The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 05, 1918, Page 12, Image 12

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' Standifer Wood Shipyards at
, Vancouver and North Portland
, Seek 500 Carpenters.
wooden yards are In a big drive to turn f tlon. Another hull will be ready at that
out their contract as quick as possible, i plant soon, while the Northwest com
To do that, be added, men must be se-1 pany will have Its ninth hull ready by
cured who can handle tools. In other the end of the month. -
words, only, experienced men11 are want 1 :'
d. The policy will be to develop those ' COLUMBIA ' BUILT SHIP LAID UP
who have had at least some experience .
secd8 ,ulIjrlexprlencd men re not Molorship May Now Peliean, Returns
"A ' peculiar condition exists at the to San Francisco for Repairs,
nlant of th Knrttiwent Steel comnanv. San Francisco, March 6. - (L N. S.)
where a few weeks ago 4000 men were 1 The motorship May. which left Van
employed compared to 3500 now. With couver, January 30, for an Atlantic port
the government clamoring for more;" Pt Into LosAngeles. February 14,
ships, that plant was compelled to lay'" f evere buffeting, arrived in San
off 600 employes because ofUhe slow-j Fraclsco Sunday, for permanent re
ness with which material has been ar-1 pail?',.. . , . .
rivine- fmm the FjuL Even at this the " nuun. cui enpneer ana
Standifer Construction Com
. party's Plant to Be Ready Soon;
:l Other Yards Well Supplied.
Unless the government orders a big
new drive In shipbuilding the pros
pects of shipyards adding to their
present forces are not bright, with pos
sibly the exception of three cases, ac
cording to shipbuilders today.
The O. M. Standifer-- Construction
company, which has a wooden yard at
Vancouver, and the Standlfer-CIarkson
company, having a wood yard In North
Portland, announce that they are in
need of BOO carpenters. Including
skilled house carpenters, bridge car
penters and millwrights.. Additional
shifts have Just been inaugurated n
those yards and they have need Of
the nien Immediately. A large army
of additional workers will be wanted
soon in the steel shipyard being es
tablished at Vancouver by the O. M.
Standifer Construction company. Work
on the fill is rapidly progressing.
TTorthwett Drop SOS Men -
In Issuing the call for 600 more men.
O. M. Standifer says that the two
For stubborn
skin troubles
Even in severe, well-established
cases of eczema, ringworm or similar
affections, Resinol Ointment and Res-
inol Soap usually relieve the itching at
once and quickly overcome the trouble.
Physicians have prescribed this simple,
efficient treatment for many years.
All druggists sell Resinol. Sample free. Dept.
8-R, Resinol, Baltimore, Md.
plant is way ahead of its schedule. An
official stated that the plant is not run-1.
ning at full capacity now by any means.
Despite the fact that the force has
been cut down, a large number of work
men gather at the gates nearly every
morning seeking Jobs. Similar crowds
gather at the plant of the Columbia
River Shipbuilding corporation.
Ho Shortage Anticipated
One hundred men were at the gate of
the Supple A Ballln Shipbuilding corpo
ration's plant, on the east side, between
the Burnside and Morrison bridges.
Monday morning, seeking work. That
plant is employing 600 men at present,
about all It can handle with the present
work. Some days three to five new men
are put on, but not frequently. It is
assumed that the large number is at
tracted there by the ; plant's being
close In.
In the crowds are both experienced
and non-experienced men. Many are
carpenters, others are machinists, while
a majority are common laborers.
At the Peninsula plant an official
stated that operations were progressing
on an "even keeL" Seven hundred and
ifty are on the payroll now. There are
applications right along from men
seeking work, but none are needed,
unless, added the official, the govern
ment orders a big drive.
None of the shipbuilders anticipate a
labor shortage, though knowing that
the surplus doubtless will be absorbed
in other lines of work developing as
spring opens up.
purser, who were ; arrested in Los An
geles charged with sedition and attempts
to obstruct selective draft, the steamer
Centralis of the Fan-American Steam
ship company, arrived in San Francisco
yesterday from Central American and
West Coast ports.'
The vessel referred to as the May Is
evidently the Pelican. She was built on
the Columbia rlvr tnd launched under
the name of May. Later she changed
hands and her name was changed to
Twelfth 8800 Ton Steel Freighter
Built Here Takes to Water.
Twelve 8800-ton steel freighters have
been floated by two shipbuilding plants
of Portland. The twelfth took to the
waters Monday afternoon at the North
west Steel company's plant. It was the
Western Wave and was sponsored by
Mrs. Bert C. Ball, wife of President Ball
of the Willamette Iron & Steel works,
which holds the contracts for outfitting
the hulls built by the Northwest Steel
company. Katherlne, the young daugh
ter of Mrs. Ball, was sponsor for the
West Hampton, the previous hull
launched by the Northwest company.
The Western Wave was the eighth
launched by the Northwest Steel com
pany. Four have been launched by the
Columbia River Shipbuilding corpora-
Burned Hulk Found in South Sea
Thought Remains Bertha Dolbeer.
San Francisco. March 5. (I. N. S.)
Whether the Bertha Dolbeer was sunk
by the German raider Wolf, or foundered
In a gale In the South sea, may never be
known, but hope for the safety of the
vessel nas been abandoned here. The
schooner sailed from San Francisco, No
vember 3, . under command of Captain
Ferem, and is 120 days overdue. She
was sold by the Pacific States Trading
company to' H. F. Sullivan a year ago
and was carrying case oil to Australia.
A burned hulk recently found la the
South sea la believed to be all that Is
'left of the schooner.
Says It la suicide to cut corns
and tella how they lift
right out.
To inspect'" the' steamers Telegraph
and Dispatch, the assistant inspectors
of the local steam vessel Inspection force
left for Marshfield and Coquille Mon
day morning. Captain Edwards, inspec
tor of hulls, and John Wynn, inspector
of boilers, will go to Newport Friday
to Inspect the steamers Truant and New
The motorship Pauline made, a good
run between Portland and San Pedro,
en route to Antofogasta, with a cargo
of lumber. The Merchants Exchange
was advised Monday morning that she
put into San Pedro Sunday for fuel oiL
She sailed from here on February 24.
Thus the trip took only seven days. The
Pauline is a product of the McEachern
shipyard at Astoria.
Bringing freight from San Francisco
that ' was intended to be brought by
the steamer Breakwater before the deal
for' her sale to New Orleans interests
was consummated, the steam schooner
Prentiss arrived at Columbia dock Sun
day about noon. . The affairs of the In
dependent Steamship company will be
wound up here ? in a few days. The
Bteamer Prentiss will take back a cargo
of lumber to be loaded at St. Helens.
