The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 10, 1918, Page 26, Image 26

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88000 T ROOM maten boas on
Rodney a., MM Ruasell at 1000
Mb, baianee suitable term at iter Mat.
$1100 S room modern him m E. -lth
at. N. Splendid bargain, 0
to 300 cub. balaac lift par Booth.
7 pet cant on balance.
II TOO 4 room modem omraTow
' with ale lot of fruit, ground 100x120.
' 1200 of 1100. 'Balance suitebl to ".pur
chaser. I -4
Otto & Harkson Realty Co.
. 411 Chamber of Commtwe bMv
Move is tomorrow i
DOWN. 126 MO.VTH--3260
5 room bungalow, with breakfast
nook, beside on plaatarad and flrftaheM room In
attia. 'Good fireplace, troiltlu Iwokwese and
buff at. nice kitchen, hardwood flor in main
rnoma, larga closet, entrance ban. French doors,
full baeement. furnace. laundry tlay. fruit
eloet, fir tree In yard, corner lW t end
aouth front. Quick action if you want this!
I. L. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber
et Commerce bldg Main ,
House ia absolutely mnneru in f '""k",'.
, In one of the best reaidence distr Ha in the
f alty, baa been Just taken on forec loaura and
you can bur it for what the mortal j has ia It
' The bouee la inaured for I3S00 wh k ia sup
pmed to be 70 or 80 per cent of Its actual
' value We can sell you the whole 1 bt and all
at 1X500 and giv yon reesonabl ter to pay.
Neilan A Psrkhlll. 210 Lumbermen bids.. Bth
and 8 lark st.
f6U ONLY 11 600 a 7 room, food substantial
house . with a cement baManenm. modern
' annual! for nybody, with plenty of fruits and
flower. A cement walk leading f roi ft the car
to the premise. Thia place ia locata si at 748
Miller arenue. Sellwood. The hous ";
not he replaced for lem than 12100. 4800 will
handle this property. .
M. J. Clobessy. 415 Ablngton Mullding.
Ton can buy a nice home cheaper than you
could build. Hate 4 barsalna at lew than it
would cost to bnild the hous. T. H- Cooper.
1745 Derby st. Kenton.
HTSaETIFTX bungslow built to perfection,
with one and one fifth acre, of land with
all kind of fruita and flower. at Oak Grove,
iri.u 4. fronting nn the llilwsuki rod.
a hard aurfaced atreet for mile. It ia cheap
at 110.000. The bungalow alone- coat 0u.
. Who wante this pUce for 15000. . Owner com
pelled to leave the city.
U. J. Clohcsay. 41 5 Abington t Building.
Pv-r-r H!iiu valued "tl3""hi-hly unproved -188
acre aandy loam farm tv13.00; loaned
IflAOO at A ner cent Nr school, town, 80
,w - fWiUnrf Will Include 13000 worth per
11 iniul nmtwrtf Hnclndin 14 jerseys) for :$13,-
' KOO. I4U00 cash, balance easiest Umu. Draft
. Tore aale.
OTIS C. BECK. 428 Henry bwig.
Best Home Bargains
T-room modern house
-room cottage in Irvington . . . ,
. ... .U500
. .1250
4 -room house, corner 1200
-room house 1050
L. A. HALL, 512 Panama Bl.
, ' 50 IKWNi16 MONTH
Mt Tabor, beautiful location, 50x1010-ft lot
house ceiled, bedrooms, bath, good arrange
ment, basement J. U HARTMAN CO.. 7
Chamber of Commerce bldg.. 4th and- Stark.
Main 208, A-2050.
MAKE offer on 100x100, corner E. 10th and
Caruthere atreets, one modern 8 room house
and an old bouse of 10 rooms, alao iiorner 4 Si
100 on Milwaukie ave. and Beacon atreet; store
i building and residence. This property) must be
old to settle an estate. Address Box 234.
Gladston. Or.
Attractive and modern. 8 sleeping room) and
t large sleeping porch, living room, dining ,room
and kitchen, bath, builtln features, run
1 meat; on carjtne. Price $2250.
918 Chamber of Commerce.
5d0 DOWN
. Close In. Rose City or Beaumont car, room
end garage, paved street and sewer in and
paid. Hardwood floors in main rooms. J. L.
. HARTMAN COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of
Commerce bldg. Main 208, A-2050.
. SNAP 8 room house, 25x68, west sid. right
down town; $2500. terms.
Nice little home, 4 rooms and bath, acneened
porch, fruit: 81200. $100 cash, balance as rent
Dandy 5 room bungalow, 60x117, flowers and
fruit U block to cood car: $1600. term.
Furnished or Unfurnished"
B ffrfilB modern cottage. 27 minute car ride
Will aell for $1800, (200 caah. This is a good
bargain. Main 5456. H 611, Journal,
- TWO story, 7 room house, sleeping porch, iu,
electric lights, bath, furnace, full ais en
. crate basement, garage. Paved atreet All -
' ementa In and paid. Located near Rose City,
$8760. Terms.
J. C. CORBIN CO., 805 Lewis Bldg.
' Wat HAVE aeveral bargain In nomes, scan
have fruit tree, berries and shrubbery. Price
from 1 800 to 81800, very easy terma. If you
ire looking for a home at an attractive price
' nod eaay terma let us show you what we nave
to offer. M. K. Le, boo Uorbett bldg.
Here la a dandy I Located In Park roe. Just
utaide city limit. 4 nice rooms with bath,
gas and electric light. Terma. J. L. HART-
MAN CO.. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
12750 6 room bungalow, garage, good fur-
nace, electrin lights and gaa, on macadam road.
only 8 blocks to carlln. - J. I.. HARTMAN
CO., 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208
S LOTS all fenced, all covered with bearing
fruit and flowers; 4 room house, outhouse,
Houck, 110 10th St.
100x200 FEET and 2 modern house. Univer
ity Park district both house rented, steady
Income. See them and make me an offer,
Owner must aell on account of health. Jordan,
l,nmbermena bldg., Bth and Stark sts.
i860 buy small new modern home. Urge
corner lot fruit flowers. Woodlawn. 2 bus.
to cay. Cement walk. $200 cash, bal. like rent
MrCroakey, Msin 1484 Monday, Bdwy. 1958
$21 50 HAWTHORN E 46TH ST.
5 rooms and attic, cement basement. - This
Is In a good location. Terms. J. L. HARTMAN
COMPANY. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
aiain zun, A-zunu.
ONLY $800.
Mostly In cultivation: water, lismt.
Fmlt X Mm hfllU, ,1m, tn mmr .4
nly 80 minutes out;, easy tenns. Call at 60(J
lioneord bldg.
BUNGALOW, 7 rooms, gaa, electrio lights, bath
full, else basement, nice lot concrete pare
menu, 3 blocks car. Alberta district, $2100
J. ft. CORBIN CO,. 805 Lewia Bldg.
BEVLRAL wU located, almost nw, modern
4 and 5 room bungalows for aale.
trie. Esy terms.
! 224-225 Hmn MH.
ROOM bouse and acre at Stanley 8ttion.
new hous. new chicken house, fruit trees,
built bungalow style; price $600, $50 down, bal
ance 810 per month. Peters, 15 N. 6th st
FOK SATE By owner, 5 room house, lot 60x
100; cement walk- and curb, . electric - lighta,
1300. $200 caah. balance In payments, St
ohnf district. Phone Woodlawn 8665.
Beautiful, modern house. Overlook district.
. Consider term.
; H. r. Feemster. 209 Abington , bldg.
TOR SALE by owner
pantry, full basement, nice location, i tik
roca ear line, near Jefferson high. Price $1600.
srrnr. iif , encouver ave.
$32i"BCY8 a 2 room shack, west aide. $80
own and 810 a month. Ground is worth
In money. M. E. Lee. 605 Corbett bid.
vV7TKKlNl3MAN-8 home ; house, barn, two lot
w "r 1 sr, fivv. I1UV UOWn. BID
r momn. m ln, OUB Jnm. Of Com.
story room house and ansa. itMrf
imp. naia, on tt. lutn. north of Irvtaisrton.
3500. Easy terms. Write owner, P. O. box 658.
BUN. XT 6 room np-to-date bungalow worth
- $2800. for $1830, terma. Phone evenings
or nanoiji, oeuwoou lis
FINE 5 room bouse, corner lot concrete bae-
aaens. everyuiing up-to-Oate. Eaay payment.
40 Lumor r.xcnange.
ROOM bouse, lot SSttxlOO. hrn Inll
vi esrmsie, diocu irom MOUni CMOtt Car,
assy tersna. van iao xnviaion st. city,
IRVINGTON bom. 8 rooms, on 26th st; price
4000; will give term. Jordan, 801-2 Lum-
vermene oing., nu ana Btarc st.
42S BUYS 4 room house-in Brentwood, ISO
down. balance mar awn term.
. unit Ta
118. .
ROOM eotsage, 100x100; fin corner; Brwit-
soo, easy terms. f.:aU Woodln. 294
i ! 7 room -modern house: walkuu
nurry. ss-ob. journal,
rROOM modern bungalow fog salsT
Call at
80 H Marshall at 8 p. m.
MODERN up-to-date 7 room heus in Haw
thorn district; owner. - C-777. Journal.
T00 wanted on 4 room modern eottag. 1st
mortgage. No eommiaioa. Q-937, Journ!.
TWO buna-slow brgin. 6 room. 82000- 7
' room,' $3600. Main 4936. . -.
1280 Shack and lota, Kenton district
11800 room hou.' Brooklyn. Add., close ft.
