THE .OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL; PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY h 24, 1918. 23 tolr iyp found ti M UX, the lsdj seen to take a black bendba from It. Job ear at 8:80 p. aa. Wednesday st Fifth, and Vshingtoa, kiadly ban hh at IJpman. Wolf It Co.'! eecommodatioa desk for EOHT Gray" " Clackamas; CUy. i. about 1000 lb., near U notify Tabor 918 of 18S HELl WANTED MALE aTfKWSPECIAL8. A house earpetera 15.00 ft bride carpers (5.00 4 piledrlvsr mil . $5 00 3 ratebetsetterg. . . . ". , ...(4 50 4 pktneraua .1 $4 75 1 tickrmen ,1 . . . $4 SO 3 Barken on dLn, city 14 50 ( tallymen ..I 14 50 Tomorrow Monday) , w will hs orders from 4 differet logging camp that arc to tert for th season! Coma early and get what yon waat It wood take saTaral column to advar tkta oar want so tha boat tiling tu do la to coma nd se fcr yourself. BUTTS & WESTROM 27 N. 2d at -t- WANTED I teat bora vr 14 with wheel, pay yea for tk n of jour bicycle. Work la eleaa ao4 frteadj Can aakf (90 ta (100 par month. Lsclnt ebeue lor advancement Elmer L. Bailey Ul Oak Bt Wanted Two Young Men 1 and 20 nim of age. to work iu. hoi ours from 4 p. m. to 1 a. m. Ouar- lary. E, L, Bailey 253 Oak. t0 TIE MAKER. WANTED. ' flpTH red wood, for .Monterey, Cal. Ex perienced man can make 13 up per day Rhip Tuesday, February 20. fare by boat advanced on amiable baggage. Public Employment Bureau 247 Davis at A TIF TOU 14 TEARS OF ACEt DO YOU POSEHH A BICYCLE? BOYS. IXKII IIEKK1 ' Do yon want a steady Job that will pa 7 yon good money? W' furnish yon full uniform free and allow yoi venation on tun pay. u mtereateu can at 74 Hil at. and auk f-ir Mr. Bsllcy WESTERN UNION TEI.EC R A I'll CO. PATRIOTIC AMKRICAN S -V E WANT Y U TO WORK. (3.10 FOR HOT'llH. HUSKY UrM OVER 18 YEARS SATISFACTORY. ADVANCEMENT DEPENDS UPON YOU. BOARD. OREGON CITY, (6.50 TO (7.50 Tun WEEK. APPLY PAPER MILL EM PliOTMENT OFFICE, WEST LINN, ACROSS RRIDOTf FROM OREGON CITY. STRIKE ON. BRING TITIS WITH YOU GUARAN TEES WORK. dxcavation and con struction labor krs wanted; ( for nine-hour fay. apply foreman on job in west Inn, across river from oregon city ion union job where unions struck tjtober 24. 1917. bring this ad with xjii. steady work. board and bed. 1boon city, (8.50 to (7.50 week. JKITORS Apply between 0 and 11 a. aa.. auperintondrat'a offloe. basement balcony, Mier e Frank company. LABORERS WANTED Vrmsnent position amurcd steady men, was (3.10. It hours; strike not yet declared o'f but 1600 men working; general rmpermlll orsi no experience orcexaary. Applv ".'. Or on ildg., corner 5th and Oak street bu aet week earned by eaoa of 6 aua aleee 3 uw 1, selling onr guaranteed shrubs, roses, (fee (ad berries; others earning frosa (25 per, Wtek lp. Ne experience necessary. Bxcluatve torilura, Free outfit Best season for yeara Otrii tetrltnry In this and neighboring states, Wbingt'iin Kuraery Co.. ToppenLsh. Wash. EUVATOB. OPERATORS Apply between 1 11 a. m . auperintendent's office, base men, belcoiy, Meier & Frank company. WANfKJ first class maohtnist for lathe aVl bentti work; must be ouick and accurate; good wges steady work. Fred Imndee. Broad way ass Flanders. 2 ORf L ' run. 4Kn nraffsrfw1. tk !gln imn drag m and snlit 248B-lneh wood I Job J1 furnish batching outfit or can board at the Vip. Call any time Sunday at 7928 fi?L 8E.1orTabor 1257. PA RTYlith (1000 to (2000 can secure half interest, in well established film exchange well know throughout the Northwest This is a good opdrtunlly for the right party and will stand the .et inve-tigstion. E-470, Journal. rol'LTUY ylielper. We lyie an opening on our pmi IK ranch lr- a man who wants to learn the fcultry business. Wages (50 per month. AnVpportunlly for the right man. G 72. Journal r AT bNCK,opablenTmen to travel Ore gon and shington, with a high class maga aine propositin. Apply Western Magazine cor puratiun. 904.Spaulding bldg. Young- aingt man for traveling position; no experience koutred. One ambitions to iaara salesmanship referred. Apply Monday. 9 to 12 Mr Gillkm. Carlton hotel jlcOHS SKIRT CO.. WJsN ia A SOLICITOR. EXCELLENT V'PnunUy for energetio sales man to rt-prefnt large wholesale house. Must be A-l. Prefoi rmn out of draft Answer immediately. W.754 Journal. WANTSD i-Coineten set-up man, experienced with modern isatclers. Mail applications from country received. Teat Oregon Lumber Co., Linnton. Or. ATTENTION stenogaphers : The Underwood Typewriter Co. haw several good positions open for mala stemtraphera. ..Call at once. Underwood Typewritel Co. WANTED, a party to take contract to build a telephone line: repot at Hanley Employment agency. 28 N. 2d st WANTED, tmlay", 0 'rpenUrs, (6 per day, for building new, casp ia spruce work ; fares advanced Report Haaey Employment agency, 2.H N. 2.1 SL WANTED, 2 trap tun (el meu, (4.75 per day. Reort at Hauley Employment agency, 28 N 2d st Yol'Nti mau. 17 to i, opportunity in whole sale line. Answer ,a own handwriting and aim references. L-OTt Journal. EXPERIENCED man wanted at once for farm work; good wages; for further particulars write Ernest Zieleaeh. Parker, Or. ELEVATOR operator er. office building, certain phyaical disabilities iU not disqualify. Apply O. Peterson. 2 22 Wooeeter building. Monday. WANTKI First cUa experienced hardware and paint man fo- retail store. Simons, 2d and Alder. HKill school boys wb have spare time to turn into dollars, call a;.94 Spalding bldg. Mon- j mi Kiiuuun, ANTED Married .nan for general farm work. Southern Oregon. Jive particular and wages expected. L. H Konbrodt Merlin. Or. WANTED. curdwoal choppers, (1.60 per cord, shanty in store furnished. Kirk Hoover. Sherwood, jr. WANTED An xulependent dairy to supply mill for 2 storei Phone or oil Ke.m.e aih and Columbia. Miia 8398. VUIAJANIZERS IVe need 1 more first elaas tire repair man anj 2 to learn trade. Call 1 P m, or 5 p. m . toeiy. ' 835 Bumalde. JANITOR and wirlow waaber foToffioe bubd tng. Apply 0. lUerson. 222 Worcester build ing Monday. ' ; WANTED Iron mtldtr at Shafner Iron Works Rainier. Or. Waje (5.76. 8 hours. Phone 612. GOVERNMENT wanti stenographer and typists! Enroll bow at flaerlock' Railroad school vr cntmrer mag. flNNElt and solde&r at Union Ave. Sheet atetai wanj, ii tjnion ave. N. (1600 EQUITY, it Scott dU.." for (265 cash. No eomaniaion. Taber 2488. WANTED Experienced janitor who understands steam Doner. r tiB. journal. COAT maker wanted. E. C. Peterson, 171 Rus- . SCU H, ; arrai..iivci dojs aoove in year old to learn tno lonnary trso tsu j. M. leach. East 1013 WANTED-1 Ti for logging ( ee iper for sawmill and on W-BOO. Journal. WANTED -Man t leant Tulcanlxina hualnaaa! voicai aa Bnraaida at Cal CaU to 13 a. aa. HEIF WANTED Pacific Employment Company '. Largest on tha Coast. "ALWAYS AT TOUR SERVICE'' OPEN TODAY. ALL DAY. Married couple, man to work around mill or yard at (S.50 to 4 per day, wife to do housework at 80o per hour. Dishwashers (13, (14, (17 per week and board, all in city; dishwashers and kitchen helpers, camps, (85 to (03 and board; hotel cook $80 ami found; Jap anese to wash windows, hotel, (50 and board; camp flunkies (55 and (60 and board. CITY. CITY. For Monday morning: 3 ahoTelers on a sand fill. 3 GO per 8 hours; 4 warehouse men for wholesale bouse, permanent positions, (3 per 9 hour, to (tart; auto driver, (75: yard laborers. (3.50: 8 men in factory. (3 for.!) hours; hotel and restaurant help of all kinds. Vail today. FOR U. 8. GOVERNMENT 8 laborers. $ hour day. (2.75 and board; cloao in. Spruce grader, (8: planer feeder, (4.50; shingle sawyers, 17c and ISc; reaawyer, (4.50; gang trinunarman, (5; stickerman. (4.50; log haul man. (4 25; otibearer. (4.25: mill ma chinist, (6; mill and yard men. (3.75; etc., ate.. millwright. (3.30. Fare advanced to Bend: east out of the rain belt: light rigging, good ground, first-class camps, chokermen. (4.10 per day, -inch chokers; fare advanced. WEnVILL ADVANCE YOFR FARE IF NE CESSARY TO THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER COMPANIES OF THE NORTHWEST. SEE US TODAY. LOGGERS LOGGERS. LOGGERS. (4 to (8.25 per day. A big list of lobs that are )ust opening up for the season. Go to the woods and stay there. The government desires a larae iirntlurtioii of airulana and ship timber. We will advance your fare to the work, and if j you have no fundi, will furnish you with em- , pioynient free. 2 women camp flunkies, experienced, $50 and board. See us today, Sunday. HUNDREDS OF JOBS TOO NUMEROUS TO CLASSIFY HERE. SEE OUR LISTS. