THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, , SUNDAY ; MORNING, FEBRUARY 17. 1918. 24 ITOWUYCENTS tiikXlAhiU -K-W- VVUlbtKB, -. 4Utt " it., ms9- city Juli.. Main 54. Philip Mo Sons lot memorteia. ' LOUT 1P tOI'BP tl "., IfRAlED or -tola, it. 1 bay seating, wt WOO ' . Mm. 8 yeeri '4 BrKl one sorrel guiding. A IT old wt 850 lbs. Upon finding, notify O. K. Ho-rtt and receive reward. 285 . , dti . : " LnaT-FTi-ey night 'in front- of Roslyn Apt.. Man a - . .hub . . hV pone eowMiuni iruj. " . .T, . valuable PP Bros-1 way iw. Call Broadway Reward. 464 or ty.ii rtti fashioned Minn sided band ring. ThBrtdayv Will pay full cash value ei return of line ho flewoi. Keepsake. . H. Lamson, 04 4th. Ar 1156. it'lLL tha v.'-led lady who took crochet silk In off btiy' head, lit floor Meier A Frani'l. return, to Journal office! If not wUl be traced by detctivea. fThT"-lliratrh hell design. Fib. 7, between ; , new Grerl t-eaf-'" " lDlh nd Washington. Llb! rw-Tr4 rH N. I0- it -a-hll 1402. C5fi Long black pi-w between Wright! and LevetC? "tore. eoi.ri.-in $20 and currency. Tabor 277. Reward. . . aTUtTniliht. -nail bck u"Von ft: llams are. between Wasco and Broadway. Call - X. 2876, room 6. HELP TT ANTED MA--! PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY "ALWATS AT YOUR SERTICE" WANTED Laborer for U. 8. government, engineers dept.. $2.75. S hour; steam dragsaw man, $5; laborer, shingle mill, $4 50; block piler, $3.75; plaaerman. $4.50. factory; sanderman. $125; mihtoriglit. $125 to $140 month; millwright, eonitnictioii. $7.50; machinist, sawmill, top wagtei; resawyer. $4.60; pony edgerman, S3. 75; piledfiver men. $5.25; night cook. 20 and board; second cook. $70; bull cook, $60; dish washers, $12 to $15; storeroom man, hotel, $50 and board; tray wipr, $12 and board; counter men, bm boys, portent, helper! of all kinds. 3 MEN IN FACTORY. CITY. INSIDE WORK. $3. 9 HOIKS TO START; TO WESTrORT FARE ADVANCED HELP "W A NTED MI S C. ft SALESMEN Room for fire new nan on the ales f ore of large reliable Cleveland manufacturer. To sell high grade specialty. Un usual opportunity. Weekly commissions $75 to $125. Good local territory. Position permanent. Addreaa general manager. Box 177, Station C, Cleveland. Ohio. WANTED 3 talesmen for specialty work witn retail merchants. Experience not absolutely necessary if aggressive and hare good ability. No heavy aamplea. Work ia pleasant and more than ordinarily profitable. Addreaa B. 41., box 402, Iowa City, Iowa. SITUATIONS MA E 9 WANTED by a Ban 87 years of age who has an unusually wide acquaintance in Portland. Good personality. Exceptional sales ability. Beat of reference. Can furnish bond. Must be high grade position. Changs forced by war condi tions. M-887. JoumaL ACCOUNTANT and general office man of good executive ability desires position: shipyard experience; also 10 years' lumber. Best of ref erences. Y-407, Journal. OBT In ' Vicinity of lt.and Market. ' female cat A nwers to name of rets. ward. Msnhsll 44B. liiU Ue- mn7frs ZXT mx .....t fr-m Turn V'prein -pm'n K-tum Minv Jo 283 tOHT-Ring, uuar.'and compsw. njc blem. set In mall liamond, Reward. V. T Hnaen. Orbett bldg Barber hop tif li lt TTE Lennon make, left in dealer's machine 'rom King's Heights to 23, St. Hsturday, Feb. . Howard. I'honr Ea-t 17 1. ! 1,1 HERA I. KKWAIli'J IMamond Cluiter (I'rinc King), If found re- tnrn to B22 Yeon bldg. ffOLND Eye glases in Or. Dafiaa case Own er can hare ,m by paving and paying for mi Police Innni-rlor Mallett. Main 7181. LOBT Brlndle bull dog. tr and white ri - down face; nams Duke. Ke-d. Phone Eat 441 1.UMT, at Strand tlieatr.. fur n t scarf. Uila on eiidn. Finder pliohe 4 wn. jtxHT Tops nd diamond broocH. liberal ward. Phone Mar. 5711. ' TJoHt ;!! handled green ilk umbrella. Re ward.. Tabor6tl: EOST-faroeo pin. Finder please csll Tabor 4S44 for dnwription lxmT Utter nTcli piece, dowuUiwa district Phone Tilvr 5125. I.ibersl reward. 1 LOST -A Christian Science pin set with pearU. Eat 670. Hewanl. fOST Wrtwtcii-. Initial-"E. H. Re ward. Rntnrn to 17tb and Flandert. apt 95. fZiST Abox" of "pink knitting' and needles; WWIIawn 789. 'air giaWa, Main 247S. Could be identified. f.OHT- F0i:.M Bit red hound. 40 bldg. ON 1 H E .V S A TJ. I -M A LE ACiiTATORS' ITNI'ATRH THJ STRIKE FKKK--JOHM lilVEN AWAY. Orer H0 working. $3.10. hours, lowest wags psld. Crown Willsmette Paper Mills. West Linn, serous riycr from . Oregon City. 40 min ute. 20o fsre. electric ride from Portland. Equal or better wages and condition! any paper miiia in Fniled State". Apply employment of fice mill walk Board and room, two together. $ 50 week each. Electric. Beck and Mass ho tela, Oregon City. KiKlitt-en yeaM old and up. LABORERS WANTED Permanent Doniticins aured steady men wasas IS 10. 9 hours: strike not yet declared oft but 1500 nwn working; general papermill work; no experieiire necessary. Apply bUU Ore gon bldg.. corner Otn and Uak streets. tsu dsi week eaned by eacn of men ainc Jul, 1. selling our guaranteed shrubs, roses, tTsm and berries; otheri earning from $25 per week bp. No expwriencs necessary. Exclusiri territory. Free outfit Best season for yeara Opeu territory in this snd neinhboring statsa. Washington Nursery Co.. Toppenisb. Wash. ; CUTTER Man with 1 to 3 years' experience cutting oferalkt with electric cutter; marking experience not necewary; steady employment, ehancs for adTaflcamerit. In answering, state ge. expsrienci, reference snd wages wsnted. i We will sdrsnce transportation. Hpokans Dry i.oods Co.. Spokane. Wash. lOII can make 15(5 to $75 per week selling LI'MBER I'lLKRS . 2 YAD TEAMSTERS 4 YARD MEN .$4 00 .14.00 .$3.50 HELP WASTLU FEMALE TOUNG women for telephone work, pay while learning. Apply Pacific Telephone Tele graph Co., 6th floor. Park and Oak its., be tween 8 30 a. m. and 5 :30 p. m. First class hotel board and room, $8 per week, steam heat, hot and cold water, etc., etc. TO BRIGHTON-BY-THE-SEA Labouers for the hie roruce mill. $3.50; time snd one lialf for overtime, fare advanced. EAST EAST OCT OF THE RAIN BELT BEND BEND FARE ADVANCED LABORERS Chokermcn, light rigging .$3.85 .$4.10 SHIP TONIGHT. FARE ADVANCED FARE ADVANCED WE WILL ADVANCE YOUR FARE, IF NECESSARY. TO ABERDEEN. COSMOPOLI8. SAGINAW, CENTRA LiA. CHEHAI.IS. WEST- POUT. ASTORIA, PRESCOTT. RAINIER. CAS CADE LOCKS, HRIDAI. VEIL. HOOD RIVER, KLICKITAT, WIND RIVER. BEND. TILLA MOOK, URIGHTON. MOHLER. WHEELER, MABEL, EC'iENE. COOS BAY, INCLI Dl.NU MOST OF THE PRINCIPAL CAMPS ON THE COAST. SAGINAW FARE ADVANCED iitgti climber. chokerm:n . BICKERS .... FALLERS ENGINEERS . . NORTH .$7 50 . S5 25 . $5.0(1 .$5.50 . $r,.2r WANTED Women who can ling fairly well to take part in singing team acts; also women who can play some kind musical instrument, alo women wanted for other acts, such as singing, dancing, mu-ical and comedy acta. Must be able to travel, all wrsiten must be of age. Only those who mean strictly business need ap ply. Previous stage experience unnecessary. Call Sunday afternoon and-all day Monday at 312. 313 Stock Exchange Bldg., 3d and Yamhill. No (nones. - TO GO TO HOOD RIVER Girl or woman without children lor cooking and general housework. $35. Modern con veniences. Part washing sent out Small family. Beautiful country. Call or phone Mrs. Root, Hotel Congress. Marnlutll 6000. CASHIER-wanted. Experienced cashier 4 eve nings each week; also young lady as assistant dancing teacher, day and evening work, flood chance to learn professional dancing. Call a. DoIIoney'i Dancing Academy, 23d and Wash ington sts. WOMEN wishing to earn money in spare time by advertising from house to house for Chicago firm that is replacing men with women. Thor ough training given without charge. Call 10 to 12, Monday, 512 Royal bldg. DAY elevator operating. W-783. Journal. SITCATIOXS FEMALE A LADY of refinement and education desires management of apartments or housekeeper. References. M-689. Journal- WOULD like to take care of children in UUi evenings. Call bet 2 and 6 p. m.. C-1120 or East 4326. YOUNG lady stenographer, some experience, desires .position with reliable firm. G-726. Journal. 