The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 06, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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IO, sifted through the winds that blow.
Iown comes the soft and silent snow,
White petals from the flowers that grow '
in tits cold atmosphere. - ;:
' - -Oeorre W. Bungay.
There is bo royal road to anything.: One thing at a time, all
things in succession. , That which grows fast withers as rapidly ; that
which grows slowly endures. J. Q. Holland. . : v .
Jftiige Audience
Hears iKarle
Apollo Club Concert at Auditor
ium Will Remain Long In
Memory of Those Present.
A HUGE audience greeted the Apollo
club and Theo Karle,. tenor. In The
Auditorium. Tuesday evening-, and en
Joyed the musical treat of a well se
lected program rendered by consclen
tloua artists.
Bits, of the concert that will stay
lemger- than others In the memory of
-the audience were the encore numbers
Of Mr. Karle, a Russian folk song by
the chorus and a couple of choruses
with solos by the tenor.
- "The- Image of the Rose," by Mr.
Karle and the chorus, was beautiful In
subdued harmony. Accompanying the
solo work of Mr. Karle In this song the
chorus resembled a mighty pipe organ
under the fingers of a master.
VFarewell to Minka," a Russian folk
song, was ably given by the chorus,
which -brought out the faint trace of
ine oriental snaoes or Russian music.
Mr.. Karle. pleased more with his en
core numbers than .with those on the
f program j After, he sang four French
. 1 and Italian songs he responded tothe !
I encorewith "In a Little Dutch Garden."
i l With this he took his audience by storm
; and came back with a couple of negro
v lullabyee. . .,. :, ,
He puts an- appeal In his sonrs of the
lighter variety, but fails to replace that
quality with command in rendering the
heavier compositions, leaving his cli
maxes; disappointing. : -
The 'rendition of ."Apr! La tua
nneatra" by Mascagnl, by Mr. Karle.
was unusual in Its accompaniment,
bringing in. a change of, key every few
: ; .measures.
Opening the concert, the chorus sang
1 "The SUrBpangled Banner" and closed
I " 'th "America." joined by the audi
r once in a full diapason of tone that.
Y figuratively, rocked The Auditorium.
1 i The accompaniments were palyed by
Edgar H. Coursen and William McCul
1 loch, pianos, and Ralph W. Hoyt, pipe
'.. " I -organ.
j lloroseo Trlump'h Coming
f ' Oliver Morosco's never-dying dramatic
triumph, "The Bird of Paradise." begins
. a three days engagement at the Helllg
- theatre. Broadway at Taylor. Thurs
i day, with a matinee Saturday. This
r marks the fifth visit of this Hawaiian
V vim.j 10 roruano. in "The Bird of
f Paradise" -Richard .Walton Tully, the
j- auxnor. presents a picture, both mourn
J ruJ ana alluring, of a vanished regime in
a lovely land. The scene Is Hawaii and
f th tale of romance, intrigue and eupec
. i sUOon unfolded with pictorial glamour
rauwo mniei upon those machlna-
, ? tlons f American planters and mer-
v chants .whereby the ancient kingdom of
' Hawaii ' became a. nuwuimi
, United States. The period, therefore, is ;
about SO year ago. The scenes are all
laid In the Hawaiian islands ftj i.
y.superbV mounted, nothing quite "like It
ever having been seen on the stare. The
J east thla season -ts said to-be a most
competent one ,and includes such Iplay
, ers as Marion Hutchlns as Luans, For-
rest Stanley as Dr. Wilson, John Har-
rington as the beach comber, Robert
; v Forrest as- Diana. James Nelson, Rose
. 1 Watson, Jack Ellis, Maude Fairlngton,
, James IC Applebee, Maud Melville, A.
t Francis Lens and James Glasgow, to
gether with the Hawaiian singers,
- dancers and musicians who are credited
. with making their muslo popular In
J this country. t
Society Film Is 'Feature,
' "Stolen Honor," a society drama of
love and Intrigue, with beautiful Vir
ginia Pearson, "Modern Cleopatra." in
' the Stellar role, and five fine vaudeville
acts greeted Strand theatre patrons on
the new program today. The story of
"Stolen Honor," a film fashion show of
gorgeous setting and thrilling Incidents,
, revolves around a stolen' palnUng which
finally finds' Its way Into the national
art i gallery In Washington. . Allen.
