THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1918. 15 V 1 Mai statistics mahiagts.Blrtts. Deaths MARRIAGE LICENSES I , . . I , . I I Alvin Carl Ryder, 10. SOS Skidmor St., and 1 Dorothy E. McCroa, 19, 899 Fargo at. i .1 WlllUm T. Tonks. 22, Pittsburg. Pa., and A. I TauUmi BtUlwaU, 18, 165 10th at. , I Frederick Martin BuchhoU. 29, 1557 Vincent I iw and Ida Ham, 80 Hoyt hotel, . . rnts o. Anderson, 25, Greely. Cat. ana Mia- n.Cja Undholm.. 28, 874 Tagcart at. ' !! uoi nbat la. zoa coiumDi at., ana Haaal Bartha Cunther. 22. 64 nth at. Wedding Announcements G. Smith Co. SI1 MorgaaMdg. RE8S SUITS for rent, all atxee. Ualqu Tai- loving Co., ana stark st 7i DEATIIS AND FUNERALS r . . j i a m ti 1 t rulllsllAtnK.n Al wie rwiuriicfi, 'iiti 1 t ing street, reoruary xo, sua m. i nniuunr, ' seed 4T Tears. S months. 1 day. beloved wife ' "'"f Herman Tbanhauser. Friend invited to st- 4end funeral service, which will be Hem at Ilolman'a funeral parlors. Third ana osimon i rests, at 2 p. m. tomorrow ttnaayi, arcu Pleese omit flowers. . rtay). March 1. at 2 p. m.. from the residential Eat Seventh street. . Interment nose t,iiy (vmetery. Friends inviTed. 11AMM In thU oity, February 27. William Jamee llimm, UU of J4 Aioena sireei, nor band of Mrs. Cynthia lUmm. Funeral aerv tcea will be held FridVy. March 1. 8:80 p. m lrora the residence funersl home of Wilson & loss, Multnomah at F.ant Seventh. 8ervic-s . In charge of I. O. hV. Star lode No. 219. i friends invited. T I MOT 3? In thK eKj. February 27, Eleanor Elisabeth MoU, aged 63 years, beloved wife of Frank Mots, mother of Mrs. T. Josephson of Astoria, Or.: Mrs. C. A. Linqulst. New York: Mrs. O. Reaaell of thia city, Charles L and Frederick T. Lldberg. Kervice will be held Saturday at 2 p. m. at the residential parlors of Miller Traeey. COOK At 1202 East Salmon St., February 27, riorenre E. Cook, age 54 years. Funersl aer viees will be conducted Friday. March 1, at 10:30 a. m . In the First Friends church. East 85th and Main atreets. Friends invited. Inter ment in Mount Scott cemetery. Remains at (funeral parlors of A. L. Kenworthy & Co., 6802 04 92d at. S. E . in I,ent. WTCKER At Dallas, Or., February 28. Mary Elisabeth Walker, age 63 years. Funeral services will be conducted Friday, March 1, at 2:80 p. m., in mortuary cbapel of A. D Ken worthy A Co.. 0802-04 92d at. S. E. in I enta. Friends invited. Interment Mount Scott Psrk cemetery JOllNSONTn this tyFebrorry7TaTnner ! late residence. 685 Hancock street. Hannah Johnson, aged 7 years. The funeral services ; will beheld Friday. March 1. at 2 30 p. m. st '. the residence entabliniiment of J. P. Finley A Son, Mongomery at Fifth. Friends united. ; Interment at River View cemetery. -tsFE 1:."Z E? OREGON CITT. "I - t,w.w..t r"K Portland 1 2"' gea wa y-. "-- ' -- --IT HOARD IN OREGON r unersi services win am u WEEK AT TTcHENOR At her late residence. 814 Bryant MARRIED man for general farming who un etreet, Lillian Louise Tlchennr, beloved' demands something of orchard. Good wage daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Tichenor, ' house, etc. Phone Main 4068. Service will be held at P. I Larch undertaking mTv - nn T Ti ni parlors,.. East Eleventh and Clay streeta, Friday , MW.ani!i '.?., ,ret? milk wagon, experl- i p. m. rienm id n tea. Interment Mount H1N7 At the family residence. 791 Belmont. L'.hm.,. OI VrmA fl llln. ... OA v.. O . . J . T- , I " .,, v Tniiivun, v., us;.. c uurru wrfwi will U9 yjieia irom tne residence, Saturday, March 2, at t p. m interment uivemew cemetery. Breeze St Snook in charce. ' MA USER In this olty. February 27, Nathaniel T. Haiiscr, aged 60 years, lata of Fort Rock, Or. The remains sre at ths resilience estab- , lishment of J. P. Finley U Son. Montgomery at rmu. nouoo oi iunerai nereatter. FLORISTS MARTIN A FOKH E H CO., Flortsu. 854 Wash. Main 269, A-1260. Flowers for all ooca inna artistically arranged. CLARK BROS.. FlorWbT 21 Morrison ST Mala or A-1805 Fin flowers and floral cleelgna. So branch stores. LUB LINER. Portland Hotel. 828 Morrison. MAX M. SMITH. Florist. 141 H 6tb st. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Edward Ilolmaa W. J. Holmaa Preaidant Secretary . J. E. WERLEIN. Treasurer , THE EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAKING CO. ESTABLISHED 1877 , Third street, corner Salmon A MODERN SPACIOUS FAMILY ROOM WITH PRIVATE ENTRANCE. ' LADY ASSISTANT phones Msin 607. A-1811. . J. P. FINLEY & SON Pmgresslve Funeral Directors PRIVATE DRIVE Women Attendants Montgomery at Fifth. Main 9, A-1899. Woodia.n Wjlson & Wjlson. Successors to Piedmont Undertaking Co., Killingswnrth and Kerby. WILSON & ROSS I.ady Assistant Multnomah at Seventh st East (4. C-316B Dunning & McEntee L'ndertakera. Modern in I every detail. Broadway and Pine sts. Phones Broadway 430. A-435H. Lady assistant F. S. Dunning, Inc. The Golden Rule Undertakers. 414 E. Aider st. Phone East 62. B-B22B. A. D, Kenworthy Co. Tabor 6267. 6802 9 2d st. Lento. Tahor 68BB. 60th St. and Foster road. Arleta. East 781 I L"RPW Mrs. 1-erch B 1888 LLuLn Assistant Undertakers B. 11th and Hawthorne MILLER A TRACEY, Independent Funeral In reetor. Price aa low as $20. (40, (60. Washington at Ella. Main 3891. A-7888. Hamilton 1973 E. Gliaan at FxT oeral aervice Tabor 4318. Breeze & Snook Belmont at 85th. B 2546. Tabor 1268. Skewes.A'.. Co. "Main 41 84. 3d and Clay. Corner 'A. R. Zeller Co 2 William v7 1088. C-1088. JElY..RN'E8' n,w ldenc establishment 991 Williams ave. Wondlawn 220, C-1943. CHAMBEHS-KENWOBTHTV-' rn " 1111 Kerby st Woodlawn 8806. C-l 183 MONUMENTS 3E BCaESING GfAN 3RD. 5T. AT MAPI 1 F IrURTLAND MARBLE WORKS. 264-268 4th I st. opposite city hall. Main 8664. Philip P'eu Sons for memorials. LOST AND FOUND iUE following articles have been found on cars ot th Portland Railway, Light A Power com any February 26. 118: S purses. 1 stick 'in, 1 part nf watch fob. a keys 1 knnoh f keys, 1 bank book. 1 cas mantle 9 nsir I glove. 8 lunch boxes, 8 umbrellas, 1 book. 1 uit box and clothing, 2 hand gripe, 6 packages, I bundl overalls, 1 overcoat. 1 brace. 1 pirte fender. Owners may obtain cronartv .t EMmt nd Alder street station. l-OST Purse, in People s Market or on W 'all Ta'oS 2880? ,cont""' '" .OST-r-rWatco. between K. Oth N. and TjnioB ? or ,on Coucn ,r" 8d to 4th. 'shied keepsake. Reward. Cell K 71 in sAiai tunosr 4in, af Orpbeum lady' bar pin. green stone settlne. .1 I Anf k,i-,n M.rh.t .-, ioh .. r -1 r 7W rrTPTiir; , . . 1 1 TTi J? UomU' ;eturn t0 .69 Columbia st: laboring man and company money. LOS T $52. CaU Burnskl house. 2d and Burn- . 1 : aid sts. Reward. X)HT -In Rose City Park. 7 -months-old CoU eng. -taoor busz. itewara. ARTY finding' Beck fur at Orpheum plea call East 2560. HELP WANTED MALE 1 i ANTEDMill yard men. good wage. Close to etty. Call 818 Railway Ex. bldg. WO woodcutter at once, good wage. Can 1" on piaoot isoor 7. UR SALE Special Police beat Call from ( to 7. Tabor 4263. piN'TID Machinist pprwgtic. trad ebeol , "enenoe. Apply lis r.. v a tar st 4TtD Oood- stableman, m ha know ais b dneas. 