1 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 7 FTJ-tlUSHED AND CJT FCRIUSHED PRIVATE FAMILY iURNISHED H. K. rooms; working men prs f erred; bath, phone; $2 and up. 400 2d it tOK RENT HOU!E! UNFURNISHED and piano teacher will Instruct begin Lesnons 75 cents. Wood lawn 2 H 2 1 WANT day work, by good experienced woman. Tabor 4757. MIDDLEAGED, unincumbered lady wishes housekeeping in country. Z-410. JoumaL EXPERIENCED woman cook Yt-nU po-iitiun in camp; can handle large crew. Main 1155. WANTED Washing or house cleaning by the day or hour. Tabor 27 8. WOMAN', neat, capable, wishes day work. Main 3757. EXPERIENCED woman would like housework by day. Tabor 7113 evenings. RELIABLE elderly lady wishes position wit elderly people. Woodlawn 903. LA D Y desires posit ion WANTED Bookkeeper and saleswoman; must be accurate and active wsnan, 20 to 25 years of age preferred. Steady work and advance ment, Singer Sewing Machine Co.. 402 Wash GIRL for Ala.-ka, not over $30. plain cook and ligllt housework; private family; good homa. Give home address and phone ; no gen. delivery. I.'-79 St. Journal. PIANIST wanted. Experienced pianist for danc ing cla5S 2 evenings each week. Call at De Honey's Dancing Academy, 23d and Washing ton. Formerly Murlark hall. WANTED Oirls for factory work, both ex perienced and inexperienced; Eight hour day. good wages Apply Monday morning. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis its. SEE BOSS HERE Firemen. $4: wood bucks. $4; snipers, $4.50; Tigging men. $.".50; buckers. $4.75 and $5; la borers, $3.75 and $4; whistle boys, swampers, knotters, landing men, loggers of all kinds. FARE ADVANCED WHEN NECESSARY. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer for church of fice; work not heavy. Necessary to be inter ested in church work ; salary depends on ex perience; give references. G-769, Journal. WANTED A good experienced stenographer, good pay, fairly short hours. P-600. Jour- naK WANTED Elderly woman to take care of an old lady; room, board and small wages. Call 751 Savier st. WANTED Maker and trimmers, steady position in city or country. Muller fc Raas Co.. Royal bldg. office preferred. as stenographer. Dr. e Call Broadway 13C6. WANTED Position as housekeeper for widower witn family. K-lIji), Journal. WANTED Widow to emt.roidery pillow tops and some other pieces... H-581 Journal. WOMAN wants work by hour. Tabor 3768. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AND FEMALE - I METER FHANTE'S RENTAL AND INFORMATION BUREAU. 8TB TLOOH Her yon ban choice of the combined lists of all desirable vacant bouses, apartments and flats ia the city, with definite, reliable informa tion pertaining to each. Becerds -are kept up to date, new listings being added each day. There is absolutely no obligation or chargs for this aervics. It is maintained solely as an accommodation to the public Newcomers in Portland will find this bu reau of great help in getting properly located quickly. Phone Marshall 4600. A-610L STORES ANI OFFICES 11 STORE room, manufacturing district, good for grocery . or restaurant; will remodel to suit tenant. See M. Burk, 24 T Washington. S OFFICE rooms cheap, bargiuu to the right party. X-807. Journal. WANTED TO RENT WANTED To rent farm for 3 years from owner; will buy stock and implements of owner for cash only; also wanted to buy a good team young horses, 5 to 7 years old. from a fanner. Stats location and price. VI 779. JoumaL WANTED To rent 4 or 6 room modem bun galow by married couple, no children; will take good ears of house and lawn. Phone Tabor 7484, Sunday or evenings. Powers Rental Bureau A department operating for tho convenience af our patrons and friends. A service absolutely without charge to you. Our listings of house, bungalows and apartments is most complete. YOURS FOR SERVICE Powers Furniture Co. , Third and TtuabiU Streets i'KS rooms, modern . 6 rontns, modern 5 rooni.s modern . . i rtxw. plan. HOUCK, 110 Tenth St, .$20 .$14 .$10 .$ a A WOMAN with two young daughters, wants housekeeping rooms, close in on east side. Call Broadway 2609 Sunday morning and eve nings. . WANTED to rent by itesdy. responsible tenant unfurnished or partly furnished 5 room house, on east side. State price and particulars. L- 731. Journal. WANTED To rent partly furnished house on east side, modern, o rooms, preferably with fireplace anil sleeping, porch. Will take time lease if-suited. Call East 2587 LIST your vacant stores, houses, flats and apartments with us. We can not aupply the demand for good places. J. C. Corbin Co.. 805-6-7 Lewis Building. RESPONSIBLE couple want ior 4 mimluV nished bungalow with garden space; need not be close in. W-780. Journal. LADY wishes reasonable, three unfurnished housekeeping rooms, references V-1000, Journal. FOR SALE HOUSES 1 WANTED To rent 10 or 20 acres in Oregon or Washington ; most of this must be tillable land with house on it 294 Jefr-ron st. YOU should worry about house rent 50x100, 8 room house, 932 S. Willamette bird.. St. Johns, $1300 cash or $15 or $2Q a month, including interest. W. F. Johnson, 1661 Westanna street, city. TWO men with families want to work on ranch. women to do cooking or will rent large ranch on shares. Apply Edgar Young. 1355 Delaware DKE8M AK1NO 40 DRESSMAKING Prices reasonable. .1428 Oat man ave. St Johns car. Woodlawn 5023. $2.50 DRESSMAKING. Woodlawn 5297. per day ; references. DRESSMAKER wishes engagement at home. 400 N. 25t h.. Apt. H. M a i n 160 2. UP-TO-DATE dressmaker wants day engage ments; remodeling a specialty. Phone M. 5923. NURSES a NURSE with long experience, has doctor's ref erence; wages $15 per week. Phone Tabor 6200. Call evenings. NURSE wants convalescents, paralytic or ma ternity cases; reasonable. Woodlawn 5501. FURNISHED ROOMS IF YOU HAVE NO FUNDS WE WILL FUR NISH YOU EMPLOYMENT FREE AND AD VANCE YOUR RAILROAD FARE TO THE , rison. GET TO WQRK1 WANTED First class millinery makers. Hoff man Millinery Co., 307 West Park and Mor- PAC1FIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, "Largest on the Coat" "ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE" 233 235 Burnsida st J. P. Coxon. Mgr. Open Today. the new Automatic Knifo and Sciisori Sharu- ener; sella on light; no peevious experience' re c. Hired for iuoobm. Retalli for $2: agent's nro- fll $1 and up; territory open in Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho. HampU prepaid $1. Agents Bpaclaltiaa Co.. 813 Panama bldg., Portland, Or. sOUNU men for traveling advertising crew. No experience required. Thorough training in aaleamans hip without charge. Must be single and willing to work, for advancement. Call Mon day only 9 to 12. Mr. GUham. Carlton hotel. WANTED First class machinist for lathe and bench work. Must be quick and accurate. Good wages, steady work. Fred Dundee. Broad way and Flanders. . WANTED Neatly dressed single young msn to travel with me on an advertisement cam paign; no experience required; good pay, steady work and chance of advancement'. Call Sun- diy. 10 to 12. Mrs. Jergus. Clifford Hotel. WANTED Drirer for wet wash routs; must know city and bs able to drive cord car. Apply between 10 and 2 on Sunday. New Ryitera Wet Wash, 607 E. Flanders. Phone East 883; If AN who understands