can .work In the box factorial. COMB NOW. Mn,LT0"PEN MARCH 1 TO - 1. BOX-FACTORIES NOW RUNNING. ON ARRIVAL SEE , KLAMATH LUMBEHM EN'S AND LOG : ;' i GER8' ASSN.. ! llln ST.. KLAMATH KALIS. OREGON. . 1200 MEN EMPLOYED. WANTED Firt-cla dentist; plenty of work, no competition. Particular enclose postage. J. F.Werly, Scio. Or. HELP WASTED MISC. 4t UNCLE SAM Kd 10,000 stciogrspher. Enroll bow tor Shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping. MISS . i't.sasn a ruiiAia puaiiiMa waxaja, ' I11 n"1' AHiky bldg. NUMBER YOUNG WOMEN AND MEN wanted to ' prepare fot telegraph service to help fin " eaeanele caused by the drafting of men for war. Fot particulars eall or write Telegraph Dept., Room 2 1 4, Railway Exchange bldg. VlISl DECKER ft' BUSINESS CoLIKGW ; OiU service, dictaphone operating, shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping, numeographing, Eng fash spelling. Alisky bldg , 8d and Morrison. 6 PA 18H school. eatebUaiied 1006. Profes , stomal instructor, conversation successfully so- quired, afternoon, evening clashes. Hoars 4-0; 7:80 9:80. Inquire 400 Alisky bldg. ' tlloa grade crochet work for sale. forge as- eeetmeut to choose from. Send lOe for "Book at umiioi - and details, ins, Trading uroeue Co.. 368 td st Main 6778. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 403 HAWTHORNE AVE. SPECIAL NIGHT CLASS RATES. PAT AS YOU LEARN. The" aBcox AtJf6 school. ' 880 Wasco at., corner Union are. Cafi. write or phone E, 7445 sbont free trial offer. Dey snd night elsssss. hPANISIl Conversation and" grammar. Rales Main to -large els asm. 498 Montgomery. 171S. EastTside COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. 122 tt UMJUJ tr E.AB1 4l. CNCAIXKD for tailor made eults. $9.50 up. Tailor the Tailor. 280 tt Bornaldc. f TiIIXTl V pupil desiring to learn French Vh1n Kt 2844. HELP WANTED FEMALE YOITNO women for telenbons work, pay while learning. .Apply Pacific Telephone Tele graph Co., Bib floor. Park and Oak st., be tween 8:80 a. m. and 5:80 p. m. JVANTK1 8etral women who think tliey can take parts in vaudeville art, such as singing, danrhig. muairsl and comedy acta : all women nut he of see snd mutt be able to travel: previous eier1ence utmecemary ; , only those who moan strict hu Inena need apply. Call TueiMlay evening snd Wednesday. 312-318 Stock Kx etianae bidg.. 8d and Yamhill. (No phone. ) WANTED- At once, three wide awake solicitor. to sell line of nana painted Kaater cards. Right person csn mske from 13 tn 85 per day. Cell ibetween 2 and 5 In sfternoon. Villa St. Clara. 12tli snd Tsylor, A:it. 807. felllHTgHrl"for detsil wora logging camD of:lce. Muit be ntiick and accurate for figures, snd undrr tand Kienography; good ac- enmmndatinn. 7,-411, Journal. KSPONHIltl.E iiTlT! wild iTng to earn fier Miinn Milt or coat bv airing only siiare time, rail at morn 410 Central bldg.. cor. 10th and Alder sia. j EXPERIENCED SALES VV'OM EN for shoe d jjartmrtit, mint be raiwble and fumlali best of referenres. A)ily. 9 to 10 s m., iuperin temhm's offire. Old, Wortman & King. WANTED - Reliable youtig girl to SMint in housework snd care of chitiiren: good home. 815: no cobktng: laundry done ouuide. East 7609. t "WANTED Middle - aged woman an working nonnekeeper In rooming - hotwe ; must be strong and a woodworker. 11-630, journal. WANTED, girl to do housework, tt room, and 8 In family. Will pay good wages. Call Wood hwn 875. E3fpT:inENCED' cloak and mil sslealsdy. The White House, Alder St. Apply to Mr. Blgel. WANTED Experienced housemaid : city ref- enences required. Call morning. 253 Vist gv. ror. Madixnn. WA;TKI IMnlng-noonJ. girl or kitchen helper. . Phone Crown Point chalet, long distance 105 Corbett. - WANTED Housekeeper in country by widower, . 8 in family; small wages, good home. M-877, Journal. 8KWINU MACHINE OPERATORS and pressers. i; tlllty tisrment 'o.. 167 lt lit. ; WOMAN to do hoinwwork snd plain cooking; -good home; reference. Phone Main 9814. WANTEI Good cook, good wages. CaU after noon after 2 80. 4S9 E. 17th st. N. - fi"NE firitt-clas inseamer for pant wanted at once. Bone Dry Co.. 82 V4 5th t N. WaSTei Fint-cla millinery maker. Ed- ward A Jensen, 8H4 Washington st. W04'LD like a housekeeper for two on a farm. H. L. Marti. Enterprise. Or. tilUl. to help with homework for piano les- .. tens and $10 per month. C-772, Journal. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE S9 WEN AND WOMEN TO WORK : iN LEI6HT0N DAIRY LUNCH, BROADWAY AND WASHINGTON, ORIGINAL MOLEB BARBER COLLEtiB. Tee'ebee the trade in eight week. Give scholar ship and transfer cerda, Pert you while learn ing. Big demand for both men and women. 2d and Borwtlde. OBEGON Barber College will teach you the bar - her trade tn 8 weeks; tool free; scholarship diploma given; paid while learning: positions guaranteed; tuition reduced. 233 Madison. ORIGINAL MOULER BARBER SCHOOL Teaches men and women barber trade tn 8 wka. Special rates for short time enly $15, including good set of tools, giving diploma. 234 Couch it SITUATIONS MALE WANTED Young orchards to prune; experi enced landscape gardener and orchard man. Phone E.T1888, A ALL around bandy man with tool wants in aide work. J. I- Wandler, Route 1, Box S66. Oswego. Or. CARPENTER I ky ' roofs patched or T . shingled. Marshall 1072. YOCNU man seek position suto driving or la shop; electrical work a specialty. Eat 7445. liELIABLE elderly man. must have work. Jan- : Itor or houseman. G-660. Journal. . PAINTING! paerhanging. kalsomtning. A3 work guaranteed. East 849, Johnson. THOSE wishing spraying done call Mar. 3567. 1 SITUATIONS FEMALE 4 CAPABLE Swiss woman, 33. with 4-year-old feo& wants to work in good home for board gad room. It 780. Journal. WANTED Nursing in emergency case where . n housekeeper is also needed. Phone Wood lswn 229. ; EXPERIENCED woman would like work by day. Tabor 487S. WTOMAN wanu housework . by hour. 80o per nour anq car tare, woom b. Main 23. tENERAL housework. 4 hours day, by colored woman. Woodlawn 4760. MEN, I will do your washing" and mending. reasonable. woodlawn 4777. WANTED-Day work. Tabor 8407,1 DRESSMA KINO 40 EXPERIENCED dressmaking at home or by -day; city references. Main 2359. CaU lonte Bartet. FASHIONABLE drea-unaking, reasonable. 165H 4th st Room 23. "..- ' -NURSES SS MIDDLE A;KP Norwegian woman, practical nurse, aesires confinement cases, flu a week. nf Phone East 476. FURNISHEDROOM8 LAURECHOTEL Rooms 12 mr week. Ste heat Also newly furnished enartment. Modern ' UD it 'fEW MAN GEMEKT " Princess hotel, E. Sd and Bamsid. 60 day - n. 82 week up. East 171. NEW brick.' near east end of Steel bridge, steam . ' heat, phone, hot and cold water, electric .lights. 828 H Hoi lads y are. Rate 83.50 to 84 fttiOMS in 'modern hotel, $1.71 wee and up. tia it mvr. Si 8 LARGS front room, modern residence; use piano, ht nixui st- - YHK HAZEl. Furnished rooms, steam beat, running water. 885 8d et 5HUEE partly furnished room for rent Maf- thall , 289. FURNISHED ROOMS THE MELVIN Rooms 12 per week and uo: H. C ingle room 60 and up. 3S3 tt Yamhill. Marshall 1628. h75tel madras. 