- . . STOCKS OF APPLES ARE DWINDLING VERY FAST IN THE COUNTRY ONION MARKET HAS A DEPRESSED Tl E Stocks Along the Coast Are Spoiling So Fast That Trade Is Reallr Alarmed Famine Indicated During Latter Part of the Season. The onion jnarket to literally "shot to (iUpm," n ff aa the general demaad to con cerned. While last price asked by the Confed erate Onion Grower' asoeiatlon for No. 1 stock TO at It. 50 per cental f. a. b. country ,poiou. buyers ara abla to buy all tha atock tbay want of thi quality in tha country on tha baato of 81 25 par cental. Tha downfall of tba onion narkat seems to be complata at thla tima, but tbara to vry Indica tion that tha public will pay for tha pteaant wcaknaM and loaaea bafora tn aeaaon i over. Thla will not aid many of tha local grower, for tha very food raaaon that ltttla of tha Oragon or other coaat atock will remain at that tima. Stock of onlona ill ovr tha coaat ara (polling an faat that tha situation has bacoma real alarm ing, not only to produoara who aulfar tba chief financial loaa, but to wholesaler! and retailer who handle a profit that aoarcely keep long enough to dispose of It. Hmall itooka of Australian onlona ara due to arrive in coaat marketa within a abort tima. bat theae will not only be blgh priced, but indication point to a gcarcity of offering. POTATO MARKET IS VX CHANGED Practically no change waa shown in th po tato marl ft for tha day. Purchases continue In the country on th basis of $1 per cental for TI. B. grade No. 1. Poor stock is hard to sell at any price. SOME JACK RABBITS ABE COMING mall additional supplies of jack rabbit from tha Culver section were reported on the Front street market during the day. Ben I-ery. the Jack Rabbit King of the street, aaya conditions or exoeUeat so far as the price ia concerned. BANANAS OFFEItKD AT I CENTS Th banana train which arrived lata Haturday waa unloaded Sunday. Htock waa in excellent condition with a fair per cent of ripe fruit. Ifcssnertd good, with the bulk of sale at Sc. un stated. SMELT PRICE SlIOHTLT LOTTEE Market for Columbia river smelt waa placed at Ac pound by the local wholesale trade during J he day. While a few boxes continue to come rem the tjowllts, most of th arrivals ara from Columbia river gillnetters. EGG MARKET HAS STEADY TONE Market for eggs to showing a steady tone along th street with price well maintained around Saturday's average. Chicken trade ia likewise steady to strong with values stationary. BRIEF NOTES OF PRODUCE TRADE Blight advances in some provisions. Hog market indicates weaker tone. Veala are steady at former prices. Salmon and halibut ara steady and unchanged. Butter situation steady with cheese firmer. "WEATHER NOTICE FOR SHIPPERS . Weather bureau advise: Protect shipments during th next 8A hours against the following temperatures: going north, 80 degrees; north east over 9.. P. A B. K. H.. IS degrees; east to Baker. It degrees: south to Ashland. 22 degrees. Minimum temperature kt Portland tomorrow about 82 degrees. JOBBING PRICES IN PORTLAND These prices ara those at which wholesalers Sell to retailers, except aa otnerwise sxaisn: Dairy Product I 1 ' BUTTER Creamery, print, la paraffin wrappers, extras, 62a prima tima. 49 00c; firsts, 48 9ai cubes, 1 less; cartons. Is ad vance ; dairy, B4a7Bo per in. BUTTERFAT Portland delivery basis. No. 1 ecur cream, 64o lb. ' CHEESE Balling price: Tillamook fresh Ore gon fancy loll cream triplets. 27 0 27 Ho lb ; Yirang America. 28 9 28 He lb. Price to Jobbers: Flats, I5c; Young America, 26c, f. o. b. ; brick, 83c: llmbtirger, 86e; brick Swiss, 40c per lb. SOUS- Helling prioe, case count, 42o dozen; buying price. 40o per dozen; selling price, can dled, 48 A 44 per dozen; selected candled, in cartons. 44c. LIVE POCI..TRT Spring cockerels, 80c; old roosters, ISA 20c;.. stags, 23924e; turkeys. 27 2ftc; dressed, fsncy, 82 33c; No. 2s, 2 To per lb.: squabs. S3 00 per dozen; geese, live, 20o; docks, 83Oo per lb.; pigeons, $1.25 per doaen. fresh Fruit and Vegetable mK8H rRUTTS Oranges, 88.75 0 6 95 per box: bananas, OASHe: lemons, 17.00 9 7.40; California grapefruit, 18.600 8.75; Florida. 18.00 5.70. APPLES Ortley, extra fancy. 93.00; Ortlay. fsncy, 8175; Winter Banana, extra fancy, 92.85; Winter Banana, fancy, 12 00; fancy Hood River Spltzenbergs. $2.00; Hood River extra fancy Spltxenbergs, $2.29 per box; Bald wins, wrapped, $1.60; Newtown, 4 tiers. $1.25; fancy table applea. 4 tier. $2.25; fanoy table ai plea. 4H tier, $1.76; fancy Spltzenbergs, not wrapped, $1.60; cooking apples, 4 tier. $1.10. ONIONS Selling price to retailer Oregon. No. 1. $1.60(9 2.00: No. 2. $1.00; carload I rice of association, $1.50 per cental, f. o. b. ; garlic, 80 per lb. POTATOES Selling price: Table stock. Bar banks. 76a (g) $1.25; Oems. $1.26 0 1.85. Baying price. TJ. S. No. 1. $1.00 per cental, country points ; sweet potatoes. 5 (t 8 8 per lb. VEGETABLES Turnip. $1.35 per sack; carrot. $1.0001.25 sack: beets, $2.00 sack; parsnip. $1.60 per sack; cabbage, local. $8.25 a)400 certs: green onlona, 8 Bo dozen bunches; pi.pr, 40nrper lb.; head lettuce, 8B0 dozen; celery, 85 90c doxen; artichokes, $1.00 per drsen; cucumbers, hothouse. $1.50(3 1 75 per dosen; tomatoes, Mexican, $2.86 per lug; egg plant. 17 He per lb.; string beans, ( ); rhu barb. 10 9 12 Ha lb.; cauliflower, local. 81.25 (SM.rtO per dozen; pumpkins, ltto per lb.; afloat. 12 He per lb. - Meat, Fish and Provisions DRESSED MEATS Selling price, country killed best hogs. 21 Ha; ordinary, 20tSlo lb.; beet veal, 20c per lb.; ordinary teal. 1810a per lb. ; rough heavy, 1 8a per lb. ; goats. 10 9 120 per lb.; lamb. 17 9 20a lb.; mutton, 11 m 18 per lb. ; beef. 7 H (9 10 Ha per lb, SMOKED MEATg-f-Hanu. 27 9 88a per lb ; breakfast bacon. 4o per lb.; picnics. 28a ..... tw cottage roll. 28a per lb.; short clears; 33o per lb. LARD Kettle render!, tierce. 2 So per lb.; standard, 27 He: lard compound, 24 He. OTSTERH Olympla. gallon. $4.50; oanned eastern, 66o per can, $6.50 per dozen cans; eastern oyster, per gailon. aolid pack. $3.50. FISH Diwssod flounder. 6a; ateelheod sal mon, 20 0 22c; Chinook, 23c; perch. 7 8c: ores, 7c; salmon trout. 18a; halibut, 210 22o; black ood, lie; herring. 6c; amelt. 80; clams, hard shells,. 4c pr lb., $2.76 per box; crab. $1.750 2.60 per doaen; Columbia smalt, 6c SUGAR Cub. $8.70: powdered, $8.45; fruit er berry, 97.95; D yellow, $7.85; granulated. $7.95; beet. $7.96 J xtra C. $7.65; golden C, $7.45 rer cwt. MONET New. $4.28 0 4.80 per case. RU E Japan style No. 1. T He; New Orleans, bead, 9e; blue roe. 8 Ha. HALT Coarse half ground. 