The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 02, 1918, Page 14, Image 14

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    H.'..jf . '
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(Oregon's 2Uork in the
ar 3s declared of the Greatest Smportance
) Boston Clergyman Says It Is
T Sfitps That Are Going to Count
in Winning Victory.
Those Whose Utterances Ham-
per War Industries Are Firing
' Volley Into Backs of Soldiers.
I)., of Boston, field head of the
Unlversallst Denomination of
America, la In Portland on a
two weeks' vlsfit In the. Inter
ests of his denomination and of the
United States government In behalf of
the next Liberty loan.
, Sr. Lowe Is highly plieased with the
patriotism displayed by bis fellow
countrymen In the "wljld and woolly
west." Dr. Lowe said "Coming; from
the heart of New England, where pa
'. trtottam Is Intense, I am rejoiced to dis
cover that Oregon is doing Its part so
gloriously in the mighty struggle that
holds us in Its grasp. Oregon's sons are
among the best of those going "over
"Oregon is producing ships and that Is
what is going to count. "Every keel laid
down brings us three miles nearer to
Victory. W can send 600,000 men across
the .water and for want of ships, send
' them to slaughter and defeat ; or we can
end over 2,000,000 men and with an
: adequate fleet send them to victory. -
. "Those who hamper our war industries
and binder the government by un-American
utterances are firing a volley at
the backs of our brave soldiers at the
. We are flighting to preservewhat our
forefathers fought to win ; liberty and
the right to govern ourselves. I am not
obsessed with a fear that we will suc
cumb to militarism. The natural inclt
' nation of a democracy is in the opposite
' direction. When a people reluctant to
. fight are compelled to make war, there
is no danger of militarism in their
- "Our war Is righteous because it is not
:. for ourselves alone but for humanity.
Our flag Is no longer just the American
flag It is the world's flag. It floats
- aide by side with the French trl-color
- and with the British union Jack, stand
ing not for annexation and indemnity.
but for humanity. Some day it will
J float beside the German flag signifying
that we are all free from autocratic rule
, and united In a world brotherhood, an
-. International democracy."
Dr., Lowe will speak in the First Uni
versallst church. East Twenty-fourth
.' and Broadway, Sunday morning at 11
o clock.
Lenten Subjects
Of Dr. J. J. Staub
Sunday morning pr. J. J. Staub of
the Sunnyside Congregational church
will preach the first of a series of
special Lenten sermons leading up to
Kaster, The choir Is planning to co
operate with music of an appropriate
character, and services of unusual in
terest and inspiration are -anticipated.
The pastor's subjects are as follows :
March, 3, "The Cross, the Central Fact
of the Scriptures" ; March 10, "Lessons
, Learned at the Foot of the Cross" ;
March 17, "The World as Seen From
Calvary" ; March 24, "The Triumphal
Entry" ; March 31, "The Resurrection
and the Life."
The woman's Christian temperance
. union will have charge of the evening
i. service, and has arranged a program
j Of special attraction. Their state lec
: turer, Mrs. Lottie Hanon of Newberg
Will deliver the address.
Closing Series at
Piedmont Church
Sunday mornlrig Dr. A. L. Hutchison
. Of Piedmont Presbyterian church will
. deliver the last of a series of sermons
of "The Challenges of the Christ." This
topic will be "The Present Day Chal
lenge to Service some things the
church ought to learn from develop-
. inenta In rthe world1 war. At 7:30 the
service will ba In charge of the Woman's
" Missionary society and they will pre
sent a program of special Interest with
up-to-date Information on present day
world work of the churches. Mr. Mc
Michael, president of the Portland Pres-
"bytertal society wllK be the principal
v speaker of the evening.
On Thursday evening Japan will be
the subject of atudy In the- light of the
possibilities of her entering actively Into
, the great world war.
i ; .yei nas none ot its own.
' Cremation appeals first of all, because it dlsposes once and
for all every disagreeable thought that disassociated
with buriaL Cremation is cleanly at first and at last, in any
stafc the one reverent and beautiful wtrvd leading those whom
we loved in life to the (inal rest , ;
..-, (Write, phone or candor booklet) "
SeUwood Car to Fourteenth and By be
'-"V - v Visitors ft to -i" .... -s. y(-;v, . 7
V. -'
Boston Clergyman
Z k" i J"" LA U 'M'0 Ail' "
2 f s 4 j ? ,j, v '', , ?$i'fs ( U ' x A i
'V, V," -tjF
Rev. John S. Lowe. D. D.
