-.-vet- - 17 ' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, . FRIDAY. .MARCH; 1,. 1918. ii i . f. .11 iii i ' , - . - I.. LOST A1TD FOUHD tl " .-.HZ following articles Hv bn found oo ear of tha Portland Railway, Light Powie Co. t (February 27. 1616) : 4 suit mm, 1 brooch.. . I bank book. 1 book tickets, t purse. 8 PKk-, in, umbrellas, 1 pillow, 1 Jumper, 1 lady . . - eoat t bundle hammer ud handsaw, 1 tunob Mt, S pain gloves, 1 glove, 1 key. Owner may ' ' ln property at First and Aldr sta. station. :" .." tlLZ following article hav been found on can , I . of tho Portland Railway, Light Power Co.: : February 26, 19181 watch, 1 bunch key. 1 broeeh, $ cmbrollae, pkg,, 1 pipe, 1 book ewjr tickets. X or. aloveo. 1 flora. 1 hat. 2 book. i 1 eoak 1 oape. t lea cream f reeser. 6 lunch HE1F VrAVTT-D MALE, AND . - FEMALE ft MEN AND WOMEN TO WORK IN LEIGHTON DAIRY LUNCH,- BROADWAY ,AND WASHINGTON. . - "ORIGINAL 6LER BARBER COLLEGE, boxea. 4 band grips, 1 suitcase, money. l,piece Teaches the trade in eicht weeks. Give cholr- wurreney, a pursaa. hlpe anal transfer cards. Para you while hmmrvt- bim a-mana lor pots : umii may oetaiB uiuuciiy at in ana akist , at. statin, j J nd Burnsido. LOST Puna, la Poole Market or on oat. liviTAl n,t wife Cant free), one who tin . lt and Tsylor, containing mousy, Kewsrd. ; derstands firing of for-eee.3 410 Harriaon. seit laoor o. ,OST, between Market and 10th at, brown far ' eolrette, Saturday afternoon, 293 10th. Ke- ' w,a- ' " , IZ)8T Wed need at, near Portland hotel, ailk bag with gweatar knltUng tnsida. Eaat 4002 or v laaea at Journal bfftca, jAMTOa Mart and wife, good wag, Haddoa Hall. 414 11th. MarehaU- 1168. BITtTATIQJfS MAtB WANTED SituaUon by elderly man; lota of ..lonuma In arai Teeatablaa and fruit. -1. ' 1-1.11 11 . . I va I . . , "l?JllS-,B!!7all,r " UrptlMlm "now JafbDLB Md man nut bate work; Janitor or Dleaae nail Kaat 3M0 i Aotiiue aameo brooch, raluabla aa heirloom : -return ; reward. U-912, JournaL " - . -1 HELP WANTED MALE 1 Boys Look Here A EE TOD 18 TEARS OP AGET ' DO TOC POSSESS A BICTCLET Do you want a steady job that will pay yon teal money f ' We furnlah yon fall uniform free and allow W vacation with fall pay.. If interested call p MR, BAILEY . , 1 Western I'nion Tel Co., 7 Sd st. 1 a hooaenun. L-740, Journal. FOB ploughing gardena call Bellwood 1571; also fertiliser for sale. - JOB a, watchman or any kind of light work. Good reference. AWin Deroe, HoythoteL SITUATIONS FEMALE EXPERIENCED woman would like work by day. Tabor 4878. , KKLIABLE woman wanU day work. 80c an hoar. Tabor 8084. TYPEWRITING cheaply and neatly dona, all work called for and delivered, u-iou. jonraai women for telephone 'work, pay while learning. Apply Pacific Telephone A Tele graph Co . 8U floor. Park and Oak ata., be tween 8:80 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. . WORKERS, ATTENTION! i WANTED 10 MEN rOR GRINDERS. 8 . HOTjaa. 88.94. STRIKE STn.I, ON. BRING THIS AD WITH TOU. IT WILL GUARAN TEE JOB. APPLY AT EMPLOYMENT OF- F1CB3 IN WEST LINN ACROSS BRIDGE PROM OREGON CITY. ELECTRIC CAR 20c FARB PORTLAND TO OREGON CITY. ; BOARD IN OREGON CITY 86.80 TO 87.50 , WEEK, AT BECK'S. MASS' AND ELECTRIC . HOTELS. ;-,.fVV- LABORERS WANTED Permanent poeitiona awiorad steady men, i-wagee 88.10, 0 hour; strike not yet declare-t . off but 1800 men working; general paparmill , Work; no experience neceaaary. Apply 60i Ore gon Mdg., corner 6th and Oak streeta. LADY wishes position answering phona calls. etc. all Mar. 7UO, at noon. EXPERIENCED chambermaid want position in small hotel or rooming nouse. pen, i m DRF.&SMAKINQ 48 DKE88MAKING. pUin and fancy work. 17 klickiUt St. FURNISHED BOOMS THE MELVIN Dnnaii 19 Tver m rMk and tin! H. K. KMmS, inale room 60c and UP. 858 H Yamhill. Maashall 1028. HOTEL MADRAS. ' aa u. Wuk St The best medium priced hotel in the city, -with all modern convenience, tor 3 to an per weea. 1 . llWiUy Jj-t " r AO Z?Z A t I II. beat. A loo newly famished apart enta. Modern BEUUKU snv isnnuiu bib. " fTvnirto ' k.vb maagemen'!4 Princess 'hotel. E. 8d and Bum-da. 50o day up. 82 week np. Kaat 171 . VAKTED Young men with magazine and ROOMS In modern hotel. $1.78 week and up. 45fi Alder. j 812 LARGE front room, 'modern residence me piano. 827 Sixth St. THE HAZEL running water. Furnished room, steam heat. 888 3d at. FURNISITEJJ ROOMS FRIVATE FAMILY ; rampaper experience to traral throush East or and Southern Oregon. Call in-fore 9:18 a. to.. or after 2:15 p. m. Call 809 Stock Ex change bide.. 8d and Yamhill. man for' local busineu; must be good twnuerepiier ana lypisi; nu montn to start i , with ; bookkeeper wanted for cannery at Astoria. .8120 to 8125 month. Vublic Cm;. Bureau, 84T Daela. VENTED Collector with wheel for city worn; . cash- bond and referencee reqtrirerl; perma : Bant position to right man. Apply Western Magasino Corp., 804 Spalding Mdg. 1VA N T ED E ipe He w ed hardware checker and r .packer for Seattle. With. ' State age. ex perience, where you hare worked and salary x- pae. RX-861. Journal. WANTED A married man. middle aged, one . who haa. had experience in parking and ship - trPf rooeriea. Please state references. G : 788, Journal. - ' CAPABLE man for Ore.; and Wash., one with tnagaslne or new-paper subscription experi ence preferred. Apply Western Magaafne Corp.. " ww4 Spalding bldg. ' !lVO all around machine men for upholstered -furniture manufactory. Portland Furniture Mfg. Co., 1249 Macadam road. s Fulton car. YOUNG I'LEASANT room, walking distance; restaurant close by. Call Broadway 8784. , ROOMS AND BOARD 1( RCtnM nd boa rd for business girls, modern eon reniences. walking distance. 83.50 weak. 12 E. 7th st. East 4782. THE Martha Washington. 880 10th. for bus. ness girls and students. Marshall 1281. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 78 HOOM and board, private family, st. Phone Marshall 2815. 428 Vs Mill A' MARKET PLACE FOR OVER 60,000 FAMILIES T Minds meet on a common ground-want? are" discussed needs are filled through Journal Classified N columns. Here's an example : . ; 7 J WANTED Ford automobile. Will trade young milch cows. 6102 85th street S. E. Tabor 6397. FOB SALE HOUSES 81 $950 Cash . or Liberty Bonds Ta 1 rnnm mndan h lee: fnll line standard S lambing; best grade new window shades, electric ixturee. Dutch kitchen with large cooling closet and collanaibla table; kitchen, bedroom and bath room finished in white enamel: all walla newlly decorated; 60x100 ft lot; sareral large fir tree; large truit tree; cnicaen nouse; in oiucas from Rose City Park car. No trade, no agenta. OWNER, 518 Corbett bide HOUSES ON INSTALLMENTS 88500, Portland Heights, 8 rooms. 82850, E. 7th and Alberta ata., 8 rooms. 81500, 28th and Going ata., 8 rooms. 81850, Sumner and 9th ata., 8 rooms, v 81460. 718 N. Hayes St.. St. Johns. 4 rooms. 81800, OOtbat. BE.. 8 rooms. 