THE OREGON .DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY, MARCH . 2. 1918, - 11 DBATHt AND FUNERALS 7 MKANEY March I, Utritnt O. HM, age 28 Nan. beloved wife of John Meaney, daugh ter, af Mr. and Un, Jesses Ktrby, sister of Via. J. Meaner, Mr. C. L. Dau.. Mary, : Ann awl Jsmea J. Klrby. Funeral will take place from the residence, 480 East Deris street Monday. March A. at 9 a. m Thence to St. Franc ehomh. corner East Pina -and Twelfth streets, when masa will ba offered at 9 80 a, nMl money f (a. Friends invited. Interment at Mount Cal- , HELr WAHTED-MilE Boys Look Here ' -. ABE TOO 16 YEARS OF AGET DO TO0 POSSESS A BICYCLE Do yon want a steady job that will pay yon vary eevsMrUrry. Man Framrtaco paper. please We forniah yon fall uniform free and ill" anpy, Dunwmg A MeEntaa, funeral directors. ymi vacation with full pa;. If interested ealJ VANDfctt KKLiN la this city at bis lata re. end see. tdenee, 860 Ivon street east, March J, Pe-1 MR BA TV tat Jobanaaaa Vender Kelsa,ged SO years,, IVIrii DnlL.. cwano M an. Darnere vanaer ien. vainer Wait em Union T.L fji 711 AA at. V .-. ir.t, Tk. I.r.l ' WORKERS. ATTENTION '. s-rrUa U ba held Monday. March 4. at it tTl10 -SiVJSn'ifjJ o'clock 0. m at the Saltation Army hall. HOtRS, (3.94. STRIKE STILL ON. BRING street "prtendJ i tarited. , lnJ.rm.nt THIS AD WITT! YOU IT WHX OTJABAN- at Bom City cemetery. Tha remain, are at JgE WB. WLT H K.M.?'-f2lMKT,. the Mkfaen establishment of J P rinlev as FICE IX WEST LINN ACROSS BRIDGE .. ViEw OI r- J FROM OREWM CITY. ELECTRIC CAJt 20e it -t..ioii-:" n T rABB PORTLAND TO OREGON CITY, n ' "J 7 oAMiHA,,! t f! r"!iMll,7' BOARD IN ORElrON CITY 36.50 TO $7 SO ! UeiTl ADtS. w 4 rr, r'.V M,rch J' M WEEK, AT BECK'S. MAs8' AND ELECTBIC 1 A Want That You Can Fill Profitably might be among those advertised, in today's classified columns. They are always interest ing reading sometimes profitable reading. 'Get the Want Ad Habit . HornfiEEmc booms a rrRNisHEir and unfurnished 8LITE of U. K. roonx, partly furnished, very reasonable. 4811. For information call Broadway McNamsra, (e1 87 years, husband of Mrs. MOTELS. Nettie McNemara. father of Mrs. Bessie Calbv V'1:, en ore, Mrs. Rein Elmer. Hazel, Margaret. Boy, I George and Ward McNemara. Tha funeral J services mill be held Monday. March 4, at 2:80 , clock p. m.. at the residence establishment or I. F, Ftnley A Bon, Montgomery at 6th. Friends invited. Interment at Boss City ceme tery. . - tTSEY In this city, March 1. 191. "t the residence of her stint. Mrs. J. I!. Wnltring. lna East Twelfth street north, little Dixie Lu nula Storey, daughter of Mrs. Dixie Irene Htorey and grand daughter of Mrs. Dlrkje and tha lata W. A. Htorey, age 9 years 2 montlis 1 day. Remains are at the parlors of the Skewes I ndertaktng company comer Third and Clay 4 streets. Kqnersl notice later.. . f BAZE In0iir"cityT February 2H. I'iiilip 0 i Vraza, aga 28 years, belnred liurband of Coral Frex. and father of William Fraae; son of Mr. and Mrs. George Fraze; brother of Mrs. Iena Tarnasky of this city, and two sisters and . on brother in Canada. Funeral services will . be held Sunday, March 8, at 2 p. m , at tha ' taaidantal parlors of Miller A Trarey. . Inter i' went at Multnomah Park cemetery .March 4. It SILWERobert-W." MclhaneT 8C"VincenU . hospital, February 28, 20 years: meningitis. ' CKAZAK1 Heroshi Okaaakt, Eighty-second street near Sandy road. February 28, four months; acuta uraemia. JOHNHONHannah Johnson, R8ft Hancock February 27, 78 years; ralrular disease of SCHULAR Harold' Arthur Bchular, B4 Te ' nino avenue, Fabraary 26, three years, heart ; disease. FLORISTS LABORERS WANTED Permanent positions asxured steady men. wages 88.10. 9 hours; strike not yet declarH off -but J 800 men working; -general papermtll work) no uperience necessary. Apply 609 Ore gon bldg., corner 6th and Oak streets. HELP WASTED MISC. 4 UNCLE SAM Keeds 10,000 ste (ographers. Enroll now for horthand. typewriting, bookkeeping. MISS DECKEU'R PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE. Bd, floor Alisky bldg. MARTIN tc FORBES CO., Florists. 864 Wash. Main 289. A-129. Flowers for all oaoa atoaa artiatically arranged. CLARK BROS.. Florists. 1 887 Morrison 5T Main or A-1808. Fin flowers and floral destgna. ' No branch ttorea. LlBLINER. Portland Hotel. 828 Morrison. WAX M. SMITH. Florist, Ml 6th st. FTJNERAL DIRECTORS Edward Holman W. J. llolmaa President Beeietary J. E. WERLEIN. Treamrer " THE EDWARD HOLMAN : , UNDERTAKING CO. ESTABLISHED 1877 Tbird street, corner Salmon A MODERN. SPACIOUS FAMILY ROOM WITH PRIVATE KNTKANCH. LADY ASSISTANT Phones Main 607. A-1311. J, P, FIN LEY & SON ProgTessire Funeral Directors . - FBI Y AXE DRIVE Women Attendants Montgomery at Fifth. Main 8. A-1B99. Nt'MBER YOCNO WOMEN AND MEN wanted" to prepare for telegraph service to help fill vacancies caused by the drafting of men for war. For particulars call or write TelegTapb Dept., Room 218. Railway Exchange bldg. MT8S lCKERBUSINESSCOLlTETrE Givil service, dictaphone orrating, shorthsnd, typewriting, bookkeeping, mimeogrrphing. Eng lish spelling. Alisky bldg3d andMorrion. 6Tf DYFRENCH at home7 accurate pronunria tion; complete course; used jhonograph rec ords, books, perfect condition; one third reduc tion. k-7.ii. Journal.- Free bath, hot, cold water, 81 week UP. 401. 1st St. NICE vcotn and kitclienttte ; eingl. rooms; sleeping porch ; vera- reasonable. 655 Flanders. FI'RNliHED ! btmekpmg mosu. FOR SAI.F HOTIUKH HOUSES ON INSTALLMENTS 81 607 Clay, IfOTTSEKEEsUXG BOOM8 78 FUB5I8HEW Av UJfFl'RXISHED PRIVATE FAMIW . ONE, two or three housekeeping rooms. fi21 E. Pine, corner- of 1 1 th. 810 Two well furnl'hed outvide rooms, close to car. 134 E. 38d st. Tabor 702. HIGH grade crochet work for sale. Targe as sortment to ehoo. from. Sand 10s for "Book of Designs" and detalK lot Trading Crochet Co., 288 8d st. Main T.778, HAWTHORNE Al'TO SCHOOL. 42 HAWTHORNE AVE, SPECIAL NIGHT CLASS RATES. PAT AS TOO LEARN. THE ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL, 880 Wasco at., corner Lnion ave. Call, write or phone E. 7445 about free trial effer. Day and night 'Classes, LESSONS IN SPANISH PROFESSOR EDCARDO GARCIA Hours 4-6. 7-9 p. m. Phone East 7888. EAlT-SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. 122 W GRAND AVE. EAST 427. tfr CALLED for tailor made suits. 89.60 up. Taylor tha Tailor. 289 H Burnside, HELP WANTED FEMALE TOCNO women for - telephone work, pay while learning. Apply Pacific Telephone A Tele graph Co.. 0th floor. Park and Oak sts., be tween 8:80 a. m. and 5:80 p. m. Wood lawn 4940 Wilson & Wilson Successors to Piedmont Undertaking Co., Kllllngswortb and Kerby. 1168 Bait S4. WILSON & ROSS Lady Assistant. Mnltnomah at Seventh at. C-818B lndertakers. v Modern In very detail. Broadway and Pine sta. Phone Broadway 430. A-4658. Lady .ssfatant ; Dunning Si McEntee " F, S. Dunning, Inc. ,,v- The Ooldea Bui. rndertakers. 414 11 Alder it. Phone Eaet 62. B-B22B. A. D. Kenworthy Co, r.Koe 1267. B802 92d st.. Lents. Tabor 6B95. 66th st. and Foster road. Arleta. East 781 Jt-1888 Mrs. Lereh AasisUnt E. 11th and Hawthorne LERCH &1LLEK TRACE!. Independent Funeral DJ- cceton. trrtemm .v, ww. ww. '; WashhAgton at Ella. Main269A-788B. HAMILTON naral sarvioaa. Tabor 4818. S: Breeze & Snook B'luoNabor "ot. ': Skewes IT CAPABLE woman as collei'tor for city ; bonds and references required : iwrmanent position to tha woman who can fill the hill; one with expe rience preferred Apply Western Magazine Corp., 904 8pslding bldg. WANTED Competent girl or woman to do housework and asuist with csre of 2 small children. Tabor 048. 