John S.
Dr. Hinson on Sunday Morning
Will Begin His Second
Year as Pastor.
In the mernlng Dr. Hinson . of the
East Side Baptist church will com
mence the second year of his ministry
with the church by preaching on "The
Second Mile." In the sermon he will
show how the church, ' which more' than
Ldoubled its membership during the first
year of his ministry, can do yefgreater
things during the second year, with a
bettered environment and Increased fa
cilities for doing, work on a larger
scale. Every department 'of the church
is now well equipped for enlarged en
terprise, and increased success.
At night the sermon will deal with
"The Second Coming of Christ." The
booklet of Shaller Mathews of Chicago
untverslty will receive some attention
and three of Its affirmations will be
proven untrue. A continuation of the
refutation of Mr. Mathews' unscriptural
treatment of this doctrine of the Bible
will .occupy another sermon, to which
the sermon of the evening will be intro
ductory. The ordinance of believers' baptism
will be administered at this church, and
the ordinance of the Lord's supper will
be observed, when "new members will
receive the hand of fellowship at the
Centenary to Hear
Rev. H. L. Stephens
Centenary church will begin on Sun-
oay nignt a aeries of revival meetings,
under the-leadership of the Rev. H. L.
Stephens. Mr. Stephens- comes to us
moat highly commended. Dr.- J.'WUbur
Chapman says of htm. "I should consider
any community greatly favored If 'the
services of these consecrated workers
could be secured. The ministers will find
Mr. Stephens , oae In whom they may
place entire confidence. Mr. Stephens
will preach on Sunday night at 7 :30 on
Before the. War, in Great Britain, and
In Canada .Since the War Began.'"
Which the
Most Reverent?
Of the many forms of
placing- away the .remain
of the departed loved ones. -
none - so completely re
places . the disageeable features of
other -methods as Cremation,, and
praises his estate
Test of Hour Will
Be Pastor's Topic
"The Test of the Present Hour" wUl
be discussed ty Dr. WUliam A. Waldo,
pastor of the White Temple, Sunday
morning. "Recent developments have
brought a decided change in the attitude
of people toward the church, and faith,
prayer and sacrifice are put to their
utmost teat." says the pastor. "The
church wUl yet lend a secret of victory
and peace to the situation."
In the evening Dr. Waldo will deliver
an address on "The Power of the Cross,"
the second In the series on "The Won
drous Cross" and the present day con
flict. This series is discussed in the
light of Easter.
The Temple quartet will render special
music at both of these services and
much attention will be given to con
gregational singing.
Third Sunday in Lent
Uniform S. S. Lesson
"Jests Bringing Peace." or "The Prlnoe of
Peace Uiea His Power." Mark 4:86-41: 6:15-20.
Golden text: The Ivord hath don treat tbingi
for us; -whereof we are elad." Ps. 120:3.
Young People's Topic
Baptiat Union: Christian doty and privilege.
IIL "Prayer." John 14:12-17.
Christian Endeavor: Christian duty and privi
lege, m. "Prayer." John 14:12-17. (Conse
cration meeting.)
Junior C- E. "Peace, a Frnit of the Spirit"
Gal. 6:22; John 14:27. (Consecration meet
ing.) Epworth League "He died in my stead."
John 15:13; Peter 2:21; Hebrews 12:2.
First White Temple 12 th and Taylor sta
Rev. William A. Waldo. 11. "The Test of the
Present Hour"; 7:45. "The Power of the Cross."
East Side East 20th and Ankeny sta. Rev.
W. B. Hinson, 11, "The Second Mile"; 7:45,
"Second Coming of Christ."
Highland E. 6th and Alberta. Bar. Charles
Mieier. 11, 7:45.
Third ' Knott and Vancouver ava. Rev.
Welby J. Beaven. 11, "Practicing the Welcome
of Jesus"; 7:45. "The Lesson of Jesus at Beth
led "
Glencoe E. 45th and Main Rev. A. B.