100s. $16 00 per .0"' lO0; table dairy, 50a, $19.75; "I J, 9 at ( BEANf 't lump rooa. azo.oo nee ton ; -Nominal. . Small whit. 18 He; larg whit. 18c; 10 e; red. ,.., une: umas. 14 He: bayoua. 10 He. , 7 v. Mops Wool and Hide . 26 lbs. and up. 14e; salted bolls. 60 lbs, and up, Ug; wltedand grwsnkip New Perkins Hotel ,Flfta and Washington Stg C1069 to Wholegala and la Catr of B9tU District. v"ler 01 Bate 7 per Day Up. Special Low Rates to Permanent Guests THE-TRANSIT HOUSE Vafoa Stockyard, ICartb Partiaad. Or Steam hoat. aloe trio light. Bath anir hour. 'Fro phono. . SfwclaU rata far ihlpoer Bd aad Breakfast 9L8 era. ti aa leader aew snaaaSiaaC at n.) r. 1. jaaaa. Mgr. PALACE HOTEL etaan, autat, modern, hemellk and downtown. Few bus from all awpots. Rata 7ft t 99.09 day. 449 KVaaMngtoo 9U rawmswtTfliid Msrehanta M4qirfr- NE WTH SSES HUG SUBSTITUTES MOVED $1 A BARREL HIGHER IN CEREAL MARKETS Rolled Oats, Oat Heal, Barley Flour and Rye Flour Are Moved to New Records $71 Ton Paid for No. 1 Brewing Barley Here. ANOTHER BARLEY RECORD Wltli a further aevane of Oa to 91 .SO a ton for barley, with feed at See bid and brewing at 970, now high records war ttabllshed on tn Portland Marohant E change. Salee of brewing, war shown on th market at a further advance of $1 for tha day, latest small tales be ing at 972 a ton. .?" wnt o now record on th exchange at sse bid. 1 NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS -Cars- Wheat, Barley. Flour. Oats. Hay. Portland. Hon . Tear ago 4 ... 9 8 4 2 9 6 7 284 891 1005 1488 191 1077 1805 1667 . 22 .8687 .8944 12 11 .8046 .4990 . 68 '.sioi .4009 Reason to date. Tear ago Taooma, Bat . . Tear ago. .... 3 209 1850 264 1526 17 68 Beeaon to data. 78 108 8 239 382 Year ago. .... Seattle. Sat. . . I ear ago.. . . . Season to data. Year ago". 695 1014 1642 1175 1053 2038 A shear advance of $1 per barrel, tha great est known ven in these unusual times, hat been forced in the price of substitute for wheat flour both her and at - other Pacific Northwest point. Announcement to that ef fect waa mad during th day. Th advances Include relied eats, oatmeal, barley and rye flour. While the price of wheat flour remain strong at 810 for patent, barley flour baa ad vanced to $12 per barrel generally and a sim ilar price ha been forced for rye flour. Best grade of rolled oata ia now quoted at $12.50 (er barrel while oat meal is Quoted at $18. All lln are strong at th higher price listed. Tba advance in substitute tor wheat flour bas been expected for aeveral dsys and is du entirely to th fact that tha Strains from which th substitutes ara mad are higher in pric than wheat Millstuffs continue to show a firm ton with th mills atill short of their requirements. Oat and barley marketa are firmer for spot delivery with a high a $71 a ton, th highest on record, paid for No. 1 brewing. WHEAT Bluestem, 12.05; fortyfold. $2.08; club, $2.01; Russian, 81.88; tidewater track basis. FLOUR Selling price: Patent, $10.00; bar ley flour, $12 00; Willamette valley, $9.89; lreal straight. $9.60; bakers' local, $9,80 9 10.00: Montana spring wheat, patent. $10,609 10.80; whole wheat. $9.60; graham, $9.40; ry flour. $12.00 per barrel; oat flour, $13.00 per oarrei. HAY Buying pric, new crop: Willamette timothy, fanoy, $26.00 9 27.00 par ton; Eastern vregon-w aatungton lancy umour, ggo.oo; al falfa, $25.00: valley vetch, ( ); cheat. ( ): ciover, szu.uuwzi.ou per ton; grain, $25 9 26.00 per ton. GRAIN SACKS Nominal No. 1 Calcutta, 24 ievoc in car iota: less amounts higher. 1 MILLSTCrrS Bran. $80 9 80.50; aborts.! $82 9 82 50; middlings, $89 9 89.60 per ton. ROLLED OATS Per ton, $70.00. ROLLED BARLEY Ton. $67.00 9 69.00. COttN Whole, $72.00; cracked, $78.00. Merchants- Exchange February bids: OATS a -Week Monday Sat Fri. Thura. Wed. Ago 1918 1917 1918 Feed 8600 8600 6450 6400 6400 6800 6800 BARLET Feed 6600 8900 6450 6450 6400 6800 6800 Ilr'w 7000 4100 6060 6900 6800 6600 9600 Thirty day delivery waa quoted: OATS No. 2 feed $63.00 BARLET Feed . ..$86 00 brewing 70.00 Eastern oata and earn in ball": Oats. No. 3 white $62.50 88 lb. clipped, whit 63.50 Corn, No. 8 yellow 68.50 Corn, No. 8 mixed 67.50 Oats. No. 8 62.50 Oats dipped 64.00 Corn, yellow 98.50 American wheat visible in bushels: American wheat vlsibl supply n bushels: Total Decrease Feb. 18. 1918 11,938.000 825.000 Feb, 19. 1917 46.S48.000 1.040,000 Feb. 21. 1P1 64.280,000 2.269,000 Feb. 28. 1918 51,759.000 1.818.000 Feb. 16. 1914 59.198,000 161,000 World shipments, principal exporting coun tries (flour intituled) : 1 Week ending Total sine Sam period Feb. 16 Jy 1,1917 Last season TJ. S. 4 S Canada 8.749.000 168. 817,000 242,947.000 Argentina 714,000 11,924,000 48,893,000 Australia 365.000 29,407,000 48.167.000 Ruwia '. 6,862.000 India.. 125.000 ,10,660,000 24,808,000 Total.. 4.953.000 217.858.000 868,667,000 POTATOES ill ALOHG THE COAST San Franelseo Market San Francisco,--Feb. 18. Onions Per cental, brown or yellow, 1.T51 88 for good stock; do white. $2.00 0 2.25. Potato Per cental. Delta, $1.109140; do Oregon Burbanks, $1.50 91.80; Nevada, $1.60 91-80. Sweet Potatoes Per hundred pounds. $3.75 ex. car. 9attl Marks Seattle, Feb. 18 (U. P.) Onions Call- f ornia yellow, per pound, 21. 92 He; Takima, per ponnd. Sc. Potatoes Local. $27.00 028.00; Takima Gems, $30.00 9 32.00. Los Angel Market Lo Angelea. Feb, 18 (L N. S.) Pota toes Northern Burbanks. $1.76 0 8.16; Rus sets, $1.90; Salinas, $2.50; rweete, $4,50 0 .to sacs ; wait uos seea. gx.o. DAIRY PBODTJCE OTS THE COAST San Francisco Market San Francisco, Feb. 18. (U. P.) Butter Extras. 52c. Eggs Extras. 45 He; firsts, 44c; pullet. 44e. Cheese California flats, fanoy, 25 He. Seattle Market Seattle. Feb. 18, (V. P.) Butter Native Washington creamery, cube, 62o: do brick, 68c; storage laitrornia, cue. ao; ao once, 4oc. Egg Ranch, 45c; pulleta, 44 c. Los Angeles Market Los Angelea. Feb. 18. (I. N. 8.) Butter California creamery extras. 48c. Eggs -Extras, 41a; case oonat, 89c; pul lets, tue, , Seattle Barley Market Seattle. Feb. 18. (I. N. S.) -Barley ton, $67. Car receipt Wheat. 88; barley, 6. -Per 15 to 25 lb., 15o: salted and green calf, tip to 10 id., zie: green mae. zo 10. and us. 12c; green stags. 50 lbs. and up. 10c; dry flint, 26c; dry flint calf, up to 7 lbs.. 2 80: dry salt. 21e; dry bora hides, each, 81.2591.60; salted nor hide, eecn, fg.00 9 4.00; horsehair, tail, 26c; horn hair. man,. 18c; dry long woo! Delta. 