1408 E. Lincoln, Haw thorne car. FOR RENT IJOCSES U PNFPRXISHEP j 6 ROOM house, modern conveniences; lawn. roses, garden, chickenhouse. fruit; close to schools anil churches. Good car service, 816, furniture for sale, cash. Wdln. 1095. MODERN" 0 room house, large yard, attic, 2 families can occupy it. 822. 487 E. AO- keny, near 9th. 8EVET ROOM house at Broadwsy bridge; some furniture, electric lights, gas, etc. Owner, Main 8B16. FOR BENT 5 room house; bath, gas and elec tric ltzhts; between King and 2-tx st, 1 block from Washington. Mar. 3539. 88800. Portland Heights. 6 rooms. 82650. E. 7th and Alberts sts,, 8 rooms. 81500, 26th and Going sta., 6 rooms. 81650, Sumner and 8th sta. , 6 rooms. 81450, 718 N. Hayes St.. St. Johns. 4 rooms. 61800, 65th st. BE., 8 rooms, 2 lota. 61000, 5 roomi, and 870U 3 rooms. Lenta. Tha last two have extra large Jots; also two mall houses for rent, near Lents. G. W. WATT, 688 Chamber-bf Commerce, Main 2061 or Marshall 4569: 6 BOOM modern house all kinds of hearing fruit, garage, poultry house and workshop; own water system; lot 178x100; also Two room house; water, gas and lights, poul try boose, lot 176x100, at Evergrean Station; Oregon City car; give terms, cheap. 7 rocm modern house in MUwaukle; lOOx 100, close in, cheap. KEOKGE MORSE t 815 Chamber of Commerce FOR SALE FARMS 17 RCSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 88 FOR SALE 11 acres, bouse, barn, chicken i BEST sawmill opportunity on the market : pos- hoose and run. fine spring of water, wire 1 sible capacity 250,000 feet dally; on rail and fences, 8 miles to good town and B. H . 80 river; U town of 10,000 population. Only saw nriles from Portland. 10 head cows and young i mill in or near the town. Has aoeesa to 200 stock. 1500 lb. marc, wagon, buegy, 2 har- ' million feet or more of good standing timber, n esses, all implements. 81950. Terms, or will : liady market for all lumber and alabwood out sell place without stock or trade for rood nut, price (50.000. If you are interested in stock of general merchandise. Address 1X 669, handling this kind of a proposition it will pay Journal. . I you to investigate. Only part cash is needed, 16ACkES near "Woodburn, underf cultivation. ' '!". " ,ae ,mk" 'J--. Ihon" me ikun foe sh n..r 757. Milwsnki. mt. 1 8ellwor4 975. or address, G-65R, Journal. 1 - i ' ' ' . OTflDl' 7.- .-I.. . 'L-. .... jnOOR, BIRPW, FETS, F.TC. 18 MX BEAUTIFUL young female- collie; fine pedigTM registered stock; will make 61 50 for owner In 8 months. Owner breaking up heme, must sell. Price 830, including license for year. Main 6708 Wdnday, Sellwood 20(9 tbfiraday. Address A. g. Wreaendanger. 1028 E, 9th st. FOR SALE Beautiful male 'sable collie. 1 year eld; reasonable to right parry. Phone 866-H. WsJur Hunter. S214 L St., Vancourer. Wash. ' .. MALE and female dog licenses at rebate. 864 Monroe. , FOR SALE Pointar dog. shot over last sea son. Phone East 0314. 661 E. Iavis su A V T O M O It 1 1 . E K A C C E KHOKJEHM Two Real Bargains 8 rooms and sleeping porch, plastered ; price 8700, terms, 825 down, 810 per month, in cluding interest 4 room plastered,, Dutch kitchen, price 8750; terras, 825 down and 810 per month. Williams Realty Co., Grays Crossing. Tabor 4934. ' FOR R BNT FARMS U WANTED A married nun with 8 r 10 milch cows. Will furtitah ranch and dwelling house on shares. Mrs. :M. A. Johnson. Phone 81M. Milwsukie. FOB RENT IS acre farm. 4 room hoi outbuildings; buildings n good shape; Oregon city. vx-Btfu, journal. Pitt G STORE for sale; substantial, paying bus iness. Ouly drug store in richest little town in Oregon. Center of best wheat section in Northwest. Price 8HU00 or invoice. Consider cash only. Am in next dralt. T. 1L Ghoruuey, owner, Helix, Or. Packard, Packard. Chalmers. CSED CAl BARGAINS 5 passenger ............ APT.OMOBILEU ACCESSORrES H D7 YOU ARE IKIKINO FOR A GOOD TJSED' CAR, WE HAVE THEM. ALL SIZES AND MAKES. FOLLO ViHHi U A PARTIAL UST; l.'... .4.1280 500 ,. .ji'Oll 8Al.Ev Good paying laumlry doing 62! I a week add up. No compeUUon; wiU sell D1 , a bargain. Don t answer unless you ara a go WILL rent six acres at Beedville, with cows. horse, chickens. 70S- Uekum nidg. FARM 8 WANTED SENT OR B UY 88 WA"TEI To rent on shares, dairy ,Hr grain farm, fully equipped, 2 men in family above draft, A-l references. K-96H. Journal. WILL RENT five room modem bungalow, rea- j for McCoruiic sonaoie; will take mortgage on eame lor 81000. East 7965. SIX ROO'M house, 547 Madison st. Wood lawn GARDEN HOME. 7 room modern home and full sere with lots of fruit; close to station. A snap at 82700. Terms. Take Oregon Electric; only 15 minutes from Portland ; 7c commutation tare; gas. elec tric lights, wster. phones; all city conveniencea. l'hone Main 9818 tooay. Bom. terms. Axk 298. flO ft ROOMS, bath, gesj electric. 585 MonT- gomery. oodlan 129. FOR RENT 5 room cottage. Wth st.. Monta- villa. Phone Mrs. Swain, Main 8496. FOR RENT space, for 89. 4 rooms, upstairs and auto 826 E. 11th. 6 ROOM house. Targe attic, paved street, between 2 carlinea, near school: terms. Tabor 2792. 863 ROOM house, garden space, car. Woodlawn 2649. St. Johns R ROOM modern house. 665 Northrup St. FURNISHED HOUSES 86 ROSE CITY PARK Neatly furflshed residence, 2 roomt reserved; garage, garden, roses, etc Tabor 5940. ' 8 ROOM modern house, completely furnished. Oarage, Inrelhnrst. Call Rdwy. 8435. 7 jfoOM furnished- houseT-880." LrETThdnip son A Co., 263 Madison. 0 ROOM BUNGALOW Will give big bargain; 1 lot. cottage and garage, S2500, 940 K. Sherman st. Take Richmond car to 82d St., walk 3 blocks east; easy terms. Owners will be at house Saturday afternoon to show property. - P. O- box 698. Newberg, Or. IX) R SALE by owner an 8-room modern house, built by owner, in a nice district, with bard wood floors, cement basement, fireplace,: all modern, with bulltin conveniencea; on corner lot 90x100. at 29th and Schuyler St.; all varie ties of fruit tree and small fruit. Price 87600. Call East 2229. or 917 Schuyler at. I OR SALE Excellent 7 room house, near Anabel station. Mount Scott carline; lot 61x 109; garden and fruit; near schools, churches and library. Price 82600. terms. Will con sider Mount Tabor or Hawthorn, lot part pay ment. Tabor 4296. 3 ROOM, partly furnished house, close to car; 810 per month. Phone Tabor 7368. MODERN furnished 4 room cottage" 862 E. 24th, rent $20, near Holgate St. GIRL for light housework ; no washing; plain conking: 2 in family; $15 a month. 699 E. 65th st. N.. R. C. car. Call Tabor 2691. WANTED At once, cook and good house keeper, 8 in family. W. D. Hedey, Jen nings Ijodge, Or. GOOD, honest, reliable, middle aged woman for general housework ; good home. Phone .va nlngi. Main 2547. RELIABLE, experienced girl to help with houiework ; no washing. Apply Mrs. Gordon, 1180 E. Ptisan St. Tabor 135 7. VANTED Middle age woman as working housed keeper in rooming house; must be strong and good worker. B-686. Journal. VV ANTED Girl for general housework; no wash ing; good wages. Esjt 1029. LADY barber wanted. - ' 229 Burnside ; guaran- APARTMENTS 48 FITRNISHKD AND UNFURNISHED SCENIC lodge, S24 Heights terrace, corner Hall and 4 6th; 2 and 4 room tent cottages, large porches hot shower and tub bath and gas; finest view of mountains in city; see them and yon will appreciate.. KING ALBERT APTS. ' New. 2 and 8 rooms, strictly modern, hard wood floors, elevator and janitor service. Cor. 11th and Montgomery sta. "J H1SLOP HALL, E. 6th and, Hawthorne. Mod ern 1. 