THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAN D,l SUNDAY; MORNING, FEBRUARY 17, 1918. 20 BrwI?TEBS OPPORTTTHITIKft -lOXET TO LOA HEAL ESTATE 7 UYESTOCK I : GROCERY Men, Attention A nice, clean stock of grqcer i'ies, located" corner Williams -avenue .'and Clackamas. Will ) soli 85c on the dollar; fixtures i$175; j will invoice about ''.$1300.; Doing $25,00 per day cash and can .be increased . 'Come look. Phone East 2374 - for appointment today. ' ( ; PACIFIC AGENCY, ' ; 514 Swetland Bid. Public Sale pon.TRT; PTWEO-J tET STOCItl' ROBINSON'S 4. a WHITE LEGHORNS l oik lo.iaiiaaem p:u t ot -a fnMUnd of pa vine loan. A A 1 L , Q ' HMttkl v " tunnrnnnv rirn.1t 111 IT fM X par 100O teal 42 bulls, .bout 80 head (a .11. t Untoa the 88 pullets laid 882 W in Now.. .J I interest Stock Y.rds. North Portlnd. Or.. Feb. 25th. in Dee., an average of 77.8 pet cent for No.. DO interest, : . " -. 3 . fitt ... - im riu TK. .hm. la t)M RMt- Otter amounts tu proporooa. 800 HEAD registered Shorthorn ana xtereiora - a- "Vrr. f" Are the era. text whiter lajren in existence. E. C Callaway of 623 Gantenbein avenue baa SS pullet purcHuM from me aa day-oia cnicaa W loan on mprosed city propert Or for building purposes, No commission chargeo. onus. 1 oca tea in Iowa ana aowiin, " . -ft- V 07 th K rennets 1800 Holstein and Guermey cow. to freaben J1'" ' g- f J"", h. aa n --- w,. iv . R Mokel 'erage n i per relit 101 uec J. o"' an tens roriT T VaC i . LOAN AOC1ATIO J, V. " of Bend. Or., reporta 54 to 63 era per day from u ,i.4 rw - - "-u. aa .,nr .... UMVt'V TO LOAN In amounts from 810OO to 90u. on nun Carlton or Newberg, r-ua farm or suburban acreage at O per cent. Unlet jour place i such, do not inquire. 7 A W. I.AMBKKT & SON. 404 East Alder tor. Grand Are. fortJind. Or. ItlitCTjJ.h UI4NS Any amount oa improved city and farm urouerty Ol cnn-!der l building loan THE LAWRENCE COMPANY. miv ia - K St. A-gai ' .in ,.,,l -.U, .,-'0. ' nf iarirer amount at current rates Jnic action Kri-d W ;eruian Co.. 73J "bautr 75 nnlletx. With a rain at oraaent prices Tou IIOG8 FOR SALE cannot afford to take chancea: tou most hare Brood sows and feeders. Will deliTar to winter layers. And erentually you will coma to Fhone E. 7070 or wrae ; Robinson for them. ' Better coma now and eae T. J. Robinson. Carlton. Or. - diaattDointment. 1 IST-old chicks. S15 per 100. FRKSH dairy cow. calf. 4 gals. Milk goat, fresh Hatching egg, 7 per 100 SitisfacUon guar- Ui 7 weeks. nontn i-ortiana car 10 ... v..." . .....i. n 7a 12th at. i ae.. 8. K.. Portland. Or. Phone Tabor 26. V7. r. line irenil cww, imir mji.ri, .uk - " " . : , , , U4 Oregon City car to Hereford station, walk Now is the time to order your baby chtx. 1 block south, tarn set, second barn on left We are specialists in the chix hatching business. Vm-WnTcn. fresh in fT StoW rl ham; al 2 heifers, yearling. Appl R-0. rwden foT our brMding pen,. All our flock Journal. . ,s (g,,,, Bwj have been raised on free ranue ATJTOWOBItES ACCEOKIEW 44 1916 MAXWELL for aale cheap. . S.-400. Journal. ' - , LIGHT Buick. 0 eyL tourmg car. In good con- dition. Neariy new. 50. Call Bdwy. 2270. 37 Jiorth Broadway at. 1815 FORD touring car. Gray it Daria liht- and starting system. Broadway 157 2. Very reasonable. Tarma. 115 NATIONAL 7 aasenger touring ear just overhauled and In yenect mecnanjea- touui tion. Price for Quick sale $650. HelL 1140. 1IONKY to "loan by miinitluui . on reiid,-Tice .' iviiixi ar.oii mi(t -1-00. 200. . 2 .7 -.k ....j .irf- ltoom liO imsuu uiiis-, iiuifoititi prutjeri tu tuut regon ana xaano. rent. it. SrHsnk bldg. 1 GARAGE business that can't . be beat. Well located, fully u ( ,. 1 Mine 15 paid tsr muiilttij iie f equipped. Will have to IpokjiY -at this to appreciate, "i-make price right. TWO fresh young heifers for sale, cheap; lear- ing farm. Ha-,o line road t Kusaemne roaa. south to jergladtt are., then ea t to end of road. vtTTk nOATH Freh Tosiscnburg milk goats; kids by 30-' trout iO. TOR sali: 3 freshen soon. tion. Kxacada car. good fresh cows, otbvrs to (j. U. Winters, Luther Sta- nini Unr Dens are headed with male birds that are from trapnested and a rery hih egg record strain, therefore we do not hesitate to say we can produce the strongest and largest chix you can buy in the west. Onr past experience al lows us to guarantee all our chix good, souno. and vigorous. We will hare chix March 1 ; order now. Schneller s Hatchery, 1540 E. 18th it north. Phone Wdln. 11S. Portland, ur. PACIFIC AGENCY, 514 Swetland Bldg. iwr cent. Place your Wilt j valuables, in our lauita ar.d you will exyen II! ; a teeling of wcur.t worth many times tile cot. Inion Sate Uepo-Jt at lrut to., m t25.TT00 private money; will divide if good se curity. RITTER. M)WE CO . 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ', mti.. f l v 1.1. uU Whltjt Tjtfhnnt chix F.JK SALE or trade for farm A mOk bus- " u-.s """""J uVlV ick t very ness with 4 2 cows; first class Uaue. xv-i "",''-"1 Ki n; rai-dna chickens SEE jUoauter auto topa. Recovered celluloid in curtains. lAuto Uf lor sale. a inion ,. Eaat 364. FOR SALK " Republic truck; i-ton. with body. Inquire 83 North Park at. - III 1914 Ford roadster, just painted, fina con dition; sacra ice lor cah. uwner, . .. 39th st., 1 block north Division. TWO FORD BODIES and some fenders and other accessories ; a snap U taken at once. Woodlawn 5339. . AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 ! 1917 "VOBD TOURING Snap if bought now. Hub only a few months. Shock absorbers, speedometer, chains, special lenses. Call K MR. CHE8SUAN. BROADWAY 616. TWO ELECTRICS. 1500 POUND WAGONS. IN OOOD CONDITION. A 25-MILE RA DIUS ONE CHAROE. THE CHEAPEST CAR ON THE MAKKET TO OPERATE AND OIVE9 THE REST SERVICE. CAN BE BOUGHT VERY 'REASONABLE. PHONE D- 1236. AUTOMOBILES. ACCESSORIES 44 Auto Tops Recovered 33 Fords Enameled $12.50 870 E. Morrison St. DLBKU ILL TOP CO.. Pth ik Oak. Broadway 1844. 