38c; dry short wool pelts, 25c: salted and green peim (January iaion, sz.ouws.ao each dry sheep shearling, each, 18 9 80c; salted sheep aneariings, eacn. zaevouc; ary goats, long hair. 2 Be; dry goat shearlings, each, 16 980c; dry aaorx nsir mi, eacn, vvc&i.W- WOOL-l-Coars valley. 50e: medium m)1 65c; valley lamb wool, 45 9 50o per lb.; extra Oregon fleece. 60 9 65c. CHITTIM - OR CASCARA BARK Buying price, per rat iui,.o 19 vc per 10. TALLOW No. 1. 14c: No. 2. 12e 8 10c rr lb. MUliAlK 1917. 40 9 500 per lb. tope. Pains, Oil ROPE Siaal. dark 23c; whit. 22 Ho per tia, suiiiuaiw iuauiWi sac. j LINSEED OIL Raw bbla., $1.41 per gaUon ketUe boUed. bbla.. $1.48; raw. case. II it boiled, eaaes, $1.68 per gallon; loU of 250 gal- tons, isssk COAL OIL Water white la drums aad Iron barrels, ioc per gallon. WHITE LEAD Ton lot, 12e per lb; 600 JDSt, I A " CI. TURPtUNTUtlE Tanks. 98e; easea, 75e: 10 case 10m, IC less. Beans Wanted ' We pty highest prices for tl grades of betns. F. H. Harris & Co. 8 FrontS - "ortland. Or. TO HOLD PRICE DOWN IN LOCAL SVINFMARKET Honor or Being Highest Priced Mar ket or the Country Too Much ror Them to Hold Long Fancy Cattle Showing Neglect Others Hold., HOQ.9 DROP 8HARPL.Y A saver drop of SO) 90 oenta was forced In tha prle of hog at North Portland lata In th day. Top sold around 19.90, comparod with 817.28 last Monday. Hogs ruled throughout th country: flaln. Too. Chicago 1Bj8e 9174)9 Omaha 10119 19.49 Kansas City ............ 88 9) 49 19.90 Portland 90o 19.99 Dnr 100 19.60 'Los. PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RCJf Hogs PACKERS TRIG Cattle Calvas Sheep 876 16 88 22 1 209 9 1402 272 9 807 ... 1 612 1 16 787 805 674- 0 108$ 668 981 7$$ 4 1186 1889 20 8107 Monday . . . Saturday . , Friday ...2686 . .. 180 ... 687 ... 478 ... 27T ... 899 . . .1871 ...8584 ...4672 ...1838 .. .8162 Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Week ago , Year ago 2 year ago S years ago 4 years ago Packers were sitting tignl on th hot prio lid at North Portland during th day. Ther was practically no soiling during th aarty session, ia fact up to within sight of UM Boon Ugh transactions were of a nominal natar. That packers bar war of bearish d set re during the day waa shown on all sides in ' tha swine division. Th short time they hare put Portland on th map a th highest bog market in tha United State seems to have affected tbm to sous extant. They could not stand th honor for too long a period, therefore did their utmost to break values at tha start of th week 'a activity. Tha extreme price which hav been ruling for swine her during th last week naturally brought forth, more liberal offerings. Th coun try had boon holding back its hog for mart money and when value were lifted be re to higher figure than any other point in the country, shippers felt that it was best to unload. At th asm time killer felt that they could knock down price a few notches and this cre ated a doadlock at tha start of tb day. In tb eastern markets there waa a further bowing of strength in th hog division and prices at practically all point east of th Rock ies responded to this bullish showing. General hog market range: Prim light $16.46 16.60 Prim heavy 16.40916.56 Pig 14.00 015.00 Bulk of sale 18.50 OatU 9ltuatlon Is Mixed With a rather liberal supply of cattle offer lng on th North Portland yards during th day. killers continued their pnasure against th pric of quality stuff and no early sales were re corded in th yards. On th other hand distinct steadiness, in fsct strength waa noted for common steer and for cow in tha initial trading with some sale fractionally better than vn. tha strong price of last Monday. General cattle market rang Medium to choie stoat $10.83 011.50 Good to znodium steers 9.86 9 10.80 Common to good steers 8.00 0 0.40 Choice oow and heifers ...... 8.00 010.00 Common to good cow and baiter 6.70 9 S.15 Cannsn Nulls Calvaa Stacker and feeder steam 4.25 9 6.2S 6.00 9 8.00 7.60911.00 8.60 0 9.60 Mutton Oontlnuee Nominal Bs waa a nominal market for mutton and lambs at tb boat during the week's early trad Ins at North Portland, Only very small run waa shown in this division, over Sunday And th general pric waa not tasted. Demand is hmall at thla time becatue of th extereme pric of dreasod stuff and killer control both th liv and dressed product at tb moment. General sheen and lamb range. Western lamb $15.00 15.50 Valley Iambs 14.50 915.00 leanings 1s.uu191a.0u Wethers 12.90 018.00 Ewes 10.0U 011.00 Shorn sheep 2 H to Be under quotation. Monday Livestock Shlpaon Hoca Blakely V Clough, Cor Creak. lead; W. HUdebrand, Condon, 1 load: George Lost. Th Dalle. 1 load; O. H. Libby, Fair field. Idaho. 1 load: Fairvtew atock- Farm Culver. 1 load; J. W. Chandler. Union Junction, load; O. 13. Qorsllne. Joseph, sntarpru and Wallowa. 8 loads; J. B. Baylor. Echo. 1 load H. Waggener. Sutherlin, 1 load; Jamas Owmby. Grldier. CaL. 1 load: H. B. Truman. WU- ltwa, CaL, 1 load; A- Luc. Ore land and Ger mantown, Cal., 2 loads; W. fl. 8 teen. Blue Mountain, 1 load; J. W. Toner, Walla Walla, 1 load; Charles wusc. urane, i toad; J. Ruben, Stanfield, 1 load; H. Ziggler, G; Valley. 1 load. Cattle Hanson Bros.. Forest Grove. 2 loads Russell Shepard, Wa&hougml. 1 load; George Dix on. Terrebonne, 8 loads; J. J. Dvau. Redmond. 1 load; u. wood. 1 load; mot iiurte it. Jv, company. Bend. 1 load: K. J. uanner. Hcbo. load; F. U. Olson, Nampa, x load; Biackwau Bros., Ontario, 2 loads; B. F. Bunn, Milton, load: Van Dtnen at Stewart, Emmett. 9 leads; F. A- Haggedorn, Durham, ' CaL, 1 load; L. Herskoviu, Gridley, CaL, 2 loads; C. P. White, McCoy. 1 load. Mixed stuff Harris Christ. Redmond. load cattle, calves and hoc; P. H. Moral ock Joseph, 1 load cattle and hog; A. Bandy, Fairfield. Idaho, 1 load cattle, hog and shevp H. L. Friday. Gateway. 2 loads cattle and hogs W. B. Hunter, Lostine, 1 load cattle and hogs T. P.. Moo res. Lhirke. 1 load oattut and hog A. M. Johnson. Nraaa, 1 load cattle and ogs Graver Bros.. Payette. 1 load cattle and hogs W. W. Couper, Union Junction. 1 load cattle an hon: J. O. Bowker. 1'syette 2 loads cattle, calves and hogs; J. U Wells. 1 lb6cattla and hoga; Pickett Bros.. Welser, 1 load hoga and sheep; J. U KaxwaU. Wallowa. 1 load cauls and hosts: li. El Lucke. Canby. 1 load cattle, oaivea, hog and sheep ; G. XK Burdick, Salem. 