2 and 3 room apt.. $12.60 up, walk ing distanoe. East 882. UNFURNISHED apartments with 8 rooms and private bath; near factory district. Phooe Marshall 4701. FURNISHED apta.. close in. 274 Ilolladay ave. East 8225. FURNISHED 4 room apartment, light, heat, gas and garage. Tabor B2S7. 6 BOOM furnished apartment. 708 Vi Union N. tee. 4 ROOM flat, 801 E. 11th. - East 1449. LOWElTTlat, 512 Columbia at.. $jL LADY barber wanted 'at 285 H Burnside st. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE MEN AND WOMEN TO WORK IN LEIGHTON DAIRY LUNCH, BROADWAY AND WASHINGTON. 8, 5 ' ROOM, new modern, clean, completely furnished. Take I. J. Chapman car. 670 Mill. PLEASANT furnished, flat, adults, fpr keeping my flat clean, loosing alter two arris any time. Tabor 1523 evenings. Sunday. Undertaking Co.- 1. Corner Main 4152. 3d and Clay. 'A. R. Zeller Co 692 East Williams alT 1088. C-1088. T. BYRNES, new residence establishment 991 Williams ave. Woodlawn 220. C-194S. CHAMRERS-KENWORTyrr cn . 1111 Kerby at. Woodlawn 8306. C-1183 ORIGINAL MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Teaches the trade in eight weeks. Gives scholar ships and transfer cards. Pays you while learn ing. Big dmand for both men and woman, 2d and Humside. OKhtiO.N Barber College will teach you the bar ber trad, in 8 weeks: tools free; scholarship diplomas given: paid while learning; positions guaranteed; tuition reduced. 283 Madison. ORIGINAL M0HLEB BARBER SCHOOL Teaches men and women barber trade in 8 wks. Special rates for short time only $15. including good set of tools, giving diplomas. 234 Couch st. JWONtTMENTS UbLaesing granite & U- 67-3RD. ST. AT MAOIj PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 264-266 4th at., opposite city halL Kea Sons for memorials. Main 8564. Philip LOST AND FOUNTJ fl LOST, a black Morocco pocketbook. between 11th and 14th. on Washington, containing two $5 bills and some sms.ll change, locket, key and several other personal article. Finder please return to Mrs. B. B. Hail, billing department of the Northwestern Electric ; reward. IAT8T Wedneedsy, near Portland hotel, silk bag with sweater knitting inside. East 4002 or leave at Journal office. x YELLOW silk waist lost. KUlingsworth and Al bina ave., or BU Johns - car; reward. 138 KUlingsworth ave. PARTY finding neck fur at Orpheum show r pleas, call East 2560. LOST ' Antique cameo brooch JANITOR and wife (ant. free), one who un derstands firing of furnace. 410 Harrison. JANITOR Man and wife, good wages, Haddon Hall. 414 llth. jiarsnan nos. WANTED AGENTS 750. PROFIT One rinv'a business of' $83 nets 73.22 profit. Investigate. Send postal for information and sample. Boa Co.. Bo !". IjQSj Angeies. SITUATIONS MALE WANTED Situation by elderly man; lots of evnerience in farm, vegetables ana jrun. R-637. Journal. YOUNG man seeks positibn auto driving or in shop; electrical work a specialty, r-ast mo MIDDLE aged man must have work; janitor or as houseman. Li-74(j, Journal. FOR ploughing gardens call Sellwood 1571; also fertilizer for sale. SITUATIONS FEMALE heirloom; return; reward. valuable as U-912. Journal. YOUNG lady wishes position to take care of children in a respectable home. Some musi cal knowledge, reasonable wages. Write a20, Milwaskie. Or. HELP WANTED-MALE GIRL. 21 yearn o4 age. wishes position in of fice: have had billing experience, but no shorthand. Phone East 8129. WANTED A married man to work on apple , EXPERIENCED woman would like work by day, . ranch at Hood River. Or. Good house hot I Tabor 4878. and cold water, patent toilet, electric lights and .' phone. A good job for the right man. I will be registered at the Imperial hotel. Call Mon . . day morning between 8 and 12. A. 1. Mason. WAITED Married man and wife to take charge of small dairy farm near Portland; .' must, understand car. of thoroughbred cattle; good salary and home (or first class man. P. O. - bo 807. Portland. WANTED Young men with magazine and newspaper experience to travel through East V' 1 em, and Southern Oregon. Call before 9:16 a. : m. or after 2:18 p. m. Call 809 Stock Ex J change bldg., 3d and Yamhill. . , WAN TED Experienced hardware checkers and packers for Seattle. Wash. State age, ex ' paxience, where you have worked and salary ex- pected. RX-6B1, Jonmal. ' WANTED Young man to assist in automobile salesroom and give driving lessons. Mr. . Reentry at Th. Used Car Exchange. 527 Wash .' ington St., where Washington and Burnside meet HARRY JONES, contractor, wanU laborers at 1 88.26 for nine hours. Apply to him on ' lob -in West Linn. Or., or at his home, 904 ' , Jefferson at, Oregon City, nighas. TWO all around machine men for upholstered " -furniture manufactory. Portland Furniture .( -Mfg. Co., 1249 Macadam road. Fulton car. FARM TRACTOR salesmen for Washington -territory. Rainier Machinery Co., 1295 Hood - at Main -1340. RELIABLE woman wants day work, hour. Tabor 8084. 30o an TYPEWBlTING cheaply and. neatly done, all work called for and delivered. G-730. Journal DRESSMAKING 40 DRESSMAKING, plain and fancy work. 1987 AMickitat st HlOFESSIONAL dressmaking in your home; ex pert remodeling and finishing. Main 2 a 79, FURNISHED ROOMS THE MELV1N FOR RENT FLATS 12 ALBERTA DISTRICT, For -Sale By owner, a nice 6 room modern bungalow, full basement, furnace, paved st, gas, electric light; price $2500; terms. 1062 E. 13th st N. Street improvements paid. See Owner, 944 Gantenbein ave. WANTED A farm, 10 or 20 acres; reasonable rent X-016, Journal. 230 at vou are a good iaundryman with enough experience to handle a plant successfully. Good proposition to right party. I X 911. Journal. . M E A t MARK KT FOR SALE We have a good trade in a good town, 500 population, good slaughter house, good feed sheds and pens; a good place, 9 miles to the nearest (.,, Wrll. MKmm JL tlU..kwell Jef- ' ferson, Or. 7 passe tufer ..... 5 passenger Hudson, 7 passenger Cadillac, 7 passenger ...... Overland. 8' passenger TERMS PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO., Tenth and Burnside. Broadwsy 621. TIMBER 29 Rose City Park 7 rooms fully modern, everything buflt In. new; your own terms; might take a car as part payment 400 E. 64th st N. FOR SALE A beautiful home, 1589 E. Taylor; full basement. Fox furnace; ground 85x140, fruit; $6500; may rent $32 per month; by owner, A. C. linger, 1298 E. Salmon, Tabor 8621. 