11800 Modem bungalow on Woodstock ejjrUna.
1700 Lerr 8 room bona, lot 100x100. In
Brooklyn district; walking- distance. .
1780 Well built 8 room bona, lot 100x100.
1 block from car; central caat aide.
1750 5 room boose, large attic; In food oon-
dition; on Maryland are. 1 block, from
Kenton car.
1 g00 o room bona and gang, lot 68x100,
pared street, cement walk, eioae in on
S2000 7 room modern bouae. lot 80X10O, f
U'lntiaish Heieht. i
822S0 6 room bouae, Willamette Add., walk- (
tn .hm tn hinvard. 1 block to car.
S2&00 S room Alberta bungalow, 1 block
from car. .
Thia ia only a partial Hat, if none of thee
euit, we hare other that will. Wa bar pic
ture of moat of the bouaea. CaB and
what we hare.
203-5-7 Board of Trade bid.
I1KM - 1 It
room hoiue with three ;
i...- ...(.4-.iv th hmm WwAtinii on i!D- i
Hol Hill. Capitol Hill la fir cent carfare; ;
there M gaa, city water, electrio lighta on the j
premnea; a city acnooi two diock irom me j
noUHe. Dracticaiur a ora nniaa row
the busineas center of Portland to within two
block of thia property. This property cot the
present owner more than $3000. You can buy
It for lem than half. .. '
M. J. Oloheimy, 415 Abington Building.
S2&0 CASH, balanc $1700 like rent, takes
mv hMiitlfnl mivi.rn 1 room bungalow, right t
at' xharming Piedmont, restricted district Fine .
lawn, shade trees, Deing newiy painicu. im u
regret delaying. They tell me desirable places
are going fast. See today, 1044 Cleveland, then
call Main 679 for particular.
STRICTLY modern home
7 room. 928 Re-
gent Drive. Cost 30D0O. tjulck ie, ?uu.
Alio 8 room bungalow and garage,1 Laurelhurst.
trictly modern; price $3800; cost 85500.
Owner. Phons Tabor 8020.
NEW 8 room bungalow, just being completed;
hardwood floor downstairs, modern in every
respect,- full ize concrete basement, located on
pared street,) Rose City, $4100. Terma.
J. O. CORBIN CO., 306 Lewi Bldg.
Modern 8 room bouse, acre, all bt fruit
and berries ; chicken house; well located. Price
$3500, land is worth the money. Terms. Own
er, Main 4694.
I have several beautiful modern bungalows,
near Alberta car cheap, easy terms. Dubois,
723 Chamber of Commerce. Mam 1454.
Tw .htr.w.r
SEVEN room house, near St.
$1800. rent payment 0 room
honse sere .
uuiise. sere
ground. Sellwood, $4500. Easy terms.
4 ROOM house, lot 100x100, fruit trees, ber
ries and roses, fine corner; price 850, (400
cash, mortgage, $300. Box 2106, Station A.
$ 19 5 0 FCRN ISHED 5 room house at 486 E.
Emerson St., 1 V blocks from Union avenue;
must sell at once; teams to suit Owner. Call
week days after 7 p,
ROOM bungalow, block to car, gas. electricity,
well furnished, everything for $2000; easy .
psyments. Msin 1498.
6 ROOM house and 4 lots, close to car, all
kind of fruits and berries, small payment
down. Main 1493.
A lot in the very heart of the Lsnralhurst
district for $475, purchaser to assume small
balance or bonded Indebtedness. Thia n less
than one-third of what party has in lot. but
she is compelled to raise money. 210 Lumber
mens bldg.. Dth and Stark sts.
CHEAPEST lot in Portland; fine residence lot.
well located on Willamette bird., all im
provements in and paid, 1 block from ear, fine
home on next lot, $600; must be cash. Neal
Brown, 207 Panama bldg.
GET READY for ahipyard. Houses or flat in
great demand now. I have one quarter block
for aale located 3 blocks from oar station. A. H.
Dowling, owner, Milwaukie, Or.
FOR SALE, 4 lots, 100x100, cultivated land.
237 rest, lacing electric car. 8 minutes from
business section of Sherwood; cheap for
No trade. Address owner, A-886, Journal.
GARDEN HOME Big lota, only $250, $25
down. tlO month. See McCormic. owner, to
day. Phone Main 9318.
BIGGEST bargain on Portland Heights, fine
view lot. close in: cost $2600. Wsnt offer.
Owner, Msin 1963. 609 Cham, of Com.
FOR SALE A choice lot near Laurelhurst
Park at a sacrifice by the owner. 0-945.
Journal. ,
1325 FOR lot 1 block from Mount Soott
car line. 61st it and 45 th ave.. cement side
walk and taxes all paid. Woodlawn 2944.
ONE corner lot 60x100. suitable for business
lot at station. 5e carfare, at CaDitol Hill: a
bargain, $550 cash. Phone East 7491.
FOR SALE Lot on 60th st Rose City Park;
$800, terma, F-772, Journal.
FOR SALE or lease, corner lot, close to Broad?
way bridge. East Side. X.-912, Journal.
Land lays fine, near station, 2 electrio lines.
paved road, good soil, fine grove of trees, fine
country home or chicken ranch. Price $1200;
terma $12 monthly, 6 per cent interest
1,1 till i.ilAJSiN UOMPAN I ,
918 Chamber of Commerce.
600 feet to station. Dandy little S acre
tract, bottom land that will raise onion,
celery, etc.. all tn cult, 2 room bouee, frontage
on electric line, 85 mile from Portland, $1000;
1400 caah. balanc 0 year. iTed W. Ger
man Co., 782 Cham, of Com.
SPECIAL 40 acres in Southern Oregon near ;
railroad town, good soil, well timbered: price I
Three lots in Lake Shore View addition to
the city of Seattle, Wash.; lota 240x60 ft each.
Geo. w. 16th and Alberts, ata.. Fort-
land. Or.
Gibson Half Acres .
flood soil, city water, close in carUne. eeav
terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Mar
shall 1585 or Sellwood 478. John H. Gibson.
ACRES on the Oreaon Electrio. 20 minute
ride from city. 4 blocks from cr. livin creek
runnina through : well eoninoed for chicken rsneh
also nice room cottage with bath on a 100x100
. - - - - - T - .
choice corner. For sale or trade for modern
v-lrr CUE"tB486-
COUNTRY HOME, near electric station, bandy to
Wnrtltinfl fnr malm nn mrn, nwn tmrmm :
garden soil, 1 M acres, fair buildings, good well,
all kinds of fruit The price will surprise you.
218 Board of Trade. Main 5802.
5 Acre Chicken Ranch
Fully equipped: 48 fruit trees: 15e oar fare:
1360; term.
L. A. HALL. 612 Panama Bldg.
ltt nr IS um. .11 is ,MnH. ,
bungalow, on county road. 2 . mllea from 2
electric roads. 18 mile from Portland. $2000
cash, balance to suit R-603, Journal.
itu , . v
,V S.r" . TH-.i J;,. " ... 'v: V'' " T
Terms or trade. 8m 11 house. T-682. Journal,
Tnm-g .,,,. if r r i r .
.Z7.:rrr-.X"".?r- u
carline. CaTi after 6 p. m.
.t; . v. ' -
Broadway bridge
1TUK BALU 1U acres on hard-SUrfaced road
. . " r. cto running
on tana. well, small bouse ana barn. Call Rut
280 for 10 acre country home, out from Seat-
' tie. splendid land, easy cleared; daily boat.
gravd 1 road , to land, on the beach, cUma, crab.
good tubing and boating. A-880. Journal.
FOR SALE cheap. 10 acre in Clark county.
4 room house and Toun baarin nreiuiri
2 tt mile from Interstate bridge. Call Sunday
and evening. 771 Missouri ave., Portland.
1000 CASH buys 20 aerea of fine level land
at Houlton. Or. . Thls la Just .tt f orm.r
price, i. tt. wont, gia u. of u. bldg.
AN iavastment nothing beat pr.nh.rr.
u'uf'. PfltSv, UmiUL Owner.
649 tt Sixth st. near Market
I HAVE on fine acr on bank of river and
oungaiow i or g-ivuu on assy terms. T-683.
M. E, LEE is th man to tie, for close la acre-
age. west side. Da fare.
easy terms.
Corbett bldg.
ONE acr. small hous. chicken hous and yard.
also one-horse wagon for aalm. Fiuma vn.
wauai a. .
. - . i i i . .
Improved. aO bUfldina. 8SB an ar. 11
. . . V . .. a
- ur w, wuu . 1USSCT, JT.t pSlTiy
MU, trad or rent W-781, Journal.
18 ACRES improved. 5 tt miles center Port-
Good buUdlnea. fruit Usui ih m-A
atock, by owner. N-468, Journal.
7 ACRES and 0 room plastered boos for aal
or trade for city property. P. ChrlstenMsZ
a , .
, vuw., , , i, inca, aea to g.oa ;
m k , m. . . . - i
p-i m ci sacrmriaoq. e x son DKlg. . roTtlaad.
PARK ROSE. 1 block from highway. 8 room
house, fruit -and berries. (1160. 925 cash
and $10 per month. Call Tabor 4477. ?
FOB BLJi Two acres, wall improved. aaod
orchard aU kind of frulta. fin water. Jen
nliigs Lodge, near station. Oak Grov j69M.
Ttt ACRESelose ln on ' Terwilligsr bird. 20
, 'n .daily. $1500. Address NsUonal Stamp
m Seal Work.
acre and 5 mm.
- bungalow,
dose to station. Gna view-
terms. 600 Concord buikiin.
