The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 06, 1918, Page 21, Image 21

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1 I
Edited by
Hyman IL Cohen
Speculative Shipping Interests Are In
Control or the Situation and Hake
. or Unmake Value at Their Will
Forcg Drop- Here. '
Tlut hidhm U making ertraTSgent profit
on egg at the opinion tht rias been pressed
qnlte frequently of late by omi of the leading
Front street handlers.
u.1.11. l,. Mnmnt nrohibits tb resale of
supplies, rwltt from the bulk of the business
In the wholesale trste ana tun dim ito h
lators are Mid to b Waxing fat with the ex
innnnt nroflta theT art securing.
Tii. . m forcin Dricaa ud and down at
their pleasure, although thla to the tint of th
huoh when, plica cbaagaa ara always rapid.
Tha big InUrest have bean forcing aggs by tha
inul lnta into Saw Soric and other eastern
market and have bean getting extreme value
according to gostp along tha street,
Thara ni littla doinc in tha agg trad along
Front street during tba latt 24 hour, .side
from tha aalao mada to (paeulatira ah hoping in
i.Tti anaeulatora lowarad tbair bkis to 40
048e a doses for currant tVeeipU or eaaa count,
although thara wa practically no changa in tha
. aaatarn aitnation during that period,
Speculators invariably quota tha prlca of San
rranctooo whan that markat goaa down, but
..fiH inm mantlonina it when tba Cali
fornia erica rise. In tha Utter instance they
would aay that thli would not afreet the local
trade. -.
Market for cheeea ahowing great atrength
, and a further advance in the price at TUlamoo
a .... k. at all anmriaine. There to an x-
. . .UMi r.f Yaiim Amena. Tillamook to
'Bilking longhorne (or outaide elupment.
Demand for chickens to very keen along the
wholesale way. Bales of ordinary hens are
al.own up to 25o a ponnd. with .elected heavy
..a, krinn. . Dramlunv above this. although
there baa been Uttle to offer.
runt. 7iinu New Tears only a short time dis-
Unt. t:hinene are scrambling (or supplies of their
holiday bird, the duck. While the Pek n also -to
given preference, any sort of duck will sell at
record prices now.
Still greater strength is showing in the market
Im haana. Local buyers are freely bidding
a u. . a Miiiwl for Oreaon stock that to any good
while as high as lOo baa been paid for excellent
Price of ollre oil is booming, and as high as
10 a gaUou to being asked in some quarters for
Itnrutrted stock. It is slated tnat new vail-
fornia oil price hare been named at $4.60
. gallon and all offerings quickly sold.
Dnlrm market weaker, with most sales lower.
Walla Walla rhubarb is offering st 1018o
Scant offerings of smelt for the day.
Rniter situation to nnerally about steady.
Cabbage market to firmer at 8 4c to retailer.
Weather bureau advise: Protect shipments
during the next 88 hours against the foUowing
tamoaraturea: Going north, 42 degrees; north-
eaat nvar ft.. P. A 8. R. II.. 82 degrees; east to
ftakar. 82 desrees. and south to Ashland. 82 de-
areas. Minimum temperature at Portland tomor-
rom, about 44 degrees. '
Country Meat' Is
Sold Very High
Country killed hog want to an extreme
price along Front atraat during the last 24
hour when sales ware mada In a limited
way for blockers at lie a pound for fancy
stock. Bulk of the good stuff want at
80ft a pound, i Market fop dressed calves
was also firm at extreme record figures,
veals selling up to 20c a pound.
Erratic Tone Shown
In New York Trade
First Prices Generally Steady but
Weakness Developes in Leaders
Late; U. P. Quite Heavy.
Lack of Demand Is Generally Shown
and Season Is Going Fast Speeu-
. lation Eliminated 'and Trade Buys
Only Immediate Wants.
New York, Feb. 6. (I. N. a.) The gen.
era! list In tha stock market moved within com
paratively narrow limits today, although tha
shipping share featured the afternoon trading
by making sharp gains. s-
Marlne Preferred In final dealings moved up to
9Stt. the common to 27 and Atlantic Oulf to
U. Steel common sold at 85 V and many
specialties showed two-point gain.
New Tork. Feb. . (L I. S.) A steady
tone marked the opening of the stock market
today, some issue making fractional gains, while
others showed slight losses.
fiteel common sold off to 95 hk points, and
Dethlehera Steel B rose to 77. Distillers con
tinued its upward movement, advancing to
4 3 Vs. Marine preferred was active, and rose
point to 86 tt. f
American Malting tomes were prominent, the
preferred advancing 2 H points to 58. and the
eommon was 1 H point higher at 13 4.
Liberty bond were active, the 8 s declining
to 08.06. while the 4s dropped to 95.82.
There was Irregular movements through the
early forenoon. Borne of the leading Issues de
clined a point or more.
Atlantic-Gulf advanced 4 points to 113 tt.
lull road stocks were generally heavy, with
Union Pacific declining ' 1 H point to 114,
and Heading sold off 1 point to 744.
Money loaning at 8 H per cent.
In the afternoon Marine preferred moved up
to 91, against the opening quotation of 94' H.
Atlantic Gulf sold up S to 114. American
Beet Sugar gained over four 'points to 81 H ,
but after the announcement that no action had
been taken on an extra dividend broke to 78.
Range of New York prices furnished by Over-
berk at Cook Co.. 210-217 Board of Trade
building: -
Millers Are In Bad Position Because
of the Forced Use of Substitutes
for Wheat, Which They Are I'u--wble
to Obtain. Now.
y uvasaa m onuva
The potato situation throughout the United
States to so poor at this time and everywhere
fears are entertained for the future of th in
It til figured by lesdin eastern interest that
many 'millions of bushels of potatoes will rot
in the United States this season unless a mircla
appears to ward off disaster which la at present
tnreaiening trie producing end of the business.
in present season haa approximately two
months more for tradine- o far a moat nn-
plie are concerned, the business dwindling fast
wv Man MIMiUI. Ul inir
rwi . . .
.iiiere is at present' in the United States as
a wnoie. almost as many bushel of potatoes
unsold in growers' banda aa some total crops
that the country has produced.
One of the very great drawbacks to the po
tato trade this aeaaon. aaida from tha f-t that
seemingly everyone bat the grower knew that
a great surplus was produced to that specula
tion haa been entirely eliminated by the food ad
ministration. - There are some who persist in
believing' that the speculator is always a blight
in the trade, but It to a well established fact in
perishable commodities that a market without
speculative features, to a mighty slow market
so far as the grower is concerned . A big de
mand from speculators mean a abort supply end
liberal prices, while low price rule when the
speculator is absent.
Word ha just reached this city that the
California food authorities -have placed an ex
treme profit limit of 10 per cent on the han
dling of potatoes in that state. This means that
California buyers are not going to purchase more
potatoes than they need from day to day be
cause they cannot make a greater profit than 10
per cent no matter how scarce supplies are, and
are liable to dump many thousands of dollars
if the market price breaks.
Bids for barley reached 91.00 higher for
brewing an the Portland Merchants Exchange at
son. nut open market sale war shown
soo.uu tost to millers.
Wheat Barley. Flour. Oat. Hay.