1 load cattle and harts. United States bureau of markets report live stock loaded February 17, (carloads reported weat of Allegheny mountain; double decks count ed a two cars.) Cattle Mixed Calve Hog Sheep Stock Total Totals . . a 966 689 256 86 2068 1 aveek ago 954 602 808 103 2099 4 weeks ago ...1138 636 817 113 231 State origins of livestock loaded February 17 For Portland Idaho 4 8 1 18 S 10 12 8 is 'so 2 10 Oregon Waahingten Total Portland . 1 week ago .... 4 weeks ego . . . Tor Seattle Idaho Oregon Washing ton Totals. Seattle.. 1 week ago 12 2 117 1 -Noue- 4 weeks ago 80 Monday Morning tales STEERS No. Av. lb. Price No. Ar. lb. Price 12 974 $ 9.75 19.... 941 $ 9.65 22.... 1052 10.65 16.... 890 9.25 1....1030 .60 27.... 1070 10.29 28. ...1075 11.00 8.... 490 .0.75 17 1180 10.25 8.... 918 9.00 COW'S 2 900 S 6.00 8 857 8 7.75 2 104S 9.00 21. ...1071 8.60 8. ...1066 7.50 10.... 921 " 6.75 8. ...1028 8.00 2:... 920 7 00 1.... 870 6.26 1....1120 7-50 1.... 880 4.60 21...: 579 6.00 8. ...1057 8.76 2.... 770 8 60 2 850 6.00 21.... 780 7.00 S 1077 9.50 . 1.... 780 6.60 6.... 796 5.00 .... 923 7.00 8.... 847 4.50 1....1120 8.75 5.... ,938 6.00 8.. ,.1100 7.50 4.... 890 6.00 2.... 955 8.00 1 1220 9.50 2.... 965 8.50 1 920 7.60 1.... 890 7.60 1 890 9.29 19 920 9.25 1.... 960 9 00 1TKITXRS 8.... 540 f 6.00 1.... 730 $ 8.00 2.... 770 0.00 HOGS 14T 16.00- 8..,. 248 18.60 67.... 281 16.60 20.... 108 15.75 20 200 16.60 16.... 269 16.50 1.... 420 16.75 6.... 186 16.25 1.... 420 15.85 2.... 280 16.50 1.... 230 16.35 ' Chicago Dairy Prodaee Chicago, Feb. 18. (t N. S.) ButUr Re ceipts, 4425 tubs. Creamery extra, 49c: extra first. 48 48e; firsts, 46 48c; packing stork. 41 42o. , lltg Receipta. " 1862 casea. Current re ceipts. 49 6 ie 3 ordinary firsts, 49 50cj lints. 52o; extra. 8687e7 . LATE APPLE TRADE IS LIKELY TO BE GOOD T Stocks in 'Storage Are Small 'at All Points eastern Situation Ia Still Unfavorable Outlook Much Mow Hopeful for Prlee. White there are indication of' a greatly im proved pric and market for applea In eastern centers late in th season, ther atffl remain a slow, dull and Inadequate trad at most of the leading .centers east of the Rockia. Tb on condition which tends to gtr the trad hop of an improved nrle is tb fast that stocks of apples in th storage houses of the I east .r, comparative,, i. andth.re ..only a umitea si oca neia in in racirio Northwest grow- 1 ing centers. I ten. tha nria r ravM .nmM.. WvM .tut and with th. inn , JSnif th. thcr,UmpiUL1ppWoV til With higher and ra.tl.vnk- I. i Ute trading. . That there Is not maeh stock hold unsold in I the Pacific Northwest ia indicated by th faot inai even idv larger local handler hav no com plot line to offer, their holdings consisting of odds and nd of various variedaa. which ara nunc neia at fractionally better figures. APPia trsas 01 trie nation: Kansas City: Extra fancy DeUcinna lam $8.25(98.60. .small to medium 92.50(82.78: extra lancy Jonathans medium to large $2.009 as.zo, small to medium ll.ooei.Tt; extra fancy Wlneaana, medium to larg S1.TBA2.00: extra lancy amtasnbargs medium to larg z.Bucsjz.eo. fancy 81. 70 02.00. Dallas: Extra fancy Arkansas Black. Bsitxan- brgs, Wlneeaps. medium, $2.80 9 8.79; extra fancy Rome. 92.86 & 2.50: extra fancy De licious, medium to large, $8.00 0 8.25; Bens and Ganos, $1.26 91.60; Jonathan extra fancy medium mostly $2.60, choie to fancy I SO VI z.uo. uenver: noxe J onatnaiu extra vaner mostly 1 DIM v tntm 1 it VV V. 1.- W0 A. A. V. IUDI niU.1.. , . . u. 1 cu9i ti.ou e i.uu, rf mnsn mrs isacy s.oo 0 2.26. fancy 91.65 1.75. choio $1.20 1.00; isorthwset extra fanoy Jonathan $2.00 2.25. Buffalo: Romeo extra fancy medium to larae 82.20 0 2.00. smaU 81.90 0 2.00 r Btayme; extra fancy medium lo larg $2.00 2.60 fancy 91.70 9 2.00; fancy Jo: 91.66 91.75. St. Paul: Extra fancy Jonathans, medium to Urge, 82.20 0 2.50; Wineaape extra fancy medium to larg mostly 92.00, fanoy 92.00 0 az.Zb; cipitxenbergs medium to larg fz.zsls? $2.60. mostly $2.60. Cleveland Choice Black Ben. I ell&ous. Wlnesaps, medium Oo Urge, 81. DO g 1-70. Boston: Wineaape extra fancy large $2. 76 93.25. medium $2.60 9 2.75. small $2.00 82.23. Detroit: Winesnp car 88-200 $1.85 0 2.40 average r gz.lt; car 94-170 92. average $2.88.. New Orleans: Delicious extra fanoy laras 88.26. small to medians 82.73 0 8.00; extra fancy Jonathans, medium to large, $2.23 9 2.50 St. Lonia: Auction price: Wineeap car Northwest extra fanoy medium $1.85 91.96. few higher, (mall $1.75 91.80: car various fancy Rome, medium. 91.30 0 1.60. Baltimore Sale from storage : Extra fancy Romas, medium, $2.20. N York: Soiteenb.rg and Wlnesape extra fancy large trg 82.60 0 2.75. medium $2.25 2.60. 1 small 82.00: Rome extra fancy 82.75. me dium $2.60. small $2.23 0 2.50; Newtown Pippin extra fancy $2.25 0 2.00, small to medium z.uu0z.2D. Chicago: Rome medium to large gz.20 $2.40. oholee to fancy medium 82.00 0 2.25; Urge $1.80 02.25. choio medium to larg $1.75 0 1.90; Delicious extra lancy large 82.75 0 8.00. choice medium 88.50 0 2.78. Pittsburg: belie ions extra fancy medium to Urge $2.75 8.00, small 2.50: extra fancy W ineaape and Homes, medium to large, ti.isg $2.40: Bpitzenbergs extra fancy medium to larg $2.25 0 2.60, small $2.00 92-16; choice Romas. aU sizes. S1.0U (4 1.V0. Washington: Staymena and Wineaape extra fanoy $1.90 02.00, fancy gz.zo 0Z.au; JSet town. $2.60 10 2.76; extra fancy Wagener and Delicloua, medium to large, few at $8.00 0 8.60; Spitaenbergs, aU ausea, ga.uu. Indiananolia Extra fancy Delicious, large. 12 7S: Winter Pearmaina. fancy, email to me dium, quality and condition poor. $1.-75; Wine aapa, small to medium. Quality and condition poor. $2.00. Oats Price Kecord Made in Chicago May Touches S4e Early in Day Corn Starts "Dull but Trend of Prioe Is Good. By Jo, avitoharw Chicago, Feb. 18. (L N. 8.) Oata ahowed oonslderabl irregularity. Resting spot for th day were highsr, th gain bstng H 0. Tb best pric were not held, yet the feeling was strong. Corn sold Ho lower to He higher. Provision, generally speaking, were better. Chicago. Feb. 18. L N. S.) Oats prices advanced rapidly at the opening of the market h brisk buying by commission hoi- and by shorts. Price touched new high level. for' tha season, .but whan May reached 84a THROUGH COUNTRY heavy selling orders war encountered which embankment Into the swift and swollen n Extn. 6 1921 mad a fair reaction. Opening pries were un- I stream. Before help could be summoned i;08. . Va A.M. .w. I - 1 x . . . pom. os Aug. 1 ' ... . der Saturday close. Corn was dull, but slightly firmer at the opening. Trade in the eatly market was almost entirely local. Provision were slightly higher at the opening, in sympathy with advance in bogs at the yard. Th volume of trad waa light. Chicago rang Press: of prioe furnished by United CORN Open. High. Iow. May 126 126 126 OATS March 85 86 85 May 88 84 83 PORK May 4805 4820 480S LARD .. May 2625 2630 2602 July 2622 2647 2622 ' BIDS May 2545 2560 2580 July 2565 2570 2557 Close. 