125 FT. on Monteomery st. with 4 large houses, all rented, clear of inenmhrance, $18,000, V cash, bal. long time, 6r. E-602. Journal. FOR SALE LOTS 16 A SNAP in a lot 35x07. S. W. corner of E. 66th and Gluan. $150 gives possession. H- 5b3. Journal. $500 Two good lots. 68th St., bet Broadway and Jiahley st, past Laurelhurst, $50, then $10 monthly. No agents. X-917, Journal. ACREAGE FURNISHED FLATS S9 FOR BENT HALLS 59 MANCHESTER dancing lialL 85 H 6th near Oak. for rent for dancing partus on certain evenings. Broadway 232.. WANTED TO RENT WANTED First class physician and surgeon to occupy suit. OI on ices in new, isourru building, steam heat. .lectno ugnt ana janitor service. Present occupant called to war. Pay roll town. Eastern uregon, ouuu population, with only five regular doctors, three of whom have offices in this block. Address T-651. Journal. WANTED to rent, by couple, small furnished house or cottage. Close in or wailing ais- tance- will pay anytmng reasonaoie. writ, or call from 1 to 5 Friday, Saturday, Sunday only. 44 Buchtel ave. Tax. JioniavLua car to E. SOth st WANT TO BENT, with refusal of buying, D to 10 acres, wltn gooa nouse anu oarn; mm oe s-ood and reasonable: not over 10cr fare. East side preferred. N-722. Journal. RESPONSIBLE young couple wants neatly fur nished 4 or o room oungsiow, witn some garden sriace. Kent must be reasonable. Best of references. - Phone Tabor 35 0 WANTED -Room on we3t slue Journal. and board for single man state full particulars. WANTED 6 or 7 room furnished house, west side district, moderate rent, permanent; will give references. Call East7.725 RESPECTABLE forking girl wishes housekeeping room, walking distance. price. K-B49, Journal. single State CHEAP land, big crops; dm u prices have put the farmers of Western Canada on a pros perity footing that was undreamed of before' the world war. More Western Canada farmers have big bank balances than ever before: mora Western Canada fanner are spending this win ter in California and Florid than ever before; more automobiles were fought last year by Canadian farmers than ever before. Western Canada has struck its stride and th. man who gets in there now is oing to make money for years to come. Along the lines of the Canadian Northern railway is some of th. best land tn the country price $15 to $25 per acre (easy terms) and 128,000 160 acre FREE farms. let us teu you all about Western Cansoa ana why more land was sold to American farmers in 1917 than in any one previous year. Send for FREE illustrated books and folders. Call on or address A. B roasted t. D. F. A P. A., Dept 11, Agent Canadian Northern Railway, 605 Hasting st, Vancouver. B. C 20 ACRES 8 acres in cultivation. 1 acre hearing 7 acres wheat, fine sandy loam soil, A-l for tomatoes and truck farming, on Molalla river, H mil. to depot, store, school and postoffice, near Pacific highway; good barn, small house; jiuuu, y, cash. 20 ACRES ATI In cultivation. 4 acrea heaver dam: 6- room house, barn. team. cow. hoes, chickens. gas engine, machinery, on Paeifio highway, hi mile. It It depot, store and postoffice. Price $3900. $1600 cash. 80 ACRES 4 acres In cnlt.ivstion .nrir, can h. ninMt to house, barn for team and 8 cows; all fenced, on good road. iV, miles to carline, 10 miles irom uregon City; $1800, H cash. DILLMAN & H0WLAND 8th and Main sts. Oregon City 80 ACRES near galem, J80 per acre, 75 in cultivation. House, barn, fruit spring. Also acreage near Portland, on carline. Some for exchange for city, property. This is all good property and well located. Owner. No com mission. N-723. Journal. FOR SALi: Farm. 32 H acres. 2 V miles from town; 2 good bouses in Portland, well located; vacant lot See owner. 192 Mc MUlen st, near Broadway bridge, after 5 on cunaay., r nun, uiKUt,.N ranches near i-oruana: s, o, 10 acre tracts, $65 to $200 per acre. Mcrariana, oua Yeon bldg.. Portland. 10 ACRES, running water, house, part clearedT station on land, 10-cent fare; price $4000; principals only. X-915, Journal. GENERAL LAND OFFICE, Washington, D C. Feb. 23, 1918. Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions end limitations of the act of June 9. 1916 (89 Stat., 218). and th. instructions of the secretary of the in terior of September 15, 1917. the timber on the following lands will be sold April 4. 1918, at 10 o'clock a. in . at public auction at the United States land office at Roseburc, Or., to the highest bidder at not less than the ap praised value as shown by this notice. Kale to be subject to the approval of the secretary of th. interior. The pare has. price, with an ad ditional sum ol on. fifth of Vper cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to b. returned if sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for the timber, which must he removed within 10 years. Bids will be received from citizens of th. United States, associations of snch citizens and corporations organized under the laws of the United States of any state, territory or dis trict thereof only. Upon application of a Quali fied purchaser, th timber or sny legal subdi vision will b. offered separately before being included in any offer of a larger unit Sched ule of timber to be sold: T. 21 6.. R. 2 V , sew. 23, NW. . SE. Douglas fir 600 M . not to be sold at less than $1.25 per At T. 21 S.. K. 4 W.. sec 21. N. K. M. S. W U, red fir 450 M.; N. W. S. W. , red fir 660 M.; S. W. S. W. hi. red fir 530 M. ; 8. E. H, S. W. red fir 750 M. ; N. E. hn, S. E. K. red fir 380 M.; N. W. . 8. E. U, red fir 400 M.. incense cedar 50 M. ; cot to be sold atjes than $1 per M . Sec. 23. S. W. hi, N. E. hi, red fir 800 M., second growth fir 100 M. ; N. E. hi. N. W. hi. red fir 750 M., white fir 25 M. ; N. W. . N V. hi. red fir 1000 M.. white fir 60 M. ; S. W. hi. N. W. red fir 850 M., white fir 25 M , cedar 10 M. ; S. E. hi . N. W. hi, red fir &O0 M,. second growth fir 100 M. ; N. E. hi 8. W. hi, red fir 1100 M., white fir 40 M.J N. W. hi, S. W. hi. red fir 910 M.. white fir 40 M , cedar 10 S. W. hi. S. W. hi, red fir 780 M., white fir 100 M. , cedar 60 M. ; S E. ht. S. W. Vi. red fir 1240 M., white fir 90 M.. cedar 60 M. ; N. E. hi , S. E. hi, zed fir 1650 M . white fir 25 M , cedar 25 M ; N. W. hi , S. E. , red fir 1150 M-, white fir 30 M., cedar 20 M ; S. W. "4,8. E. 4 . red fir 1000 M , white fir 60 M., cedar 40 M. ; 8. E. "4 , S. E. hi, red fir 1240 M.. white fir 50 M., cedar 80 M. ; sec. 25. N. E. hi, N. E. hi , red fir 1050 M. ; N. W. hi. I. K. hi. red fir BOO M. ; S. W. hi N. E. ht. red fir 1000 M.. ce dar 30 M. ; S. E. hi, N. E. ht. , red fir 1100 M ; N. E. hi. N. W. hi . red fir 1050 M . cedar 20 M. ; N. W. hi, N. W. hi. red fir 900 M. ; S. W. hi. N. W. Vi. red fir 1100 M. ; S. E. , N. W. hi . red fir 900 M., ce dar 40 M. : N. E. Vi. S, W. hi. red fir 1200 I M.. cedar 20 M. ; N. W. VI , S. W. Vi , red fir 1150 M. ; 8. W. Vi. S. W. Vi. red fir 1100 M. ; 8. E Vi. W. Vi . red fir 1800 M., ce dar 80 M. ; N. E. Vi. 8. E. Vi. red fir 1200 M.. cedar 20 M,; N. W. Vi, S. E. Vi , red fir 1250 M..- cedar 80 M. ; 8. W. Vi . B. E. Vi . red fir 1160 M, cedar 40 M.; 8. E. Vi. 8. E. VI. red fir 2200 M.. cedar 20 M. : sec. 27. N. E. hi, Bi. m. A, rea iir sou ol., white Iir 25 M.. cedar 40 M. ; N. W. Vi, N. E. V . red fir 840 11 , white fir la ai., ceoar 10 M. ; 8. W. hi. N. E. Vi. red fir 880 M., white fir 80 M . cedar 60 M ; 8. E. hi, N. E. Vi . red fir 780 M.. white fir 40 M . cedar 100 M. ; N. E. Vi, N. W. Vi. red fir 860 M.. white fir 20 M.. cedar 80 M. ; N. W. Vi . N. W. hi . red fir 1100 M.. white fir 25 M.. cedar 15 M. ; S. W. Vi. N. W. Vi . red fir 620 M , cedar 60 M. ; 8. K. hi. r. w. . . red iir boo M . cedar 110 M, ; N. E. Vi. 8. W. Vi. red fir 00 M.. cedar Z Ai. ; w. hi. B. w. . red fir 680 M., cedar 40 M. ; 8. E. Vi. S. W. Vi, red fir 78D M , cedar 50 M. ; N. E. Vi . K. hi . red ur sod at., wiute tir 20 M.. ce dar 60 M. ; N. W. hi, 8. E. Vi . red fir 740 M., white fir 40 M., cedar 60 M.; 8. W. Vi. IS. hi. rea iir iou si., ceaar luo 11.; 8. Vi. 8. E. Vi. red fir 720 M.. cedar 80 M. ; see. 85, N. E. Vi, N. E. Vi.. red fir 1600 M.; N. W. hi. . JS, , rea iir toou M. ; S. W. Vi. N. E. Vi. iwd fir 1700 M.. cedar 20 M. : S. E. Vi. N. E. Vi. red fir 1250 M.. cedar 60 M. : N. E. Vi, N. W. Vi. red fir 1860 M.. ce dar 60 M. ; N, W. Vi. N. W. Vi. red fir 800 M.. cedar 10O M. ; 8. W. 14 . N. W. Vi . red fir 460 M. ; 8. E. Vi. N. W. Vi , red fix 800 M., cedar 40 M. : N. E. Vi . 