2 lota. 81000, 5 rooms, and 8700 8 rooms. Lenta. The last two hare extra large lots: also two small houaea for rent, near Lenta. G. W. WATT. 683 Chamber of Commerce. Main 2051 or Marshall 4589. SUBURBAN HOMES T8 GARDEN HOME SACRIFICE 1 acres, mod ern 8 room house with bath and sleeping porch, close) to station, gaa, water, phone, etc. bearing fruit trees, lies fine, 7c eommatatkm fare. Ore. lect. line. Is minute irom ron . Com today. Ask At station for MeCormic Price only 82700. . FOB SALE FARMS 17 WHEAT FARM TO TRADE 4600 acre in the famous Walla, Walls dis trict, all under ealti ration. 2 good seta of buildings, plenty of water under pressure, 2500 acre in wheat this year. Rented for one-third crop delirered in warehouse or can cire possession ; inlumu Inratall Ml Und Bnd belong ' tO the farm. Price 8250.000. Will take some trade and balance calh and terms or trade all for good income, business property. This farm is the best we nare on our list to trade. We hare the largest listings of good wheat farms In Eastern Washington and Oregon, and have personally inspected most of them and are in position to gire the wy best ealue for your money. - I&YV XJXIX ua.is 881 East Morrison 8 PhoDs East 5817. EXCHANGE -REAL ESTATE Si LITE STOCK IS . , i I 1 ii- ' J. . 1- FOR SALE OR TRADE Property In Seattle, ! iit-SH cow, bean milker, teat 8 . Take . Waah.. for farm land east of Cascades; T I Oregon City ear ' to Hereford station, walk room house, barn, garage, summer bouse, au modern eonreraenoea, all clear; price 814,000. Address sirs, ixnusa Turner, bprecsiea, uib SMALL stock of groceries, well located, post office in connection; good paying business. Want city property, Vencoueer preferred. See R. J. Dana. 214 U. S. National bank bldg., Vancouver. Wash..- or phone- 182. V ANTED Modern 6 , or 7 room bungalow, walking distance. Lot in YaneouTer, 8350 as first payment, rest like rent. C-697. Jour naL REAL ESTATE and Und of ah description for sale or trade. Herman Peper, 520 Union are. N. Plwne East 4285. Kesidenoa phone East 1978. FOR SALE or exchange for modern residence. 10 acres Buckley are., near car. Talus 35000. Postoffiee box 026. 1 block south to Gloucester st., aaoond barn on jeix. BULL for sale, registered Hereford, 6 yeers old. C A. WOcoz. Ea-oade, Or. B- F. D. 1. Box 62. Wanted 1 good -A aae4 mru-h .. fltmt kmd ane. rail payucwiarg. M-6s. Journal. POULTRY. PIGEONS. FET STOCK 17 HATE 8 pen of Barred Roeke. arwcial No. 1 and No. 2: they are the beet that ear and scientific methods can produce: hsvs also 1 P of n. Silrer Campinea. Writs or phone . . . 'Jfe lois Taraaow atocx. Murray, 8126 62d St. & E. Tsbor 1261. AUTOM OB IXES- ACCESSORIE 8 VTX WOULD SUGGEST THAT YOU MAKE IOIK liBKD t'AK rLW HAKI. AT ONCK, FOB PRICES ARE GOING UP. OUR STOCK INCLUDES SOME SriiSMUll Ct in lySXvU TOURING ROADSTER DELIVERY. 1917 Ford touring with extras. 1917 Ford touring, like new. . 1916 Ford tonnng. with extras. 1916 Ford touring, A-l condition. 1916 Ford touring, ltka new. 1916 Ford touring with electric starter. 1916 Ford roadster, A-l condition. 1916 Ford roadster with extras, 1814 Ford delirery. A-l condition. PALACE GARAGE , CO.. Authorised Ford Dealers, 12th and Stark its. Terras giTon. Broadway 1572 Phone A 2442. PIANOS, ORGANS AITD MrSlCAl. INSTRUMENTS v U CLbhlSb OUT Il7i-upriaht tiiM 4s eeh, a 6350 one, U6 cash, aad 84S6 one 8118 eaih: also tnaderst, wtrtually new 6175 sjprtght " a zs oM caaa. vw ajtman 320 eaah. at Sarvrity Storaca t o.. 109 4th at . at Waah st Ptaan stored. 6 xooclhly, or bought and sold for cash. ' 0 verm l vrard WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 . 4-Room Bungalow $600 Cash Bast buy in Portland' today; 4 room double constructed bungalow ready for plastering ; 50x 100 lot; 1 fir and 4 large fruit trees; large shed saitabU for garage and chickens; 2 blocks irom koss city fare car. ho traae, no agenis. Owrler, 518 Corbett Bldg, 1950- BIG SNAP -8260 CA8H Located in 8 ell wood, which is convenient to rlrer. mills, shops and shipyards; neat 4 room plastered house, wen bant; large lot fenced, wot- en wire: ncn sou. large chicken nouse, eemea and fruit trees; aV dandy, cheerful, home. 8260 cash, balance easy terms; must sell; quick action necessary. A. K. HILL, 419 Henry bldf. $1450 Cash Larxe 5 room 'modern house, two more room csn be finished on second floor ; full Dutch kitchen, wood lift, cooling closet, etc; window shades, extra fine electric fixtures; large basement with laundrx - trays: SQxlOO-ft. lot; this house could not be built today for leas than 81600. 2H blocks from Rose City Park car. No trade, no agents. CALL 618 CORBETT BLDG. WANTED To bay, one or two room aback, or some small, cheap building, not more than 6 blka. from East 29th at. N. and Aine worth are., to more on to a lot. T-584, Jour- FOB SALE 11 acres, house, barn, cnicxen house and run. fine spring oi water, wire ..... a ilae to enod town and H. SO miles - from Portland. 10 head cows and young stock, 1600 lb. mare, wagon, ouggy. 2 ar n eases, all implement. 31950. Terms, or will n bW. witnont stock or trada for good atoek of general merchandias. Address FX-660, Journal. CASH for bargain in bungalow or dwelling. to 7 rooms. Phone Main 679. I HATE cash and want a rooming house from 17 to 30 rooms, rnone saw?, im. FOR sale or trada by owner, dairy ranch. 62 V acres. 50 in cultivation, balance paatore. creek, some timber, fair buildings, orchard, good water, en rock road, cream route, telephone, nlcu school, 1 H miles small town. 4 xnliea to railroad, 85 miles from Portland, nice location, nice place; would consider part trade or half cash.; price 87250; stocked ami equipped. Address Box 48, Am boy, Waah. -,. bBUG STORE for sale: substantial. Paying bua ineaa. Only drug atore in richest little town In Oregon. Center of best wheat section la Mortbweet, rnce aouuv 01 , . , u. v nniT. Am in next draft, T. H. Ghonnley. owner. Helix. Or. FOR SALE or trade, 164 acres of the finest farminc land in tha Willamette Talieg. located half in Multnomah and half in Washington counties, on an elactrio railway: plenty 01 water, mtlw rlaarxl within half a mile of the Pa- cifia highway. Will sell at a bargain, consider part trade. No real estate agents need an swer. Address 8. P., 919 . Belling bldg., Port land. Or. . GARDEN HOME. 7 room modern home and full acre with lots of fruit; close to 'Station, A. anap at 82700. Terms. Take Oregon Electric; only 15 minutes from Fortlsnd; 7e commutation fare; gaa, elec tric lights, water, phones; all city eouTenieneee. Phono Main 9318 today. Some terms. Ask for McCormio. . HOME privileges, working or school girl, sleep- . Ins porcn. Phone K. looz LARGE, well furnished room, suitable for 1 or 2; board optional. 551 Taylor. Main 4080. WILL glre mother's care to infant or child oi school age; prirate family. Bdwy. 7884. ROOM and board, 527 E. Burnside. East 824. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS S FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED BCITE of H.