12 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, POR TLAND,1 TUESDAY, ' FEBRUARY ; 12, 1918. AtrroMOBit,E-AccKnTin'. OALY TWO DAYS I.KFT , JX WHICiE TO VV ONK jOr OCR DEPK-VDABLEj l'9ED FOBOr CARS AT AN AMAZINGLY IXW PBICB fb largest stock of nied Ford fears ia . the ;yty li on display at out salesroom. .' T0CB15i BOADSTEB PELIVERI ' '''As Impaction of our car erlll prove that wa Mara tha bat vain in- tha city. Wa arc listing a few. 19 If Ford touring. Ilk tvw. 1919 Ford touring, with extra. 1919 Ford toaring. A-l condition. 1918 Ford touring, bargain at $300. 118 Ford touring, A-l condition. 1919 Ford tourwig, with extra. 1919 Ford roadster, lika saw. 1910 Ford roeAiter, with extra. 1919 Ford deliwry, panel top. .114 Ford delivery, metal body. AND MAST OTHERS. PALACE OABAGB CO.. jlthorizrd Ford Pealer. 12th and Stark ata. 1572 Phone - A-244. t ' tlHKI) AUTOMOBILES. LIBEKAL TERMS UIVBK. Hare an a fw we offer (or rour approval 191? Mltrhell, 6 pan., O ejh . . . .S WTO 6 rL ... . .$1250 11T Mitchell. 7 191 T. Mltclmll. 1 top .... . p.. pa.. 6 cL with winter ...$ I890 (91 Mitchell. 1919 Mitchell. pes. ps. ps. pea pass. e cyl. .. eyL .. cyl cyl. .. eyl .. cyl. eyl. .. eyl .. $ 850 o s $ 775 (91 (I Mitchell, 9 860 1810 Mitchell, 1918 Mitehell. 101 Mitchell. W14 Mitchell. 913 Mitchell. 1012 Mitchell. (13 Mitchell. g 750 9 009 9 960 9 660 9 200 6 ayL .. eyl. .. 200 9 959 Studehaker, ,914 Stodebaker. 6 paaa, 0 cyl. .....$ 860 9 469 delivery ,910 Jeff nr. 8 pass.. cyl. I 850 917-MaxweU. 6 pass.. Sedan ........ .9 960 3 paaa. hotel bus., 0 cyL .....9 H60 wa old Mitchells, each ... 9 190 MITCHELL. LEWIS aV STAVES CO.. Ent Morrison at First at. Bast 7272 Phones B-1S19 TJ8KD TBfCK S A CRITICS! J H TON FEDERAL TRUCK. EXCELLENT CONDITION THROUGHOUT. TIRES NKABLT NEW. WILL SELL AT A GREAT SACRI FICE. INVESTIGATE. , PORTLAND MOTOB CAB CO.. - m 10TH AND BURNSIDE STS. BBOADWAT 621. - Six cylinder flints, 5-pasa. tonrlng car with wire wheels and nedan body. All good tire. on extra tire and wheel, will ba sold at an maslngly low price. Terms. Car at tba Palace Garage 12th and Btark St. Broadway 1572. USED CARS Cadillac 8. Ilk new. snap. 1917 Buick light six, extra equipment. .9050 1917 ficrtpus-liooth. snappy buy. ...;... 760 Mitchell Six. touring, refiuished 800 1917 Stndebaker, 7-ps., cord tires 726 1910 Cadillac, Timken b-arings 250 1918 Dodge; are it 650 Light Mitchell, perfect 660 light Mitcheil, electric light and starter, re finished ,.'450 OLDSMOBILK CO., OF OREGON. Broadway at Couch. Broadway 2270. MOTORS, gears, bearing. wnls. wreck an make of cars and sU their parts at baft price. Auto -WrecXing Co.. g-91-8 KoTth Brosdwsy. Broadway 19tt. XT I M model Htudebaaer, ti cylinder, 7 pa., -. $000 ch. Uibt be sold st once. Just com pletely nverhanled. I'h'fne B-'-'al. A 19i7HHUFT. sprcisl Job, 2 tops, Victoria and rgulr, cord tires, wire wheels; bargain. Call mornings, Msnliall 2454. i-A Ki,K TToc ot slightly used tires at low prices; ' vulcanising, re-treading, general tire repairing. ft. B. Black. 634 Alder st. Min 1819. FIVE rwnger uto Rrnadwy 2917. for good light roadster. 1917 FOHD touring car. like new. rifice. Phone Broadwav 1H72. Will KkW Ford delivery body for sale at 108 N. 4tK St. Phone Broadway 945. BARON BEAN 'iPOU WHICH STAft DO V0U COST OVER HERE THIS CCOf--B004HT A TEK4 CENT EECCs AS H15 GIFT AND.INSr 0M RUHNIMC utB hachikie.pabty and everything This biro : , K00CHT TWO FIVE D021A&. CEC0R&. AMD XX) CAN'T GET A tocco OUT WHO INVITED HIM? CF HIM jrAhi i i 1 TNT W m JBv - ' t " I , V T ' f W FA ' r a V f I , VF . r 1 tr -w.l Mi. II M ii I M - M tJ fl . c r i i -s v ii m i e-z, i t t r ar . r. 1 c - i v n il i i in . u j A TTTOMOBrXES ACCESSORIES 44 WE OFFER THB FOLLOWING . BARGAINS in used ears, takes ia trade on new Packard and fcaah can. i' - . '. - TTTTSU CARS HATE ALL BEEN completely overhauled and repainted and wtU stand tha closest investigation.. SPECIAL PRICES rOB SHOW WEEK." Packard 90. 