95k, Journal. j and eggs. WhiM Leghorns make broilers Ft I ft SALE t'p to-datr meat market, consist ing of 8 ton Hell Wildman ice machine. 2 3 good cold storage runms. track and truck j scales, 30 H. P. stesm boiler. 2 electriq mo tors, 3 counter scale., typewriter, safe. ; This market Invoices about $5(100; did fl,00t J business In 1917. Klrl time It has ever: been offered for sale. Rcaion for selling now, ill - 'health. $22fl0 takes it. Address. VXl'Bl , Journal. fa mily" i; itor eK y f Offered cheap for quick tale. Small clean i atapla stick In the best of locstions. Ssles run ' 140 to $50 iier day. no extended credits; no delivery except by s boy after school. Stock f will invoice about $1000. Fixtnrea for sale cheap Kent only $l!5 per month. This is a genuine snap and a good money maker for - soma one, so act quickly. Call at 207 Board C af Trade hlria. WELL furnished 6 room residence with garage.; 10 wet.k,; pullets lay at five months. We gnar- on east side. Aauita preierreii. nticicmia. antee sale delivery 01 au cnix 10 Tabor 503 8, from 10 a. m to 5 p. m.. today. Shipped safely anywhere west of the Rockies fur siiF TiMFirenhure aoats 1 milking and No money in advance: pay on delivery. Special , 35J L. blth BU N. !TT p information write ' ll-IICtrT"fTMT ftTTTTV fre&h fell dsVS. 751 E. - xiiralt U . TCU IvcmiTAn CO . $5000 private money leady lor immediate loan; . Ajh' "' 410 7th st Petalnma. Cal. prefer farm land security. Will divide. J-612 Journal. I" iioutock 'mk Exchanaa i.,u la 3d and Tsmbill sta. PAY good price tor tat cattle, hogs and : Call Tsbor 1102. llou to Siimi. consider lots. E. 1L ikismi 416 Chambei ot Commerce. b',Ain a67. cattle, nogs, lor sale, call a i 9tl ,. it n n After call Tabor 412S. 7" j NICE young family cow lor tale, cheap. Call oeiiwooa vo. 31 ON FT TO LOAN CHATTELS. SALARIES It yoa i.sre id) tat cattle, hogs veal r alieep -for sle call Esst 29i or C-2011. GUERNSEY; will freshen in 4 days;' gives 6 oAi.AUU -aL on grass. 80 trout it. WANTED. 2-year-old heifer, fresh and coming frt-ih noon. Main o0J. $4500 OLD ESTABLISHED OAIIACE AND MA CHINE SHOP Fully equipped fur all kimh of machine work. . fnll etork of acesxnei and repair: last year's ; business $22,000: this Im-in ess will rtand the r closest uivnstigatinn. AdilrM (JX-854. Journal. TWO parties alio hare $1000 eash. eiempt k i : If i l 1 1 liku LOAN- . . ,sa WK LOAN MONEY ?b"eirn noi-! ZsiwSvZ buTn-I .triotS i FREfiiT" Durham and Jer.ey cow. 1394 Division confidential. l1! : ABSOLUTELY NO RECURITT !ONE fine Jersey cow. i gallons and tests lift. NO INDORSER ! J. Young. Huber. Or. We also loan on oouseuoid lurniture, pUnoa. i gnr;EI for fcllie jl 100 breeding etc.. without removal. . wi . or DBr, Woodln. 4156. cau and Hre ua . -- . . - i COLUUB1A DISCOUNT COMPAST. !A BR. KID sow with 5 little pigs; also 4 fine i (Licensed) j shoaU. Phone Tabor 4397. ; 817 FA1UVO BtTlLDINO. c.OOD cow for sale; also R. I. Reds. Tabor 65711. PORTABLE. . Poultry house. $12 and np. Williams Bros., B025 E. 82d st. 8. E. Call Tabor 629. 1913 FORD touring car. only driven a few hundred miles. Has extra equipment. sacrifice. Will giveterms. P-342. Journal. 1..VT7I. !,,!, t?5. Just like new. Call to- I day if you want a real bargain. Auto Re- CCDBinicuuu v . , . 2? MffCHELLUght 6; a fine car. all overhauled newly iinted and in perfect condition. 13-a cash. AutoRecontuV-tionJ,3d2dtl FORD" touring car. over-sixe tires: all god: electric hgnts and ouier extras, ijv,. East 79 09. Desire to buy up-to-date 7 passenger car. TTUl pay from $900 to $1250 cash. Edgar Bray- field. Box 4. City. ' BIOS BUGS t .nH, huo each aa they stand. A little work on them will make them classy bugs. Anto Reconstruction Co.. 3d and Gliaan. FORDS FORDS FOUDS 1917 Ford touring. 1917 Ford roadster. 1917 Ford touring. 1916 Fold tearing. 1916 Ford touring. 1916 Ford roadster. 1916 Ford delivery, panel body. 1916 Ford delivery express 1914 Ford delivery, panel body. 1915 Ford touring. 1915 Ford tourn. 1914 Ford too. ma. 1913 Ford touring. A number of these cars are oraeHallT nesa. Terms If desired. Tou will be surprised when you sea In em. lor tney are real bargains. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. 8770. East 13th and Hawthorn are Incubators EXCEL exclusive moisture control hatch BETTER MADE BETTER SELLS FOR LESS HOME PRODUCT CATAIXXi FREE MASTER INCUBATOR CO.. INC. Factory, 415 Jessup st(. Portland. Or. If You Need Money See UsiFOl ,TRY- ...-., 1 "PRODUCE more B1(, lltofit(l jj, poultry assured by using Pratts PET STOCK 3.- Poultry Regulator. It strengthens breeding ' 1 ' i . V. . o 1 1 i t er 4 Tl hi tT a i f LtR Bl . UK I Cam ICI K.IIH.J , acuxv-ii, egss; eat more egw is uio hatrhea and !,,, strong healthy chicks. GEOSS. SALARIES CHATTELS government s appeal. Keep a Rmall flock of nrofit destroying. conUgious. trouble- .rrr&.r?&. "S " !f ,T',1 "reented. . .d 'cured, by rstts Ttmin Remedv. ( Tablets or powder) . Sold on money, back guarantee by first-class dealers everywhere. owners going Co the front. K. 1 2th st. Apartment 10. HO FOR HALK riteblisheil paying re-ttaurant. goo! location. B0 feet from Washington St.. in PORTIJVND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN-. Established by Portland business men to protect borrower. 'Butler's White Leghorns" heart rf city JuriiitMre and fixtures compleU c MYERS HERMAN, MCr.. 894 STARK ST. and In excellent condition. leaving city and must sell at once. A sacrifice. Write for fulj particulars and appointment for investigation, to N-704. Journal. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE On account of death of owner, forced to sell good going miriness, bicycle repairs, vulcanizing, sporting good, and umbrella store; fully eqnip- L0ANS ON DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, PIANOS. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. 1534 E. 12th st N. Phone Wdln. 1485. Hoganized and trapnested stock. Get the kind Tarred Rock chix $18 Per 100 that lay the winter cges. Breed them .right. R I Red chix 818 per 100 hatch them - right and raise them right o. A. C. W. Leehorn ehix $15 per 100 'chicken religion. Safe Delivery Guaranteed. , we IX) custom uaicning. For babv chicks and hatch ing eggs phone Oak Grove 159 W or Woodlawn 1902 VNTKP $18007 s BARKED ROCK hatching eggs $2.50, $5 and $10 tor 15 eggs; my mating are scientifically I. FOR SALE 50 baby Ichicks from heavy laying Hoganized -Barred Rock hens. mated to cockerels direct from trap-nest farm. 200 egg selected from hamlet prize winning blue ribbon 1mry lor a - stodt: Silver Canpine hatching eggs, $2.50 for tes tnem air., n. . airmiu., in ii'ns hm. Ti.rH Istrit n In cnltiva- is eirirt Tsbor 1261. Murray. 3126 62d 1. ox 7d. lion. t.r. red and stocked; mut be sold at" once to high- tlnn. 5 acres bearing orchard. , shack buildings, t. S. E. - THOMPSON'S ringlet Barred Rock hatching est bidder; look it over at 44!) E. Burnside or j heautifuj home site, and conservatively worth sjaGL IRE S . baby chicks. Hatching eggs:" O. ees. $1.50 for 15; $8 per hundred. 4o rai my attorney. John Wlsen. .Main i $4000. Fred W. German Co.. 3 cnam- , A Barred Rocks R I. Reds. $18 per 34th are. Tabor toon. aSllf Ml .1 lw . , Kl i. ) 4 !.. .1.1.. . - . : . - .... .. ... . .... . 1. . . . . n . r. - ... ,..... .... ... rr ,m . oinniene. j no ; j.egnorns. Brown or nite, 11a per iuv. HANDSOME new nice low a i minster mii nii snrtn.n t-ord tires. In snlendid coniii- monthlv1 H,i.'nn." ,1lkF,:r',,CV: "r?n' lft0 WAVfT:Drvvi,t side property. $5500 st 7-.. Hatching fyum our own hh grade Hoganized to trad. for White . Leghorn puUeta. Phone Scuri Tabor 6770 Sunday. 'S2;.J''t! 'rk l".IroU'1 'i;r.,m,n ?r: 3 years. J. I Hartman &. Co.. 7 Chamber stock only. "let the best for price of ordinary Tbo, 8454. tIhone j h tun. r.r.o..;i. . v' Cr. . . u . . o' 'orrnerce Bldg. Hind. J. K.-laguire, 101 uregon z. roruanu. cense ji.nn. isunilavs. ill K H.ith t ' """ " - ' . . FOR' SALE Federal truck, 1 Vi -ton. with body and cab. Inquire aa rvorrn i-ara si. ENGINES ENGINES All sizes, styles and makes at your own price, e are heavily-stocked. Auto Reconstruction We Co., 3d and Glisan st. Used Cars RIGHT PRICES BIG STUCK COVET MOTOR CAR CO.. ?1t and TVashinrton sta. j Matn 62 4 4 INDIAN Runner ducks; a few settings from our heavy laying strains. per muni, docks. 25c eachi aiso 1 pair ot peaigreea mums Red hares. P. Collister, 3itn ana t-rescon . TOPS RECOVERED. $50 CP. Columbia Auto Top Co. AUTOMOBILES ACCESSORIES 44 Broadwav 1775. 412 STARK ST. Portland. USED TRUCK S ACRIFICE I 1H TON FEDERAL TRUCK. EXCELLENT CONDITION THROUGHOUT. TIRES NEARLY NEW. WILL SELL AT A GREAT SACRI FICE. INVESTIGATE PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. 10TH AND BCRNSIDE STS. BROADWAY 521. ABE TOU LOOK-NO FOB USED FORDS . Then you need go no further. Our stock consists of models Rang ins from 1913 to 191T. Touring, Roadsters, , Chassis All in Good Mechanical Condition. and Heady for Service. THE PRICE DON'T WORRY. JrST CHOOSE TOUR CAR. W Cjive Terms to Satisfy. Talbot & Casey, Inc. Grand Ave. and Eaat Ankeny St. Open Until Noon Sunday. A mon GRADE USED CAR IN GOOD COW DITION. IS FAR SUPERIOR TO A CHEAP NEW CAR. Ohlsmohile 8, ask for demonstration and you wiU buy it. $950. 1917 Buick Light Six touring. strictly for private use. $950. CASH paid lor old cars: conaition no object. parte for all makes of cars. Oregon Anto Ex change, 120 Lowosdale at., at 15in and Waaft inpton Phone Main 1161. atoiutta. gears, bearings, wneels, axles, we wreck all makes of cars and sell their part, at half price Anto Wrecking Co.. II9-91-MA North Broadway Broadway 1967 FOR SALE, cheap, fine truck bed. in A No. 1 condition ; side curtains and all complete : abo 1 H ton Federal truck. Call East 46 or B-1444. HUPMOBILE HUPMOB1LE 1916 Hnpmobile touring, like new. $750. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO., East 8770. East 13th and Hawthorn are. Studebaker 1917 8-evl.. new Goodyear Cord tires, in perfect condition. $1050. Will consider a small car. or perfect 1 S K. diamond as part payment See owner, 702 I'rescott st. FOR S aVeMOS DAT YOU SHOULD VISIT OUR USED CAR DE PARTMENT BEFORE PURCHASING. FEW SAMPLER OF THE VALUES WE ARE NOW OFFERING : Chalmers. 6 30-1916 $900 Chalmers 32. 5-pasa.. 1916 775 Chalmers. 5-pass., 1913 350 Mitchell delivery 235 Peerless. 4-rass.. 1012 550 Chalmers, 7 -pass.. 1911 , 250 Chalmers, model 18. 5-nass. 6 . . . . 450 Maxwell Sedan, run 50 miles fS5 Chalmers 6-30. 1916 S75 Studebaker. 5-pass.. 1915 500 Dodge roadster. 1917 675 Chalmers Master Six 7o Overland, 5-pass., 1916 475 Open Sundays till 2 p. m. Terms arranged to suit purchaser. WESTERN MOTOR CAR SALES CO. Broadway at Burnside St. Entrance on Burnside St DEPENDABLE BARGAINS IN USED CARS 1 Fine Chalmers, starter and electric lights. All equipments. Four practically new tires. i-arty lias leit with us to sell lor $3an. 1 1917 Maxwell, a dandy little car, in good snape, .iuu. 1 Metz touring car. just as good as new. Left with us to sell for $4 50. 1 Met touring car. Maroon body, , wire wueeis ; oss me appearance ot a .iuuu c Come in and make us an offer. P A TARTS T S No matter what make car you have, we can supply parts at half price. Come in and see what an endlesa variety of parte we have and what quick action we can give you when you need something for your car. MOTOR TARTS MFG. CO.. 325 Burnside St. Would make 1 Small car with good tire, a dandy bug. Will sell for $150. Several other just as good bargains. SHARP MOTOR CAR CO.. Saxon and Metz Distributor-, 514 Alder st Main 5906 Open all day Sunday. Bean run 1916 Mitchell Light Six, good. $800. 