-K. rooms, partly furnished, very reasonable. For information call Broadway 4811. . ld-Ulln.nL:, rjjR..mb2r. P.om AnTC. Free bath. hot. cold water. $1 HfeiwncwsT ' VToaaV JoirnVl "K-- week up. 401 1st St. , WANTED Stock ifeeperfor''wahMa- 'mtmt ! FUBNISHBD housekeeping rooms. 607 Clay. nTO some knowledge of bookkeeping; must " T" ,ww . oinnn m nro .. isc ana Aiaer. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 71 W4'Ef-rord delivery drier; must know ML VVm22& &f SS1 eott and St. Jnl.n rfl.lri.-t. nira on s. 1st snd Alder. Inquire J. I tiPt0JERNMENT wants stenographer and typists. j .Enroll now at Sherlock a Railroad school. w err iter Drag. ai .! Iron m older at Shafner Iron Works. 'Rniar. Or. Wages 85.75. 8 hours. Phone , tjSUjto man wanted to learn the automobile - ""PP'J ouainesa. inquire A. J. VVlntera Co.. ; 9w-9T. "til st. ARM TRACTOR salesmen for Washington '. Urritoj-jr. Rainier Machinery Co., 1285 Hood t Main 1846. JK ANTED Boy from 18 to 10. Apply t 8 a, m. Saturday. Marsh 2. Blumauer-Frank ' Drug Co., frk and Everett. VANTED Good teamster for woodyard. Call ' i- Tabor 7823. TWO . woodcutters at once, good wages, live on place. Tabor 4807. . WANTED A might man, - garage. ' BARBER wanted for Saturday, as. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, gss, bath, reasonable. 692 Front,; ,.; BUT this new modern bungalow, built-in effects, sleeping porch, waah trays in basement; 6 room on first floor;" 8 rooms can be finished on the aeeond floor: lot 60x100 feet: cement walks; 1 bloek to earline. Office open Sundays and evenings; 82100, half cash and terms. W. E. Robbms. Tabor 8078. 6 ROOM BUNGALOW Will give big bargain; 1 lot. cottage and farage, 62500. 940 K. Snerman st. 'isxe tiehmand car to 8i!d St.. walk 3 blocks east: easy terms. Owners will be st bouse Saturday afternoon to show property. P. O, 'box 698, Newberg, Or. FOR SALE Excellent 7 room house, nesr Anabel station. Mount Scott earline: lot 61x 109; garden and fruit; near schools, churches and library. Price 82600. terms. Will eon- aider Mount Tabor or Ucwthorne lot part pay ment, xaeor 4290. HAVE a fine farm of 80 acres, T miles west of Centralis. Wash., 25 in cultivation, running water, spring, well, fine orchard of 200 tree.. 7 room House, barn : owner is too 01a 10 wu it; sell cheap; price $3600. Call 288 Ivy St. 40-ACRE alfalfa farm. 4 room house, 16x40 barn, team, chickens, cow. $3300. Terms. Will take Ford. M. D.. Hermiston, Or., R. F. P. in ACRFIK -mt Woodhurn. under cultivation, Clieap for casn. owner, 7 07 sauwanaie sv. FOR RENT FARMS It w A VTKTi A tn irried man with 8 or 10 milch cows. Will lumisn ranen ana uwtuun Iuiim on shares. Mrs. M, A. Johnson. Pnona 61M, Milwaukie. FOR RENT 15 acre farm, 4 room house and outbuildings; buildings in good stupe; near . 1 , . gtn , 1 ' WILL rent six acres at Reedville. with cows, horse, chickens. 708 Dekum bldg, FARMS WANTED BENT OR BUY 38 WANTED To rent on shares, dairy or grain farm, fully equipped, 2 men in family above draft, A-l references. H.-W00, journal. WANTED A farm, 10 or 20 acres; rent. X-916, Journal. reasonable TIMBER 19 BOOMING HOUSES 13 BU6INE8S OFFOBTUlCTTIEg 18 dad iitv RamI nawtnc lewndrv doing $230 . 1- .1 nn Vn nnmnotirinB : will sell at a bargain. Don't answer unless you sre a good laundryman with enough experienee to handle a plant successfully. Good proposition to right party. UX-911, JournaL ' WHITE WYANDOTTE eggs for hstching, $1.60 for 15. $8 for 100. packed for shipping. 60 cents extra. Our bird are pure bred, heavy winter laying hens. Can Woodlawn $647 fore noon. 10 KUUngsworth ava. FOR SALE-Buff Orpington eggs, fine floek. st 82 pes lotting. Order taken for chicks 1 month old (hen hatched) at 85c each. Satiafactioa guaranteed. Mrs. M. J. Aekley. Chapman. Columbm Cownty. Or. FOvB. SALE Purebred S. C. White Leghora .-htchln Heavy laying stock, 88 per J,0. Write to L B, Cates. K. 4. .Yanconvwr. 1Y IIU, WHITE Leghorn baby chicks, from ivy laying . 811 per (Hcsranizedl atock. M.rch h.h.. lOO; AprU. 810. W guarantea safe arrival ins xioneer Hatchery, P.tahima. Calif. ONE American brooder stove, capacity 600 t cmcas, complete.- tor sate or traoe for Buff Leghorn or Buff Orpington setting hens. Columbia 698. REGISTERED Orange and Blue Persian cat at stud. Blue ribbons at late Portland show. East 8225. MEAT MARKET FOR BALE We have a good trade in a good town, 500 population, good slaughter bouse, good iaea sheds and pens; a good place, ilea to the nearest snap. write ALca.ee as ferson. Or. FOR BALE Furniture of 20 room hotel and lease on same 2 Vs years; good business; good location. $250 will handle ima. irrm. on balance. Address P. O. Box 98. Yacolt, Wash. SECOND hand barber auppliek and chair. ii,iit aiut eold. I.it tout barber shop wltn us. Portland Cutlery Co.. 80 otn x. CLEANING, pressing and busheling shop, down town location; igooa ousme . week. Phone Main 8627 mil'T WORRY I can sell or trade anything ' anywhere Lay man. 146. Broadway. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED 88 WANT a grocery store. Phone Bdwy. 402 hsvs cash to pay. wtONEY TO LOAN BE AL ESTATE II OUR installment plan is the best and surest method of paying a loan. $82 26 per month for 36 months or $21.24 for 60 months or . $15.17 for 96 months, pays $1000 loan and interest. Other amounts in proportion. We man on improved city property - Or for building purposes. No commission charted. .., EQUITABLE SAVINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 242 Stark St, Portland. Or. FOR SALE White Rock roosters from prise stock or trade for rabbits or chicken. A Wallace, Estacada Una. Kendall station. THOROUGHBRED S. C White Leghorn ami Black Minorca ens for hatehina. chicks. Columbia 695. Also baby GOLDEN Polish cock, blue and Andahuian cockerels, and a few A neons nalleta. few Golden Polisb pullets. Can Woodlawn 1217. RHODE ISLAND RED setting eggs, thorouxh bred stock, fine layers. Col. 827. 1600 Newell st. lUuuuuuitBBEU wnlte Wyandotte; eggs for hatching, $1.50 for 16. 577 Jarrett at. Alberta or Woodlawn car. B. It., and R, L R. hatching egg. 16, $1.60, Day old chicks, $2.60 dozen. Phone Board- man, Bdwy. 850, or C-1716 PERKINS trapneeted White Leghorn, the old eat trapneeted strain in Portland; baby chicks, $14 per 100. 1887 Barrage sU Wdln. 1613 BO-EGG incubator fof sale, $3. south of Powell, on 9 2d, First house Phonographs snd teeards bomrkt. sold asohaaged and seated. Export tepair taa. 142 Vk 2d. dear Aider. luura. 20c DAILY buys $375 pUoo teas 28 ft. 3281.26; 40e daily bwys $o$ wlayer rawo lees 25. $487.50. Best saving bank for the house, secures oi osteal education, rntertainaaent and the property. Schwan Piano' Cc. Ill 4th. YOU RAL tchier CampbeU piano, ' ma- hogany eaae, with bench almost Bsw. - Price 8190. Phone Marshall 8666. A -BEAUTIFUL $40 piano. $14 Insta, H . like new. $165, $50. $13 month. $12 Worcester bldg. " . T ! - . $90 CASH bay $376 Ernest Gsbler upright piano and $265 caah a 8550 88 not lieinse I player piano, at Security Storage Co., 109 4th, . 