7 P-. touring. 9850. Packard S paaaenger: touring. $950. Hudson T passenger,! $780. Chalmers, $ cylinder. $600. Cad ill, T paaaenger, $550. CadilUa roadnter, 9800. OTerUnd touring. $600. PORTLAND MOTOB CAB CO., 10th and Btrrasld ata, Broadway 821, V a E D O USED CAB SHOW K S H O W VISIT OTJB MAMMOTH USED NOW ON. CAR SHOW ALL MAKES OF USED BUT NOT ABUSED CABS. SPECIALLY PRICED. THE TJSED CAR EXCHANGE, 827 WASHINGTON ST. WHBRB WASHINGTON AND BURNSIDE MEET TZS. to Awta Shew la helping ns. Wa hare den a fin business thi wk. w have a few good buys left: 1919 Overland tr.. 90 new... I 600.00 850.00 700.00. 460.00 650.00 , 500.00 1200.00 1800.00 200.00 160.00 1910 Ford roadster, just new . . . 1919 Mitchell Six roadster .... 1914 Stndebaker 4. little car... 1817 Chevrolet tr., 95 new.. 1917 Chevrolet tr., 90 new... ? cries 18 Reo Six. ran 90 mile. 917 HupmobUe. 09 new ... Chalmers 88, fin shape Chalmers 90. rung fin Many others to eeleet from. Open Sunday and evening. 8 earload of Tost new cam will be In this week buys that will surprise CONIiET'S USED CAB CENTER, S. W. Cor. 16th and Washington Sts. Brick Building. Side Entrance. Main S843. FORDS FORDS FOBOS 1917 Ford tonrlng. 1917 Ford roadster. 1917 Ford touring. 1917 Ford chassis. 1918 Ford tearing. 1918 Ford tearing. -1918 Ford roadster. 1918 Ford delivery, panel body. 1918 Ford delivery express 1914 Ford delivery, panel body 1918 Ford touring. . 1916 Ford tonrlng. - 1914 Ford touring. J 1918 Ford touring. 1916 Ford chassis. A number of these car are oraetlally new. Term if desired. Ton will be surprised when yon see them, for they are real brgin. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO., East 8770. East 18th and Hawthorn ave. A SNAP 1917 Saxon Six touring car. in excellent abac throughout. Bun very little. All good tire. Will sacrifice for $725. Term. Left with The Used Car Exchange, 627 Washington at., where Washington and Burnsida meet. Broad way 6488. . lamer; Mfg. stock. A Bapatra, 8000 guaranteed prices reduced. 84 N. 15th st ep ring in 1917 MAXWELL, like new, hs been run very Uttle on pvemnt; has been used a a demonstrator and will eU t bargain for cash. Broadway Garaae. E. 24th and Broadway. Phone East 2656. DUBRUTXiLB TOP CO.. , Oth A Oak. Broadway 18S4. 1917 FORD touring, like new, with extra. for 3360. term. 14.-880. Journal 1917 FORD touring P-784, Journal. car, reasonable lor cash. C a- irsivBL. "H0M" AMPEARk" GAVE SOME" LOVE BALLADS, BUT . K0 ONE FuT M-Sej.vES M I THINK THE SPUING OF THIS CHWR 6 MS UC FFLLOCJ OlONTTBCiMG AMV WnNT -TH tn llAVED.THEie UHCiF EVENIMG 13 SPOltED, REOOBPS, JiTTiMG ON THAT SOME ELSE "AtTTOMOBILKS ACCKSSOBIF.S ' $4 SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR , SHOW TVEfcK: AUTOMOBILE DODGE BROTHERS TOURING CARS o - . ASD OTHEH3. , 1918 Dodg, Jurt Hk new .........I 1917 Buick. nerfee.t .utnditiiv-, :--.-- i 928 850 50 750 1160 t85 00 1050 375 1250 1050 760 11919 Dodge. (1917 I lodge roadsur, first eUa. . ...... 1917 Dodiia Redan, wonderful buy. 1017 Maxwell, run very little ........ . 1015 Mitchell . . t 1917 StneU-baker Sir. ran very little... 1913. Reo, electric lighta and starter. . . . iu leoiuae Kignt .... 11 Cedilla Eighth.,., 1913 Packard .. .;...'. ex - e W hae abottt A dozen Fords, tonrlnc. road. ten. and dellrery ears, all in first class con dition ; ranging in price from 9200 to $400. COVET MOTOB CAB COMPANY. ; Main 6244. 