1. Cohen, 6 48 Front st w goad- nursery grafters wanted, atatina axskarieiuM.' A. JmirnaL Apply. to distribute circulars, ' 7 . Kalley, I00M FroBt. ' A. m. temer- HELP 'W'AlfTF.D -MALE ' Boys Look Here ABE TOU 16 TEAKS OF AGXf DO TOU POSSESS A BICYCLE f Da yon went a (toady jo that win pay yon mi money? W famish yon fun uniform fre and allow yen vacation with fuU pay. If interasted call nd hi. - D DAM CV IVin. Dn LL I . " -" " ou w fl.OO wnx BE GIVEN To each of several schmlbon who wfll deliver , eopiea of the Curtis publicationa to customer, IT. L. Ji"'I!Z75l"wY.u,.m?-11,.,.5raJ .ww wxrva lli, AU fl,VV IS in to liberal cash profiu and many other ad- i ventage. Apply to F. N. Bay, 270. 4th t, Portland. Or. i -,...--WORKEH8- ATTENTION! HOURS. 13.24. STRIKE STILL ON. BRING i iiin ad with iuu. IT WILL, OUARAN- -"li0-. AffL,y AT EMPLOYMENT OF- ACROSS BRIDGE ELECTRIC CAR 20o TO OREGON CITY. CITT 86 60 TO IT SO ikjj BECK'S. MASS' AND ELECTRIC ENGlNKF.TtS TrnTTZi Bf.t ZhhZ pina bom rd free MiHn. GiiDtnuM' nhnni t TJniversity of Washington. Seattle. Traina en ine room officers for new merchant marine. Short out to ' license. Native or naturalized citizens only. Stationary, locomotive emrineers. oilers, water tenders, eligible. Course only one ! xuuii ul ii o enlistment. Address w. j Grambs, 860 Stuart Bldg., SeatUa. Wash. LABORERS WANTED Permanent positions assured steady men, wages (8.10. 9 hours; strike not yet declared oft but 1500 men working; general papermlll work; no experience necessary. Apply 509 Ore gon bid., corner 6th and Oak treats. ELEVATOR operators. Apply between 9 and 11 a. m.. superintendents office, basement i WANTED Toung men with magazine and newxnaper experience to travel through East ern and Southern Oregon. Call before 9:15 a, m. or after 2:15 p. m. Call 809 Stock Ex- change b Idg.. 3d and Yamhill. WANTED -Collector with wheel for city wort:; cash bonds and references required; perma nent position to right dud. Apply Western Magazine Corp.. 004 Spalding bldg. I . . W. A W. . -i I j... i.i. ii. III. . ,.. n lor Ore. and Waah., one with newspaper auoscripaon experl- S,,"aK1 ppl " nltTa Magazine Corp. b04 "P'ding bldg. TWO all around machine men for upholstered i furniture manufactory. Portland Fni-nltnr ! mil i,o., iz Macadam road. Fulton car. enced man urelerredL Itlirni,. iir. tun) Beimont. ' YOUNG man 17 to 20, opportunity in whole- sale Une; answer in own handwritins. s-ira ; answer in owi V-862, Journal. ieicnm;r ,,-1 ----- w.'B,mPr A A1" Iro Work.. "'' vi. nun b nours. mont i 612. ELDERLY gent to help in hotel for board, roam nd wagea; Grand Army man preferred. 621 Bavier. WANTED l'lumberT Call 212 4th St.. Dhnne Main 1SO. WANTED Good teamster for woodyard. Call Tabor 7823. HELP WASTED MISC. 49 Are You Dissatisfied? With your present position f Our business coarse enables you to become an efficient stenographer, typist or bookkeeper within a short time. We hav several good positions at a good salary waiting for you when qualified. Wa ara also willing to halp you pay for your course. Why not investigate today T Bi URSELL PRIVATE USINESS SCHOOL. Lumbermen Bldg. UNCLE SAM ' Needs 10,000 stenographers. Enroll bow for shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping. MISS DECKERS PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE. 8d floor Ailsky bldg. NUMBER YOUNO WOMEN AND MEN wanted to prepare for telegraph service to halp fill vacancies caused by the drafting of men for war. For particulars call or write Telegraph Dept. Room 218, Railway Exchange bldg. MISS DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Civil service, dictaphone operating, shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping, mimeographing, Eng lish spelling. Bpecial rates until March 1. Alia ky bldg.. 8d and Morrison. BTgH grade crochet work for aale. Large asr aortment to choose from, tend lOe for "Book ef Designs" and details. Int. Trading Crochet Co.. 288 3d st. Msin 6778. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. i 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. Sl'-CIAI., MUHT CLASS RATES. PAY AS YOU LEARN. THE ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL. ' . (80 Wasco st, corner Union are. Can. writ or phon E. 7445 about fre trial offer. Day and night classes. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. 124 H GRAND AVE. EAST 427. UNCALLED for tailor mad suite. (9.50 upT Tylor th Tailor. 289 Burnaide. nELP WANTED FEMALE YOUNG women for telephone work, pay while learning. Apply Pacifio Telephone A Tele graph Co., 6th floor. Park and Oak sts., be tween 8:80 . m. end 6:30 p. m. GIRL to learn part In vaudeville act. under 25 years and 6 ft; pay you living expenses dur ing tuition; about one hour each evening for tuition. - Details and photo, write R-639. Jour nal GIRTHS for office assistants; opportunity in wnoiesaie nouse; stats ge, experience, refer ences, pnone number. AD1D, Journal. WANTED Young woman, light services, morn ces, i oard. ing and evening, in exchange for boari ro ana wage, oeuwooa too. WOMAN employed evenings fro room. An- ewer phone and door beT rooms. Call Marshall 4382. Hous keeping GIRL for light housework; no washing; plain cooking; 2 in family; (16 month. 699 E. 65th at N., R 0, car. CaU Tabor 8691. GOOD, honest, reliable, middle aged woman for general housework; good horn. Phon eve nings. Main 204T. LADY barber wanted. 229 Bumsld; guaran? tee. STENOGRAPHERS Must hare good xpcri nee: state all particular. W-788. Journal. WANTD Practical nurse and housakeeDer" Phone Tabor 6208. WANTED Middle aged lady fet light housed work. East 6708. WANTED Girl or woman for general housed wora. rnone ooaiawn LADY barber wanted at 285 H Bumside st HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE 29 MEN AND WOMEN TO WORK IN LEIGHTON DAIRY LUNCH, BROADWAY AND WASHINGTON. ORIGINAL MOLER BARBER GOlLegH Tcb th trad in eight vssks, Gives acholar- snips and transfer cards. Fay yon while learn- " m" OKs.oo.-v artr college will teach you th bar- ber trade la 8 weeks: tools free? schoUrshin : lnlnn.u .l..n . mm whn. ZCZzZZ. guaranteed; tuition reduced. 288 Madison. . . - '-w ,i.iuum, tr.mi iru ORIGINAL HOHLER BARBER SCHOOL ' Teach men nd women barber trade la 8 wks. opeciai rate ior soon am oniy sis, lneraaing dlpIom" 28 MIDDLEAGED man or woman can find steady employment at agreoaoia worg ana lair wages. Phone B-1888. SITUATIONS MALE 3 MIDDLE aged man must have work ; Janitor or as houseman. L-740, Journal. JOB as watchman or any kind of light work. Good reference. Alvin Devoe, Hoyt hotel. SITUATIONS FEMALE aUEPERlENCED woman would Ilk work ky say. a a abor 4878. WOMAN wants day work, washing, ironing or cleaning. Main 1140. RELIABLE woman want day work, (Oo aa hour. Tabor 8084. WOMAN wanu day work. ' CaS SeS. 668. 3500 Eggs (White Leghorn) in Process of Incubation The entire output contracted for. C. L. Schneller says 'The. Journal classified columns were the means of selling practically the entire output. No need to experiment. I have found The Journal the one big medium on Poultry and Pet Stock SITUATIONS FEMALE A MIDDLEAGED, competent, not incumbered, wiahaa position aa cook or housekeeper. Will go anywhere. Answer 902 E. 7th St. N., city. TVPFWttrrtvr. h..n1v .rwt nMt!. Anna. all work called for and delivered. O-7 80. Journal WOMAN wanu work by hour or day. Reliable. 