Waltz. 11. 7:30, preaching by Rev. H. E.
Arleta Rev. W. Garnet Handler. 11,
Lord's supper and reception of members; 7 :30,
"A New lork Slum Story."
Lenta Rev. E. A. Smith. 11, 7:80..
University Park Flake and Drew. Rev. A.
L. Black. 11, 7:80.
St. Peters Lent Rev. P. Bautgea. 8.
10:30. 7:80.
Pro-Cathedra) 15th and Davis Rev. EL V.
O'Hara. 6. 7:15. 8:30. 8:45. 11. 7:45.
St. Lawrence 3d and Sherman Rev. J. C.
Hughes. 0, 8:30, 10:80. 7:30.
St. Patricks 19 th and 8a Tier Rev. E. P.
Murphy. 8.10:80. 7:80.
et. jrrancia a., xitn ana usjc tv. j. U
Elack. 8. 8, 9. 10:80, 7:30.
Immaculate Heart of Mmxr Williams ava. and
8tanto Rev. W. A. Daly. 8. 8. . 11. 7:80.
Holy Rosary E. 8d and Clackamas Rev. EL
S Olson. 0. 7. 8, 0. 11, 7:30,
St. Rose E. 53d and Alameda Rev. J.
O'FwreU. 8, 10:80, 4.
8U Andrews E. Bth and Alberta Rv. 3.
Kiernan. 8. 1D:30. 7:80.
The Madeleine E. 24th and Siakivoo- Sav.
George F. Thompson. '7:80, 9. 11.
Ascension E. Yamhill and IS. 76th Francis.
can Fathers. 8. 10:30, 7:80.
Blessed Sacrament Maryland ave. and Blan.
dena Rev. F. W. Black. 8. 10:30. 7:80,
Hofv Grose 774 Bowdoln Rv C Rinuml
8, 10:80. 7:80.
Bt. Ignatius szzn 43d at. 8. EL JamH
Fathers. 0:80. 8. 1040. 4.
St. Stephens 2d and E. Taylor Rev. War
ren A. Waitt. 0, 8:30. 10:80. 7:30.
Holy Redeemer Portland blvd. and Vancouver
ave. Rev. F. U. Miller. 0, 8, 10:3d. 7:80.
St. Phillip Neri , (Paulist Fathers) E. 16th
an Hiekory Bevj W. J. Cartwright 7:80,
& XO i30 '
St. Clements S. Smith ave. and Newton
Servite Fathers. 6. 8, 10:30. 7:30.
Sacred Heart El 11th and Center Bar. O.
RobL 8. 10:30. 7:80.
St. Agatha E. 15th and Miller Rev. J.
Ctmminiky. - 8. ly:S0. 7:80.
St. Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland ave. ana
Failing Rev. F. Matthew. 8. 10:80. 7:80.
St. Joseph (German) 16th and Couch Rev.
B. Durrer. 8. 10:80. 7:80.
St. Michael (Italian) 4th and Mill Rev. M.
Balestra. 8, 10:80, 7:30.
St. CUree Capital Hill Franciscan Fathers.
St.' Charles 33d and Alberta Rev. G. Sni
derhorn. 7. 9:80, T:80, , '
All SaiBta E. 89th and Gliaan Rev. Father
William Cronin. 8. 10:30.
V . . , : Christian
Flrstr Park and Columbia Rev. Harold H.
Griffia. 11. "Conquest of the Cross"; T:45.
jaoueni oumuuncs iw io rospet.
East Side Christian E. 12th and E. Taylor
Rev. H. R. Sawyer. 11, God Program"; 7:80,
Montana E. 78th and Hoyt Rev. 7.
Service Will Be Conducted by 15
Members Who Have Visit
ing Congregations.
What Is a somewhat new departure
In Sunday evening service will be tried
out at the University Park Baptist
church, corner Flake and Drew streets.
Sunday evening. A band of some 15
laymen wUl .have full charge of the
service. These men are all members of
the Highland Baptist church, and for
several months have been visiting vari
ous churches and conducting the eve
ning services. This will be decidedly a
layman's meeting. Preachers will take
a back seat, while carpenters, brick
layers, lawyers and doctors will Invade
the sacred precincts of the pulpit and
dispense the gospel without .frills or
flourishes. It will be preaching. stripped
of all formality and professionalism.