21st and Washington St. CASH paid for old ears; condition no object : parte for all aaakea of car. Oregon Anto Ex. change. 120 Lewnsdale st.. at litU and Wash ington. phoM Main 1191. AUTOMOBILES WASTED LET US SJELI. TOTJB CAB1 Wa take an worry off yonr band. Advertising, storage and guarantee taken care of by u. Just let Us know the mak and just how much you'll take we'll sell iU THE USED CAB EXCHANGE. "Used but not abused can." 627 Washington W Whr Washington and Burnsida meet. PAINT yonr car. W mak old ear look Uke new at very little cost. Marshall 4969. , A-l AUTO WORKS V PA1NX1NO UO 626 Aider at. 1 WILL PAT YOU SPOT CASH FOB TOCB rX)KI. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE. E. 1190. E. 13 til and Hawthorn ave. tutoutis i price paid !or automobile: condi tion no object. 121 N. 3d st. Bdwy.- Su-Jv. WANTED i te model Maxwell. Have Tabor- side and East BU John lot 'to trade. Tabor 6874. ' WANTED Used Ford for cash by private party. Phone Tabor 1699. WANTED, a Ford toaring ear, cheap for cash. 484 Grand ave. AUTOS FOB BIBB S3 AUTOS FOB HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS Brand new ear. Beaaonabl rate , Fearing at Bobnett, City Gang. 8 10th, Between Stark and Oak. Broadway -940. AUTOS without drivers for hire. Uonchman Sullivan. lOfh-Yamhill. Mar. 232. A-1X30. MOTORCYCLE8-BICTCXES ii See the Cleveland Motorcycle exhibit t At the Automobile Show Btryker A Stxine. Bute Agent, 333 Oak. liACTfCHES AND BOATS 81 BARGAIN 2-foot motor boat, 28-horpower, 8 -cylinder. 2 -cycle engine. inquire 4 1 Wil lamette anoorage. FOR SALE Work Yacht club. boat. . Caretaker, Oregon P LAS OS, ORGANS AND ISSTRCTWEST8 il DMCA L 84 37.60 CASH. $7.50 next pay day. then 97 monthly buys 9428 1917 model upright Di- anos at 9290 durins Oreenberg Music Co. 'a Kan- liquidation sale, in progress at Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th st- Last opportunity before raise in nrices. Your parents or grandparents . paid $600 to gluuu tor sucn quality pianos during and after our Civil war. Buy now to avoid increase. WEBEB Pianola Piano, beautiful dull finished mahogany case. - In perfect condition and 40 roUa of good music Will sell for $876.j Also consider time sale. 140 5th at. Phone olOO. 0 Pbonogrsphs and records bought, sold, exchanged and rented. Expert repair ing. 142 to 2d. near Aider, npstair. NICE little apartment size piano, perfectly plain aarx case, ia. lera s. xw otn su jrnom Main 8100. . A FINE upright oak finished piano, in fin eon dition, 3100 cash. 3123 on terms. 42 429 "win Washington t. FOR SALE Good piano. $125 cash, or trade for young cows. CaU 542 East et, city. Phone East 4612. $8.00 BUYS $12.60 Wender with 6 record.; e uuji a cmuuiei .Tiuuuis wiui jl v lecoroai Schwan Piano Go.. Ill 4th St. $85 WESTERN Cottage organ, $30. KimbaU piano, rosewood. $116, HAROLD 8. GILBERT, 884 Tamhfll st. $246 CASH close out $550, 88 not mahogany player piano, bench and music, at Security Storage Co.. 109 4th St., t Whington. GEORGE T. PECK. PIANO TUNER. T Graduate New England Conservatory of MmdeL Boston. Mass. Tuning. $3.00. Tabor 8674 $85 CASH uures a $325 mahogany, modern upright piano, now closed out by Security Storage Co.. 109 4th at. , tHOMWHAFHS, record, bought, sold and ex changed. Hall A Cassiday. 128 1st st, M. 709; KENT a piano, most reasonable tam, in vn land. Harold S. Gilbert. 884 Yamhill at Piano Tuning $2.50 S I WANTED To rent piano. Must be reasonable. wo. v. !. c- .u cuuoren. aiam 000. " MATTIEU TPIMME.OTHI3 HAT JUST FOR THE TRV 8R0tN'. PAUTi ON BUT HE'S I FIVE OnET J , fwcu ) I ytw astm OROA7TS AND INSTRUMENTS ' MUSICAL HENBT S. G. lindemann piano, perfectly plain, i satin finish mahogany, yuat like new. Hardly nsed at aiL Will seU at a very low price. 