1'J1 i 1 7 I reference. Wdln. 4575. LADY wishes position answering pben calls. etc. Call Mar. 70S. at noon. EX P ERIEN'CED chambermaid wants position in small hotel or rooming house. Sell. 784. Tin VKSM llTIXn 49 DRESSMAKING, plain and fancy work. 1987 Klickitat at. FUB5ISHED ROOMS THE MELVIN Rooms $2 per week and up: H. K. rooms, aingle rooms 50c and up. 363 H TamhiU. Marshall 1628. HOTEL MADRAS. 4 43 H Wash. St. The best medium priced hotel in the city, with all modern conveniences, for (8 to (g per week. LAUREL HOTEL. Rooms fi per week. Steaaa heat. Also newly furnished apartments. Modern BKUWiU A1 XAAlrtll.lj BIO. BOo AND 7Bc per day; (1.75 week up; com fortable, absolutely clean, baths free, hot water all hours. Hotel Cadi Use. 8d, nesr Jeff. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Princess hotel. E. 3d and Burn de. 60o day Bp, (2 week up. East 171. THE MONTGOMERY, cor. East 8th and Eaat Morrison sta., neatly furnished rooms. ROOMS in modern hotel. 81.75 week and up. 465 Alder. 812 LARGE front room, modern residence; use piano. 827 Sixth at. ' THE HAZEL Furnished rooms, steam heat. running water. 885 8d St. FURBISHED ROOMS FRIVATE FAMILY LARGE furnished room. Woodlawa 191. 228 Alberta at, l'LEABANT room, walking distance; restaurant close by. Call Broadway 3784. ROOMS AD BOARD 15 BOOM and board for business girls, modern con veniences. welkins distance. (3.50 week. 12 E. 7th st. East 4732. THE Martha Washington. Dees girls and students. 880 10th. for busi Marshall 1251. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY It ROOM and board, private lamily. 428 H Mill st. (Phone Marsha U 2575. HOME privileges, working or school girls, aleep- ing porch. Phone E. 1552. j tt. r-. r xhhj wen zumisoea room, suitable for 1 or 2 ; board optional. 651 Taylor. Main 4080. - (W- " HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 FURBISHED AND UNFURNISHED Gem Apts. Free bath, hot, cold water. (1 week up. 4U1 1st St. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 607 Clay. TWO-ROOM front suite. 475 Clay. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 7 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, gas, bath, reasonable. 692 Front. FOR RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED U MEIER A FRANK'S BENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. 8TB FLOOR Here yon hay choice of th combined lists ef all desirable vacant houses, apartments and flats in the city, with definite, reliable informa tion pertaining to each. Records are kept up to date, new listings being added each day. There is abaolutely no obligation or charge for this aerrice. It a maintained solely a aa accommodation to th public Newcomers in Portland win find this bu reau of great help in getting properly located quickly. Phone Marshall 4600. A-610L MODERN 9 room house, large yard, attic, 2 families can occupy it. (22. 487 E. An keny, near 9th. (6.00 A MONTH S room shack and half acre fine ground. 69th av. near 78th st, Mt Scott car. Tabor 8668. FOR RENT One 4 room house, (7.60: one 2 room. (3. S blocks Arleta schooL R-634. Joumal. FOR RENT 5 room cottage, 76th at, Monta- vii . I'none Mrs. Swain. Main 8496. MODERN 9 room hous (37.60. 721 Haw- tnorne. owner. East 1208. FOR RENT 6 room cottage. 646 E. 10th st FURNISHED HOUSES 84 WILL rent 7 room modern house, completely furnished, grand piano, mahogany furniture, Woodstock car. 4235 48th ave.. S. E. SeU wood 2667. COMPLETELY furnished, nice clean modern S room bungalow. Piano, gas, electricity. Wood- lawn 400. THREE partly furnished rocgns close to car, rent (10. Tabor 7868. FOR RENT 3 room house, furnished. 1227 Albina av. FURN ISED bungalow at 1115 Wasco st : garage; rent (60. Call at 87 North Bdwy. APARTMENTS 4S FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED KING ALBERT APTS. 'New, 2 and 8 rooms, strictly modern, hard wood floors, elevator and janitor service. Cor. 11th and Montgomery at. ROSE-FRIEND APTS.. corner Broadway and Jefferson. Elegant unfurnished apts., beat aerv- ice, walking distance. ' Marshall 1410. ! $ POnMS snd draulna room, nririt. hs th Phone SeUwood 1032. Campbell 623 E. 16th. . HIS LOP HALL, E. 6th and Hawthorne. Mod- ern 1. 2 and 8 room apt.. 812.60 ud. walk tog distance. East 882. . FURNISHED apts,. close in. 274 Holladay ave. Eaet 8226. FURNISHED 4 room apartment, light, beat gas and garage. Tabor 8237. i ROOM furnished apartment for rent "nst Trust A Savings Bank, St Jhna. 6 ROOM furnished apartment. East 6926. FOR RENT FLATS M FOR RENT 6 room modern flat, clean. 529 Everett st t 4 ROOM flat 801 E. 11th. East 1449. FURNISHED FLATS (12 Upper part of a two-story hous, 4 rooms, clean and cozy, electrio lights, gaa, fruit, gar den and garage: no children. Wdln. 209. 880 Haight ave. (28, 6 ROOM new modern, clean, completely furnished. Take L J. Chapman car. 670 Mill. . WANTED TO RENT 7 RESPONSIBLE young couple' want neatly fur- nished 4 or 5 room bungalow, with some garden space. Rent must be reasonable- Beat of references. . Phone Tabor 8570. WANTED 6 or 7 room furnished house, west aid district, moderate rent, permanent; will give references, pan isastTTZO. WANTED To rent 3 or 4 room furnished cot tage with garden space, not over (12. R-633, Journal. WANTED to rent, 4 to 6 room house, fur nished. Prefer fruit and berries. Not close in. 11-638, Journal. WANTED 6 or 7 room furnished house, west id district, moderate rent, permanent; will grv reierencea. call East 7728. FOR SALE HOUSES (1 (2760 Modern horn In Piedmont with s( ! .0 'tort 12 'p. rcTnt can bT re."ied. 41 8 S gonian bldg. Marsh. 2839. Ask for Palmer. (llOO FOUR room house and full lot close to oo canare. ten minute car ride; water, gas, electrio light. Prentiss, 60S Corbett bldg. FOR SALE Nicely furnished 4 room, an mod ern cottage, 1 blocks to Kenton oar, (1600, Part cash bargain. 1610 Minnesota are. 126 FT. on Montgomery st. with 4 large houses, au reniea, cieer 01 lncnmorance, gis.ouu. H cash, bal. long time, 6. E-602. Journal. LAURELHU&ST. S room modern horn. Prio oouu. it n,. a xanaers. FsR SALE 4x5 camera. trmod. film paca ana piaxo noiqers, m. it-oao, Jonrnal. (800 BUYS 4 room cottage. Anabel station; terms.- Hob be. 416 Chamber of Cmum S ROOM modern bungalow. 68th, $2500; (300 down, (SOamosUh. G-779, JurnJ. FOR SALFHOT7SES spring is coming RAISE GARDENS. CHICKENS. FRUIT. SeUwood bargain, neat 4 room plastered house. large lot. rich soil, woven wire fence, chicken house, fruit and berrlea. A dandy ones mil ; Price only $950. (250 cash, balance easy terms. Sellwood is close to river. m-U, ahop and ehrpyarda. A. K. HILIi, 419 Henry Bldg. CLOSE IN. EASTrS Wall built 0 room house, full basement, sev- eral nir. fmit Imm mttA nnl.n mes. all street improvements in and paid. 2 blocks from j car at .. zstn ana Brooklyn ate. I-rice aiiuu if taken at once; 8300 cash, balance easy. C. A. Warriner. RITTER, LOWE & Co.