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, Largest on the Coast "ALWAYS AT YOCtt SERVICE" 233-235 Bumslde Street 1. P. COXON. Mgr. WANTED- Kxiierieneed dairyman for equipped farm on shares: prefer party with boy old enough to help; extra iueome clearing at odd times; state size of family, experience in dairy ing and farming and clearing. References re quired. M-682, Journal. BOY who can make himself generally useful. Nlcoll, The Tailor, 108 8dst HELP WANTED MISC. 4 Young Men and Women Help Your Country LEARN TELEGRAPHY Connie by expert instructors aualiflea you within a short time. IF YOU STAY Be prepared to accept a good position at a good salary. IF YOU GO Be prersred to serve the best way. Telegraph School Alisky Bldg.. 3d and Morrison. Portland1. SALESMAN Irge well known Cleveland manufacturer nanta capable man, preferably with mercantile experience, who can develop into efficient specialty salesman. Selling experience not neressarv . Good local territory. Men eamins from (200 to (flOO per month. Com missions paid weekly. State qualifications. Ad rireas General Manager, Box 177, Station 0. Cleveland. O. . SALESMEN and service men New carburetor for Ford cars. Simple, not a moving part, installed in 80 minutes, guaranteed to double vmir mileage and start in zero weather without heating or priming. 15 day free trial. Write. U. & J. Carburetor :0., OUi vy. jacasun uu., ''hicaao. 111. SALESMAN For general mercantile trade in Oregon to sell a new proposition of merit. Vacancy now. Attractive commission contract 3r. weekly for expenses. Miles F. Bixler Co., Wholesale Jewelers. 2278 Carlin bldg., Cleve 'nnd. O. AKK you going out for a jobf You'll be more likely to land one if you"re dressed In one of onr made-to-order suits. Only (10 down and (5 a month will make you one of the best dressed men tn town. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark, bet 6th and 6th. UNCLE SAM Needs 10.000 stenographers. Enroll now for fhorthand. typewriting. bookkeeping. MISS DECKERS PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE, 3d floor Alisky bldg NUMBER YOUNG WOMEN AND MEN wanted to prepare for telegraph service to help fill vacancies caused by the drafting of men for war For particulars call or write Telegraph Dept, Room 218. Railway Exchange bldg. SPANISH SCHOOL Established 1906. native, professional 1n strutor. Conversation successfully acquired. Aft ernoon, evening classes. Hours 4 to 6, 7 :30 to 9:80 p. m. Inquire 409 Alisky bldg. vfTKS DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Civil service, dictaphone operating, shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping, mimeographing. Eng. Qsh spelling. Special rates until March 1. Alisky bldg . 3d and Morrison. " THE ADCOX AUTO SCHOOL, (80 Wasco st, corner Union eve. Call, write or phone E. 7445 about free trial offer. Day and night classes. HIGH grade crochet work for sale. Large as sortment to choose from. Send lOe for "Book of Designs" and details. Int Trading Crochet Co . 288 3d ft. Main f.778. FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel, demon strate and sell to dealers. (75 to (160 per month. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug company, Dept 700. Omaha. Neb. HAWTHORNE AUTO SCHOOL. 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. SPECIAL NIGHT CLASS RATES. PAY AS YOU LEARN. BTEEN SEWING SCHOOL Bleek's system oi ladies' tailoring and dressmaking taught: pat tarns cut to measure. Phone East 2359. B-3307. 162 Grand ave.. near Belmont WANTED, ladies to bring their spring hate to 873 4th st for reblocking. We make old hata look like new. LESSONS IN 8PAN1SH PROFESSOR EDUARDO GARCIA Honrs 4-6. J- p. m. Phone Kelt 7388,' EASTSrDE "COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. 122 V4 GRAND AVE. EAST 427. UNCALLED for tailor made suits. 89.50 up. Taylor the Tailor. 2BH mirnsme. STUDY FRENCH ; courtes beginning Monday, Feb. 29; go montn. Al. rrancu, lai otn st LADY" barber, lihave, 15c: haircut, 25c; face massage. 83c 826 Gllaan st HELP WANTETv rEMALB EXPHRIENCED millinery saleswomen. Applly between 9 and 11 a. m.. supenntenaent s office, basement balcony, Meier A Frank Co. WOMAN In da ceneral housework. 4 in family plain cooking. Wdln. Bin. 1013 !. 13th at. N. GIRL or woman for general housework on dairy ranch, city limits; all modern conveniences.. Woodlawn 1998. LADIES, we can use the services of two women caDable of earning (3 to (5 per day selling. dty or road work. Apply 904 Bpanlding bldg. WOilANT-general housework hours 7:30 to 6. no Sunday work. Z83 JS. 44ta at Tabor 2028. . BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, experienced in insurance preferred. i rank E. Smith It Co.. 71 ( Corbett bldg. . A LADY cook, (50, or lady eook and helper, (76 for 12 nennle. Butts A Weatrom Em ployment Co. 27 N. 2d st TWO more women for our house to house ad ertising campaign in city; no experience re- qnired. Call 10 to 12 Monday. 613 Royal bldg. OPERATORS on power sewing machines; also pressers. utility Garment Co.. 167 1st at WOMAN dishwasher, kitchen helper, for room and board for husband and self. 284 Main at WANTED Girl to assist ia general housework. East 6670. WANTED, a competent girl for second work. two in family; good wages. TeL Main 2195. STENOGRAPHER, must have good experience, state all particular. G-768, Journal HOUSEKEEPER wanted for family of two, (20 per montn. ov j.. loin nortn. WANTED Elderly or middle aged woman for housework. Phone Columbia 479. COOK wanted Wages (33. 617 Johnson st Broadway 2600. EXPERIENCED girt for general housework or young girt to ass int Phone East 4667. WANTED An experienced kitchen helper, W- oou, journal. . CaDY to assist in general housework. 841 Sea- ilworth ave. Seilwood 819. YOUNG girl for housework; family of 3. 643ft Second at WAXTEn xe,TTMrt.. 4 gi-i f-r mntrsl honao work. No washing. East 257S. WANTED A middlsage woman to car lor an mvwtm .any. 1 a Mtcmgan are. LADY barber wanted. Steady work. 825 Gliaan. I LADY" barber wanted at585 J BurnsMs'str HHP WAWTFD mCKALE YOTJNO women for telephone work, pay while learning. Apply Pacific Telephone A Tele graph Co., 6th floor. Park and Oak ata., be tween 6:30 a. m. and 9 :30 p. as. WOMEN eami flunkies. (SO and board. Ce"1 today. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO ,23 Burasid st. WANTED Woman for singing and dancing. Production in city. Previous experience un necessary. Call Sunday and Monday, bet. 9:30 and 11:80 in morning, and bet. 7:30 and 9:80 in evening, at Stage Entrance. 11th Street riay House. 1 1th and Morrison. WANTED Young ladiee of good address who have high school educations and live at home to act aa ushers. Remunerative salaries. Apply to Liberty theatre. Monday. 