149 in U . ,. , v - TTPEWBITEIIS 17 .NKW REMINGTON, rental plan, rant appUaa to . tmrchaiw. Vkdbte xaodela. REMINGTON TXraWBITEB f 98 Broadway. . Broadway 4931. WB 8AVB yon. front 60 to T9 per -sent en ail - zeake of typewriter. Send for oar price Bsts. Retail department. Wholesale Typewriter Oov. 921 Washington street. MAEE8 typewriters rented and reDeirad. Oregon Type Co.. 94 A Bth. Main 3668. BEBUILT typewriter, supplies. Corona dealer, E. W. Pease Ce., 110 Oth. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR MALE ti i Compare Our Prices ' Dressers, $4.96; dining tabic 98.90; steel eouohes. $2.90; kitchen treasure, $2.75; kitch en tables, 90c; center table. 60c; iron beds, S5e ; springs, $1.35; xasttresse. , $1.95; - go eArta, $1.85; eooktoTs. 85.93; rnge, $11.60; heters, 66c; sewing tucker, $1. dining ehair. $1.16; book shelve. 85c; steel couch. $ 80; steel springs. $8.65; oak faboarettea, 85c; china closet. $ 11. to ; . Spanish leather rocker and chairs. - A big assortment of all kind of goods, including grantewara. tubs, dishes, pillows, in fact, everything yon need. - All goods marked with big; yellow tag. Wait on yourself. ! 208 Madison. - LIBRARY table, chairs, fumed m Ada ma st. : dapenport. grafonola oak, very reasonable. and CaU I WILL sell my furniture and give you my home without rent. CaU At 253 JS. 3d st. N. or phon East 1647. FOB SALK MISCELLANEOUS 19 ALL machine sold for less; no " agent employed; machine rented, repaired. A-8828. M. 9481. Sewing Machine Emportua. 190 3d. near Taylor et. - Electric Motors Will if f J .. .HM 'vmt,a mu, itui cva nuu a vyjm-ax n Walker Electric Work. 413 Bum side, corner 10th. Broadway or A-B674. tb 111. I ill Ten drophead sewing macnln with attachments; all are in very good condition. Sewing machine rented at 83 per month. Phone East 2859 or B-8807. B. B Steen. 162 Grand ave., near Belmont. 61UK4UX or rent, ZO.COO to 30,000 aqoar i feet space; Tehiem and implement district; track; elevator, good light, excellent for light manufacturing, reason hi: sprinkler system: low inaursnoe. 830 E. Morrison at. Phone uaat 9i. tMUaiiUAL INSTRUMENTS." "Typewriters J and "Household Goods" are aeparat clamM- eatlons. AU advertisement of -these goods are published under their respective classification. LOOK THEM OVEB AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES. LAUNUHkU or boat are separate chusificationa. A large nsung can oe lonna nnaer toes OirTerent dasmficetiona. VK WILL upholster and repair your furni ture and take your old discarded furniture in exchange for payment. Multnomah Furniture Hospital. 354 3d t. Main 4554. FOB SALE A Harvard surgeon and gynecol" ogist's chair. A bargain. M. H. White, M. D , 1410 E. Hoyt St., Portland, Or. Phone Tabor 4937. A-l Bnrbank potato, $1.25 per 100 lb.; sec ond else, $1 per 100 lb.; smIl potatoes. 40c sack. SlaWB. John St., St. John. Phone Co- lumbla 71 IT K Used Sewing Machines Guaranteed. We rent and repair. 172 Third St, Main 1845. A-1818. loR HALE Reynolds-Corliss engine, 30x42. in good condition. Fairbanks Morse 6 1st st. ex Go.. PIANOS, organs, talking machines accepted as first payment on new piano and player pianos.' Schwan Piano Co., Ill 4th st. 500 ENVELOPES, 600 Bond letterheads, bill Smith Printing heads or statements. 81.60. Co., 204 Stark st. SLIGHTLY used computing scale. aU kinds; also cheese cutter, coffee mills and meat slieers: very cheap. Can at 384 Stark et. A SMALL plant for sale, good for laundry or cleaning establishment. Apply 241 Everett st. Broadway 8170. 