THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1918. CITY'S EMPLOYES RALLY TO THRIFT STl MP CAMPAIGN privately owned markets will be futile. it is said. Men mar be sent to fish for the city, but the fishins laws stand In the way of this plan. Persons who Xlsn in Wash ington must be residents of that state and the exeat smelt catches are now made on the Cowlitz river. Mr. Kellaher has under considera tion a plan to send fishermen to . the Cowlits to fish and land the fish on the Oregon side of the Columbia. The fishlnr smack Joseph Pulitzer Is belnc equipped for fishing at the m uni te pal dock No. Z. The snip wui do reaav : NORTHWEST 'MUST DO ITS PART TO SECURE S. S. ! t CONTRACTS FOR SHIPS The -virtues of thrift and an appeal to the citizenry to save and Invest to begin her first fishing trip In about If, 0,' Knapp Declares UOVemment their savings In the government's Thrift Junior Rainbow Reeiment . Re- Keiiaher. - Will Show No Discrimination if " cruits Doing ' Fine Work Schools of State. in This" Section "Comes Across." Stamps and War Savings Stamps, are to bo blazoned forth In great letters of light on the Sixth street and Morrison corner' of Postoffice sQu&re. - -- V County Assessor Henry E. Reed, vol City Ax to. .Fall , Again . Another ehakeup In the department of public works will result in the dropping I T,fi(." fftrtfcwat dmA have bo I unteer chairman of the W. S. S. com of more employes from the city payroll. I , ., , , . . mlttee on civic, military, religious and Cltv commissioner Bartrar.has already 'ear of being discriminated against by nr? v.. m'ann -- WnODRIIRN HAS LARGE SALES I dropped. 60 men by reorganization and I the government In the matter of sup- j striking electric sign at that much ii vvuyunn now punning to merge four depart- piytny 8hip8 and war materials If thejtraveled Intersection. Foster Kleiser i Pacific Northwest "comes across" ; and Benton County Precincts Organ ized and Small PostoffTces Show Popularity of Stamps. ments into two, to bring about a cur tailment of heln, st-; Under the direcUon of "Colonel" W. H. Will Examine" Plumbers Examination of master plumbers of Portland to determine If they can do plumbing work properly will be started soon by the examining board created by an ordinance passed by the city council eight months ago. The members of the are going to make the sign as a- patri- I otlft nnrv. .nil thu NAithwtetrn riaa aoes jui uw w trie company Is going to furnish gratis everybody to , buckle into? tne 00118x7 1 the. electricity necessary to keep the and show what can be done. : 1 10x20 sgn biasing like a good deed .In The government is now realizing that 1 a naughty world. there is a Pacific Northwest, that, the HlnrtAv. .amnlnvaa of tha bureau of I boara ; are U. H. wnnams. Merman water works are striving to outdo all iSf'Jc. Bobert G,Uan nuir departments in tie city nan in we purchase of War Saving Stamps. Every morning Colonel Hlngiey cans "Yeve" and war on the kaiser begins. Stamps are sold to employes, Pacific Northwest has the resources timber, means and desire to "produce the goods." . I- Such Is the way P. C Knapp', preel dent of the Peninsula Shipbuilding 00m w. M. York, - supervisor of road district number (. .Pleasant Valley, re ported . to headquarters this morning that a highly, successful War Savins Would Reclaim .Street Area Plans are being formulated by City Those who I Commissioner Barbur to force all oc ..ra tint in nonition to invest at the time I cupants of street space in Heights Ter .ir mmlndMl of the dutv of everv loyal race district to vacate. Street area in itlean and everv oerson in the depart-1 IMS district is said 10 nent la ordered to bend every effort in 1 Dotn tent nouses ana residences. boosting the sale of the Thrift Stamps I. . Jt a n k wst t r I - W - 1 1 M4f ff toft.. wa w uoi'i j 1 fuiico rniinviKW aia r,, VM v r Stamp meeting was held last night in LhhSnT cn1 district No. 15. at which a trip to Washington, where he consult-, 1 H..,- - . J1-10" dress" of toe svenlng was made by T". and other government officials. Tou and I know .that It takes a long time to -whip a billion and a half : con cern into shape a concern with 8000 P. Campbell, director. At the"conclu sion of the speaking about 25 minutes was devoted to the taking of orders ri!"