farm work, with family or 2 or mors ctuiuren in scnooi ; permanent position and good proposition for nghf man. Call 2 p. m. Sunday or lo a. m. Monday, 512 Royal bldg.. Morriaon and Broadway. WANTED Waahman who can operate a ihirt and colar machine. Small plant Out of town Wages, $20. Addreaa tit Helens Laundry, .. HI. Helena, Or. WANTED Good man to operate Caterpillar gasoline engine, plowing for 30 days in the ' W ulametts valley. John S. Beal. care Coast Culvert A Flume company. Portland, Or. ' WA.vrEU By manufacturing concern man tenognphsr familiar with general office work. Give reference and telephone number. I-4UZ. Journal. WANT boyi to sack coal Saturdays; can earn good wages. Inquire lor storekeeper at Southern Pacific railway shops, at end of Itruoklyn streetcar line. . WANTED Man and wife to help on farm: : house and garden, chickem and cow, and all ttM frxyt you want, furnished. For further par- , iicuiaxs puone main uu. WANTED Assistant engineer, familiar with Corliss engine and with some electrical ex- Crlence. Apply Western Oregon Lumber Co., nnNtn. RelerencVs. ; WANTED- Neat and capable man for door- j keeper 2 evenings each week. Call at De- : Honey's Dancing academy. 23d and Washington, . formerly aturiara nan. t WANTED, at once, magazine subscription sales- . men. Best proposition in Northwest for work ers. Apply Western Magazine corporation. 904 Bpauiuing eidg. ENGINEER, machinist wanted for inspecting - locomotives, ateam snovels, etc. Local ter ritory; reliable man; references; age. Chester ; A. Phillips 4k Co., Old Polony bldg.. Chicago, 111. LARGE corporation wants men who as inside positiona to 'sell goods on the outside. Good . tnance lor advancement. 1-076. J ournaL ' WANT man that can aell advertising; something new and appealing. Extra good pay. Main '. TU9. 014 I'anama Piag, Experienced farm FARM nANDS WANTED In Walla . Walla district. Pendleton and The Dalles at $50 per month up. Men who can drive 6 -to 8 horses pre ferred. The Public Employment Bureau, artin. in conjunction with the agricultural department of the U. S. government, ad vises all interested in farm work to call at the Public Employment Bureau, 24 7 Davis st CAMPS AND MILLS Men wanted for all kinds of camp and mill work, in camps and mills produc ing spruce for the L'. 8. government Top wages are paid in all these lines. See us if ; interested in speeding up the spruce production. REGISTRATION Mechanics wanted to register for the U. S. public reserve. All opportunities under this registration will be entirely voluntary, but good positions may offer at little later date. PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT BUREAU, 24 7 Davis st WANTED Neat appearing young ladies for city. Good pay, plea.sant out door work. Ap ply i)04 Spaulding bldg WANTED Maker and trimmers, steady position in city or country. Muller A Raas Co., Royal Hdg. WANTED Girl. 17 to 20 years of ace, good personality, to work in dental office; no exierience required. Call Woodlawn 3975, Sun. WANTED Finishers and good hand sewers. Apply New Cloak Factory, Room 6 10, Royal Bldg. ELDERLY lady to keep house and look after three children. Call about 6 p. m. 711 Koosevelt. GIRL student to assist With housework. Must be home afternoons: near Central Library. I Main 331 WOMEN for light house work. 4 children, 3 j school age; .1 meal for parents who work ! nights; no washing; wages $20. Tabof 7206. ' WANTED Experienced power machine oper ator, also errand girl. McCreery Mfg. Co., 60(1 Rnyal Bldg. STEAM lieated rooms, bath and phone, close in on west side, for gentleman. 566 Couch st. Apt 6; 1 block off Washington st. at 17th, at; per wee up. , FURNISHED rooms, nice modern rooms. 60c day; $2.50 week. 1-arje front room, suitable for two. Free reading room, phone and bath. Commercial hotel, 15th and Washington. ." ROOM 4iouse. Va blk. of two carlines; bath, gas. chicken house, large garden spot, 2 blocks of school. Owner. Rent $15. Call 1385 Grand ave. N. COTTAGE. 4 rooms and bath, 50x100 lot; $15 per month. 93." Commercial st bet. Skidmore end Mason its. Apply 875 E. flth N. - OR KENT -4 room apartment.! modern, $10 per month. Woodstock Apartments. 4010 Woodstock are. SIX-ROOM dwelling. 228 E. 77th N. ; will repair to suit; $.12 per month. Insley, 201 202 McKay bldg. PARTLY furnished 10 with sleeping porch. Drive. $40. Main 125. room modern house 590 Market Street PORTLAND will be my home if I can rent a 5 room bungalow, furnace, garage, by March I. A. A. Fredrick. Multnomah hotel. C ROOM house in Montavilla near 28th, rea sonable. Mar. 831. EQUIPPED dairy ranch. Will buy stock on terms. 1611 E. "D" St, Vancouver, Wash. FOR SALE. BUSINESS PROPERTY l OREtKiN CITY business property. 2 itory frame, 21 rooms, barber shop. Msin St., lot 87x210, factory, hotel, apartment site. G. P. Anderson, prop.. Oregon City. Or. TO LEASE 63 TO LEASE Beautiful country place on Oregon Electric, 5c tare. lrs y room houa,-, telephone, 2 batlia, fireplace, hot and cold water, 6 acres in cultivation, snme small ber ries, fine chicken house, barn, imph ments, rent reasonable. Inquire 140 3d st 4811 71st ST., pleasant surroundings, in Fir land, 4 room bungalow; rent very reasonable. Phone Tabor 2155. i FINE modern home in Lsurelhurst, 7 rooms. sleeping porch, garage, one lialf block from car line. 14 3 Hazel Fern Place. Tabor 2900. $25 -MODERN Flanders, walking distance to shmvard. Call Main 6015 for information. RESIDENCE and 91 100 acres fine orchard. 733 E. 3Uth st Inquire Monday or Tuesday. HOTEL NEWLAND. 806 1st st. near ship yards; furnished rooms by week or month: also furnished and unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. SAN MARUO HOTEL, MODERN ROOMS. BATHS. PHONES. $2 AND UP. TRAN SIENTS 60c UP. 422 WASHINGTON. LA'jREL HOTEL Rooms J per wcea. Steam heat Also housekeeping rooms. Modem. SECOND AND YAMHILL STS. WEST SHE- One or two large sunny fur nished rooms, clothes closet, $8 each, near Multnomah club. Phone Main 8G34. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Princess Hotel. K. 8d and Burnsida. COe day up. $2 week up. East 171. 50c and 75c per day: comfortable, absolutely clean, baths free, hot water all hours. Hotel Cadillac, 3d, near Jefferson. ink. HA-EL running water. r- urnihucd roon. itaia ot. 885 8d It CLEAN 4 $10 60. ave cars- room cottage, gas, bath, eiectrio. Keys at 400 Fremont st Union 6 -ROOM modern house in elegant condition, furnace, full cement basement, nice lawn. Rent $18. 103 W. Sumner. Woodlawn B485. NTck 6 room house, 76 Portland bird, bet Kenton and St Johns carlines, $10 wit water. ; FOR SALE HOUSES 1 $200 DOWN. $40 MONTH ROSE CITx PARK Huge living room, white enameled, hardwood floors in main rooms, pass pantry, kitchen, 8 bedrooms, sleeping porcn. beautiful arrange ment, cement basement, furnace. Price $4250. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4Ui and Stark. Main 208, A-2050. ASSORTMENT OF HOUSE BARGAINS. $1250 Shack and 6 lota, Kenton district. $1600 6 room house, close in. oast aids, easy terms $1600 Modern 5 room bungalow on Wood stock carl in e. $1 700 6 room, nice fruit trees, easy terms. Waverleigh dktrict. $1700 Large 8 room house, lot 100x100, close in on east side. $1750 jkice well built 5 room house, large at tics 1 block from Kenton eartina. $1750 8 room house, kit 100x100. 1 block from car. central east side. $1800 5 room house and garage, close in, eaat side: easy terms. $2000 Well built 7 room house, earner lot. Waverleigh Heights. $225fJ 6 rooms. 