19 ACRES ot fin land, good building, tin
I .,?P.rmli elo . graveled road. Snap for
1 14760. Term. 316 Couch bids. Main 4618.
Cheap Acreage. -
280: 810 down. 88 per month
acM of lent Between Portland and
Centralia. aw the min Mna of t railroads. 1H
ilea from a town of 800 population, aawmill er,
ana acingie miua; aoma paruy ueum mna
aome all cleared, runninc atream, aome bottom,
and aome bench; can (ire yoa any kind of a
piece you want.
818 Railway Exchange Bld.
g ACRES. 7 In euitiration, 4 aaeded to wheat;
l I ii, i i .m MUiviniMlt
g rxxm bouae, water aystem. gaa engine, garage.
Wan. I.vm mA KmmIm tintllM 20OO Mtf
incubator, 400 pure bred Whit Leghorn bena
worth $2.50 each; farm implement. Thia well
improved ranch la on rock road, near atore, high
achool. and only 14 mllea from Portland and near
town: buy now, get contra eta for hatching day
old chick. 118 per 100; 5000, term. Own
er ceiled nut Oscar Freytag, Gladatone. Or.
10 ACRES. jut oubdde city limit Vancourer,
near railroafl ahope and not far from new
ahipyard; bargain, 82500, terma.
a in hlith jttat, enltivation. food build-
ngs, lota of fruit, fine water from good well.
mtitn Mil XL mil jrline. 2 mile VancoUTer ;
88700, term. William Loan A Investment
Co., 422 Chamber of Commerce, PorOand, Or.,
or 113 w. otn at., Vancouver, vtaau.
g acre close to Amity, Yamhill county, all
fenced, part cultivated, oak timber, clone to
school. 700, $100 down, 50 per year. per
cent. i
10 aerea close to Amity. V. cultiTated. S aide
fenced, fine soil, only 750. 1100 .down. $50
mv vmp A nee nf
F. E. SEACHREST. 248 Stark Bt
. Choice acreage, any sii tract, close to big
parrolla and two sew shipyards, at Columbia
City. Big development now going on and lota
of. work to be had. Investigate, Low prices;
easy term. Special Inducements to settlers.
224-225 Henry bldg.
Full acre and modern 6 room house with bath
and sleeping porch, close to station, gas, water,
phone, etc, small fruit trees, lie line; 7c com
mutation fare, Oregon Electric line, 15 minutes
from Portland. Come today. Ask at station
for UcCormic Phone Main 8318. Good terms.
Price only $2700. - "
Modern 7 room bunsralow and 8 acres for
sale at a reasonable price and terma. Large
ltvtne rmm .Tlr, fine bathroom. 8 toilet.
fireplace. Bull Run water, city gaa. fruit and
" u,u
iauv m iiL'vivriL'D
Phone Main 2600. 1305 Northwestern Bankbld.
GARDES-HOME, on Oregon Electric. Ttt
acres, with modern 5 room bouae, with full
basement, bath, large attic, only 3 minutes from
station, 7c commutation fare. All trains atop
at Garden Home. Price only S3650 for quick
sale. See McCormic today er phone sum ais
Some term.
1 will hrin a wjthtn 9 VilrwV. nf mir A Sere
home. 4 room cottage, plenty of tree fruit and
berries ; close to school, stores' and church; must
I seu, o will iei go lor tiovv, .eouv uuwu. fi
,1 -, . . . . a . t r n m t n t -
ance eaay terms. no ageucs. Auum ww
177B. R. F. D. No. 1, Milwaukie, Or.
88300 TRACT FOR $1850
Five aerea near Orenco, 12 miles from Port
land. 600 pear trees, 200 choice rosebushes, very
expensive and rustic lo bungalow with fireplace:
$500 caah, balance to suit 732 Chamber of
Commerce. Fred W. German. '
Other up to $1200. See McCormic at Garden
Home for best buys on the Oregon Electric, 7c
commutation fare. Phone Mam 98 1 a.
GARDEN HOME Four room house and big lot,
65x117. Come today. Price only $800,
100 cash. S15 month. See McCormic, owner.
Phone Main 9318.
CASH for suburban home, sacrifice with acreage,
trees, near car. boulevard, river. State fully
first letter. W-789. Journal.
FINE level cultivated acre, grove of trees, close
to station, electrio light. Only 810 month.
Call tt 600 Concord bldg.
10 ACRES. 1 mile from Newberg, 6tt acres In
- bearing prunes. 1 acre in cherries, one acre
iq apples and pears, all kinds of berries, good
4 room house, barn and other outbuildings, will
sell or trade for good rental property in city.
90 acres rich black loam. 70 to 80 acres In
fine state of cultivation, balance valuable oak
timber, good 1 0 room house, bam, hog And
chicken h onset, fine family orchard of armies.
plnms, cherries and berries, 8 miles to electric
station. 8 hi miles to boat landing, high school,
store and sawmill; good roads, good neighbors.
good Boll and only $95 per acre.
214-215 Panama Building. - .
No better soil In' the valley, almost level.
in cultivation, balance pasture and timber; new
6 room house, barn, potato cellar, other out
buildings, orchard, berries, spring and well, about
soo sacks fine potatoes, some clover, nil gram,
team horses. 8 cows and heifers, hoes and chick
ens, all farm implements and small tools. Cash
and terms.
See Sam Hewey at J. 1 11AK1HA"
CO., 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
cows. 2 heifers. 5 calve, bull, fine team,
new wagon, mower, rake, plows, disc, seed drill,
separator and other tools; about 40 acres under
plow, plenty of pasture, little oak timber, 5 room
bouse, large barn, 4 acres bearing prune orchard,
on main road, near school; fall crops in. Price
88500: terms. D. McChesney. 832 Chamber of
Commerce bldg. Main 7102.
4 V4 acres, all in cultivation, family orchard.
rih' UtU" about 80 miles from
Portland. ( room house, with electric lights.
m, etc. z norses, a cows. M Bens all lm-
nl.Ma fnmlhiM Mu , n .11 IIAAA
"'"''" .
WTfrrb iAwv If nn
i7u, arnfr iiAvtir
An under plow, 1 H miles from town and high
school: lies very sightly, 5 room plastered house,
right aiseffearn; buildings alone cost 82200; good
water. Someone la going to pick this up quick
Price 88600: terms. D. McCheraey. 832 Cham
ber of Commerce bldg. Mam 7102.
f W make a specialty of acreage and farms.
and have some fine bargains, both in email and
large places. Lt us know what you want.
1 ttaa"
913 Chamber of Commerce.
. 5 ACRES, partly Improved, - upper Columbia
j highway, bouse, well, orchard. Splendid direr
: aified farm. Real bargain. Price' only $1750
. ow cmh, Dsisnce terms. an qucaiy. oi.
, Royal Bldg.. Morrison and Broadway.
i will aacniice ior quica aaie, oi acres, as
euiovaaon. good sou, fair buildings near
high school, stock, implements, feed. 16 miles
to rortiana. na &nicxrenm, uregon Ulty. or.
Bnral 4, Box 42.
I irrtva a a wi trA tfk
A KnltinM eioh mmnAw 1nn, mnnA ,r.Hn.
and creek. lO miles northeast of Cathlamet.
iv- u . .. tmnii
Marshall 4138.
ISth Jrrtlnrt . .
, 160 ACRES, 145 in culUvation, 50 in grain. 80
ready for spring sowing, good building, hot and
eold water aystem in house; only 82650, terms,
Zimmerman A Co.. 811 Board of Trade.
ALFALFA, 27 acre. 40 acres irrigated, small
house, near Bend, that small town with a big
pay-roll; $1000 handles, terms to suit (Zim
merman A Co., 811 Hoard of Trade.
FJNE 86 tt acre farm. 70 acres improved,
I aood building, close in. Also 43 acre farm.
cood bolldinca. close in. Abo 43 acre farm.
meal buildinss. on 8e ear fare bv book. Woelf-
' stein. 114 First.
DON'T miss this. 700 sere alfalfa ranch.
Best money maker in North-west. If you
have small mesne or large you should brvasti-
tate, . m. venara, zw t. nam per or vom.
j FOR SALE 5 sen, do in, good house and
aneo. tjneap u taxen at once. Also aom
large farms for sale. A. F. Zimmerman, 601
B St., Vancouver, Wash. Phone 953.
-, : . , , ii,
BARGAIN 525 acre smooth land, on main
road. 800 aerea clear, fair buildings, fenced.
icioM to town: only x-oo per acre, not 7. B
! ir n,
. .mm
; '
4(1 AP.RITS nf fin. land. IUU Malalla. ahotlt 25
l acre in cultivation, aome timber, baianee pas-
tnT: tillable, price right; azovu takes tt.
- - vvoirr, sis vnamoer oi tjommerce oiag.
: 120 ACRE ranch. 25 acre in cultivation, build-
' i". creek, good soil, outrange, team, tools.!
2500 cash; easy terms. J-603, Journal. , ;
- , , i , . n - v m
, 12 tt ACRES. 6 room house. 2 acre orchard.
barn, chicken house. 1 mil to station, for
t -.v. ... rkM.M sea vwn t -if
YOU want to go into cattle t - W1L you can't
beat our 180 acres for location. Price 888
per acre. Lock boa 21, Scott Mills. Or. -
FOR. RENT 8 tt acres, 8 blocks from carline.
Orchard and berries. Phon ' Woodlawn 2238.
or C-801. Journal. a
FOR SALE 320 acr. Myrtle Creek, Or.."Two
houses, barn, chicken bouae; 92250, term.