, A male quartet wlU lead the music,
and there will be plenty of the old
fashioned hymn singing. This' evangel
istic band will also have charge of the
regular Toung People's meeting.
Pastor Mieier of the Highland church
peak In the highest terms of the work
of this team, and other pastors where
such services have been held, highly in
dorse their work.
Taylor Streeters to
Worship in Ballroom
The Wilbur Methodist church, succes
sor to the Taylor . street church, with
Dr. W. T. Kerr aa pastor in charge,, has
announced services Sunday to be eon
ducted in the ballroom of the Multno
mah hotel. At 10:30 and at 7:30, Dr.
Francis Burgette Short of Spokane,
formerly pastor of the old Taylor street
church, will preach.
Will Preach at Lincoln
In the Sunday evening service at Lin
coln Methodist church Rev. E. B. Lock
hart will preach on "The Bible and Why
I Believe in It" Miss Ella Welch will
sing "Nearer Home," by LudebuehL
regon&anks Second in Victory rivd
ndeavorers Jiitake
In August, 1917, there were about 3500
churches of the Christian denomination
with Christian Endeavor societies. Today
there are only about 11,00. In a 24-week
drive starting, last August, the young
people of the Christian churches endeav
ored to secure 2400 new societies within
24 weeks within the United States, or
100 a week. '
This was known as the great "Victory
drive" and when it ended on February
3 the young people throughout the coun
try had established new organizations
in 2329 churches. Illinois finished in
first place with 136 new societies and
Oregon second with 73. The nearest to
Oregon was Missouri with 59.
If this state had had more churches
to work with and a larger population
Jenkins. 11. "Soul Winning"; 7:80. "The;
Thirty Tears of Christ's Private Life."
Rodney Avenue Rodney and Knott Rev.
J. F. Ghormley. 11, "Finishing the Work of
the Fathers"; 7:30 "The World's Expectancy."
Woodlawn 17th and Liberty Joseph D.
Boyd. 11, "A Bympathetio Saviour"; 7:80,
"The Mercy of God."
Christian Science
Lesson subject: "Christ Jesus."
First church Everett between 18th and 10th
sta. 11, 8.
Second E. 8th and Holladay. 11, 8.
Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11, 8.
Fourth Vancouver ave. and Emerson. 11, 8.
Fifth Sixty-second St. and Forty-second ava.
S E 11.
Sixth Masonic Temple, W. Park and Yamhill.
11. 8.
St. Johns Holbrook block. 11.
First Park and Madison. Dr. Hugh Pedley.
10:30. "Christ, the Morning Star"; 7:45 "Ca
leb, the Indomitable."
Atkinson Memorial least iwenty-mntn ana
Everett Rev. Warren Moore. 11. 7:45.
First German E. 7th and Stanton Rev. E.
O. Williams. . 7.
Pilgrim Missouri and ShaTsr Rev. W. C.
Kantner. 11, 7:30.
Waverly Heights E. 83d and Woodward
Rev. A. C. Moses. 11, "Spiritual Vision"; 7:80,
"Back to Eden."
Sunnyside E. 3 2d and Taylor Rev. 3. 3.
Staub. 11, "The Cross the Central Fact of the
Scriptures"; 7:45, Mrs Lottie-Hanon. state lec
turer of W. C. T. U.
Highland E. 8th and Prescott Rev. Ed
ward Constant 11, "Where Is Thy God!" 7:30,
sacred concert
Trinity 19th and Everett Rev. A. A Mor
rison. 8. 11. "Warning to the Democracy"; 8.
Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen the Martyr
13th and Clay Rt Rev. W. T. Sumner, bishop.
Very Rev. E. II. McCollister, dean. Sundays:
7:45 a. m.. 11. 7:45 p. m.; church school. 9:45
a m. ; week days: Wednesday 7:30 a. m.. Fri
day 9:30 a. m.: Holy day, 7:80.
St Davids E. 12th and Belmont - Rev.
Thomas Jenkins, rector. Services 7:30, 9:30.
11, "Ardor and Order"; 7:30. "An Island Saint,
Scholar and Martyr."
8t Marks 21st and Marshall Rev. J. E.