8 nice fruit trees, close to Peninsula shipyards. $2500 5 room modem, and garage; Wood lawn district. $2500 5 room modern bungalow, Waverleigh Heights; easy utuis. $2600 5 room bungalow. Waverleigh Heights: 1 block troiu car; easy terms. $2800 8 room modern .hne. on Division at; easy tarms. $28607 room modern bungalow, Waverleigh Heights; nice location. $3000 5 room well built house, Waverly district; easy u-ruis. $3000 5 room miUrn bungalow. Alberta dis trict; easy terms. $3000 7 room house and barn, close in; Lar- rabee street $3000 6 room large 2 story house, on E. Stark $31505 room modem bungalow, corner lot; 1 bloca irom car; central east side; easy terms. $3200 0 mom modern 2 story house, 3 blocks from car. Hose t lty Park. $3500 6 room modern bungalow, Waverleigh Heights; term.s. $3500 Irge 8 rooms, well built house and s ground.; central east side; terms. $3600 5 room modem bungalow; comer lot; Rose City Park. $3600 6 room. 2 story modem house. Rose ' City Park. $3750 7 room well built modern house, Ala meda district; eaj.y term. $4000 Large well built, 10 room honse ; halls and sleeping porch. 2 blocks from car line, school: no city liens; E. Main st $4500 roonn and attic, well built house: all rooms painted; on carline; 24th tt, west side ; easy terms. $4750 Nice 7 room 2 story modern house; garage: lxt iwirt of Rose City Park. $4800 Brand new it room bungalow and garage, modern fritu A tn If; terms. $7500 -Large o rouin modern huu; best part of Laurelhur t: um"; terms. This is only a 1LM. it mate of these suit, we have others that wdl. We also have pictures of most of tbee Call in and see what we have. C. A. WARRINER, BITTER. LOWE CO, 203-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. TCR SALE HOUSES 1 $3000 T. ROOM modern -me era Rodney tire.. Russell st $1009 cash, balan suitable terms at 5 -per cent. $16004 room modern boose on K. 16th st N Splendid bargain. $200 to $300 ch. baUiMe $15 pec month, 7 per cent on balance. I 1 1700 room mlern bungalow with nice lot of fruit, ground 100x120. $200 or $3tp. Balance suitable to pur chaser. Otto & hUrksori Realty Co. 413 Chaaber of Commerce bldg. 1NAP BUYS " N ew. modern , room house, fireplace, sta tionary tub. 2 ot. modern plumbing, full basement $2650. Terms. A good 5 room louse and H acre of ground in rultivstion. very 5 1 us to car and stnre. Price $2100. Terms. Modern 5 room bmgilow. 60x100 lot, $2100.' 1 Vs blocks to car. Terms Modern 5 room brgslow. 60x100 lot, base ment $1000. '- T. BOEHM 3-2 Henry bldg. ROSE $TY PARK - $1K00 $500 DoWh $5 MONTH 5 rooms, sleeping porch, attic, hardwood floors in every room, full length bevel plate gla mirrrr door in rn bedroom, small en trance hall, fireplace, aiffet, full dvp cement ba -m'ent. furnace. 5ux till ft. lot. some tree. Jon will certainly bate fe hurry! J. U HART MAN I'OMPANY. N)., Chamber of Com meree bldg . 4th and Ptk. Main JUS A-205O. Best Cash Buy in City 4 room house; 40x100 corner lot; guod chick en house ; fruit trees; $1200. 3 room house; 40x100 lot; near St Johns car line: $1050. L. A. HALL. 612 Panama Bldg. By Owner 7 ROOM modern house, close in on Union are.. $2250. Phone Ea?t JU 54. $10 -8 rooui house, bath, good condition, walking distance. 632 E. Salmon, cor. 17th. 2 lota, 5 room bungalow, full basement, with cement floor and wash trays; good garage, apples, cherriex, plums, prunes, peaches, grapes and berries. 1 b'k. car; leaving city. Price $3000. terms. Tabor 8239. , Two Good Bargains 4 room modern plastered cottage, eiectrio lighta and gas. plumbing. Price $lOd; terms, t."0 down, $12 per month including interest . 6 room house, electric lights and gas, plumb ing; price $l-'iu: terms. $100 down and alt per month including interest Williams Realtf I'o.. Grays Crossing, 'labor 4 934. 15H o RtXIMS $50 DOWN. $15 MONTH 5 PER CENT INTEREST Go look at it, also the house next door. SNAP EfJj.TflES n room house. 601 ti) i(lt, 4 Urge cherry trees, hard surface rrouttient street Walkiuc distance central eat side. 2250. Terms. 6 room and baemnnt muse. Nice yard. I5t 40x135. Woodlawn. I17.D A. W LAMBERT A SON, 40 i C Aide- t.. Cor Grand ve., ' Portland. Sr. VfEW HOMKS.ITE ONLY $40 On c commutation fare. rlv to station: fine view of Mt. Hood, omrliHikint nice body of wa ter: swimming, boating, fiskiu. dogwimt and redar grure Lights, phones, water. fan you beat it Easy terms. Call at f,00 Concord bldg., 2d and Stark. HAWTHORNE AVENUE IISTR1CT 6 rooms, modern in every ditall. full bail ment attic, space for 2 large vomv fornwe. etc., near 4 8th. I am going tn 8.-stti Will sell our $3251) home for $2C00 on t-rms for quick sale. Mrs. F. 1 Stiles Tihor 0t. ALBERTA dis"trictcor. lot 75i l"Mi:"boih streets paved. 2 story. 7 room house, full air.e basement, furnace, bath, electric lights, gas, $3500. Terms. J. l CORBIN COMPANY. 305 0-7 l-wis Ruildiug. ON THE Peninsula. $"00 equity" for $250 eafh In a 4 room house and garage, lot 60x100, side alki in, 2 Morks from !4i Jobru car, bal ance $315. payable .$10 month; 2 adjoining lot for garden. 150H Villard ave. Be there price and terms, big rocms, hra-nt, plum .rung, 1 between 2 and 6 p m. Sunday. Phone F.ast 40O9. ouxiuv iw lou o. . cor. ium iiiu r. I A no. ft. lliu Hour iTm .S.JS 0 rm. bung . S. P. turn, and fireplace, nek r ... . . . . , t , . COMPANY. No. 7 Chimlier of Commerce bldg.' J"! ' .?.," "lT.,. a.K ... M.i .! l.oliMi v--.-s. -...- 011 ir. ii-juim i a next to corner housn f?ces east Mt Tabor ear. Get off at 6Uth st. Go north. J. L. HARTMAN St. Johns Car FOR RENT 7 room uouse, quire 346 E. 6th st N. $10 munth; iu- CLOSE-IN unfurnished 4 -room flat st. near Cnty. 324 14th MODERN 7 room house, with or without gar age. 21st and Marshall. Call Main 6015. HOl'SKS FOR REST FI'RMTURE FOR SAL 33 WANTED Girl for general housework in fam- ily of two, j References required. Mam 6168. WANTED, housekeeper m city; I have no chil dren. 0-942. Journal. GIRL wanted for general housework. Good home. Apply 434 Mill st. ROOMS in modern hotel, $1.75 week and up. 4 56 Alder. . SMALL, comfortable light housekeeping room for one. man, $6 per month. i:94 Jefferson. FURNISHED BOOMS FRIVATE FAMILY 70 FURNISHED room for business man or woman; steam heated, $12 month; walking distance. Phone Bdwy. 1458. 190 N. 21st st. MODERN room in Rose City Park home; no other roomers, home-like surroundings, rea sonable, blocks from car. Tabor 8327. WAITRESS wanted. Moon restaurant 33 N. 2nd it Silver LAUNDRY' girls, Multnomah hotel laundry. Ap ply at Ash st. entrance. SLEEPING room, front, running water, steam heat, bath, gentleman preferred, $10 per mo. 841 Harrison sti LARGE furnished room near Broadway bridge. (LADY 25 to 35, housekeeper for bachelor. ! 604, Journal. I EXPERIENCED lady barber wanted. 6 th st. Call 64 Bdwy. 3555. A 5624. WANTED I want boys over 16 with wheels, nav von for the use of your bicycle. Work is clean and steady. Can make $60 to $100 per month. Excellent chance for advancement. Elmer L, Bailey 263 Oak St LADY for hou.ework. I'hone Sellwood 819. HELP "WANTED MALE A-D 1 FEMALE 59 WANTED Middleaged man and wife, no chil dren to care for man partly paralyzed and 6 acres of land Good home for right party. Come to Durham Bta O. E. By., second house on right, west W. T. Hershey. OK1G1NAL MOLEK BAKBH.K COI.LEG-. I Teaches the trade in eight weeks. Gives scholar I ships and transfer cards. Pays yon while leara ! ing. Big demand for both men and woman. ' Second and Burnside. ORIGINAL MOHLER BARBER SCHOOL Teaches men and women barber trwde in 8 wks. Special rates for short time only $15, including good set of tools, giving diploma. 234 Couch st ; OREGON Barber College will teacn you tha bar- ber trade in 8 weeks, tools free: scholarship diplomas given; paid while learning; positions ; guaranteed: tuition reduced. 