1.8 FT. cigar wail case. $15; 1 good a new baby carriage. CaU 136 N. 6th t Sunday, after 1 p. m. - ULTRA VIOLET RAY machine, fin for scalp work, for sale er trade. B-798, Journal. FOR SALE Mrin glasses and sextant. Phone E. 4628. 755 Belmont st, FINE bicycle for sale cheap. Newman, 123 1st, near Alder. FOB SALE 8 HxlO WUlamett donkey, in good condition. HX-646, Journal. WELD rotted cow and hone manure. 4066. Marshall $5B jl.oariiA BLKrKjin vuirii, .Da, .1 . m a w . rtonnwesiern ripe V.W., tot r luuir . L. ItJLL set " correspondence law course text. $10 H-B77. Journal. PLUMRING tupplies. wholeeal pnee.' Da-i Co.. 212 3d et. Main 797. Stark- BATHTUBS, sinks, toilet, pip nd Uttings. A. U Howird. 21Z 4th st. Phone Main 1806 VACUUM cleaner changed, bough t- sold, 'repaired, rented, ex Bentley Co.. Main 8582. PBETTY electric reading lamp, $7, 16th st- N. 1088 E. DOUBLE-FACED blue smoking jacket, six 38; will sell cheap. Main 2211. INVALID'S chair. CalTWdln. 4222. GARDEN manure for sale. Sellwood 206. JAEGER VACUUM SWEEPERS. MAIN 8582. CHASTISE Afe WM''BAftoM 5TIUL. ASSIST w firj W HATTlE SHOULD THIS JOLL'CHAP CONTRIBUTED A ST&VE LID J0ST POPE. THE JOKE . THAT HAT HER PIAMO OP T ITS THE V THE JOKE WAf HE? ' YUM. BE 0M TEU3 HEM:i him JP ITS UNDlSGOYEBro cm? tmc PuoptTse of riAKOS, CCUJKTlMG CECOKPS UlTHocjT aryikKi THEM, OP THE" fORTV -THAT WERE COLLECTED AT THIS AFFAIR. THIRTY SlK U)0R ,THE SmB SONG AND THE REST. HAD FLAT ; WHEELS.- - 1 J4 . Highest Price Paid,: for ' all kinds of boaiwhnld - goods, bjotel and reatanraBt outfit, trunk, bag- and suitcases, bicycles,' fishing tackle and firearma.. JUso hard war and tools of aU description. - " t . - -CASH OB . EXCHANGE. Levin Hardware&FurnitureCo, 221 Front St., cor. Salnioa. Main 9072. A-7174. ' - , CASH PAID. Wt need aU kind of ekl fnrnlrnre. carpet, etovea. ranges and office furniture and noose bold good generally and will pay top price for saxae. Call Marshall 697 and oar barer will rail at once. Gerarta Furo. Mora. 205-207 1st st. Call East 636 prices paid for furniture. stoTear anrthina in honsehold good. Will ex. change yonr old furniture for new. WE PAT THB HIGHEST PRICE for nsed fur , aitura. carpet, , stove, etc. - Call East 2.04. Grand Rapids Furniture Co. Pifer-Hamilton 99-90 Grand gvenne Phone East 7789 Highest price paid tr.r nsed furniture, carpet. stove.' range, etc W call promptly. Want Household I urniture WTLTj PAT a CASH fhone Uatn JI3.1Z. WANTED All kind of SECOND HAND FUR NITURE. IF you have anything to BELL, call a reliable house and get what goods gre WORTH. WnJSON'S AUCTION HOUSE. Main lOJO PHONK East 7815 when you want to cell our -i furniture: w will com it once and pay you CASH. M. B. SEATfcR. 880 Hawthorn ave. cor. Union. ' SMALL-1 WOULD like to buy some second tend no e i hold goods and clothing; will pay high price. Mr. Ws.liburtie. MarhaU 478S. CUT lreigbt rate on household goods tuiped . East nd South. Manning Wa'rTi'e A Transfer Cf., Oth and Hoyt. Broadway 703 ; A-1703. kCGS DRESSES. RANGE. FURNITURE Main 449!t. labor 679. wanted: no dealers. MULTNOMAH Furniture Hospital price foruMd furniture. 354 3d. pay higbnt Main 4554. 8WAP COLtMS LARGE POTATOES, $1 per sack, or will trade for whit paint or jnk. Marshall moo. WAGON and canarlea to exchange tor anything : ef value. Tabor 1950. WASTED MISCELLASEOTJS WB PAY cash for diamonds, old gold, platinum, : diver, high grad or. - Turn the things -yon don't need into money. Bring or gnaU. W are reliable and in Portland eight year. . W mk and repair jewelry. Diamond t whil you wait. Pickering A Co., Manufacturing Jewelers and Diamonds SetUrs. 