The steamer F. A. Kilburn, fleet mate
of the Breakwater, was Included . in the
deal. The concern purchasing the
steamers is the Main Fruit & Steamship
company of New Orleans. According to
word from San Francisco the Break
water sailed from there Saturday for
her new home on the Gulf coast. She
was well loaded with general freight,
Captain Rees is In command. The iCil
burn, it is said, will leave San Francisco
after a few repairs are made.
Salts in Hot "Water
Clears Pimply Sic in
Says we must mako kidneys
: clean the blood, and pim
ples disappear. -
Tou simply say to the drug store man,
"Give me a quarter of an ounce of
freezone." This will cost very little but
is sufficient to remove every hard or
soft corn from one's feet.
A few drops applied lrectly upon a
tender, aching corn should relieve the
soreness instantly, and soon the entire
corn, root and all, can be lifted out
with the fingers without pain.
This new drug called freezone is an
ether compound discovered by a Cin
cinnati man, who says that while freez
one is sticky Jt dries in a moment, and
simply shrivels up the corn without
inflaming or even irritating the sur
rounding tissue or skin.
Don't let father die of Infection or
lockjaw from whittling at his corns, but
cut this out and make him try It Adv.
Pimples, sores and boils usually " re
sult from toxins, poisons and impurities
which are generated In the bowels and
then absorbed into the blood through the
Very ducts which should absorb only
nourishment to sustain the body.
It is the function of the kidneys to
filter impurities from the blood and cast
them out In the form of urine, but in
many instances the bowels create more
toxins and Impurities than the kidneys
can eliminate, then the blood uses the
skin pores as the next best means of
getting rid of these impurities, which
often break out all over the skin in the
form of pimples.
. The surest way to clear the skin of
. these eruptions, says a noted authority.
is to get from any pharmacy about four
ounces of Jad Salts and take a table'
spoonful. In a glass of hot water each
morning before breakfast for one week.
This will prevent the formation of tox
' Ins In the bowels. It also stimulates the
' kidneys to normal activity, thus coaxing
them to filter the blood of impurities and
clearing the skin of pimples.
Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless and
is made from the acid of grapes and
. lemon Juice, combined with lithia. Here
- you have a pleasant, effervescent drink
: which usually makes pimples disappear,
cleanses the blood and is excellent ' for
the kidneys as well. (Adv.)
News of. the Port
t xlntfa :4wA)hm wlltiAiif a.. aiaM 4ft
MWJ Msvbuva ww a nivm wuj evvs savv
tached thereto, it is pointed out. It is
strictly ' a government organisation,
1 maintained entirely by the government.
I And as a result thereof no selfish, inter-
ests are involved as Is the case in pri
vate concerns. They live off the fees
( derived. " Some .unscrupulous private
agencies actually supply the same man
with two and three Jobs during one sea
son, each time collecting a fee, accord
ing to government officials, though hav-
( ing no interest In supplying that man
: I with a Job that suits. It Is the govern-
1 ' i'smnfr atmntAirmainf KnMaii'ai maIIaw .
-en, t ass. aftf f J asas. viswj us was wvaa wn-va s frsvs 8V. f IAJ
Serious Error made Regarding find an applicant a job that he win
; aeep. ji iie snouia return xor another
j Job in a short while -and still another.
ms recora is uivesugaiea. in tms way
the government service is able to sdp
ply the most reliable help.
Ssrplss of Workers In City
The labor situation at Portland at the
of Seattle, has Just been issued. The present Ume is better than at this sea-
issue is considerably larger than those Bon Ior some years, tnougn it is esti
of former years. Not only Is port In- mated that between 3000 and 4000 men
formation given, but the statistics and are now idle, according to Mr. Bonham.
conditions of export and import com- ' He believes the surplus of labor, how
merce are set forth and a number of ever, will be absorbed when spring opens
Illuminating special articles are con- up, for men who are unable to get work
Portland in 1918 Edition of
. "Pacific Ports."
The 1918 edition of "Pacific Ports,'
published by Frank Water house Co.
combats" and the third as the "son of William w. Robinson wmism w.
. Robinson Jr. at si. sod. H interns.
"V f in lots I sad 2. block: 3. Mt Tmbor
The "sone of habitual combat re pieee ... .. j .. v. ...... .. . - .
places the old first line trenches. This ," k1!!, ji
sone is Intended to lessen the frightful $g?u, " SHE ii'ik
losses sustained in defending the first; 11, block 85. Boment sdd
line trenches. jltor &eh sad to Beraui EcH.
., . ,. . ...... i nni. H interwt is tot 8. block i.
The first line of the "xone of habitual HoiiA trk uid .t. . . . . .
combat consists most often of a single .Ed w. Duncan sad wtf to Bennepin
trench. U. Co.. B. H of BE. It--el BE.
The troops even take up their PU-I . 1
tions in the shell holes in front of -a, u Hawiar ud wife to ioha Tta,
this trench. These shell aoiea are . lou s ana 10. oiocji i. onwr maa. .
stocked not only with munitions, but S-0',1',?!? Wood
wlth food and water. Often this first ) ' fclock "; T
line is held by only a few soldiers. Bobort B. Boat and' irif to acbm Bseh.
Inituil nf MirlfiMnp thousands of lot S. Mock M. Alameda Dark..... :
men. holding a rigid line of trenches, ) Walk .ml wiUJ Tbdor.
Field Marshal Hlndenburg now pre- 71 ... . .'. . . . . ..77.
fers to save bis men by permitting Nodes Co. to liao BarUatt Koenaal. lot
them to fall back to the "-tone ot , 1. block S,
, 1 1 A. Pattenon andSwlfe to J. W. Mo
grand combats. . .. Faddra. lot S. block 87. Romaera..
The German defensive organization , jg. E. Hwlin t al to Mary C Haaiin at
and troops, instead of being concen
trated now on the front line, are
spread out Indefinitely to the rear
ward. If the front now gives way at
any time. eVer increasing defensive
kl.. baainning at .NW. corner ot Dun
bar donation land claim.
R)nn . rnrrl mtmfL 1 atar frame rtwi-
organisatlons and troops are louna 10 drnrw. Hadaon between OewesoSsM Uobawa;
the rear. - Tennant trauaer; iuu.