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. GARDEN HOME. 7 room modern home and full acre with let of fruit; close to station. A snap at (2700. Terms. Take Oregon Electric ; only IS minutes .?mn ?TUna: 70 commuUtion fare; gas. elao" j trio lights, water, phonea; all city conveniences. Phone Main 9318 today. gome terms. Ask ior aicormic. BUY this new modern bungalow, built-in effects, sleeping porch, wash trays in basement; S rooms on first floor; 8 rooms can be finished , or, th second floor; lot 60x100 feet; cement walks: 1 block to carline. Office open Sundays and evenings; (2100. half cash and terms. W. . Kobblns, Tabor 8673. GROVELAND PARK BARGAIN 5 room modern bungalow, large attic, street improvement all In. 1 block from ear, very nice location. Price (2600; easy terms. C. A. Warriner. BITTER. LOWE A Co., 208-6-7 Board of Trade bldg. 6 ROOM BUNGALOW" Win give big bargain; 1 lot. cottage and garage, 82500, 940 E. Sherman st. Tske Richmond car to 82d st,. walk 8 blocks east: easy. terms. Owners will be at house Saturday afternoon to ahow property. P. O. box 698. N ewberg. Or. FOR SALE Excellent 7 room house, Bear Anabel station. Mount Scott carline; lot 61x 109; garden and fruit; near schools, churches and library. Price (2600. terms. Will con sider Mount Tabor or Hawthorne lot part pay ment. Tabor 4206. $100 Cash (2000 Modern 5 room bungalow, fireplace, all built-lnt; full concrete basement; 60x100; pared streets, psid. Terrace Park. KAll L. At U LIRE, ABINGTON BLDG. 5 ROOM bungalow, 60 ft. corner on 80 ft. paved it.; sewer connected, 23 min. on E. A., car past door, near I urelhurst, west of 60th at Never offered before. Am forced, and must sell now. (500 will handle. Owner. R-640, Journal. (3450 (300 CASH. Half acre in Park Rose; modern 6 room resi dence; oak floors, fireplace? piped furnace, built in' conveniences; fruit, berries, etc., auto road; elegant buy. FRANK L. M'GUIRE. ABTNGTON BLDG. Rose City Park 7 rooms fully modern, everything built in, new; your own terms; might t I a car as part payment. 400 E. 64 th st. N. FOR SALE Lot 140x140. 4 room house, large woodshed, chicken house, 13 fruit trees, all kinds of berries, all in good condi tion, city water and gas. (1000 cash. L. K. Zorn, Lents station, K. 8, box 535. FHtST-CLASS home. 7 rooms, cost (6500, take (5500. Hardwood floors throughout, extra fine new 9 room home, (7000, Irrington, choice location. Bungalow, 6 room, Hawthorne, (3500. East 273. W. H. Herdman. ST. JOHNS property for sale, modern 6 room house, walking distance of shipyard and grain elevator, Vt block to store and carline. (2260; (600 will handle, balance 6. 721 Oswego st NEW 6 room modern bungalow, built-in effects, fuU basement, lot 40x100 feet; 1 block to carline ; (1800. (860 cash and terms. Call Tabor 8673. 7 ROOM house, basement, bath and parlor, lot 60x100. fruit trees, grapes; price $2300; (500 down, balance easy terms. Sellwood 2607. FOR SALE LOTS 18 200 100x100. west side, clear, perfect title (only (100 a lot), lots 7 and 10. blk. 8. Bella Vesta. (2100 Williams are. lot 60x100. near Broadway, clear. :i26 Beautiful Tetrace Park lot FRANK L. M'GUIRE. Ablngton bldg. TIMBER GENERAL LAND OFFICE, Washington. 5T C. Feb. 23. 1818. Notic 1 hereby given that subject to the conditions and limitations of the act of June 9. 1916 (39 Stat. 218). and the instructions of the secretary of th in terior of September 15, 1917, the timber en the following lands will be sold April 4, 1918. at 10 o'clock a. m., at publie auction at the United- States land office at B oaeburg. Or., to the highest bidder at not less than th ap praised value as shown by this notice, sal to be subject to the approval of the secretary of the interior. The purchase price, with an ad ditional sum of one fifth of 1 per eent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned If sale is not approved, otherwise patent will issue for th timber, which must be removed within 10 years. Bids will be received from citizen of the United States, associations of such citizens and corporations organized under th laws of the United States of any state, territory or dis trict thereof only. Upon application of a quali fied purchaser, the timber or any legal subdi vision will be offered separately before being included in any offer of a larger unit Sched ule of timber to be gold: T. 21 8., R. 3 W.. sec 23, N'W. 8E. U. Douglas fir 690 M., not to be sold at leas than (1.26 per M. T. 21 8, R. 4 W.. seo. 21. N. E. hi, 8. W. , red fir 460 M; N. W. tt. S. W. H. red fir 660 M. ; S. W. tt. S. W. red fir 630 M.; S. E. 14. S. W. hi., red fir 750 M ; N. E. fil IP 11 mA ei. BttA A . V AST U V il red fir 400 M., incense cedar 60 M. ; not to be aold at lea than $1 per M. . Seo. 28. o. W. 14 . N. E. 14. red fir 800 M.. second growth fir 100 M. ; N. E. 14. N. W. 14. red fir 760 M.. white fir 25 M. ; N. W. 14, N. W. 14. red fir 1000 M-, white fir 60 M. ; 8. W. 14. N. W. 14. red fir 850 M., white fir 25 M.. cedar 10 M.: 8. E. 14. N. W. 14. red fir 900 M,. second growth fir 100 M ; N. E. 14 , a. W. 14. red fir 1100 M., white fir 40 M. : N. W. 14. 8. W. 14. red fir 910 M.. white fir 40 M., cedar 10 M. ; S. W. 14. S. W. 14. red fir 780 M, white fir 100 M , cedar 60 M. : B. B. . 8. W. 14, red Iir 1240 M., white fir 90 M-. cedar 60 M.; N. E. 14, S. B. 14, red fir 1660 M. , whit fir 25 M.. :edar 26 M. ; N. W. 14, 8. E. 14, red fir 1160 M.. white fir 80 M.. cedar 20 M. ; 8. W. 1i.S E. 14, red fir 1000 M.. white fir 60 M , cedar 40 M.: 8. E. 14. S. JL. 14. red fir 1240 M., white fir 60 11.. cedar 80 M. ; sec. 25, N. E. 14 , N. E- 14 . red fir 1050 M. ; N. W. 14. N. E. 14. red fir 960 M.: 8. W. 14 N. E. 14, red fir 1000 M., ce dar 30 M. ; 8. E. 14. N. E. 14 , red fir 1100 M. ; N. E. 14, N. W. 14. red fir 1050 M., cedar 20 M. ; N. W. 14, N. W. 14. red fir 900 M-; 8. W. 14. N. W. 14. red fir 1100 M.i 8. E. 14. N. W. 14. red fir 900 M . ce dar 40 M. ; N. E. 14, 8. W. 14. red fir 1200 M.. cedar 20 M.; N. W. 14 , S. W. 14, red fir 1160 M. ; a. w. , o. y. -a , 'red tit iiud M. ; S. E. 14, S. W. 1, red fir 1800 M., ce dar 60 M. ; N. E. 14, S. E. 14 , red fir 1200 M.. cedar 20 M. : N. W. 14, 8. E. 14. red fir 1250 M . cedar 80 M. ; 8. W. 14 . 8. E. 14. red fir 1150 M . cedar 40 M. ; S. E. 14. 8. E. H. red fir 2200 M , cedar 20 M.; sec. 27. N. E. i . N. E. 14, red fir 860 M., white fir 25 M.. cedar 40 M. ; N. W. 14, N. E. 14. red fir 840 M.. white fir 10 11 . cedar 10 M a. W. 14, N. E. 14, red fir 880 M., white fir 80 M . cedar 60 M. ; S. E. 14. N. E. 14 . red fir 730 M., white fir 40 M.. cedar 100 M. ; N. E. H, N. W. 14, red fir 850 M-, white fir 20 M.. eedr 80 M. ; N. W. 14. N. W. 1, . red fir 1100 M.. whit fir 25 M.. cedar 18 M.: 8. W. 14. N. W. 14, red fir 620 M., cedar 60 M. : 8. E. 14. N. W. 14. red fir 860 M cedar 110 M.; ti. E. 14.- 8. W. 14. red fir 400 M., cedar 25 M. : N. W. 14 . 8. W. 14. red fir 680 M., cedar 40 M. ; S. K. 14. 8. W. 14, red fir 780 M , cedar 60 M. ; N. E. 14, S. E. 14. red fir 650 M., white fir 20 M-. ce dar 60 M.; N. W. 14 . 