1 $85 WErtTERN Cottage otgan, $80. nan piano, rnsew cod. $118. . HA HOLD S. GILBERT, 6N Yamhtl) at f Plo -in 1 iit-iinrr CO Ardrey. 1 lanu 1 uiiiiig SeUwoo$158 PUONOGRAI'klS, record, bengat, sold a a-J rt chart gad. Hall A Caatiday. 126 let at, M. f96 W AN TED Piano or player piano for cash. T- v i a, JournaL - REN T a piano. Braet t uonable terms IsTPett- . Isstd. ItaraM 8. Gilbert. 884 Tamhin U WILL exchange new ictrola fur a good cued piano. G. F. Johnson P.no Co.. 149 6t at. IIOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB SAlK IS USED CAR BARGAINS Look These Over Packard, $ passenger .. Packard. 7 vaasenger .. Chalmers, 0 passenger .. Hudson. 7 passenger ... Cadillac, 7 passenger . . . Overland, $ passenger , . TERMS Steel range. 811.60: cook stovwa,- $8.tSf heating stoves, $1.26; gas pis tea, $1.95: iron tends, 85c:. springs, 8185; mtttreaaes, 82.85; tfitA J sire era, s.o aining wniea, ea.wv; x:umm. DV I $1.20; Backers.' $1.86; center table. $1.16; oil beaters, 6140; High cbalrs. Bc; aj e toaatera. $2.25; piUows. new. $1.4$; pair bowls and pitcher. 85e; new tuba, 8&; child s new rocker. 81.46 1 steel coach. 82.96; kite ba ubles. 0o: also Included la this aal are gss rsnoes. ebia cloaete, kitchea. haatara with eaU. leather seated chairs and roeksrs, kitchen tea-ai-. shades, tinoleam. All te be pat in n thlt aale. A wig -yellow teg e eaen articla. 208 MADISON. . . .$950 ...$590 .. .$766 . . .$556 . . .$606 PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO., Tenth and Bumaida. Broadway 521. FOR SALE Giant Flemish rabbits and few other from unity stock. 892 Knott st USED CARS. Now is tha time to buy. Spring Is coming and all new ears re advancing in price. Here are some dependable bargains. TRUCKS. New wonm drive Ford with' etprees body Jefferies with 2 -ton truck attachment. . TOURING CABS. " 9 months, $2 FOR SALE R. 1. R. roosters, to $3. Tabor 890. 8 -Barred Rock cockerels, Hamlet I Velie 5 pass encer IV 18 Hudson, 7 passenger, repainted, ex cellent urea wtttt eoe extra FOR BALE strain. Tabor 1686. 5 passenger Ford, repainted Good second hand Briscoe, repainted. . I mil o passenger csaillao BEES wanted, in any kind of hive. 408 San Rafael, city. G. J sou. FOR SALE 2 dos. White Leghorn pullets; good laying strain. Call Tabor 7828. White Gaa, 6 passenger. . . ! ROADSTERS. T YPEWBITEBS " ! ' 11 I NEW REMINGTON, rental plan, Mt applies to .', ssxjxjiaaa. Vibl models. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO- 88 Broadway. Broadway 4 6S1. WE SAVE you from 60 to 15 per cent on aU x BMW or typewriters. Bead tor our pneo sswa. Retail department. Whole Is Typewriter 321 Waahinston street. , REBUILT typewriters, eupiiuea,' Coroxsa daaWrs. s. w. peaaa Co., 110 Bta. .. ALL . MAKES typewriters rented and m kred. Oregon Type Co.. 94A 8th. atam boom. FOR SALE A-l No. 6 Underwood. Most. : have cash. B-641. Journal. FOB KALE MIKCELLANEOUS lV. AU. machine, sold for lee no" agents employed: maBhinee rented, repaired. A-8826. . 1L , 9481. Sewing Maehins Emporium. 190 3d, near Taylor at a 1 " nprirJp Mntnrs Bought, sold, rented as rbwd. Walker Electrte Works. 418 Barn side, comer 10th.. Broadway or A-6674. ' 5TS 800 yjuu 1000 490 m-J-J $100Cash $2000 Modern 6 room bungalow, fireplace, sir: buihVins; full concrete basement; 50x100; paved streets, paid.- Terrace Park. FRANK L. M OT-RE, ABINGTON BLDG. FOR SALK or wxebahge. 8100O equity in small . . .WBiametta jtaliay? farm,. V- mil from-town. $260. $350. $400, $600. $650. $750. $1000 and larger amounts at current rates. Quick acticn. Fred W. Grman Co., 7 $2 Chamber of Commerce. UKVF.RAI, LAND- OFFICE. Washington. D. C.. Feb. 28. 1918. Notice is hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations . . , . a .A.J, OA a. A1BI .nd"th."inst'rUSm. "of thWreter? of I -ONEI to loan --i terior of September 15. 1917. the timber on T,I t?, ""w ll niT lT EL tha folk, win. lands will be sold April. 4. 181.8. I mlJJZA?nt- st 10 o 'dock a. m., at public auction at tne I - TENT to trade for incubator. Call 586 Front I Saxon; big snap SETTING jSens wanted. Phone quick. Tabor 994. ' DELIVERIES. DOGS, BIRDS, PETS, FTC. ' 46 "ord. metel body, suitable for meat mar-; rr .,a t 1- iu-J zr e or grocery au: ni.Ai,iiii,u , ""."- fori, canvas body United StatM land office at Rosebnrg. Or., to ! lit;iLJ3ING loans on city or suburban property; the highest bidder at not lea than the an- I money advanced as work progresses. W. G. praised value as shown By this notice, ealo to Beck, 216 and 216 Failing bldg. Main 2407. bo subject. to tee approval el le -Mciei--. !t,NEY to loan in amiTunU of $100 to $5000 nediar ee regie te red atoek; will aaake $150 for owner in S months. Owner breaking up home, must sell. Price $80, inclu4mg license for Tear. Main 5709 Wednesday. Sellwood 2089 Thursday. Address A. Z. Wresenrtingsr, 101$ I $22 Aldsr E. autn t FOR SALE Choice singer and female. S3 Woodlawn 1217. ORANGE and blue Psmtaa eeta at stud. $T East BZ2B. THOROUGHBRED Mallory ave. Wdln. Open Sunday. Terms if desired. H. WALLING FORD. Phone Main 2492 $10.00 Ten dropbaed sewing mschlnee Ivp I UiUU -... ,aeh,u: aU are in very 060 1 good condition. Sewing machines rented St S pet month. Phona East 2869 ov s-hvi,' . I R. Stee-, 152 Grand ave.. nesr telmont. -- "MUSICAL INHTRUMENTS," "Typewriters mA .'Ti..-kni nAm" - ...fwla elsasnl- 22? 1-caUons. All adfertisemenU . of these goods, "rs c isssilirsia . 2, , . VAUWU. A(.,V1 .V. ' I nuhlimld nndmr their reeoective iHta uva.it. WE WILL upholster snd repair your furol- tore and take your 01a aweeruea u' j I DT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A GOOD USED I .j. 1 ik,,., ' " ' Bti Fox Terrier papplea. 1447 CAR, WE HAVE THEM. ALL SIZES AND VihxSTWSro RnnAOeslV lln. 1656. I MAKES. FOLLOWING IS A PARTIAL LIST: lli or VYnB nOpe"- MALE and female dog license at rebate. 364 Monroe exahange for payment Multnomah Furniture Hospital. 354 3d st- Main 4654. ' - iUTMOBILlEsTOTOBCTCLES. LAUNCHES or boats are separate cUssifleations. A large listing can be found under these different classifications. Broadway .079 , Wdln. 19a A-24S3 -Any Amount. New and 2d Hand AH Size ALTOMOBiLEs-AccBssoBiEs u 2 SSSSm: i : : .l-.i! S&R'Osed-SeWiiis Machines AUTOMOBILES ACCBSSOBIES 44 T91S ?a-k, first ch condition?: ..... 825 WW ' r..r,tA We rent and repalft FOB BENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED 11 6 room, modern 326 6 room, modern 10 5 room, modern , 10 4 rom. plain 5 a HOUCK. 110 10th St. MODERN room house, large yard, attic, 2 families can occupy it. $22. 