H. Simpson, rector. Rev. J. G. Hattoo, asso
ciate rector. 11. 7:45.
St Andrews Hereford st, Portsmouth
Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 'J. 7 .80 p. m.
Grace Memorial Weidler and TL 17th "N.
Rev. Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11. i
Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham
Rev. John Dawson. 11, 7:80. 1
St Michaels and All Saints - - E. 434 and
Broadway Rev. T. F. Bowen, vcar. 8, 10,
11 and 5.
Church of Our Savior 80th ave. and 41st
It B. E. Archdeacon Chambers in charge. 11.
Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan
hospital Rev. Frederic K. Howard. 7, 7:46.
St Paula Woodmere Rev. Oswald W. Tay
lor. 4. ,
All Saints 25th and Savter Rev. Frederie
K. Howard. 11, aeries on "Intelligent Loyalty";
special tepic, "Government Financing of the
War." .
St Johns Corner B. 15t& and Harney, Bell
wood Archdeacon Chambers in chars. 11,
7 :80.
St Matthew Corbett and Bancroft. ReV. W.
A. M. Breck. vicar. 11.
Cvans4teal Assorts lee
First English E. Otn and Market Rev. E.
t Hornsehureh. 11. 8. v
First German, loth and Clay Bar. G. F.
Liening. 10:45. 8.
Free Methodist
Central 66th and E. Flanders Rev. W. K.
Coffee. 11, 7:80.
First K. 9th snd Mill Rev. Alexander
Been. 11, 7:80.
Friends Church
First E. 85th snd Mala Rev. H. L. Cos.
11. 7:45. f ..
Congregation Beth Israel 12th and Main
Rabbi Jonah B. Wis. Sabbath services Friday
at 8 p. m. Saturday 10:30 a. m. Sunday, le.
ia Portland academy btdg., 18th and Mont
gomery. Religious school. Bibl classes at
Central" library, second and fourth Wednesdays.
Congregation Aba via Hholoaa Park and Clay
sta. Rabbi S. Abrahaason. , 4
- Lutheran
- St lames, English West Park sad Jeffer-
Sunday Services of
Eev. Skogsbergh
Rev. E. Aug. Skogsbergh, who la hold
ing a series of revival services at the
Swedish Tabernacle, Gliaan and North
Seventeenth streets, will preach at the
auditorium of the Jefferson htgb school.
Emerson avenue, and Commercial av
enue, 'Sunday, March 3, at 3:30 o'clock
p. m. The chorus ef the Swedish Tab
ernacle and the beautiful solo singer,
Mrs. Olson Skans, wUl sing. The speaker
wants this to, be a Scandinavian family
i mass meeting for young and old. He
will speak at the Tabernacle, 11 a. m.
and in the evening, 7 :30, when he will
especially address the young people.
The revival services will continue over
February 10.
Sermons- Between Now and
EasterWill Be Devoted to
Increasing the Roll.
The First Presbyterian church, at
Twelfth and Alder streets, is busy now
with its Easter campaign for new mem
bers. For a number of years it has
been the custom of this church to make
a drive among its constituency for new
members. The sermons from now to
Easter will be directed to this end and
the services, both morning and evening,
will have an . evangelistic tone.
Sunday evenings the pastor. Rev. John
H. Boyd, D. D.wUl have as his subject
during March "Four Gre.t Ques
tions Concerning Jesus Christ" The
first one will be, "Was He Manly r
This will deal with the elements of he
roism in the character, of Jesus and a
comparison of these elements with the
young men of today.
At 10:30 Sunday morning Dr. Boyd
will preach on "Healthfulness of Spir
itual Climate." This is the first in a
series called, "Some Large Values of
Religion." These mprnlhg sermons also
will constitute a pre-Easter series.
t ft
Splendid Showing
it is probable that Illinois would have
been left far behind. Oregon started off
with a good spurt and organized all
the churches possible and several weeks
before the drive closed was well in the
lead with the 73 societies. Along toward
the last of the campaign the thickly pop
ulated states began to wake up and
one of them managed to creep ahead of
her Paclflo coast sister.