1581 Hsssalo st MV. ear. "
88 ACRES, half under culUvation or mere,
good nil. srhool, 865 per acre. 8150 down.
iltt per mo. ee urpr. ti jooara or lrsgs.
FOR SALE or part trade, fine valley farm.
clo in. T-4 11. Journal.
FOR SALE 120 acres under Ochoee irrigation
ditcb.. Write box 12, PnasrriUa. Or. --
Fnuinnp.d 9.Q AnrfiS. Hillsboro
e00pU , eota -Tf,: JT
t: teua. V cow. 2 belter, ouu, wagon,
T. -t. h.m-4. 2 plow 2 harrow, mow-
corn -planter.
M. hay; all go for only 88800:
bInc per eent Located near
H acre, 18 aerea cultiTated, S :
81800 caah.
Hilkboro:. 29 U aerea.
ted. 2 a'
acre timber, balance oaature. All
y beat t
land, no rock, lie fine. 6 room bouee. bam.
outbuildings; bearing orchard.
, Hargrove Realty Co. .
'122 "K. th at Broadway 4881.
' A Splendid Wheat Farm.
: 1140 acre, 1125 in cultivation ; fair Im
provements, electrio lighta and water in bouae.
lighta Id barn; on macadam road, 7H mllea
from Lewiaton. Idaho; 8105 per acre.
2400 acre wheat ranch. 2000 in cultivation.
600 in fall wheat. 600 summerfallow for (ced
ing: good house, new barn; 14000 barn. A
good buy, 880 per acre.
2400 aerea, 800 acre Is cultivation, balance
good pasture: good house and barn, 2 B0 aerea
in fall wheat, 25 per acre, $1200 handle thia;
will sell stock and machinery with thia place.
CODT A CASSELL, Mean blk.. Lewiton, Idaho.
8 T-2 Acres at Gresham
- for $1700
This fit a splendid niece of acreage. Perfect
reads, near Gresham, fine view of Mt Hood; 8 H
acres, no. rock, splendid soil, 7 acre cultivated;
bearing orchard, all varieties. price i nu.
1000 down, 8 per eent If you want a small
farm near Portland we have scores to select
from. ..
Hargrove Realty Co, .
122 North 6th st Phone Broadway 4381.
25 miles from Portland, about H in cultiva
tion, baianee logged-off pasture, level land, good
soil, -on- milk route, R. F. D., good house, big
bam, concrete apple house, fruit dryer, 6 acres
bearing prunes, 1 acre assorted iruit, creesr,
good wells, miles to school, s miles to rail
road station, complete set - farm implements.
Price $7500, no incumbrance; part cash, bal
ance 6 per cent Place is well stocked. Will
sell cheap to buyer. See Sam Hewey, at J. L.
HARTMAN CO., 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
TVU lm m lu-ntifnl f.Fm all linH.. nlflW Mi
cept a small fir grove on main road; fine lm-
kept orchard, 7 room house, with good water
system piped to the lawn, bam right distance from
ne4 .MKVAm.uj 1 m kr ftLnrfett Wall I
the house; 29 acre now in crop. 1 rice i ouu
terma. D. McChesney, S32 Chamber of Com
merce bldg. - Main 7102. : '
80 acres. 12 . mile from Portland, near
Gresham, with a 7 room modern house, fine
bayi. other good buildings, beautiful view, on
a paved road, farm aU .in high state of culti
vation, ideal place for a business man. coun
try home. Price $15,000.
H. M. Maloney
203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg.
" $100 PER MONTH.
20 cleared acres. 10 Dlanted to 7 -year-old
Newtown and Spitxenburgs, including 80 aerea
in oats. ' Deal carries contract to care for
other tracts which pay $lgJu per month. Price
202 Wilcox bldg..
Main 8517 Evening Mr. 8770.
0 acres under plow. 80 now in crop, fin
grove, balance is pasture, on main road, near
school; fair house and barn, 8 horses, 4 eows, 18
hogs, . chickens and turkeys, plenty of - grain and
hay, . about 400 sacka of potatoes, all kinds of
farm machinery.- Price for all 815.000: terms.
D. McChesney, 832 Chamber of Commerce bldg.
Main 7102.
80 aerae, 28 cows, bull, 2 heifers, team, ma
chinery. Good buildings, hot and cold water
in house and milk house. Place haa income of
$400 per month. Milk taken from the door;
on good road 8 mQea from Oregon City. Win
take 8S0O0 in Portland property. Some cash.
balanc time. Price $16,000.
8th and Main st Oregon City, Oregon.
FOR aale or trade. 1 acre of land. 1 6-room
bungalow house, cement cellar, barn, wooa-
shed, wagon shed. 2 poultry houses, garage, pig
house, good well water, fruit enough for a small
family, on paved road to Portland, acnooinouao
H mile, u mile Irom canine, ueiireee Btauon;
cash (2000. half down, balanc in 5 years. 7
per cent, trade $2500. Address E. Parriah,
Gresham. Or., R. 8. t , .
Here is a farm you should look into, located
right at a station on red electric, near a good
town; bottom land, all under plow, ia noted for
its heavy crops; upland baa the buildings, family
orchard, water piped to 5 room house, plenty of
pasture and a little timber. You can buy this
now for (12,000. D. McChesney, 832 Chamber
of Commerce bldg. Main 7102.
A good cheap ranch: 8 acres tn cultivation.
2 acres bearing orchard, 1 tt acres stra wherries;
a fine stream through place; aome bottom
land: barn large enough for 12 bead of stock.
small shack bouse; $250 down, $250 yearly.
or will take lot or small bouse and lot as first
Kyment. Fred W. German Co.. 782 Cham
r of Commerce.
800 acres.; highly .improved Alberta farm.
raises big crops wheat, oats, barley and flax;
every foot fine farm land, fully equipped and a
going concern. 840 per acre. Will take clear
farm or oity income here at cash value as part
payment, no commissions to pay. Claud Cole,
800 Henry bldg.
IF you are looking for a diversified fruit and
stock ranch, quit here; 160 acres, nog-tight
fence. 50 rods to railroad switch. 4 acres pears.
6 acre apple, water under pressure in all the
buildings, implements, seed potatoes, some stock
. -i. . , j " , .n in .
on uusKuum awus, luui wmm, bu m ,uv
acre, the .best of terms on good aecurit,,. This is
a rsnch for you. Try Box 82, Dee, or
280 acre. 2 P-ture.
fine orchard, near school, good W1L 9 room
bouae, 2 large barns, 2 silos, hogs, houses, lo
cated in Albany district; price 8100 per acre.
H. M. Maioney
208-6-7 Board of Trade Bldg.
I HAVE some of the best stock, dairy, wheat and
farm ranches on the market at buying prioes.
Have 8 good 4 room bouses very cheap; also
good 7 room .house and acre of ground 40 min
ute out It will be to your interest to come and
see ma for what yon want I have some good
often to trad for Portland property. W. T.
Goulder,- 719 Chamber of Commerce.
FOR SALE or lease on royalty, 20 acr coal
and wood land. Coos county, Oregon; 1 mile
from railroad and shipping; 8000 ton been
mined; term, or would exchange for good
dairy land, well watered, or good residenc for
old couple R. D. Sanford, Helman St., Ash
land, Or.
110 ACRES. 40 in cultivation, t orchard, 80
tillable, baianee rolling pasture, spring, wood,
5 room house, . barn, etc. This upland farm,
dark loam soil, is near th Clackamas river, 1
mile to carline. IS to Portland. Oscar Frey
teg. Gladston a. Or,
HOODRIVER land' for trade; 4 acres. 8 culti
vation, good 6 room house and barn, 150
apple trees from 1 to D yean old, all under
ditch, good spring water, 1 smsll team, berries
for family use; incumbrance 8700; price $1300.
iiA-m, J ournai. -
FOR SALE 104 acre farro, fenced, hog tight.
located near Pacific highway, 8 tt miles from
town; 85 acres in crop; good improvements;
about $2000 worth of stock and implements;
aU for $9000; terms if desired. Hecker A
Beam, 133 Lyon at, Albany, Or.
1 HAVE well Improved valley farm. 20 to 820
acres, wheat or stock farms, 1000 to 8000
acre. 8 my list before yon buy. for I eaa
meet your wants both as to quality and price.
Neal Brown, 207 Panama bldg. .
20 ACRES. 8 mil from Winlook. Wash.. 10
cultivated, no buildings, best of o0. lies fine,
good road; 1 mil to school, church and store;
$800, terms; worth double that price. ' Neal
Brown. 207 Panama bldg. V ' '
FOR SALE 55 acres, 8V. miles east of Portland,
on Columbia highway, 21 acres cultivated,
living water, R. R. station and city limits Join
property; $8500 for quick sal. Terms, 0 per
cent K. A. Stafford, Gresham. Or.
48 acre. Whit Salmon, in applea and alfalfa.
. L. fair htrlMmn'' mmmyr f.m. -
' might tak soma trade. George O. Howard, 814
- chamber of tJommeree. .
FOR SALE 124 acres in Clark Co., 26 mile
i irom rorusno, ia mue iroa suirs,'sswniui,
! ehurch. school; on county road; $20 pes acre,
',,, a2l. A. O. Krimr. 1296 E. Bslnss.
- 1 Portland. r - i
i i i i . i .
, . f ACYI .. UL n K ka
- .Ul, nWi, w
.n..n tnnu ,ri nail' v,Hn mnA
nesture. Would make a good sheen ranch, i
VtJtrZ. 11 ' house. aU convenience but gas; 6tt acre, best
down, axwtper mo, .- Betj., v.,, imisru rnnslile
845 per acre. 83UO down, i
j ifrapev. tvi rvoara oi irmae.
i 280 ACRE atock and grain ranch to trade for
Willamette valley land, all in cultivation ;
good fence and buildings: 8 miles from Crane,
the R. B-: good location; nearly JeveL
D. A.
Brakma. wverly, ur.