448 tt Wash. St. ; The best medium priced hotel in the city, with all modem conveniences, for 88 to 86 per week. 60c AND 76 day, 81.78 week np, large, com- iorxaoie raruisnea rooms; absolutely clean; baths free, hot water all hours. Save; carfare. The Cadillac, Sd near Jefferson. FURBISHED BOOMS PRIVATE FAMILY NEATLY furnished room, to ladies employed; can do light housekeeping. 775 Gliaan at. ROOMS AND BOABP 1 ROOM and board for business girls, modern eon- ventencee, walking distance. 8 8.50 week. 12 B. 7th st. Bast 4T32. ' fflE Martha Washington. SHU 10th. for bual- ne girls end student. Marshall 1251. ROOMS AND BOARD , 71 PRIVATE FAMILY FURNISHED room with board, home privileges, good borne cooking. 1044 Cleveland avenue. Wood lawn 2675. WANTED Room and beard for tingle man on west side; state full particulars. N-721, Journal. WANTED An old lady to board. Tabor 24W. HOUSEKEEPING R003IS FTTRTfflSHEP ASP PHFURyiSHEP 82.25 WEEK, completely fumiahed HI E! rooms, aboalutely clean, every convenience. Desirable people only. . Save carfare. The Cadillac. 8d near Jefferson. Gem AotSi bt1 not' . ZZl y-0' week np. 401 1st st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 71 FURKISHED AJD UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY 87: THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 614 Broadway. Isin 4529. FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 13 8 ROOM house, yard. 840 17th st. between market and Mill; walking distance; 87.60. with water. ROOM houoe, concrete chicken house, barn, adioinine Wichita station O. VV. P.. 6a fare. inquire at store funding, am montn. FOR RENT 3-room cottage near Southern Pacific shops and Sellwood ear. Seliwood 1025. FURNISHED, entire lower floor. 408 E. 29th st. Phone Sellwood 2460. 6 ROOM cottage close to South Portland ship yards. 710 4th it. Mamhall 4491. 6 ROOM house, 2 acres, barn, out houses. Ta- bor 1391. EIGHT room house, suitable for 2 families. Pkone E. 4287. - 5 ROOM bouse, 259 Chapman at. Keys at 290 14th st. Phone Main 7680. 6 ROOM house, 892 Hall st CaU bet. 1 and 8, 916. OlOOM, west side, 290 Lincoln, 818. Owner. East 1208. 6 ROOM cottage. 646 tt. 10th st. FURNISHED HOUSES' S ON account of leaving, will sell or rent good 4 room house, barn, one acre, 5 blocks carline. -Johnson. R. 8. Box 212, lnts. 5 ROOM furnished cottage. 438 Ross at. 818. Call 486 Ross. NICE furnished 4 room cottage, nesr S. P. R.J.R. shops. Call at 882 E. 24tli. HAWTHORNE ae., modern 7 room house, fur nished Samplete, S bedrooms. Tabor 4679, CLEAN, desirable home. Phone Bdwy. 3745 lore- noons and evenings. APARTMENTS 4S FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED KINO ALBERT APTS. New. 2 and 8 rooms, strictly modern, hard wood floors, elevator and janitor service. Cor. 11th and Montgomery sts. "" HlsI.Ol' HALL, E. ttth sod-Hawthorne. Mod ern 1. 2 snd 8 room spue. $12.60 up, walk ing distance. East' 882. 2 ROOM apartment, $25. including lights. BELKNAP APARTMENTS, 187 lith. near Yamhill. . TWO room furnished front apt., gas, light, heat, phone, bath included. $22.50 month. 472 Salmon st Main 3979. UI1Y wishes to share furnished apartment with employed lady. East 3262. THREE light H. K. rooms. Dundee Apt, 850 H Hawthorne. J FOR RENT FLATS IS VERY desirable 4 -room unfurnished flat, walk - Ing distance. 822 14th st - FOR RENT 6 room flat, close in, reasonable. East 4421. FURNISHED FLATS THREE room flat for rent, partly furnished. cheap. Inquire 679 E. 21it st Take Brook lyn car to door. - WEST SIDE, walking distance. 5 room, nicely Jurnished flat, 2 porches, grand view. Main 2754. FOR RENT- HALLS MANCHESTER dancing hall, 85 H 5th near Oak. for rent for dancing parties on certain evening. Broadway 2327. STORES AND OFFICES 11 FOR RENT At Middleton, one' large store building located in good farming district; no other store. A good location for good, energetic person. Good living Quarters in rear of building. S. J. Earhart, Sherwood,. Or. WANTED TO RENT 7 WANTED April 1, clean, modern.. 6-6 room furnished house; 3 reliable adult: references; reasonable. Call Tabor 6965 or G-661. Journal. WANTED To rent modern 5 or 6 room fur nished bungalow, on the east side; will pay right price for a desirable place. East 7971. FOR SALE HOU8E8 81 FOR 8 ALE On easy terms, by owner, modern 6 room bungalow in N. Mt Tabor, 1 block from car. AU assessments paid. Price $2000. 1722 E. Flanders. M. V. car or phone Ta bor 240. . BY OWNER, on easy terms: new 6 room, mod ern bungalow, furnished or unfurnished. P-549, Journal. FOR SALE House in Irvington. dose in. 8 large room, fireplace, furnace, etc. Lot 50x 100, lawn, 2 fruit trees and rose. AU bens paid. 1 AfA waftll l,ai-iiLes 'T'ts-r-nniti Phnnn 1 nPsanrkATi East 846. ALBERTA cars to 1197 E. 17th N. Modern 8 room dwelling: an absolutely honestly con structed home: splendid garden spot; a genuine sacrifice. 82500: $400 cah, balance easy. This it absolutely sure to please you. See today. FOR SALE Half acre and a good small house. at a bargain: bearing fruit tree and bemea. A good place for chickens. Call owner eve ning et Tabor 5S15. NEW 8 -room cottage, bath, pantry, corner. rosea, fruit trees, 2- blocks to car. Woodlawn, 812Q0. $200 cash, balance $15 month. Call Sunday Broadway 1958. Monday, Mam 1434 NINE room house, in good condition, with four lots, in Tremont Place. (2500. 250-ash. balance $20 monthly. Hobbs, 416 Chamber of Commerce. ALL furnished 7 rooms, hardwood floors, fire nlace. full basement, reaosvto step into, all for $2500. $500 cash, balance monthly; close in. Tabor 962. -t 5 ROOM modern bouse, 2 fireplaces, garage. 80x100 lot restricted district. Partly lur- nhhed, $2400; terms. CaU at 115 E. 84th at N. or 481 Chamber or commerce. 7 ROOM house, basement bath and toilet. lot 60x100. fruit trees, grapes: price l0O 8500 down, balance easy terms. Sellwood 2607. FOR KALE 5 room house, lot 40x100. on St Johns carline. close to ahipyard: for auick sale 31050, 3500 easb, terms; by owner. TBI Tioga t, at, Jonna. 82800. easy terms. Dubois, 728 Chamber of commerce. . ROSE CITY PARK, strictly modern 6 room but? gelow. 8500 down, balance like rent Tabor 4477. BY OWNER. S room house, bath, basement, cement walks, nice location, one block car. giouu. sauu casn. viv Vancouver ave. i-Lots on carline. berrie. garden, 6 room nouse. a snap; io; terms. 481V both at S. E. Tabor 6504. $2250-r-Modern 5 room bungalow. Alberta dis trict. Dioca car. 'terms to suit Main 8812 Sunday. Tabor 8741. MODERN 6-room bungalow, fireplace, beautiful futures, near Alberta car. $1850, terms. Dubois. 728 Chsmber of Commerce. IF you want a neat littU modern home nn tbe Peninsula for what tt would cost to build tn- norno, see owner ax sa Harawin st 8600 CASH. 8 room house with bath and i. in evxivu. ror information call Tabor 8727. ot 6828, 85th st S. E. . MODERN HOME. Overlook addition; cheap. Woodlswn 2607. SFfVE room bouse, $8000. . Harry Ball. 431 Lumber Exchange. - . - - $2500 6 ROOM .house, paved street. $1000 down. Swank, 601 N. W. bldg. IS ROOM bouse, targe actus, paved (feet, between - S earlinc. near ichooi; term. TsboT 2793. Market Now is the time have long been 4 FOR SALE HOUSES St ACRE TRACT PARKROSE -SUMMER GARDEN . 