8. E. 14, red fir 740 M.. white fir 40 M-, cedar 60 M. ; 8. W. 14. .i - 1 . 1- .so vi ; - - iaa ir . li E. 14 , 8- E. 14. red fir 720 M-, cedar 80 M.; seo. 85. N. E. 14. N. E. 14, red fir 1500 M ; N. W. 14. N. E. , rrxl iir 1000 at; b. w. iy. 1C V U mm, ti- t T AA Vf . mJI.- nt V . S. E. 14, N. E. 14. red fir 1260 M. cedar 6( M. ; N. E. 14. N. W. 14 . red fir 1860 M.. ce dar 60 M. : N. W. 14. N. W. 14. red fir 800 M.. cedar 100 M. ; 8. W. 14, N. W. 14, red fir 460 M. : 8. K. 14, N. W. 14. red fir 800 M.. cedar 40 M. ; N. E. 14. 8. VV. 14, red fir 760 M.. cedar 60 M. ; N. W. 14. 8. W. 14 . red fir 650 M.. cedar 60 M. ; 8. W. 14. 8. W. , rod iir ou eeaar ou xi.; a. E. 14, sw, 14. red iir 130 11.. cedar 80 M. ; N. E. 14, a. ai. "m , ra iir xeuu as., ceaar 29 31. : N W. 14. 8. E. 14. red fir 1800 M. ; 8. W. 14, 8. E. 14. red fir 1700 M.; 8. E. 14, S. E. 14J red fir 6900 M.. cedar 20 M. whit fir to bo sold at not lees than (1 per ML. cedar at not less than 60 cent per M., and red fir at not lea than (1.60 per ML except in W. 14. N. W. 14. and 8. W. 14. v 85. which ts to be sold at not lea than (1 per M- . Clay TaH- man, eemmnaioner. I SHIP KNEES WANTED. LOEB BROS.. 902-1 I -BROADWAY BLDG., PORTLAND, OR. S7 CHEAP land, big crops: high price have put in larmera oi western tjanaaa on proa- perity footing that .was undreamed of before tne worm war. More Western Canada Tarmars bsve big bank balances than ever before: more Western Canada fanners ara spending this win ter in California and Florida than ever before; more automobile were bought last year by Canadian farmers than ever before. Western Canada has struck Its stride and the man who gets in there bow is going to make money for year to come. Along the lines of the Canadian Northern railway la some of the beat land In the country price (15 to (25 per acre (easy terms) and 128.000 160 acre FREE farms. Let us tell you all about Western Canada and why more land was aold to American farmer In 1917 than in any one previous year. Send for FREE illustrated books and folders. Call on or address A. Brodstedt. D. F. & P. A., Dept. 11, Agent, Canadian Northern Railway, 605 Hasting at.. Vancouver. B. C DAIRY ranch, good house and barn, all tool; fin. nh.i Ki.. s. fine orchard, close in. Kinney A Stamnher. dbi-z mmoer x. bldg.. 2d and stark sta, CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN ranches near !.. 1 . n .) . Q K 1 A - . . a K . .onA per acre. IfcFariand. 60S Yeon 'bldg.. Portland. gnH - . i - . .. , -, . hif f "r-ITS chard, all kinds of fruit, fine water. Jennings Lodge, near station. Oak Grove 15BM. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 7( GARDEN HOME SNAP Act close to station, only (750. Water, phones, electrio light to this pla oe. Thia is too good to overlook. 5ome today. Very easy terms. To commutation fare on Oregon Electrio. Phone Main 9318 and ask for McCormic. FOR SALE FARMS 17 $20 Down, $10 Month buys 40 acres of logged-off land located be tween Portland and Centralis, 1 H miles from main line of three railroads; fine for dairy or chicken ranch. Plenty of outrange; price (30 an acre. Bell Real Estate Co. 818 Railway Exchange Bldg. BY OWNER 184 acre fine land. 2tt miles north Monmouth. Level land and in fine cultivation. Practically all in fall grain, some fasturs, balance plowed for spring planting; area new bsrn. fine outbuildings, good 8 room house, on Pacifio highway. One of the f inert farms in Polk county. This farm is all ready for a good farmer to make some money. Will sell at a snap price. I will be at Imperial ho tel, rocm 243, Portland, until March 3. After that date writ Charles O'Brien. Independence, Or, route No. 1. FOR SALE 11 acres, house, barn, chicken house and run, fine spring of water, wire fences, 3 miles to good town snd R. R., 80 miles from Portland. 10 head cows and young stock, 1600 lb. mare, wagon, buggy, 2 har nesses, all implement. (1950. Terms, or will sell place without stock or trade for good stock of general merchandise. Address ' FI-CGtl, Journal. HAVE a fine farm of 80 aerea, 7 miles west of Centralla. Wash., 25 In cultivation, running water, spring, well, fine orchard of 200 trees, 7 room house, barn; owner is too old to work it:ell cheap; prioe (3600. Call 298 Ivy st. 10 ACRES near Woodburn, under cultivation, cheap for cash. Owner, 757 Milwaukiest. FOR RENT FARMS II WILL rent six acres at ReevEfle, with eowa, horse, c bicker. 708 Dekum bldg. FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUT 88 WANTED 25 to 80 acres. Have nut orchard near It. It. as part payment Sellwood 804 3. V-971, Journal. WANTED S or 10 acres improved, small orch VnibMo'tJn V.'tnd Trent 1 Edel Bran, Morrison between 1st and i ront j EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 14 NOTICE If your property, either city, farm or acreage, has merit and is exchange or sal, call or write full partictii no inflated values consid ered; have first efc& list to select from. Geo. P. Henry, 829 UcnOrJildt. References. Portland Realty Board. WANTED Modern 6 or 7 room bungalow. walking distanoe. Lot in Vancouver, $360 as first payment, rest like rent C-697, Jour nal. REAL ESTATE and land of all description for sale or trade. Herman Peper, 620 Union ave. N. Phone East 4285. Itesideno phon East 1978. , FOR SALE or exchange for modern residence. 10 acres Buckley are. near car, value (5009. Postoffice box 626. PORTLAND income city property, value (16,600; will exrjhang for clear farm. Claude Cole, 800 Henry bldg. CITT lot wanted, if clear. In part or full ex change for (760 Player Piano, muaio and bench. Security Storage Co.. 109 4th st SIX good acres and cash for residence in la urelhurst, Irrington or Piedmont Bdwy. 1966. I am the owner. From (4600 to (6000. fOK RESULTS list your property with in Ate. Estate exchange. 201 8d at, Portland. WANTED REAL' ESTATE 31 CASH for bargain in bungalow or dwelling. 6 to 7 rooms. Phone Main 679. ROOMING HOUSES ii 34 Rooms Cheap Rent Brick bldg.; close In; lots of furniture all full; snap for (728. I have others from 10 to 60 rooms. L. A. HALL, 612 Panama Bldg. 74 ROOMS. 4 1-room apts., 4 8-rocgn apt. balance 2 -room apt., brick building, rent 8100 mo.: fine piano, electrio carpet wepr; clearing over szou montn ; oargam. MILLERSHLP, 431 Obamber oi Commerce. I HAVE cash and want a rooming hous from 17 to 30 rooms. Phon Bdwy. 402. ROOMING house for sale. 405 Madison. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 10 DRUG STORE for aale; substantial, paying bus iness- Only drug store in ncnaat Utile town in Oreeon. Center of best wheat section In Northwest race xuuuu or invoice, oonaiaar cash only. Am in next draft T. H. Gbormlsy owner. Helix. Or. FOR SALE Good paying laundry doing (280 a week and up. no competition: wiu sell at a bargain. Don't answer unless you ar a good laundryman with enough experience to hendle a plant successfully. Good proposition to rght party. l.v an, journal. FOR SALE Furniture of 20 room hotel and lease on same 2 14 years ; good business : good location, $260 win handle thia. Terms on balance. Address p. O. Box 98, YacolW Wash. I WANT a man with business ability and cap ital to help In one of the best psymg proposi tions in town. Be me after 5 :30 p. m ., at my office. 