2 p. ra. HELP WANTED MALE AND FEMALE M MISS F.THPI. RRATlf.KY will teach TOU all branches of professional stage dancing, in- I eluding Hulla, Salome. Scotch. Spanish, Spring. French, soft shoe, buck and wind dancing. Miss Bradley haa spent many seasona on the large circuits of the East, including K la w-Kr linger and Anderson and Shubert circuits, 2d floor AUaiy bldg. Main 2474. ORIGINAL MOLKK BARBER COLLEGE. Teaches the trade m eight weeks. Gives scholar ships and transfer cards. Pays you while learn ing. Big d-mand for both men and women. 2d and Bornside, ORIGINAL MOIILER BARBER SCHOOL Teaches men and women barber trade in 8 wks. Special rates fur short time only (15, including good set of tools, giving diplomas. 234 Couch st OREGON Barber College will teach you the bar- bar trade in 8 weeks; tools free; scholarship diplomas given; paid while learning: positions guaranteed; tuition reduced. 238 Msdison. COOKS wanted Man and wife, good wages. Girls' dormitory, Monmouth, Or. Make per sonal application to J. II. Ackerman, Seward hotel, at 9 a. m. Monday, February 25. MISS MATTINGLY'S shorthand and typewrit ing school, day and evening. 269 14th, near Jefferson. (5 a month. Call Main 3RH3. WANTED AGENTS AGENTS I want 100 agents to take ordera for Comer raincoats; spring line ready: dandy coat (3.98; 65 styles; profit in advance; we deliver. Send postcard for asm plea and propo sition. Comer Mfg. Co.. dept G-120, Day- ton. Ohio. 233" per cent profit selling Jubilee spark inten sifiers to auto owners, garage, banishes spark plug trouble. Sella like wildfire. Exclusive territory. Write ouick. Jubilee Mfg. Co.. 1164 1 8. 20th st.. OmahaV Neb. HOUSE to house solicitors for a household ne cessity: good side line, 50 per cent on small Investment Inquire Dooney A Fox, distribu tors, E. 24th and Broadway. I CLEAR (50 weekly in amall bo business; man or woman, start anywhere: particulars free. Write today. Ed. Uanaley, 905 E. Main st. Stockton. Cal. (75 buys county aeency with sample oil and gas burner. Inquire 201 ad st SITUATIONS MALE MARRIED man wants position on large ranch, can drive tractor, a fair mechanic; can handle all kinds of stock. Is willing, capable and steady. Would expect separate bouse. Addreae Box 177 . Route 1, Linnton, Or. THOROUGHLY competent bookkeeper, paralyzed in lower limbs, oust have work. I have a wife and 2 children to support Can give best of references. Won't someone give me a chancef Phone Msln 7309. 614 Panama bid. PAYMASTER or timekeeper with a railroad construction or logging camp; references, 80S. Journal. C- ENGINEER, references firvt class, has license, best of also understands cireuiar sawing. planer and sticker work. Sell. 8170 YOUNG man wants employment, clerical pre ferred. 4 or 5 hours daily, before 3 p. m. V-964. Journal. TWO ehip knee men want a Job. P-743. Jour nal SHINGLERS When yon want ahingling done call Wdln. 5200. WOMAN wanted for housework, m. 711 Roosevelt st Call at 6 p. PAINTING, papering, tinting; reasonable. 861 Yamhill st Main 1600. CARPENTER leaky roofs patched er re shingled. Marshall 1072. i SITUATIONS FEMALE , 4 ELDERLY lady wants mentally deficient child or woman to care for in their own home; give good oare. or would keep house for man who eould appreciate a kind, honest woman. Am neat and a good cook. 534 Borthwick at. City. Res. 609A Columbia. Main 8878. UBS. ELSIE DU MAS Children cared for at home afternoon and evenings by appointment. oMAN with boy 11 years, wishes position us houst-keeper for widower in city or coun try. no triflers. Phone Main 3983. WANTED, amall bundle washing and ironing by experienced colored woman, east side. Wdln. 4700. CAPABLE woman wishes day work washing or ironing preferred. Main 3757. WOMAN stenographer wishes te get experience in lumber or law office. Main 8006. EXPERIENCED woman wants house cleaning. etc. Ref. Woodlawn 4725. STENOGRAPHER, law experience, change. Call K. 6501. desires YOUNG woman wants position as housekeeper. 849 E. 66th st, N. Tabor 8147. WANTED Indian relics and curios. Wm. Paul 168 10th st Marshall 6603. WANT knitting and quilts to tie. 4358. Phone Tabor DRKSSMAKINf3 46 UP-TO-DATE dressmaker wants Jay engage- ments; remodeliiig a specialty. Phone Main 6923. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes engage ments; references: reasonable. Seilwood 98. FURNISHED ROOMS The Melvin Rooms (2 per week and up; H. K, rooms, single rooms GOo and up. 853 Vi Yamhill Mar- shaU 1628. FURNISHED rooms, new; modern, high class neighborhood ; walking distance; rate reason able. The Kingsley, 67 Trinity Place. Phone Main 6821j LAUREL HOTEL Rooms (2 per wee. Steaan heat Also newly furnished apartments. Modern SECOND AND YAMHILL STS. 60c AND 75c per day; (1.75 week up; com fortable, absolutely clean, baths free, hot water all hours. Hotel Cadillac, 8d, near Jeff. FURNISHED rooms, also housekeeping rooms, (5 a month up; free bath and electricity; walking distance. 821 Vi Water at SAN MARCO HOTEL, MODERN ROOMS, BATHS. PHONES. (2 and UP, TRAN SIENTS 50o UP. 422 V4 WASHINGTON. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Princes hotel. E. 8d and Bunuide. 50o day up. (2 week up. East 171. ROOMS in modern hotel. (1.75 week and up. 455 Alder. FURNISHED ron, steam heat 6 min. to P. 0.. reasonable. Mars. 207 5. THE HAZEL Furnished rooms, steam heat running water. 385 3d st. FURNISHED ROOMS FRITATE FAMILT NICELY furnished front room for rent to one or two gentlemen reasonable; walking dia- rance; nome comTorta. f 9Z ti. ixmcn. NICELY furnished room with heat, close in east sldo, reasonable, seuwood VERY pleasant steam heated room In apt house, walking distance. Bdwy. 4143. NEAT suite, close in, phone, bath, adulta; also aleepmg rooms with beat 21 N. 11th at NICE front room, reasonable, gentleman pre- ferred. 209 rargo at ONE room, (3 per week. 411 Stark. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 NEAR SHIPYARDS, unfurnished for house keeping suites, (3 week. 306 H 1st st ROOMS AND BOARD It ROOM and board for business girls, modern oon- Temencea. walking distance, (8.60 week. 12 E. 7th st East 4782. THE Martha Washington, 380 10th. for busi- nees girls and students. Marshall 1251. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILT ;a A MOTHERLY woman, alone, will take 2 boys to oar ror. reasonaoie, lArg grounds. 6616 Tza st. s. n. a. xremont station. FRONT room for 1 or 2 gentlemen, modern conveniences, best of board. Phone Main 4167 ROOM and board near South Portland snip- rard, (7 week, two tn room. 208 Grant st ROOM with board, all conveniences. 627 East Burnsid at Phone East 824. BOOM and board, private family;: 428 H Mill Marshall 2515. WANTED Good home for hoy 9 yea r old. (12 month. G-729, Journal FURNISHED H. K. room, working men pre ferred. Bath, phone. (3- and np. 400 gd t BOOM and board reasonable. Eat 6494. NEWLY furnished rooms. (95' 6ti st housekeeptno boom. furnished and unfurnished (2.50 WEEK. Completely furnished H. K. rooms, absolutely clean, every convenience, hot water all hours; tuite S3. 60. Desirable peo ple only. Save carfare. The Cadillac. 3d, neat Jefferson. 16. THREE nice, dean furnished 1L K. rooms. near shipyards. Adult. Call afternoon. CIO First street. NEAR shipyards, front room for housekeeping, (3 per week, also suitea (2.50. 808 First st. FURNISHED H. K. room. 83 H 1st t HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS JS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED PRIVATE FAMILY TWO pleasant II. K. rooms in private home. Clean and light Phone East 6975 61 E. 1 3th st. N. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, 1 single housekeeping room for rent to working peo ple. 86 1st st. NICE furnished housekeeping rooms. H block from Hawthorne car. Call Tabor 318 or 295 Fas. 49th South. 