FOR SALE 204 acre, about 80 acres in cul-
ti ration; will aell all farm implement, alsoj
uvestocx, ineiuaing i w nea sneep. or imor
matioa. A. A. Paulsen, 488 Kenilworth Jiv., or
phone Sellwood 1761. -
26 ACRES. 20 mile from Portland on Sandy
Bluff road, '17 acre cultivated, good soil,
fair buildings, creek, Mt Hood earliB tt mil.
Price 84000. terms at 5 per cent. O. W. An
drew. Boring. No. 1, Or. Phone Gresham 8T4.
FOR SALE. 80 acre. 10 acre cleared: 60
fruit tree, several bearing; water piped to
house: 1 mile of town; snail rout near. Would
consider trad for . jewelry store. Have: good
reon for THng. VX-594. Journal. -
W ESTERN COLORADO ranch. 15-., cuuacum-
bered. isnoroved. for Ore ana ranch
er reai-
denoa. Owner. 447 E. Taylor,
182 ACRES RICH LAND 88500.
lo rnt wtTh5i. hTuah ind
- -: mnM ami .inn- a few aeiea
th, the .Terae jtempa
could be cropped among the stump this eaoa t
!pp1 n
ith but little work;
xd road, and oi
erossea By a trout oreea, oa i
good road, and only H mil irom a cruanea j
rock road with 0 per eent grade leading Into the
lower Columbia highway (paveai : acnooi ox two
teacher, flourishing grange oeiety, with a large
grange- hall, rural route, telephone sad neighbor.
Favorable terma. ' -
1 aerea near by, $375;
small cash payment; small monthly payment
800 aerea, 10 an acre; V ' -'
86 per eent tillable. 60 mile from Portland,
aero the fence from a large tack farm. ; Will
divide. : r , 4
80 acres, $25 as acr;
40 miles from Portland on a reck road, one mile
from a village oa the lower Columbia river, rail
road and paved highway; fertile soil, no rocks, 90
per cent tillable. -
Going farm of 155 acres, (53 an acre; - '
80 acre under cultivation, all' of the baianee can
be pastured, no hills or rocks, crossed by a large
trout creek, 8 room house, with hot and eold
water, large barn, on a logging railroad, -where
the entire product of the farm can be sold, in
cluding milk at 80 cents a gallon and beef at
correspondingly top , prices; one mile from the
Columbia river, 60 mile from Portland. Some
17-521 Chamber of Commerce Bldg;
Main 9318.
I have received letters from Minnesota.
And several inquiries from North Dakota.
Concernmg-farma in "the "Golden Wert,
Where climatic condition are the best.
They are sick and tired of cold and snow.
Where six mor.ths of a year but icicle grow.
They are selling out a fast as they can.
Farms, household goods even a frying pan.
To come out here and buy a farm.
In some sunshine valley of flowery charm.
If you have a farm that you would like to sen.
Don t hesitate but write me and tell.
Stating the terma and the very lowest price.
Also the stock, eoumment and its sis.
Farms accepted without view of Mount Hood,
If buildings and fences and soil are good.
I have sold to many and have buyers galore.
And every train from East Is bringing in more.
E. A. LINDGREN- 614 Panama Bldg.
0 A. HTOCh-KD and equipped; aU deep clay
cult 4 a. beaverdam. fine onton 1; jorchard
frtedfruit. running water; fenced, mostly hog
lUBUU. UU IUI ur Kin TCI . sn IU iugu ejanaxv
' Htwht irnnit kniH, ham ,r. r rw chicken hnnsne
machinery shed and other buildings ; auto road.
3 mile R. R. st. 4 mile cood school, it jr.
P., cream .route, tel.. thickly settled part of
Clarke Co.. 17 miles business district Portland
en account oi settling estate una line xarm
heme will be sold with stock and machinery
for 88000. Terms can be arranged.
422 C. of C. Portland, Or.,
or 112 West Sixth st.
Vancouver, Wash.
80 ACRE farm, stocked and equipped, 60 acres
cultivated, land all lying well, .fair house,
dandy big barn, outbuildings, abundance of
spring and well water piped to buildings, plenty
of outrange, good young orchard, 25 acres in
growing crop, aome clover, balance most all
plowed; S cows (will freshen soon), 8 other cat
tle, 4 blooded hogs, horse, lot poultry, seed po
tatoes, all farm implements and tools; milk and
mail route, telephone, 2 tt miles to town. Wil
lamette valley. Price 84250. 82500 cash, bal
ance long time at 6 per cent Mr. Fisher, 407
Stock Exchange. ' '
A Splendid Wheat Farm
Here, is a place that will easijj psy for itself
in 3 years; 800 acres; all. In cultivation; vol
canic ash soil, in splendid wheat belt Eastern
Oregon, 8 tt miles from town and railroad,
one third of crop goes with place thia year;
possession this flL Whole tract lies fine, splen
did water,' medium buildings. Price, . 821,000.
Hargrove Realty Co, .
122 N. 6th st Broadway 4381.
40 acres near Columbia highway. Hood River
district, on county road. 2 mile to R. - R. sta
tion, school, store, 11 seres cultivated. 2 acres
bearing orchard, balance easily cleared, strong
soil, nearly level, running water for irrigation,
some timber, new barn, passable house. Fine
team young mares, 2 eows, yearling heifer,
brood sow, chickens, harness, wagon, plow, stomp
puller, tools. Attractive location, fine view of
river and mountains. Local market for dairy,
fruit and garden produce. Price $2700; terms.
Land Ilea on a river bottom and is tiled where
needed, crops now in are testimony for soil.
Here is a herd of cows that takes yean of time
and careful breeding; to bring to such a high
point of production. Owner ha milk receipts
from the past year, open- for inspection; 8 cow,
4 heifers, 8 horse, all machinery needed. 6 room
house, with water system, fair barn, good orchard.
Price $10,000. Owner 72 yean of age. wants to
retire. - D. McChesney, 832 Chamber of Com
merce bldg. Main 7102. . -
129 acres on good msin road, 18 to 26 mile
from Portland, new 6 room house, barn, chicken
and hog houses, soil is red shot and clsy loam,
12 acres in fall wheat 2 acres fine orchard,
fine eprirtKS and well water. 2-3 mile to school
house end store, 3 cows, 2 horse. 40 chick
ens, all farming implements go with the place
for 312.000. This has rural rout and is
close to alectrio service also.
214-215 Panama Building.
40 acre in beautiful Chelatchle prairl ta
Clark county. Wash., richest kind of prairie
loam, 25 acres in cultivation, one acre of orch
ard, 5 room house, barn 88x50, good trout
stream through the place, 8 cows, t two-year-old
heifers, 1 yearling heifer, one heifer
calf-, 2800 pound team, two wagons and all im
plements, creern separator, house completely fur-
. jiieineui. crnro separator, no
l.l-J -.1 i. - . i
. izBod 'bal.r"'to snVt " 'SJT
Germsn Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce
,1SSF alSK ? Ctr!l 'JF1E
with B moms, hath ant ..,n ,rch e
two bed rooms, sewing room snd attic second
floor. Electricity and gas. Living room has
fireplace and library built-in bookcases. Big
chicken and pigeon houses and yards, barn,
water system with gasoline engine. Berries and
young orchard, balance of land under plow. Ad
joining ia 8 acres free pasture. Price 86500;
terms to suit Ladd Estate Co., Concord Bldg.
This is a very choice piece of lend, not a foot
of waste land, lies sightly; 68 acres under plow
and a small wood lot; 50 acres la crop now,
spring and a creek, water piped to 7 room house,
large barn, silo and usual outoufldings. For a
fint quality farm, the price is unusually low,
810.500. D. McChesney, 332 Chamber of Com
merce bkig. Main 7102.
784 acres in Central Oregon, 700 tillable,
water for 500 acre; 6 room home, other build
ings, unlimited outrange. A big stock range
for a small price, 815,000. Takes $5000 cash,
balanc term.
. 913 Chamber of Consmerce.
160 acres, seeded to rraa. 5 miles from
Deer Island station, H mile from county road
Large bouse
j and barn, 10 acres under cultivation, runnina
creek, unlimited outrange. An ideal dairy or
stock proposition. Easy terms.
E. A. LINPGREN. 614 Panama Bldg.
-10,000. ln famous Judith basin. 8000 culti
Tated. 16 wheat 200 alfalfa, 8 stations on S
railroads, fine streams and springs; ideal subdi
vision or. big ranch. Price $33. TJ-901, Joar
naL WHO wants 12 tt acres. 8 aerea ia cultivation,
. with mn house, 2 barns, chicken houses, all
kinds of fruit everlasting running water, near
Clatakarde. for 3600 f M. J. Clobeasy, 41S Ab
ington bldg.
7 acres all tinder cultivation, be
and good barn on Woodstock car, 84th
. st $800 per year, one-half cash in ad-
vance, balance in six months ; 2 tt acre
with good -house and buildings, all under
cultivation, only short distance from Ken
dall station. $180 per year, one-half
cash in advance, balance in six month.
Five acre on Division st, all uader
cultivation. $100 per year, one-half caah
in advance, -balance in six months.
Otto & Harkson Realty Co.