233 Madison. MISS MATTINGLY'S shorthand and typewrit IF YOl desire to locate in the f.miwia Wills. scuooi. uay anu evening. !f mu, near - - - , .. K . V. J . II !UO'J , t . ..11. 1. ,.,11 , ,,,,,, . 1 ,. jri , ,1 , . 1 1 . iiiuik.ii. . ,ii "'". consisting of farm and stock lands. Some ex changes to offer, o. B. Rippey, 612 McKay bldg. PRESSER wanted for ready made cloak and suits. Fortlaud Cloak A Suit Mfg.. 165 H 4th st HELP WATTED MISC.. 4 Young Men and Women Help Your Country LEARN TELEGRAPHY W ANTED AGENTS "OREGON NATUROPATH," good live, growing, healtti magazine, want sub.scription solic itors all orer the whole Northwest. 60 per cent commission. If yon want to earn some easy money during ppare time and help peo- Course bv expert instructors Qualifies von nle learn how to be healthy, communicate with within a short time. the editor. Dr. Virgil Mac Mickle, 807 Dekum J' YOU STAY bldg. us prepareu w acccpr. a gooa position at a Main 3598. good salary. IF YOU GO Be prepared to serve the best way. Telegraph' School Alisky Bldg.. 3d and Morrison, Portland. SALESMEN and service men New carburetor for Ford cars. Simple, not a moving Dart, in stalled in 30 minuses, guaranteed , to double your mileage and start In xero weather without AGENTS I want 100 agents to take orders for Comer raincoats; spring line ready; dandy coat, $3.98; 65 styles; profits in advance; we deliver. Send postcard for samples and prop- sition. Comer llg. Co., Dept. G-120. nayton. Ohio. "AGOSAVE" Saves the cost of eggs in baking and cooking. Pure, wholesome, always fresh. Sells like wildfire. Your profit 100 per cent Write today for free sample. E. M. Foltman, 306 American bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio. u"a"j CarbuS'tof-Co 57 bifd" tM-TTlANUFACTCI-ER wants represent. Cht.i' ' X ' Jcksn blTd" t tives to sell shirts, underwear. hosien imcago. .Kr,.. Hirt ... VimM vit. SALESMAN, capable specialty man. for Oregon. atapie line on new and exceptional terms. hosiery dresses, waists, skirts, direct to homes. Write for tree samples. Madison Mills, uj isroaaway. New York City. Vacancy now Attractive commission contract 1 233 per cent profit selling 525,wfekl,!r fr,J'XI'enfe', Mile F: Bix!cr Co -i sifiers to auto owners, ga 2277 tarhn bldg., leveland. Ohio. trouble. Sells like Jubilee spark inten- garages. bamslres spark like wildfire. Exclusive LADIES Fascinating home business tinting territory. Write quick. Jubilee Mfg. Co.. 1164 423 Ross. East 6834. SLEEPING room in private family. shall 2543. Call Mar- NICELY furnished room. month. 44 E. 10th N. walking distance, near Davis. $8 FRONT room, east aide, close to shipyards. 177. E. GOOD clean room, near shipyard. Could bo occupied by one or two men. Bdwy. 2735. FRONT room, heat and bath. Private family, close in. Phone Tabor 8578. ROOMS, close in, bath, phone, with or without heat, for men only. East 168. UNFURNISHF.D ROOMS 10 THREE unfurnished rooms, best down town lo cation. Main 04 94. ROOMS AND BOARD It LEAUTIKUL furniture of 6 rooms for iale cheap; house for rent. 452 E. Couch. Call Sunday from 10 a. m. to 6 p. n Week, days evenings after 6 p. m. FDRNlsn ED HOUSES $ WHY NOT BUY THE FURNITURE IN A BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST lloMfi; EIGHT ROOMS AND SLEETING PORCH. GARAGE. RENT AND , PAYMENTS ON FURNITURE IUA A MONTH. POWERS FURNITURE CO,, RENTAL. DEPT. THIRD AND YAMHILL. To Portland boulevard. 1 to 5 30. Inquire at I dni store. 5 rooms and 'sleeping porch, full SUNNYSIDE. 6 room bouse, full basement, ce- ; bi-emerit. bath, toilet, electric lights, garate. ment floor, laundry tray, furnace. Improved i chicsen house, fruit trees, house double con- street Snap, $2300, $500 down. Near Haw- i stnicted. 2 blocus to car. IMnt miss seeing. thorns ave.. on 35th. 5 room bungalow. All.lo0; $dOl cash. f, interest on balance. large rooms, fireplace, nice light fixtures. See this place, $2400, Hall cash. Tabor 1811. W. H. SawtelL NEW modern home, aix rooms and sleeping porch, hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, first class throughout; $4500; easy terms. 763 Mason, Alameda car. Will be glad to show you-this fine home. Open for inspection to day. East 635. $950 $250 CASH Sellwood bargain. Neat 4 room honse. chleken house and park, berries, fruit trees, rich soil, fenced. Price $950. $250 cash, balance terms to suit A. K. nn.L. 41 9 Henry bldg. NEAR O-W. R. A N. SHOP IN CORNFOOT PLANT Five room plastered cottage, concrete founda tion, lot 30x100, street work all in and paid for, on carline, $1500; $50 down, $15 month ly! red V German Co , 732 Cham, of Com. WHY not rent an unfurnished house, buy your furniture, pay for same on terms as follows? $ 50 worth of furniture $ 5 down. $1 wk. $100 worth of furniture. $10 dowui, $2 wk. $200 worth of furniture. $20 down, $3 wk. POWERS FURNITURE CO., RENTAL DEPT. 3d and Yamhill sts. 10 ACRE tarin near Oregon City, close to Pac. Highway, close neighbors, cream route, school close, 0 a. cult, fine well and spring, very good buildings, $2250. Part cash, bal. terms. Place worth easily $3000. L. K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade, ONE 4 room furnished cottage, 2 lots, all kinds of fruit HOUCK, 110 Tenth St. ROOM and boaid tor bus.inea girls, modern con veniences, walking distance. $3. SO week. 12 E. 7th at East 4732. HE Manila Washington. 380 loth, for bu ness giris and students. Marshall 1251. ROOMS AND BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 7a WILL take 2 boys to board, bet. 6 and 14. Mothers care. No other children. Large grounds. 6616 72d st B. E. Mt Scott ear to Tremont. 7 blks. S. GOOD room and board for 1 or 2 people, pri vate family, reasonable. Use of piano and all home privileges. 842 Woodward ave., cor. 27th st. Richmond or Woodstock can. FURNISHED house. $22 50 5 rooms, gar age, large carden. Sill Sacramento, nar Union ave. Key next door. Phone E. 3009. FOR RENT, furnished 8 room house on carline. garage and fruit of different' kinds. 516 By bee avenue, Sellwood car. THOROUGHLY modern 7 room, garage. $50, 082 E. 42d. Call there or phone Main 6641 and ask for George O. Howard. CHEAP rent for steady tenant, furnished 5 room modern bungalow, close to car; room for gar den, gas, electricity. Main 14 93. 7 SMALL bungalow. 1 room and kitchenette; light, gas, water inclnded ; no children. Wood lawn 209. 830 Height ave. NICELY furnished room with board, modern conveniences, private family: would like man and wife or 2 young men. 254 E. 20th. East 8928. ROOM with or without board, all modern con veniences, with small adult family. 627 E. Burnside. ' East 324. IRVINGTON room, new home; 1 block to Irv ington or Broadway car; Breakfast. East 419. 8 ROOM modern home. Will rent at once to reliable rarty. Must have reference. 255 N. 21st, cor. Northrup. NICE front, room with good board, suitable for two. 681 Glisan. Marshall 1248. BOARD and room, 2 meals; every convenience. Call Bdwy. 788. EXCELLENT room and board in private home, reasonable rate. Phone East 4616. F.OOMERS wanted for east side private home, 7th and Russell sts. Phone East 2565. THE best of table board and room in private family. Broadway 788. ROOM and board for one or two, with home comforts. At 331 H Montgomery. WANTED Good home for girl month. C-792. Journal. of 7; $12 postcards. Diet urea, nhotos'. etc . m t. 8. 20th St.. Omaha, Neb, tractor Salesmen for I for nrofit. STi on lOO- no . n,D..i.. mnl, o -T. o l l. K. ... .,l . . .a vv-.i,, . sr.,-i. : . : r-v? .ou, ,r, Wain 1346. Station A. Brooklyn. N Y Here's real money for you. Brand new proposition, sells on sign. Write Amocat Supply. 603 S. 7th st. Ta coma. Wash. ROOM and board In private home. East 3151. 