987 North western Bank Bldg. Phon Main 956. ; WE BUY- AND SELL U kind of breeding and pet stock, rabbits, pigeons and fancy poultry. CASH PRODUCE CO., 155 Front Main 4882. 201 Motrison. IV I HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR TOUR CAST-OFF CLOTHING. SHOES. ETC, 129 N. 8TH ST. CALL BROADWAY 2845. - Second Hand Clothing 3, METER. THE TAILOR. PATS 87.50 AND UP FOR 2D HAND SUITS. HE PAYS MORS FOR SHOES AND CLOTHING. PHONE MAR SHALL 1229 TODAY. 229 MADISON ST. REPAIRS YOUK WAl'GU l fl Reingold's Jeweler " 124 8th st. near Wa-hlnrton. 81. Front Hide L. Shank Co. Portland. Oregon Metals Rubber. Writ for price and shipping tags. Mala 1099. WANTED The people of Portland to know I pay the highest cash price for household good. Prompt attention. East 1 07, N. M. Seatcr, 148 Russell st, WANTED Second hand furniture, range and stove, etc. WB PAY Ttu BEST PRICES. MOBGAN FUBNITUBE CO., 890 East Morrison. Pbon Eavt 328tt. BEST cash prices- paid for used oifice desks, chairs and filing cabinet. PACIFIC STA TIONERY A PRINTING CO., Main 1971. II 55. JUNK tiU Machinery, Junk. ate. U. Oi JUIirx vvy 8pel price for Job lota. 195 Front t. Main 4711. WUi calL SECOND hand clothing bought. W pay aU that it' worth for men' second hand cloth ing. CaU Main 734. HIGHEST prices for guns, musical instruments, kodak and high grade leneea. Vina Bra-. 74 Sd t.. near Oak. Main 5905. GOING East or South 1 Household goods ahipped at reduced rates. Pacific Goast Forwarding Go., vll Wilcox bldg. Marshall 2467. WANTED Second band tools, bicycle, etc Blttmsn Hardware. 218 Front. Main 3811 FULL "value paid for 2nd hand goods and Junk, any quantity. Phone Main 4827. 204 1st. tAlS uighest I rice tor second hand ciotuie, tools, etc. 273 Front Main 4802. WANTED Rifle, fibotguns. camera. lens, Hochfield. 86 3d st Phone Main 8581. WANT . cash, register, floor case, scales. ' New man. Main 4495. 128 1st. WANTED White enameled chiffonier, square glass. 1086 E. 18th at. Nt PKK805AL 12 VIBRATORY massage, face, scalp tretmnta 989 H Wash., office 56. Ma:shan 4727. IfVOU Bar i IrVrf it dWfiictj y" 5HE KEEPS i time uj.th the I MUSIC WHILE SHE KM ITS. Pi AN THAT ACAIn ! IF The A 000PIE MUSIC NETTIE PLtVS NIT TOO FAST. 5HE LL STITCH!, 3HEBCUMQ rVHSTTim-K 'WASTED r-l , ' PJA 1 V a. ' Kvif l ) vvr r rv 7&s Tua 21 - CHIROPRACTIC A science of euring diasan that ha utoemhed tne world. ' A dignified profession that degaand tne in terest and respect of aU clsswe. - If yon are tntereeted In the welfare of suf fering humanity a future f sneceea await yon by beeommg a chiropractie ptrysieian. W in Tit yon ia visit oar eolleg and become acquainted with the fact concerning thja drug lea method of treating diisseav and the eon re a given in this institution. Wo are ' starting a special The first emester opens Feb.-16. 1918. Bright young men and women, with good moral character, are offered opportunities to earn their tuition and lirtng expensee while learning. DAT AND NIGHT COURSES OREGON COLLEGE OF CHIROPRACTIC PORTLAND. OREGON 414 Mill st. (comer Eleventh.) Pbone Main 3599. Take Sunnrnde ear. i LADIES TAKARA Antiseptic ' powder Is a soothing, eooSng, cleansing antiseptie wash. Teaspoonful dissolved in quart of water. , Indorsed by physicians for catarrhal troubles, female disorder and is essen tia! to personal hygiene. 60c and 91 package. Sold by Portland Hotel Pharmacy. . tiLASK AT A SAVtNl The same eervlce and quality yon pay doable the money else, where: correctly fitted glasses a 91.60. Thoownd of satisfied coetom W. Goodman, Optometrist. 