Portland. We . . 1
Year ago. ...... 7
Season to date... 8622
Year ago - .8798
Tacoma. Tues ... 14
Jear ago. 10 ... ...
Season to date... 8846 1 Jl .;.
Year ago. 4883 108 ...
Seattle, Tues 17 16
Year ago. 16 ... S
Season to date... S3 02 254 1763
xear ago. 391s
6 2 2
1 10 10 7
221 3R 942 1936
154 1039 1723 1498
206 1282
247 1490
S 51
4 84
968 2446
279 111 1081 2838
Swine Market Firm
And Sharply Higher
In Eastern Yards
Runaway Trade Is Shown but There
Is Nothing Doing Here for
the Day's Trade.
Local- Situation Is Firmer With All
Stocks Moving Better Government
Estimate of Remaining Stocks Is
Considered Too High.
. Rtoe
Mleaae. ................ 10e
Kama Olty
Omaha Q 10
Denver ................ '
. J ,11V.
Tuesday . .
Monday .;. ,
Baturday .
Thursday ,
Week ago
Year ago
Previous week.
Last weak . . .
Previous week.
Previous week .
1 ait week . . . .
Previous week.
Last waek
Prevlou week.
. . .B2.asas.fs
. .. 2.26 08.2B
. ..$180 0 2.60
. . . 1.7S2.aO
. . . $2.00 O S.2S
. . .i.7Baa.oo
. . . 1.6BA2.7S
. . .S1.009S.0O
. . . 1 .76 e a.00
These prices are those at which wholesalers
sell to retailers, except as otherwise stated:
Dairy Products
BCTTER Cresmery, prints, in paraffin
wrappers, extras, 62c; prime firsts. 49B0e
firsts, 46$)49e: eabes, le lew; cartons.
Vance; dairy. 84 & 85c per lb.
RIITTERFAT -Portlsnd delivery basis.
1 amir cream. 54c Per lb.
CHEEHK Helling prire. TUlsmook fresh Ore
gon fncy full crem triplet-, 27 27 He lb.;
Young Aroeric. 28 m 28 He lb. Price to jobber-.
Flat.. 25c; Ycmna America. 26e, f. o. b. ; brick,
86c: limburger. 85c; brick Swiss. 40c per lb.
T.iiC.H Helling price ess count, 4849e ; buying price, 4647o par doaen; selling
price, candled, 4960o; selected candled, in
esrfons.. 60c; Voreee, 35c.
LIVB POULTHI Hens, heavy Plymouth
Becks. 26a per lb.; ordinary chickens, 2 So per
lb.; stags. 15(e)! 80 lb.; smsil spring. 25c; tur
keys. 25a per lb.; dressed fancy, HO0 82e per
lb; No. 2, 27c per lb.; squabs, $2.80 per dozen;
geme. lira, 18 20c; duck. 8085o per lb.;
pigeon. $1 25 per dozen.
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
mF.HH KRL1TS Oranges. $3.90 6.60 per
box; bananas, 55Vic; lemon. .407 40;
California grapefruit. $3.60 3.75; Florida,
BERRIES Cranberries, local, per box, $5.7
C8.20; eastern, $17.50 per barrel.
APPl.EH Ortley, extra fancy, $2.00; Ortley.
fancy, $1.75; Winter Banana, extra fancy,
-$2.86; Winter Banana, fancy, $2.00; fancy
Mood Blver Hpltsenbergs, $2.00; Hood River
extra fancy Spitsenberga. $2.25 per box; Bald
wins, wrapped, $1.50; Newtons. 4 tier. $1.25;
fancy table apple. 4 tier, $2.25; fancy table
apples, 4H tier, $1.75; fancy Hpltsenbergs, not
wrsnrted. $t.00: eonklng apples, 4 tier, $1.10.
OMUNS Selling price to retailer Oregon.
Nn. 1, $1.754 2.00; No. 2, $1.60; carload
prices of association, $1.50 per cental, f. o. b.
garlic, 8 per lb.
POTATOES Selling price: Tsble stock. Bur-
bank. 75c$1.15: Uemi, 81.25.. Buytna Dries
V. 8. No. 1, 90e (g 1.00 per cental country
point"; sweet potatoes. B(?oyse par lb.
VEIJETAB1.E8 Turnip. $1.85 per sack
earrots. $1 00ft 125 sack; beets. $1.65 sack;
parsnip. $1.50 per sack; cabbage, local, $3.00
H 4.00 est ; green onions, 85a dozen bunches;
peppers; eun per 10.; nea lettuce, boo dosen;
celery, 85 90c per dozen; artichokes, $1,00 9
1.10 per dosen: cucumbers, hothouse. $1.5 OA
1.75 per dosen; torn toe.. Mexican, $2.85 per
lug; eggplant. 11 mo per id;; string Deanr, ( )
rhubarb, 12 H 15o lb.; cauliflower, local, $1.60
pet dozen; pumpkins, lVso per lb.; sprouts,
UIIO per 10.
- Meat, Fish and Provision
DRESSED MEATS Selling price; Country
tilled Dan noas, .viviie, oroinary, 18V
19 Vie; best veal. lget'ZOc; ordinary real, 17
-018e per IK; rough heavy, 14c per lb.; a-oat
6 9o per lb.; lamb. 17(920o per lb.; mutton
1 1 a 1 8e ner lb. : beef. 7 H 1 0 H e mr th
BMOKF.I WEATli Hsm. 27S3c per lb
breakfast bacon. 88 4 8c per lb.; picnics, 28e
per lb.; cottage roll, 28a per lb.; shcrt clears.
Ml? 84a pet lb.; Oregon exports, smoked, 33c
per lb
iJkRD Kettle rendered, tierces, 2Be per lb.
standard. 27 He: lard compound. 24 He.
OYSTERS Olympian gallon, $4.60; canned
eastern, 000 per can, s.o,o per dozen cans;
eastern oysters., per gallon, solid paek..V50.
FISH Dressed flounders, 6c; teelhed sal
mon, 2O021e; Chinook, 28c; perch, 798c;
soles, 7c; salmon trout, 18c ; halibut, ( ) ;
black end. 11c; herring. Be; smelts. 8e;
clams, hard shelK 4c per lb.. $2.75 per box;
erbs, $1.75(3 2 60 per dosen; Columbia smelt.
$C per. lb: .
Bl'OAR Cube, $$.60; powdered, $8.85; frntt
, or berry, $7.85; D yellow,- $7.25: granulated.
$7.85; beet. $7.88; extra C. $7.45; golden C.
$7.85 per ewt
HOXET New. $4.28 0 4.50 per ease,
v IiK?itpn t' No. 1. 7 He; New Orleans.
$ 'treats, f V k wstawe I irSB, CI -jan gj.