100 PER CENT profit A day's business of $83 nets $73 profit Send postal for infor mation and sample. B. O. E. Co.. P. O. Box j 1685. Im Angeles. Cal . ry:iy , . . .--.o u.u, ,u v.cis ham a ' lounarv. aoou otworxunuv. Amnv i. . i .. i n aaa . i , . -rtfto Iron Works. East 29th and Clackamas sts. ahorthand.' typew rithV bookkeeDin MISS K estate salesman must nave own car. oom- '-. a I'KivA i. Btl.a.i I VILLKG fi. mis-ton Dans, nve wire can make good mon.t I imnr a ussy ciag. V.s'f . -i J Tu r stMBfc.K Ol.U WOMEN AND MEN wanted : GAS fire in any coal stove from coal oil; beats . "- - ana I yi"" ieierapu u neip nil coal: agents bonanza. Wonder Burner, Dept - - -ajarj i u u, u uiuuai 01 men lor war. ; 5. Columbus, Ohio. WANTED man with team to take logging con- "oom fcxenange idg. tract, short haul on good gravel road, yean MISS DECKER'S BUSINESS COLLEGE wot U you want it T-572, J ournaL Civil service, dictaphone operating, shorthand. tinT WITH UHV.r.1, U'lVTvn vr.. 1 I typewriting, bookkeeping. miraeoEraDhimt. Eas permit u unuer 1 o. nusnong Co.. ga " - v' "" -" a. ay p,rk it bldg.. 3d ind Morrison. GOVERNMENT wanU itenograph.r. and trp" PE bright, capable ladies tp travel, demon Enroll now at Sherlock ! Railroad acoot itrat and aeU to dealers $75 to $150 per Wcrcmter bldg. month. Railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug vuuifrpiij, iiv. ivy, ooitiia, ro IRON moulder wanted at Shofner Iron Works. '...., , A,... ' ' Rainier. Or. Wages $6.60. 8. hn. Phone 612 BTEEN 8EWINO SCHOOL Bleek system of rrrryr-i ai -u. ' - 1 i 1 - ladies' tailoring and dressmaking taught;-pat- WfN,?E.y-y'ch-no,me,- n '"""ture factory, terns cut to measure. Phone East 2359. B-3307 Call Woodlawn 2413. 1B2 Grand ave.. near Belmont. MAN to dig potatoes; exceptionally good pay. wooaiawn eaou f.00 THE ADCOX, AUTO SCHOOL, S80 Wasco st, corner Union ave. and handy with tools, partner for in- I . C11. write or phone E. 7445 about free trial door work. H-582. Journal. loiier. my ana nignt classes. SITUATIONS MALE LUMBER bookkeeper desires permanent posi tion with good milt Experienced and capable. No objection to leaving town. Good references. 8-609, Journal. BOOKKEEPER, atenographer. live wire and alert lumber experience, desires pce-tion, Portland; best ,of local references. X-908. JoumaL MILKING, dairy work, buttormaking, creamery work. Apply personally or phone Broadway 1717 or write room 4.40 Couch hotel, corner Ed and Couch sts. ACCOUNTANT will open, close and audit your books, day or evening. Phone Accountant, Main 4 19. ' 2?C- ,fYB - n - '1S;",ST tiXtuJaH. -!608rJounl. pan properly. si squi. I. . - - . . i'.li i HIGH school boy wants work; can drive ma chine and nde motorcycle. References. S- , rn-ntn prsate teacner wanted. State price. 1 B. E. Tabor 8268 ir-vo onrna lessons any time, 15 lessons $6. 2615 43d st ' 8HINGLERS, when you want shingling done. call Woodlawn 6206. r t . -1 t v t m , "I, , 1 1 1 vn si 1 ciwun win iot sate. arse DENTIST; mtist be regUtored in Oregon. (SO sortment to choose from. Send 10e for Rk - W P-782. JoumaL 01 Designa" and details. Int Trading Crochet GOOD dental work to exchanea for nald ln. " " ain oil a int. Dr. Jones. 2d and Washington. W ANTES Capable bookkeeper who can keep conn in mrce auto repair enop. j-o. JoumaL "nrntpvprn i i . , . . . ai --i..ivi jsuwumi x-pair man. Aew I LFSSONH IN fiPtVKR . r 1 -1 1 1 1 1 v JWUr JWUAnii VKA.1H' . VA.-STL -salesman and collector for city work. 1 Hours 4-8, 7-8 p. m. Phone East 7888. HAWTHORNE AUTO bCHOoL. 462 HAWTHORNE AVE. SPECIAL NIGHT CLASS RaTES. PAY AS YOU LEARN. Hlnnp Swtntf Vlbln- r". AO? W..Ki ... 1 . , ' fen n. C 7 -!"'-'- I EAST S1DK COMMERCIAL SCHOOU 122S WANTED Punching bag and frame. Tab. 8672.1 GRAND AVE EAST 42T. WBwant"'-"an Upnt concrete wall In" the 1 LNtJALLFD for tailor made suits, ta.50 m runemeiiu uui Aiior sr., nt. -onna. -i rayior trie isuoi. ;ss BnrnsMei. WRrNGEff mmn, Maituomah hotel laundry. Ap-'MRS. HANNUMS Shorthand School, 432 Gan Lv at Ash st enua-ee. s . , t,nbeinsiv, near TUiamook st Est 8860. CARPENTER Leaky roofl patched or reahin- gled. Marsnau 1U7-. PALNTING, paperhanging, kalsomining; all work guaranteea. f none ast e4, Johnsen. ACTIVE man. 40. wants inside work, any kind. Phone Woodlawn 8871. PAINTING, paperhanging. tinting reasonable. 61YamhUL Main 1509. WANTED- Work "for" afternoon, by boy at tending reboot in forenoon. Sellwood 336 KALSOMINING. painting, plaster patching. Re oriable. Main 9529. WANTED steady work for 2 "A ton track end , anver. wooaiawn mt PARTY wants contract to cut end. split from louo to 200U corns wooa. u-vus, .aumaL ROOM and board, private family. 428 M sc. mone siarsnan -am. Mill FOR SALE or rent, well furnished 5 room bun- galow. SG9 E. 26th st. Call Sellwood I960. FOR RENT Completely furnished modern houseboat Willamette Moorage. B-1673. APARTMETiTf 43 FURBISHED AND UNFURNISHED Lucretia Court Lncretia ft., between -Washington and Ever ett streets. Most beautifully located high class apartments. 2, 8, 4. 5 rooms. All modern con veniences, first class service. Prices reavmable. References required. Manager. Marshall 1613. 6 ROOM house, large sleeping porch, house Just tinted and painted, close to Clinton Kelly school, good plumbing in house. For quick sale. $2250. 1-3 cash. baL to suit l K. Moor-. 317 Board of Trade. Week days. Main 545Q. 922 KELLOGG STREET, ST. JOHNS 2 room house, lot 60x106. rose bu-hei and every kind of shrubbery imaginable. The pret tiest lot in St Johns when flowers are in bloom. Look at this and make us an offer; terms to suit Main 6967. LU EDPEM ANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of I'ommerce. clean I li it up. but value is there. Terms FltANK L. McGUIRE, Abingtop Bldg. 10."'il2ii. all covered with bearing fruit and flowers, fair 4 room house and outhouse, all 'enced. 6c carfare, 30 minutes out Price $1000. a snap. HOUCK, 110 Tenth St, E.TRA fine 5 lr. room miKlern bungalow vith den. beam ceiling, buffet, flrei'lace, ea rnest basement, trays, electricity, gas; fine cor ner lot; a dream of a home; near Alberta car; $25)0; good term. Dubois. 728 Chamber of fsmmerre. E ROOM modern, full basement. 1 block from Hawthorne are. carline, $2150; $250 cash and monthly payments, lot 60x1 00. 6 room modern uunalow. V ba-sement. large attic. Dutch kitchen. $1IMI; $700 cadi. 6 room modern, 3 lots in fruit, $2250; $500 cash. NEIL SMITH, 6514 Frwrtesr road. Tabor 1931. HOUSE AND ACRE ONLY $HfT0. Mnslly In cultivation; water, light, some fruit; 8 room house, elre to electric station, only 3 minutes out; easy terms. Wall at 800 Concnrv bide. $600 $100 cash, balance $15 per month. Including interest; 2 -room house with disappearing bed, 60x100 lot. 3 Vi blocks from Rose City Prk car. Make your rent money pay for tn SEE MR WOODMAN, AT 721) AND SANDY BLVD.' V IIJ , ' the place. W'OKKIN'G MAN S ( IIAN.'K Two hts with fine girden atii tnni. chicken house ar4 runs; :m- h i a 2 nom - hack, but ran be enlarged wih little exi t n-e Price $X50. ey t-rms. NV-.Ian A Parklnll. 210 Luinbermn hid . 5th and Surk u WALKING DISTANCE. West Side 6 room Swisa I'iialet Price j.'.Ton. Ttuis. Phone Mil. r A 539 4. HNJ-: HOME $325 2 ROOM cottage. 60x121 lot Tou can have a nice garden raise all your veg- (.1,1... sml fr,,it a n.l Wan .w.ll tr i .liiW . . ! ., ".. .r. " . ,k i . .,. of the m:g "I l 1 J J 1, nitu ' ,( ,. aw 111... i. i lur. 1 . 11 , n , I payment down and $10 a mo. M. E. 1-ee. 505 Corbett bldg. MODERN 8 room house. 50x100 east faring i PIEDMONT addition, modern 7 rooms, aleep- lot. on Peninsula. $3200. $200 cash. $:. ! ing porch, lull cement basement, fireplace, per month WITHOUT INTEREST. See owner , furnace, one block from carline. 