Oregon's sister state, Washington, fin
ished in fifth place with 35 new so
cieties. The 73 new societies organized
In Oregon .will become members of the
Oregon State Christian Endeavor union
which recently closed its annual con
vention at Eugene. Miss Edna Whipple,
state president, will also assume con
trol of these.
son Rev. William Evan Brinkman. 11. 8.
West Side Norwegian, 45 N. 11th Rev.
Wilhelm-Pettcrson, 11. 8.
Method 1st Episcopal
Central Vancouver ave. and Fargo st Rev.
C. a Rarick. 11, "The Christian Signature."
7:80. "The God Who Forgot"
Centenary 9th and Pine sts. Rev. Thomas
L. Lane. 11. "The Present Day Church and
Her Taak." 7:30, "Before the War in Great
Britain and Since the War in Canada Began,"
by Rev. II. L. Stephens.
Clinton Kelly Rev. E. B. Lockhart 11.
"The Source of Spiritual Power."
First Church Rev. Joshua tansfleld, D. D.
10:80. 7:30.
First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hovt
Rev. Ellas Gjerding. 8, "Man's Deepest Need
The Vancouver' Ave. Norwegian Danish M. E.
Rev. Ellaa Gjerding. 11. "The Heavenly Vision
of the Son of Man."
Laurelwood Rev. A. C. Brackenbury. 11,
Lincoln Rev. E. B. Lockhart 7:80, "The
Bible and Why I Believe in It"
Sellwood Rev. A. R. McLean, 11. 7 :80, Dr.
W. J. Hewig, "A Booxelesa Democracy."
Swedish Borthwick and Beech Rev. John
A. Wellman. 10:45. 7:45.
District superintendent. Rev. William Wallace
Youngson. D. D. 691 E. 02d st N. Tabor
M. E. Church South
First Union ave. and Multnomah St. Rev.
James T. French. 11, "The Power of Trifles."
7:46. "A Mysterious House."
First Pentecostal E. 7th and E. Couch sta.
Rev. C. Howard Davis. 11. 7:30,
First 12th and Alder sts. Rev. John B.
3oyd. 10:80. 7:80.
I Central East 18th .and Pine sts. Rev. Ar
thur IP. Bishop. 11, 7:80.
Westminster E. 17th and Schuyler rta,
Dr. Edward Pence. - 10:80. "The Query of the
Stricken Man." 7:80, second in a series on
"Life's Metaphors." "The Athlete."
Calvanr 11th and Clay sts. Preaching by
Rev. W. R. Rogers. 10:80, 7:30.
Fourth First and Glbbs . Rev. H- G.
Hanson. 10:80. "Jesus and Property." 7:30,
"The Changed Life." 4
Mizpah E. 19th and Division sta. Rev.
R. W. Farquhar. 11, 7:46.
Kenilworth K. 84th and Gladstone Rev.
Paul Ratsch. 11, 7:45.
Mt labor K. 65th and Belmont st. Rev.
Ward McHenry. 11, "Life's Great Question. "
7:30, lecture by Clarence Steel of Bangkok,
Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett sta. Rev.
A. L. Hutchison. 11, "The New Challenge to
Service." 7:30, special program by Woman's
Missionary society.
18th ana Taylor Sts.
Beginning Sunday Dr. Stanafleld will preach a
aerie of "Before Easter Sermons," special to
the Lenten season.
10:80 A. M.
"The Fast That God
"The Fast Worth While"
"T give thy trass te the hiinfry, and te
unoo the heavy burden."
7:tO f. BL . -
"The Second Coming, So
On or two sermons on the end Of the world.
The second on on week from Sunday ere-'
Bins, "The World War. snd Is This The End;
Twenty minwt congregational sing wttfe '
.. organ, orchestra and chorus trading -t"
Christian Endeavor Societies of
City Have SUrted Work but
Hope Others Will Help.
There is an urgent call In behalf of
our soldiers in the vicinity, for 250 sets ,
of checkers, 250 checker boards and 250
small durable bags each to hold a set of
checkers and to be fitted with a draw
string. About 20 sets of chess men are
also desired.
These are needed to provide amuse
ment in leisure hours for our soldier
boys in 60 lumber camps where they are
cutting spruce. It is easy te see that
only the most durable material should
be furnished since these things will see
much harder service In a lumber camp
than in a lady's parlor.