Alaska Gold 2H 2HT 2 I 2
Allis Chalmers, c. 23 H 23 H 22 H 23 H
Am. Beet Sugar... 774 81 H 77 H 78 H
Am. Can, c 88 88 Vi 874 88 V4
Am. Car At F.. e. . 72 78 H 72 72
Am. Cotton Oil. c. 81 H 82 H 81 U 81
Am. Linseed, c 83 H B4 H 83 H 84
Am. Locomotive, e. 684 684 58 58
Am. Smelter. ... 83 H 83 H 82 82
Am. Sugsr. c 105 106 1D5 108
Am. T. AT 10- 107 107 107,
Am. Woolen, c ... . 53 53 52 52
Anaconda Mining . . 63 63 62 63
Atohiaon, c. . 85 85 84 84
Baldwin Locomotive 84 64 63 63
Baltimore & Ohio.. 61 51 61 61 H
Bethlehem Steel, a. 77 77 77 75
Brook. Rapid Trans. 44 44 44 44
Butt A- Superior 18
CaU Petroleum, c. 15 17 15 16
Canadian Pacific... 147 147 146 146
Central Leather, c 71 71 70 70
Ches. Ohio 62 53 62 62
C M. A. St. Paul. . 42 44 42 42
Chicago at N. W. . . 93 93 93 93
Chino Copper 44 44 48 43
CoL Fuel eV Iron, c. . . 87 ,
Cons. Oas 9l 92 91 91
Corn Products, c. 83 34 83 83 j
Crucible Steel, c. . . 67 67 66 56 !
Distillers 42 48 42 42 1
Erie, c 14 14 14 14
General Klectrie .. 188 187 185 135 !
General Motors ... 188 138 135 136
Goodrich Rubber .. 49 49 48 49
Gt. North. Ore Lds. 27 27 27 27
Great Northern, pfd. 91 91 90 91
Greene Can ,43 45 43 43
Hide Ac Leather. ,. 12 12 12 12
Ice Securities 11
Illinois Central 94
Industrial Alcohol. . 128 128 125 125
Inspiration 45 45 45 45
Int. Mer. Marine... 24 27 24 28
K. O. Southern, o '. . 1 6
Kennecott Copper.. 33 83 32 82
Ijickawanna 8:-el 76
Lehigh Valley 57
Louis, fc Nssh.. . 114 114 114 114
Msx. Motors, c 81 81 80 81
Mex. Petroleum".. 92 92 91 91
Misini Copper .... 80 30 an 80
Midlrale Steel 44 45 44 40
M . K. & Texas, c 4
Missouri Pacifio .. 21 21 21 21
Nstionsl Lead 47 47 47 47
Nevada Con "18 18 18 18
New Haven 29
N. T. Air Brake . . 130 183 180 183
N. T. Central 70 71 70 70
N. T., O. W 19
Nor. & West.. ... 106 105 105 105
Northern Pacific .. 85 85 85 85
Pacific Msil 25 28 25 27
Penn. Railwsy 46 48 46 45
Peoples Gas 62 52 62 61
Pittsburg Coal. c. . 48 48 47 47
Pressed Steel Car. c 63 63 62 62
Ray Cons. Copper . . 23 28 23 28
By. Steel Springs. . 52 62 62 62
Reading, c 75 75 4 74
R. I. & 8., 0 77 77ji'6H 76
Rock Island 19 20 19 19
Shattuck 17
Btndebaker. e 51 52 51 51
Southern Pacific .. 84 ;84 83 83
Smith. Ry., c 23 28 H 23 23 H
Swift 127
Tenn. Copper 17 17 16 16
Texas Oil 158 168 157 166
Tobacco ' Products . 64 65 54 54
Union Pacific. B...115 115 114 114
U. S. Rubber, c... 68 68 67 . 67
U. H. Steel, e 95 95 94 94
Utah Copper 82 82 82 82
Va. Chemical, c 40
Wabash V 8
West. Union Tele.. 90 90 90 90
West. Electric 41 41 40 41
Oats Eule Lower
With Corn Higher
Weather More Moderate in Growing
Sections a Factor in the
Former Market-
By Joseph F. PrHchard
Chicago. Feb. 6. (L N. 8.) While the
corn market showed but little net change for
the day the feeling was irregular and unsettled.
The nearby months were He lower while the
deferred were o higher to unchanged. Oats
suffered recessions of o and provisions
were 17 H 83 c lower.
Fred Fuller, of the Iowa Packing company,
Dea Moines. Iowa, who was on the board of
trade today, said that the hogs now moving in
that state are of heavier weight than ever be
fore; that he haa seen morn hogs during the
season out nas tnever seen tnem in. as line con-
Chicago. Feb. 6.' iL N. S.) -The oats mar
ket was easier at the opening today on reports
for more favorable weather throughout the middle
west and a forecast for continuation of present
weather conditions. The market firmed up on
buying by commission houses, but trade was not
large. Opening prices were lower.
A lack of offerings was the dominating Influ
ence in the corn market, which opened slightly
under yesterday a close. Limited buying by coos
mission firms started shorts to covering.
Expectations of larger receipts of hogs, with
wore favorable weather conditions more than off
set higher hog prices at the yards and forced
sufficient selling to make a lower range in the
provisions market. , With the market on the de
cline buying developed that gave an easier under
tone. Chicago range of prices furnished by United
February ..
March . . .
February ..
March . . .
. TTnlenS the goverament ImmeitTatalw taVaa ftn.
trol and names th price of coarse grains, the
quotation on Hour must be advanced in the
Pacifio Northwest. This will not only apply to
th mixed wheat-barley product, but to other
substitute flours.
There is only a verr small amnnnt of harlev
remaining in the country and some other sub
stitute will be necessary.
Milling interests here are much concerned
over the prevailing situation and scarcely know
what to do. They are ordered to use sub
stitutes for wheat, but are unable to seenre
them. It may be necessary on thla account ' for
many of th plants of the Pacifio Northwest to
close their doors. This would create a famine
of breadstuff a.
While there is nlrntv and mora of wheat
in this section for all the needs of milling in
terests; the food administration has been com
pelled to dole out its supplies here in order
that greater exports be made to Europe.
The food administration announce that in
its opinion the gross maximum profit for whole
salers in flour should not exceed from SOc to
75c per barrel, and the profit exacted by retail
dealers for flour in orginal mill packages should
not exceed from SOc to $1.20 per barrel, de
pending upon the character of the service per
formed. Where retailers sell flour in amounts
lea than the original mill package, the profit
should not exceed le per pound. Any profits
in excess of that- obtained in pre-war times.
will be considered cause for investigation by
the food administration, and each ease will b
judged upon it merits.
WHEAT Bluestem. $105: fortyfold. $2.03;
elub. $2.01; Russian, 81.98. tidewater track
FLOUR Selling price: Patent, $10.00; Wil
lamette valley. $9.60; local straight. $9.20
9.00; bakers' local. $9.80(10.00; Mountain
spring wheat, patent, $10.80 10.80; whole
wheat. $9.60; graham, $9.40; rye flour, $10.75
per carrel.
Most Bales.
S2.B0 O S.00
2.00 O t0
2.00 a 2.B0
In Teriorta 4na w,,t K- at. - v - a
offteUl wtimt of apple Brocks in th
lw.Vonow"' purn at 51100 to 4000
1-3. i am rnTsArt fa mm 11 nr iii - ...
" t",d 'or purports to deal with supplies
held January 1. Even though the report was
correct of the date mentioned, the very heavy, Xnat nave neen made since then
eliminate the firarea aa a fanr
xraia ox trie matter is that stocks of apple
in the Pacific Northwest at M. Hm ara
scarcely more than 2000 cars of fruit that wfll
o piacea upon tne markets. Thia is an outaide
There is unusual aVtivity noted in the apple
trade of Portland. Wholesalers report greater
sale daily during the last few days than they
bad previously made during an entire week.