487 E. An- keny. near 9tn. Can Apply East Burnside 243 hi Burn: FOR SALE fined,' to 7. Tabor 426 polio e beat Call from FURNISHED HOUSES $ WANTED Machinists apprentice, trade school ' MODERN 4 room furnished house for rent FOR RENT One 4 room house. $7.50; one 2 room. $3, 8 blocks Arleta school. R-634, Journal. . . FOR RENT 5 room cottage, .78th t.. Mont villa. phone Mrs. Swain. Main 8496. FOR RENT 4 rooms, upstairs and auto apace, for 38. 826 E. 11th. $6 8 ROOM house, garden space, car. Woodlawn 2649. St Johns MODERN 9 room house 887.60. thorne. Owner. East 1208. . 721 Haw- ood improvements, aa first payment on room the interior. ine purcnaae price, iu u au- 1 crooertv. bungalow in Portland or acreage. Will sell or Iditional sum of one fifth or 1 fssr pent thereof, I BELL. 201 Gerllnger bldg- exonanse stock and implements. VJL-974. I being commissions suoweo, must ne aepoaiteq 1. . . t .m.f I .1 A 1 nn H it m.lm 1 MOKTUAUJS Wana, O ana I per CSJll. XJOU1B iii not approved, otherwise patent will Issue for ALBERTA DISTRICT Salomon A Co.. 408 Selling bldg. tl,C A X X I.. . , . . . , . i . i i . . a I . - r i , , n t I i : For Sale By owner, a nkM 6 loom nodera uinMr. wnicn musi om mofw T?? A 1 iow. cousiaer . mx. wuu, ft.. t tor m I VMI KKLB Will Om TCCtUTCQ UOBB ClteZaB OI I 4 HI IJMlTkDer OI LOOmerce. JUKIU 0J I . iZSSFigSl $2600TrmVT 1062 K " te States, association, of such cttixen. . HAVE $1000 to $40,000 to loan on farm Investigate. 18th at N. Street improvement paid. Bee I .r".V. . -."--- -r-" .r- i or city property, r. u. box oia. Owner, 944 Gantenbein ave. Rose City Park I tne united B tales oi any state, territory or eus- i . . trlct thereof only. Upon application of a quail- $100 to . 3500-uTe action on suburban fled purchaser, the timber or any legal surxii- i -- ." " -- vision will be offered separately before being I CASH for mortgagee, . loana. contraets. F. H. 191T Brfeeoe. perfect condition... .. 600 ivio so i roadster, electric light and starter - 1014 Ford touring, first class condition 1916 jrnrd touring car 1H-2 ton Packs rd worm drive truck in ex- J$ MitcheUi condition... 1.1. vmmuu u.jiicij . . . . , , 1918 Packard, good condition . . . 1917 Studebaker Six, 3 passenger. Ford One Ton -truck, new...;... Ford delivery USED TRUCK SNAP cellent ahape. Will sell at A great discount PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO., 7 rooms fully modern, everything bunt In, included in any offer of a larger unit Sched- Lewi. Room 4. Lewie bldg. MainJ88. new; your w, terms; might .take a car a. parti"!, of timber to beld: 121&.K2 W.. awLFL 0. It 17 . -m a ws a -"- a.a v av v aw.. not to be sold At less than Si. .a per K. x. a. a . isr n. j xe 1Z O IV 1. xuu casement. ox furnace: erouna nnxiao. I . . -a : -i , 1 m , u j ... fer .It- ISIAA- ..6 ,k . vj I Tea m ... ".!,.;! 10th A Bumaida Sts., Broadway 821. Many Others, pawment 400 E. 54th at N, FOR SALE A beautiful nome. 1689 E. Taylor: MONEY W LOAN CHATTELS, SALARIES 87 COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Main 6244. Washington St, at 21st. Guaranteed. We rent and repair. 172 Third St Main 1846. A-1816. ' , a an I REDUCED prkoe on Cable roofing paper, all a. '. I?5 kinds tool.. J. Leve. 188 Front St.. between 885 s am in u oa j hiu., ' " '. BOO PIANOS, organs, talking machine Aoeeptedea ?:. . 800 first parment on new piano and , biaysr 750 plsnga. Schwan. Plsno Co.. I ll 4th St. l I 650 SLIGHTLY used eompnitag -lev all klndsi 20 aiso 5n.",r.'.'aA " sneer ; very cueiy. , 600 ENVELOPES or 600 bond letterheads $2;. 600 bond billhead or statements, $1.75., Smith Printing Co.. anyaj. 'experience. Apply 175 E. Water mt WANTED Good stableman, one who hi business. J. Cohen. 54 B Front t to distribute cireitlsrs. 7 a. m. tomor ', row. Kelley, 100 H Front for $14; 75 fine R. L R. chickens for sale V-- 1 cheap; large garden. Sell. 2857. knows - li. -,-v.j u 1 xtOnrJ 1 1 II J-Altxv iiwiur lunnautu rauumce, 2 rooms reserved; garage, garderi. roses, etc. Tabor 5840. owner a! O Krir 1296 l Tl 6 M. ; S. W. wi , B. . red fir 680 M. ; SaSi ' Kri. 12 Salmon, Tabor & - u g. w. 14 . red fir 760 M. ; N. E. tt. 2zL S. K. V. red fir 880 M.; N. W. S. E. TAKE Woodstock ear to 64th at, go north to I red fir 400 M.. incense cedar 60 M. ; not to 68d are., eaat to 6416 6$ are.. Just step fbl sold st less than $1 per M.. Sec 28. S. W. in and buy the 4 room house snd 8 fall hand- I x . n. E. 14 . red fir 800 M., second growth some, nicely fenced lots, covered with fruit and I f jr 100 M.; N. E. , N. W. U, red fir .760 flowers, for 81000. I white fir 25 M.: N. W. 14, N. W. 14. FOR SALE Lot 140x140. 4 room house. 1 red fir 1000' M,. white i fir 60 M. ; 8. W. H. etc., without removal. Salary LOANS VJ5 lAJAVt St VI. XV X On short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly. semi-monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly coTifidenriaL NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSEE & ABSOLUTELY NO BKCUBIYI We also loan on household furniture, pianos. HELP WANTED MISC. 4 - " UNCLE SAM Beech 10,006 steiiographera. Enron now for Shorthand. typewriting, bookkeeping. MISS DECKER'S PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE, Sd floor Altky bldg. KUMBER TOUNG WOMEN AND MEN wanted FURNISHED bungalow at 1115 Wasco st: garage: rent $50. Call at 97 North Bdwy. MODERN furnished 4 room cotUge. 862 E 24th, rent $20, .near Holgate at prepare for ' telegraph service to help fin cles caused by the drafting of men for war. to . Taoanci For partlcalars call or write Telegraph PepC mM Mir. mu i xvxenange Diag. ISS DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Civil service, dictaphone operating, shorthand, typewriting; bookkeeping, mimeographing. Ens- spelling. Altsky bldg.. Sd and Morrison. OR grade crochet work for sale. T.n. mmZ ewi so cnoove irom. oeno ive lor "Boos; of Designs" and details. Int Trading Crochet Co., 868 3d st Msln 67T8. .. , HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. fI tUWTHUKNE AVS. SPECIAL NIGHT CLASS RATES. PAY AS TOD LEARN. THE ADCOX At0 BCHOOC ISO Wasco st, corner Union ave. . OaU, write or phone E. 7446 about free trial evTer. i y ana nignt en . T7ESSONS IN SPANISH -t- - -T: PROFESSOR EDUARDO GARCIA 'Honrs 4-6. 7-9 p. m. Phone East 7888. JUST BIDE rOMMKRClAL SCHOOL. 1: UltAFlU 1V, EAST 427, UNCALLED tor tailor made suits. 89.50 up. Tsylor the Tailor. 289 H Burnatda. FURNISHED house for rent Call East 8050. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED SCENIC lodge, 624 Heights terrace, corner Hall and 16th; 2 and 4 room tent cottage, large porches, hot shower aad tub bath and gas; finest view of mountains In city; see them and you will appreciate. KING ALBERT APTH. New. 2 and 8 room, strictly modern, hard wood floors, elevator1 and Janitor , aerviee. Cor. 11th and Montgomery sts. HIS LOP HALL, E, 6th snd Hawthorn! Mod ern 1, 2 and S room apta., $12.60 op, walk ing distance. Eaat 882. FOR RENT, 9 room house on west aide, close in: all rooms freshly tinted, 880. Luedde- mann Co.. 918 Chamber of Com. Main 6967 FURNISHED apta.. doss in. 274 Holladay ave. East 8225. FURNISHED 4 room apartment, ' light, heat. as ana garage, laoor oi. 6 ROOM furnished apartment. Eaat 6926. FOB BENT FLATS It . Taylor the Tailor. 