410 Precott st, cor. E. 6th N, SECOND hand barber supplies and chair- bought and sold. List your barber anop wun u. Portland cutlery to., bo otn st, FIRST class fuel business: (40.000 annual sales. Kinney A Stampfer. 631-2 Lumber Exchange bldg , 2d and Stark st. FOR SALE Cigar, confectionery, fruit and soft drink place. large living room m connec tion; rent cheap. Call at 807 1st CLEANING, pressing and busheling shop, down town location: good business. Must sell tnis week. Phone Main 8527. DON'T WORRY I can sen or trade anything anywhere Lay man. 145 H Broadway. RESTAURANT, waffle house, steam table. Ms jestic range, etc. 206 Jefferson. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED $8 I WANT a- grocery store, have cash to pay. Phone Bdwy. 402. HONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE 17 (260, (360. (40O. (600, $650. $760. (1000 and larger amounts at current rate. Quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY to loan on improved property in most every town in Washington, Oregon and Idaho same is paid back monthly like rent. R. B. Cbadvriek, 822-28 N. W. Bank bMg. BUILDING loans on city or suburban property money advanced aa work progresses. W. G. Beck. 21S and 216 Failing bldg. Mala 2407. MONEY to loan in amount ef (100 to. (5000 on city property. A- H. BELL. 301 Gerlingwr bid. MORTGAGE loans, and 7 per seat, Lotus Salomon A Co., 408 Selling bldg. (100 to (1609, consider lot. K. H. Dow ling. 416 Chamber ef Commerce. Main 867. I HAVE (1000 to (40.000 to loan oa farm or city property, r. o. Box 873 (100 to (500 Quick action on eubttrbaa bo see. Ward. 407 Spalding bldg. CASH for inortgage. loans, sgmtraeta . F. H. ACREAGE MOITET TO LOA3T REAL ESTATE 17 OUR installment plan is the best and surest method of paying a loan. (32.26 per month for 8( month or (21.24 for 60 months or (18.17 for 96 months, pay (1000 loan and interest. Other amounts in proper. We loan on improved etty property Or for building purpose No commission charged. EQUITABLE SATINGS A LOAN ASSOCIATION 24 3 8tark St. Portland. Or. (1000 to (2000 private funds on handj Prompt attention fair treatment. -. HILL. 419 Henry bldg. MONEY TO LOAN 7 CHATTELS. SALARIES FURNITURE 8ALAf LOANS LOANS WE LOAN MONET Ob short notice to salaried or working ea on their own note, easy payment, business strictly eondifential. . ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY . NO INDORSER We also loan on ' household furniture, piaaca. etc. without removal. Call and See Us COLUMBIA DISCOUNT COMPANY. ( Licensed ) 817 FAILING BUILDING. If You Need Money See Us SALARIES CHATTELS Loan mad to persons on salary or fixed income, on household furniture, piano, dia mond and other personal property: legal rate. Business confidential; private office. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY Liceased. 806-307 Dekum Bldg. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Established by Portland business men to protect borrower. O. MYERS HERMAN. Mgr . B94 STARK ST. LOANS ON DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Money to loan on pianos, furniture, other securi ties. W. A. Hathaway, rm. 208 Wash, bldg. LOANS WANTED 80 WANT (22.000 loan on Oregon wheat ranch. four times the value: also (2500 1 year, bankable security. THOMASSEN, T. M a a. WILL sell well secured(500 first mortgage on improved city property, 8 . A. K. HILL. 419 Henry bldg. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. IS MUST SELL mares and geldings as follows , - l i i j . Ann ii (90. sound and true to pull anywhere : sorrel mare. 7 years old, 1200 lbs., trim built, is. fine animal, sound in every way and good worker big snap at (85; team, mar and gelding, weight about 2500, good for farm work or any other purpose, $165; fine pair of geldings, closely matched, both bays with white strip in fsce. have been using them in our business, but must sel lthern for lsck of further need: they ar aerviceably sound and true at all work, fat and block y built; also span of geldings, 2300 lbs., in good working order, true to pull anywhere, one is trifle street sore, but not lame, a bargain at (S5; one good work horse suitable for any purpose, weight 1150 lb, to 1200 lbs., service ably sound, $35. Call at 263 Russell Street Transfer. Barn. WE have the finest assortment of young geld ings and mare weighing from 1200 to 1500 lbs., and mule weighing from 1000 to 1400 lbs. Also seven act of doubl horse ha roes. All stock sold with a guarantee. Frazier & McLean 240 E. 8th and Main. $85 BUYS a ranch team, mar and gelding weighing 2300 lbs good workers. Take Mount Scott car to 9th ate., 1 block north 1 block east to 6825 85th st S. E. Ut ST be sold at once, sorrel gelding, ag 6. eigM 140J. bty 4 wt. 1400. Inquire 894 Gladstone ave. and 29th at Woodstock car. THREE 'head of good big work horses. 2 sets double harness, 2 farm wagons. Call at 203 Union ave. N. 1 GOOD work horse for sale, weighs 1200. Call Main 4 733. HORSE and wagon. $1.25 day: 2 horses and wagon. $2.60. 646 Front Main 2208. DEAD stock taken quickly. We pay the most for Tabor 4 208. dead and crippled stock. DEAD horses and animals hauled away tree. t:U woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering Co, FOR SALE Gentle riding borse. saddl and bridle. $60. Jack Dtllon. Oregon City. 0 HEAD good farm work horses, well fed. over winter. $50 to $160. 228 Alder St. LIVESTOCK 8t FRESH, cow. heavy milker, teat 6 . . Take Oregon City car to Hereford station walk block outh to Gloucester at. second hern on leit BULL far sale, registered Hereford, 6 yean old. C. A Wilcox. Estacada. Or It y n 1 Box 62. FINE young Jersey-Hols teins for sal cheap. 302 1 r rront st NICE" young Jersey cow for sale, extra rich muxer. od w. Lombard. WANTED A good milch goat State breed im iuu sorvicuiars. i-o3, journal. POULTRY. PIGEONS. PET HTOrtr T FOR SALE Buff Orpington eass. fine flock 1 . . ii wiusi. uruer lazen Ior chicks montn 01a men natctied) at una ..h oatiaiacuon guaranteed. Mrs. M. J. Ackley Chapman, Columbia County, Or. jj 1 trOUEN i-olish cock, blue and Andaluslan cockerels, and a few Ancona pulleta. few in'ipu roium yuuwiM. van wooaiawn 1Z17. B. R. and R. I. K. hatching eggs, li, (l.fcd Day old chicks. (2.60 dmn Phon Board man. Bdwy. 850, or C-1716. 12 R. I. R.. 12 W. L.. 6 B. H. chicks. 2 wis old. (3 dozen. 880 Sandy blvd.. near 3th FOR SALE 2 do. White Leghorn pulls tsT iruu wui i.ii, au isoor I H 4 A. BETTrNO'nen wanted, Phon Mar. 8749, or asam a vol BETTING hens wanted. Phone quick. Tabor 994, DOGS. BIRD", PETS. ETC. 4( MY BEACTDTUL young female collie; pedigree registered stock: will make gixn fr.. owner m montn. owner breakuiAt ud hnm. must sell. Prio (80 Including license for yer. ssam o ua vt eanesoay. Sellwood 2039 Thursday. Address A. Z. Wresendanger, 1028 a., svui ,i- FOR 8A1UE Choice aingers and females. Call Woodlawn 1217. FOR SALE Female St Andreaaberg caaarZ 805 N. 80th. Phone A-4128. ", TWO St Andrcasberg oanaries for aale. way 8501. ORANGE and blue Persian cat at mtuA ' (T t.