T v..- A mm.A nnhataM I Rnnham A (tarrlcr mnmt 1 atorv flame Teat-
in the city will be Ncalled by farm work. tte defensive organisations for the in- n., Pott,Bd
A Kri,t H nairtta m rLivtml1 with In. I "'"" " CBCIIL over auppiy, J nf rnh sftAi- trench. . - , ; -- , ,
. . v " . - f . - . &..v.j w m -- Bonum ac unrnir. tren i nor, iniiuv i
formation about the port of Portland. mr- ."onnam Bays rortiana occupies a 111 0 tne8e are 8UDDOrted by nu- dene.. Otmw between Hodaon and Portland
Amnno h nt K. .t.t..nli .hnnl peculiar position in that it Is the OnlV I ... iiuina aur-h bird.: E. 1L Tennant builder: 81400.
m i ja .1 t. i , i metrnnolia in s. anr trr tnrv art A Ai-a-ujm I . ...... . wi l. J. Slaushterback. erect frame saraae. o
ruuicura mi uism u nw a tuamci ---------- . I concrete ions, ionuiea auia. , Bito h.t.n ch., .ml McMillan: bulkier W.
40 feet deep at the entrance to the lawrers irom u eecuons wnen wo i houses, machine run nests, great un- K EaMman: 875
Columbia and 30 feet In the COlumDia ou hi reuw j otner derground caves and forests. 1 c,ri u,reTn, erect 1 atory frame realdence.
10 foruana. in reference to rtiana s 4 "-"'" " i mo bwp After them comes the great rone 220 wiiiametu bird, between Delaware ana mu-
freight and grain terminal now under over rr a few days of ."city Mfe." I of battle." where, when the allied bur; builder tame; 1 1750.
I tAMPBELL At tbefamllr realdence. 128 w!
i juoeru ., Manna u. ijaanmeu, aa ss
yean, bolored wife tl Biehard Campbell, sKXher
( Mra. Ida Erickeoa of Oakland, liL - lin,
Mabel Sawyer of BrownerUle, Or., Mra. Sarah
Ca4 of Pendletom, Or., and Harvey and Georta
L'empbeli of Vancouver laland. B. O. Bamains
in care of the Ohambera. Ken worthy Co., 1111
Kerby at. ' ysneral notice later.
AljJSOX At 46TT-70th at. S. K. Marck ,
Jamee Alliaen, ate 67 yean. Remaina are at
the funeral parlora ot A. 1). Kenworthy It Co.,
6N02-04 82d at. ft. K., In Lenta. Fwteral bo
tica later.
PEN NET Joaepk Edward Penney! MultaotDak
hoSBital. Marcb S. St vaara. mrehral anaamia.
M.WKENCE Bom Dorothea LawreBco, 763
Flandere, March 'i. HS vcara. arterlo anlareala.
LEV Y Mark Levy. 788 Flandera. March 1. 6
year, ijaralyrlj of heart
STOREY iwxla Lneille Storey. 101 E. 12tk,
March 1, 9 year, double pnrumonia.
HABEK Louiae M. tUbrr. 890 VOth. Marrh
1. SO mn. arterio eclerosia.
MEANKT Marsaret U. Meaney. 48 Daria,
March 1, Kg feara. polmonary tubercaloaia. -,
WIHHKR Vharlaa Wibber, Multnomah hoeyitai.
reo. 111, o year, myocardiua.
Ma Hi IN .u . twriau. a4 Maas.
Mala 2e. A lauu I Wwar for aO eooa-
tiona artistically arranred
.HE U litis.. 1'U.juU. 27 Momaoa at.
Mala or A-lbU3 1'me luinn and floral
Seun. No branch fttnrea.
LVBI.INkK. Portland Hotel. Uornwn
MAX it SUliit. rkrt. IvlV Stn at.
Edward Holmaa
i. K. WERLEtN.
W JHotmaa
construction a serious error is made. - Among those out of work now there I armies get through the firsthand sec- Kan 9 1 .t ' ' builder.
viidu uuvii i 1 ii- tt uiiuci w ay i ' ... ....... .a j o. a, mm HineB, uicjt I iiubl give vyvu uv
with the Intention of going back to
work after their recreation.
ante: 80S.
ine uermans nave en-1 v-iiun,H. ti.n(n urn r, arart 1 atnrv
money, naving naa good positions, and I deavored to prepare everything in ad- , frame dry kiln, 602 Brooklyn between Brooklyn
in the main are "laying off by choice, vance so that even in open combat . nl Powell; builder aama; 82800.
with the intention of r,olr n hk.. m .A-t. !. 'V.1' An?- Grera., repair 2 atory frame
. . T . ' - 1 dweuing, 4B28 8 4th are. between tn aoa ootd
inis is me aeiensive system wnicn ata.; -v. W. Vanstone builder; 8638.
the Germans have built, at the same L. H. Smith, repair -l atory frame carat
time announcing their intention f ! j v,Tt?UdVr 75 5
ending tne war Dy a greai orrensive. Maieatie Theatre Co.. alter 2 atory brick ordi
The system is a tacit acknowledgment j nary office buildios. SSS Waahincton between
of the sunertorltv of the allied armies Prk and Broadway; M. W. Lorens builder
" - , atAA
betokens an appreciation that
a first unit grain elevator of 1.000,000 , most cases they are well supplied with tie. Here. too.
pounds capacity," reads, the statement
in "Pacific Porta." The first unit of
the grain elevator at Portland will con
tain 1,000,000 bushels. The information
for the Portland section of "Pacific
Ports" was furnished by the Chamber
of Commerce, but E. N. Weinbaum. the
statistician who prepared the material,
says that the information was correct
ly given; also that the book was pub-
Governor Says I. W. W. Is Menace
San Francisco. March (I. N. S.)
A scathing arraignment of the I. W.
W., whom he termed as "an element I and
lished without giving the Chamber of I defiant of the law and criminal In Its Germany must end the war on the
commerce opportunity 10 see any prooi purpose," was voiced by Governor aeiensive, not on tne orrensive.
sheets of the local section. William D. Stephens at the opening
The Seattle Chamber of Commerce , of the two day war conference of the HFRMANY HA AnnFR flNlY
and Commercial club insert a 12-page . state Cnnnnii f TWr,oa ULnmnli I HfKO ftUUCU UiiLI
advertisement of the Port of Seattle -r governor, who has occasion to
under the heading "Comparative Cost reaue the extent of its machinations
by reason of the dynamiting of the
gubenatorial mansion at Sacramento,
responsibility for which has been
placed at the organization's door by
the Investigating officers, declared that
there was a clear distinction between 1 Despite reports sedulously dlssera
the I. W. W. and the labor movement, inated by enemy propagandists of
"In other states," said the governor, colossal concentrations of German, Aus-
"thls organization has recruited its tro-Hungarlan, Bulgarian and Turkish
forces from honorable workingmen. This troops along the western froht, it Is now
is not tniA in Caiifm-nia Th. t xkt txt known that Field Marshal von Hinden-
of the Chamber of Commerce, relative movement, as we have it, does not rep- burE ha8 augmented his forces In Flan-
to these figures. resent a condition of general unrest, It ders and France with less than half a
"Our port costs properly estimated ls no Bymptom iAhor BicyMaa iton- million men for his much-vaunted of-
equallze, and where there is any dlspar- BiBta o a gj-p ot sufficient viclousneas fensive. Furthermore it "is estimated
Ity in the case of oriental service we to constitutn a in that the total strength of the German
equalize It" I of the times we must prepare to deal "n'e opposing the French, British and
to Shin at Pacific Coast Porta," in
which the Seattle figure Is given as
$126.20; Portland. $465; San Francisco,
$1368; San Pedro. $481.50; San Diego,
$540.15, and Vancouver, B. C, $230. For
comparison the hypothetical case of a
6000-ton vessel of 80-foot draft, remain
ing in port six days discharging and
taking on cargo, is used.