289 H Burnatda. " 1 sr v t HELF WANTED FEMALE 1 CAPABLE woman, aa collector for city; bonds and references required; permanent position to . thai woman who can fill the bill : one with expa rieneo preferred. Apply Western Magaxin Corp., - . npaioing Diag. B TtnOM flat for rent. 627 Overton at Will fix np to suit tenant. M- E. Lee, 606 Cor- bett bldg. - FOR RENT 5 room modern flat, clean. -629 Everett st 4 ROOM flat, 801 E. 11th. East 1449. FURNISHED FLATS $12 Upper part of a two-story house, 4 rooms, anil cntv. electric lights, gas. fruit, gar den and garage; no children. Wdlrvvlfff." 830 V.-l-V. ' l.e-. mvhlu AhnV.n kn- IS fn.it IN. W. U. . Md flT 800 M.. WA1U TIT 29 M tree. aU kind of berries, aU in good Condi- oedar 10 1L; 8. p. . N W. 14, red fir 900 tion, city water and gaa. $1000 cash. l a. u. secona growxo ix jww -.. a. ? . o. r Tnt. .t.tinn n a k ass I vv ... xA tit 1100 M. . white fir 40 M. : N. W. is . B. 1 i ieu iir wav sa., wnite iir 40 M., cedar 10 M; 8. W, 14. 8. W. 14. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. LICENSED, 317 Failing bldg. Chattel I YOU are Hooverirmg when you buy a used car from ns; big assortment; easy terms. FORD TOURING $825 HUDSON SIX A SNAP 660 OVERLAND 5 PASS. 485 ELMORE $8000 Car 800 CHALMERS 6-80. 6-PASS...... 900 CHALMERS MASTER SIX 700 STUDEBAKER 6-PASS 500 CHALMERS 7 PASS.. 1911 225 WESTERN MOTOR CAR SALES CO., Broadway at Burnside. FIRST-CLASS home. 7 rooms, cost $6500, V. aww wr. M. a UIIUUAUUUt. I ... mm tin . i a- a.. a M 1 AA If aw t S . I . sy.-l extra fin. new 9 joom home, $7000, Irvington. S3 'w sTW'if 7hv"iiAw If Vnil Maori MnnfiU Qa Mel . o ,n n 1 m r tt ti f OilUV, .... L 9. x I1CIUUI.U. I jj jgJJQ ST. JOHNS property for aale, mode i 6 room I cedar 25 M. ; N. M.. W. whit fir 14. S. 25 E. SALARIES CHATTELS fixed house, walking distance of shipyard and grain I . nsn xr white fir SO M.. cedar 2Q I income, on household furniture, pianos, die- I elevator. H block to store snd earline, $2250; I , , . a w xz a f i . red fir 1000 M.. 1 monds and other- personal property; legal rates, j Leans made to persons on salary or $500 will handle, balance 6. 721 Oswego it ,, ",",' M cedar 40 M. ; 8. E. 14. 8. E." .-w-w-av A i t i a - im I . . . a . a M tl. JT! Br f A NEW 6 room modern bungalow, built-in effects, 1-u red fir 1240 M.. white fir 50 M., cedar full basement, lot 40x100 feet; 1 block to I an L : sac. 26. N. IS. 14. H. JS. 14, red fir earline; sibuu. ssou casn and terms. CalllioBO M. : NT-W. 14. N. JE. 14. red Iir 900 Tabor 8673. M.: 8 W. 14 N. E. 14 . red fir 1000 M., ce- TAT7Y a home that vielda an income. Ant house. I dar 80 M. : 8. E. 14 , N. E. 14 . red fir 1100 7 . . T 7 ' I . . 1 VT MT wl .1. t A Kn W lnta ... m.1 ... m nH t.Kll.hw. l.i,nA.a ... . .1 . L . 1. TV, A . M. X V W V a.. for 86500. Owner wants to retire on account cedar 20 M.: N. W . . . w.j4. iw m nf .... , Can Wdln. 1871. 900 M. : S. W. 14. N. W. 14 , red fir 1100 M : . JK k . dar 40 M,: N. E. 14. S- W. 14. red fir 1200 Baatnea confidential: xnivate offleea. . PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY Licensed, 806-807 Dekam Bide Oarages See a m p 1 a s. 644 Hood - at Phone Main 1167. 7 ROOM house, basement, bath and parlor, 8500 BdowS ' ba-nce'vrmielwooa " c.d.r20 M. ; N W. 14. 8. W. 14. red fix Money to loan on pianos, furniture, other socuri- , . ,tR5TdX., $500 down, balance easy terms. Bellwood Ka M ; . W. 14. 8. W. 14, red fir 1100 tie. W. A. Hathaway, rm. 208 Wash, bldg. go.. $83-835 Barn-ride, near Broadway. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portland baeineer men te ftTfrlY, tHiriUWUF. a. MYKTts HERMAN. Mar.. 894 STARK ST. N. W. 14. red fir 900 M.. ce- I LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRT. PIANOS. nuuBanuiai a u xxi 1 x u xvat Miilmade Construction Co, NEW TIRES USED-AUTOMOBILES, TERMS GIVEN . . 1917 Saxon, brand' new, 6 pass, 6 ey1..$ 850 1916 Overland, model 75. 6 pas, nearly new 650 1917 Maxwell, like new, only. ....... 1917 Maxwell Sedan, msed very little... 825 1917 Mitchell. 6 pas., 6 cyL, nearly new 1150 1915 Ford 128 and many others to select from. Used Car Dept -MITCHELL. LEWIS A 8TAVER COw ' East Morrison at 1st at. . Eaat 7272, 11-1 2 r 6. I - PRICES OF CARS ARE GOING UP BUT AS x 1ST WE MAVIS ftUT AIAISE OURS. ill LL8 DALE RED KJ E S, regiatered. ort Pernsft, st stua. mu. hm w .. 6450. Box 22, Hillsdale. Or. Rn8ALll22fFteeTTnch Iron elevator cable, second band. Portland Elevator Co. ' I THEbest-722 Marlln rifle "and cas ' mad, cheap.: at B2 E. Harrison st. u tn. FURNITURE for sale Phone Taoor xxi and housa for real. griTooMPLETie batjTroom outfit. $-. Northwastern Pipe Co.. 187 Front at.. 625 PLUMBING sujUe., wholesale Iiavle ( o.. ll i an i- ',tark . 24 INCH Americln single aorfacar at a bar-,, gain. Valentin Mfg. Co.. 600 E. Lincoln. BATHTUBS, sinks, tfrflets. pjp sna fi" A. I Howara. i- 1 VAOTUM. cleaner, 531 COAllffea, PWJgHW jtcuvi-j ------ "FERTILIZER. , , Horse and cow manure. E 181. - hole steel range, coll, reservoir. turn 1917 Buick light six 1916 Oldsmobue eight 1916 MitcheU 1910 Cadillac ...... 1911 Cedillas What brand of new tire do I Cadillac eight yon prefer I W" nave them. I Scrips-Booth . . . all make sad else. Also we I w irren Roadster make the famous O-T-O Donbls I Chalmers touring 1 reaq tewv 1 un 1 yvra $ 950 $ 950 $, 450 $ 200 $ 250 ii jeiierson. 176 Home 191 Park at., nee wing machine 20; barfaih. r - Va lamhill. f'WO barber chair forlaie at 247 Coach st: WELL rotted manure. dlivrd-t4eU. 45- JaEGERVACUUM WEEPERS MAIN 8862.. 81250 I irfif. mum cow or horse manure. Mar. 4056. a. a 1 .1 . r - : -, Oregon Vulcanising yord , . a u a X XL VAft Vie 1 BOO Vf $2760 Modern home In Piedmont with all ,',' b M.: N. E. 14. 8. E. 14. rd; fir 1200 i ixturee xor comiorx. tan wui aecure xm i , aa u . v w u . v. u f i. so that 12 pe rcent can be realised. 418 Ore- I CVitnix ,t, 30 'f : 8. W. 14. 8 E x . '" rmun.. . m .jxjo M., cedar 40 At. ; S. E. 14-, 8 LOANS WANTED $ I Ford OP ORI Broadway and Cot&L. Broadway 2270, .$ 250 .$ 200 . $ 400 .$ 325 MACHINEBT 81 WANT $22,000 loan on Oregon wheat ranch. four Urns, the value; also szouu x year; bankable security. . THOMASSEN, T. M. O. A, commieftion. K-967.' JournaL FOR SALE br owner, an extra oood 7 -room I v. u ' fie 2200 M.. cedar 20 M. : sec 27 i . .. i. t ... I . ., . i ... omn m v. . UUHM, WUn XVV BUU XV, IC1J VOBy, I N ri. , t XV. T , W OWV A., "Wll. IU ... easy terms. Phone Woodlawn 1696. 1 25 M., cedar 40 M. ; N. W. 14. N. E. 14. red fc00. 8 to 8 yeari. city income property; no ii' . . JL. .. 