.Moore and McCourt, 'the Paramount
trio." In song, dance and comedy stuff.
topOhe vaudeville end of the bill. Their
. entertainment is of the cabaret variety.
with the two girls arrayed In fetching
; costumes. Aaeie stuaevant, "dainty
songstress" 5 Seymour and Dupree, "the
: Jumping Chinaman and the dainty sou
brette," In comedy patter, acrobatics
..; ' OPTHCDOOR L- Y ' i
PalitS form -4
y .eiVVour Grocer : ( "jzas(
V1 1 111 -11 ' " "
., 4' v - - - . , t , .
" S -1 . ' v 1 "
NELL SHIPMAtf, who, with William Dilncan arid George
Holt, is featured in "God's Country and the Woman,"
. which will be the week-end attraction at the Sunset, begin
ning Thursday. . The play is one of the strongest Vitagraph
ever put out. . , '
i ' -
- 4 , v v .
I. . . " t ,1 ' v ' '
l ' ' z
Bushman's Wife
Files Suit for
Mrs. Josephine Bushman Men
tions "Certain Woman Mem
ber of His Company."
BALTIMORE, Feb. . (L N. S.)
liWiuila A nnahmoM ....
Tuesday afternoon was sued for a par
tial ; divorce by his wife, Josephine 'F.
Bushman, In the circuit court at Towson,
Md. The bill stated that Bushman Is
now living in New York with a certain
woman member of. bis company, whom
he has also at times brought to their
Oreen Springs Valley home near here.
Judge McLane signed an order requiring
Bushman to pay his wife $200 weekly' for
her support and that of her five chil
dren,' and also granted $5000 for counsel
fees, pending final disposition of the
suit. The bill - states - that Bushman's
income fs between . $60,000 and $70,000
annually. ;-
Labor Importing
Agreement Made
Washington, Feb. . (U. P.) Gov
ernment employment services in the
United .States and Canada have entered
into an agreemnt whereby neither coun
try can Import laborers from the other
without 'consent of the respective gov
ernments, the labor department an
nounced Tuesday.
and dancing ; Roscoe and Burke in a
musical novelty, and Holmes and Evans
In . rThe .Oirl , From Zuyder Zee" com
plete the promising bill.
Ted Shawn Now
Soldier in
U. S. Army
His Wife, Ruth St. Denis, Will
Continue School of Dancing
. at Los Angeles.
OS ANGELES, Feb. 6. (I, N.
- Ted Shawn, "the most beautiful
man." and husband of Ruth St Denis,
World famous dancer, will no loneer
grace the dancing stage of America, as
today be is an enlisted man in the
United States army and stationed at
Camp Kearney, San Diego county. - It
wxame Known toaay mai jsnawn is a
member - of the 158th ambulance corps,.
ii&tn sanitary train, and Joined Uncle
Sam's fighting forces Monday, after he
and his famous wife for months had
studied the question of his duty to his
Miss St. Denis will continue the direc
tion of the Shawn-Denis school of danc
ing here during the absence of her hus
band. wianuwHtrnnra!
Bonnie Rose Castle, Royal HiiThland
era, received a class of "refugees" into
the clan Monday nlaht sumberinar 17.
X P. Hewitt, illustrious protector, pre
sided. A degree team of young ladies
In tartan cap , and plaids assisted Mrs.
I? P.- Million and Captain Charles
Headrlck put on the work. The new
officers of the castle acted for the
first time. These are as .follows!