1915 Mitchell Liaht Four, excellent, $350. 1915 Mitchell Light Four. $450. Light roadster, good tire. $250. Scriripa-Booth, 3-pass., snsp. . Oakland, 6 cyl. , good condition. 1916 Dodge. 11, $650. 1917 Dodge, like new. $750. 1917 Hupnuiblle, snsp. Fords at snap prices. OLDSMOBII.E COM 'ANY OF OREGON. Broadway at Couch. Broadway 2270. $4 50 CASH 6 erlinder Chalmers. 5 passenger touring ear and all accessories, self atarter. demountable i BARRED ROCK. Rhode Island Red. White Uihorn eeas for hatching, labor 4070. . HOTEL all furnished, bedding, linen, all com plete, right in the heart of big spruce In iyid sai.k h. d. motor. 1 30 n. p. Mitchell motor. Bosch self starting motor ana generator; 1 Bosch magneto, l low tension Remv magneto, and cou; aii;ereniiaci ..... .i i , , . . . r ,7 , '1 ... ""' ""'ci in me piace: pool ana esrnine 7 l on billiard hall, soft drinks and citsrs, barber shop ..if. ana meat market all in connection; no oppo- , anion rn any of the lines. K.VMitrt, Journal. WANTED, to borrow $3000 on 2 improved 4 for $2100. well secured on choicest farm 8. C. White leghorn chicks trom selected neavy n Williams. 5617 73d st. S. E.. Portland, Or. land. Geo. C. Howard. 814 Chamber of t orn T.n- .toe. s a xm P , LEGHORN eggs from Hog.nized hens transmissions an1 rim other parts for mo fOOO for 3 years, i i on tlat private place Anril deliverv Columbia Poultry' and 232 egg trapnested cocierei. xteasonaoie. i tnr cars. I"hone I 7 ?i on 2 flat private place v,.-h KnTi $6000. Tsbor 1352 for de- ,.h,n. Woodlawn 4.17. N. Mavhead. 19ot Sell. 2003 ! RHODE ISLAND RED eggs from winter lay- Rurrage nt N. $1600. STOCK and fixtures for $1295; doing $1500 per month business, fine corner in rooming house district. Snap on account of sickness. Will invoice 205 V4 Morrison st. Room 2. , FOR SALE Furniture of 20 room hotel; 2 V4 yesr lease; good business; logging town. Part cash, bal ance terms. Address P. O. Box 98, Yacolt. Wash. Guarantee $12 Per Day sections, farms and other security. It C Merithew, room 544. Hotel Oregon. . $li00 FIRST mortgage, on improved farm. Claude Cole. 300 Henry bldg. S C. WHITE LEGHORNS, eggs for hatching. ers. $1.50 a setting. $2 up to $7 50 per setting; baby chicks after St. tol. 327. ' April 1, cockerels for breeders. McKenna Park FOR SALE Thoroughbred R. L Poultry rarin. Cau Cot ot. aic,enn ana ereis, dark rich red. Lnmoard Mreets. i west. PIERCE - ARROW. Carter. 1600 Newell For sale. 6 cvllnder. T passenger; 8 new Red cock-1 tires, new battery; good condition. Price 7 0O 219 Portland boulevard, 1 cash or Liberty bonds. 311 Lumber Exchange bids. Phone Mam 4404 $1000 WANTED on new modern Claude Cole. 30t) Henry bldg. home. FINANCIAL ,,.i.,. i cniea uutte early layers. We guar- I NEW ZEALAND rabbits for aale; strong young THE LINCOLN GARAGE, 3i4 Lmon ave. I sntee wife arrival of Whit Leghorn baby stor. Phone D-1383. I East 5291. offers tor sale: Jio roru tour- (tloganized) stocx : i c ....... . ..i.. nnit ,tr.m r.n I inc. lst-class. io $10,000 FOR biL-Jness. well secured and larce profits. O-7S0. Journal. ruicss irom neavy ijid nu.suuvu i biw . Write lor prices, etc The Pioneer Hatchery. V'-TshiTns. . si R. roosters for sale ; Elliott strain. Tahor 4 397. 1916 Ford touring. $60 Worth of accessories, bargain. $850; A 5-paas car for aale or traae lor ora or roausver. HOUSES the Rural express route: 2-ton truck and eaulp- WE HAVE ment; other business; sacrifice for $1350; terms. 1 stock consisting as L. A. II ALL, 512 Panama Bldg. raTWfpOTTE eggs for hatching. $1.50 'ot? SnKrt'SISllr? " lor eo per ioo, pauscu lor nuiypuis. v . n . , . . r. . I, t,ir.t, .,,. h.Li ,. i 4 DARK Cornish Dulleta 7 mo, old. 992 i.,f ... 1.. h.n. .'all VAHl.t.n 9S17 frt afsonmenx oi young ,,,,nn l-'O Killinesworth it. IS ,.....,..,. uiui "iu eiuu.ouu last -,Hihl ""SOCI- t simn risres year, controls own private brands. Wonderful TSS.' k ' I. ii , cPIHirtnntty for right party. Price $30,000, half cash. Balance, proper security. For par ticulars, talk with W. W. Jordan, 301-2 Lum bermens bldg. 5th and Stark st. V E HICLES. ETC finest follows: One team of chestnut mares, 6 years old. 4 DARK Cornish pullet 7 mo. Minnesota ave. ELECTRIC incubator for sale. 1284 Halsay st Tabor 5637. cause heart failure. DODGE 1916. Good tires. Good mechanical B. A. MITCHELL, 6renQbreeder of high class pigeons: breeds 14 kinds. Also choice R. FOR SALE Pair of Pekin ducks. I. Reds. Jut few cockerels left for sale. Extra ' BSth North large, fine birds, only $5 each while they last : ATs7viSnf t-.ien ,.e 145 E. Col. 698 well matched weight 3000 ; 1 team mares. 5 and 7 years old weight 2800; 1 span mares. 2750; 1 span of geldings, 5 years old, weight 2900; 1 team of geldings, weight 2600; 1 bay mare. 5 years ONE American brooder stove, capacity 500 to old. weight $1700; also, some of the finest; 1500 chicks, complete for sale or trade fori Vollna mule teams.. Res) Orchard- chunk. tn l'nff I .toUtm t.r Rnif Amin.(,.n ..rtln. Ii.n. ' Ullllle nnnlM lirrhl Of Hnnhl. .n,V k.m... 1 Ug ' I IMl'llHTKIl RCIIIAN HARES WANf party to run hotel, rental proposition, in farm wsgon, all stock guaranteed. Frazier ti Mc- ' n i RRFTiROCK chickens coct and t J Father bought and owned by O. A. C. We I A bargain. country lown; musi nave small amount 1'can, siu r,. istn ana Mam. I . " rr L- L C . ., ' are overstoesea arra must aispose ui whiic uui.. of cash. Morris. 