421 m E. Morrison, corner 6th. Nice cleaa front sleeping and H. E. rooms, single and suite; Bear Grand. VACANT March 1. yery desirable 2 room suite, private entrance, first floor. 205 11th. near library. r TWO large connecting housekeepinj rooms. neatly iurrdsbed. 1S7 Chapman at, near Tamhill. THREE unfurnished basement rooms, very rea sonable.-829 Park at (16 ATTRACTIVE front room and sleeping porch la nice home. Main lolJ. TWO front rooms, well furnished for H. b!. Light bath. (14 per month. 162 E- 6th at IRGE furnished room. Wdln. 191. FOB RENT HOUSES UNFURNISHED ia METER FRANX-S RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. 8TH FLOOK XTere vrni feava ehoiee of the combined Usta of all desirable vacant houses, apartments aadj flats In the city, with definite, reliable iniorma tion pertaining to each. Reccrds are kept up to date, new 1 faunas betas added each day. There ia absolutely no obligation or charge for this service. It is maintained solely aa an accommodation to the public. Newcomers In Portland will find this bu reau of great help in getting properly located quietly. Phone Marshall 4600. A-610L Powers Rental Bureau A department operating for the convenience ef our patrons and friends. A service absolutely without charge to you. Our listings of uousea. Bungalows and apartmenta is most complete. YOURS FOB SERVICE Powers Furniture Co. Third and Yamhill Streets FOR RENT 65 room hotel 807 Corbett 7 room cottage 854 Corbett 5 room flat ... 188 Clay. 17 rooms . .(60 . 18 . 8 . 25 205 Market. 8 room houJe. . , 25 L. E. THOMPSON A CO.. 253 MADISON. ELDERLY lady, living alone, would rent rooms of her 7 room modern house, fur nished, with large sneoe for garden, near S. P. oar shops, on Brooklyn carline. Terms reason able to right party. CaU at 735 E. 22d at S. TEN room duplex modern house, (20. 6 room modern. (10. Water inoluded. Houck, 110 10th St. MODERN 8 room flat North Union are., (10 rer month. 3 room modern cottage, S. P. electric line. 5c fare: chicken yards, etc Rent (8. WM. L. GRAHAM. 267 V Oak st Main 1748 FOR RENT or lease. 8 room 1 story bun galow with full basement with S lots, rich garden ground and abundance or I rait. 1 ja. 68d st References desired. Tabor 1086 FOR RENT, a 5 room house, bath, gas, electric lights. 709 Davis st, bet. King and Z2d, one block from Washington. Mar. 8riS9. FOR RENT, 9 room house on west aide, close In: all rooms freshly tinted. (30. unedde- mann Co.. 913 Chamber of Com. Main 6967 MODERN 0 room house for rent. Alberta dis trict, (20 per month. Call 1079 Vernon see. C-2553. FOR RENT, part of a 9 room modem house, furnished or nnfnrnished. near Woodstock ear. Seilwood 89 8, 8 ROOM modern house, hot and cold water In had rooms. fireplace. iurnaoe, yaro. oo Northmo. Bdwy. 4590. Near carline. 6 ROOM modern house at 1010 E. Main, (IT H room house. 609 Gantenbein are,, (ll In- quire 201 8d at i2 3 On HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW Attractive and modern. 4 large rooms beside bath. 425 E. 43d st OOM house, electricity, gaa. aH clean, newly tinted: large yard, garbage paid. For Infor mation, Woodlawn 4 7S9. 20 6 rooms. Rose City Park car. 656 E. 64th N : hot water lurnace. j. u nan- man Co.. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. lO ROOM house, of? 9 Commercial t, near Enott near ship yarn and it B. anops laree yard. (28 per month. FOR RENT S room house, yard. (T, with water. 346 17th t. bet Mill and Market. walking distance. FIVE-room modern oottage, flreplaoei with lota and plenty of rruit 8 blocks to car. 1 children. Call Tabor 77 or Tabor 2165. gai age. garden space, chicken house. Apply 21 15 E. 73d N. Phone T. 6076. FOR RENT March 1. 6 room modern house full basement 7 CO Borthwick st (15 per month. 4 ROOM modern house, (9 per montn or for sale for (1200; easy terms. 6015 62d ave. S. E. Marshall 1578. FO RENT Large 6 room house near St Helens, by H. W. Helaenreter. 401 Graham av. 6 ROOM bouse, 892 Hall st Call betwee: 1 and 3 p. m. 110 8 ROOM house, bath, good condition walking distance, asz t. saimon, cor. inn. MODERN 6 room flat Phone Bdwy. 2950", Close in. SMALL furnished hous with chicken house, lot of ground for garden. Call Tabor 1667. (10 7 room house on Borthwick it Con- venient to shipyards. Main 94 85. SEVEN room house, sleeping porch, modern. S blocks from car. Garage. Call Tabor 1269. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE sa FURNITURE In modem 6 room flat 6 min. from P. O.. rent (22.50; snap. Phone Mar shall 245. FURNISHED HOUSES ( WILL rent 7 room modem honse. completely furnished, grand piano, mahogany furniture, Woodstock car. 4233 48th ave.. S. E. Sell wood 2667. (20.60 MODERN furnished 7 room bungalow. 1 block car. large garden, prefer adulta. Phone Tabor 1042. (5 ROOM modern house, completely fumiahed, will rent at once. 235 N. 21st t. comer of Northrup. Reference required. (27.605 room modem house, furnished, larg lawn, walking distance. Richmond or Wood stock car. (100 Clinton st, cor. B. 18th st FURNISHED bungalow in Laurelhunt for rent deeirabl tenant without children. CaU Mr. Richardson. Broadway 227Q, FURNISHED hous for rent furniture, chick ens and fresh cow for aale. Acre of garden. close in. A-887, Jonrnal BEAUTIFULLY furnished modem 6 room house for rent, (40. Main 1419. Clark. FURNISHED house for rent near 8. PortllrDd shipyard. No children, ' Main 8106 or 826 1st MODERN eluded. 5 room bungalow, (20; water in 738 E. 89th st W. W. car. 33 FURNISHED complete modem 7 honse, long leas. Tabor 4679. APARTMENTS 48 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED Lucretia Court Lueretie st. between Washington and Ever ett street. Most beautifully located high class apartments. 2. 8. 4. 6 room. All modem con veniences, first class service- Prices reasonable. References required. Manager. Marshall 161 8. KING ALBERT APTSt New, 2 and S rooms, strictly modara, hard wood floors, elevator and janitor ftervice. Cor. 11th snd Montgomery sts. ROSE-FRIEND APTS.. comer Broadway and Jefferson. Elegant nnfnrnished apt., beat mrt tce. walking distsnc. Marshall 14lO. THE JEFFERY New 2 room fumiahed apt., comer Russell and Kerby between Mississippi and Williams ave. HISLOP HALL. E. 6th and Hawthorne. ModP em 1, 2 and S room apt,. (12.60 up, walk ing distance.- East 882. TWO furnished rooms, heat bath, light hot water. Cloee in. Rent reasonable to de sirable tenants. 125 14th st ALTA APT. Furnished room apt with bath. E. 29th and Ash fti. FURNISHED houaekeeptng east aide. 1824 Union. too, do in. FURNISHED apartment for rent. 6 o'clock. East 6926. CaU after APARTMENTS . 4( FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED SOME nice apartments now at the Kerrigan. furnished or unfurnished. East 1150. FOB U ETT -FLATS It HAVE 11 rooms in housekeeping suitea of 2 and 4 rooms in a suite : if you have the fumttare you can make money by renting this floor. BLANCHARD CLEMSON. 702-3 Selling bldg. 8. 6 ROOM flat. Tabor 28407 FURNISHED FLATS FOR RENT Partly furnished 6 room flat. fireplace, fnrnace. cement basement and wash trays : desirable location: close in. Will exchange for room and board. Phone East 130 Sunday. t KM SUED flat, adults, exchange for keeping my flat clean end care two rirla daytime. Tabor 1528 Sunday, evenings. FURNISHED lower flat. (20: 4 rooms, dea. piano; adulta only. 917 K. 21st at. N.. cor ner Skidmore, Alberta or Irvington ear. THREE roonl flat, 28th and Clinton. Elec tricity and gaa. Phone East 807 T. ROOM furnished flat (12. walking distance. Adults. Phone E. 6321. STORES AND OFFICE II FINE store room! with good oven suitable far baking beans or bresd. livhur rooms may be had in the building; low rent Main 1963. 