."r Jrrri' for Thrift SUmps and War Savin this district is said to be occupied" by J" h. T I Stamps and $750 worth oftampa was the case with the shipping board.: Butl. . . 1 at last it Is getting there. Things are ; rounding Into splendid shape. Under W...C. Baker, local auction house The total sales of stamps have ai-1 .i t (nn few vwtl 1am I Mr tTurln ttr Phi mrA tToranrfh I man. Sent a Dftlr of hinrvillarn tn tVlo r"ma' ncnw " sergeants wUl "be held In the city hall he department has a rotary fund of 310 which is invested in stamps. Campaign Well Organ !zd N. B. Hall, cashier in the main office. handles the sale of the stamps and In 'he subdivision of the department- C. M. Gresonr and W. W. Mcintosh are in charge of the Thrift and War Savings 3 tamo sales. Campaign headquarters in receiving encouraging reports from all over the state. . Rnfnn oniintv hu tha War Ravine Campaign well started and ,. there is hearty support of the movement in the county. The quota for the county is 1270.000, a larire allotment for so small a coemtv. but the managers or tne cam a . . . . ... it, .1. V paign assert inai 11 wm raurs uuu. nuwi ivou. " ' Beaton PrrelseU Organised 1 : Up to Friday the county sales aggre- gated nearly 19000. All precincts in the eountr are being organised for the work and there is an. army of school children soliciting sales. Of the 19000 so far raised the amounts came through the following postof flees : Alpine. z ; Alses, 110 ; Blodgett. 1 : Kings Valley, $164; Monroe, $1600; Philomath, $788; Summit. 137: Wells. $94; Wren,' $424; Corvallls. $5678. 1 These sums from the on February 26. secured at this examination four ser geants will be appointed. WOMAN BORN IN THIS CITY 63 YEARS AGO DIES IN CALIFORNIA Mrs. Margaret Burke Humason Was One-of First Graduates , of St. Marys Academy. DOMINICK .AQUINO IS INDICTED CHARGE Monday. Several Unfinished Investlga-1 immmmmmimmimmmiimmmnnytmnm.m 1 tions. Including, ths alleged twoueggerr ring, from which about SO prominent Portlanders were said to nave obtained liquor, will : be resumed. Several new m tn-eoared by attaches 01 the United States attorney's office will be investigated. ";.',. .:, MURDERING V BANKS THAT ARE OPEN SATURDAY EVENINGS OMAN Grand Jury Returns Formal Ac cusation as Result of Mary ; Carter's Death. Dec. 22. Probata Petition Filed . S, Morton Conn has filed a petition for tha probate of tha estate of Meta Cohn, deceased. Ths estate is valued at about $10,000. Addle Schwarta, a daughter, is Uled $9500. The btisanca of ths estate Is bequeathed in equal terms to tne husband and the daughters. Addle Schwarts. Minnie Gevurtx, Grace Cohn I and Birdie Metsger. Wants Her Name Changed V.At1 V Ttmtr Vaa ftA m mHMah l An inuicunn. uru I tha trobate court for tha chance of her-1 Aquino with ins muraer 01 s&ary warier, i nams to Edith Carnlne. She alleges rthe women who. It is alleged, was hurled that she has been twice married and out of a window of the Cadillac hotel n nrnu8na f aeaa- HnJ December 22 last, was returned at noon j ulu that her name be changed to dear today by the grand Jury, in a report to (away any possible clouds to ths title. Presiding Judge J. r. j&avanaugn. Aquino Is Jointly accused with Frank Oaudlo, who was tndlctea last month. George Healy was Indicted on a charge of burglary of the Leavltt de partment store. The robbery Is alleged to have taken place February 7. Dan lei Davis is accused of receiving stolen property in connection with the same case. Floyd Richardson, Fred Richardson, Sam Graham and George Hopkins, who are declared to have held up and robbed H. A. Beckendorf, were indicted. Ac cording to the authorities, the accused rode about in an automobile at night I time in search of victims. HOLDING COMPANY TO DE LIQUIDATED TO REALIZE ON ASSETS FRIENDLY SUIT IS STARTED Receiver Appointed for Eilers' si..'