126 86 84 480S 2605 2625 2530 2660 LIVERPOOL BCTIJfG 18 AID TO EARLY COTTOJT PRICES New Tork, Feb. 18. (L N. 8.) The cot ton market opened 1 point lower to 5 points higher today and later sold generally a trifle higher than Saturday's close on buying of near months by Liverpool and of the late positions by spot houses. At the end of the first 20 minutes, however, the market waa firm and 7 to 10 points net higher. The market in the last hour ruled dull and at steady gains. The close was steady. Open High Low Close 8005 8020 8030 3015 3018 2983 '."2974 "2984 2969 297S 2943 2945 2945 2944 2920 293L 2916 2923 2896 2827 2800 2809 2798 2802 .. 2780 2781 2776 2780 February . March . . . April . . . May June July August September October . . Liverpool Cotton Ball Liverpool. Feb. 18. (L N. 8.) Spot cot ton was till today. Prices steady. Sales, 2000. American middling fair, 24.23; good middling, 23.55: middling, 23.03; good ordinary. $21.50; low middling, $22.60; ordinary, 20.98. PACIFIC COAST BA3fK STATEMENT Portland Bank Clearing Thi Week. Tear Ago. Monday 8 8.680,181.69 8 2.912.298.72 Spokane Banks. Clearings . . . . Balance . . . . Clearings . . . Balance . . . . Clearing . . . . 8 1.387,666.00 383.510.00 Seattle Banks $ 4.902,692.00 983.943.00 Taooma (tank .8 771.242.00 MM.. 49.598.00 San Franelso Bank $18,380,826.00 Lea Aneofee Bank S 5.455,818.00 Clearing Clearings New Tork Metal Market New Tork, Feh. 18. (L N. S.) Lead Steady. Spot, .417.05 T-20; February, 97.00 07.15; March. 8 7. Spelter Dull. Spot, February aad March, Tc , . ' Edited by Hyman H. Cohen MILK PEE FRACTIONALLY LOWER WITH PILED SUPPLIES First Siga of Break In Price Ia Shown With Slight Loss Stocks of Canned Milk Unusually Libert! in tno Northwest. il Th canned milk market ia waka and loss I in prioe. this being tb first gensral daclln In th trad for som time. The CaraatiorgiMilk rroauete -company announces a genera? decline of So a easa ia th prioe of Carnation, ML Vr 1 non and Aster brands. While this is meraly a nominal loss and affaeta tha trade knt little, it oTlTT. ,ZLZJ?:i-rL-?"r. ! nuga ine racino Kortnweet twaantly. up & J&ESVff ow' wS SST SS i tmmade fc prioe of raw milk and affected ther- by the prioe of butter and chs. and area or toe prioe of butter and ch. and area om eh People out of brlnes Thw charged whatever prioe they wanted for 1 Z?J "ie.,1 ! or exorbitant profit that many new "T u,,.ul w. u wmm. wmhm. maw asuia as wxtran pi sue. l ais led some of these to boost th pric to an th traffic will boar, aadn th result waa that foreign , govenunenta-aa wU a th United State, quit buying canned milk. Thai caused disaster to om of the companies, who bad absolutely neg lected we nom trad to aacur th enormous profit offered by th warring nation. That araah of the canned milk waa abso lutely worthies has been reported time and time again. AJlXltlCA LIVESTOCK FBICES Chicago Hog S1T.0S Chicago. Feb. 18. (L N. S.) Hogs R pU, 46,000; strong. 15 25c higher. Mixed and butchers, 816.40 017.05: good heavy. 816.26017.00; rough heavy, $16.25 16.40 ; it. m nki on. !." - v o. pigs. 9i4.uuvia.uo; am . . I Tit a. . mm n . is.ivaio.is. CatUe Receipt. 15.000; steady. 10c high er. Beeves, $8.50 0 13.70: cow and heifers. 86.40 011.65: stackers and f extent IT IC 10.60; calve. 88.50 18.75. Sheep Receipts, 20.000; steady. Katlv and western. $10.00 18.20; lamb. $18,76 0 AO.OO. Omaha Hog 916.4S Omaha. Neb.. Feb. 18. it N. S 1 T7n . Receipt. 11.500: 10915c higher. Top. 819.46: ransre. 116.00 & IN 41? mi tiaiii 016.85: good choice. $1 6.85 16.45 : rmiah. 816.10016.25; light. $16.20 018.80: bulk. $16.00016.85; pigs. $10.00 012.00. Cattle Receipt, 9100; steady. Beeves, $8.50018.00: stock ers and feeders. $7,600 11 4ft- rnMMM .nil hifM A 9 H A 1 A 1 ft. rn. $8.75 011.50; calves. $8.25 0 18.00. - oneep Keceipt, sooo; low. Wethers. 811.00018.00: yearlings. $11.50 014.50; lambs. $15,60 0 16 jS; ewes, $11.00 012.00. 8attl Hogs 917.29 Seattle. Feb. 18. (I. N. 8.) Hoes Tte- eeipts. 657: steady. Prima light. $17,00 0 17.25; medium to choice, $16.75 016.96; smooth heavies, $16.25 016.50; rough heavies. $16.75016.80; pigs. $16.75 016.00. Cattle Receipts, 544; steady. Bast steers. $11.25011.50; medium to choice, $9.60 10.60; common to medium. $8.50 (9.00; best cows. $9.000 10.00: comment to mnrltum m 8 60 ' buU S6.00 0 8.00; calvaa. $8.00 W i- . - Sheep Receipt. none. Denver Hog 816.80 Denver. Feb. 18. Cattle Rewsipte, 1600; 10 0 20 higher. Steers. $8.00 012725; cow and tellers. 96.00 0 9.60; stockers and feeders, $7.00 011.00; calves. $12.00 18.60. Hoga Receipt, 1800; 10c higher. Top. 12Ji2Jw. Wn1.!40 ulk. 816.10 016.40. K)iMn.itMWi aonn. t- a iv a a 12.00; lambs. 815.00 016.60. Kansas City Hoes 818.90 Kansas City, Feb. 18. (L N. 8.) Cattle Receipts, 18.000; atrong to 10a higher. Steers. 811.000 13.50; cows and heifers, $6,000 12.60; stockers and feeders, $8.00 011.75; calve. $7.00 018.00. HogaRaceipta, 11,000: 26 45s higher. Top. 816.90; bulk. 818.60 016.80; heavies. $16.80 IS.bOj gnedtum. $16.75 016.85: lights. $16.4016.80. wa.oo. Sheep Receipts, 4000; steady. Lambs, $16.00 016.60: ewe lamba. S1T.40. Ms .1 sheep. - i 3few York Sag-ar and Coffee New Tor. Feb. 18. in. P.l Coffea Snot No. 7 Rio, 8e: No. 4 Bantoa, 10c Sugar Centrifugal. $6.05. Swift A Co. Share Boston. Feb. 18. Swift ac Co. (hares. 131. Ml " Hope of Finding Boy's Body Is Held Oregon City, Feb. 18. With the water in the Clackamas river receding and warm weather approaching;. It ia thought the body of Gilbert Sldler, 11-year-old I Gladgtone boy who was drowned near the electric line bridge February 9. will nimm tn tha anirfapn linlsia oano-v, a enag or sank in one of the holes of the river bed. The boy, a son of Mr. Mrs. John Sldler. waa playing with v. I " . rusn uie uuy imu uiBo.ppca.rea. ciiorta to arag the river nave been fruitless. Vancouver Marriage Licenses Vancouver, Wash., Feb. 18. The mar riage licenses record shows the follow ing licenses Issued last Saturday : John Blrchard, 27, and Emma . Berry, 19, Portland ; Robert A. Hoag, 21, and Leah Conville. 18, Portland : Wllbert P. Ken nedy, 20, and Oracle E. Woolf. 18, Van couver; Charles J. Spekaln, 34, Camp Lewis, and Dahlia J. M. Oliver, 18. Van couver; Joe Gasmen. 