008-9 Cham, of Com. FOR RENT A store at 606 Wash. st.. good location for confectioner or baker, ail fix ture in. FOR RENT The 8. Mt Tabor store building near 61st and In vision sts. Call on owner. W. A. Lew, 612 W. 18th st. Vancouver. Wash. STORE in splendid location, on two car lines, far rent Brick building. Apply 689 Milwau kie st. or phone Seilwood 636 Monday. DESIRABLE offices ensuite or single, low -reritala, fine location. Phone Broadway 1769. HOTELS (4 HOTEL for 60 per cent of value. Why I Not a hotel man. Has hot and cold water in every room. Dandy for sanitarium, w-stb. Journal WANTED TO RENT T BUNGALOW 4 or 5 rooms, about March 2d. Must be modern and have built-in con veniences. Prefer garden and fireplace, ueaire for lone time and not over (20. W-757, Journal WANT to rent or buy modern 4 or 6 room house with garden, witlun walking distanoe Inmxn. Paulsen Ltgnber co., or an Oregon City line, 6-cent fare, with small payment down. balance monthly, v-908. Journal. HAVE parties wanting to rent 6 or u room modern bouse. Send description, location and price to McClure A Schmauch, 615 Ger- linser bldg. ' WA NTE D to rent furnished or partly furnished flat or house. 5 or 6 rooms, modern. S. E. of Burnaide st Give Rrice. No children. P-786 Journal. WANTED unfurnished cottage car bungalow in either Richmond. Woodstock or Seilwood district; preferably one with garden space and some i run. rnone neiiwooa 1017. WE have desirable tenants who want modern bouses March 1 and later: o lease list Tour nouses at once. Jounston, 702 Spalding bldg. aiain 1110. WANTED 2 or 3 furnished housekeeping rooms by tne montn. near Eilot school district w-834. Journal WANTED 6 room furnished houa. Knot Hill district modem, rent permanent Will give W ANTED to rent 6 room houa in good local ity; might consider bnyina same: give full letails in first letter. F 607. Journal WANTED Room to store a few household goods. Must be vary seasonable and central Call Main 4370. WANTED Furnished 7 or 9 room honse. near shin yard on east aid. Must b reasonable, r--t Ol-tJ. i BUSINESS girl desire light sunny room, private i family, west side; board optional W-880. Journal WANTED To rent a partly furbished apart- merit or nouse. B-ST4, Journal. SEX or 7 room furnished house on east or northeast aid. Ko chilrlren Wrtlr. HAS SMALL modem cottage, with yard, near Bt - - - . " WANTED 6 or 6 room modem honse la St jonn aatrict. vwao. Journal. DAYLIGHT rlesk room wanted; prefer ground uoor. j-rjuz, journal. FOR SALE HOUSES ' SPRING IS COMING. RAISR nARDEN CHICKENS FRUIT. SELLWOOD BARGAIN. Neat 4 room nlaa- teTed honse, large lot ; rich oil ; woven wire fence, chicken house, fniit nd berries: a dandy, cheer- iui nome, ou, g-zoo cash., balance easy terms. Office open 10 a. ra. to 8 p, m. today. Seilwood I close to river, mills, shop - and shipyard. A. K. Hn.L. 419 Henry bldg. BUYS 6 room honse, 60x100 lot (3200 5 room modem bungalow 1000 7 room modem bungalow, with tub and modem; good location 2500 5 room bungalow, modem 2100 5 room (good house) and V cr in the city, on terms 2100 6 room house on paved streeta 1800 822 Henry Bldg. MOVE IN AT ONCE. (S50 PARKROSE. X ROOMS ON HALF ACRE TRACT. JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS. (160 down, (16 month. This is a snap and less than Urn price of . other similar tract with out Improvements. J. L. Hartman Company, No. 7 Chamber of Com, Main 208. A-2050. HAWTHORNS AVENUE DISTRICT 6 rooms, modem In every detail, full base ment, attic, apace for 2 larg rooms; furnace, etc., near 4 8th. I am goina to Seattle. Will sell our (3250 home for (2600. on terms for ouick sale. Mr. F. Ll Stiles. Tafior 8408. (2850 ROSE CITY PARK. (250 DOWN, (25 MONTH. Bungalow, you can move in at once, 5 rooms. fireplace, Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors in 3 rooms (VTencn aoora oetween rooms) ; Duiit-in buffet; full basement; laundry trays, 60x100 feet J. Lv Hartman Company, No. 7 Chamber ot com., 4tn ana Btar. Main 203, A-2050. ST. JOHNS CAR to Portland blvd.. walk 2 block east. H block Sooth 1840 Wilbur st : 6 room double con structed, plastered cottage, with sleeping porch, full basement garage, chicken house and nice bearing fruit trees, nice home. Must sell (1750; (300 caah. balance monthly payments. 6 per cent interest Main 5456. (1500 BT. JOHNS CAR. 4 ROOM BUNGALOW AND FURNITURE. Lot 75x100 foot comet; nice bath. J. L. Hartman Company. No. 7 Chamber of Com. bldg.. 4th and Stark ata. MODERN 6 room hous on Lombard st. near Union av. Lot 50x100 ft Good basement Ko fir.nlace U, blonk tn ear If 1H unn. day price (2150. Term (160 cash. baL easy payment. Wm. L. Graham, 267 Oak ,u Main 1743. ilding. suitable o iv.v.'L uuiisce, suuu uuiuuiiumga, sui La Die i i -rcckr . . . i .1 . for 1 lnta 100x100 ft 1 Kllr car in Wood mere. gas. electricity and phone, at one nan vaiue. i:iu caan. rnone morning rf - i&i. i, jj r . iiiwr i.ii. btjuucucv uwan oxax are.. 8. E. (1400 (300 CASH 150x100. 6 rm. house. 40 bearing fralt trees, chicken runs, berries. 8 blk. center of Lenta business diet, 1 blk. car. FRANK L. MoGUIRE. ABINGTON BLDG. AN UNUSUAL BARGAIN" (1000. 8 Mnm bntisa ni elerfeln ViTita -A a a 1.. ii,. k.l .u v.i. can stand on mortgage. Co A. McKenna A Co.. 727 Chamber of Commerce. SNAP 6 room house. 25x68. west side, right downtown; g-ouo, terms. fruit H block to good cr; (15o6, terras. ZIMMERMAN A CO.. 311 BOARD OFTRADE. A NEW 5 room bungalow, modem in every respeot, with 1 acre of ground at Garden Home. For (2760. This place la being offered for iust about what th bungalow cost Title perfect M. J. Cloheasy, 415 Abington bldg. (2950 IRVINGTON SNAP (2950 8 rm. bungalow (new) . Terr artistic Hard wood firs, fireplace, furnace, all bull tins. A. bout (1450 cash required. Worth (3750. FRANK L. McQUTRE. ABINGTON BLDG. WHY pay rent when yon can bny a fumiahed 6 room plastered houa. electrio lights, gas bath, toilet 60x100 lot for (1150, (200 cash, bal (15 per month. 411 Henry bldg. MODERN 6 room cottage on suburban carline, 15 minute' ont, 6e fare, large lot f rait tree. Price (2906, term. Main 7858. NICE 5 room house. North Irving too, (1630, (150 cash, bal (20 month. Including inter est Dubois. 728 Chamber of Commerce. (1950 HAWTHORNS district; modern 5 room bungalow. (250 eaah, balance term. Prion Tabor 6812. 5 ROOM modern, near car, sidewalk, nice lot Price (1600. (200 caah. baL to suit Room 8, 145 H Broadwar SAC RIF1CE, my modern 5 room cottage, bungalow and 7 room house. 81st and Di vision. Owner. Tabor 7896. FOR SALE 7 room cottage and lot. South Portland. (8500. L. E. Thompson A Co.. 26S Madteon ct NICE htU place, trees and. garden. 8 room, full Sot? trait 1012 Commercial st GOOD modern hen al at sacrifice. . tn Overlook addition for Fboa Wdm. 2507. BIG bargain in modem bungalow ; terma. 1(28 : Oregon at. sag. 82d. lC.-Y. aar. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 V ROOM modern boose, full basement cement floor: house ia well furnished. Price, in- clqding the furniture. (2000. (300 cash and monthly payment. This house is on Improved street, cement walk around the house, 3 block ixoro earlin. 6 room house, patent toilet, fine comer lot, street improved., cement walks, fine lawn and 1 wen furnished. Price, including the furniture. flOOO, or house sod lot without inmitur. (1260. Honsa prmbt not be bnilt for the price we are offering it at (300 cah and monihly payment. 7 room modern house and two lot, on Mil lard ave., near carline. Lots are 100x100 feet. Price (2100. (200 cash and terms. 4 room house, plastered, nesr rvern ran. (450. (50 cash and (10 a month. NEIL SMITH, 6514 Foster road. Tabor 1931. BARGAINS ON PENINSULA Why rent? These houses are offered ess terms like rent 3 rooms. 