"The veriest camouflage," was the
comment of executive Secretary Dodson
By Henry G. Wales
Paris, Feb. 14. (By Mail) (I. N. S.)
H. A. William, erect frame (irate. 668 E.
61at N. between Sandy and Siakiyou; builder
earne; $50.
T. K. Habersham, erect frame saraee. 65
K. 76th N. between Siakiyou and EHckltat
builder aame: 800.
Christine M. Cook, erect 1 atory frame sarace,
1217 E. Ankeny between E. 80th and E. 4 1st
N.: 'builder aame: 880.
Fred Gofler. erect frame sarate, 721 Belmont
between E. 20th and E. 23d; builder aame; SlO.
L. O. Anderson, erect frame carafe, 657 E.
18th N. between Go tne and Preacott; builder
aame : 80.
L. B. King, erect frame garage, 626 Duke it.
between E. loth and MUwaukie; builder aame
F. Bruhm. erect frame garage. 400 E. 60th N".
between Thompson and Sandy bird. ; builder
same; 850.
Edward Heiner. erect frame garage. 96 E.
28th N. between Preacott and Cioing; builder
aame; 860.
Louis Roehrig. erect frame garage. 1556 E.
Flanders between 58th and 60th; builder
aame; 830.
Third street, comer Salmon
ladi assistant
Phones Mais 07. A-1811.
Progressive Kuneral Directors
PRIVATE DRIVE Women Attasdaata
Moatgumary at Fifth.
Main S. A-15SS.
Wood lawn
East 54.
Wilson & Wilson
Successors to
Piedmont Undertaking Co..
Killingnworth snd Kerby.
Lady AwVtant
Multnomah ( Seventh t
IvrB tS
Dunning & McEntee ,TSS
every detail. Broadway and Pine at. Phones
Broadway sso. A-oja. in wunm.
F. S. Dunning, Inc.
Tbe Qoldsn Ruls Undertakers. "
414 E. Alder st. Ilione Kat tt. W-SZas.
A, D, Ken worthy. Co.
Tabor 6267- 5803 S2d st. Lents.
Tabor 6SS6. S6th at. and roster road, Aneta.
Mr. Dodson is preparing figures to
show the true facts.
Striking Caulkers
Go Back to Work
Aberdeen, Wash., March 5. Caulkers
emnloved In the shipyards who have been
on strike several days, returned to work;
with it irmly and effectively. Its mem
bers are disloyal enemies of the govern
ment and boastfully threaten to hindec
and defeat our war work."
f Con tinned from Page One)
American forces ls approximately 3,600.
000 men, of whom, at the most, 2,000,000
can be used inactual fighting.
Twenty new German divisions have
appeared on the western front since late
in the autumn, 16 of them" coming from
the Russian front and four from the
Italian theatre of war. A German
division comprises in all about 20,000
men but that figure" Includes all
branches of service. The rifle strength
of a division of 20,000 men is never
above 12,000 and frequently drops as
low as 7500 in a division on active
Your Liver
has Important work to do. Un
der favorable conditions it does
it well. If sluggish, relieve it with
lr-- Sale ef Any Medietas in the WorU.
Sold everywhere. La boxes, 10u. 25c.
Arrivals March B
E. H. Meyer, American ateamer, from San
Francisco; ballast. Beaver, American steamer,
from San Francisco and Sah Pedro; passengers
and freight.
Departures March 5
James Tuft, American barkentine, for Sydney,
via Westport; lumber. Washtenaw, American
steamer, for San Francisco; ballast.
Weather at River's Mouth
North Head. March 6. Conditions at the
mouth of the river at noon: Wind, east, 10 miles;
cloudy; aea smooth.
8un Record for March 9
Sun rises. . . .6:41 a. m. Sun seta. . .6:04 p. m.
Tides at Astoria Wednesday
High Water Low Water
6:02 a. m...7.6 feet 1:44 a. m. . .,1.1 feet
8:07 p. m. . .5.4 feet
this morning at the government scale of shock of the combined French, British
t ta ' m j n iTTmnlrtvAa ot ths Orova nnrl A mprlpn n a rmlai fiha Irnnw. tv. .
11. i utn..hin vsrHa warn nut fnr in antta. nt iig -v.. sectors, where there is an extraordinary
three days and at the Aberdeen ship-; may gain by a big west front offensive. Umount of work to be done behind the
varri for one dav. ' she will be oblieed to dafenri rv .f.n first line trenches. Ten thousand is a
I J I . , . M .1 Ml .! .un4ti
or the territory between the west front la,r average 01 uve muuus
and the Rhine. a division today. ,
,, ., . . I In the early pari 01 reoruary mo
The entire west front, extending for strwisth of the central powers was al
lotted as follows, according to latest
reports by the intelligence departments
and secret services ot the allied
countries :
Germans. Aua.-Hung. Bulg. Turk.
Ban Pedro. March 4. Arrived, ateamer Daisy the three lines' of trnrh nf thalWesUrn front 174
Mathews, from Columbia, rirer 1 orlslnal svstem s-ive wav to thr. erut ?"" Jront ; v
Port Lobus, Atarcn . rassea as x p. m., - - - - r, V Husao-rioumaniao .. m
steamer J. A. Chanslor. from Uaviota. for Port- fighting zones, the first of which ls Macedonian 8
land. I Known as the "sone tl habitual corn-
Honolulu, March 8. Arrirea motor scnoener , tat" ; the second as the "sone of grand
Francisco. Arrived at 6 and left up at 7:80 a.
m., steamer Santiam, from Ban Pedro. Arrived
up, gas scnooner summer, ,(,.. t. , .. ,,
from Newport and way porta. Arrived at 0 n1 K.J.L- C ' 0.1- v. J"v.ia,..,
teft up at noon, steamer JBeaver. from San Fran- bck to the Rhine has now been con
cisce and San Pedro. Arrived at 10:65 a. m.. verted into One vast field of a defensive
steamer Trinidad, from Ban Francisco. Sailed at ! gystem.