41S CbsVBibcr o( Commerce Bldg.
i HOMELIKE place. 80 minutes out. on Oregon
or 10 mile by auto: -7 rooms 2-story
oil; lease for on year or longer; - reasonable.
Geo. C. Watktns, Hillsdale, Or. K. I.
FOR RENT 16 acres. 14 mllea from center
of Portland. 20 minute walk to car; rent
h nn.hl- Pbnu Wmllawri 9 Th
or call arter o ciocx or ounoay ax ivs varv-
land -ave., city. ' - .
10 ACRES good land within Portland limits;
rent aU or small piece. Apply corner 8th
and B. Stark Sunday. Mt. Tabor M-T 88th)
car to end. 4 block north, one east
F0SEENTT7 acres, els to station. lOe ear
? fare, 8 room bouse, chicken ban a. , Inquir
G. g. Dent Corbett bldg: - ;
lan xrnw niiMiiihmmi. ham. 40 aer
bottom land. 3 mile from town. soo.
MILLERSHTP. 481 Chamber of Commerce
TWENTY acres .cultivated ground in dty Hm-
its; no buildiag,
11th st -
. Inquire before 2, 807 E.
110 ACRE dairy ranch below HoTbrook. - Stock
for sal. Parker. 422 tt' Washington t
FOR RENT 18 acre' Improved farm Bear St
Helen. Or. Inquire 401 Graham ave. . .
,. i. ' MONEY. - ; .
- 80 first class dairy cow. 160 acre
: toed land, 80 acres cultivated, balance
pasture., modern barn 40x100 ft, with
alio, , haV overhead, patent stanchions,
septio tank, liquid ' manure spreader, '
wagons, mowers, rakea, tedders and all
necessary farm implements, dairy equip
ment,. Located in Tillamook -county,
ear cheese factory, on good road and
river. Rent $1000 per year, tt cash
Machinery rented with place. Price for
cattle, 82000 caah. Place eaa be bought '
for $20,000, $5000 down.
16 ere near Culver; SO seres cul
tivated, level black heavy loam aoil; or
chard, watered by well and windmill; 8
reom bouse, barn and outbuildings. 1 tt
miles to school, 8 mile to K. R. station,
j- l-.
162 acres near Woodland, Wash. 16
acres cultivated. - river bottom bind,
watered by creek; 6 room bouae. barn
and outbuilding. 14 miles to R. R. sta
tion. Place haa the following stock for
sale:f- 8 good cows, bogs, 1 boar, 1
sow, 1 team work horse. 1 saddle pony.
2 heifers, 2 steer. 6 calve, some young
ran "stoclr, 20 hesd of esttle in all and
plows, barrow, wagons, buggy, mowing
machine. cream separator, 24 hen,
plenty of potatoes, seed, oats and hay.
! 29-8.
65 acres near Grand Ronde. 40 acres
cultivated. 6 cows. 2 2-year-old heifers,
X horses, farm implements. . 15-8. .
. 9 cow. 1 Durham bull. 2 calve. 3
horse. 6 and 8 years, weigh between
1SOO and 1400 lb.. 2 wagons, 1 buggy.
. 2 plows, mower, rake, tt interest in .
barrow. -Vaughn gasoline saw. 1 5 tt -in.
aw, ,1 7 tt tin. saw, plenty of hay in .
barn to feed until late spring, alao many
v useful implements on place. Above per
. sonal property can be bought for 81470.
Will rent for 5 year t $400 per year.
Renter can work out $200 per year for
first 2 yean. Thia place will keep 80.
cows. 22-3.
cows, 25 head goats. 83 chickens,
1 4 Vi -in. wagon, 1 2 -in. light wagon, 1
surrey, harness, 1 hayrsk. mower and
other farm implements; cream separator,
household goads. Personal property
would run close to 81000. Possession
given April 1. Rent (200 per year. 11-5.
Rent $150 per year. Good, responsible
party can work out most of the rent
The following stock and equipment can
be ! bought by party renting the place i
2 horses, heavy new wagon, heavy har
nesa, 3 cows, 2 calves, 95 chickens,
new gasoline saw, plow, 2 cultivators,
disc harrow, log chains, pulley, cables,
.etc. New 10 cow separator. 103-3.
About 100 acres now in crop, balance
pasture. Fine 7 room house and tenant
house, large barn with alio, all good
loam soil, large family orchard. Good
water. Rent $1000 per year. 86-80.
We have over 1200 farm bargains to
sell or trad at very low price. Get
our; list
287 tt Washington st
1200 acres or more, 1000 seres in cultivation
200 acres seeded to grain, 170 aeeded to
.).... .11 .11 , . -
tion on fa am. good house, large barn,
' fully 120.000 worth of buildings, hare
80 horses, 80 cattle, 50 sheep, 80 bogs,
new tractor, all fins implements. Will
rent the farm snd sell the equipment No
share rent Only cash customers wanted.
140 acre 120 acre in. cultivation, located
on a paved road, a few mllea from the
city limits, equipped with splendid fin
puuaings. will rent to responsible party
and sail about 82000 worth - of equip
ment, READ THIS.
143 acre 100 in high state of cultivation,
balance fine pasture, well fenced, family
orchard, about 60 mile from Portland,
near school, running water. 7 room
bouse, large barn, will build sflo to rait
tenant, many other good building, 70
acre now in growing grain, more land
plowed, reasonable cash rant will aell a
complete line of good machinery, 25
eows, registered bull. 4 brood Mva 9
pigs, 4 mres. poultry; price about $3000.
119 seres near Bttl Ground, fair set of
farm buildings, will rent for a terra, of
yean for (100 per year; equipment for
aale at (2000.
100 acres, 80 ln cultivation, 60 aerea in
growing crop, good fsrm building, rent
460 per yer; will cell crop, implements,
and stock for $1200.
0 acre ia Clark county, 45 in cultiva
tion, fine house, barn, . silo, good orchard,
near "town, rent $500; will sell . any
equipment that tenant may want
40 acres located near Portland. 85 in cul
tivation, fine orchard, near town, 15
miles to Portland, 6 room bungalow,
with hot and cold water, cement walks,
good barn, rent 1425 per year; equip
ment for sale at $1000.
10 acres all in bearing fruit located near
icMtnnvme, with fine buildings; rent
$200. This la a fine home for retired
160 acre, 100 acres bottom land and ln cul
Uvation. fine orchard. fenced, cross
fenced. 8 tt mile to town, 60 mllea to
Portland, running water, fair set of fsrm
buildings, rent $100 per month. Will
ell 10 horses, 80 cattle, poultry, com
plete line of implements, at a reasonsble
100 acres, 40 ln cultivation, fair set of farm
buildings, about 12 miles from Port
land, rent $200; equipment $660.
80 acres near Portland, 22 in ouldvatlea,
fair building, rent $826 per year.
H. M. Maloney
208-0-7 Board of Trade Bldg.
300 Acre Dairy
and stock ranch, 15 miles from Portland. Ap
plicants must hare stock and equipment to han
dle to capacity. Liberal terma to right party.
P. E. Alvord Co., 218 Board of Trade.
FOR RENT 40 aerea. 80 in culUvation. A. F.
Zimmerman, 601 B st, Vancouver, Wash.
Phone 953.
TO RENT 5 acre near Aurora, 4 under cul
ti ration. 4 room house and outbuildings. Ad
dress J. J. Redfleld. Toledo. Or.
Have small farm near Portland. Prloe $15,
000, clear, to trade for farm In valley to
26.000. WU1 assume difference.
Also nave well located S400O nous in Fort-
, land, dear, and caah, to give for farm up to
We have buyers and many good trades to of
fer for farms. Write tn.
018 Chamber of Commerce
WANTED List of well improved farms. Have
client with cash. Williams Loan A Invest
ment Co., 422 Chamber of Commerce, or 112
West 6th et. Vancouver. Wash.
WANTED From owner ln Western or Southern
Oregon, beat farm 812.000 to 810.000 -will
buy; prefer well watered and improved: thorough
description in fint letter. Box 62. Ashlsnd. Or.
iiiirn A. w ta ,1.1
more acre cleared: small paymant and
0-846, Journal.
WANT to bur small farm, about
Mint be priced right T-640. Journal.
A H0 ACRE relirqriiAhnient, over B00 icm
.1 ?JSLOW 'SLti nnd,-t.ZrJtnT.
. . .:V".- '. o i..."- .
nau tivvv, www B
with place. East 259.
FOR SALE Timber claim containing spruce;
close to railway: easy terms, or will eon tract
.mm a mmmw P.TSA ,
,r,r-T, n ' , A ftOA CO A
ft fine timber and sawmill ior leas tnaa tn
value of the land. S. M. Vraard. 929 Cham-
ber of Commerce.
40,000. fully equipped sawmill aad timber;
Houck, 110 10th St.
TWO mullon feci ec yeuow pine ximoer ssa sna
- near Goklendala, wasa., ior sale eneep. cau
at 814 Maia st Phone Main 7957. C 8.
I SMALL logging, milling and cord wood propo-
uitk "Holbrook. T. .
: thtpyard or sawmill arte. Parker. 422 tt Wash.
lYttt MILLION feet, quarter section. Clack
j , county; large body adjoining. E 608, Joar-
.'aL Phono Columbia 863.
: gpgUCE claim at bargain; cloae to railroad and
j water: firat-cUue timber and easily baadled.
815 Cowch bldg. Main 4618.
FOB SALE 3000 ft need lumber, almost
new, no nails. Inquire 401 Graham are.
WILL - TRADE 32 acr in- Benton county a
part payment on boos ia PorUauL. Call
East. 7654. .