850 DOWN, 818 MONTHLY 81300 Water and gas piped to tract, side walks to Sandy blvd., and car. good eoQ. Build a little home and rata chickens, and garden. J. L. HAKTMAN COMPANY. No, 7 Chamber of Ccgnmereebldg.. 4th A Stark. Main 208. A-ZVOU, BIG SNAP. $950. $100 CASH. Located in Sellwood. which is convenient to river, mills, shops and shipyards: neat 4 room ; . 1 v. II I. ... 1. - t - ) t plastered house, well built; large lot. fenced with woven wire; rich soil, large chicken house, berries and, fruit treea; a dandy cheerful home; only $100 cash, balance easy terms; must aeu. Quick action necessary. A- K. HILL, 419 HEa m BUJit. Kern Park 11400 A 4-room, nl a tared house, freshly painted, all furnished with electric lights, hot and cold water, bath., sidewalk improvement, lawn, fruit and shade treea. on lot 100x50; must have some cash and balance on terms. By owner at 475 CUy st Phone Marshall 8292. $850 8 ROOM BUNGALOW ROSE CITY PARK CAR HALF CASH: MOVE RIGHT IN Corner 60x100 ft, nobby litUe place, rooms plastered, built-in bookcases, cement sidewalks. Call at office J. L. Hart man Co., 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4 th and Stark sts. Main 208, A-2050. FINE ROSE CITY PARK HOUSE Larae living-room with fireplace, beamed ceiling, diliing-room, built-in effect, 3 good bed rooms, large closets, full- cement basement, gooa furnace, stationary tubs, etc., good garage, near Rose City Park rlnb. Price $4200; terms. 918 Chamber of Commerce. $100 Down $1400 5 rooms, modern, Firland Station. $1800 5 rooms, 78d st., R. C. car, modern. $2000 6 rooms. 8 2d. 2 blks. car. fireplace. FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abington bldg. ONE of the biggest snaps in Portland: modern, up to ' date, fine district 6-room bungalow, street improvements paid; $3200, easy terms. Several smaller and larger bungalows, very de sirable. Call early. J. Robbins, 801 Railway Exchange bldg. ' - KEVV 8 room cottage, bath, pantry, corner, roses, fruit trees, 2 blocks to car. Wood lawn, 81200, 3200 eash, balance 316 month; also 320 acres in Tillamook county to trade, 820 per acre. Call Sunday, Broadway 1958. Monday, Marshall .1484. $3250 ROSE CITY PARK 3500 DOWN. BALANCE MONTHLY S. E. corner 51st St. and Sandy blvd., 6 rooms, sleeping porch, fireplace and full ce ment basement, laundry trays. J. L. HART MAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber df Com merce Bldg. Main 208. A-2050. A GREAT BARGAIN. 31000 4 good lots and 6 room house, elec tric lights, gaa. city water; place it 4 minutes walk from cars. This is a genuine snap. COB A. M'KENNA A CO., 727 Chamber of Commerce. SPLENDID 9 room home, Irvington. Cost $9500, take lot leas; fine location, corner lot, garage; large living room, den, diningroom and kitchen. 4 bed sleeping porch, basement, fur nace. Great bargain. East 278. W. 11. Herd : y Kill KALE4 5 room plastered houe. pantry. loet-.- bath, gas, large attic, cellar, corner lot 60x400. garage, chicken bouse. Pnce $1250. one-third cash, balance to suit. A. F. Marzetfl. 6687 86th st. S, E., Portland, Or. 6000 HOME for $8500 7 room house, with firenlace. corner 100x200: one block from Wood lawn car. 80 monstrous bearing fruit trees, $600 cash. Balance to suit This n sure some buy. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. fcot.K room house, lot 50x100. Anabel it. tion. $800. Hobb. 41 6 Cham, of Oom. FOR SALE LOTS ' IS 60x128 in Ladd's add., on Holly st, opposite 16th. one block from Hawthorne are., very fine site for 82300; street paid up. 'For terms see Mr. Van Nice, 401 Concord bldg. Marshall 6454. 3500 Two good lots. 68th at., bet Broadway ana Hamey st. past insure mum. sou, tnen $10 monthly. No agents. X-917. Journal. ACREAGE 87 CHEAP land, big crops; nigh prices have put the farmer of Western Canada on n Pros perity footing that was undreamed of before tbe world war. More Western Canada farmers have big bank balance than ever before: more Western Canada fanmsr are pending this win ter in California and Florida than aver Dolors; more automobiles were bough-, last year by Canadian larmers tnan ever neiore. western Canada has struck its stride and the man who gets in there now is going to make money (or years to come. Along the lines of the Canadian Northern railway is tome of the beet land tn the country price $15 to 826 per acre (easy terms) and 128,000 160 acre FREE farms. Let ma tell you all about Western Canada and why more land was sold to American farmer in 1917 than in any one previous year. Send for FREE illustrated books and folders. Call on or address A. Brodstedt, D. F. A P. A.. Dept 11, Agent Canadian Northern Railway, 605 Hasting st. Vancouver. B. O- BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOMESITE 4 acres cornering on Powell Valley road (paved), in best location between Portland and ; realism. Land lies fine and is just the right distance from town for lovely country -home. City conveniences, such as electricity, gas and deliveries. Price $2000. Term $1000 cash, bal. reasonable. Drive out and look at it today. Call Tabor 6024 fot location. LVfEDDEMANN UHUfSM, 913 Chamber of Commerce. 1 HAVE bought a farm and now I wish to sell my former home, near Lnts. z acres ciearea. fruits and berries, nice.' bungalow and out buildings, a very cosy. home, l also oner my corner tot in Rose City Park. Will sell at a bargain. Come and aee me at stall o-w Carroll Public Market, lamniu st. Det. iu ana o o'clock. V. R. Wilson. CHICKEN, FRUIT, GARDEN ranches near Portland; 8. 6. 10 acre tracts, oo to -uw per acre. Mcfsnana. u l eon piog., roniina. 10 ACRES. 9 miles east $200 per acre: 14 acres. 14 miles west. $100 per acre. W. G. Beck. 215-216 Failing bldg. 2 ACRES under cultivation, close to 6 cent car- line, 81200; term, tinbbler t Ate. unu. 1 tt ACRES for sale in city limits, gaa, water. Iccmc light, on street Phone Tabor 4796. 160 ACRES, timbered. Umatilla Co., 810 per acre. Main 2818. SUBURBAN HOMES 7J YOUtt chance for a good investment or ideal suburban home. 65 acres on the Clack ama river, 18 miles from business center of Portland: creek through place, 2 springs 2500 cord, wood standing. 5 acre under cultivation, X2000 will handle. Phone forenoons. East 8646.' afternoon Wdln. 591. , FOR SALE FARMS 17 luK SALE, beach cottage, furnished, at Long Beach Wash., cor. lot, all fenced, well with nnmp and sink in houe. eler of incumbrance, terms, long time; also 100 acre farm near HUerwood. Or., tools, buildings, running water, no incumbrance, long ttat. F fuH particu Hri write owner. Fred K. Hungerford, 687 E. h st. l'ortiana. 40 ACRES, half under culUration. good soil. springs. $60 per acre. $75 down, $10 per mo. Also larger farm on same terms. See Draper. 401 Board of Trade. FOR SALE or rent, 12 tt scree, room house, h.m chicken house. 