209 Morrison. era. C SPIRITUALISM Mr. M. L 6th st.. cor. Min. teeehi MAR. 295 palmistry and card reading; ot neaitn ami ni SEPT.. 1917. ' True Blue. It ie aU right. ' It ia aU right. The law says so. Find SUPERFLUOUS hir. mole, warts removed by 10 needle method; trial 1. Josw tlnJy. 814 Eilr bldg. alin So. Noiica; i WlU not Mr. reoponubl tor any debts by J. w. or n fipex. I. W. Piper, DK. U. V. KETGUUM. women' mlrtie a ad acute disc of men. Washington bkig.. th and Washington. Mar. 448 DR. J. E. PERRY, chronic diwaseit. magnetic healing, acute and 114 H Grand ave. Cvmuiuuun ku. tl2 KeUing bldg. Lawyer tain MAY ANDREWS teaches phrenology and reading. 282 Park. Main 7548. MME. G REN ELL, hair culturist. face massage. dandruff, itching acaip. 1AU Mieduer bldg. GOITRE, enlargements, care yourself gnfely, Address A. R Strachan, R. 5. Uillsboro. Or. ELECT R1U-CABINET 827-29 Pittock blk. BATHS. Open Hunday. tiADY barber. . Shave 15c, hair cut 25c, face goe. S2D uuaan sx. iPPOFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCORDION PLCATINO tMll'lGni.v be A lAliu. I'l.KA 1 1.... ALL LATEST STYLES. EASTEHN NOVEU TY CO.. 86 M 9TH ST., BET. OAK AND STARK STS. PHONE BROADWAY x2QO aw blk.r tl .N . iMriUAtitcuiiifc. oiaMiii, -ciiau. stitobing, box, acoordion; aide and snnbarvt .iie. M.lloo4nc buttons covered. . flood. ponged. 219 Pittock blk. Broadway 1099 AGATE CUTTING AND MFO. MEIWELER8 AUATkJt cut end poiianea. Kl " - MiUeTa, 348 m Washmgton St. LANK BOOK WAKER, 1AVI book hlllJlAN. 1D manufactnrev. A -8 11. 2d at, Main . Baaa 183. SAAI 1TMI ' BOOKS bought, ol exchanged! Scandinavian book atore. 4 N. 3d st. Broadway 2234. BRASS AND MACHINE' WORKS liAHFUK'S xtUAai WUKk. , Brass caiing. and machine work. 10 N. 6th. B'dway 2343 OARPET CLEANING Pu grom old Sf rsg rug. arM-u. -rpel vt cMenieg. BOBTHWEST BUO .CO. . ' Bth at Phone Eat 9580. Ft-12e 188 . JOYCE BROS.. Elaetrie Cleaning Work Oarpets cleaned and laid, refitting oar pe atelty. Beat 44Q. B-1969. 204 Best 19th sr. N. OHIROPODISTS DR. W. E. UA MONTE, t French sanitary method. 807-8 S wetland bldg. Main 5486. . COAL AND WOOD DRY cordwood, labwood and block wood. also Co. coaL Prompt delivery. Acme Fuel 28th and Hollsday at 8531, B 8188 NATIONAL FUEL CO.. K. 2d and Oregon sts. Short (labwood and block wood, mixed, 3 load lots. 34. Blockwood.' East 2041. DRY block wood, 93.50-load at yard. Foot of Flanders st. Phone- Broadway 237S. OH IROPR ACTORS DR. McMAHUN making good 31 adjust- 919: 86. Easiest DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL DR. . H. HUTHMAN. VETERINARIAN, bo Bifal. 416 KV7th sL East 1847. B-1982. EVE. EAR. NOSE. THROAT. LUNO Dr. F. 700 FT Case da T. SoecUlist: alase fitted. Bamnut. ror. -Uth rt-lWa. K-- . OUCATIONAL MU8IO SCHOOLS AND Tf ACHfOJ U CARROLL DAY. piano, vocal lesnon with Msln 6210. practice piano. 1 hour day, $8 mo. B. THIELHURN Violin teacner. pupa 907 Filed ner bldg. Broadway 182. PROF. T. ET LAWSON. Piano lesson at your Phone Tabor 7206. home, Toc ALL String Piano Kolkenbeck,' 409 YamhilL FEBSONA1, Sometimes You're Wrong When You're Right v I S'VEAvU5fc N0U) THAT I HAVE Al I I APTEK LOOKIMQ OVEQ, .. THE r?EC0RDS, JAMES MA SERVED IEM0M ADZ. FOR. EEFCESHMEMT. DFCODDS.I kMOuJ THE" HA CHIME WILLI BREAK D0DNJ. DON'T -YOU 'LOVE AT CALAMlTV- -BS. LEMmi N .JAMP- A W RniP !?v r&OFESSIOSAI.- AK0 ' BC8MCE&S 't. --' DIRECTOBT" " - - DANOINd BINCLBB Dancing Academy. AO branches of modern fancy, state and bailroom oandng. Clems antb private leeaona for adult and ehu- gren. llata gBSO. afentrose RUixier. THE BECKETT-HEATH SCHOOL Danetng tangbt in aU tu branchaa. Private, day event n(. -' Class ea Toea. and Fri.. 9-1S. As esnfbly after. Wash. st. Main JO MRS. FLECK'S ACADbUTT. 