73x100 lot, cor ner. (llOO. (no rash. (15 monthly. 3 room. 50x100 lot. (900. (25 rash. (13.50 monthly. 1 room. 2 stories. Yon can rent rooms and pay for this house; only (2000. (20O cash, (25 monthly. TOK A. M RE.A Bt l.-.. 727 Chamber of Commerce. HOUSES from (1500 up to (6000. Priee reasonable. Terms if desired. uomt ana investigate. Two lo-aere farms, an in cultivation, xjuiio- lng. CaU at 225 Abington bldg.. for Infor mation. J. J., Phone Woodlawn 483. 6 ROOM HOUSE BARGAIN Attractive and modem. 3 sleeping room and larre sleeping porch, living room, dining room nd kitchen, bath, built in feature, full base ment; oa carline. Price (2250. I.U ru.lErrrr ion ra. x , 913 Chamber of Commerce. HOME BARGAINS 6 room house, all improvements In and paid; Seilwood oar. (1600. Easy terms. Nice 6 room cottage, good piumoing. ran basement 1 oik. M-V car. (1250. Caay term. . . ... 8. P. OSBTJRN, 610 McKay bldg BEST BARGAIN IN ROSE CITY PARK Modem new bungalow, lust completed. 62d and Sandy bird.. Rose City Park. Builder and owner, Guthrie Loodwood. 'mere au oay. Evening phone Broadway 1800. 6 ROOM BUNGALOW Will glee big bargain in 1 lot. cottage and 5 rage for (2500. at 940 E. Sherman st. Take ichmond car to 8 2d st. walk 8 blocks east: easy payment. The owners will be at the house Saturday and Sunday afternoon. P. O. box 698, Ne where. Or. 89TH. near Belmont good 6 room house. (2100, terms. 85 th near Hawthorne. 6 room bun galow. (2400, half cash. Nice 5 room cot tage, 60x100 lot on 9th st, near Beacon, (2350, easy terms. Tabor 1811. W. 1L SawtelL ERROL HEIGHTS (1250. neat 6 room modem bungalow, fruit, garden, all fenced. H block ear. only (100 caah. Sold to present owner for (1030 1 year ago. Now (1250, (100 cash, (New.) FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abington bldg. ROSE CITY bungalow, right "up to the min ute." 6 rooms. There's not a place in Port, land o attractive a home on such terms (450 caah, balance ((2500) (30 month, ln- i eluding interest; close in, 8 blk. to car. Main 6 1 9 evenings. ST. JOHNS. Modern 6 room house, M cr. all tn fralt and berries, chicken house, well located ; price (3500. Land ia worth the money; easy terms. J ordan A Garbade. 2 12 A liaky b Ulg. FOR WALE 3 mom house, practically new; furnace, bath, fireplace, electricity, gas; large living room, polished floors: $2200. Inquire 671 E. 74th st N.. off Sandy bvld. Phon C-1716. MR. HOME BUILDER. Cora to Vancouver. Washington. Vancouver needs houses. I have the 1tts, on car line, well located, only (200 and (225 per lot Address Box 152. Vancouver. Vash. conr it i to r... ..i. i.. ra. 1111. tt rnnrm Itarrl finUV. niaWn eTont basement; will aril cheap for cash; most sell I soon, or will trad equity. Owner. 707 Loaa- bard st . Portland ; FINEST new bungalow In 11 C. Tark. 6 fine rooms, rmut oeiore tne rise; go see it to- ! l."n,?49i.,N-VI2d go" wner 639 E. 48th N. (SO0 or more down. IM. ...... ... . t. t , .11 . . ROOM modern house: hardwood, floors, panel rlinin-n. r.ili,. hnl wst bit. b t Ihg to all rooms, concrete garage: corner, in fine j district for less than house cot 4 year ago. Easy terms. Wdln. 1234 ft ROOM nUaterad cotiana. ood 50x100 ft lot East 9th st, near 2 rarlinea, 10 minutes out. (600 will handle, bal monthly. Phone Sell 1648. after JO o'clock today : GOOD 6 room house, 60x100 lot Pared street large fruit tree, close to Jefferson high. Price (2000. Owner. 1079 Vernon ave. Phone C-2558. I HAVE ieverai good bargaina in houses and bungalow. In different part of th city. Herman Prper. 143 West Klllingsworth. Wood lawn 2186. FOR SALE, nicely furnished 4 room all mod- em oottage, l vt diochs to nenmn car, wiin or without furniture; a bargain. 1610 Minne- sots ve. MODERN home in Piedmont, with all furni- ture for comfort Caah will secure this so that 12 per cent can 1 realized. 418 Ore gon ian bldg. Marsh. 2839. Ask for Plmer. ATTRACTIVE, modem, 4 room bungalow al Ventura Park; pavement Am compelled to sell at once or lose. (1000 takes It Pay like rent Owner. Tabor 1946. FOR SALE (2000 leas than cost leaving for California, beautiful Inrelhurst home, modem tn every way. Open for inspection from 10 to. 6 p. m, Sunday. 1066 E. Flanders st FOR SALE by owner 16 room flat 4 rooms each; 60 feet left to bnild another flat good buy, cor. Grand are. and Fremont, n block from Union are. SIX room houe. full lot. good car service, east aid N . for (950. Easy terms. Houck? 110 10th St. FOR BALE by owner, tnoiern 7 room house, near Jefferson high school 2 blks. to car. Call Sunday or after 7 evening. 195 Simpson near Kirby. 1 (1800 FOR a modern up-to-date 6 room ban- ' gaiow, on 66th near Powell Valley road; 1500 cash, balance terms. This is a snap, Blanchaxd A Clemson. 702-3 Selling bldg. . xfh tnritT'DV v v. tn ,. it;-.!. u BVflaU liouiv, WW4.a iiiruia, a aa ciavaa, i it i ukij, two lava tones, at wo toilet, four bedrooms. sleeping porch, garage, alley, street paved, close In; must cell W 857. Journal. ON 8T. JOHNS CARLINE 6 room bungalow, big bargain at (1550. easy terms. Hare other as low a (4 50. B. F. KELLY, 728 Cham of Com. bldg. MODERN o room bunialow. fireplac. full cement basement, on block to Alberta car, 11850; terms. Dubois, 723 Chamber of Com merce. Main 1484. 6 ROOM bungalow, lawn, roses, chicken park ; sell on easy term or trde for ear. 1127 E. 25th st N. Phone Woodlawn 1724. FOR BALE 5 room housenSSunnyride. half rash, balance terms. See owner. 1084 E. iu Tsbor 3696. 6 ROOM eotteee lltb and Alberta, or will I um. on o room oungaiow. nawtnorne or 1 JS. j. l-QQf joarn.1. j BEAUTIFUL 5 r- om bungalow, cheap; fine ltior near car. small payment down, bal- nce easy. 325 Lumber Exchange. NEW iiottke 14i?o f,irT,. . drilled ' . ' well, tt acre, fruit and berries. Estacada ear to Kendall t 7c carfare. Mr. Basse. IF YOU want a good bouse, small or large, with price and terma right see me. 719 Chamber Commerce. BY OWNER. 6 room house, bath, basement cement walks, nice location, one block car. (1500. (500 cub. 979 Vane. ave. - I . w iwvaa. uouse 76 Portland blvd. St John line. 6 minute walk eait of Arbor Lodee. south side. (16 60 with water. j sell. Addree Box 63. Sherwood. Or. TWO house. 4 rooms each, lot 50x100, paved ' 6 ROOM cottag in good condition, near Frank street cement walk. nd sewer; all paid - ; ,in high school on 4 8th at A pleasant bom (1250. terms. Hatfield. 165 H 4th t j nd good street ier (2000. H. F. Cover. 4 Vn ki n. U - I k Union are uen nouve. IS m 1 1T orcnara. oemes. liziili. Oscar Freytag. filadtone. Or. FIVE room bouse, lot 40x123; house in good rnnditlcm- heerine fif tro n win ell cheap. No trade. SO E. 78th st. N HAVE Koppins, 317 Railway Exchange bldg. FOR South Portland, to buy. sell or exchange e jonn nmger, exrinsive Qealer tn Houtb. Kortuna property. 417 Chamber of Com. rna mir a rc;Ki- " oottage, TTirmshea, tor (1200. (500 will nannie it. r.-r rl 1st st. , is. FOR SALE: Lot and 4 room house, Mar Kara Park, cheap. F. E. McOinnia. Phon Main O022. (1600 6 ROOM cottage, corner 20th at al r0..-f? giiSab M.ii21?.: 1 ve.. Vancauvar, Wash.. (300 cash. ,,tIfn.ilr15a C b 500" Utim 4418 ithly, S. M. Venard. 929 Cham. Cora, 115 . Markel bal. monthly, (190t SUNNYSIDE SACRIFICE (190tT 6 room kviase near 34th and E. Salmon. Owner. Tabor 8586 evening. . nice little cottage. (575. '. Convenient to car, good lot. A soap. B F. Freemster, 209 Abington bldg. FOR SALE. 5 room house. 100x190, very cloee in, east aide, elegant. (3250. L. E. Thonie 1. K. on A Co., 258 Madison. FOB SALE. 5 room hous. comer kit tn Sell wood. (900; term. Tabor 8797. (2000 EQUITY In 7 room modem house. Well suwtu. swu. v ii o i o mj. ca,-Diog. LA U RELHURST modem bungalow for sale a oargara. r,-tn, journal. 