David C Zink. past illustrious protec
tor ; a Hewitt, Illustrious protector ;
Dr. , George Forbes, chief counselor;
Mrs. Lena . Larsh,, worthy evangel;
George F. A. . Walker, secretary-treas
urer ; Mrs- Elsie Million, guide ; Miss
Sadie Hornebrook, herald j Mrs. Ellen
Zlnk and Miss Katheryn Ilek. censors ;
R. R. . Lakln, warder ; L. H. Russell,
sentry ; Peter Eckeru William Purvis,
ra. xtatue ijevy, manager a
ioe memoers or lien Hur will enjoy
a card party and social following their
session ar F, of A hall next Friday
night. Only members of the ordp B rA
invited. R. Francis Mackensle. state
manager for Oregon, has had Wash
ington added to his territory, and on
behalf of Ben Hur court has been pre
sented with an emblematic watch fob
in appreciation . or bis services, A. G
Thompson., scribe, making the presenta
Uon speech. Mr. Mackenzie will prob
ably visit Seattle and other , Washing
ton, courts shortly. '
Klrkpatrlck ? CouncuT TCniE-v.t "
ladies of Security, is
ban Friday night in the new Moose
Temple hall. Proceeds will aro
'sustaining in membership the 20 mem-
oers 01 me councu who have gone to
mo ironu jnrs, ittun coppie is a com
mittee of one to secore an honor
ice xias- ior me council, and ia 'making
i iwiKii. xne Denern Daii will have
uiw irai or music, gooa order and
pieniy. y: partners.
The Junior " Order of Moose hM
clam Juice supper Tuesdav ni-hr .t
the -Moose Temple. Allen R. Jor.'dlcJ
tator of Portland Iodg-e, Loyal Order
of Moose: George B Thomas. a im...
of the finance committee ; E. M. Frey- J
uiuui, iiwuw w ue juniors, and
others made brief talks, y
Multnomah Campr W b. Is pre
paring to initiate a large laas Fri
day night to its big hall at East Sixth
and. East Alder streets. All applicants
are requested to , be present on that
coaslon. ' , .
; The Moose Social duly enterUlned a
large number of guests at its dance
given Tuesday night in Moose Temple.
The organization is giving all profits
to the building and furnishing funds
of Portland Lodge, L. O. M.
-Joseph South. stae. manager for the
Brotherhood - of : American Yeomen. 1 has
returned;.' from a successful tour ' of
Eastern Oregon in the Interests of the
order. , - - - .
; , . J- -The Heck ef Olbrattae ' 4 , .
fe atmnd. btrt incomparable with War Savins Or
tifleateahe atiaiisU of the United States ia
Drews Sign With
Tully. to Play
In Comedy
Piay Will Be by John Hunter
Booth, Author of '.'The
"Masqueraders." ..
NEW TORK, Feb. 8. Richard Walton
.11 m r a . n .
had signed a contract with Mr. and Mrs.
Sidney Drew, whereby these popular
artists will appear upon the legitimate
stage under his managerial direction. It
is doubtful -if any other artists are bet
ter known or more beloved than the
Drews, whose motion picture comedies
have achieved a sensational success all
over the world. - ,
Tully plans to star the Drews in a
new comedy by John . Hunter Booth.
author of "The Masaueradera" re
hearsals of which will start Immedi
ately, the out-of-town premiere being
set tor the middle of March. Although
Tully's career as a producer has been
comparatively short, he has achieved a
cluster of successes scarcely surpassed
in America today, IncludlnfGuy Bates
Post in "The Masquerader," "The Bird
of Paradise." which is now showing In
the Pacific Northwest, and "The Flame."
The Drews have been seen frequently
In this city at the Columbia theatre, the
last time a week or so ago in an excru
ciatingly funny picture depicting the
attempted cure of a weepy wife by her
traveling man husband.
No allusion as to whether the Drews
will continue with their motion picture
work is made, from which it is fair to
deduce that they '.will continue- in pic
tures right along.
BAKER Broadway btwem Morrison and Alder.
Aleawr Plsjrns la "Tha Unchaitencd Woman."
Mathww Bandar, Wednesday. Saturday. S:1S.
Tnins, 8:20.
LYRIC Fourth and Stark. Unaieal eomedy,
"Prince of Pilaner." with Dillon and Frankfc
Daily matinee, 2:80. K renin. 7:15 and 9.
ORPHEUM Broadway at Taylor. HeadUner.
Hyami and Mclntyre. Matinee, 2:80. E ren
in C 8 JIO. ;
PANTAGES Broadway at Alder. HeadllneT.
.Harry Lancdon in Johnny New Car." Mat-.
inr. z :sw. evening. ana 9.