.- u n....'. r:i ni Udii; nuuBj veguii titers Music House Not Affected. the shipping board Is accomplishing 1 government in response to the call for From the eligible list wonderful results. That fact stands out I "glasses." Because the government ao- bright now. icepts nothing -for nothing, the treas- "Mr. Heyworth. who has charge of urer ot the United States sent Mr. the wooden ship program, knows of ..the I Baker a check for $1. astenslbly as timber resources of the Northwest, rental zor tne glasses until such time knows what we can do. and if we do I as they may be returned. Mr. Baker our share we needn't worry about get-I then went the government one better ting our share of the business. Other I again added: $3.1$ to his $1 and .bought officials are realising more and more I a war savings Stamp: every day that there is a Pacific -Northwest. I'll have to confess that some months previous, a few did not realize that there was such a thing." Parole Officer Held On Speeding Charge Mrs. Margaret Burke Humason died at St Helena, Cal., Thursday at the age of 63. Mrs. Humason was born in Portland in the residence which still stands at the corner of Salmon and parole officer of the Walla Walla senl- Broadway. She was the daughter of tenttary, were arrested. Small Bread Portion Is Cause of Trouble Tontb, Who Claim to Be Exempted Be cause or Weak Stomach, is Arretted as Remit of Bow la Xoeal Bestesraat. J. Sergeant, a farmer of Cedar Mills. Maurice Gratln. a 23-vear-oId vouth. to Pi-5"S "I1" .xemption while on his way home, his machine was fronx mUIt ervlco in Vallejo. struck by a car driven by joyriders of Cal- because of a weak stomach, was two states, among whom was the parole arrested this morning by the police and officer of the penitentiary at Waila turned over to federal authorities after Walls, Wash. a row with a restaurant keeper, whom As the result of the collision. Clarence he charged with not aivlnsr htm hia Blaster of Portland and Ben Ludlow, money's worth. Two slices of bread Isn't enough," Mother Begins Action Against Children to Fortify Title to Property. T j j. t iiit a a ' a xa oraer o cwar oer uu. vo iwo iota in I tyi-i i v. iit- i. .. St. Johns, Nellie Fletcher has filed a Lu.. . ?. . i "rJranTa" oanp7E W. H"w iiZ , ' 8 ?aJ?Ut2 pointed by Judge Wolverton to be rer S!"' - ! tn E'?' HarSld ceWer of the Eilers Music House. This ficvuicr, b.Bou 9. . JJ. ri.lcaw, me -w.M . th. tinlAlna- onmnanv A.. n vi bv 'in. . . . .... . . ' iicinaiiv rriranrina' nil ma Kiiara atoraa. It was declared this morning by Hy J. Eilers, principal owner, that the Port land branch, known as the Oregon Eilers Capital and Surplus $2,500,000 husband died intestate The couple had agreed that their prop erty should be so arranged that in the event of the death of either the sur :llllhlt SST!L!2f 01 M-ic "aSSTta TnoT affbeu the property. They executed an agree- kaII ..".. . "V . ZZZ. the holding company. The same is true. the Idea of an "estate of entirety." The deed was executed but the person who drew the instrument made an 'error. terming the deed an "estate by courte sy. Eilers said, of the institution at Spo kane. The bankruptcy petitions were filed by Louis Lowenstein, representing sev- Blasler was I Gratln complained of a Hooverlzlng restaurant wnen ne was arrested. outlying postoffice. show the interest om 3 a ' pTon . oY xiit, 'and ZSSSi oSTcnVTgT LT SLml. i ni work outside of the port- rared and ac"d m this city. tomobUe while intoxicated and was re- When taken before federal authorities LV!!.arn OMIOOO bail. Ludlow on $50., for not having .a regisaUon card he office of Wren exceeds the sales of Cor- graduate irom the Kt. Mary Academy.! Sere-eant. siwninir tn tv. Mnn. maia k aa T-r-itr an. tti I n.nrl vm a. mAmhflf ftf'ilm (InirfHi Pin. I i . . . .Tl . , j. . . . . . .-ri ,ik nnnulation. . . i ,,, V " uuui j.o muei an nour wnen the mpi mu" m arwi oqara aio not ?aU1m- tS.P sltlnJ Zm k. S"v "I'T, ln 18,? 