Prices are ahowing further improvement with
large size extra fancy Spitzenberg quoted as
high as $2.50 here and similar quality and size
lellow. Newtown selling up to $2.25.
Not only is ImnrnTement nntaal in tha aala
of the better class apples but even odds and
enos ara uigner priced and are really becoming
A Dole Markets ar tha Nation
New Orleans Extra fancy Delicious, medium
to Urge, $2.75 0 3.00; extra fancy Spitzen
berg. medium to large, $2.50 2.78; extra
tancy tianoa, gi.vv ae 2.UU.
Omaha Extra fancy Delicious, medium to
urge, $2.75 8.00: extra fancy Spitaenbergs,
medium to large, $2.50 0 2.60; extra fancy
jonatnana. medium to large, $1.80 9 2.00
fancy. $1.60 01.75.
Denver Extra fancy Rome. $2.25 92.60
fancy. $1.75(8 2.00: choice. $1.35 01.50: ex
tra fancy Spitzenbergs. $2.25 9 2.76, mostly
sz.ou; tancy. S1.-73 a.OO.
Kansas City Washington, extra fancy Jona
thans, mostly x-Z.UU; small to medium. 81.75
2.00c extra fancy Delicious. Urge. $8.00
8.25: small to medium. $2.75 3.00; tancy
Winesaps, $1.75 0 2.00.
Detroit Extra fancy Rome. Urge. $2.25.
Philadelphia Washington extra fancy Wine-
saps, medium, $2.25 2.80; extra fancy Spitsen-
HAT Bnvine nrice. new emn: Willamatra I bergs, medium. $2.15 0 2.25: fancy Newtown.
timothy, fancy, $26.00 per ton; Eastern Oregon- I sins 11, 81.60 01.75.
Washington fancy timothy, $20.00 0 80.00; al
falfa, $25.00; valley vetch. ( ); cheat, ( );
clover. $22.00 per ton; grain, $24.00 0 25.00
per ton. '
GRAIN SACKS Nominal. No. 1 Calcutta.
24 0 25c in ear lots; less amounts higher.
MILL8TUFFS Bran. $30030.50: shorts.
$32.00082.50; middlings, $39 00 0 39.50 ton.
ROLLED OATS Per ton. $68.00.
CORN Whole. $72.00; cracked. $78.00 ton,
ROLLED BARLEY Per ton. $66 0 68.
Merchants Exchange Feb. bids:
OATS Wavak-
Tuea. Hon. Fri. Thur. ago
1918 1917'
6250 3550
6000 8900
6400 4100
6250 6200 6200
6250 6160
6000 6800 6800 6075 8700
6275 ' 6125
Open. High. Low. Close.
127 127
127 127 127 127
125 125 125 125
83 83 83 83
82 83 82 82
80 80 79 79
. .2575
. .2682
. .2475
4670 4670
Total tales, 616,200 shares.
Foreign Bond Market
Bid. Ask.
A. F. Bs Oct. 1920 84 84
U. K. 5s Sept. 1918 98 99
f. K. 6 Nov. 1919 . ...... 98 77-
TJ. K, 5 Feb. 1919 99 99
U. K. 5s Nov. 1921 94 94
A. F. Sec 6s Aug. 1 919 ....... 56 57
Rep. France 5s 1913 180 185
Paris 6s Oct. 1921 86 87
Marseilles s Nov. 1919 87 88
Russian Extn 5s 1921 40 45
RussUn Intl. 6s 1926 84 87
Dora. 5s Aug. 1919 95 95
Dom. 6s April 1921 93 93
Dom. 5s April 1926 92 92
Argentine 6s May 1920 94 95
Dom. Canada 6s 1937....... 92 92
French 5s 1919 96 17
Government "Report
On Wool Holdings
Washington, D. C. Feb. 6. The total stock
of wool in the United States on December 81,
1917. were about 662,000.000 pounds, as com
piled by the bureau of markets of the United
States department of agriculture. The previous
report of September 30. 1&7. showed a total
of approximately 686.000,000 pounds. In
gathering the figures for the wool report sched
ules were mailed to 1165 firms, which includes
eSO manufacturers and 509 dealers, reports
were received from . all but two dealers and
seven manufacturers. There were 1 95 dealers
and 67 manufacturers who reported no stocks of
wool on hand. The holdings of pulled wool tope
and noils were about the same on December 81,
1917. as on September 30. 1917. but the grease
wool in the hands of manufacturers decreased
42,000.000 pounds, compared to a decrease of
only 17.000,000 pounds of grease wool in the
dealers' hands.
Approximate total holdings of all classes of
wool on December 31. 1917. and September 30,
Dec 31. Sept, 80.
00 6050 6100
Thirty-day delivery was quoted
No. 2 feed 6200
iastern oata and corn in bulk
No. 8 white
38 clipped white
No. 8
No. 3 yellow
No. 3 mixed
Mixed .
New York Extra fancy Homes,
bergs. Urge, $2.75 0 3.00; medium.
2.50; small, $2.00 0 2.25.
Chicago Extra fancy Jonathans, medium
lane. $1.9002.25: fancy, medium to Urge,
$1.6501.75; extra fancy Romas, Spitzenbergs,
medium to Urge. $2.00 0 2.25: fancy, medium
to Urge, mostly $1.8002.00; extra fancy De
licious, Urge. $2.75 08.00; choice to fancy,
medium to lane. $2.00 0 2.75.
Houston Washington extra fancy Delicious.
$2.75; fancy, $2.60; extra fancy Winesaps.
$2.50 0 2.76; . fancy. $2.25 0 2.60; fancy
Homes, $2.25 0 2.60; Arkansas Blacks, $2,25 0
Cincinnati Washington Ifancy Delicious, med
ium, $2.60; extra fancy Jonathans, small. $M5
imnbla. smalL $1.76.
Washington Extra fancy Delicious, medium
$2.50 0 8.00; extra fancy winesaps,
$2.10 0 2.25.
San Francisco, Feb. 6. Crop report of the
weather bureau: Following the precipitation in
the northern half of the state, there were many
days with desiccating north winds and a number
of fToctv ntzbts. both of which operated to pre
vent germination of wheat, barley and oata. aio
i to retard the growth of that which, previously
-1 . 1,
naa come uo 10 uur hidui.
Rains in the southern half of the state did an
immense amount of good in starting growth on
the little land previously seeded to grain, and
Dermituna the plowing of more land.
In toe San Joeqgiin and Salinas valleys titers
is practically no feed on th ranges, and cattle
are buffering severely. Other stock district
except the northwest counties, feed is short
and the price of .hay has become almost prohibitive.
New Tork, Feb. 6. (L N. S.) Trade in
the cotton market at the opening today waa
moderate. First prices were 1 point higher to
10 points lSwer. Later prices sold generally 20
to 26 poinU net lower with business mora ac
tive. The close was very steady at a net lbs of 28
io 44 points.