8. W. hi , red fir TOO ox., ceoar ou a.; a. . w. hi, red fir 650 Mi. cedar 60 M. ; S. W. Vi . S. W. hk . red fW 950 M , cedar 60 M. : 8. E. hi. S. W. Vi. red tir lauo ai . ceaar 30 M. ; N. E. Vi . S. E. Vi . red fir 1300 M , cedar 20 M- N. W. Vi, S. E. Vi, red fir 1800 M. ; S. W. Vi . S. E. Vi, red fir 1700 M. ; 8. E. Vi, S. E. Vi , red fir 6900 AL, cedar 20 M., white fir to be sold at not less than $1 per M., cedar at not less than 60 cents per M.. and red fir at not less than $1.50 per M. except in W. Vi , N. W. Vi, and 8. W. ,Vi . see. 85, which is to be sold at not less than $1 per M, Clay Tall man, commissioner. FOR SALE Furniture of i room hotel and lease on same 2 Vi years: good business; good location, $250 will handle this. Terms on balance. Address P. O. Box 98, Yacolt, butli- Wash BLACKSMITH shon for sale, good lei ing. tools and stock. Good location for aiy kind cf work. Sell cheap if sold in 20 days, 174 5 E. 17th st. ONE fint-clas hotel for sale or tnnte at Terrebonne. Or. 23th st. N.. city. Wdln. 693. 1202 E. ONE sawmill, complete. parity; must be Bold son, 808 E. Salmon. 4 0,000 to 50l00 cs st once. U. I. Msx- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED IS I WANT a grocery store, have cash to pay. l'hone Bdwy. 402. ' atONET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 7 OUR inaUllment plan is th. best and surest method of paying a loan. $82.26 per month for 86 months or 821.24 for 60 months or $15 17 for 96 months, pays $1000 loan and interest . Other amounts in proportion. W. loan on improved city property Or for building purposes. No commission charged. EQUITABLE SAVINGS tc LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark 8t. Portland. Or. $260. $850. $400. $500. 6SO, $750. $1000 and larger amounts at current rates. Quick action. Fred W, German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce MONEY to loan on improved property in most every town In Washington, Oregon and Idaho; same is paid back monthly like rent R. E. Cbadwick. 822-28 N. W. Bank bldg fe BUILDING loans on city ur suburban property; money aavancea as ynrx progresses, w. u. Beck. 215 and 218 Failing bldg. Main 2407. MONEY to loan iu amounts of $100 to $5000 on city property. A. H. BELL. 201 Gerlinger bldg. MORTGAGE loan. 6 and 7 per cent. Salomon A Co., 408 Selling bldg. Louis $100 to $1500. consider lots. E. H. Dowling 416 Chamber of Commerce. Main 867. I HAVE $1000 to $40,000 to loan on farm or city property. P. O. Box 873. to 3500 Quick action on suburban 8100 houses. Ward. 407 Spalding bldg. CASH for mortgages, loans, "-contracts. F. Lewis. Room 4. Iewia bldg. "Main 688. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 7 1911 Bnick. first clan condition. 1913 Bnick, first daws condition. 1913 Huiek. first class conditio.. io.iv U -. - . . . 1916 rora roadster, elecUio Ugbt ajaj starter ....,. 860 1014 Ford touring, first class condition . 275 1916 Vord touring ear r.... 825 1015 Mitchell, good condition ......... 0O 1914 Overland delivery 800 1918 Packard, good condition , 780 1917 Btudebaker Six. 8 paasenger. . , . . . 775 Ford One Ton truck, new ..,..' 6SO Ford delivery 850 Many Others. 1 -f COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Main 624 4. Washington St, at Slt .1850 , .1650 j COLE 8-8rucndtd slip, looks like new. Good Urea, a harzain If sold at once. Owner lsev- lng city. 166 Iownsdsle at Phone Main 94 74. ,...$500 $750 $560 1600 USED CARS. Now is thf time to buy. Spring is coming snd sll new cars are advancing iu price. Here are soma dependabl. bsrgains. TRUCKS. New worm drive Ford with express hndy.$ 97 5 Jefferies with 2-ton truck attachment... 1000 TOCBLNG CARS. rteasena-ar Ford, renainted . ......... 275 Good second-hand Briscoe. repainted. .. . 675 1911 5 passenger CadUiao 21" Velie 6 passenger 200 1915 Hudson. 7 passenger, repainted, ex cellent tires with on. extra loou White Gas. 6 passenger 400 ROADSTERS. Saxon; bif snap 960 DELIVERIES. Ford, metal body, suitable for meat mar ket or grocery 800 Ford, canvas body 275 Open Sunday. Terms if desired. W. H. WALLnVGFOBD, 622 Alder st, Thone Main 2492. AUTOMOBILES WANTED tt WANTED Ford car. No dealers. Must be in good running erder. Have $100 to Pay -down, balance $25 per month, l'boe. East - 2672. 1 WILL PAY YOU SPOT CASH FOR -OUR FOKD. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGK. E l 1 90. E 18th and Hawthorn, ava. FINE "beach cottage to trade for auto. " Lata model with extras. Room 1 Hamawoesl ha "el, Vancouver. Wash. i WAXTEI Ford automobile! Will trad, young milch cows. 61(12 M6th st. B. K. Tabor 6897. WANT to buy roadster In good shape. TX- D-4 5 21. ; f FIVE acres near Tillamook for Ford or lUht hug. N.719, JonrnaL v, . HIGHEST prici paid for automobiles; eondt. tion no object. 121 N. 3d st Bdwy. 2029. AUTOS FOR HIRE 3 AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS . Brand new cars. Reasonable rates Fearing A Rol-nett, City Garage. H9 10th, Between Stark and Oak. Broadway 10. AMTfliLEAGEDman with a good Ford" for V.irw by the day, week, or month, arnund town. Marshall 8387. Couch man as Large stock of new and used gnachixtssv DAYTON CYCLE CO., 68 6th SU TWIN motorcycle, equipped, $75 (or quick Aalsv Tabor 778. LAUNCHES PoJpLETELY ?urnish PIANOS, ORGANS AND MUSICAL; INSTRUMENTS 84 CLOSING OUT $275- upright piaio $43 cash. a $350 one $05 cash, and $4-5 on. $115 rash; also modern, virtually new $875 upnght ihu. a 42 one 1210 cash a suu orgasv 20 cash, at Security tjtorag. Go , 109 4th at. Wash t Piano stored, ,0a monthly, or bought and. sold for cash. i i USED ACTOMOBnJtS TERMS GIVEN DAM SCHAAF upright jplann, a good ntf , standard make, mahngaJiy case. In perfect. . condition, very cheap, on 'terms. 149 6th st, t U kf.i., 1 I (iD . i liuitu uiii .1 i v 1, . r 1017 Saxon, brand new. 5 pa:-., 6 cyl . . $ 830 1916 Overland, model 75. 5 pass, nearly new 650 1917 Maxwell, like new, only 625 1917 Maxwell Sedan, used very little... 825 1917 Mitchell. 6 pass.. 6 cyL, nearly new 1150 1015 Ford $5 and many others to select from. TJsed Car Dept MITCHELL, LEWIS A BTAVKB CO.. East Morrison at 1st st East 7272. B-1216. SMITH and Barnes full size upright, Ilk. new. trench hurl walnut case. Would sell for loss than half of cost price and also consider," terms. 149 6 lb st. Main 3106. ' ( Oc DAILY buys $375 piano less 25,i" $281.25: 40c daily buys $660 flayer piano, es 25. $487.50. Best savings bank for tha. i ouse, secures muical education, entertainment tid the property. hrhwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th, FOR SALE HOUSES 61 TAKE Woodstock car to 8 4th st, go north to Ksri east to 5416 53d ave.. just step in and buy the 4 room house and 3 full handsome. nicely fenced lots, covereu witu irun uu nun- en, for $1000. FOR SALE Lot 140x140, 4 room house. large woodshed, chicken house, 13 fruit trees, all kinds of berries, all in good condi tion, city water and gas. $1000 cash. L. K. Zoru, Lents station. R. 3. box 535. FIRST-CLASS home. 7 Tooms. cost $6500, take $8500. Hardwood floors throughout, extra, fin rsw 9 room home, $7000, Irvington, choice location. Bungalow. 