8 blorki from t 1181 Burrage, near KUlingsworth and : Jefferson high school: 62x100 lot Practically G reeley. ONE cleared acre, 4 room plastered house, 7 H e commutation fare. $1425. Easy terms. F. K. STEARNS. 202 Wflcoi bldg. Main 8517. Evenings, Marshall 8770. SEVERAL well located, almost new. modem 4 and 5 room bungalows for sale. Ixwet prices. Easy terms. SCAN DIN AVIAN-AMERICAN REALTY CO.. 224 225 Henry bldg. FOR SALE $1350. lot 50x100. 4 rooms with bath, partly furnished, modern conveniences. chicken house, berries, flowers. s block to car and school. No agents. 1033 E. 23d N. BUY THIS Willi THE RENT 4 room plastered cottage. $000. $20 down, bal. $8 per month. D.. 416 Chamber of Com merce. Main 867. i.ew; $420O. Woodlawn 85. Terms if desired. Phone owner. BARGAIN Very fine home, Irvington: cost $23,000. take $16,000; fine location. East 278. W. H. Herd man. PROCEED with forfeited dwelling house con tract; down 'payment already made; no other required, no interest first year; these are hgStimate maps. Insley. 201-202 McKay bldg MUST sacrifice for cash my strictly new mod ern 6 room bungalow, large lot, Hawthorne carline; also modern 6 room house, 2 lot. garage. Rnnnyside. Tabor 1923. AR1.ETA BARGAIN 4 room house and lot. bathroom, electric lichted. full basement, 3 blocks from school. $1300; terms Telephone Sellwood 658. JUST the place for the newly wed. to a couple, 2 or 3 room furnished apartment, newly ren ovated In white, Imtch kitchen, bath, hot and cold water. Call 671 Gantcr.bein ave. KING ALBERT APTS. New. 2 and 3 rooms, strictly modern, hard wood floors, elevator and janitor service. Cor. 11th and Montgomery sts. JL'IJANA APTS.. 45 TRINITY FI.ACE. Nice light, well-furnished 3 room spt Mar shall 983. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall. Walking distance, fur. nished for housekeeping, including gas ranges, electric lights, hot water, bath, laundry, all free, $10 a month up. Take "S" or 16th-street car north, get off at Marshall street Broad way !Mrt. NEAR the shipyards, about 57 rooms, nicely furnished . housekeeping and single rooms; a moneymaker for the right party. Will sell at a bargain and give terms on part Inquire 204 1st for Mr. Z.a TiT- FINE large clean single or double housekeeping rooms lor Dscneior or couples; reasonable: no children. 'The Del Monte. 167 20th near Wash. lOB RENT Basement housekeeping room. 290 Jelterson. , (lim Anc- Frr t,tn- hot- cold water.. 1 APIS, week up 401 1st it. HISLOP HALL. E. 6th ma Hawthorne. Mod ern 1. 2 and 8 room apta.. $12.60 Bp. walk fne distance. Eart 82. THE JEFFERT New 2 room furnished Apts. $10 up. Corner Russell and Kerby between Mississippi and Williams ares. UosE-FKLEND APTS.. corner Broadway and Jefferson. Elegant unfurnl-hed ants., best serv ice, walking distance. Marshall 1410. 44JP HASSXlX7or7E.7th 2 rooms, modern. walking distance. Porch, lawn, light and phone free. WANTED Man and wife; man employed, wife to help take care of small apt house, for tse of modern furnished apt G-771. Jonrna L TWO room appartment. gas, bath, walking dis- tanee. Adults. 635 E. Morrison it FIVE room cottage, with bath and pantry, concrete basement, fruit and flower ; ea--y terms; would accept auto first payment Wood lawn 1162. FOUR room cottage partly furnished, garage and fraction of lot Small payment down. $1125. balance like rent. M. N. It. 821 Michi gan ave. No phone. ETgTTT room-modern house, corner lot 50x100. on E. 15th and MidLson; the lot alone is worth the trice; $4 500, terms. A. J. Farmer, 407 Stork Exchange. PAY $450 AND TAKE THE DEED Fum'ihed 4 room bungalow close In on rated street; good furniture, good Iocatlo ssume mortgage of $700. Might accept terms. Owner. Sellwood 8 8. $3000 BUMJamTW FOR $2150 $150 down, balance $25 per month. 6 rooms, laree attic, bath, toilet, fireplace, cement base ment, on Glisan it ( hardsurfaced) , near 85tb st , Montavilla carline. See owner. Gordon. Main 64 4 5, or cviiing. Tabor 1357. IF Vi l' want a t leau handy 0 room modern fumtihed home in guod condition, we have it; gas, electric liirhts. furnace. Quiet neigh borhood; walking distance. Holladay Park add Price $4000; half caeh Terms to suit Oc cupied by owner. 238 E. 27th st N. 8 too ml lOoxl'i'i corner, modern, hard wood flfHirs, paved streets. lioproT'-Tornt all in and paid. . H blocks to ear. Price $450l. $2O0i cash, bal. ' IM wss Mie ani.mni Y. E. .s.-a-'liri-st, 24" S'.arfc M HOSE I'lTY I'All Good plaat'r"d 4 roon buti.low on fud lot llii niooirn ciiii-ken lioits. l..t fro', lawn. only it r. . on t.-im,. Tin. U a bat gain. Own-r. Sellwood 3s 8 10 A UE BIG. nice mtjden. 7 room house, large ce ment porch, large fall cement basement hot water heating plant, near W iilamette bird, a fine location. Price $4600, worth $6000 Will consider small cash payment, bal. monthly if de-ured, L. K. Moore., 817 Board of Trade. F"OR"SALE 3 room house near Ryan Tlaoe oat Or. on Electric car line, 6c fare on tickets. 20 minutes' ride from town. About hk acre of ground, fenced, 21 bearing apple trees. Bull Pun water. Price $900; terms to suit Phone East 1 .177. BARGAINS One cost $8962. take $6600: one eost $6500. take $5500. can't be beat; one cost $7000. take 525l; one cost $750'l, take $5800; all ia livington. East 273. W. li. Herdman. ARE you looking for a home! I hare three lor sale on easy terms, two near Rose City Park car and one near the Mt Scott car. A. W. Morgan, owner. 500 Railway Exchange. H8-J. Res.. Tabor 68K CHOICE home for sale; all new residences surrounding location. Irvington. 6S4 East 11th st. X. " , BARGAIN Bungalow, eoet $3,300. take $2700; location. East 273. W. II Herdman. good FURNISHED nicely. 6 room bungalow, gas, electricity, block to car, garden space, easy payments. Main 1493. WEhave several good bargains in small homes, on very good terms, small payments down, balance like rent Main 1493. 211 Altaky big SUNNY 5 room to date bungalow, cost $2625. 'will take $1950: terms. Phone evenings 6r Sunday. Sellwood 1 1 3. 5 room modern bungalow. I blk. THREE and 4 unfurnished housekeeping rooms, cneap. cua t atn s. NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms. 393 6th. 73 ROOMS A5D BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 3 NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms, in private family; lights, water, fuel and phone; $12 per month. Prefer a couple employed during the day. Phone Main 6466. LARGE front room, kitchen and bedroom; gas, lights and water; $15; walking distance. Call Sunday, 207 Union ave. N. $12 PER MONTH. 2 nicely furnished H. K. rooms, including lights, water, phone, bath; adults only. 95 K 30th, cor. Wash. 8-8 car. NICELY furnished front room, running water, quiet place; gentleman preferred. 195 21st bet Wash, and Taylor. Marshall 2816. 5 ROOMS, furnished for housekeeping, corner Alberts and 21st See M. Burk. 247 Wash ONE or 2 large modern iL K7 Main. room-. 429 HOUSEKEEPING rooaa. 70S Everett it. cor ner 22d It - - !.--, ' ' ' .' .vS-r'fr:'.',-. FOR SAL! from csrline. lawn 1745. Owner, 82 7 Union ave. Wood- t'OK SALE- A good plastered lmue. near car line, cheap if sold soon. Inquire of owner, 6344 8th st southeast BY owner, 2 houses, 6 and 7 rooms, modern, near 31st and Division. Must reasonable terms. Tabor 7396. ant, Inquire 267 Oak it. Boom 2. $900 NICE 4 room cottage, among the fir trees, on hard aorface rued, city water, ga. large lot, 5 cent carfare, small payment down. $10 a mo. S. S. Prentiss, 605 Cor bett bldg. FOR SALE 4 room bungalow, aleeping porch. garage. Dandy, $!o; terms. 6 room bouse, modern. $20O; terms, tt room bouse. 