10 SECOND ST. Ballroom and cUssie dancing. Private a son .daily Class a Monday and Thursday eve ning. 8 to 10. Lediee free. Main 3100. MANCHESTER DAaCINU ACADEssT. 85 6th. - Latear dances taught. AH dancers guar anteed. lO private lesson $8.: Bdwy. 2327. THE' Dekunv Dancing school ; : lessons day and evening by appointment: latest dances. Mar. 1279. Main 744. . USA HthXAND 509 Dekum bldg. 10 private 95. Hoiii-s 9:60 a. m. to 9 p. m. LAW SCHOOLS a . OREGON UW HUUUOL A tnorough. practical course in law. Bed ta ttoos evenfoga. Main 977. Aliakv bldg. FLUFF ROOS AND RAO RUQI ORTHWKST RUG CO. Established 190. Flnfl Run nn Kae Knn wawn atl K "th sod Taylor Kart X.'.ftO. B-1280. WEAVING RAG CARPETS AMI RUGA Price reasonable. 788 Pacific sc. near 25th. P-"H in onitnc WexVrKKN FLUFF Kti .? PHONE EAST f41r R 1476. HAIR aOOOS AND HAIR DRCSftINO FEHVKT HA.Nk.bUT. leading wl iuuim saaker. nnaat steek of bunts bair goods; hair dressing, manicuring, face a ad scalp treat. Removed to 84a Alder, near Broadway. PAINT1NQ. TINTING. PAPERHANQINa HAVK yuu mn our be wu ppec.i iu ttm price on painting, panerlna, tinting In the etty. Tabor 7B93. C. H. Mora. TOCHLB PAINTING XI- paiailne. tinting, papering. 153 N. 17th t Broadway 4414. PATENT ATTONNEyS GOLDBERG. 620 Worcester bjdg yin 2625. PHYSICIANS DK. H. . l'HU-i.li-3. uus ttrtwuway uu Rheumstism, female diwrders, skin troubie. tcmach, liver, kidney, bowels, throat, goitre, high blond pre ire- . - PLUMBINQ 9UPPLIS8 wholesaEk A KKTAIL PLUMBINO SUP- PLIES. Fleml ing. 112 4th st- Min 7800. PRINTING. EHQRAVINO. BINOINB PRINTING ft W. BALTES A CO.. 1st and Oak st. M. 165. A 1186, THB IVY PREBS Broadway 409, 893 Star, st A-4088 REAL EOT ATI DEALERS CARL K. JUNKS. 4U4 Wileoa bldg. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS ALSO STENCII.S, Trad Check. MeUl Slana. PAGijriU VUAII HTAUf WUHIkS. Broadwav Bmadwav 710. A-271S. 68 SHEET METAL WORKS kKf A1K1NO us and gravel root. 810 let t- Pbon Maie 1424. flN and sheet metal work: furnaces: nostra. Tilton Bros. 105 N. 6th. Phone Bdwy. 91. TOWEL SUPPLY PORTLAND UUMiIll lor prompt, ettk Phone Broadway 410. A-4410. TRANSFER AND STORAGE Oregon I ranster Co. Established 1870. Transfer and Forwarding Agent. Storage Free Trick.. Office and Stotage. 4 74 Gllxan 18th and Glisan. Broadv 1281. A-1169 A.-WAVS "PICK" THE UhM T HOUS-HOLU GOODS SPECIALIST S ton re, packing, shipping and moviax. Horse and auto vane, Special rate to aU points. C tX PIGK TBA SHIfEK & STORAGE CO.t Second and P'ne. Broadway 60S. A-1998 PACKING MOVINQ STORAGE SECURITY STORAGE A TRANSFER CO.. 105 Park st. Main 6196; A-1061. MANUfACTUff-LPS 1 JOBBERS WHOLESALERS FLUFF RUGS AND RAO RUGS Send Us Your Old Carpets ' o niiiTff: id iriLwir lrom old lngmln. Brunelt. Axmlnstev. Also rag rug, an sue. Mau orders Smyrna. prompt. nd lor con let. Carpet Cl'ning, Refitting, Etc. 9x12 ruga, steam er electric cleaned.. ... .81-09 9x10 rug, steam or electria cleaned. . ...... 7 WESTERN FLUFF HUG CO.. 84 Union ave. N. Pbonea East 9816. B-147S. TBATf SPORTATIOlf San Francisco Los Angeles (Without Chang En Route) S.S. ROSE CITY Sails from Ainsworth Dock S P. St. SUNDAY, FSB. 17. The San Francisco tk Portland S. S. C., Third and Washlnaton Street (with O-W. R A N. Co.) Tl. Broadway 4SO0. A-4121 "Record" Prrty FXiWMUCH LXE5 A. 30TT1E HOLD? 7 mm -. f a g m KRAZYKAT Oonyrlgtat by lntermatio-al . Bewe t ServW Bitered m United State Paten OfOe - 1 -ToBiS A PZS Vou fea AJ THE. ;SKAJA5WArVftft. DEWH Mft.KABIBBlE OONt SOU HATE THE KIND OF rTUOW.WHO TMlNrCS W&S AMD FEELS SO SURE OF HIMSELF? ; ( - CENEVIEVE GARCIA yETrCrWWHO s ' ACttlTWE SECOM0 TMEXlOJVsES VXIH0UT A SHAVE. i rLj i 1 J f m )'"e 1 :