2 thr.achlne. attempUng to pass, tore think his stomach was , strong enough I" .C ,,w. th th working class Spoe. but frequenUy visited Portland off the fenders on one side of SergaantS to digest the amount of food required very popular with the working class. and kept up her social relations. In machine and so damaged It thatitwai to keep a soldier in fighting trim. uaiuu -"J I iv axra. nuiuMuu nvurow w rwumui i necessary for him to have it hauled back I 11 was ascertained . that Gratln had Three Union county school children, I but falling health compelled her to spend to the cltv for ran&tra Iresrlstered at Vallelo and . ha warn r. Ruby Nordert, Thomas Boss and Alton I her winters in California. She is sur- leased. , Ford, tli Bwmtwi 01 IM Kam wnooi, yivm py uw nuswtno, a. . numawn, T 1 a 1 1 Off ieials of his draft board were wired nave aireaay quaiuiea ior memowwiiy . ; . " . i j x Is II I SHS Hm'HsKPll Itnat nis appeuto ana nis aigesuve pow- ln the Junior Rainbow regiment by seil-l victor ana ejena jnumason 01 -o- ' ""T.T 'WMU ers had returned, although foderal ,of- ing $60 worth of Thrift Stamps each. I tana ; jonn numawn, muweii, uai.; Ruby Norden, not satisfied with merely Allen Humason. Atlanta, Qa.r Mrs. -W, domg her bit as specUledlin the re-1 P. , Tufts, Davis, CsX ; Mrs. Jerome Har- ouirements for membership ln the regi-1 nngion. aponano, wuil, iw ooay im Bient, went all the way over the top in fharge of the Holman XTndertaklng with a record of $100 worth of stamps company. Requiem high mass will be ' Uiwh ln)Mit la hatnflr disnlavad I ceieDratca .ana t services neia Local Work fleers here doubted, his. exemption. . . ; 1 ' 11 m.. 1 . , T , , Thugs' KiU'One 'injure One -V Calhoun. OWa, Feb. 1.-(L;N. S.) James Walker was beaten to death and According to Attorney "beorge Perkins, ral e"1". lano manufacturers. The who represents Mrs. Fletcher, the suit is clalm xi oy mm lor nis clients is lor entirely friendly, the best of feeling ex- 1100.000. According to the petWons, the lstlng between the mother and her chil- aggregate of unsatisfied claims 'amounts dren. She asks that the court correct to $100,688.5$. The Portland creditors the deed in. order that the tide to the Utitea arer neien jcuers. sister or Mr. property may not be clouded because Eilor whoso claim im for $300; J. K. of any possible claims of th heirs. DIVORCE SUITS ARE FILED AIL rraduats nurses in Portland who arm mivif-lawl nv eM-es Av at St. hav4 given up theif professional mx-tM-1 Charles Harkaday was fatally Injured In tha-campaign by school children in Mary cathedral .Tuesday morning at ues are being asked to unite their f all parts of the county. I o'clock. forts in local service, thus releasing ac- Woodburn is making an sctlve cam paign in the sale of Thrift Stamps and has made a record, equaling that of other Oregon towns with three times the population. Postmaster Gulss re ports sales to date amounting to more than $7000. The schools of the city have materially assisted ln the sales. Fathers of Soldiers Want Money Allotted tive professional, nurses so that thev . may go to the front 1 arrestee. A preliminary meeting of nurses who are not now actively in their prof es-1 sion was neia iTiaay at Central library. having been called by Mrs. Jessie Stearns and preliminary plans were made for organising these nurses for I by robbers early Friday. The men were assaulted with an axe while they were asleep- in bed. Three negroes have been GUI company, $99.6$. and Harvey O'Bry- an. $200. Mr. Eilers : explained that the assets of the holding company are in excess NnB c,t h Hn. tV!f- of H.600.000 with Uabiuues or about 60 Non-Support Charged by One wilM oar cant that aum. Most of the asset Desertion by Another. I however, are ln ths form of installment Suits for divorce were filed today as I contracts covering pianos sold, which follows: Lisxle Hosoh vs. Chris Hosch. I makes immediate realisation upon ths The eounle married ln 1393 and hui a I Whole Impossible. married daughter. Frances Pardee ; I The receivership is to liquidate tha son. Lewis