Range of New Tor cotton priee furnished by
Overbeck tt Cooke Co.. 216-217 Board of Trade
Finance: Timber: Industry
Oregn life Insurance Company Reports 1917 Best Year In ItJ .His
tory; Officers and Directors Are Elected at Twelfth Annual Meet
log Held Tuesday, February 5; A. L. Mills Reelected President.
Hog Cattle. Calve. Baeep.
Two year ago ....1101
Three years ago . . 287
Four year ago . . ..1040
- 3
Oiwebb lalfa IasmrmBC CantBtvar
Electa. The twelfth -annual meoUns of
the Ouarantora of Oregon Uf waa held
at tha compevny offlce In th Corbtttt
hulMlne TitMil a v IPavKrtiaii-w B '1 Til. fnl.
mm m mt ava . uaj UUTCUA m ww v7sa A. aa
is to Mm Adolphe Wolfe. Loula O. Clarka. William PoUman. C. F. Adama. W. P.
IS-TO' Olds, Jefferaon Myera, A. H. Dwrm, H.
1B.60 la, Corbett, Joseph T. Peters, J. N. Teal,
' T .mm T u fix Tt 14 m. rfrar
mtmrr . a w v, a . . -aa. aauvtu, - i i -
and W. La. Thompson. The follow Inx of
flcera were elected for th enauinc year :
A. L. Mills, president; Adolphe Wolfe.
S4 i first vice nrealdent: Louis O. Clarke.
.258 ' second vie president; William PoUrrian,
"""third vie president; C F. Ada-ma.
Hi treasurer Sanford Smith, secretary; C
721 'S. Samuel, . reneral manager, and E. N,
52: Strong, assistant manager. President
000 : Mills made his twelfth annual report to
There waa a runaway - market for host in the 'tha. flmrintAn ahnwlne a tntal rf
4" tl S liSrii anuSt uSfe?- X-B22-087 insurance issued and revived
iL?5i' topf"Liibf ?L durinr tha vsar 1S17. statins- that thia
lieiu poinu aaii ui i". wuhmj m .i . . .
tone is shown in th swine trade. 'amount Is a larger amount of business
There waa practically notmng araiiaoi jor than was ever produced In tha Btate of
A - IBaaal - - a4tkaaaia.)t HavK aKSwl . Oregon by any life Inauranc company
n4't this ami ant direct to killers ea In any previous year. Tha total lnnur-
guaranteed or contract prioea. I a nee In force now amounts to $12,840,
no oonot exists in tna nunas 923. Admitted assets, 1 1,407.788, with a
snk fa7u ar7 bnTTr, ai f furthS -urplu. of $260,147.
sharp advances in Quotations. I Bask Promote AgrlealtBr and Eire-
General swine aaarket range: I stork Raldac There aDDeara to be
Prime light ..$16.25 016.40 ! ......i .Vmln nt tha hsnkar of tha
Prime heavy l? !?f Vnh...t th.le nr.rrt.inltl for tha
Cattle Situation Good? I promotion ot in sarituuui avi wcuare vi
wnn- tb.r. mnm a mar. handful of cattle re- the country. For a bank to be foster-
ported on the North Portland market during the ing a pig club, calf Club, sheep club,
day. trend of the trade was uniformly firm. corn contest or a pure bred UVMtOCk
5Z"lZur'ul n.l ,tU" sram to now no longer a new nt.r-
Ucneral cattle market range: i ji ibo. iuv iuuuuii a u
Vfedium to choice steer $10.75 11.00
Oood to medium steers
Common to good ataer ........
Choice cows and heifer
Com. to good cows and heifer.
Stock and feeder steers
Again No Mutton
It waa another day without
west are conducting thla movement:
0.85 10.85 First National bank, Weiser. Idaho.
7.75 0 9.25 !plg club.
8-OOM 10.00 First National bank, Fairfield, Idaho,
6.60 9 7.75 ! dairy promotion.
S.00 0 6.00 1 Stockgrowera Bank Trust company,
6.00 0 7.60 Pocatello, Idaho, "Sheep on every farm."
7 60 11.00 Overland National bank, Boise, Idaho,
6.00 0 B.00 silo.
Blackfoot City bank. Blackfoot, Idaho.
. - i. i-avi 'Sheen on every farm."
.. . u-l a 1 ka.l. Unnarf . V
uatia, aurc aumtui
iimarln. In tha mutton alleva at North Port- I first .National
I l v a l l k . . nffavina nn tha D 1 AT C tltl.
day' market and in reality the trade showed j First ' National bank, Burley, Idaho,
no famine on thia account While the market . pig club
for mutton and lambs is considered strong, still . Bank of Jacksonville, Jacksonville, Or.,
only a moderate supply is needed, and, thia want ! Dure bred livestock.
la being taken care of by killer by shipments First National bank, Medford. Or pig
from their own feedlota. They continue in un
disputed control of the market and price.
General sheep and lamb range:
Western Iambs ,...$15.00 018.50
Valley lamb 14.50 015.00
Yearling . .
Wethers . . .
Shorn sheep. 2 to So under Quotations.
Wednesday Livestock Shipper
Hoes C. H. Farmer. McCoy, 1 load.
Mixed stuff G. D. Burdick. Airlie. 1 load
cattle and hoga; Salem. 1 load cattle and bogs;
isioo 0 18.60 Ipljr club.
12.60 018.00 Coolidge
10.00 011.00
Josephine County bank. Grants Pass,
Ur., pig club.
Commercial bank, Oakland. Or., alio.
Sheridan State bank, Sheridan, Or.
dc McClaine, Silverton.
Din club
Steiwer & Carpenter, Fossil. Or.
Crook County bank. PrlnevUle,
sheep feeding.
Yakima Valley bank. North Yakima,
UO ana UOSa , DBKU. a hwu tavno "va uvt. txt
dPhoSrb"' MOnmUUl- 1 M "" '"J "Farrne7r Savlngbank. Walla WaHa.
United Btate nureau ox atarxeta report uw i . unciuuru taimuiB.
tock loaded February 0. (Carloads reported
weat of Allegheny mountain; doubledecka count
ed aa two care.) -
Hogs sneep Mixed total
1867 S54 867 6076
1980 466 $80 406
1866 84$ 47$ 6206
Cattle and
Total 227S
1 waek ago ..2u40
4 week ago . .221$
State origin of ttvestoek loaded Feb. t:
For PorUano
IdahO a...... .aa A ... .
Oregon .....a 1 6 ...
Totals Portland 1 6 . . .
1 week ago i
4 weeka ago .. 1 7 .
For 'Seattle
Montana ....... 1
Totals Seattle .... 1
1 week ago . . 2 1 . . .
4 weeks ago . 7 2 . . .
Tuesday Afternoon Bales
Montesano State bank.
Wash., pig club.
Bank of Elma, Kim a. Wash., pig club.
The above banks represent the moat
progressive in their locaJty,",They ar
carrying . oa this' work la cooperation
with th agricultural department of th
Live Stock Stat bank, at North Port
land. Or. .