- ... eno. - to., v a . . FEMALE dog license at rebate. (84 Monroe. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 THAYER. SHAVER-GULLY MACHINE COMPANY 1 Ton. (370 I BUILDKKa Ar 114 Ton, $420 1 EVERREADY TRUCK 2 Ton, $470 I ATTACHMENTS Capacity I Mfg. In Portland 198 E- Water st Phone East. 74(7. Stock Used CaTs pSI COVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. Zlrt snd Washington sta. Main 6244 rLA.MJEKS 20. completely overhauled. Must once, vrwner caiiea to the colors. Reasonable price. Mar. 3499. or call at th rorn uars ige. ii ana enerman, after 4 o clock CASH paid for old cars; eonanlon no obiert part for all make of cara. Oron iui. -. change, 120 Lownadal t, at 16th and Wash ington, rnone saain 1101 t.n inn -".-- auiosij, see., oeannga, wnee , axle: we wreck all task of ear and ell their pan at half price. Auto Wrecking Co.. 89-91-( North Broadway. Broadway 106. DCBRUTTXJ. TOP CO.. 9th g Oak. Broadway 1864. Fords Enameled $12.50 (70 E. Morrison gt FOR SALE Must sacrifie my Win ton Six ft dandy shape. Bif-s rter. Be gaa Quick. A-879. JoumaL COLE 8 Splendid shape, looks like new. Good tires, a bargain if (old at once. Owner leav ing city. 166 Lownsdale st Pbone Main 6474 LARGE stock of alightly used tin at low price; vulcanizing, re-treading, general tire repairing. H. B. Black. (84 Alder st Main 1(1. A GOOD Ford truck with large body aad top: in first class condition: for sal abaap; no trade. 816 Hallway Exchange bldg. 1918 FORD touring. Extra: bargain; fine oca- A V AV VAVi-f VUUI4syz. eTwUB U AgVeVAJ dition. H- Robbin. Hotel Ockley. WANTED Ford sutomoblla. Win trad yoarta milch e-e. (103 (tb H i, E. Tabor (3(7. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 DEPENDABLE BARGAINS IN USED CABS. A FEW GOOD BUYS TN TH FOLLOWING MAKES: Bee Four. Overland. Saxon. Monro. Col 4 roadster. Col Eight, MaxwaO. MarmoB. Steams. A large selection of late model ear, sold with our guarantee. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway at Couch. Broadway 1460. Open Sundays. USED OARS. Now Is th time to buy. Spring t emtng and all new care are advancing in price. Here ar some dependable bargains, TRUCKS. - New wonjn drive Ford with express body . $ 975 Jefferie with 2-ton truck attachment. . . 1000 TOURING CARS. 6 passsnrer Ford, repainted 275 Good second-hand Briscoe, repainted .... 675 1911 8 passenger Cadillac 260 Velie 5 passenger 800 1816 Hudson. 7 passenger, repainted, ex cellent tire with on extra 1000 Whit Gas. 0 passenger 400 ROADSTERS. Saxon; big snap DELIVERIES. Ford, metal body, snltabl for meat mar ket or grocery Ford, canvas body Open Sunday. Terms if desired. W. H. WALLING FORD. (80 800 275 623 Aider st Phone Mala (402. i IF YOU ARE IOOKING FOR A GOOD USED CAR. WE HAVE THEM. ALL SIZES AND HAMS. r-OLUVLti IS A PARTIAL LIST 1911 Bulck. first class condition.... 1912 Bulck, first class condition. 1918 Buick, first elasa condition.... 1917 Briseoe, perfect condition..., 1916 Ford roadster, electric light . . .(250 . . . 275 . .. 825 . . . 600 and tarter 1914 Ford-touring,' first class condition 890 275 825 1916 Ford touring csr 1916 Mitchell, good condition... 600 800 760 775 660 250 J14 overisna delivery WIS Packard, good syndltion 917 Studebaker Six. 3 passencer Ford One Ton truck, new., Ford delivery Many Others. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Main 6244. Washington St. at 21st USED AUTOMOBILES TERMS GIVEN 917 Ssxnn, hrsnd new. S pas. 6 eyl..( 850 1916 Overland, model 75. 6 pasa, nearly new flso 917 Maxwell, like new. only 626 917 Maxwell Redan, ued very littl... 825 W17 Mitcneii, o pass., o cyl., nearly new 1160 915 Ford 825 and many others to select from. Used Csr Dert MITCHELL, LEWIS A BTAVKB CO., East Morrison at 1st st East 7272. B-1216. UNDERTAKERS I A 1914 Cadillao cheasl la A-l mi indiMnn ideal for hearse or casket wagon, worth (2000 to you; our price (876. People would just die to ride ta this ear. NORTHWEST AUTO CO.. Broadway and Conch, Broadway 1460. PRICES OF CARS ARE GOING UP BUT Ai in we have aur raised OURS. 1917 Buick light six .8 850 .( 960 1916 Oldsmobu eight 1915 Mitchell .( 460 . ( 200 . $ 260 .$1250 .$ 650 . ( 250 .( 200 .( 400 t910 Cadillao ...... 1911 CadiUao Cadillac eight Bcnpvisooui Warren Roadster Chalmers touring . . . ora Ford .( (38 OLDSMORILE CO. OF OREGON uroadway and Couch. Broadway 2270. WE SELL DEPENDABLE USED CAM A RIGHT PRICES AND ON EASY TERMS. -V A. 11.1 V. Overland 1918. 5-pas. Chalmers Msster Six. 6-rjass ..(480 . . 700 . . 600 . . 400 . . 600 .. 775 . . 860 CO.. Hudson 1914, 7 -pasa Mitchll Six 1914. 5 pass ; 8tudbakr 1918, 6-pass Cbalmr, model 82, 1916. 6-paas...l Elmore, 6-paas, 1913 WESTERN MOTOR CAR SALES Broadway at Bumside St Garages See S a m p 1 e a. 644 Hood at Phone Mala 1167. Millmade Construction Co, I tsssS NEW TIKES what brand of new tires do yea prefer! , We aav them. au make nd six. alio wa make th famous O-Y-O Doubl Tread (sewed) tire and do aU manner of tir repairing. Oregon Vulcanizing Co., -aso ifurnssa. Bear Broadway. 1916 MAXWELL tor sale K-406. journal. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 7 GARDEN H0ME-( acre. ( minute of sta tion, with Improvement worth $1 000 j also 1... 4 tf I KI. nl,M All , I1TAA $500 cash. bL to suit Water, gaa and all city convenience. Come quick; It's too cheap to last, fuone sacoormM. Mam V 1 . WANTED Ford car. No dealer. Must be in good running order. Hav (100 to pay down, balance (25 per month, Pboae East 2672. I WILL FAY YOU SPOT CASH FOR YOUR FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE. X. 1190. E. 18th aU Uawtbora ara. HRTREST price paid for aotomobU; cemdt Ai,SXJ3,OA iikov (ih .w u 1 1 .. , uuus tion bo object 121 N, (d t Bdwy. 1629. AUTOS FOR HIRE AUTOS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVXRJ1 Brand new ear. Reasonable rate rearing A Robsett, City Garage. 86 irKh, Between Stark and Oak. Broadway 840. A MIDDLEAGED man with a good Ford for hire by th week or month, around town. Marahall 8897. AUTOS without drivers for hire. Couch: Sullivan, 1 0 th-Yam hill Mar. 2(2. A-l 2 3 6 MOTORCYCLES-BICYCLES "BICYCLES MOTORCYCLES. Large, stock of sew and used anschln. DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 68 6th et WANTED To boy man's bieycl; must be ia conditio ana zee onaoie. Jt-4a Jour - TWIN motoreycl. equipped. (76 tor uiok gala. lanoe urn. FOB SALE. Indian Bsotoreycl; aonabla Call Broadway 181. PIANOS, ORGANS AND afUUCAl. INSTRUMENTS (A (7.(0 CASH. (7.60 next pay day. the' (f monthly bur (426 1917 model unrk ht rU no at (290 during Green herg Muds Co.r Ks aa liquidation sale, in progre at Schw ta Pisa Co.. Ill 4th st Last epeortunity before raise in pnee. Your parents or arm ioa rents 1 860O to giuvu ior socb quality piano dun una ana fter oar Civil war. Buy aew to avoid ttwreaM. 0 rasa L WEMB Phonographs and record bought, nid exchanged and rented. Expert sepal, lag. 142 H 2d. near Alder, npstatra. (248 CASH closes out (880. 