6 room, Hawthorne, $3500. East 273. W, H. Herdman. FOR SALE 2 acres, well improved, good or chard, all kinds of fruit, fine water. Jennings i,onge, near station, oak Grove 159a. 2 ACRES under cultivation, close to '6 cent e r- line, $1200; terms. Gribbler Cafe, Lents. FOR RENT 19 acres, suitable for gardening. X.- 1. trln.j.i- -. , . SUBURBAN ACREAGE 78 GARDEN HOME SNAP i Acre close to station, onl 1750.' Water phones, electric light to this place, This is . ...... 1 i. . 7 - . - iwu . uvoxiuu.. vuu. iuuij, i ery easy term. i c commutation rare on Oregon r.lectria. rnone ain asm ana ask tor McCormlc. jjrji' , home that yields an income. Apt house, lots and" established business, all for $6500. Owner wants to retire on account of age. Call Wdln. 1871. - 7 ROOM house, basement bath and toilet, lot 60x100, fruit trees, grapes; price $1300; $500 down, balance easy terms. Sellwood 607, Roomt $2 per week and up; H. E. rooms, single rooms 60c and up. 353 hi Yamhill. Marshall. 1628. HOTEL MADRAS. 443 Vi Wash. St The best medium priced hotel, tn th. city, with all modern conveniencea, for $3 to $6 per week. $2760-:-Modem home in Piedmont with aB fixture for comfort Cash will secure this so that 12 p. rent can be realized. 418 Ore gonian bldg. Marsh. 2839. Ask for Palmer. FOB SALE 5 room house, lot 40x100, on St Johns carline. close o shipyard; for Quick sale $1050, $500 cash, terms; by owner. 731 Tioga st, St Johns, FIVE ROOM house, furnace, bath, fireplace, gas, electricity, large living room, polished floors. $22. half cash. Inquire 671 E. 74th N. Phone C-1716. LAUREL HOTEL Rooms $2 Der week. Ste heat Also newly furnished apartments. Modern SECOND AND YAMHILL STS. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Print hotel, E. 8d and Burnside. 60o day Bp. 82 week up. East 171. r ED Boy. over 16: for snecial deliver. Royal Bakery, llth and EveYett Bmadws- : 848. ! WANTED Experienced cabinet men or chair y drivers: 8-hour day. Ask for Mr. Alter. Haywood Bros. A Wakefield Co.. 148 N. 10th st J ENTI8T to take charge of advertising offioe ; in Tacoraa, Wash. For full particulars. Dr. : ) A.' O. Morton. Tacoma. Wash. MEN - wanted for concrete business. 1804 AstQT t East St Johns. WANTED Good teamster for woodyard. Call Tabor 7828. , ,I0 woodcutters at once, good wageeT S u . f..U. . . A ROOMS in ' modern hotel. $1.75 week and up. "455 Ald.r. $12 LARGE front rebm. modern re-id a nee ; use piano. 827 Sixth st Can rive ou place. - Tabor 4897. WANTED A night maiu Apply East Burnsid. ' garage. V WANTED Boy with wheel for all day work. If - under 18 mast have permit Buahong Co. WANTfD-Halper on woa4 truck. Ceil 82S '- Alberta at- ' y : - ;- . , FOR BALE Special police beat Call (rem 9 to 7. Tabor 4268. ' : WANTED Good ataUeman. on.' who knows his business, J.. Cohen, 849 Front st The hazel running water. Furnished rooms, steam heat. 885 3d st ROOMS AND BOARD IS BOOM snd board for business girls, modern eon- veni.nces, walking distance, $3.60 weak. 12 E. 7th st East 4732. THE Martha Washington. 880 10th, for bu Bee. girls and students. Marshall 1251. 78 BOOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY ROOM and board, private family. 428 Vi Mill st. Phon. Marshall 2515. HOME privileges, working or school girls, sleep ing porch, . Phone E. 1562., WILL give mother's ear. to infant or child of school age; private; family. Bdwy. . 7984. BOOM and board, 527 E. Burnside, East 824, WAyTExV-ROOM AND BOARD 88 tOtjNG married couple dasir. room and.' hoard. private family, west side. A-i A 7. journal. 1400 8100 DOWN Very neat 5-rm. borne, Firland Station; don't miss this one. . FRANK L. McGUHtE. Abtngton ning. 5 ROOM modem house, large attic, paved street. between 2 crimes, near school; terms. Call Tabor 2702. FOR SALE by owner, an extra good 7 -room house, corner lot and garage, very cheap. easy terms. Phon. Woodlawn louo. FOR SALE Bachelor's home on wheels, near shipyards. furctUheu. inquire 490 Albina ave. Cheap. 52700. S20i easn. owner. Col. 91. St Johns bungalow, for bal. like rent Phone FOR BALK 4 room house, Mt Scott district. Will take high-grade camera , ana -lens as part payment 6727 87th st S. E.. city. ffOll RALE bv owner. 4 room house, large lot, fruit, garaen ana nernes. just east or Laurelhurst Gir. terms. Phon. E. 2T45. FOR SAIJv- A six roomed bungalow in West mnMlftnd. Ill Hell. HUSH. THREE ROOMS and- attic, near streetcar; $5"00 on easy terms. Owner. Tabor a 1 so. FIVE ROOMS, modern, nearly new, between carunes; terms, owner. Tabor Slao. QCRELHCRST, 8 rooaT modshs home. Price $550O. 1Z49 K. landers. abei $800 - BUYS 4 room cottage, - AnabeJ aUtion; - terms. Hobbs, 418 ' Chamber .of Commerce. HOUSE and lot, 80x100. lor gala. Inauira r. 70S Montana ar.. .. . 5 ROOM modern-bungalow, 68th, $2500; 8500 down, $20 month. G-779, Journal. SUBURBAN HOMES Ml inii 7J GARDEN HOME 3 acres, 5 minutes of sta tion, with improvements wosth $1000: also lots oi iruit on tms place. Air goes for $2700 850O cash. baL to suit Water, gas and all city conveniences. Come quick; it'a too cheap to last. i none aicormic, Alain V31S. FOR SALE-FARMS 17 WHEAT FARM TO TRADE 4500 acres in the famous Walla Walla dis trict. All under cultivation, 2 good sets of buildings, plenty of wafer under pressure. 2500 , .... - ... . acres in wneat tins- yoar. itentea lor one-tnira crop delivered in warehouse or can give possession warehouse located on land and belongs to the farm. Price $250,000. Will take some trade and balance cash and terms or trde all for good Income business property. I his tarm the best we have -on our list to trade. Wi have the largest listings of good wheat farms in Eastern Washington and Oregon, and have personally inspected moat of them and are 4h position to give th. very best value for your money. .NKW TORS LAX1) CO.. 81 East Morrison St Phone East 5817. FOR sale or trade by owner, dairy ranch, 62 hi acres. 50 in cultivation, balance pasture, creek, some timber, fair buildings, orchard, good water, on rock road, cream route, telephone, luga school, 1 Vi miles small town. 4 mlies. to railroad. 35 miles from Portland, nice locauoni nice place would consider part trad, or half .cash; price $7250; stocked and equipped. Address Box 43 Amqoy, W sn. FOR SALE or trade, 164 acres of th. finest 4&rminff land in the WillaraAtte. vallev. located half in Multnomah and - half in (.Washington obuntiee, on an electric railway; plenty of water, mostly cleared, within half a mile of tha Pa cific, highway. Will sell at a bargain, consular part trade. o real estate agents need an swer. Address S. D., 919 Selling blag., .port- land. Or. $75 PER ACRE 160 acres. 50 under cultivation, balance partly cleared, fin. stream water, fair build- inn. 1 horse. 5 cows, necessary implements. "Seocgina Valley," about 2 miles from .lec sta,, on good auto road. Might consider some trade. .Geo. T. Moor. Co.. Abington bldg. HAVE a fin. farm of 80 acres, 7 miles west of Centralla, Wash., 28 in cultivation, running water. -spring, well, fine orchard of 204) trees, 7 room house, barn: owner is too old to work it: sell cheapi pric $3600. Call 298 Ivy st 40 'ACRE alfalfa, farm, 4 , room "house, 18x40 barn, team, chickens, cow, 8830O. Terms. WiU take Ford. M. D. Harm is ton. Or., K. F. Salary TX)ANS Chattel WE LOAN MONEY On short notice to salaried or working men on tneir qwn notes. neesiy, semi-monthly or monthly paymeuts. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE NO TNDORSER aiiaukuibLi no SECCKITY We also loan on hotuehnlil ftirnitnra nl.nn. etc, without removal. CALii AND. INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY LICENSED. 81 7 Failing bldg. USED TRUCK SNAP 1V4-2 ton Packard worm drive truck in ex cellent shape. Will sell at a great discount Investigate. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. 10th A Burnside 8ts., Broadway 521. If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS ' Loans made to persons on salary or fixed Income, on household furniture, pianos, dia monds and other personal property: legal rates. Business confidential private offices. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY Licensed. 806-307 Dekum Bldg. TIMBER claim. Mississippi ave Sell or trade. Address 680 SHIP KNEES WANTED. LOEB BROS.. 002-3 BROADWAY BLDG.. .PORTLAND, OB, EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 54 PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portland business men to protect borrower. C. MYERS HERMAN. Mgr . 894 STARK ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY, PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Money to loan on pianos, furniture, other securi ties. W. A. Hathaway, ran. 208 Wish. .bldg. LOANS WANTED 80 WANT $22,000 loan on Oregon wheat ranch". four times the value; also $2500 1 year; bankable security. THOMASSEN, T. M. C. A. $1500. 3 to 5 years, city income property; commission. K-967. Journal. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 18 FOR SAI.E Good ranch team, weighs 2500 lbs. ; wui trade for fresh cow : heavy set of double harness $2 8. Set of Yankee breeching utti lira, ,iw. op., otiu xtaiaei st. GOOD ranch outfit, around QGO0 lbs., harness and wagon. East 181. mare and horse, weigh good true pullers, good Cheap for cash. Phone FOR SALE OR TRADE Property in Seattle. Wash., for farm land east of Cascades: 7 room house, barn, garage, summer house, all modern conveniences, all clear: mice 1 4.000. Address Mrs. Louise Turner. Spreckles, CaL 160 ACRE coast ranch, will take house in city. ii acres. Washington Co.. imnroved. war take modern 5 or 6 room house close in. GEO. MORSE, 815 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 12 in. steel beam plow with roll ing cutter. tsed one season. $12.50. 618 Indiana st. FOR SALE Fsrm team, weight 1150 each,: sound and true. Price $125. R envoi-inn S T , 1 ) , -1 ' Vr., JV. , UUJL AO. GOOD small team of farm mares. r ront st. SMALL stock of groceries, well located, post- of f ice in connection ; good paying business. Want city property. Vancouver preferred. See R. J. Davis, 214 U. S. National bank bldg . Vancouver, Wash., or phone 182. 2600 lb. team of farm mares, wagon and har ness, very cneap. syw2 r ront st 10 AORES. NEAR PORTLAND. To trade for good, modem. 5 or 6 room bungalow; will pay balance cash or assume mort gage. Geo. T. Moore Co., Abington bldg. REAL ESTATE and land of all description for laie or trade. Herman reper. 320 colon ave, N. Phon. East 4285. Besidenc. phone East 1978. CHOICE 100x100 in Irvington; improvements all paid; exchange for flats or apartments. M-701. Journal. HOUSES, land, Medford, Phoenix, Ashland. Or., for Portland income properties, cleav for clear, from owner. Tabor 7024. CITY lot wanted, if clear, in part or full ex change for $750 Player Piano, mnsia and bench. Security Storage Co.. 109 4th st SIX good acres and cash for residence in Laurelhurst, Imngton or Piedmont. Bdr. 1966. I am the owner. From $4500 to $6000. FOR KEsULTis list your property with ttx ita. Estate exchange. 201 3d st.. Portland. WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 WANTED To buy. one or two room shack. or some small, cheap ' building, not more than 6 blks. from East 29th st N. and A ins- worth ave.. to move oh to a lot' T-584, Jour nal. 8 ROOM house on. west aid. for two small house, on east side, soma cash, 211 llth t Room 9. CASH lur bargain in bungalow or dwelling, 9 to 7 rooms. -Phone Main 679. ROOMING HOUSES I HAVE cash and want a rooming house from 17 to 80 rooms, ppqn. xtawy. 402. 60 ROOM lodging house, $60 per month. E. Thompson A Co.. 258 Madison. BUSINESS OPPnTlTTTNITtES S 4 CHAIR barber shop, fixtures complete, for sal. cheap. Apply at 129' 4th st. Foresters hall. K. Bamlckei. . nee.. SECOND hand barber supplies and chair bought and sold. List your barber shop with ns. Portland Cutlery Co.. 86 6th st CLEANING, pressing sad busheling shop, down tows location; good business. . Must sail Um week. Phone Main 8527. DON'T WOKRI-. " ' I can sell or trad, anything aaywhex. Lay. man. 145 Vi Broadway. $70. 302 HORSE and wagon. $1.25 day; 2 horses an wagon. $2.50. 646 Front Main 2208. DEAD stock taken quickly. We pay the most for dead and crippled stock. Tabor 4 203. YOU are Hooverlzing when you buy a used ear I mm ns; Dig assortment; easy terms. FORD TOURING $3"5 HUDSON 8IX--A SNAP 650 OVERLAND 5 PASS 435 ELMORE--$3000 Car 800 CHALMERS 6-80. 6-PA8S. . . . . . 000 CHALMERS MASTER SIX 700 8TUDEBAKER 5-PASS 600 CHALMERS 7-PABS.. 1911.. 2"5 WESTERN MOTOR CAR SALES CO.. Broadway at Burnside. Garages See Samples, 644 Hood St. Phon. Main 1107. Millmade Construction Co. FORD FORD Late model 1916 touring ear with extra gooa tires, ana In fine condition in every way, About $100 worth of extra equipment with car. lerms 11 desired. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., Washington at 21st st Main 6244. NEW TIRES What brand ef new tires do you prefer? We have them. all makes and sizes. Also we make the famous O-V-C Doubl Tread (sewed) tires snd do manner of tire repairing. Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. 883-835 Burnside. near Broadway. THAYER. 8HAVER-GULLY MACHINE COMPANY 1 Ton, $370 1 Vi Ton. $420 2 Ton. $470 Capacity 193 K. Water st BUILDERS Or EVERHEADY TRUCK, ATTACHMENTS Mfg. in PorUand Phone East 7487. DEAD horses and animals hauled away tree. Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co. TEAM, 2700 lbs. good harness and wagon. Sellwood 8046. STRONG horse, gentle, use anywhere, $45. J. Kimber, end Park rose carline. ONE bay standardbred, gentle mare, buggy and names... ior sale cneap. aoj rront 1 GOOD work horse for sale, weighs 1200. $60. uau Main 10 HEAD good farm wore horses, well fed. over winter. lau to i.-o. 220 Alder St. HORSE $10. 226 Halleck. Kenton. Portland. LIVESTOCK Manor. AUCTION sale. Manor. WaK. northeast of Vancouver, Tuesdny. March a, 11 a. m. 13 head extra good Jersey milch cows, 6 fresh ithin last six weeks, all milking heavy. 2 will freshen in March. 2 in April, balance in fan. 11 calves, bay team, weight 2000 lbs. ; 1 ooming 8-year-old mare. X coming 2 -year-old mare, 1 O. L C. brood sow due to farrow May 8, IS O. A. C. White Leghorn roosters, 2 mated pens O. A. C. White Leghorns. 1 disc harrow, 1 60 tooth steel frame harrow. Clinton Higdon, owner; W. 8. Wood, auctioneer, Vancouver, Wash. FRESH COW. heavy milker, test 6 per cent Take Oregon City car to Hereford Station. walk on. block south to Gloucester street, sec ond barn on left BULL for sale, registered Hereford, S years old. C. A. Wilcox, Estacada, Or. R. F. D. 1. Box 62. 