- . . SAl .S W uu. Un CA B na
11:40 a. m., ateamer aim mu . .
San Francisco. ! In the 1918 German offensive system
I ma till
Eugene ,
Oregon City . . ,
Portland 15
C) rise;: -) fall.
. 26 I 2.8 0.1 0.00
. 10 I 6.3 -0.7 0.00
. 20 6.5 0.S 0.21
. 20 I B.6 0.2 0.00
.1 12 I 6.01 0.11 0.20
4.1 -0.8 0.06
Create Gas, Sourness and Pain.
How to Treat.
Portland Insurance Man
Tells of Friend's Recovery
"He suffered considerably from gas
, In stomach and colic attacks, .'and at
times was very yellow. His doctors
diagnosed his ailment as gall bladder
trouble ' ' and that an operation was
1 necessary. Some one persuaded him to
.'try May r's .Wonderful Remedy. Since
taking It one year ago he tells me he
has been able to eat anything." It ls a
simple, harmless preparation that re
', moves the catarrhal mucus from the
Intestinal tract and allays the inflam
mation which causes practically all
stomach, liver ". and intestinal ailments,
' Including appendicitis. One dose will
. convince or , money refunded. The Owl
Drug company. (Adv.)
Medical authorities state that nearly
nine-tenths of the cases of stomach
trouble, indigestion, sourness, burning
gas, bloating, nausea, etc., are due to an
excess vi nurutiuuriu acta in the
siomacn snu not as some neneve to a
lack ot digestive Juices. The dniioat.
stomach lining ls irritated, digestion is
delayed and food sours, causing the d!s-
agree&oia srrapionu wnicn every atom
ach sufferer knows so well.
Artificial digestenta are not needed
hi such cases and may do real harm.
Try laying aside all digestive aids and
Instead get from any druggist a tew
ounces 01 msuraiea magnesia and take
a teaspoonful in a quarter glass ot
water right after eating. This sweet
ens the stomach, prevents the formation
of excess acid and there is no sourneaa
gas or pain. Blaurated Magnesia (inVt
ivi iir iwYBr liquid or
milk) is harmless to the stomach, in
expensive to take and is the most effi
cient form of magnesia for stomach
purposes. It is used by thousands of
people who enjoy their meals with no
more fear of indigestion. Adv.
The Willamette river at Portland will remain
nearly stationary during the next two or three
Astoria, March 6. Arrived at 8 and left ud
at 9:40 a. m.. steamer E. II. Meyer, from San
1 afT AT
Itumi Emg,.lkw
For Burning Eczema
RY won An x
To help strengthen her nervea
pat color into herjKeskt
There can
bo no beau
tiful.' healthy,
rosy -cheeked
wormia with
out iron. The
trouble In the
past hfts been
that when
women need
ed iron they
generally took
ordinary" me
tallic Iron,
which often
corroded the
ntomach and dkl more harm than
good.) .1 always- Insist that my pa
tient take only organto Iron Nux
ated Iron. This particular form of
iron is easily assimilated, does not
bhtcken nor lnjurw the teeth nor
upset the stomach,- It will Increase
the strength and endurance of
weak, nervous, irritable, careworn,
Niggard-looking women In ten tfetys'
time in many Instances. I -have
twed it In -my own practice with
-nost surprising results. crdlnaJio
King. Jd.lXv
bv Dr. Ferwtnand Kin a
im any geoa aruggisx
fuarantee or auceeaa
It is anpvnm vn
K aod Jruayata.
Use Mi-o-na Tablets, they are one of
the most effective and safe remedies
for out-of-order stomachs. Besfdes
quickly stopping the distress. Ml-o-na
, soothe the irritated walls of the stom
ach, strengthens and- builds up the di
gestive organs. . Do not suffer another
day, get a box at once. For sale by The
Owl Drug- Co. (Adv.X. ' .
Ii A
1 "V V.
Greasy salves and ointmenfa ahnutrl
not be applied if good clear skin is t
witnico, r rora any druggist lor 5c, or ;
LOO for large, size, cct a hnttl-nf
When SDolied as riirtf-rl it fTtiral' '
u uku am wuuuica, cuso Boresv
sammfr i
a art tty af
sr Jly I
Uesopotamia-Palestine. 0
Marshfield. March 4. Arrived: Llndauer,
from San Francisco. 2:20 p. m.
San Francisco, March 6. (I. N. 8.) Ar-
rited: Tom. Mara, from Balboa, 11 :50 a. m;
Kaee City. Trom Portland. 8:6S p. m. ; Admiral
Dewey, from Los Angeles, 9:10 p. m.
Sailed Uarcn viueen, tor los angexes.
12:25 p. m. ; Vanguard, for Eureka, 12:05 p.
m. ; Nenalem, lor ventral America, 0 p. m. j
Avalon. for Grays Harbor, 2 p. m. ; Lyman
Stewart, for Port San Luis. 4 :85 p. m. ; Daisy
Putnam, for Columbia river. 5 :03 n. m. : Her
bert L. e'ratt, for Seattle, 6:05 p. m.; Westport.
Crescent City, 6:60 p. m.; Solano, for Willapa
Harbor, 8:05 p. m.; Newburg, for Fort Bragg.
0:30 p. m.; Johan Foulsen, for Portland, 10:1U
m. ; Argyll, tor roruana, ii:.o p. m.
Seattle, March 6. Arrived Admiral Schley,
San Pedro, noon; Grayson, Tacoma, 8:10 a. m.
Sailed fc.atorl uaru, sunns, iu:o a. m.
Raattla. March 4. Arrived Senator, from
Singapore, 6:80 p. m. ; Skagway. Port Biakeley,
7 p. m.; Fulton, at 7 p. m.; Santa Inea, Ta
coma, 5 p. m.
Hailed Azumaaan juaru, sone, s p. m.
Ketchikan. March 4. Sailed Valdea, south
bound, 11 a. m.
Port Towns nu. Marco o. rassea in & in-
aalan. eteam sioop, r v on eiaca, a, o a. m. ,
i'On IDWDKua, HUCU v. rauu vuv au-
air, aaina
East 781
wrtakers E. 1 1th snd Hi1hww
iilLLKlt A TRACKs. Independent kuneral in-
1 a.iik Sill CslA
rarora. Prices as low a m, -v.
whraaton at E1U. Main 2691. A 7SSB
Boy 18 to work in plumbing HAMILTON ncral services . Tabor 4818
shop- Peply Jn ?ron' 7:45 a' Breeze & Snook
in. ooi oanuy uivu.
HetmuDt at 86th.