1 A, A . Ki, ,1 IK U AAfl.V 111 at B 6900, glBO CAjUl buys a very attractive lit- I "J w haVrvr jZ" ; tie bungalow, west aide. City water and W. 14. N E. 14. red fir 880 M., white fir r M. E. Lee. 505 Corbett bid.. 80 M,. cedar 80 ; 1L, g E. 14 -N-.E. 14 . red FOR SALE by owner, 4 room house, large lot. I v C U N W. 14 . red fir 850 M.. white wui bikt Rose City Park Garage. 6 2d Sandy ?,"-"7,F. !V Hi'1' road, March 8. frotx, 8j to 12, Come early; I, - gl7" Bui1EV nw first raasonaoie oxier vase, .c tUT- 420 I nERRrinr n 3 Ton. 3470 1 ATTACHMENTS ' , Capacity , I Mfg. in Portland 198 E. Water st' Phone Eaat 7437. 16 IL P. Foos gas engine , 15-25 gaa tractor Pern peter well drill REIERSON MACHINERY CO., Msin 1846. 1295 Hood st, city. .. .8375 ,i.300 . ,8550 S10U BIG STOCK Used Cars PKJi hJJ RIGHT I HORSES, VEHICLESETC. 18 I . JfJ-- i. S244. fruit,' garden ana oerne. just east o: Laurelhurst Give terms. Phone E. 2745. 12D II. on Montgomery si., ran large nouaea, I St. ; O. Yl. w. , xea iir wu ax., ceoar jij ,, . i . , 0,AW I J --,--, - l " aU rented, clear of incumbrance, 118.000, Ik 1 60 M, ; S. E. 14 . N. W.' M. red fir 860 M. , I FOR .E-ood ranchteam weighs 2500 ar8H o oM cars; couaition no object; J $500 cash, bal. long time. 6. E-602. JonmaU I odar 110 M.; N. E. 14. 8. W. 14, red fir j., .-: vTi J. a 01 vjv K!ll( I parte foV all make, of ears. Oraroo A uto Ex-1 ci ty c -utv g .kl.M n ft f 1 im mwt wnrk.n Tafat I fir. 20 M-5 ceoar . ax. ; rj. . w . MoUut Scott car to 9th nve..l block north 1 "1 l.ir ' , .7 ?A block east to 6825 85th stRE. Sl-i!. iNT'ir1 T.ki I FLANDERS 20. completely overruled. Must AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 -- w . - l pa i lc mem. uwiw cmiiw w m- cuimm. a h r$ rw hiiu Reasonable price. Mar. 8499. or call at tne I tion, with improvemente worth Ford Garage, i ana pnerniaa. .iter vwec. i irrtm of fruit on thla place. All goes for X97iin I casn, pat. to suit. Water, gss and all parts for all makes ox cars. Vrag-s auto x- i y v r xoo cheap PUBNITUBE WANTED " '7$ Highest Prices. Paid -V for an kind of hou senoia gooam. amn '" reiuurant ouUita. trunks, bags bteyetos. fWhing tackle j JU1 lOOtr OI BVlA aygm-lM -'V eww. VaAO AJk sv - - fTSM Levin Hardware & Furn. Co. v 7 a -lA A IK I . . ' . - e a- . v.'i t. i 1 lgkTTB IOT IU vi wa-. 1 ' : i " K LAUREtHtRST. 8 room modem horn. Price 400 M.. cedsr 25 M.J-N. W. 14. 8. W. H. .'sTushBsfadT" IHfL BHft ?T l0Ul " I "-?lM . -?' 221 Front at. cor. Salmon a fain vma. . CAfcU PAID . $5600. 1349 E. Flanders. ci&ii u 1 1 n Moat fOi I We xvsea au sum. w. .--. k , WAITED Competent girl or woman to do. Height a '- MlSZZ. Tb!If4 iVa SrTAi xfn 128.- 6 ROOM, new modern, clean, eompletely fUiIT-A. Tr ,49- i408 "Mv-: funSshed Take I. J. Chapman car. 570, MiU. ? KwrSSi ,ss-.j -SS SiTZ V x?&ixu Zy, S Inaulre E. 14 . 8. E. 14 . red fir 720 M-, cedar 80 M. ; ec OU, n. XIa T , ... xu. -jm , x x Kir ibvv aa. thorne ear. f WANTED 25 more women for Mg Egyptian . . ,n ...11 1 .n a d.-,i . "Jl'i,-,i vaua.. va. v,h , .oi, im V .ov p. Ul. lO- night 8tag-eotrance 11th at playhouse, 11th' and Morrison. . '(JlfiLs ' for office wholeaale house; FOR BENT HALltS- avsaistanta state age, MANCHESTER dancing -hall. 85 H 5th near Oak, for rent lor aancing parties on certain emMttneilt. f i Oak, fof rent lor aancin xprfee. evening. Broadway 2827. WANTED TO RENT encee, phone number. K-910, Journal.. , I WANTED Tauni woman. H.h. unU. a 1 ins and. evening., in exchange for board, room WANTED First clasa physician and -Burgeon - and wages. Bellwood 765. to occupy suite of offices tn new, modern ' Gill for jigbt housework; no' washing; plain lectric ght J t cooking: 2 In family- $15 a month Ran service. Prexent occupant called to war. Pay Wthwt V, !V q car Call tSffgSl town, Et Oregon. 6000potmlation. MiMTen-Lt, 1 '. 3 3 r 'with only five regular doctors, three of whom .WANTED It ouee,cook and good house- T. ofTicea. in this rbloek. Address . T-6S1. W D. Hlgy. Jen,iurnai; keener. 2 in family. SiltlMI ' IJVflM llf 7- Ar. i. . -iUl '-. - . WANTED to rent by couple, smell ..furnished VVVVt sivii - iwtwuta, ebhiu m-U WUUUW lUl HOUSE and lot, 60x100, for saU. TuR Unnta n m 6 rxill m.SJji ?; ACBEAOE $7 8. E. 14. N. E. 14. red fir 1250 M., cedar 60 M N E. 14. N. W. 14. red fir 1860 M. dar 60 M. ; N. W. 14. N. W. 14, red fir 800 vox. vm ei vuy., w. .CKUMS, a.w . . Art, i .iW a-i, a weight 1400; bay gelding, age 4. wt 1400. MOTOR8. 8 arl Jjae axlj.; ws ,ire 894 H Gladstone ava. and 29th rt. I wck d t-x C ? J??i far aw mMAmwmw RrMrl-fl 1 Id. FOB SALE 12 in. steel beam plow with roll-1 -7, " feTJBUtlJJE ' ing cotter. Caed one season. $12.50. 518 1 B9aWf TOP CT Indiana at I ffrl-rra 71 a,v rv alwa 1684. 1 Ml... I a . . I . . 1 . "., , . , . ... . . I nrxmxrn t.A .f aaaH Wm wnrlr linrwa 5 f. Oul. n " . ?a?.- -Z.1-; T?.n7at fT.; iam - u . 1 -i.i. .i. i,-kJ!. Portland: , 6, lu acr tracta. ssa to g.owiflr 450 At.: o. . . a. w. , rea iir sou I r VT ' 11915 FOxtu touruis rT.i.i- per aer.v kcParland. 608 TeeeTbldg., Portland. I jr.. cedar 40 M T N. B. 14 , S. W. 14. red . I Union ave. S. : . I and starting system; eery reasonable terms "atitonlO 3126. ' Be. v. ' 9 Gray . pWte. prtneipata only. K-915. Journal. red fir 960 M . oedar 60 M. ; 8. E. 14, 8. W. j Or.. R. 4, Box 13. I with earturetor, m0 and dutch. $75. S.I1- FOR fcAtE-2 acr-, writ improved, good W Z'J JTVS'S 'IX.' & 5. V GOOD, smaU team of farm mar-. $70. IM wood 121. kinds of fruit, fine water. Jennings I a k ti red fir 1 ROO M vv ii I ,Tm" "' - -191 6 FORD roadster, ," aosorpers bbo station. Oak Grove 1B9M. lAiM.Tv 'il 2 1 1 GOOD work horse lor sale, weighs 1200. I ithar xt-; term If daatred. Broadway 1 e a a XVI A. FORD. ' FRANCIS MOTOR CAB EXCHANGE. ss. iii. m. u ana nawtnorpe ava. 1 WANTED Ford automobile. WITJ trade yetmg milch cows. 619. 85th st B. E. Tabor 6897. HIGHEST prioes paid for automobilea; eondit tloa no ODject, 121 rt. sa ex. stdwy, 2629s WANTED Chevrolet, model 1918 or ITTcAaS. ..l aaa a-a , - eeix, i Mruaam x.ui www, awn a uv, evenmga. PFfer-Hamilton -9h?'2?r.n HigtMat price, paid for need furniture, carpet, stove, ranges, etc. We call promptly. Want Household Furniture WILL PAY CASH. Phone Main 8988. JL) AUTOS FOB HIBE Ca!l East 636 tr chard, all Lodge, near 2 ACRES under cultivation, close to 6 cent car- J red fir 6900 M., cedar 20 ; M., white fir to rags, anything in household goods. Wa change your om inmnure a--- Phona eve- eaeral huusawurk: cood home. Btnga. Mam zssi.r . LADI Wber wanted. 229 Burnside i guaran- ITe" 'fcSoGRAI PHERS- Musk hava x ' ..uri. encef state -all , particulars. WT88. Journal, house or cottage, close in or walking dis tance; will pay anything reasonable. Write or call from 1 to 5 Friday. Saturday, Sunday only. 44 Buchtel ave, E. . Take MontavlUa car to E. 80th st. RESPONSIBLE young couple wants neatly fur nished 4 or 5 room bnralow.. with, soma ASSISTANT cashier and aalaslady; must havl t ardn apace.. Rent ."fomibta' J. Simon A Bro.. 1st and Alder. vlNTlD Practical nurse and SousekeepeZ . Phone Tabor 6208. LA DT barber wanted at 2851. Burnside at 8$ HELP WANTED MALE AND . - . FEMALE OREGON Barber College will teach yoa the bar bee trade in 8 weeks: tool fra.; scholarship 'diplomas ' given r rwl while , learning; positions guaranteea: tuvtiot reaireu. zss AUdlson, CaiGxNAirir'jiULBR-BARBEB RCHOOI. ' Teecbea men and, v men barber trade la 8 wks. Special rates foa, short time only $16. Ineludinff good set ( tools, giving diplomas. 