26, and Frances Hank, 18, Black Rock, Or. ; Chester C. Crowe, 22, and Myrtle Cupp, 21, Port land ; Guy Preston Powers, 36, and Mary Elizabeth Burns, 19, Clifton, Or. ; Ralph F. Coryea, 23. and Myrtle Erlckson, 18, Portland ; Gustave A. Quinn, 33, Florence Corbett. 17, Oregon City. Or. ; Olof Hallstram, 28. a.nd Chris tine Johnson. 22. Portland Walter A. Noble, 43, and Mrs. Evara E. McFeran, 43. Portland ; George Brajit, 33. and ETlizabeth MInsky. 24, Portland ; William Kldd, 21, and Ora Avery, 18, Portland; Charles S. Piper, 30, Salem. Or.. ano Mary J. Wlest, legal, Portland ; Harry R. Toung, 27, and Laura F. Helnrlch, 23, Portland ; Cleve G. Marsden, 34, nd Nell C. Leonard, 26, Portland ; Joseph Hoy Estabrook, 30, Tillamook, Or., and Esther Johnson, 2i Seattle. w An early molt Is not a sign of early fall production. Usually the late molt lng hen is" the leavler producer. FACTS, No. 243 A Delighted Community The people living along the West Side Paeiflo Highway are enthusiastic in their comments regarding the paving of ten miles of the road between Portland and New berg. Five milea of thla important stretch ia already paved and everyone, who passes over it becomes a booster for BITULITHIC ; Warren. Bros. Co, .. Journal BUaj Portland, Or. . CANNED J - UCbl JLUO IJllCW. Co AJU Higher at Opening New York Market Strong and Higher at Start of Specialties Coffee Stock Also Strong. rntoiia burket miirtiiris New Verfc. ro. ,18v (I. M. S.) Prwottaolly wtthout u caption the entire list partlctpated In today buoyant market. a strong ton waa snalntalna through the day until the final hour, when raallzln aala larooght a moderate riant Ion. . Tito ulsttnAts, oil and metal ahara roroi snaurmum gain a from 114 point. U. 8. ataal roaoted from 97 to Mfb In the final dealings. Saras, 799,800 sriae boda, 9880,000. itv xorxc. aeo. ia. il i . ar ainni larae 14 th ' advance at th opening of th stock market today, sunn preiarraa sola up 4 to 101 ana au. unit aavanaoa lit vo 20. Marin common ma 84 to 27 H. United Fruit gained 3 V to 188, and Ams4eaa Interna tional roae 114 to 66 Si . Steal common rose H to 96 H and Bethlehem B waa up at 78. Crucible advanced to 68. Specialties showed A strong ton. Central leather advancing 1A to Tin, white General Electric roe 1 to 140. Butt at Superior ad jyaaced 1 to 82. Chandler Motor waa neep- t"naU, .ctr-, advancin, 4H to 86, G.nral Motor, - .xceptfon to tb dlspUy of 'f'groTd stwwi fractional Although alurht Tecorlnns occurred after th Although slight tc rlnnt occurred after th batinl deaiinga, th market bald atrong during 1 foremoiand many stocks mad further gains. aUrLpterrod xokI up to 101. a gam of United State Steel waa alee la good demand, telling up to 97 M , a gala of 1 point, white It.thl.ham Hteel B roae 14 to 79 . The other steel industrials mad gain of around 1 point, with th exception of Lackawanna, which rose 2 to 7 8 H - Chandler Motor eon tinned in demand, selling np to 88. an upturn of 7 , white General Motor, after yielding to 118 . rallied to 182. Tb railroad iasus howd gain of around 1 rutin Th market eon tinned active during th after noon with the minor steel Industrie attracting moat attention. Baldwin moved up 8 4 to 78 American Locomotive 2 to 63 aad Razrahlin Iron 2 at SOU. Marin preferred reflected profit-taking, re-aetuia- 1 noint to 101 44 . and United State Bteal common, after Belling at 97 H. reacted to 97. Chandler made a further gain of 1 point to 89. : Ttane. of New Turk rjrice furnished by Over beck is Cooke Co.. 216-217 Board of Trade building : DESCRIPTION I Opn High Low I Bio) 2 1 a 24 26 79 80 74 76 88 88 68 67 88 84 106 107 64 66 64 64 72 78 62 62 77 80 81 21 17 IS 71 71 88 64 7 7 48 48 94 39 89 84 85 61 68 4 16 16 189 189 128 181 47 47 29 80 92 91 42 42 18 13 93 96 129 127 m ii 89 89 lis 92 98 81 81 4 28 83 19 19 89 28 71 71 . 19 194 106 86 86 27 27 44 46 61 62 68 66 24 24 77 78 78 79 20 21 18 61 62 86 86 .23 28 16 16 166 158 64 65 119 180 67 68 96 97 88 84 7 8 89 41 42 Alaska Gold 2 2 24 26 H 79 81 K 74 H 76 88K 88 88 H 68 84 H 86 H 1064 108H 64 S 65 H 64 H 63 78 80 63 64 78 80 82 H 22 17 18 71 72 54 64 7 7 48 43 '89 '40 84 85 62 64 15 'is 140 140 130 182 47 47 29 80 1 92 83 42 42 18 14 $S 126 128 27 fiS 17 17 78 78 66 69 ii '23 "24 1 19 8 20 71 79 Lww tf 9 -- 104 108 88 85 27 28 46 46 61 89 68 96 24 84 77 78 78 80 20 21 '61 68 86 87 24 24 16 16 167 189 64 65 119 120 67 68 96 97 88 84 8 8 42' "42 Alii Chalmers, a. . . Am. Beet Sugar . . . Am. C. Foundry, e. Am. Unseed, c . . . . Am. Locomotive, c. , Am. Smelter, c. m. sugar, 0. . Am. Woolen, c . Anaconda Min. Co. . Baldwin Loco., c . . B. at O.. e Behlehem Steel B. . . Butte Jc Superior. . . CaL Petroleum, e. . Central Leather, e. . Chesapeeake k. Ohio C. ax Gt. W.. o. . . C, M. A, St. P C. A NW.. o. Colo. F. aV I., e Corn Products, e . . . Crucible Steel, a. . . D. A K. G-. C Erie, c General Electric . . . Gataeral Motor . . . Goodrich Rubber . . G. N. Or Land. . . Great Northara. pfd. (rreen Can. Hid At Leather, a. lUinoia Central . . . Industrial Alcohol Int. Mer. Marine , K. C. Southern, e. Lackawanna Steel Lehieb Valley. . . Louis, at naenviua. Max. Petroleum . . Mi.wl Copper . il., K. A T.. c . Missouri Pacifle .. Nevada Con. New Haven M. T. Central ... N. T.. .. 4 West. Nor. 4s West,, c. Northern Paoifte . Pacific Mail Pennsylvania R'y Pittsbarg Coal. . Preened St. Car, a Ray Con. Copper. Reading, o. Republic L at S., C. Rock Island . . Bhattuck Studebaker, e. Southern Paeiflo Bouthern Railway, O. Tenneese Copper MM i.tt 1 exas yju Tobacco Prod acta . Union Pacific, a. . V. 8. Rubber, a. . . V. 8. Steel. C... Ttah Copper Wabash W. TJ. TeL W estinghouae Kleo. Sates, 789,200 share. Forelsa Bond Market Bid. Ask A. F. 6s Oct. 1920 . 89 H. . 984 : . 64 . 96V .180 . 89 V . 88 . 40 . 88 . 95 H . 94 . 92 V . 92 . 94 . 91 . 97 80S U. K. 5s Sept. 1918. 99 i K. OH NOV. 1V1V 97 rr wr ... . ft . A !r. K. 5 Us Nov. 1921... 64 H 'A. F. Sec 6s Aug. 1919. 502,981 " " " ri 6s Oct. 1921...... 97 185 87 V asarseuie os nov. uia. 80 43 89 95V Dom. 6 Apr. 1921. 96 94 Don. 6 Apr. 1931 Dom. 5 Apr. 1926 Argentine 6 May 1920.. Dom. Canada 6s, 1937.. French 6 Ha 1919 94 96 93 97 Vi Money aad Bxekaags New Tork. Feb. 1 8. ( L N. S.) Can money on the floor of the New Tork stock exchanc to' day ruled at 0 per cent; hich, 6 tier cent; low, S per cent. Time money waa firm. Rata were 8 per oent. Tha market for prime mercantile paper was enirt. Call money in London today waa S . per cent. Sterling exchange was quiet, with busi ness in bankers' bill at 84.75 W for demand, 84.714 for 60 day bills and 84.70 for 90 day bills. Silver New Tork. 88 He; London. 