B'2646. Tabor i:5S.
Usm 4183.'
8d and Clay.
AT WILSON'S Auction Bouse. 169-173 24 at
Bate at. IV a. m.
Williams ate.
10SS. C-108.
T. rlYRNESi new reablesce establwhtumt.
991 Wlllkmi ave Wood lawn 220. C-1948. . i
A D -7-11 692
n. n. entji iu-u
camp y
I 1111 Kerby at. WoodUwn 380A. ('-118
Many People Are Left in
Wretched Condition After
the Influenza Passes.
40 vVa.
CAMP meets every Wednes
day aTenlng In W. O. W.
temcle. 121 11th at. All
members requested to attand
Visitors welcome.
H. O. 8CHADB. C. a
St., I opposite city nan. auus ei rauif
Kes Bona tor memorials.
I U 267- 3RD. 5T. AT MA Ql-SOrv
Regular meeting. Moose Tea
Die. 4 th and Tavlor ata. at 8
o'clock p. nv. every Wednesday
Visitors welcome.
J. F. KENNEDY. Beo'y.
ToUl divisions 241
It must be remembered, however, that
among the 61 divisions on the Russian
front the number of effectives available visiting brethren welcome.
for service in the more active warfare In
France and Belclum is very low. Nearly
all of the able-bodied men between the
ages of 20 and 25 have Ions; since been
combed out and Incorporated in divi
sions stationed in the west. The 61
divisions are made up of landwehr, land
strum and new units containing 18 and
19-year-old boys getting active training.
With 241 divisions, the German army
is larger than It ever has been-and rep
resents a total force of nearly 6,000,000
men. But of this gigantic number less (
tnan ou per ceni can do put in tne
trenches for actual fighting with rifle
THE following articles have been found on cars
of the Portland ttauway. Lagut a i-ower 10, :
March 8, 1918. 1 nerklafls. 4 gloves. 1 pair
gloves, 1 paint brush, 2 books, 12 umbrellas, t
paper market rack. 1 package, 1 lunchbox. 1
hamper, a suitca,sea. 1 traveling bag. Owners
may obtain property at Itt and Aider street
A. P. and A. M. Stated com
munication this ( Tuesday 1 ere-
nin, at 7:80. Dedication of our
service flag. Also stereopucon ioflT Yellow purse containing 310 bill, two
views. Members urgea to eueiiu, i e6 bills, 35 in silver, on 11th from library to
C. E. MILLKK. I nth and Washington, north side of Washing-
Becreiary. i ljm 2 1st north, on 21st to Everett, west
W a auivr.TON LODGE No. 48, Ion Everett to 22d. A widow's monthly wag.
a A A M 8 La tad com- badly needed, earned under most dUtresai
tioation tomorrow (Wednesday) conditions. Reward. Phone Main 9886. 7(
Evening at 7:80 a-clock.t East r.serett st.
Vli.8""-' Bv r koST-t-dy-.
V" M. J. li. RICHMOND. Secy.
engsgament ring, with two large
diamonds, one large sapphire and 14 email
diamonds, set in platinum. Will pay 8100 re
ward for return of ring or suitable amount for
information leading to its recovery. Notify
Mr. Smith, Msrshall 702.
Mrs, Van Scot Experiences Dangerous 1 and bayonet.
After-Effect of the) Grin anrl Iaraa I
the Vslu. of . Blood RamI, Offensive May Be Already On
a v A. M. Stated com
mnniration Wednesday evening
March 6. 7:30 Work in E. A. LOST By boy, between Hawthorne (ciiool sod
Mount Broti " " I Ladd addition, folder with nve War stamps.
W. H. TUWM&nv, DKrewij. Finder tieaa can Oliver r rancu King. 2S4
SAMARITAN Lodge No. 2, L O. O. I Pillar at. Phone E. S7Z7. steward.
K Regular meeting Wednesday I i,oHT Will parly finding lady't waist between
. a r m at 1. u. kj. a. "iou, I lBth and Zlat. nn Kverett at.. Halurda ara-
! 226 Alder at. Tmra oegree, ''"" ring, caU Hdwy. 18 OS.
H. uansiiUi om.
atwava welcome.
Jam T. Jones, N. O.
R. E. A.-
r Ai m.A ...rtv In Manchester hall
irmU. two halves oi nam ano
Paris March C. fi. K. S.l The in- : an nlrimi . Admission 25c. Er
88 H 6th st. this (Tneaday nignt st o .ov Lost 888 in gold and 840 currency.
snarp. oox o. 'XL 5s7 Er ward. BBT IStn St.
LOST Lady's pocketbook. eont. (leva ana
shoe checks, change purse, abeut 34.00, est
4th st. Phone sell. SHU.
The danger from srrln is seldom nv.r I -j" anu, e Ka n.!L, in m. moraine's Oreaonian. Not Thursday,
mlral Evans and Admiral Farragut. at 2:15 p. m. ! when the characteristic ayroDtoma. thai .v.. na i. 1 but tonight. '
., w a . I 1 T 4. 1 m A. . . . .. - " ' IWia Uli" wv ' " ' . . .
ion vamoie, aareu u. never, mo catarrn. tne headachs and I - j j i emblem Jewelry a specianx, vuv, .
.. ... ... . Lite ueoreHBion ot amriTH naaa o va i . ... . . . , . ,
moms, ssarcu v. amiwi insurcu, i o-pln u.v v... , ,7 - luerwuw uciumu wiciwiig w
- . a. ',..,! .ui- x., .L.-r.' western iront oy some ot toe rreucu
can r nocuco. jaircu aiii?---Dewiiu - w-w w;S 0, uuh uivuu, iiiipu.irsa ax
WiiUmette, Los Angeles, 5:80 a. m.; Wuhlnc- gestlon and over-sensitive nerves a
-loa.m -'Hel.P lw Wrnwood fn. condition that makes the system an
m.tuc mron wth bsS. S." 1! tow. easy prey to pneumonia, bronchitis.
Marshfield, 7 :SO a, m. ; xaie, txia Angeies, o:ou momuauwq, nervous prostration and
charms. Jaeger Bros.. 131-8 6th at.
military experts.
Joseph Reinach. writing in the Fi
garo today, stated that "the ofenslve
might be considered as already on."
. . Maoa-ionm. Rrnokincs. 10 a. m. vtn mnmmntlnn TV, v. . iniS View IS Qisputea in some QUnr-
Sailed Power schooner Oolden State, cod- ' .. h- 1a!rl " . Ii 1 1 era. however, and there are war criticn
fish crutae, Ts.s.:tu RfUef, with .bariten. , 8tran( - v'" - ho believe the Germans may
tine cnanea tjrocaer in sow, voiuiauia htm, . " ? " m.. iici . cb
9 -.80 a. m. auring convalescence.