Hosch. aged 17. and a I main holding company ana reestablish daughter, Lillian Hosch, aged 16. The the units on an independent basis. wife alleges non-support. Ellen J. Hess against William Albert Hess, desertion. Divorce Suit Comes Quick Allen Lane, - a member of tha state guard who returned to his boms at 66S East Morrison street unexpectedly from waterfront duty . Thursday night and I With the American Army in Franca, found his his wife ln the company of i Feb. 16. Pursuant to a previously an- Clyde A. Brown, filed proceedings for nounoed plan,. France has turned over We have tome desirable . offices" to let in our new building. The Saving$ Department of THE UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK AT SIXTH AND STARK STS., after this date will be Open Saturday Evenings FROM 6 TO 8 O'CLOCK for the convenience of those who are unable .to go to the bank with their taving during the usual , banking hours, , "Get Into the Thrift Circle" The United States National Bank Sixth Street at Stark America by France divorce ln the office of. the county clerk this morning. Allen charges that his wife. Lulu, hit him over the head with a revolver when he engaged in a fist fiffht with Brown. i Federal Grand Jury to Meet The federal grand Jury will reconvene plot of ground to the United States to be used as a burial ground for AmerleaaV dead. It will be kept up by tha French as a national cemetery. IP LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablet taken in time will prevent Grip. E. W, Unuvii a signature on dox, buo. ia.qv.j The Fathers of Oregon- Soldiers and I dutv tn mmiMtinn hu tt,. .. Sailors association Friday nlaht adontad I . - . PERMIT ASKED TO STORE WASTE la resolution requesting ths general com- Services in other ways as occasion ' 1 mittee wnicn nas onarge or the, Oregon I arises. P. It, L. A P. Wants Authority to w" !me!Sffly vW PpoiUo? tU A second meeting is called for Friday Store -Hog Fuel" for Summer Use. 1 5is8a, of the oWon ld7e llfJ?J?U Application for permission to store sailors, on a basis of the numerical -te nurses who are not ln actlv T aarvl Tog fuel" or mill waste in three huge .trength of the various units. It was wUlI TrL piles to be used as fuel next summer is pointed out in the resolution that if this kAiiffhf h th. Pnrtland HBt W1V 1 .1PM .knAu.M.. . . . J .1. - ... aaa fc Power company. now in the fund would be equally dls-l KflTI nQTYl lAlll NQlanf An ordinance will be presented to the trlbutedt for the comforts of all Oregon I -vJl !fiU hJJXVJJV eouncll Wednesday and on Monday thel boys In servica , souncll members will view the sites of The association announced its desire me -nog iuei piles. - to have all the money ln the fund in the r The company, if permission is granted, hands of the commanders of the varl- wlll construct a high fence around each ous units, so it would be immediately Owing to the increased Importance of pile, install proper, fire plugs and main- available when needed for the comfort the government employment service due lain a continuous watchman system as of a soldier or saUor. to the war through supplying help to ft protection to adjacent property. a pattern for the official badge of farmers, shipbuilders and aU Industries the organisation was selected. It will be I engaged in war work, two additional BANKS THAT ARE OPEN j SATURDAY EVENINGS .' Jsw&Xi JL- . f f?! Kt'l wmm iri . ea aT 2 More Assistants 'A PLANS TO s. CATCH SMELT a star in the center of flag shield. A I men are to be assigned to duty with the membership drive will be started in I local branch, according to the announce- Citv CommUatOner Krllaher Anxious wblch all fathers of sons ln the service j ment of R. P. Bonham, inspector in . .- in MuitTiAman ennnt ni ft iraff o iirn vrin iiu has Atnr I ; to Beat Combine, ' , City Commissioner Kellaher is plan sing to compete with the smelt fisher man to secure a supply of smelt to be old at the Municipal fish market. 