HIPPODROME Broadway at TamhUL Head
liner. "The Unfair Sei." Photoplay. "The
Tenth Cue." t
STRAND Washlncton between Park ami VC
frt.-.-. F"1".1? Pnotoplar. Virginia Pearson
in "Stolen Honor." VauderUle headliner.
COLUMBIA Sixth between Waahinston and
Stark. Georte Beban in "Julee of the Strona t
Heart. W. S. Hart In "Dakota Dan." 1 1
a. as. to 11 p. at.
LIBEKTT Broadway at Stark. Helen Ware, in
'The Garden of Allah." 11 a. m. to 11 p.m.
MAJESTIC Washington at Park. Theda Baia
in "Cleopatra." 11 a. m. to 11 p. m.
PEOPLES Wert Park- at Alder. Mabel Nor-
Band in "Dodgins a Million." 11 a. a. to
11 p. OL
&TT8 SET Broadway at Waahinston. Wmiaa
Fit - ' . - . ......
Double Stamps Given on January Charge Accounts if Paid in Full ,On or Before February 11
Eastern Star Red Cross Workers Will, Meet in Our Auditorium on Fourth Floor Tomorrow From 10 a. m. to g p. m.
ic to $1.00
Latest 1918 novelties In VaJen4
tines. Favors, Score Cards and Place
Cards on display in .Stationery
Department on the Main Floor.
Reduced Prices on Remnants and OddT'inps.n
' Telephone
At $2:69
Third Floor Solid oak tele
phone stands in pleasing de
sign, with stool to match. Well
made and nicely Qn (f
finished. Special at Pa-ieOe7
Carpet Samples at $1.29
Suitable Lengths' for Rugs
Bargain CircW 1st Floor- Manufacturers' sample lengths of high
grade carpets or lengths suitable; for rugs ends, are finished. Just
the thing for bath rooms, halls,' etc. Good selection g-f Q
of patterns and colors in Wiltons and Administers. Each PU
Remnants of Cretonnes
Special 19c Yard
Barsjaia Circle Remn'ants ,4 and Bargain Circle FIBER RUGS
short lengths of high-grade cre in neat ; patterns. These are es-
tonnes fof draperies, pillow tops,' pecially adapted : for ; bedrooms,
etc. Lengths up to 6 yards. Good 'Easily cleaned and sanitary Fiber
assortment of patterns to - Qn Rugs. Size 27x54 inches, ftQn
select from. To 50c, yard JLVJ on sale Thursday at OC
Bargain Circle, 1st Floor.-Good: useful lengths of drapery materials
of varioui kinds priced for Thursday's selling' at just : half price
Tapestries, damasks, velourS
the "Am ertcan Cleo
patra,", who . is appear
ing in "Stolen Honor" at the
Strand this week end.
8. Hart in "The Ayran." 11 a. m. to 11
STAR Waahinston at Park. ' Vrrian Martin in
"The Fair Barbarian." r 11 a. m. to 11 p. m.
Dallas Men Training
Under Allies1 Guns
Dallas, Or., Feb. (.Letters received
here this week from Dallas boys In the
One Hundred Sixty-second Infantry in
France state that . nearly all the com
panies of the old Third Oregon have been
broken up and scattered. Some of the
"' " '"'1 Ti. I . ,.y
commenced their training under fire In
men from each company have already
the trenches and will be succeeded by
others in their turn.
One lieutenant and one sergeant from
each company have been assigned to a
school of instruction. The general
health of the- Dallas boys was good at
the time the letters' were written, the
most serious ailments being mumps and
Hair Tonic
" TZ I
: ; "
's ' ' ' '
- J v ' " X" s, J
A Remarkable Preparation
For falling hair and dry, itching scalp Kalos
Hair and Scalp "Tonic is unsurpassed. It also pro
motes growth of the hair. For cases where there is
considerable dandruff Kaks Dandruff Remedy is
very effective. Treatment, Beauty Shop, 2d Floor.
j in' good assortment, of patterns.