A very strong folding checker board,
well cleated. is the kind preferred both
for use and also for convenience in stor
ing when not in use. The supply of
boards is small and is the need that
should receive the first attention.
The Christian Endeavor societies of
the city have started on this work but
the need is very urgent and the Endeav
orers would be glad of help from others.
Please deliver these articles as soon
as they are ready at room 305 at the T.
M. C. A. building and they will be at
once distributed by the war service de
partment to the various camps.
"Ardor and Order"
Rector's Subject
Sunday morning, at 11 o'clock, the
rector of St. David's wills preach on
the subject of "Ardor and Order." It
is not only intended to bring out a
lesson for those Lenton days but for
the whole of life, In the Individual and
the nation. That is the lesson the con
ditions of present days Is pressing upon
us. There can, be no dlsclpleshlp with
out discipline. Ask the soldier.
The night sermon will be a continua
tion of the addresses on "Some Ad
venturers for God." The rector will
speak on "An Island Saint, Scholar and
At the 9 :30 service the sacrament of
baptism will be administered to Infants.
Every Thursday St. Davids Red Crobs
unit meets for work at 10 o'clock In
the parish house, and next Thursday the
monthly meeting of the woman's aux
iliary will be held at 2 o'clock.
Preaching on vRevelation
Rev. E. D. Hornschuch, pastor ot
First Evangelical church. East Sixth
and Market streets, is preaching a
series of sermons on the Book of Rev
elation, which is attracting large and
appreciative audiences. Sunday's dis
course at 11 a. m.,' will be an exposition
of the ninth chapter.
Revival Series Planned
The Glencoe Baptist church plans to
hold a series of revival meetings be
ginning March 31. Rev. H. E. Marshall
has been secured as special speaker for
the series. Rev. Mr. Marshall will speak
at the evening service this Sunday night
and will make suggestions concerning
the meetings.
Millard Avenue 7241 66th ave. S. E. Rev.
W. H. Amos. 10:30, 7:30.
Rose City Park E. 45th and Hancock sts.
Dr. Robert H. Milligan. 11, "History an the
Present War." 7:80, "Did Mr. Brittiing See It
Marshall St. A. J. Hanna. 11, "The Gos
pel Before Civilization. " 7:80.
Seventh Day AdventlsU
Note Regular services of this denomination
are held on Saturday.
Central E. 11th and Everett L. X. Dick
son, pastor. 11:15. :
Tabernacle West Side, K. of P. halL 11th
snd Alder. 11, 7:4 5.
Montavllbv E. 80th and E. Everett Elder
S. F. Beatty. 11. !
Lents 94th st sod 58th ave. Elder D. J.
Chitwood. 11. j
St Johns Central ave. and Charleston
Elder A. R. Folkenberg. 11.
Mt Tabor E. 60th and Belmont Elder W.
T. Hilgert 11.
Albina (German) Skidmore and MaUory-r-Minister,
A. A. Merer. A. C Schweitzer, local
alder. 11:16.
Scandinavian Of den ha!!, Mississippi and
Shaver. 11.
Salvation Army
Corps No. 1 243 Ash rt 11. 8. 5, 8.
Corps No. 4 128 H 1st st Ensign N. H.
Lorengen. 11, 3:15, 8.'
Swedish Corps 130 Murnsid.
New Church Society 831 Jefferson st Rev.
William R. Reece. 11.
Church of Our Father Broadway and Yamhill.
Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr. 11, "Upon the Amazing
EtupKUty of tit W ell to Do in the Present Crisis.
7 :45, open forum. A. R. Gephart on "The Work
of the Public Welfare Bureau.."
Penlel Mission 268 1st 8, 8.
Christian and Missionary Alliance E. 9th
and Clay Rv. John E. Fee. 11. 3:15.
Associated Bible Students
(1. B. S. A.)
On the subject
Sunday , Mch. 3d, 3 P. Af.
Every body Welcome
Heats Free TSo Collection
Sunday, 9 A. Al.
In the "Y" Hut'
At V. Ml Hrr Holmea. Sew
Zealand "T" Worker, sella his expsv :
, , . eseei to ritses. .