481 Chsmber of Commerce. t.i he unin . h.,.i a k. , .."i'j ,rtb.1? f.ouae. and , 300; and does included. Com today and take your Phon Sunday. Tabor 8395: after Sunday. -.Ti, vt-T , i ti ,IXo " V. i ' ' lrue- choice: Also aome mixed stock. H. 8. Owen, Overland 1918. Upholstered In leather. $450. Franklin 4 cylinder touring car. $400. Franklin 6 cylinder bug. $280 Mitchell 6 cylinder roadster. $475. Phone Main 8700. W. J. Iester. BOOS. BIRDS. PETS. ETC. 48 ! TRUCK 1 H -ton worm' drlv truck, equipped with body and top; overnauiea ana peuue-. WENTWORTH A IRWIN, Inc., $50 to $85. all eood workers. Several sets of WANTED Idea. Writ for list of inventions harness, also some farm and lumber wagons. wanted by manufacturers and prices offered Russell Street Transfer Co., 263 Russell street, for inventions. Our 4 books sent free. Pst- near Williams ave. Phone East 181. C-2274. enls advertised Tree. Victor J. Evans & Co 614 Ninth st. Washington. D. C. Ill moneymaker, SPAN of grays, mare and gelding. 6 and 7 rs. nm, wt. -4bU IDs., sound and good workers. $1000 buvs workinemen'. $225: snan of mares, true to work wt. i4nn notei oi rooms, steady roomers and board- free of blemishes era, ue rrrer town, big payroll. Real bargain, gelding, with double Quick action neceary. true workfrs and sound A. K. HILL, 419 Henry bldg. THE only electrical wiring and snnofv huu ll. a BOOd tOWn Of 3000 for ..I at in;,.. Innt ll,iwiriy Tnon an.l tail- V,.. h... ..jn. S..rtor' nl 'turas, $600 will handle. CX- on ice wagon for 8 years, has become a little .65. Journal. . street sore: warranted true Duller anvwhere. 363 1083 Holgate. Sellwood 828. 200 Second St Main 2893 liAvr, some nice Plymouth Rock roosters for, TfV"TTOKTON TERRIER FOR SERVICE . Ie. IV! "IC,hDr. Pn.Uets- T."?otir! "Stuart's MacGregor" A. K. C. 234365. pica at .otreacn. oi r.. ootn st Is, Monta-, Tark seal brindle and white, well marked. villa car to ottttt, J blocks south. , Broad nose, screw tail: weighs under 14 WHITE LEGHORN cockerel, big. vigorous, pounds. East 4651. pure bred birds, from the same trapnested AIREDALE puppies, some excellent stock aired . i to . Jin" iT strains we are using in our own breeding pens. , hv 'ha'riesl' 2300 ' g- -'nd 5' JZ 1 flrff . $145. At Model Stables, i BUFF ORPINGTON roosters and eggs for sale. Kenoi Garages Cb. Bilmer Bingo. Fine champions in I Cau for illustrated pries 14 ancestors. 5 months. 840 each. Mc-I list 354 Ankeny St Kenna Park Kennels. CoL 814. McKenna ave. i Phon Broadway 149. a 3. 'i RUYS rimrv hi.ild .Imole mV-Ui i. aim xTTTTT' iu. ..on 7,.. 7 ',:". , ' Anna nowen. b.oo 41st St. 8. K. ; ,-ivsimi.w nil,.r v,lr. kittens, nnna ." r,.'; VM."i? r"J'J.r,'"- ,1 "on l. 2bl. I t. ,tl.. and . anrmliea. GARAGE business for sale: cnmnletelv enuinoeH ; Russell St.. near Williams ave. a.Vin ,nr '.: rint only $40 per month ; takes TO be sold at a bargain, 5 head of horses, ill ,'nd'", McClur and Schmach, 515- weight from 1150 to 1400 lbs. Price from DIP Gerllngcr bldg. j50 to j85 aU good woriers. Several sets of NEW and 2d hand business for sale. $1500 harness, also some farm and lumber wagons. aide. Or. 1 CLKAIl $50 weekly In .mall 6c business: i $1500 harness. ivuseeii ol reel jrsosier jO.. oo lu! C-2274 $85 CASH. 6-year-old bay geldiug, regular Bos ton chunk, with heavy mane and tau, weight sill handle. Would rnM.. ,i. . ... Russell Street Transfer Co.. 263 Russell st line launch as part payment. Box 244 Sea- nrar "UUams ave. Phone East 181. man or woman start inr.h,M n. i,i. close to 1200 lbs., euaranteed aentle and kind free: write today. Ed Hansley, 905 E. Main disposition and to be true worker in all har , at.. Stoctton, Cal. - ; nesa. 263 Russell St., near Williams ave. SAWMILL bniidings, ground aud machinery for ; GOOD ranch team, weight 2300 good heavy sale. Would .sell machinery without build- ' harness. 3 U inch wagon, all in good shape, , " r ground. Address F.. L. Chambers. Eu- I $145. Team working every day. Take Wood ' ! stock car to 54th at. walk 6 blks. north to CONFECTIONERY and groceries with living h'tehouse. doing splendid cash business. Just ' FOUR horses, weight 1100 each, good workers, l-glit for man and wife. If you actually want ai $50 each. Team, weight 2100, 4 and 5 yrs. . good business answer this. H 570, Journal. old. $110. Two sets double harness and 3 GOOD paying dairy; other busnielUkesaTr ,arm w"ons. rueap, 462 Flanders, cor. 12th. attention; will sell or let it go on share, and i,hon 1M"- JL: . WIU rent th farm close to- Portland. U-902. I 1'UBLIO auction sale every Monday and Thurs- FOR SALE- New 60-egg "Old Trusty" incuba tor. Price $7. 4603 51;i st, 8. E. Mt Scott car to Anabel station. Journal. FOR HALE Auto repair shop In, a good Wil lametto valley town. Shop is doing a good bnsineas. Reasons for selling. XX-901, Journal. COUNTftT grocery store with fixture, 2 llv ing rooms, reasonable rent Suitable for man fn,J-wi'''. Hen 'ur selling, sickness in family. P-774. Journal. -TA" 500 to ,nTe't C,B f liforni. sUbltsh agency, take charge of office, mak bi money; Just one wanted. Some hustler acts tt Address V-960, JonrnaL " . EOR SALE -A sawmill, as good as new. com . plet. with edger, trimmer and planer also soma good timber on logging railroad. : A br- gsin. Address U O. Hadley. Silverton. Or. FOR SALE Cash grocery at iuvoicei hiu room; no delivering; daily sales $45 and up Owner. 541 Washington st. i WANTED partnertthomeapital to taka un good wheat ranch proposition; fanner nre ferred. U-905. Journal. ' p ' PATENTS for sal. Will buy practicrin7en"- I?.8' Co- ptnt News, Washing ton, D. C. day at 2 p. m. Horses, wagons and harness. We will sell your stock at 5 per cent commis sion. Star Stables, 308 Front st John 8. Williamson, prop. PAIR of good work horses, in good condition, weighing 1300 lbs. each. 8 and 9 yean old. Must be sold at once. Take 8 & ,S car to E. 34th and Belmont, go to 1028 E. Aider. FOR SALE, 8 head mares and geldings, all good worsen and gentle; wirt- 1000 to 1500 lbs. each; also single and double harness, wagons and buggies. East 3227. 202 Union ave. WILL exchange for other stock, Maltese jack, 8 years old; shows good colts. 1 have bis pa pers. For particulars address W. J. Hitter. 253 Meade st, Portland. Or. BIG black mare mule. Bell clieap, or exchangi BARRED ROCK eggs, $1.50 for 15; winter layers; fine cockerels, $3 each; 150 egg Old Trusty incubator, $10. 