42 d. Epidemics Break Out Kalama. Wash., Feb. 18. An epidemic of whooping cough and German measles has broken out In Cowlits county. The teacher, Mrs. Harry Jamlaon. and the 28 pupils of the Willow Grove school, near La Du, have the Oerman measles. There htfve been 20 cases of whooping cough in the Cloverdale school, near Ka lama, aeven of them in- one family, and last week a case of measles was report ed. The Cloverdale school will be closed this week for fear of another epidemic Interest Every Month may be obtained by purchas ing odd lots of high-class bonds for cash or on the Partial Payment Plan. We Invite Inquiry. Phones: Broadway SSI, A-1SSS Lumber mens Trust Company cAPrrat aa snanus ssoo eoo Lsstbermeai Bids. , Portland, Ore. (oka. Bead a. Cotton. ersUa. Xte. sssai jseaga ai Overbeck&CookeCo. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES : ateMtere Chicago Beard at Trade Perrespeadeat ef Legaa 4 Brjaav l , CUwC X9W It Finance: Timber: Industry Amerian Trad With South America Offers Opportunities for AmbI-. . tious Men; Remarkable Increase in Trade Since the War If ay Be Retained and Increased in the Opinion of Senor AJJendea. DeTelopmeat at Export Trade. Won derful bpportunitle ara offered young j man of today In the growing trade with South and Central American countries. During the next 10 yeara hundreds of young men from American trade centers will be aent aa representative of Ameri can manufacturer to the rapidly devel oping industrial areas of South Ameri can states. The field offer every In ducement to enterprise, A thorough knowledge of the language of the . coun try is a valuable aaaet to the traae representative and a most timely op portunlty to acquire this knowledge la afforded by the course in Spanish con ducted by Senor Roberto Allendea under the auspices of the University of Oregon extension. Senor Allendea la a native of Chile and waa educated in the schools of Valparaiso. He Is employed by the Portland school board to teach Spanish in the Franklin high achool and handlea classes for the University of Oregon on Friday and Saturday evenings in the achool board offices In the courthouse. An advances clasa of 35 meets on Fri' day night of each week and on Saturday night a clasa of SO beginners receive In struction. Besides teaching Spanish, Senor Allendea gives lectures on the buslneaa habits and social customs of South American countries. The eoert of the course of IS weeks for beginners is 5, and necessary text books may be had for an outlay of about 2. Since the be ginning of the war a great deal of South American trade formerly going to Germany has been coming to the United States, and Senor Allendes be lieves that thla trade may be retained and Increased after the war. United States government reports show that exports to South America Increased $98,000,000 in 1917 over 1916. an advance of 42 per cent aa compared with the Increase of 13 per cent in the total ex portattons for the year. The greatest gain In exports to South American coun tries waa to Chile, to which shipments were 7! per cent larger Jhan in 1916. while Increases of 40 per cent were reg istered In the exports of both Argentina and Brazil. Pioneer Baak of Soanteaatera Oregoa. President J. R. Blackaby of the On tario Rational bank, Ontario, Or., ranks aa a pioneer in the banking business in that part of tha state. Following the 'recent twentieth annual meeting of tha stockholders of the bank, Mr. Blackaby gave a dinner to hla associates and the board of directors, employes of the bank and local newspaper men. In re viewing the history of the Ontario Na tional bank, President BlAckaby stated that it was founded 20 years ago as a private bank by Stephen A. Carver. At that time there waa no other banking institution in the twenty-odd thousand square miles now known aa Malheur. Harney and Grant counties. Baker waa the nearest town with a bank and Cald well, Idaho, shared In the business of the district. Today there are IS banks in the three counties, with deposits of more than $8,000,000. "In the early daya of the Ontario bank," said President Blackaby, "the entire force of two used to sun Itself all the afternoon waiting for business. Now It has a- total of 1200 accounts." Three of the original direc tors of the bank are still active In its management. They are ETessrs;. Blacka by, Adam and Brosnau. The annual statement of the bank shows a capital stock of $60,000; surplus and undivided profits, $20,370; deposits, $489,645; loans and discounts, $398,958; cash and ax change. $629,816. Co an try Bankers Promote Thrift Stamp Campaign. Bankers in towns throughout te state are taking an active HALL & CO. Lewis Bldg. Karskall tl LIBERTY BONDS INVESTMENT BONDS PREFERRED STOCKS LOCAL SECURITIES BOUGHT AKD SOLD QTJOTATIOK8 TFOH BEQUEST GAMBLING Te th holder of Denbigh and 8Ilsr Iflae Owner: In th middle of my advertising eauapmlga on "Silver" I waa so overwhelmed with consolidation proposal from silvs owner aa to compel a halt te prepare for th saraBslnatiass of the most likely one. They nnmbared ecoraa. If upon lamina tion 26 prov to be 60 ft as good aa de scribed the coming stock market gamble "Silver" should overshadow both "Cop per" and "Steels." If Denbigh shonli "hitch sp" with even 1 0 of tha offered proposition upon -the terms named. Denbigh stock should go te a vary, vtry high pric. Illustration : A mountain of silver. Large underground workings. Million in sight. NsTsr floated. Offer to turn lata Denbigh on a basis of half ownership to Denbigh for nothing. Why T Beeana they believe in the coming consolidation half ownership will bring tbara more profit thaa th whole worked by themaalvea. Te cover the halt In my advertising cam paign whila I am getting under way the sortiaw ot "good" and "bad" and th cx aminatioxi of th moat likely th following answers to inquiries from different parta of th country should b of intarast te Dan bigh holder. My market campaign is not over ha hardly begun- All development coming out of my advertising campaign hav added to my faith in Denbigh a the best stock' market gamble I have ever known. When I began mt advertising I relied upon th value of th Denbigh mines alone to prove the rain of Denbigh stork. Resent devel opments at th mine have demonstrated my faith was well founded. At the