Speaks at &eed
r.. i
f X 'i r
President Lindley
Dr. Lindley, who Is now the president
of the University of Idaho, will speak
for Reed college next Sunday afternoon 1
at 4 o'clock. The meeting will be open ,
to the public Dr. Lindley was so pop-
ular In his Reed college lectures of last j
spring on "Psychology in Relation to I
Business" that the course moved from)
the library to the Lincoln high school
auditorium and even then there was not
room enough for all who came.
Sacred Concert at
Highland Church
Sunday night at the Highland Con
gregational church, corner Prescott and
Sixth streets, a sacred concert will be
given by the choir under the direction
of Miss Orrel Rose. The program will
Include, among other Items, anthems,
quartet and solos by Miss Grace Danger
field. S. E. Jarvls and Roy Hill. A
short address will be given by the pas
tor. Rev. E. Constant, on "Music In
the Soul." The sermon in the morning
will have for its toplo an answer to the
question, "Where Is Thy God?" and
will be a practical application to present-day
Gephart Will Be Speaker
At the Sunday Evening Open Forum,
held In the Unitarian church, Broadway
between Yamhill and Taylor, A, R.
Gephart will be the principal speaker.
Sunday ,i 7 :45 p. m. His subject will be
"The Work of the Portland Public Wel
fare Bureau." The address will be 'fol
lowed by opportunity for free question
and discussion. At the regular morning
service the pastor, Rev. William G. Eliot
Jr. will speak on "The 'Amazing Stu
pidity of the Well-to-Do in the Present
First Presbyterian
Twelfth and Alder Street!
Rev. John H.Boyd,D.D.
Wilbur Methodist Episcopal Church
DR. W. T. KERR, Pastor, in Charge ,
The set-rices tomorrow, March 3, 1918, will mark a
Most Unique Departure
and will be conducted in the ballroom of the
Multnomah Hotel
In the morning at 10:30 A. M. and in the evening at 7i30 P. ML
The preacher on
Dr. Francis
. Now of Spokane, Wash., but formerly
Pastor of the Taylor-Street Church of This City
It is expected that a treat crowd of Dr. Short's old friends and'
admirers will attend these services.
Irvington 's Community Church
EDWARD H. PENCE, Minister "M
Sunday Sorricos at 10;30 and 7:30 " ' 'yh r
Morning Subject, "The Query of the Stricken Man."
Evening Discoarso la Series on Life's MeUphors V
A Cordial
Pastor From Largest Congrega
tional Church in Canada to
Fill Pulpit for Three Months.
Speaker for Years Has Been Rec
ognized as Leader in Religi
ous Work in Canada.
R. HUGH PEDLEY, for 17
years pastor of the Emmanuel :
Congregational church of Mon
treal, the largest Congrega
tional church In Canada, will be
temporary pastor of the First Congrega
tional church of Portland for three
months beginning March 3. '"
Dr. Pedley has for years been recog
nized throughout Canada aa a leader In
religious work, but on account of hla
health he was obliged to resign hln pas
torate at Montreal hi October, 1917.
He has just completed giving a course
of theological lectures- at McGIll uni
versity. Montreal. His subject for Sun
day (March 3) morning will be.-"Christ,
the Morning Star." and in the evening,
"Caleb, the Indomitable."
The regular monthly meeting of the
First Congregational Church Brother
hood Monday evening, will be in the
form of a reception to Dr. Pedley.
The church has designated Sunday,
March 17. as "Fellowship Sunday." on
which date an every member visitation
will be conducted under the leadership
and direction of Dr. Pedley.
Sermon Themes at
Calvary Church
At Calvary Prewbyterian church. Rev.
R. W. Rogers will preach both morning
and evening. His morning topic will
be, "Is the Average Man a Coward or
a Hero in His Own Town?' The sermon
will be a plea for a moral' and spiritual
heroism right here that will harmonise
with the heroism "over there." In the
evening Mr. Rogers will preach on "The
Religion of Abraham Lincoln.
Dr. Sullen to Speak
The pulpit of Pilgrim Congregational
church will be occupied Sunday morn
ing by Rev. Arthur J. Sullena. superin
tendent of Congregational home mtsslona
in Oregon and. Southern Idaho, on Sun
day evening, by Rev. W. W. Youngson.
superintendent of the local district of the
Methodist Episcopal church.
AT 111 II
these occasions will be
Burgette Short