Stat Buk ol rorUaad Tr-oarla
Safety Deposit Taalt The Stat Bank ,
of Portland - ta preDajin: ; SDwciaiir
planned quarters for its safety deposit
vault In th basement of th old Lanv r
bermens National Bank building at th '
northwest corner of Fifth and Stark '
streets, which will become th horn of
th Stat bank February 25. Th pres
ent vault will b moved into the new
quarters and new faculties added to
meet the growing demand for safety de
posit v boxes. Officials of th ' State'
Bank of Portland say that sine th Lib
erty loan bond issues demand for safety
deposit boxes has almost doubled. Other '
bankers report similar lncreaa in this '
branch of th business and a few Of the
banks and trust companies ar planning
to enlarge their facilities.
Bars to Have a Railroad Th city
of Burns. Harney county, is to have
railroad connection with - Crane, on th
tin of th O-W.. R. A N. Th distance
Is IS miles and th construction of th
line will be don by Boise. Idaho, pro-'
moters. Burn a, through its city gov- .
ernment. haa agreed to father th en
terprise Th new line will open up a -large
section of agricultural and gras -Ing
land and will prov a decided ad-
vantage to Burns . - -
Soldier aid Sailor Ia$araae ln a
short time a million checks a month will
be issued from th bureau of war-risk
insurance to th families of th men .
constituting America's fighting force.
There had been up-to January II, ltll,
471.11$ applications for total Insurance
of M.011,l,000. Th average amount
applied for still keep near th maximum
of $10,000. A steady effort is being mad -to
make our fighting forces "100 per cent,
insured. and there ar many - military
units In which every member is. insured
and In aome of-them every man Insured
for th maximum of $10,000. Th auto
matlo Insurance granted by th law -ceases
February 12, but by that time :
It is hoped that our whol military and
naval forces will be "100 per cent in- .
sured." with th result thai th family
or dependents of everyone having a fam
ily or anyone dependent on him will be
provided with a monthly allowance, and '
insurance in case of hia death, and th 1
member " himself. If disabled, will re- ?
celve a monthly allowance), and if totally
disabled, will receive in addition reha
bilitation and special education and
training to fit him for some work. The
efforts of th treasury department to
have every member of th military and .
naval forces Insured under this law can
be greatly assisted by the people at horn
of th soldiers and sailors if they will
join in urging them to take out the ln
surance offered. '
No. Ave, lb. Price
. . 0
la. .
1.. .
. 100 7.50
. 840 $ 8.50
.1460 $ 7.00
Wednesday momlnf
Ave. lbs. Price
. .1060 $ 9.00
.. 841 7.00
. . 180 S.60
will be permitted to ask only a reason
able profit.
The problem of prices to bs paid th
fishermen will also be settled before
th new season 'opens.
The Portland Caterers' association,
the new organization' formed to carry
out the government food conservation
requirements, met at the Benson hotel
this afternoon to pass upon th various
food preparation problems caused . by
the federal regulations pertaining to
wheatless meals, wheatless days, use of
wheat flour substitutes In bread, pas-
! tries, etc
great stroke against them is awaited. :
Already there have com from- th
front stories of th bravery of Ameri
cans under flre-7tortes of soldiers fight
ing with their fists to resist capture
after their guns had been rendered use
less. And sine these American troops
took over their bit of the battlefront,
almost daily casualties have mad a
total of eight dead and 2$ wounded In
action, whose names will b inscribed
on th natlon'a honor roll., v -
The first big battle Is coming soon,
military officials here believe.- .
SALT Coarse, half ground. 100s. $13.00 per
ton; 60s. $16.00; table dairy, 60a, $19 fs
100s. $19.26; bale. $2.46; fancPtabl T and
' dairy. $26.76: lump rock. $20.00 r-r a
BEAN'S -Nominal. Small whit. iau..
Io'iV3rUi'oV,: 1,m"- H.hri
, Mop. Wool and Hid i
,H0P--?'n'raL 1917 crop, 18 018c nee lb
MlPES-SSalted. 25 lbs. ami up. 14e; lted
tolls, 69 lbs. and op. 12o; salted and greeaUrT
19 lbs. to 26s.. 16c; aUd and gi calf . ud
to 15 lbs.. 21e; green hides, 25lbs. and up
lie; green stags. 60 lb, and op, 10c; dry flint!
c; dry flint calf, up to 7 lbs, 28c; dry salt
pie; dry horse hides, each. $1 2$ 0 1.50- salted
ft re hides, each. $8.00 0 4 00; hcraehair t.lL
SBe; horsehair, mane 16e: dry Ion, wool Delta
$e: dry short wool pelts, 25e; salted and inn
pelt (January takeoff). $2.60 0 8.50 each.
New York Bond
Atchison Oenersl 4s. . . .
Baltimore A Ohio Gold 4s
Bethlehem Steel Rcf. 5s .
Central Pacific 1st 4s. . .
C B. Q. 4t
fit. Paul General 4 to..
Chicago N. W. Genl. 4s.
L. A N. Uni. 4s. ... . . .
New York Rt. 5s
Northern Pacific P. L. 4s. .
Reading General 4 a .-
Vmon Pacific 1st 4s. . , . .
V. S. Steel 6s
Union Pacifio 1st Ref. 6s. .
Southern Pacific Conv. 5s.
Southern Pacifio Conv. 4. .
Venn, Conv. 4 H .
Penn. 1st 4Hs
Che. A Ohio Conv. 6. . . .
Oregon Short Line 4s.
84 H
80 ,
94 K
84 hk
. 83H
83 "
. 88
. 77
. 8
a 77
, 98
. 80
. 77H
S6 -85
84 H
84 H
88 H
89 H
98 to
Grease wool .
8co tired wool
Pulled wool .
Tops ......
..329.000,000 388.000.000
. . 57,000,000 84,000,000
. . 21,000,000 24,000,000
. . 23,000,000 23,000,000
. . 21.000.000 28.000.000
Beginning this month there will be issued br
the bureau of markets. United States department
ot agriculture, a wool consumption report show
ing the amount of wool consumed each month by
manufacturers in the United States, This 'de
tailed report covers domestic wools in the grease,
scoured and pulled state, in the following grades:
Fine, half blood, three eights blood, quarter
blood and low. In addition .to these grades. Lin
ooln and Carpet wiH be included under the for
eign classification. The first monthly wool con
sumption report will be issued about February 15.
February .
March .
August . . .
High. Low.
8062 8064 8033
2993 2994 2962
2945 2911
2810 2810 2778
2762 2788 2763
Mondsy . ,
Balance .
Portland Bank
This week.
$3,201.415 14 I
, 2.9-.' 1 ".2
Seattle Banks
Tear ago.
Tacoma Bank
Spoken Banks
. $ 1.143.820.00
San Francisco Bank
Lot Angeles Banks
$ 4.758,808.00
Usiea Stockyard a, North Portland. Or.
Steam heat, el ac trio light. Bath aay
hour. Free phon. ; .
i Special rat for Shippers.
Bed aad Breakfast $!..
'? Lnder sew management. -
1 . , Mrs. P. D. Leack. Mgr.
dry (bees shearling, each, 15 9 30c: salted sheep
shearlings, each, 25 50c; dry goats, long hair.
25c: dry goat-shearlings, each, 15 930c.; dry
short hair goat, each, 90B $1.00.