- ; Lr. Williams' Pink Tills are Justly
Notice to Mariners regaraea as peculiarly adapted to buUd-
-fcrther than to intensify their raids.
Branch Hydrographlc Office, Portland, 'n? up th health after of the
by radio from the master of a steamer
that at 10:50 a. m. on March 1, 1918, he
passed alongside of white painted
wreckage, apparently a wood deckhouse.
caps! led. Bodega head, California.
Australian Raid Sueeessful
London. March 6. (U. P.) Aus
tralian troops conducted another suc-
Mrs. Laura M. Van SCOV. who lives Mfiil ralrl In tha virlnltv of Warns
at No. 20 Thorpe street. "Danbury, ton last night, taking several prison
Jln"Am . " 8tatment that sup- era and two machine guns. Field Mar
ports this claim. She, says r shal Haig reported today.
I had a severe attack of grip, and i the same neighborhood the enemy
bearing east true, 11 miles. Dangerous JZ ' "'irTIl'B"a :rnHmaJ 1 tUeked a Brlttah post and
, ,"r"'". months. I was in
lTlcUiUCr U . a. 1 1C w y t inuicut lw-ci vdcm
W. Schwartx, nautical expert U. S.
(Continoed from Pas OnelN
was re
me for three t nnlsMl aftor iharn fle-htlne
a badly run-down 1 c...v. e, -ianin n,Hi,i tutmii
took several prisoners Monday after-
state. Soon after it began I
lame ror a week that I could hardly JZZ.
. "i-fc B.wKA.a; BLvauy worse
and pretty soon I actually couldn't
walk. At last I had to give up com
pletely and for three weeks I was
oDiigea to Keep to my bed. My knees
offer, the free service of the bureau to Ma thoroughly alarmed me.
Henry Helscr and wife to Conrad
Schlitt et al, lot 4, block 12, Lincoln
i e
were so stin j. couian t Dend them and I Nautilla Investment Co. to J. R. Con
my hands were perfectly helpless. Then! neU rt ' V biock 12- RieenJde
tne nams oesran to uirsatan i aoa so aiw
- u,j ucai i. I
any extent needed. "Expand as far as
to necessary to assist In supplying
labor," Is the keynote of Mr. Densmore s
To (nake a study of how far the serv
ice can be extended. J; Q. Brown of the
Seattle headquarters arrived in Portland
this morning. His first duty was to
hold a conference with Mr. Bonham.
In charge of the government employ
ment service in Oregon, Washington and
Idaho ls Henry M. . White, with head
While I was suffering in this wav i
chanced to run across a little book that
told about the merits of Dr. Williams'
t-init mis. xne statement In It im-'
pressed me and led me to buy a box.
It was fortunate for me that I did. for
these pills proved the very thing I
needed. Improvement set in as soon
as x Kgsn to uue mem, and it
very markea ny tne time
H. D. Chambers and wife to Lilly M.
Huntley, lots 1, 2, block 2. M on ta villa.
X. 8. Nehi and wife to Frank Saalfieid,
lot 1 snd 4 sad S. lot 6. block
11. Blaekstom'a add
Yaldemar Udell and wife to Sibyl L.
Partch, lot 16, block 10, Vernon. . .
Merchants' Loan St Investment Co. to J.
H- Ellison, lot 10. block 7, Rnselawn
Claude Straman and wife to Rebecca
Springer, 2 acres beginning on 8. Him
section 21, township 1 8.. range 1 1;
8. 89 deg. 25 min. E. 1042.00 feet
from 8 W. corner sd section z 1 . .
Vjtd $ttistics 1
George Henry Baker, 20. 857 12th at.
fTUannr Rartlia Rrmun. 25. Pleasant Home
Edward N. Wilson, legal, 141 H 11th St., and
Mrs. Sarah D. Wilson, legal. Cornelius hotel.
Jerome Ketchum, 18, 61 H Union ave., and
Helen Irene Pearce. 18. 17 Vista ar.
L. J. Tallinger. 22. Seaside. Or., and Vera L.
nrhnr 21. 784 K. Franklin at.
Edwin Stanton, legal, suw eeiierson ax., ana
t'Ot'ND. a canoe. Owner may have same by
Identifying and paying for ad. Bel,wood 90.
MRS. O. L. PAXTON, your pocketbook la at
405 K. 4 4th.
Two Tonne Men '
With Twin-Modal Motorcycles.
One to work nights and
One to work daytime.
Good salary.
Clean work. -
25S Oak st. . ,
r.anrtitwrDji wisrrn
Margaret Cbrisholm. legal, 809 Jefferson at, I permanent post tions sawed steady sst,
George Arthur Sutton, 41, 288 1 1th St.. and wtttm 88.10, 9 hoars: strike sot yet dedarwt
. . aia a as AS A S. 4. a I . ar u a - I - s - aaawa 111
Mrs. Clarissa Miller, 88, 288 11th at
Wedding Announcements
W. O. Smith fle.. 311 Morrsn bldg.
fi but 1800 men working; general psparmUl
work: so experienra naeaasarr. Apply 88 Ora
Did., corner 5th sad
PRESS SUITS for rent, all
lormg Co.. 309 Btarh at.
ataea. Unique Tas-
To Mr. and Mrs. Phillip A. M alien" I w AttD tonus men with'
burns, wotmds arid xhafing. , It pene--trates,
cleanses an4 soothes.. Zemo is
a dean, dencndabie'jBiKi Inexpensive,
antiseptic liquid. Try itas we believe
nothing you have ever used is as effect
to and satisfying 1
may bs cheeked.' and mere serioos condi
tions of the threat will be eften avoided
by. promptly giving the child a de0 "
I hill fin-
lshed the first box. Four boxes made -.Jl;-me
a well woman. In tar . I rT Boiler worxs, lot a, woes 11.
quarters atSeatae. Mr.. Biown Is proved so thoroughly, adapted to my R. tTSabin to Harriet Venning,' " 5
under Mr. Whtle. The latter was a case fhat there is nothing further to arr beginning in E. Una of SW 'i
visitor in Portland last week to look ( report except I am very grateful and twp. range 1 E.,
over the labor situation. ", - that I sincerely recommend Dr. Wit- htep0Mit ii'1 N"
EllMe Htfp W1U Bt Foild i llama' Pink PniS to any people Who WillUm HlUupert and wife to Leonard
In carrying out the work as outlined iclt 1 waa- Rectaa at al, iota 4 and S and N s
the veVnment employment eryic. Dr. . WUliams- Pink POU 'for Pale - & XSflStt'tiii'j
will not only be rendering a real service Pfopie cnj"?. the element, need- &liUt' aSf WockS.
to the government, nut to tne employes rr mZ, Y?irt
and employers as well, according to both lf' '"f,, J"!" w en'
must have the full cooperaUon of the em- 'L"n - " , muraa . ki a 'SrVHSSL
100 i
in9a rtimt Feb. 28. a son
niunfriN' fa Mr. and Mrs. Cheater T.