6 ROOM modem bungalow. 68th. (2500; (500 wws. ss aoma u-i v., sonirau. 1 ROOM modem bungalow, good district, near aar; easy terma. East 6(29. FOR SALE HOUSES HOME FIAST Some real bare-atns In moderate alaad ( 600 WOODSTtCK DISTRICT S room house , half block from large school lot 50x100. fin fruit and rosea, term. , ( 600 WOODSTOCK AVENUE S room house, lot CoxlOO. fruit and fin gar den. Term. ( 800 NEAR ST. JOHNS CARLINE 4 room house with aieeping porch. Term. Lot alone worth the money. ( 880 SOUTH PORTLAND 1 room house. lot 60x100. Tarm. (1000 ALBERTA DISTRICT Twentieth street. 4 rooms with bath. Term. (1200 WOODLAWN DISTRICT Eighth at 6 room house with bath, etc Fin fruit tree. Terms. (1200 liO feet east ef Union srenue. 6 room house, bath, toilet and basement etc Terms. (1900 ON ST. JOHNS CARLINE 4 room houee with modern conveniences. Very nice place with (ton wall and steps. Term. (1500 NEAR PENINSULA STATION St John carline, 4 room doom with bath, hardwood floor, etic Lot ex tends through the block; fea oa two streets. . Terms. (1800 MT. SCOTT DISTRICT 8 -larg lota. block from larg school. 4 room house, bath and toit garage and chicken house. Fine fruit and garden spot- t2200LBEBTA DISTRICT-5 room mod- ' em house, fine electric fixture, lo 50x100. 100 feet from oar. Term. w( bare many more bargaina. Beautiful homea in all district. Will be, glad to how yon. W. W. Jordan. 801-2 Lumbermen bklg.. nth nd Strk streeta. Broadway 2346. WHY NOT own your Uomef It will give you better standing in the community. Her are. S nice homes and very reasonable: ; NNice 5-room bungalow tn University Park, ; close to shipyard and aawapills, electrio lights. toilet and batn. cement nasemenx, wmu iuci-u tinted and painted, nice lot: only (1950, oma cash, balance to suit purchaser. 7-room. cosy and conveniently arranged mod ern bungalow In the desirable Hawthorne dis trict, completely furnished, even to linen and silverware: also auras nd 5-passenger suto- mobile included; only (3000. This is certainly Nice 6-room bungalow, cottage in line eon- dition. cle to store and good ear service. beautiful lawn and flowers; only (2000; (500 down, balance to suit purchaser. I have many others, large and small and can quote a homeseeker very attractive prices and terma. J. B Holbr.iok. 214-213 Panama bldg. Houses for Sale 5 rooms, fireplace, washtr. practically new. Only (1260. (2000. Pick thia up. 4 room modem honse. only (1400. (280 down, balance (15 per mo. 7 room house. St Johns, modem, only (200O. (500 down. gv. an, kind of house yon want at w right price. Hargrove Realty Co. 122 It. 6th st Bdwy. 4881. $600 (100 cash, balance (15 per month. Including inter-st. 2 room house with disappearing bed. 60x100 lot. 3H block from Rosa City Park car. Mak your rent money pay fur the place. SEK MR. WOODMAN. AT 721 AND SANDY BLVD. Rose City Snap Modem 5 room house on 67th st, with large attic, fireplace. with bookcase on each aide, hardwood floor, laundry trays, cement floor basement, Imtch kitchen and all other built in conveniences. Mnst hav (-00 rash, Ta. 3'PO. (160 0 BELOW VALUE. 7 room, a ttory. modem except furnace, ga rage, 60x100 lot. hard surfsee streets paid. I block to car. well located. (1250 mtg. (750 cash buys equity. F.PTON A M CLELIAN. Main 2941. 612 Chamber of Commerce. HOUSEcontainiiLg parlor, dining room, kitchen. breakfast room, ball, two bedrooms, toilet and bath room on first floor, basement, laun dry tray, and full attio. for (2700. (100 down and (26 per month. 1428 Mississippi ave.. 1 block from Peninsula Park. Inquire at above address. C-t03. Jonrnal 1IOCRE AND ACRE ONLY (S0O. Mostly In cultivation; water, light, aom fruit; 8 room house, close to electrio ttlon. only 80 minute out; cay terms. Call at 600 Concord bldg. A NICE little cottage of 4 rooms, including bath room, hot and cold water with range already connected, electric lights, sleeping porch, lavatory in bath room; all tor (600. (250 down, bal. time. near Mt Soutt car. Phone evenings, Tsbor 715: BUNGAIXnVS BUNGALOWS BUNGALOWS I have modern bungalows on St John ear Bn. Albert district Rose City, Hawthorne dia- all kinds of payments. Dubois, 72S Chamber of Commerce. Min 1434. NEAR O-W. R. A N SHOP IN CORNFOOT PIANT 1 Flv room plastered cottage, concrete fonnda- tion, lot 80x100. sueet work ll In and paid for, on carline. (1600; (50 down, (16 monUi- ly. Fred W German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. $1675 $400 Cash (1675. Best 6 room bungalow tn Alberta dis trict, l block car. FRAN K U M "QUIRK. Abington bldg. feYTRA fine 5 larffa rrtrimi mmlern hiinia . low with den, beam ceiling, buffet cement ' 20 acres fine logged off land. In rapidly de basement trays, electricity, gas. fine comer lot, reloplng district; land lies good, fine eoO. free a dream of a home, near Alberta ear, (2600; from rock, plenty water; lea than mil frota good terms. Imbois, 723 Chamber Commerce. R- It station. Price (800, (100 acsb down a cup. MiPLmofin (C50. (100 cash, (lo monthly buys this! arilerwltd niece of laud with two room houa 16x20. 0c fsre. 20 minutes' rid. Fred W. j German Co.. 732 Chm. of Com. I COMPLETELY FURNISHED, (760. Nest 3 room cottag. 60x100 foot lot fur niture strictly first class, nn 7HLh .t ltMe Pit. on Tain at. n Co.. TBJ tbmbr Park. Fred W. German of Com. 4 Room House St. John carline; chicken bouse, fruit trees dandy homo, for (1250. w a t a t r 6 n n tiA- t ii. v. iiauij, ui ranBHiK uhie. i . . , , .. . . ,.m . - - . SAN RAFAEL, CAI.. 2 nearly new bungalows, (600 (2200; modem Improvement, best city water, fine views; part horn lot Owner want to buy Liberty bonds. 144 Ross St. Bsn Bafaal TWO IXtS, SMALL HOCHB " Must b sold at once. (H.'iO. easy term; look it up toilay. Nellaa A ParkhiU, 219 Lumber men bldg., 6th and Stark sta. (1150 (100 DOWN, balance (10 per mo., buys a 6 room oottage on the Mount Scott line, 6 'm interest M. E. Lee. 603 Corbett bUlg (2250 3 ROOM modern house nd 2 rooms I upstairs not finished; lot 80x120: garage, SosT1'" "dn: ort 00. n LfJil: . jfrji k uargaui, eeou o room moaern, ' .l"" - w 1 u iinani. ioi isoxizu, upstair not finished; lot 80x120, ilti0 816 Conch bldT. Min 4 618. ' . ' bungalow! dkau new. o room, larg, strictly modern a palace of a home, on Alberta cr. bllrd ;nrfac. ,tmt, (8300, 'terms. iJ- bol. 723 Chamber of Commerce. BUY THIS WtTn THE RENT 4 room plastered cottage. (600, (20 down, bal. (8 per month. D., 416 Chamber of Com- merce. Min 807. 401 E. 6 2ND NORTH j 7 room modern hous. garage, in Boae City ', Park. (3600; terras; or will lease. Ownr lOlj Yaon bldg. Main 6456 ! FOR SALE, good larg house, clns in in Al- bin and corner tot all street Improvement ! for (1800, half down, balance to suit; must Al I 1 wniicv iw vsmi my mncui in mi e rn o ! room bungalow, tot 50x126 feet Hawthorne ,5' grge. BunnysMie ear. Tabor 1923. 4 nnt a lCA H- rYVrtTI IlinilgiPn h - A 1 Irvt-d 2 lota. A RARSaTN, 6-room modem bungalow a few blocks from lnrelnurat park, moely fas c... enned MI . Ht&. - ! te'lrslow. ttre ' lltloi i n, aTfcHa Jrri " " V r . - rvm sal, FOR SALE, bargaina. 1 8 -room hous. fur- ntehed; 1 4-roorn hoe. 2 lota. Phone Tabo, i rir SEVERAL well fecsted. almost new. and 6 room bungalows for sal. Lowest price. Ky terms. FOR SALE, by owner. 3 modern 3 room h all rented to tenant. Will sell cheap, as I have to move. Pnooe Woodlawn 2654. MONEY making investment S bungalow. (1475. Tabor 7502 room modern SIX room modem h a iwvui u.,i m w , .RcusiLf, aaa, sooti basement (150O. 1(4 8 Mnltnomah and 63d. ' VOI R own terms. LOilOO lot 8 xmm V.nnu (600; close in. Cell Woodlawn 628. - 2 ROOM h (10 per mon. M. E. Lee, 603 Corbett bldg. 6 ROOM bungalow. Rose City Park, only (2230L small payment uown. jlasi loss at VERY cheap 7 room boueeT Union near Raa- I aell: terms, can Monday. Marshall 4847. 