WOOL Coarse valley. 60c: medium valley,
5tc; valley lamb wool. 4,5 0 60s per lb.; uli
Oregon fleece, 60 8 65c
price, per car lota, 8 to 9o per lb. -
TALLOW No. 1. 14c; No. 2. 12e; grease,
810c per lb. - J-
. MOHAIR 1917. 40c SOc per lb.
' Rope. Paints. Oil -
ROPE Stael. dark. 28c; white. 22too per
lb.; standard Manila, 82c
LINSEED OIL Raw bbl., $1.41 per gallon;
kettle boiled, -bbl.. $1.43; raw, case. $1.61;
boiled, cases, $1.63 per gallon; lota of 250 gal
lons, let.
COAL OIL Water white, in drums and iron
barrels, 10c per gallon. :
WHITE LEAD Ton lota, 12e per lb.; 600
Tba.. 124 c. -
TURPENTINE Tanks, S6e; euea. TSe; 10
cue lot. Is lea. ,
Ban Francisco Market
San Francisco, Feb. 0. (U. P. ) Butter
Extras, 52c.
Eggs Extras. 56e; firsts, 54 H ; pullets.
63 toe
Cheese California flats, fancy, 25 toe.
Seattle Market
Seattle, Feb. 6. (U. P.) Butter Native
Washington creamery cub, 62c ; do. brick, 58e;
storage, California cube. 45c; do. brick. 46c.
Eggs Select ranch, 65c; pullets, 4 c;. stor
age. 44 0 45c
Lot anoeiet maraet
to Angeles, Feb. 6. (L N. S.) Butter
California extras, 48c per pound.
Eggs Extras, 60c; care count, 49c; pul
lets, 48e per dosen. v
Money and Exchange
New York. Feb. . I. N. 8.) Can monev
on the floor of the New York stock exchange
today ruled at 4 per cent; high, 4 per cent;
low. s per cent.
Time money was quiet. Rates were: 5 to
6 par cent for 60 days to six month.
Th market for prime mercantile paper was
dull. w
Call money in Ixmdoo today waa S 14 per
Sterling exchange was steady with business
in bankers' bill at $4.73 6-18 for demand;
$4.714 for 60 day bin, and $4.70 for 90
day billa. j - . - --. .
' San Francisco Grain Market
San Francifeo, Feb. 6. (C. P.) Cash
grain: - " .'
Barley Per cental Feed. IS.IOAS.IS;
buyers' offer, $2.90 2.95 in tha interior for
good grain.
Oata Per -ventaV New red feed, $$.00
S.10: aeed grade, $3-10 3.25.
Barley calls: Feb. 6. Feb. 8.
May . . ......... .8.00B ... $.00B
Chicago Hogs S1T.2B
Chicago. Feb. 6. (I. N. 8.) Hogs Re
ceipts. 24.000. 81ow. 510c higher. -Mixed
and butchers. $16.70 1 7.25 ; good heavy
$16.60 m 17.25: rough heavy, $16.60 916.80;
light. $16.45917.15; pigs, $14.00 16.10;
bulk, $16.90 17.15.
Cattle Receipt. 11.000. Steady. Beeves,
$8.6014.15; cows and heifers, $6.50
11.90; atocker and feeders, $7.50 10.60:
calves. $9.50 18.50.
Sheep Receipts. 10,000. Market steady.
Native and western, $10.00 18.50; lambs,
$15.00$ 17.75.
Kansas City Hoot. $16.90
Kansas City, Feb. 6. (I. N. S.) Cattle
Receipts, 13.000. Slow, steady to lower. Steers.
10.00 g 13.25; cows and heifers, $6,00(4
13.00; stockers and feeders, $6.00 12.00;
caivea, (r n.uu.
Hogs Receipts. 21.000. Steady, with pre
vious day's average market. Top. $16.90; bulk.
$16.35 e 16.80; heevtea, $16.60 16.90: me
diums. $16.55916.85; lights. $16.35918.75.
Sheep Keceipta. 800. Steady. Lambs.
$16.73a17.25; ewes. $11.00913.00; weth
er. $12.00914.00.
Omaha Hoot,
Omaha. Feb. 8. (I. N. S.) Hogs Re
ceipts, 18.000. 5910c higher. Top, $16.65;
ranee, f 16.009 mixed. S16.409
18.55; good choice. 1 1 8 S5 1 6 5S ; rough,
$16.35 916.50; light, $16.00916.30; bulk.
$16.30916.53; pigs. $12.00 W 14. OA).
Cattle Receipt, 7000. Steady. Beeves,
$8.75918.00; stockers and feeders, $6,259
11.00; cows and heifers. $0.509 10.00; west
ern. $8.73911.50; calves, $8.25913.25.
at i :a, ?orui , sxrv
$11.009 13.00: yearlinga. $11.50 9 15.00 d 776 7S'6"
lamb, $16.00 11. Ho: ewes. 11.30,9 1Z.50.
Denver Hog $16.70
Oenver, Feb. 6. (U. P.) Cattle Receipts,
700. strong, $8.50 911.90; cows and heifers,
$8.00 9 9 40; stockers and feeders, $8,509
10.50; ealves. $11.00 918.75.
Hogs Receipts, 1100, closed alow and weak.
Top, $16.70; bulk. $16.00 918.65.
Bheep Receipts. 4800, strong to higher;
ewes, $11.50 12.25; lambs. $15.0916.75.
San Francisco Market
San Francisco. Feb. 6. (U. P.l Onions
Per cental, brown or yellow. $1.75 91.90 for
cood stock: do white. 82.00 2. 25.
Potatoes Per cental. Delta. $1.25 9 1.40 for
fancy; d- choice. $1009120; do Washington
Netted Gems, $1.60 91.75; do Oregon Bur-
hanks, repacked. $1.75 9 1.90: do Nevada.
$1.7591.90; do Humboldt. $1.7591.80; do
Sonoma British Queens, $1.-65 91.75: tweets.
53.75. ex. car, per 100 pounds.
Seattle Market
Seattle, Feb. 6. tU. P.) Onions Califor
nia yellow, per pound, 2 4 92 toe; lakima. Sc.
Potatoes Locals. $27.00; Yakima Gem. $30
pet ton.
Los Anoeiet Market
Los Angeles. Feb. 6. ti. N. 8.) Potatoes
Northern Burbanks. $1.75 9 2.15; Russeta.
$1.90: Salinas, $2.50; sweet. $4.25 9 4.60
per sack.
Chicago Dairy Prod see
Chicago. Feb. 6. L N. 8.1 Batter Re
ceipt, 7555- tubs; creamery extra. 49 toe; ex
tra firsts. 48to949c; first. 46948c; pack
big stock. 41 to 9 42c.
Eggs Receipts. 1396 eases; current receipts.
M w our ; ordinary tirsts. odwsd ic; firsts. oUc
extra, 68 9 64c; checks, 40 9 42c; dirties, 48
Xew York Metal Market
New Tork Feb. 6. (I. N. 8.) Lead Steady.
Spot, 6U39T1U; t-eoruary, ei7to9087to
March. 665 675.
Spelter Uuil. Spot February and March
Seattle Barley Market
Seattle. Feb. - 6. (L N. 8 ) No. 2 feed
barley, $65.00 per ton; 40-pound barley, $61.50
per too. tteceipts, wheat 17 ears; barley 1 car.