'The smelt fishermen and packers have formed a comelnation, according to in formation received by Mr. .Kellaher, and unless the city provides a plan to obtain he fish Independently, competition with Join. 'L. SchaffBros.'Player This make of piano is one of the oldest in Amer ica, Established in 1868 , Price $475 , Terms -We have a splendid line of used pianos on sale. . crKsfdsstirHssiofc MsritiW Mrs. Straiidborg Is Called to Washington Mra W. P. Strandborr will leave Thursday of next week for Washington, D. C, to attend a special conference of national publicity directors called by United States Food Administrator Hoover for February 28. Mra Strand- borg is one of the only two. women pub licists delegated as state representatives to attend the conference, the other one being Wynne Com an Schramm, former ly of this city, but now of Salt Lake. Mra Strandborg' has been identified with the food administration office In this city since it opened. It Is not known for what purpose the national conference is called, but It is supposed it is to launch further plans for publicity for the conservation of foodstuffs need ed by the allies. Sheriff Parker of Lane County Quits 'Eugene, Or., Feb. 16. James C Parker, sheriff of Lane county, ten dered his resignation to th county eo4rt today, to take effect at once, and the i county court accepted it and' at once named D. A. Elkins, chief deputy, as his i t successor. ' Sheriff Parker has proven a very ef- i f iclent and popular officer. His resig nation was based upon desire to enter other lines of business. D. A. Klkins. his successor, is a native of Polk county, who left tha University of Oregon to enlist tn the Second Oregon infantry, serving In ths Philippines dur-1 bur and after that war. He has been I chief deputy during Mr. Parker's entire incumbency. United States immigration service for Oregon. - ' Mr. Bonham has received word that ths : appointment of two new men has been sanctioned and he will select them from tha civil service list. The work of I the government employment service has increased vastly since the war and is I now one of the important organizations of ths government. Sellwood Pastor Is Appointed Chaplain ' Rev. F. H. Hayes, pastor of the Sell- wood Baptist church; has been commis sioned a chaplain in the United States army and has been ordered to report at Fort Monroe, northern Virginia. ' Rev. Hayes has Man connected with the Sellwood church for eight years. Mra Hayes and their 7-year-old son will go to Leadvllle, Colo., and live with her mother while Rev. Hayes is in the mili tary service. Rev. Hayes will ; leave Tuesday. lit V r. turn - mHNit r r 0 . CT1 IJ 1 asSsii.a imnaiiESEIElBBEBB MucslooTlM - Argentine Ambassador Home Buenos Aires, Feb. 1WI N. S.) Dr. Romulo Kaon. Argentine ambassador to the United States, who arrived her Friday, will have an audience with President Irrigoyen on Monday .to dis cuss the object of his visit. , Corn' is fine food for cold weathervhsn you can-get crisasweet POST 10ASTIES 0! MILK and SUGAR Savings Department Open Saturday Eveiiings 6 Until 8 STARTING TODAY, we will re sume the former ; custom of opening our Savings Depart ment Saturday evenings from 6 until 8. E This, we believe, will be a convenience for-Portland's great army of Shipbuild ers and other Artisans whose patriotic duties prevent calling during regular banking hours. ; . New Saving Accounts may be opened and additions or withdrawals made on Savings Accounts already established. Liberal Interest on Savings 'YOU MEN who shape steel and wood into ships, and 'all other workers, SHAPE YOUR .FUTURES by careful, systematic sav ing. For your convenience' 'pur ' J; : Savings Dept. Is open Saturday sveaings from ' 0 to S o'clock . . we invite you to make this your banking home. LADD&TILTON r BANK OUsst ta the ITerthweit Washington and Third :M- lM Ju f rr, T Continuing our policy of the past 12 NbtthvvstemNKfe BankBuildirix PI Portland Oregon years, this Bank is open for the conven ience of its depositors Saturday evenings from 6 to 8 o'clock. , Hibemia Savings Bank "A Conservative Custodian" :, . Fourth and: Washington' Streets -