2 ores, big orchard; i mile to station. E-615. Journal. . . f DL- f.rm. 4 room house. .1 0X40 v.. chickens, cow. $8300. Terms, Will take Ford. M. P.. Hermiston. Or., B. F. D. 80 ACRES irrigated alfalfa land. Hermlrton district, part eveiea ami amai, uuuw. well. etc. 3flOO. journal. 43 ACHES, all in cultivation. 4 room bungs- low, 7 miles out on ourm zjicvuw. , stein. 114 First - FOB BENT FARMS 14 "LEASE WITH OPTION TO PURCHASE 40 acres. 10 cultivation, house, barn, spring. Ideal poultry, (mail diversified farm. Columbia hi.hwav. - Wasco county. Long lease, option purchase, right party. B-891. Journal. . 3 . L" r. 1 a tl ZSO AC KB tanxt, on jnacaua. - from good town on S. P. Ry. 160 acre now ready to eow wheat. Will rent for fty Inquire . liww aonnwewra , wd,' mir r. nn 120 acre. 40 in crop, 80 more ready for crop; hones and itnple-. menu. Price 31500. Will max easy terms. 201 Sd st FARM on Colombia highway, east of Portland; 10 acre in eultivstiou; fruit, water, wood and buildings. Phone Woodlawn 2819, Portland. O. 8bephrdVR.lx, Box. 370. . ' ' -1- -- . ABOUT S0are for rent ;- 40 acres in cult? vatlon; 8 miles from Portland, on hard road and electric a la tion. -305 2d at SMALL dairy, or atork ranch, below Holbrook, . cheap . rent . . Parker. . 4 22 tt , Washington st Editor Reports: Demandf or Dairy Cows to realize on your surplus stock, if you have any The: Journal Want Ads the acknowledged medium through which to, v ' ' Trade Livestock ' FOR RENT FARMS FOR KENT 20 acres, IB miles from Port land, on S. P. Electric, S room bungalow, good water. 1 horse, implements. 18 blooded Whit Leghorns;- chicken houses, pig houses, barn, etc Cash or share. Call at 404 West 10th, or phone 654, Vancouver. Wash. FOR RENT 19 acres, suitable for gardening.' E. Rogers. Hillsdale, Or. Main 9426. TIMBER ts GENERAL LAND OFFICE, Washington. D. C, Feb. 23, 1918. Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the. act of June 9. 1916 (89 Stat, 218). and the instructions of the secretary of the in- urior of September 15, 1917, the timber on . . . 'i . . . . . ; . an... the following lands will be sold April 4. 1918. at 10 o'clock a. m.. at public auction at the United States land office at Hose burg. Or., to the highest bidder at not less than the ap praised value a shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the secretary of the interior. x The purchase price, with, aa ad ditional sum of one fifth of 1 per cent thereof, being com mis, ions allowed, mast be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned if sale i MmZtbrZlT 19 years. . Bids will be received irom cituens of the United StfUss. associations of such citizens I and corporations organised under tbe tow of tbe United States of any -state, territory or dis trict thereof only. Upon application of a Quali fied purchaser, the timber or any legal subdi vision will be offered separately beior being Included 'in any offer of a larger unit Sched ule of Umber to be sold: T. 21 0.. R. 2 W.. sec 23, NW. -44 . UK. Vi. Douglas fir 590 M , not to be sold at leas than 81.25 per M. T. 21 S.. K. 4 W., see 21. N. E. . S. W. . red fir 460 M. ; N. W. S. W. '4. red fir 680 M.; 8. W. hi. B W. H . red fir 630 M. ; S..E. 44. 8. W. H, red fir 760 M.; N. E. . 8. B. , red fir 880 M. ; N. W. hi. S. E. red fir 400 M., incense cedar 50 M. ; net to be sold at lea than 31 per M.. Sec 23, S. W. tt, N. E. tt. red fir B00 M, second growth fir 100 M. ; N. E. tt, N. W. tt. red fir 750 M., white fir 25 M. ; N. W. tt. N. W. tt. red fir-1000 M., white fir 60 M ; S. W. tt, N. W. tt. red fir 860 M., white fir 26 M, cedar 10 M.; 8. K. tt. N. W. tt . red f ir 800 M second growth fir 100 M. ; N. K. tt. S. W. tt. red fir 1100 M.. white fir 40 M.; N. W. tt. 8. W. . red fir 910 M., white fir 40 M.. cedar 10 M. ; 8. W. tt. 8. W. tt. red fir 780 M.. white fir 100 M.. cedar 60 M.; 8. E. tt. B. W. tt. red fir 1240 M., white fir 90 M-. cedar 60 M. ; N. B. tt. S. E. tt. red fir 1650 M. white fir 26 M., cedar' 28 M. ; N. W. tt. S. E. tt. red fir 1160 M.. white fir 80 M., cedar 20 M.; S. W. tt. S. E. tt. red tir 1000 M.. white fir 60 M.. cedar 40 M ; 8. E. tt. S. E. tt. red fir 1240 M., white fir 60 M., cedar 30 M. ; sec 25, N. E. tt, N. E. tt . red fir 1050 M. ; N. W. tt. N. IE. tt, red fir 960 M.; S. W. tt N. E. tt. red fir 1000 M., ce dar 80 M; 8. E. tt. N. E. tt. red fir 1100 M.; N. E. tt. N. W. tt. red fir 1050 M.. cedar 20 M.; N. W. tt. N. W tt. red fir 900 M. ; 8. W. tt. N. W. tt, red fir 1100 M. ; S. E. tt . N. W. tt . red fir 900 M . ce dar 40 M-. N. E. tt. S. W. tt. red fir 1300 M.. cedar 20 M. ; N. W. tt , 8. W. tt. red fir 1150 M. ; 8. W. tt. 8. W. tt. red fir 1100 U. ; 8- E. tt. 8 W. tt. red fir 1800 M., ce dar 60 M. ; N. E. tt. 8. E. tt. red fir 1200 M , cedar 20 M. : N. W. tt. 8. E. tt. red fir 1260 M.. cedar 80 M. ; S. W. tt . 8. E. tt red fir 1150 M. cedar 40 M. : 8. E. tt. 8. E. tt. red fir 2200 M.. cedar 20 M.; sec. 27. N. E. tt. N. E. tt. red fir 860 M. white fir 25 M.. cedar 40 M. ; N. W. tt. N. E. tt, red fir 840 M., white fir 16 M., cedar 10 1L; S. W. tt, N. E. tt, red fir 880 M., white fir 80 M.. cedar 60 M.; S.E. tt. N. E. tt. red fir 730 M., white fir 40 M , cedar 100 M.; N. E. tt. N. W. tt, red fir 850 M., white fir 20 M. cedar 80 M. ; N. W. tt. N. W. tt. red fir 1100 M.. white fir 25 M . cedar 15 M. ; S. W. tt. N. W. tt, red fir 620 M , cedar 60 M ; 8. E. tt. N. W. Vi. red fir 860 M.. cedar 110 M.; N. E. tt. 8. W. tt fir 400 M, cedar 25 M. ; N. W. tt . 8. W. tt. red fir 680 M. cedar 40 M. : 8. K. tt, 8. W. tt. red tir 780 M. cedar 50 M; N. E. tt. 8. B. tt. red fir 650 M. white fir 20 M., ce dar 60 M. ; N. W. tt. 8. E. tt , red fir 740 M., white fir 40 M.. cedar- 60 M ; 8. W. tt. 8. E. tt. red fir 750 M., cedar 100 M.; 8. E. tt, 8 E. tt. red fir 720 M . cedar 80 M.; sec. 85. N. E. tt. N. E. tt. red fir 1500 M.; N. W. tt. N. E. tt. red fir 1600 M.; 8. W. tt. N. E. tt. red fir 1700 M.. cedar 20 it. ; S. E. tt. N. E. tt. red fir 1250 M.. cedar SO M. ; N. K. tt. N. W. tt. red fir 1860 M.. ce dar. 60 M. : N. W. tt. N. W. tt. red fir 800 M., cetiar mu jm. ; o. . , . . v. 4 , rea fir 450 M.; 8. E. 44. N. W. tt. red fir 800 M.. cedar 40 M. ; N. E. tt. 8. W. tt. red fir 750 M., cedar 80 M. ; N. W. tt. 8. W. tt. red fir 660 M.. cedar 60 M. ; 8. W. tt , 8. W. tt . red Hi 960 M.. cedar 60 M. ; 8. E. tt . 8. W. tt.'red fir 1800 M.. cedar 30 M.; N. E. tt. S. E. tt. red fir 1800 M., cedar 20 M. ; N. W. tt. 8. B. tt. red fir 1800 M.; 8. W. tt. 8. E. tt. red fir 1700 M. ; 8. E. tt , 8. E. tt. red fir 5900 M.. cedar 20 M.. white fir to be (old at not less than 81 per M. cedar at not less than 60 cents per M., and red fir at not lea than $1.50 per M. except in W. tt. N w i u u- , lH. tli tt. sec. 85. which la tn be sold at not less than $1 per M. Clay Tall- man, commissioner. I WOULD like to buy small tract 1st or 2d growth fir near railroad or good wagon road. State price and all particulars lit letter. N-727, Journal. NICE tract of red fir, handy to Portland, near it K. friced right lor quick sale At. . Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. SAWMILL and tract of timber for sale on easy terms. M. E. Lee, 605 Corbett bldg. SHIP KNEES WANTED. LOEB BROS., 902-8 BROADWAY BLDG.. PORTLAND, OR. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 I HAVE half interest in tt block, close in, on now, oiur, near yuoiic auc ana on It. It. joining large wholesale and retail business: splendid warehouse or factory site; equity $6000; mortgage $5000. Of,; want farm land. This is about one half value of this property; no property in Portland baa a better future uwner, M-U4 7. Journal. 8 ROOM strictly modern house, very close in on tne west tide, view of the entire city, rented to good tenant on lease, or can giva possession. This is first class property. Price $8000. Mortgage $3000. Will, trade for land or smaller house, or sell cheap. May pay cash difference on land. New York Land Co.. 381 E. Morrison st NOTICE If Tonr nrrmert-r. either elt-v fan. has merit and is for exchange or sale, call or write full particulars; no inflated value, consid ered; have first class list to select from. Geo. P. nenry, ez uenry Diag. iteierences, Portland Realty Board. 40 ACRES with 2d growth fir Umber, 8 to 24 ins. through. Will trade for city prop erty, Jet. Fremont t and Kenton. Shough road preferred, near carline. See owner. 105 Failing tt. 80 ACRES, Hockinson, Wash., valued 33000. Want home in city. Clear for clear jr will assume. Marshall 2942. Sunday. Main 143 Monday. 200 ACRE highly Improved Oregon farm, build-, ings wortn z 0,000. stock and equipment 810,000. Price $65,000, Exchange for income city property equal value. A-8 89, Journal. TWO lot," bungalow, garage, 2 chicken houses, fruit, exchange for close in East Side or Hawthorne property. Tabor 6977. 6316 84th tt.. 8. B.. Portland. Or. GOOD 160 aor timber claim, close to Port land, to trade for Portland or Seattle prop erty. 818 Railway Exchange bUig. 25 ACRE improved, diversified Oregon farm. worth 84260, unincumbered; exchange for Portland residence, equal value. B-892. Journal. At RES of unimproved land near Bull Run. Somo timber. Will trade for a-nnii .nix v if. Sexton, owner. 496 .: 87th st. Tabor 6408! FOR aal or exchange Nice 5 room bouse ml. ern; 'will trade for lot and cash or acreage must be improved. B-887, Journal. FOR KK&UI.T8 ust your property wit a tbe Estate exchange. 201 3d et.. Portland. WANTED REAL ESTATE SI WANTED- 5 room modern bungalow, not over 82600: clear lot as first payment 785 E. 14th et 8. Phone Sellwood 1149. CA8H for bargain 19 bungalow or dwelling. 6 te T room. Phone Main 67S. ROOMING HOUSE 61 Net. Income $5(T The beet furniture and the best buy fn Port land of 12 H. K. rooms for 3500; term. Gss. electricity, good location. I- A. HAL.. 512 Panama Bldg. ROOMING HOUSES 10 Room. 8276; rent. 886. V Koom. zov; rent, 885. 18 Rooms, 8500; rent. 883. ' 27 Rooms, 8760; rent 335. SS Rooms. 81500; rent, 866.. , Inquire 301 Sd St Snap for $725' . $4 room, well furnished. ' brick- bufidihg, close in, cheap rent A money maker. - A. HALL, 512 Panama bldg. WANTED to buy rooming bouse., rooms, for cash. - Tabor 5206. 12 to 28 TEN furnished - rooms, all full, -160 H Grand are. East 4666. rent ROOMING HOUSES ROOMING house, 23 rooms, brick bldg- steam neat. Kent pniy gao. uose in. nw $750. 188 8d. N. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES S DRUG STORE for sale; aubstantsal. paying bus iness. Only drug store in richest little town In Oregon. : Center of best wheat section in Nonthweat Price $6000 or invoice. Consider cash only. Am is next draft T. H. Ghormley. owner? Helix, Or. MEAT MARKET FOR - SALE We have a good trade in a good town, 600 population, good slaughter house, good feed Led and pens; a- good place. 9 miles to the nearest shop. Write UcKee V Blackwell, Jef ferson. Or. WANTED, party to take contraA for cutting eordwood, drag saw and tools furnished free. Apply Sellwood Wood A Coal Co.. 13th and Lent. FOR SALE Small cleaning and pressing shop. Good location, doing good businem. Owner Wvine town. F. A. Gordon. 106 E. Alta st. Pendleton, Or. - ; FOR SALE-Good paying laundry business, in amall town, an np to date plant Reason for selling sickness. 84500 cash or terms. Address L. A. Walsh, Issaquah, Wash. ONE of the best small groceries In the city. Cash trade, across from public school, liv ing room in rear, rent $12. Will sell at in voice. Phone Woodlawn 8336. BLACKSMITH business, tools and stock, doing good business. lour investigation invitea. See owner, 188 10th t Phone Marshall 232. A SPLENDID opportunity fox a good man with a small amount ot money. iimersiup. Chsmber of Commerce. SECOND hand barber supplies -and chair bought and sold. List your barner snop wiu us. Portland Cutlery Co.. bo utn sx. nriSrT WORRY I esn sell or trada anything anywhere Lay man. 145 tt Broadway. SMALL capital will handle good business fot man or woman. 8-966, Journal. $760 FO Relight manufacturing business; have otaer busnee. twnr, journal. MONEY TO LOAN REAIi ESTATE 17 hrnt i,nM.t nUn la the best and areai method of paying a loan. $83.26 per month for 36 month or 121 14 for 60 months or $16.17 for SS months, pay $1000 loan and inter. Other amount in proportion. We loan on improved city property Or for building purposes. No eommlaaion charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark St. Portland. Or. MONEY to loan on unproved property in most every town in Washington. Oregon and Idaho; same is paid back monthly like rent. a. jbl Chadwiek. 822-28 N. W. Bank bldg. 82&4I. 8850. 84UO. 8600. 5u. S760. $1000 and larger amounts at current rates. Quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Chamber of Commerce IIUILDIN'G loans on city or suburban property; money advanced a work progresses, W. o. Beck. 215 and 216 Failing bidg. Main 2407. MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 to $5000 on city jjroperty. A. K. BELL. '201 Gerllnger bldg. MORTGAGE loans, 6 and 7 per cent Salomon A Co., 408 Selling bldg. $1TJ0 to $1500, consider lots. E. H. Dow ling. 416 Chamber of Commerce. Main 867. 1 HAVE $1000 to $40,000 to loan on tana or city property. P. O. Box 873. $100 to 8500 Quick action on suburban nouses, ward. 407 Spalding bldg. CASH for mortgages, loans, contracts! P. H. Lwta. Koom 4. Lewis bldg. Main 688. $3000, PRIVATE money, to loan. Call 623 Henry bldg. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 87 Salary, LOANS tx! tiiN unnv Chattel On short notice to salaried or working men en their own notes. -' Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payment. Bach transaction atrietlv confidential. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSEE ABSOLUTELY NO 8ECUPTY We also loan on household furniture. tJ.iw. etc. without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED, 817 Failing bldg. If You Need Money See Us SALARIES- CHATTELS Loan made to person on salary or fixed Income, on household furniture, piano, dia mond, and other personal property; legal rate. Business confidential; private of flees. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY Licensed. S06-807 Dekum Bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portland business men to protect borrower. 0. MYERS HERMAN, Mgr.. 894 STARK ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Money to loan on pianos, furniture, other securi tle. W. A. Hsthswsy. rm. 208 Wash. bldg. LOANS WANTED SS jS your money. 10 per cent interest on im proved Portland real estate. We can place umt of 3100 up. Cellars-Murton co., 828 Venn bldg. ON home, $1700. 5 room modern bungalow. corner lot. Rosa City Park; no . agente. B- 613, Journal. 82500 on 10 acres improved home, on carline, close in. Value 36000. C-857, Journal. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. IS ONE team of heavy horses for sale. Will be sacrificed for cash. Call Broadway 621. FARM jn, pair mares, about 1200 lb., good 1 shape, good workers; young team; pair of geldings, 1800 lbs., good harness, wagon and worker. . to be told for feed bill ; fresh team from country. Ben Lovell, 846 Front tt. MUST sell team mare and horse, wt 2500; work any place, fat and right out of hard work all winter. No Treaonabie -offer refused. Hs.vs harness and wagon. Tak Woodstock ear te 64th tt. walk 6 block north to white house. FOR SALE. 8 heed mare and gelding,, all : good workers and gentle; weight 1000 to 1500 lbs. each; also single and double harness, wagons and buggies. Eart 8227. 292 Union av. S600 LB. team, good farm Bone, harness. wagon. 2400 lb. team, harness, wagon. Have ne further use for them. Will sell cheap. Call at 208 Union ave. N. WORK team, good ground, $6 to $6 and found. Without drivers. $2 to $8. Long government contract Expense both ways.. A. if. Irwin, Seaside. Or. TEAM bay mares. 1150 lbs. eacb, 7 and 8 years old, fat 8145. 251 Meade st South Portland car. MUST be sold, good big teem, weight 2800, used to heavy, hauling. 894 tt Gladstone ave. and 29th st. 6-PASS. Overland, good condition, to trade for good farm team, wagon and Barnes. Ta bor 6504. 4810.68th t. S. E. CHEAP for eash. A young horses, 1 mar. aU fuaranteed weigm, i:uu ids., eacn. 2S3 Kus- pear Williams ave. BOUND work horse, weight 1300. a good worker, or money refunded. 875. lOl N. 11th st, corner Flanders. 1 385 TAKES 1400 lb. mare, guaranteed sound' snd true worker. 263 Russell., 1 block west of William avenue HORSE and wagon. 81.25 dayr 2 h wsgen, $3.60. 646 Front Main 2208. tiF. 4.D stork taken Quickly. We nay tbe tor dead andrippled stock. Tabor 4208. ON E good -young work bono for sale, weight 1800. CaU Wdln. 4974. DEAD horse and, animal hauled away -free! Cell Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. BARGAIN Pair of ranch mare. 2400 lb. 880 Front at. Trial allowed. s FOR SALE 2 new buggies, tt prioe. 880 Front t Also 1 - farm wagon. . 325. 10 HEAD good farm work honn. well lad,' nver winter. 36Q to 81. 226 Alder st 2200 LB. team, good names and farm wagon. $125. Phone Marshall 4036. - i250TBT bay horse hit from the ranch, $651 283 Mead st South Portland ear. GOV)D cheap farm team wagon snd harneaa. 80S Front et - 800 LB. pony, 6 years old. gentle, work any 1mce. 330. 251 Meade S. Portland car. fVO ranch teama, nbent 2600. cheap. 806 3d. FARM wagon. Stt. 1 set harneaa. 146 Stonton. ,i..i.iu wagon for asie. 940 Macadam t HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 TEAM OF GRAY MARES Weight 2550 cooxtda. S rears old: a splendid team. Will sacrifice.- ' PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY TENTH AND BURNSIDE STREETS Broadway 831. WE have the finest assortment of young geld ing and mares, weighing from 1200 to 1500 lbs., and mules weighing from 1000 . to 1400 lb.- Also seven set of double hone harness. All stock told with a guarantee. rrazier & McLean 240 E. 8th and Mate. LTYF3TOCK SS HAVING Quit farming, will sell 4 good cow. wiui cau weeg oia ; too cream - separator, horses, wasrona and hanutaa. Inonira National Laundry barn. 9th and Hawthorne. FOUR fresh eow. some Urge dairy cows, some good Jerseys. Sell or trade for beef cow. South Portland car to end of line, 8 block south, 1 block east, in pasture. 55 SHOATS, 5 and 6 month old. m prim condition, ready for fattening. H. E. Noble. Lumbermen's bldg. BIG young fresh red and roan Durham and Jersey dairy cows, heavy milker. Take fat cow fn exchange. 751 E. Ash. W 1 1 J. arrive Wednesday with several young fresh Jersey cow. Call Wed. 95 E. 80th, at Wash. SOWS with pig for sale. Inquire of G E. Haren, Waterloo, Or. FOR SALE 4-year-old Ho1tein milch cow. uioa otn . s. K. Tabor 6897. 85 EXTRA Urge HoUteins. Terms. Bruoe, Btocsyaru. wain. Z40u NICE young Jersey family cow. 802 Front POULTRY, PIGEONS, FET STOCK S7 NEW (took in Oregon, 4 R. L rooster. V stock from Philadelphia, for quick sale. $8.50 each. Eggs from above stock $1.50 per setting; reduction by the hundred. John E. Howard. oio unamoer or commerce.' 100 LAYING pullets. Rhode Island Reds, Buff urpingtona. vrmta x.egnoms, light sewing machine, horse , wagon with top, single harneaa. 140 K. Hist N. Montavtlla car. FLEMISH GIANT does and bucks for sate: must dispose of some account of room: heat oreea ana strain at right prices, enclose stamp ior- repiy. r . a. Everest, niiisooro. tir. SIX large pure bred Wyandotte hen and eock- erel, $12. Eggs for hatching. Ringhouse strain, $1.60. Keeler strain, 83 per 15. Phone Milwaukle 95-R. FOR SALE Purebred S. C. White Leghorn hatching eggs. Heavy laying (took. 88 Dr flOO. Write to L B. Cats. R. 4. Vancouver. Wish. THOROUGHBRED Barred Rock setting egg. 1 to 10 Myen strain Barred Rocks. Fin Jer sey cream and butter cow) alto letting ben wanted. Tabor 7929. WHITE Leghorn baby fhicks, from heavy laying (Hoganixed) stock. Alarch delivery, 811 per 100; April. 810. We guarantee safe arrival. The Pioneer Hatchery, Petaluma, Calif. 8. C. BLACK MINORCA egg, for aal. 81.60 and 82.60 per 15. D R. Wood, 1803 ITsmlln tt. Columbia 792. FOR SALE White Leghorn cockerels, 83; Barred Rock eggs for setting, 14 for $1.60, Tsbor 5048. PURE breed hatching eggs. White Rocks, It L Red. $1.60 for $15; 50c extra if shipped. Tabor 8028. B. F. Miller. 6812 88th 8. E. BABY DUCKS 25c each, from our heavy laying strain of Indian Runners. Settings $1.50 for 13. Mrs. P. ColUster, 87 Preeoott YOUNG laying hen-' for sale, thoroughbred Barred Rocks. Rhode Island Reds, Leghorns; price 32. 729 Liberty st SILVER CAMPINE eggs. $2.50 per 15. Grace Bardsley. Kenton Station. Woodlawn 819. PETALUMA White Leghorn hatching egg,, 31.50 setting. Can D-1098. - BARRED Plymouth Rocks, exceptional year round layers. Corvallia rooster, $1.50 per setting, postpaid. Furlong, 261 E. 70th. WHITE Rock setting eggs. $2 per 15. Main 4668. RHODE Island Red setting eggs for sale; Bat ton train;, prices reasonable. Sellwood 2657. i DOZENTfine R- I. R. chickens foTlaleTTOo apiece. Sellwood 2667. FOR SALE 8. C R. I. Red eock and cockerel. cheap. Phone Tabor 6814. FOB RALE Young Wyandotte and White Leg horn pullets. Tabor 4941. WANTED Some runner ducks. Tsbor 6422. 