2 $4 Couch st of references. Phone Tabor $670. WANTED 6 or 7 room furnished house, west - side district, moderate ' rent, permanent; will give references. Oall EastT726. -' '' 1 '; ' WANT 5 room nnfurniahed flat north of Weah- ington. west of 20th, Call Marshall 6270 after 6p. m: -- ? -- '- -.'; .-' WANTED To rent $ or 4 room f urnfahed eot tags with garden apace, not over $12. R-633, Jonrnal. RESPECTABLE working irl wiahss housekeeping ' room, walking distance. price.' R-649. Joaraal. . -.- . , CO-RENT- aingle Bute 811. 270$. or; 6 room cottage or bungalow. line, $1100; terms. Gribbler Cafe, Lenta. FOR RENT 19 facre. suitable for gardening.' E. Rogers. Hillsdale, Or. Main 9429. Call Mam 4783. be sold at not lass than $1 per tt., cedar at I HORSE and wagon. $1.26 -day; 2 boraeaai3 not lees tnan cent per ax., ana, red- iir At not lees than 81.60 per M. except in W. , AUTOS FOB HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS Peering Bobnett City Garage 9 JOth. I WANTED -AH kinda of -ECOSD HAND Wgr Between Stsrk and Oak. Broadway 840. 1 NITURE. IF yon l"reanything to BELIaU wacon. $2-60. 54$ Front Main 2208. DEAD stock taken quickly. We pay "the most Ii Fords Enameled $12.50 N. W. 14. and 8. .W. 14, sec $5, which is to I dead and crippled stock. Tabor 4203 SUBURB ANACBEAGB 7 . Cla, Tall- I jsoo .lb. team of farm mare, wagon and Lar- - v ,A.C"f4? TIMBER claim. Sell or trade. Addrv. 680 Y7P - " -"; l riffmi ava. commutation rare. . water, gas, pnonea, etc. I - neat, very cheap. 602 Front st Fine acre, all cleared. $ min. to station, onlv I SHIP KNEES WANTED, LOEB BROS.. B02-8 I TT5 SFir . r. . I $750, $250 cash. baL easy.. Worth double. I BROADWAY LDG., PORTLAND. OR. I nrmTZit. i Two eras, dose to ear. $1600. $200 down. baL like rent . ' - Three acres, o . min. to station, with house etut ImnfatKmnj. ...th S 1 ftftD. Alt f n t4TAA $600 cash, baL easy. I an paia; exenj, , . a , . t. . . I Vt V 0 1 XaxwyuI ' aciv vx". x ui u.uu uuu viuo, X xyioca -so car, I " w 821 tn fruit and bearing orchard. $900 eaalr, baL 9i mo., at 6. Worth ' Other rteer . Portland Hunt club. auto roa up to fiooo. - Come 'today. Oregon Electric xx otoe. xaea ri.mi -, e.xe, . efa- grtty Storage Ccv, 109 4th at aft A DTaTFVf TFsAJrY? 43 saT A n .1 - ... UJMWtttr - JOLWJaaVJ l B1AT 870 B Morrison St CbLE 8 Splendid shape, leeks like new. Good ti . bargsia if sold at one. Owner leav Inay. 1 Lrnsdal. st Phone' Mala 6474. DEAD horses' and animals hauled away tree. 1 19,7 FORD touring car, only been used short tau nvauawn av. rviiwnv nraufnai 1 time: veTT I . 1111111. Krne ax.wu. . x.n. farm . work horses, well fC I way 1672. 1 : ' $50 to $160. 22$ Alder st lARG-Ttoek of slightly ased tires at low prises; Marshall 8897. . . I PHONE Eaat 7819 wnen you " J mm, win cone as once ana psr yoa CASH M. R, SKATER. $0 Hawthorn ave. comer usws. TTrw awn- -p. At, mtit. til ..... . i.TvusTorE- rth $1000.!, to $2700. I CHOICE 100x100 in -Irvington ; improvemente tJf ION - sale, ktanor " Waalw KthJtof BuTCK roaster, 4 cyL , 1917 medel; run only FOR SAIxaIndian motorcycle, worux i, au tor s.iuv.i p.jj. uchanx. for flaU or apartments. I Vancouver, Tuesday, March 6, 11 a. m. 181 6000 miles: finished liko ew. J. C. Eng- aortable. CaU Bdwy. 183.- - head extra geoa jersey mucn - cow, o treen I nsn so.. tsi vm AUTOS ' without drivers for hire, eouchmaiT-k Stuuvsa. , l inn-x amaui. Mar. z 3 2. A-l 236. . I xx ILL oar cash for rooming house, 2d hand fur- MOTOBiTrCtFSBICTCXFS 1$ ttttur. nd stov. Call Ka-t .94. ; BICYCLES MOTORCYCLES. Large, stock of now and ased Stchina. DATTON CYCLE CO., 68 6th st. L fM -f y SweStSgaV V 11 r T W u m mm t, ww f I iga f I in j i I .wniihii. ra-treadinc. general tire repairinr I TWIN motorcycle, equipped. $7$ for Quick aale. IK 1 CT R. Black. 6$4 Alder st Main 1819. I Tabor 77 3. - I i.THV UV'A IM1V sntWa I A-VA V,-; - - rA. .7-c! T 4 iew hro-dway 129S. 4Kf. 3d at. ' GJuLlvx xvax 1 1 ivfl..in. na xx. , M-ll GRAND AVENUE - - - PRIVATE party is dealroue of buying Med fur nitare snd clothing, any amount. Psy good crlees Call Mr. Waahlmm, Marshall 4783. ond iiand furtiitnr. - v- r.A I e v A 1 J . , J , I nv - . . , . num K mma MM. WU mUxim UC... WLU I 1Q1J V. 1111 AaIIVMW mMW. xB A-. MKltltlm.- I . w www I XXVUOAVOI 4KXMX. xtwura, X Unu, AailiaiKX. I . , . . . i- - ., l -. - - ; a 1200. I rv. tor Portland inm nmranS ,ku I ireanen n xaareo. a. in av, nans 10 uu. I wUl snenneej terms i re Mxtsxtne party. I CXJ on cood 1 for clear, from owner. Tabor 7024. " I ?f team., weight 2000 lbs.,- 1 cointng Broadway 1571. - . l t 'i I ,. ' . .. 1 O-yeaz-om mare, a coiuma A-year-oxa mare, A 1 V-r, sifr f ArUllvet- hodv At t Ad it I to - Garden I vx.1 T"1." Sf. P " ?" I O. t C. brood sow duo to farrow May 8,15 i " ,.w .V-ui ito llti, miT'itmZ. kiii 1 a a. a x enaxisw .xse - e I pv ranr . ram. mnaut u e n a j- wvu. r,A mmam. 9 aa maaa i - - - i IV- - V- - ? I ja.a -pA a i a--t .. v.-i-. r. 1 LAUNCHES AND BOATS MP LET ELY furnished boathous for ssTal First houso south Weberg Tannery. good.. C. White Leghorns. 1 disc harrow, 1 60- j 1814 FORD touring. Extru: rsaln; tine can steel frame harrow. Clinton HieAcm l thtlon. H. Robbina. Hotel Oekhry. r - a A era .x-loa. to station, unit itid. water, l r w. . - . rr , - . i -v.. A.rrT I ei i 1 .. , v 1 . - ),.. -lActrie - llht m this r.Ue T hi. I uBiB Arvxngn in or xqeoraonv . nawy. owner; w. tv wooa, auci loneer, Vancouver, 1,11 hava. nju t xu . oe e i- . . . . . mi , i . b ah. I am tn. awaav . 'mm iinon ,a iHriiu. . U.--.A . j jr.,..,. t i ......... x.mii . IM MA II. IMMTlAnt , I .... .An. V ? - V mWW A.BA . " ' . ,.. fl ' ' terms. 7e-eemmutatkm Car est Oregon Elartrl 1 luH KEeULTs hat your property enta the Maa I FINE young Janev-Hoisteins for Aa'Aoas Ataia axa ano. sag xog jtcton sio. . g xji Htausv avx n, rwusss, , ,uz. crone PIANOS, ORGANS' AND HUSICAL - - . I58TBUMENTS 's? -- 44 1 CUT freight rate on bonsehold goods shipped. XT Eaat and Sotftb, Manning Wa'r'h'. A Trsnsfer , Co., sHh and Hoyt wroaaway iw,t.A-i)m. MULTNOMAH' Fumnm. lic-pital pays- highest price for used foroltote. $64 3d. Min 4564.-- SWAP COtUMH " ti Graduate New England Cr-rrvWory of .jVustg, I l'OT ATOE8 to exchange for tent or Bostow, Mass. Tuning. $9 00. Tabor 8474.1 fU evening or Sunday, -6120 E. chicken. 46th SE. ' aal chealwAT to bo roadster-in good shape. fet I TRAP drum for gal cheap. East 148 474 jV'HAT have you . lot . blooded honest JswalC' . -1 Xk4S21. '- . - .- - t r 1 Gantenvlra. - r j . I - Main 4190.