1918 CHEVROLET touring car, in fine Con. dition. A splendid little car and at the low mice of 8465. See It at The Used Car Ex change. 52 7 Washington st. where Washing ton and Burnside meet itroaaway oes. open evenings. Ford fj-pass.. A-l shape, must sell to pay mortgage. Will be at Boa. City Park Garage. 82d Sandy road, March 8. from N to I. Come early first reasonable offer takes it OVERLAND model 7 6 B, 6-nasa. touring car in splendid mechanical condition. Car runs and looks fine; good tires; left with The Used Car Exchange, 627 Washington st, wherb Washington and Burnside meet Bdwy. 5468 BIG STOCK Used Cars PRlCt-S . RIGHT COVET MOTOR CAB CO., 21rt and Washington sts. . Main 6244 FLANDERS 20, completely overhauled. Must be sold at once. Owner esHed to th. colors. Reasonable price. Mar. 8499. or call at the Ford Garage. 1st and Sherman, after 4 o'clock. C.AKH os Id for old cars; condition no obiect carta for all makes of cars. Oregon Auto Ex change, 120 Lownsdale st, at 16th and Waah- tegton. pnone ftiam lmi, 1915 CARTER car, fine condition, electric lights and starter. $265 takes it. Can be seen at Metropolitan Garage, East 7 th and Belmont St. WANTED A good milch goat State breed etnd full particulars. 31-693. Journal. NICE cows, fresh and coming fresh, 105 Fail- lng st Take Mississippi car. NICE young Jersey cow for sal, extra milker. 455 W. Lombard. rich FINE young Jersey Holsteina for sal. cheap. 802 Front st JPOULTRY. PIGEONS. PET STOCK 87 POULTRY and pet stock ads. appear today under a special heading on page 10. This will' be a regular feature of the Saturday Journal during the reason. It will con tarn the beat offerings of the best Broducers. , - DOGS. BIRDS, PETS. ETC. ' 4$ CANARY bird for sje. male ami female, dark orange and ether colors. . fits Hsm rier st, Wdln.1768. THOROUGHBRED Fox Terrier puppies. 1447 Mallory ave; -Wdhs. 1989. IfOTOKS. gears, neanngs. wneels. axlce: wreck all makes of ears and sell mr parts at ball price. auio wrecsing au-ail-9S North Broadway, uroeoway 1J. Iawtotc DCBBUILLE TOP CO.. th A Oak. Broadway 1664 ENGINE 2 cyl.. 9 h. p.. Gray, complete. -with carburetor, coll and clutch, $75. Sell wood 121. , Fords Enameled $12.50 '. '870 E. Morrison St f nr.r. tnce of ailahtly used tires at low Dries vulcanizing, Tv-irwuni, general ura repairing. H. B. Black, 5a. Ataer st. 1111a iti CADILLAC Touring 1910, suitable for de livery car; azav cmsu, gooa eonuiuon. uuu Reynolds st FOB SALE new. -A classy Ford Duv. Practtcanv Phone rwiwy. 1 . cor. otn, imng at FIVE-PASSENGER White, good condition; snake tn. casn oner, xj. a sta sr. FOR BALE Ford delivery body, UTOS without drivers for hire, Sullivan, lOth-Yarabill. Mar. 282. A-1236 MOTORCYCLES-BICYCLES R1CYCI.EH -MOTORCYCLES. 7- First house south Weber's Tannery. AND BOATS 94 "1 boat house for. galav 4 mm L WENCER Phonographs and records bought, told eicbanged and rented. Expert repair ing. 142 hi 2d. near Alder, nnstairs. OK KAl.E K0I1I1 4t Campbell piano, ma- hogany case, with bench almost new. Price 190. Phone Marshall 6668. GEORGE T. PECK. PIANO TUNER. Graduate Nev, Boston, Mass. England Conservatory of Musis.' Tuning, $3. OO, Tabor WB74. : $14 bench, all BEAUTIFUL $450 piano, like; new, $105, $50. $19 Worcester bWg. month. 812 - $90CA8H buys $375 Ernest Gabler upright ? piano and $-65 cash a t.'50 88 note Heinses player piano, at Security Storage Co.. 109 4th: t 85 WESTERN Cotuga oigan, $30. . Kimball piano, rosewood. $116. HAROLD N. GfLBKHT, 8 84 Yamhill at. Piano luning $2,50 SXJSfZb. HO.N'IMiRAl'HM, records, bnttght, sold and ri- dianged. Hall A Cassiday. 126 1st st. M. 7098 , WANTED Piano or player piano for cash, V- 975, Journal. BENT a piano, most reasonable terms in Pert. land. Harold 8. Gilbert, 884 Yamhill st WILL excliange new Victrola for a good used. piano. G. F. Johnson llano Co., 149 6tn St. TYPEWRITERS NEW REMLVGTON, rental plan, rent applies Ml purchase. bible models. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. : 88 Broadway. Broadwsy 4621.; VV'E SAVE you from 60 to 7 5 per cent on all - makes of typewriters. 821 Washington street. Send for our price lists., Retail department. Wholesale Typewriter Co.. , REBUILT typewriters, supplies. Corona dealers.. E. W. Pease Co.. 1 1 u oin MAKES typewriters rented and repaired. ALL Oregon Type Co.. 94A 6th. Main 8868 FOR 8ALK- nave ca.ii. -A-l No. 5 Underwood. R-041. Journal. f Alust' HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB BALK 88f FINE wood or coal range. Cost $85. sell lor $25, or exchange for good gas range, - i a-( bor 2253. . FOR BALE MISCELLANEOTTW 19, 10 00 Tn dropnead sewing machines I UiUU wlth; aU ar. to very good condition. Sewing machines rented at ee i per month- Phone East 2869 or B-9807. K. R. Rteen, 182 l.rano ave.. peer pernio. MUSICAL INST RUMENTS." "lypewriters " , add "Honeebold Gooa." are separate mwmnw , cations. All adv.rtisements of these gooa. ar. , published under their respective cisssiiinaiiosss. puoii LOOK THE! OVER, X.UTOMOBILE8. MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCHE' or boats are separate ciaasuieeuin. . m. Rating can be louna nnaer mw . classifications. - Broadway 2070. " - . . 1 I M II. . r, S USA "rti.nd.or wire nope New and 2d TTand An Bl Any Amourrt rtnsrsnteed We rent and repair.-' 171 Tblrd 8t. Main 1845. A1818. . TREES for U : English walnut, fruit, shale-; and rose bushes; closing out laoor iioi. 128 E. 71st and MoTiiaon. -l REDUCED prices on Cable roofing, paper. aU kinds tools. J. Leva. 189 Front at, between Ysmhill .nd Taylor. Used Sewing Machines PIAN08. organs, talking machine, accepted as; dr.. naement on neW DnOS IN : wKttt ' , pianos. Schwan Fiano Co.. Ill th at. SLIGHTLY used computing scales, all a kinds j, also cheese cutters, cof lee mills and meat, sllcers: very cheap. Call at 884 Stark at . ON account of leaving, will sell or rent good 4 -room house, barn, one acre, 8 blacks carline, Johnson. K. 8, Box 212. Lents. 600 ENVKIX1PES or 500 bond letterheads $2; , 600 bond bUlheaus or statement. $L,7. " Smith Printing Co.. 204 BUrk at m HILLSDALE RED HOVER. reterea. orange; Persian, at stud. Blue ribbon winner. Mam' 6460, Box 22. Hillsdale. Or. ; FOR SaLE 1220 feet Hlnch iron elevator hw second hand. Portland Elevator Oo. . , fBR SALE One knitting machine in, first! , cleae order, oao sew v- n.. g fllfl best .22 Martin rifle and case made, cheep,. at 62 8 t. ntrnwa st. w . FURNITURE for sale and house lor rent. Phone Tabor2112: . iTBTCOMPLET! BATH BOOM OUTFIT, 9(8. -Northwestern Pipe Co.. 187 Frowt at. , PLUMBING supplies, wholesale jirtcee. ftuvri DajiCo.. 212 3d st. Main T97. j PIANO- cantract fox sate very reasonable. Phutte- D-1351. t BATHTUBS, sinks, toilet, pipe arrrl fittings. A G. Howard. 212 4th St. Phone Main 106. VACUUM cleaners sold. repaixeeV rented, ,aa- changed, bought Bentley Co. Main 8682. FERTILIZER. , " '" Hnrw and ew - raannre. Ea4 181, $16 (i-hoie ateel rige. Jerternm. coil, reservoit. $75 New Home sewing machine $20i baraaia.. 191 Park st. near YamUilli- FOB 8 ALEHsy and' oats. Phone Tabor 4 8 8 si taken at once. 1919 MAXWELL tor aaie etteap eournai. eefHJTK lV22 U fwcTbTr.rcbs"irs' for eal.' "at 24t CoocfTst""' 989 llth ax. Mr. 6667 fepE (CoBUajBcd wm.Stxt i") -A v