, Jimmy- Coon Saves the Day
HOW angry little William and bis
friend. Ranger, the big dog, would
hare been if they had known that. Jimmy
Coon was biding in the top of that tree
near by, and saw everything he was do
ing with those awful steel traps. -
Tou see Jimmy Coon picked out a
tall hickory tfee with very thick foliage,
and he hid among the dense leaves, and
kept as still as a mouse ; and when lit
tle William had gone, you ought to have
seen Jimmy bounce out of that tree and
yeU to all his little friends, rCome here
quick, I have some wonderful news 1"
And ' it was funny to r see the little
people climb down, trees, come out of
burrows in the ground, and pop their
heads out, of .the, wajer, as some came
swimming to shore. And' all got on
the bank close to Jimmy- Coon, to hear
the news about - the Farmer Boy and
the dreadful steel traps.
"You stop shaking that water from
yourf bathing suit, all over my new
dress!" screamed Mrs. Possum, the
mother of Teddy 'Possum. " It Was the
rude Benny Mink, whose bathing suit
was' dripping - with water when he
climbed out of Mirror Pond, and he had
shaken the water all over the best
clothes, of Mrs. Possum : and all the
other lad tea - -
And Father Possum boxed the ears
of the Impolite Benny Mink. "If you
good people will come to Order, and stop
vnur fiiutnr. 111 . tell you aometbinar
worth hearing," shouted Jimmy Coon.
And it became suddenly, so still, that
you could have heard a needle fall from
the nearby Pine tree. ;
v. Lknow where every steel trap is set,"
exclaimed the excited Jimmy Coon? "And
I'll take every one of you to your kun
ways or front doors, and show you those
dreadful things., if- you will follow me.?
And every body In the crowd yelled at
once, "Jimmy Coon, Show me ! I'm from
Mirror Pond!"
, And It was a comical sight to see
the whole crowd, some wet In their
bathing suits, and some ' dry, start at
once to follow. Jimmy Coon, who had
promised to show them every hidden
steel trap.
And the detectives, the Blackcoats
(the crows), were on hand. Jabbering
every blessed minute, and the Bluecoats,
or police, also called the Blue Jays, Were
working hard on the case.
And Jimmy Coon took the excited
crowd first to the little house of Sammy
Muakrat. And he led them all around
to the back door of Sammy's nice little
house : and he led them, down the little
path to Sammy's Dock, and boat-landing:
and Jimmy Coon pulled off a nice
piece of carrot from a stick in the water.
Pendletofl Workers
Will Organize Union
Pendleton, Or., Feb. t An attempt to
unionise Pendleton will be made . this
evening at . a meeting" of workmen
called by E. J. Stack, representative of
the Federation of Labor. - He will at
tempt to organise men and - women
workers not now in unions and to secure
affiliation of ' present unions with the
federation.. Particular effort will be
mada to unionise laundry workers.
1 " ' '
Standard Store of the Northwest -
Reliable MerchandiseReliable Methods
awawawawaw Sas SM awsaaaawaVaawaaaS SB Bawanew SawaWawJSBWSaWawaWBWasawaWaSBawawawawa . .
T . r .
40c Coffee
29c Lb.
4th Floor This if our famous
"O.W.K. Imperial Roast you hear
so much about! Standard OA
40c coffee. Special price a-iaC
- No deliveries of coffee except
withl other purchases made in
Grocery Department, 4th Floor.
OWK Cocoa
24c Pound
-Sold onljr In bulk. c 4
O.W.K. Cocoa special, lb a-TC
Order Groceries early in. the day.
Odd Lines
Boys9 Suits
Sizes 6, 12, 13, 14, ' 15,
1 or 2 Pairs Pants
Main FloorServiceable suits for
school wear. Made up in gray
mixtures. - Some have, two pairs
of pants, others one pair with
double knees, "and & A HtZ
seats. ; While they last trei J
Tale ,5 JL
It was funny to see the HtUe people
climb down trees, , eome out of
burrows In the ground, and pop
their heads out of the water. ' v
and ate it before them all saying, "Now
I'll show your t i
Tomorrow "Fl ndlng the Steel Traps
Around Mirror Pond." '
John HYAMS and MclNTVNa Letlai Vat.
aneva Treupei Fell Bernar4 end Sedie Janiai
RUTH ROVSt Aaeale'a gpolofloeJ Oleevei
ARNKS. ' ' -' - - ' - v
Vohnny't Rew Oar."