2 lots. $12511; $6uo down. PIP IN E R. C. W A 1 ,T E RTABO R8 897. THREE 4 room huuici for sale, cheap. One fine 10 room house, terms. I want a good stock of m err hand in for ' Med lord property. Hare some bargains in farm land. W. T. Gonl der, 719 (.'hamper of Commerce. 5 ROOM modern bungalow, oo Jot 60x100 f, 1 block from St Johns car, handy to ship yards, cooperage or mill. $1600 cash; also 2 lots with fruu trees, $890 cash. Call at 1703 fMiKcnna ate. . 5 A CHEAP HOME University Park, ciuse to all the large payrolls. 8 room house. 2 loU set to fruit and berries. Price $850, some terms. A. IL BELL. Gerlinger bldg. MAPI.EWiHiD $6 50. $100 cash. $10 monthly buys tliU splendid piece if land with two room hou-e 16x20. 6e fart. 2 minutes' rile. Fr.-d W. German Co.. 73! Cham, of I'om. KINK modern 5room bung.siow. E. Fland-r: hardwood floor beam reuing, fireplace, buf-f-a, panel dmilig rxm. gas. .IrrtrirTty, rement baaewient. tray. crrii r lot; $2(0; urms. Df li'M, 72h i hamltcr of fomm-rr- PRACTICAL!."! Jor lurelhurst r. 7 rooins. strictly a-xlc?-- galow t;; has garage. $4.'0n. J. '. COirtlN COMPANT. 3H5 r, 7 l-'wis It, nldiog 32D ,J.i ll I'll $2150 4 RM COTTAGE - $2150 Great Talue. fVixloo lot. 1rm. FRANK L. MH i ? IKE. A b.ngt on Jt Idg. 81850 6 ROOM" fuiiished-houiJr'at .430 E. Emerson St. 1 H b-ks from I rion are., 9 fruit trees; must sell at once; terms to suit Owner. $5000 WESfKHTE $'.000 8 rm. modern res., near 25th and Glisan. Cost $7'00 Ixrt 85('fio. Clear. FRANK L. MrGUIRS. Abingtrm Bldg. COS "ftETE house, bungalow style. reT lot 100x100, ln-aled li buriness aertioa of Woodlawn. Prve $3.V0. Your own terms. PETERS. UN 6th Kt 6 ROOM modern hou. i flrej.larrs. garage. 60x100 lot; roairicted dutrict I'rue $25O0. Fay terms MORRI-. 431 miAMKR OF COMMERCE. FOR SALE Here Is a .nap if tak-n at wire. 5 room house, flrit rjasa. Fur.r.Uied or un fnrnlshed. 1 block to csrline. Cell 7103 83d ave. 8. E. $2200 68TH NEAR ItlOADWAT (R. C. P.l 7 rm., cost owner $3V'I0. 61x100. firvplaoe. brick poreh, full eement if.aa. Term. FRANK I- McGUl-B. Abington Bldg. BRAND new S room butgai-w. lot 81x1 fto. at tractive price and terns. Geo. C. Howard, 814 Chamber of tjommeroe. 4 K PLA8TEREU aottage. neat and clean. $1000, $100 cash. b. monOily. Will sell furniture. P-780. Jonrntl. ST. JOHNS bargain. 4,ood nous and two lots, plenty of fruit good buy; must bs old at once. Mlin 1W3. f.n ! of (' NEAR shipyards. Just furnishing steam heated ELEGANT bungalow. 6 roonu. fireplace, oak apartments, $8 to $16. 186 Sherman. floors, furnace, owner; save commission. G- 772. J ournaL r . vnn FT FLATS 11 $1960. HAWTHORNE district, modern 6 'room . .' , ; r- bungalow. $250 cash. baL terms or dia- 3 ROOM modern upper flat with lpifg poroh. count'or more c.h. Tabor 6312. gas and other stoves. 251 E. 2d it !., ; c corner Multnomah rt. MUST sell. 7 room modern home with garag; - -rpr- : j-3 open for inspection Sunday and evening. LOWER flat. 512 Cohimbia it. t J54 K flstll. between Belmont and Yamhill. ! : .. ,. . 71 BUNGAUW9 AND COTTA;E3 FURNISHED FLATS $ - rt-i bargains in bungalows, cottages qsJTJy -jo. 5 rooms, nicely furniahe d. and houses. It F. Feem'ter, 209 A bins ton blilg. clean Cat., sleeping porch, gas, bath, gas JfvE 4 room modern home and sleeping porch! stove and wood range; walking distance 2 ear- price $1600 on easy terms. 1,730, J ournaL lines. East 5260. A BOOM house and furniture for sale. 10u4 TWO clean, neatly fumLhed 4 room flats, Fi,t F.i-rett Tabor 769. E. bVt'BTndFaihn 6" ROOM modem furnished house, rent $16. 8tn N- btt' Bycn "a, t'"n- - CaU Tabor 4934. from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. VrEiidfte IOOmS' 8 82000 Bungalow on 50x100. At 874 E. 6tb wl13- , T j-r- st N. Term-. ' TWO uppea. tavfuvS.I -oSi ttrnfahed- BEAUTIFUL reeidence reasonable; very at- vcry reasonable. Call Woodlawn 8088. Tractive Woodlawn 4244. ! F.?Sil.25lIi Wh787 "onrrSl MONEY making Investment 5 room modern tral. rent 82-60. W-.7. Journal. bungalow. $1475. Tabor 7502. , jsas. Tisr&ssL - r ir fLu ' tnd tmnu- ONE 4 room furnished flatj Call Tabor 1801. oigratrfet. - too, house, ,2606. if STORES AND OFFICES 11 oldhU week. No Menta. T-B78 Journal. THAT tore building corner Front and ArtW. -Ir-eU -jk-- a4 rM. cW ; SeU- will rearrange, remodel and repair to suit tea- - wooa 10 ROOM house, lOUxlOU 1H, near court o)ua, Vancouver. Wash. ; fine for board and room ers or good heme; steam heated; at a sacrifice. Owner. W. Johnson. Portland, route A. boa 240. Phone Tabo &C24. SNAP 6 room house. 25x68, west side, right downtown; $2300, term Dandy 6 room bungalow, 60x117, flowers and fruit. H block to good car; $1500, terms. ZIMMERMAN A CO . 311 BOARD Of TRADE IUERE is a snap. An honest man with some money; 4 lots, all fenced, 6 room boose, stable, rhWen house, lota of fruit: nice locality. 289 E 9th it. Phone Eat C619. FOR SALE 3 room lions and lot, full ba ment cement walks, nice location, 1 block from eat line, near Jefferson high achooL Price $1500; terms. By owner. 979 Vancouver tt. BUNGALOW, 7 rooms, full ii basement, bath. electric lichU. gas; iot 60x100; 2 blue is Al berta ear; $21 OO; terms. J. C. COUB1N CO., 8U5-S-7 I?w DKlg 6 III KIM modern )otie, North Irvington; 1 block to car; $165 $150 down, balance monthly. Dubois. 723 'halr of Comm. DANDY 5 nnn moderTThur.i-low, fine full lot. near Alberta car. $100; good term. Du bois. 723 Chamber of Vmroerce. II' YOU want a neat l'le modern home on the Peninsula for what tt would eost to build the honse, owner st. 4 2W Baldwin at HOU -"AllierU near 2Mti. Snap. 8 room. ' big lot. good ronditir a. sink, toilet Mr. Hiniin. 340 Morgan btdt. COMFORTABLE 8 RfMiM COTTAGE $600 Good little house or 30x100 ft kit. exm -venlent to car. Gas, good plumbing, etc. Only $600. See R. F. Feemster. 209 Abington bktc. LAURELHURST, equity in 6 room bungalow. lot 60x120. fnrnace and fireplace; to trade for dose in acreage. Tabor 6934. SlY equity for sale In 6 room, all modem bun galow, near franklin Mgn acnoot wul sac rifice for cash. Tabor 1586. TO SELL or exchange, modem 4 room house. full lot, for i xnail bouse or lota west of Dea w ave.- Call 1331 CampbeU. Uli'IX 6 room bungalow. 47lh st; a-odera exoept heat; price $900; some bargain. Main Iwft3. 608-9 Chamber of Corp mere. A 6 ROOM homo tot sale er trade foe- acreage A SNAP for oi-oe a 6 loom bunsaiow. C7 2 Kill ate. Sellweod Crtine. Owner. Tabor o0 . . 5KKM mrelern bungalow, E. 34th at, Haw thorne district, 27uO. $200 down, balance as rent Imbolt, 728 Cha eiber of Comm. FLNE 6 roomTbsuse, mode re except heat; Haw Uinrne district; prtee $20O0. Small pay ment and easy te-ms. Call Main 1963. $100 BITS 6 toot cottage, close m. on Wll- Itams ave.. Sow easn. balance cany terms. 104 Sherlock bldg. IRVINGTON it t, modem 6 room boos. $3250; easy frai 104 Sherlock bldg. TOR WALT: LOTS 18 B-60B. Jetu-al. NEAR TWOIII B ROT HE IIS' PLANT 2 lots. 60x109 each, with Ini't treee asd berries, one block ftom car. $150 each, or $250 tor both. A-Mii 1 at $380. This t the biggest snap we hive ever had. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cha. of Cora IXR BALE, a fraction block of the fail lota adjoining Evergreen rtation. -Orecoa City eai. Price $1600. $loo oh. balanoo $18 D.niin. . . i , . . - - CHOICE lot. suitable Hr buiUlig. 26tU and ITand-r., $1100. Terms or ease Ad dress 211 U. 8. Bank bldg. or phono. SelL 2C05 Sunday - GARDEN lift M E Big Jots, only $250. $26 day down. $10 month. Set McCormic. owner, to-, y. Phones Main 9318. ACHE AGE - FORTY km, Columbia -ghway; JO ercha ed; 3o; lor fort iana. rssi, journal. LITTLE tract close to Eetamda. 8 acres. Caa J lr Wbeeley. Call P. J. Harkeorvlec. TWO acrea. close ia. Wdla. 4120 .. ,