beafnning I said if the publlo responded a I believed they weald Denbigh for that re son alone would prove one of th best stock-'market gamblea. Tb pub tie responded beyond my expectation. If th market had been allowed to behar la the usual way th pric of Denbigh would have Sown to 19 or orer, but All promisee mad by the holder of the 400.000 Denbigh, to keep it at bot tom, 2 to 8, were kept to th Meter la face of temptation to raise the offering prle and let the 1 price mount. Thla atnuaal method ha demonstrated the (wanda t my prediction that not only would Denbigh prove the best stock market gam ble, but it handling stockma rketwiea would . sank loss impossible. s Th following correspondence wfH give Denbigh buyer aa idea of what asy "Silver" campaign is: "Dees Mr. Laeraoni w "Whew vow aavertlals kwoan tsawffit - throuortt th stock exehanae hones ef 000 of DsnMgn Silver at 88 par ghare. I mad ssasldgrsbie money is your Butt Cosr, and later la your Ohlne Cooper., t think I know your snathes. . ana nry write to let yej knew that the Interest -tn tha sale of Thrift and War Savings Stamps. The Farmers tk Mer- chants bank at Coqullle, Or., la giving special attention to the achool children in that town and adjoining territory In the promotion tf thrift. The bank offi ciate announce that they will present to eacn pupil in the schools ef the district a card with one Thrift Stamp attached. ; it is estimated that approximately 800 pupils will thus be started on the road to a savings account. It ia pointed out that the action of the bank yields double benefits in that it fosters the spirit fit patriotism while promoting habits of thrift among the pupils. Habbard, Or., street IwisreTetneal . Beads. Tha Lumbermen Trust corn- . pany offers 17943.50 ot Habbard, Or Bancroft street improvement bonds. In terest at the rate of 8 per cent ' per ajanum. Hubbard la located In Marion ' county and is a prosperous community. City ef Central Point, Or xUfanfllag -Bonds. Keeler Bros, are offering 7S, 000.000 of city of Central Point, Or., re-' funding bonds. Interest at the rate ot ' per cent payable semi-annually. May and November. Bonds mature Novem ber 1, 1830, and are redeemable at any , Interest date after November 1, 1920. . The bonds are in denominations of $1000. The city of Central Point la tn Jackson : county and la the center of a rich and prosperous agricultural district. Mexico Establishes Xew Postal Bates. Vice Consul Luther K. Zabriakle re ports from Mexico City that new postal rates on correspondence and parcels mailed In, the republic of Mexico went into effect on January L Tha new , schedule comprises rates tor each class of mall matter for (a) urban delivery, for b delivery elsewhere Within the republic, and for delivery (c) In the United States, Cuba, and Canada, (d) In other countries within the postal union. and (e) In countries without the postal union. Janaa Would rredaeo IU Own Wool The Japanese authorities ara reported by the Japan Chronicle to have bean making arrangements with the ultimata object of enabling this country to do self-supplying in wool production. Esti mates for the next financial year by tha department of agriculture and com merce, it states, provide tor an expend!- , ture of S02.65S yen ($150,876) aa a xuno for the encouragement of fileep rearing. f Thla would be expended' yearly. The 4 newspaper states that the authorities Intend to raise LOOO.OOO head during tne next EO yeara. Breeds will be imported by the government, chiefly from Aus tralia or Great Britain, and will be sold or distributed free of charge among aheep farmers. A water cooler has been Invented that Is small enough to stand on an office desk without interfering with the desk's regular use. Morris Brothers INCORPORATED Established 25 Years 201 Railway Exchange Building, Portland. Or. OfeEGON MUNICIPAL BONDS To Net 6 Telephone Main 3409 kind of people who tried te shake as out ef these stocks at what subaequar rvante prov te he foetlsnly low Dries are at work en Denbigh. "A firm of Wall 9 treat broker who -latter aeeat claimed they vero Invest ment broker, although the MseeairUle ene I eay they ar not srstmawr of any stack eschang or ours and are aawohrtoly irresponsible, wrote mo that you having sold all the Denbigh stock poeslbte' hast aOaneoned your campaign and enirtK " thee who bad bought because ef yeoe alertlmsnts and they urgently, advised - mo to sell my Denbigh ana bay, tney bed for sale. "Dear 8sm hut ens of many similar nsa oaliad 9 ny attention by buyer of Denbigh. Me one should give need to ueh stuff or ha autnora, Inquiry ef any bank, or reasonable brw ' karate house will anew up uoh harpt end ' their moan of uMenane. "My Denbigh eampalgn he hardly be-' gun. A I advertised I did not own a hare of Denbigh at my campaign' be--glnnlng. I bare not bought gold a ahare since. Inewtrtee at any responsible Now York, Philadelphia or Boston brsksrsgg office will serraberate my stslsmsn. Me thexpuMlshln of uoh a Weismsrrl as the asteve If not tro U ertanlnal and sue to bo fallowed by press ut Ion by the PeeV rl dkoearnmont. I So not father stock market campaign to make money by a loading onto the publlo that part ef tne public which ha faith In my advertised advlo. My profit will com from nsolt datlng Denbigh and ether ttv mine after my campaign I a euccsn. la such eon sol Mat Ion while I will make minion thee wne have bought Denbigh through faith la my work sheuM make large stones, "My past campaign, particularly "Coo per,' Illustrate perfectly not only my pres ent campaign bait ail ef my past one. "ftMsdi Butte, Utah and Ohlne Oospore ' (If you sannet recall, ge t the stock x ehange or nwwspapor roooroa). I got th puMI Into Butte X te 14, Utah 9 to to, Ohlne S to 10. Whoa Butt went te 14, Utah t SO and Ohlne U 19 and there was a hill Ilk the prsssnt one la Denbigh any critic yollod I had unloaded my holding and th prio wotiM stums out of tight. "Butt was put Into the Amalgemaied aenwIKatUW el 8188 per har, and while y the public mad many million I md many millions, for" t had never sold a there. ' By the itisganhnstlow- of Oh In, an aea clot and myself mad many million, for w had never eotd a ahare. ' ' r .'''-"' ' " s ' "My erltlot cannot anowrstand my sort ef stock deals, and they will never under stand Denbigh and sty silver campaign until H I well over and my follower hav mad large profit by mevheow which will b tt - forth In the second chapter ef ary s4tw - tlslng carnpeign." . , Thomas W. LaWioa . A