1502 Denver ave. FOR S A LE Incuba tors, brooders and K. L Red cockerels. 6329 43d at, Woodstock. Bellwood 2618. IN DUN Runner ducks, cheap ; also Belgian hare doe. $1; W. R. cockerel. $2. 6616 (a st. s. iremont station. THOROUGHBRED White Wyandotte; eggs for hatching, $1.50 for 15. 677 Janet t st Al berta or Woodlawn car. TWO magnificent mammoth bronze turkey gobblers, eastern stock. Wm. Kerron, Port land, Route 2. THOROUGHBRED Whit Leghorn cockerels. reasonable. Seiiwood 2618. G320 E. 44tb st, Woodstock. FOR SALE Fancy White Leghorn settingeggs. English and Tancred strains. 1645 Mississippi ave. Woodlawn 3S78. pet.; cages, looas. remedies ana , supplies. Illustrated bird and pet catalog free. Boutledge. 14 5 2d st. ner Alder. BEALS boarding and training kennels, board docs $ 5 month ; clean kennels, best of cite and food. Rose City car to 2d, 0 blocs . Pox 319. R. I., city. FLEMISH GIANT, English Butterfly and Dutch rabbits for aale, or trad lor small kodak. Tabor 1855. FOR SALE, canaries, male, females ; also 6 I tarred Kock pullets. W. u. car XI in, N- 1 block. 642 Saratoga st FLEMISH GIANTS and New Zealand rabbits. at sacrifice; also canaries. 1281 80th st N. Alberta car. FOR SALE Pedigreed Boston terrier pupa, 2 females. $25 and $35 each; 1 male, a beauty. at $100. 428 Washington st Sam Connell Lumber Co. THERE IS ONE HERE FOR TOO Cadillac eight; bargain. 1917 Studebaker Sis. good tire. $950. 1917 Briscoe, run 4000 miles. 1916 Mitchell Six Roadster. 1913 Haynes. electric light and starter. 1914 Studebaker delivery, good condition. 1913 Reo Touring. 1912 Overland for delivery, $200. Ford roadster, snap, $225. 1915 Ford Touring. 1913 Ford Touring, bargala. 1916 Ford touring; snap. A FEW GOOD TRUCKS Model D. Federal, on ton. $750. Federal. ' 2 ton. worm drive, snap. 1914 Buick. 14 ton. PACIFIC KISSELKAR BRANCH BROADWAY AND DAVIS OPEN SUN DAT. WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING BARGAINS in used cars, taken in trad on new Packard and Nash cars. THESE CARS HAVE ALL BEEN completely overhauled and repainted and will stand ' the closest investigation. SPECIAL PRICES FOR THIS WEEK. Packard 30, 7 pa., touring. $630. Packard, 5 passenger touring. $950. Hudson. 7 passenger. $750. Chalmers, 6 cylinder. $500. Cadillac. 7 passenger, $560. Cadillac roadster, $500. Overland touring. $600. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO.. 10th and Burrndd eta. Broadway 621. BUY YOUR USED CAR FRo.M A RELIABLE DKALLR BE ASSURED OF DKALLR PROTECTION Wliat is th,; reponsibilit.v of the individual or concern from which you are atniut to buy a Used car? Are the) in a iosilitm to protect you, even if Hie. de-ire u intm'et: A promise, ami the ability to iuIm'I it are two different things. Stop and con-kler tsrtore you buy a used car what the re-i ,,n ability of th "second party" of the transaction iv All our used cars aru guaranteed to lie exactly as represented, and former cu turners know that our guarantee lias always held gotid. Call today for a demonstration of any of the used car. All i- tally priced. 1917 Ford touring car, with ritras. 1916 Ford touring car; like new. 1916 Ford touring car; A I condition. 1916 Ford touring car; with extras. 1916 Ford roadster; with extras. 1916 Ford roadster; like new. 1915 Ford tuuring rar; electric .tarter. 1915 Ford touring car; A 1 conditiori 1915 Ford touring car, with extras. 1914 Ford delivery; A-l condition. AND MANY OTHERS TERMS GIVEN OPEN SUNDAY PALACE GARAGE CO. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER 12TH AM) STARK STS. Broadway 1572. I'honea A 1917 SCRIPTS-BOOTH ROADSTER In FINE SHAPE; WILL SELL FOR $700; 8NAP. LEE L. GILBERT. WIN TON BLDG.. 23D AND WASHINGTON. MAIN 4-44. WHITE LEGHORN eggs for hatching. $8per 100 or $1.25 for 15. O. A. C. strain. F. A. Ball. 4100 68th ave. S. E. Phone Sell. 473. THREE Rhode Island red roosters, three Black Leghorn roosters, for sale or trade for Rhode Island Red pullets. Wdln. 3240. FOR SALE: 4 stands of Hybled bees, $5 a stand, iu western pine, 8 frame hives. Phone Tabor 4071. for horse or cow. Broadway 607. 462 Flanders. Phone FIRST class tuel business; $4 000 annual sales.' Kinney & Stampfer. 531-2 Lumber Ex- .V 1.1.1 o , a ..... . -, oi u. urn., -vi aula CMarx STS. rTCLEAN ING, pressing establishment with pre nichin. etc.. In good location- bar galn for quick ale. G-770. Journal. BLSiNtSN OPORTUNITIES WANTED 68 1- mechanical engineer with Ini tiative and wid rang experience wishes to Meat on Pacific coast with Institution offer- ing opportunities to assum interest in concern tee 40. Address H. W. Carpenter. 15608 Tur lington ave., Harvey. 111. " ANT ED Light grocery and confectionery: . , ' i , auurnai. MUST sell team bay mares, 1150 lbs. each.; fat. 1 and 9 years old. $135: also harness and farm wagon, cheap. Marshall 4055. 2400 LB. team, harness and farm wagon, $135; also good family cow, cheap, giving milk now, be tresu by 15th March. Phone Mar. 4055. NINE head of Uorsea for sale. 1)00 to 1300". Will give a bargain on lot Main 856. Mar shall 499. 305 Second St. FOR SALE 1 bay tenn. 1200 lbs. each.; 1 Jersey cow, be fresh .March 15. 46th and Simp-wn fsts Alberta car. It F. I). 1. Box 362. A SPRING wagon with topand one good sled that can be had at a bargain. Inquire 64 7 Flanders st. bet 16th and 17th sts. FOR SALE. White Orpington and Wyandotte chickens, 1 year old. Call Monday. Marshall S3 9 5. RHODE ISLAND Red setting eggs for sale. Batten strain; price reasonable. Seiiwood 2657. A FEW prize winning White Plymouth Rock cockerels for aale. E. D. Schanen, 287 Haw thorne are., city. ONE dozen White Leghorn hens for sale; one setting hen. WTdln. 3611. 1407 Borthwick. FOR SALE :A pair of pigeons, also White I-eghom laying pullets. Cell Sell. 3211. 