'FOR SALE Equity 7 room boose neaTTeT- l lerson ruga enoot. f Don woodiawa a(T. I SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO.. : 224-228 Haan bldg. FOR SALE HOUSES SPLENDID BARGAINS ON GOOD HOUSES (4000. 7 room modern house, pra tioally new. with good basement furnace. This liuuaa lias been built tor a home, not a speculative proposition. Coa atructed of the very beat material and by slay work. Can be bought on reasonable raymcnta. lit is cioar of all Incum brances. Situated on Corbett st (3000. 7 room modern house oa Rodney ave . near Russell st tlOOO cash, balance suitable terms at 5 per eeau (1600. 3 mom modem henae with full lot some fruit. House in good con dition, lias cement basement East 16th st N. Can be bought with (100 cash payment ( 1 TOO. 3 room modem bungalow, practically new. with around 1201104), nice lot of fruit: (100 cash win handle st OTTO A HARKSON REALTY CO.. 413 Chamber of Cobskim bldg. HOUSES FOR SALE (10504 roosus. modern: cash. (200. East Morrison, betwrea 4 2d and 4 3d. "f 7Jrr H? 2" sink; Alberta car. near 28th t (1 475 6 room, modem, cash (20O. Monte rill line, near 63d and Oregon. (170O 4 rooms, model rah (300. i asui at. Bear 4ltb. ... FARM FOR S.ft.E (3000 20 acres, river bottom; half cash. Hon, bam. hop bouse, fenced. Near Eugene. MRS HOPKINS. j?13 840 Morgan bldg. Marshall ACRE TRACT 3 ROOM HOI HE (200 DOWN. (1& MONTH. 20 bearing fruit trees, chicken bouse, bam, potato cellar, garden. berri- fir treent far roe., hist 1'CO feet off mtradam mad. I tic (16541. J. L. Hartman Company, ?a. T t Chumhrr of Com. bid. 4th and Stark kli. Main 20S, A-2050. " ' 1 .rOUEH - OSED prHirtJes for aale cheep and on eauy terms. N'a rvlu,n.i.,.n. .u.. ln- ,Vw"J fWrs. t. Johu ear line. !('" (16O0. 4 room, bath, wool-shed. Al- ' WcJ.T.t,, " SYi. S'. jpiaren, St. Johns ct. (moo 5-mom, bungs- .Brooklyn c.r. (2750. 4 Mont, bath, alci ! grounds. (1373. pit. Juhna car I H. E. NOBIJ:. Linivniu. tti.i. I y d.'j 7i .r,- ..- t-.t N" 20O0. j n,tB ' J- . . ....... ... . . . ! - '-- One other house A ,;., .t rL i i.i Albina shij jsrtii, th ,amr term CHARI.tS L. WHKEI.EU CO, ' t hamber of Com. bklg. Main 9811 all up Sunday. Sclltrood 1929. ho.SK CITY I'Altiv " fsACRIUCK n.K QUICK MALK (4200 BIM.AMiH ..i:,o TERMS Five room. hll hanlwnod fln. Iwamed ceiling, fireplace, furnace. Iniich kitchen. Urge bedrooms and ckira. cement basement, cast fnintace. garaae. Will sw-ll fumiahed r unfurnished! Blm-k to Hm City car. 423 K. 4 6th N. Phone Tilwt 63. I ' FOR MALE li.OTs ; ONLY (4000 for a quarter of a block, corner and Inside lot in the tmiceet location en Tortland Ilelclta. Th.-, niirl.r tiie-a easily worth, and no similar o isrtcr ran Im had for ; lea tha (7500 tn (HOtm. It W now offered at a sacrifice on accoui.t that tli owner i a raon resirtcnt and offer, it fr tale for alxaut orte 111 its value; (2000 in rash will beadle this ! property. Tit Is r-srftct il. J. LtJHERSY. j 413 Abington bldg j (230 RUSE TlTTI.OT(2.r.0 ' " 1 50x100 lot ui l: 4 7Ui it.. ived. near car: L. a real arnfice. You don t aeed any nerve to pick this up H ITT Eft LOWE A 0 ( 203-3 7 P..arTl of Trade RHIPrlt'II.DERH. ATTENTION Fin lot 601IO0. 125 ft. off paved afreet and carline, covered with small fir trees, m. Johns line; price (493: (5 down, (5 monthly. FredW. German Oi. . 732 Cham, of Cham. (800 EQUITY in WaVrenton hit-riMrtUtri", (260. Nerd the nioney accnurit of sick 5??n XI??: le Ather, 7009 Woodetork ave. Teb.r LOTS 12-13 In blk 5. S .utlimorrlsnd. Port- land, for sal cheap for raxh, or give good terms. Will take good auto tymcnt B. A- Mitchell. Orenco. or. BEND, the metropolis of Central Oregon. 100 lot (r.0: easy terms. Ne A. B. Ch ristenson . TheBrong (.. Inc.. 2 1 7 S Oak m . ,180 KQUITY in (876' lot 40 by 122 for CKEAGE (7 AT BEAVKKTON 10 highly Improved. good buildings, guod water, lots of fruit, good '??.""' rl"fn. cow. tools snd machinery, r, , NEAR YA.M Ot ER 8 acres. . highly Jm- proved, good building, good water,' lot of fruit, near carline, good service, 10 cent fare, (3700; H cash wnj.IAMB IXJAN tc INV. CO.. 422 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Or., er 112 West 6th. Vancouver. Weah. (100 CASH LOCATES YOU , ana term to suit you. I.I FlMlf..MA." . OMrArvy. I : 918 Chamber of Commerce. VIEW HOME MITE . ONLY (100 ' . I j On 9e commutation fare, close tn (tatioa: fin ' view of Mt. Hood, overlooking nice body of wa- swimming. Bfaiuil, itauuig. uoswana sw ceUr grove Ughta. phone. wter. Can yo. u, term. Call at 600 Concord , bldg.. 2d and S'ark. jl HAVE lS acres M, mile from elect rvo etatiea, . I near West Woodburo, pertly slashed, socas good standing limber suttehl for wood and shtp knee. Small hack. grxxl well and pnmp. WUI sell for (1230. A 150 down. (16 per month. O. O. SLETTEN. Main 8517. Main 2202 -after 8 p. m. llSfPER ACHE ' ' i 20 or 40 a. tracts, 4 ml northeast of. CftthiaTnet, Wash S ml to micsdam rrd, -gttodwru soil, few scattering (tump, runniag water, graaa for sUx:k all year tu lou, per year, 6 per cent F. E. Scachrest 34H Stark at' . (25 LOCATES YOU ON i ACRES. I .and lie fine, near station, 2 eloetrio tine. ' paved road, good soil, fine grove of tree, fin countrv home or chicken ranch. Prie 81200: terms (12 monthly. 6c' interest , t i i.i r.iMir.MA. cojafA.-!. 913 Cltsmher A CMnmrae. "(80 PKIl ACRE , 7 tcrmt. CUrk Vm.. Wash.. 11 mile ta STTl. T"rt.rul!.J:.w nuwa situ ciwwiy auw-, iwuih iwi 10 DO cord at woo-L Terms. t . u, ituioroox Co., 214 Lumber Excliange bldg. 10 tt ACRES, 7 tn cultivation. 7-room house. ft ! 1 rtm rktrfl l-aaan lSoiia gve-wara nveail n Wm aw4 ; Thi nice soburbao botn r on carline, ateUon. graveled road, ilk mile to town, 11 mile Porte land, (30OO; terms to suit Oscar Fraytag. Gladstone. Or. 5 Acre Chicken Ranch Fully equipped: 4 8 fruit tree; 2 mile froaa laetru carline, ISn fare; (1830. terms. L. A. H ALU 313 Panama bldg. YAMHILL COUNTY ACRxtS 20 a. U fine land, no rurk or stamp, part clear, some tin timber, county road, snap (60 per acre. 200 down, bal long time. 6 per cent F. E. Searhroat 24 8 Stark at. CBANBERRY growing peys Su to 76 on your investment; producing from 7a to 16v - . . . , , . - . i,.Zr li V. fio. w- " , - 'av Phone Mstn 7040. 120 ACRES unimproved land near Forest Grose for (TOO. (2VU ca.n. bat yam, so Don t delay. J. K. Wo olfl. 18 m - MCB iittie cbki-n ranch, coop, ete.. ia Me- " i Mmarill; rtl cheap for e.ah. owaweaxa- ' not as it. Silrnt trsae. six sweuana Diug. i Phon Min 2443 ! v ', , VT-.7 uTZTt i,u! k. , GroXu VlO L iL X s T rob rvrvetf hfci. P(USAUr35 acre farm on th Eatecada carline, (3200. "i caah. bal tersu. P. ,U. box 187. Estacada. Or. (1600. (100" CASH. S t o montirinTTuJCIg interest 10 acres, near fscspjioose, buibliac, water, fenced, fruit good roads. Tabor 7603. ..' DAIRY ranch, good bouse and barn, all tool, fine orchard, elce in. Kinney A Stampber, , (81-2 Lomber Ex. bldg.. 2d and Stark rts. CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN rancbe Wear Portland: 8. 6, 10 acr. tract. (66 to (20 per acr. McFarlaod. 6U Yeon bldg.. Portlarxt FOB-SAIJ:--2 aere. well improved, good or chard, all kinds of fruit fin water. Jennings Lodge, near station. Oa Orove lam. PC-TATO ground. Tabor 6518. vicinity Kenton. . PfaOSM Call 82J 4 ACUEM for aale at Villa Vista. GlUan St. 20 ACRES fog rent at Tigard. Iwiuiie $ii Yamhill t 6 ACRES, city limit, rent (30 for Johawton. 702 Spalding bldg. r)R SAEETTO acr""m city of PnrtUoOTOOK U E. TUOMPbON m CO., 258 Madiaoa