Liverpool Cotton Slow 1
Liverpool. Feb. . (L N. 8.) Spot cotton
waa slow-today. Price steady. - Sales, 1000
bare. American mid fair, $24.42; good mid,
8.-3.74; mid. $23.22; tow mid. $22.69; good
ordinary. $21.68; ordinary, $21.15.
- Swift A Co. Shares
Boston. Feb. 6. Swift A Co. share. 126 H.
. ' m
; Western Pacific Pays 6 Per Cent ;
New York. Feb. .(!, N.' S.) The
Western. Pacific railway corporation has
declared an initial $ per cent dividend
on the $27,500,000 preferred stock, pay
able in quarterly Installments, beginning
February 20. The second payment of
""1 per cent will be made April 1 and
the others or equal amount on July 1
and October L,
ICew York Sagar aad Coffee
Nevr York. Feb. 6. r(U. P. Coffee Spot
Ko. 7 Bio, 8toc;-o. 4 rantos, IV c.
Sugar Centrifugal, 6.005. ,
Sprut Division
Men at Eaymond
Raymond, Wash., Feb. ".Fifty men
from Vancouver barracks wilt- arrive
here this afternoon Jo occupy th bar
racks just constructed for them at the
Siler mill, where they will work at get
ting out spruce. : Lieutenant Durham Is
In charge of the men. This makes 100
soldiers at work In mills of Raymond,
the first contingent arriving here three
weeks as ' and ..working at Willapa
Pric No.
9 00 1..
760 1..
9.66 t '26..
9.65 ) 12..
810 $ 9.00
940 $ 6.00 I ' 1.
170 $10.00 1.
215 $16.25 I 12.
100 14.60 22.
270 15.75
Ave. lb.
. .1047
. . 1000
. . 744
. .1152
. . 942
Ave. lbs.
. .1070
. . 850
German Raiders Driven Off '
London. Feb. . (L N. 8.) German
i j , a a a ... a . v-. . . i w
TEUTON Alnlrltil bAUN Jtrenches in the Merlcourt sector during
the night, but were driven orr, leaving
some prisoners behind, the war office'
reported today.
In the Lens district there were artil
lery duels.
(Continued from Pag One)
An enemy signal patrol early Tues-
I day morning attempted to establish a
7 75 i connection with the American telephone
wires to listen to th conversation pass-
lo'oo ' ln over tnem' but wraj dr,vn Daclt T
I the fir of th machine guns.
.1240 $
160 $11.00
170 $16.25
107 16.00
Germans Bring Down Airplanes
' Berlin, via London. Feb. 6. U. P.)r-
'Six enemy airplanes were brought down
and one taken captive on the western
front yesterday," th war office declared
today. . r.
Washington. Feb. . (IT. P.) Under
almost ceaseless fire from the German
a-iina American trooDS holding a section
BREAD IS BACK AGAIN ' batUefront in Lorraine are pr-
paring 1 or a ucnusn hbmui, va s.sTaat,
The. repeated raids against American
lines since discovery of Pershing's
troops in front trenches, about January
20. indicate, military men believe, that
the Germans are testing out the strength
Patrols Take Prisoners
Paris, Feb. $. .(U. P.) Violent artll-
lerying around Fosses woods last night
was reported by the war office today. A
few prisoners were taken by French pa
trols near th Woevre. -
(Continued from Page One)
quired "By patron a The service will be
limited to three cubelets or two medium
sized lumps.
The following are the regulations of the fore preliminary to a heavy as-
vthich the hotel and restaurant men ; sauii,
aked Mayor Baker to enforce: I Successive German raids on January
Wast Thete Bales Enforced
20. 21 and 22. apparently launched to
I Identify troops In the American section.
Tuesdays and Saturdays ar porkless resulted In five Americans being killed
days and one porkless meal is to be ob- , and tfen wounded. There followed a
served each day, which will be the meal
between the hours of 11 a. m. and 5 p. m.
Conserve ham, bacon, lard and substi
tutes at all times.
"Mondays and Wednesdays are wheat
less days and the evening meal each day
is a wheatless meal.
period of several days' pause, presum
ably reports of results were forwarded
to German headquarters.
Then, on January ; 27, the assaults
were resumed. In greater violence and
with heavier artillery ! and barrage fire
protection, three Americans being killed
and 16 wounded ia action during th
In public eating places the service of j ..,,
Victory Dreaa or row. t , A1, o( the WJlr weApons
least 20 per cent of substitutes, and pies, tnrown lnto thl- sttack-raa Vheii. in.
pastries ana cases nu ism J - 1 rlurlari with th avldent Inlantlna
aougns. containing at ie"i - testing the American nerve under
cent suDStltuies is required at an meais stress.
and will be permittee on wneauess oaya . Every raid was repulsed bv tha
and with wheaUess meals. It la urgent. : Americans and the barrage waa an
however, that bakers and caterers fol- . swered, gun for gun. Through the
low the government s recommendations mists that hang over No Man's Land
as to Increasing the percentage of sub- ; there will be ever increasing numbers
stitutes In bread and rolls . served on ' of Americans thrown Into th battl
wheatless days and with wheatless against the kaiser and th eye of th
meals. Noodles, spaghetti, macaroni, world today are c enter ea on th sector
wheat cakes and breakfast foods made held by Pershing men as th first
of wheat, ar not permitted, on wheat-1
less U.S or Willi wucmuw uicaaa,
4 Bread Portloas Limited
"The proportion of bread or rolls
served should consist of not more than
two ounces and not more than this quan
tity should be served to any on at any
one meaL Rolls should not Keigh mora
than on ounc each, except that when
corn, oatmeal or bran bread or rolls Is
served alone, the portion may consist
of not more than four ounces. Assuming
that all cracker bakeries will, in the
future, use the required substitutes,
crackers may be used the same as
victory bread.
"Keep sugar bowls off the table ex
cept when required by guests and limit
sugar service to three cubelets or two
medium . sised lumps, or an equal
amount of soft sugar.
"Encourage consumption of potatoes
by charging the smallest prices, making
tlfem free if possible, and serving large
quantities, but guard against wast.
Us as large proportion of potatoes In
bread making as possible.' ' .
- Preliminary discussion of the ques
tion of price that salmon cannera may
charge for their output was Tuesday
evening taken up by th Pacific coast
food administrators. . No
to the actual price to be
yet been reached. , According to Oregon I
Administrator W, B. Ayer th canner
Established 1S9S -
W Own and Offer a
Select List of
Yielding from
5 to 6
Let U Submit for
Your Coiitidcration
Suitable for j those . who
wish to have their money
provide the best possible re
turns from good securities.
Write for our latest
Of ferine List
Lewis Bldg. XaribaU M
quotation urosr
tocka. Beads. Ctts.' Orata SI
tM4tf JMNWB f lraal vuUa
Pacific coast a rp ! , ,
tcoopt"ednha:i Lnmbermens Trust Company
Capital and Surplus $600,000
ruth sear Stark - .
tastkers Ckleag Bssrd l Trad
Crreta4ats mt !. BrreaB
. VBJgs siaw sbkb - -
mill. .... y.- .