10 ACR Yamhill Co. apple orchard: Portland'
- property, or otoeap for caah, K-9IS. Journal.
; A at CI 4 A "T -S ... n maWea " -
eTeWVO ' m AaVAWS 4I ruaggt www mm tjt,T , mm i mm
- CorvaJUa, 450 aerea cultivated, bal
ance pastor and timber, black loam -river
bottom and red shot aoU; spring
water piped ' to bldgs.L boas, 4 good
barns, and other outbid., 40 rod to
K. R. station, on cream route, school
' on place. The owner will trade thia for
as apartment house in Portland or other
income property; j ' 41-80.
. 665 seres In Yamhill county, all good
- loam bottom aoil, most of it cultivated,
thoroughly modern bkig.. bars with silo.
. good orchard. 10 bone. 88 eows, 10
, yearlings. 10 calve. 10 bogs and IS
- thoroughbred registered Jersey heifer.
- This la one of the best general stock and
'. grain farms in the valley. Tb owner
- will take smaller farm or good income
property a a. fint payment and long
time on balance. - S7-50
i i
250 acre In Benton county. 178
ere cultivated, balanc pasture land,
about 220 acres of black river bottom
aoil. first class building. brn with silo,
good orchard. 2 mil us from CorvaUi.
The owner will trade even for farm
Bx Portland or income property. 86-80
-.?.41? ? " 0rmr Harbor. Wash.
Thh Is the beet dairy land to be had
anywhere. There is a strictly modern
. 6 room cement bungalow, wired with
electricity, 2 large barn with silos. 40
. cows, 7 horses, hogs nd other stock, on
county road. The owner will tak in
come bearing property a payment on
thia place. 84-80
420 acres on the Columbta river near
Vancouver, Wash., all good sandy loam
aoil. 62 cows. 25 2-year-old heifers. 2
. bulls, 6 work horse, hogs and chick
ens, 2 sets bldgs. The owner will tak
most f the purchase price in good in-
come property ur a fiiie home in Port
land. 30-30
Idaho alfalfa farm of 80 acre. Place
fa 68 acre cleared and is all irrigsted
land; 30 acres in alfalfa which goes about
6 tons per sere; young orchard and ber
ries. frme house 18x24 ft. lined with
beaver board. This place is 2 miles from
K- R- station and small town in Gordon
TJey- nr, tb Snske river. The owner
will sell this for 8000 with cash pay
ment of $800. or will trade even for
city property in Portland.
1 1 ., acres Irrigated alfalfa farm', a
well-built 6 room plastered house, gsr
g. tool hop. machine hed. chicken
house and large barn, 150 aerea under
water right about 40 acre set to
lf,1-.-JbUn,c; .in, fraln- thickly
populated neighborhood, close to town
and achool. Price $75 per acre. Will
mortgage for first payment P. 12
80 acre alfalfa ranch, ha frm butld-
"? 17 tCPB? ln balance under
wyter right, all good volcanic aoil, adapt
ed to alfalfa. Price $50 per acre. We
ar in a position to sell these place on
very liberal term to responsible buyers.
Tak?, m"rt for first payment P. 12
We have over 1200 farm bargain to
aell or trade at a very low price. Get
our list
RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO.. 287 tt Wash, st
Farms for Trade
Hargrove Realty Co.
111I88fcr-J Clackamas county, 25 miles out,
60 cultivated balance timber and pasture; 4
room house, barn, outbuilding. wter piped to
KttV Pic $70 per acre. Trade foT city
o .cuiu vatea, T room house, barn.
a orooa town, 20 shoata. 3 cows.
'"V. Zt'11 harnes. chicken., imple-
TKi. -4,1. ,S . srain. l-rlce I30G0.
This with snot her 40 seres near bv. 16 men.
I -rt
cultivated. Price $2650. Trade for citv nron.
Z, ,TJ. JTj DeTertnn. practically aU
building. Pries
time on balanc.
wwv. nn issvu house.
-,i VAT Cby. An going farm: 40
Mill. Tinas net rrui a41 x . - mT
mmti. fi- cattle,
VT.- oiJS""- 128 per acre."
We have a nnmber of good farm for trade.
nargrove Hearty Co.
122 N. 6th st Phone Broadway 4881
4 A A Irso a, . . , Z . 1 l
DeAUtirtll hums V
rdofbousTta'dty0'0' t00l:
",?U-?'a , Jot. of
iu ear lin; want house in
, " . FOR SALS
Two modern house In MilaranhU rw -i
ear, and ahipyard. eood .. ' . w
100 he?rinl;0df!.hoUS, ,lM brings., 17 Hi
ioo, bearing fruit. Evergreen station; good
234 ACRR rnriDovn ft 1
haS tf Prtln4- acre in cultivation.
.Sri 1" P"tUr,e- tb". ood soil, watered by
9f"",,?d "eek good fences, fsmily orchard.
io,mPe- 1 buildln. 8 room bun-
Sn 7r.dir,rnJ,concreU foundation, hold
? h: food silo, new hone barn, other
outbuiUinga. Personal: Four good mires "
" hUe' out 40 hog, complete set of
Urming implements. Exchange for clear Port
land residence up to $4500. iom. rh balance
8 per cent Price $18,000. See Sam Hewer
4J- U HARTMAN CO.. 7 Chambwr of Com-'
mere Plug.
TO ,1XCHANOE' ,D B" r"'. tot 163
X140, 2 house. 8 and 5 rooms; big garden
and lota of fruit. Stt block, to ear. 20 ml
utes to center of city, $2300. trad for lm-
UOT& iV;!7".;.relinquUhment to Northwest,
f- M"ler. Kd are., Eaat San Ihg
TO T RADBlOOxlOO feet on top of hill in
Alameda Park, south snd eaat comer exposure,
finished streets and sidewalk. 8 block from
carlin; will exchange for improved ocean front
age at seM Write th owner, giving lore
Hon and description, H. L. Henderson, Astoria.
JJ your property, either eity. farm or acreage,
baa merit and I for exchange or aale call or
writ full particulars: no inflated values consid
ered: hsv. first class list to select from. Geo. P.
Henry, 829 Henry bidg, Befereace, Portland
Realty Board.
WTLL exchange my S -story brick buMng on
Kearney street in San Franciaoo for Portland
real estate, or stock of general merchandise, in or
around Portland. Value of property $40,000.
incumbrance $12,500. Must be good, clean
!V?k nd place that is doing a good business.
C-790, Journal.
Stt, ACRES, Btt dear, poultry park, plenty
of wood; 4 room plastered bungalow, full
basement This pretty suburban bom I 15
minutes' walk to Oregon City carline, Glad
stone. Will take S2000 city property. Some
cssh. Oscar Krsytag. Gladstone. Or.
40 ACRE ranch, t V mile from Tillamook, 6
cow. 2 heifers, team, wagon and harness.
Good little house. Vary good barn. Will trad
for fists or good bouse. Price (4000. Call
Broadway 4246, bet 0:30 and 2:30.
80 ACRES. 88 cultivated, good aoU, fin
- orchard, good building, horse, cow, bog,
chickens, beee, all implement and furniture ;
take $2000 trade, aome caah, bal. teiana. Tboa.
W. Cnrrl. 629 Henry bldg.
IMPROVED bueineaa property for sale or trade
for farm; Income $ 1 SO month: all rented.
Cash vlu $18,000. Be owner. 828 Cotton
ave. wain. 4087.
EXCHANGE Rose City Park lot. corner of 80th
and Sandy, for Oregon City property; ewnen
only. H. Nelson, Gladstone. Or. Phone 418R,
Oregon City.
For house and lota or other eity property.
B. F. KELLY, 728 Cb, Com. Bldg.
8-ROOM semi-modern horn. 7 lota all set to
1 fnr rmtirtmA stmrrtLg Tak farm rtm mIi - -
' of rtum. Boom t. 146 Va Broad way.
COLUMBIA highway, mod.era tourUt .hotel Jn-
' . ciuoing oeauurui grouno.
Bptendid oi
. tSoa: Valtt S20.000
unincumbered ; for dty
; property. X-911, Journal.
2g j KAN8A8 CITY and Kanaa residence. Hal Co.,
Texas lead, dot Portland property. Owner,
' g.og Journal.'
j . ,
! 80 ACRES unimproved land, clear of eneum-
i . braac, Clark county. Wash., for what
apartment bona, srasrt alda
j . (SlJrtn 1m improved farm. B.
I Prentiss, 605 Corbett bldg.
iAii. III, O room, . ail medera bungalow.
O room. . ail mdern b tins-slow, near
rranklia high school, for first payment on 8
modern House in t Jonas. Tabor is-.,.
CITY lot Wsnt'
ed. if clear, la
part or full ex
v.- -a. , ifis st.u
i bench.
Security Storage Co.. 109 4th at
FIVE room eottege In Sellwood; trad for Ta-
ooma property; will assume, 360 If. Gove
at. Taeoma. Wash.
LAtT RE UliJRS f lot to exchane
- bungalow. Hawtborn district preferred. Could
payroll ference in can. l-4Pe, Jourmu.
vain $800, pert paymeat
and lot la St Johns. iC-788
i. Journal.
FOK KK.HlJi Ti Hat your property wttfei ta MeZ
Katate exenange. zoi Bd st, Portland.
sTACRES of ftae UivJ Tetrad for piano.' East
Mm er Tabor ou. i
7 ROOM hous and large lot la Eagewe, trade
ior property per. woirsteTn. 114 1st -LAND.
Portland property and cask for reommg
- swnsse. iriics, jwirflsi
ORENCO. 1 2 aeree, cheap tor eaas, mt m!ghl
excnejige rov now. asarsnau p.