140 EGG Cypher s incubator, $16. Main 3950. DOGS. BIRDS, PETS. ETC. 4$ CANARIES for tale, guaranteed singe at, alto hen. Chambers' Anarie largest canary breeder in Canada). 2729 Woodland Drive. Vancouver. B. C. THOROUGHBRED Bufu red rabbits, 829 E. 7 th tt, near 7 th and Hawthorne Phone B- 2329. FOR SALE English Butterfly, Flemish Giant and Dutch rabbits. Tabor 1855. RABBITS and hntehee for sale. Sellwood 2918. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 PACKARD 30. SEVEN PASSENGER All overhauled, repainteR. new top. slip covers, shock absorbers. Runs like a watch. Price 3660. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. 10th and Btrrneide Street. Broadway 321. DEPENDABLE USED CARS AT RIGHT PHICES AND EASY TERMS Overland .....3560 Overland Wire wheels ....... $860 Overland -6-pasa. $436 Ford Touring. .- $860 MaxweU Sedan ' , $916 Hudson 6-49 $650 Studebaker 19 15 $ 500 Chalmers 6-90 $950 WESTERN MOTOR CAR SALES CO. Broadway at Burnside. Garages See 8 a m p I a. 044 Hood t Phon Main 1167. Millmade Construction Co. NEW 7 -Pass. Chandler, run but a few mile, cord tires, specially equipped. Will aell at sacrifice. See Mr. Natiop, npeedwell Motor Co., 14tb ana Couch, 1918 Metz - The biggest buy in Portland. 514 Alder street Main 8966. 6-CYL. 48 H. P.. 7-pas. Mitchell. A-l dition. Car ha run 8000 miles, very newest model, coat $1800. W ill sell f or 81100 eash or Liberty bond. Main 1601. CASH paid for old can; eonoitlon no otijetnT part for all make of ear. Oregon Auto JCx ebanga, ISO Lownsdale at., at 16th and Waafe fngton. Phone Main 1161. MOTORS, gear, bee ring, wheels, axlea; w wreck all nukes of cars and sell hetr part at naif price. Anto Wrecking Cc. 9-fl-98 North Broedwy. Rrnadway 196. 1917 FORD touring car, only driven a few hiIm Itk. wl ran. liV a . mb . be seen to be appreciated. Call Broadway 1672. A iANbTrlittle bug, left with us to sell for $160. Iion't mis seeing this. 614 Alder street. Matn 8:. DUBRUIIXK . 4 TOP CO.. 9th A Uak. Broadway 1664. CHALMERS. 6-pasa. touring rsr, starter and electric lights, ectra equipment', price $376. Must sell at mice. - 614 Aides St. Fords Enameled $12.50 87 B. Morrison St 1916FORD touring car with shock absorbers and other extra. Very reasonable Term to responsible party. Broadway 1 87 ing order and ; 8275. 614 STUDEBAKER ear in goad running on wf tb beet bar m tbe etty . i . . , 1 n a 1917MAXWEI.L roadster. 8480 . cash. Prac - 1.1, roadster. 4u emb. Free- ticallv. new tire and extra. Leering . dir. 4S36 E. S7th t. 8. E.'"--' V: u. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 4 CALL FOR A DEMONSTRATION Or ANY OF THESE USED FORD CARS ALL HAVE BEEN OVERHAULED AND ARE READY FOB THE ROAD.WB HAVE TOURING ROADSTER DELIVERY 1917 Ford touring car, with extras. 1917 Ford touring car, only driven fsw mile. 1917 Font towing ear, like new. 1916 Ford touring car, with extra. - 1916 Ford tourlnaf oar A 1 condition. I 1915 Ford touring car. with ictria lUrter. 181 rord tounng car, won extras. 1916 Ford roadster, with extras. 1916 Bord roadster. Al condition. , 1914 Ford delivery. Al condition. 1917 Ford delivery, like new. And Many Other. Term Given. PALACE GARAGE CO., Authorised Ford Dealer. 12th sod Stark Sts. Broadway 1872 Phones A 2443 GOOD USED CARS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES WHILE THEY LAST 1916 Col, best buy In city. 1916 Studebaker. a-trn winter top. axesl- lent shape, at a teem nee. 1917 Oakland 8. fin snap, driven lea than 6000 mile, 6 cerd tires. Cadillac touring, 9260. Velie touring, $300. b White gas. $400. Saxon two passenger, like new, 8678. Oakland, 1918. big discount Ford delivery, fine shape, 8275. Ford touring. 8278. , Ford, worm drive, new, cheap. 1, , 1 I., I i, " U 1 W k.fnH mm kttfl linen Annfta Easy term. W. H. WALLING FORD, 822 Alder it w.l. . MW PS1CES ARB SOARING CARS ARB GOING TO BE MIGHTY SCARCE THIS BPK1NV W hav tome exceptional bargain tn used car on band and are offering thm at real bargain price. Investigate the car in this list: 1917 Bulek 6. first class 1918 Dodge touring ear. extra 1916 Dodge 1917 Maxwell touring ear. first class ., 1917 Ford, extras 1914 Chalmers, first class 1916 Dodge, delivery 1917 Studebaker, S pas. ........... 1917 Chevrolet, first clam 1915 Cadillac, first class 1918 Cadillac, first claas Ford roadster. iee. light and starter , And many others. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. Washington at Slat st Main 6244 .3900 900 SO 425 426 660 776 500 890 THREE FORD BARGAINS ACT QUICKLY, FOR THESE WILL NOT LAST. 1 ft 1 7 Ford touring ear. snedometer. de - mounteble rims, combination lock, many other extras. $435. Late model Ford touring, fine condition, run line, gs2. I .ate model Ford touring. In good (hip, fin running car, gooa urea, . a o. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. "Used Bnt Not Abused Can." 627 Washington street. Broadway 6468. Open evening. PACKARD TWIN SEE Five passenger touring ear. like new. all Goodyear cord tire. Many extra. Must be tola at once. PORTLAND MOTOR CAB CO. 10th and Burmnd Streets. Broadway 621. EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS IN USED CARS 1911 Cadillac , 360 Warren Roadster . 250 Ford Touring V" Ford Touring 8 OK 1914 Loxier, a regular car with cord Urea. OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON. Broadway at Couch. Broadway 2370. 800 OVERLAND FIVE PASSENGER Winter top included, overhauled, repainted. Urea nearly new, ovu. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO. 10th and Burnside Street. Broadway 621. TRUCK CONTRACT WANTED helftg nXl-Tj Lediir.10 Xl? THAYER. SHAVER-GTTLLY MACHIN1S COMPANY 1 Ton. 8370 I BUILDERS OF 1H Ton. $420 I EVEBREADY TRUCK 2 Ton. $470 I ATTACHMENTS Caoseitr I Mfg. in Portland 198 E. Water tt - Phono East T4S7. XBW ,TOiKS What brand of new ttrea de xwn Dtwfert W hav the. all makes and aicea. Also we make tn lamou v-t-u imboi i Tread (sewed) tire and do alii Hr, r itrinc Oregon Vuleanlxi fl.. 21-116 Barnssd. near Broadway. : 7r-m. i i .u. .uk U.A1raSfoV FovuTtn ; io.' Or'gnmotir et.rtlng and lighting ' ..w , .. ktbn ,t! system. lamp, horn and all atteenmenu, f8. Apply 5t 'tibof Garage, 1360 Hawthorne ave. wv BK STOCK Used Cars y !; HMJHT COVET MOTOR CAR CO.. 21et and Washington ata. Mra 6244. LARUE stock of -w,btl, uire. at low pries.; lcanng. ve-treeoina. "" 'repairing. ft Black, 584 Alder et Main 1318, , . i . ifts-FORD roadster, with shock .taorberaand ,Ke evtraa. Car in A-l conditio' ti i Iiroedwsy 1571. - . condiUon. Term. rii u R A r .V. O, er la nd delirerv ants in flu ennditio. Win take 8400 for ttuick ea Can' be seen any time et 64 N, Broadway. touring ear. late model; party leaving city, desire to etl n big sacrifice. 614 ti.i sunn Alder Street. Wain 8966. REPUBLIC tt-ton truck, almost new. 83 North Park Street 1817 FORD touring car. with extras, ear new. Term tt oesirea. nroaaway I7S. FEDERAL 1 tt tWlrnck with body. . 88 Norm ran street 1816 MAXWELL tot tU ebeap. E-406, Journal, 1 J '' , MIw.nkie 91. 