88 not mahogany player piano, bench and music, at becurity Storage Co.. 169 4th t. at Waslilngton. (8.00 BUYS (12.60 Wonder with reoordsl (46 buys a cabinet Victrola with 10 naswd oenwan risno so.. 111 tn x. GEORGE T. PECK. PIANO TDN-ft. Graduate New England Conservatory ef Muaio. Boston. Mass. Tuning, gs.uu. 'labor g74. (86 WESTERN Cottage organ, (SO. Kimball piano, rosewood. (116. HAROLD 8. GILBERT, 884 Ysmhttl at Piano Tuning $2.50 Nat Ardrey, SeUwood (168 PHONOGRAPHS, records, bought, aold anj ex- changed. llaU A Caaaiday. 126 1st st. M. IBM TRAP drum for al cheap. Eaat 1498. 474 Uantenvlr. RENT a piano, must reasonable term la Port land, lisrold Ji. OUbert. a 14 lamniu WILL exchange new Victrola foe a good used piano. G. F. Johnson llano uo.. 1 atn . HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR BALB (I Look These Over Steel rang, (11.60; cook stove. (8.9SJ heating atnvaa, (1.26; gas plate. (1.98: iron beds, 85c; springs, (1.65; mattresses, (2.(6;. dressers, (4.73; dining tables, (5.90; chain , (1.20; rockers. $1.86; center tables, (1.85: oil heaters, (1.4 5; high chairs. 80c; lectri toasters. .(2.23; pillow., new. (1.45; pait bowls and pitraer. 85c; new tuba. 83c; ohUd'a new rockers. $1 45: steel couch, (2.90; kltchea tables, ue: also included in this sals ara a . rang, china closet, kitchen heater with sou. leather seated chairs and rockers, kitchen Uten sils, ahadea. linoleum. AH to be put in oa thi ale. A big yellow tag on each article. 208 MADISON. TYPEWRITERS 77 NEW REMINGTON, rental plan, rant appUea to purchase. Visible models. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER CO.. 88 Broadway. Broadway 46(1.' WE SAVE you from 60 to 76 per oent oa ail makes of typewriters. Send for our prio list. Retail department. Whales 1 Typewriter C.. 821 Washington street. REBUILT typewriters. sunpUe. Corona dealer. E. W. Peas Co.. 110 6th. ALL MAKES typewriter rented and repair eX Oregon Type Co.. B4A 6th. Main (668. FOR SALS: A-l No. 0 Underwood. SSI hav cash. R-641, JournaL FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 1 ALL machine void for 1I a agent employed ; machine rented, repaired. A 826. AC 9481. Sewing Machine EmportUov, 190 3d. near Taylor t Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and resyatiaa. Walker Electrio Work, 418 Bora, id, corner 10 th. Broadway ar A 6674. $10.00 Tea drophead aewlnf macibs H I JtJJ Mih lttbmnta. all ar In Try good condition. Sewing machine rented a ( per month. Phone East 2369 or B-880T. J. R. Steen, 152 (irsnd av.. near Belmont MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." Typewriter' snd 'Household Goods" are separate claaslfl Mtin. au ...rfUMiii nf Uieae good ara published under their respective clsssiflotlon. l.uiia iiir.3i ii. n. , WE WILL upholster nd repair your furai tur and tak your old discard furnlttir la exchange for payment. Multnomah suraliur Hospital. (548dt Main ao. . AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCH- or boaU ar eprt elaasificationa. A large listing can be found under the different classifications. (fllsed Sewing Machines Ouarantced We rent and repair. 173 Third 8t Main 1845. A-1818. O. L. Schroeder , . . , - o "a way u i tor-ar Wire Hope' Kew and 2d Hand AU Fl Any Amount Brnrrrn nrtrea on Cebl roofing paper. kinds tools. J. Lv. 189 Front t. blwa Ysmliill nd Taylor. PiANOS. organs. Ulking machines accepted a first payment on nw piano na piyr Hchwsn PUno Co.. Ill 4th t pianoa. SLIGHTLY used computing scales, an kind: also cheese cutters. coffee mill and meat Hcer: very cheap, (all at 384 Stark at, NOTICE Berry bushes 26c 'du.; strawberries. 76e hundred; assorted fruit tree. 20a oh. Tabor 4218. HILLSDALE RED ROVER, registered, orang I-ersisn, at stud. Blue ribbon winner. Mala 8450. Box 22. Hillsdale. Or. - FOR SALE f520 feet inch Iron elevator cable, second band. Portland Elevator Co. i"OIt SALE-Ons knitting machine ia fir class order. 888 18th st Main 7404, BIG shelving and counter for hardwtr store. A bargain. Wdln. 1606, venings. ONIONS BeUlng out today. Smalls. 2ft sack. BrtngackaLOnly JI90 sack left 427 1st st THE best .22 Merlin rifl nd ess made,' cheap, at 628 K. Harrison at East 6145. FOR SAO; Range, g'd condition, reasonable. IS K. 84th t . Tbor 7056. FURNITURE for sal nd hous for teat. Phon labor 2112. (TbTCOMPLETE BATil ROOM OUTFIT. (((. nortnwestern .-ipe o.. mi ernns . PLyjBINJ supplies, wbolenale prices. Stark Iiavis io.. ii oa at. atsm hi. BATHTUBS, sinks. toileU. pipe and fitting! A. U. Howra. ii xn sr. .-none main love. TArriTU .Iniwn sold inairedT rented. changed, bougnt rteouey o. main pans. FERTILIZER. Hone and eow oisnure Fart 181. fW6 WrbT chairs for sal jtt S7jCouch et. WELL rotted manure. deUverad. Ben. . JAEGERTACPPM SWEEPERS. MAT WELL rotted cow or home manure. Mar. 4068. FURNITURE WANTED 74 Highest Prices Paid for aO kind of household goods, hotel ASM , restaurant outfit, trunks, bag and suite, bicycle, flshtc tackle and firearms. Also hard ware and LOOtS OI ail oewnmion. . ,ii , .u l.- v t 'it a vi : Bi Levin Hardware & Furn. Co. 221 Front at., cor. Salmon. Main 9071. A-7174 Pifer-Hamilton- MAiTTO Highest prices paid for used furniture, carpets, stove, range, etc. We rail promfitly. Want Household Furniture WILL TAT CASH. Phone Main 8832. Call East 636 p pu Vail laOl WVJU fomltur. stoss. rug, anything ta household goods. W change your old Turorture ior new. WANTED All kind of SECOND HAND FUB- NlTI'Rt IF you bar anything to SELL call reliable house end get what goods ar WORTH. WILSON'S AUCTION MOt-any Main 1Z. PHONE East 7(16 whan yeu want to sell yom furniture: we wui eom at one ana pay yoa CASH M. B. SKATER, (80 Hawthorn ve. corner Union. W ILL pay cash for rooming house, 2d band fa. nitur ana tov. tail East z. GRAND RAPIDS FURNITURE EX 84-86 GRAND AVENUE PRIVATE party t desirous of buying need fue- Blture ana ciotnmg. any amount. ray price CaU Mr. Washburn, Marshall 4788. S'OTICE-W buy second hand furniture. " W pay high t price for all kinds of second aood. BroadwBy 1298 48 N. 3d st. CUT freight rate oa household good ahippeal Eaat and South. wa rb fx Traasfat Co.. 9th and Hoyt Broadway 70. A-l 708. MULTNOMAH Furnltur Hospital pay huliee' prioe tor. need furniture. 884 8d. Mala 4(64. SWAP COLUMN WHAT bav yoa for S blooded kergest Swaak. Main 4190. WAKTED MISCELLANEOUS - 600 ENVELOPES or 600 bond letterheads $2l 600 bond bUlheads or statement. (LI 6. Smith Printing Co.. 204 Sterk st baJtT cash price paid tor used entse esiss, chair and filing eamneta racirio tia- TIONEHY A PB1NTINO CO.. Maia 197L rtU.HVRT nrtessi for suns, musical inst nueaota. Iro., 7 kodak aad high grade lens. Via Bros., (d st. near Oak. Main im. . GOING East ox South f Household good shipped at reduced rates. Pacific Coast Fotwaz agt fa.. 201 Wilcox Bids.. Msrshn 2467. FAYS highest prio for cood hand dotal BgJ tooss, wye tmtm i mi. I , iv. WANTED Biflc. shotguns, earners. . Horbfleld. 8 (d t Phon Mia (8(1. (CestlsseA TStxt rf) i y t - .' 1 . t - -wz. oom . 1 1 gddgi, jTala ((,