1917 WIN'TON SIX 4-PASSENGER, FOUR- DOOR. REPAINTED. IN WONDERFUL CAT stud, Hillsdale Red Rover, first prize win- CONDITION. SEE SUNDAY. ner in late show at Meier V Frank's. Main 5450. Box 22, Hillsdale, Or. GREAT DANE, male, brindle, for $25. T. Spomer, 77 th st. and 65th ave. A. C. STEVENS MAIN 4244 23D AND WASHINGTON STS. SINGER, soma roller; come and hear him; also 2 females. 1502 Denver ave. BEAUTIFUL . canary singers for sale. . Canary Bird Shop. 1161 K. 28th N. C-2217. TWO all yellow St Andreaaberg Rollers. shall 313V. Mar- W ILL sacrifice beautiful singer, females and cages. Call East 2505. ONE fine Fox Collie for aale. 7568 today? CaU Tabor THOROUGHBRED fox terrier puppie Mallory ave. Wdln. 1656. 1447 YELLOW St. Andreasberg canary singers, females 50 c. 528 Rose lawn ave. "IS" WANTED 50 rabbit, not over 2 months old. H. Wolf, 6420 46th ave. 8. E. , FEMALE canary birds, ready to mate, for aale. reasonable. Bdwy. 1 560. FOR SALE Deep orange canary with mate. East 3219. 7-PAS8ENGER STUDEBAKER. REPAINTED. GOOD TIRES. CHEAP. PRICK $400. OI't-N SUNDAY. A. C. STEVENS MAIN 4244 2 3D AND WASHINGTON STS. 1913 SEVEN PASSENGER STUDEBAKER Just overhauled, new motor block, electrical a i 4 tt A 4 , 1 1 WE ARE THE UNRECOGNIZED FORD AGENTS But we have some wonderful buys In used Fords, touring, roadsters and delivery cars, ranging in price from $200 to $400. Following is a list of the other ears we have for sale: 1916 Dodge. Ilk new $650 1917 Dodge Sedan, almost new... 1160 1917 Buick, just Ilk new 950 1917 Saxon roadster 300 1918 Reo, electric light and .tartar.... 875 1915 Mitchell. A-l chap 600 1914 Cole, big six, 7 passenger 1000 11S Packard, first claaa ahap 760 1918 Studebaker Six. run very llttl.... 1050 Many other. It will pay you to look over our list befor buying. COVET MOTOR CAR C0MTANT. Main 6244. Washington St. at 21st A Cadillac for $325 And big bargains in the following used can: REO COLS CHALMERS 1 BARRED ROCK baby thicks ttnd eggs. Mallory ave. Wdln. 1056. 1447 HARTZ mountain canaries for sal or exchange for chickens. Tabor 6790. will pay cash WANTED. Small garage, cheap. Give all tieularv P-776. Journal. pav MOKET TO LOAN REAL ESTATE tt liU.ILU loan on city ur suouruau wurt aaofcey advanced a work progresses. y A Beck. 218 and 216 Falling bldg. Ms1n 24 0 7 ' $1200 $3000 $5000 $15.000" Or more en city or farm secXirity; no delay McClur Schmauch, 516-516 Gerlinger bldg! JiooO PRIVATE money to loan. CaU 62- Henry bldg. . MORTGAGE k-. 6 and 7 per oat Loot, wiirci m voaj sina Belling Diqg. WANTED Light one horse spring wagon in good condition. State price. 3. Kelly, Boring, Or. DOUBLE seated aurrey, with top, curtains and lights; also double harness to match. G. L. rsenroeqer. 44 i-landers Bdwy. 2079, A-2433. FOR SALE Young work weight 1300 lbs. Price $S5. Kenton car. C7 E. Kilpa trick st. Wdln. 4974. POTATOES tor sale or trade for chickens. Call East 1122. FOR SALE One 324 egg Petaluma incubator; 1 Cyphers adaptable hover. T-580. Journal. GOOSE eggs for sale cheap, or Bellwood 819. Call Tsbor 6210, INCUBATOR, nearly new, for sale reasonable. 588 Pettygrove. Broadway 3423. FOR SALE R. I. Red and Direct O. A. cockerels. Phone Seiiwood 642. PAIR of birds and bras cage, if wanted. CH equipment. Good buy at $350. Call A 5452. East 660. FOR SALE Good Airedale dog. Seiiwood 2670 FOR SALE AU' kinds of rabbits. Tabor 1463.1 MR. CHESSMAN. BR0ADWAT 616. A I'TOM OBILE S A VV E SSO It I ES 4J HUDSON, model 83. to trade for Ford; will give or take difference. woodlawn 4134. FIVE pass. Overland, A-l condition, $300. fcast 3843. THE PAMCO gray tube, size 34x4, at $3.50 each. J. Simon & Bro., 1st and Alder. WANTED One set heavy farm harness. Pay cash. H. E. Travis, 762 E. line, city. Uvji.aa. aud wagon. 1.6 oay. - uor-sa -u-wsa-nn. $2.60. 646 Front Main 2208. FOR SALE S. C. White Leghorn cockerels, also eggs for hatching. Call Tabor 7249. FOR-BALE White Angora rabbits. Call Tabor 7987 CROWN LEGHORN eggs. $1.50 a setting. Fkmish Giant rabbits. $1 up. Tabor 7524. DEAD stock taken quickly. W pay th most tor dead and crippled stock. Tabor 4203. Lk.AU .tock and old horses bought Call us tor -T-r.K-r .un uest caso results. Mllwauk 69-J DEAL horse and animals hauled away ir Call Woodlawn 20. Portland Rendering C. la ON a, T to loan in amuuuu w lwu i tiitvu a .city property. A H. HELL. SWT Oertlneer bid-. ' I HlVk' alouo i 4t.tMu lo loan m iT? " or y property p O. Box 673 . 420,000 on Improved city . or farma. .J "821 Chamber of Commerce . -ASH for mortgagee. loan.' contrast. ' k Lewi, Room 4, Loris hide Alain 683. IT iw good larm work nor., well ii. . --...r. .j, w 0n a Ider st FOR SALE Horse, harness and buggy. $30; muss, u. airs, jiitcneu. l mil south Lenta. THOROUGHBRED R. L and Barred Rock pul lets. Tabor 6931. FOR SALE Peacock in full plumage, tebauer, Hillsdale. Or. FOR Neu- FOR SALE Good 31x4 Non-Skid tir or trade dor 80x3 4 Tabor 3672. 1918 FORD touring, uaed very little; with ex tras; at a discount; terms. 8-605, Journal. 1917 CHEVROLET, like new; 1915 Ford; good shave. 932 E. 24th st N. DEPENDABLE USED CAR BARGAINS READ THIS LIST v-. AriT Fnrd truck with excreta ..V v.. - . AC bodv BfiCK road-ter, model 25. 1913. overhauled deliTer- ood inU- nn and repainted. $300. East 7909. top SALE Thoroughbred W'yckoff. March hatched cockerels. 6803 Woodstock are.. 8. E. FOR SALE Sicilian Buttercup cockerels, or small auto truck. Call after 6 p. exenange xer neos. Taoor livs. wora 2iQ. 276 vnrA AellTerv. metal body, repainted .... 300 1916 FORD touring car with extras. Car like White gas, 6 passenger 40H new. Bargain. Term If deal red. Bdwy. 1572. Jeffries ,2-ton truck 1000 CAN deliver at once. 1918 Ford car; never 1" five Passenger Maxwell; only been been run. Tabor. 