'or saie, in A-l condition. . phone . 1. - - . - ' - - TATS BrifiTMslUf. $275 1 fin ondition. I Phone 11 1, Oak Grove. I " . ' I LATE 1 917 Overland, rue 1000 tnSnsi laaVioa Jo Alaska. S9S Yamhill . '.. , ..- AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 WE ? OFFER T THE FOIXOWINO BARGAIN 0 1 ; IN USED CARS .', . . CHALMERS. 8 cyl. 6 X. .......... 0O Cadillac. ext.- 7 . ; ,;, . . .. ; SS0 V. .... v- ,.f -5s--.,;i..y; HUDSON. S eyCl las. ............. tS9 MTAXWELL, 4 ryl.S . .,,Ui.w"' " . ' . ' .' -.. PORTLANDMOTOR CAR CO., ' .- 10th and Burmnd at.- Ci (j; -Broadway 821.. '-. . USED AUTOMOBILES '' . i TERMS GIVEN 10 CARS TO SELECT FROM SO HERB ARE A FEW FOR YOUR APPROVAL MM Hitchi! B. " eJlt nmt 1 llll Hltcb,u' eyt 878 1917 Maxwell Sedan, 4 eyL, 6 pas. I nearly new V77. 82S 1917 Mitchell, 7 passv. 6 cyL. . , 110Q 191S Mitohelt 4 paTr S Xl flU eoi . dition S8S JS,2 M1D,1L.T ...... tt tso i'!1- y-J na ecsv ditiou SOS IS pesaenter hotel bus. 6 eyl. SS eawvwxre, V i isv ' tetwr- nee our stock of highs grade cart before yon ..mii.-ii.-w , wtt eta neve you money. x.-mKl?P CA1i DEPARTMENT ... MITCHELL, LEWIS A BTAVER CO., -J-t Morriaon at 1st st : East 7278 B-H16. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 I WtLL PAY YOB SPOT CASH FOB Y0UB FRANCIS MOTOR CAB EXCHANGE. B. 1180. B. 18th and Haenhern WANTED To hire or purchase - motor but with eanacit of from 1 1 n u. : ril Columbia 70, V WtU. pay spot cash for used Ford, Chevrolet Or Msiwell aitba mm tilt rfl Una, be In good condition. P-898. Journal. - WANTED Light roadster er bug; hav gno- "rp!w ana tiae car wiin soma easn. - vau 1 WOOUlaWB 1181. I wiu. pay cash fnr in - t l..l-au4 lb.!.. ' Oakland or SssosT 81, murine e a. ter. P-343, Jouml. - WANTED--Late model 6 peseenger; ' wiU trad' J '' caar van aia lot wiw trait tree ther-rm. valuwi 31800. M 703, Journal HIGHEST pricea paid for automobiles: nndJ. tion no ebieet 111 N. M il Mn fnim WANTED Beet auto $800 cash wUL buy. Woodlawn 4197. 1 WHITE truck, wia pay caah. 180 Ic'tld C AUTOS FOR HIRB sa AUTOS FOR HIRB WTTHOUT DBTTBSsi new ear. rewntDtt rata . Fearing A Robneft, Cite Garage. llh. Between Stark and Oak. Brnaitw.e ti. A UibbLEAGkD man with a good Ford (, hire by the day. week, or month. krJund town. Marshall 3897. - " . AUTOS without driver for hire. Couchwa J I SulUvaa. 10fK.T.K111 VI. . ,,,, ia - ---,. MOTORCTCLE.BICTCtES : tt BirTYCLCsiMaTnnrTVr!T.w 3, f jr.. atnek n, mam, .mI muI ..Wlu . DAYTON CTCLB CO.. t atl-i JSSDANDT bicyde. $20 eash. Tabor 169T LAUNCHES AND BOATS 6 UHM.Kmr buy of the year, exceptional lor work in shallow stream or tdsml sbani, passenger boat. 85 by 8 ft 6 inches, SO a.. p. perfect condition; win demonstrate. Keys Gss Enein Co., PnrtUnd Motor Boat elnb, A DANDY boat, new engine. Boat cost' $200u. ior uuica sat win lax a gauu. st orris, 4 x 1 Chamber of Commerce. PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 14 CLOSING OUT $278 upright piano ' for ' 4 . 8 nan; a oo one, d ensn, M 28 one M.h . 1 A MmI. B (.. 1 1 . . . 1 ri.hi aion. . saoa ., ...V. I organ, $20 cash, at Security Storage Cc. 189 4th tt. at Wab. t. pianos tnred, 60e monthly. ur oongnt anu solo ior CB. I'nou Mm 8828. SMITH nd Barnes full six upright, lute new. French burl walnut, a. Would sell for lea than half of cost price and also consider term. i,w via tt. Alain siuo. - 0 Phonographs and record bought, td esebsnged and rested. Expert repair. ing. 143 H 2d, near Alder, itxtair. ADAM 8CHAAP upright pl no, a good old standard make, mahogany case. In perfect condition, very cheap, on terms. 149 6tb at, Phon Main 3106. iOe DAILY buT" UTS piano ', laws ' 26" $281.26: 40c daily bun 6060 ubiver oiana lea 23 , $487.60. Best asvings bank' for the house, secure musical education, entertainment and the proiierty. Schwan llano Co.. Ill 4th. 88a CABINET graionola and 626 worth ol records for 885. Will take liberty bond and pay difference. Hall A Caaaiday. 126 ls$ street Main 7098. $460 PIANO, like new, $186; also 4 ' 812$ phonographs, slightly scratched. 878. Storaae Co.. 312 Worcester bldg. . . GEORGE T. PECK. PIANO TUN lilt.1 1 Graduate New, England Coneerratory of Muvte, sgw, mm iHwin,, It l H,l,, - 896 CASH buys $878 ' Ertet 4Ubler upright . n a j A K . inn aa vil"r 1 Diana, at fUenritv Kbin,. v. US nk I r-TGT; " ir;rs rt: rrr r -1 1 -.1 --l- . tuiti if m r i i.n , viasa- ,.v yimjvi piano ana several I irict- oi muwr. nui pen ior i,uu, tjtuf WUI sell I eiv wiiwim. I.-..., imnai. MILTON 88 note player plana, with 100 roll music Will take Libert bonds. Hall a. isuay. in jt. leu- aiam lot. 86 WkBTERN Cottage organ, 880. ; Kim ball Diane rosewood. 8116. HAROLD S. G7LRF.RT. 84 YamMH a . FOR SALE $200 cash, half price, almost nesy upright raahfany piauo. 459 E. 11th '., -or pimne E. 6S44 Piano Tuning $2.50 iSXtt? PHONOt.RAl'H. teeorda, bought, sold afW ebanaed. Hall A CeesMsy. 136 1-t et M. 709S RENT a iiiano, most reasonable terms In Parte , land. Harold 8. Oilbett 384 TtmttlH . , TYPEWRITERS ' JT NIW 'RKMINfiTON. rental pma, rant ajrpueTle purctisee. VUlDle mnSeTa. - ' RELINGTON TYPEWRITEB CO. 88 Broadway. Broadway 4621..- WE SAVE yon from 60 to 76 per tttp tf . snasee wi ljyvnwi. s,ds w asar in iw ii, WANT U C. Smith, ileminsaasi. Royal or l it. - kminsjkjsn, iioju vr i n Must Wasib r T 61, derwood typewriter. otrrnaL WANT a visible typewriter this week. Net war- iuU. W mMm mm k. In wAetrlne eade - O-850. iournaL ' - -' - ' fOU. .ALE A-l No. 6 Underwood.. Mtut , have eauth. R-641. IournaL ' - ' REBUILT typewriter. witppUe. Coreaa dealers. E, w.. Co.. 110 ctn. - ALL MAKES typewriter rented and r ilred. Oregon Type Co.. )4A tn. want I HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB SALE 88 ,, i Qoll AT TrTtflO 1 -VM iimww i Btd ranares. 811.801 rook stovea. 6S.98: nil I heater. 8146: two burner Perfection , coek I CL" Typewriter C'.- P-a.. 81.SS; woed.lte.tevv, V "Tf1, . Ji.1 I soring. $1.46: matt res. $2.$ 6: new pill , 1 1".. ur IlT ll'ii'. I 36.86; library tsble. $4 66: eterr4alee,.- tl a. n.W l.lmnlla, gke! kttehm tablaa. 9(); teel eonch, $2 90; roe sera. $1.16; chair, I kk ikI tm. T5e: .1, tuba. Ate: I refrigerator, $8 0; ehild iron etlb, $6.9i commode. $1.86: brsnkfan Ubiee, 83 90; get f"-- To'rn.r.U STl I t"k.U 0 llajtMow et --' . . LZ''iT'LlJl- kitchen queen ts o)r, nen, tirtng ana tnt' trMt, roh stand. Call 368 X. 21et Mar. 3775 I FURNITURE complete-for 6 room; must "sell 1 itiwi.e Cbeup rent, room kttaee. I " wiswinippi vtt. GOOD bed. wood and coal range, ditton. Tbec 2688. r . . - r i mi i , good FOB SALT MISCKttANEOUrl 19 FOR SALE A small -team toiler uitabie taw ' dairy. Price $30. Tabor 629. - HOLLY twee. S to 8 feet, 25. Special rate for hedges, worn. igon. iSSACKS 'Early B" yratotog. Wm. Lund. 282 tt 2d tt ; - : - : --. TOR SALE tx6 eamera, eee. tripod, film pack and plate neMer-, tie. -, journal.' JAiM;KW vACt'CM .SWEKPEH8 MAIN 8t: " WEIJ. rotted eow or bone manure. Mar. 4053? " I t;..a",Ti -.-vsi. m. in I -' iVTL , , (CStiB8ed OS NXt Ff ) ,