5 BOOM tmagalow, 81200 eeeity; erief
. wui tax auto, ao jug.: 4a M, tanlkar.
Rome excellent trad!
840.004) IIWl .rT. S estle fmm
100 acre wheat 60 sms more ready far -
SpWndid bulldiiura Mm h-rrt f dair inissi a.
place that anyone should be proud to asm. Clean
cat Portland property up to $30,000 would be
28.000 Snlenribl slial f,fi ' 600 Ma
in cultivation. $5000 worth of personal prop-,
crty and machinery. Will trade for city income
12.000 290 arrea. dairy fans,' SSI tit
t. trad lor city wouertr
$11.008 580 me' In r-! nti ta -
trade for a on a roranin bouae. ,
$5000 70 acres 1 ft ,!.. vf..-
half in cultivation. 8 room house, barn. Wlli
trade for house in Portland worth 83000.
, -
4000108 aerea. 6 asm ia .,.1
good road, fair barn, poor house, a snap. Trad
aw, ..ww iu .uiuftuii nuiiu Bam. ,
All the above and 400 more good propoaf.
tion. Now is th chance to get a farm. Be a.'- -COE
727 Chamber of Commerce.
WHEAT. 300 acres. 480 acre. 180 "tributary to
ditch, adjoin 60.000 aerea outrange, good
buildings, stocked and equipped. $60 per acre.
Uade half good city property; bond at par, bal
ance 6 tt per cent
Near Portland. 00 acres, 80 bearing fruit
nuts snd loganberries: exebsnge wheat, stock
farm or Portland projierty. Will assume.
Free water right, 69 acres, 240 acres, 27 la
r runes, 60 in wheat Join 400O acre out re are.
good buildings, stocked and equipped. $75 - per
acre, $8000 cash, balance city property or small
farm. ner Albany, Salem or Vancouver.
Iiry farm. Polk Co.. 809 acres, 180 in cul
tivation, some good timber, good building,
wter piped to all. large barns, siio, $3000 cash,
balance city property. Zimmrmaa A Ce.. 811
Board of Trade. - -
1 5 acres, 1 0 acre in cultivation, 8 acre or
chard, good 7 room house, barn, and eutbaUdr
ings, 8 cows, 1 hone, hogs and chicken. Vi .
mile from station and highway, near Portland,
$3000. with $1000 down, or m good 6 room
hour on pared st . -,
160 acres, 85 acre ta cultivation, 8 reom
house and barn, outbuildings. 2 miles from sta
tion, good SOU. Will take a xnd navmont Anwn
snd time, or exchange for a small farm near
Portland and some rash or time; or will make
a good price on both of the above for cult.
A good 5 cre home adjoining Portland, oa
terms. 822 Henry hi. la. Main 667.
280 ACRES in Umatilla Co. Fine dairy ranch!
140 acres now irrigated. All can b irri
gated. Good buildins. well located. Near school
and R. K. sta. $ Will take prt trad.
Williams Loan A Investment Co 42a Cham
ber Commerce bkig-, or 112 V. 6th it, Van
couver, Wash.
1000 acre in Kutern Orenoe. all tarauut
half in crop now: fair bulldimrs. uUntr
close to station. Price $30,000. Tk sum
trade, valley farm or dty property.
918 Chamber of Commerce.
Have fine Tillamook rlsirv farm within nlla
of town, on ived street good building. Prtn
$26,000. Will consider small farm or Port.
land property as jiart payment, balance mort
gage. Lueddemann Co.. 913 Chamber of Com
merce. 10 ACRES, all in wheat good buildings, close
to car. nt nous ln city.
6 acre and rash for good city residenc.
Number of houses for sale nn easy terma.
MODERN 6 room bungalow in Portland, well lo
eated. value $3300. Wilt trade for good
work hone or mule. R. C. Mentbew, Room
544. Hotel Oregon.
20 ACRES. 1200 cords of wood Umber. 6 mile
ot cugene, on roed; some buildings, red soil.
Trade for Portland
property. Price $1800.
T-577, JonmaL
WANT Seaside cottage, exchange 5 room modern
bungalow, fireplace, seat-window, built-in buf.
fet, Dutch kitchen, basement,, comer. Owner,
J-609, Journal
MY equity in modern bungalow cktse in for a
mailer place; my lot 46x200, fruit, garage,
chicken bouse, etc; select neighborhood. L-7S6.
IMPROVED 600 acre sheep ranch for VorC
land residence property or country hardware,
or small place well improved. Route 1. box 66,
Ilrowmrrille, Or.
SMALL stock ranch, with good outrange, 30
acres in cultivation, buildings, creek, team,
tools. Will take clear house to $3000, balance
easy. T-574. Journal.
CHOICE Willamette" river : frontage, on ;re,
SO minute from center of city to exchanng
for city residence. P. E. Alvord Co., 218 Hoard
of Trade.
HAVE 16300 worth of good close in screag to
trade for city profterty.
224-226 Henry bldg.
EODERN 7 room bom aiuTgarge on Morri-
aoa, cine In. for good lota or aerea a. Owner. ,
Photw Tabor 6029.
jftST arrived from Montana : aeveral good wheat
ranches for Oregon or Vashtngton. Describe
your property fulty. M-695. Journal. -
EXCHANGE or sell, cheap, modern 6
hooe; deal with owner. K-40S. Journal.
HAVE some exceptional bargain in fsrm -
change. B..F. Feemster, 209 Abington bldg.
Hsv buyers for cheap bouse. 12000 to
2500. and also some inquiry for better houses.
round 13000 'to $4 600. W can tell your
bouae If priced right
913 Chamber of Commerce.
We have sold 18 piece of this class f
property in the last four weeks and tiH have
peopw waiting wno aeaira on mommy pymau
ranging from $7.60 down to $12.60 monthly.
I Mt. wrtn us snd get eulrk-.sctlna. Fred W.
German Co., 732 Chsmber -of Commerce.
I SELL houses only; list with me; hsve caah
buyers. . A Wrriner.
203 6-7 Bord of Trad Bldg.
Hft1-F nr r rtH-m hnnsn.
not to exceed g000 nd eaa be eold on in
stallment. McClur A Scbmaucb, 816 GarUnger
VIODEKN bungalow. Bos City Park, west at
B7th. Will giv good paper for equity aa4
assume. Give exact location and full detail.
1412. JonmaL
WE HAVE client that will buy residenc that
re bargain in Irvington. Alameda. Beau
mont Bos City. lAuralbunt or Alberta.
J. C. CORBIN CO., 805 Lewi bldg.
WANTED Hume from $1000 ' to llood;
nav cnents wailing witn easn. v. w. nryaa.
Main 1968. 509 Chamber of Commerce. -
Hone wanted
FRANK L. M GUIRE. Abingtoa bldg.
40 acres, irrigated, neat buildings, alfalfa, near
beet sugar factory, Utah. Want coast farm,
5800. Owner. 1102 Spaldutg bldg.
WANTED, to buy on easy terms or trad for 1
to o room bouse In good district 8 601.
WANTED Houses to rent or buy. Client
waiting. He me at one. W. T. Gem 14a.
719 Chamber of Commerce.
TO 7 room - house, near KillingswortA And
Mississippi ave. 821 Chamber ot Com mere.
3 6 K X J M 8 0
lm heart of city, close to Imperial hotel, steam
heat brass beds, good carpet, (well furniture;
turn away 20 people dally. Price If sold at '
once, 31200; term. Worth 82600. Peters,
la . btn t
12 H. K; Rooms $500' .
CIab 4n srart asd. ea and leti4ait. swat
20, always full; terms.
L. A. HSl.1, Big rS AM SLPB. y
If yea went a net income of from (428 to'
8600 oer month, or 00 Per cent oa your in vest.
ment answer this ad. (aome Uade.- G-614.
22 ROOMS 22
Brick building, all large, light and efry room.
Rent 840. ia heart of city, well furnished, all
on on floor. Price 90s term. Peter, 15
ft. 5th t - -. - '
49 ROOMS 49 ' "
All ftnn, n k alna,
Rent $35; every room full, clean over 1200 per
month. Price 1100. Term, peter ef
course, 15 r. oto K. .- . - -
43 Rooms Cheap Rent J
ATI full and ha waitinc list; nartn 3250
per month; snap for 81850. half eah. -
28 ROOMS. dowB-towsi district: a Boney-aker',
oargaia at 1XVU. , 1 Cocwh bloc.
FOR SALE: 822S cash. 10 furnished hooa-
iiiln raonaa. raws, llfi nee snosth. -Inowir
or owner, zl 8d et , -
a, . u m ... i. ..i rxnr.
aaja., ami wiie ior country nwn. ruw. uns
onsinss Kesruxt rnrorjoaitson. tau giBBaa
.1. as. a, in i . , j l . 1 .
ROOMING-house, 14 rooms, (team beat, three
bath, eond haaewMirt and very fuse locatfam.
735 Everett st alrnll 1287.- -J - -
APARtMENl house, aad LoteU. from 36 to
ISA rooms st right price. - 111 Board mt
Trade. - . t -EIGHT
BOOMS, furnishing.
and c
way full. A 1 loeatioa;
400. $$00
term. 291 11th st.
21 HOCSEKEEPINO room, always fuO. rant
$87 month. Clearing 8128 nsonth. BarstaiB.
MlUerstup, 4 I tjtiamber ot Coaams,
FOB SALE V. ora:nTnaa
hotel, 90
price 84000; bo ageate, D-909 JewrsiaL
WANTED Booming hosts, trad 0 room sot
1734. J