8719. .run 7600 n; like new 30 FOR SALE 2-ton true- in A 1 condition;! .haoe: iust repainted: excellent buy.. 675 owner called away, must a 11 immediately. Moid Hndann. lust repainted : first class pbone Milwauki 91. ahape 1000 FOR BALE: One strong delivery body for 1 Second hand Briscoe, repainted, good Urea, WHITE Wyandotte Rose Comb eockereL Or 1 66x100 lot. in factory or warehous district at exchange for one equally as good. CoL 900. St Johns, will trad lor V17 automobile. EOR SALE Single comb RL Red cockerel I B7-6- Journal TEAM horaes to trade for larger and pay dif ference. Phone East 7888. . GOl firm, wagon, complete; price right 619 John st Phone Columbia 711. YOUNG. sound horse and wagon, 'for sale.' r ' ' w 'ui iv, Tail -raoor tl s o. POJAyEnJ to. trde tor horse or any atockZ - 282 Vi. 24 at Xtnd. , cheap. T. H. Willbanks. 6403 90th st 8. E. THREE small. 1 large International hovers, cheap. B 6161. Ask for J. B. Smith. THOROUGHBRED gobbler for sal at a h-r-gain. Phon Mriwauki 92J. ..... FOR SALE Barred Bock cockerels. Ha mart etrain. Tabor 1686. x- - - , .-. FOR SALE 1 ' do. Buff Leghorn ban. Taw bor 1259. 161 E. 81st N. BELGIAN hare for sala cheap. Phono Wood- Uwb 1613. BARGAIN $295 cash; 16 panel delivery Ford; mechanically penect; good tins. Ap ply 117 K. BPtn st. is. WOULD like to bay Hudson, Cedillao 8. Pack. .. ard 6. Olds 8. Chandler 6. Buick 1918. or I similar car. viu pay casn. i-3,. journal. I Tou must see this to ap- nreciate it ..................... 1911 live passenger Cadillac Velie, fir paaaenger f. ......... W an open Sundayi 575 700 250 30O USED AUTOifOBILLa I arc stock to select from. Visit our Used Car Salesroom. East Morrison at First street We can aav you money. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. Her ar a few w offer for jour -approval: 1917 Mitchell. S P-. 6 cyL 3 376 1917 Mitchell. 7 pas.. 6 cyl $1250 1917 Mitchell. 7 pa.. 6 cyl with winter top $1830 1016 Mitchell. 7 pa.. 6 cyL $ 850 1916 Mitchell. 6 pa.. eyL $ 778 1916 Mitchell. 5 pass.. 8 cyt f 850 1915 Mitchell, 6 pa.. 6 eyL $ 750 1915 Mitchell. 6 pasa. 4 cyl $ 600 ..I 660 ..t 350 ..$ 200 ..8 200 . .$ 350 . .$ 890 . .$ 450 . .3 850 . .3 850 .. 850 ..$ 150 W. H. Main 4292. WALLINGFORD. 622 Alder St A GOOD Ford truck svjth tare body and top; " in first claa condttiSnV lor sal cheap; BO trade, aia rtaiiway r.icnange piag. - LATE anodel trtudeb-ier. eylindM, 7 1 $600 cash. Must be sold at one. Just pletely ovstrha-lBdr Phon B-2891. . 1914 Mitchell. 7 P., cyl .... 1914 Mitchell. S pas.. 4 eyL .... 1912 Mitchell. 2 pasa.. 4 eyL .... 1912 Mitchell. 6 pas.. 6 eyL .... 1912 Mitchell. 5 pasa., 6 eyL 1916 Studebaker, 6 paa. eyL.. 1914 Studebaker. delivery, 1916 Jf fry. 6 pasa.. 6 eyL ..... 1917 Maxwell, 6 pa.. Sedan ... 12 pas, bote! bus., 6 cyL. ...... Two old Mitchells, caca MITCHELL. LEWIS A STATER CO.. East Morrison at First st Cast 7272 Phone. B-1216 OVERLAND MARMON and A 1 ton REPUBLIC TRI CK Northwest Auto Co. BROADWAT AND OOCOTI Phone Broadway 1460. OVERLAND Used Car Values W have never befor had a stock of suck vcnderful value in our show rooms as w ar offering you at this time. If you can graaa an opiKirtuiiity and pnrchas a rar from us be fore the shortage of all automobile com, (which is not far distant) you ar going t t yourself money. We know sdvance na new, aa well as used rara are right at oat rrintr. W also know ther will be hjg shorv es within a short time. Whether you be l.cva us ai another ttory. We gi you terms that ar nit equa T1e4 Ir any other reaponalbl concern In tb buta nes. The thing not Important to ynu in ymxi avtoniobil purcha, w ar offering yosa. camely A Reaponafbl Hnu A RaHabl Cat A Written Mechanical Guarante. Open Sunday from t to 2. Evening until 8, Overland-Pacific, Inc. BROADWAT AND DAVIS WHEN YOU MAKE YOUR PURCHASE BE SURE TOU GET MORE THAN JCST A CAB, There ar two ways to buy used ear. Ton can ahut your eye and take the first car that is offered by any Tom. Inck or Harry, or you can auk your selection from th stock of reliable used car carried by a firm lik our who atak invest ment, organization and reputation on every deal. Dealer protection cost you nothing, and yet It Is the big end of your purchase. Toa do not pay for it. mind you. and still it Is an injur a no against unscrupulo-sn. Do Dot let your car be a bunch of regret. Call and let us domo astral any ear in our stock that appeal 'to you. A FEW SUNDAY BARGAINS 1917 Overland Country Club Roadster, almost new, wire wheels, one extra wheel and tire. Motor in excellent condition. A wonderful bargaB at $685. 1917 Light nix Buick Roadster. Can hardly be told from a new car. lias good tire. Ton and paint in splendid rendi tion. Run and looks lik a new car. $950. 1917 Chalmers. 5 pasaenger touring car. in excellent mechanical conditio . alt good tire. A splendid running ear, used very little. Kacrificed for $900. 1917 Chevrolet, 6 psatengar touring ear. tame a a new ear,- practically; full equipped and ready for th roavd. A fine Tunning car and baa good tire. Belt for $450. 1917 Overland road iter In fine me rhanical condition, good tires. Thai ear baa had the very heat of ear and can not be equaled in the city at its price $550. Serie '18 Studebaker. six cylinder, seven pasaenger touring car. run only 3O0 mile. Car ner out of the dealer s heads. A aacrific at $1076. 1917 Light Six Buick Touring ear. al most new, driven very little. A splendid buy in a high grade car. in excellent coa- ' ditioa throughout, $1025. 1917 Savon Six. 3 pasaenger touring ear. Ha had the best of care as condi tion ' will prove. Good tires and extra equipment A good purchase at $723. - Stevens-Dnryea Bng in fine running asrdr. Just the -1 hum for that so mas r vacation. Ha good tire. Will aell for $250. 1916 Ford Touring car in splendid ena lition tbrosigbout Just repainted and over-. hauled, lias good tire. Will aell at the low anct of $325. . : THE USED, CAR EXCHANGE.' ; "USED BUT SOT ABUSED CARS".,:i:i 627 Wahtgt- Street. "Where Whlntoa and Bar-aid Met"