Hamilton. 881 E. Franklin. Fab. 23, twins,
mm nil danrtiter.
BENZ To Mr. and Mrs. Angnst George Bens
Jr., 808 Madison. Feb. 28, a son.
H BK To Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Imsk, 844
E. 26th. Feb. SO, a aon.
PIKTZOLD t-To Mr. and Mrs. Alfred PUtzold,
K4S Frederick. Feb. 18. a son.
Qr INN To Mr. and Mrs. Jsmes P. Qulnn,
1288 Minnesota ave., Feb. zs. a aaognter.
PLl'SS To Mr. and Mrs. iDanitl Pluss, 688 H
2d. Feb. 28, s oaugnier.
POWELL To Mr. and Mrs. Ora
rah 18. 928 E. 21st. a eon.
MARTIN To Mr. and Mra. Carl P. Martin,
64 H E. 12th. Feb. 27. a aon.
10i;.V(J man, undar 18, to learn typewriter re
pairing and salUng new and aeeond hand ssa
cbinea. Permanent poaitUjO and good pay. Woas
but nve wires need apply.
X llZj AlbStllil liri,niHi w.,
04 Oak at.
maaasiM sad
newspanar expenenes to irsvei tnrenga jast
i and Soutbera Oregon. Call before 8:18 a,
or after 2:18 P. m. CaU 8U9 Stock Ex
change bide, 3d and TssabiH. .
HAURT JONES, eont raauw. wante laborers at
33.25 for nine hoara. Apply to nun on
Job in West IAns, Or., or at his Some, SU)
Jefferson at.. Oregon City, nights. -
--i i A.-.A. r-r : : A -
WAXTE1BCD004 boy to wora lor rwom ana
board: light wort, -ovce paopia. iaoor
2889. ' " ,
EXPERIENCED apartment . bonse jsnitov snd
wife. King Albert Apta., lltn ano atonv
Powsll, I gomery. '
WANTED Ratchet setter, clow to Portland,
ill; goon wages. sis
waukie. Or.. Bertha Bell Knickerbocker, be- I DRIVER wanted for Ford, one with some es-
ana airs. nariea i DerVnew tn Mteher . moo
l'sra sdd . . .. . I.
Seruah H. West and husband, to Anna
Skevington WUU, lot 6. Tilock 72.
j KNICKERBOCKER At the residenoa. Mil
600 1 waukie, Ur.. senna n
' ivaii danzhter of Mr.
I Knickerbocker, rkrtef of Mrs. HaaeJ gprmg, I Washington St.
: Mrs, Grace lAsm, Hum ana aann anicier
bocker, all of Mlwaukie. Funaral will be held
30 Thursday. March 7. at 2 p. m., from the reai
, dentist parlors of Miller aV Tracey, Waahluctoa
I at Ella
10 j GORMAN In this city, March 4, Mrs. Bridges
i Gorman, beloved mother of Jsmes K. (ior
. n i man. Fnnaral will take place from - the rest
10 rfantial funeral Darlors of Miller Jt Tracer.
1 Wednesday. March 6, at a. m. tbemee ta the
Cathedral at l a.
for small portable
Hailwav Exchange.
jrivrrh Ho over IS to work in baker at
74 J Bichts. Royal Bakerr. 1 1th and KvctsU.
Broadway 843.
ww.w. saw
WANTED Apprentice ever 1 6, to tears tin-
ning - trade. inion arenne onset
Works. 411 Union eves oe north. - .
WANTED EVily man for chores (or beard.
toons, casn. SZI Barter.
WA.VTtD. ta hire good taaia and drivet ta
haul wood; 8 bra. per day. .Call OA TS.
WANTED Can and bottle washer. Willaskstu
, Dairy. 488 I'nios see. ti. - -
Interment Mount Calvary I EXf" K IENCED whlU truck dnter, capable' of
repairing. WrileaseV.e Dairy, 488 . Union.
ployer, they emphasized.
"It is up to him now," said Mr. Bon
ham. "We are ready and he can place
absolute reliance in the ability of the
employment service . to render .him the
proper service." ' - -
The object of the government service
Is solely to bring the employer and em-
Nothing more -Is. heeded excent sun.
light, good-' air, proper food and rest
If you dq not know exactly what miul
to follow m these matters write today
to ; the ' Dr. Williams Medicine Co.,
Schenectady. N. for booklets on the
blood and diet. Tour own druggist sells
Dr. wiuiamr. pinit yuim. (Adv.)
lot 8. block 8. La tou sens falls.
Louisa W. Gibson and husband to Theo-
dor Kundsos et al, E. 60 feet Iota 7 "
.and 8. Mock 221. Holla day's add ta
' Eaat Portland . , . r ............ . -
E. W. Ring and wife to Mrs. Fannie IL
Tan Dellen. lot . block 15. Sunny-.
fJda . ......... .... .... i .
H. U, Moody and wife to F. E.
et al, lot 10. aUlppol
of hU mother. Mrs. I WANTED Good milkef. . 860 " naz month, for
Esst Nineteenth street I Mspiewood liry. Main 2182.
rJtrJuiJtZ? JLKlZS BAKER apptentice wanted' to work o. bread' and
10 BASS At the residence
W- ft. I Jova. i ,
s a nnrth - Marrh 8. Chester
11 moRins is.wrA rms nimai xo aitena , i. r. .. . . ,
; funeral serrScea. which will be heid at the above . . . 1 G' xmoa- orst Grove. Or.
Ireasdeace. at 10.30 a. m. Thursday. March 1. WA'TED---Tw buy, . r 18 once. Wad-
10 Condoding senses st Portland ersmstorrgm. -- hasa A Kerr Bros., -4 1 Periods- cor.lSth.
. . ISBE.1 asres a, mk, tr.a f Aosust 1 ll.i,iaa9 ana eotoerars wanter, LOlon jtvsanav
I tJreny. agen a i years. - aunerai eervlcea will I sneet srurweru, 411 union Ave. a).
10 I be - bald at lnmng' UtSMxWy- chapel, 1 CARPENTER wanted. Call 80 sfh.
I weanseusy. aim a, a, 1 v a. as. - aTienaa xn I . - . r
lOfvitsd. Interment Monat Oshary stastiry. I . (CeBB34 Vazt Tiw