- Sl Other Bit Aeta.
Three Perf'raaneea Pally. Misht Cnrtala
at T and t.
tel. Dally a 8:S0 NlfMe St TtSO.
Thla Week IXIl on and Prank la
With the Boeebod Girls. AQ New Son Hita.
The Bis Laaehiac Show
8 Special Feature Xishta S
Tnea, "Country Store." Than., Free Somwak
Spoon aU Idiea, Prt. Choru Girls' CabteaC
Heartt-Pathe News .
News picture of northwest and
national events will appear each
week at leading theatres through
out the northwest, including
alajestio of Portland, T'-
- . as a - - - - --- 1
Women's House Dresses
At $1.25
Second Floor Special assortment of
women's house dresses underprlced for
Thursday. Several attractive styles, some
with round, others with-squars collars. Ex
cellent quality ginghams in stripes and
checks, also figured percales. r Various
colors. r Full range of sizes. Q-f OCT
Priced very special for only pLtO
At $1.95
Second Floor Women's house dresses
several neat ; styles in t this lot some of '
plaid and checked, ginghams in various
colors with white collars, others In plain
color chambrays with pique collars and
cuffs. Decidedly -becoming frocks - for
wear about, the house. . AH I1 Af
sizes. Priced very: special at $JLe7D
Billie Burke Dresses for $1.75
House Dresses at $2.50
Second Floor These smart "Billie
Burke" dresses are becoming to
any type of figure, f Made in two
piece style with large collar, belt
and pockets. Also regulation styles
in tbjs lot. Splendid rff
values:" special at only vL I O
Indiana Seaman Lost -
Washington, Feb. . (I. N. &-Wll-
Ham A, Wells, naval -volunteer, was lost
overboard from U. 8. A. Iowa on Jan
uary SO. the navy department announced
Tuesday afternoon.. Wells' home was at
EvansvWe, Ind. . '.
Ul?Il IP Broadway at Taylor
niLlLel VAXala 1 aad A-Illl
Vaudeville Stars
Prleet Both Hat. aad Eva, Xselatlag
- VTar Tax, Aret r, . j
Floor. $2.19. 'Balcony, S rows, :
in rear 6 row. 11.10. Gallery, first
7 rows, reserved, tlo.
Do 3TOT Order $1.5 Eva Tickets.
. They have all been sold.
Address letters, checks. Pottof flee
Mosey Orders to W. T. Pangle, Mrr.,
Heilig Theatre. Inclose self-ad-.dressed,
stamped envelope - to help
insure safe return of tickets. -
tick it orrios sale
heilig ss:4rj.v vtfisz
3 iSXSSi" Tomorrow
OUrer Moroaoo PnwtiU
The Play ef a Wemaa'a aeui.
Erea., Floor. SI. BO; BaL,' II, TBe, S0e!
Cat, 660. SaL Mat., Floor, 1; Bat, tl,
76a. SOei GaL, 60s. , - .. . ,
Tonicht. -Baraaln
Matinee Today .
AH Week, Mat. Sat BtartlilW . ..
Fnwrtonal Drama - in Four Acta
Emfly Sterene' (Teat etaninc eoeeeatt
300 time In New York. J tut teleaied
for atock. RrenlBO. 2Se. 60e, T5o.
Mats, 2 Be, B0. Wed. Baraaia Mat,
2fte only. Next week:
"Hie Staleety Bunker Bean." V
U. S. Thrift
and War Sayings Certificates for
sate at Main Office on the-f ourth
Floor. There l no better Invest
ment in the world for your savings.
V Men's " -:
, $1.50 Pajamas
At $1.19
Main Floor Men's Pajamas'
of good, heavy quality out
ing flanneL Cut in full gen
irons sizes, well fin-fll in
lshed. I'l.So grade Olli7
Second Floor Women's house
dresses In ihe popular semi-fitted
effects. Made up fn pretty plaids,
checks, trimmed with white col
jlars cuffs and belts.; Sport pock
ets. .All sizes Included. QO CIY
Priced special at only . V-WeOU
Harry Lauder
i a :